I Took My Neighbor's Bra, A Life Changing Experience free porn video

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I Took My Neighbor's Bra, A Life Changing Experience By Terri Hansay After seeing my neighbor Pam's bras in her laundry room these past several months, I have a huge desire to wear her bra. I feel really strange thinking this, but I decided today I would grab her pink bra. I have seen this pink lacy bra with its padded cup, so sexy I thought. I have grabbed it before in her laundry room and dreamed with it. So soft, it's a Victoria Secret bra the tag says. I have held it up to my chest dreaming what I would look like having boobies like Pam. Every time I see Pam, I wonder if she is wearing that pink bra from Victoria Secret. The day came, I was playing at Ken's house, he's Pam's brother, and I got into the laundry room and I saw the bra. I quickly grabbed it and stuffed her pretty bra into my pocket. I was so nervous and excited. I couldn't handle the excitement and told Ken I had to go home. Running home strange thoughts were racing through my head about Pam's bra. How would it feel on me, could my boobies bounce like Pam's, will the bra show through my shirt or do I even want it to, all these thoughts were running through my head. I ran up to my room, almost knocked my Mom down. She was curious to what was up with me. In my bedroom I stripped down and pulled the little bra out. Slipping on the straps over my shoulders, I was so excited I thought I was going to explode. I had a hard time hooking the back but got it. Looking down at the pretty padded cups, again I thought I was going to explode. Looking the mirror modeling the pretty little bra, made me so happy. What is wrong with me I thought? I could not believe how well it fit. Pam and I are the same size, I thought. Maybe there are other bras I can take from her house? All of a sudden my bedroom door opened up and there was Mom and my twin sister staring at me, with huge smiles. "Paul, what are you wearing, son?" Mom said. Sis told me I looked so cute, and told Mom I should wear a bra all the time now, "since he is so pretty." I could not talk, and started to cry. Sis said, "Trey is so girly, he even cries like a girl, that's so sweet". With that Mom told Sis to leave and Mom closed the door and sat me down. "Trey where did you get this pretty bra from? It's not your sister's, I hope not! Did you buy this bra yourself? Why are you wearing a girl's bra? Stop crying, it's ok, I still love you?" Mom wiped the tears from my face, hugging me, telling me to relax, its ok. I thought to myself, 'She says its ok. But what is ok? Wearing a bra?' Mom tried to lighten the stress I felt, her finding me in this stolen bra, by saying, "Sure looks like you picked the right size bra. Did a lady measure you for this perfect fit? Son, talk to me, I wouldn't bite your head off. I like you in a pretty bra, it looks very nice on you." 'What? She likes me in a bra? What is up with that? I am a boy,' I am thinking. I hugged Mom saying, "Mom I've seen this bra in Pam's laundry room for weeks. Something came over me, wanting to wear her bra. I grabbed it today so I could try it on. It's so pretty and feels so good. What is wrong with me?" "Oh, son nothing is wrong with you. You are exploring your feminine side, your feminine feelings. Many young boys have these feeling, some just feel them stronger, like you. There is nothing wrong with exploring your feelings. Let me help you." "Oh Mom you are so sweet. I do love this bra and never want to take it off". Mom giggled saying, "Son, first you have to return Pam's bra. These Victoria's Secret bras are very expensive and I am sure she will miss her bra. Then we can go shopping just for you and buy you your own pretty bras. Would you like that sweetie?" I thought I was going to explode; she was going to help me buy my own bras! I got so excited, jumping up and down, hugging my Mom. Why was I so excited about buying my own bras? Then it hit me, how can I go shopping for a bra at Victoria's Secret with my Mom. Boys don't go in that girly store, even though I have often found myself dreaming about the pretty bras in that store. I am a boy -- boys don't buy bras. "Mom how can I go into that store? I am a boy." "Silly boy, you can go in Victoria Secrets, I will be right with you and maybe we will bring your sister, she loves that store too. Maybe we can all buy matching bras and panties and be the triplets". Wow, this is getting really strange, I thought. But all I could think was, 'When will we go?' Wait, did my Mom also say panties? I could be wearing matching panties too? Now I know this is really, really strange. But I am clearly excited by the idea.... Sis popped in my bedroom and hugged me, saying she heard it all. Told me I look great in Pam's bra and I should wear a bra all the time like her, and she will help me -- she's always wanted a sister. What, she's always wanted a sister? What makes her think I will be her sister, just by me wearing a padded bra, now I'm her sister? Sis hugged me and said, "Now is the time I can get even" ... as she snapped the back of my bra strap. It hurt, as she said, "See how that feels, little brother? Now you know what you do to me!" Sis ran out of my bedroom and said she would be right back. Then she ran back into my room with her sweater off. She was wearing the same Victoria's Secret bra I had on, and had the Victoria's Secret catalog in her hand. She sat me on the bed and showed me the bra we were both wearing. Mom said, "How sweet, my two daughters giggling about what pretty bras they have on and will be buying together ... how sweet!" I was thinking, if this is what it takes to get my own bras, I love this new help and I will be her sister. "Ok, girls, time for dinner, lets get dressed and go downstairs. After dinner, son, you have to return Pam's bra, and you have to hand it to her and tell her you are sorry for taking it. Fear came over me, wondering how I could tell her this. Sis popped back in my room, handing me a very girly blouse top, saying, "Brother, put this top on, lets see how it looks with Pam's pretty bra!" So here I was, standing in my sister blouse, Pam's bra clearly showing though the clinging top, showing off my teenage budding boobies, yes, on me. Looking in the mirror and thinking this is all happening way too fast, but I love it. Sis gave me a hug, saying how cute I looked. She grabbed my bra strap in back and again snapped it, saying, "Now how do YOU like it? You snap my bra and now I can snap YOUR bra, I love it!" I loved her snapping my bra, or should I say Pam's bra strap. I could not believe that in so short a time my sister and my Mom were ok with me wearing a bra, and that Mom will be taking me shopping for my own bras and maybe panties. I have dreamed about this moment! I feel so happy. Dinner seemed so much more fun. We all were girly taking. I was telling them that maybe this bra was too tight. Mom giggled, saying that is what us girls put up with for a pretty figure. "You will get used to the tight feeling, and some day you won't even feel your bra is on. It will be just second nature, wearing a bra for a pretty figure." Do they really think I will wear a bra all the time? How will that work? I want to wear a bra, but I am a boy, and boys don't wear bras. Boys don't have bumps on their chests. After dinner Mom told me to take off Pam's bra, saying we needed to return it to her. While I was upstairs taking the bra off, Sis ran in with one of her bras and said I should wear her bra instead. I hugged her, telling her how nice she was to loan me her bra. But I could not wear a bra over to Pam's house, I was not ready for that, I told Sis. She seemed sad I would not wear her bra. My Mom and I went to Pam's house. Luckily, Pam was the only one home. I smiled and handed her bra to her, saying I took it. Strange, but she smiled and said, " I think you and my brother like wearing my bras -- how sweet". I was blown away, hearing that her brother Ken wears her bras too. Mom popped in saying, "Pam, he's sorry he took your pretty bra. We are going out to buy him his own bras and I don't think he will be taking yours anymore". "I look forward to seeing you in a pretty bra, Trey. I am sure you will look very cute. My brother will be wearing a bra now too!" Pam said. Wow, I didn't know what to say. Ken, my neighborhood friend, wears a bra, like me. Mom grabbed my hand and said it was time to go, and thanked Pam for being so understanding. As we were leaving, Pam, said, "Trey, please come over and model your new bras. I would love to see what you picked out and I am sure Ken would love to see you in your new bras too. Walking home, I said to Mom, "Did you hear that Ken is wearing her bras too? I guess it's ok to wear a bra, right Mom?" Mom looked at me and said, "Trey, you can wear whatever you want and I will help you." Chapter Two I could not sleep that night thinking about everything that had happened today. My sister even came in my bedroom and whispered in my ear, "Trey, I hope you will wear a bra more often. You are so sweet when wearing a pretty bra. I love you." I kept playing that back in my head. My sister wants me to wear a bra. She loves me wearing a bra. Wow! Next morning came quickly. "Trey, when you and your sister get home from school we will go shopping. Do you still want to go bra shopping?" With a huge smile I said, "Mom, I do so want to go shopping with you, but I'm a little nervous about me, a boy, going into Victoria's Secret and buying a bra for me. Can we tell the clerk the bras are for my sister?" "You are going to have to face the fact that you like wearing bras and some people will know it. It is not the end of the world. I found a web site that will help you handle your feelings about bra wearing. We will look at it together when you come home from school today. Go to school now." Mom hugged me, telling me how much she loved me and how excited she is to help me. She ran her hand over my back, smiling saying, "I thought your sister gave you one of her bras to wear. Why aren't you wearing her bra now?" "Mom, I am going to school, I can't wear a bra. What if someone sees it under my shirt?" "Silly boy - that is one of the feminine things I will help you with. No one will know you are wearing a bra, only you and I". My head was really spinning. Mom wants me to wear a bra to school. Not sure I can handle that, I thought. Sis was at school early, saw me walking up to the building, and came running out and hugged me. "Trey, where is your bra? You