TV Impersonation -- 3 free porn video

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I wanted to argue, to protest in some way. But the look in Rod's eye was as firm as her logic. She had me, and we both knew it. Reluctantly I removed my daring swim suit and stood nude before her. "My, you certainly did put a lot of work into yourself, Julia!" Rod teased. "What lovely breasts! Are they real? Here, let me feel them. Mmmm, they certainly do stand up when I do that! Oh, and what an adorable little pussy! Let me just stroke it some. So all your man-stuff is captured inside that thing and can't get out? What an intriguing notion! You must get awfully horny!" How right she was! The effect of this bikini-clad woman, standing so close, caressing my feminized body so intimately, was sending waves of frustrated desire through me. "Please, Rod," I moaned. "There are people watching!" "So there are," Rod smiled. "I wonder if they're enjoying the sight of two women making out. Oh well, just kiss my ass and we'll go back to the cabins -- you've got a lot of work ahead of you!" Rod made me put my swim suit into the tote bag, but she let me wear my sandals and sun hat while we walked back to the cabins. Other guests eyed me laughingly and called out taunts to me as I walked, nearly naked, beside the nonchalant Rod. I thought I could just die of embarrassment when she stopped to talk to various men and women, introducing me as her slave and ordering me to proffer my bottom for spankings! As we walked on, it struck me: This was the same fix I'd been in weeks ago, after my run-in with the prostitutes; then, as now, I was forced to walk down the street practically naked, carrying a bag and wearing a big floppy hat. It seemed to me that, for all my work and suffering, ,I was right back where I'd started from! "We're here, Slave Darling," Rod broke in on my thoughts. "Now just go in to your cabin and pick up all your clothes and things. We'll check the clothes in at the Security Office, since you won't be needing them, and you can just let me have all your money and jewelry. Hurry now, Dear. I want you finished in time to come out to Dinner with me. You look so charming in that outfit, I just can't wait to show you off!" I returned to her cabin about a half hour later, after checking in every stitch of clothing I had at the Security Office under Rod's name. It had been a rough walk there and back, and my face and bottom were both beet- red as I scampered in the door. "Oooo!" I squealed, rubbing my rump. "Those people are so mean!" "Quiet, Dear," Rod shushed. "I'm on the phone. Yes, Eva Darling," she said into the receiver. "I think three days will be about right. Okay. I think 'Julia' wants to talk to you now." And she handed me the receiver. This was my one chance for a quick rescue, but with Rod listening, I couldn't get across to Eva how desperate my plight was. She thought it was just great that I had gotten hooked up with something so kinky so soon. And despite my urging, she insisted that it would be a "few days" before she could come to take pictures. As I hung up, Rod was gloating. "Come along, Slave Dear," she said. "You can help me change into an elegant dress for dinner. They have a fine restaurant here, but the service is rather slow, so you'll have to serve my drinks for me. And then I may have you dance on the table for a while." "Dressed like this, Mistress?" I asked, gesturing down at my lack of clothing. Her smile was immensely self-satisfied. "Dressed like that," she said firmly. Somehow I got through that evening, although it was one of the worst nights of my life. The restaurant was located on a large terrace at the rear of the Mansion. True to her word, Rod made me fetch drinks for her and dance on the table -- perched precariously in my high heels -- between rounds. As I kicked up my heels and wiggled my bare ass before the amused onlookers, I had another of those horrid flashbacks, remembering the night I had been forced to dance in my panties at Clarisse's Club. I had that same feeling of going to an awful lot of trouble to get absolutely nowhere! I was allowed to kneel beside the table while Rod ate dinner. When she finished, she smilingly put her plate on the floor and ordered me to lick it clean. I was crouched there, engaged in that humiliating task, when I heard a man's voice above me. "That's very ingenious, Miss. But if I may make a suggestion..?" Startled I looked up. The man above me was slender, dressed in well- tailored Sports Clothes. I looked in envy at his softly masculine features and wavy blonde hair, thinking what a contrast he was to me now, in my nude and feminized condition. Then I noticed that he was leading a woman on a leash! The woman