What's In A Name? free porn video

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I shoved my Nano drive into the port on the side of the computer and activated the prompts when they came up on the screen. I could have done it vocally, but since what I was doing was illegal it seemed safer to use the touch screen instead. The drive I had just installed was a rod of nano circuitry about the size of a triple A battery. And could contain up to sixty four zetta bites of information, this was way too much storage in my opinion. I could download a virtual version of the library of congress, send my virtual avatar walking up and down the aisles of the building, and have him pick out a book at random and actually read the book that I had selected. And the program would only take up three exa bites of storage. But that was the way tech worked best. By showing humans just how slow and clumsy we are. For example the nano drive I had just plugged into the computer had to be made by computers. Humans weren't fast enough to handle all the little details that went into making one. I had seen a documentary on PBS about it. Nano drives, which is the cute name for the crystals that are grown to store information, are grown in a vat filled with nano machines assemblers, disassemblers, and computers. All of them work together to grow a crystal tube capable of storing information in a certain way. And they do it molecule by molecule at a speed that humans can't replicate. A square vat of nano machines twenty centimeters long by twenty centimeters wide can create a hundred nano drives in four hours. And that is including time for mistakes to crop up and for the machines in the vat to figure out the problem and find a solution. A perfect run which happens twenty three percent of the time takes three hours from start to finish. Using a human to over see the work and make adjustments as they are needed would slow the process down so much that those hundred drives would take three hundred and twenty five years to complete. Some people believe that it proves just how incredible humans are to be able to create something that can outstrip our own abilities to oversee what is happening. It just makes me feel small and insignificant. But that wasn't a concern of mine currently. Today is "take your kids to work" day and dad had brought me to work once again. My name is Ben Cooper and I am eleven years old. I stand one hundred and forty seven centimeters tall and weight fifty kilograms. And my body is showing every sign of being ready to commence with puberty. This is something I have been dreading for almost three years. When I was eight years old dad had brought me to work with him and explained what he did here. He was the supervisor in charge of vat three seven eight dash N. And he was in charge of making sure that when the products left the vat they were alive and ready for transport. It wasn't a difficult job from what I saw. I probably could have done it myself if child labor laws didn't prohibit a person from working until they were sixteen. Fourteen if they were going to be working in a family business. The nano machines of vat three seven eight dash N, did one job and one job only. Cows would be led into the building and into individual ramps. The vats of nano machines were below floor level so the cows would be led to the vats which to the cows looked like pools of water. They would enter the vats and the walkways would be retracted so that the cows would have no way to leave. The nano machines would then scour the cow for signs of the protein which causes mad cow disease. If the protein was found it would be changed into a more harmless protein. And the cow would then leave the vat none the worse for wear, and totally unaware of what had just happened to it. Last year I saw a cow with obvious signs of the disease lowered into a vat and come out an hour later totally healthy and able to move on its own. The program I had loaded finished making the changes that I wanted and flashed another prompt. This time I didn't activate the program. I needed to be in the vat before the program ran. Because I would only get one shot at this. What I wanted to do was dangerous and illegal. If it worked the way I thought that it would I was unlikely to face prosecution. But if something went wrong there would probably all sorts of lawsuits. Why was I doing this? I was literally taking my own life in my hands. Years ago I had an idea that had both scared me and excited me, if a cow which was obviously sick could be cured using nano machines then maybe I could be cured using the same technology. So I did some amateur research and found out that what I was experiencing wasn't unknown. I had until then believed that I was the only person who felt the way I did. But as is often true in life, I wasn't alone. There were terms and definitions that changed depending on which web site I was looking at, but one thing stayed the same. I wasn't mentally ill. My disease, disability, or whatever you wanted to call it wasn't something that was understood well, but enough people had studied it that some understanding had been reached. My physical body was betraying me. It was healthy enough, but what was wrong with it went so for outside the realm of what I thought was possible that it took me weeks to accept the possibility that it might be true. But I wanted to be sure, I needed to be sure. What I was contemplating had far reaching consequences and while I didn't know what all the costs might be I did know that if what I had read was correct my whole life was going to have to change for me to be the person I was supposed to be. So I did some more research and found a test that could give me the answers I needed. The Nemoy-Araujo test was a little more complicated than an EKG, but not by much and it had a one hundred percent success rate in detecting the very thing I was looking for. Unfortunately, the Nemoy- Araujo test isn't something you can ask the school nurse to perform on you. And at the time I could find no information on anywhere in the state that I could take the test. Berkley in California was running the test day and night hoping to gain as large a sample of the population as possible. But there was no way my folks could afford to send me to California just to take a test for something that I didn't want to tell them about until I knew for sure that it applied to me. And then I had my ninth birthday. And something told me that there was something wrong in the Cooper family. I didn't know for sure that something was wrong, but mom and dad usually were a lot more touchy feely on special occasions like birthdays. That year however they were rarely in the same room together. I got the laptop I wanted, and some of the software that I had asked for. I had said it was so that I could put videos on the web, and I did do that as a cover. But what I was really using it for was facial recognition. Only I wasn't trying to find a criminal like they show on those T.V. programs. I was trying to find women who shared similar facial features to mine, most of the time the results were not pretty. But there were a few girls who seemed pretty enough. The problem was that I was a child and my face hadn't matured any more than the rest of me. It seemed that I was going to have to wait until I grew up to find out if I was going to be hideous or not. It didn't seem fair that I could eat healthy, exercise, do well in school and still wind up looking like I went three rounds against the heavy weight champ. Looking around I saw that no one was acting as if anything was out of the ordinary. Father had gone into the office to double check that everything had ended for the day. Sometimes a special order would come in, and somebody in the office would forget to say anything. And so the technicians who oversaw the organic nano machines would put them into standby mode and everything would go to hell in a hand basket while the techs had to restart the nanites, which could take anywhere from a half hour to three hours depending on how long they had been on standby. Dad had left me the task of securing the nano machines without putting them in standby. Instead I had installed a new program to the nano machines that they would begin running as soon as I activated the start button on an application that I had ready on my phone. The button flashed a red "ready" button like an accusation, I knew this might get me and my dad into some trouble. But this was something that I needed to do. Just like mom I guess. I was nine years old and some things were finally going my way, and then Mom left. Right out of the blue, she packed up her