Graell's Quest - The Hall Of Mirrors free porn video

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Graell's Quest - The Hall of Mirrors Keith awoke feeling refreshed for a minute thinking the last couple of days had really been an especially vivid dream, but only for a moment. Reality intruded on a blissful morning like a cold north wind, when a yawn and a stretch suggested the bed to be larger than it was, or more accurately, as Keith's awakening perception knew, arms and legs that weren't as long as memory recalled. Along with the unaccountable size change, of course, were all of the other things that just didn't feel right "PE" (post-event). K got out of bed and stumbled about trying to carry on as if everything was normal. And so, this morning progressed much the same as had those which preceded it. Following the disposal of the "killer clown" sex doll, K had tried gamely to finish moving in. The unpacking had been a nightmare of moving from one room to another trying to arrange things, all the while in a semi- daze, rarely leaving the condo, and never leaving the condo building. Initially, K had suffered from terrible, paralyzing, anxieties. Even though K had felt for years a modicum of self-pity over having become a semi-recluse, it was quickly apparent that those circumstances realized present advantages. There weren't any pressing social engagements, and very importantly, there wasn't anyone to question the fiction that Professor Keith Graell had taken off to see the world. In fact, those few that called Dr. Graell 'friend,' would see such a solo trip as completely in character. E-mail made it convenient and easy to create and maintain the fiction that Dr. Graell was travelling, leaving "Kei" the luxury of undisturbed acclimatisation. There were moments of black humour though, as for all intents and purposes reality had turned upside down. "Who're ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?" K had quipped after a particularly bad sequence of stubbing toes and fingers and dropping things on the floor instead of the counter, desk or table on which they'd meant to be placed. No matter how "new and improved" the body seemed to be, the wiring was definitely "first generation." It hadn't taken long to figure out that previously autonomic movements were newly problematic because limb length didn't match visual memory and existing motor controls used to realise those distances with muscle movement. Despite what amounted to a slapstick comedy, stumbles and falls, knocking things over and other frustrations of adjusting, K did begin to feel somewhat settled. To start with, in what amounted to self-preservation, establishing a routine proved to be calming: Starting the morning with a couple of trips up and down the emergency exit stairs to work in a little exercise before breakfast, then a shower, followed by breakfast and coffee with the newspaper. The first time K had tried to get some exercise by using the emergency stairs resulted in a header, and some nasty bruises, but fortunately no breaks. K was much more cautious about grabbing the handrail thereafter. Habitually, the rest of the day was filled with the familiar pastime of research in front of the computer. After about two weeks, K realized a day had gone by without it being one long wait for the other shoe to drop. The police hadn't paid a return visit, the purchaser of the futanari doll hadn't returned it, it had been some time since the cheque to the movers had cleared normally, and an automatic pension deposit had been processed normally. The latter information K had learned when confirming access to various financial accounts. Of course, any time "Keith" actually considered the event, there was no escaping the unreality of it at all. Nor, truth be told was there any acceptance. K's eyes opened to full sunlight, even lately, a very unusual occurrence. With the sun's rays heating the bedroom, K was not motivated to quit the bed. But it was warm under the duvet, and K tossed it aside. Sometime during the night, the t-shirt K wore as nightclothes had ridden up, and now, having thrown the covers aside, the rays of the sun were very pleasant on naked skin. Lazily, but with purpose, K's hands explored luxuriously silk smooth skin, taught on firm muscles. Not for the first time since the change, K let inquisitive digits explore. Although not- quite familiar, K welcomed the growing sensation of building pressure, and caught a breath as it grew, then grew some more and then plateaued... ...and then, stayed plateaued. Back arching, K groaned in frustration. The "button" to get over the edge remained a mystery. Despite yearning for the peak, the moment was gone, and it became apparent that today wasn't going to be "the" day either. Although more frustrated than disappointed, K climbed out of bed, the reflection of the day being on life's ironies. "She" had been purchased to add spice to what was a solitary, but not dysfunctional, sexuality. Spice had been added to life, all right, in an entirely unforeseeable fashion which had also, it was becoming apparent, added dysfunction. Looking up towards at the ceiling, K made the daily resolutions to figure out what had happened. And so, this day ended up starting out exactly as had the day before. Dressed in a sweat shirt and pants, hair done up in a ponytail, K headed down the emergency stairs, one hand carefully on the handrail, one foot placed deliberately on each succeeding stair. The last thing K wanted was to do another header. The maintenance crew looked up when they saw the emergency stairwell door open, pausing their work. They smiled, the younger giving the older a quick elbow nudge. "Hey," K said with a nod in passing the two whom were doing the daily clean-up of the lobby. As had been the case for a few days now, they nodded and said good morning back. The first time they'd said 'hello,' as K passed had caused a double-take, but now the greeting was a matter of routine. K, habitually preoccupied with questions and postulations, would have been shocked to be told that the two had altered their schedule to do the lobby maintenance at that hour when they realized that K would be passing by regularly. A day was a day, and anything that made the day more pleasant was a good thing as far as they were concerned. Saying hello to the pretty young woman and getting a look at her counted to them as pleasant. By habit now, the stair climbing finished in front of the full length mirror mounted in the foyer of the condo by the door. The sweat shirt would come off quickly, as if quickness would somehow change the result, then, carefully watching the reflection, the track pants would be lowered slowly. The figure in the mirror, now in flimsy undergarments, was still largely a stranger, a fact amply illustrated by the numerous bruises, new and old, adorning K's limbs, bruises acquired through simple uncoordination. Each day, K would watch the reflection mimic movement, and match sensation and sight. Inevitably the exercise would end in a sort of mental shutdown as the differences between sight, sensation and memory jarred in dissymmetry. Always the academic, K pondered the conundrum, was 'I' still the familiar 'me'? Is it my perception or is it reality that has changed?' The stretching and twists were habit enough that K was free to reflect. So far, all of the information gleaned from the internet was less than positive. After extensive trolling, K was no further advanced towards understanding what had happened or, of course, finding a way back to what had been. On consideration, K admitted returning to the way things were wasn't a tremendously compelling goal. Given the choice between "old Keith:" At the end of a modestly successful career, no immediate family to speak of, limited circle of