A Slave is Born
- 3 years ago
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?A sniffer is born?
(this is a story based on my first experience. All names have been changed, the rest is all but true even if i put some style writing to make it interesting)
She was waiting for him to come. She thinks everything is prepared so she can really enjoy what was coming. She (let's call her Cindy) was a 17 years old, tall pretty girl with brown hair and a really nice ass. After finish prepare herself, she was wearing tight thin cotton pants without panties. She put on some music when she feel the strike at her stomach. - Ding dong - made the bell.
She was sitting in her bedroom and bend on a cheek to let a big loud broooping fart. "They are right on time" she minded as her mother call her to welcome her cousin and his parents. Leaving her bedroom, she get hit by the nasty gas she just have release.
- Woaoww it stinks, he is going to relish she said as she get downstairs.
Hello everybody ...
...The family meet again, only twice a year. She look straight in his eyes when kissing him saying to her "oh poor boy, you don't know you are right in hell". After the lunch prepare by her pretty mother (who have planned everything, all but gassy foods cabbage, beans, pickled eggs, .... with Coca cola for her), Cindy's stomach start to rumble.
I (call me Bernie) was a 12 age boy with dark hair, Bernie is not tall for is age and he wore glasses. The only thing in him that interest Cindy was is nose a nice thin and long nose. Hopefully, he has not "get cold" she minded.
She look at Bernie and said to her mother very politely
- Could we get off of the table ?
- Yes my dear told her mom knowing exactly what is going to happen.
It's been 3 hours since she get her boom-boom pills. She followed a fart diet prepare by her mother for 3 days. Her colon is now ready to explode.
Cindy know that Bernie is in love with her. That will help her for making a big farts party.
- What would we play ? asked Bernie, once they arrived in her bedroom.
- Ho pretty boy, i have a game right for you.
- Great and what is it ? asked Bernie with impatience.
- Let me tell you, it just use one of your senses and a lot of memory, we must lie on the bed you and me but you must be under the sheets so you can't see my hands. I take something and you try to guess what it is.
- Cool !! said Bernie.
- Let's do it says Cindy that couldn't retain her for a long time. She must fart within a
minute. Her mother told her that the more she hold it the more it smell hard and for a long time but now she have a lot of problems retaining the pressure.
It 's Cindy that have the idea of the bed to gassed Bernie under the covers. Also she picked up one of her thin white pants and wore it without panties to filter the lesser her farting bombs.
- Get in she told him leaving the cover and give me your glasses. And that's what he
After that, she covered him. She have the cover to her chest and sealed it with her arms for not let any air get under. He was under the cover with his head near from her navel. She turn her back on him and rise a little so now there were 10 inches between her butt and his face.
- Ok now try to guess ! Said Cindy while she let loose a very very long SBD. Ffrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrrrffffffffffffffffffffff it seems to never end.
She wait for Bernie to remarks it and she wouldn't wait a long time. He says
- Snif snif - hu ho i think you have farted did you?
- Of course i did!! she said proud of herself. And you know, that was an SBD i have prepared for you for a long time. It might be very stinky? Do you like it ?
- No not really. Now let me get off the cover, it stinks like rotten egg here, he says with is voice atoned by the covers.
- No, please, if you stay i will give you a big kiss after this game. I believed you love me didn't you?
- Yes said Bernie ...... but ....
- There is no but. Said Cindy abruptly. Close your mouth now, i only want to hear you breathe. She bent her legs and removed her sox then says "take my feet in your mouth so i will be sure you breathe through your nose all the incoming big farts i will give you" One more time, he obey. Starting to lick her feet. The taste was disgusting and spicy, her toes seems to be glued one to the other.
- You don't wash them till a long time did you ? asked Bernie.
- Of course not, i haven't wash my feet for a week, i was waiting for you to do that, but now don't talk, just smell, she ordered him.
Then as Bernie start to breathe, a smile illuminate her face, then she grinned and drop a very big blowing fart Bbrrrrrrooooouuuuuuufffffffffppppttt : she think this voluminous one must have totally filled up the space under the cover.
- Nice rip unh, now you can smell my gas poor boy, she said laughing.
She just concentrate and another one happens. Prrrrrroooouuuuppppp. One that smell very hard.
- How does it smell? she asked mocking him. This must be stinking as hell by now. Hey, hey i want to hear you breathe deeply Bernie.
