Rabbit's Foot Phone App free porn video

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"Arrghh..." I moan as I groggily sit up in bed, "Yup I'm an idiot...definitely drank to much last night," I mutter. I made the mistake of going out to a few bars with my roommates last night and after that I don't remember all that much. But it's a pretty good bet that the night ended with me being alone, since...well that's what always happens. I stand up and Immediately regret it as pain shoots through my head, right shoulder and right leg. I limp into the kitchen to grab a bunch of painkillers and some water, as I swallow them down two naked bombshells walk into the kitchen with their huge tit's bouncing around and from my angle I can their ass's jiggiling ever so slightly also. "Ohh..like hi we're...." begins one of the obvious ditz's before I cut them off. "Ya ya Craig, Lance, Jerry or Ethan's cocksleeves...dont care," I mutter as I stumble back into my room. I know I'll pay for that at some point but right now I just can't bring myself to care about it. Once in my room I lock the door and look around the room. Same as always one wall with a bookshelf it's entire length completely filled with sci-fi fantasy books and computer programming books. On the wall to my left I have a big 60" flat screen LCD with my sound systems receiver and video game console's. On the opposite one is my bed and the door leading to the room that I keep all my computer's, equipment and spare computer parts. My name is Terry Chatsworth, I'm just a bit over six feet tall weigh two hundred fifteen pounds and basically your typical nerd. I work for a company called SynyDyne as a top level programmer where they pay me a massive salary and have for over ten years. I graduated from MIT when I was sixteen and have worked for SynyDyne ever since. I own my house and the only reason I have roommates is because otherwise I wouldn't have any social interaction with anyone, and plus I met my ex girfriend through them. After a few minutes I hear the two girls yelling at someone down the hallway, and then Ethan is banging on my door yelling for me to open it. I ignore him as I start looking for my phone which I can hear is beeping repeatedly and both Jerry and Lance tell Ethan to stop and deal with me later. I eventually find the phone stuck between the mattress and headboard. I take a look at it and feels like someone has my heart and guts in a vice and is twisting them. "What the fuck! How the hell did this happen!!?" I yell as I see that I purchased an app at one point during the night. Normally it doesn't really matter to me but this time I spent over fifteen thousand dollars which as I look through the email was taken from my savings account. "What the fuck is wrong with me? I never do something this stupid," I mutter to myself. Just then my phone rings...shit it's Sophia my ex girlfriend. "Hey Sophia, what do ya want?" I say as I answer the phone. "Well gee isn't that a nice way to greet your girlfriend of four years," she replies. "Ex girlfriend, remember you broke up with me in a text message a couple of days ago. Now isn't that a nice and respectful thing to do to your boyfriend of four fucking years," I reply angrily. "Wow I figured you'd be pissed but not quite this much, you knew we were going to eventually break up," she replies in surprise. "Bad morning, again what do you want?" I ask. "I've got a box of your stuff and I need you to come and get it, I'm cleaning my place out and need to make some room," she replies. "Fuck...ok I'll be there in a bit, I need to get out of the house for a while anyways," I say before handing up and letting her say anything else. I toss the phone to the side as I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. I get dressed quickly and after locking the door to my room I quietly walk out to my car and drive to Sophia's apartment. "Wow you look like shit!" she says as she opens the door. "Gimme the box so I can leave, the last thing I want is to be around you today," I reply angrily. "Oh come on don't be like that." "You were wrong, I didn't think we were gonna break up I just thought we were having some trouble like all relationships," I reply. "The box is over by the couch," she replies. I walk over to the box and she watches me as I struggle to pick it up. "Geez Terry, what happened to you?" she replies in shock. "Woke up like this," I say as I pick the box up. "Did you take any aspirin or something?" She asks and I simply nod a yes, "Put the box down on the coffee table and hold on a minute," As she walks into the bathroom, she soon comes back out with some painkillers that are even more powerful than the ones I took earlier and I swallow them down with a glass of water. "Thanks...I should get going, I'll see ya around," I say walk back out to my car. As I pull my car out of the parking spot I see Sophia standing in her window shaking her head with a worried look on her face. "Too fucking late to care now," I mutter as I head back to the house. I get to my room without having to deal with any of my roommates and toss the box into a corner of the room as I take my phone out of my pocket so I can see what this stupid app I bought is. It turns out to be an app from the SRU app store whatever the hell that is, all it takes is a quick look to realize that it's a rip off since it says it's the Rabbit's Foot Phone App and that it fulfills wishes. "Yeah right....fine...I wish I didn't feel like I my shoulder and leg were broken and my head wasn't about to explode." The second I finish I feel a tingling that starts at my head and quickly moves down through my right shoulder and ends at my right leg and as the it moves down all the pain simply disappears. "Nooo...the...painkillers must have kicked in," I mutter to myself as I stare at the phone and then at the door nervously and move into my computer room since I don't trust my roommates at all. "Ok I wish I had my fifteen thousand dollars back." Just like before, the second I finish I get a beep on my phone that says I have an email and to my shock it says that fifteen thousand dollars has been deposited to my savings account. I stare down at my phone in shock unable to believe what had just happened and that's when Ethan grabs my phone from my hand. "Who the fuck do you think you are talking to those two at all let alone that way?" he demands. "Hey! Give me that back asshole," I yell. "Shut the fuck up dork," he says as he throws me to the ground when I try to grab my phone from him and walks out into the living room. I chase after him and arrive in the living room just as he tells the rest of the guys what I was doing in my room. "Guess what the dork was doing in his room guys, playing around with a wish granting app!" They all laugh at this. "Hey toss it here bro," says lance completely ignoring me. "I wish that the four of us were six feet five inches tall, ripped and with cocks that have a four inch girth and are ten inches long. Before my eyes I see them all grow taller and their already huge arms blow up like balloons. "HOLY SHIT!" yells Jerry as he stares at Ethan and then looks down at himself in shock. Craig jumps up and rips his boxers off and stares in awe as he grabs his now apparently ten inch long four inch round cock. "Here give it to me I got a real good idea," says Ethan, as he grins at me he says, "You're gonna regret your smart ass mouth you little fuck." As he says that I turn around and run as quick as I can back towards my room hoping that if I get further away from him whatever he wishes for won't come true, but I only get a few feet before I hear Ethan make his wish. "I wish that Terry was actually born as what all four of us consider our dreamgirls combined and that she was always horny." He doesn't even finish before I turn around and stare at him in horror. Instantly I can feel the changes start happening. The tingling starts at my feet more powerful than before as it slowly moves up my legs. As it reaches my hip's I can feel them expand as my jeans get tighter and tighter until they stop just before it feels like there going to explode. I never had a big cock but it is big enough for me to feel it as it starts to shrink along with my balls, it doesn't take long before I can feel my balls and tiny dick be sucked into my body. The tingling continues in my groin but starts to slowly move up my body as I can feel my shirt start to fit snuggly to every crevice of my body. It's when the tingling gets to my neck and above that I can really feel it as things change, it feels like my skin is bubbling and I can actually feel my lips get thicker as my short hair starts to lengthen. It's when my hair reaches past my shoulders that I can feel the pressure in my chest start, it starts slowly and as I look down I see two breasts forming that look like there around a C-Cup. In no time their easily past a D- Cup and then soon after that I couldn't even guess how big all I know is that their huge and that as they stick out I can't see the ground, all I can see is massive amounts of cleavage. I finally look around the rest of the room and notice the guys are circling me like wild animals, all four of them are holding their cocks and Craig is holding the phone. "I wish that Terry, whose name is now Terrah would obey all four of us no matter what we tell her to do," he says as he grins at me while Jerry, Ethan and Lance all laugh. "Now take your clothes off," he says. Just as he told me to I strip my clothes off, struggling with getting my jeans past my wide hips and ass. I hesitate a second once I take my bra off as I see my breasts bounce up and down and stand high up on my chest with my nipples sticking out from the cold. "Get on your knees and blow all of us," says Craig as I step out of my panties. I quickly drop to my knees and take as much of his cock in my mouth as I can while I stroke the others cocks. It doesn't take long before he cums straight down my throat and the rest of them go by in a blur as each one forces me to swallow every last drop. I stay there on my knees staring at the ground ashamed at what I did and how I can feel my body get warmer and warmer, I just know it's because I'm getting horny. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Ethan picking up the phone that Craig dropped, "I wish the four of us had enough stamina to be ready whenever we wanted to be." Ans his cock is immediately hard as he walks in front of me and lays down on the ground. "Get on my cock bitch!" He says as Jerry move's behind me and Lance grabs my head and stuffs his huge cock down my throat. I slowly drop my self down onto his cock and it feels like it's about to rip me open but at the same time it feels amazing with my muscles squeezing it like a vice. That's when I feel one of them try and stuff their massive cock in my ass, but it's just too big and I can hear him grunt in anger as he fails over and over to push it in. "Oh god no please not there!" I cry out. "Dude quick give me the phone I gotta fix this shit," says Jerry. "I wish that Terrah's pussy and ass could stretch as much as they need to be able to take as big a cock or as many at once and still be super tight." He pushes his cock against my hole again and though it's really tight he slowly pushes it in, in no time he starts to slam it in as I rock back and forth on Ethan's cock and Lance forces his cock in my mouth over and over. Soon I don't even care about the cock in my ass, it starts to feel amazing having all three holes stuffed full. But I can't help the tears of shame as Craig starts to suck on my tits and my breath quickens, Lance shoots his load in my mouth and a moment later Craig stuffs his cock in my mouth as Lance takes his place with my tits. Ethan grabs my ass as he starts to thrust up into my pussy and I feel his cock twitching. I moan in protest but he ignores me as he comes in my pussy and just a moment later Jerry fills my ass with his cum too. It goes on like this for what feels like hours, I beg them over and over to stop when ever I don't have one their cocks in my mouth but they ignore me everytime until eventually I pass out. I roll over onto my back wondering why I'm laying on the floor, I open my eyes to see two massive tits blocking most of my view. "Holy shit....it wasn't a dream...noo Noo!!" I cry as I sit up and cover my tits with my arm's. It doesn't sound like the guys are home right now and so I hurry into my room and lock the door. As I stand there I feel a weird sensation as something slowly runs down the inside of my legs, without even thinking about it much more I realize what it is...cum dripping from my pussy. "Oh god nooo!" I cry as I rush to the bathroom and dive for the toilet and empty my stomach. I kneel there for awhile crying over