friends and acquaintances, and failing health' and "new Kei" with seemingly endless prospects, youth and health and access to "old Keith's" finances, "new Kei," despite the sex change and disconnecting loss of "self," was a pretty attractive alternative. K was motivated to continue searching by several big drawbacks. "New Kei" didn't legally exist, which was worrisome to say the least. More importantly, a pestering voice kept on repeating, without knowing what happened, the assumption of permanence was presumptuous to say the least. K's research had started on the key words animating non-living objects and the results had produced search trees ranging from philosophical discussions concerning the difference between what constituted the animate and inanimate, to Shelley's Frankenstein and zombie lore. "Who knew?' K had thought in surprise, 'that some people considered Jesus and Lazarus to be the first documented zombies.' The sheer volume of fiction and legend existing on animating the inanimate, ranging from Disney's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" to the golem of Prague and not to forget, good old Frosty and the magic hat, had been a surprise. A common thread to all of these, however, was that they were long on story, short on fact. Even the golem legend, although that story had, at least, led down the path of scripture which was taken by some to be fact. In pursuing the religious slant, although never having considered it in this way before, K spent hours engrossed by a sited devoted to analyzing scripture discussing Adam as the original golem. God had fashioned Adam from clay, breathing life into, and thus animating, the result. Seeing Adam lonely, God had then taken a piece of Adam and fashioned Eve. It wasn't until the serpent tempted Eve into taking the fruit of wisdom that the two became self-aware and started humankind down the road of science. Much later in history, the Talmud described the will of God as being invoked to animate a golem. So, from the point of view of philosophy and lore there was clearly an essential ingredient that separated the animate (living) from the inanimate. It didn't occur to K that there might be a connection between the ancient serpent bracelet and the Eden myth. Although the research on animation was fascinating, it had been ultimately of little assistance in gaining understanding. Accordingly, K had decided to change tacks, to concentrate on the sex change aspect, despite knowing it would mean wading through countless sites of a more dubious nature. As before, researching gender transfer turned out to be no less overwhelming. Just sifting the academic from the porn was a challenge. Several hours passed and K hadn't succeeded in learning much useful, except again, the surprising amount of fiction and lore that existed. According to the internet, there were endless numbers of ways one could be transformed; machines of one sort or another (either sufficiently technologically advanced, or somehow magically enabled), there were magic spells, potions and artifacts, certain people could body jump, special transformative drugs were postulated, and finally the (comparatively) prosaic (and factual) surgical intervention. Sighing, K pushed away from the desk. It had been days now, days of reading what at times, was horrible drivel, poorly written supposition, inept circular logic and simple dogma put forward as intelligent discourse. Frustrated, and becoming concerned at having achieved no real progress, K tried to think of another avenue. K knew it to be unlikely, that unless horribly foolish, access money was probably assured given knowledge of passwords and such, but a motivating worry was nevertheless the possibility of destitution. Restless, K felt the need for some air, despite the late hour. With hardly a glance in the hall mirror, K set off for a walk. Travelling down in the elevator, it stopped to let someone else on. K recognized the elder of the two custodians, 'Mike.' "Oh, hi!" Mike said, genuinely pleased by the encounter. K nodded, trying avoid eye contact, with a polite, "Hi," in reply. "You're new here, eh?" Mike asked. "I'm Mike, eh." K nodded. "Kei." "Pleased," Mike smiled. "What floor'r you on?" K yearned for the elevator to move faster. "Penthouse," "Nice." Mike smiled. "What view?" "South," K replied politely trying to make it sound like a conclusion, realizing that the fellow was one of the fortunate ones, genuinely happy with their world and the conversation was just him being naturally talkative. "Me too," Mike nodded, "it's great, eh?" "Yes, it's the reason why eyemeye," slurred over the error with a mental kick, "uncle bought here." K added a mental curse at getting drawn into the conversation. "I love it," All of which was true of course, just confused by two different realities. "Oh," Mike looked over, "Oh, I know which unit you're in. Haven't seen the old professor guy around. Unit 1 right? Is your Uncle's? I only met him the once, but he seemed like a nice guy." "Keith" didn't remember meeting Mike before moving into the building at all, and presumed that they'd met when the keys and electronic garage opener and such had been sorted out in the administration office. It had been the exorbitant deposit required that had been the focus of that meeting, K recalled. The fact that the custodian would remember anything from the occasion, let alone residence and occupation was shocking. 'Everyone had their hidden talents' K thought, while replying, "That's right." K nodded in emphasis, "He asked me to watch his place while he's travelling, and since I needed a place to stay anyway, it was a godsend." K hoped that the explanation would put the conversation to rest. But it didn't, it just opened up more questions. "Oh? Mike smiled, as the door opened waving K out. "You're new in town?" K nodded heading towards the front door. Mike followed, continuing the pleasantries. "New job?" "University," K said without thinking anything overly much except 'when would it end?' "Oh yeah," Mike moved forward to open the door and hold it. "What're you taking?" K winced not having intended that inference, although that was the obvious assumption, all things considered. "Cultural Anthropology." K decided that sticking to the familiar couldn't hurt. "Cool," Mike nodded as if he had a clue as to what that was, starting off towards the corner, walking for the moment beside K. "Just heading to Tim's. Grabbing a coffee, " Mike nodded his head northward. And with that, K decided that south was as good a direction as any. "This way," K pointed in opposite direction. "Well," Mike smiled broadly and waved, pleased to have the scoop on his confederate, "nice chatting. Have a good one." "You too," K replied perfunctorily, relieved the contact was ended. In the past, when suffering some sort of academic block, K would get off alone, and go back to first principles. What was known, what was hinted at, and finally, what was wishful thinking. Feet mercifully cooperating, K pondered. What was known? Well, the mannequin was purchased from a fairly large and established firm. Although K felt it highly unlikely that anything of the sort would be reported, there were no hints anywhere on the internet pointing at the disappearance of customers availing themselves of the firm's merchandise. So K doubted that the key to understanding the problem lay with the doll itself. What else for facts? 