Immortality Of Emotion - Part 1 Of 2 free porn video

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Prologue The clear, summer night brought out the competitive spirit in both the full moon and surrounding stars, each challenging the other to chase away the night's veil. Yet neither felt brave enough to penetrate the gloom of Hambley Woods. Those woods they unhesitatingly ceded to the dark, knowing how unwelcome would be their incursion. However, the flickering flame that pierced the wood's canopy showed not all felt the same concern. Approaching the light, one could see why, for it came from the lantern of a man. Only man, of all the beasts who walked the earth, sought such petty victories over nature. Maybe because few other beasts were as ill-suited to deal with it. Thus he harnessed fire for warmth or to cook his meat. Or on a night and in a place like this, he used it to chase away the dark, to expose terrors that lurked inside the shadows. However, for this particular man, the lantern provided nothing more than light to see, for he knew the woods held nothing more dangerous than he. So had learned the predators that slunk, just beyond the lantern's light, and so learned the pathetic, defeated survivors of the late war. Little more than scarecrows, skeletal from hunger and clothed in tattered rags of gray and brown, they shambled homeward, unsure if they would find house and family victimized by the madness supposedly ended. Ill and injured, Hambley Woods seemed a sheltered haven in which to rest or to scrounge for food. None suspected what waited for them. The man with the lantern. Like them, he too once fought in the war. For a time he served as an officer in the same army and possibly some of the scarecrows fell under his command. But where the war took their innocence, he willingly surrendered his own. Where the war broke many, it helped him understand he was already broken. It taught him what could make him whole. In the chaos and mayhem, death and destruction, he found himself adrift in a sea of emotion, floating upon waves of anger, hate, fear, and despair. Sometimes, though rarely, even love or compassion. He discovered this miasma during a skirmish, for some meaningless hill, during his first hand-to-hand encounter with an enemy soldier, Though the enemy remained face less, as with most who followed, he always remembered the terror emanating from the man. Sudden knowledge that he caused the fear struck him like nothing ever imagined. Empowered, it took no effort to block the thrusting, bayoneted rifle and riposte with his sword. And if the initial fear struck like a bolt of lightning, the shock and terror he felt from his dying enemy proved a moment of unholy awakening. Never before did he feel as strong. So addictive to stalk that skirmish and future battlefields, creating and wallowing in the cacophony of emotion felt by men who fought and died. Initially his commanders celebrated his prowess in leading men to victory. However, as the years passed and the horror of the war increased, they found themselves worried then sickened by his actions. After they turned him into a hero, they could not let the world know their mistake, particularly in their desperation to stave off the defeat all secretly expected. Instead of prison, they sent him home to rest. Home to the manor named for his grandfather, just like Hambley Woods. After instilling so much fear, it surprised him to learn how those safe behind battle lines felt towards him. No fear, just pity, scorn, and very little love. At first he blamed that on rumours about his actions while in uniform and shrank from that version of himself. Yet in time he discovered a staleness, a mustiness about their feelings, as if kept too long without airing. Shocked to learn the level and the length of his family's dislike, he often retreated to the woods, there he hunted, riding the lesser waves of a beast's death. Until one day, he smelled a fire. Finding it, he also found a deserter. What lurked reawakened and the man became the first victim he could not explain away as an act of war. Nor did he attempt to convince himself that he punished the man's cowardice, he knew that he indulged an act of simple selfishness. Something enjoyed too much to provide any redeeming qualities, something he repeated numerous times before the war ended. With defeat and the number of his potential victims increasing, he almost exhausted himself in an orgy of murder. In time the woods gained a reputation as haunted, which led to fewer victims. Only the bravest or most desperate gave him opportunity to free himself from society's norm. With this stream of release all but dried up, he hunted further afield. But without the protection of a uniform and away from his own property, he fell into arrogance's lure and discovered the danger of sloppy. Again he proved fortunate to escape to Hambley Manor with honour intact and his true self undiscovered. Once more left to dine on the sour fare offered by the inhabitants of his home. It proved too much to bear. No longer could he accept himself as Eric Hambley. That Eric died on the hill at the beginning of the war. Though Eric Hambley offered him a welcome disguise, he could not ignore the man with the lantern, the Hunter of Hambley Woods. His twisted needs finally brought this to the forefront. After displaying his true self to those who thought they knew him best, he set out on his final hunt. A chase that enraptured his mind. He could not believe how pure and sweet Amelia's terror felt when compared to her false love. Chapter 1 - Curiosity Morning. Ken's least favourite time of the day, tied for that position of dishonour with afternoon and evening, with night following close behind. Not that he lived a horrid life. The Williams, who despite their name actually belong to the widespread Cabot clan, offered as good a foster home as anybody. And if bullies made him their target, well he long ago proved unmoved by their barbs and quick to heal from their bombs. The problem, his life fit into the category labeled blah. Everything stayed the same, combine that with an expectation that nothing would ever change and he could barely work up the energy to swing his backpack over a shoulder before heading out the door for another thrill packed day. Head down, he ambled towards the bus stop, stepping upon fallen autumn leaves, unmoved by their normally satisfying crunch. Instead his mind lingered on the possibility of a different life. Nothing spectacular, realism weighed too heavily for him think about life as a movie star, rock star, or secret agent bedding a bevy of beauties, However, how about something other than a nerdish schoolboy? And did he always need to attend private schools with stupid uniforms. Sure the traditional foundations of these schools, all eleven, no twelve now, worked to hide family secrets, but attending them sucked. Arriving at the most recent of these schools, Ken attempted to make himself even smaller. An approach that did nothing to make life better; however, it always made life easier at St. Whoever or Whatever Academy. On this day his strategy worked perfectly. Doubtlessly enhanced by the natural sloth of the teenage, male bully on Monday mornings, he received little more than scowls in his direction. From the entrance he headed for the silence of the library, the habitat preferred by those students in search of similar safety until first bell. Ignored by them, friends complicated secrets, Ken walked towards the back, past the history section, where he slipped into the room labeled as Records. Inside he found the broom where he left it on Friday and with which he kept the floor spotless. His escape from reality, not even Mr. Edwards, the librarian, regularly visited Records. Even after the bell rang he continued to sweep, knowing no one would miss him. Only when finished did he look out, through the section of the fogging on the door's window he scraped away during his first day here. Nobody in sight, he returned the broom to its spot and walked through the back wall. Leaving nothing but false memories for his scheduled classmates and teachers. So freeing to pass into the pocket worlds. Even if just a nexus, full of nothing but doors, used by the family to travel between the real and numerous unreal worlds. By the time he passed through another of these, which opened into a sterile hallway, Ken stood straighter, no longer worried someone would notice him. Not that his appearance changed, he still looked like a scrawny fourteen year old, but here nobody considered him a schoolboy. In this world everybody knew him as the bearer of the family curse. Something that still made him a pariah, but while here nobody would try to kick his ass. Amongst family curses, it ranked amongst the least, which might explain why his ancestors tried their utmost to paint its caster as a black- hearted villainess. And though many believed their tale, Ken, the most intimately impacted, felt less sure. Why would a powerful witch, and only a powerful witch could cast a spell that crossed centuries, survived deaths and reappeared with births, declare war upon an entire family of magic users? What did Alyce Cooper hope to accomplish when she doomed Ken's ancestor, Jonathon Cabot, to never age beyond his fourteenth year? To never grow into his birthright as a man of power and prestige. And why choose Jonathan, not even a first son? Ken suspected personal reasons. Battle-scars from thirty years of attendance in upper crust schools across Europe and North America left him an expert judge of youths of privilege. Their propensity to loom as shadows over the weak of both sexes left him doubtful of Jonathan's innocence. Just one of many secrets he wished to know, but magic-users zealously guarded their secrets. Most importantly, they hid their existence from the mundane world, but just as often hid their knowledge of magical workings even from family, friend, coven, or clique. This meant a constant loss of and search for knowledge around the magical universe. For the Cabot family, this world, straight from the mind of a 1970's environmental psychologist, provided a place for the family's scientist magicians to work. And, like any real world researcher, compete for limited resources. Fortuitously, though Ken proved a failure at the political games, his partner, Dalton, excelled at them. His one true friend, they made a good team. Living on different continents, they mostly worked different schedules, which kept them from getting on each other's nerves. Even better, they enjoyed different types of work. Shy Ken did the brain