what they did to me eventually stepping into the shower and letting the water run over my sensitive skin. I stay in the shower until the water gets cold and I stop crying, I wrap myself in a towel as I walk out of the bathroom. That's when I notice my room, for the most part it hasn't changed too much I still have the bookshelves filled with sci-fi fantasy books and computer programming books, I still have the big tv and gaming consoles. The room is just more feminine, there's a lot more pastel colors and a whole lot of pink. I think back on Ethans exact wording of his wish as I sit down on the edge of the bed... "I wish that Terry was actually born as what all four of us consider our dreamgirls combined and that she was always horny." As I remember what he said tears well up in my eyes and run down my cheeks, and with shaking hands I pick up the purse on the bedstand and search through it for a wallet. Terrified of what I will find I open the wallet so I can look at the ID and exactly what I was afraid of, as they said earlier my first name is Terrah and my last name is still Chatsworth I'm 5'5", 122 lb, blonde hair and blue eyes and all of it is on a license. I walk over to a large full length mirror to take a look at my self. The first thing I notice is that I'm gorgeous with crystal blue eyes placed perfectly above high cheekbones and full, plump lips. My face is framed by long silky platinum blonde hair that stops just above my large firm heart shaped ass and wide hips. But what is the most obvious are the huge, heavy breasts. I look over at the pile of clothes that I had on after I was turned into...this and go through them until I find the bra...32GG. I didn't even know they could be that big without implants and they definitely aren't fake, they may be firm but they're also soft, it must have something to do with their dream girls. Below my breasts are a flat stomach that leads to a waist that is drastically smaller than my hips, all in all I can definitely see why this would be the body of anyones dream girl. I shake my head slightly as I put the thought out of my head for now and walk over to the dresser to find some clean clothes. I grab the most modest panties that I can find which really aren't modest at all and slide them up my silky smooth pale legs, they encase my ass and pussy in thin soft material as they conform to all my curves and crevices. I grab a bra from the drawer and stare at the tag with it's 32GG on it amazement again. I lay the bra back down as I hold my breasts in my hand, amazed at how firm but soft they are at the same time and very round with only the slightest bit of a teardrop shape to them. Eventually I get over their size and after a bit of difficulty I get both into the cups and the hooks attached. Soon I'm in a pair of tight fitting jeans and a blouse that can barely hold my tits in let alone actually button it very much, but the important thing is that I'm clothed. I spend the next few hour's looking around my bedroom and computer room, as I do I notice subtle differences in the room that weren't obvious earlier. There are diaries hidden behind the bookcases, presumably to keep them away from the my roommates. The few pictures I had as guy have been added to and replaced with one's of my family and friends, I even notice quite a few of Sophia and I which makes me think we might be friends in this life. The most obvious that I notice when I actually take a look is the sheer amount of clothes, as a guy I really didn't have a lot but as a girl the closet is packed with dresses and all kinds of other items. There's so much that the computer room is even used as a makeshift closet and by the amount of shoes even a shoe store. The computer room surprises me the most for the most part other than the clothes and shoes it's still the same just cleaner and more organized. I still have my degree in computer science hanging on the wall from MIT just in a different name than I'm used to. I even have the same computer and video games except for a few additions that I never would have even touched as a guy. Just then I hear Ethan banging on the door and yelling at me and no matter how hard I try to cover my ears I can't completely block out his voice, "Open the fucking door now bitch...it's time for some fun and I got a suprise for ya!" I slowly open the the door with new tears running down my face, before I can open it all the way he pushes his way in knocking me to the ground. He shuts and locks the door and as he turns towards me a grin spreads across his face. "Get up and take your clothes off," he says. I get up off the ground slowly and take my clothes off. I stand there shaking in fear as he circles around me. "Get on your knees and take my cock out and suck it," he orders. I do as he says and as I take his cock in my hands I stare at it still amazed at how big it is and terrified at the same time. "Oh and make sure it's good," he adds with a grin. With tears in my eyes I start to slowly lick the tip before moving down the entire ten inches before I take as much of him into my mouth as possible. As I move my mouth up and down on his cock I slide my tongue over it doing my best to imitate Sophia's blowjobs while a small voice screams in the back of my mind. He tenses up as I move faster and grabs the sides of my head as he starts to thrust his cock in and out, instinctively I move my tongue around trying to get him off quicker, hoping he'll leave. It feels like hour's but eventually I feel him tense up again as he starts to hammer his cock into my mouth while pushing my head into his crotch. Just second's later I feel him cum, but instead of spurts of hot cum it feels like a river as he forces his cock all the down my throat and I have no choice but to swallow and hope I don't suffocate. By the time he finishes My stomach starts to feel full as he laughs and slaps his cock on my face. "Hands and knees on the bed now cum slut!" he laughs. I meekly crawl up onto the bed and position myself in the middle as he grabs my hips and slowly slides his monstrous cock into my tight pussy. He slaps my ass as my tits swing back and forth in time with his thrusts. "Slut! Move your hips around, always make it the best fuck possible and thats an order!" he grunts as he speeds up his thrusts and I start to slowly gyrate my hips. His grunts get louder and louder as he pounds my pussy, suddenly he moves in closer and pushes my face down into the bed as he gets a better position to slam his cock in as hard as possible. I start to panic and struggle as I have trouble breathing, but he eventually forces my head to the side and I gasp for breath as I cry out in pain. "Nng please...ahh STOP!!" I cry, but he keeps going and to my dismay he goes even faster as he forces my head down and his fingers dig into the side of my ass. Suddenly he grunts loudly and starts slapping my ass repeatedly as his cock starts twitching madly and I feel the rivers of cum start again but this time straight into my pussy. The hotness of his cum slowly spreads through my body as it mixes with relief that he finished and hope that he really is done...hope that is soon obliterated. Within a few seconds he wills himself hard again and starts to pump his cock in and out. I don't know how long it lasts or how many times he cums but when he does finish I can feel my belly is noticeably larger. I lay there on the bed crying as he stuffs something huge into my pussy and leans down by my head. "You leave that in until you're told otherwise whore, now be a good whore and put on your sluttiest heels and come into the living room make sure that's all you got on," he whispers before pulling his jeans on and leaves the room. I lay there a few minutes as I try to wrap my mind around it, soon I sit up with the unnerving feeling of my belly sloshing around. I do my best to balance my self with the new weight of my belly and with the weight sloshing around I walk into the computer room and find a pair of heels. I struggle to get the heels on and then even more as I walk out into the living room stumbling repeatedly. The entire group roars with laughter as they see my distended belly and the shamed look on my face as I stare at the ground. "Wow you really did a number on her Ethan!" laughs Craig. "Ok listen up cunt, from now on it's your job to keep this house spotless and that means every single room. It's also your job to make us our meals starting with dinner. Start putting the recipe that's on the kitchen counter together and while it's in the oven start cleaning. Oh ya and unless otherwise told when in this house you won't wear any clothes other than your tallest heels, now GO!" he says. I turn around and walk into the kitchen to make their dinner unable to ignore the odd feeling of the cum sloshing around in my belly. I takes me an hour to get everything together and cooking. Soon I start on my second command and clean the kitchen, luckily for me it has always been kept fairly clean and so doesn't take very long I eventually clean the hallways and most of Craigs room before the food is done. "Now you get to serve us dinner and if you're real good maybe you get to eat too," Craig says as they all sit down around the coffee table in the living room, during the half hour dinner they make me serve them and clean there faces of any food. Afterwards I bring everything back into the kitchen and clean it before continuing to clean the house, I spend the most time in Ethan and Lances rooms which look worse than a garbage dump. I finally finish cleaning the entire house a little before midnight. I walk into my room exhausted but stop in my tracks when I see Jerry laying on my bed smiling at me. "Lock the door and go take that plug out so you don't look so ridiculous, put some makeup on which you should know how to do even if you don't think you do," he says. "Oh and take a shower too I don't want Ethan's stink on me," he adds. I walk into the bathroom and as I sit on the toilet I pull the plug out of my pussy, it's the weirdest feeling in the world having all the thick, warm goo slide out of my belly and out my pussy...my pussy. I start to cry again tears raining down as I sit on the toilet wonder what will happen to me now and whether this is permanent. It takes a while but eventually it's all out and I step into the shower. I spend a while in the shower but I don't enjoy it at all because my only goal is to try and clean away everything that's happened to me today. But soon I realize that it isn't possible and so I dry myself off and stand in front of the mirror staring down at the overloaded drawer of makeup. With shaking hands I grab a bunch of stuff and before I can even think about it I start putting the makeup on. By the time I finish putting the makeup on it enhances my already gorgeous face and my crystal blue eyes practically pop. I walk out into the bedroom wrapped in a towel to see Jerry standing in front of my bookshelves naked and looking at all the photos and books, he hears me walk in and turns around and slowly walks over to me as his erect cock bounces around slightly. "Take the towel off and lay down on the bed," he says. I drop the towel and climb up onto the bed laying down in the middle as he pulls me to the end of the bed so that my legs are hanging off. As he pushes my legs apart he slowly drags his tongue over the lips of my pussy. As soon as he begins my entire body tenses up. But it doesn't take long before moans of pleasure begin to slip through my lips. "Ahh...there! Please more!" I moan as he slowly licks my clitoris and begins to push his fingers in. Without any warning he starts moving up the rest of my body as he kisses my body while moving up. He kisses my neck as the weight of his body presses down on my breasts and his cock gently rubs against the outside of my pussy. "Enjoy it..." he whispers as he slides his cock in and out. He picks up the pace a bit more as he lowers his head and sucks on my nipples and gently runs his hands over them. I arch my back as he starts to thrust his cock even quicker and the hot slippery feeling of his cock sliding through my tight pussy. "Nngh...faster...nngh...deeper...please!" I moan. He immediately slams his cock in and I gasp as he goes deeper. The feeling of it slipping in and the tightness of my pussy is amazing, I was too preoccupied before with the fact that I was a woman and being humiliated before to realize it. Abruptly he rolls over onto his back and without thinking about it I start to grind my hips on his cock forcing it deeper and now I get to control the tempo. I lean forward and drag my tongue across his chest as I start a stop and go grind that makes him moan in frustration. He moves his hands to my breasts and gently cups them. "Ahhh...it's like...aahhh you