'Well, at first,' K figured, 'I was entrapped within the mannequin, a sort of living doll, the inanimate time: The weirdness of being able to see, hear and feel, but not move. After what had seemed an interminable period like this, which K knew intellectually could not have been much more than a day, there had been another change, the doll going from inanimate, to animate, and presumably, human. Then, there was the appearance of the second doll, either shortly before, shortly after, or concurrent with this change. K shuddered involuntarily, not for the first time wondering if the mover had been inadvertently trapped in the mannequin. The "killer clown" aspect of the blonde futanari doll's features haunted K's. There wasn't really much else, a vague recollection of the smell of ozone, a feeling of terrible pain, and finally, a recollection of terror. Add in the red marks that had been on K's arm, now faded, and that was all there was to go on. Wrapped up in speculation and review, K was oblivious to the sun slowly sinking into the western horizon, starting when the streetlights came on. At the next intersection, with barely a thought, K made a left, crossing the road to return home, vaguely wondering what to eat for dinner. Wanda was partly sitting on the balustrade, one leg bent, one foot flat against the ornate brick framing the stairs leading into the store, smoking a cigarette. The street was a bit seedy looking, despite being only a block from the well-kept renovations of the nearby "Rainbow Quarter" community. The gentrification that had transformed the neighborhood to the west and north had not yet reached this street, but it would. The old mansions were too well constructed, and too well situated to not follow suit. The store clerk was watching the early evening street traffic with indifferent curiosity, passing time. The day had been unusually quiet, and Wanda had been more than a little irritated when Percy had called in sick, asking her to stay on. Normally she'd be on her way home by now. Looking south, she idly noted a young woman turn down the street. Taking a drag, Wanda idly noted the presence of a familiar irritation making a bee-line for the pedestrian. 'Friggin' drug addled hooker,' Wanda thought, wondering if the police would be needed again. Not that there was any guarantee that if they were called they would show. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't, but whether they did or not, the hooker was back on the corner in a day or two anyway, trying to get business to buy her drugs. 'Sad,' Wanda realized, 'a block was all the difference between tranquility and irritation.' The young woman continued down the street, ponytail swaying back and forth with her pace eyes cast downwards on the pavement. Wanda watched, taking the occasional drag on her butt. The hooker was unpredictable. "Spare some change," the whining note caught K unawares, not having seen the woman approach from across the street. Wanda heard the demand as well, saw the young woman try to step around and continue and sighed when the hooker gave chase. At first it was just a repetitious demand for money, but after a moment or two it started to escalate. "Hey," the hooker grabbed at the young woman, "I's talking to you." She had worked around directly in K's path, and was now stepping first one way then the next to block the way. A stream of abuse was now issuing forth from the addict belittling the passer-by in every way imaginable. Wanda flicked the remnants of the cigarette into the street. Not her battle, but Wanda couldn't decide how young the young woman was, and decided she'd have to "do something." K was at a loss, up until this moment having always had the physical size, if not the strength to avoid such confrontations. Not knowing what else to do, K had stopped dead, not being able to get around the obstruction. Wanda shook her head knowingly, even from this distance wide eyed confusion was clearly visible. In between freeze or flight, Wanda knew, in this situation freeze was definitely not the preferred option. To be honest, it wasn't good to act like prey at all, but that was street smarts that had taken Wanda a long time to learn. "Excuse me?" Wanda shook her head, the next worst thing possible was to try to reason with them. The hooker was now getting very physical, sensing an advantage, pushing with both hands, trying to maneuver the youngster into an alley and maybe a mugging. K tried to back away, but it was too little, too late and was playing into the hooker's new intent. The hooker had decided that some payback was due, possibly because she was a head taller, but more likely because she was a day past needing a fix. "Hey," Wanda called out, enough was enough. The hooker started, turning towards the advancing clerk. The predatory anger turned into an expression of fear and loathing. She recognized the blonde from many, many past encounters. "I called the police," Wanda lied, figuring the addict wouldn't chance getting picked up. An overnighter in jail would keep her that much further from getting a fix. Wanda made for a point in between the hooker and the young woman. A filthy tirade issued forth from the hooker, but she kept a healthy distance away from her nemesis. Wanda grinned, it was all posturing now. When she got directly in between the young woman and the hooker she placed her hands on her hips waiting to make sure the addict kept on going. K watched this exchange, eyes flicking back and forth between the two women, resembling beyond all else a deer caught in headlights. While Wanda had meant the threat of the police to be aimed solely at the hooker, unbeknownst to her, it also registered on K with further alarm. "C'mon," Wanda motioned, seeing the hooker turn into an alley up the street, "I don't know if she's gonna wait there or not. C'mon into the store for a bit and let her cool off, just in case." K's eyes fixed on the Samaritan. Late twenties, blonde, half a foot or so taller, with a robust build that could tend to fat in later life, she had a pleasant girl next door face and a disarming smile. Not able to decide what else to do, K followed along across the street towards a boutique store. K's saviour confided de sotto voice, "Not really the greatest part of town after dark here. Not good to be walking alone." With no idea at all of what was a good or bad part of town after dark, K remained silent, trying to digest the paradigm shift of having to be worried about walking alone at dusk. Trailing along behind the blonde, K was trying to figure out how to ask as to whether the police were really coming or not, but in the end couldn't get up the nerve. "Truth be told," Wanda continued, "this isn't really the best neighborhood during the day either," she continued, leading the way up the steps. It might have been the contents of the display window, it might have been the extra two 'x's in the advertisement for rental "flix," but K suddenly realized what kind of a store it was and stopped dead. When Wanda realized she wasn't being followed up the steps, she turned and caught the look on K's face. A flicker of puzzlement crossed Wanda's face, quickly replaced by a knowing, amused smile. "It's just a store," her eyes twinkled kindly, changing her age estimate down some. Still, K hesitated, "Um, you work here?" Wanda shrugged, "It's a living." And nodded towards the inside, holding the door open. Fortunately, the store was empty. The back half was taken up by shelves of rental movies, most discs, but some in VHS too. There were display cases against one wall, a checkout counter to one side of the door, and a large display window on the other there were two imaginatively costumed and posed mannequins in the display window. "I um, well, thanks," K stammered, flushing red, not really sure where to look, "but I ah, should be getting home." Wanda laughed, "Never seen such a collection of implements of destruction before?" "Uh, really," K moved towards the exit, "gotta go." All of this was just too much, and if the police were coming that was a really bad thing, not having any identification and such. "In all seriousness," Wanda's tone changed, "it really isn't a great