work, hidden away in their lab. Boisterous Dalton did the legwork, dealing with people, and experiencing life on many worlds. Today looked no different. The only sign of Dalton's earlier presence, a Post-It fallen onto the floor in front of their lab. No need to read it, Dalton wrote Find Me!!! on it months ago, since which most of the glue on its back disappeared, so often did he stick in on their door. Despite the multiple exclamation marks, Ken ignored the command. First he needed to commune with his coffee maker. Unconcerned about the old myth it might stunt his growth, Ken needed a cup before starting work. Exciting as he found the project, the day to day work proved a chore, especially after a late night trying to kill, without using an exploit, Old King Allant in Demon's Souls. As often happened, their project sprang from personal hardship. In this case, his need to reboot his life every three years. Ken accepted the need, but he hated dealing with the Lintel Men, who saw him almost as a leper. Actually Lintel People, since the group included women, not least their current leader. Occupying a position of prestige within the family, they served as the custodians of the large stone lintels, split in half, used as foci when opening doors between worlds, both the real one and the magical ones. Pocket worlds, upon which the magical community depended for sanctuary, prestige and mobility around the real world, did not come cheap. It took significant amounts of energy to open a new world, connect it to others, and fill it with structures or an approximation of life. The result, a necessity priced like a luxury, which kept the energy poor, such as Ken and, to a lesser degree, Dalton, in their place. For example, Ken always maintained two doors; one at whichever school he attended and another at whoever's house he fostered. And the energy he transferred to the Lintel Men for a relocation equalled nearly a half of what he gathered during the times between using their services. However, incentive does not equal a solution. Like the coffee in Ken's pot, the problem needed to percolate away in their minds. It took seven years, two and a half cycles through different foster homes, before he and Dalton crafted a theory, proved it in clinical settings, and obtained approval to begin real (pocket) world tests. No matter how much they tried, the two could not figure a way to divorce the spell from the lintel. Research probed to them these solid blocks of granite, often as large as those used at Stonehenge, were the only thing from the earth strong enough to channel the volume of energy needed to open a new world. A spell intimately linked the stone and the opened world, making it the key to create any other door. Just split the stone in two, place each half in two world, and through the magical law of similarity a portal could be established. Which brought them back to their problem with the lintels, the Lintel Men controlled all physical access to the stones. They needed a proxy, yet research showed how often others tried to create simulations, some elaborate, some almost the real thing. All those attempts failed. Almost as a lark, Ken suggested they treat it as a coding issue. If only they could turn each half of a lintel into a object, one they could referenced no matter wherever it rested and they stood. Of course it proved much more complicated, but the idea provided the groundwork for a kludge. If a true programming effort, they knew it would cause a code review tool to crash, but the pilot showed enough promise to obtain blessings from most of the Elder's, an account to draw upon the family's magical energy and a lab in which to work. Of course, the one Elder least interested in their project was the leader of the Lintel Men. She demanded th idea first work on something other than her precious stones. Proof of how much the others Elders wanted the theory to work came when they pressured Julia into providing an alternative. With poor grace, she admitted her people used a simple, two piece telescope as their main training device. With its tubes separated between worlds, trainees learned to establish a link, which allowed them to look through the eyeglass in their world to see what the objective lens saw in its world. Ken now looked on that roadblock as minor and the work around as a blessing. The two tubes proved easy to manipulate, both from a physical and magical standpoint. It minimized the amount of magic they borrowed from the family bank, which in turn kept them in control of the project. Pessimist's mug, full of hot wake-me-up, in hand, Ken felt ready to start using some of what they borrowed. * * * One problem with Mondays, it gave Dalton the weekend to place beacons. Admittedly a good test, as it allowed them to discover how long a beacon remained usable (after thirty-one hours, you may as well forget it) and resulted in a refinement to the search spell to focus on specific castings. It just required a lot of casting, which continued long after he emptied the coffee pot. The bigger problem, Dalton's maturity level. Always a chance, one of those beacons would show a monitor displaying one of the more disturbing images on the internet Therefore, when he heard the door open behind him, Ken said, "You asshole, you almost burned out my retinas." "Pardon?" Ken did not need to turn in order to identify the voice, but unwanted politeness required it. Spinning his chair, he saw his father at the door. Surprise leapt to the forefront of his mind, both because he rarely saw his father and because of how old he appeared. Sure he looked little different than most men his age, but most men his age did not have access to magic. In their realm, few found anything more important than to extend the facade of youth. Some lived for centuries, but to do so required great skill and access to tremendous amounts of magical energy. Everybody else used spells that accomplished the promises of all the expensive lotions, anti-aging creams, and snake oils throughout the ages. The decline of flesh and skin, muscle and bone, tendon and blood vessel could be slowed. Sicknesses made to run their course quicker. Blood to flow more efficiently. Continued maintenance kept most alive for double their natural life expectancy and appearing in their twenties or thirties for most of it. Yet Ken's father, Angus Cabot, looked his age. The reason, the same as why he and his son rarely saw each other. Angus' wife, Ken's mother, knew nothing of their powers. His father could not chance her discovering his secret, for he would not chance her reaction. Secrets. The hallmark of magic users, yet it played havoc upon relationships, particularly with those who knew nothing of the craft. In general, such a marriage seemed doomed from the start. Even when entered into with good intentions, magic proved a mistress most found themselves unwilling to do without. Few persisted, as the lure of love and want often dimmed over time. But it never did for Angus. He loved Sandra as much as the day they met, would give her anything, including decades off his life. Never would he allow magic to cause her a moment of worry, so he always portrayed who she saw him as, for that is what he needed. Only once did his secret life almost encroach upon this well oiled companionship, when their son's magical talents quickened. In itself normal, the talents usually manifested in a person's teen years. However, a month before his birth, the family's prior curse bearer died in a car accident and turned him into the heir, triggered when he quickened. The magic Angus could manage, he managed to hide his own, but he knew he could not hide their son's unchanging appearance. Therefore, he decided Ken needed to die. Not a true death. Just a tactic employed by magic users throughout the ages, when they sought escape, most often from a relationship. He faked Ken's death. Something growing more complicated in the age of information, but still easy in the late 70s. Angus offered his son no choice. So while Ken grew to understand and even accept the reasons, his bitterness remained. Thus Angus' age stood out, for he rarely saw the man. And only one reason existed for his presence. "What do the Elders want?" "They have a proposal for you." Angus replied, not attempting to counterfeit the reasons for his appearance behind parental goodwill. "What?" "They prefer to offer it to you themselves. Some believe if I were to do so, my presentation would be prejudiced by my belief that you should not accept." A response that told Ken more than the Elders probably wanted him to know. Yet in staying true to his wife, Angus established himself as a trustworthy sort, one who would make a tough decision and stick with it. They should know he would make his opinions felt, no matter their constraints. Doubtless the offer would put his son in danger and though his father loved his wife more, even Ken would not deny his father also loved his son. Yet curiosity drove Ken to work in a lab. Curiosity always drove him to seek answers to the unknown. Therefore, he needed to hear the proposal. Chapter 2 - Desire Since Angus proved unwilling to answer any questions about the matter and Ken's pride would not allow him to ask any personal questions, the two did not speak as they left the lab. Back in the nexus, they walked past numerous doors, each which led to a family, ally world, or traps, some keyed so only certain people could pass. The door they sought, randomly placed and indistinguishable from any of the others opened into a waiting room. There, with a hand on the handle of the next door, Angus broke the silence. "Remember, they are only allowed to ask a favour, they cannot make a demand." With these words, he opened the door and allowed his son to enter. Ken did nothing to acknowledge the warning, though it settled in his mind as he stepped into a boardroom worthy of any Fortune 500 company. In fact, the Cabot's would belong to that group if anyone knew they existed, which made the elders, sitting around a mahogany table, as much corporate board as council. His eyes went first to the chair at the far end of the long table. In it sat Lydia Cabot, head of the family for the last twenty years. And though Angus' aunt, she appeared young enough to play that role to Ken. In general, everybody felt pleased with her leadership, though some thought her over fond of manipulation. To Lydia's right sat one reason behind the acceptance of her leadership. Old Walter, who held the role before her, whose insular viewpoint saw the non-magical as a distraction. Fortunately, when he recognized the pace of