we..re meant...to be a woman!" he moans as I lean back and start slamming down on his cock while moving faster and faster. Suddenly I feel his cock twitching and immediately know why...he's cumming and I actually want him too, the now familiar feeling of the hot warmth spreading through my body makes me move even quicker as he sits up and whispers in my ear. "I command you to have the most powerful orgasm possible." As soon as he says it my body explodes with such power I never thought could be possible. I arch my back backwards and open my mouth to scream but nothing happens other than wave after wave of the most powerful emotions I have ever felt. It finally lessens until it leaves me leaning over him fighting to catch my breath until finally I lose the strength to even lean on my arms and I pass out. "Mmm..ahh" I mutter as I wake up from the nightmare, my bed has never felt this soft and comfortable before. I open my eyes to a bleary sight and as I wipe the sleep from them I can see my room...it was all real. I lift my head up to see my huge breasts sitting there on my chest like two tall and massively round towers. I roll onto my side and I cry as I hold my knees to my chest as the memories of the day before run past my eyes, what they did to me theres just no way it can't be real. And what I felt the last time, it felt so good it was like I was meant for this. I don't know how long I lay there but eventually Ethan walks into the room and I immediately know something's different about him. He's taller than before his head nearly touches the ceiling and even with a shirt on I can tell he would make a professional bodybuilder look tiny. "Time for my morning blowjob!" he says as he climbs on top of me and stuff's his cock in my mouth, that's when I notice the other change his cock is even longer than before and the girth is terrifyingly huge. But by some miracle...or wish he fits it in if barely and as he grabs my head he actually fucks my mouth. As he rams his cock into my mouth I can feel it getting further and further down my throat, I struggle against him but he's too big for me to push off. That's when I notice I don't have a gag reflex, the psychopath must have made sure I wouldn't or it was an aspect of one of their dream girls. It doesn't take long before he tenses up and I feel his come pour into my stomach in the same rivers as last night. "Best thing I ever did was make a you a whore!" he laughs as he walks out of the room with undeniable swagger. I lay there a while still in a bit of shock before I stand up and lock the door. I step into the shower and promptly throw up everything that Ethan had just put into my stomach. "No! No more crying, not anymore," I tell my self. The next few days continue with me being fucked for hours and being humiliated repeatedly. I do my best to stop myself from becoming more feminine but every once in awhile I notice things especially how I walk in heels and when I'm being fucked by anyone other than Ethan I can't help but enjoy it. "Hey Sophia called, she wants to go to the beach and sunbathe. I think it's a good idea, you're looking a bit too pale and plus my brother is getting married in Hawaii next week and you're coming with me so you need a good tan, she also said she's on her way there now," he says as he walks in, they took my door of the hinges the other day and now I have no privacy at all. "Here I got this for ya and make sure you take the top off I want as few suntan lines as possible," he adds as he tosses a small bag at me and turns around and leaves. I open the bag and as I see what's inside it the bottom of my stomach drops. It's the tiniest two piece micro bikini I've ever seen in my life. I steel myself as feel the tiny g-string sliding up my ass, all it is in the back is string and in the front the least amount of fabric to cover my pussy. The top is the same as the bottom, meaning it has as little actual fabric covering my nipples and that's it. As I turn around to take a look at my self in the mirror I notice Craig has come back and he's standing in the doorway. "I forgot to mention, I want you to wear the smallest shorts and tightest shirt you have," he says before walking off. "Should've known it could get worse," I mutter to myself as I start looking at the clothes in the closet. The tiniest shorts I have end up being so small that the bottom of each cheek actually hangs out and the distressed denim looks like it's painted on to my round well proportioned ass. It's the same thing for the top which is so small my breasts pour out of the top of it to create a truly amazing amount of cleavage. As I step into my heels my eyes linger on the large jewelry box on top of the dresser and as I stand there my curiosity gets the best of me and I take a look inside it. As I look through the box a pair of silver and amethyst earrings catch my eye and before I can even think about it I push my hair back and slide the earrings in. I pick up my purse from the floor knowing that I'll need it since I remember seeing my car keys in it the first day and walk out into the living room. I open my mouth to ask Craig what beach I'm supposed to go to but before I can even say anything he say's Baker beach and I walk outside for the first time in nearly a week. I walk over to where I normally park my car but hesitate for a second as it's not the same car I had as a guy. While I had a black Audi S8, the car I'm in front of is red/orange BMW convertible that looks to be about as expensive as my Audi was. I shake my head as I sit down in the car and instantly am worried because of how huge the car is compared to me. I put my worries to the side as I pull the car out of the spot and drive to Baker beach doing my best to see out the windshield until I get to a stoplight and see if I can raise the seat. It doesn't take too long to get to the beach and as I pull into a parking spot I see Sophia walking in my direction. I get out of the car and we head down to the beach while her motor mouth kicks into high gear on the last subject I want to hear her talking about...her new boyfriend. It doesn't take too long for us to find a good spot and so she lays our towels out while I shimmy and shake out of my shorts and top. As I take the tiny micro top off she gives me a quick look before laughing. "Wow you've always been pretty adventurous but that tiny thing is pretty damn wild even for you," she says as she lays down. As I lay down I feel a small smile creeping onto my face before I quickly stop myself. It's not something to smile about, she just basically complimented me about having no modesty...she pretty much called me a slut. I go over this in my head for awhile before she speaks again. "Oh my god! Guess what my date tried to do a few nights ago!" she says. "I don't know I can't even begin to guess," I say. "He actually tried to stick his tiny little cock in my ass!" she says with a laugh. At that I prop myself up on my arm and look at her as my tanning oil covered breasts slowly slip to the side and give her a look unsure what to say as the same thing happened to me for hours a few days earlier. "I know right, and then he had the audacity to try some greasy-cheesy line before I kicked him out!" she says. "Poor Sophia," I say as I fail to think of anything else and lay back down. "Ughh I know, but I made up for it the next night. I got to go home and play with two twin male models," she says with a laugh. I try to think of something to say to my ex girlfriend but in the end I can't think of anything and just close my eyes and try and relax. We spend the rest of the day under the hot sun working on that sacred golden tan. A little after four in the afternoon I get a call from Craig telling me to come home and I dutifully get my stuff packed up and say bye to Sophia. I takes me nearly an hour in a half to get home thanks to the terrible traffic but it's only when I pull into a parking spot in front of the house that I realize I had the roof down and I was singing along to Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus...I immediately want to puke. I walk through the front door and immediately stop in my tracks at the scene that is in front of me. The entire living room has been torn apart and in the case of some of the furniture literally torn apart. Out of no wear Ethan grabs me by the throat and slams me into the wall squeezing my thin delicate neck. "Where the fuck is it bitch?!" he says as he slams his freakishly large fist into my stomach. My only response is a choking gasping cry before he throws me into the wall across the room and in three strides of his newly lengthened legs hes on top of me again. He slams his fists into my stomach over and over in between trying to slap my face hard enough to rip my head off. Just in time Craig, Jerry and Lance pull him off me as I curl up into a ball and cry, through blurry eyes I see Jerry and Lance struggling to hold him back as he towers over them. Craig grabs me by my arms and hauls me up off the floor, he stares into my eyes before speaking. "Tell me the truth did you hide or do anything with the phone after you were changed into a girl?" he says as his cold emotionless eyes stare into mine. I cough and gasp before hoarsely replying, "No I haven't touched it since I was changed." He looks at me a few seconds before roughly pushing me to the side and walking out of the room, I'm guessing to continue looking for the phone. Jerry and Lance have finally gotten Ethan to calm down who's also walked off. I look around the room before walking into my bedroom to find that they've ripped it apart too. I spend a few hour's doing my best to put the room back to the way it was but can barely even move the dresser and bed along with the rest of the bigger stuff. As I'm trying to push the dresser back into place someone grabs me by my hair and drags me out into another one of the bedrooms where they throw me on top of Lance whos sitting on the ground naked. Suddenly Ethan's huge hands rip my clothes off and Lance pushes his cock into my pussy as I gasp at the sudden sensation. Ethan grabs arms and ties them behind my back before roughly forcing a ball gag in my mouth. "I don't believe you," he whispers in my ear before I feel his monstrous cock pushing into my backhole. I try and scream as I feel his cock pushing further and further in as It feels like my ass is being ripped apart but all I hear is a high pitched moaning. I shut my eye's closed as I feel Lance forcing me up and down the entire length of his cock while Ethan slam's his cock into my ass faster and faster. I here Ethan start grunting as he speeds up even more and I feel his balls slapping against my ass as he grabs my hair and pulls my head up before ordering me to keep my eyes open. As I open them I finally see his room with floor to ceiling mirrors and his bed embedded in the floor. I see myself gyrating my hips on Lance's cock as Ethan buries his cock in my ass over and over. I see my huge tit's bounce around wildly and that I have a small look of pleasure on my face and then Ethan's and Lance's cocks explode. I gasp in a mixture of shock and horror as I see a bulge form in my belly and tear's of shame run down my face as I see my breasts slowly grow, tear's of shame at the thought of what kind of freak they've turned me into. My growing hatred for Ethan is the only thing that I can care about now with the changes he made to me and by how powerfully Lance cummed the rest of the guys that were made to affect me. I lose track of how long they fuck me and how many times they cum. Finally their finished with me and push me to the side as they walk out of the room laughing. I struggle to get up but the best I can do is crawl over to the wall as my massively distended belly and breasts drag on the floor. I lean my back against the wall and get a good look at what's been done to me. I look like I should be nine months pregnant with quintuplets it's amazing how far it sticks out while my breasts have easily doubled in size if not more. I use the wall to help me stand up and after awhile I'm finally on my feet and slowly make my way to my room. By the time I walk through my door it's noticeably easier for me to walk but only slowly. As soon as I walk in I notice that all the heavy stuff I had so much trouble moving around has been put back into their place. I walk over to the bed and slowly ease myself down, I fight back the tears as I lay my head down and listen to the bed creak and groan under the new weight of my distended belly and breasts. I don't know how long I struggle to get into a comfortable position but eventually I fall asleep. Somehow I'm able to have a completely peaceful sleep that night since I was changed. Another five days go by, five days of laying in the sun