The Sidereus Prophecy Part 8 free porn video

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From the author: Thanks so much for sticking around through what amounts to three medium-length novels. The outpouring of support for the story and most importantly the enjoyment I received in writing it has encouraged me to write again. I can't say it will be as long as the Sidereus Prophecy, but this won't be my last TG-themed story. Thank you again for reading. This is the second last part. Next week, I will post part 9 and the epilogue. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Part 8 Chapter 61 "Oh my god! Abigail, what happened?" I lay on the floor, still cradling my left hand. I had stopped crying openly before Am?lie's arrival. However, my body was still wracked by silent sobs. Chloe walked over to me and put her hand on my head, gently petting my hair. Then she stretched her arms out and hugged my body. She looked down at my hand and said, "Daddy bobo?" I nodded, and she proceeded to kiss my hand. She smiled at me, "All better?" I nodded, but I couldn't hide the grimace of pain. Am?lie moved to help me to my feet. She said, "We should get you to the hospital." Am?lie picked Chloe up and took her out to the car. I followed her, but with my shoulders slumped, and still cradling my left hand. Am?lie asked worriedly, "So, what happened in there? Where's Greg and Sandra?" I said, "I signed it, Am?lie. It's all over. Now I'm going to have to go with him and fulfil the Prophecy." Am?lie shook her head in disbelief, "What are you talking about? Signed what? I told you to wait for me." I covered my face with my good hand, trying to hide the tears that I knew would come. "Greg, he was Mr. Atwater, or he took him over. I'm not really sure. I told him I knew about the law, and contracts and stuff. He agreed to let me sign. I read through the contract, but there was extra stuff in it. A clause that invoked the Sidereus agreement." Am?lie frowned, "Why didn't you wait for me?" I said, "Because I'm a fucking stupid kid. That's why. And my dad was right about all of this. Your accident today, it was the Prophecy. It's obvious it was keeping you there on purpose, so I would sign and it caused your accident. Atwater even admitted it, and it's just going to get worse." Am?lie shook her head, "But you signed? And you aren't stupid, Abigail. This is an ancient prophecy, you have to expect that they are going to try some dirty tricks." Am?lie added, "Plus, I'm your legal guardian. That contract is void. In the eyes of the law, you are a minor. You had to sign in my presence." I cleared my throat, "He said it doesn't matter. Plus, if you consider how old I actually am, I signed that contract knowingly." Am?lie said, "I'm your guardian, Abigail. I'm not going to let him take you." I sniffed, "H-He is." Am?lie hit the brakes hard, dead stopping in the middle of a busy Ottawa street. Motorists honked at her angrily. She looked over at me, and said with difficulty, "He's w-what?" I frowned, "Mr. Atwater is my legal guardian now. I'm so sorry. I should have waited." Am?lie slumped down and lay her head on the steering wheel. "We'll stop him. He's not taking you. I'll get a court order to gain custody of you again." I shook my head, "No, Am?lie. I'm going with him when he comes for me. I've put all of you in danger for long enough. My dad was right. It's just the status quo. So I become a vapid popstar for two years. The Sidereus Prophecy is fulfilled, and no one I care about gets hurt. Then I try to put my life back together when it's all over, and the cycle continues." I said, "It's what has to happen." Am?lie said, "N-no! I don't accept this. I'm not going to lose you that way. Mama Khalia, we'll get her to help. You can't give in. Because the second you do, you've lost everything that Darren Lawrence was. He would tell you to fight, Abigail." I held my hand up with my crushed and broken fingers. I said, "This is what happened when I fought. He basically said he was going to hurt Chloe if I disobeyed him again. I can't risk it. I'm going to do as he says. I'm going to be his perfect little pop princess." Am?lie started the car up again and continued to the hospital. She didn't say another word to me until we were in the waiting room. Am?lie said, "Even if you've given up, I won't. You know that right?" A tiny smile appeared on my face, "I know. You're so stubborn." She smirked, "And don't forget that. We'll figure a way out of this." The smile disappeared. I replied, "Yeah." *** My parents met us at the hospital, and my mom left to take Chloe home. My phone had been ringing and vibrating like crazy. I knew I had messages from Ethan. Am?lie eventually took the phone from me and turned it off. I hadn't told Ethan, Alyssa or my band mates yet that I had essentially signed with a different label. I wasn't even sure what to tell them. Maybe I could convince Mr. Atwater to let my band mates join in some capacity? Would they even want to though? It was past ten PM when we finally left the hospital. After six hours of waiting, and then twenty minutes of medical treatment, my broken fingers were carefully splinted. I was told that it would take between four to six weeks to heal. I looked over at Am?lie as she drove home. She looked exhausted, and old. I couldn't believe it, but I couldn't fight that fact. The creases underneath her eyes had grown deeper, and she had put on more weight through this whole ordeal. God, I really was sixteen, thinking that thirty is old. I asked, "Um, why did you guys leave Ethan's last night? I know you came back to get me, but I just thought it was weird. I guess. I was kind of mad at you for not including me. I kept thinking about it today." Yeah, and it made it hard to concentrate as I read the contract. Am?lie replied, "We were talking about rules. I was planning on going along. I still am. But mostly we talked about making sure you and Ethan were safe." I raised a brow, "What kind of rules?" Am?lie said, "Well just stuff we were thinking might happen away from home. The assumption was that you would be touring too, so we talked about the future." I asked, "How come you didn't include me? That really hurt. You left me out of the discussion about my future." Am?lie said, "Because we thought it would be best if the adults discuss things. Ethan's parents don't know who you really are. So we couldn't include you. I'm sorry." I sighed, "I guess I understand." Am?lie asked, "What are you going to tell Andrew and Steven?" I shook my head, "I don't know. I guess, the truth?" Am?lie nodded, "We'll all get together, and you can explain it. We can talk about what we are going to do next." I said, "When he comes, I'm going. That's it." *** Monday marked the beginning of the last week of school before Christmas break, but I didn't go. Ethan and Alyssa showed up at my door Monday after school, but I stayed in my bedroom. I never even left my bed, simply waiting for the inevitable. I also hadn't even turned on my phone. Am?lie knocked and said, "Abigail, everyone's here. You should be part of this." Am?lie had called Steven, Andrew, and my parents to the house for a discussion on next steps. I snapped back, "Yeah, just like you included me in the last one." Am?lie knocked again and opened the door. She frowned as she saw me laying on my bed, holding my beige teddy bear tightly against my chest. "You've got a right to be there. These are your friends and family, Abigail. They want to help you. I still think we should contact Mama Khalia for instance. That's what this is for. Throwing ideas back and forth." I shook my head, "You already know my decision." Am?lie sighed heavily and walked out of the room. Ten minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I figured it was probably Ethan or Alyssa again, then I heard yelling coming from upstairs. "No! Absolutely not. Get out of my house before I call the police you fucking asshole!" "Mrs. Grenier that's terrible language to use in front of your daughter. I understand she just turned two. She's a beautiful little girl." My eyes widened as my heart started to pound in my chest like it was trying to escape. It was Mr. Atwater. I jumped out of bed, still clad in my pyjamas and ran upstairs. Am?lie screamed, "Get the fuck out! You have no right to be in here. There see, I'm calling the police." Mr. Atwater said, "In fact I do, I have the legal right to see the child that is in my custody." He saw me, and a wide smile crossed his face, "And there she is." I saw Am?lie put down her phone. Steven, Andrew and my parents stared at Mr. Atwater in shock. Mr. Atwater said, "I came here to discuss some arrangements with Abigail, but I'm thankful I got to meet all of you." The smile never left. He reached out to shake my father's hand. "Let me shake the hand of the smartest man in the room. Abigail, you should have listened to your father. We could have avoided all this." He motioned to my hand. I noticed that as he limped slightly as he stepped toward my father. My father shook his head and stared menacingly at my tormentor, "You have some nerve coming here after all you've done. You should listen to Am?lie. I'll kick your teeth in for what your Prophecy has done to my son." Mr. Atwater raised his hands, looking momentarily disappointed, and said, "Fine, but it was his wish that enacted the Sidereus Prophecy. I only encouraged him to sign to fulfil the Prophecy." I yelled, "Right! By making Chloe sick for her birthday, causing Am?lie to lose her job, and causing a car accident. Not to mention what you did to Alyssa." Mr. Atwater shook his head, "Young lady, you will not raise your voice to me. Understand?" I backed down, but I was still seething. I stomped up the stairs to stand next to Am?lie. Mr. Atwater said, "Good girl. Now, as I was saying. The Prophecy chose Darren Lawrence. I am simply the instrument that ensures the Prophecy is fulfilled. I do what I must, as I have done for nearly a thousand years." Andrew, always the voice of reason, chimed in, "But can't you just stop it? Can't you break the cycle here? What's stopping you from ignoring the Prophecy? You said you weren't the one who started this." Mr. Atwater nodded, "An astute question. Put very simply. My time as the associate is nearing its end. Abigail will be the last, and then I can finally rest. Another will take my place, and the circle will continue. If the Prophecy is not fulfilled, I will never have my respite. Selfish perhaps, but I am bound to the Prophecy as much as Abigail is now, having signed the contract. I think after nearly