bags and walked out the door, leaving me and my younger brother Sam to my father. Financially we were fine, but dad is an extroverted man's man. While I was much more introverted and shy. This is a common occurrence for the eldest child. Sam is much more extroverted and while not a clone of our father, there have been jokes made about the possibility. So after mom left I entered a state of depression. I hadn't been any closer to mom than I had been to dad, but I also wasn't estranged. Mom was mom and I had thought that she would always be there. It was a shock to my system and my mind temporarily crashed on me. I wasn't a vegetable but I was even less social than I had been before she left. Sam noticed a week after I stopped coming out of my room except for school it took dad a month. And then something happened which helped me in more ways than I can describe. Dad had me start going to a shrink. He had great medical coverage, so it wasn't going to cost anything unless I needed medication. So I had someone to talk to about what I was feeling, and this person wouldn't say anything to my dad about it unless I gave her the okay. And since she wasn't related to me I could be fairly sure that she wouldn't judge me unfairly. And so after two months of pussy footing around what I wanted to say I dropped the bomb shell on her and she reacted as if it had been obvious from the beginning. All the fear and anguish I had been feeling about confessing to her what I had been agonizing over for literally years, and she acted as if it was just another day. To say I felt cheated is an understatement. But at the same time I was relieved that this was a shock to her. And it turned out that Dr. Chandelier not only knew about the Nemoy-Araujo test. She could have me take the test to confirm my suspicions. It took another month before I could take the test, a month in which I just about drove Sam and my dad crazy. Because for the first time since I had comprehended the situation I was in I was contemplating telling them the whole truth. And so I would tell them at meals that I had something to tell them and then chicken out. Or right out of the blue while watching T.V. It got so bad that dad told me at one point that I was not allowed to tell them anything about anything for the rest of the weekend. And then came the day of the test and I got some good news and some very bad news. And it was the same news. I am a girl trapped in a boy's body. I had known for years that there was something different about me, but I didn't know what it could be. And then when I was seven the networks were airing a trial in which the defendants had killed a boy who liked dressing up as a girl. I don't remember the girl's name, but I do remember that the men managed to get the charges reduced to manslaughter and only three of the eight men went to prison. I also remember that it was the first time that the thought that a boy could dress up like a girl entered my mind. And now I knew for sure that I was a girl. I had been so afraid that I was mistaken or something that I had made sure to act as masculine as I could. Not because I thought that there was anything wrong with a boy being a girl on the inside. It was because I was afraid that I was wrong, and would be ridiculed for my desire to dress like a girl. I was a kid give me a break. Even now that I am eleven I still fear that this is going to turn out to be a case of indigestion or something. And how was being right bad news. Because I took the test results home with me and showed my father. He couldn't handle the fact that his son should have been his daughter. He refused to even consider my feelings in the matter. Instead he blamed the psychiatrist, and attempted to sue her. That didn't end well. Sam found out and took every opportunity to denigrate me in front of dad. If I hadn't been bigger than him I think he would have been quite violent towards me. As it was the entire school found out, and while some kids didn't care. There were some kids who thought it was a holy sign from god to torment me. Fortunately since dad refused to allow me to wear dresses. The teasing only lasted until someone else screwed up and took their attention away from me. I never again raised the issue with my father again, and made sure to act in the most masculine way I could. And something within me died. Or at least was severely damaged. A whole year went by in which I kept my head down, my grades up, and my sanity was nowhere to be found. I could go from happy to sad in an eye blink, and I was suddenly the most forgetful person this side of an old folk's home. It wasn't that I didn't care. It was more like I couldn't take the time to care about the things that were going on around me. I felt that everyone was out to get me. I wouldn't have trusted a police officer if he told me that the sun was shinning brightly. Part of it was that the few friends that I had thought were on my side disappeared when my desire to be a girl came to light. I was suddenly taboo, and outsider without the coolness of being an outsider. I was an outcast, a pariah. And if it wasn't for the fact that I was good at disappearing. I would probably have gotten in a lot more fights than I did. Nine may have started out being a good year, but it quickly became one of the worst years of my life. And now here I was putting my skill at disappearing to good use. It's not like I can move through walls or cause light to bend around me. Instead it is a lot more like acting. I keep my head down focused on the phone in my hand as if I were getting updates sent to it. I move at half speed as if I am not totally paying attention to where I am going. And I don't look around at other people. That is the hardest thing. People who have something to hide always look around them to see if anyone else has noticed that they are acting strangely. I had worn a suit similar to my dad's today. It wouldn't fool anyone looking at me. But glimpsed on the peripheral I would blend in to the environment. I was just one other tech checking the data from the vats of nano machines. Was it working? Was I blending into the background? In all honesty, probably not. My dad stands a hundred and eighty centimeters tall. And even at a distance I am not going to pass for him. But the clothes gave me confidence. So even if it was luck, it didn't matter to me. I had the confidence to try and that was all I needed. As I walked to the edge of the vat I discovered that I did need one more thing after all. It was vat three seven eight dash N that gave me a reason to live. One morning I woke up and remembered everything I had been told about nanites, and I began to make my plans. I knew how to use a computer pretty well, but I had never focused myself on coding before. Coding is the current phrase used by people who invent and change software to fit a need. All it means is that I can cause a computer to act in a manner that I desire. And since I suddenly had a need to cause one specific computer to do one specific thing I had thought that my task would be simple. I was wrong. What I wanted vat three seven eight dash N to do had never been done before. Oh what it was doing now was similar to what I needed, but it turned out that the differences were big enough that I couldn't simply cut and paste something and have the vat do what I wanted. I was going to have to design and install a piece of code without being caught or causing the computer controlling the vat to shut down. By my tenth birthday I had read half the books in the public library on coding. Three of the kids in the computer club were testing and teaching me. Dad was still disappointed that I wasn't going to suddenly turn into a jock, but he seemed happier than he had been. Sam however knew that I was up to something. Or at least he thought that I was. And he stuck even closer to me than he had the first month he had been given the job of following me. Six months after my tenth birthday I was again taken to dad's job with Sam. It wasn't hard to grab a copy of the operating system without dad realizing it. Sam however had been much more difficult to get around. I had actually needed help in distracting him long enough for me to complete the copying. And that help came in the beautiful form of Naomi Brown, I had been hounded by my little brother all day. The little shit had taken every opportunity to question me and what I was doing. If he had actually cared about what I was learning it might have been fun. But on three separate occasions he had asked me about what I was doing on something that he had questioned me about before. Naomi, who was graduating college that year, had