Bernie start to get a headache but continue to breathe through his nose. He wasn't strong enough to escape the bed. He just continue to smell but she was farting every minute. Each one bigger than the previous.
- Oh my god said Bernie, you can do it on purpose or what ?
- Exactly pretty boy and believe me, i am so charged with gas, this gonna be a long afternoon for you, just try to enjoy it as much as me.
Then for 3 minutes nothing. Bernie start to wonder if she ran out of gas. But the smell of the last ones still embalm the air under cover. After all, there isn't any air under, only her gas.
- I guess you don't know what SBD means Bernie ? Ask Cindy with a devil smile.
- No he respond.
- Silent But DEADLY, she said insisting on the last word.
- Oh no no please said Bernie. Turning his back from Cindy's ass.
- Hey that 's not fair-play said Cindy (she have a very big retains one coming and want to do it in front of him).
- This means you don't love me then.
- No Cindy, that's not that but it 's smell so much, said Bernie with a mercy voice.
- You just have to breathe to prove me your love my dear Bernie, answered Cindy. Now turn on and get your face near my ass please, and she help him above the cover to turn his head. But he was too far and she ordered, "get closer than that."
And he did what she want "that's it" she said as he reach his face just behind her back (his nose was now 4 or 5 inches behind her butt)
- There is your treatment for make me hold it in, now you are at very close range.
- Ok where have we stop. Ah yes SBD. Let 's go, breathe again boy. And one more time he execute. She could hear his labouring breath through his nose under the cover, he got to really love her to smell all of her gas like that.
It 's now 3 minutes she retain herself, the next one is gonna be a stinky one.
- You tell me it's stinking under the cover...., now let me help you with some of my own perfume. She bent on one buttock to open her ass as more as possible, relax and spray a great SBD shhhhhhhshhhhshhhhhhhhshhhhhh. Unnnhhh oohhh yeahhh said Cindy while she relieve it. Bernie was hit by the flatulence that burn his eyes like a tear gas. One second after it start to stink really bad. And man it stinks like hell.
Bernie's eyes are full of tears and his nostrils empty of that rotten egg-cabbage smell she has just unleash on him.
- Oh Cindy please it stinks like hell.
- But you are in hell pretty boy. "Just breathe this one" she said forcing a bass rapid stacato prrrrrrrrttttttttttt came trough her asshole right in his face.
She continue this for almost an hour. Farting loud ones and short rapid ones, SBD and sputtering ones, wet ones of course but all of them stink very bad and the smell have no time to get down that she goes up with another of her big voluminous and dense fart that filled up the tiny space under the cover. Moreover, now she fart on him at point blank range. This just get time to the smell to expand.
That's the time when the door open silently and Cindy's mother enter a finger on her lips. With the music, the noise of Cindy's farts and is headache, Bernie notice nothing.
- I have a really big one coming says Cindy's mother in her ear. I retain it during
all the lunch, now it is just right. Can I ? showing the cover with her finger.
- With pleasure says Cindy, just get it here and she open the cover just a little to place
her mother's ass not so far from Bernie 's face, her mother hikes up her split skirt to filter the lesser the incoming bomb she has prepared for her nephew.
- She whispered her daughter a question, SBD or noisy ?
- Let's give him the noisiest and smellier we could, answered Cindy : on 3.
- 1.. 2.. 3.. : Hey Bernie smell that!!! ordered Cindy and he take a deep long breath as
Prrrrorrrrrrruuurrrrprppppppp and Brrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaappppppppppp makes the two assholes while filling up one more time the under cover. Aaaaaahhhhhhh and oooooohhhhhh makes the 2 girls, Bernie could feel the wind blows on his face. They almost see the cover inflate a little near Bernie 's head.
- Oh no those smells says Bernie disgusting while the 2 girls laughs at him. He was coughing a lot and he didn't notice they are 2 to fart at him. Now he is not so far from KO but he continues to breathe to please her lover.
Cindy's mother was very proud of the panty burner she have released under the cover and laugh to the tears sure that it will stink a long time, she stay a little to hear the boy breathe her gas. It is so cute to see him doing exactly what they want. She smile and whispered at her daughter.
- You got to finish him, i think you must fart directly on his nose.
- You think so ?
- Yes, with the diet i made for you. He will not resist 3 or 4 more farts and believe
me, he'll continue to smell them for over a week in his nostrils.
That's a great idea think Cindy but she got to turn it on Bernie so that he agreed. After all, she would make it even if he don't want.
