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Women's Preference Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on ideas provided by Mitzi and Jennifer] Preston Holly rubbed his bald head as he stared into the mirror and gazed at the reflection that still struck him as so peculiar. It had not been that long since he had a thick mane of dark brown hair, but, now, he did not even have a single hair on his head. The diagnosis for his rapid hair loss was crushing to Preston. Alopecia universalis, words he struggled to even pronounce correctly as he repeated the diagnosis. It struck him as so cruel while it claimed every hair on head and body. From the patches of initial baldness all over his body, it expanded until each strand was gone. The former prominent eye brows he furrowed while crafting business deals were a memory, as was a good deal of the confidence in his appearance that had carried over into all other areas of his life. Kelly stared at her husband for a moment as she caught looking in the mirror again, as if he was searching for someone who was not there. She shook her head before she moved towards Preston, put her arm around him and said, "Preston, you have to stop doing this to yourself." Preston shook his head, knowing that bemoaning his situation would not make it any better. He turned towards his wife and said, "I would have settled on a Kojak look and not had a problem with it. It could take my hair, but my eyebrows and my eyelashes too? I look like a hairless freak." "You don't look like a freak," Kelly said, trying to be reassuring while Preston shook his head. Kelly smiled as she kissed him and said, "And you certainly wouldn't have looked like Kojak with that skinny ass." Preston gave his wife a peeved look. He was a slender man of 5'10." His years a bicyclist enthusiast and long distance running had helped to craft his slender physique. That light build had helped make Preston even more self-conscious about being hairless. The jokes he heard from people he knew and his wife about how effeminate looking any exposed skin he showed was made him increasingly despondent about his condition. Kelly tried to help build up his confidence and get him acclimated to his new reality, but the years of being under his thumb left her with some resentment towards her husband. While Kelly loved Preston, she hated his domineering tendencies that extended from his business life into his personal life. Preston always had to be the one who made decision and was in control. Although Kelly was generally okay with that, she more than infrequently chaffed at it. That resentment led her to make jokes about the effeminacy of his body and other hairless jokes that cut at Preston and helped to humble him. She felt that it was not very different from the other ways she had influenced his decision making before, while still letting him believe that he was in total control of their relationship. Kelly kissed Preston on the cheek before she released him said, "I'm going to do a little shopping. Do you want to come along?" Preston shook his head and said, "No. I'll stay in and watch the game." "Suit yourself," Kelly replied as she walked away from him before Preston asked, "Where are you going." "I'm just going to the outlet mall. Do you want me to pick you up anything while I'm out?" "Like what?" Preston asked. "I don't know, maybe some new clothes for you. I bet those legs would look great in a skirt," Kelly joked as she looked down at her shorter legs that were stockier than Preston's. "You think?" Preston replied. "Sure, I think they'd look better than mine in my white dress too," Kelly answered with a laugh. Preston laughed her comment off while he walked away from her. As he stepped into the next room, a smile came across Preston's face as he thought about how to tweak his wife. Shortly after Kelly left the home and pulled out of the driveway, Preston scurried up to the master bedroom and threw open his wife's closet doors. He searched its contents from side to side before his eyes caught the white dress his wife had jokingly said he would look better in than she did. Preston smiled as he decided to see if he could prove her point to her. Not thinking much of it, Preston disrobed before he took hold of the sleeveless white dress. He slipped it over his head before he straightened the dress over his chest and his knees. The image of a baldheaded man in his wife's dressing mirror made any wayward thoughts of trying to look passable flee from Preston's head. Preston smiled though as he looked at his hairless legs and small feet that he twisted as he pulled at the mid thigh length hem of the flared skirt, which struck his wife's legs at the knee, and tried to take a look at it from various angles. A laugh came from his mouth as he said, "She might just be right." Feeling that he had a chance to playfully make his wife a little jealous of him, Preston decided to greet his wife in the dress just to prove her point. Preston headed down the staircase and went into the living room to await his wife. While he watched a college football game, his mind could not help to more than occasionally drift to what his wife's reaction would be. He kept reaffirming his decision to welcome her home in the dress simply to see how she would react. Preston also found the dress to be more comfortable than he thought it would be as he rested on the couch. He figured it would feel strange on him, but the soft fabric felt good on his hairless skin. The sound of a door closing in the driveway made Preston get to his feet. He pulled at the hem of his wife's dress and straightened it out over his waist and chest before he walked towards the front door. He stepped towards the side of the door and hid behind a half wall. Shortly after his wife entered, she closed the door and called out, "Preston. I'm home." "Great to see you," Preston responded loudly as he stood up straight when he emerged from behind the half wall. Kelly stared at him in silence for a moment while Preston looked intently at her, expecting a response. As she began to laugh and dropped her bags, Preston placed one hand on his hips as he stuck it out and asked, "Do you stand by your statement?" "What the hell is wrong with you?" Kelly asked with a laugh. "What? You don't hide it, you flaunt it, when you look this good," Preston replied as he kicked out one of his legs. Kelly kept laughing as she shook her head and asked, "So what are you a drag queen, now?" Kelly's words cut at Preston as he realized how ridiculous he probably looked to his wife. Preston shook his head fervently as he tried to keep up the joke he had intended his efforts to be and sashayed to her and said, "You're the only queen in this house." "I am, am I?" Kelly retorted, peeved by his statement, knowing that his controlling nature had left her with little direct say in their relationship. Kelly smiled, knowing that a simple picture with her smart phone might be enough to take him down a peg, but his own behavior had become less forceful as his condition presented itself and humiliated him. Consequently, Kelly decided to not exploit the advantage that Preston had given her. Kelly collected herself and looked Preston over as she said, "I stand by my statement." "Huh?" "Your legs do look better than mine under that dress." "I don't know about that, but that's only thing that could look better," Preston replied feeling a bit awkward. The awkwardness of Preston's reply made Kelly smile while she responded, "That's true, but there's definitely some promise in that body." "What's that mean?" "With a little padding, honey, you could have a real models' body." "Woo...let's not go crazy," Preston replied, not liking where the conversation was heading. Kelly moved towards him and said, "I'm serious. If you're self- conscious about going out in public and getting stares as a bald man, you might want to try going out as a girl to avoid it." "I think I would attract some stares being a guy in a wig." "That body wouldn't give it away, Preston, maybe the face would, but we can give that a little work and see where it takes us." "Are you nuts?" Preston asked as he crossed his arms. "What do you have to lose?" "Whatever's left of my dignity!" "Dignity is overrated. You're trying to feel normal. This may be the way, if you're just willing to explore it." "You can't be serious." "I am. What's the harm? If it doesn't work, it's just between us, and, if it does, you get to feel normal." "How would I ever feel normal in a dress?" Preston replied, ignoring his own enjoyment of the way his wife's dress felt on his body. "You owe it to yourself and me to try." Preston gave her a shocked look as he shook his head and said, "It's just not worth it." Growing more forceful, Kelly shouted, "Not another word. I'm going to be spending a relaxing Sunday with my girlfriend, who'll be focusing on me for once, instead of a silly game." Preston swallowed hard as he wondered if his wife was serious about carrying his joke too far for his own taste. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortly after he awoke the next morning, Preston stumbled out of bed after putting on his glasses, dreading what he was going to be greeted with that morning. He knew that his wife had gone out shopping again after she made her decision, a decision that he could not shake her from yet. The situation struck Preston as so odd. He had never felt so powerless in his life as when Kelly finally overruled him. Maybe it was something about wearing a dress that had suppressed the typical masculine urges he felt to be the dominant partner at all times, Preston figured. It may also been the fear that Kelly might cast his joke as something more to their friends and family if he did not go along with what she wanted. Once Preston finished descending the staircase, he smelt the scent of eggs cooking in the kitchen. He walked into the room and was greeted by his smiling wife. "Something smells good," he said. "I thought you'd like it," Kelly replied with a grin as she continued to cook. Preston took a seat at the kitchen table and looked at the newspaper upon it. He thumbed through it for a bit before his wife carried over dishes containing scrambled eggs and English Muffins. After placing them down, she scurried over to the counter and took hold of the two glasses she had placed there. She carried them over while Preston took his first bite of the eggs. As he finished chewing, Preston reached for the glass and took a sip. Preston's eyes opened as he realized the yellow-orange colored drink in front of him was not simple orange juice. "What is this?" Preston asked. "It's a mimosa," Kelly replied. "Isn't a little early?" "It's 12 o'clock somewhere." Kelly answered. "Yes, but it's 9:27 here," Preston rejoined as he pointed to the kitchen clock. "You need to stop being so uptight and live a little," Kelly gently chided as she took another sip of her drink. Preston gave his wife a wayward look, knowing that she was trying to get him to put his guard down while she carried out whatever she had planned for him that day. The determined look in his wife's eyes made Preston realize that the only way that he was getting out of it was to either runaway or physically fight her. The latter option was not one he would consider, while the former was not promising. Preston figured that if he left her, he would simply be alone. Still loving her, and feeling as if finding another woman to love him would be a harder task given his changed appearance, Preston sighed and took a sip of his drink while he ate. Preston resigned himself to being under his wife's thumb for a day. He hoped, however, that one day would be as long as that lasted. After they finished eating, Preston helped Kelly with the dishes. It was something he had once been adamantly opposed to, but Kelly's gentle training over the years had made it second nature for him to help her. Preston did not remember the moment he determined it was acceptable to help her around the home, but he knew it made his wife happy and she rewarded him for that. Once they finished cleaning the dishes, Kelly scurried around the house for a while Preston went back to reading the paper. After a half hour passed, Kelly entered the kitchen and asked, "I'm ready for you, babe." "Ready for what?" Preston replied, playing dumb. "Ready to make you feel beautiful," Kelly replied with a laugh. "Oh, ready to humiliate me," Preston rejoined, hoping his wife would drop it. "We won't know that until we see the final result." "The process alone is humiliating, dear," Preston replied. "Hey, you put on the dress. I didn't put it on you. You put this thought into my head." "Actually, you put the thought into my head," Preston rejoined. "But then you went out and proved it, so get ready, darling." "You're not going to drop this, are you?" "Honey, have I ever dropped anything?" Kelly asked with a smile. Preston shook his head, knowing how his wife never gave veered away from something when her mind was stuck on it. "This is just a one time thing, right?" Preston inquired. "We'll see how you feel about that, after the makeover," Kelly replied. "So, it'll be a one time thing." "Again, we'll see how it goes," Kelly said as she pointed him towards the staircase. Preston rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself as he stomped up the stairs. Kelly smiled at his behavior, believing that he was acting like a petulant child because he was not getting his way. Once they entered their bedroom, Preston turned towards her and asked, "So, now what?" "Now, we start making you pretty," Kelly replied with a grin as she lightly clapped her hands three times. "Don't enjoy this too much," Preston cautioned. "Why, you said I'm only going to get a chance to do this one time?" Preston rolled his eyes in response before Kelly began to fumble through a shopping. The name on the logo of the bag alone made Preston's stomach sink. "Jesus, what did she get me?" Preston muttered as he saw the name of the store he knew specialized in lingerie. "She doesn't expect me to walk around in a bustier all day, does she?" Preston continued to mutter aloud before Kelly turned back towards him. Kelly grinned as she turned towards him carrying a black garment that he felt looked like a pair of tight short shorts with strange oval seaming around the rear and sides of the piece. Noticing Preston's confused look, Kelly said, "This is your foundational piece for your femininity." "What's it do?" "It's going to help hide your dick and give you that proper girly shape." "How does it work?"' Preston asked, feeling a bit nervous. "You'll see," Kelly answered before she told Preston to lift his legs. Preston complied with his wife's request as he watched her drag the nylon and cotton garment up his legs. As she slid the panty girdle towards his groin, Kelly grinned as she said, "Now, we just tuck your little guy away." Preston let out an audible yelp as Kelly pulled his manhood between his legs, forcing his testicles back into his body cavity. Preston glared down at his wife and bellowed, "Where did you get this idea from?" "The internet," Kelly responded before she quickly pulled the girdle up. Preston then felt a compression on thighs as his manhood felt squashed between his legs by the girdle. "It's a bit tight," Preston said. Noticing the discomfort on her husband's face, Kelly laughed before she said, "It's supposed to be tight." "It's uncomfortable." "So are those heels you insist that I wear when we go out," Kelly lectured. "But those make you look good," Preston countered. "True, but this to make you look pretty too. Sometimes, you have to grin and bear it to look beautiful," Kelly replied, prompting Preston to shake his head. Kelly turned away from Preston and took hold of two pads in her hand. As she turned towards Preston, he asked, "What the hell are those?" "These are called butt pads." "What do they do?" "They're called butt pads, what do you think they do?" Kelly replied, clearly peeved by his question. "I don't need those!" "While you got some back, baby, you could use a little more to look like a real woman." "Still not my goal," Preston replied. "Well, it's mine, so, now, it's yours," Kelly countered as she pulled the elastic band of the waist away from his body shoved the first pad into the rear of his panty girdle. The pulling sensation made the panty girdle pull even tighter against his compressed manhood. Kelly repeated the action with the second pad before she walked back towards the bag. As she returned carrying two more pads, Preston exclaimed, "What are those for?" "Look at your panty girdle and tell me how many spots you have for padding," Kelly replied. "Panty girdle!" Preston exclaimed. Her husband's response made Kelly laugh before she stuck the two hip pads into the girdle and took a step away from him. "Now, that's all woman down there," Kelly said with a laugh. Preston blushed as he reached to pull it off his legs, but Kelly moved towards him and slapped at his hands, "Don't touch my work. I put that on you, so I'll be the one to pull it off of you." Preston gave her a peeved look before she placed another kiss on his lips and squeezed his rear through the padding, prompting Preston's eyes to open. Kelly released him and walked back towards the bag and returned carrying a black waist cincher. "Is that another torture device?" Preston asked. "It's for beautification, and I already told, there's a price for beauty. I'm going make you beautiful, so get ready to pay the piper." Preston shuddered for a moment before Kelly wrapped the piece around his waist and began to fasten the hook and eye closures. Preston a sudden snugness on his waist as it was pulled it with each additional fasten. Kelly smiled as she looked over the more feminine shape of his mid section before she said, "Now, that would look great in a tight dress." "It certainly doesn't feel great," Preston retorted. "You'll get used to it," Kelly replied. "I somehow doubt it," Preston barked back. Kelly rolled her eyes and giggled for a moment, enjoying how much her husband seemed to be bothered by the whole situation. Part of her wanted to take a photograph of him in his feminine undergarments and blackmail him to make him understand what it was like to be under his boot, but she let those thoughts remain fantasies, believing that they would destroy their marriage. Preston ran his hands along the nylon and spandex waist cincher while Kelly pulled out two forms and a bottle of glue from another bag. Noticing the nipple on each form, Preston realized what they wore for and sighed. Kelly ignored it as she applied the glue to forms and pressed them against Preston's chest. She then told Preston to hold them in place. He nodded as he cupped his false breasts against his chest while Kelly took hold of a nude colored bra. 'Oh, this would make a priceless photo', Kelly found herself thinking as she walked towards Preston with the bra, but she let the thought leaver he mind as she had Preston released the forms so she could get his arms through the bra straps and quickly hooked it behind his back. As Kelly finished putting the bra on him, she kissed him and began to fondle his body. Preston was confused by her reaction, but he went with it. He grimaced while he felt his manhood's futile attempts to strain against the tight nylon and cotton fabric imprisoning it. Kelly smiled as their lips parted before she said, "Now, there's just one last undergarment to really secure what's up top." "What?" Preston replied, knowing that he had never seen his wife wear anything but a top or a dress over a bra. "This," Kelly replied as she pulled a body briefer out the shopping bag. Preston gave the garment a puzzled look before he asked, "What is that a swim suit?" "Close, but no." "Oh, shit is that a leotard!" "Again, close, but no cigar," Kelly replied with a laugh. "Then what is it?" "It's a body briefer. It's to help give you a feminine shape." Looking down at his padded out rear, hips, cinched waist and false bust, Preston shook his head as he replied, "Isn't that overkill at this point?" "Nonsense, a girl could always use a little extra help." "I never seen you wear one," Preston retorted. "That's because you're lucky to be married to a girl who keeps it all tight," Kelly replied with a smile before she got down on her knees and told him to pickup his legs. Preston complied with her order before she pulled the nylon and spandex body briefer up his legs. Once she straightened it out over his crotch, she pulled it up over his waist cincher and put Preston's arms through the adjustable straps. Kelly laughter as she pulled the straps tight behind his back made Preston uneasy before she placed a kiss on his cheek and said, "You look good enough to fuck right now." "Then why don't you?" Preston asked with a smile. "Maybe later. I don't want to