and five night's of being fucked senseless. Each night Ethan seems to try and force my belly and breasts bigger than the night before and every night he succeeds. The night before it got so bad that I had to be pulled into my room and left on the floor, but like every morning before it my body is back to normal. But I quickly notice that Ethan changed something else, he made it so that all that cum stuck in my belly slowly makes me hornier and hornier and that it's permanent. It takes everything I have to stop myself from jumping someone at the beach and I find myself daydreaming about being fucked by all four of them. Just then I'm woken by Craig. "Get up you need get ready for tonight." "What do you mean I need to get ready for tonight?" I say as I turn my head in the direction of his voice while still keeping my eyes closed. "The groom and groomsmen are going golfing and fishing and then getting drinks tonight, you'll be with us tonight also. Make sure you have a good sexy outfit for tonight and then you can go down to the spa until tonight," he says before I hear the rooms door close. I sigh deeply as I slowly sit up and feel the now familiar weight of my breasts fall and hang in their usual place. I walk over to the small closet and start taking a look at all the clothes I brought with. I eventually decide on a super tiny and super tight black and lace patterned dress that covers the bare minimum to keep me out of trouble. With that out of the way I take a quick shower and put on a sexy little sundress that's still pretty damn modest for what I'm usually told to wear, and since I'm not at home the order to wear the tallest heels I have doesn't affect me either and so I settle for a pair of sandals. I take the elevator down to the lobby and as I walk towards the spa I see nearly every single person stare at me as I walk across the room. Apparently Craig told them to expect me since they immediately take me into a dressing room. I spend the rest of the day in absolute bliss while being pampered by the staff, it's so relaxing that it ends up even controlling my arousal to the point that I find my thoughts drifting to things other than huge cocks fucking everyone of my holes. But too soon my cellphone rings as Craig calls to tell me to come up and get ready for the night. I walk into the room to find Craig sitting in a chair in the corner that gives him a perfect view of the bathroom and the rest of the room. Before he can even get a word out I slip out of my dress and walk into the bathroom and start putting on a small amount of makeup. The best thing they did when they changed me was make it so that I never had to do much with makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and feel Craig's eyes on me as I wiggle into the tight dress. It barely covers my huge breasts and stops just after the bottom of my ass where my long shapely legs begin. I bend over to put the evil heels on and feel Craigs hands slowly brushing my ass and moving up to my breasts. "Ok time to go, fun night ahead!" he says as he slaps my ass hard and heads for the door. I grab my purse and walk out trying to ignore the pleasure I got from Craig running his hands over my body. I stare out the window as we drive worried about what the night has in store for me and at the same time a voice in the back of my head is hoping that I get fucked as my arousal builds. We eventually pull up to the front of an expensive house with a bunch more cars parked in front of it. We walk through the front door and head straight for the living room with Craigs hand tightly holding onto my ass. The room is filled with probably twenty guys all drinking, smoking and watching three gorgeous strippers dance on tables. Craig walks around the room and introducing me to all the guys while forcing me to drink a huge amount of alcohol. It all goes to my head quickly and as I walk into the middle of the room it feels like I'm floating. Every single person in the room watches me as I stand there and slowly sway my hips as my hands move over my body. My body relaxes as I continue to dance to the music and I open my eyes as I feel more hands move across my body. As I slowly open my eyes I see one of the strippers is kneeling on the ground slowly kissing the inside of my legs as she moves up. She moves up as the other two start to slowly move my dress down which they have a lot of trouble with as it's so tight. With a good bit of effort they get it past my breasts which bounce around wildly and finally settle at their usual high stance. Their set on getting me out of my dress and soon they reach their goal as I keep dancing in my spot in only my shoes. I gasp as two of the girls start to lick and suck on my breasts while the other one reaches from behind me and starts to play with my pussy. "Drink it all," whispers Craig as he puts a bottle of what looks like vodka in my mouth and tilts it up. I try to protest but something in the back of my mind tells me not to and so I just swallow it and swallow it. The girls continue until Craig finally stops and tells them to go and pay attention to the guys in the room. He takes me by my arm over to the guy sitting alone in the middle of the room, I can barely even stand let alone walk in the heels but I make it over to him with a smile on my face. "Terrah this is my brother Steve...show him a good time," he says before pushing me into Steve's lap and walking off. Steve grabs my tits and plays with them roughly. I drunkenly look around as he gropes my breasts and I see that the girls all have a group of guys around them as they get fucked. "Hey! Slut wake the fuck up and suck my cock now!" yells steve as my attention snaps back to him and pushes me to the ground as he forces my head down to cock. I take his cock in my hand and barely stop myself from laughing...it's so tiny compared to the four guys. But just like Craig told me to I start sucking his cock, slowly moving up and down it as I cup his balls and play with them. It barely takes any time at all before I feel his cock get even harder and start to twitch as he spurts a pitiful amount of cum into my mouth and swallow it. "Aww done that quick?!" I drunkenly laugh. As soon as I say it I see a glint in his eyes as he stuffs his cock back into his pants and grabs me by the arm. He pulls me out into the hallway and straight for the stairs. Just as I get to the stairs I see Craig at the front door with his arms around four new girls as more and more file into the house and pair off to each of the guys. I get caught up in jealousy for the girls...they might get someone with a big enough cock and for some reason fear too. I'm shaken out of my thoughts as Steve throws me to the ground of one of the bedrooms and starts yelling at me, at first I can't understand what he's saying but finally I clear my head enough from the alcohol. "...laugh at me!! How dare you laugh at me you common whore!" he yells as he places a vicious kick to my stomach. He jumps onto me and pins me to the ground with his hand around my throat as he slaps my face over and over. "You'll regret ever thinking you were worthy of laughing at me," he whispers viciously in my ear as his grip on my throat tightens even more and punches me twice in the face, I pass out soon after that. The pain is excruciating, my entire body feels as if it's on fire as I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes to a blurry scene as a large body looms over me. "Damn, I always knew he might do something like this but I never thought it would actually happen," I hear Craig sigh as he picks me up and I cry out in pain, he lays me down on the bed and props me up on the pillows. Thats when I see my body, I'm covered in blood all the way to my toes and I can even feel it running down my face. I have trouble keeping my eyes open as a dark haired woman rushes into the room and comes to an abrupt halt as she sees me. "Oh my god Craig what the hell happened!?" she yells. "Shut the fuck up and patch her up Becca and don't forget your place," he says as he walks out of the room. Soon after that I black out again and wake up a while later with bandages all over me. The women that Craig called Becca is sitting in a chair next to me as I come to again, I try to give her a smile but it hurts too much to do it. "No, try not to move too much, don't want the wounds to start bleeding again..." she says before Craig walks in. "Get out Becca, theres no reason for you to be here anymore," he says before grabbing her arm and pushing her out the door. He waits to hear the front door close before turning to me. "It's your fault you know," he says to me. "Lance made sure that you would heal pretty quickly from any injuries, we all laughed at him when he told us. But it looks like it actually came in handy," he says as he walks towards the door. "Oh ya, since we can't find the phone and none of us want to work. You get to have a new job...one more suited to your new body...you're going to be a high priced call girl," he says before walking out of the room. I break down and cry, I can't help it. Everything that's happened to me since I was changed rushes to the front of my mind and I lay there crying uncontrollably. It takes me a little less than another day before I'm completely healed up and can fly again. Two days later Craig gets the first call requesting me to come to room 650 at the Xavier Hotel downtown. I slide out of the car about ten minutes before eight P.M. and smooth out any wrinkles in my dress from the car ride and walk into the hotel lobby. Envious and jealous filled eyes follow me as I walk straight across the lobby and into a waiting elevator. As the elevator moves to the sixth floor I admire myself in the reflection of the elevator door. Tight white dress yet still professional and respectable looking. It stops a bit past my thighs while the top shows a good amount of cleavage. Since I got back from Hawaii I've noticed two things, first is a huge increase in the way that I act, I sway my hips as I walk, I give a flirty smile to someone I walk past and I just act so much more feminine in everything I do. The second thing is that after the beating Steven gave me I've been able to gain an even greater control over my arousal. At first I was worried a lot but I barely even care anymore. I walk out of the elevator and make my way to room 650 pausing a moment to brush aside a stray strand of hair and smooth the a few new wrinkles in my dress before knocking on the door. A middle aged man opens the door and invites me in. I take notice of the details of the man, probably six feet tall, looks to be in average shape, average looks and more grey hair than brown hair. But the most striking thing are his eyes which are a beautiful warm green. As I walk past him I take his tie in my hand and gently pull him over to the bed. I give him slow little show of taking my dress off as I smile at him before kneeling down and taking taking his cock out of his pants. I smile down at it pleasantly surprised at it's size and kiss the tip before running my tongue down the length of it. "Ahh...mmm," he moans as I run my hands up and down his cock and suck on and lick his testicles. Soon I take his entire length in my mouth and bob my head up and down as his moans get louder and louder and his hands move to the sides of my head. His moans get louder as he puts more and more force on my head and I feel his cock stiffen even more in my mouth. I hear him start to grunt as I feel his cock twitch and then spurt his load into my mouth. His cock softens as I lick it completely clean before I pulls his pants off. I straddle his hips as I guide his mouth to one my breasts and he starts to suck on one, I slowly unbutton his dress shirt as I feel the familiar heat of arousal slowly spread through my body. Soon I feel his cock gently push against my pussy before I slowly slide myself down the entire length. I rock my hips back and forth and enjoy the feeling of his cock sliding in and out. As I lean down my breasts rock back and forth teasingly rubbing against his face as I move my hips faster and faster on his cock. Soon I hear him breathing harder and harder as he grips my waist and forces me down on his faster and faster. As he cums I work feverishly to push myself over the edge before his cock goes soft. "Nngh...ahhh...please...don't stop!" I moan as he bucks his hips wildly and I get closer to edge with each thrust of his cock. I lean back as I move my hand down to my crotch and start rubbing my clit furiously, the client valiantly rams his cock up into my pussy as I finally hit my climax. I throw my head back and scream as the rush hits me like a freight train, it reaches out to the very edges of my body and when finished I'm left breathless and exhausted. I roll