scientific advancements in the mundane world, admittedly after most of the family, he realized he could no longer act as their leader. Yet before stepping down, he finagled a position amongst the Elders, to ensure the family did not completely divorce itself from the past. The chair on Lydia's left held Julia, the leader of the Lintel Men. An age-mate to Angus. Though whatever friendship the two once shared died with the death of the third victim of the family curse, at a time when both looked forward to the birth of their first child. With Angus' son born a day before her daughter, inheriting the family stigma, she did little to hide her glee. A happiness mutated into a disdain towards Ken and which she transferred to her daughter Rebekka. The two of them, along with their lackeys, saw Ken as the least amongst the family and made no effort to hide that belief. Many afternoons he spent daydreaming about dropping a piano upon the pair of them. Alas, only his life belonged in a cartoon. One member of the Council of Elders, Elizabeth, did not sit in her chair. The oldest elder, she only appeared for the most important discussions and votes. Her absence supported his father's contention that Ken could say no to any proposal without fear of sanction. At least, so went the theory. However, the manner in which Angus distanced himself from the others, going so far as to ignore his seat and lean against a wall, caused him to suspect coercion would occur. Cautiously he offered greetings and took a seat when invited. Sitting in the large chairs made him appear even more child-like, but Ken tried to ignore that as he said, "Angus mentioned you had a proposal for me." Lydia looked from son to father, trying to determine how much they shared before entering the conference room. When neither face provided an answer, she said, "Your father is correct. An ally approached us to help trap a murderer." "Magic user?" Ken asked, already knowing the answer. "Of course, they would not ask for help otherwise." "How can I help?" "Although they have pursued this murderer for years, they still don't know determined his identity. But they believe they know the identify of his next victim and plan to replace her with a double." Ken required no additional explanations before he saw the problems with the expected plan. As casually as Lydia mentioned the double, they both knew it took a crazy amount of magical power to perform the transformation. He should know, he set aside every spare bit of magic he could and still only dreamed at the possibility of becoming an adult. Yet an entire magical organization, particularly if the allies proved those who he suspected, could manage it. A bigger issue would result from physical limitations, which required a person smaller than the target body. Something that would shrink the pool of those able to serve as bait. "I doubt they need the meager amount of energy I can provide." "No, that they can cover. But they want to build as many fail safes into their plan as possible. One of which involves the murderer succeeding in stealing their double out from underneath them and takes her to whatever world where he hides." "Even if Dalton or I teach a double to cast the beacon spell, what good would it do? We don't have a way to connect to that spot." "My team has been working with Dalton using your project's findings." Julia said, always ready to put Ken in his place. "However, we are still in early stages." While Ken frowned, feeling betrayed Dalton never told him about this, Lydia said, "But Julia, you continue to report your team's successes. And we were quite impressed with your demonstration." "How about our numerous failed attempts? We succeed less than one in seven attempts and can only create a temporary portal, not a door. A portal we can only hold open for moments and the beacon needs to be found within an hour of casting or it loses the necessary potency for us to establish a lock. I believe it a flimsy hope upon which to gamble someone's life." Walter interrupted to say, "However, sometimes when the reward is great enough, the gamble becomes worth it." At this statement, the elders stared a question at their guest and it all fell into place. He said, "Surely you don't expect me to become bait? No way!" "As Julia says, the spell is not at a stage where we can promise it to our allies." Walter said. "It may be more than embarrassing, it could damage our relationship, if the spell failed one of theirs. Better for us to take the risk." Lydia said, "You know the spell and your size makes you a transformation candidate. Plus, as Walter said, the reward is great." "To be bait? It won't be us taking the risk, it will be me." Julia said, "Exactly, it is too dangerous." Before he could wonder why Julia cared about putting him in danger, Lydia said, "The Samodivas have contracted the Boiis to spring the trap." Definitely a pair of heavy hitters, which explained why Lydia wanted the Cabots involved. The question, did he want to get involved? No, but he still needed to ask, "What is this tempting reward?" "They will transform you into someone else afterwards." Tempting indeed. Only his very dream. In fact, it almost seemed too much. Even if it required him to become a her, something that should probably upset him more than it did, if only he did not already despise his body. How much worse would it be as a female? Specially if only as a detour around the roadblock on his path to manhood. Instead he worried about the danger. And the fail safes the Divas built into their plan showed the risk of failure. Never-mind his father's and Julia's concerns. Surprisingly, Ken found himself focused upon that last thing. Julia's concern? So unlike her, it made him suspect an ulterior motive. Almost as if...he struggled to hide an inappropriate smile. Had Dearest Becky decided to add the next child to their family chain? Did they fear his death would pass the curse into their line. That possibility almost provided enough incentive for him to agree, but he desired one more thing. "I want to know the truth behind the family curse." * * * With agreement in place, all Elders except Angus left the room; Julia in a snit, Lydia off to contact the Divas, and Walter to obtain the necessary records. Meanwhile, Angus finally took his seat, saying nothing and keeping his opinion off his face. Not given a chance to tell his father he forsook the right to make decisions for him, Ken instead asked, "Is Rebekka pregnant?" "Why do you ask?" "Julia seemed more concerned than normal about my health. I'm speculating." "Spiting the two of them would be a very bad reason for volunteering." "Say, rather than spite, I look forward to them having a few sleepless nights. Because, despite how much my life bums me out, I'm not ready for it to end. But a chance to change it, that I must take." Angus nodded his understanding, the two settling into silence while waiting for Walter's return. When he did so, he held a leather bound tome, which he dropped, with a thump, on the table. He said, "Here are the writings of Albert Cabot, who kept the family's records during most of the 1500's. You'll find it in the entries for 1571." The tome proved less fragile than Ken suspected and when he opened he found typed words. Something which caused him to frown in suspicion. "Even though its a reproduction, it holds the truth. And you'd thank me if you saw the original, Albert's writing left much to be desired." While Ken leafed through the book, looking for 1571, he found himself stopping on a regular basis. The long reign of Queen Elizabeth I saw much turmoil, but also hearkened the rise of a merchant class that grew into a force almost as powerful as the gentry. A class amongst which the Cabots belonged, though inconspicuously, owning wealth that would surprise most. Centered at the villagers of Wolshire, they employed all who lived in and around it. From and through the village traveled their goods. This required a thriving contingent of blacksmiths, wagoners, craftsmen, and the coopers who made the casks, tubs, and barrels for moving those products. One of these coopers had a daughter named Alyce. A lovely girl of thirteen, she set many a heart afire, including Jonathan Cabot's, a younger son of a younger son. Flattery and gift-giving from one above her own class enchanted the naive girl. In time she declared her love, which Jonathan regularly exploited in the woods outside of Wolshire. This led to an all too common result, Alyce's pregnancy. Unfortunately for her, her discovery of this came at the same moment Jonathan remembered his betrothal to another. Before she knew it, he disappeared to the Cabot facilities in London, leaving her alone, embarrassed, betrayed, and so very angry. A combination that caused her to replace nightly prayers with curses towards the boy who sought pleasure without responsibility, who hid behind parental skirts, who only pretended manhood. Finally, when her child showed, Alyce's despair grew too much and she cast herself from a bridge into the fast moving river below. And with that sacrifice, her curses became real. Finished reading Alyce's sad end, Ken found himself unable to blame her for what he endured. Blame rested upon the Cabots, particularly Jonathan of whom the remaining records mentioned rarely and only in context of the curse. "Stupid wasn't it? She offered the family bloodline more than the twit who seduced her ever could." Walter said. "They didn't know?" "No, nor did she, nor her family. Here we see the rarest of us all, one in billions, and our family pride destroyed her." The rarest of the rare, the most powerful and truest of Earth's magic users, who harnessed their own emotions for arcane purposes. For emotions fueled magic. But like the fuels known to the mundane, not all burned with the same energy or could be harnessed in the same manner. The majority of magic users relied on the emotions of others, which in turn split into two types; emotion targeted directly at the practitioner and emotions directed towards the world at large. The power of the first equated to gasoline, while the latter would seem akin to burning wood. But, as Alyce proved with her multi-generational curse, the nuclear power of the magic world rested with the personal feelings few could harness. In fact, no Cabot ever owned this ability. No wonder they hid the truth, leadership always desired the appearance of infallibility. Lydia gave Ken little time to ponder his new knowledge or implied agreement before she returned to ask, "Satisfied?" About to answer with a negative, if only to tweak her nose, Ken stopped himself when