are not wearing the bra I gave you. Silly boy, you should be wearing your bra, we always wear our bras, you know!" Did she say "we" always wear our bras? Who are we? Does she mean girls? Does she want me as her sister or brother? Sis came up to me 3 or 4 times during the day; whispering in my ear, "Ready to go bra shopping, little brother? We will have so much fun." School was over and I ran home. Mom was ready. She brought me over to the computer to show me the web site.... "Boys being girls, it's ok." Wow, they actual had a web site for boys who want to be girls. I don't think I want to be a girl, I just like wearing pretty underwear, I told my Mom. She smiled and said, "Read up son. We will leave for our shopping trip in an hour." I read the web site and could not believe all the information on how boys want to wear feminine clothes, act like girls, and love it. Yes, it did help me understand my desires to see that other boys my age wearing girly clothes, even to school, 24/7. Mom said it was time to go. I got nervous, since Sis was not home yet and she was going to be my "cover" at Victoria's Secret. I was hoping Mom would tell the clerk the bras are for her, not for me. Mom said Sis would meet us at the mall. "Don't worry, she wouldn't miss this shopping trip!" I was nervous and Mom knew it. Inside the mall she sat me down outside VS and said, "Trey, calm down, this won't hurt. You might even like it. Buying your first bra should be a fun time with your Mom. There is no one in the store now and here comes your sister. Lets go have some fun and enjoy your first bra shopping, I know I am. Trey, I will ask the clerk to measure you, that is half the fun of bra shopping. Trust me, she will be ok with measuring a boy for a bra. You read on the web that lots of boys your age get measured for their bras and nothing bad happens. Relax and enjoy, sweetie". I could hardly talk or stand up, hearing I was going to be measured. I flashed back, thinking about taking Pam's bra - look what that got me.... Now I am shopping for my own bra with my Mother and sister. I'm not sure I can do this. Just then Sis came up and both Mom and Sis pulled me into the store. Here I was being walked into the pink heaven of a store. I saw all the pretty bras. I thought I was going to faint. An older lady came up to us asking if she could help. I thought, oh boy here it comes.... Mom popped right up saying, "Yes, my son here would like to be measured for his first bra, can you help us?" The lady's big smile and quick response told me she'd done this before. "Why yes, we measure young boys for their first bras all the time. How sweet." Now I was really zoning out. I thought sure I was going to faint. I heard the lady say, "Trey, raise your arms up so I can put my tape measure around your chest." I just stood there. Mom smiled and said, "Trey let me help. My poor boy, he is so excited." She held my arms up as the clerk measured me. The clerk said I was a 34 and asked my Mom what cup size she would like for me. Mom said, 34A would be fun. The clerk agreed and said she had a most special first bra for him. Just then my sister popped up with a handful of pink and yellow bras. Mom smiled, saying they were so sweet, and took me into the dressing room. Here I was in a VS dressing room with both my sister and Mom, trying on bras. Wow! The bras were so pretty and fit so nice! Sis held one up and said that this was the same bra I took from Pam's house. Mom said, let's buy the same bra for all three of us, and then we can wear matching bras, and let's get the matching panties too! I could not take any more excitement. I got so weak I had to sit down and take a big breath. The clerk came in and saw me sitting, and said, "I guess Trey is overwhelmed with his new pretty bras. So sweet! I have several more here that he can try on, also with matching panties. Plus, for that real feminine feeling, I have a cute panty girdle to match, of course. You know - a little teen girdle, or as 'tweens call them nowadays, shapers, to hold in your little guy down there." I could not believe my eyes, here was my sister taking off her sweater and bra to try on this new bra, right in front of me. "Trey, don't freak out. We are all wearing the same clothes now. You are going to be my sister now, remember. I just love this bra and want to try it on too. Not fair you get to buy all the pretty bras." Ok, this is too much. I started crying. Mom hugged me and tried to comfort me, telling me all will be ok. All the excitement is natural for your first bra shopping event. All these people were treating me like a girl, treatment I have always dreamed about. How could my sister undress in front of her brother? How could this clerk fit me, a boy, for a bra and she looks like she is enjoying fitting me with the bras? I told Mom I had to leave, I was so nervous. She said, "Ok, we have all your bras and panties". As I was un-hooking my bra, Mom jumped in saying, "Son, leave your pretty bra on. It looks so special, so cute. Wouldn't you just love to wear it home? I know you would!" Fear struck my eyes! Going out in public in a bra? What if someone sees it on me? And did she say "your" bra? My own new bra from VS? WOW! Mom knew my fears. "Trey, don't worry, your bra will not show though this dark shirt. No one will know you are wearing your first training bra." I did get excited, thinking I could wear a bra now with my Mom's permission. "See Trey, I can't see your bra through your shirt. How does it feel, sweetie?" I smiled saying, "Mom I feel so good, thank you so much for helping me. I feel good". She hugged me, saying, "This is only the first of many many special moments we will have, trust me dear. We are going to have so much fun now." Not sure how it happened, but Mom had me carrying the VS pink bags as we walked out of the mall and to our car. My sister was all giggly. She asked Mom when I could start wearing makeup. I thought, wow, makeup, does she think I should? I waited for Mom to say something. No word, just as good. I am not ready for more feminine "stuff" today. Outside walking to the car, Sis hugged me and again she snapped my bra strap. "Sis don't do that, people will know I am wearing a bra". Sis giggled and said, "Trey, trust me, we girls can tell you are wearing a bra. Look at your perky little teen breasts -- you have bumps out there now, so sweet". "Mom, you said no one could tell I had a bra on. How can they tell? I can't see my bra". "Trey, your sister is playing with you. Relax, no one can see your bra". I wanted revenge, so I snapped Sis's bra strap. This was fun and I think she liked it. Back home, Mom came up to my room and helped me unpack my new lingerie as she called my new feminine items. She cleaned out a drawer and said, "This will be your new lingerie drawer for your own special dainties." From another bag she pulled out this gorgeous baby doll nightgown. I melted, seeing it and hearing Mom say, "Trey would you like to have your feminine dreams in this nightgown?" I got so excited, hugging Mom, saying, "Oh yes I love it, it looks so sweet, can I wear it now?" Mom giggled, saying, "Sure, slip it on and lets see how it looks." I was so happy. Here I was rushing to get out of my boy clothes, showing off my bra and slipping on a nightgown with my Mom. How could this get any better, I thought. Mom encouraged me to leave my bra on even though the nightgown had pretty padded cups. She said it was important that I get used to wearing a bra 24/7. "Mom I'm not sure I can wear a bra 24/7," I said. "Son, after today, I think you will love wearing a bra 24/7, and will not be without a bra ever again". I wasn't sure what she was thinking... I just wanted to slip this nightgown on. Mom handed me matching panties too. So soft, so feminine, lace all over them. I was embarrassed to slip them on as Mom said, "Trey, don't be embarrassed, I have seen you before and now this is a special moment". I could not believe how good I looked. I kept admiring my reflection in the mirror. My Mom kept saying how pretty I looked. My sister popped in, seeing me in the gorgeous nightgown. She got jealous and told mom she wanted one just like it now that we're sisters. "We are twins and whatever Trey wears, I want to wear too," she said. I could not believe my eyes, but Mom pulled out the same nightgown for my sister! My sister got so excited, she too stripped and put on the matching nightgown. I could not believe her getting almost naked in front of me. Now we will look like twins, like sisters. Chapter Three I could not handle wearing a bra to school as much as my sister told me it would be ok. But I had a different appreciation of girls now, always checking them out, loving their clothes and how they moved. School was almost done for the year, and Mom announced we would be going to Aunt Mindy's for the summer, half way across the world it seemed. At dinner, Mom announced that Aunt Mindy's 14-year-old son was also a crossdresser. I was shocked hearing this. He is just like me? What does this all mean? "Will he know I am a crossdresser too", I asked Mom. "Yes, Trey, he and Aunt Mindy know you are a crossdresser too. They are very very excited to have you "bond" with Victor or should I say Sally. That is his feminine name now, Sally. This summer he will be 100% girl and he is hoping you can be too! "Mom slow down. How can I be 100% girl? I am not even sure I want to dress as a girl 24/7?" "Trey this is a perfect opportunity for you to leave town here and "test" your feminine feelings. No one will know you in Baltimore. Aunt Mindy has a professional make-over person who has helped Victor and she will help you become the girl I think you always wanted to be." My sister popped right in saying this would be perfect and she thinks I should do it. We will all have one huge summer slumber party, just us girls, how fun will that be!? Mom said we need to talk more and we don't have to decide tonight. That made me feel a little better. All these thoughts were flying thought my head. Live as a girl all summer, could I do that? Now my Aunt knows I am a crossdresser and her son is one too, how strange, all in this family. We didn't talk about the summer plans for three or four days. After school one day, Mom picked me up and said, "Trey, lets go have some fun and lets go to the mall and window shop and talk about this summer." Off we went. I was nervous. I asked Mom what window shopping was? "Trey, just something us girls do, checking out the new fashions at the mall, having fun shopping, that's all. Fun