A Halloween Wedding... free porn video

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"Shut up and fuck off!" yelled Alec as he slammed the door shut. Damn teenagers on Halloween night, with their half-assed costumes and weak threats... sure egg the damn house, like I care... He stormed upstairs to his room, and entered ready to throw himself back onto the bed and pick up his kindle, then paused, looking at the door... the door to the wardrobe. It was always hard, this time of year... but just now it was unbearable. Moving almost reluctantly he walked over and unlocked the door, and opened it up and stood and looked. The longing that filled his heart was almost unbearable, and his hand reached out and gently stroked the soft fabric of the dress, the dress he was too afraid to wear... He'd bought it three years ago, on impulse, thinking maybe he'd wear it, just for 'fun' just to see what it looked like... to try and quell the longing in his heart. It had cost so much... and he'd never had the guts to do more than leave it hanging in the wardrobe. A tear corsed down his face, then he realised he was crushing it, and his hand snapped back from the white satin. No.. he still couldn't, it wouldn't work, it, he, would look stupid, and he.. just couldn't do that to something so beautiful. He turned his gaze to the box beneath it, and crouched down, lifting the close fitting lid to see the gorgeous lingerie within, white with delicate embroidery on the corset, and matching detail on the panties. Oh yes, couldn't get the dress without the lingerie, or the shoes, or the wig or the make up... or the breast form's who's container lay in his eyeline, accusing him... "I'm sorry..." he whispered to himself, ashamed at the waste, the money and.. that these gorgeous things weren't, hadn't, adorned some blushing bride on her way to the alter. Brushing a tear off his face with the back of his hand, he began to rise, then froze as he heard a laugh behind him. "Well... that's the secret in the cupboard?" came the voice of Matt, his colleague and 'almost' friend. "I wondered why it had a lock on when I came to visit." There was a flash and Alec reaslised that a picture had been taken on a camera phone. "So which young woman were you planning to abduct and elope with?" "I.. it's not like that!" Alec replied, turning to face him. "Sure.. I know, it's a halloween costume," Matt said with a grin. "And you said you weren't coming!" "Well I.. I wasn't sure I.." "Hell dude, no worries, it's alright to be nervous, I mean it takes real balls to go to a fancy dress party as a girl. C'mon, you have to get ready!" "No.. I can't...." Alec replied. "Sure you can, it'll work on a scrawny shit like you, I mean you're a bit tall but..." Matt grinned. "Unless you're just a sissy who likes to prance around in pretty dresses?" "N.. no..." Alec flushed bright red, and at that point Matt knew he had him. "Strip," Matt said, "let's see what we've got to work with.. oh and don't worry I locked the door you forgot to." "No... look I..." Alec began to plead. "No, you look bitch." Matt was enjoying this too much. "You do what I say, and turn up at the party in that outfit or I will tell everyone about the sissy I saw and his collection of sissy dresses." "T.. there's only one!" Alec pleaded. "And if you're not wearing it for a Halloween party what exactly is it for?" Matt walked closer. "Shit man, it looks expensive..." "Well... yeah but..." Matt grabbed the smaller man's face and pulled it so he was looking straight at him, "Strip, shower and shave sissy, or everyone will know you're a sissy. The only way to stop this looking bad is to wear it.. ironic isn't it?" "Yes..." Alec said as Matt released him and pushed him to one side. "But..." "Strip, shower and shave sissy, or I will spank you," Matt ordered again grinning. "And I'm big enough to do it to. I'll start unloading the cupboard." Alec nodded, on the verge of tears, and headed to the bath room, pulling off his grubby t-shirt and jeans, and tugging down his boxers. At least his cock was soft, the last thing he needed right now was an erection. He showered, trying to ignore the sounds from the other room, thinking that.. yes this was the only way... and a secret part of him tingling with excitement. As he got out and began to towel himself dry, he heard Matt call out, "Don't forget to shave all the places a girl would, not just your face!" "I know!" Alec replied, his voice squeaky with nerves. He shaved his face for the second time that day, making sure that it was as smooth as it could be, then began to work in his legs, revelling in their appearance as he stripped the hair from them. "So man, are you gay?" Matt called out. "No!" Alec squealled back, nearly cutting himself with the razor, "You sure? I mean I've seen you scoping the girls, but... was that just 'cause of their clothes?" "No!" Alec replied coming out, defiant but naked. "Hmm..." Matt said, sitting on the bed and holding up the lace thong, "But that's part of it right?" Alec was too embarrassed to reply, but caught the thong it was thrown at him. "Bit revealing for a bride?" Said Matt as Alec threaded first one smooth leg, then the other into the panties and pulled them up to cover his crotch. "But they do suit you..." Alec gasped, hands trying to cover his crotch, speechless, when things deteriorated. "Now time to be spanked sissy," Matt said patting his lap. "What!?" Alec screamed. "You have got to be joking! Besides I shaved my legs!" "But not your armpits," Matt replied with an evil grin. "And what bride gets married with hairy armpits? My lap now!" "No..." Alec said shaking his head, backing off... Matt was up off the bed and had grabbed him by the wrist in a flash, "Yes! I told you I could do it and I will do it." He say down, tugging Alec after him and wrestling the struggling sissy over his lab, holding him down until the futile struggles subsided, "It's okay buddy, it's always easier after the first time, and hey! A thong is great, I don't eve have to tug your nickers down." "Fuck, Matt, please.. please don't do this.." Alec begged. "Please..." "Aww.. sorry man, I'm not into guys or maybe that would have worked." Matt said then began to slap his captive on the ass again and again, until he finally let the sobbing Alec off his lap. "Right.. go and shave under your arms, moisturise as well if you can." "B.. but..." Alec stammered. "Do it or I will spank you again. And again, until you get it right," Matt said firmly. Humiliated Alec returned to the bath room and wasted another blade of his razor removing hair from under his arms and across his chest, then slathered skin cream into his legs before stepping out. This time Matt was weighing the two breastforms in his hands. "You got glue for these?" Alec shook his head. "N.. no..." "Guess we'll just have to use this." Matt said pulling a tube of glue out of his pocket. "It'll stick skin to anything." "Wh.. why do you have that?" Alec asked. "I was going to superglue someone's padlock as a Halloween prank, but this is much better." He grinned. "Here, now." Alec walked over to him and then blushed as the tube was emptied over his skin around his nipples and then the breastforms were pushed against his chest. "Hold them in place, unless you want uneven boobs." Matt said, and Alec moved his hands to cradle the breasts.. his breasts... "Right, the corset, my girlfriend has one of these," Matt says picking it up and opening the front. "I often put it on her. She likes how tight I can get it..." Alec gasp, blushing brighter, staring at the floor, hands clasped to the breasts, feeling a stirring in the thong.. praying it didn't get any bigger or get noticed Matt wrapped the corset around him and hooked it together at the front, then began to tug on the laces. Alec felt it go from loose, to comfortable, to tight.. then tighter and tighter... "Oh please, it's too tight!" he groaned and Matt just chuckled. "Oh fuck... Matt it's hurting me!" "Don't be such a sissy," Matt said, then chuckled at his own comment. "And I reckon I can get these pannels to touch..." Alec gasped as the corset tightened even more, feeling breathless. He'd never actually worn it before... only caressed its stiff form and wished... "Fuck me dude!" Matt said finally doing the laces. "From the back you're actually starting to look like a girl, maybe a little lacking in the arse department though..." Alec squealed as Matt slapped his already sore arse, then walked around, to look at the instructions on the glue. "Well this will take another few minutes to dry, so I guess we're gonna have to wait." And with that he sat down on the bed again and held up his phone. "Please!" Alec protested, to no avail as another picture was taken. "Aww don't worry dude, I'm only gonna post it to facebook if you back out." Matt grinned, still playing with his phone. "I wouldn't do it beforehand, this will be much more fun as a surprise... won't it?" Alec nodded distractedly, and Matt said again, pointedly, "I said it will be more fun as a complete surprise won't it?" "Y.. yes.. it will," Alec replied, blushing again. "So... can you do make-up or will we have to get a girl in?" Alec flushed. "I.. I've practiced a bit..." "Well then.. boobs should be dry now, go do your face, I know you've got all the kit here." Matt chuckled. "And more spanks if you fail..." Alec opened his mouth to protest, then nodded, collecting the make-up bag before padding into the bathroom in his bare feet. He carefully unzipped the bag and took out the foundation... it's the right shade, of course it's the right shade. It took a long time surfing the internet to find the