he saw something in her mannerisms brooked no joking. Instead he nodded his head. "Very well, follow me." "What? Where?" "Our allies would meet you. They wish to ensure themselves of your suitability." "Already? But I thought I would have more time." "For what, Kenneth? To find an escape from your promise?" Despite a growing desire to do just that, Ken also wanted to meet the Samodiva. The Divas, as most called them, originated in the Balkans. And while many wondered if they sought to evoke the woodland fairies of Slavic folklore or if their history formed the basis upon which those myths existed, none doubted the appropriateness of their name. Unlike the Cabot's, the Divas passed their magic only to daughters and, from what Ken heard, each appeared more gorgeous than the last. Which explained why they ranked amongst the most powerful, for they evoked an endless supply of lust. This ready source of energy made them worthy, though frightening allies. In large part, because untempered power created an arrogance in some Diva cliques that led them to take insult from words and acts with no affront intended. This caused the Cabots to develop a relationship with a stable branch of the Divas. And if that branch still took advantage of them once in awhile, they at least provided a channel of communication in case someone ran afoul of a more mercurial member. Always best to hope friendship would offer a chance at discussion before destruction. That fear did not explain his hesitation. As one who offered a favour, he held no fear of giving insult. Yet insult to his own vanity, what little the curse allowed, seemed assured if he presented himself to a Diva while dressed in his school uniform. Unwilling to admit this truth, he rose from his seat to join Lydia. When his father also stood, Lydia said, "There is no need for you to come, Angus." "I will go anyways, Lydia." Angus said, certainty in his voice. Lydia's turn to accept something she would rather not. With a nod, she led them through numerous nexuses, from the family's into multiple neutral zones. A path that left Ken unsure of the way back. Most of these shared worlds took the form of a restaurant or nightclub, so the cutesy little pastry shop seemed tame compared to the norm. Empty, except for a pretty brunette wearing a dirndl. Yet no matter how lifelike she appeared, Ken knew a magical construct when he saw one. Almost living, but hollowed of all humanity, both good or bad. A manikin who existed only and entirely within the pastry shop. While harmless, her kind usually made Ken uncomfortable, but on this day his thoughts looked inwards as she led them to a table. Once seated, she poured each a cup of a tea, offered them a plate of dainties, and said, "Please enjoy." Angus asked, "Who are we meeting?" "Ilina Borisova." Lydia said. "Don't think I know her." While they waited, the feelings of self-loathing and mischief that led Ken to this table dimmed. In their place arose those of self- preservation and wisdom. However, before they could gain a place of ascension, their hostess arrived and all thoughts of retreat disappeared. Chapter 3 - Disgust For a woman like Ilina Borisova, men would commit acts of stupidity . Non athletic, Ken never-the-less enjoyed sports as a spectator. Rarely did he miss an entire day of SportsCenter, few sports' sites did he not avidly read, just as he once read their magazine precursors. Therefore, when Lydia first spoke Ilina's name, his mind jumped to tennis. Now, with her arrival, he saw his initial thoughts held some truth. A tall, long-legged blond, but softer, less athletic than a Sharapova or Hantuchova. Instead, if Ilina's appeared in a sports magazine it would be that famous February issue of Sports Illustrated Hard not to stare at her in a navy business suit, the tight, short skirted type appropriate for how the fashion and television industries visualized a young executive on the rise. Without saying anything, her presence demanded their attention, immediately taking charge of the situation when she set a portfolio upon the table and sat in the remaining seat. In a voice devoid of the expected Eastern European accent, Ilina said, "First, Kenneth, let me thank you for volunteering to hear our proposal. And yes, it is only to hear my words to which we will hold you. For I won't accept a volunteer who does not know the full story." Captivated, unwilling to look away from the tense beauty, Ken did not see his father settle back in his chair, no longer as watchful. Instead, he nodded and said, "I would like to hear it." "In 1978, a non-magic inheriting niece of one of our members went missing from college. We put our collective will, which is no small thing, into finding the girl. However, we did not succeed, nor could we discover the identity of her kidnapper. One year later, to the day, her body was found, dressed as when taken, on the main yard of the university she attended. The brazenness shocked law enforcement, but the state of the body offered more surprise. Except for a single stab wound, judged perfectly to slay and not maim, she appeared healthy. No signs pointed to imprisonment or abuse. To the mundane police it meant nothing, but to us it seemed obvious." "She'd been reaped." Ken said in a whisper. A suspicion in the back of his mind now made real. An easy conclusion to reach for anyone who understood how emotions fed magic. At the centre of that understanding sat two scientific principles as old as magic, that of magnetism and distillation. For just as magnetism relies upon the attraction between two unlike poles, so too is there a natural attraction from one person's feeling towards their target. All the target requires in order to find those emotions is a simple spell akin to scanning for a radio signal. But in their natural state feelings are vaporous things with a short half-life; thus the second spell, which virtually distilled them into a fuel usually stored in foci or elixirs. For Ken, he used the magnetic strips of credit cards for his foci. The one in his wallet and another at his lab inside a copper kettle from an old moonshine still. An unnecessary part of his virtual distillery, but a cherished gift from his great-great-grandfather, a rare display of humour from a man whose face more comfortably wore a scowl than a smile. Yet if he looked at either card's magnetic strip, they would appear faded and scratched. A sign of how little emotion he engendered. In part because of his curse, people did not like to think about it or him. But the lack also resulted from a survival mechanism, honed through years existing within private schools, where he attempted to make himself invisible. Yet he needed magic. At a minimum he needed enough to manufacture each new identity, something grown more difficult during his life. Stinking computers. More than that, he paid a magical tax to the family, which they used to maintain their magical worlds, most more extravagant than the sterile hallways and labs of the world in which he, Dalton, and others worked. Plus his experiments, the less he borrowed the more control he maintained. So he understood the desire to reap; in ways he did it himself. Easy enough for an apparent teen to get hired at the local arena, Ken worked a mean concession till, during games and concerts. There he harvested the third type of emotion, a simpler process with no need to find a specific signal, he just took everything felt inside the enclosed building. And though this resulted in a lower proof, the volume he captured took care of his tax payments. An embarrassing act, but not something spoken about only in whispers. Nothing like one of the truest sins as defined by the Cabots, the Samodivas, their allies, and even many of their enemies. To use people, to manipulate the emotions they felt towards you. Admittedly some hypocrisy existing in how this sin translated to law. The subject of love led to many a theoretical discussion over a glass of something more naturally distilled, where some described it as a tool of easy manipulation that could lead to hurt. But only the most cynical would equate it to fear, the normal crop for reapers. "So thought our lead investigator. Even before the body appeared, she suspected a magic user was behind the kidnapping, for who else could hide something from our focused eyes. Now with the body discovered, she jumped to the conclusion that whoever committed the crime could not be that powerful if he reaped." Angus said, "I have learned that owning riches does not stop people from wanting more." "A lesson our investigator soon learned. She discovered nothing. In time, our leadership suspected it may have been a result of an assumed wrong we committed. But that too led nowhere. In time the case, as they say, went cold." "He's back?" Ken asked. "It took us years to learn he never went away. In 1991, a member who worked for the FBI received a request to help a local police department with a case whose MO mimicked that of our own missing victim. An automated search discovered similar cases, once every four years, going back to 1970. Through another spell, which allows us to perform a similar search of dusty files, we found more cases, one every four years, starting in 1946." "Twelve of them?" "And four more since, we hope to stop it from becoming five." Looking towards his father, seeing softening in previously hardened eyes, Ken asked, "But if you don't know who it is? What good is bait?" Ilina did not offer an immediate answer, instead she slid an 8" X 10", taken from her portfolio, across the table. On it Ken saw a picture of an attractive brunette, probably in her late teens, reminiscent of someone, an actress. Then he remembered, before the Internet offered so many outlets to someone stuck in a fourteen year old body, his infatuation with music videos. The picture reminded him of Liv Tyler from the Aerosmith videos with the girl from Clueless, their performance burned into his mind for all time. From a time when Tyler exuded a raw sensuality, before her transformation into icy perfection. Not a clone, but the girl's picture bore a close resemblance. After a few seconds to look, Ilina said, "It is true that the murderer has left few clues as to his identity. However, each of his victims lived her own story before running afoul of him and our information specialists used those stories to create a profile of his targets." "Her?" Ken asked, pointing at the picture. "Physically, all of his victims were brunettes with blue eyes, between 165 and 175 cm tall. None overly voluptuous, but neither were they overly slender. Similar enough, but when we delved