one-thousand years of carefully monitoring the influence of popular culture on the world that I deserve a little vacation." We all stared angrily at Mr. Atwater, but it only caused him to smile. I shook my head, "If you aren't here to take me, then can you just say whatever you have to say and leave?" Mr. Atwater nodded, "I wanted to have a discussion concerning Abigail's career." I said, "You say that like I have a choice in the matter. Are we really going to have a discussion? Because I have some things I'd like to see happen if I agree to go with you." Mr. Atwater nodded, seemingly eager to hear what I had to say. I said firmly, "I want you to leave Alyssa alone. Fix what's wrong in her head. Stop those nightmares. Am?lie's job too. I want you to fix that. And anything else that was affected by the Prophecy. V?ronique and Alexandre. I want you to help them. Make V?ronique and Alexandre how they were before the Prophecy got hold of them." Those around me nodded their heads in agreement, while Mr. Atwater simply said, "Anything else?" I nodded, "I want Steven and Andrew to still be in my band. And Ethan too." Despite my strong words of support, Steven and Andrew looked conflicted. Mr. Atwater shook his head, "I apologize for the confusion. You seem to think you have bargaining power here, Abigail. You have nothing. But, I can say that once the Prophecy is fulfilled and the magic is completely expended, those changes caused by the Prophecy will be reversed. As for these two." He looked at Steven and Andrew and shook his head, "Absolutely not." He motioned to Andrew, "This one is fifty pounds overweight and nearly bald. And while the other is more aesthetically pleasing, well he's too old. Teenage girls aren't going to be screaming for them. They have very little marketability. The optics are just all wrong. Grown men in a band with a teenage girl? It's frankly disturbing. Ethan, however, is an option. He is part of the Sidereus agreement you signed, but it's your choice if you want to include him in this." Am?lie shook her head, "I think it's time for you to leave." Am?lie took a step towards Mr. Atwater, but he didn't relent. Mr. Atwater said, "I need to have a five minute discussion with Abigail. I have the legal right to see her as her guardian." Am?lie replied, "See that's the thing. We may not see Abigail as a sixteen year old, but in the eyes of the law, she's a child. You cannot be her guardian because she can't legally sign away her rights like that. We will fight you in court over this. There's no way that you can take her to Los Angeles. You'd have to get permission from Judge Richter, and I highly doubt he will grant it, especially when he finds out that you've harmed the person you are supposed to protect. Not only that, but while Mrs. Warner didn't like me, I'd imagine she'll like you even less. I'd rather Abigail become a ward of the state than have her to go anywhere with you!" Mr. Atwater adjusted his suit jacket, "Are you quite finished Mrs. Grenier? Remember that the magic is not expended until the Prophecy is fulfilled. Anyone who interferes with the fulfilment of the Prophecy will suffer a similar fate as yourself, your daughter and Miss Moore. Now, are you going to let me say my piece to Abigail? I promise you, it will be no longer than five minutes." I said, "Just let him say whatever he's going to say so he can leave. I'm sick of him opening his arrogant mouth." Mr. Atwater narrowed his eyes, and again, the smile disappeared, "Abigail, if we are to get on amiably, you must respect me. Now, I want to speak to you privately. In your bedroom." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. You've got five minutes." There was no opposition from my friends or family, but as I scanned their faces, it was clear each one of them wanted Mr. Atwater out, possibly bloodied and beaten. I returned to my room and sat on my desk chair. I crossed my arms underneath my chest. Mr. Atwater said, "I want you to begin studying the press conferences of Ms. Spears. The ones very early in her career. Forgo all other study. Focus specifically on her responses to the media, and the type of questions that are asked. Memorize her answers." I rolled by eyes again, "Why? So I can spout pop star gibberish? Is this really the way you want to end your tenure? You've done this for one- thousand years. Don't you feel bad for what you did to society during all that time? Don't you have any remorse for all the lives you've ruined? What if there's more to life than the status quo that the Prophecy brings? Help me stop it." Mr. Atwater smiled, but there was a measure of humanity to his expression. "I was forced into this position. I once lived a proper mortal life, but it was so long ago, I barely remember it. Now, I have the chance to finally be free of this burden, and to have my final rest- and you want me to shirk my duty?" I nodded my head sternly. He laughed, but the usual grating and obnoxious tone was absent. "It's a shame that the Third Reich turned out so poorly, because you would have made a very influential and idealistic leader, Abigail. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Even if I did want to help you, the Prophecy itself was designed to be independent of the associate. It would stop me, just as easily as it would stop anyone else." He added, "There's nothing we can do but go along for the mad ride. Plus, I must admit to my own selfishness. I really do want to finally rest. I'm sure you would do the same in my position. For now, this isn't going to be terrible, Abigail. It doesn't have to be. Just go along with what I say. You might even come to enjoy yourself. Ms. Spears eventually did. That's why she chose to remain that way. Look at it this way too, the Sidereus Agency takes no royalties. Everything you make is yours. You will be able to provide for your family in a way no teacher or lawyer could." He added, "You'll be loved by millions." I sighed, "And hated by just as many." Mr. Atwater replied, "Possibly. You may well be a polarizing figure." He asked, "Will you do as I say?" I shrugged my shoulders and started spinning in my desk chair. "I guess. I don't want anyone else to get hurt." Mr. Atwater nodded, "Good girl. The Prophecy's magic will do what it takes to ensure it is fulfilled. You don't want to stand in opposition to the Prophecy. You'd be wise to warn Am?lie to avoid meddling also." I nodded slowly, "She kind of does what she wants. I don't have a lot of control over it." Mr. Atwater said, "I had hoped that my last run through the gauntlet that is the Sidereus Prophecy would be smoother, but the Prophecy does not choose those who are weak." The human smile appeared again. He asked, "Before I go, do you want Ethan to come along with you? And Alyssa? I can certainly make this happen, even without the magic at my disposal." I shook my head, "Why the hell are being so nice now? I'm not sure why I should trust anything you say." Mr. Atwater replied, "Because you've surrendered to me. There's no reason for me to use a heavy hand in dealing with you. If I asked you to go now, would you go with me, Abigail?" I nodded, "Yes, but only because of the Prophecy, and the fact that it might hurt Chloe or someone else I care about if I didn't. I'll never forget what you did to 'encourage' me to sign the contract. And you- almost broke my hand! Now I'm just supposed to pretend none of that ever happened? No fucking way!" Mr. Atwater nodded, "I had hoped that by explaining the unenviable position both of us share with regard to the Sidereus Prophecy that we might- find some commonalities. However, I see that I'm speaking to a young girl again, instead of the young woman I thought you were." I shook my head angrily, "Just get out. Now." Mr. Atwater raised his hands in surrender and slowly turned to exit my room. Before leaving he said, "Remember what I asked. Study the press conferences. I want you to have the answers rehearsed. I'll be very cross if you don't." I watched him exit the room, and then I heard the front door open and close. I was amazed at the humanity that Mr. Atwater had shown during our conversation, but as he warned me about disobeying, I also saw glimpses of his old self. While his eyes did not possess the fear-inducing power any longer, he was still a frightfully dominant force. Still, with the modicum of humanity he had shown, it was clear we did have commonalities, as he had suggested, and perhaps, I could use that to my advantage. *** "Man, that guy who came to my place last night was super chill. Was that the rock god you were talking about? Said his name was Atwater though." Ethan added with a slight frown, "What's going on too? Why have you been avoiding me? And what happened to your hand? Can you still play? " It was Tuesday at lunch. It was time to come clean with Ethan- sort of. I wasn't surprised that Mr. Atwater had visited Ethan's last night. He was still trying to show me he wasn't the devil incarnate, and simply a man bound by the burden of the Sidereus Prophecy. I said, "I didn't really know how to tell you. I decided to go with someone other than Geffen." Ethan's eyes widened, "Really? But the other options kind of sucked. It's weird, that Atwater guy, he said he was from some agency. So that's who you signed with? I think you made the right choice, guy is really cool." I blinked, "Really? Because I think I made a huge mistake. I think I completely sold out." The snow crunched under my boots. We were headed to our old make out place in the park. I had opted for my winter jacket, but Ethan still wore his leather one. Ethan reached over and tried to grasp my hand, but I pulled away. He frowned, "What do you mean you sold out?" I said, "The deal I signed, it doesn't include Andrew or Stephen. Only you. I completely sold out, just because it meant getting the music out to more people." Ethan's frown remained, "So the band, it's done?" I nodded sadly, "Yeah. I'm sorry. All the work we did, all the songs. I don't think they'll let us play them in this new arrangement." Ethan shook his head. He turned away from me and sighed deeply. "I'm really surprised. You said you were gonna get the deal you wanted, not only for you, but the band too. Why'd you do it, Abby?" I said, "Because this agency has had on their artist roster some of the biggest names in history. They are also taking no royalties, meaning everything I make, it's mine. I can support my family, help Am?lie. Well ours actually- if you decide to come along." I reached out and put my hand on Ethan's thigh, "You don't have to. I can't promise that it'll