Guess We're Walking free porn video

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Guess We're Walking New York City can be unbearable in the summer. The temperatures rise to the 90s and above and the humidity levels keep pace with them. The towers of steel and glass reflect the sun's rays. Concrete and asphalt underfoot radiate heat. The subway stations are hotter than the streets. Conditions below ground are not helped by the masses of subway riders crammed together in close quarters. The smells that result from the heat and the crowding are repulsive, and they add to the general discomfort of making one's way through the city. I arrived in New york at 23. Fresh out of college, I took a low-level job at a major bank in midtown Manhattan. The pay was sufficient to allow me to rent a place of my own in Astoria, Queens. It was about 4 miles distant from the bank. I walked home from work quite often, taking a route that crossed the 59th Street Bridge. The bridge was great for pedestrians, with a wide walkway along the southern edge. The views of Manhattan were spectacular. I made a habit of carrying a camera with me and snapping a roll or two of shots when I reached the center of the bridge. On many Saturdays I was asked to go to the office to help my superiors catch up on their backlog of paperwork. We all had a very demanding senior executive over us. He had no concept of life outside of work. I was paid overtime for the extra hours, so I didn't mind losing a day off every so often. I was also young and ambitious. It seemed to me that my devotion to the job might pay off in advancement sooner or later. On one such Saturday, in July of 1990, I worked from eight in the morning until four pm. My task group got quite a bit done. We were glad to have everything in order for Monday morning. I packed my book bag and headed for home. As I left the air-conditioned lobby of the building I stepped into a steam bath. The thermometer must have read 100 or above and the humidity was atrocious. I immediately began to sweat. I walked half a block to the subway station at 53rd Street and Fifth Avenue. Every step of the descent to the lower platform seemed to raise the temperature several degrees. It was brutally hot. I couldn't wait for the train to arrive. Most of the train lines were air conditioned by that time. There were quite a few people on the platform already, but not nearly as many as on a typical weekday afternoon. I looked down the tunnel for any sign of an approaching train, but saw nothing. I walked over to one of the wooden benches along the wall and took a seat. A young woman appeared at the bottom of the stairway and walked toward me. She was quite attractive, with jet black hair and a very slender body. She wore a black, tight-fitting t-shirt and tight, faded blue jeans. She had black sneakers on her feet. As she neared me, I could see that she wore no makeup, but she was pretty enough not to need it. She wore two silver hoop earrings. The young woman walked to the edge of the platform and checked for the headlights of the next train. I sat up and made room enough for her to sit next to me. I hoped that she would. Her butt was perfectly formed, if a bit skinny. I didn't mind; I liked skinny girls. I estimated her height to be 5'7", and her weight to be about 100 pounds. I was 6'3" and 195 pounds. Regular exercise and walking kept me in very good shape. I was told that I was handsome, but I considered myself average as far as looks went. I had no trouble finding dates, but at that time I was not involved with anyone. I hoped that that was about to change for the better. The dark haired girl turned toward me and noticed the empty space on the bench. She looked at me and gave a little smile. "I've been waiting a little bit," I said. "Nothing yet." She sat down next to me and started fanning her face with a magazine she carried. "It better be here soon," she said. "I'm about to melt." "That makes two of us," I said. "I hate this city in July." We compared notes about the heat and the hassles of city life. She was funny and she smiled at our shared grievances against the weather and the Big Apple. I introduced myself and she told me her name was Gayle. We shook hands and shared a smile. It turned out that she lived in Astoria, also. Her apartment was much closer to the East River than mine, but not very far away from me. I was happy to hear that. Thirty minutes passed as we waited and talked . Several dozen more subway riders made their way down to the platform. Tempers were beginning to flare among a few of them, as they always do when a train is late. Twice I walked to the edge of the platform to look for headlights. Nothing. After the third time I threw up my hands and shrugged at Gayle. "I don't know what to tell you," I said. "There must be a broken rail or something." Broken rails happened regularly, and stalled the trains for long periods. "I can't stay down here," she said. "I think maybe I'll take a bus." "Do you ever walk over the bridge?" I asked. "No. Is it safe?" She seemed to consider the idea. "Oh yeah," I said. "Especially in the afternoon. You just have to watch out for the idiots on bikes." I had nearly been knocked down on the bridge walkway before by bicyclists. "Would you like to give it a try?" Gayle thought for a moment, then grinned. "Sure," she said. "It might be fun." "Great!" I said. "Let me just check one more time." I looked down the tunnel again, but this time I hoped that I would see nothing. I didn't. I shrugged again. Gayle nodded, smiling, and said, "Guess we're walking." The still oppressive heat at street level was a relief after the much higher temperatures in the subway station. Gayle walked with me up Third Avenue to 59th Street, then over to the Manhattan end of the bridge walkway. I had sense enough to suggest that we get a couple of bottles of water for the trek across the bridge. It was nearly a mile across, and at times, if there was no wind, the walkway could get dangerously hot. We walked over to a deli and I purchased a large bottle of water for each of us. We took a long drink before we returned to the walkway. It was a fairly steep grade up to the highest part of the walkway. It was easy for both of us, but we were, of course, bathed in sweat by the time we reached the halfway point. We talked the entire time. I learned that Gayle was from New Jersey, and that she had moved to Astoria the year before. She worked in a large bookstore near my office building. She said she put in all kinds of overtime to pay the rent and bills, but that she enjoyed the work and loved living so close to Manhattan. She said she was 21, single and not seeing anyone. I didn't ask her about her relationship status; she freely volunteered it to me. I took it as a suggestion of her availability. Before we moved on, I asked Gayle if I could take a photo of her against the background of the U.N. Building and the rest of the skyline. She agreed. We then started the downhill walk to Long Island City. The heat was ungodly. The normal breezes I was used to feeling on the bridge were non-existent. By the time Gayle and I reached the ground in Queens we were ready for a break. I suggested that we stop in a great little Chinese restaurant nearby. "Will they let us in like this?" Gayle asked, pulling at her soaked t- shirt. "They don't care," I said. "As long as we order something." We