- Bernie ... says Cindy with a sadistic voice. I just want to move on you. You have nothing to worry about, you still love me did you ?
- Bernie 's mind was focus only to breathe. And unfortunately for him he says yes.
Cindy's mother makes a thumbs up. Then Cindy move and sat on the boy 's face in an inverse position with Bernie in her back. She roll the cover around her hips to sealed again the "gas chamber" making the space under cover as tiny as she can, and starting to concentrate, she then think that Bernie could breathe trough his mouth to avoid the stink, she take one of her sox, gave him and ordered him to get it in his mouth so that he prove he really love her, after he did it, she bent a little her chest back and move her ass smoothly to feel Bernie 's nose right under her asshole.
- NNIt 's NNhot MM, says Bernie mumbling.
- Oh wait a minute, the hotter is to come she answered.
- Now Bernie breathe, says Cindy, i want to feel the air you breathe passed in my
ass crack. Oooooh yessssssss she said as he start to breathe the harder he can.
- No no, not so quick, you must take some deep long breath, sloooowwwwlllly, that 's right she said as he execute.
She continue to concentrate a few seconds then smile, the rumbling in her belly made a very loud noise and were promising for a voluminous one "hu ho she think, sorry for you pretty boy". She bent back a little clenched her fists close her eyes, relax her cheeks, wait a second for Bernie to inspire...... and drop a long and loud blowing fart that last almost 10 seconds (and believe me, it's long ten seconds) braaappppapappprrrrrrrrrpppprrrrppppp her cheeks were vibrating on Bernie 's face and she put it directly inside Bernie 's nostrils that is still breathing deeply.
- Aaaaaaoooooooohhhhhhh, YES, go Bernie breathe it, breathe deeply she ordered, it's so good to feel your nose breathing between my cheeks.
She was laughing as he still breathe, she remember the one she made before the family arrive. The smell must now be extraordinary stinking under the cover but for her safe, Bernie breathe it all. She giggle as she feel another one coming "again, again" she shout and drop another one 10 seconds long prrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuupppppp , she pumps it right up his nose and lungs filling his nostrils with her nasty gas.
- You must remember these forever pretty boy.
Her mother was just about to laugh and applause her silently. But something missing, they don't hear Bernie 's please for mercy anymore.
Cindy turn the cover to see Bernie 's face and the smell hit them. Cindy quickly turn the cover back and they now saw the little Bernie KO in the bed.
- Yeah you did it said Cindy's mother pinching her nose. Phewwww he got to really love you to endure that.
- Yes said Cindy smiling and saying Me : 1 - fart smeller : 0.
The end
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Back to the beach house, after having something to eat, Emma sitting at Donald’s feet, he opens her mother’s diary to read more. Both are naked, and Emma switches from caressing his cock to sucking it a little as he reads to her. After this wonderful vacation he is giving her, being his complete sub for the day, and now this evening seems so right.They had read more day-to-day entries about Charlotte and Edward, but there had been no mention of Susan again until an entry in 1978.June 30,...
Love StoriesLinda Harper watched as the tall, well-built defender rose high above the other players and headed the ball strongly out of the penalty area, before being knocked to the ground by a late challenge. By chance, the ball fell to the feet of her son, Robbie. He controlled it expertly and began running it towards the opposing goal. Linda’s chest tightened as, once again, after six years of following Robbie’s soccer progress, her eyes remained on the muscular young man sprawled wide-legged on the...
MILF***This is the story of Mary and Joseph, Jesus’ parents. This is MY version of their romance and it has nothing to do with the real story. It’s just my own story so please I do not tend to offend anyone here. Just enjoy.*** * Mary tossed her long dark brown hair out of her face. She struggled carrying two pales of water to take home to her family. The village was loud, filled with the sounds of women, children, and men all getting their water and food for dinner. Once at home, her mother...
This was it. Today was the day. Julian was about to do what he had longed to do for years. Julian was a standard heterosexual forty-something, to everyone on the outside. Julian loved to look at porno in private. He and his wife’s sex life had done what most of them do after twenty years or so, but he still had the desire. So he supplemented their once-every-few-months flings with porno. A few years back, he started to take an interest in shemales. There were some beautiful ones out there, and...