come to the plant for two reasons. The first was college related she needed to spend time in a plant that used nanites and write up a proposal on the positives and negatives related to having nano machines at a job site. The second reason she was there, was that her father actually worked at the plant and she had wanted to spend some time with him the way she had when she was younger. Naomi had actually been at the plant for a week before the kids showed up, and she was scheduled to be there for a second week after we left. During lunch in the cafeteria she had asked to sit at the table I was sitting at, and without waiting for an answer I was suddenly looking across at a very beautiful college student who stirred things inside of me that made me realize that I was never going to please my father. She had high cheek bones and full lips, and stood on the high side of a hundred and seventy something centimeters. If I had been a normal boy I would have probably entered puberty at that moment. Instead I was resentful of her C or D cup chest. (No I couldn't judge them very well. I was ten for crying out loud.) I learned later that they were a C cup and she knew how to use them. I wanted to have her hour glass shape, with hips that were designed to be held onto. "I call to order the meeting of "kids with demented younger brothers". She said, and I was even jealous of her voice. It promised things without even hinting at them. And I fell in love with her a little. I was never going to be one hundred percent attracted to any woman, but with Naomi I could see and feel a little why others would fall in love with her. It didn't hurt that her skin was dark and flawless. She was the reason why painters still used live models. "At least you escaped and are normal," I told her. "Evidently there is some sort of almost but not quite psychotic chromosome running through my father's bloodline." I guess I went a little too hard on the self loathing at that point, but it was hard not to. I had spent a year without anyone I could call a friend or family. Even the school counselor had tried to get me to accept Christ as my personal savior. And to let the power of god remove the wickedness from my soul. If I had been a little older and a little stronger I probably would have tried to remove the self righteous look from his face. Instead I simply left his office, confused as to why I had thought that he would have accepted me for who I was in the first place. "Would you like me to leave?" Naomi asked. "No! I'm sorry please don't leave!" I practically shouted in the small cafeteria. She was the first person I met who didn't seem repulsed by me. Which probably meant that she didn't know who I was, and I wasn't going to tell her anything which might make her leave. It felt good to sit across from someone who didn't look at me like I was some sort of disease. "Relax kid. Anyone ever tell you that you need to turn down your intensity setting to something like half?" "Sorry. I haven't sat next to someone as beautiful as you before." I told her hoping that she would think that I was just another kid with a crush on and older girl. "Save it for the blonde squad kid I'm not buying," she said with a smile. "That's the problem with people today." I grumped a little. "A person tries to be a little romantic and everybody tells him he's an idiot. If I had tried some poetry comparing you to a rose you probably would have laughed at me." "Probably, and you're right romanticism isn't really that popular in the current culture. Sorry kid you were probably born in the wrong century." "And that's the reason why there is so much strife in the world." I told her. While I had been learning to code I had discovered what I thought was an interesting something. It turns out that as romanticism leaves a culture disagreements escalate into violence much more swiftly than during a romantic period. People who have poetry or art to fall back on don't result to violence in a disagreement as quickly as when romanticism is waning. "Well that and little brothers." "So why is your little brother being a jerk." "Should I tell you the truth or make up a story about aliens and government conspiracies?" "Haven't you learned yet? Truth is much stranger than fiction." "I want to be a girl, and so my father is having my brother watch me and report if I do anything feminine." "Wow.....I was expecting something like a childhood rivalry over a broken toy or something like that." Naomi was clearly stunned by my answer. I guess she was used to people being less than honest in their answers to her. "Nope, I've been going through hell for the last year or so because I told my father the truth about how I felt. And he's had Sam following me ever since." "Wait! You're Ben Cooper, my brother told me about you last year." Her eyes got a far away look as she tried to remember everything that her brother had told her. While she was doing that I tried to think about who her brother could be. I didn't know at the time that her brother was actually at the plant that day or it would have been easy. As it was I couldn't think of any of the guys at school who might be her brother. I didn't have many friends, and I knew their families so she wasn't related to a friend. And I had so many kids who tormented me that there were too many to choose from. "Oh by the way, I'm Naomi Brown." She threw that out as if it didn't matter. And maybe it didn't to her, but the name Brown narrowed down who her brother had to be to one person. Dennis "Ice" Brown, I didn't know why or how he got the nickname Ice. But he had tormented me before he even knew about my desire to wear lace and silk. He was a jock of course. The jocks and geeks never seem to be able to get along for some reason. And Ice seemed to get a lot of pleasure from scaring the nerds in school. It was such a shame because he was so hot. His dark skin slid over more muscles than I would ever have. And his face looked like it had been carved from stone, but I was a guy and a nerd and there was no way that Dennis would ever be anything other than an enemy. It was such a tragedy, because he had the biggest dick in gym class. "I can imagine what he told you." "Probably, and I must say that I expected you to be somewhat different." "What, I'm not girly enough? "Not by half," she told me. "I was expecting you to be wearing cosmetics and outfits that were poorly coordinated, something between a drag queen and a blind girl with something to prove." That almost brought a smile to my face. If reality hadn't been so bitter I probably would have laughed. "I probably would have been if my dad wasn't such a Neanderthal." "Hello fag," Ice said as he approached. "What're you doing on the floor? Shouldn't you be hiding next to your father?" I should have brought a gun. I wouldn't have been able to get it pasted security, but right then if I had one with me I would have killed Dennis without any difficulty. "None of your business what I'm doing Dennis. Why don't you go bother someone who cares what you think?" I was so close to having the one thing that I wanted, and now Dennis Brown was going to take it away from me without even knowing it. The timer was set and if I wasn't in the pool when it went off I was going to miss my one opportunity at happiness. There wasn't any disguising what I had done. But none of that would matter if I could only reach the pool in time. "Well I think it is my business and I'm going to take you to security and they'll find out what you're up to." And then he grabbed my arm and began dragging me towards the security office. "Good when we get there I can tell them that you grabbed me and tried to kiss me." "What?" He sounded mad. I didn't know if it was from the accusation or the fact that I was going to stand up to him. "You heard me bonehead. When we get in there I'm going to tell everyone that you tried to take advantage of me." "Nobody would believe that." But he didn't sound confident and I kept pressing. There were only seconds left, but if I could confuse him enough that he let go of my arm I might make it to the vat in time. "Right, but they would believe that the smartest kid in school is up to something simply because the dumbest kid told them he was." And that's when Dennis realized that he had a problem. Getting me into trouble wasn't a problem if something was going wrong. But nothing had happened that he was aware of, and so he had no reason to drag me into security. Of course I needed to distract him before he thought about the fact that he wouldn't drag me to security if he had kissed me. "Face it Dennis you have made everyone think that I'm some sort of swishy girly