into their lives we discovered a pattern. At the time of their capture, each was nineteen and away from home, usually at a university. All were considered good girls growing up; popular, decent grades, and active in their schools and communities. However, around the time each left high school they experienced a trauma of some sort within their life, which led them into minor rebellion. "The picture shows Heather Theis. Nineteen years old, almost 173 cm tall, she played second base for her high school team and has competitively danced since the age of four. Currently in the second year of university, she is struggling with the divorce of her parents. As a result, she has become a bit of a party girl, drinking more than she should and jumping from boyfriend to boyfriend. We believe she is our murderer's next target." "How can you be sure? There must be hundreds of girls that match the profile." "Less than many would assume, but you are right, we cannot be sure. That is why we have other teams watching some other girls. But we think Heather is the most likely target and it is around her where we will place our largest effort. We are making an educated guess, since the profile is more in depth than I explained. Eight years ago, it narrowed are potential list down to three girls, one of whom was taken. Four years ago, they picked the exact target, unfortunately he slipped through our watchers both to commit the kidnapping and to dump the body." "I can't believe you didn't catch him?" If not for his tone, his surprise at someone evading the Diva's power, Ilina may have felt upset by Ken's temerity in asking that question. Or maybe, as he gleaned from her response, a lack of personal involvement in the failure allowed her the freedom to ignore the judgment of others. "I have read through the plan prepared by the team at the time, spent hours thinking about it, yet I cannot see anything I would have done differently. They inserted one of our own as a decoy and brought in the Boiis to help set up the perimeter. But they could not stay within arms reach at all times, not if they wished to spring the trap. Somehow he must have been able to open a temporary door into her room, despite our forensic people finding no trace of one before or after the kidnapping. "My predecessor took the loss of her agent hard and so it fell upon me to take over the operation. And until a week ago, I worried I may be doomed to repeat the same failure. But one of ours found her curiosity peaked as to why your cousin wandered about a common area, casting what seemed meaningless spells. Do not think poorly of him, she is adept at getting her own way and so he had no chance to conceal your project. The information made its way into my hands and I approached Lydia with an inquiry about your progress." Placing another mental tick against Dalton's name, Ken said, "Our project is still in preliminary stages and until an hour ago I did not know about the companion project." "Yet you came, thinking you volunteered." Ilina said, seeing the fear of that action mirrored in his eyes. "However, we will not hold it against you if you now say no. Nor will our organization look less kindly upon the Cabots. All I ask, is that you teach the spell to any volunteer, if we find one." "How long do you have?" "Until the 31st, he always acts on Halloween." "Less than five weeks away?" "Which is why the potential in your spell has offered us a new lease on hope." Easy to find blame for Ken's next act. The understanding that, while Ilina may not look less kindly upon the Cabots, others within the Divas would, particularly if their plan failed. The carrot of the reward. Or chivalry, despite Ken's awareness that the lady across the table surely possessed a level of competence to dwarf his own. But none of those provided the reason he did not flee. Instead anger kept him in his seat. Disgust at the heinous murder of sixteen girls. Outrage at one of his own kind willingly committed acts he never considered, even during his deepest despair at the unfairness of his own life. "Okay, I'll do it." Four words, quietly spoken. The words brought about no celebratory smiles to either of the women's faces nor sorrowful expression to his father's. None let his appearance fool them, they allowed him to make this adult decision for himself. Which did not completely hide their reactions. His ever present scan easily detected the combined pride, satisfaction, and happiness the three directed towards him. Chapter 4 - Pain Like Lydia, Ilina offered Ken no time to change his mind. After a shared hug, the first in nearly three decades, with his father, she guided him from the shop. However, she proved more entertaining to follow than the Cabot leader. Almost he could distract himself from his decision in watching her short skirt flick back and forth, something she knew, as he did nothing to dampen his feelings. In fact, she seemed to put something extra into her stride as reward for volunteering. After passing through more hubs, Ilina stopped before a door and looked at him. Briefly she smiled, when his eyes darted upwards to meet hers, before her face returned to beautiful neutrality and she said, "We only have five weeks and Gary never lets us rush his work." "Gary?" "He's our changer." "Gary?" "Only Gary in his most recent incarnation. From what I've heard, this is the first time, while practicing his art upon himself, he did not remain a sister. Without his saying it, we suspect this is the last life he will give the Samodivas." A transformation, or a body switch as most called it, offered the most common way to extend a magic user's life beyond those techniques used by all magic users. Though, maybe better to say the most accessible, rather than common way. Even then, that was akin to saying that a Lear jet is accessible to a mundane. Both because it required a tremendous amount of magical energy and an incredibly skilled practitioner to perform. Everyone wanted a skilled changer as a member of their clique and a changer's fees, in magical energy, often equaled that used for the transformation. Which meant they possessed everything needed to achieve their own transformations. A good gig, but it seemed this Gary no longer wanted to use his abilities on himself. And from reading the tone of her voice, Ilina thought him crazy to give up a good thing. Based upon her early to mid-twenties appearance, Ken guessed her true age as no more than fifteen years greater than his own. Combine that with her assignment, chosen from amongst all the options available to the Divas, and he accepted the confidence Ilina portrayed in herself, it seemed unlike the cockiness others showed when trying to prove their worth. She impressed him, impressed all of them at the tea shop, which explained one reason he did not take the opportunity to back out when she gave him the chance. Yet at the same time, her presence provided another mirror in which to measure himself and in this instance it felt good to find himself wiser. Understandable when you looked at it from her viewpoint. While he could not say Ilina only experienced kindness during her life, few could say that, he did not doubt Ilina liked herself right now. A life where youth and beauty held a power way beyond vanity for her and her sisters. To give it up would seem almost anathema to her. Yet Ken knew how life could grow pale. His own unchanging past, present, and future formed the foundation upon which he made this risky choice, just as with his predecessors who made riskier and riskier choices until they need not worry about it anymore. Though each waited longer than he before first stepping on the path to their own doom. To him, it made sense that everything could grow tiresome, even the good life. How could losses of friends and loved ones not grow heavier the more lives one lived? Why would the scene from Highlander with Queen's song, Who Wants to Live Forever, not be true? "Quit talking about me and come in." Turning to the voice, Ken suddenly felt less sure of his wisdom. Hulked in the doorway stood a huge man, both tall and wide, with the face of a journeyman boxer, one whose scarred face showed he made promoters happy by his ability to take a punch and put on a good show. Easily could he appear a dark and foreboding character, if not for the smile on his face. With the eye-roll perfected by every teenage girl, fortunate enough not to fear her parents, Ilina accepted the invitation, forcing Gary to step aside. "Kenneth, this is Gary. Gary, Kenneth Cabot." After he watched her walk by, something not quite a leer on his face, Gary turned to Ken and said, "Welcome, Kenneth." "Hello there. Please call me Ken." "Very well, Ken, let's see if you're a valid candidate for this transformation." "But I thought..." "That, because you are shorter than our target, everything thing else is a go? Actually that's just the first trial before you get to the ogre. Time for his test." In moments he found himself sitting beside Ilina on a leather love seat. Meanwhile, Gary, in a matching, though heavily worn, armchair, stared into space. Knowing the man cast a spell and not wanting to distract, Ken waited. Once more slipping into the ongoing argument about the wisdom of his action. "Well you are a blood-type match, but the metatarsals and phalanges present a bit of a problem." Ilina voiced the question that sprang into Ken's mind when he realized the changer spoke. "What?" "Bones, bones, bones. The key to my magic, the foundation of a transformation. Still they're funny things, they can be lengthened, thickened, even thinned, but none of us can figure out how to make them shorter. And Ken's metatarsals and phalanges, which are foot bones by the way, are longer than the targets. While she wears a size 39 shoe, the best we can manage for you is a size 41." "That's not much of a difference?" "True, in fact I expected worse. In the last few decades it seems like most teenage boys are part clown." Ken said, "I'm older than I look." "Ahh, you're that Cabot. That's good, I wondered why they let you volunteer." "Yep, I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And while I'm not familiar with sizes 39 or 41, they seem close enough to go ahead. Let's do it before I lose my nerve." Ilina asked, "Gary, is everything else good?" "Nothing I can't handle." "Okay I will leave you two boys to it." Ilina said, before surprising Ken by offering him a hug and a kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Kenneth, you truly are one of the good guys." Dazzled, Ken could barely muster a farewell, Gary jarring him from his reverie when he