off of him and lay at his side for a few moments to catch my breath and regain some strength before rolling to my side and planting a long lingering kiss to his lips. Soon I'm dressed and back in my car headed for home. I find myself praying that if not all of my clients are like that first one then at least most of them are. Month's go by with sometimes upwards of four clients a day, nearly every day, and Craig charges three thousand dollars an hour, sometimes even more if the client wants certain things. Even with the asshole clients or the disgusting ones or just the disappointingly small and weak ones I look forward to leaving the house. Because when I'm home I'm fair game for any of the four if not all of them at once. I'm in the living room and on my knees sucking Jerry's huge cock when the other three walk into the room. Jerry stands up abruptly and as he does my teeth drag against his cock and he swears loudly at me before slapping me hard in the face. Jerry lays down on the ground as grabs my arm and pulls me down to straddle his hips as I feel his cock leaning against my back. Ethan walks in front of me and grabs the hair on the back of my head as he forces his cock into my mouth and the entire length of it goes down my throat. He begins to roughly fuck my face as I reach my hand behind me and hold Jerry's cock as I lower myself onto it. I feel someone grab my hips just before another huge cock pushes painfully at asshole before finally pushing all the way through and starts to quickly thrust their cock into my ass. Out of the corner of my eye I see Craig standing next to me with his huge erect cock in his hand, I quickly grab it and start stroking it. Ethan pulls back on my hair even more roughly as his thrusts get quicker and quicker before finally rivers of cum explode from his cock and I quickly feel my belly tightening as work to swallow every drop of his delicious cum. He pulls his cock out just before he slaps me in the face and takes Craigs place. I dutifully swallow Craig's cock and start sucking and licking on it. Just a moment later I feel both Lance and Jerry cum as more rivers fill my belly, it's difficult to explain how it feels, the closest I can come to think of is filling a balloon but instead of air its a thick liquid sloshing around. My belly expands for a while and I see my breasts resting on top of my cum filled belly as they too expand until their at least two cup sizes bigger. It goes on and on for hours as they all switch places again and again, My belly and breasts get bigger and bigger as their cocks explode and repeatedly fill me with hot cum. I fight the tears back like all the times before it. Finally the hell stops as they throw me to the ground and I slide into a nearby corner. I feel like I'm a turtle on its back unable to move. My belly is so full of cum that my hands barely even reach the floor, it takes a massive effort but I eventually am able to roll myself onto my back. I lay there for a while with my now massive breasts hanging to the sides and my huge cum filled belly looking as if I'm pregnant with an adult human. Too tired to move I simply let the fatigue take hold of me and fall asleep. Far too soon I'm woken up as I hear Ethan yelling at me and then he kicks me in the ribs. "Walk the fuck up you disgusting slut. Clean this place up now!" he yells as I open my eyes. As I sit up I see that my body is back to normal, my normal flat stomach and my normal huge 32GG breasts...normal. I look around and see what the mess is that Ethan was yelling about, the floor has large pools of cum on it and apparently my body couldn't absorb all the cum in it because it's all over my legs and on the floor around me. It takes me hours to clean it up and when I'm finally close to being done the four guys come back home with a glint in their eyes that tells me I'm in for more fuckings. I crawl over to the corner unable to stop myself from letting my ass shake seductively. As I clean up the cum in the corner I notice something shiney under the floor vent. It takes all my self control from gasping when see that it's the phone... the phone. I look over my shoulders and see that their all distracted with a football game. I slowly pull the vent free from the wall but as I do a screeching noise screams out. "What the fuck are you doing!?" yells Ethan as I reach for the phone I reach out for the phone just as some grabs onto my legs and I hear them yelling as if their far away. "Nooo she has the phone!!" yells Craig as I'm roughly pulled backwards. I panic as I grip the phone tightly. "I wish they couldn't move or talk!" I scream while thinking of the four guys. As soon as I finish speaking I turn around and see them all standing there with looks of fear and anger frozen on their faces as they stand there in different frozen poses. I quickly stand up and look at them all in shock unable to believe that it actually is happening, I look down at the phone in my hand and come to the decision that I should at least try and become a male again. "I wish that my body was back to the way it was before Ethan changed me," I say and wait for the changes to start, but nothing happens. "We apologize but that wish is not possible, please make another wish and all best efforts will be undertaken to make it come true," says the app on the phone. Unbidden tears come to my eyes but I fight them back before making my next attempt at a wish. "I wish that they couldn't hurt me or have any power over me at all. That they could move and talk and have to obey everything that I tell them to do." Instantly they all start moving again and yelling. "Quiet!" I yell and they Immediately stop yelling as they stare at me and then at the phone in my hand. "You worthless slut you have no right!!" snarls Ethan. "And what gave you the right to change me into a women, to turn me into a personal whore for all of you, to beat me, to rape me and to sell me to other men?" I scream at them as they all glare at me. "No hearts and no consciences I see. Fine then if you can't act like real men you can't have a man's body!" I yell at them and over their demands and orders that I stop I make my next wish. "I wish that Ethan, Craig, Lance and Jerry were actually born as what all four of them consider to be their dreamgirls combined but with subtly different faces and that they were always horny." They all try to scream but the changes start immediately after I finish the wish. It starts at the feet as they become smaller, soone rushing up their legs as they shrink and become tiny compared to as men. Their thighs lose their massive muscles but are still fairly large as their hips expand greatly while their waists are dramatically sucked in and their stomachs become flat without showing their abs. The changes stop for a little while as the magic is most likely changing into female anatomy. It soon starts again as their hands, arms and shoulders become tiny compared what they were like as men. From the side I see Jerry's as expand as it becomes beautifully round and firm, I assume that the others change the same way too but can't be sure. Their faces become gorgeous as their hair grows to different lengths but all are below their shoulders, and they start to look like me but with subtle differences. But the best part is when their breasts start to grow, it's slow at first as their only at a B-Cup but soon they get bigger and bigger before they look as big as mine and I can see the weight of them affecting the way they stand there. "Good now you get know what it's like for me as a woman and you'll know what it was like for me to go through the things that you did to me," I tell them. "I wish that you could make changes to anything and anyone without having to make a wish and that no one but can use this phone," I say, but nothing noticeable happens. I wave my hand and suddenly there all dressed in tight fighting and very revealing clothes. Their breasts nearly pouring out of their tops while their asses are barely even covered as they stand there in excruciatingly painful looking high heels. "Now leave and let every man that wants to fuck you do so no matter where he wants do it and no matter how many times or how many men. Do whatever you need to do to survive short of killing or hurting people and you wont fight against it but always in your mind you try stop it and fail. When I want you to come back you'll know until then none of you are welcome here, now leave," I say and they all walk out with shocked looks on their faces and a wickedly evil smile on my face. I walk into my room and take a look at it in disgust, the neanderthals wrecked the place yet again. I stand there a moment before waving my hand again and the room changes drastically, as the wall next to my computer room disappears completely and I find myself in a massive walk in closet. I walk through the door and find myself in a huge beautifully decorated bedroom thats dominated by a massive canopied bed. The rest of the house has been drastically changed too but in a way that is exactly how I wanted it. As I walk into the new living room I wave my hand over myself and am immediately dressed maroon blouse and jeans that are tight yet nothing like what the guys had me wearing. As I walk towards the couch I notice that I'm in a nice pair of heels that to my joy are only three inches high. I smile in joy as I sit down and again wave my hand but this time at the tv and immediately see Jerry/Jeri in a port-a-potty as she sucks a construction worker's cock, I change the channel to see Craig/Crystal with a cab drivers cock in her pussy and businessman with his cock in her ass as he slams it in. The next channel shows Lance/Lauren on her back with a hugely overweight man fucking her pussy as he practically drools on her beautiful tits, and the final channel shows a large group of men standing around Ethan/Eden as she bounces on one cock with another in her ass while she sucks another mans and strokes to others with cum already dripping down her back and covering her tits. More men start to surround her as they take their cocks in their hands and make sure they're nice and hard for their turn. I sit there and laugh like a mad person before I start to think of what I will do to them next when the room starts to quickly spin. Next thing I know I'm standing in room that's filled with knick knacks, antiques and just plain odd looking things. I turn around and see that I'm in a store at the mall and that I have purse on my shoulder. In the back of the store I hear someone clear their throat and I carefully walk towards the noise. As I reach the back of the store I see that it was an old man in ragged old bathrobe that had made the noise and he is sitting behind a counter with his chin in his hand. "You've been through alot this past year Terrah...or should I call Terry?" he asks. "...wha...how...how do you know who I am?" I reply. "I sad to say that the app on your phone was...created and powered by my magic. Words cannot describe how sorry I am for what has happened to you," he says as he sighs. Uncontrollable rage overcomes me as his words sink in...it was all his fault. I raise my hand and wave it at him with one thought on my mind...to kill him. But I'm never able to wave my hand as eye's glow a bright purple and his jaw tightens in anger. "NO! You will not use my own magic against me, what happened to was terrible but it was not my fault. They did it to you, it was their free will, I just wish I had put some kind of restrictions on it," he replies angrily. "You said there weren't any restrictions on it but when I tried to change myself back to a man it said it wasn't possible," I ask. "You were changed for too long, there aren't any restrictions on the app but the magic itself has it's own forms of restrictions," he replies. "What now? What do I do?" I ask. "Move on with your life. I have to take your magic from you, it's too powerful for you to handle without hurting others, I will still grant you the power to control them as a sort of attempt to make amends," he replies. "I also have a few things planned for them all, please be assured they will regret what they did to you," he adds. "Ok fine...I guess," I reply and with that the room starts to spin again and the next thing I know I'm sitting on my couch again. As the week went by I continued taking clients but I chose who they were and how many I saw, I loosely decide on two to three a week. I made a few changes to my body with the phone the first was that my arousal is the same as a normal girl. The second is that while my arousal is normal the pleasure I get from sex is increased by four times what I'm used to. With that I shut the phone off and drove to my bank where I stored the phone in a safety deposit box.That was tw