time with you". Mom brought me into the first store, Teen World. This was a tween shop with everything a teenage girl would want. I caught myself getting all excited, walking in the doors. Mom knew I was excited. She took me over to the dresses and some very skimpy summer tops and short shorts. I could not believe I was in this girly store. I loved it but I was very nervous. Everyone knew I was a boy shopping with my Mother -- how strange. Mom smiled and said, "I think Trey wants to try on some of the fun clothes, doesn't he?" "Mom be quiet, they can hear you. I can't try on these clothes; remember, I look like a boy." Mom leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Sweetie, I think you want to wear these pretty clothes, don't you, admit it Trey. You love all these soft girly clothes?" I hugged mom back and whispered, "Yes!" Mom was so excited; we went to every girly store in the mall looking at clothes and makeup, and we even stopped at a wig store. I knew what she was thinking, could I wear a wig? We window shopped, looking at all the wigs. I got a little nervous seeing all the different styles. Mom told me that Aunt Mindy has a special shop in her town just for boys who need wigs, and we would buy my wig there. I could not process all that. How could there be a special store just for boys' wigs? She grabbed my hand and said, "Lets stop at Victoria's Secret before going home to cook dinner". VS was now my favorite store, and Mom knew it. All the clerks now knew my secret, and treated me so nice! Dawn in the store saw me and came right up to us with a big smile saying, "Trey, back again so soon! I think you have every bra we sell. What would you like today? Look at our perfume here, so sweet and sends just the right message.... I blushed again as Mom told Dawn we were just "window shopping" today. "How sweet, Mom and daughter out shopping together, so special", Dawn said. Dawn called me Mom's daughter? Me, her daughter? For some reason I liked that sound. Maybe I could be Mom's daughter for the summer. Maybe I should see what it would be like to live and playing like a teenage girl this summer in Baltimore! Mom topped off the shopping trip by saying, "Trey, we can't go home without buying something for my daughter. She held up a beautiful long silk nightgown, so pink and lacey I melted looking at it. "I think you like this one, don't you Trey?" "Yes, Mom I do love it, can we buy it? We should buy my sister the same nightgown too. You know she wants us to be twins!" "Of course you can sweetie, you two will look so cute together," Mom said. Right then I knew I was ready to live as a girl this summer in Baltimore. Leaving the mall swinging the famous pink VS bag, Mom saw my pleasure and said, "I think my little girl is ready to go to Baltimore and explore her feminine side." With a big smile I hugged Mom and said, "Yes, Mom I loved window shopping with you today and my new nightgown you bought me. If being a girl is this much fun, I want to experience those feminine feelings all summer long, with your help of course." Mom stopped and hugged me saying, "Sweetie, we will have so much fun, trust me". A new warm feeling came over me. I felt so so good. The next day I wore my stockings and garter girdle and my VS bra to school. Not sure what came over me but it just felt natural and right. I knew no one could see my bra straps since Mom didn't know I had a bra on during breakfast, the big test. The school day went fine, no problems, and I had the constant reminder, my bra straps holding my chest up while my nylons were tugging at my girdle. All reminding me I was going to be a girl all summer and could wear pretty lingerie all the time. I was getting so excited. I was so happy I decided to walk home and stroll through our village, and as Mom says, "window shop." Along the way I ran into my sister and we walked home together. "Trey, Mom tells me you are ok with going to Baltimore and living as a girl all summer. I am so excited to help you. I think we will have so much fun. Trey I like the bra you are wearing today, I have the same one on now too. We have matching bras on, that's so so sweet". Panic struck my face as I asked her, "How did you know I'm wearing a bra now?" "Brother, didn't I tell you the other day, us girls know everything," as she grabbed my strap in back and snapped it. "Sis does that mean all the girls in school knew I was wearing a bra today?" She smiled and said, "Maybe!" "Oh, great, now what do I do?" I said. "Don't worry little brother, no one will say anything. Relax, there are other boys in school who wear bras to. You are not the only boy who likes lingerie. "What? Who are they? Who are they?" "Trey, I can't tell you, it's our girls' code not to tell." When we got home, I told Mom. She smiled and said, "See nothing happened all day, no one knew you were wearing a bra. I can tell you now... I told your sister this morning that you were wearing a bra today and to keep an eye on you. She was playing with you. She couldn't see your bra under your shirt." I looked at my sister and with a big smile she said, "I was just playing with my brother. I can't tell you have your bra on. We did have fun talking about it... didn't we sister?" "Does that mean there are no other boys in school who wear bras, like you said?" "Who knows Trey? You never know. I think there are other boys who like wearing our pretty clothes." After dinner Mom sat me down to talk about our summer trip, which was only 2 weeks away. "Trey, are you still ok about going away and living as a girl with your Aunt and Victor? This will be a big step, but we will all be with you to help." "Mom I am very excited about it, ready to leave now and try being the daughter you want. I can't believe all this is happening to me. A dream come true!" Mom hugged me with such joy -- I knew that with her help, I was ready. "Trey, I spoke to Aunt Mindy and she suggested we come Friday, June 22. And not to bring any boy clothes. She and Victor want to go shopping with us and she has clothes there you can wear before we do your shopping. Victor is already wearing girl clothes 24/7 and loving it. She suggested you come there as a girl. What do you think?" "Mom I can't travel there in a dress. I need time to work into wearing a dress, a wig, stockings, you know. I need to practice in Aunt Mindy's house before going out in public. I'm not ready to be a girl 24/7". "Ok, Trey, I agree. But I would like to take you shopping tomorrow and get you a couple of pretty things. I saw a beautiful dress at the mall that I think you would just love. You don't have to wear it on the plane but we can pack it. What do you think, son"? "Mom, whatever you think. I love shopping. Do I have to try on the dress at the mall? "Yes, son, we'll handle that, you'll be fine". I went to bed dreaming about buying my first dress and wearing it out in public. I got so excited. Time flew fast, tomorrow was our last day of school, and in two days we would be flying to my Aunt's for the summer. Over the past several weeks, Mom and I bought tons of girly clothes. She assured me we would pack them in a suitcase and I could wear boy clothes on the trip. Deep down I wanted to wear a dress and all the fun lingerie under it. Plus those high heels I have been practicing in at home are divine, I just love them. The night before our flight, Mom sat me down for another talk. One of the items was that Victor is so much into his cross-dressing that he only wants to be called Sally now, so they are asking us to respect that, and when we see him be sure to call him Sally. Mom then said we should pick a girl's name for me. I got a little nervous picking a girls name for me. Mom offered 'Mary,' but I didn't like that name. For some reason, I blurted out 'Chrissie.' Mom hugged me, saying "Chrissie it will be, a perfect name for my new daughter this summer." For many days now, Mom has helped me dress my new part after school. Dressing with my bras, girdles, stockings, full slips, high heels and a touch of makeup. I was getting comfortable with it all, it felt so natural, so right. Both my Mom and sister acted like I was the other daughter in the house. Chapter Four The travel day came quickly. We closed up the house and gave each other big hugs as Mom looked at me saying, "Ok Chrissie, lets go have some fun, girl!" I was so excited. Mom had me wear my padded bra and a girdle and stockings for the trip. They felt so good, and I think I could see bumps on my chest, and I was able to see just a little of my bra straps showing through my blouse. For some reason I was ok with all this. My brain must have been conditioned during these past weeks by my wearing all these girly clothes. My sister was all giggly. We held hands as we were walking in the airport, just like teenage girls. I watched people and saw that no one was staring at the bumps on my chest. Looking down and seeing them made me feel so good. I wished they were bigger and I could show them to the world. Sis saw me look down at my chest every other second and said, "Don't worry brother, they will get bigger very soon, just like mine. Remember, we are really twins now." We landed right on time. There were Aunty Mindy and Victor, or should I say Sally, waiting for us all smiles. As we got closer, I could not believe how girly Victor looked. One would never know this cute little teenage girl was a boy! I thought to myself, I hope I will look that passable, that good, that cute! Victor hugged me as he felt my back and my bra straps. With his big smile, he said, "Chrissie, I can feel that you have already started dressing the part. That is so so sweet. Do you like my new dress? I bought it just for your homecoming. We girls are going to have so much fun this summer. I am so excited you will be with us all summer!" As we were getting our luggage I stared at Victor. He was so comfortable in his girly outfit. His very tight lacey pink top showed off his perky teen figure. There was no question he was showing off his teen bra and made no bones about it. His tight pencil short skirt with nylons and cute little pink heels finished his fashion statement. Plus all the trimmings, long dangly earrings, makeup, very red glossy lipstick, purse, and a very girly personality that said 'all girl here.' He looked very cute. Mom saw me checking him out as she came up to me, and she whispered in my ear, "Chrissie, you can look that cute to you know. Won't this be fun sweetie?" I just smiled, thinking that this was very strange. How can he look that girly, so very girly??? Riding