reached the restaurant in a few minutes. The cool air inside was a delight. We both drank several glasses of iced tea along with our meals. Gayle did not order much. That was no surprise, given how skinny she was, I followed her cue and just got some dumplings and an egg roll. Our conversation covered every topic under the sun. Music. movies, food - all of the stuff that really matters in life. I was fascinated by her. She was at least as much a movie buff as me. It was always great to be able to talk to someone who immediately understood my cinema references. She asked as many questions as she answered, and I found myself profoundly attracted to her. When the meal was done, I paid the bill and we headed back out into the heat. I offered to walk Gayle to her apartment building. She gladly accepted and pointed us in the right direction. She said that she rarely walked through this part of the neighborhood, as there had been some robberies there recently, and a couple of night time rapes. I didn't think it was that dangerous, but then I wasn't a hundred pound young woman, either. It felt good to be walking next to such a pretty girl in the city. I almost didn't mind the heat. About fifteen minutes passed before we reached Gayle's apartment building. It was a brick, five-floor post-war structure that looked to be in very good shape. Gayle said that she lived on the ground floor. She fished her keys out of her pocket and walked over to the service entrance door. She stopped there and faced me. "Would you like to come in?" she asked. "I've got a/c and I think we both need it." Would I! Of course, I said yes and followed her into the hallway of the first floor. It had gleaming tile floors and unmarked walls. We walked past a large laundry room that looked to be empty of patrons. Gayle's door was the next one we came to. Gayle smiled at me before she opened the door. "Please don't mind the mess," she said. Gayle's apartment was a one-room studio with a tiny kitchenette in the back and a bathroom. It looked as though she had one closet. Two small windows in the kitchenette looked out onto the building's courtyard. Gayle had a twin bed along one wall and a small sofa on the facing wall. There were also two small upholstered chairs. She had an older, small TV in one corner, atop a stereo set. Milk crates holding VHS tapes and music cassettes stood next to the TV. She had a few plants here and there and a row of movie posters along the wall above the bed. I didn't see any "mess" to speak of; everything looked pretty orderly to me. There were some wrinkled clothes balled up in one of the chairs. That must have been the mess. Gayle locked the door behind us and walked over to the air conditioner that took up half of one of the windows. "Make yourself comfortable," she said as she turned on the a/c. I sat in the empty chair and took in the room, and its resident. I was pretty excited at how the afternoon had gone. My plan that morning, as far as I had a plan, was to return home and eat a pizza alone. Now, in a gorgeous girl's apartment after a fantastic "first date," I hoped I'd be staying there for a while. Gayle opened her refrigerator door and took a brief look at the contents. "I can offer you a Diet Coke," she said to me. "I'm afraid that's all I've got." "That's fine," I replied. "I like it." Gayle took out two cans of soda and brought one to me. She sat on the sofa and held the can to her forehead. "That was a great walk," she said. "I can't believe I never did it, before." "I like to do it for the photo opportunities," I said. "I've got a couple hundred pictures I've taken over the last few months. I have a great one of the sun setting between the Twin Towers. I'll have to show it to you." Hopefully in my apartment! Gayle nodded. "I'd like that," she said. We were both quiet for a moment. Gayle spoke again: "Look, your clothes are saturated. I'd hate to send you home like that. Why don't you let me throw them into the washing machine and have them ready for you when you leave?" I was at a loss for words! What would I wear? Not that I would mind sitting naked with her, but it was still fairly early in our friendship. Gayle noticed my anxiety and laughed. "I have a large robe in the bathroom you can use," she said. "In fact, why don't you take a shower while you're in there?" Fantastic idea! This afternoon was really looking up, now. "Sure," I said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. "If you're sure you don't mind, I'd really appreciate it." "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it," she replied. "Go ahead and strip off in the bathroom and toss the clothes out for me. I'm going to change in here, so don't come out until I tell you to." She stood up and I did as well. The bathroom was tiny but neat and clean. The toilet sat almost beneath the sink which, in turn, nearly reached into the tub/shower combination. A small casement window high on the shower wall provided light and ventilation. I saw the robe hanging from a hook on the back of the door. As I stripped, I saw all of the beauty products that lined the edges of the sink and the tub. I always liked seeing the variety of products women seemed to require. In a moment or two I was naked and my wet clothes were wrapped up into a small bundle. I tossed it out int the main room. "I'll be in the shower," I said. "Great," Gayle answered. "I'll get the laundry started." I enjoyed a good, long, very hot shower. She had strong water pressure and plenty of hot water. I found a bar of soap that didn't smell like perfume and I went over every inch of my body with it. When I was done, I took a fresh towel from the two that hung from a rod and I dried myself. I donned the robe and opened the door slightly. "Can I come out?" I asked. There was no reply. I stepped back into the main room and saw that she was gone. I took my old seat, had a sip of the Coke and waited for Gayle. A few minutes later, she returned. She wore a silk kimono-style robe and slippers. She gave me a big smile as she entered the room. "Did you enjoy the shower?" she asked. "Oh yeah," I said. "It was exactly what I needed. I feel like a million bucks." "Great!" she said. "I'm gonna take one too, then we can talk a little bit more. The clothes will take a couple of hours to finish." I liked the prospect of hanging out, both of us in robes, for a couple of hours. Or more. Who knew where we might end up by nightfall? Gayle showered and I relaxed in the chair. I heard her singing as she washed. It was music to my ears. I kept checking my robe to make sure that my dick wasn't making an obvious tent in it. I shifted my position a few times and folded the robe so as to disguise my excitement. I was as hard as a rock. Gayle took her time in coming out. When she did, she looked lovely. Her hair looked as good wet as it did dry. She had tousled it a bit and it framed her face perfectly. She tied the robe as she walked to the sofa. She flopped down and crossed her bare legs. "Much better!" She said. Definitely! Gayle's bare legs were very sexy. I liked the way she swung her small foot. She still had no makeup, nor did she need it. She sipped at her Coke and watched me. I must have been giving away my thoughts by my look. Gayle asked, "What?" She chuckled a little. I snapped out of my reverie. "What, what?" I said. She laughed harder. "What are you thinking, Joe? It