faggot. If I start telling everyone that you tried to kiss me who do you think they are going to believe? Sweet innocent me, or the mean rough football player?" As he thought about it his grip loosened on my arm and I did something that I hadn't believed I would ever do. I hit Dennis Brown in the throat. And as he let go and backed up, I turned and ran for the vat. Looking at my watch I saw I had three seconds to reach the vat. I ran for all I was worth and jumped into the vat two seconds late. It didn't seem to matter. Before I even hit the bottom of the vat I could feel the nanites begin working. Actually I didn't feel a thing, but I really believed at that moment that I could feel them working on me. They really worked on my clothes. Since everything that I wore was either dead, such as my cotton underwear, or synthetic like my plastic watch the vat broke it down into its individual molecules and recycled them. Fortunately hair falls into a strange alive, but dead category and so long as it is still attached to its roots the nanites leave them alone. I still lost a few hairs on my head that had been damaged or simply fallen out. As I hit the bottom of the vat I rolled with the momentum and moved forward and to the right. I was supposed to meet Naomi at that corner and I remembered the one thing that I had forgotten to plan for. Clothes, I was naked under the obscuring cloud of nanobots. As soon as I climbed out of the vat, whether I was male or female when I emerged I was going to be totally and absolutely buck naked. And then I heard the sound I dreaded another person had dropped into the vat. Nobody was supposed to see me jump in. Standard procedure was that if anyone fell into one of the vats the nanites would be placed on standby and then people would enter the vat and help the person who fell in if he needed help. "What the fuck?" It was Dennis, he had followed me into the vat, probably planning on doing some damage to the one person who had ever attacked him. But he couldn't see any better than I could in this field of nanites. And he was probably more than a little concerned as his clothes disappeared. If I kept quiet he probably wouldn't be able to find me, so when I reached the far corner and waited for my program to finish I curled into the smallest tightest ball that I could and waited for the program to finish or for Dennis to find me. I heard footsteps above me and hoped that it was Naomi. Although there was nothing she could do to stop her brother from beating me if he found me. I still felt safer with the thought that she was near. After what seemed like forever I could feel my skin changing. Oh they weren't getting smaller or larger, but the hairs that were beginning to grow on my forearms fell out and were claimed by the nanites. And the feel of my skin that my hands were touching was softer. And I could feel my chest beginning to produce breasts. That shouldn't have happened. According to everything that I had read even if the nanites worked as I had planned it would take up to nine months for the soft tissue on my body to change, and possible seven years before my hips changed to those of a girl. Of course since I still hadn't gone through puberty yet there was a chance that everything that needed to change would be done in a year or two. But never in my wildest dreams did I believe that I would see breasts this early. Well I couldn't see them due to the nanobots, but I could still feel them under my hands. And they felt wonderful. My nipples were even sensitive. I had spent many hours wondering what it felt like to have sensitive nipples. And now with just a little rubbing I could feel them sticking straight out almost straining to reach father than they currently were. And in the discovery of my new found girlhood, I totally forgot about Dennis. But suddenly I could hear him approaching. From the sounds he was making he was following the wall with one hand a waving the other one around in the air. I would hear him take a couple of steps with his hand sliding along the wall. And then he would stop and I would hear him waving his hand through the air. I suppose he could have been doing something differently, but if he was I wouldn't see it until the nanites cleared. Then I heard the sound that I had been waiting for. The nanites were entering the holding phase that I had programmed them to enter after my program had run out of time. After all I had done what I wanted to there was no reason to let the nanites continue to suck up energy. "Here put this on quick," I heard from Naomi as something landed on my head and flowed down like a sheet. I grabbed it and held it up trying to understand what I was holding. It took a moment, but I quickly understood that it was a simple sundress and I stepped into it quickly pulled it over my now ample bosom. I reached up and grabbed the side of the vat and pulled myself up. I had heaved myself most of the way out of the vat. Glad to see Naomi and the rest of the plant for the first time in what felt like ages. I still had one leg in the vat when Dennis' hand closed on my ankle. I nearly screamed in fright as I felt him grab me. But instead of pulling me back into the vat Dennis held me firm and pulled himself out of the vat. Or perhaps I should have said herself. I hadn't planned on anyone besides myself being in the vat so I hadn't set any safety protocols against there being more than one person in the vat at the same time. So the nanites had done the same thing to Dennis that they had done to me. Dennis now looked like, or rather is, a female with the muscle tone of a body builder. His chest was more rounded than the last time I had seen him naked. And his massive penis was missing. That was a shame it had been wonderful to see. And the tiny mustache he had been sporting was gone. He, I mean she looked at me in shock, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. And it took a moment to understand that she had been expecting to find Ben Cooper to be climbing out of the vat not the girl I had become. I fluttered my eyelashes at him and said. "Could you please let go of my leg?" She released it like it was a hot coal and fell back into the vat as she unbalanced herself. I stood up and straightened my dress. Now that I could see again I was disappointed that the mounds I had felt under my hands were maybe an A cup if someone was scoring them generously. Damn! On the other hand I had plenty of time for them to grow more. And if they didn't I could always find a plastic surgeon to give them some help. I smiled at Naomi, but she was looking back at the vat where her brother had fallen in. I could tell she was concerned, but there was nothing she could do. And her brother would be fine. I took her by the arm and guided her out to her car. Where she took me to a hotel room she had set up for me until I was ready to meet some people she thought would hire me for my coding skills. A measuring tape told me that I was 32-24-34, which meant I was a 34AA cup maybe a 34A. And I was a size 5 shoe. Which was weird because I had been a size 7. But with those measurements Naomi went out and picked out a week's worth of clothes for me. And I put on a fashion show for her as I tried on the outfits and she showed me how I could change things around so that the clothes could be made to stretch into two weeks before it was obvious that I didn't have many clothes. That was more than fine with me, but as I put on the different clothes and paraded around the room I finally felt as if I had found a part of me that had been always missing. I was without a family or immediate means of support. I had no id, and only eight grades to my schooling. But for some reason I wasn't afraid of the future. I knew that I would complete high school and go on to college. I knew that I would find a job that would provide me with what I needed to survive and thrive. After all I was only eleven years old and I had found my soul. Or perhaps my soul had found the body it had been intended for. Either way I was happy and I wasn't going to let anything get me down ever again. Even if I couldn't find a job and had to be put into foster care I wouldn't complain, because I was finally whole. I had overcome the world and made myself whole for the very first time. And then Naomi asked a question that knocked me for a loop. I had thought that I had thought of everything. And with one question Naomi made me realize that the future might have things in store that I hadn't thought of. Simple things that I might have over looked. So while I was happy I also began to wonder what else had I missed? And more importantly, what was I going to call myself?