waist my efforts." "No time like the present," Preston replied as he fumbled with one of the straps of the body briefer before Kelly smacked his hands away and said, "Now, I'm not in the mood." Preston hung his head for a moment as he felt his manhood straining to engorge an inch beneath the tight body briefer and panty girdle. The feeling prompted Preston to complain, "When can I get out of this stuff." "When I'm good and ready," Kelly replied before she said, "Do you want to see how good you look?" Preston shook his head, feeling that he looked ridiculous. Deciding that she would not take no for an answer, Kelly pulled Preston into her walk in closet. She pointed Preston towards her dressing mirror that was affixed to the wall. Preston shot his reflection a disgusted look as his bald head looked out of place on the busty curvy body beneath it. Preston struggled with his conflicting disgust about his overall appearance and the fact that he was turned on from what his body looked like from the neck down. If that body had a pretty face above it, Preston knew that he would have been in pursuit of that girl before he married his wife. Kelly could sense Preston's conflicting emotions as she put her hand around his cinched waist and led him away from the mirror. She smiled as she said, "And just wait until I get started on that head to complete the image." Preston shook his head while his wife reached into the bag from the lingerie store and pulled out a pair of black, sheer pantyhose. Preston gave them a strange look before he turned towards his wife and said, "Women don't wear those anymore." "They don't?" Kelly replied with a smile. "Yes, they wear leggings or tights or keep it bare when they go out." "Young girls wear leggings. Any woman over a certain age just looks ridiculous in them, like they're trying to grasp at straws to stay young looking." Preston shook his head before his wife added, "And it would be a shame to conceal those lovely, smooth legs beneath something opaque." Preston gave his wife a peeved look before she continued, "And the shine of pantyhose will really make your legs just pop on you." His wife's words made Preston shake his head before his wife ordered him to take a seat on the edge of the bed. Preston walked over to the bed as his wife kneeled before him and began to roll down the hosiery. A smile came across Preston's face as he felt the silky material start being dragged up his legs. He forced it away from his face, not wanting his wife to know that he was enjoying the girlish feelings climbing up his legs. The feeling prompted his member to try to enlarge between his legs. The uncomfortable feeling made him wince a little before Kelly made him stand up. She pulled the control top of the pantyhose over his waist before she rubbed her hands against the cotton gusset. Preston's member struggled against the three layers of nylon, cotton and spandex that were compressing it and making a full erection an impossibility at that moment. Kelly pulled her hand away from his body and went into her closet and took hold of a dress. Preston's eyes widened as Kelly carried the dress towards him. She held it out in front of him and told him to put the dress on. Preston felt a bit foolish as he put his wife's pink, tank dress over his head. As it fell over his body, Kelly pulled at its banded waist and straightened out its swing skirt. The square neckline of the dress that partially exposed his false cleavage made Preston blush, while his wife ran her fingertips along his tapered waist that was flattered by the dress. The dress's above the knee hemline hit him even higher, resting over his thighs. Kelly smiled as she said, "You wear it better than me." Preston shook his head and blushed in his response before Kelly said, "Now, let's do something about that head." Preston shuddered before Kelly pulled him towards her vanity. She sat him down in front of it and took out her lipstick. She ran it across his lips and made him smack them together before she added color to his cheeks. Kelly removed Preston's glasses before she added some dark eyeliner to his eyes. He wished that he could see how they looked, but the Kelly did not give him back his glasses right away. Once she finished with the makeup she reached down and took out a pair of false eyelashes and glued them to his eyelids. Preston batted the eyelashes and squinted his eyes to see how he looked. The blurred image he saw of them made him smile as he felt that they made his eyes look normal before his wife added black eye shadow to help hide the base of the false eyelashes. "And here's something else they don't make for guys," Kelly said as she showed him the pair of fake eyebrows in her hands. The arched eyebrows were clearly not made for a man, but Preston was intrigued how they would look on his feminized face that still seemed strange on his bald head. Kelly affixed them to his head before she gave put in a pair of his contacts he rarely wore. The image that came into focus in the mirror looked much more normal as a woman than he did as a man in Preston's mind. Kelly smiled at his reaction before she took hold of the wig and placed it on his head. As she straightened it out on his head, Preston marveled at his appearance from the neck up. The reflection staring back at him looked like a woman. While he felt that she was not the most attractive looking woman he had ever seen, he felt that she still looked in the range of normal. Preston felt that while she was definitely not a show stopper, she was the kind of girl that was feminine enough to be on the arm of some man. "Now, there's just one thing left," Kelly said, breaking his concentration. "What?" "You've got to put on some shoes." "What did you have in mind?" Preston asked with some unease. "I was thinking about heels for you, but wedges are so much easier for you to learn to walk in. Maybe one day, you'll work your way into pumps, when you're ready," Kelly said with a smile as she handed Preston the wedges she had bought for him. Preston took them as he blushed and shook his head, not wanting his wife to realize that he was slightly enjoying his feminization. Kelly smiled at his response. She rethought her earlier decision not to take a picture to seal her advantage, but she decided to let it go instead. Preston sat down on the bed and put the black leather wedges onto his feet. Once Preston slipped his feet into them, he buckled the ankle strap and stood up. He felt strange with his feet being perched up as he took an awkward step. "That's not that bad," Preston said as he took a step. "Don't get too proud of yourself, it's not like walking in heels. You're not as likely to take a misstep in those." Kelly chided. Preston nodded his head as he looked down at the large black bow at the vamp before he asked, "You couldn't have gotten me something less girly." "I would have babe, but I'm kind of limited by the number of shoes from the ladies department that fit you," Kelly replied, shaking her head. Preston blushed in response, feeling foolish for making the remark. 'Of course they're girlish, they're for girls, stupid', he thought to himself as he shook his head. Kelly noticed his dejected expression and decided to have him confront the big picture. She clasped his hand and Preston followed uneasily behind her, unused to the feeling of his feet being on angle while he walked behind her. They walked into Kelly's closet before she pointed to the dressing mirror. Preston's jaw dropped for a moment as he looked himself over. Every inch of him looked feminine from the curves of his body, the cleavage of his bust, his long, curled eyelashes, arched brows and red, painted lips. "What do you think?" "You're an artist," Preston replied. "Thank you," Kelly replied with a grin before she added, "I told you it would work." "I can't believe it." "That's you, baby." "I look like a chick," Preston replied, instantly unhappy that he had admitted the obvious to his wife. "It's all you. I can't believe it. The only thing that could give you away is your voice." "What's wrong with it?" "It's too masculine to becoming out of that pretty face." "That's why I can't go out in public like this," Preston said, feeling a sense of relief. "That's the only reason, but we can work on it," Kelly replied. "How?" "You can hide it by throwing your voice. Speaking in a higher tone and trying to deflect with an accent." "Would British work?" Preston inquired with a smile. "I don't see why not. Say something." "What?" "Anything!" Preston grinned as he replied in a high pitched voice, "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy." Kelly shook her head and said with a laugh, "Not like you're in Monty Python, you dork." "How about a different accent then?" Preston asked. "Try one," Kelly replied clutching her head. Preston smiled as he said in an accented voice, "Chica, why don't you show some leg yourself?" "Going for Rosie Perez? Really? That will attract you a lot attention." Preston shrugged before Kelly said, "We'll work on something that's not so over the top." Preston nodded his head as he walked behind her. He listened to her instructions as she coached him down the stairs before they made their way into the living room. Kelly gave Preston instructions on how to speak in a higher voice as he practiced a light English accent while they talked. Preston could never remember talking to his wife in such detail before as she poked and prodded about his feelings about his condition. The longer they spoke, the more willing he found himself to tell her exactly what he was feeling. Preston found it strange that he was willing to share a feeling other than anger or sexual desire with his wife. He wondered if it was the change of clothes, the feminine feeling of which was constantly present, that was making him open up to his wife. Kelly smiled and gave him a sympathetic ear. She coaxed more out of him by giving him gentle touches, strokes along his sides and neck and kisses when he opened up to her. As lunch time came, they shared a meal that Preston helped Kelly prepare. While part of him felt that working in the kitchen was woman's work, he was happy to help his wife prepare the meal while they continued talking. They spent the afternoon lounging around together drinking wine before they made dinner. Once they cleaned up after dinner, they retired to the living room where Kelly began to make her move on Preston. Preston smiled as Kelly moved her lips closer to his. He loved the feeling of her hands as they caressed his nylon covered legs and climbed under the flared skirt of his dress. The girlish feelings emanating from his clothing were still alien to Preston, but he could not deny that he was enjoying them as Kelly took the lead for once. Part of Preston wanted to fight back and reassert his dominance, but he resigned himself to enjoying submitting to his wife for a change. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Preston returned to work the next morning, feeling strangely good about himself while he walked through the door. Miranda Orbison, Preston's secretary greeted him and asked, "What are you so happy about?" "I had a great weekend. How about you?" Preston asked. "A day off is a day off Mr. Holly," Miranda replied. "So what did you do?" Preston inquired. "Nothing special, you," Miranda responded. "Just some stuff the little miss's wanted to do." That response struck Miranda as strange, "Wait, you did something, Kelly wanted to do for once?" "It's not for once! What's wrong with doing something your girl wants to do?" "Nothing at all, it's just not like you," Miranda replied. "What's that supposed to mean?" "You need to be in control, and I mean at all times." "Nah, it's nice to let someone else make the calls every now and again." "Am I talking to Preston Holly?" Miranda asked as she shook her head at the words that seemed so strange coming from Preston's lips. "What am I speaking in tongues?" Preston inquired. "Well, if you want someone else to call the shots, you can take a seat at my desk for a day and tell me how you like it," Miranda responded with a laugh. The idea of swapping roles with Miranda for a day aroused Preston as he mulled it over in silence for a moment before he impulsively responded, "You know what, just to prove you wrong, I'm going to take you up on it!" Miranda started to laugh before she realized that he was a serious. She was shocked that he was so eager to try on her role for a day, and she was eager to make him feel it. "It's a deal then," Miranda replied, hoping that Preston would not try to back out of it. Preston nodded and said, "So lead me, girl," with a laugh. Feeling excited about the situation, Miranda hurried to her feet as she took her key and locked the front door to the office to assure that no walk-ins intruded on their time doing each other's jobs. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Holly?" Miranda replied with a grin as she stared at Preston. "Holly?" Preston replied. "Well, I'm not to call you Mr. Holly, am I? Where's the fun in that?" "Why not Preston then?" "Holly sounds more like a proper secretaries name," Miranda responded with a grin. Feeling a twitch between his legs as Miranda began to take control over the office, Preston shrugged and said, "I can see that." "You can, what?" "What?" "What's my name?" "Who are you, Muhammad Ali, now?" Preston asked with a laugh. "Well I am so, so pretty, but why don't you say my name?" Miranda retorted with a smirk. "Miranda Orbison?" Preston replied. "No. Say it the way you would want a secretary to refer to you," Miranda chided. "Miss Orbison," Preston responded. "That's better, Holly," Miranda replied with a grin before she walked towards his office and said, "I'll take it that you'll have no problem handling my tasks." "Yes, Miss Orbison," Preston replied, feeling excited, but hoping that Miranda did not notice it. "Good, girl," Miranda said with a smile before she turned and walked into Preston's office. Preston felt his member stir as he watched Miranda take a seat behind his desk and start working. Preston stared down at Miranda's secretary's desk before he sat down at it. Preston looked over the documents on Miranda's desk. He had dropped most of them there, so he knew what he was supposed to do with them. The stack of papers requesting correspondence caught his eye first. Preston got a cup of coffee before he began to type up the cover letters that were supposed to go out to the various parties he dealt with. Preston knew most of the people he was sending the letters to. It was part of his business model though. While he begun administering other businesses' properties, he had built up a portfolio for himself over the years and gradually limited his business to managing its own properties. That was how Preston preferred it to be, since it limited the number of people his business dealt directly with to brokers, attorneys and contractors. It was not as if he dealt with those people anyway though. He had long foregone any human contact with them, leaving such tasks to Miranda. As Preston continued to type up the correspondence, he heard Miranda call out to him, "Holly, can I get a cup of coffee?" Preston smiled as he got to his feet and said, "Yes, Miss Orbison." Miranda gave him an approving smile and a nod before she held out her cup and asked, "Do you know how I like it?" Preston shook his head and listened to Miranda's instructions before he took the cup from her. Preston walked into the kitchen and remembered that the pot of coffee was empty. Preston sighed before he dumped the spent coffee grinds out of the coffee machine. He shook his head as he cleaned the pot, remembering how many times Miranda requested that they get a single cup coffee maker. 'That would save a bit of time', Preston thought to himself as he measured the coffee and put it into the filter of the machine. As the coffee began to brew, he made his way back towards his desk. "Where's my coffee, Holly?" Miranda inquired while he walked past her office door. "It's brewing," Preston replied. "You know, you should really make a pot when I come into the office," Miranda responded. Preston shook his head, knowing that she was repeating an instruction he had occasionally drilled into her over the years. Preston forced a smile to his face as he said, "I know, I'm sorry, Miss Orbison." "Try not to let it happen again," Miranda replied before she returned to her work and called an attorney regarding the status of a lease. Preston went back to working at Miranda's desk before he checked on the coffee pot. Once he realized it was done brewing, Preston made Miranda's cup of coffee pursuant to her directions and carried it into her office. Miranda grinned as she took the cup from him and said, "Thank you, Holly." Preston nodded before he went back to Miranda's desk and finished typing up her correspondence. When he finished, he took a few papers he left for Miranda to fax and brought them over to the fax machine. Preston typed in the numbers and sent the faxes out before he returned to Miranda's desk to look over what was left in her in box. As he stared at the box, Miranda walked by and placed a file into the inbox. "Holly, please go through this file and clean it up," Miranda said before she turned away from him. Preston member stirred as he felt a strange bliss from his subservience to Miranda as he nodded and replied, "Yes, Miss Orbison." Preston thumbed through the file's contents and noticed the general state of disarray he had left the file in. He grabbed some folders and began to sort the contents and put them back into the file. As he continued sorting the folder, Miranda asked him to call in a lunch order. Miranda's request prompted Preston to ask where she wanted to order lunch from. Miranda gave him the name of an eatery close by before she told him what she wanted to order. Preston took down the order before he pulled up their menu on his computer. Preston then called in the order and went back to work. When the time to pick it up came, Miranda asked him to do it. Preston felt strange leaving the office midday to pickup a lunch order for himself and Miranda, but he knew it was part of the role reversal that he had been so willing to engage in. Preston drove to the eatery and paid for the food when he picked it up. No one gave him a second look, as it was not uncommon for men to come in and pickup orders. That made Preston feel a little more at ease as he exited the eatery and returned to the office. Once Preston returned, he ate his lunch at Miranda's secretary's desk, while Miranda ate in his office. Preston finished his day doing the various tasks he had left for Miranda to do before they locked up. Miranda said goodbye to him and complimented his work as a secretary, which made Preston blush before he thanked her. Preston left the office that day feeling strangely invigorated by the events of the day. He rushed home and smiled as he saw his wife cooking dinner. "What are you smiling about?" Kelly asked. "You," Preston replied before he kissed her deeply. "I'm really liking the new you, Preston," Kelly replied with a grin as their lips parted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Preston had a bounce in his step when he entered the office. He smiled at Miranda as she sat at her secretary's desk and asked, "How are you today, Mr. Holly." "Great, you?" Preston replied "Great. You seem awfully chipper," Miranda noted. "Why wouldn't I be?" Miranda shrugged before she turned back to her work. Preston looked over what he had started the day before and said, "Do you got that?" "Got what?" "What I did?" "I can figure it out," Miranda replied with a smile. "Okay. I don't want you to get confused about where I left off." "I appreciate that. Do you want to finish it?" Preston blushed, giving away how badly he wanted to spend another day at Miranda's desk. Miranda smiled, knowing that he was interested in what she was alluding to. Miranda got to her feet, revealing the pants of her suit that had been hidden under the desk. Preston's eyes opened wide, as he could not remember her ever wearing a pantsuit to work. While he had seen her wear pants to the office and a skirt suit, she had never worn a pantsuit to work. From there his eyes drifted down to the flat, unisex shoes on her feet that were so different from the heels he was used to seeing upon them. "How do I look?" Miranda asked. "I think you look great." "Thanks. I was trying to strike a more authoritative image," Miranda replied as a smile came across her face. "Mission accomplished," Preston replied as his arousal increased. Miranda noticed the bulge in his pants as she said, "I think you should complete what you started, Holly." Miranda's utterance of his name in such a manner made Preston's manhood surge, "I suppose that would be the most productive way to get it done. No