must be something good." "Uh, just thinking about how good this day has turned out to be." It was the truth, just not all of it. I leaned forward. "Look, Gayle, I could not be happier right now. I am totally comfortable. Meeting you has been fantastic. I'd like to think we're on our first date." Gayle smiled and nodded. "Me too." I continued: "I think we ought to have at least one more. Date. I think we ought to pick a movie and then have dinner. How about this week, after work?" Gayle pondered it, then her look turned blank, then anxious. I was taken aback, then nervous. I thought my offer was a sure thing. Gayle put both feet on the floor and crossed her arms over her stomach. She leaned forward and stared at the floor. Her voice quavered a little when she spoke. "Joe, thanks. I'd love to do it. But there's something you have to know, and I hope you'll understand how hard it is for me to tell you." Gayle wouldn't look at me. The possibilities flooded my mind. Boyfriend? Pregnant? Lesbian? Terminally ill? All of them? I had no idea. I cleared my throat. "Whatever it is, just tell me," I said. "I promise I won't get angry or anything. I like you a lot and I'd like to be your friend." Gayle nodded, still looking at the floor. "You see...I was...I was born a boy...." She bit her lip. What? I leaned back in the chair and felt as though the floor had dropped away. I stared at the ceiling. Gayle spoke next. "I'm sorry. I truly am. I should have just told you right away. I was just...I was just having such a good time with you. You don't know hard it is to be transgendered. I have to watch everything I say and do..." She looked up at me. A tear had formed in each eye. I struggled for the right words. "It's okay," I said, at last. "You did nothing wrong. Thank you for telling me." I looked to the side. "How long have you been living as a woman?" Gayle wiped her eyes and cheeks. "A couple of years. I mean full-time. I knew from day one that I was a girl. There was no question in my mind. It was just that my parents wouldn't believe me when I told them. I was nine when I did and they just wouldn't have it." "Is that why you moved here?" I said. "Yeah. I went to college for a couple of years, but I really needed to be who I am. What I am. I couldn't do it at home." She relaxed a little and unfolded her arms. "Listen, I'll finish your clothes and you can be on your way. I had a great date and I -" I cut her off. "No - I mean, if you'd like me to stay a little while longer I'd like to. It's up to you. I'd like to talk to you about it." Gayle frowned and tried to suss out some hidden motive in my statement. "Are you serious?" She asked. "I swear," I said, hand on heart. "I think I can understand how you feel. Or maybe how you think. I don't want to walk out on you just because you're honest. I respect that in my friends. The only difference between now and an hour ago is that I know a little bit more about you. And it doesn't make that much difference to me." Gayle shook her head. "It makes ALL the difference, Joe. Have you ever dated a guy?" "No," I said. "But you're not a guy." Gayle rolled her eyes. "I have a penis, Joe. A dick. Balls. I have a woman's face and a man's equipment. Are you really going to tell me that that doesn't make a difference to you? C'mon..." Now I was a little bit angry, but I kept my voice even. "Gayle, listen to me. So now I know what you have in your robe, between your legs. Big fucking deal. I look at you and I see a beautiful woman. You met me and you trusted me and we wound up liking each other a whole lot. Didn't we?" Gayle's face softened a bit and she gave me a half-smile. "Yes," she said, barely above a whisper. I continued: "Do you believe that I I'm not lying when I say that I'd like to see you again? I promise you it's not a problem." Gayle studied my face. "Please don't lead me on," she said. " I've been beaten and I've been used and lied to. Guys get what they want and they're gone. I'm tired of it." I stood up and stepped over to the sofa. I sat down within inches of her. I took her right hand in my left. "Gayle," I said, evenly, "I promise you that I want to see you again. As much as you'd like. I want to do what every couple in this city does together. I had the best afternoon of my life with you, and I don't want for this to be the end of it. I have no plans to hurt you in any way." Gayle turned into me and looked into my eyes. She reached up and placed her hand against my cheek. "You mean it, don't you?" She whispered. I nodded. She leaned her head toward me and gave me a light kiss on the lips. I raised her hand with mine and kissed her knuckles. She watched me with what I took to be a mixture of relief and desire. I wanted to act on it. I patted my right thigh and said, "C'mere." Gayle stood and hesitated for a moment. "You're sure?" she asked. I took hold of her waist with both hands and pulled her down onto my lap. She seemed weightless to me. She smelled very good. I loved the scent of her hair. My right arm encircled her shoulders and my left held her right hand. We kissed again. I felt her lean into my chest a little. She sighed. Our kisses became deeper and our tongues slipped around each other. We sucked on each others' tongues. Our eyes kept meeting and we both giggled quite a bit. My left hand slipped down to her leg and started sliding up toward her thigh. Gayle stopped me and broke off the kiss. She gave me a serious look. "You're sure you're sure?" She asked. I answered by locking lips and continuing my caress up her leg. I found the edge of her robe and moved it aside, followed by the other. I then undid the loose sash around her waist. She alternately watched my actions and looked at my face. The robe fell open. I looked down. I saw a small, pale penis standing fully erect. It might have been four inches, at most, and not very thick. The pubic area was as smooth as silk. Gayle's scrotum was slightly darker, and equally small. My hand slid slowly upward until could cup her penis and balls in my palm. Gayle moved her legs apart slightly and moaned a little. "Oh, that's so nice," she said as I encircled her shaft with my thumb and my index finger. We kissed some more as I began stroking her. She leaned forward a little and let the robe slide off of her shoulders. Her chest was as smooth as a baby's bottom, and she had two little mounds of flesh beneath her hard nipples. I freed her penis for a moment and caressed each mound. I gave the nipples a slight pinch. I could see that my attentions had the desired effect on Gayle. She laid herself back on the sofa pillows behind her. This move raised her pelvis a little, giving me all the access I needed to her penis. I took advantage of it. My right hand massaged her chest and stomach as I picked up stroking her shaft again. Gayle placed he left hand on top of my right and held the sofa with the other. She moaned and sighed as I stroked her. Picked up the pace a little. She pulled up my hand to her mouth and lightly bit the edge of it. I felt her penis twitch in my left hand. Gayle grunted and shot three streams of semen onto her belly. Her body tensed up for a moment, then completely relaxed. She let out a long exhalation. "God, that was good!" She said. She rubbed her eyes and nose with her hand. "I needed that!" She added. Gayle sat up after a short rest and rewarded me with hot kisses. Then she stood