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Whats done under the son

"Ohhh mr. Jonas!" Rayana, his new intern moaned in a voice that would make any man melt. "Please fuck me daddy!" Mr. Jonas thought that maybe for a moment he mightve been way over his head. He also kinda felt bad about the fact that he was cheating on his wife, a wonderful women who worked so hard to make their marriage work. But Rayana was so sexy she stood at 5'5 and she had ebony brown skin she had DD tits and had a round back side with nice thick legs with a clean shaved pussy....

2 years ago
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The Forever Ornament

~ Many thanks goes to Weird Harold for his advice and assistance. I am truly grateful to him for taking time to help me.~ ***************************** Each spin of the Christmas ornaments, on the brightly lit and heavily decorated tree, made Clayton want to both smile and cry. Each bauble on the tree held a memory of them together. In fact, one of them was bought just five months before while they lay in bed, completely nude and spent, surfing the web on his laptop for fun to see what kind...

4 years ago
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Le Pallavoliste 1 Lallenamento

Premessa: questo racconto mi è stato chiesto di farlo lo scorso anno da una ragazza che mi ha contattato tramite e-mail. Lei mi ha descritto i personaggi e i loro caratteri e dove si sarebbe ambientata la storia, il resto l’ho fatto io.Novembre 2010, un mercoledì sera come tutti gli altri Alice si stava recando in palestra, e come al solito era in dannato ritardo. “E il bello è che sono il capitano della squadra” pensò mentre guidava la sua Opel Corsa nel traffico alle 19.35. Mancavano ancora...

2 years ago
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The Nameseek

For most tribes in The Blood Swamp, a name is not given at birth. Children and youth carry only the name of their tribe, and are differentiated from each other in conversation only by their parents and relative age. As such, you have only ever been called Child of Mudheel Sneaktrapper. Today, though, you lose even that identity. Two moons past marked your eighteenth year of life, and so you now stand naked and unarmed in the center of Mudheel Village with your two peers, waiting for the village...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 501 Rahul Ke Karname

Narrated by Author Pichle baar episode 47 mein aaplogo ne padha ki kayse Rahul ke ghar Rahul, uski maa Sarika aur uski Kavita aunty ek sath sone gaye. Lekin is beech Kavita ke sath mazedaar kissa ho gaya. Sarika aur Rahul ke beech laeti Kavita ka dono taraf se shoshan hi ho gaya. Ek taraf Sarika aur dusri taraf se Rahul ne Kavita ki game baja di. Lekin na hi Rahul ko apni maa ke harkat ka pata tha na hi Sarika ko apne bete ki. Sirf Kavita hi jaanti thi ki uske sath rajaayi ke andar kya...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 501 Rahul Ke Karname

Narrated by Author Pichle baar episode 47 mein aaplogo ne padha ki kayse Rahul ke ghar Rahul, uski maa Sarika aur uski Kavita aunty ek sath sone gaye. Lekin is beech Kavita ke sath mazedaar kissa ho gaya. Sarika aur Rahul ke beech laeti Kavita ka dono taraf se shoshan hi ho gaya. Ek taraf Sarika aur dusri taraf se Rahul ne Kavita ki game baja di. Lekin na hi Rahul ko apni maa ke harkat ka pata tha na hi Sarika ko apne bete ki. Sirf Kavita hi jaanti thi ki uske sath rajaayi ke andar kya...

2 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 542 Shobha Bhabhi Aur Delivery Boy Ke Karname

Narrated by Shobha Main Prakash ko uksati hui boli: Sharmao mat batao. Wayse bhi main akeli thi, husband bahar gaye hai. Isi liye tumhe rukne boli taki khate waqt koi baat karne mill jaye. Prakash: Haan woh to sahi kaha aapne, hum bhi apne room akele rahte hai. Akelapan kabhi kabhi kaatne ko daudta hai. Main: Haan aur pati ke naa hone par tumhare jaysa koi aa jaye to maza hi aa jaye. Ispar woh mujhe dekha to main boli: Matlab baat karne ke liye boli. Prakash: Haan haan, pata...

1 year ago
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Can you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...

Porn Search Engines
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Hmm, Name That Pornstar? Who is this pornstar? If you watch porn, then you must have found yourself in a situation where you were unable to know a porn star’s name from a random video. We all have at one point. Picture this; you are stroking your meat rod to a hardcore gangbang scene with a slut who has insane cock riding skills, but you are unable to identify her. What to do when next time you want to beat meat to more of her vids? That’s where a porn star database, one of the most underrated...