sense changing horses in midstream." Preston's strained efforts to justify the situation to Miranda made her smirk as she nodded and said, "What the harm of one more day?" "Nothing, Miss Orbison," Preston replied with a smile. Miranda nodded before she reached under desk and removed a shopping bag. "What's that?" Preston asked. "It's a little gift from me to you, Holly," Miranda replied as she threw him a pair of black, sheer knee high hosiery. Preston was aroused by their feeling his hands before he asked, "What are these for?" Miranda grinned as she replied, "To go along with these," as she removed a shoe box from the bag. Preston's heart raced as Miranda opened the box and showed him the pair of black patent leather heels she had bought for him. "Try them on," Miranda said as she patted the back of her secretary's chair. "How do you know they'll fit me?" "I took the measurements from those shoes you leave in your office." Preston nodded, remembering the shoes he left in his office for business dealings on casual Friday. He left them there, along with an old suit, to change into in the event that any business outside of the office had to be handled. Preston hesitated for a moment before he gave into his urges to give into Miranda. He sat down upon the secretary's chair and removed his shoes and socks. Preston then rolled the knee highs down, as Kelly had shown him to roll pantyhose earlier. Miranda smirked at Preston's action, knowing that it was not the first time that he had put delicate hosiery upon his legs. Preston smiled at the way the silky knee highs clung to his legs and feet before he reached for the rounded toe shoes. Blushing, Preston slipped his right foot into the pair of heels first. Preston smiled at how his feet looked in them as he hiked up his pant leg. Noticing his reaction, Miranda smiled as she said, "Those heels seem to be a perfect fit for you." Preston only nodded in response before he put the other shoe upon his left foot. Miranda clapped her hands together once as she stared down at the shoes and said, "Those are so much more appropriate for a secretary than oxfords, don't you agree, Holly?" "Yes, Miss Orbison," Preston replied as his manhood surged. Preston pulled his chair under the desk, in an effort to conceal his arousal. It had not been unnoticed by Miranda, however, but she let it go without mention as she walked into Preston's office and took a seat behind his desk again. Preston stared down at his shoes and smiled. He remembered how his wife had told him he was not ready for them. He shook his head as he thought, 'If she could see me now.' Preston then started to work on the spreadsheet he had begun working on the day before. He typed up the changes he had made to it before Miranda called him into her office. "What's going on, Miss Orbison?" Preston asked as he struggled to keep himself up right as he walked towards his office door. "I want you on this conference call." "With who?" Preston replied. "It's with a tenant, his attorney and our attorney." Preston shrugged before he walked over to his desk in careful, mincing steps and took hold of a steno pad. Preston returned to the office and sat down in a guest chair before the desk, feeling relieved to get off his heeled feet again. Kelly dialed into the conference call number. Preston took notes in silence as he listened to Miranda and the voices that came from the speaker of the phone until the call ended after two hours. Preston shook his head as he stood up at the end of the call and went to write up a summary email for Miranda based on the call. Once Preston finished summarizing the terms, he sent it to Miranda. Miranda made a few tweaks and suggestions and sent it back to him. Preston was slightly taken aback by it, but the critique made his manhood surge before he made the changes. Shortly after that, he called in a lunch order for himself and Miranda. Miranda let him change out of his shoes before he picked it up and brought it back to the office. Once he got back into the office, Preston slipped out of his oxfords and back into his knee highs and pumps. Miranda smiled at the action, since she had not had to tell him to do so. Preston and Miranda decided to eat together in the conference room. They brought each up to speed on where each was at with the others work before they made small talk about their personal lives. As they finished eating, Miranda smiled and asked, "Holly, would you mind doing this again?" "Doing what?" Preston asked. "Switching roles from time to time," Miranda answered. Preston smiled as he said, "I can certainly see doing it again. Not all the time, but I wouldn't mind working for you again, Miss Orbison." Miranda grinned as she said, "Then we have to do something about those glasses." "Why?" "They're just not pretty enough for a secretary." "What did you have in mind?" Preston asked as his manhood began to poke against the front of his pants. "I've got your prescription, why don't I order you a suitable pair of frames." Preston blushed as he replied, "I think that's a great idea, Miss Orbison." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, despite his enjoyment of his time as the secretary, Preston reasserted his position of authority at the office by arriving early and continuing to work in his office until lunchtime. After grabbing lunch, however, a little playful teasing resulted in Preston finding himself beneath Miranda's desk once more. As much as Preston wanted to deny it, he could not help but enjoy his time at the secretary's desk. With that realization, Preston spent the rest of the day and Thursday swapping roles with Miranda throughout the day. For part of the day, he was Preston Holly, CEO of the company, while at other times he was simply Holly, Miranda Orbison' secretary who scurried around the office in pumps. The duality of his existence made Preston constantly aroused. Preston went home each night, full of energy and pent-up sexual needs. He responded to them by tending to his wife's needs as best he could before he got her into the mood. He ravished her as he did when they were dating to Kelly's surprise and excitement. Whistling, Preston walked through the door of his office on Friday morning and saw a note on Miranda's desk. Picking it up, Preston grinned as he read it aloud. "Holly, I've got a surprise for you. Come into my office to see your new casual Friday outfit. Sincerely, Miss Orbison." Preston clutched the note as he locked the front door of the office suite before approached his office door and knocked upon it. "Who is it?" Miranda playfully called out. "It's Holly," Preston replied. "Please come in, girl," Miranda responded. Preston pushed the door open and saw Miranda resting behind the desk with her flat sandals resting on the desk as she lounged back in the executive's chair. Preston was surprised to see her getting so comfortable behind his desk before she asked, "How are you today, Holly?" "Good, you?" Preston asked, feeling slightly uneasy about Miranda's nonchalance about being behind his desk. "I'm doing great. I see that you saw my note." Preston nodded before Miranda continued, "If you turn around you'll find it hanging right behind my door." Preston turned and looked at the long sleeved, white blouse and black ankle pants that were hanging off the coat hook on the back of the door. Preston's heart raced as he daydreamed about putting on the outfit, which he felt was quite feminine. "That's a nice outfit, but isn't it a bit girly," Preston asked, ignoring the fact that Kelly had referred to his office door as her own. "I don't think so. It's unisex clothing. It's not like I'm making you wear a skirt or anything." The thought that Miranda implanted in his mind with that comment made Preston's member stir. He daydreamed for a moment about being Miranda's skirted secretary, but he felt that that would be too much. "I can see this being unisex. It's kind of cosmopolitan looking," Preston replied, coming to believe what Miranda had claimed. Miranda nodded with a smile, knowing that the blouse and pants had both come from the ladies' department. "So what do you think?" Miranda asked. "I think they're nice." "And what do you have to say to your conscientious employer who bought these lovely things for you?" "Thank you, but shouldn't I be thanking that the one that really paid for them. I figure it's the same person who ordered new glasses for me," Preston replied with a smile. "While the company did buy you those clothes and those glasses, I did make that call for you though." Preston nodded his head as he said, "Thank you." "And speaking of your new glasses, guess what I picked up this morning? "I'm going to guess glasses? Am I right?" Preston asked with a laugh. "Smart girl, Holly." "Thanks, Miss Orbison." "Well, I suppose you should step into the bathroom and get ready for work." Preston hemmed and hawed for a moment before he asked, "Do you think my heels go with this outfit?" "They're black, honey, they go with anything." "Not the color. I mean, it's causal Friday. Shouldn't I be wearing something, casual?" "I've always hated casual Friday," Miranda responded. "Since when?" Preston countered, knowing that Miranda was the main reason casual Friday was implemented at the office. "Since you started wearing the heels," Miranda replied with a laugh before she said, "Don't worry I got you a nice pair of shoes for today too." "Can I see them?" "Not until you put on something appropriate, Holly," Miranda gently chided. Preston nodded as he took hold of the blouse and pants and headed for the bathroom. Preston disrobed quickly before he put on the clothes Miranda had purchased for him. After admiring how he looked from his head down for a moment, Preston headed out of the bathroom. Knocking upon the door to Miranda's office, Preston smiled as he drew her attention. Miranda smirked as she looked him over and said, "Now, let's complete the look." Preston nodded again as Kelly opened up the glasses case and handed the pair of glasses she ordered to him. Preston looked over the skinny rectangular design of the glasses. "Stop dawdling and put them on," Miranda chided. Preston took the glasses from the case and put them on his head. He wanted to see how they looked on him, but without a mirror, he was dependent on Miranda's opinion for the moment. Miranda nodded her head while she said, "Now, those glasses are just right for my secretary." Preston's manhood