correct makeup for his skin tone, and to watch all the videos on how to apply it, knowledge almost completely unused, until now. He rubbed the foundation into his skin, smoothing out the colour then began to carefully shade his eyes, nothing too extreme, it's a bridal dress not a hookers. The eyeliner pencil is next and hardest, but Alec was determined to get it right, and not just to avoid the spanking. If he was going to wear the dress.. he was going to do his best to be worthy of it. "So.. this is what you spend your money on?" Matt called from the other room. "And why you never go out?" "Y.. yes..." Alec replied, carefully applying his mascara, trying to make his lashes as long as possible, bending over at the hips to get a better view in the mirror.. "Hmm... so do you get off on stuff like this?" Matt said a little distractedly from the other room. "Err..." Alec paused as he applied blusher, resting his hands on the lip of the sink. His cock was stiffening, making an unmissable bulge in his panties. "Yes... yes it does..." "And you're not gay?" "No!" Alec protested, still focussed on his eyes... "Soo.. which girls do you like at work? Maybe Phillipa?" "No!" Alec squeaked. "Aww c'mon, 5'2" in her flats and all of 300lbs, she's a ball of lovin'" Matt replied with a laugh. "Or how about our boss, Miss Stevens?" Alec paused eyes wide, thinking of the stern older woman. "No!" "Hmm.. long pause there. Sure? I mean she dresses real smart? And she's only in her late forties... and I bet a little sissy like you would love her telling you what to do." "No I would not!" Alec protested, hands shaking a little, reaching for the lip liner. "And I have to concentrate..." "Sure thing pretty boy. Wouldn't want to get our sweet little heiny whacked again would we?" Matt chuckled from the other room. "But you know Miss Stevens is the reason I'm here?" Alec paused looking in the mirror, liner in hand. "W.. what do you mean?" "Well she said, 'you know the guy you sit opposite at work, he never comes to any of the work socials. It's a big do at Halloween, go get him to come..." Matt chuckled again. "And you'll appreciate the irony here dude, she even said 'drag him if you have to'." Alec groaned, the thought of his domineering boss demanding his presence made him uncomfortable, and a little weak at the knees. He focussed on applying his crystal pink lip gloss, to avoid speaking, but finally called out. "I.. I'm done." Alec turned to leave the bathroom to see a hand reaching round proffering the long wig, and the skull cap and pins that went with it. "Uh-uh sweetheart, I'm looking for the full effect when you come out." "Right..." Alec said accepting the gifts and placing them carefully on the bathroom counter. As Alec carefully tucked his short mousey brown hair under the cap, Matt started asking questions again. "So.. who do you like? And non of the married or taken girls..." "N...no one," Alec lied, covering the last of his real, hair. "Oh you are going over my knee for that lie pretty boy. Unless you really are gay... and I've seen you looking. I just wanna know if my guess is right..." "L.. lindsey," Alec managed, feeling a little faint, feeling his crotch twitch a little. "Lindsey? With the legs? Man you have taste!" Matt called out from the other room. "Oh yes I can see why you'd like her, those shoes she wears and those little skirts... man you'd like to get into those panties in both ways..." "Please stop..." Alec gasped, looking in the mirror, holding the wig in his hands, still trying to work out if it was copper or strawberry blonde. "J.. just stop teasing me please? I.. I'm dressing for you aren't I?" "This isn't teasing dude, it's a man to man chat, or at least a man to whatever the fuck you are chat." Matt replied still obviously amused. "And besides you may be in with a chance... all the players at work, my fine self included, have tried it on with Lindsey and been turned down flat... so you may be in with a chance." "Please stop it.. I.. I need to concentrate whilst I put the... the wig on, Matt." "Okay, I have to get my costume from the car anyway, you've got about five minutes. And no thinking of backing out, I've got the photo's, I've got your house keys, and I've got spanks already outstanding on your sissy heiny" Alec heard his heavy steps descend the stairs, and realised... there was nothing to do but continue. He placed the wig on his head, settled it in position and fastend it with the bobby pins, dozens of them... looking in the mirror, trying to focus on getting the wig straight not his reflection... But as it settled into place, the real human hair in an orange yellow cloud around his head, he realised.. that he really did look feminine.. maybe.. almost enough to pass? Maybe? He began to brush out the hair, tidying the long bangs which hovered in his upper eyeline, then brushing the rest back and fastening it in a low ponytail behind him, before looking up at the mirror, looking into the eyes of a blushing.. really blushing bride. "Fuck me dude, you look hot!" Matt was back, unnoticed standing in the bathroom doorway. "I mean the hair could use a little work but man... I'd tap that!" "P.. please don't say that..." Alec replied turning to face him, eyes wide, trembling slightly. "Please..." Matt looked almost sympathetic for a moment then glanced down, checking out the bulge in Alec's panties. "You little slut! You really are enjoying this?" "No.. I..." Alec protested, as Matt reached out and grabbed his wrist again. "Please.. this is a nightmare! M.. my greatest fantasy mixed with a horrid..." "Over my lap now, before you say something you'll regret," Matt said letting go and sitting back on the bed. "Lap now slut." Alec moved towards him, then Matt held out his hand to stop him. "No.. for that little display, if I will give you an order you will respond with a 'yes Sir. Understood?" "But Matt..." Alec pleaded, then saw the look of devilment in Matt's eyes. "Y.. yes Sir." He knelt down on his bare knees then lowered himself across Matt's lap, struggling due to the corset, feeling his newly attached boobs dangling over the other side... He squealed as Matt used the tight, rigid garment to shift him further onto his lap, then squealed louder as the spanks began. Matt started out quite soft, but he could feel Alec's cock twitching against his leg, stiffening, and so he hit harder, watching it stiffen even more... it was very stiff by the time Alec's squeals and sobs were loud enough and genuine enough for him to stop. "Right.." he said letting Alec up. "Right.. now that was for lying. You aren't going to lie to me again are you Alec?" "No Sir!" Alec said sniffling, aware the tears must have ruined his mascara. "Or argue? You're not going to argue with me or disobey my orders are you Alec?" "No Sir," Alec replied gaze lowering. "Right now turn around, I want a picture of that red ass of your's before you go fix your make up." Alec opened his mouth to protest, then turned, hearing the electronic click from the camera as a picture was taking, blushing so much he guessed his face was as red as his ass... "Fix that make up, and do your nails too while you're in there," Matt said, dismissing him. "I need to change." "Yes Sir." Alec replied walking into the bathroom, wiping clean his face and beginning again the difficult task of doing his make-up. At least this time was faster, some things did not need re-doing and the second application of mascara made his lashes even more impressive. He sat on the toilet seat to paint his toes, crystal pink, struggling to reach them, struggling to breathe, in the corset. It wasn't perfect but.. it wasn't going to be. Next.. another little box opened lovingly, a set of acrylic nails, sized just right. T.. this was a serious step, they'd be a bugger to remove, but... with trembling hands he began to apply the glue to one hand before carefully applying the nails with the other. As he was progressing slowly, carefully with this he paused, hearing a phone ring... not his phone! "Yes? Matt here. Oh hi Miss Stevens, yeah, yeah I've talked to him." There was a pause. "No.. no actually he was planning to come, working on a big surprise for us all.. yeah.. well I think it's a nice one. No.. I think it would be best if... no Miss, of course I respect your decision.. I'll see you shortly then." "W.. what the fuck is going on?" Alec pleaded from the bathroom. "Seems she doesn't like surprises." Matt said, poking his head around the door, and loosing his thread as he stared at the perky D-cups proudly jutting out from Alec's chest. "She's coming to have a look at you." "Oh fuck!" Alec said cringing. "Na.. nothing to worry about. Everyone's gonna see you dressed right? This will just be.. a test run." Matt grinned. "And you've got a while... she won't be here for fifteen minutes at least." "Fifteen minutes?" Alec squealed. "I've barely got time! These things will take at least another ten!" "Right.. well I'll get dressed and give you a hand, unless you want me to join you in just my boxers?" "No.. fine get dressed," Alec said, trying to keep his hands steady, dreading the sight of Miss Steven's cold blue eyes. In fact he'd got one set on and drying before Matt came in, wearing a passable imitation of a city cop's uniform, complete with epaulets, night stick and handcuffs "You put some effort in there..." Alec said, trying to ease the tension, "Says you!" Matt said. "Right give me your other hand." Alec reluctantly allowed him access to his left hand and instructed him on how to apply the nails, then sat waiting for them to dry... "Why are you looking at me like that?" Alec protested, seeing