up, revealing her entire body. It was an amazing sight. I was painfully aroused. Gayle dropped to her knees in front of me and untied my robe. She pulled apart the robe halves and exposed my nine-inch cock. I was lucky to have a good sized member that was wide, as well as long. It had reached it's full length and breadth long before this moment. Gayle took my shaft in both hands and started stroking it. She leaned in and took the head in her mouth. I rested my head against the back of the sofa and groaned. The tongue bath she gave me was heaven. She took as much of me into her mouth as she could manage. Gayle's tongue slithered and slurped and made noises that added to my pleasure. She really knew what she was doing. I took hold of her hair as my cock bucked in her mouth. An eruption of come shot, then flowed into her mouth. She made no attempt to back away or release herself from my grip. I thought that I was levitating above the sofa. It was that good. Gayle sucked the last drops out of me as I began to soften. She swallowed it all, and it had to have been quite a bit. That pleased me greatly. When she was done, I pulled her back up onto my lap. It was so nice to be naked and entwined with her. We kissed ferociously again. I rocked her in my arms. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and carry her home with me. "Mm - the clothes," she said. She moved off of me and picked up her robe. She slipped it on and stepped into her slippers. She winked at me and said "Don't go anywhere!" I gestured to my naked body and exposed dick. "Like this?" I asked. We shared a laugh. Gayle scooped up some quarters from an end table and left the room. I stood up and stretched. I felt so fucking good! I went to the bathroom to empty my bladder, then returned to the main room and finished my can of now-warm soda. I was hungry again, too. I remained standing as I waited for Gayle. It only took her a couple of minutes to switch the loads. When Gayle returned to the apartment she started laughing at the sight of me, naked, standing in the middle of the room. "You really made yourself at home, didn't you?" She said, laughing. I beckoned for her to join me. She walked to me and turned around. I pulled her close and kissed her neck. She squirmed when I kissed her ear and licked the lobe. I just held her all the more tightly and continued the tongue tickling. My hands roamed all over the front of her. I slipped a hand beneath her robe and caressed her chest and stomach. Her sash fell away and the robe opened. I moved both hands toward her pelvic bones, then inward. I found her penis semi-hard. A few little brushes of it with my palms and it was fully hard. "Turn around," I commanded. She obeyed. I dropped to my knees, kissing her chest, then the stomach, and then the skin around her privates. Her penis brushed my cheek. I gave it a little thought, and concluded that sucking her little penis was not really much different than eating pussy. I had done that for women several times and I enjoyed it. This pink appendage before me was just a slightly larger clitoris. I kissed the head and then licked the slit. I looked up to see her watching me. I gave her a big grin, then took the entire shaft into my mouth. "Oh!" Gayle moaned. "So good..." I started a good sucking and licking routine all over her penis. Every bit of it got a kiss or a licking, or both. It twitched in my mouth. Gayle put her hands on the sides of my head and thrust herself into me. The pace picked up. We manage to match our movements just right. Gayle let out another groan and shot a few streams of thin come into my mouth. I gagged a little at first. I did manage to keep all of it in my mouth. I swallowed. The taste is hard to describe, but it wasn't unpleasant. I thought: "I could get used to this." When I was sure that Gayle was done, I stood up and kissed her. She devoured me! We fell back onto my chair. She thanked me with kisses and mumbled words. My cock was now stirring again. Gayle felt it and giggled. "Doesn't take long, eh?" she said. "Nope," I replied. "And he knows what he wants, too, baby," I said. "Why don't you hop up and let that robe down?" Gayle stood and slipped off the robe. I gave my cock a couple of tugs to restore it to full hardness. Gayle went to the bed stand and retrieved a small bottle of lube from the drawer. She crouched in front of me and poured some lube onto her hand. Then she smoothed it all over my shaft and cock head. When that was done, Gayle put the bottle on the floor and turned away from me. She slowly lowered herself toward me, placing her hands on the arms of the chairs. In a few moments her asshole was poised just a millimeter from my dick head. And then I was inside her. Gayle didn't hesitate for a second. She did gasp and tighten fiercely around my shaft, but she slid down until her buttocks rested on my thighs. "Oh FUCK!" She shouted. I wanted to yell, too! Gayle took a second to acclimate herself to the intrusion. She started rising until just the head remained inside. Then she lowered herself again. What followed was probably the greatest single experience of my life. Gayle picked up the pace and kept a running commentary of moans and grunts and profanity. She was a wild thing! I couldn't help but grunt and groan and issue a few four letter words of my own. I can't do the pleasure I felt justice in words. Trust me: it was more than intense. When I came, it was stronger than the last ejaculation. I felt my fluid coat her insides and surround my cock. Gayle fell back on me. I touched her dick and she came again. Her interior muscles squeezed the hell out of me. We both gasped for air. My cock slowly removed itself from Gayle's ass. She curled up on me and snuggled. I could have spent all night in that position with her. Our embrace only ended when she realized that the laundry was done. It was, to paraphrase Bogie, the start of a beautiful relationship. Within a week, Gayle was staying with me at my place on the weekends. By the end of the month, she agreed to move in with me (my place was much larger), but she kept her apartment with a view to turning into an artist's studio. I was happy to help her out with the rent. I did make my way up the corporate ladder. Extra responsibility was rewarded with much greater pay and the prospect of a vice president's position someday. Gayle benefited from my success - she was able to focus on painting and sculpting full-time in her new studio. We moved to a larger apartment in Astoria and considered buying a house in the Catskills. Gayle decided, after much discussion, to keep her penis and testicles intact. To be honest, I enjoyed playing with them. She was not entirely convinced that she would get as much pleasure after a sex change as she did with male parts. I had no trouble with that decision. Gayle did stay on a hormone regimen. When she turned twenty-five, I surprised her with a paid-for breast enlargement operation. It wasn't drastic; just enough to giver her the very realistic pair she told me she always wanted. Our sexual relationship has remained as intense and fulfilling as ever. We are completely monogamous and I've never given any thought to going back to women. I HAVE a woman! A gorgeous, intelligent, supportive woman who would kill for me. The fact that a few inches of flesh protrude from her doesn't make a bit of difference to me. I'd kill for her, too.