be the kind of music you'll like." Ethan didn't pull away, but he didn't take my hand either. Eventually, I retracted it. "But I don't get it, Abby. You've always said that the message is the most important thing in music. So now you can't play the songs you wrote, with messages you care about. Why?" I said, "I told you. I made a mistake. I guess- I guess I got greedy or I just wasn't thinking. I signed and now I'm stuck with this contract for two years. I know that I did what I said I'd never do, but they just gave me a deal I couldn't refuse." Ethan said, "This Atwater guy, he said I'd be playing guitar in your band. So I guess it's your new band then?" I nodded sadly. Ethan said, "What about like side projects? Could we still write together? I feel like you guys wrote most of the songs without me. It'd be sick to see what you and me could come up with. Like we could still write on the road. That'd be sweet." I blinked, "Wait, you mean, you'd think about coming, um, even if I'm kind of likeapopstar." Ethan said, "Huh?" I sighed, "A pop star. They want to make me a pop star. This agency, it thinks I can be the next Britney Spears. That's how I'm going to be marketed." Ethan looked at me in shock momentarily. "Like, you'd wear outfits and stuff? And sing shitty pop music? Would you dance?? I replied, feeling like I must be displaying absolutely mortification on my face, ?Yeah, um, probably. All that stuff.? I said, ?I?ve always wanted to get my music out to as many as people as possible. I guess that factored in my decision too.? Ethan said, ?But it?s really not your music. Pop music shit doesn?t have the kind of lyrics you usually write- you know deep stuff. Pop?s all garbage.? I shook my head, ?Katy Perry and Lady Gaga write their own lyrics. Most of their songs are really heartfelt and meaningful. And even if I can?t sing my own lyrics, I can still put my personality into them. You know scream a chorus. I?ll sing it my way.? I was trying to convince Ethan as much as trying to convince myself. Ethan said, ?Britney?s stuff isn?t though. It?s all mindless dance crap.? I nodded, ?I?ll understand if you don?t want to come. I mean- it?s you selling out too.? Ethan looked at me seriously, and with a maturity that I saw rarely. He looked deeply into my eyes. I felt my right hand begin to tremble, but dressed as I was, it wasn?t because of the chill in the air. He said, ?I?m not like Stephen- I don?t think pop music is like a disease or something. It?s still some of the worst stuff out there though.? I felt my heart drop into my stomach. He said, ?But, I mean, I don?t think I can be away from you for two years. I think I?d like explode or something. Like not all blood and guts, but in the head, you know? It sucks that we can?t play the music we want, but, um, I- well- I love you, Abby. I think I?d probably go with you if you were singing in a polka band or something. Hardcore gangster polka rap.? Before Ethan?s admission, I felt a constriction in my chest, almost like my air was cut off. My fingers tingled in my gloves, but as he said the ?L? word, I felt like two massive cinder blocks had fallen from my shoulders. I immediately reached out for him, pressing my body against his, as I whispered back, ?I love you too.? We kissed, our hot breath once again warming our chilled lips, and then the boy just held me there. We stayed well past the lunch hour and into the afternoon. I knew this was love, no matter what Am?lie or anyone else said. *** It was Friday morning before school, and I was on Am?lie?s laptop. I opened her internet browser to complete some research on Britney?s press conferences. Am?lie?s homepage was the website for a local newspaper. Before leaving the page, I noticed a sensational headline, ?Social worker accused of falsifying hundreds of reports- faces ten years in prison if found guilty? I immediately clicked on the article, and a video opened showing a reporter standing in front of a court house. ?Allegations like this are very rare, but another case, in 1993, involved Celina Gaston, a social worker who was charged with fraud. The accused, Mrs. Gina Warner, is charged with fourteen counts of fraud. She is alleged to have falsified hundreds of family profiles over her fifteen year career. These profiles are used by members of the child protection board to decide if a child requires protective custody, becoming a ward of the state. Court documents show that the accused used ?exaggerated? or ?misleading? statements to lead board members to remove dozens of children from their homes and place them in protective custody.? I yelled, ?Am?lie! Get in here!? Am?lie hurried in and sat next to me on the couch. The video continued playing. ?The accused volunteers for a number of different community outreach programs, including an adolescent substance abuse program. Mrs. Warner?s co-workers describe her as stern but wholly professional. Due to the nature of the charges, all of the accused?s open files will be reassigned and the profiles will be redone. The director of children?s aid has already stated that a full investigation into all of the accused?s files will take place immediately. She was not willing to say whether previous board member decisions would be overturned. This, however, could potentially return dozens of children to their parents.? ?This is the first allegation of the kind against the accused. If found guilty of the charges, the accused could be sentenced to ten years in prison and face a lifetime ban from the profession. Jeremy Stevens, CTC news.? I stared at the screen in astonishment. I turned to Am?lie, and she wore an expression of disbelief. I said sternly, ?What did you do?? Am?lie ignored me, continuing to stare at the screen. I put my fingers in front of her face and snapped. I asked again, ?What did you DO?? Am?lie, who still looked dumbfounded, replied, ?I went to Mrs. Warner?s office on Tuesday morning. I told her what happened, that you had signed your rights away, and that this Mr. Atwater had tricked you. I basically spun it like he was going to offer you a record deal, and he lured you there. I also told her about the abuse you suffered, your broken fingers. She was understandably shocked. She said she was going to speak to her director about it, and possibly involve the police.? I sighed and looked at Am?lie disapprovingly. She said, ?What? You think this is Atwater? I thought he lost those funky powers he had. I?m not surprised that Mrs. Warner falsified reports. She was a power-tripping bitch.? I said, ?It?s the Prophecy. It?s protecting Mr. Atwater?s guardianship over me, and it continues without Mr. Atwater and his ?funky powers?. He explained that he is just a tool, and the Prophecy can act independently from him. Am?lie, you ruined this woman?s career, and possibly her life.? Whatever words were on Am?lie?s lips tumbled away. She tried to form them again, but failed. I said, ?Now do you see why I have to go with him? There?s no winning here, only a long line of broken lives. I told you not to try anything! Don?t fuck with the Prophecy! It?s going to go after you, or my parents, or even Chloe if you keep meddling. It?s too strong. Now I really need to fulfil it because even Mrs. Warner doesn?t deserve that! I need to fix it all.? Am?lie said, ?I-I was just trying to help. I thought we could use real world law to-? I said, ?You guessed wrong.? Am?lie said, ?Look, I just- I was trying to help you. So you wouldn?t have to go. I know all about Britney, and how she started out, and where she ended up. I was a huge fan. You remember I saw her in concert? She?s not the same person she was when she started out. She?s like a shell. I don?t want the same thing to happen to you. She almost died before her breakdown.? I said, ?I?m grounded though. I?m not going to get caught up in this celebrity excess or anything. I?m the last person to say I hung out with a Kardashian or some other brain dead socialite drain on society.? Am?lie reached out and hugged me, ?I-I?m sorry. I just- I was trying to help. I don?t want to lose you.? I hugged her back, ?Same here. Look, we?ll figure out an arrangement where I can come and visit a lot. And I mean, I?ll be making a lot of money too. So I can fly you guys out to see me. It?ll work out. You?ll see.? Am?lie smiled softly, looking to be on the verge of tears, ?I-I love you, Abigail. Never forget that. I always will.? I nodded, ?Me too.? All I could think about was Ethan, and how much I wanted to be with him. *** Teenage love- it seemed an impossibility before I met Ethan. Initially, I had seen the boy as a long-haired slacker, much like the kids I used to teach. He was immature, brash and sometimes vulgar, especially with his guy friends. As a teacher, I thought cynically that the couples in my class would barely last a month. They acted cutesy, walking each other to class, kissing and then casting fleeting glances, as if the seventy-five minute class was a never-ending torture. One boy I remember used to ask to go to the washroom at the same time, five minutes before the bell. I knew he didn?t go to the bathroom because I saw him waiting outside his girlfriend?s classroom. I remember being annoyed by teenage couples on the bus, clearly flaunting their love, or rather their lust. That is what it was. Teenagers were incapable of falling in love, they didn?t have the mental capacity for it. They were just children with mutual attractions that wanted to mess around when their parents weren?t home. And maybe, that?s what I had become, because I wanted to kiss his lips, feel his chest, and look deeply into his eyes until one of us laughed. I wanted him to take my virginity, even though I still had some apprehension about it. What we had was lust because love was responsibility, and love was sacrifice. However, I felt that Ethan had sacrificed in choosing to come with me. He wasn?t as hardcore as Steven was with the idea of ?rock credibility?, but I doubted he would have agreed to be in just any pop star?s band. To me, this was love. This was proof that we loved each other because he was willing to compromise. Sure, he would get to play music for millions, but it wasn?t his music. I relished the idea of us writing together on the road, growing together, falling deeper in love. Basically, since that moment, he was all I could think of, other than the axe that loomed over my artistic freedom. I knew that Mr. Atwater would come for me, but until that day, I enjoyed every waking minute of my freedom, with Ethan by my side. ?I don?t like you staying here by yourself. What if Mr. Atwater comes for