said, "Distracting, isn't our Ms. Ilina? I tell you, if I weren't so old and weren't so ugly I might be tempted to see if I could distract her myself." "Because of your last transition?" "Ahh, did she tell you about how they all think I'm crazy?" "Not in so many words. Besides, like me, I suspect you're old enough to make decisions about your life all on your own. No I was wondering, know, did you like girls before? Or was it because of the change?" "Ahh, yes that is something that would interest you, isn't it? But it isn't as easy to answer as you probably expect. The reason for that is that I am old, well beyond being old enough to make my own decisions. In my prior lives I had relationships with both men and women, but the latter not until after I transformed into a target who liked women. But it is different now, as a man, the physical attraction is greater - the smell, the visual, while before the attraction was driven by less tangible thing. So yes and no. I suspect the same will happen to you. A transformation links you with a target and though you will not have experienced her experiences, you will remember them. Past pleasures will combat prior taboos in your mind, particularly those driven by outside, societal forces. Not that it means you must act exactly as she would act. It's just that our target likes men, given the chance, you likely will as well. But that choice is up to you and, don't worry, if you try it out you're not going to turn into some sex-mad nymphomaniac." "I don't know if that eases my mind or not, but nothing about my decision is easy. How does it work, the change I mean?" "The old stand by, even mundane books about magic, not like ours, but the imaginary type, mention the law of similarity. That concept provides a starting explanation for my ability to link one person to another, to make a finger like a finger or an eye like an eye. Even those organs that are different between a woman and a man have analogues, though each party requires the matching analogue. So if either of you had donated a kidney, had your appendix removed, or lost a digit we could not continue. That not being the case, as proven during my earlier check, we require a trigger. Long ago, changers found the best trigger is the memory of feelings. For weeks I have studied our target, delving into the depths of her mind, searching to find physical memories. During the transformation, I will make your body re- live these experience again and again until it learns to react the same way, as if her body is your own. And after these hundreds of analogues are linked within your consciousness, no doctor could distinguish your body from hers." "Do I have any part to play?" "You must accept those memories as yours. Though don't worry, your mind is full of empty space for us to use." "Will I keep this Heather's memories when I change again?" "Yes, though like all memories, they will fade. However, you must take care with overloading yourself with new recollections. I know we've promised you another form, but it won't be possible for at least a year from the completion of this transformation. Does that change your mind?" Ken thought about it for a moment. His chance to escape, but while the price to pay grew higher, the value of the reward remained worth it. Shaking his head, he asked one last question. "Will it hurt? "Some of the truest physical memories involve hurt, but there are ways to mitigate the pain." Mitigate - to lessen the severity, an interesting word for Gary to use. Fuzzy in its actual implementation, being true across a huge range. Yet a lifeline to which Ken would soon grasp. For while floating in a pool of ice water, which held the title of worst thing ever for only a short time, he discovered something even more horrible It started with a stubbed toe. A metal bed frame, the bane of all, he felt the pain blossom repeatedly, the blood vessels bursting into bruise, the nail cracking and breaking away. He lost count of the number of times Gary made him relive that act, but when he finished, there still existed nine more toes to go. Coffee tables, doors, walls, Ken found himself reminded of all the things one could accidental kick. Lessons in dancing en pointe, led to memories of walking in pointy toed heels, cramming the toes together for awkward boys to step on during junior high and high school dances. And that only accounted for her toes. But it could be worse, didn't Gary say the cold water and the pills he took mitigated the pain? He ran from first base hundreds, thousands of times. Feeling the his feet pound onto the ground, his ankles, knees and hips rotate, calves and thighs strain, arms pump, jaw clench, all to end with the sliding shorts under his uniform not quite protecting thighs from the pebbles of the hard and poorly raked ground around second base. Even before experiencing the real thing, he endured and silently cursed as many periods as any teenage girl. But one stood out, since it occurred more than a month after the ill-planned and drunken night when he...she lost her virginity to a clumsy, drunken, and rubber-less boyfriend. It added a dimension of panic and worry that Ken could live without, though it distracted from the memory of thrusts, caresses, and the smell of sweat. A lesson learned, but after learning of her parent's impending divorce, many Friday and Saturdays resulted in that alcohol fueled buzz where the skin of his head felt separated from his skull. Invariably those nights led him to a bedroom with one of a short string of boyfriends, which proved Gary's theory. It did not feel repugnant, yet neither did it feel storybook spectacular. Each time different, sometimes better than others. But pleasures seemed more difficult to process than the physical pain. Pain proved little different from what he lived through as one of the smallest in many classes of clown footed idiots. Experienced once, he easily lived through it again for Heather. So in time he learned to throw a baseball exactly like Heather Theis. He could perform her steps, both jazz and ballet, from all of her last five years of dance performances and competitions. Heather's friends and families now appeared less like strangers in his mind, he almost felt he could pretend to be her. Which did not mean he could be her. Too much still made them different. In his entire life, Ken only let himself grow close to two people, the old magical security blanket, and one of those tossed him aside so the other no longer knew he lived. Since that heartbreaking moment, he made friends but kept his distance, became the proverbial loner. But Heather, she loved people, needed them around her at all times. She could never figure out what to do with herself when alone, which explained why her activities always involved teams or groups, why she loved parties and made so many friends. Even when they brought her pain, she would never abandon them. Something that confused Ken, despite feelings of jealously at the pleasure they provided her in the past. It left her not quite Heather, but also not quite Ken. Chapter 5 - Shame "I don't like Russians." Ilina's statement came from nowhere and caused Ken's focus to shift from a surprisingly tasty dessert of strawberries and peppercorns to the blonde's face. "Though I no longer hate them," Ilina continued. "Time has allowed that blackest of emotion to grey into firm dislike." Twenty four days earlier Ken exited the pool of freezing water in which, over a period of six days, he did not quite get changed into the person the Diva's deemed necessary. A judgment that led him to a type of beauty salon. There a simple spell turned the stubble on his head into a match for Heather's shoulder length hair. They also pierced his ears twice and his navel once, gave him a manicure and pedicure, and removed all unnecessary hair - from the eyebrows down. A physical match, Ilina arrived with a suitcase full of workout gear and enrolled him in Heather Theis boot camp, run by Dannika, a petite brunette with a sergeant-major complex. She drilled him on Heather's style, movements, mannerisms, and relationships. Often with intricate role play sessions where the brunette and her helpers cast glamour's of people and places. With every bit of praise for Ken's newly delicate ears hard earned, he barely contained his joy when Ilina rescued him the previous evening. From the boot camp they went to her two bedroom apartment in Karlovy Vary, a city in the Northwest of the Czech Republic. Today she served as his guide in the real world. It proved more interesting than scary. Just above freezing, both dressed in the fall uniform for Czech girls; blue jeans, boots, sweater, and leather jacket. True, the boots had heels, the jeans were tight, and the bomber style jacket hid none of that tightness, but Ken found himself surprised how much attention he, not just Ilina, received. The amount of desire he harvested made him feel powerful. Yet it also seemed to lead to Ilina's announcement. Karlovy Vary, a pretty city of old world charm, boasted a spa industry that drew many tourists, particularly from Russia. One group, consisting of five young men, attached themselves to the pair of young looking women during their walk to the Embassy Hotel for lunch. Mostly forgotten Russian language classes meant he understood little, but Ilina knew everything they said. Ken said, "I've been in too many schools with too many buffoons to think only Russians act like that?" "What? Oh you mean those boys who just left? You're right, they're all the same." "I wasn't. You need confidence and friends to act that obnoxious." "You should have tried, Heather." Ilina said. "Sometimes it even works. Who knows, in a disco, I may have let the one in the red scarf pick me up." Some lessons during the boot camp proved easy to digest. The easiest of these revolved around the name Heather. Since Dannika insisted everyone call him by her name, he caught on much faster than Homer Simpson becoming Mr. Thompson. More difficult to understand, the new triggers in his mind. Smells, tastes, or songs could lead to memories never lived. Red scarfs must be included in the mix, for Ken instantly visualized who Ilina referenced, pulling his image from an empty drawer in his mind labeled handsome. "But no, it isn't the buffoons, as you so appropriately named them, who reminded me of my dislike of Russians. It's the two couples who just came in, sitting to our left. The man on the left looks like someone I knew. Him I hated." Years of movie watching stopped Ken from a whiplash head spin. Neither did he reach into his purse for a compact, both of which he now car