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Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 99 Werewolf

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-98”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… When I was young—far too...

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Werewolf Girl Ch 03

The two days turned into a week. Vera had never lived with humans before but she felt at home in that house. She joked with Chris in the kitchen and watched movies with David on the couch. They made love in his bed every night and some days. Vera took to doing chores around the house. She knew they were feeding her so she thought the least she could do was reciprocate with laundry and dishes. David drove Vera into town on the weekend and she filled out job applications at every place that...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 13

Cameron arrived at the next store with his chest puffed out a bit, still high from the sex. Liz was the first girl he’d fucked who’d really, truly wanted it, no help from magic at all. Although, now that he thought about it, he did have magic to thank for his awesome bod. But he felt like it had been more than just muscles. He now understood why people always blabbed on about confidence. He’d always thought that just meant he needed to act like an asshole, but it wasn’t that at all. If the...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 17

Cameron related the story of Raven’s capture to Wayne as they raced his motorcycle in the fading light. It was difficult to have a conversation over the noise of the bike but Wayne seemed to get the picture. Raven was gone, kidnapped by the same people that had tried to kill Cameron. He had to be careful what he told Wayne. His joints still ached from nearly getting pulled out of their sockets by Wayne’s steel ropes, the same ropes he knew were coiled under Wayne’s jacket. Explaining that he...

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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties. I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties.I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties Chapter 2

 I was at a restaurant, texting my girlfriend, Jessica, when it happened. I saw something that I could not and would not be able to forget. And I knew, at that precise moment, I needed to see more.I saw a cute girl walking in my direction, holding a bagel in her right hand. The girl looked like she was about nineteen or twenty years old. She had brunette hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a white tank top and a light blue miniskirt. She was already showing off a lot of skin, but I still wanted...

3 years ago
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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties Ch 02

I was at a restaurant, texting my girlfriend, Jessica, when it happened. I saw something that I could not and would not be able to forget. And I knew, at that precise moment, I needed to see more.I saw a cute girl walking in my direction, holding a bagel in her right hand.The girl looked like she was about 19 or 20 years old. She had brunette hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white tank top and a light blue miniskirt. She was already showing off a lot of skin, but I still wanted to see...

1 year ago
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The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties. I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

2 years ago
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Werewolf Girl Ch 08

Hello again friends, Apologies for my long silence. I’ve been tragically separated from my computer for several weeks. But we’re back together again and have teamed up to bring you sexy werewolf stories! -T. ***** As soon as David left, the dynamic in the house changed. Chris was seldom there anyway and it made Vera feel like a little human housewife, living in a home with her boyfriend, doing laundry and cooking food. She hated it. Vera was standing at the kitchen sink one afternoon,...

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Werewolf Girl Ch 04

The next morning Vera woke up early. Instead of being tired from her run last night she felt invigorated. She left David sleeping in bed and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and decided she couldn’t tackle the mess of her hair until after coffee. She padded softly to the kitchen and could smell Lucien in there before she even got to the door. ‘Good morning Vera,’ he said politely, without turning around, he smelled her too. ‘Hey,’ She replied in a small voice. She felt embarrassed...