Porn Search Engines
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If you’re trying to Find Her Name and haven’t had any luck, I may be able to help you out today. Well, technically, I’ll just be pointing you in the right direction, but this next website is absolutely full of naked Internet celebrities, social media attention whores, and the next generation of self-made amateur porn sluts. Maybe that name you’re looking for is among them, but if not, at least you’ll have plenty of material to shake your dick at.FindHerName.net is new as hell, and that’s...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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The Soccer Tournament

The soccer tournament (revised) ©2011 By Jennifer Morrell Please let me know what you think about my story, using the review functionality on the site. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. Reposting this story elsewhere on the internet is allowed as long as it free of charge and if I am acknowledged as the author. I posted this story earlier this month and I would like to thank Leah for her review of my story. I hope you like the alterations I...

4 years ago
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Golf tournament

3 weeks after Arie and his wife Karen went back to home from their holiday in the Dominican republic. During this period, each day he thinks about the maid he made love with the maid Adriana Moisonda. When he arrived back home, Adriana has texted him to not to maturbate to her pictures, that she only wants that her boy gives him orgasm when he feels it. Arie promised her not to masturbate. Both keep texting with each other. Very small texts, but they keep contact. During this period, he is all...

2 years ago
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P90SEX Allies squash tournament

“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt." Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK," he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament," Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....

Group Sex
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THE CHEERLEADING TOURNAMENT"Tiff', let's go! We're going to be late for registration if we don't leave now!" Lisa Kollins screamed from the foyer.From the bedroom upstairs, Tiffany screamed, "Coming, Mom!" Inside her room, the nineteen-year-old college sophomore took one last look at herself in the full-length mirror. The girl, or the woman rather, that stared back looked fantastic in hip hugging jeans and tight t-shirt that ended at her navel. Her natural blonde hair was a deep golden hue cut...

3 years ago
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The Second Great ENF Tournament

The History So, about a year ago we played host to the first ENF Tournament. That one can be found here: https://chyoa.com/story/The-ENF-Chyoa-Tournament.41577 And it was really fun! A bunch of really good authors (Including yours truly) came together to compete for an utterly meaningless prize and title. While doing so, we made some pretty hot stories and had a lot of fun! We writers got to mess around with new and interesting characters and readers got to enjoy a bunch of stories. It was...

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Strapon Tournament

Once finished, he set the iron upright, unplugged it and left it to cool. He collected Mistress' clothes, which were now displayed neatly on hangers. Not those thin metal hangers or the cheap plastic kind. Smooth hangers with wooden encasement over the steel interior. He'd learned in recent years that those were the best kind. He'd learned so much thanks to his new life with Mistress Janet. Chief among those experiences was a crash course in domestic servitude that had trained him into an...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp Se Bedroom Tak

Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...

2 years ago
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A Ballbusting Tournament

The time had come for the yearly Ballbusting Tournament. Since the division of men and women, the Ballbusting Tournament was the only chance they had to show who the superior sex was. Everyone wanted to partake in the Ballbusting Tournament to bring glory to their sex and if not glory, what would be better than to show everyone who was ultimately superior. Even people that failed in the tournaments were treated as heroes for their courage. For the Ballbusting Tournament was not entirely without...

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Hot Fuck Tournament

I was working as physical training instructor in one of the colleges and it so happened that our college was asked to participate in the inter collegiate tournament to be held at the capital of the state. There were only two girl students who would qualify for the tournament. I asked them whether they would be willing to participate in the intercollegiate. They said they will ask their parents and tell me on the following day. Because participating in the tournament means they have to come to...

4 years ago
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Endless Tournament

World war 3 in 2035 leaves the world devastated. The economies have collapsed and civilization as we knew it has ended. Technology is pushed back several years and the surviving population lives in poverty, hunger, struggle and the worst of all, lack of recreation. The new American Empire announce a new tournament, an endless tournament where people will fight one another and get paid with money for each victory. There is no finale, no champion. Just endless bout after bout. Everyone above 18...

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Slave Tournament

The day was hot and humid and full of excitement. I made my way trough the torrent of tourists, tournament enthusiasts and pickpockets, used my pass on the scanner and entered the fancy, air conditioned building that housed the registration office. The cut off period was noon today and so only one lone, but nonetheless very cute girl was still manning the desk. Despite my tardiness, she welcomed me with a cheerful smile. “Hello Cutie, are you here to enter the great Rasheul slave...

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Underground Tournament

(Meh... just an idea. Leave a message bout what you think and who you think should be in here.)"Hmm... these same people again?" A gruff voice came from behind a large chair. In front of this mysterious person was a large window looking out over a wrestling arena. He wore a black ivory mask that covered his entire face. He had on a black cloak and combat boots. Long green seaweed-like hair covered half his mask. He was watching a fight with boredom in his body language."Erm... sir? We've got...

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The Nameless

There are places where you realize that between ecstasy and nostalgia there is less than a single step, that the boundary between fascination and destruction vanishes like a lump of sugar melting in a Ron Collins cocktail. Cuba is like this-life manifests itself from all sides, without leaving you much choice, hierarchy or whatever order. Cuba is like salsa, which, in turn, is like the heat- it follows you everywhere. Cuba is a young girl with wet eyes and wet hips, and a young man with wet...

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Namesake By QModo Note to readers. Don't read if you don't like poor grammar, this is rough. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright... are you kidding? Edited by Amanda Lynn - 1 - I had a security company in Kaliningrad. Unlike other bosses, I was always with my men on the field. That had put me in a trusting and close relationship with my men. Though my name was Innokenty they called me Kiesha, that's a short form...

4 years ago
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The Desk Ornament

She knocked on the door of the office and stepped inside. The office was serviceable but not overly spacious. Efficient was what came to her mind. As she walked into the room he was sitting at his desk, but his back was to her as he pulled files from a file cabinet behind him. Her heart pounded in anticipation of seeing him once again. “Good morning, Gorgeous,“ she said softly, in greeting. When he looked up, his eyes had a glitter to them, somewhere between happiness and pure lust. A fireball...