you?? Am?lie looked at me across the dinner table. We were discussing the arrangements for Christmas. Am?lie added, ?What about your family? Don?t you want to see them on Christmas day? We were supposed to drive to my parents? place after that. You won?t see Chloe open her gifts from Santa.? I said, ?The Rayners invited me to their place for Christmas day. They said I can sleep over, and we can open presents and everything. I want to be with Ethan on Christmas. It?s important to me.? Am?lie frowned, ?Your family is here. And it?s my family too. They want to see you. I?m sure your parents do too. I know you think you?ve fallen in love with that boy, but you can?t just forget about everything else. I want to spend time with you before Mr. Atwater comes. Are you still planning on going with him, without a fight?? I nodded my head, ?Yeah, I am. It?s the way I have to do it.? Am?lie sighed, ?I don?t like you sleeping over there. I know you said that you?d be sleeping in separate rooms, but what?s to stop him from getting into bed with you?? I replied, ?I?m on the pill now.? Am?lie frowned, ?Didn?t Dr. Alberts explains how it works, Abigail? It doesn?t work right away. It takes some time. At least a month.? I said, ?I know that. Anyway, we aren?t going to have sex. His sister?s going to be there too. I?m sure she?ll tell Ethan to behave.? I smirked. Am?lie said, ?How about this? You can do Christmas morning at Ethan?s. And then we?ll go to your parents? place after that. Then we?ll see my parents for about a week.? I said, ?Could Ethan come with us?? Am?lie said, ?I?m not sure that?s a good idea. My parents will have to do a lot of lying. We?ll have to make up all these stories about you and everything. It?s going to be tough on them. You can go without seeing him for a week.? I said, ?My phone won?t have any service though. And their internet is so slow! We won?t be able to Skype or anything.? They lived in a small town, so if you weren?t with the provider who owned the town?s lone cell phone tower, you were out of luck. Am?lie replied, ?You are going to be on the road with him for two years probably. I think you can last a week being apart.? I knew that Am?lie wasn?t going to budge, and I didn?t want to cause a lot of stress at Christmas, so I accepted her conditions, even though I started dreading the time we would be apart, even more than Mr. Atwater?s imminent reappearance. *** While Ethan and I had admitted our love for each other, Alyssa and Eric?s relationship fizzled. Eric?s inability to move beyond awkward conversation, and his attempts to entice Alyssa to play video games with him all failed. She sucked, and Eric was a pretty hardcore gamer. They had gone out a few more times, hung out, and nothing materialized beyond the drunken hand holding and near kiss on Halloween night. The poor girl was devastated, having carried the flame for the boy for nearly a year. Unfortunately, I was too caught up in an Ethan love fog to pay her much attention. So, I was surprised when I received an enthusiastic text from her on Sunday night, a day before Christmas Eve. Alyssa: is it tru abby cause if yea im going Alyssa: i thought he was messing w me but he said he had a tutor a everything Alyssa: my mom is gonna let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me: w r u talking about Alyssa: mr atwaters philip was his name Alyssa: he said i can go w u on the road be ur stylist a help w outfits n stuff Alyssa: i know u said u signed a diff contract but it sounds like u r gonna be in a diff band Me: yeah kinda still w ethan though Alyssa: he said u might need my help w dancing!!!! Me: uh yeah maybe Alyssa: lol sounds like u r going 2 b like katy!!!!!!!! Me: something like that Alyssa: how come u didnt tell me u r going to be a pop star abby Alyssa: biggest news in the history of tha world!!! :) :) :) Alyssa: how come u picked that contract a how come we didnt tell me!!!! Me: i was kind of embarrassed i wasnt sure it was a good decision Me: im still not but i signed so i gotta do it Alyssa: its going to be amazing!!!!!!! im going to make u look so pretty every night Alyssa: ill help u w dance too i cant believe its true im so happy abby Alyssa: my BFF is gonna be as big as katy perry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me: how did atwater convince ur mom to let you go Alyssa: talked to her said i have skillz as a stylist and makeup girl its good experience plus i can b w my bff i dunna really he talked to her for while Alyssa: i still cant blief its tru abby I cant stop smiling!!!!!!!! Me: aren?t u going to miss ur mom Alyssa: yeah! but philip said we could all fly bak ethan me you so much fun!!! :) my mom too she said it was good oppertunity Alyssa: philip was super nice! :) ney way gotta go mom wants me to go to bed still having stupid nightmars Me: yeah philip is a gem Alyssa: MUAH MUAH :) *** Christmas day came and with it, a wealth of snow. I disliked snow and the frigid temperatures that accompanied a Canadian winter, but I was always happy when it snowed on Christmas, especially if it looked like we were going to have a green Christmas. This year we received snow in early December, but I was still pleased to see the freshly fallen snow as I peeked out of the curtains in the Rayner?s guest bedroom. I heard a knock on my door. ?Good morning, Abby! Everyone is heading downstairs in a few minutes.? It was Valerie, Ethan?s older sister. I opened the door and replied, ?I?ll be there.? She smiled and left. I really liked Valerie. She was in her first year of university, and her mind was opening to new concepts and experiences. She was a diligent student who aced her first semester. When we first met, she was discussing the ethics of stealing for survival with her father. She seemed thoroughly impressed when I joined the discussion, offering my point of view and even quoting some of the literature that she was reading. I got the feeling that Valerie liked me too. I guess I was more a conversationalist than V?ronique had been. I was pleased that I could still maintain an adult conversation. All of the knowledge that Mr. Atwater had threatened to strip from me, remained. I could still laugh at Ethan?s stupid jokes, and I didn?t always make the right decisions (read: Halloween night without a condom) but I felt I was in a good place, a world that lay between adolescence and adulthood. I had come to expect complete strangers to think I was nothing more than a kid, and some of them treated me that way. Thankfully, Valerie was different, even though I was in high school, and she was in an institute of higher learning. I came downstairs, but even before I reached the main floor of the house, I could smell the wonderful aroma of fresh pancakes and bacon. Like the cartoon Fruit Loops bird, the heavenly smell pulled me quickly down the stairs. Mrs. Rayner greeted me with a smile. ?Good morning, Abigail. Did you sleep well?? I replied, ?Not really. I?m always excited for Christmas, so it took a while to get to sleep.? I grinned sheepishly. Mrs. Rayner nodded, ?Well once you have children, Christmas can be pretty exhausting. The gifts, the meals and all the visits. I still remember Mark trying to assemble Ethan?s bike. He was probably up half the night! It?s a funny story because with all the noise, Ethan really thought it was Santa!? Ethan groaned. He had a serious case of bedhead, but it suited him. I had it bad- I thought he looked hot in a pair of pajama pants and a semi-tight t-shirt! Well, he would have looked better without the t- shirt. The boy groaned again, ?Come on, Mom. Don?t tell that story. It?s embarrassing.? Valerie walked up behind her brother and ruffled his hair, ?Oh but it?s a cute story. I?m sure Abby wants to hear it.? I actually did. I felt like the more I knew about Ethan, the more I liked him. Every new piece of information filled him out further. It gave him quirks and personality. I wasn?t at a point where I wanted to see his naked baby ass, but I did want to hear the cute Santa story. I said, ?Well, as long as it?s not too embarrassing.? Mrs. Rayner grinned and Ethan shot me a dirty look. She said, ?So Mark was down there trying to put the bike together, and I can hear him swearing. Ethan asks me, and he?s only three and a half, Mommy why is Santa saying bad words? Well I tell him that it?s because the elves didn?t put one of his toys together right, so Santa was fixing it.? ?Ethan asks me where Daddy is, and I say he?s downstairs helping Santa. Well Ethan wanted to see, but I said that Santa would leave him with a broken toy if he did. I said, Ethan- you need to go back to bed, because Santa won?t leave any presents. So he runs back to bed!? The smile on Mrs. Rayner?s face widened, ?Ethan pretended to sleep, and then he goes into his sister?s room. And they both sneak downstairs to the play room. Ethan puts on his play tool belt, and then runs into the room just as Mark is finishing saying I want to help Santa! It was probably four in the morning.? Valerie giggled, and I followed suit. Mrs. Rayner said, ?Ethan was disappointed he didn?t get to meet Santa. Next year when we saw Santa at the mall, Ethan insisted on bringing his tool belt so he could fix any broken toys at the North Pole. The Santa at the mall was confused, and he says to Ethan that the elves do a good job.? I could tell that the story was reaching its crescendo. Mrs. Rayner?s voice was growing more excited. She continued, ?So Ethan says in front of about twenty other kids, ?No they don?t! They brought me a broken bike! Santa and my Daddy had to fix it.? Mrs. Rayner said, ?So Ethan takes out his plastic hammer and says, ?I?m gonna do gooder than those elves!? I had to pull Ethan away as he is trying to fix this slightly crooked plastic pole with a plastic hammer. At this point all the parents are laughing, and Santa can?t keep it together either.? I gushed slightly said, ?Aww, that?s a cute story.? I looked to Ethan, ?Did you ever get to fix any toys at the North Pole?? Ethan rolled his eyes, ?It?s a stupid story. Dumb kids stuff.? I said, ?It wasn?t even that bad. My parents could tell some really embarrassing ones about me.? Ethan said, ?How come you never tell me any stories about when you were a kid? You?ve heard one of mine, so I should get to hear a really embarrassing one about you. That?s only fair. And how come you won?t tell me exactly what happened to your hand?? I hadn?t told Ethan the truth about my hand. I suspected he thought I was lying when I said I was helping Am?lie move a heavy dresser. I had worse upper body strength than Am?lie, so it made little