home in their car, Victor never stopped talking. His voice sounded just like a girl's voice -- how could that happen? He kept telling me how excited he was, and that "us girls" will have such a fun summer together, like sisters. We pulled into their mansion -- wow it was big, very big. Several maids greeted us as we drove in, like in the movies. I tried to grab my luggage, but Victor said the "staff" would take our bags right to our room. We all then went into the tearoom and the maids served us tea. Aunt Mindy kept saying how excited she and Sally were to have us here. She announced that Sally and Chrissie would be rooming together. Fear struck my bones. Would I be sleeping with Victor?! Mom popped right in, saying, "Oh how sweet, they have so much in common now, they will giggle all night long about their new life. Chrissie, won't that be special for you?" I kept my mouth shut and just smiled. I noticed how refined and poised Victor was, sitting there with his legs together and hands together on his lap. Someone had taught him all the girly traits! Aunt Mindy suggested Sally take Chrissie up to see our bedroom and get me settled in. Victor grabbed my hand and said, "Chrissie, let's go girl and see your new bedroom. You are going to love all the lace Mom has put into our room, plus you will have your own makeup table -- isn't that so very special?" I could not believe my eyes. My new bedroom was a picture perfect girls' room. Like a picture of a princess room, all in pink, with a canopy bed, two makeup tables, everything a girl would want. "Chrissie, don't you just love your new bedroom? We are going to have so much fun here! I am so excited we're going to be girls together, to learn our feminine ways with our Moms' help. Thank you for coming and being a girl with me. Don't you just love being a girl?" My head was spinning. Both our Moms came in the bedroom saying, "Chrissie we just have to get you out of your clothes and into something much sweeter. I am sure Sally has a dress or two you will just love to wear until we all go shopping tomorrow for your new wardrobe". Sally pulled me into her walk-in closet filled with so many dresses and girly things. "Chrissie, pick what ever you want to wear and lets get you dressed right." Here I was with all these "girls" pulling off my boy clothes, seeing my bra and girdle. I got a little shy and red in the face when Sally said she has the same Victoria's Secret bra and just loves it. "Chrissie, don't you just love the fit of Victoria's Secret bras. They give me such a perky cute figure. Don't you think?" As Sally said this she used her hands to tighten her blouse to show off her curves. "Chrissie, don't be shy dear, we are all girls now, we have nothing to hide. We are having so much fun," Aunt Mindy said. Mom found a silky dress and slipped it over my head. The dress fit like a glove, showing off my bumps on my chest. Victor smiled and said, "Chrissie, you need help developing your bustline more. I have inserts that we girls love to use in our bras when we need a little help. They'll fill out your dress so much better, you know better curves, girly curves". Mom agreed and told me to take the dress off so she could insert them into my bra. Wow, they were big! Or I thought they were big. Problem was, I liked them. I smiled. "See, Chrissie likes his new girly boobies, how very sweet," Mom said. I did think the dress was much better than the boy pants I'd been wearing on the plane. Now I really had a girly chest, and I even bounced while walking. I liked the bounce. "I think my girl likes her new figure. How sweet!" Mom said. Just then my sister popped in and excitedly proclaimed me the most shapely girl she knows. Wow, this is so strange. Aunt Mindy sat me down at the makeup table, I was nervous, not knowing what to expect. "Chrissie, a girl never leaves her bedroom without her makeup on. It's very important that you look your prettiest all the time. Tomorrow first thing we will go to Marilyn's wig company and get you fitted for your new wig. With your new wig, you will be a completely natural looking girl, I promise. You already have a cute figure and the demeanor of the cutest teen girl." I looked in the mirror, and wow, I looked so different! Even with only a little makeup on, I loved the look. My big smile showed how much I loved the new look. Sally gave me high heels to wear and we all walked downstairs. I saw my boy clothes in my Mom's arms. I asked her where she was going with them. "Chrissie dear, you will not be needing them now, right? You will have new pretty clothes tomorrow for your new life." Why do they keep saying for "my new life?" We are just here for the summer, and I'll be living as a teen girl for only a couple of summer months. Strange, I was feeling good in Sally's dress and feeling the bounce in my chest. I was thinking I was walking well in these heels, too. Given the tight dress and girdle, I was surprised by the little steps I was taking. My whole body moved different in these girl clothes, I thought. I might like this new life! Aunt Mindy suggested we go to Sally playroom and get to know each other. So like the leader Sally is, she or he grabbed my hand and guided my sister and me to her playroom. Wow... this playroom was a huge doll room. Hundreds of dolls and dollhouses, a place a girl would love to play in. My sister got so excited seeing everything! Sally took us to one corner and said, "Let's dress Barbie and Ken for dinner tonight." So here I was, dressing dolls and maybe having fun. Sally talked about her desire to crossdress and about living 24/7 as a girl. She told us that all the maids here are men, that they are crossdressers too. I would have never known, they look so girly! I guess Aunt Mindy really knows how to dress her boys! I asked Sally what it's like wearing all these new different clothes, and how does he handle wearing a wig with all that thick long hair? "Chrissie, it took me a couple of days to get use to wearing a wig. But, I sure love it now. My pretty wig completes my new look and my Mom thinks soon I will have my own long pretty hair. The clothes we girls wear are all part of the fun new life too. I just love wearing a bra and having a perky figure. Guess what size bra I wear now?" I had no idea and said I don't know much about the sizes of bras. My sister popped in, saying "32A!" Sally got all giggly, saying, "Yes you are right, with a little help from my inserts. I don't mind wearing padding, they give me such a nice shape, and I bounce a little. That's so feminine, don't you think?" "Chrissie, what was the scariest part of wearing girls clothes for you?" Sally asked. "I think being measured for my first bra at Victoria's Secret. I was so nervous. Here I was, clearly a boy, being measured and fitted by a complete stranger. They were so nice at the store though; they really made me feel at ease. Now I just love going back there, the store is so pretty. With so many pretty things." "I think my scariest moment was seeing me in the beauty salon's mirror with my wig and full makeup on," Sally said. "I didn't know myself, I looked so different. I kept asking myself, could I handle this, being a girl and wearing all these tight pretty clothes? So different from being a boy!" I asked Victor, "How long have you been dressing as a girl?" "Over two months now. I go everywhere and no one knows I was a boy before. I just love my new look and I hope you do too!" said Sally. "Oh, yes, Sally, I do love your look. You look so natural. Do you do your own makeup too?" "Yes, Mom took me to a beauty salon and they taught me all my makeup tricks, plus how to style my hair every day. I think our Moms have plans to take you there Chrissie, to have your makeup and hair done. The beauty salon is a very special place for us girls. All the ladies there are so so nice." Wow, I was thinking. Am I going to a beauty salon too? I guess they will give me the works! My sister popped in, saying how much she liked my nail polish color. We talked forever about nail polish, and colors for teens. Such girly talk, I thought. I could not believe all the girly topics we three were talking about. It was so much different from when boys get together. I liked it! One of the maids came in, saying dinner will be served soon and we need to go get dressed. I looked at Sally, saying, "We are dressed, what does she mean?" Sally giggled, saying, "At dinner we all dress up in our finest dresses. Come with me back to our bedroom, and I will find you a pretty dress to wear for dinner, Chrissie." Back in our room, Sally picked out a gorgeous, long silky dress. It was very fitted and lacy around the chest. It had very thin straps, so Sally brought out her strapless bra for me to wear. I was confused, thinking that if it had no straps, how would it stay up on my chest? Sally saw my fear. "Silly girl, put this strapless bra on and put your "girls" inside the cups, and trust me, the bra will stay up." Sure enough, with the tight dress on and the molded cups, my bustline was very perky. There was something new I learned, in this new girls' world. Sally gave me some jewelry and perfume and said, "Lets go to dinner." She clipped some big flashy earrings on me. It felt very strange, having those "things" hanging on my ears. She told me I would get use to wearing pretty earrings. Sally then taught me to look in the full-length mirror before leaving our bedroom. "You must always check out your whole package," she said. Wow... I looked like a princess. I hardly knew myself ... the person in the mirror! All the stuff girls do to dress and get ready is all so new to me! I didn't know it takes so long for girls to get ready, but it seems girls want to look pretty and "build" into their girly schedules time to do their makeup and hair just right. Our mothers were very excited to see us three girls all dressed up in our "finest." Dinner was magical, with the maids serving everything. I loved being waited on, being treated so special. Dinner conversation focused on our summer visit and the plans our Moms had for me to become the prettiest teen girl ever. Aunt Mindy said tomorrow was the special day for my wig fitting. Plus we will do some shopping for my new wardrobe. After dinner Mom pulled me into another room and got real serious. She asked how I was doing, was I ok with all this girly stuff? I told her I was very excited and happy. She was pleased, and brought out some pink pills. She said, "Chrissie, these pills will help you relax and will help you with your new life style. Please