Straight Sex
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The Ornament

Julie sat in the back of the limousine as it made its way slowly through the evening traffic.  Raindrops ran down the outside of the window obscuring and distorting the world as she watched it go by.  She gazed out on people as they made their way home from work in the half-light of a London winter evening.  They used umbrellas, bags and papers to try and keep themselves dry, but for the most part failed.  None seemed happy to be out on the street on this cold February day.  Coats seemed to...

2 years ago
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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 5 A Broken Ornament

This story gets VERY disgusting and brutal. I use extreme taboo themes and consider my stories "horror". These niche things appear in THIS chapter. If any are not your thing, just back out now. You’ve been warned! Rape/Abuse/Violence toward women Torture/Pain/Crying/Sadism Incest Young girl Bondage Gross smelling/tasting Armpit licking Sweat licking Eating creampie Fingering dirty asshole Forced deflowering Blood Unconscious Pissing Extreme bodily...

2 years ago
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James Bondage QuickiesStrapon Tournament

Michael pushed the hot iron back and forth across the light blue board. The searing heat smoothed every crease and wrinkle in his Goddess’ suit jacket. He was ironing her work clothes; a task he performed every week. The gentle swish-swish of the iron was a pleasing sound. One he remembered fondly from his childhood. In those days, it was almost exclusively women who did the ironing. Oh, how things had changed. Once finished, he set the iron upright, unplugged it and left it to cool. He...

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The Life of RyanChapter 26 After the Tournament

At the end of the tournament, the Chad/Matt/Selena/Sabrina team finished 3rd in the whole tournament, losing their semi-final round but winning their consolation game. Ryan/Derek/Jenna/Kerri played and won two more games in the consolation rounds and tied for 9th overall or something like that. Afterwards, dozens of sweaty, exhausted, tan, athletic, hot and horny young people joined together for a party on the beach, with a live band, a no-host bar, and a sort of luau complete with roast pig....

3 years ago
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Whats love without stupidity

Introduction: Young couple who fall in love and fall back out what will happen? The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. Kevin kicked back the reclining chair, raising the footrest, and...

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Whats wrong with it

Lew- I took this from a Blog I was advised to read. I contacted the lady through the anonymity of email who gave permission to reproduce here but did not want to meet or be identified in any way - understandably - just so long as the names were changed. She wrote it in 2015 and it was “her therapy” to assuage any guilt about it but assured me she and her family are all happy satisfied individuals without any ‘hangups’ - here’s her story. My name is Marie and I’ve been very happily married to...

4 years ago
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Whats A Master The End

Like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun. It was my downfall. And again, like Icarus, it was my own fault. I made a bad decision, and I came spinning down from the heights of passion to the depths of despair. My story was going so well. Ursula cared deeply for me, her Roger, and I adored her with my complete soul. Who would have thought it would end this way? Cynthia and Carl had broken up. Who was to blame for that? I hadn’t a clue, really. Perhaps nobody was. Perhaps it was just life...

2 years ago
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Whats Her Price The Bedroom

Introduction: My evening with Chloe continues I followed behind Chloe as she lead me to her bedroom, my feet shuffling since my pants and boxers were still around my ankles. She didnt turn on the light in the bedroom, but the ​light from the living room was sufficient to give the bedroom a nice ambiance. Chloe had switched on her ​sleep sounding machine, and the room was filled with the sounds of a thunderstorm on a beach. Chloe grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to her and wrapped my...

3 years ago
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whats wrong with rubber lingerie

Came home from the club last night, great evening, I don't drink anyway so no bad heads and knew what I was doing.Went and had a shower and was in bed by about 1130pm. Being Saturday the next day, no work so could have a little lay in. I woke at about 9am and sun was shining, clock is running oddly, says its Sunday 3rd, I went to bed on Saturday 2nd, Odd.Got out of bed and glimpsed myself in the mirror and nearly passed out. I like to wear a little fem gear, usually just tights (pantyhose) or...

2 years ago
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Whats up Doc Part 2

They commanded her to undress and get up on the steel operating table.Much to their chargin she spat at them and told them to fuck off.As he grabbed the scalpel.Jason felt his cock spring to life.He sliced her wickedly,from just below her left shoulder blade down onto her boob.The slash was about 2 inches and deep.She started bleeding profusely.In slow motion she looked down at her breast and the growing crimson patch.When she looked back up at them the change the cut had wreaked on her was...

3 years ago
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Whats In The Name Shazstoned

It was a Saturday night some years ago, I was home alone, it was time to dress fully for the first time. I showered and had a good shave. I started with my false eyelashes on the top and bottom of my eyes, next the foundation and powder, eye shadow, a glittery green, dark red blusher to highlight my cheeks, black eye liner and masscarra followed. I added bright red lippy, all was applied quite heavy, how I like it. I got myself dressed, basque, seemed stockings and thong all in black, a very...

3 years ago
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Whats in Store

I bought a present for my niece’s birthday last week but when we gave it to her, it didn’t work properly, so today… I took it back. The young lady on the customer service desk was about 22 and a really bubbly girl. So friendly, and I noticed, very pretty, with medium length blonde hair, lovely blue eyes, and a smile that would warm the coldest of hearts. She was dressed in the store uniform red fitted shirt, which accentuated her lovely figure, and tight black pants. I explained the problem...

4 years ago
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Whats A Master Part One

Cynthia was an old friend. She and I had been good friends for a long time. I knew her, and trusted her with my life and heart. She had never failed me. It was at her instigation that I went out with a dear friend of hers. This friend was someone from another group, another gathering that I had never met. Cynthia was a friend, but she also had her secrets to which I had never been privy. For whatever reason, Cynthia felt that Ursula and I would hit it off. We were about to find out this very...

4 years ago
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Whats gotten into Carry

‘Shit, Carry!’ I shouted. I must admit, when things get good, I have this habit of cussing. Like when Carry sucked on my dick harder than ever before. Carry’s always been great at giving head, but holy shit! Something else had gotten into her. Something wild. Carry was my girlfriend of two years. We met our sophomore year in college and immediately hit it off. Things had been great, in fact I’d been thinking that after we graduate, I’d ask her to marry me. Carry’s sweet, smart, and sexy....