street. I'm off in a little bit, just need to close up really. I'll walk with you back to civilization?" Wanda watched as indecision warred in the young woman's face. "...but won't the police..." K started slowly, "want to talk to you?" "The police?" Wanda smiled, "I didn't call them, and they don't normally show up when I do. Not their kind of neighborhood." "Oh." Wanda smiled, "Have a look around. I just need to straighten up a couple of things and close off the cash. Fifteen minutes tops." "Look around?" K repeated inanely. "Sure." Wanda pointed towards the display cases, and couldn't resist, "you might find something of interest over there," she added nonchalantly, but with mischievous intent. K walked over and stopped dead. "Oh. Oh my!" K paused, "you sell that?" Wanda laughed at the look of disturbed fascination, "not a museum, hon. Course we sell them." She walked over to the display case, and saw what had the young woman transfixed, "Ah. That would be 'Buster.' Well, no, we don't sell a lot of those, but you know? They do sell. To a certain type." "Buster?" K repeated, searching Wanda's face for confirmation. They had names? "Damn near killed 'her." Wanda quipped, unable to resist a tweak at the young woman's naivety. "No one..." K made a thrusting motion down low and upwards, voice soft and hesitant, "with that. Really?" Wanda laughed, it had been a long time since someone with so little clue had been in the store, at least someone that betrayed out loud that they had so little clue. "What do you think they do with it?" The clerk wanted to return to restocking the movies from the returns cart but was curious and carried on talking. "Not everyone has a boyfriend," this comment was met with a blank look, so Wanda continued, "or girlfriend," another blank look, "in their lives taking care of things, eh?" Wanda digested the inference, stranger things had happened, she knew, but it was flabbergasting that the young woman wasn't in a relationship - but then, Wanda thought, sometimes better to not be in a relationship than to be stuck in a bad one. Curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist asking, "No boyfriend?" K looked shocked, and Wanda leaned towards the possibility of the girlfriend, but was too polite to press the point. A few minutes later, Wanda was done with putting the store to bed and showed K out the door. The two set off down the street. As they walked past the next few alleys, Wanda kept an eye out, and sure enough, caught sight of the hooker skulking at the end of one of the blind alleys. She didn't say anything, but noticed that her companion hadn't been looking, and Wanda didn't think at any rate, see anything. Young and na?ve. As they walked Wanda rambled a bit, explaining how she'd grown up on a farm outside the city. How this had resulted in her not really ever not knowing about sex and accordingly how she'd never developed the 'good girls don't' attitude that made so many people's lives miserable. K mostly just listened, not really sure what an appropriate response could possibly be. But after a few minutes, as Wanda told some self-deprecating and funny stories about moving to the city and taking the job in the sex shop, K realized that the companionship was very appealing. There wasn't very much artificial about Wanda, and if K had asked around, most people would have described the blonde as well grounded, down to earth and honest. K suddenly yearned to keep the contact going. "Um, I haven't really thanked you enough," K ventured after a few intersections, it was only a few more blocks at that point, before getting home, "would you like to grab a coffee? There's a Starbucks, or a Tim Horton's?" "Oh, I can't," but K thought that Wanda sounded disappointed, "My boyfriend is supposed to be meeting me at my place for dinner and a movie." A twinge of jealousy visibly touched a nerve at that remark, an expression that Wanda picked up on. Definitely getting over a girlfriend, she concluded. "But thanks for the invite," Wanda continued politely, "it was no trouble really. I've had problems with that one before, and in general like most vermin, she runs when confronted. You'll pick up the tricks in no time." K was surprised at how disappointing the polite rejection was, not really noticing the veiled advice on personal security. Okay, well," K nodded awkwardly while pointing to the west down the thoroughfare, "I'm that way." Wanda smiled and pointed in the opposite direction. "Okay, then," K walked away backwards, finishing, "bye, and thanks again." In no time at all, K was home. K ate a sparse supper replaying the excursion, having realized that there hadn't been much review and contemplation going on, and there had been a lot more social stimulation than intended. Surprisingly, both Mike and Wanda had been very pleasant and nice. Keenly aware of having had to force participation in both conversations, K concluded that the human contact had been pleasurable. And, distracted by thoughts of what had turned out to be the high point since moving into the condominium, K prepared for bed. Surprisingly comfortable and relaxed, sleep approached quickly. The filmy white coverlet that K was wearing was not much more than a negligee. Whipping in the wind K was facing into, the thin gown left little to the imagination. Even had there been no wind plastering the material to the curves of K's body it would have been more revealing than K habitually wore, with its short sleeves, plunging square cut neck line and hem line stopping just above the knee. How it transpired that K was outside dressed so nagged dimly just below conscious thought. The sky was overcast, and darkening in the late afternoon. No other people were about. There was a lone, out of place building nearby, and not certain exactly why, K entered it. Feeling compelled towards some hidden, yet seemingly important goal, K didn't dwell on the motivation. With a shiver, K was thankful to have at least gotten out of the cold north wind. The vestibule opened up into a long poorly lit hall, ending in a 'T' junction. Carrying onwards through inertia, K walked down the hall and turned left, as good a direction as any, and continued along. The second hall had two sets of doors facing each other, and K opened each of them in passing. The rooms that were revealed were vaguely familiar, but disconnected from any relationship, temporal or geographic to the surrounding rooms. Rather they seemed to be a jumble of mismatched memories. After moving along several such corridors, K was disoriented and had lost track of passing time. It seemed like the maze of rooms and corridors continued forever. Finally, K opened a door into a room which was familiar only in its concept, consisting of an arrangement of full-length mirrors such as one would find in a county fair. Upon entering, K spotted a young woman, also entering the room in uncertainty, eyes wide, hesitant. K started with the realization the attractive young woman with waist length dark hair, at once both familiar and not, was a reflection, a personal reflection. For some reason, Kei found the image troubling. Negotiating the hall of mirrors was exhausting. Finally, at the point of giving up, a black door appeared. Although certain that the area had been explored previously, Kei opened the door gratefully entering a more recently familiar room. It was the condominium master bedroom, as it had been on moving day. There was a man there, back to the door, who turned slowly. "You?" The man's tone was angry and a bit surprised. K recognized Frank the mover, but was confused as to his presence here. Ever since entering the building, a sense of unease had been building, and now K felt the stirrings of unease bud into fear. The man advanced menacingly. Confused by the man's anger and unaware