surged again. Miranda saw it stirring beneath the tight pants and realized that she knew exactly what buttons to push to make sure that the new office hierarchy did not revert back to the way it was the Friday before. "And now for the shoes," Miranda said. She lingered as she fiddled with the bag below the desk. She could sense that Preston was waiting with bated breath to see what she had got for him to wear. Miranda pulled the shoes out the bag and held them out in front of them. Preston's heart fluttered as he looked over the silver, metallic ballet flats with a slingback strap. "Aren't they pretty," Miranda asked. Preston nodded as he took them from her hands. He placed them on his bare feet before Miranda dismissed him from her office. Once Preston reached Miranda's secretary's desk, he realized that there had been no back and forth between them about what role each was playing that day. He knew that Miranda had unilaterally decided that she was going to be the boss that day. The feeling of powerlessness that accompanied his lack of a role in the decision making that day made him feel excited. Preston sat down at Miranda's desk and began to do some of her paperwork. He reviewed the spreadsheets in front of him and entered in the information into the computer. The menial nature of the mindless task aroused Preston as he heard Miranda engaging in more intellectually stimulating business conversations behind his executive's desk. "Holly, can you come in here," Miranda bellowed, breaking Preston's concentration. Preston got to his feet and said, "Yes, Miss Orbison." Miranda handed him a stack of papers and asked for him to make a few copies of each. Preston nodded as he carried them out of Miranda's office and towards the copy machine. He made a few copies of the first documents, before he turned his attention to the remainder of the pile. As the machine started to make the copies, Miranda shouted over the noise of the machine, "Holly, can you get me a cup of coffee?" "Yes, Miss Orbison," Preston shouted back before he turned towards the kitchenette and saw his wife staring at him with her mouth agape. Preston saw the key to the office in her hand. He had forgotten that she had one, since she had not visited him at the office in years. Preston froze as he waited for his wife to say something. As the silence lingered between the two of them, Miranda got to her feet and shouted as she exited the exit door, "Holly, I don't hear you getting my coffee." Miranda came to a sudden stop as she looked at Kelly's peeved face. Miranda's heart raced as she wondered what Kelly must be thinking about what they were doing. "What the hell is going on here?" Kelly shouted, breaking the silence. "It's just a game," Preston replied, while Miranda nodded as fast as she could. "This is a game. This is your job!" "I know, but it's nothing more than just a little harmless fun," Preston replied with a stammer. "How long has this been going on?" "It's only been a week." "A week," Kelly replied, realizing what she had done on Sunday before she shouted, "Did I push you to this?" "It's just for fun. There's nothing going on." "There better be nothing going on," Kelly shouted as she glared at her husband and Miranda before she continued, "Because I will not tolerate this at my business." Preston's stomach sunk as his wife reminded him of the business's true hierarchy. While he was the CEO, he was not the president of the company, Kelly was. While Kelly had never taken part in the active day to day affairs of the business, her name was on the on the business loan and on the majority of the stock shares. It was an arrangement crafted to qualify for their lender's preferences for granting loans to women owned businesses. Preston thought it was discriminatory at the time, but he needed the loan. He made the arrangement with his wife, where she took majority ownership in order to qualify for the loan. Other than signing some documents over the years, Kelly had never been involved in the affairs of the company and never evidenced any desire to get involved. "Kelly, I swear. There's nothing going on between me and Holly," Miranda replied. "Holly?" "A great last name and a first name for a girl like her," Kelly said as she stared at her husband. Miranda approached Kelly as she said, "It's just a release for us. He's always making decisions. I'm always at his mercy. It was nice to turn the tables for once. Holly's so much different like this. The workplace is quiet and she's relaxed and content." Kelly nodded, understanding exactly where Miranda was coming from with respect to her husband. Suddenly, she realized that the same traits that had emerged in him on Sunday when she dressed him en femme were now clear to Miranda as well. Kelly knew then that the changes she had seen in her husband were not temporal. She turned towards Preston and looked him over. "So this is why you've been coming home so randy, you dirty girl!" Kelly said, prompting Preston to blush, while Miranda struggled not to snicker. Kelly then added, "And just so you know, Kojak would never wear slingbacks." Preston smiled at his wife's comment, feeling relieved that her anger seemed to be dissipating to amusement about the situation she had stumbled upon. "Now, ladies, let me tell you how things are going to be from now on," Kelly then said, prompting the smile to leave Preston's face. Miranda started to sweat since she was afraid that Kelly was going to call a board of directors meeting and order her fired. "I'm the majority owner of this company, and it's high time I acted like it. So, Miranda, go get your stuff out of my office because I'm the boss, now." "Kelly, I...," Preston began to reply before she cut him off. "It's Miss Stone in the office place, dear," Kelly replied. Preston wondered why his wife was using her maiden name, but he did not want to say anything about it. "Now, you two ladies will bring me up to speed around here, particularly you, Miranda. We're going to get you a new desk, and I'm going to really rely on." "What about me?" Preston asked. "You can take on the role you clearly want, the office secretary," Kelly replied. Preston blushed as he said, "I can't be a secretary." "No, not looking like that you can't. That's why you're going to be wearing your wig and all that shape wear I bought you," Kelly retorted. Miranda gave Kelly an amused look as she received confirmation that Preston's cross-dressing did not start in the office. "But my clothes?" "Oh, you can wear mine, honey, sure they're a little short on, but I think they'll work fine." "You can't be serious about keeping me in skirts," Preston responded. "Oh, I'm plenty serious, but I'm going to make a game of it. I know how much you two like games." "What kind of game?" Miranda asked. "My little girl wants to complain about wearing skirts, she's going to have do something to earn her way out them." "What?" "You'll find out, but I'm going to be instituting a points system." "A point system?" Preston replied. "Yes, you're going to have earn enough girlie points to get the right to start wearing pants again." "And then what?" Preston asked. "Then you can start wearing pants again, assuming you want to," Kelly replied. "Kelly, please this was just a game," Preston began to reply. Kelly cut him off as she responded, "It still is a game, except, now, I get to be in on making you all hot and bothered." Preston blushed before Kelly kissed him on his cheek and said, "Enjoy the feeling of those pants, I have a feeling you won't remember the feeling by the time you get a chance to wear them again. Kelly's words made Preston's hardened member surge. Kelly smirked down at it as she hugged him with one arm and discreetly rubbed his member through his pants. Kelly placed a kiss upon his lips, while Preston struggled with his conflicting fear of being caught in drag and his undeniable love of being feminine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Preston awoke on Monday morning, feeling a bit anxious about what the day would hold in store for him. He ate breakfast beside his wife, who was strangely quiet while they ate. After showering, Preston came into the master bedroom and found his wife waiting for him. Preston looked over his wife, who was already dressed for the day in a black pantsuit, a white blouse and 4 inch high heeled pumps. Preston loved how she looked. Kelly smiled at him as she asked, "Are you ready to earn some girly points?" "Is this really necessary?" Preston retorted. Kelly nodded before she turned away from him. She then threw the doors open to her closet while she asked, "So what do you want to wear today?" "Come on, do we really have to do this?" Preston inquired, despite knowing the answer. "You embraced the role without me. You two said it was nothing, so what's wrong with me making you prove it?" "How about having a little faith?" "How about showing a little leg?" Kelly countered with a smirk. Preston rolled his eyes before he sighed and said, "Do I really have a choice?" "Yes," Kelly replied. "How about a pantsuit then." "A pantsuit, where's the fun in that?" "That's my choice." "Well, it's the wrong choice. So, pick again." "What if I pick something you don't like?" "You lose some more girly points?" "Have I already lost points?" "You better believe it. Hell, that's pantsuit idea cost you 137 points alone." Preston shook his head at his wife and asked, "Would it be better if I just let you pick it out?" "Deferring to your love like an old fashioned woman, that's good for some points." "How many?" "32," Kelly replied. "And that brings me to what?" "I'm not going to keep score for you!" "Then how are we going to know when I got enough girly points?" "Trust me, you'll be girly enough by then that it should be obvious," Kelly replied. Kelly's response made Preston's stomach churn as he wondered what his wife was planning for him. "Let's see what we've got here. Office professional, office professional," Kelly said to herself as she tapped on her chin. Preston looked on, anxious to see what he would be wearing around Miranda. He wondered what she would think once she saw him dressed in a dress or a skirt. While she had already seen him in heels, he felt that a skirt or dress would be a bit too much for her. Kelly grinned as she selected a metallic, tweed skirt suit. Preston looked over the metallic pastel colors that mixed with the black in the garment and felt a bit queasy about wea