Matt staring at his face. "Y.. you know I'm not interested..." "I know you said you weren't." Matt replied. "And anyway, I wasn't thinking of that.. your eyebrows need trimming, they're too dark." "No! I..." Alec protested as Matt reached for a razor, he tried to move his hands up, but Matt just held them down, and with a couple of quick strokes Alec's eyebrows were gone. "Fuck! What the fuck have you done?" Alec screamed. "I'll never be able to go back to work tomorrow now! My.. I'll look like a freak!" "You are such a girl!" Matt chuckled. "You've got the make up, you can draw something on..." "You asshole!" Alec said sobbing. "You utter asshole." "You utter asshole Sir!" Matt said leaning in. "Or did you like being spanked that much you want another go?" "No..." Alec said sniffling, continually aware of his stinging ass. "No Sir." "Nails dry yet?" "I.. I think so Sir," Alec said. "Sh.. should I do my eyebrows now?" "I think that would be good don't you?" "Yes Sir," Alec said meekly, and stood at the mirror, carefully painting in the smooth feminine arches to replace his lost brows. "I.. I'm done Sir." "Good, now.. let's get those stockings and heels on, let's get cinderfella ready for the ball." "Please don't call me that," Alec begged as he followed Matt out of the room. "Sir..." "Okay, so what do you want to be called?" Matt said with a raised eyebrow. "Alexandra," Alec replied. "Please?" "Sure Alexandra," Matt said, watching as Alec perked up a little as he said it. "Say Alexandra, why don't you put your stockings on?" "Yes Sir." Alec said, reaching out for the packet before carefully opening it, nervous of his new, longer nails. He carefully pulled the stockings out and discarded the card with them, then rolled the first up and carefully eased it up his leg... Oh... it felt so good on his smooth skin! So much better than when he'd practiced on cheaper pairs on hairy, non-moisturised legs.. He pulled it up and smoothe it, before raising one foot onto the bed so he could fasten the first garter strap to it. Hearing a little gasp he glanced over to where Matt was watching him mouth open, "Fuck that's hot!" "P.. please don't say that!" Alec protested, face flushed, feeling a burst of arousal surge through him. He paused, conflicted by the feelings within him, the joy of looking feminine, the feel of the clothes, of being an object of desire, all long held dreams, but coupled with the humiliation, his leering companion, and the dread of, in the end, having to show all this off in public. "You'd better get on with it," Matt said, after giving him a few moments. "The boss lady will be here soon and you're not even dressed yet. Get dressed or you'll open the door to her in your undies!" Alec swallowed, and shifted his legs, finishing the tricky clasps of the first stocking before rolling on the other. He felt a little surge of satisfaction at Matt's lustful expression... "My shoes Sir?" he asked holding out his hand, looking up at Matt a little bit of self confidence returning. Matt nodded, and passed over the shoe box and watched as Alec carefully lifted the lid and eased out on white satin shoe. There was a pause as both looked at the elegant shape, its inch thick platform, the diamante bow over the toe, the six inch heel and the elegant paired straps to wrap around the ankle. "Shit! Dude can you walk in those?" Matt said breathing out. Alec nodded. "Y.. yes... w.. when I.. I got them I practiced, walking round and round this room... b.. but I never dared wear more than the shoes...." "Get them on then. They look fucking hot... and, dude or not, your legs are fucking awesome. Shame they're going to be hidden by your frock." Alec nodded, and placed the shoes on the floor and stepped into them, then looked down a little despairingly. Then a wicked grin crossed his face. "I.. I can't fasten themSir, I've never tried to do something like this in a corset before.." Matt grunted and knelt down, his large hands fastening the delicate silver buckles around Alec's ankles. Alec groaned as Matt softly caressed his calf before moving his hands away, then looked up. The two mens eyes met for a moment, Alec's blue ones looking into Matt's brown one's and they froze for a moment, conflicting emotions passing through both of them, before Matt turned away and Alec blushed crimson... "Right your dress, I presume you'll need help getting into that too?" Matt said rising to his feet. "Yes Sir," Alec replied, aware the balance of power between them had shifted slightly in his favour. "There's the crinolines first to give it shape, then the dress itself." The crinolined underskirt packed flat in it's own large box, but when Matt lifted it out it hung down in hoops of increasing size. He held it for Alec to step into, then fastened it with laces at the back, finally hiding both Alec's red ass, and his twitching cock, making him look truly feminine. Alec held his arms up and let Matt slowly feed the dress down over them, to fall other the crinolines in a large arc, the low neckline resting just above the corset, the tiny puffy sleeves sliding over his shoulders and into place around his upper arms. "More fucking laces?" Matt grunted from the back of the dress, tugging at the corset style backing. "This a fetish of yours?" Alec blushed, then looked back over his shoulder, the long hair of his wig shifting to cover one of his eyes. "What do you think Sir?" Matt swallowed, then seemed to get a grip. "I am still prepared to lift up all this and spank your ass!" Alec nodded, afraid of pushing things too far, and besides, the fact that Matt was feeling attracted towards him was not really something he wanted to explore. Finally the lacing was done, and Alec straightened his skirts. "So Alexandra, are we done yet?" Matt said with a resigned sigh. "My.. my gloves sir, my jewellery and my veil," Alec replied. "Oh.. and I need to get some foundation." "Why?" Matt said confused. "I thought you'd done with all that?" "I need to hide the top of the breastforms with a little make-up, the join needs to be hidden," Alec said then paled, wondering just how he was going to get them off for tomorrow... breasts, no eyebrows. Tomorrow at work felt like it was going to be hell... "You do that, where's your jewelery?" Matt said. "D.. don't worry, I'll get that," Alec said a little too quickly. "Just.. let me do my err.. breasts first?" "Sure..." Matt said thoughtfully watching his feminised colleague swish into the bathroom, before checking the boxes. There was yet another box, this one containing two long white gloves, but no sign of the jewellery... he thought for a moment, then walked over to Alec's drawers and opened them one by one, humming to himself quietly. The first drawer was filled with t-shirts, then he opened the second. At first he thought it was filled with boxers and socks, but the corner of something else caught his eye, a box... he swept away the covering of male undergarments and teased off the lid, just as Alec walked back in... Matt looked across to see Alec's face go white, then turned back to the box, yes there were jewellery boxes, ring or earing size and a couple big enough for necklaces, but also a vibrator, a ball gag, several cuffs and a number of chains. Once again Alec felt his world dropping away around him, and once again Matt's grin got very wide. "Oh my.. looks like our bride had plans for her wedding night?" "Please.. sir, don't I.. won't, I haven't I..." Alec stammered face still white. "P.. please?" "Put the gloves on 'Alexandra'," Matt said still looking through the box. "Be a good girl and do it now." "Yes Sir," Alec replied forcing his numb body to move, reaching out for the satin gloves and sliding the first over his hand, up his forearm and over his shoulder. His middle finger fed through a loop, leaving his other fingers bare, and the glove starting properly just after his wrist. With his long nails he carefully did up the three buttons above the elbow before repeating the process with his other arm. He paused as he heard Matt messing with the box, hearing the clink of metal from the chains, feeling a hot surge of embarrament run through his body... oh fuck... "Right which of these do you want?" Matt said, and Alec turned afraid to see what the bigger man was ho'dling up, relieved to find it was only a couple of ring boxes. "M.. may I pick them Sir?" Alec said, keeping his tone as deferential as he could. "Sure, go ahead, don't close the drawer though," Matt said obviously enjoying the moment. "No Sir," Alec said meekly, then reached in and drew out the first case, and lifted out a black chocker with a ruby red stone in the middle and fastened it around his neck, covering his small adams apple. Next a couple of silver bracelets to go around each wrist, which suddenly, worryingly, looked to him like cuffs. A pair of silver teardrop earrings, slipped into piercings that had long been hidden beneath male, floppy hair, and finally, an engagement ring, the fake diamond sparkling brightly from the ring finger of his left hand. "I.. I think I'll need help with my veil Sir," Alec replied, voice breaking a little. "Very well," Matt said, getting out the final item from the stack of wedding clothing and trying to figure out how it fitted. "If you give it to me Sir?" Alec said, whispering, body trembling a little. "I.. I can get it in place, I.. I'll just need you to straighten it?" "Sure thing," Matt said, handing the veil to Alec. Alec took it, his hands trembling suddenly aware how close he was to finally living his forbidden dream. The embarrasing revalation of the sex toys in his drawer was forgotten for a moment The base of