I was laying in bed in a semi-conscious state with the full moon trying to break through the curtains. All I could remember was drinking in the bar with Sue, I couldn’t have d***k so much in such a short time could I. Then as I was drifting off again I felt a smooth hand stroke my thigh and then cuddle up to me. A smooth body pushed against my back, cool breath tingling my neck. I felt comfortable and warm, even secure. A hand dropped on to my knee and slowly lifted my legs a part...
Hi guys, I’ve decided to give writing interactive fiction a try. I’ve noticed how popular wrestling is on this site, so I thought I’d start with a WWE-themed story. There will be a lot of plot, so if you're looking to get off quick, this isn’t the story for you. Now, I’m not an expert on wrestling by any stretch of the imagination but I promise to do my research. If any storyline or character seems a bit off, just try to go along with it. It’s YOUR story after all! It was a hot day in Orlando,...
It's interesting how it happened. I've been wearing them for years but never realized how much fun they can be. They were always just an annoying aspect of being a woman that seemed to do more harm than good. So when I came across a picture one day of a lady rubbing her pantyhose in a suggestive way, I thought I would give it a try. I never imagined it might actually feel good.
FetishHis body overwhelmed her. His muscles tensed and flexed as his sweaty frame flowed over her. She felt him deep within her most sacred place. She quacked ... nearing climax. Her body was hot , tense yet relaxed. She felt stretched to the limits. It felt so good ... She might-migh... ah-ah "Aaaaaaaah!" Clara screamed in orgasm, "Oh ..." She shook with pleasure. She began thrusting her hips upward. Suddenly she realized that there wasn't a man on top of her. "I'm dreaming!" She blurted out. Clara...
It all started when I was younger. I'm still not sure how really, even though I've been doing it for a while. A friend and I were out exploring. One of our favourite places were the woods near my house. A place that we could be away from others kids, adults and do our own thing. There was a muddy pond there with an island in the middle, but no bridge. Undeterred I said “I'm going over there,” and my friend protested that “without a bridge, how?” I sat down on the leafy path and took my shoes...
FetishI was 16 years old and already two years ago my mind and my body had manifested a desire to be a girl. Despite being a boy I was thin, minute, with a nice pair of female legs and a nice round ass. In my room, secretly from my parents, I shaved, made up, wore a wig, dressed in a sexy way, imagining that I was a woman. In the loneliness of the room I watched pornographic films and imagined that I was the actress on duty who was being possessed by her males. I had never had sex with anyone, only...
I have been trying to get my wife to loosen up sexually for a few years. We live in the South where many people are very conservative, and it rubs off on her. We grew up in the North, where people are much more open minded. Every Halloween my wife attends her c***dhood friends’ Halloween party. I love costume parties but usually choose to stay home. Her friend Janice is not one of my favorite people. She hates me for taking Kelly away from her and moving South 14 years ago. Each year the party...
This was it. Today was the day. Julian was about to do what he had longed to do for years. Julian was a standard heterosexual forty-something, to everyone on the outside. Julian loved to look at porno in private. He and his wife's sex life had done what most of them do after twenty years or so, but he still had the desire. So he supplemented their once-every-few-months flings with porno. A few years back, he started to take an interest in shemales. There were some beautiful ones out there, and...
TransThis story details the life changing events of Akiko a gorgeous 25 year old married Japanese woman as it was told to me by her. A few years ago Akiko made the pilgrimage to Honolulu to celebrate Golden Week a series of Japanese holidays. Akiko made the trip with her friend Harumi. The week of her trip was utterly unimportant and uneventful until the night before her departure home. Akiko and Harumi went to a club with other Japanese revelers and Akiko found herself alone at the bar after Harumi...
This is a continuation of a story where a mother has decided to do a porn video to pay her k**s tuition bill. Here is a link to part 1.https://xhamster.com/stories/a-mother-s-secret-how-it-started-612774That was three days ago now and Jean had practiced every day to try to be ready for her big anal scene. She arrived and everyone seemed real nice as she was put through make up and then taken to a wardrobe room where she was put into a simple sundress that showed off her mature tits but also...
There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...
There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...
Georgina was so tired as she finished her shift at the Hardintown General Hospital. She had moved to town a few years before when she moved away from her family. She had a brief surge of mixed feelings as she remembered her brother.There was jealous as she thought of his sexy wife and how many times she heard them fucking half the night. Then there was sexual arousal as she remembered how her brother had taught her about sex when she was so young. Finally there was anger when she remembered how...
There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town,dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...
There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town, dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...