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women are not innocent

Ive been observing women for years and have come the a fair conclusion. Women are no where near as innocent as many try to make us to believe. They also have many double standards. I hear so many arguments women have with their boyfriends about giving attractive female co workers a ride home. On many occasions i have given female co workers rides home and have watched them lie to their man about how they were getting home. Women spass out when they look thru their mans phone to find pics of...

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Women want More

The pillow talk of new millennium couples in the 2010 INDIA TODAY-AC Nielsen-ORG MARG sex survey tells an unprecedented story of women's arou*al being thwarted and of romance gone sour. Call it the Eat Pray Love moment in the life of the modern Indian woman. Just as the lead character, Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts in the film) was asked by her Balinese healer to "pray for sex", the survey finds Indian women meditating intently on the prayer beads of fulfilling and wholesome sex.Shatter...

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Women In The News

Women In The News By Jennifer White A new business opened it's doors in the spring of last year, in my home town. It was called a 'transformation clinic', with the mission of turning men into women. Not to have surgery mind you, and become real women, but to take a man, and teach him how to dress up like a girl, wear makeup, wigs, falsies and everything. They had their own on-site supply of accessories, so a man could come in wearing a business suit, and walk out fully...

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Women Reclaim the Night

WOMEN RECLAIM THE NIGHT. The most amazing and wonderful transformation has happened to me. I wasn't always the happily married woman I am now. Only a couple of years ago I was a frustrated and horny male. Looking for female conquests but somehow never satisfied. Then in one evening I began a change that has taken two years so far and is still not finished. I apologize for the different styles of the entries. These have all been taken as excerpts from my diary and they naturally vary...

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WoMen in red english version

WoMen in red - english versionWriten by:[email protected] translatedJulian is caught by 4 women in his penchant for women's clothing and forced to become a Dolly.In the second part, Julian's wife gambles Julian's self-determination, both of them get into slave service.In the third part Julian takes on his role as a woman, experiences erotic adventures, but also finds an explanation for his passion.Part 1:I am male, my name is Julian, live in Berlin Germany, I am 44 years old, 178 tall,...

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Women Seeking Women In Modern Era

We have many, but why does it sometimes seem so difficult to satisfy and meet black dating singles online member’s people? Have you ever been relaxing or even to strive all a week just awaiting the weekend? You can have someone in mind that you want to see the few days, only to find later, the individual you want to see may have programs or can be absolutely considering another individual.With many dating sites on the Internet, it becomes a little difficult in the choice of online dating site,...

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Womens club

The meeting of Conway Street Masturbation Club was just about ready to come to order as President Teddi Graves called for order, "Okay ladies, let's quiet down and get ready for business!!!" The twelve naked females between the ages of 26 and 58 all sat down and waited for Teddi to start the meeting! "It looks like were all here," she began while surveying the crowd, "I guess everybody has the "itch" today!!!" A titter of laughter rolled across the room as the women looked sheepishly at one...

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Women are Stupid

Yes, I know the title "Women Are Stupid" will cause an uproar. It's bound to in today's world. And when an author is assailed by critics - as I am sure to be - he inevitably backs off or tries to weasel his way out of the controversy or claims he's misunderstood. Or misquoted. Or something. Not me. I really believe it. Women ARE Stupid. I'll take it a step further. Not just some women, not even most women. All Women. They're ALL stupid. I have a story that illustrates it. I don't...

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Women clothed men naked

Jack had to admit he like to see the sailor on his ship naked and had seen him walk around the boat with a hard on naked and even stroked his cock and made him cum three times. Jack liked when the sailor work of the boat as Jack would sit down and see his sailor Don go to working on the boat putting up the mail sail on the boat and just operating on the boat in general. There has Jack was sitting in his chair he would see his sailor at work as he sipped his martini he would look at his sailor's...

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Women of Miklavik Ch01

Chapter 1It was midday. The sun stood high above the village of Miklavik. The village was known across the land for its proud female warriors and skillful hunters. The great Matriarch, Queen Nejfa, ruler of the known world, even sent for them whenever there was conflict.In the village, the men had worked all day to prepare for the return of the hunting party. The hunters had been away for seven sunrises and there was always cause for celebration upon their return.On the path leading from the...

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Women put to good use

D&B Caroline Dumont was a 25 y/o pretty blond housewife. Her 5 feet and a half were more than enough to display a body many models would kill for. Rich but not overdone in the upper department and generous but firm and well shaped at the rear she would qualify for a pocket-Venus title. She had married Jeff, deep in love, two years ago. They had been dating for more than three years then and the more they were together the more they liked to be together. They just waited for him to get his...

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Women Leave Islam For Atheism

Praise the Lord! Those words are always coming out of my boyfriend William Jean-Bertrand’s mouth. Okay, I get it. He’s a good Christian and all but I just don’t get why he has to remind everybody of it. A lot of people look at Will and I and are really surprised that we’re going out. Will is around five-foot-eleven, slim, with light brown skin, curly Black hair and pale gray eyes. Born in Quebec City to a Haitian father and French Canadian mother, he’s biracial and kind of cute. A proud son of...

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Women vs Monster Dick

For as long as the history books dated, the monsters of this world have been trying to kidnap and enslave women in order to use them for birthing the next generation of monsters, believing that having human genes will make stronger monsters. The Knights of old have successfully fought back the monster raids, but every so often, one monster would get lucky and snatch a woman to become their slave, and these rare couplings validated the monsters' beliefs as the children from the couplings were...

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Women Of My Wife8217s Family 8211 Part 3

In my previous posts( Women of my wife’s family-Part I & ii) I had narrated how I came to fuck my beautiful mature mother in law, after my wife had an affair. Things were going smoothly in Chennai, where I was posted then, with my wife and mother in law available for me exercise my cock, on a daily basis. During this time my brother in law used to visit us with his wife, so that he could fuck his mother and sister, while I enjoyed his wife. It was a great pleasure to watch my brother in law...

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Women In Command

Women In Command - part 1. This is another story I have been working on for a while. Please do leave comments and feedback as it is alsways nice to know that people are reading what I have written. I am also happy to receive emails at curt_seygurlyahoo.co.uk. I have also started a new blog at mysissyplaytime.blogspot.com. Enjoy the story. I used to search the internet for stories about sissies, female domination, forced crossdressing and forced homosexual activity....

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WOMEN AND TORTURE: A MOTHER INTERROGATE IN FRONT HER SON p. 1Every human perversion is possible in a torture centre a universe of pain and human evil. My story-article it is a real case of mother-son interrogatory:. Real it are the types of torture described, real the victims and the jailers confessions, real the victims emotions?.. In this version there are not the photos but only the text. If do you want the version with photo write me.Incest and torture are embarrassing and scabrous matters...

4 years ago
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Women Are The Ruling Class 8211 Part 1

First I would like to introduce those dominating mistresses…. Sudha aunty: the most beautiful aunty in our area. Whitish skin with gorgeous and dominating look. Her measurements are 36-32-40…. Ritcha aunty: she is the closet friend of Sudha aunty. She will be whitish and she have a broad back which will be like a white board. Her measurements are 38-34-42. Thanam aunty: she will be fair. She had a perfect homely look with cute smile. Her measurements are 36-32-42. And now coming to my aunt. I...

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This story was told to me by Shirley who you can read about in my series of stories about my Mother's friend who was my first love. This story had several variations when told by her and over the years my imagination has added more. She was very turned on to tell me this story as she stroked me slowly to climax. I was embarrassed back then and still am today to a large extent to admit that a movie or story about a woman being whipped can turn me on so much. I am writing this in response to the...

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This story was told to me by Shirley who you can read about in my series of stories about my Mother's friend who was my first love. This story had several variations when told by her and over the years my imagination has added more. She was very turned on to tell me this story as she stroked me slowly to climax. I was embarrassed back then and still am today to a large extent to admit that a movie or story about a woman being whipped can turn me on so much. I am writing this in response to the...

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Gentlemen Prefer

I never would have noticed her if it weren’t for the hat. I mean, let’s be honest here, cigarette girls are a dime a dozen, and the way I went through nightclubs, I’d seen a hundred dollars’ worth already. Her hat came bobbing through the crowd, keeping that hot swing beat, with those short maple-wood waves under it shining in the lights off the big bandstand. Call her what you want, a dame, a doll, a pinup waiting to happen, anybody could see that there was something about her that begged for...

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What position would you prefer

It begins with an that I will come over to visit and instruct you to leave your front door unlocked. You will be lying face down on your bed and you will hear me enter your home, walking to the kitchen the sound of the microwave runs for a few seconds.Upon entering your bedroom I the close the d****s and return to admire your form, you had been instructed not to speak and informed there would be consequences should you do so.I begin to undress and your first feeling are my hands spreading your...

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Women are special

Ok, someone told me that one-liners and cock pix get women. Really? Well maybe they aren't women. Maybe they've been abused or hurt or just want to have fun with you. Consider this. You are a tool for a woman sometimes. If she feels chemistry or a need to procreate or mate or have a good time, you are the one at the right time at the right place. Or maybe not...Women are different and there are and will be discussions until God says the way it is and Her word is final. If you really want to be...

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Women love my company

I think ive fucked more married women than i ever intended. It all started on myspace of all places. Women started hittin me up clearly stating they were married and wanted to fuck. I was more than willing. One of the ladies introduced me to adultspace.com which opened me up to meeting alot of women from all over the world. Adultfriendfinder is also a hot site that always has hot pussy available. But i can also meet a woman in the supermarket or even at a singles bar and the results are always...

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Women Warriors

Women of The Civil War. This tale is fiction based on real life events. There were about 2,000 women in the U S Civil War on both sides as fighters. Their reasons varried. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. This is Bobbie again. I was reading some more journals of my husband Barry's ancestors. This story comes from Captian Adam Remington and takes place durning and shortly after the U S Civil War. Today is 21 March in the year of our Lord 1863. This war has lasted too long. The Rebels...