the veil was a curve with another single ruby like stone in the middle. He slid it into his hair, pressing the bangs slightly against his forehead, then ruby on display. With Matt's help he move the stiff layers of the veil back over his hair and over his ponytail, including the one that would cover his face. Done he turned to the mirror and almost fainted, he was so feminine so.. the sensations of the materials the clothing became overwhelming, and Alec's cock went so hard he feared he would cum then and there... as he stumbled Matt's strong muscular arms caught him, and again their eyes met... "P.. please.. I can't do this Matt..." Alec said, pleadingly. "Please.. I..." "Shush..." Matt said. "You look fucking hot dude, if I didn't know better I'd be hitting on you right now..." "I.." Alec struggled to regain his balance. "I.. I need the bath room..." He tottered in the high heels, too dazed to walk properly, and began to fuss with his skirts, trying to access cock.. he needed to stroke it, to cum to... how did girls cope with this stuff?" Finally, layers of dress and crinolines were up pressed back and his cock was there.. his delicate fingers grasped it and he began to tug, began to jerk.. just cum, just get his head back under control just... In the corner of his head he realised just how bad he'd feel in the comedown afterwards but.. that didn't matter.. it didn't it... Alec squealed as Matt snatched hiswrist away, jerking his hand of his cock and behind his back, swiftly following suit. "Naughtly girl!" "P.. please..." Alec said. "I need to..." "No you don't, you little slut," Matt said laughing now. "And you're not to be allowed to go to the potty on your own tonight. Shame your box of toys doesn't have a chastity in it, isn't it?" Alec shook his head. "But.. I.. I'm soo..." "Can it sister," Matt said chuckling to himself. "In fact.. you're now under arrest..." "What?" Alec said then felt something cold and hard around his left wrist. "With the authority vested in me as part of the 'Halloween' Police department, I am hearby arresting you for gross indecency in a private place," He chuckles. "And also for impersonating a member of the opposite gender." "What?" Alec squeaked feeling the other cuff clicking tight around his right wrist. "But.. you.. I.." Matt chuckled again, grabbing Alec by the arm and leading him out into the bedroom. "I mean for the past, what? Five years I've worked with you, you've been impersonating a man... when any fool can see you're actually a girl." Alec flushed, squirming, wishing his hands were not chained behind him, wishing he could at least pull his thong back over his cock, and straighten his dress. "I mean," Matt said warming to his theme, and pulling the vibrator out of the drawer and switching it on in from of Alec. "What man has one of these?" Alec looked at the floor blushing brightly, hearing the noise as the thing buzzed infront of him. "What do you do with it? Stick it up your arse?" Matt said Alec shook his head, still staring at the floor. "I.. I was planning on.. bu.. but I never used it. I.," He swallowed. "I've held it against m.. my cock and the vibrations... t.. they feel nice..." Matt laughed. "Oh I bet, but it's not a cock, it's a clit, 'cause you are a girl.. right?" Alec nodded afraid to speak when the doorbell rang. Matt flung the tossed juddering vibrator onto the bed. "And that will either be trick or treaters, or Miss Stevens, I'd better go see.. unlike you, I actually remembered to lock the door..." "But..." Alec protested looking up to see Matt hurrying out the door... "My.. my dress?" He said, his voice trailing to nothing, aware his hiked up skirts meant his cock, and everything else, was still on show. Fuck, this was not good! Matt having seen him... putting him through this, was bad enough, but at least they both knew the score. This was his boss, walking in on them blind... Alec squirmed his wrists in the cuffs, trying to free his hands to no avail. He shook his hips a little, trying to loosen the skirts but, again, to no effect. He could hear the conversation downstairs, but not make out the words... hearing the movement towards the steps. He tried a jump, to shift the skirts, but it did nothing other than to leave him wobbling in the heels, and an echoing thump on the ceiling. Alec thought he could hear a male chuckle, then the sound of footsteps slowly proceeding up the stairs... Alec glanced at the vibe on the bed, all the rest, maybe, could be explained as a really extravagant fancy dress, and the cuffs were Matt's... if he could only turn that thing off and hide it, well maybe... Hurrying Alec backed to the bed, stretching out his cuffed hands behind him, reaching for the for the vibrator. One long nail touched it, he strained more, and it rolled a little towards him, so close... And then as the door opened, Alec lost his balance sitting down heavily on the bed over the vibrator, looking up into the cold blue eyes of his boss... Miss Stevens stopped, posing in front of him, one hand on her hip. She looked good for her age, whatever that was, no one dared ask, especially in a tight leather catsuit showing she kept in shape. "My my.. seems like someone is happy to see me..." She said with a predatory smile. "Err no Miss, it's not what looks like..." Alec pleaded, squirming as the vibrator buzzed under his ass. "Shush Alexandra, Matthew has told me all about it," Miss Steven's said walking over, and squatting down between Alex's thighs. "I wasn't expecting anything quite so.. impressive though." "T.. thank you Miss," Alec replied blushing then gasped as Miss Stevens started to stroke the inside of his thigh. "Such an attention to detail... I suspect this is not a 'one time thing' now is it?" She said, pushing her hand up further, stroking his thigh above his stocking top. "And shush those protests, my pretty little thing," Alec went even redder, squirming, feeling the vibrator humming beneath his skirted ass, then gasped as Miss Stevens gripped his erect cock and slowly stroked it up and down. Speechless he moaned, then sighed with relief as she tucked it back into his thong where it strained against the thin fabric. "Matthew, please help the poor thing up. Whilst I understand cuffing her to stop her playing with herself, you should not have left her helpless sitting on that... thing." "No Miss. Sorry Miss," Matt said with a big grin, walking in to help Alec rise unsteadily to his feet. "Although he wasn't sat on it when I left..." "I was trying to turn it off!" Alec pleaded, squirming. "But.. I fell..." "You.. fell?" Matt said chuckling. "Sure you did." "Now now Matthew, do behave and straighten the poor things skirts. Obviously she can't," Miss Stevens said, still looking intently at Alec. "And beside's she has a very important date to keep." "Date?" Alec said his voice rising an octave, before he got a hold of himself again. "Oh the party?" "Not just a party," Miss Stevens replied with another smile. "Your wedding party." "Wedding!" Alec squeaked, eyes wide. "Well.. your coming out party perhaps?" Miss Stevens said with a smile "Alexandra's debut... and given your gorgeous costume, we just had to pick the theme." "B.. but..." Alec blushed. "I.. err..." "I'm sure you'll just love the groom," Miss Stevens added, then seeing Alec's wide eyed look of panic relented slightly. "Now, now don't fret dear, it's just pretend, all in good fun." "Yeah.. the groom wont boff you unless you really want it," Matt added with a grin. "Boff?" Alec managed weakly. "Oh shush Matthew, don't scare the poor girl," Miss Stevens said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "And if you promise to be a good girl Alexandra, I'll have Officer Matthew release your wrists?" "Yes Miss," Alec replied, blushing, then after an uncomfortable pause added. "I promise." "Pardon?" "I.. I. Promise..." Alec swallowed. "I promise to be a good girl." Miss Stevens reached out and patted him gently on the cheek. "Well done." Matt immdiately went behind him and unfastened the cuffs, allowing Alec to stand there waiting, rubbing his gloved wrists. "Well then," Miss Stevens said walking to the door. "Follow me." Alec nervously followed, one hand gripping the skirts of this dress the other clutching the bannister as he slowly worked his way down the steep stairs in the unfamiliar shoes. He was so focused on the task that he almost bumped into the waiting Miss Stevens at the bottom. "Not bad dear, I thought you looked a bit taller," She smiled, her eyes looking to one side, as if she was calculating something. "But.. yes I think you groom will still be the taller of the two of you." "Do.. do I really have to have a groom?" Alec said, a wheedling tone in his voice. "I.. Isn't this enough?" "Hush now, and whilst you may feel embarrassed right now, don't you dare pretend this is other than your deepest fanstasy," Miss Stevens smiled. "Just think of it as storing happy memories for the future.Right Alexandra?" "Yes..." Alec said embarrased, afraid she was right. "Well then," Said Miss Stevens as she opened the door. "Your carriage awaits." Alec stepped out, onto the pavement, and gasped. A white limo was waiting, bridal streamers on the bonnet, and a white uniformed Chauffer waiting beside an open door. "Miss... this is too much.. I.." "Shush dear," Miss Stevens. "I will not have my employee's telling me how much I may spend on them, and besides Alexandra, a mother cannot spend too much on her daugthers wedding?" "Daughter?" Alec squeaked, afraid he was losing his voice, Miss Stevens actually laughed. "Just for the night dear, someone has to give the bride away, and I don't trust any