of his motivations, K backed away. There was only a single step before K bumped against the hardness of the door, it having swung shut under its own power. Now K felt trapped and unable to avoid what was clearly going to a confrontation of some sort. As the mover advanced, closer and closer, K's hand fumbled for the doorknob. The angle was all wrong. Before K could adjust, Frank had closed the distance completely. The mover was pressing his body to his quarry in obvious delight, pushing his groin hard up against K's abdomen. The contact was shocking, unexpected and unwanted, propelling K to greater efforts to escape. One hand still searching for the doorknob, the other now pushed in vain against the much taller, stronger assailant. "I don't remember you being so squirmy," Frank chuckled, taking delight in having pinned the young woman against the wall. Running a hand up K's side to grab at a breast, the mover simultaneously was trying to spread K's legs with a knee. He squeezed his hand hard, which to his pleasure elicited a gasp of pain. The man's intent was now completely apparent, if not understood. At that moment, K's hand brushed up against, and closed on the doorknob. Desperately twisting, the knob turned just enough to suddenly release the catch. The door banged open under the pressure of their combined weight. Miraculously, K managed to hold on to the doorknob and stay upright. Frank, not expecting the sudden lurch forward, tripped to his knees, one hand arresting the fall, the other trying to grip his intended prey. In desperate haste, K evaded Frank's grasping hand and started to run, glancing hurriedly backwards every few steps. Frank followed in a deliberate march that covered impossibly long distances with each stride. K tried to run faster and faster, but the gap between them wasn't getting any greater. The hallways grew darker, at first seemingly endless, they eventually transitioned to forest path, bordered by dense shrubs and winding through tall trees. K wasn't really aware of the transition until the prickles on the shrub branches started to claw at and snag the gossamer gown, shredding the light fabric and slowing K's flight. Trees pressed to the left and right, ominous, seeming to close in on the path in K's wake. At some point, Frank finally fell far enough behind to be lost from view. There was a light ahead. Chest burning for air, heart racing, K slowed. Listening for a moment and not hearing any pursuit, K pressed onwards, entering into a circular clearing, a source of deep red illumination at the centre. With the light a sinuous figure moved, occupying the exact centre of the glade. It seemed to K that this figure was glowing; was the source of the light. Although K had no sensation of having moved, the figure quickly grew larger as if K was approaching. Only a few yards away, K could see that it was a serpent, coiled, tongue tasting the air in abrupt darting flicks. The head and neck waved slowly from side to side in a mesmerizing dance. K boggled, rebelling against comprehending the size, incredulous that a beast of such immense length and girth could exist. Fascinated into immobility, an injudicious movement revealed to K the serpent was slowly advancing, breaking the spell. K shuddered. Taking two quick steps away, K turned to run, snatching a backwards glance. The glade behind was empty. K slowed in confusion, but didn't stop, feeling that safety lay in quitting the glade. K spotted an opening in the surrounding trees and headed for it, not realizing that the predator had climbed into the canopy above and was lying in ambush. K moved out of the clearing and underneath the trees. The serpent darted downwards, quickly wrapping two coils around its prey, constricting tightly around K from hip to rib cage. K had no time to react before being pulled into the air, arms and legs akimbo. Once securely perched in the trees with its prey, the serpent quickly wrapped still more coils around its intended victim. K pushed frantically at the coils in an effort to get free, but already out of breath and weak from running, and far less strong, was ineffective. Unable to breathe, vision tunnelling K's last sight was of the serpent's head and neck metamorphosing into the upper torso of Frank, but not Frank. It was the futanari doll, and the mover's "killer clown" evil, lecherous grin was the final terror. K screamed... ...and bolted into an upright sitting position, heart pounding, breathing laboured, wrestling with an entrapment of bed sheets. A shape at one corner of the foot of the bed menaced, ready to pounce. Heels digging into the mattress, K scuttled backwards until stopped by the headboard. Fighting for control, trying to rationalize conflicting perceptions, K's chest heaved, throat constricted. The city lights seeping into the bedroom provided enough illumination to reveal that the shape was not moving. Courageously, albeit irrationally, K lunged for the shape, realized it was just clothing, but nevertheless, quickly lumped it into a ball to throw it into the walk in closet. It landed in a heap in the corner where it remained, of course, immobile. K struggled for control, wide-eyed, heart racing, trying to force deep even breaths. When the panic had subsided, K turned on a light to verify that the object was in fact a dressing gown that had been carelessly left on the bed post. 'Only a dream,' K repeated like a mantra, 'only a dream.' Eventually, K doused the light, and tried to get back to sleep. Not for over an hour, when the sun had turned the horizon dark orange, did a troubled sleep finally return. It was mid-morning when K got out of bed with stiff and achy legs as if all the running had been for real. Over the panic, and somewhat embarrassed, K picked up the dressing gown to hang it up. It was heavier than it should have been, and as K registered the fact, a flash of silver dropped to the floor with a thud. K's eyes were attracted to the motion, and fastened on the object, the relic bracelet that had been thrown into that same corner, days earlier. A trick of light gleaming off the silver made it appear to move, and K dropped it as though burned. The bracelet had borne a startling resemblance to the giant serpent in the nightmare. 'You little sissy,' K chided, and picked it up again. It was amazing the power of the brain, K thought, realizing now the source of the archetype for the terrifying creature in the nightmare. As the morning's routine was hopeless broken, K took the bracelet to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and think. Turning the bracelet over end over end and around and around, focussing on the inner and outer surfaces in turn, K was reminded again of the reasons why it had been fascinating. The workmanship was exemplary and exact; precise scales giving an appearance of natural overlap, a slight red tinge to the eyes, that frankly had gone unnoticed until now, and finally, the tips of two fangs overhanging the lower jaw, still sharp after centuries in the soil. Something else that K had never before noticed was how the artisan had managed to achieve a dynamic appearance of musculature, as if the piece could slither away on its own. Exercising tremendous self-control, K retrieved the memory of the terrifying dream; the presence of the mover, the serpent, the maze like hallways and rooms, and finally, the dense, prehistoric-like forest. Some of the images had clear roots in recent events; some were completely obscure, such as the room of mirrors. The worst of it had been the sensory overload that had made it all seem real; physical sensations and physiological fear responses. With a sudden start, K realized something else. It had been the first time "PE" where "Kei" rather than "Keith" had been dream persona. That was something to ponder.