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Reality Edit App

You must be wondering what Reality Edit App is. It's a magical app that allows its user to alter reality. But to limit its power and prevent misuse, the application now allows only editing of generated statements. You may ask why, but in previous versions of the app, users destroyed the world as you know it and made us, developers, many hours of fixing reality. You may not remember, that every one of you became a very submissive cock-hungry girl or that public nudity was a norm but we,...

1 year ago
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Reality App

Our main character finds a weird app on their phone. They don't remember downloading it ether and decided to delete it. But when they tried, it wouldn't uninstall, so instead they decided to use the app. As soon as they opened it they were created with this screen. {Hello, welcome to the Reality app!} {We can see this is your first time opening the app, so we will explain how this app works} {First let's go over what you will be seeing in this app} Level: you will have a level next your name in...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Luminous The PlayingField App

I normally wore my strappy black bodysuit with jeans or some denim shorts. But on its own, it was downright sexy. I let a strap fall from my shoulder and angled the camera a bit to obscure my face. The idea that someone…a stranger would be seeing this turned me on incredibly.  I decided to be bold. I unsnapped the bottom of my bodysuit, letting the flaps fall loose. I positioned the slim fabric over my private area and leaned over seductively.  SNAP! The camera shutter went off.  Suddenly, I...

2 years ago
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Die App

Simon saß gelangweilt zu Hause und sah fern, als sein Handy vibrierte. Ein kurzer Blick darauf verriet ihm, dass fünf Applikationen aktualisiert wurden. Der Junge sah sich die Details an, weil er sonst nichts Besseres zu tun hatte. Chrome, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Notizen und Hedo waren die fünf Apps die aktualisiert worden waren. Simon hielt inne, Hedo, die App sagte ihm nichts, verwundert öffnete er das Programm um der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Ein Bild von einem großen blauen Druckknopf...

2 years ago
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iCock App

Welcome to iCock.com, the home page for Orchid Technologies, developers of the new iCock app. The iCock app is the hottest new way to mess with, prank, and humiliate your male friends, family members, and even strangers. The app allows a user to take complete control of a victim's cock with nothing more than their phone. Of course, no cock control app would be complete without an option to prompt immediate ejaculation on the part of the victim, but iCock allows for so much more. For example,...