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Werewolf Girl Ch 07

Hi friends, it’s short but it’s not late! More to come. Love, T. Chapter 7 They ran into the hills that night, and Vera led the way. She could feel the influence of the moon, riding the night sky above them, almost full. The closer the moon got to full the harder it was to stay human at night, and the harder it was to think like a human. On the night of the full moon, from moonrise to moonset, werewolves were fully animal. They had to be careful, on the night of the full moon, to make sure...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 99 Werewolf

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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The Warmth of a Werewolf

It was a bitterly cold, windy, clear winter night. On the outside, it was 30 degrees or lower. I was in my bedroom in my small house. The heater in my house that normally works went and shut down on me. I already felt like I was freezing. I stood by my bedroom window and looked at the luminous full moon in the clear nightsky. After looking at the moon, I looked outside and there I saw a werewolf jump through my bedroom window. He was drawn to me and my womanly, voluptuous curves under my red...

2 years ago
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The Werewolf Event

Lake County Gazette, Oct 16 — Police Blotter section Two days ago Walter P. Brown called the county police complaining a wolf was raiding his chicken coop taking a number of chickens each time. He states "The wolf walked on two legs, instead of the usual four." The sheriff's deputy investigating reported there were "definite wolf tracks" in the area of the coop. Farmer Brown alleges it was not a wolf, or a man, but was instead a "werewolf". Oct. 25 I arrived in Lake County with...

3 years ago
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 9

The couch Lana sat on was comfortable, but she still shifted her weight frequently. This house, the place across town where she was supposed to collect her payment after the job was done, had the same layout as the one she’d just been in. She looked in toward the kitchen, and fought the impression that the door would be broken down from when she’d had to smash through it. And below there’d be a room full of stuffed toys where she’d begged for an assfucking by a werewolf and loved every second...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 12

Cameron woke up aching again. The couch, with its piercing springs and short length, made for a horrible bed. Morning light streamed through the small window, illuminating the dust in the air. It had to be 8 or 9 in the morning. By 10, the sun would be high enough that the room only received indirect sunlight. He sat up on the couch and noticed he was hairy all over. He had partially transformed in his sleep. Since he’d become a werewolf Cameron had learned to sleep in the nude after he’d...

3 years ago
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The girl needed help. She knew that, now. Which is why she was here. The waiting room. All so normal, exactly what she expected for a mental health counselor’s office. Ecru walls, long blue sofas and firm orange armchairs, ferns and philodendrons and rhododendrons. Drowsy clove scent in the air. The short-haired middle-aged white slightly dumpy (don’t fat-shame her don’t age-shame her) receptionist who had welcomed her in with professional courtesy but certainly hiding suspicions. Right?...

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Synopsis: To understand the true significance of her traumatic experience, college-student Laurie must undergo a radical and empowering cognitive therapy.Author: Adam Lily ([email protected])***********Dear Reader:This story delves into themes of power and race. It might be someone's stroke fiction, and that's great—let me know—but it likely won't appeal to many.So if you do like this story, please let me know. If you hate it, let me know that, too. But if want lighter fare, go elsewhere....

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Werewolves ReturnChapter 14

Kris and James could only stand and watch what was happening, as being after being began to change. It was then that they realized that the spell cast on the Werewolves had affected all of the Were-creatures. To the two, it was more then they ever dreamed could happen. Then Kris turned to James with a smile and let herself feel the wolf inside her and started the changes but screamed out as the pain of first change hit her. James saw the look in his wife's eyes and followed. He too felt the...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 4 Like Rape Being The Light Beer Of Bad Shit That Can Happen To You

"Wake him up!" "What are you doing?" "Hurry! Jewel and Ashley have been gone for a half-hour!" "Stop that!" "Miguel ... Miguel!" "I said cut that shit out, bitch!" "Fuck you, asshole!" Bianca's voice sounded angry. Scared! Bianca was scared? The blonde went toe to toe with werewolves! Granted, with a shotgun in hand, but the werewolf had teeth and didn't go down from one well-placed bullet so same difference. "Stop it!" "Stop kicking her!" Joey! Someone shook me....

4 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 17 Like Someone Saying Fix My Problem Instead Of We Have A Problem

If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...

3 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 21 Like Hope Delivering On Its Promise

I guess the thought of losing the accumulated knowledge of humanity lit a fire under the Professor. He even put together a hunting party to go into other professors' homes to raid their book collections. The books filled several trucks. I hoped it would be enough, like I hoped what Bianca had done to prepare for our departure was enough too. I smiled--we were saved!!! I wasn't the only one smiling. The uniforms were so pretty, at least on some of the soldiers. A few of the men looked a...

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The First Gay Guy I Deflowered

This is a first time story about the first gay guy who's anal virginity I had the pleasure of taking.I am bi and had been having gay sex for sometime. I had my first gay sexual experience when I was 18. He was a friend of my girlfriend. She was bi too but we never did a threesome with her gay friend and I. He taught me how to fuck a guy, how to get suck and suck a cock. He never fucked me. I was not fucked for the first time until a few years later. Here is the story of how that happened:It was...

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Werewolf Fantasy

It was a bitterly cold, windy, clear winter night. Outside it was a crisp 35 degrees – exceedingly cold for Texas. I was in my bedroom in my big two story house; all alone – my husband out of town on business again. The heating system shut down unexpectedly…... It wasn’t long before I was freezing. I stood by my bedroom window, shivering and looking at the luminous full moon in the clear night sky, trying to decide what to do. As I gazed at the moon, I saw something moving in the shadows of...