Same as Graell's Quest - The Hall of Mirrors Videos

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 3 The Hopeless Quest

"Anoint her and give her a Quest!" screamed Vivian, her voice muffled by the knight's tangy pussy and thighs sitting on my face. My face was smeared with pussy juices. Knight Angela was a squirter. I did love eating pussy, but now my insides twisted as I awaited to hear what horrible Quest she received that would drag me away from the temple for weeks or even months. "Let it be easy, Saphique," I prayed into Angela's pussy. "And I'll be the most faithful priestess ever. I'll...

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Vision Quest Accelerated Launch

Vision Quest, Accelerated Launch By: Bernice 14 "Mike, I'll take care of her." I wedged myself between them as I guided her out into the hallway. There were others there too, moving as if they were in a hurry. "Alexis, is that Monique?" asked Jasmin. "This is Patty, she's part of our overall team now too." Patty looked just as scared as Monique, and I saw that she was also Eurasian. Then I met Toya and Taya the Japanese twins. But they weren't scared just unsure about what...

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Kellys Quest

Kelly's Quest - Part 1 by The Techniciansbf - caught - self inflicted painMy name is Kelly.  I am 28 years old, brunette, about 5' 6" tall, and I weigh 132 lbs.  I have some curves, but I think Iam closer to skinny than voluptuous.  I wanted to post my story on line, but when it comes to writing, I really suck, so Iam telling my story to my friend [The Technician], and he is putting in all the right words and stuff.  How I met him is astory all to itself, but I think I will let him tell that...

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Q Is for Quest Academy

Quest Academy for Wayward Girls specialized in teaching and disciplining naughty girls between the ages of 14 and 16. What the girls learned was to accept their discipline and submit to all figures of authority. At the end of their training they would be sent back to their parents or guardians who invariably were delighted with the results and never regretted the tuition costs. The school, staffed exclusively by men, did not strive to purge its students of their naughtiness. Rather its regimen...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 4 The Monsters Lusts

Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My heart beat with excitement as we crossed the Merchant's Bridge over the Melkith River that flowed through the sprawling city of Shesax. Behind us, the Lone Mountain thrust up like a rock spire to pierce the fluffy, white clouds drifting across the sun. Ahead, the sun rose, shining golden light in our eyes. The Merchant's Bridge connected with the K'holene Highway, the great merchant road that led to the mining city of K'hol. I had ridden...

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QUEST Star Wars

You sit and sip your drink slowly, while watching your surroundings. The bar is not the worst place you've been in, but it's not far behind. You wonder for tenth time what convinced a [A1]Man [A2]Woman like you, to come to this place. Drinks were awful, the information scare and food – you wouldn't touch it with 10 foot stick. You thought that this would be a good place to celebrate the successful completion of your last contact. But in hindsight,...

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Vision Quest Summer Camp

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk1 By: Bernice 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Horn is about to find out that it isn't just the nerds who get ahead. But can he handle the actual reality? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was the last week of school just three more days and Alex Horn would be free for the summer. Of course he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents that he hadn't gotten a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 2 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be inducted into the priesthood. I really didn't see what the fuss was. My mother would have to give another donation, and that would be that. Then I could go back to relaxing in the arms of a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 1 The Descendant of Lilies

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Squire Angela – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My metal armor clinked as I circled Kevin on the training sands at the center of the Chapterhouse of the Knights Deute. The sun was warm, glinting off Kevin's armor. He wore a man's armor, a full breastplate instead of the half-plate I wore that left my midriff bare and revealed a large swath of my cleavage. His torso was covered by a skirt of banded mail. He did not wear his helmet, and his gorgeous...

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The unlucky quest of Luck

Luck was so excited for today he was to be give a quest by King Julio himself. The young squire tossed and turned unable to will himself to sleep. A quest a real quest just like to ones Sir Tristan road of into the sunset on. He had spent 10 years of his life in service to Sir Duncan the aging captain of the guard. He had never so much as gone beyond the town of Holly. But now a real live quest he would be off saving maidens, slaying dragons and on day his story would be within the book of...

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Vision Quest Summer Camp wk2

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk2 By: Bernice 14 It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next. And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock. I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of...

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Kilarin I am a quiet drunk. A fact for which the innkeeper is insufficiently grateful. Or perhaps he is merely resentful that I picked his inn. The old ways are vanishing, true, but the Quest Law still holds. A knight on a quest ... even such a knight as I ... the fool! ... does he think I am so befuddled with the alcohol that I don't see the contempt in which he holds me ... is entitled to certain things. Benefits, if you will. Including free food and lodging. The Crown is supposed to...

3 years ago
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Quest Story Proving Grounds

Welcome! This place serves as a proving grounds for 'quest' type of stories. Definition of 'quest story' It's a type of story which reader can actively shape - in a simple way. In each new thread published by the author, the reader will be given a number of options, to choose from, which the story can take turn. After all the readers made their choice, the votes are counted and the options which received the most votes are selected. The following thread will be shaped depending on the options...

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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 2 Accepting the Quest

At the brunch table, she observed, “Lois to Harold? Come in? You seem somewhere very much elsewhere.” “You know that I’ve got some special insight. I hope you don’t think I’m insane, but the first reason I am here is to prevent a nuclear war. Believe it or not, I just could see a report that the CIA just gave to the President. They are seriously concerned that the Soviets are sending offensive nuclear weapons to Cuba, but they don’t yet have hard proof. During the summer, an American spy in...

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Revolutionary Magic 103 Wolf Quest

Masjena loped through the winter woods and across the winter hills. For months something had been itching at her. She was the strongest of the Demon Prince's witches, but she kept feeling she should be capable of more. The ancient books on magic held in secret by the breeders of the mage-slaves said almost nothing about witches beyond the fact of their existence. The Prince had tried to strengthen the link between them -- to no avail. She had tried to push her limits, but just didn't know...

3 years ago
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Jojos Quest

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn’t work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromised in this area and marry a guy even though the sex isn’t...

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Trap Quest

You surely haven't seen a video game like Trap Quest on the internet before, and if you have...well, TrapQuest is in its own league, practically untouchable by all the other competitors. Most of us are used to these super-basic adult video games that aren't challenging, video games that do not even have a complex story or even a bunch of characters or anything like that, but hey, TrapQuest is everything but an easy video game with no story at all, which is great. Enjoyment is guaranteed,...

Free Sex Games
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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5: The Quest sets sail We all turned and I saw a large woman standing at the entrance to the courtyard. She was at least six and half feet tall and had a large double-bladed axe hung over her shoulders. "Tesmi? We thought you lost in the forest beyond the fence," the king said. "It was a near thing, my king. But I survived my scouting mission. The reports we've had are true, The Weres are back in the forest in numbers." "Any sign from the...