of the men not to snaffle you for themselves..." Alec went crimson, shuffling his feet, then gasped as the cold fall wind blew across his exposed shoulders and chest. "Get in the car Alex," Miss Stevens said. "I will follow," "Yes Miss," Alec replied and walked over, accepting the chauffer's hand to help him slide onto the long white leather seat. He fought with his dress a little, straightening it so he could sit demurely, feeling the satin of the crinoline against his stockinged legs. He sighed, feeling light headed, from the corset, from the nerves and from.. the excitement. Miss Stevens slid in beside him straightening her leather catsuit, and smiled. "What a lovely thing you are Alexandra. Why haven't you come out to play before?" "B.. because I'm a man?" Alec said, blushing "Hmm.. I really am not sure about that dear," Miss Stevens said, patting him on one gloved hand. "Now try and relax dear, I need to make a couple of calls. Driver, to the reception please?" Alec felt the car slowly accelerate from the kerb and head off, shifting his body slightly on his skirts. "Yes, I know you can get them in time, and no, a halloween boquet will not do at all," Miss Stevens said sharply into the phone. "But you have got the chairs out? And a 'priest?' Good, good... and is the Groom ready? Oh very good. Now make sure that the flowers are ready." Alec looked nervously at Miss Stevens as she slipped her phone into the belt of her cat suit. "Emma Peel." "Miss?" Alec replied a little confused. "My costume dear. It's Emma Peel from the Avengers. It was a british television programme," Miss Stevens preened herself a little. "And this was her outfit." "It.. err.. suits you Miss," Alec replied, trying to respond. "Of course it does dear," Miss Stevens said. "But not as much as that outfit suits you." Alec blushed. "T.. thank you..." "Obviously a labour of love," Miss Stevens said with a smile. "Mind you is your bottom very sore?" Alec flushed again, apparantley Matt had shared everything with Miss Stevens. "A.. a little Miss." Miss Stevens gave another of her tight little smiles. "This really does become you more than your male persona. It really gives you a glow..." "T.. that's just embarrasment Miss," Alec stammered. "Really I..." Miss Stevens smiled. "Really? Oh my dear girl, I think you really should be Alexandra more often. Possibly permanently." Alec went white, even as he felt a surge of excitement between his legs, but before he could protest the car swung round to a halt. "Aha, the wedding venue, come along now," Miss Stevens said, waiting for the chauffeur to open the door. She declined his hand and stood there, hand on hip, waiting for Alec to carefully exit. As he stepped away from the car, she gave a little clap. "Well done Alexandra, and well done espeically for walking in those shoes. They look gorgeous..." Alec blushed again. "Thank you Miss. But..." His legs were trembling as he looked up at the town hall, the venue for the staff party. The heavy curtains were closed, but he could hear the sound of music within. He breathed as deep as he could in the corset wanting to run or hide or have this all over with... or for it to last for ever. "Hmm.. just about ready, now just for the last couple of guests, where is that Matthew boy?" There was a squeal of tirs and Matt's battered car slid into a parking bay, and the 'Officer' got out. "Sorry Miss Stevens," He said. "I went to pick up Phillipa from the florists but they still weren't ready.. I err.. may have fractured a speed limit or two getting here." "Don't worry dear, have the tickets if you get them sent to my office," Miss Stevens said, watching as a diminutive, plump girl got out of the car in a maid's dress that really didn't fit her. "The Boquet Miss Stevens," She said scuttling up and handing her a posy of red and white roses. "It was on special.. a bride didn't turn up to collect it this morning, and... ooh is that Alec?" Alec flushed staring at the floor, wanting the ground to swallow him up as Phillipa examined him closely. Miss Stevens said nothing, and after a few comments neither did Phillipa. Alec heard a noise then looked up to see the plump girl standing there with tears flowing down her face, ruining her make-up... With neither Matt or Miss Stevens seeming prepared to make a comment, Alec ventured softly. "W.. what's wrong Phillipa?" "Y.. you look so pretty!" She blurted out, tears still streaming. "An.. a.. and you're not even a reall girl.. it's not fair! It's not!" "Please.. don't cry," Alec said, taking a step towards the sobbing girl. "I.. I..." He swallowed. "I.. I'm sorry.." "No!" She splurted. "No one should apologise for wearing a dress like that... so well.. it's lovely." "P.. phillipa?" Alec said softly. "Y.. you know they've set this up as.. a wedding for me?" She nodded. "Yes.." "I don't have a bridesmaid, w.. would you do me the honour?" Alec said blushing, and seeing the smile that split Phillipa's face made him feel a bit better inside. "Oh yes.. please, can I?" She looked at Miss Stevens for confirmation, who gave a slight smile. "Of course you can, what a wonderful idea Alexandra. I do like you better this way. Now... Matt, you're best man. Do go and attend to your duties." "Yes Miss," Matt said, hurrying into the hall. "Do make sure he has the first dance with you Phillipa," Miss Stevens said. "Now let's get inside, neither of you are dressed for the weather." Phillipa giggled, and Alec lifted his skirts to stop them dragging on the damp ground and they walked in together. Inside he could hear the music stop, and the scraping sounds as people took seats. "Phillipa, you need to re-do your face dear," Miss Stevens said. "The wash room is just over there. Don't worry we won't go in without you. Besides I need a heart to heart with my 'daughter.' "Yes Miss," Phillipa said with a little giggle as she hurried to the washroom. "Such a nice girl," Miss Stevens said. "I think I might have to do something about her weight though. If she lost.. a substantial amount of weight she would be really pretty don't you think?" "Yes Miss," Alec replied, glad the attention had been taken away from him for a little while. "But not as pretty as you could be," Miss Stevens said reaching out to brush some of Alec's fringe back into place. "Oh if only we had time for a proper make-over for you. I suppose there's always tomorrow..." She chuckled at Alec's startled reaction to that last comment. "But we'll talk about that later. Tonight is your night, and do call me Mother tonight hmm?" "Yes Mis.. I mean yes Mother," Alec replied, blushing. "And the other thing... Matt showed me the picture of your drawer. You're a naughty girl aren't you Alexandra?" Alec blushed and nodded. "Yes Mother." "Turn around," She ordered and Alec obeyed. "And close your eyes." Alec obeyed, his hands down by his side, clenched into fists, wondering what was happening, feeling the false nails digging into his palms. Then he felt something pressed across his face.. a blind fold? "Miss.," He protested. "It's mother tonight dear," Miss Stevens said with a grin. "And the groom hasn't seen the bride yet, and I don't want you getting any advance warning of who they are either. And if your worried about your image, it's a long strip of satin, that matches your gown, drawn elegantly over your eyes and tied behing your neck. You still look gorgeous dear, now take this." Alec felt the boquet being pressed into his hands and gripped it firmly, both hands tight on it, as if it would some how anchor him to reality. He shifted slightly, aware of the sounds his heels made on the stone floor, and the sensation of his legs brushing against each other... Without sight, his other senses especially touch seemed heightened, especially the stiff, tight corset, and the weight of his breasts... oh fuck, how was he ever going to get those off? It was with a mixture of relief and the return of fear that he heard Phillipa return. "Ready Miss, ready oooh... is he blindfolded?" "Yes dear, I have decided it is only fair," Miss Stevens replied and Alec heard her stepping around to before him, then felt the stiff veil being lowered over is face. "The groom doesn't know what is coming, there is no reason the bride, however pretty, should have an advantage." "Yes Miss... gosh, he really does look the part," Phillipa gushed again. "I.. I'm still here," Alec protested, and both Phillipa and Miss Stevens laughed. "It's not funny.." Whatever Miss Stevens response was going to be, it was cut short as the wedding march began to play. Alec felt Miss Stevens slip her arm into his and lead him forwards. Unable to resist he let her guide her, focusing on the sound of their heels on the hard floor and the swish of his skirts. The dress felt heavy, his.. breasts felt heavy, and he wished that he could bend his torso just a little, but the corset was just too tight. Miss Stevens tugged on his arm slightly, and he stopped, his platform heels clicking on the ground. He felt a gust of wind, and a slight creak as the double doors were opened.. and the gasp of the assembled guests. Alec tightened his grip on the boquet, waiting for the signal from Miss Stevens to advance, but they waited what felt like minutes before she gave him a little tug and they set off. Even blindfolded, Alec kept his gaze lowered, feeling flushed, feeling like every eye in the hall was on him which it probably was. Part way down he felt his knee's almost buckle, but he forced himself to continue... running now would just make it worse, even if he could. Finally they stopped, and Miss Stevens withdrew her arm from his, leaning in she whispered. "Give me the boquet