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The Pizza Delivery Boy Is A Werewolf

Taylor gripped the steering wheel, the skin of his knuckles turning white as he did his best to control his speed. His breathing ragged and inconsistent as the smell of cheap sausage and pepperoni filled his small hatchback. “Oh! Ohhh!  F…fuck me…” he gasped, almost blacking out for a moment. The pressure behind his eyes was growing worse by the second. His nose scrunched as he did his best to relieve it, but it was no good as his nose began to darken.He glanced at his cracked phone,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 6

Sara headed home by way of the main street in their town and thought more about what Chiu said. Maybe she did just need to get fucked again. She had had sex a few times before, but it was so different. There was much more fumbling with buttons and fasteners, more worrying about getting caught, much shorter, less intense. The boys she’d been with were always asking if they were hurting her, if it was OK if they did that, could she please do this. Fucking Cameron had been nasty, instinctual,...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 7

Cameron felt bone crunch and tried to ignore the sound as his body kept eating. He’d tried to resist the hunger as long as he could, even tried eating raw steak, but nothing worked. Every day he woke up feeling hungrier and looking hairier, and although he found he could resist his transformation for a while, eventually the hunger would win. When that happened, Cameron took a back seat and the werewolf took the wheel, finding the closest victim and ripping them to shreds. He tried to focus on...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 10

“What’s going on?” asked Raven. Benedict shuffled over, escorting her into the store. “Come in, come in, I will explain everything...” Cameron was still standing behind the store counter, unable to move. The last thing he wanted to deal with was all of Chelsea’s drama. Cameron realized that he was staring off into space, and the other two were standing in front of him like customers waiting to check out. “Hi, I’m Raven,” she said, holding out her hand like they’d never met. She had a ring...

1 year ago
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Days in the life of Jake the Ancient Werewolf in a Fantasy Land

This first set of prompts is just to set the scene, reveal the ability of the Ai to do smut, and then we'll continue with some plot! Prompt 1: Jake, an ancient werewolf, walks into a room and finds two women loving each other. Their moans fill the air as he desires to join them. Ai Response: Jake, a werewolf, enters the room to find two women on the bed. They were entangled with each other, moaning loudly as he approached them. His wolf senses heightened as he took in the scene before him, his...

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Deflowered Or Experience With Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hi buddies, I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net for past 10 years or more. Each day I’ll never sleep without reading a story as well I have shared few of my experiences here, when I read stories, few are amazing and some are fake, maybe to get contacts their writing down and some are true. I’m going to narrate one such true story of mine where one of the ISS readers who is a virgin wanted to lose with me desperately. Not sure how easily both men and women accept or get into bed...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 7 Virgin Deflowered

Chapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...

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New World Order Verison 1 Part 3 Werewolfs Burning Passion

Shey laid close to Phoenix her soul aching for him wishing she could take away his pain, when a thought came to her and she propped herself slowly up on an elbow. Now looking down at him she pushed a strain of her thick hair back from her face, then did the same to his own red allowing her to look fully upon his face. *I could bite you....* she thinks to herself, *Bite you so that you become a lycan like me. Those wounds would heal instantly, you would be well again.* she leaned down a little...

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New World Order Verison 1 Part 2 Werewolfs Burning Passion

"Considering what I've had in the past Lass, quite and improvement." Phoenix said with a smirk, his muscles tightening and relaxing under her nipping. He maneuvered himself on her and kissed her deeply and kissed her neck only to pull his lips away and get up. Stretching his arms over his head showing himself blatantly in naked form. He leaned over gripping his pants and sliding them on looking at his gun still holstered there. "Bloody good thing that didn't go off yeah?" He laughed...

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New World Order Verison 1 Werewolfs Burning Passion

The sun beat down on her from above, the crumbling roof top did nothing more then radiate the heat back at her. Sweat dripping down her brow was whipped away absent mindlessly while she continued to scan the area. With the almost complete destruction of the earth’s environment the world was an unforgiving mistress now, far from the nurturing mother they all knew in the past. Bringing her binoculars to her green eyes she scans the horizon of sector Z, her post. Lt. Commander Sheyera West was a...

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New World Order Verison 1 Part 3 Werewolfs Burning Passion

Introduction: This is the last run between Shey and Pheniox, it ends with no real ending because the other writer and myself lost touch and have not been able to get back in touch. Though I am using the character Shey in my third version of this story where she meets an incubis and falls in love. So where are my vials? asked the councilmen as he looked down at a stack of papers on his desk and not up at the fat man with the bad comb over who stood before his desk quivering. No sir, there was an...

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New World Order Verison 1 Werewolfs Burning Passion

Introduction: This is a exert from an online roleplay I did with someone and Im thinking about turning a similar version of it into a book. Credit must also be given to my roleplay partner LeoX The world had gone through hell and back only to come out the other side battle scared yet still living. If living is what you could call it, mankind was barely hanging on by a thread. If not for the aid of some unlikely volunteers then what little that remained would not be here either. It was when a...

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New World Order Verison 1 Part 2 Werewolfs Burning Passion

Introduction: The lovers Shey and Phoenix continue their relationship. (As before this is a collaboration between myself and another writer) Shey smiled taking a deep breath, No not at all. she says as she looks over him with a sly grin. I must say that was just what I needed. So how was it being fucked by a werewolf? she smiles tracing a finger along his powerful shoulders and chest. Unable to resist some animal urges she leans up and nibbles on his neck and shoulders. Considering what Ive...

1 year ago
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Familie in schwerer Zeit

Im Lycee war Julie nicht das hübscheste Mädchen, aber sie war auch keine hässliche Kröte. Ihre Eltern hatten dieselbe Schule besucht und sich dort kennen gelernt. Das Paar blieb verliebt, obwohl Valéries Schwangerschaft nicht geplant war, hatten sie noch vor der Geburt von Julie geheiratet, gegen den Willen ihrer jeweiligen Familien. Bruno musste einen Job finden, um die Familie zu ernähren. Valerie war jetzt 36 Jahre alt und und sah noch gut aus; außerdem hatte sie in der letzten Zeit nicht...