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MultiQuest The Pokmon Apocalypse

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin on the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

3 years ago
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Quest for the shattered pearl

This story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Gods MultiQuest Storytellers Welcome

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin to the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

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QuestFiend of Possession

Author's Note: This is a quest-type story. Quest stories rely on the readers to choose what direction the story will take by telling the writer directly. This is most often done through multiple choice questions. Important details and Questions will be bolded with their options(if any) underneath. Voting continues until there's a clear consensus or I(the writer) am ready to write the next chapter. After which I will put *Voting Closed* in the comments and begin on the next chapter. Note that...

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Quest for Privacy

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Market ForcesChapter 25 Quest for the Questors

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1 year ago
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Craving Quest

I don’t obsess over them like some of you sex-starved cucks out there, but sometimes I’ll play a hentai game or two if only to show you betas how this shit is really done. But I’m picky. I don’t want to play half of the shitty games out there that string you along for days without seeing so much as a tiddy. I need some instant gratification. I mean, why would I sit here and toil away when I could go out and have some real pussy within the hour? And the game has to be fun too. I’m not sticking...

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The Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 2 Alpha

It’s not rape like the last chapter but kind of different which may not be to everyone’s liking. Then again, this is in “Dark Fantasy” for a reason and things might very well get progressively darker as the story continues. Do read it though and please review even if you hate the story. I hope it won’t be too bad as I think this chapter is a little better then the last time. Anyhow, enough rambling or I’ll bore you to tears. So without further ado, here’s the next episode! THE SEXCRAFT...

3 years ago
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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Companions are chosen When I woke, it was morning. A young girl came to my door and led me to the privy. After I finished, I thought, "You don't know how much you appreciate modern toilets until you're somewhere without them." She then led me to a small dining room, and I grabbed a quick bite to eat, making sure she had some, as well. Once we were done, she said, "Lady, the king asked me to give you a tour of the city." "That sounds wonderful. Lead on." Our tour took...

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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 6

The fire popped and crackled, consuming the last of the orange fish's bones. "A good fish," I said, patting my impressive stomach. I chuckled at my now almost forgotten nickname: The Portly Poet. "Getting a bit more than Portly!" I glanced around. Now was not the time for another surprise visitor, for inside the fish I had found something. Looking like a series of dull white rings chained together with fine mesh, it unfolded into a fingerless half glove. Not silver, it wouldn't take a...

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Quest The French Revolution

(Please note that this story is bilingual and you can read the french version after the english one. / Cette histoire est bilingue, vous pouvez lire la version française après la version anglaise.) Welcome to this [Quest.] The principle is quite different from other multiple choice stories, you choose and influence the elements of the story by letting a comment like that: (A1, B2, C2, D5) and I would follow the story according to what the majority will have chosen. If you want to know more,...

2 years ago
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The Quest

Welcome to The Quest. Embark on the quest with a woman. Throughout her journey, she will encounter many ordeals. Battles of will and might are down her path. It is up to you to decide if she will come out unchanged or if she will fall along the way. The Quest can be of anything whether it be getting a cake for a birthday or defeating a tyrant. The choice is yours. To the right of your screen, you can change various details about your protagonist to make her truly unique. Perhaps she will look...

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Quest For Dalbinth Destroyer Of Life

 In a time long forgotten to the mists of time in the land of Eyeon, a young man by the name of Richart made his way to Karin Kingdom. He had just turned seventeen years of age, Richart was short in stature with straight blonde hair hanging over a chiseled face. Darting amber eyes were set rooted within their sockets and surveyed all they saw. A fire had left a mark stretching from just under the left eyebrow, first running towards thin lips and ending on his left cheek. This was a painful...

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Vision Quest Enroute

Vision Quest, Enroute By: Malissa Madison Mission time two months three days in space; The day I was dreading finally arrived, of course I only knew it was day because of the clock that displayed in 24 hour time. I was a bit nervous getting ready. Both Cami and I had to report to the Central Medical Station for our Dental appointments at 13:35hrs, ships time. It had been a very busy two months and to tell the truth I had been hoping they'd forgotten about us. Of course not all...

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Jojos Quest

My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn't work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromise in this area, and marry a guy even though the sex isn't that great and figure it will get better as the marriage progresses. This does not make sense to me....

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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter two Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches

Chapter two: Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches! This is a continuing story A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! This part is about those than are about to be kidnapped! These new female Royal Navy Officers and there clandestine assignment as naval oceanographers, off the coast of Somali. Are with the blessings...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 6 Monstrous Mating

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I patted Purity's neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here, Angela and I led our horses across game trails. The trees were too thick to ride. My feet...

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The House of Mirrors

It was the end of the summer in Ocean View and soon the tourist trade would start to slow down as students went back to school and parents used up their vacation time. As was the tradition every summer, a carnival came to Ocean View and set up at the edge of town for two weeks. There was the traditional Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-Round, Tilt-a-Whirl, and a lot of other rides for adults and kids. The one attraction that always fascinated George was The House of Mirrors. Even at the age of sixty, his...

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The Quest

The Quest for Innocence by Carol Collins Steven Dillard received his Honorable Discharge papers from the US military. He had served his country and felt it was time to start his own life. That meant finding a girl, settling down and raising a family. Steven had an incentive for finding the perfect wife. His uncle had recently passed away and left him several million dollars in a trust fund as long as he was married by...

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Quest for the Sacred Ch 3

Natasha woke up in a warm womb with low lights emanating from candles on the walls of what looked like a temple. The statue of a beautiful naked woman looked at her and smiled. It was the naked woman in her vision! Natasha was frightened and excited at the same time. But his was no mere mortal she saw, but a statue of the Goddess that came to life. “Who are you?” Natasha wanted to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. “I am Calypso, the Goddess of Love,” came the sweet voice from the statue. “I...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight of two humans in their woods. I was still naked. It was wonderful to not have to wear the robe. As an acolyte of the Temple of Pure, I had...

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A Thief in the night She looked at the deformity between my legs and said, "Does it .... work?" "More than I would like. It has been mostly a source of grief for me." "Grief?" "Because of it, I have suffered much," I found myself telling my life story for the second time that day. "Poor child." She gave me a hug and I noticed that I didn't get a reaction from down below. "Now for your bath." The bath was filled with milk. Goat's milk, I'm assuming, but I...

1 year ago
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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 2

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 2: The Ballad of the Silver Cleric I found myself answering before I even had a chance to think about my answer, "I am both." He took a deep breath. "Then you are the one we've been hoping for." I took a peek at Aeneas. He was still in "soldier-mode" and his expression was blank. I found myself feeling terribly upset by the prospect of driving him away due to the ugly bits between my legs. I forced myself to pay attention to the...