sense that I would be helping her carry anything. It was the first thing that popped into my head. Mrs. Rayner said, ?I have worse ones than that. Let?s not bombard Abigail with questions. You kids eat breakfast, and then you can open your stockings.? Ethan?s eyes lit up, and honestly, so did mine. I loved Christmas, though some of the lustre was gone from it, especially since becoming an adult, but the Rayners and my forced rejuvenation breathed new life into the holiday. We ate a delicious breakfast, and then pulled our stockings down. I was amazed to see that the stocking was embroidered with my name. A warm feeling passed through me. This family had wholeheartedly accepted me. As I went through the stocking, I pulled out a plethora of candies and chocolate, a few oranges, and some fuzzy pink unicorn stickers. There were also hair clips and elastics. My stocking was similar to Valerie?s, but I also got guitar strings and a package of picks. Then came the presents, there were shirts, yoga pants, and a new sparkly guitar strap. I looked over at Mr. and Mrs. Rayner with surprise as each round of presents included one for me. After it was all over, I approached Ethan?s parents. ?This is all too much. I can?t accept all of this. And I didn?t get you guys anything.? Mr. Rayner said, ?We understand your financial situation. Your sister is having some difficulty right now with her career. We are just happy you could spend this time with us.? Mrs. Rayner added, ?You are a special girl, Abigail. We want you to feel welcome. I know what you mean to Ethan, and you mean a lot to us too.? Again, that warm fuzzy feeling passed through me, and I felt beyond welcomed, I felt like a part of the family. Christmas at my parents was odd. We shared stories of the person I was and watched old family movies. It felt like a life I was moving away from, that didn?t exist any longer. Despite our financial situation, we exchanged a few gifts, but we mostly just spent time together. A day later, we drove to my former in-laws and while they were happy with my company, I desperately missed Ethan. I mostly moped around the house, looking for things to do to make me forget how much I missed him. On the fourth day, I was missing Ethan so much, I took a long walk by myself. When I returned, I saw an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. I opened the front door, taking off my boots and hat, but as I did, I could hear voices in the kitchen. It was Mr. Atwater. ?She won?t be harmed while she is in my care.? Am?lie retorted angrily, ?Yeah, like when you broke her fingers? The only way I am letting you take her, is if I go too.? Mr. Atwater replied, ?I?m afraid that?s impossible. You are free to visit her after, but while the album is recorded, I must have no interruptions from her family or friends. It is important that we remain on schedule.? I walked into the kitchen, eyes narrowing as I saw Mr. Atwater. However, I also turned to Am?lie, regarding her with disapproval. She wasn?t supposed to make trouble. I said, ?Why can?t Am?lie come? I?m not going to be distracted singing your inane pop drivel. I?ll probably do each song in one take.? Mr. Atwater replied simply, ?Abigail, it?s time to go.? I replied, ?Wait, does that mean Ethan can?t come either? That?s not fair! You aren?t holding up your end of the bargain.? Mr. Atwater sighed, ?You failed to read the contract properly. Your friends can join you after you complete the album. Consider it encouragement to finish as quickly as possible. You will focus more if you are away from them.? I shook my head, ?I don?t think you understand teenagers very well. He is practically all I think about. If I?m missing him, I?m not going to be very motivated to record music I don?t even like.? Mr. Atwater replied, ?It?s a risk I am willing to take.? I noticed that he was nervous. He lacked his usual shit-eating grin and his bravado. He was not unhinged, but clearly, he lacked the confidence he had previously. Had mortal existence done something to him, or was it something else? His suit was not pressed, and he had a full beard. He fidgeted, seemingly unsure of how to hold himself. I looked closely at him and asked, ?What?s wrong with you?? Mr. Atwater said, ?Nothing, if you leave with me immediately. We have a plane to catch, Abigail. It is unnecessary to pack anything. All of the clothing you will need is in the studio living quarters. Now come.? Am?lie said, ?I?m coming. I?m still her guardian. Even if that piece of paper says otherwise.? Am?lie?s parents watched from the periphery. They weren?t forceful people, but I could tell they disliked Mr. Atwater. It was the first time I had seen them cast a mean look toward anyone. I sighed gently, ?Am?lie, we talked about this. I am going with him. You promised you weren?t going to make a big deal about it.? I walked over to Chloe. The little girl smiled at me, and I held my arms out. She ran into them and gave me a huge hug, laying her head on my shoulder. She said excitedly, ?Abby!? She pointed to her colouring book, this one featuring the Disney princesses. ?Abby, with me!? I said, ?Abby has to go.? She had started calling me Abby a week ago. Chloe looked at me confused. We didn?t make a big deal about goodbyes with her, especially when we dropped her off to daycare. The parents who did were often met with frustrated daycare workers who asked them politely but firmly not to make leaving such a production. So, the fact that I hugged her tightly, not letting her go, ultimately confused the little girl. I said, ?Yes, but I?ll see you soon. You be good for Mommy.? Chloe replied, ?Daddy? Mommy said Daddy not here. Abby not here?? The poor child looked at me with growing confusion, but there was also concern in her eyes. We had told her that her Daddy was gone, which she proceeded to repeat every time she asked the question. I didn?t think toddlers understood the concept of leaving for longer than a day, which is likely why she continued to ask when Daddy would be back. Am?lie said, ?Abby will be back soon. We?ll see her again. Maybe on the computer. Like when grandma and grandpa went away on a trip, we saw them on the computer. Don?t worry Chloe.? While the girl didn?t seem to understand the concept of leaving for extended periods of time, the emotion in my hug caused her lower lip to tremble. She moved into full pout mode, ?No want Abby to go. Not like Daddy.? I blinked. The child was smarter than we thought. Maybe she did understand that Daddy was gone? Mr. Atwater cleared his throat, ?Abigail, it?s time to go.? Am?lie said, ?You don?t have to go with him, Abigail. We?ll figure this out. We can take whatever happens.? I shook my head and moved toward the door. I leaned down to tie my boots, and within a few minutes, I was on the road with Mr. Atwater. I thought I saw Am?lie?s car behind us, but with the blowing snow reducing visibility, all I saw were headlights. *** Mr. Atwater was silent during the trip to the airport. He drove the car directly onto the tarmac where there was a small chartered plane waiting for us. We boarded without any issue, and we were soon in the air. I had only been on an airplane once, and it was much larger than this one. The inside was spacious with room to sit comfortably. It looked like the kind of plane a celebrity would take to avoid the masses. ?Why did we have to leave so quickly? I don?t get it.? Mr. Atwater replied flippantly, ?All you need to know is that we have to get your album done in under two weeks. Have you been studying the press conferences as I asked you?? I shrugged, ?I?ve looked at a few. It?s not exactly high culture.? Mr. Atwater nodded, ?No, it?s not, but it will suit our purposes. I want you to have Ms. Spears? responses memorized. Secondly, you need to start dressing like a normal teenage girl.? He reached out and wrenched the green hoodie from my body. ?No more wearing any of Darren?s clothes.? I rolled my eyes and snatched it back from him. ?This is me though. I know how you want me to dress on stage and everything, but I should be allowed to dress however I want when I?m not performing.? He handed me a pair of large sunglasses- the type that celebrities wore to hide their face. He said, ?Do as I say, Abigail. I also want you to wear these whenever you go out in public.? I put my hands up and said, ?Hold on here, what happened to Philip? What happened to the person who was so nice to my friends? You aren?t treating me well at all. Tell me why I need to do all this stuff.? Mr. Atwater stood and stared down at me, ?Do as you are told. You don?t need to know why. Put these on.? He handed me a massive butterfly ring, a pair of hoop earrings, and a little black purse with a thin, spaghetti strap. My ears were pierced, but they only ever had little studs in them. I had experimented with some of Am?lie?s earrings, but I wasn?t really an ?earrings? girl. Now, it appeared I had no choice. He took the hoodie away from me again. I furrowed my brow, ?Look, I can probably get used to dressing like a pop star on stage, but this isn?t right. And it?s not in the contract.? Mr. Atwater snapped open his briefcase and said, ?I want you to read the contract thoroughly, so you understand your obligations.? He handed me the thick document, and my eyes practically bugged out of my skull as I read through the stipulations. Mr. Atwater was right. It was all in there. I remembered the clauses concerning being the ?very essence of a pop princess?, but there were others too, ones I had seemingly overlooked. I had to dress like this. I had to wear big goofy sunglasses, even if I was just walking to the supermarket. I had to be presentable at all times. Now it made perfect sense why Alyssa was going to be brought after the album was recorded. She would be happy to make me up. I also wasn?t allowed the scream sing any longer. Worst of all, I had to pretend that I liked everything I was doing. Mr. Atwater said, ?I want you to start watching what you eat too. Read up on this diet here.? He handed me a pamphlet. He added, ?Once we are established, you?ll have a personal chef, but for now, I want you to follow this diet.? I looked at the pamphlet, which set up a method for losing weight quickly, and apparently safely with modest exercise. It was a no sugar and no carbohydrate diet. I narrowed my eyes and cast a dark look in Mr. Atwater?s direction. If it were possible, I would have shot lightning from my eyes. I said, ?Are you saying I?m fat? Because if you are saying that, we are going to have a problem.? Despite my furious onslaught, the man didn?t flinch. Mr. Atwater