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Second That EmotionChapter 27

The helicopter landed on the roof of CIA headquarters thirty nine minutes later (more or less... I wasn't wearing a watch) and Dr. Wills and I headed down to the lower levels. When we were both seated in his office, he pressed his hands together so it looked as if he were praying. He pressed his two index fingers to his lips and looked as if he were about to speak. I waited patiently. Finally he heaved himself back into his leather chair and tossed his hands into the air. "This mess is...

4 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 30

I fumbled with the door knob; my arms and hands filled with bags made gripping the silly thing an effort, eventually getting it turned and pushed the door open. I stepped in and headed down the hall towards the staircase. Anya followed me around the pond and up the stairs to the master bedroom where I deposited the bags on the unmade bed. "Put the box down on the bed, Anya. We'll sort everything out later." She set the box down on the foot of the bed and looked around. "This is the...

2 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 32

The girls and I spent a couple of hours doing dishes; cleaning pots and pans, putting the china and silver back into the cabinet and just generally being domestic. Okay... there was a little bit of grab-ass involved, mostly on my part, so the actual work involved took maybe an hour and ten minutes. But hey, we were young and energetic and a little bit buzzed from all the wine and liquor. We said good night to Anya, staggered our way upstairs and tumbled into bed. There was another hour or...

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Second That EmotionChapter 44

By the time my five new FBI moles dropped me off at the front door of CIA Headquarters it was a quarter to four in the morning. I'd collected their individual business cards and given each of them numerical designations, one thru five, so I'd have a way to identify any messages they might end up leaving. I got out of the minivan and sent them on their way. The guards in the lobby saw me coming and couldn't rush me thru the security checkpoint fast enough. Taking the elevator I got off at...

4 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

4 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 04 of 15 A Punishment and a Demotion

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

3 years ago
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Lindas Triumph and Seans Demotion

"Well, Sean, who else can you blame? Think hard, now. Who else can you foist the blame off on?" Sean Taylor, his thin arms folded across his tummy, his right foot wrapped under his left calf, sat slumped on the stool's edge and felt the dangle of his earrings. He looked petulant and grim. "The bitch said she was into androgyny. A private photo-shoot... How did I know she'd plaster me all over social media?" "And what a great title she gave it," his wife responded. "'Ann...

2 years ago
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The Demotion Chapter 13

The Demotion Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Misogynist sales executive loses competition for CEO job to his rival and is systematically reduced to an air-headed administrative intern at the beck and call of those office workers he used to abuse. Some reviewers asked for a sequel, so I added another chapter. Hope you like it. Category descriptions are for entire story. After the doctor visit, my figure started to develop more rapidly. And, my required secretary attire grew sexier. My...

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The Demotion Chapter 14

The Demotion Chapter 14 Misogynist sales executive loses competition for CEO job to his rival and is systematically reduced to an air-headed administrative intern at the beck and call of those office workers he used to abuse. In this chapter, the new Barbie is moving into year 2 of his 5-year contract, with new challenges and burdens placed on his increasingly ditzy mind. Previous chapters should be read first. Category descriptions are for entire story. Chapter 14 I know it...

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The Demotion Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Misogynist sales executive loses competition for CEO job to his rival and is systematically reduced to an air-headed administrative intern at the beck and call of those office workers he used to abuse. As we begin this chapter, one tormentor has been fired and another appears to offer to help him - all while the CEO takes steps to permanently entrap the poor sissy into a life of feminine slavery. Previous chapters should be read first. Category descriptions are for entire...

1 year ago
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“Your actions show extreme irresponsibility,” said my boss as she was scolding me. I’ve been in her office for over an hour and we still cannot find a reasonable solution to the problem I had created. I stayed quiet. I’m at a lost for words. I sit there totally embarrassed. “I have never been so disappointed. You represent this company. I gave you your position so that you will give it a good image, not ruin it!” my boss said. “I have to figure out how to fix this. I’ll have to call in a board...