4 years ago
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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 6

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 6: A Rogue's tale: Author's note: Again, it turns out this chapter is a short one. So there will be another posting tomorrow. I waited until the others had turned in and followed Orien. He saw me, and said, "I thought you were taken with the sailor, but here you are trying to find my bed?" "I'm after information, not sex. What's your story?" He sighed. "I suppose you do have a right to know. Many years ago, after the Silver Cleric defeated the...

2 years ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 8

Try getting to sleep with a Zibong floating around near you. It can be a trial. Eventually I just gave up and decided to relieve Gaku's watch early. The boy nearly threw a fire spell at me when I came up the slope next to him. I guess I wasn't the only nervous one. "Any change?" I asked. "None," he replied, "It just keeps moving back and forth. Shouldn't we try to kill it?" "Yes, definitely," I said. "If it threatens us. As it is, I just don't know. We are on a Quest and...

1 year ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 5

Save the Kingdom! How easy they made it sound. I picked up another acorn and tossed it to the cluster of squirrels surrounding the Kugnean Chapel. They chattered at me indignantly. What was their problem? I had been tossing them their favorite food, right? Lots of acorns here... piles and piles. Then I remembered where all the acorns had come from. "Axe practice," I reflected aloud. "Sorry, squirrels. I am done now." "Talking to the animals?" A sarcastic voice from behind made me...

1 year ago
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My Quest for 72 Houri Angles3 Zarina

In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...

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My Quest for 72 Hoors Angles 2

In My Quest for 72 Hoors (Angles) – 1 you read “The Sarah Told me - now you can fuck whomever you want, with whom you have a happy euphoria, I don't care, but every time you have to release your sperm in my pussy because I want a baby from you as soon as possible. Promise me you will do that.. Zarina said- I do not mind, you can release your cum in Sarah .. So that she gets pregnant as early as possible . By now listening to this sort of arrangement of lust my cock was burning with...

2 years ago
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Quest Spy

“Ahhh!” the woman screamed as your tongue penetrated her pussy, hitting her g-spot and driving her over the edge. Her naked covered in sweat body, arched as she shook with an orgasm that was the finalization of an hour of love-making. She stays motionless that way for a moment before collapsing on the bed, unconscious. You smile – this is the least that you could do in return for the [A1] cunnilingus {you're a female} {3} [A2] blow-job {you're a male} {4} Anna gave you. You stand up, taking a...

4 years ago
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Quest A Summoners Tale

Author Note: This is an experimental Quest story I have wanted to try for a while. Unlike Adventures in Syrada this quest will have strategy elements: Gathering resources, creating an army (or multiple armies), gaining control over territories, etc. Though the strategy elements won't come up until after the first few chapters. The world of Karladia is one of many worlds in the universe. In that world there's just one continent, also called Karladia. No one is sure if the world is named after...

3 years ago
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Quest Kunoichi

The story is placed in manga/anime Naruto. The only difference from the story is that all characters start mature. “Today the genin exam's will commence.” your teacher states. “Your exam starts now!” Finally, after years of learning, you are about to earn your own forehead protector! Finally, you will stop playing ninja – you will be the real thing! All around you, your classmates think exactly the same – they can't hide their smiles and anticipation! Finally, you will be the proud genin...

2 years ago
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Quest Harem member

“Ah! Ah! Ahhh!” A woman screamed as she climaxed. The orgasm was strong enough to knock her unconscious. Her body was dragged to the side, as another woman slowly impaled herself on, now free, erect shaft. You observed all of this, knowing that soon it would be your turn. You kneeled naked on the floor, grinding your pussy against the toes of The Only Man in the room while massaging his leg with your breasts. You couldn’t help, but moan, as his toes brushed over your clit, before diving into...

4 years ago
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Meis Quest

Back again with another Story. This on is loosely based of Mei from Overwatch. As you can see by the image below.Please be sure to leave the dirtiest comments you can think of."Mmmph.", I moaned, my mouth completely filled with the hard, throbbing member as I sucked it, my tongue working along the underside with horny zeal on it's way towards the tip. My head moved rhythmically back and forth as the head of his cock grazed my tonsils, then back out to the tip until my mouth was flooded with his...

4 years ago
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Heraldic Echo Gaming and Anime Emilys Quest Introduction

Standard Disclaimer and Warning (SDAW): This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and should be treated as such. This story contains (some) strong language, and adult situations. If you are under 18, or are legally a minor in your place of residence, do not continue. This story also contains a transgender (TG) theme. If such offends you, or makes you uncomfortable, I highly recommend that you do not continue. This story...

3 years ago
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A Quest for Power

A Quest for Power AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story will consist of multiple chapters, its length will depend on howmuch reader feedback I get (i.e. how many people are enjoying the story) andhow many ideas I have (although readers feel free to send me ideas, I quiteoften use them in plot lines). Since the codes for the story have to be predetermined before the story isposted (and I can't change them with each new chapter) I guessed at what codesI will be incorporating. I apologize if the code you...

4 years ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 1

The featureless sky above was unnerving, devoid of clouds, sun, or any other feature that should be there. The dull gray made me feel like I was inside some sort of dust-covered snow globe. I could see well enough, but the lighting gave the impression of a late fall overcast, chill and gloomy despite the warmth of the air. The grass was much the same color as the evergreens, a deep green so dark that it was hard to tell where the shadows ended and the boughs began. The sea and mountains I...

2 years ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 4Chapter 1

I awoke in clothes that felt stiff and damp, blinded by the bright sunlight streaming down on me. "Young Master, this is a most unwise place to take a nap, I must say." Squinting through the glare, I made out the silhouette of a man standing over me. Gradually, my eyes adjusted. The man was dressed garishly, with a wide comical mustache of gray. Looking around, I didn't notice anything familiar. In fact, everything looked entirely too green. The air smelled odd too — cleaner. Sitting...

3 years ago
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Spirit QuestChapter 16 Epilogue

With my passing, I felt myself elevating above my body, and was able to look down on the scene below me. Each of my wives was kneeling around me, one hand touching me. I felt their prayers buoy me as they prayed to the Deity or Deities they believed in for my spirit to make the journey safely to wherever they believed spirits went. When Audoflede finished her prayer, she walked to the window and closed a black curtain I hadn’t known was there. Barely a minute later, bells in the tower of the...

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