and take three steps forwards. Have fun dear" Alec stepped forwards into the unknown, carefully placing one foot after another, before stopping, hands clenched tight before him. He feels another hand reaching out onto his, and reluctantly accepts it, letting it be drawn to his side. The holding hand is soft, and not too large... Alec wondered who it was. "Go on, you can remove the veil," Comes the sound of one of the older managers, yes, just the sort to dress up as a priest. Alec feels the stiff material pulled back and hand unfastening the knot in the satin wrapped around his face, keeping his face lowered as it is pulled away... Alec opened his eyes, to see a pair of black boots before him... high heeled boots, with tight lacing on the front. He slowly raised his gaze, his heart rising inside him, panning up to see the boots end just past the knee, and a pair of smooth thighs in fishnets continue upwards. It's a girl! His heart sang, with a weasel voice in his head reminding him that on a similar view he would look just as femme. The fishnets continued high up onto the hips, with a black body tight on the 'groom's' crotch... either it was a girl or there was some severe tucking going on.. upwards to a narrow waist, not quite as narrow as his own in the corset, then an old fashioned military style jacket in black, with beading and shiny brass buttons. His eyes glanced to the hand holdhing his, in a soft black leather glove and his gaze rose again, over the curves of his 'groom's' breast and up to the high collar of the jacket. Finally, even though the whole thing had taken barely a second he forces his gaze up to the pale face, and ruby red lips of the nervous Lindsey, her blue eyes under heavy lashes looking back into his nervously, her hair pulled back in a high pony tail apart from the asymmetrical fringe shading over one eye... Alec found a nervous smile twisting his lips, and she responded in kind, her hand tightening on his. Alec made the move to proffer his other hand to her, and the two stood staring at each other... The 'priest' paused looking down at them, then glanced back for re- assurance, almost certainly from Miss Stevens. "Groom, Lindsey, do you take Alexandra to be your err.. lawful wedded wife as long as the night shall last?" "I do," She said her voice husky and her pale cheeks flushed. "And do you Alexandra take..." "I do," Alec interrupted, oh fuck do I ever... "You may now kiss the bride." Lindsey took no second asking. The heels and platforms on her boots were enough to make her a little taller than Alec and so, releasig his hands to cup his chin she leaned down, to kiss him. Alec proffered his lips parted slightly, raising his hands to caress her epauletted shoulders, eyes closed... The kiss was soft, then hard and sensual, he opened his mouth to allow her tongue to enter, and they remained, heads locked together, loosing track of time, until the sound of Miss Stevens clearing her throat interrupted their little world. "Well I believe that little experiment has been a success. It appears both our 'party skivers' have found a partner for the occasion, everyone else, the drink is ready, the music is ready, but gentlemen, please let the happy couple have a few dances before you try to cut in on the bride." Alec flushed and giggled, his face still in Lindseys hands, she smiled back at him. "Oh Alec.. why did.. you never said?" "Why do you think?" Alec replied raising one painted eyebrow. "B.. before all this I didn't even dare dress up in the privacy of my own room... besides why didn't you?" "I.," Lindesy blushed in return, her voice still husky. "I had to keep fending off people like your friend Matt, who told me I needed a real man.. I wanted to talk to you, but.. every time I got close..." "You both ran away," Miss Stevens said interrupting them. "Now ladies please step apart for the moment. I will allow you to hold hands however." "Yes Miss," The two replied, turning to face her, Alec making sure his hand was holding Lindsey's tight. "This night is the result of some careful research, a little... investigation of both your browser histories, and..." She gave a satisfied smile. "No small part of cunning. You two are both, if I may use the word, 'dirty little perverts' but in a good way. You also seem made for each other," She glanced at her watch. "You have a few hours to enjoy the party, and then Alexandra will be whisked away to her hotel room." "M.. my hotel room?" Alec whispered. "But..." "Dear girl, do please use your pretty little head. I planned everything," Miss Stevens said. "And yes I am a maniplulative cow, please don't hold it against me or mention it in public. You have a room, a suite in fact, you will go there and be... waiting for Lindsey who will arrive a little later." The way she said that made butterflies flutter in Alec's stomach, and Lindsey gave a nervous giggle "I expect Alexandra and Lindsey to report into work tomorrow, but you can attend late, say... 11 o'clock? Wearing the work clothes I will have provided for you?" "Y.. yes Miss," Alec replied, feeling Lindsey squeeze his hand. "Good girls, do have fun..." Alec turned to Lindsey, and they both tried to speak at once, until Lindsey pressed her black gloved finger against his lips. "Please, let me?" Alec nodded. "You are gorgeous, I.. I was wanting to date you before this... I.. I know it's a set up, but honestly? If your happy to be with me? I don't really care... let's just give it a try?" Alec thought for a second, aware, how much his life had spun around since he slammed his front door a couple of hours before. He paused as the music started, a slow song, then grinned. "I.. I agree, now.. it's time for our.. first dance? Shouldn't you be sweeping me off my feet?" Lindsey smiled back. "Oh yes..." She lead him into the dance floor and held him close, pressing her body against his, rubbing her leg between his, hidden by the bulging dress, the pair gazing into each others eyes. The two danced for most of the night, teasing each other, Lindsey taking every opportunity to stroke between Alec's legs, until at one point his body collapsed shuddering against her as he came, spurting into his panties. Shortly after, Matt cut in, sniffing and grinning. "Wow.. you've been having fun..." He said, grinning, leering at his femininsed dance partner. "Oh please..." Alex whispered. "D.. don't say anything?" Matt grinned. "I.. think everyone know's, you may not be a screamer, but we've all seen your 'happy face' now girl." "You are an asshole," Alec replied, with a small smile on his face. "Who you have to thank for the shit eating grin on your face," Matt replied. "And it's officer Asshole to you slut." "I.. I am not a slut," Alec replied and Matt laughed. "Tell your little cock that," He said spinning Alec round. "Now.. say your goodbyes. As your.. personal dresser I get to take you to your apartment." "Thanks," Alec said sarcastically then amended it. "No.. I.. I actually mean it, I mean I know a lot of this was Miss Stevens plan, but..." "Yeah," Matt replied with a rueful grin. "I did find out about that after started dressing you... I guess she knew how we'd both react. Err.. sorry about that, sorta..." "You.. ooh... that was all of your own bat? The spankings everything?" "Well yeah... I was sorta amazed myself how she got everything sorted so quickly," Matt shrugged. "Anyway I drop you off, get you ready, and then I get my reward." He glanced over at Miss Stevens who nodded raising a glass to him.. "She's your reward?" Alec gasped. "She'll eat you alive! And she's got twenty years on you!" "Twenty years of experience," Matt said with a grin. "But yeah.. I'm a little nervous, but.. you'd tap that, you know you would." Alec blushed. "Well... I can see the attraction, but... I think I'm a one woman... 'girl' for the forseeable future." "Right, I need to go, I'll be waiting outside the doors in five minutes, for fucks sake don't be late," Matt said. "Miss Stevens might be cross..." Alec nodded, and hurried over to Miss Stevens who was talking to Lindsey. Lindsey blushed and turned planting a quick kiss on Alec's cheek. "I'll see you soon honey..." "Yes.," Alec breathed, watching her tight ass as she walked away. "I see great things for you two," Miss Stevens said, interrupting him. "And possibly for young Matthew and Phillipa." "Where is she?" Alec asked. "I was going to say thank you, and goodbye." Miss Stevens gave a far away look. "Dear Phillipa has started her weight loss programme tonight. After we discussed it she was eager to start immediately. You'll see her soon I'm sure. Now go.. before the clock strikes midnight and your carriage turns into a pumpkin..." "Yes Miss. A.. and thank you," Alec replied, dropping a curtsy. "Don't thank me... yet," She replied with another strange smile. "See how you feel after tomorrow. Now go!" Alec nodded and headed out, head spinning.. just what did she have in mind for him? And Lindsey, and... Oh what was going on? But.. oh.. it had been so worth it already... He got outside in the cold night air, looking for Matt. "Damn, where is he?" He said wrapping his arm around himself try and get warm... He waited for a minute then stepped out, looking around, there was a battered station wagon there, but no Matt. He turned planning to go back inside, when a hand reached out and clamped over his mouth, another arm around his waist. Alec struggled of course, but.. it was no good, not in the corset, or in the embrace of a much stronger man.. definitely a man... Alec tried to scream but no sound came out as, starved of breath, and smelling something from the mans hand he slowly passed out...