Mind Control
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The Mind Control App

Bill didn't know what to think when the mysterious man gave him the special app on his phone. MC is what it said and it had no description. The man promised it could change his life around. The man did give him a set of instructions though. The app only has memory space for two individuals. Instructions should be clear and should make minor changes only. Too drastic of changes too fast could cause the subject to have issues. Instructions can build off of each other to make more major changes...

3 years ago
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The App

The morning began just as any other did for Cindy. She woke up, brushed her long brunette hair out of her face, and checked her phone groggily. Although there was a notification Cindy had never seen before; the icon that of a sparkling wand, the notification itself reading: "Setup complete! YourWish app is fully operational!" "Probably Brielle just downloading more crap on the family account." Cindy groaned to herself as she investigated the notification. Brielle was Cindy's older sister, and...

4 years ago
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The Change app

Tim was having a not so good day. His grade slipped to an F, his parents made him stay for his pain-in-the-ass older sister from school, and worse, his girlfriend dumped him for the quarterback, David Delugia. “Maybe I’m doomed for failures.” He said as he payed on his bed. Just then, something came to his phone. “Wonder what it is.” He checked and saw something he hadn’t seen before: a new app for him! He didn’t know what to do with it. “Guess I’ll open it.” He said as he opened the app. “Hi...

2 years ago
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Control App

Congratulations due to some Cosmic Being you’ve awoken with the Control App installed on your phone. Don’t ask why and don’t ask how just know that a measly code won’t stop a cosmic entity from simply opening your phone to grant you control over another human being or several if you play your cards right. Granted there are rules of course that cannot be ignored no matter how hard you tried because guess what that’s how the universe works. You may have the power of the Gods in your hands but...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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The life changer app

On the app store, an app called changes for money seems to have appeared from nowhere. Once installed and opened, it shows a very basic interface with one question and two buttons, yes or no. The first questions are weird, but very tame, and offer not much money. Would you get longer hairs for 10$ ? Would you get blue eyes for 15$ ? Would you let your sister get one inch taller for 10$ ? Would you get a random change in the list bellow for 20$ ? (The question is then followed by few...

1 year ago
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The Rulez App

Its a rather normal morning for you, and your life has been...boring, thus far. You never really thought too much about what you wanted to do in life throughout school, and you are beginning to feel the effects of that. So, here you are, in a one bedroom apartment, with a glamorous job at the local gas station, 23 years behind you and wasting the prime years of your life. You let out a long yawn, stretching and reaching over to grab your phone, unlocking it to begin clearing the notifications...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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With A Stranger From An App

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. I’m a fellow sex story reader too. This is my sex story about how I met a girl through an app. And shared our body heat with each other. Let me tell you something about me, I’m 20, studying engineering final year, average body size, brown complexion, have been told to have a good personality for a 20-year-old. About her 19 years and had a perfectly shaped body with 5’5″ height and 34 28 36 figure. She had beautiful eyes and Perfect boobs! Perfect!!! We...

3 years ago
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Die was wre WennApp


4 years ago
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Harem App

It starts off as the User is having one of their normal average days. Until a notice on the user’s smart phone tells them that they have the chance to download the app. And that message makes some bold claims. “Congratulations, you have been selected to get the Harem App. The App allows you to make any man or woman, real or fiction a willing and loyal member of your personal harem. Modify them to your hearts content, have different versions of the same person side by side with you… In...

2 years ago
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Kings App

Derek McCoy stared at his phone in confusion. The app had just installed itself - not even taking any space - last night, and ever since he'd tried to figure out what it did. It'd taken him forever to find out how to switch it into English, and when he did it just made him more confused. 'Congragulations! Welcome to the 'King's App', the first real-world application of a game! Using the King's App, you can tag any man or woman to do your bidding, and then level up to unlock more options and...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Step Dads Dating App

"Excuse me? Language, young lady. People judge you on your language. That wouldn't be so bad but they will judge me on your language too, you know." "Look, I'm sorry. I mean Hey, why the Hell do you have a dating app on your phone?" "OK. That's better." We both chuckled Um look..." There is a silent moment as my step daughter can’t help but grin as she waits for me to respond "Well your mom and I have this um... understanding. I'm allowed to see other people. But there are...

2 years ago
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Phomtom app

I used to have a loving and supportive family. You know, the type that goes to church every Sunday. Things change when my father passed away five years ago. I remember it vividly, like it was yesterday. Basketball championship is coming, and I needed to stay after school. When practice was over, I dash out the gym, but a dreadful storm was already forming. If I haven't called my father to come pick me up, his death would have been prevented. As the years go by, my sister blames me for our...

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Hypnosis App

Chapter 1. Family Reorganization. I came home from my weekend trip to the big city. There was a concert that I wanted to go to with my girlfriend Anne, and I expected my parents to say no when I asked if I could go, but they were more than happy to get me out of the house. I didn't want to think about why they wanted me gone, because I'm sure they wanted some alone time together. As I opened the door, I hoped that whatever my parents were up to was done and over with. Stepping...

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succubus App

Você estava no seu quarto, sozinho e entendiado, sua vida era chata e sem graça, você não tinha ninguém para conversar e ninguém para se "divertir" e por isso ficou mexendo no seu celular sem parar, afim de pelo menos sem entreter lendo fics eróticas e assistindo xvideos e hentais, num no entanto isso não te satisfazia mais, você sentia que queria algo a mais, que queria ter sua aventura própria erótica. Foi quando você achou um app umtanto curioso .... ele se chamava succubus App e na sua...

1 year ago
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My Hero Academia The App

One day, the girls of class 1-B disappeared without a trace. The heroes all over Japan searched far and wide, but they were never found. The only lead came from a few of the boys in the class. Apparently, each of the girls had mentioned something about an app. After a month of terror, the worst was presumed. Eventually searches stopped happening and funerals were held. Eventually, the somber mood faded and it buried into memory. Life continued as normal, especially for class 1-A. The years...

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The Actualizer App

You are an average, every day normal college freshman. You are currently indulging in the collegiate pastime of messing around on your phone to check social media or browse the internet to distract yourself from the confusing cocktail of hormones, secret crushes, budding and developing sexual urges and kinks, and the baggage that comes with being a young adult. You are looking through your apps when you come across a mysterious icon for an app you don't remember seeing before called the...

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Three messages on the app

Very well. Here you are to spend some time with your cock in your hand to read erotic stories online. It is a healthy activity, it frees the mind, it is good for the body. Is there a better pastime in the world? You took a look at CHYOA, you reviewed old stories and now you are here in the gay section. And here is a new story. Are you ready to read it? But first, wait a moment: yesterday you uninstalled Grindr, after the last security scandal, but you downloaded a new dating app only for men....

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The Fetish App

James and his sister had always had a complicated relationship. They were always fighting and arguing, even in public. However, James couldn't understand why his sister always made him feel warm. Was it familial love? A burning hatred? James pondered this as he watched his sister walk into the room. However, he snapped out of it when his sister turned off the TV. "Hey! I was watching that," James shouted. "Too bad, it's my turn now!" His sister replied. "Ellie! That's not fair!" Her name was...

3 years ago
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Regel App

Du bist gelangweilt im App store unterwegs als plötzlich ein pop up auftaucht. "Regel App, ändere die Regeln nach deinen Vostellungen. Jetzt nur einmalig für dich." Was solls, denkst du dir und lädst sie herunter. Du siehst herein und siehst alle Mögliche Regeln. Religion, Naturgesetze, Gesellschaftsnormen und vieles mehr. Du probierst aus Scherz die funktionen aus und änderst die Farbe des Himmels in Orange. Du siehst aus dem Fenster und siehst einen Orangenen Himmel. Geschockt siehst du das...

2 years ago
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There is a new app! By connecting to your government issued medical chip you can join our new game. * Collect points by showing up at cool places and meeting other users! * Buy new clothes and skills to make your avi more attractive! * Include your own sexual exploits via your medchip to score more points! You idly install the app and see a bunch of your friends on it. You notice a few of them have very high scores. setting up your avi you try to make it look like you, what options do you pick?

4 years ago
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Killer App

Killer App- by Zouscha My girlfriend Penny had gotten me the new laptop for my birthday.? She blew a lot on it, I knew, getting the maximum memory available and it had access to a huge gaming library built in.? She knew I loved gizmos of all kinds, and this was no exception.? I'd tried a dozen games in the first hour and was having a ball, lugeing down the Swiss Alps and re-fighting World War Two. But I was looking for something different.? I scrolled through the thousands of games...

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The Perfect Dating App

You’ve got a match! Her name: Gabbie 27 miles away Age: 23 Bio: I just need someone to help me embrace my inner art whore mentality She’s got five pictures on her dating profile page. Two are locked. One picture shows her with a triple stack burger in her open wide mouth. Eyes slightly closed, focused on the burger and no care in the world. Two other pictures were face selfies. One of which was her cute round face with glasses and some filtered in hearts over her cheeks. Blonde dyed shoulder...