Erotic Fiction
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Second That EmotionChapter 37

If I could have jumped up out of my skin, I would have. I badly wanted to, but the shock had numbed my mind, turned my muscles to jello and the best I could manage was to scuttle backwards like a sand crab until my shoulders rammed into a headstone. I slipped on the cold ground and landed flat on my back, with my legs still scrambling for traction. She walked towards me, a crooked smile on her lips. Her hair was lighter than I remembered, more brassy than the burgundy red I was familiar...

4 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 4

"Ike? Can you hear me, baby? Ike, please wake up." The voice was a little fuzzy, but I recognized it as Izzy. I slowly opened my eyes, and there she was; my beautiful sister, with those luminous blue eyes and that pouty rosebud of a mouth. "Hey." I managed to say thru my smile. Izzy wrapped my up in a monster hug and just held me. I put my arms around her and squeezed back. "Damn, woman! When you cum, you really get your monies worth." I rasped. My throat felt a little raw and my...

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Second That EmotionChapter 18

The clock on the nightstand read 7:44 AM and my bladder was insisting I get up and do something to relieve the pressure. Giving Izzy a soft little kiss on the neck, I eased out from under the blankets, padded quietly to the door, unlocked it and slipped out, closing the door behind me. I went down to the bathroom and emptied my bladder, washed my hands and face and rinsed out my mouth. My duffel bag, which held my shaving kit, was still outside in the rental car. I'd have to go out soon and...

3 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 14

Lilly and I started spending a lot of our free time together that week, just talking or walking around the hospital in companionable silence. I was getting stronger and the pain in my side decreased enough that I stopped taking the painkillers. I wasn't allowed to join them on their trip to the Smithsonian that weekend, so I was pretty much alone on the ward on Saturday. I had them dig my duffel bag out of storage and got my hands on my wallet. I talked one of the medtechs into taking me...

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Second That EmotionChapter 16

I was up early the next morning. The ward was still dark and the dayshift staff hadn't arrived yet. I dressed in my sweats, went down and started jogging around the grounds. I had a lot on my mind and I didn't want to be distracted later on. I needed to maintain my focus later so it was time to get things sorted and straightened out. "Why haven't you called or written me, Izzy?" 'Why haven't you called me?' "I don't know where you are." 'You could find out, if you wanted...

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Second That EmotionChapter 28

Jill and Anya joined us in the living room, Anya looking much better than before. Her hair was clean and blow dried, and she was wearing a fresh orange jumpsuit and tennis shoes. Dr. Wills sent Jill back to her office, and Mr. Jones, the Doctor, Anya and I piled into the SUV and headed back to CIA headquarters. "I've been wondering," I said as we drove out of Georgetown, "what are you a Doctor of?" "Believe it or not, Theology. I was an Episcopal Bishop before I took this...

4 years ago
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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

3 years ago
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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

4 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 45

Colonel DeBerg led the way to the nurse's station, where Lilly and I were welcomed back with our very own medical bracelets and a team of medtechs who scurried around taking our vital signs, poking and prodding us and making notes on charts. When they were done, Lilly was shown to her room along the hallway and the Colonel took me back to his office. "It's good to see you again Ike. How've you been?" he asked, settling into his chair. "Just dandy Colonel, thanks for asking. Let's...

2 years ago
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A Night I Found Passion And Emotion

Hi to you all, My Name is Jace, 26 yrs, 6ft 4″ medium built and full of life. I’m from Mangalore and an entrepreneur by profession. Well, this is a story about this one girl who I never thought I sleep with but ended up having the best time of my life. This girl’s name is Melanie and old classmate of mine during the college days. She’s very cute medium build and has the most awesome legs. I was in a relationship for about 7 yrs and broke up recently. That took a toll on my health and all blahh...

4 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 6

I finished my run, taking my time because of the icy conditions, and then headed in. No one was downstairs, so I figured they were either in the family room in the basement or they'd all gone to bed. It was getting on towards 11 PM, and I'd had a long day, so I went to my room stripped off my sweats, tossed on a robe, grabbed a towel and headed down to take a shower. I was in and out quickly, just enough to wash off the sweat and stink. I pulled on my robe, left the towel hanging to dry...

4 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 15

I was in a foul mood Sunday morning. Everyone knew it and kept their distance. I was up early and running; on my fifth lap around the hospital I spotted Lilly sitting on the curb, huddled up and trying to pull herself deeper into her parka like a turtle disappearing into its shell. I pulled up and slowed down, coming to a stop beside her. She got to her feet and we walked the route I normally ran. "My husband came to see me yesterday after you left." she began. "He doesn't come here...

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Second That EmotionChapter 19

My eyes opened as if spring loaded and I bolted upright, the muscles in my belly tight as iron bands, my heart pounding in my chest; breathing so hard and gasping for air you might have thought I'd just run a mile at full speed. I was alone and naked, sweat running down my face and chest. I could feel the panic within but I couldn't control it. My head swiveled from side to side, seeing everything but recognizing nothing. "IZZY!" I cried out at the top of my lungs, my heart pounding so...

2 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 31

There is, for me, something about watching my girls sleeping that is indefinably soothing. I don't know if others feel the same way while watching their loved ones resting, but for me it's both calming and restorative. I sat down carefully on the foot of the bed and watched the three of them. They pressed together, Lilly and Izzy on the ends with their arm thrown over little Peggy in the center, tiny smiles on their lips. I linked with the three of them and added a spark to their glowing...

3 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 39

Cleaning up the fallen deputies only took a few minutes, mostly in carrying their limp bodies out and stuffing them into their cars. Turning them to ash was only a couple seconds effort. The Sheriff's body was a problem. He was already dead, so I couldn't link and complete what I'd started. The best I could do was put his body into a vehicle, douse him with alcohol and light him up. It would have to be good enough. I hustled the girls out into our car with all our bags, checked out of the...

4 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

4 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

5 years ago
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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

2 years ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 6

I'd just stepped from the shower and was toweling my body dry when Dad hollered through the door, "It's Barbie on your cell phone. You left your phone in your purse on the entry console table again." I yelled back, "Did you answer the call?" He laughed. "Oh, of course you did, or you wouldn't know it was Barbie." I cracked the door to the bathroom to reach for the phone, and my father's eyes met mine but only briefly before they wandered down my naked body. She's gorgeous, he...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

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Emotion Lies

Emotional Lies I am a soul that has lost it's body. In my eyes I see what is not. It is my mouth that speaks the lies. It is myself that hears the truth. You may not know who I am. You may not see what I have. You may not feel what is inside. You may never know the truth of mine. In the closet rest a lie. In the house I am free. In the church I pray for thee. In the fields I grow my illusion. Your act brings tears to my eyes. Your pain makes me fear what I have...

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Second That EmotionChapter 13

I was evac'd the next day to Germany. My stay there was relatively brief, just long enough for the doctors to be sure my wounds were healing properly and that there was no real danger of further infection. I was then hustled onto a flight directly to Andrews AFB and from there to Walter Reed Army Hospital and the infamous 'Seventh' floor. The Psych Ward. The first thing I noticed was the heavy wire mesh on the outsides of the windows. I guess they worried about someone jumping out in a...

2 years ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 25

The girls and I gave Dr. Wills as much information and detail as we could remember; where we'd been, who we came into contact with, what they looked like, what they were wearing, driving... everything. His stenographer took it all down and then rushed off to transcribe it. My girls then attacked the food and drinks that Mr. Jones had provided like a pack of wild animals. I pulled Dr. Wills off to one side and we spoke quietly. "This congressman... he's on one of your committees, isn't...

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