take two a day and you will be a really happy girl!" I said "OK!" Mom knows best. To lighten the mood, Mom told me how much she liked my long dress, and commented on my figure. I told her I loved all the attention and can't wait for my new wig tomorrow to complete my look. "Mom I did feel a little strange tonight, looking like a boy at the dinner table". "Son, you didn't look like a boy. You just don't have long hair, but don't worry about that, we are all helping you tomorrow. Tomorrow, with your new wig you will be the prettiest girl in town. Trust me!" Sally popped into our room saying, "Chrissie let's go and get into our nightgowns and play with our dolls. We had so much fun this afternoon playing in our playroom." Upstairs, back in our bedroom, the maids laid out two beautiful baby doll nightgowns. Something very special for a teenage girl for sure. "Chrissie, look at the baby doll nightgowns. I just love the cups for our little boobies. Aren't they just so so special, so sweet?" "Oh, yes I just love the color -- pink is my favorite color. Sally, are these panties? Do I wear the panties with my girdle with this nightgown?" "Well Chrissie, do you have your little guy under control yet? My Mom had me wear my tight girdle for weeks until he was under control. You know, no accidents down there." "What do you mean Sally?" "Does your little guy get wet when you put on soft, silky clothes? If so your girdle will hold him in and stop that nasty wetness. My Mom put me on little pink pills and that stopped my little guy from getting so excited, if you know what I mean," Sally said. "My mom just today gave me some little pink pills. Will they help me?" "Yes, but for now, until the pills work in a couple of days, you better wear your girdle. You know, to keep him under control." "Good idea, I don't want any mishaps". Sally handed me what looked to be a napkin. She said, "This is what we girls wear for our periods. But you can wear one now to keep dry down there. Let me show you how to wear them in your girdle." I was so embarrassed as he placed the little pad in my girdle. For some reason it all made sense, and I was ok with this new feminine "thing". We put on our matching baby dolls nightgowns and slippers and ran off to the playroom. We were having such a good time playing with the dolls in the doll room! I wondered, how could this be? How come I like this so much? Am I really a girl deep down under? Our Moms popped in, saying it was time to go to sleep, that we have a big day tomorrow and we need our beauty sleep. "Beauty sleep, what is that?", I asked. "Silly girl," Sally said. "You will find out". Chapter Five My big morning came quick. After breakfast Mom picked out such a cute outfit for me. Then put some makeup on me and we were off to the wig shop. I was nervous walking into this ladies world. We had to walk through the beauty salon into the back room where the wigs were displayed. I was very aware of all the ladies looking at me. Here I was in girl mode except for my head with no hair. They all had to know I was a boy in a pretty dress and high heels. Diana was in the wig shop. She was so nice. I could not believe all the different wigs on display, I was overwhelmed. We sat and talk about what kind of wig I would like. I could hardly talk, so Mom took over. Chrissie wants a sandy color long hair wig with little bangs in front. A wig she can style and curl every day, plus not be afraid to go swimming in. Diana said she has many to pick from. Asked me to slip out of my pretty dress and put on the housecoat, she didn't want to get my dress spotted. I was nervous taking my dress off, but I knew I had no choice. Diana commented on how pretty my bra and matching girdle was. I got all shy while slipping on the housecoat. Diana washed my head and put some chemical in my hair. She then brought out several wigs. Mom picked out the one, and I agreed. Wow, it was long, like half way down my back and very full. Diana said this would be perfect for a young girl like me, so lets get started. Mom told me to close my eyes and relax. "You will look so sweet, I promise." I did. "Enjoy your new look now, dear." "Mom can I open my eyes now"? "Chrissie, you do look gorgeous, so very pretty. Open your eyes and see your new look, sweetie". I could not believe my new look. Who was this girl staring back at me in the mirror? Diana and Mom were so happy, saying how great I looked. "Well, Chrissie what do you think? Say something sweetie". "Mom I love it. Now I look like a girl. No one will make fun of me with all this long hair". Mom hugged me with such joy. The wig felt so strange on my head. Diana then told me that Betty was waiting for me out in the salon, to style my hair and give me some pointers on how to take care of it. I kept looking in all the mirrors, weak in the knees, seeing myself. Is that really me? I looked great. Mom ushered me right into a salon chair as Betty started combing out my long thick hair. I could not take my eyes off my new look. "You look so sweet Chrissie. I just love the wig you and your Mom picked out. Your new hair frames your pretty face so nicely. Lets style it just a little," Betty said. I wasn't sure what Betty was doing, but I didn't care. I loved my new look and was excited to go home and show Sally. I kept looking in the mirror again, thinking how good my new style looks, my new look. Betty told me I had another appointment in a couple of days, when she will teach me more tricks to take care of my new hair. When we were done, Mom said she had another treat to show me. She walked me next door to Betty's Lingerie Boutique. Wow, this was another ladies den of femininity. I loved it. "Chrissie, would you like to pick something out for being such a good girl today?" "Mom I would love a garter belt. I've heard they're so soft and feminine". "Chrissie, where did you learn about garter belts? I don't think teen girls wear anything as old fashioned as a garter belt," Mom said. "Mom, I have always dreamed of holding up my nylons with a garter belt. They seem so romantic, so feminine." "Ok, sweet, though you do know that your panty girdles all have garters on them. Lets look over here for a garter belt, sweetie ...." I got so excited when I spotted a 6-garter belt with matching panties. Mom asked the clerk for the matching bra but they did not have my size. I was disappointed. Home we went to show off my new hairstyle to the family. They were waiting for us and the moment they saw me, both my sister and Sally were jumping for joy, screaming how great I looked. Their excitement was contagious and we all hugged in excitement. Aunt Mindy took her camera out and start snapping photos. Telling me to model and give her a sassy look with my new hairstyle. I was so excited that they all liked my new look, I thought I was going to wet my girdle. Good thing I had that pad inside it, the one Sally gave me again this morning. We had lunch when Mom suggested we all go shopping for some clothes and a bathing suit. Sally thought that was a fun idea, and off we went. I was nervous, thinking about wearing a girl's bathing suit. How will they hide my little guy down there??? We went to Forever Young, a 'tween girl's store. I felt much different about shopping now that I had a wig on and no one could tell I was a boy. I was having so much fun looking at all the cute skimpy girly clothes. Mom grabbed tons of clothes and took me into the dressing room. First was a bathing suit. I got really nervous as Mom said, "Chrissie, relax. I will help you hide your little guy down there. No one will know he is there". Mom gave me a mini-girdle and told me that this will hide him, and the little skirt around my waist will hide all. The bra top was very cute, with padded cups. It gave me a very perky bustline. Looking in the mirror, I saw Mom was right, nothing was showing. Even lifting up my bathing suit skirt, the girdle held all in. I was so flat, I got excited. I tried on all the other clothes, I was so excited. One of the tops she picked up was very tight, and also see-through. I got nervous when I saw my bra cups through the fabric. It seemed very strange. With fear in my eyes, I looked at Mom. She knew my fear. "Yes, Chrissie, you look fine. Showing a little of our lingerie is not all bad. You are a young girl now and can get away with being "cute"! You look great, sweetie, enjoy your new look!" I knew Mom was right. I have seen girls back home showing off their figures and being proud of it. I know I liked looking at other girls' see-through blouses. I guess now it my turn to strut my stuff... my new figure! I hugged Mom, saying how happy I was. We bought several outfits and went directly home, since Sally was expecting her friend over to swim this afternoon. Panic struck me! Her friend is coming here to swim with us? Mom saw my fear and explained all would be ok. She whispered in my ear, "Chrissie, Sally's friend is a boy who has been living as a girl for two years. She knows your story and is excited to meet you." I could not believe what I heard, Sally's friend is a boy dressed as a girl too? I asked Mom how many boys out here are living as girls? "Chrissie I was going to tell you later but now is as good as any time I guess. Aunt Mindy runs a school here in the city for boys who want to be girls. Yes, she helps boys become girls, just like you and her Victor or Sally". "Mom, how can that be? An actual school that teaches boys how to be girls? What's up with that?" "Well Chrissie, she has offered for you to attend the school this summer to learn more feminine ways, and to teach you the poise of girls. I think you would like it and I know Sally would go with you. She's a student there now. I could not process all this. I had to lay down on my bed, thinking about everything happening to me. Sally popped into our room saying Kim was here and we are all going swimming, put on your suit, lets have some fun! I was moving real slow. Sally grabbed my arm and helped me take my clothes off, and handed me my bikini and mini-girdle. She held up my mini-girdle, commenting on how cute it was, saying she used to wear one when her little guy was a bad boy, but not anymore. He's so small and tame now; and he does not act up anymore. Sally tied my hair in the back with a big pink flower bow, gave me slippers, and said, "Lets go get a tan girl!" Then she paused. "Chrissie, look in the mirror, you forgot something. You need your inserts, you need your boobies silly girl!" I was so confused, too much happening here. I felt I was in slow motion. There