3 years ago
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Internat fr Schwererziehbare

Prolog Ich beobachtete wie meine Mutter mit Itami, meinem Stiefvater sprach. “Denkst du wirklich, dass es gut für Kagome ist, sie auf ein Internat zu schicken?“, fragte meine Mutter. Itami versucht schon seit Beginn der Sommerferien sie davon zu überzeugen mich auf das Kyoiku-Internat für Schwererziehbare, in dem er auch arbeitet, zu schicken. Bisher war er aber erfolglos. Dachte ich zumindest. “Sie ist in einer schweren Phase. Wahrscheinlich glaubt sie, Ich will ihren Vater ersetzen, deshalb...

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Attack of the werewolfs

You are a 21 year old woman but most people say you still look like your 16. You have blue eyes, Your hair is blond, you have white lightly tanned skin, and a pair of C-cup breasts. The only hair on your body is whats on-top of your head which reaches down to your shoulder-blades. You just woke up and are still only wearing a pair of panties and a long T-shirt. Suddenly an emergence news broadcast flashes onto your TV set. "Just this in, we are getting reports of werewolf's having flooded the...

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The Werewolfs Desires

Early Morning A click on the door was made when Sachiko opened the door of shared apartment with her girlfriend, Hazuki. After of their night activities, Sachiko woke up early to cook breakfast for them. She took at peek at their fridge for her ingredients. When she opened the fridge, she found it empty. So she decided to shop for their groceries. It's 10 o'clock in the morning when Sachiko came back along the groceries and take-out brunch. She didn't have the time to cook breakfast so she...

2 years ago
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Ein folgenschwerer Rat

"Diese Peitsche ist mein Hochzeitsgeschenk für dich, mein Kind. Benutze sie, wenn dein Ehemann sich weigert, deine frisch gefickte Möse auszulecken. Du hast sein Schwänzchen in dem Keuschheitskäfig eingeschlossen? Fantastisch! In einer Minute wird Charles hier sein um dir den Fick deines Lebens zu geben. An den Tag deiner Hochzeit wirst du immer mit Freude zurückdenken. Glaub mir, nichts ist besser als das Ehegelübde abzugeben, während die Wichse deines Liebhabers aus deiner Möse quillt und...

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New Werewoman Handbook

This has to be the worst day ever. I start out by running late for work with no time for breakfast. I'd been kept awake all week by strange dreams, and today it caught up to me. I underwhelmed a valuable client, my boss and some co-workers during a really important presentation because I felt so distracted. All day I just couldn't focus on my work, and every time I tried my thoughts wandered back to those dreams. Arriving home, I noticed that my front door was wide open. “Great now I've been...

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Schwere Entscheidungen

Schwierige Entscheidung Hans brauchte dringend Geld, denn schließlich hatte er noch die Raten für sein Haus und sein Auto abzubezahlen. Als hochbegabter Schlosser, der sich in verschiedenen Fortbildungslehrgängen weitergebildet hatte, kannte er sich nicht nur im Metallhandwerk, sondern auch mit elektrischen Anlagen hervoragend aus. Außerdem war er schon länger hinter einer Luxusschnecke her, die auch schon bei ihm zu Hause war, der er aber noch einiges mehr bieten musste, als nur ein Haus und...

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Aunt Kim defloweres

I am clara this is based on a true story. .. destiny is remarkable—- The cabin creaked as it was old Victorian . It was warm and filled with candles all the lights were off. As the rainstorm thundered from outside. Darkness becomes, as the rain storm showered the walls. Crackle crackle. In darkness she rose. Like a ghost. The cabin lit with candles and the smell of lavender filled the room as I slept. .. as if in a dream aunt Kim entered.. sliding herself next to me and caressing my breast....

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The Werewoman Chronicles 1 Lifes A Bitch

The Werewoman Chronicles 1: Life's A Bitch By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Transcription of WW TAPE 1, SIDE A (Recorded 10/30/2000): You want to know something, Doc? Life's a bitch. Wait a second. I'm sorry. I do believe that I went and misspoke myself just now. So, tell you what. Let me rescind that last remark of mine. You see, Doc, it's not that life's a bitch, it's that I'm a bitch, on a purely periodic, part-time bases. In other...

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I got this idea from a caption and picture by Morpheus. It was too irresistible not to write. I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM By Eric Part One Lesson in life number 316 or maybe it should be number 1. Don't mess with an angry witch! That's what Joey thought with good reason. Joey Richardson was 15, was tall for his age, but otherwise unremarkable. He was a B student if that helps. His folks thought his grades should be higher but that's a universal constant. He has a Dad,...

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Werewomen Sensate

Werewomen - Sensate By Beyogi Why did I come here? I should have known better... But when some friends, the last friends I still had would ask me to, what should I do? Now they were dancing with some more or less hot girls they picked up. I'd preferred them younger, but then I was damaged by hentais(Manga Porn, also known as eichi) anyway. There was an older woman I'd call hot, too, but there was no way that she'd even talk to a dweeb like me. She probably thought I was creepy or...

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Curse of the Werewoman

The bar was full of the smoke and noise of people happily celebrating the end of the work week. Sitting at the end of the bar was Alex, who was more than happy to spend his Friday night as far away from the cheery, happy people of the pub and as close as possible to a bottle of booze. "Hey there stranger," said a voice from behind. "Is that seat taken?" Turning around to the source of the sound he finds a slender woman with fiery red hair, legs that seemed to go for days, and a face...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Werewoman Part 2

As the full moon bloomed over the city the newly changed woman stared out into the night sky, moonbeams reflecting off her naked form. It would be hard for a person to believe that the beautiful creature sitting out on the balcony had been a man just a few moments prior. In fact even she could hardly believe the strange metamorphosis that had just occurred. She certainly remembered being a man and her life as Alex, but now it was all different. She felt like, hell she was, a completely...

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