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Whats A Master Part Three

Our relationship continued and deepened. It was getting better and better. She had accepted that I was her Master, but in name only. I was not really that into it. I was very indulgent. For a sub she did pretty much whatever she wanted to do. It was actually quite charming in its own way. And we adored each other. My Ursula was a perfect woman, in every way. She was bright, very articulate, and engaging. And her beauty was outstanding. She had lovely, short, raven hair, and a body to die for,...

3 years ago
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Whats A Master Part Two

Several weeks after I had met Ursula, with the help of Cynthia, my old friend, I received an invitation from Ursula to a party at her home in the suburbs of our east coast city. I readily accepted. I had grown to adore Ursula. I was so lucky that she was not married yet. That definitely gave me an opening. I knew the lifestyle she practiced and I was not horrified. I was fascinated. We had met a few times in the interim, and each time we had been conventional lovers. I had fucked her, sucked...

3 years ago
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Whats Next

What’s Next? Three Months Ago Sarah quietly tiptoed into their bedroom, glad for once that Ashley could sleep through a nuclear war. She was late. Really late. She got caught up at work on a project and ended up in conference with some client reps in Geneva. It was their ‘morning’ and they couldn’t have cared less that it was her ‘night’ and far beyond normal business hours. Tonight was date night and they had had plans. She hang up her ‘power suit’ and put the black pumps with the 4” heels...

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Whats a young ninja to do

Disclaimer: No naruto characters belong to me, other than OC's. AN: Slow start, but dont worry. it will get better the further in you go. For obvious reasons, being 5 is too young for anything. So at a later date ages will become legal before things occur. In the quiet peaceful village known as konoha live many people, consisting mainly of shinobi. People who train to become strong, for their village, to pass missions, or simply to quench their thirst for power, among a chaotic world of...

4 years ago
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whats on ur mind

the office fetishthis incident happened to me 4 years back.. when i was travelling wid my boss to india for a buiseness meet.my boss was a beautiful woman.. black long hair.. big beautiful eyes.. n awesome succulent breasts.. i always had a fetish for her.. she wud catch me looking at her times.. but i just laughed it off.. one day v were both assigned to go to delhi in india.. n were staying in d hotel .. while travelling i couldnt stop looking at her.. n she looked at me.. n kissed me...

1 year ago
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Smash Bros The Ultimate Tournament

3... 2... 1... GO! Prepare yourself for the greatest fighting tournament of all time! Combatants from across the multiverse of video games all invited to one island for one purpose: determining who alone reigns supreme! Winners advance towards greatness! Losers get fucked! The rules are simple. Upon arrival on the island, everyone is given three star pieces. Whenever someone wins a match, they take a star piece from their opponent. Whenever they lose, they must give one up. If a fighter obtains...

2 years ago
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Endless Nameless

Endless Nameless (c)1999 Kathy Core - Do not reproduce without consent i. Everyone stared at the roof of the gothic university building in ghoulish fascination. It wasn't the fine architecture that held their interest, but a tearful woman perched precariously on a gargoyle's twisted head. Nearly one hundred feet in the air, the ravages of the wind and rain were taking their toll on the suicidal figure, her hair and clothes being savagely whipped by the ferocious...

1 year ago
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Bravery of the Nameless

Bravery of the Nameless by Arcie Emm At the fence-line she stopped, staring at her home, and wondering if it was safe to return to the unhappy house. Were her parents still yelling at each other or had winter settled between the two? Would her return draw their glacial stares? Probably. And it was so unfair, she was not to blame. She was never to blame, just the easiest. As a female, despite being oldest, she was always judged, maybe not as worthless, but definitely as worth less...

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Thirteen Names

Thirteen Names By Morpheus Kelly Bryce scowled as she looked at her clock, though her scowl slowly turned into a smirk. It was getting close to when she would have to get going to school, but she still had time. She would have just enough time... With that Kelly glanced around, then went to the corner of her bedroom where she had the materials stored. She had originally planned on doing this later, after she got home from school, but she couldn't resist. It was too...

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P90SEX Allies squash tournament

“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt.’ Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK,’ he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament,’ Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....

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Jock TalesThe Tournament

Jock Tales---The Tournament “Maaaathuuuu” crash---boom---crakle crakle “Maaathuuu----agggg” Jesue fuckin christ—what was happening. I jumped from my bed, and rocketed up the stairs to Dustin's room---buck ass naked, lol. There was Dustin, standing in the middle of his room, with his arms over his head—screaming like a banshee. POW pop boom, sizzle, sizzle. “Aggggg Mathew “ ! “Jesus Dustin---what is it “? “Im scared Matthew” “Oh fuck dude, you mean the storm “? BAMM rumble rumble “Ahhhh yes,...

4 years ago
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Lesson Learned During a Bowling Tournament

Many a person is glad to shake the dust off one's shoes and leave the hometown for better opportunities. I am no exception, but I also left for another reason—my dad had been wronged by the school system that he had conscientiously served for approaching two decades. He was a good teacher, hardworking and dedicated. I did not attend the junior high school where he taught, but, more than once, when a classmate asked me, "Is Mr Sutherland your dad?" and I answered, "Yes", the response would...

1 year ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 25 Volleyball Tournament

Ryan woke up with both his ladies snuggled up on either side of him. After they’d come back up to the house last night, he had gone to bed. Matt had headed to his suite’s bathroom for a shower, and Jenna and Kerri had decided to ambush him there, suck his cock, and fuck him good once more before he went to bed. They thought about ambushing Ryan too and waking him up for sex, but they were truly tired themselves, so they settled for crawling in bed naked with him and going to sleep. However,...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

3 years ago
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WhatsApp Se Neha Ki Chut Tak

Note- ye meri pehli story hai so pls jo bhi galitiyan ya spelling mistek hoo unhe toda ignore kare. Ye real story hai and maine sari cheje ussi order mai likhi hai jaisse hui hai. Sari batey to nahi likh paya warna story jayada lambi hoo jati par main main points likhe ha. Aasha karta hoon apko pasand aayegi. Hey guys’ mera naam advik hai and meri age 20 yrs hai. Main abhi studies kar raha hoon. Ye story meri aur meri ex-girlfriend ki hai ki kaisse pahle hum dost bane fir humney sex kiya aur...

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