was way too much to think about as Sally pulled me to the pool. Sally then said, "Chrissie, meet Kim, my best friend. Isn't she cute in her new bathing suit?" Oh boy, this is the boy Mom was telling me about! But he looks so good, so much like a teen girl, very cute, very perky, with a beautiful smile and personality. He is a little older and has a very nice, shapely figure for a boy. Sally introduced us and immediately it was like we were old friends. Kim was so nice, so down to earth, so sweet. We three laid in the sun all afternoon and I found myself talking boy talk and enjoying it. I think I like this new life! My sister came out with a full tray of nail polish and Sally jumped in, saying "Let's all re-do our nails and see who can be the prettiest." For some reason I got all excited about this and had lots of fun, sitting there with the other girls, chatting away while all were doing their nails. Never had this much fun when I was back home as a boy. Mom came out to the pool and took a photo of us four girls, the four of us standing there with our arms around each other, so girly, so natural, giggling away. I saw the photo in the camera and I've got to say, I look just like a normal girl, like my sister, maybe better. Mom said the day was done, and she wanted us to come in and get dressed for dinner. She invited Kim to stay as Sally said she could wear one of her gowns. Then we all went up to our bedroom, three teen girls giggling all the way. How much fun is this! Sally brought out three gorgeous full-length gowns for each of us to wear to dinner. Within a flash Kim was stripping down to her mini-girdle and pulling a bra and garter belt and stockings she'd brought out of her carry bag. Wow, this girl is all set, she knows the drill. For some reason I was ok also stripping down to basically nothing, getting dressed in front of these two boys or should I say girls. Seeing Sally and Kim at the makeup tables was so girly to me. I got so excited to apply my makeup next. Sally was up first so I sat down and did my makeup. I guess I was not doing it right, so Kim turned and helped me. Kim handed me some very feminine earrings. I got so excited I could hardly put them on, so Kim helped me. Sally said it was time to go downstairs, but first we wanted a photo of us in our finest, shot in the mirror. We slipped on our high heels, put on our best smile and she took the photo. I was overwhelmed with happy feelings, feelings I never ever had when I was a boy. Off we went hand in hand to dinner. I noticed our dresses were so tight we could hardly walk. Sally started giggling, because she just loved the tight dress and the way her body wiggled, she said. I did feel different walking, my girdle was controlling everything, and with the high heels on I was having so much fun! Who would have thought? Dinner was all girly talk and an invitation to go shopping again tomorrow with all four of us. Aunt Mindy popped in, saying, "Girls, would you all like a sleep over tonight, a slumber party?" "Oh, yes Mommy, could we, that would be so much fun. Kim can borrow a nightgown and we will have so much fun, please please please," Sally said. I looked at my Mom, her big smile said ok. I threw my hands up in the air saying, "Sounds like fun! Lets go get into our nightgowns now!" Back in our bedroom, we got into our baby doll nightgowns and sat on the one bed, doing each other's hair. The maids brought in a third rollaway bed and we were set for the night. I told the girls I did know what girls do at a girl's slumber party. They both giggled and said, "You will find out, it's so much fun!" We talked all night about boys while painting our nails again, even trying on different clothes and modeling them. It was so much fun. While we were sitting on the bed talking I asked about Sally's mother's special school. Wow did that open up a huge conversation! Both Sally and Kim attend the school, and were so excited to talk about all the classes they have taken to develop their feminine ways, and it shows! They encouraged me to sign up and then we could all go together to take some classes. Kim was saying they have a fun gym there for us girls. "They have helped me develop my figure so well, I may not need to wear a padded bra or inserts in my bra soon. Plus the school teaches poise classes, to teach us to walk with grace. You know, it's hard to walk in those tight dresses and girdles, and they have helped me so much to walk like the gracious girl my mom wants me to be. Chrissie, you just have to come with us to the school. You will love it, and all the girls there are so very nice!" All I could think of was here is a school full of boys who want to be girls? Is this what is happening to me? Is my Mom pushing me to be a girl even when we go home in the fall? I told myself I would not worry about that now and would try to live my summer as Chrissie. Deep down I loved my new lifestyle, especially all the attention I was getting. We were all getting tired, and soon fell asleep after a full day and night of girly activities. Next day Kim stayed for breakfast but then she had to get to "the school" for her figure training class. She asked if I could come. I looked at Mom and Aunt Mindy. Both said sure, Aunty Mindy said, "I am sure she would love the work out." Oh boy, I was going to the school that changes boys into girls. Am I ok with this??? I thought so, I might like it, but I wasn't sure what to expect. Before I could think about it more both Sally and Kim ran me back to our bedroom to get dressed to go to the school. Sally gave me a very pretty pink flowered leotard and a work out bag she said was filled with pretty things. What did that mean? She also gave me a sports bra. I didn't know what it was, and found there were no hooks in the back. "Chrissie just put it on, you will look great, and remember to put your insert boobies in the cups." Pulling this feminine leotard on, really showed off my little shape. For some reason I was trying to adjust my sports bra when Sally said, "Chrissie, you look fine, you have such sweet perky breasts under that leotard. You look so great. Now take it off and jump into your pink lacy dress. You can't wear your leotard to school, silly". Downstairs my mother was waiting for us. "Chrissie, you look so sweet dear. I just love that dress, pink is your new color Chrissie. Have fun at school dear". The chauffeur was waiting for us to take us to the special school. Walking into the huge school building was just like walking into my high school back home, but here there were only girls running around. Everyone seemed so happy! I thought they are all boys in dresses. We went into the locker room. There were twelve or fifteen girls undressing. I could not believe my eyes. Here I was in a girl's locker room with all the girls (or boys) in their bras and girdles. Sally helped me, pushing me repeatedly to get undressed. I could not stop staring at all going on around me. No one had a problem undressing, as Sally whispered in my ear, "Chrissie, we are all girls here, you can undress, it's ok, we all wear bras and panties like you and me, we are all the same, sweetie." She then helped me with my leotard. It was really tight, figure hugging. My little boobies stuck out just like all the other "girls" here in the lock room. Plus the girls were putting their inserts in their sports bras, filling out their bustline, just like me. So strange, they looked so happy trying to be the prettiest teen girls. Sally introduced me to the girl next to us. She looked so cute. Her name was Karen and she was having a hard time getting out of her girdle. It was strange looking girdle I thought. The bra was attached to her girdle. What is up with that? I whispered to Sally, "What is Karen wearing, a big bra?" "Chrissie, you silly girl. Haven't you seen an all-in-one girdle? I just love them; I have the cutest all-in-ones back home. You will just have to try one when we get home, they are so fun, gives us girls a great shape." I just smiled and said, "yes, but the girdle looks very strange. I guess there is tons more I need to learn about being a girl." I pulled my pink sneakers out of my gym bag. I kept starring at the sneakers; they were so so girly looking, so different than my sneakers back home. Sally said, "Yes, Chrissie, they are girls' sneakers and are very cute. Put them on quick with those lacey white socks. You will look so cute for our workout today". Sally announced to the whole locker room that I was new, and asked the girls to welcome me to the class. All the girls came over and hugged me with a warm welcome. I thought, how sweet is that? These girls (or boys) were hugging me in their bras and thinking nothing of it. I guess we really are all girls here in this very special school. In the gym was about 6 other girls getting ready for the figure class. We were all introduced and the instructor started. She did not give me a second look. It was as if I was just one more of the girls trying to improve my girlish figure. These exercises were totally different than those I did as a boy in gym class back home. Being in the tight leotard and sports bra was also different. I kept picking at my sports bra - it didn't fit right, I thought. Kim whispered in my ear, "Chrissie is your sports bra too tight? Don't pick at it, that's not very girlish." I was embarrassed, but I had learned another feminine "thing", don't play with your bra straps even if they are too tight. Class was over, and I told Kim what a good time I'd had. Back in the locker room changing was another big "learning moment". Seeing Karen twist and turn getting into her all-in-one girdle was a real education. Why would any girl wear such a tight hard to wear girdle? Plus the other girl near us was complaining she hates wearing padded bras, as she was hooking her bra. I looked at Sally saying, "Why does she hate wearing a pretty bra? I thought that is why we are hear, to love our femininity. Do all real girls hate wearing bras?" "Chrissie, I think she just hates wearing a padded bra. Plus did you see the bra her mother has her in? A1950's very pointed bra, like her Mom's bra, very padded cone shape. She wishes she had real teen breasts like us, I bet. She has always been a complainer and I am not sure she likes our school anyhow." Sally pushed me along. Took so long to get changed with doing our hair, makeup and getting dressed. Just a different lifestyle for sure I thought. We left the locker room for a tour of the school, everyone encouraging me to sign up for the summer classes.