said, ?You are about fifteen pounds overweight. Which is fine for now, we can air brush your problem areas for the album cover and the liner, but when you start touring, we will have a problem. Simply put, you are too fat to be a pop star. Yes, some parents will love the fact that you are a little larger than the average teenage celebrity. Thinking that you will be a better role model because of your ?healthy? body weight, but just as many teenage girls will slander you. You?ll never reach the heights you need to reach at that weight, so it?s gotta come off.? He added, ?It will be part of your story. You were unhappy at that weight and that is what you will tell all the reporters who ask. Or the fans. You will tell them that you wanted to lose the weight, so you could be truly beautiful.? I said, ?That?s sick. This whole thing is sick! You know how many girls end up hurting themselves because of this constant ?thin is in? mentality? Did you know it has passed to boys too? Even boys are becoming anorexic, or they are doing what Alexandre did and becoming roided no-necks. Look, I know I?m not perfect, and I?m willing to get in shape for the dancing or whatever, but I?m not going on this diet. And I?m not saying those things. It?s damaging to young people.? Mr. Atwater shook his head, ?You will say all I have instructed you to say. When you lose the weight, you will also say that you are only happy now because you are thinner, and that you worked hard at it, losing the weight by yourself.? I said angrily, ?But that?s not right! You said I am going to have a personal chef. And I am probably going to have a personal trainer too. None of the girls I will be influencing will have that. It gives them false hope, and it makes them think if they don?t look like me, that they are ugly. This is why I wanted nothing to do with this. I can?t just go up there and sing songs. No, I have to be inducted in the cult of celebrity stupid. What?s next, you want me to start posting inane garbage on Twitter?? Mr. Atwater said, ?We?ll have people strictly controlling your Facebook and Twitter page. Any tweets or posts to Facebook must be vetted first.? He handed me a pair of high-heel shoes, but they weren?t the chunky type. The six-inch stilettos were bright silver with a thin, sparkly strap across them. He said, ?Practice walking in those. By the end of the week, I want you to be able to walk gracefully in them. Eventually, you?ll have to dance in them.? I looked out the window of the plane, not thinking of escape, but simply looking for something to take my mind off of wanting to stab Mr. Atwater in the eyes until I felt brain. I knew I had to do this. If I didn?t more people would be hurt by the Prophecy- most likely my family. Still, if I went through with the ridiculous charade, I could also influence a generation of young girls to be think that being skinny meant being beautiful. Girls would starve themselves to look like me. I looked out the window again and saw the Hollywood sign. I shuddered. *** ?Miss, would you remove your sunglasses please.? We were going through US customs. Mr. Atwater handed the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) official our passports. He frowned slightly as he looked them over. I quickly removed my sunglasses. Mr. Atwater scowled at the man as he handed the passports back. The official asked, ?What is the purpose of your trip, miss?? I sighed and responded, ?We are here to record an album.? The official looked at me closely, and then he got on the phone. The line behind us grumbled in unison. Mr. Atwater leaned over and whispered in my ear, ?Look happier. You look like I am kidnapping you, Abigail.? I crossed my arms underneath my chest and said, ?That?s exactly what you?ve done.? Additional TSA officials came, along with a uniformed police officer. The original agent continued to look at Mr. Atwater suspiciously, ?We have a problem here. There is documentation required when you are travelling with minors into the United States. We need a signed letter from her parents to allow you to take her into the country. I?m sorry for the inconvenience, but we can?t be too careful. If we could just speak to the girl?s parents-? I said, ?H-He?s my legal guardian.? A female TSA officer pulled me gently out of the line, while a group of male officers surrounded Mr. Atwater. The officer said softly, ?Abigail, is he really your legal guardian? You can tell me the truth. We can help you if you are in trouble.? I sighed and nodded, ?Yes. Um, I am here to record a pop album. I?m just tired from the flight. Mr. Atwater is my guardian and my manager.? A frown appeared on the woman?s face, and she said gently, ?OK, Abigail.? I saw her take out a small leather-bound notebook. She wrote in it for a few minutes, and then let me go back to the main customs area. Meanwhile, I could see a rattled looking Mr. Atwater walking back with the group of male officers. They hadn?t roughed him up, but they had likely put him through the psychological wringer with a barrage of questions. The original agent who had questioned Mr. Atwater said, ?Your client?s story matches yours. And we also contacted a Miss Sandra Walker. She also verified your story, Mr. Atwater. We contacted Miss Grenier?s parents, and they too confirmed that you are supposed to be with her. Next time please bring the proper documentation.? Sandra? The woman from Geffen? A few minutes later, we were outside the airport, waiting for a cab. Mr. Atwater said, ?It was not that difficult nor as intrusive when I was with Miss Spears fifteen years ago. Why didn?t you tell them the truth? You could have had me jailed.? I said matter-of-factly, ?Thank 911 for that. It?s made all the air security people really paranoid, especially in the US.? I shrugged as Mr. Atwater hailed a cab, ?I didn?t make trouble because of the Prophecy. I know what it can do. I don?t want anyone else impacted. You and me though, we are going to have problems if you force me to adhere to all the stipulations of that contract. I know all of that stuff about my weight and how I have to act is in there, but it?s against my nature, my morals and my values. People are going to know I?m not happy.? The cab ignored Mr. Atwater, instead speeding toward a group of tourists. The man sighed, ?If it?s any consolation, I didn?t write the contract. And I will remind you that I am simply an instrument of the Prophecy.? I replied caustically, ?A tool- of the Prophecy. And it says specifically in the contract that the punishment for breaching is at the ?behest of the associate.? That means you have a choice to enforce the stipulations.? Mr. Atwater ignored me as he finally managed to hail a cab. He said to the cabbie, ?Rainbow Studios.? After that, however, he was silent in the car. I turned to look at him a few times, but he looked deep in thought. All I could think about was how much I missed Ethan. I asked, ?When can Ethan come? You?ll need him for the recording, won?t you?? Mr. Atwater replied, ?No, the tracks have all been recorded. We just need your vocal over top. Ethan will be on your tour. So consider that incentive to finish your vocal takes as quickly as possible.? I sighed, ?Two weeks? That?s a long time. Come on, I?m not going to be distracted by him. I can?t even use my phone here to text him. This isn?t fair.? He replied with a hint of exasperation in his tone, ?Fine. I will see what I can do.? He told the driver, ?Take us to a cellular phone store.? The cabbie did as he was told. We went inside and Mr. Atwater told me to pick any phone I wanted. I chose fanciest smart phone I could find, the one with the most features, and the ability to video chat. He insisted that I also get a pink glitter-laden protector for it. As we were discussing the plan with the salesman, Mr. Atwater grew frustrated. There were a number of different options. I wanted Canada-US unlimited calling, but then that raised the price of the data plan. He started by impatiently tapping his fingers on the counter, then he went to look at phones, trying some out for himself. It had only been about five minutes, but Mr. Atwater stomped back to the main sales counter. I knew that the meter was still running outside, so it was going to be a very expensive cab ride, but wouldn?t he want me to get the best deal possible? He slammed a gold credit card down on the counter and said, ?Give her unlimited everything.? He looked at me sternly. The salesman rang up the phone and completed the plan. He asked, ?Hey man, did you want to get a warranty plan for the phone? You know we suggest it for kids her age. This is a seven-hundred dollar phone. There?s also the try before you buy, so if she-? Mr. Atwater shook his head and once again pushed the credit card toward the clerk. ?Put it all on there. Whatever you have. Just hurry.? The clerk looked outside and saw the waiting taxi. He said, ?Oh sorry man, I?ll do it fast. There it?s all activated, and she?s got a three- year warranty.? We were back in the car within a minute. I looked over at Mr. Atwater disapprovingly, ?You were really rude to him. Will you tell me why you are in such a big hurry to get to the studio? What?s going on?? Mr. Atwater said nothing, and eventually, I decided to play with my new phone. I sent Ethan a text, letting him know where I was, and the same with Alyssa. Fifteen minutes later, I remembered that I should also text Am?lie with my new number. The ride took about forty-five minutes, with much of it spent in silence. I texted back and forth with Ethan, Alyssa and Am?lie. Understandably, Am?lie was concerned, but I assured her that I was safe. Eventually, we stopped in front of an ultra-modern building in what I recognized was the Hollywood Hills portion of Los Angeles. I had seen it enough times in movies and on TV that it was very familiar. My jaw dropped as I saw the ?recording studio?. It was a three-storey mansion with wide bay windows. We exited the taxi, and Mr. Atwater led me to the front door, which required us to travel along a wide cement staircase which was lined with glass panels, allowing me an excellent view of the Hills. The backyard featured a massive swimming pool, likely Olympic- sized, and a terrace with patio furniture. It was certain that one piece cost more than my entire living room set. The highlight of the entire backyard was the waterfall that pushed a steady stream of water into the pool. My mouth hung open for much of the tour. The inside was just as impressive. Mr. Atwater walked me to my room. It featured a king-sized bed, and even a built-in fireplace. There were n