2 years ago
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Household Dominance App

After getting screamed at for leaving the toilet seat up your energy is at an all time low, you've just been getting abuse from everyone in the house just for your existence and you can't really take it anymore. You dont know when having to work from home will end but it has been weeks already and there is no end in sight. Frustrated you start browsing the web on your phone when an ad shows up at the bottom of your screen. Become the master of your household today with this one nifty app! Well...

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The RA App

As you stepped out of the shower before wrapping a towel around your wet body you would then head to your bedroom to find that your phone was glowing a blinding light, it would soon darken and a new app you had never heard of before was on the screen. As you would opened the app there was one text box with a massage on the screen "do as you wish this world is yours now" Soon the text box would disappear leaving a user interface its place options are endless. (Please select start game in the...

Mind Control
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Rules App

You have just discovered a new app on your phone. wondering what this new app is you open it and it bring you to a black screen with white text. it is a list of social normals such as *it is normal to wear a bra in public* or *the average penis length is 5.5”* then next to them are edit buttons, there are hundreds of rules inside of dropdown menus. ** the brackets of - - mean that a rule is being edited**

Mind Control
2 years ago
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My Friend Got Lucky On A Dating App

Hi iss readers, my name is Rahul. I am 27, single, not well-built or athletic but surely a good-hearted person, I’m basically from Mysore. Now I have shifted to Mangalore, a beautiful city in Karnataka. This story was narrated by one of my friends, Yogi. Yogi is basically from Andhra Pradesh, now working in Bangalore in an MNC. I’m writing this story on his behalf. It’s about how he found a partner in a dating app and had fun with her. I’m narrating in his view. Let’s get into the story. I got...

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Found a New App

Joey spent the morning surfing the web and following his Discorse app. Occasionally, he checked his phone to see if anyone was hanging out this weekend or gaming. While checking his apps at some point he received a text about being a beta-tester for a new RL RPG Game. His default was to mark as spam and delete, but something in the message caught his eye. Joey, Join us for this groundbreaking new RL game that will blow your mind. Get others to join in, like your brother Adam or your mother,...

3 years ago
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Omni App

You are in the modern world, but there is an app where you can write anything and save, and the world will change to reflect your wishes. As the camera flies down from the heavens, we suddenly find ourselves in the company of...

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Parallel Dimension Dating App

To: [email protected] From: [email protected]%^*&)%)).net To whom it may concern... You're probably wondering why you've been sent this email. You've deleted it several times without reading the contents and tried numerous times to get our email address on the spam list. Heck, you even tried to change email addresses once or twice now. There's a reason why we've adamant about reaching out to you, and no, we won't stop until you've actually taken the time to read what we have to offer. This...

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Absolute App

"As you know, you guys have chemistry test today, so please clear up your desk." Students in the class started to put working tools and cellphone in their desks or bag packs. Then teacher started handing out three papers stapled into one. Students skimmed through them once. Some had eyes of full of confident and some had eyes of doubts. When clock's long needle was pointing at six, telling there was only thirty minutes left, the teacher looked at one of the students and below him. And there,...

Mind Control
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Chut Ka Maza From Dating App

Hi I’m Vikas 30 yrs old, from south Delhi .Well settled in my life , I have my own business, I have my own cafe in south delhi it’s very famous italian restaurant .My email id is you can contact for Now I am sharing my real and recent experience with you in hindi. Baat lag bhag 2 months pehle ki hai maine apne phone par ek dating application download ki aur us app par login kiya and usme nearby location search kiya usme kaafi girls thi to mine kuch ko request send ki chat ki usme se ek ne meri...

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TF App

*Bleep* A new notification. The screen lit up. An unfamiliar icon and an odd line of text appeared. "Hello, welcome to TFCamera!" "Huh?" is all that's said in response as the phone's owner opens the App to see what's going on...

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iCarly iFound Bigfoot

Part One Carly Shay and Freddy Benson, both dressed in Dukes of Hazard garb, Carly in a pair of tight Daisy Duke hotpant shorts, come traipsing down the stairs from the iCarly studio looking for Sam who's sitting on the couch watching TV. "Sam, what are you doing?" Carly asked her. "Watching the news," Sam replies. "You're supposed to be upstairs with us rehearsing for iCarly," Carly reminds her friend. "Let's go." "No, wait," Sam says. "Just let me watch the next story. I...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Bigfoot Crunch and Sweetie Pie Wrecker Service

Bigfoot, Crunch and Sweetie Pie Wrecker Service By: Malissa Madison Gladys lay next to Hatchetman in their bed half asleep after a long bout of love making. "Hatch, can you feel it too?" she asked. "You mean now that the Seven Nations controls access to the Portal in New Mexico?" "That too," she answered him. "I'm talking about Fox and Little Joe." "Oh I thought you meant Squirrel and her kids," he admitted. "What about Squirrel?" she asked. "Fox and Little Joe talked...

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

3 years ago
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Clan of the Bigfoot

Most people do not think Bigfoot exists but I am living proof that they do but I will get to that later in the story. First off let me introduce myself. I am Camellia McIntyre but my friends call me Cami. I am twenty-five years old and been married to Professor Morgan McIntyre who teaches Archaeology at the University of New Mexico. He has taken a sabbatical over the summer to partake in an archaeology dig in Peru, South America for three months and I decided to go with him. We had just been...

Monster Sex
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How Easily Cryptozoology Turns Into Cryptosexology Zendayas First Meeting With Bigfoot

Well. She had almost everything. Zendaya was horribly bored. The whole state has been locked up for months, and there were only so many times you could stream Tiger King, or watch Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix. She found herself being driven mad, pacing around her estate. She had more room there than most people could imagine, but it still felt like a prison to her, the walls of the gated yard closing in on her. So that’s how the young world-famous celebrity found herself jumping...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

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Nights of Alsitor Hades Persephone II

Persephone gently pushed Hades away and stepped back, his hands reluctantly sliding from her flesh. She turned and walked toward the gate behind her. Still on his knees, he stared enthralled at the coxinant twists of her retreating buttocks. His callipygian captor paused and looked back at him and gave one word. "Follow." Hades scrambled to his feet and was fast on her heels, even as she retreated into a long, unlit tunnel. He followed her into darkness so thick he couldn't see his own hands,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Persephone milks Pluto Part 2

Pluto was rudely awakened by a loud dinner triangle, ringing as Persephone walked down the stairs. “Time to eat up slave!” as she walked down the spiral staircase. Pluto had been locked into the large cage he had seen the night before. He was still completely naked, save for the chastity cage which very uncomfortably suffocated his penis. He looked up and his jaw nearly dropped. He had seen Persephone last night, but that was in a confusing, hazy daze. Now he had his full senses about him and...

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Mission to Persephone First the journey

STH3, Main space transit station above the planet New Montreal. The Captain of the cargo ship Ferret leaned against the hatch leading to his ship. For a merchant captain heading out to the frontier, he was one of the more reputable. He was a large man and wore his dark blue merchant captain jacket and cap over a black shipsuit, which resembled a tight-fitting flight suit from the twenty-first century. He watched disapprovingly at the woman walked toward him, she was of average high with...

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Persephone captures Pluto and milks him

Persephone finally had Pluto where she wanted him. It had been a tiring chase, but she knew the prize was worth it. With most men being hunted nearly to extinction, she was determined not to let this one get away. Now he was tied down on her milking table, in the depths of her dungeon. And she was going to extract every drop of semen from him however she could.With technological advances and women's growing superior intellect, most women decided that the world did not need men and all of their...

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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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The Night of the Bigfoot Part 1

Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed and found sleep difficult which was unusual for her as she normally just crashed when she hit the pillow. Tonight she had just finished watching a documentary about the truth and fiction behind the bigfoot legend. Her thought was awash with all sorts of fantastic scenarios both romantic and fearful. Every continent around the world seemed to have its own stories of large hairy ape-like animals that inhabit the deepest forests or highest mountains of...

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The Night of the Bigfoot Part 2

Lindsey, stunned, vacant, just looked at him for many seconds before she eventually spoke, “Yes it was professor it was the Yowie. The alarms what happened to the alarms” She spoke in a little voice. David came up to the shivering girl, looked at the professor then hunched down taking the corner of the blanket she was sitting on and covered her nakedness. “He is truly worried you know, we all are,” it was clear that David guessed what had happened from his actions the way he glanced at the...

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph 2

I am the Wood Nymph. Gavin, the love of my life, the man I lovingly call "Bigfoot," has told you his side of the story. Now let me tell you mine. I'm twenty years old. For the first ten years of my life, I was raised in a very liberal family. We were nudists, and spent every summer at one resort or another, in the company of other nudists. We also went bare around the house, so nudity was commonplace and entirely normal for me. In fact, I was out of clothes more than in them, especially...

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