Same as I Took My Neighbor's Bra, A Life Changing Experience Videos

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight

Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven

Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven Today may be one of the most important days of my new bimbo life. I go for my job interview today. I am so nervous. I so want to get this job. Lisa seems to think I am a shoe in. But I am nervous. I so want this job. It means a lot to me and I think it will mean a lot to Richard and I know it will help continue to rein....reinfer...re...make me more comfortable as a bimbo girl happy in her role.To support me, Lisa came over and we went through my...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

1 year ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

4 years ago
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Bradly Family Love

We both slept all night in one another's arms and made the connections I never dreamed of in my life. After sleeping for several hours, I slowly opened up my eyes. 'Holy shit, Bradly and I fucked each other like ten times last night,' I thought, before peeking at him. "And you're still fast asleep," I whispered, rubbing his neck. I licked my lips and stared at him for a moment in silence. I surely didn't want to wake him up just yet, and I wanted to enjoy the moment. 'I know what this...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Two

Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...

2 years ago
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Bradly The Note

"Hey, Bradly?" I asked out, cracking open the bathroom door. "Yes, sis?" I heard him reply. "I just got out of the shower, and I forgot a towel. I'm drenched wet and naked here." "Okay, Jenna, I'll get you a towel," I heard him tell me, before I heard some footsteps. A few seconds later, I saw him carrying a towel, but with his other hand up to block me. "Thank you, Bradly," I said, taking it and before I wrapped it around myself. "I love you, and I know I'm your sister, but you...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Five

Becoming Brandee Chapter Five: "Oh my God, Oh my God." As we drove back to Richard's condo we both were so excited that the hypnosis actually worked. Richard would ask me about things and words that I once knew of but I found that it was either hard for me to remember them or that I no longer even knew what they meant. For a second I thought that I should be concerned about it but on other levels I felt relieved instead. This change in mental status as well as other retraining...

2 years ago
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Mrs Braithwaite Part 2

Another in the series of tales about magic books. Simon becomes Simone, a pawn in the power struggles of a witches' coven. MRS. BRAITHWAITE II ? by: Geneva When I was fourteen, my mother died and I was left an orphan. Well, perhaps that wasn't really true, but my father had disappeared soon after his brief liaison with my mother, barely taking long enough to impregnate her. I had no idea whether he was still alive, and I never cared much about it anyway. I lived with my mother...

1 year ago
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Bridezilla Brendas Beastly Brawl Part 3 Taming a Spoiled Brat

Part 3 -- Taming a Spoiled Brat Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. Intelligent,...

3 years ago
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A Life Changing Experience

I was in a well-settled life, good and steady job, nice family, etc. If at all there was anything I was missing, it was the frequency of sex with my wife. We were in our 50s and after menopause, her interest in sex had somewhat gone down. I accepted that change and tried to get involved in few other activities which will keep me busy and occupied. Then something unimaginable happened which was truly life changing. As part of my duties in office, we had to hold training and orientation programs...

2 years ago
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Bradly Sharing Family Love

I peeked at our mom, but first, Jenna came to me. "Just don't fall in love with her, you're mine, and she is dad's, got it?""Yes, sis," I answered, before I kissed her. "Is anything off-limits?""No, but I'll make dad wear a condom if it makes you feel better. You're lucky; mom is on the pill."I nodded, and then she went to our dad. I watched her go with him to the other couch, and they slowly leaned towards each other to kiss one another.Then I felt our mom take my wood in her...

1 year ago
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New neighbors

About 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

Another favorite!-----------------------------------------by watchdwagAbout 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had...

2 years ago
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Bradly Sibling Love

"And send," I said, before setting my phone down. "Sis, what are you doing?" "Just texting mom and dad, now we're going to be alone all night long," I replied, before opening my top dresser drawer. "Do you think this box will be enough?" I pondered, grabbing it. "Holy shit, is that a box of fifty?" "Well, minus one now," I answered, bringing one out. I made my way to him, but then I lowered myself to my knees. "Lean up to me." He quickly followed me and kissed me. Then I blindly...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Nine

Becoming Brandee Chapter Nine: My wife was still asleep in my bed and I was downstairs dressed in my maid uniform serving Richard his breakfast. During breakfast Richard told me that he arranged for me to have the night off. It was a Saturday and usually my busiest and most fun night at the Turbulence Club. I often get about ten offers to sleep with men and even the occasional marriage proposal. Of course, I know they are not serious about marriage but it is flattering just the...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 5

Todd walked out to get his mail and happened to meet Zach, who was walking up and down his sidewalk without the aid of a cane or crutches. Todd walked over to him, greeted him and walked along with him as they caught up with each other. Todd knew that Zach was making steady progress, but didn't realize that he was now getting around without assistance."Life is getting better every day, every week," Zach said, sounding encouraged. "I gave up the crutches and cane about two weeks ago and today is...

3 years ago
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Neighbors Daughter

Another boring day at my home office working with clients and spreadsheets. It was nice outside and as I looked out my window, there she was again, my neighbors 18 year old daughter. In their backyard, wearing those black short shorts again cavorting with a couple of her friends. As they continued to talk, chat and fool around I kept watching. Sometimes they would wrestle a little and my neighbors daughter continued to show flashes of her hot thighs. I started to get hard in my pants as I...

2 years ago
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Good neighbors Indeed

Good Neighbors IndeedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWe have come to strange times. It is said that in case of any emergency, the ambulance will come, even the fire and the police department will respond as soon as possible but the first response always is, will be and should be from our neighbors and mostly from the next door neighbors but these days we are at a far distance from our next door neighbors. We hardly say hi to our neighbors and almost never meet them or know them well. A case and point....

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the neighbors

Donna had wanted to downsize now that the kids were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us like family. I am 31 and my wife is 28. We have both talked about starting a family of our own but my job keeps me traveling and I wanted to settle down a little more before we started raising children. The house next door sold really quickly and we were excited to see who might be moving in. We were both...

4 years ago
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my neighbors bras

so i have this girl that lives beside me and iv always thought she was kinda hot she wasnt very thin kind of chubby a bit but she had these nice big perky tits to fill out her body and she was always wearing tight shirts and sweaters with her clevage popping out and you could always see her bra line through the shirt. so whenever i had the chance i was always spying on her through my window or from the backyard so i could check out her tits in her tight little tank top and bra.so one day i was...

2 years ago
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New Home New Neighbors New Experience

It's been awhile since I've posted here, so here goes:I recently moved to a new (to me) home. Nice place in a rural setting, but some neighbors nearby. Of particular note is an elderly gent who lives next door. Since it was autumn, and the leaves were covering my yard, I needed to get rid of them before the snow covered them. I saw Pete (neighbor) out riding his sit-down mower. He saw me, pulled up, and we began to chat. Next thing I knew, we were in his house - with him sharing a tour of the...

4 years ago
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My sister and Our Neighbors

My sister and Our neighbors.I had finally done It and now the with the last debug finished, it was working perfectly, I had got 1 + 1 to equal PLUS 1, not two, my old Maths tutor would have a fit. I looked at the sign above my work station, 'A MACHINE DOES NOT THINK'Let me explain, I write computer programs, C++ and I had been working on this one for a month and a half after a friend complained that just enlarging something was not good enough, you loose contrast, definition, everything goes...

3 years ago
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A normal suburban family of three gets new neighbors

Bonnie entered the house from the garage carrying two bags of groceries. “There’s a sold sign on the Mitchell’s house,” she told me, excited. “Really! That was fast.” The Mitchells had lived next door for about three years. They were great neighbors. I really liked Stan. It seemed like he had two of everything. Anything I ever needed around the house he always had it. I’d miss good old Stan. Carrie was okay, too. Kind of plain though....

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My Parents Neighbors Part One

It's been a year since this little story began. It was my final year at a large university on the East Coast. My home is in a small community outside a major city in central California. I majored in sports medicine and received my M.D. I assisted the medical staff with the various teams that made up the school's sports programs; football, volleyball, swimming, track, baseball, softball, and basketball. I am a licensed masseuse as well as a physical therapist.I joined a sorority my second year...

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Sisterinlaw Meets the Neighbors

(This was published a couple years ago with an alternate ending. For those who read it before, only about a third of it is new.) The first few months in our new house had been a bit of a nightmare. My wife nearly qualified as having multiple personalities. To the general public she was a fairly normal woman. Then our neighbors got involved. Whenever Jeremy or Shelley were around, Debbie transformed into their bitch. In that state she did things for them that she would never do for anyone else,...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

unknown authorMy wife Vicky is a little shy and naive, but if a fantasy takes seed in her mind she will probably lose herself in it. That is exactly what happened when our new neighbors wife got in her head. Our sex life was anything but boring. But this time it wasn't just a fantasy that stayed in our bedroom for in the weekend, this one changed everything. We had our share of fantasy but she had never show interest in other men, even though there were plenty of men interested in her. She...

2 years ago
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Brookes New Neighbors

White BBW dominates sexy Black couple. The air was palpable with a thick, heavy heat. It dripped off of Brooke’s sweet mocha colored skin like warm honey. She stretched her long limbs in the lounge chair and rolled onto her stomach, day dreaming about what the summer might hold for her. Nothing of notable interest had presented itself as of yet, but Brooke knew. Something was coming. Her thick black hair fell across her face and stuck to the thin sheen of sweat there. She brushed it away with...

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Old Friends and Neighbors Discover Swapping

My wife, Teresa, who everyone calls Teri, and I met in college, and were raising our two children in the Atlanta area, until my job transfer to Raleigh, North Carolina. Our son, Michael, was going into the fourth grade, and our daughter, Jenny, would be in the second grade.I’m Matt, and we were lucky to move into such a welcoming neighborhood in the Raleigh suburbs, where we met the family who would become our best friends. John and Linda lived two houses down from us, and they have a daughter,...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Three

Becoming Brandee Chapter Three: What a difference one cup size makes. With my new top dimensions along with my tight cocktail dress, CFM pumps, perfect make up and gorgeous mane of blonde hair cascading onto my slender shoulders I felt like the most perfect piece of middle aged eye candy that ever was on a man's arm. With Richard I finally got to see a part of my girlie potential that I could have only dreamed of before. I knew I would soon have to find a yummy opportunity to...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Four

Becoming Brandee Chapter Four: Richard picked me up in his Lexus at the steps of the beauty salon. It was another wonderful experience. All the operators knew him and about me. I now had acrylic nails in a French style that were ? inch from the tips of my dainty fingers. I also had electrolysis and laser hair removal sessions as well. The girls treated me with a lot of fussing and tenderness and made me feel so welcomed there. I was already looking forward to my next...