Same as The Sidereus Prophecy Part 8 Videos

3 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 1

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him to...

4 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 2

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...

4 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 4

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...

2 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 5

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...

2 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 3

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him to...

2 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 7

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Part 7 Chapter 58 The screen said, "Ethan Rayner and Abigail Grenier are now in a relationship! Two seconds later, a comment appeared from Alyssa, "FINALLY! YAY 4 U 2 LOVE U XD! Ryan's comment was...

4 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 4 Law and Prophecy

"Make your presentation to abolish the First Law, Mr. Setton," directed Lord Morehouse. I nodded. "My presentation is fairly straight forward. As you all know, the First Law was established to help prevent the first sign of a long ago prophecy. A prophecy that told of some unknown doom, disaster or change. The Mind Magi of the time took the steps they felt necessary to help, but they could have never foreseen that anyone would willingly or unwillingly go against such a law. It was simple,...

1 year ago
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Orb and Prophecy Prophecy Part 10 of about 13

(Passages surrounded by asterisks are the character's thoughts) "He's really grateful for what you did," Marcus consoled me. It was the next morning, and we were with Alwyn at her home. "He's still running and jumping around the house like he hasn't done in years! You should see it!" "But I failed!" It came out in a tortured wail. I hid my head in my hands, not so much because of grief now, but in shame and anger at myself. "How could I have failed him so?" "You did what we...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 12

Anna found herself in the same position. She couldn't remember what happened after Ursula had left. She remembered a sharp, intense pain. Then she remembered sharp stings from different part of her skin, probably from the whip. Then she remembered nothing. She was glad that the unconsciousness had rescued her from further ordeal. But the spell ... With the revitalize spell she was not supposed to faint. She took a glance on her body and gasped. Her naked body was decorated with red welts....

1 year ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 3

The forest of Labrador was calm as usual. Bird chirps could be heard from far away. Various animals were seen in every corner. The peace was overwhelming, but not for the two companions. They made a camp two miles away from the village. Around them were thick walls of trees of the Labrador forest. The day was pretty hot for an autumn day. Atrus looked at the surroundings to make sure they were not being watched. His instinct told him it was safe. He returned and found that the girl had made...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 7

Atrus White Lion stood on top of the hill, looking at the landscape around him. The view of the Land of Lore never bored him. The long chain of mountains in the south, the unbroken view of forest in the west, the great canyons in the east, and the fearsome stormy Northern Ocean, added wonderful touch to the realm. From where he was standing, he felt as if he was standing at the top of the world. Behind him was the view of the little town of Rocklin. The town was dwarfed by the vast forest...

3 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Revelations Part 6 of about 13

Alwyn and I were cooking breakfast together the next morning. Alwyn spoke up, "I'm curious about something, General Winterhorn." I was at the stove with my back turned when she asked the question. At first the name didn't register with me; I thought someone else must have walked in to join us for breakfast. But then I abruptly realized Alwyn was talking to me. I almost dropped my bacon pan in surprise. Alwyn continued on with a sly smile. "When you took over your country--why did you do...

3 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Prophecy Part 11 of about 13

(Asterisks around a section indicate the character's thoughts.) I was on my way back to the city, alone again to reduce the danger of attracting attention, yet aware of a guard following discreetly behind. It was just a few days after I had been told the Prophecy. The intervening time had been filled with more strategizing. I had sat in with the group, out of both courtesy and curiosity, on one of their prayer sessions, and I had been touched by their faith and sincerity. Now it was...

1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 63 The Oraclersquos Prophecy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth I panted from the pleasure of pumping my seed into the Serpent Oracle, waiting for her to deliver her prophecy....

3 years ago
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Ensnared in Prophecy

November 1st, 1885 The elven city of Quintarra swayed beneath my feet – moving and groaning like Edward Teach’s ship at the high seas. I gripped onto the thin rope that served as the only security as the elven woman Raven led me from the base of the platform leading to the residence of the Silver Lady to the front entrance itself. Raven was, despite her earlier smiles, a woman that seemed to be quite severe in temperament. The earlier flare of sunny disposition had vanished beneath the...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 10

A little girl stood alone in the darkness. Her small body shivered from the chill. She was standing, cold and lonely, in the middle of nowhere. Her eyes tried to penetrate the darkness, yet they failed. She was trapped here, and she could do nothing. She was helpless. The lonely girl began to wander around, trying to find her way through the dark. She couldn't tell which way she was going, or what she was going to see. Her mind was blank. Her heart was in deep panic. Her soul was...

4 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Recharge Part 9 of about 13

I raised my hands and stood there, thinking desperately, hopelessly. Could I escape? He would certainly sound an alarm, and I would be hunted. Women with magic would join the hunt, and that would be the end of me. What if I were to cooperate? The man probably didn't know for sure who I was; I could be any woman from the outlying villages. But they were looking specifically for me; I couldn't fool him for long. Maybe my best course would be to charge straight at him and hope he would shoot...

2 years ago
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Pansexual Prophecy

Pansexual Prophecy What Sexual Equality May Augur for the Future By Cal Y. Pygia Because women are physically weaker than men, they are subject to men; to gain a measure of equality, they must act through men; to act through men, they must control men. They control men through men's desire for sex. Sex is a means of controlling another (or others), especially for those who otherwise lack strength or power. For men, sex is often an end unto itself, whereas, for women, sex...

1 year ago
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Escapes from Prophecy

March 26th, 1886 I sat on one of the pews in the First Temple of the Panarii and looked at nothing in particular. There seemed very little point to moving myself from where I sat – and there was no better place to sit and think than here, in the quiet of the temple. The building itself was large and rectangular, with enough room it seemed for the whole city of Caladon to take their seats here to be lectured at. However, other than the sheer size of the place, it remained fairly...

2 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 7

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...

4 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 6

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...

4 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 9

The Crystal Tower would never be the same again. The once-majestic tower was now standing in the middle of a wasteland that stretched far across the Northern Continent. The very same tower was now the gateway of the realm of Lore to the cursed Underworld, realm of the demons. Supreme Commander Daemon sat uncomfortably on his throne. He was extremely displeased. He was displeased with the result of battle at the Dark Elven Stronghold in Elom. He was displeased that a sure victory had suddenly...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 13

"You are all my guests. Please sit down. Forgive me for the bad furniture." The Warriors of the Guardian were quite hesitant at Lord Falagor's kind request, but obeyed once Atrus and Anna sat casually on the nearby tree stump. The small hut supported only simple furniture, mostly made from timber from the nearby wood. Even though the furniture was simple, the room was cozy. The small hut only had two exits, one led to the bedroom and the other one out. There was a small fireplace on the...

4 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 14

Prince Roberto of Aragon, the future heir of the kingdom, stood beside the bed of King Edward of Aragon, his father. For a moment he was silent. It hurt him to see his father like this. The old king was sleeping; the not-so-peaceful expression in his face reflected the mortal sickness he was suffering. King Edward had been sick since the war with the Undead. While doctors and healers from across the land couldn't determine the sickness, they all agreed that the king had been carrying...

3 years ago
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Cat Fight 16 Living Prophecy

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose or Ambree) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger...

1 year ago
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Orb and Prophecy Decision Part 7 of about 13

"The first thing you have to learn," said Marcus, "is how not to fight in that body. You're going to have to unlearn some of what you used to do as a man. I don't have to tell you what's different; you just need practice." We were standing among bales of hay in an unused barn, about halfway between Alwyn's and Marcus's homes. I had my hair tied back for training this morning, but at least I didn't have to wear that unsightly kerchief on my head that I wore on the street, or soil my face...

4 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 27 Prophecy

-- Storm - Amity - Earth time: 2102 -- I’ve decided to write a journal of my life to date. I’ve taken a bit of author’s licence and collected the narratives from others to help put the last two years in context. This first chapter is a summary of the first year here as it was covered more in depth in my previous diaries. The rest is about the second year in my new home. Since we will soon start a new year, it seems a good time to do it. Much of what has happened since I arrived on the...

2 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 2

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. “Could this day get any more boring?” How clearly that thought played in Luke’s mind as he was stuck...

2 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 40

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. “I can’t tell if I’m...

3 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 5

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...

3 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 3

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. “Well today just turned from really interesting to really boring, and possibly annoying in 2.5...

4 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 11

This is a story I wrote on an alternative profile and have edited it so I can continue the story now. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. “Life is boring,” that single consistent thought went through Luke’s mind. Although what else would be going through the mind of a eighteen year old high school guy while...