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Women and Children First III The Prince

Women and Children First III: The Prince By Melissa Tawn Could the heir to the throne of England be a transsexual? Havelock Ellis and Leonard Stout have to find out. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am afraid that you have to read the first two installments of this story in order to understand what is going on. Havelock Ellis and the Duke of Windsor were, of course, real persons but all actions and conversations attributed to them in this story are purely fictional. The rumors about the Duke of...

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Women No Shirts Drink Free

The new sign read, “Men No Shirts, No Service. Women No Shirts, Drink Free.” It was huge and was just hung up on the front of my bar. I couldn’t wait to see how it worked. My ad in the paper came out today too announcing my new policy. This was a college town and an awful lot of underage girls try to get in all the time. In our state girls over eighteen can have their wrist tagged so that they cannot buy drinks. Then of course at twenty-one they can drink legally in this state. The...

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Women and I

I was fourteen-year-old when I first touched a woman's breasts. She was our forty-two-year-old maid who had lovely pair of breasts. She, of course, didn't like it, but I did it anyway. She was also the first woman I saw naked, when I peeked through a window and saw her taking a bath. After that, I never lost an opportunity to touch her or see her nude. During those years, I tried to see whatever of whomever I could: breasts of my cousin; the naked body of our neighbor's daughter; my...

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Womens private gym

"Hello, Women's Private Gym, this is Karen, how may I help you!?!" "Uh, my name is Winnie Andleman and I saw your ad in the underground paper and was thinking about maybe joining, could you please tell me a little bit about it, I mean the cost and everything!?!" "Well, Winnie," Karen replied smoothly, "our gym has very competitive rates with other gyms in the area, but with one big exception, we don't have any men to interrupt and bother us, so you can more or less let your hair down and get...

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Women and Children First II The Aftermath of Disaster

Women and Children First II: The Aftermath of Disaster AUTHOR'S NOTE: Many people have asked me to write a followup to my story "Women and Children First". I hope this satisfies their request. One has to first read the original story in order to figure out what has happened so far. -------------------------- The lifeboat containing Mrs. Wilkerson and her three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Margaret, was picked up by the Carpathia and they were safely rescued and returned...

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Women are more interested in sex than men

From my experience I have learnt that women are more interested in sex, and not men. If the proper opportunity comes, they take the initiative and get sex at any cost. They don’t mind, blood relations women are more interested in sex, and not menhip or difference in age, difference in caste, or any other matter. If they want sex, they will get it. One Seetha, aged 28, married for 7 years and no issues, settled down in Chennai with her husband in a flat in one of the suburbs. She did her...

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Women from POF

I had been chatting to this72 year old women on POF for about 2 weeks, she wanted to meet in a coffee shop so I said ok is there one near you, She then said no and send me a post code so I asked if it was her's, she then sent me her address so this morning off I going, when I got there her daughter was there, the old women went to make coffee & her daughter asking have you met my mum before no I said, just here for coffee ( with a smile thinking I'm going to fuck her when you have gone) So...

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Women Of My Family 8211 Part 6 Finally Seduced Mom

This is a fictional story about the women in the family. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at I would like to thank reader Shehnaaz who encouraged me and give me a few good tips about lesbian sex....

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Women Who Perform With AnimalsChapter 9

As they walked along the street toward Lenny's apartment, the Englishman questioned her further. "The thing I don't understand, Lenny, is this..." he spoke in a soft voice, "why is it that I haven't been able to have a real thing with a woman since the war, then all of a sudden everything clicks with you?" Lenny stopped and pulled his raincoat more tightly about her well-shaped body. He eyed the jutting of her indescribable breasts, beneath the stretched cloth. "I think I have an...

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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man’s ability to generate red bl**d cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the bl**d of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man's ability to generate red blood cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the blood of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

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Women With Something Extra

Women with Something Extra Chapter One Sandy wasn't her real name. She acquired it because her hair was a beautiful sandy blonde. It had exactly the right color to bring out her facial features that would reflect her most inner beauty. She couldn't help but attract everyone's attention wherever she would go. The men ogled her for the obvious male reason's, each one of them drooling and stepping on their tongues. Women would evaluate her hair color, her style and the clothes she...

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Women are born to serve he said Woops

Women are born to serve, he said. Woops! By Rebecca Molay Do not -- I repeat: do not! -- make sexist jokes with wiccas present.? Freddy always got drunk at parties, and at around one AM he always started to insult the women present. Not because he believed in what he said, but because he loved to see their reaction. This time he had tagged along as some party participants decided to move over to a farm outside of town -- some kind of commune, they...

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Women as likely as men to enjoy casual sex

It's not just men who are looking for 'friends with benefits'.A Deakin University researcher has said that women are as likely as men to enjoy casual sexual arrangements, but for different reasons.Kylie McCardle, who has been looking for 400 'friends with benefits' to take part in a survey, said the women who took part in an initial study said these arrangements gave them sexual confidence."The men were more likely to say they enjoyed the intimacy of the friendship," the Age quoted McCardle as...

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Women like dating playboys

Women show the opposite pattern. They are more likely to continue dating a man who has had a heterosexual affair than one who has had a homosexual affair. The study provides new insight into the psychological adaptations behind men's desire for a variety of partners and women's desire for a committed partner. These drives have played a key role in the evolution of human mating psychology. "A robust jealousy mechanism is activated in men and women by different types of cues — those that threaten...

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Women In Love 8211 Part II

Hi guys, I am Neha and this is my maiden contribution this site. If I make a mistake, please pardon me. I am a lesbian and am not ashamed of being one. Please don’t forward me proposals of “I want to fuck you” In fact I don’t have inclination for male female love at all. I am one of the characters in this story. So, guess which one. My email id is Sunita at the age of 40, was a faithful wife of Swami Prem Anand, the Head of a Brahm Kumari’s Ashram. Respected by the community, she was the image...

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Women Only

Shortly after my birthday, I realized that I was missing the most important gift: one from me for myself. I wanted something that would help me deal with all the stress that started tormenting my life lately. Something relaxing. Maybe a book with meditation instructions or yoga exercises. So, I started searching the internet. After I had read through the hundredth advertised bestseller for mindfulness and the umpteenth call for self-love, I could no longer bear the misery. My neck hurt and my...

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Women Want You Naked

You wake up, on a morning like any other, your bed disheveled after a night of tossing and turning. You had an unsettling dream last night; your clothes would just disappear after you put them on! What's more, tons of women were there every time you tried to get dressed again, women you knew and women you didn't. Checking that the t-shirt and boxers you wore to bed were still on your body, you knew it was just a dream... but it felt uncomfortably real. A buzzing to the side of your bed draws...

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Women Are Being Replaced

I love being a femme! Just having a femme appearance - small heart shaped chin, soft hairless skin, pretty legs - I love all of that. But I would have to say that I'm most proud of my natural female breasts. I developed them during puberty, and by the time I was 18 they were like they are now. They're not humongous or anything like that, but they're bigger than a lot of biological women's, and they are nicely shaped. And - men LOVE them!Of course they weren't always a source of pride to me; to...

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Women get horny here is my story

It was the last train form the city back to Edinburgh and it was getting late when I boarded it. The carriage was empty and I kicked off my heels and put my feet up onto the opposite seat.The carriage was very warm as the outside temperatures were near freezing, what you would expect in mid December. I studied my netted stocking with my red painted toenails sticking though, very whorish, ran through my mind, which appealed to my darker side.I followed my legs up to my short skirt and even...

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Women on Why They Love Pegging

"I feel really sexy in a harness and it's really cool to have a penis."RUBEN CHAMARRO If you've ever wondered what it would be like to "peg" your guy (aka put on a strap-on dildo and, well, put it in his butt and have sex with him), or if you've just wondered why some women would want to do that, a recent Ask Reddit thread asked women to reveal what they love most about pegging and they had plenty to say. If you don't kind of want to try pegging by the end of this, I don't know what to tell...

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Women and Prostitution Some Very Sexy Facts

I have been writing about prostitutes since I was 13. My own personal experiences and everything I saw around gave me a good understanding of how whores operate. Contrary to common belief, not all prostitutes do it under threat of v******e or to avoid starvation. Some of them just like it. Some find it easy and even quit their regular jobs to become full time prostitutes (like my mother).But today I will talk about those women who have whore fetish.My older 28 year old girlfriend was a bdsm...

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Women Of My Wife8217s Family 8211 Part 4

After I sprayed my hot semen on the face and mouth of my mother in law, my mother law dried my penis putting it in her mouth and sucking the last drops. “Are you happy now,” asked the grandmother of my wife. “Yes, grandma,” I said, holding my mother in law’s boobs. “My boobs are not as firm as her’s,” she said. “No, it is good, I love it, “I said honestly As I was about to withdraw my dick from my mother in law’s mouth, the maid came in to the room. She is about 45, a big made woman with full...

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