1 year ago
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Neighbors Adventure 1

Neighbors Adventure 1 Your wife discovers your neighbor’s window curtains were open at night and she saw your neighbor Tom cross-dressed and primping in the mirror with his wife helping.My wife Sophie was excited when she came to me and said, “Harry, come and see what I am seeing,” and off we went to the bedroom window looking across our 30ft house separation into an un-curtained window. We both looked and our neighbors were having a fun time with Tina and Tom playing dress up, Tina was doing...

3 years ago
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Spying the neighbors

If you are new to my stories; everything I write is a true event in which I participated. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. I write these stories to document my change from a shy virgin to a dom. BBC bull. If you remember from my last story, I had started dating someone. It was now a few months later and things were going really well. So well, in fact, that I had asked my girlfriend to move into my house. She had graciously accepted. We lived in a quiet suburban...

2 years ago
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Brains and BrawnChapter 8

Katie had problems of her own. It was now time for her to earn her scholarship. She attended her first mandatory meeting for all potential players for the upcoming season that evening. The practice schedule was handed out, as well as the upcoming season's schedule. "For you first years, please note that practices are scheduled for all day Saturday and, before the season, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:00 to 5:00. It's up to you to attend these practices and maintain your academics as...

3 years ago
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Bram and Rosas Camping Trip A dream

My name is Bram and Rosa had accepted my invitation to come and have a holiday together. Up till now we had been “just-good-friends” having met many years before and had stayed in contact by telephone and email … definitely a platonic relationship. We had a plan to use the camp site as a base to visit the “interesting” places within striking distance and then move on to the next site….over a two week holiday. Rosa enjoyed adventure travel and visiting museums and stuff like that. I am quite...

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My neighbors cunt wife finally left him

My neighbors 16 year marriage is coming to an end. She doesn’t know about his extraplaytime with cocks but they have been having issues for awhile and they aren’tgoing to make it. Recently she informed him she was moving back to Pennsylvania tobe near family. It as obvious. It was over. She had no interest in fixing it. The divorceisn’t final yet but she is gone.My neighbor is saddened but taking it better than I thought he would. I think he wasexpecting it to be honest. In my mind all I could...

1 year ago
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Mrs Braithwaite Part I

This is a kind of 'prequel' to Mrs. Braithwaite, part II. A witch finds a magic book and plans a method to loosen the grip of her coven's dangerous leader. Mrs. Braithwaite, Part I By Geneva The woman hesitated as she crossed the street. What would his reaction be? Her own? She was aware of a slight fluttering in her stomach, an echo of her feelings when they first began meeting all those years ago. She had already checked her make-up in her compact mirror before she had got out...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 8

It was Tuesday afternoon around 3 pm when Todd's phone rang. He was expecting a call from one of his clients but it turned out to be from a young woman who lived with her mother next door to the sisters he had worked for a few weeks earlier. She identified herself as Brittany."I wondered if you could come over and figure out how to fix the handrail on our banister. It has pulled away from the wall and it is loose in a couple of other places. My mom nearly fell down the stairs a few minutes ago...

1 year ago
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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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A night at the neighbors

My next door neighbors have been friends with my family since my grandparents moved here in the 70s, my father even went to school with their eldest son and they became best friends. As the years went on our two families stayed close; within a few months after I was born the neighbors had a daughter and we were almost inseparable, playing together almost everyday for years. About the time we both turned five both of our families had another c***d, the neighbors had a boy and my family had a...

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Friends and Neighbors

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late.Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club dinner...

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Friends And Neighbors

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late. Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club...

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Brandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life7

Brandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life.#7 In my last story we arrived at the Hyatt Regency at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, we did our thing and fell asl**p. We slept most of the day, we were both Exhausted. We did wake up once, around twelve and ordered a small lunch, then fell right back to sl**p. It was about five that evening when the telephone rang and I answered it. It was Ammon’s son, he said, ‘My name is Abioye (we found out later it meant the son of royalty), I would like to take...

4 years ago
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Male Sex Slave for My Senior Neighbors Part 2

Male Sex Slave for My Senior Neighbors Part 2I started sucking the thick, creamy man juice off those thumb size nipples. Barb said to the guy (that I assumed to be her husband), "Look at him use his mouth. I'm sure he's sucked some cock before. Probably a lot. Too bad you've already cum twice today." Suddenly, she pushed my head away from her massive breasts. She stood up and commanded me to to the same. Then, she reached out and grabbed my hard cock. At this point, I was SO ready to...

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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Bray

The following day at lunch, Tammy got her food and sat down. Not long after a gentle hand caressed her neck and Bray kissed her under the ear. She loved his greeting of her. It made her feel special. She could smell the musky smell of animals on him, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Tammy said, “Did you know that animal faeces is fascinating stuff.” Bray laughed and sat. “Yes, it is fascinating in how it always sticks to the shovel and your boots. You have to shake it or scrape it to get it...

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Mrs Braithwaite Part III

Mrs. Braithwaite, Part III. by Geneva After meeting an old friend and surviving an attack, a witch reevaluates her way of life and her place in her coven. This is a following story to "Mrs. Braithwaite, part II". Although it will stand on its own, it might be advisable to read "Mrs. Braithwaite, part II" for background. While this story has a transgender component, it is only one of the themes. Brian Errol drove carefully away from the scene, keeping below the speed...

2 years ago
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Introduction: A man trapped in a loveless marriage has some help from nature. I am Jason, a mid thirties married man living in suburbia. My wife Tiffany and I have been married for almost ten years. We have no kids, she never wanted any. That sounded great when I was younger and I didnt mind when we bought the house in a great neighborhood. Its easy for us to manage our money and do all the things our friends cant. They have kids and all the trappings involved. Still as time goes on and Tiffany...

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A Heavenly Delivery A Life Changing Experience

Hello!! There are plenty jason johar’s all around us and it does not take a hard search to find them but only a caring and concerned looking and being daring enough to do the best taking their ass often and hard. These bottom boys or men [whatever you may call them] are mostly very hungry, very needy and deprived for a healthy hard fucking cock and available easily too for the best of a gay relationship, casual hook ups or even a one night pleasure. Jason is telling you his story hoping you be...

Gay Male
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 01

Sunlight streamed through a gap in the blinds, sending a beam of warm summer light over Penny’s face. Blinking and screwing up her eyes against the rays, she slowly woke up, looking around the room, admiring the way motes of dust glittered in the morning sun. To one side, Mark, her husband, was still asleep, his head buried in a pillow. Penny’s movements disturbed him slightly, and he tried to snuggle closer to her. It had been a warm night and Penny and Mark were both naked. They had thrown...

1 year ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 11

Wednesday afternoon, Todd and Meg had finished up their day's work. Meg was meeting her sister for dinner that evening and Todd was planning a couple of projects for the neighbors over the next couple of weeks. His phone rang and, while he was tempted to ignore it, he decided to answer."Hi, is this Todd?" the voice asked. Todd did not recognize the voice and was wary that is was a sales pitch. Those had picked up in recent weeks as his handyman activity had picked up and word was getting...

3 years ago
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First Time Meeting the Neighbors

Tad and Sherry arrived at their new house early in the morning, excited about their very first home. They were tired of apartment living and desperately wanted a place of their own. The moving company had dropped off their container of belongings and they began the task of carrying everything inside and setting it in the appropriate rooms. It was a typical hot August day it didn’t take long for the sun and temperature to climb. Tad was down to only a pair of gym shorts and Sherry was wearing a...

3 years ago
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UpgradeChapter 19 NextDoor Neighbors Mutual Seduction

We put a bouquet of pink balloons on the mailbox to announce to the neighborhood that we’d just had a baby girl. Each of the potential fathers proudly claimed paternity. Of course, we didn’t know any of the other neighbors, and those that paid attention probably wondered who and how many of us were living in the large home. When David and I had come from the recovery room, the waiting room was full of our intentional family. The first to spring to their feet were Mike, Jon, and Andrew who...

2 years ago
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Mrs Braithwaite Part IV

Mrs. Braithwaite, Part IV. By Geneva START The business all began for me one summer afternoon. I had been with my two friends and fellow coven members, Scillia and Liriope, at a monthly meeting of our coven the previous evening. The meeting finished, we were on our way back home. Feeling like a bit of sightseeing on the way, and maybe to take our minds off some of the events at the coven, we spent an afternoon on a tour at an old mansion that had been used in a recent popular TV...

1 year ago
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Older neighbors

Older Neighborsbydoctoryes48©This experience goes all the way back to the 70s when Cathie and I were just married. I had a great job offer, but it required that we move some distance from our families. We moved to a nice neighborhood, and many of the new neighbors were friendly enough; but we both worked so it took a while to get to know people. Two doors down was a couple with grown k**s. I guess he was in his late 40's, and so was the wife.They were friendly, and the first to sort of take us...

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