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Halloween Murders

There is no sex in this story and doesn’t necessarily a have happy ending. Murders rarely have happy endings. A big ‘Thank You’ to Mistress Lynn for editing this story and making it a much better read. **** Dexter was dressed up as a cowboy. ‘Why are you carrying a sports bag,’ his wife asked. ‘I’m Doc Holiday from ‘Gunsmoke’, and this is my medical bag.’ Marsha was dressed in a bridal gown, with a veil and tiara. Dexter knew it meant more than just wearing a costume. It was for the...

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Halloween Masquerade Disguise Ch 01

I call my mother, Julie, her twin sister, Jennie, my sister, Jessica, and my sister-in-law, Joanne, the Witches of Eastwick. Yeah, I know there were only three witches in the movie, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Susan Sarandon, but I expanded it to four to encompass my four female relatives. Definitely, the four of them are witches. Don’t get me wrong. I mean that in a good way. I love them all. Still, they are witches and their witch like behavior worsens, especially around the Halloween...

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Halloween and the Goblin

Introduction: Wife gets ravished by a horny goblin Halloween and the Goblin By rodeotexas November 2012 The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months...

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Halloween Night Encounter

I would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced.It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theater. I met her after the opening night performance, she introduced herself as April.Now with the exception of her long honey blond hair she bore a remarkable resemblance to famed Hammer movie star Barbara Steel. She told me how much she loved the play and my performance during our first meeting and we...

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Halloween Trick Or Treat

Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Linda Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire craved on Hallows Eve, however in this case it was her butt that had given up the blood.? As the coed recalled the nightmare and the trick she had taken part...

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Halloween Night With Jill

I told Jill the dreamlike story that night as we lay in bed. Initially, she was quite jealous and a bit angry, even though it was obviously a dream. There was no other possible explanation.In her anger, Jill repeated, "How could you cheat on me after all of our years together?"But, as I told and retold the story, she listened more closely. She realized that if it was real, then they had some apparent power over me. Then there was the fact that I went after her, choosing her over them in the...

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Halloween and the Goblin

By rodeotexas November 2012 The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months before Halloween they had moved in with their two huge but loveable...

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Halloween Costume Treat

Halloween Costome Treat Here comes another Halloween Party at the Scene, a local nightspot that is a very popular dance club for the under 30s crowd. I am 45 but my wife is 25 and loves to go to the club with her ol' college friends. Every New Years Eve and Halloween time, the club turns up the heat and my wife Casey and I have never missed those hot nights since being married 4 years ago. It's difficult getting a reservation but Casey seems to know the owners well enough to secure our party...

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Halloween on Stanworth Street

I heard them chanting over again, “Go ahead- go in there. I bet you won’t do it.” They were supposed to be my friends, but every Halloween they dared me to go into the old Stanworth Street warehouse. It’s not entirely their fault. Every year, I say I’m going to go in and every year I chicken out. This year will be different. Tonight is Halloween and I’m going to satisfy my curiosity.I know people say the house is haunted, but people say many things to make it sound as if they’re privy to...

Straight Sex
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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

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Halloween At The Grange

My name is Bethany, I’m gay, single and ready to mingle.~~~~~~~~I picked up the mail from my doormat as usual. Flicking through the bills, junk mail and flyers, one letter caught my eye. It was addressed to me and marked private and confidential, it stood out from the others because it had a small Halloween pumpkin face on the reverse. Other than that, there was no clue to reveal its origin.I placed the other letters on the hall-stand and proceeded to open my mysterious letter.Inside was an...

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Halloween Deception

Why is it when people share stories about losing their virginity, it sounds like a fucking fairy tale? If you just dig a little deeper and you learn the truth is nowhere near close. Oh, and don’t get me started on the bullshit stories people write about how when a girl is deflowered by the man of her dreams, making it sound like a loving gesture of passion and romance. Ugh!It’s said you remember the first and you remember the worst. Well, I will never forget my first or my worst. It definitely...

First Time
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Halloween Bride

This is a true story. The incident took place on Halloween in Columbus, Ohio. Nothing has been changed to embellish the story. I hope you enjoy it. Hugs, Kelly Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here I was, parked outside a Wal-Mart on this cool, cloudy day Halloween morning trying to gather up the courage to follow a dream. It wasn't the fear of going into the store dressed that was stopping me. I had scoped out the place the night before in regular clothes (skirt...

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Halloween Revenge

Tom's story. The invitation arrived in the post a week before Halloween, it was a very fancy invitation hand delivered by a personal courier. I was surprised because I didn't know of any parties and trust me as an ex jock I knew pretty much every party going on. I tore open the envelope. Dear Tom, I hope you will do me the honour of coming to my Halloween party. The party will of course be fancy dress and begins at seven at the address in the header. No need...

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Halloween Bash

Hey group, I thought this one up on the fly after my wife and I came back from a ghost hunt at an abandoned insane asylum. Now you know why I write what I do… Wanted to give you all a flash story just for the fun of it. I hope you enjoy it. _________________________________________________ HALLOWEEN BASH There is one holiday I like more than any other. Halloween. The fun of decorating your yard, kids running around collecting candy and wearing costumes is better than the other holiday...

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Halloween Surprise

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....

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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

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Halloween at Work

Halloween at Work This is a true story...sort of. It is also a completely original work by me, and should be remembered as such. Thank you. Laura _________________________________________________________ Almost a year ago, just after Halloween I was in search of a job. It just so happened that a former manager, and personal friend of mine was looking for another person to work for her at the store she...

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Halloween Swing Night

Halloween Swing Night by Tanya Fly "For the hundredth time, yes, Tommy, you can pull this off," Gina said as she applied the final touches of makeup to her husband's face. "You'll look great and all the girls are going to love it! You'll be the hit of the party, and very popular." "I don't know, Gina. What woman wants to have sex with a someone dressed like a French Maid?" Tommy smiled as he realized what he had just said. He knew that lots of women liked having sex with...

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Halloween Party

Halloween Party by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Hi, dear," my wife said when I walked into the house, "how was work?" "Not bad," I replied, "we landed that new account, so the boss was thrilled. What's new?" "We're invited to a Halloween party, a costume party, at the Peterson's Saturday night. Do you want to go?" In truth, we hardly knew the Peterson's, having been introduced by a friend of a friend, and we usually didn't really celebrate Halloween. "I guess so, sure, why not," I...

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Halloween Delight Part One

Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....

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Halloween Cheerleader Fantasy

Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...

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Halloween Spirit

Halloween Spirit By Morpheus I stood in the middle of the office floor, looking over the cubicles and office walls which had all been covered with Halloween decorations. The company of Danner, Dyson, and Dexler...or DDD as most people called it, had always supported holiday cheer, almost regardless of which holiday it was. But since Halloween was Mr. Dyson's favorite holiday, it tended to get a little extra attention. Today was Halloween but most of the employees were thinking...

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Halloween For LIfe Part 2

Anna felt bad about abandoning Jordan like that. She did think that they would be able to have a spa day together. She had no clue they would separate them like this. As she walked with her stylist she confided in her. "My sister is just a little nervous about who works on her hair, and face. We're new around here and she just doesn't want anything real drastic done," Anna explained. "Could you just pass that information along to her stylist so that she'll feel a little more...