3 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 10

He ran the seconds through his head as the random thoughts bounced about in his skull. Two minutes. “I wonder if my last two classes will be this boring.” One minute forty seconds. “How much can a guy keep talking about a dead man’s writing?” One minute ten seconds. “I wonder what the girls are whispering about over there. Probably their latest crushes.” Twenty five seconds. “Why is this taking so long?” Ten seconds “I’d say freedom but I still have two more classes.” The...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 11

The room was dark and hot. The air was thick with vapor and scent of sulfur. The heat was so intense, even for the Dwarves. The cavern was located deep inside the bowels of the earth. It was a home of no one, for nothing could survive in these unfriendly environment, not even monsters or subterraneous beasts. A lone man walked along the cavern, his long dark cape flowing freely behind him. Around him the air crackled continuously from contact of the intense heat with his invisible force...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 6

The three bandits ran as fast as they could, holding the sacks of gold behind their backs. The darkness of the night helped to conceal their retreat. The surroundings were dark; the cloudy sky hid the otherwise-full moon. Their plan was perfect. Their timing was perfect. The village of Lindenwood hadn't expected their coming. At last they arrived at their hideout. It was a small cave hidden behind waterfall. Inside the cave was another small lake with a small ledge at the other end. The...

2 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 8

The Castle of Stromgard was busy as usual. At the castle courtyard, soldiers stood in rows, responding to commands from their trainers. Sound of metal clashing and heavy boots thumping on the ground filled the air. The instructors drilled the soldiers vigorously, yelling and screaming all the time, and were quickly answered with the same intensity. For most people, they found the environment noisy and annoying, for the sound could be heard throughout the city beneath the palace gate. For...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 5

It was another beautiful day in the Land of Lore. The sun shone brightly in the cloudless sky. The wind blew lightly, creating a soft song as it flew past the autumn leaves. The Gideon vast green carpet of tall grass blanketed the land. The weather was perfect to spend time outside. However, the land around it was not as friendly as it seemed. South of Gideon were the same long chains of impassable volcanoes. The air was uncomfortably hot and thick with the strong scent of sulfur. The land...

4 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 1 preview

“Life is boring,” was the constant thought that went through Luke’s mind. Although what else would run through a seventeen year old high school guy’s head while he sat in English class. The teacher was going over the word usage that Shakespeare used in his works and the only thing Luke could think of was how many times the teacher was going to say the same thing. At seventeen Luke had a decent grasp on how school ran and got good enough grades to stay a head of the course. Which, leads to...

2 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 4

The town of Tiras was a small border town south of the Kingdom of Aragon. It served as a trading post for many adjacent towns. It was also the closest town to Labrador. The land was hilly and inappropriate for farming. South of this town was a vast range of volcanoes, one of the Forbidden Lands. Nobody who traveled through Forbidden Lands had ever returned back alive. The people of the town were mostly traders and crafters. Tiras ceramics were very famous across the land. The skills...

2 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 2

It was a nice afternoon in the Land of Lore. The sky was clear and the autumn wind sang through the trees. Far away bird's songs were heard, praising the beauty and glory of Nature and her Creator. The Labrador forest was at peace. The wind played with the branches, creating musical tunes that could be heard throughout the woods. Various animals played happily around the trees as Mother Nature cuddled them with her warmth. The harmony was all every human ever wished to have. The forest...

2 years ago
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The Ouroboros Prophecy

The lone survivor of a settlement's destruction receives a vision of an accursed path to immortality, paved with sinful and forsaken indulgences. The survivor will breed an army of warrior sons and broodmare daughters. Thanks to the power of ~cosmic magic~, the survivor's offspring are teleported to another reality where they live out a mundane life until the eve of their 18th birthday. At midnight, magic once more ferrries them off, returning them back to their parents' homeworld, and...

2 years ago
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The Prophecy

The woman laughed as she dashed through the woods, behind her the young students, all of them trying to capture their dashing teacher. Stopping for a moment she looked back to see one young elf closing fast, his agile feet moving over carefully lain snares, his eyes fixed firmly on her. She winked at him as she quickly grabbed hold of a nearby loose vine, wrapping it firmly around her hand she jumped off. Landing like a cat on her feet on the other side of the ravine. She winked once more and...

3 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Part 1

The guards walking before and behind me were impressive. They should have been--they were my men, I had chosen and trained them well. Now, through some incredible turn of events, they were acting as my captors--my own men! What on earth was going on? It was not the men with their weapons, though, that impelled me into the great hall, but an unseen, unknown force that made my legs move regardless of what I wanted them to do. My will was not my own. The room was crowded, mostly with men,...

4 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Completion Part 2 of about 13

(Note: asterisks around a section indicate the character's thoughts.) In an unfamiliar city, in an unfamiliar body, I raced blindly through streets and markets, past small homes, in and around small market crowds, little noticing the stares that followed me. My only impulse was to hide, to be safe, to find a place to escape this sudden nightmare. Navigating unfamiliar territory had been my strength as a warrior, but nothing had prepared me for this. I felt acutely the height of my...

4 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Departure Part 3 of about 13

(Asterisks around text indicate the character's thoughts) Bright morning sunlight informed me of one more thing I had lost in my bodily transition: for the first time in years, my internal alarm had failed me. By the height of the sun I judged it to be about midmorning. Departure today was a necessity. I would have preferred to leave under cover of darkness, but I could not wait for night to come again. My guarding spells appeared secure on the doors and windows still, but I...

3 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Riddles Part 4 of about 13

"You have much to learn about being a woman, Marisa." The older woman spoke it as a gentle warning. Marcus had brought me to a cottage at the foot of a rocky hill, the home of his friend Alwyn, and left the me there with her. As he walked out my eyes lingered after his tall strength. I wished he would stay. Alwyn's thinning white hair and deeply lined face betrayed years of struggles, which I supposed had mostly been against Moranna; yet her deep, bright eyes radiated a serene joy. The...

3 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Routine Part 5 of about 13

Alwyn led me down a short hallway, then left me alone to rest and to settle in. The room she offered me was brightly decorated, the bedspread and curtains blooming with daisies and petunias in a variety of colors. The flowers lifted my spirits in a way I found surprising. The closet gave me an even bigger surprise: Marcus had not been kidding when he told me someone was bringing clothes from my safe house in the city. Many of my new creations were there. I immediately exchanged my shorts...

1 year ago
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Orb and Prophecy Mission Part 8 of about 13

I was aiming for that horrifying place where I had met Moranna, where I had been so greatly changed. Of course I hadn't told anyone I was going, they never would have allowed it; but I had to go--I was on a mission. I was pretty sure I would recognize and remember the terrain from my trip out to the village. I knew I had to head southeast, and even though nothing looked familiar, I still had my old instincts for finding my way around in the field. The capital city, like the island, was...

3 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Concluding Chapters Orb and Epilogue

"True TG," where TG fiction meets reality. Episode 12: Orb Hope dawned purple at last on the fourth morning. Patience had paid off: my magic aura was beginning, faintly, to glow again. Richard and Alise had been marvelously gracious hosts in our confinement, and I had apparently learned something valuable about just waiting. It was yet a few days later before I felt strong enough in the magic to actually use it. I didn't dare just cancel the magic wards on the street; that...

2 years ago
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Selffulfilling Prophecy

Jeyalaxshmi (aka Jeya), a widow of 40 years, lives in a beautiful town in Southern Tamil Nadu along with her son Jegan who is now 25 years old. She lost her husband when her son was 15 years old. Since then her son has worked as hard as he can to keep the family afloat. They have no relatives and only had each other’s back for emotional support. Speaking of Jeya, she is an average looking South-Indian woman, who wears only saree even at home. She was skinny when she married her husband but now...

3 years ago
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Elena's ability had always been an unquantifiable gift when she was a child. Warning her parents from two auto accidents in the making was the most noticable thing she did, and talking her father out of joining in a South Beach investment deal bore dividends when Hurricane Andrew wiped out everyone else. But she couldn't choose her subjects. There are no "rules" with this thing, as they called it. Either she foresaw something or she didn't. For example, she could never predict the...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 39 Sandys Prophecy

A few minutes later, Julie was at my elbow with Jason. "Michael?" she said tentatively. "They want you to come back. Please!" "What?" I responded, surprised. "The Kapaemala's. They want you to come back. Please. For me," she pleaded. "For you my dear, always," I said as I smiled warmly at her. I followed Jason and Julie back to the Kapaemala's table. Gerald stood and pulled an empty chair from an adjoining table and motioned for me to sit down. Julie and Jason remained...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 27 The Vodoun Prophecy

Friday, June 11, 1971 The grey light of dawn crept in around the edges of the curtained window. I closed my eyes again, blocking out the light and yawned as I lifted my left arm to check the Rolex on my left wrist when I suddenly discovered that my arm wouldn't move. After a brief moment of panic, I opened my eyes, turning my head to my left. The mass of black hair was unfamiliar to me, until I noticed the light 'coffee-with-double-cream' skin. "She was sitting in the parlor outside...

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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 27 Prophecy Revealed

Getting out of the car, I kept my eyes on Lady Reynolds. She wore dark sunglasses and a trench coat. It was pleasant outside. I was sure that wouldn't last. "Lord Setton, I've been looking for you," she started. "How many are with you?" I asked. I could tell she was blinking at my blunt question, even with the glasses impeding my sight of her eyes. "How many Dragons are here Cicely?" She cleared her throat and croaked, "Two." "Get in the car and tell Sally I said to leave....

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites

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