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Halloween Humor

I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. **** Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead,...

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Halloween and Batman

Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you’re looking for sex, it’s not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for making it a much better read. * I’m what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I’m 5′ 10′, weigh 160 lbs. I’m not overly smart, but not dumb either. I’ve always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...

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Halloween cd crossdresser

TinkerbelleMy sister , Candy, and I were fraternal twins, but looked nearlyidentical. Pretty much the same height weight and build. In high school,she was always teased about having small tits and I was always teasedbecause I was small, thin and had a big ass for a guy. Because of this wewere extremely close. Best friends really. We spent nearly all our timetogether.After college she became a consultant and I became a math teacher. Becausewe were so close, I spent lots of time at her house...

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HALLOWEEN NIGHT - OCTOBER 31st 2007 It's hard to believe it's been a year since that fateful night. Almost impossible to comprehend the changes that have occurred in my life, in my outlook on life, on who I've become...on what I've become...on the horrible things I've done...I'm going to drink from her breasts tonight...those beautiful orbs that are filled with thick, delicious creamy milk that her body has manufactured for my sister. Then I'm going to make love with her...unmasked at last.I...

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Halloween Party

Spells 'R Us: Halloween Party By Bill Hart The Lambda's Halloween party was tonight. Just about everybody, who was anybody, on campus would be there. CeeJay Larson hadn't picked out a costume yet. But then, he hadn't figured on being invited at all. His fraternity was the butt of some really weird rumors, so he'd been almost shocked when he and a couple of his brothers received invitations. He was looking for something unique. What he seen so far rummaging through through...

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Halloween Flirt

Halloween Flirt By Alice Barry I was just going to stay home and have a quiet night by myself when I received an email from my friend Debbie to come to a birthday party at her home on Halloween. I had been to her birthday bash before. She goes all out encouraging outrageous costumes for her Halloween birthday. I think I was invited because of my reputation for fantastic desserts, not for my friendship. Debbie and I had dated for a while several years ago, but it never went anywhere....

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Halloween Parties Last Call

"Halloween Parties Last Call" We were in Dennis' apartment at the end of the evening of the Halloween party. Everyone had left but Dennis wasn't finished with me just yet. "Walk like a lady for me, go on Tim!" he said ordering me to strut and mince around the living room in front of him like I was some kind of a tart! I really didn't want to but did what he asked anyway. He was studying my Halloween outfit, a complete housewife/drag affair that was over the top with too much...

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Halloween Trilogy of Transformation

Halloween Trilogy of Transformation By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. On All Hallow's Eve strange forces sometimes come together and change people's lives forever. Sometimes the person is seeking change, sometimes they are forced, and sometimes it's just a trick of nature. Chapter 1 Greg Jenkins was sitting in the break room of Bolton Incorporated, an international...

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Halloween Revenge

Note: not to be read by anyone under 18 This story is a mix of fiction and a true event that had happened on a Halloween night not too long ago Enjoy! Halloween revenge! For the last few years my girlfriend Chris I have been going to Halloween parties of friends, we have always chosen costumes with themes and went with it! Nurse, Doctor, Vampire, Witch, Zombies But this year was going to be different Chris said she would pick the theme. In September I had finally...

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Halloween All Saints Day and Beyond

Halloween - All Saints' Day and Beyond Authors Note: Halloween Getting what is Deserved I had intended to be a one-off standalone story. Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received Thanks also to Cressar for his time in editing, commenting and tweaking this story --- --- Halloween - All Saints Day and...

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Halloween After the Party X

Halloween: After the Party- X Author's Note: Seems that there was room for a sequel by request. I was nervous as I approached the door to Starbucks. I could see my hand shaking as I reached for door handle. I don't know why I was so nervous; it was a first date, sort of. I mean we had already spent some time together. I had no problem at all spotting Terri sitting at one of the little tables. She appeared to have been here a little while already. She had a cup sitting on the...

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Halloween Part Three

Halloween Part Three: Chapter Four: Back to School It was only after I broke off my kiss with their sports teacher that I remembered who and where I was. Oh my god! What kind of example was I setting to my daughters as a father or was it as a mother? In fact was it as a man or a woman? It was easy to think of myself as a woman standing here amongst the other mothers dropping their kids off at school, dressed as a French Maid. I must have secured the sexiest teacher in school...

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Halloween and the Goblin

The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months before Halloween they had moved in with their two huge but loveable Rottweiler's, Amadeus and Rolf. Amadeus...

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Halloween Costume Malfunction

Louise had her ear leaned up against her brother's door, hearing his muffled voice through the wood. "Let me see," she called back through. "There's no way I'm going to a party like this. Just forget it." "It's not that bad. Open up and let me see." Frustrated, Louise pressed her skull into the wood, considering popping the lock briefly, and even more briefly, considering letting her brother off the hook. A few seconds later, the knob clicked. Louise stepped into his...

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Halloween Fun Followup

After a serendipitous hookup with Roxanne on Halloween night, I was quite smitten by our unplanned intimate exchange. Roxanne had babysat for Janice and me on several occasions and while she was very cute, I had never entertained any untoward thoughts about her. Now, after our Halloween hookup, my mind was full of all types of inappropriate thoughts and designs.I didn’t quite expect to fall into an illicit relationship with an eighteen-year college freshman who also happened to be our family...

Office Sex
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Halloween Curse

Mom always said I had to learn things the hard way and she was usually right. In retrospect I had it all: I was the captain of the cheerleaders, I was dating the high school quarterback and I was at the top of my class academically. To make my blessed life even more envious to most, I come from a very wealthy family and I am very, very pretty. My long black as night hair, aqua blue eyes have gotten me the attention of many boys and men; my long legs have also been a great attention...

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Halloween Day School

On Halloween, no one was surprised when I went to school as one of my favorite female final fantasy characters. The guys walk to school together and to my surprise they kept sneaking in little ass spanks while we walked. They had dressed up as home made transformer characters so they acted like they were attacking my ass. I had to hide my love for it and kept telling them to “quit it” all the while trying to keep my boner from growing in the short skirt. Math first period, usually puts me to...

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Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

Introduction: I am headed to by boyfriends Halloween Frat Party with my roommate. Shes going as a slutty cheerleader, while Im a sexy witch. She seems really eager to go, probably because shes a slut in real life, but Im going just to support by boyfriend since hes setting up this party for his frat. This is a free Halloween Special by EFon. Follow the links at the end to get a free mobile version. tags: public outdoor sex, monster rape, cheating, college party, accidental drug use, strange...

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Halloween in Shibuya Part II

Masa held my hand as we navigated through the mass of humanity in the Shibuya Crossing toward BIC Camera, one of the largest shops near the station. We walked along the sidewalk feeling like salmon swimming upstream. After a couple of minutes, Masa pulled me into a tiny side street barely 10 feet wide—more like a wide paved path. We passed dozens of postage stamp sized pubs and eateries stacked from the ground to higher floors, each with its loyal clientele. Halfway down the block, Masa pointed...

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Halloween CD Slut

Halloween. It's just an excuse to go out drinking with friends like anyother night, only this time in a ridiculous costume. And since my friendsand I definitely like to party, it makes sense that I dress up for theoccasion.This year, I decided to surprise the guys by dressing up as a girl. Atcostume shops they have a thousand different "sexy" costumes. Sexy cat,sexy cop, sexy pirate...I always loved it when I saw girls wearing thesecostumes, so I thought it would be fun to put one on myself. I...

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Halloween sissy slut

Halloween. It's just an excuse to go out drinking with friends like anyother night, only this time in a ridiculous costume. And since my friendsand I definitely like to party, it makes sense that I dress up for theoccasion.This year, I decided to surprise the guys by dressing up as a girl. Atcostume shops they have a thousand different "sexy" costumes. Sexy cat,sexy cop, sexy pirate...I always loved it when I saw girls wearing thesecostumes, so I thought it would be fun to put one on myself. I...

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Halloween Disguise prestory by DanaWu

an original story by me. its not true more of a fantasy...this story starts october 14th. first of all i am a 23 year old boy, i just moved to a different state to go to college, i dont have many friends and have only been her a couple of months.today was like any other day, had to wake up early and go to work for a couple hours before school. julia, one of the first people i met here, approached me today and told me about an "awesome" party tons of the students have every halloween. she tells...

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