was taller than he, with long brown hair that seemed to shimmer over her bare shoulders. She was nude, except for leather panties and high heels, with matching ankle-cuffs, wrist-cuffs chained in front of her, and a stiff collar, all in brown leather that emphasized her hair. The outfit also showed off her shapely, well-muscled legs, round ass, and firm, high breasts. What struck me most about her though, was the look of barely-concealed defiance in her eyes. In contrast to most of the slaves at the Lust Resort, the expression on her face seemed to say: "Just wait!" But she obeyed as the man leading her ordered her down on all fours and sat down across the table from Rod, propping his feet up on his slave's back. "May I introduce myself?" He smiled. "My name is Clinton Crayle." "Pleased to meet you," Rod replied. "I'm Roderigua Cortese. Now you were saying..?" "Oh yes, Miss Cortese -- May I call you Rod? -- Rod, your slave is just charming, but I've always felt that slaves belong in bondage. I don't mean to criticize, but I must say that without some kind of shackles, she looks positively naked!" He eyed me up and down as he spoke, and I blushed furiously, wishing I could cover myself some way, and terribly confused. Across the table- bottom from me, his slave simply glared. "Oh really?" Rod seemed particularly amused. "And what sort of bondage would you suggest?" "Well, I just happen to have some things here with me," he said. "Shall I have Hannah here do the honors?" He gestured at the woman beneath his feet. Rod seemed more and more fascinated. "By all means!" she giggled. "Hannah!" Clinton snapped. "Fix up this young lady like a proper slave!" "Yes Master," the slave Hannah said through clenched teeth. She arose from the floor and picked up the items he set out on the table. Then she stepped over to me and, before I knew it, was securing my arms behind me to the elbows in a leather arm mitten! "Ouch!" I complained. "Mistress Rod! Please stop her! That's much too tight!" Rod smiled down at me. "Sorry, Julia. You insisted on getting into this thing and now you're going to have to play the game. Put some more things on her, Hannah." "A pleasure, Mistress." Hannah smiled grimly and began lacing a collar about my neck. It was much higher and more confining than her own, forcing me to crane my neck back and stare straight upward. A leather corset came next, tightly compressing my middle, restricting my breathing and arching my back. Then a pair of ankle cuffs hobbled my legs so that I could take only tiny, mincing steps. Hannah forced me to parade around the table like that, nude in leather bondage. With the high-neck collar, the only way for me to see where I was going was to bend over sharply at the waist, a position that prominently displayed my jutting breasts and bare ass, emphasized by the corset and single mitten. "Now why don't you two go out on the lawn and play," Crayle said casually. "I want to discuss some things with Rod." Imperiously, Hannah snapped a leash to my collar and, as Rod laughed, led me out across the terrace onto the lawn. "Please," I gasped as we walked across the grass, "don't treat me like this!" You have no right! You're a slave too!" In the distance, I could see Rod and Clinton, seated at the table in luxury, sipping coffee and chatting. Suddenly Hannah detached my leash, doubled it over, and gave me a stinging lash across the bottom with it! "Oh!" I cried. "Ow! What was that for?" "That was for calling me a slave, you miserable little bare-assed pussy! Now are you ready to take orders or do you need a little more convincing?" "No! No please," I said quickly. "I'll obey! I will, Miss!" There certainly wasn't much else I could do, in this awful bondage and nudity. "That's better." Hannah's smile was almost genuine. Standing there in her panties and heels, she looked me up and down and sneered. "Now I'll tell you a thing or two," she said. "I'm no more a real submissive than you are a real woman!" My mouth opened in shock. I tried to speak. "But how did you know? Why are you here?" "You'll find out in due time, Missie," Hannah said. "Just keep in mind that if you don't want your cover blown here, you'd better do exactly as I tell you!" "Yes," I said. "Whatever you say." She casually flicked one of my nipples. "Call me 'Mistress', Slave." "Yes- Mistress." I lowered my eyes. "You know," she said, running a hand along my smooth bare thigh, "it makes me kind of horny seeing you this way. Knowing that you're really a man who's been forced into becoming a female slave. I can tell you don't like being made to parade around naked like that, all sexy and feminine -- and it excites me!" She began caressing my furry crotch. "Oooh," she sighed. "I just love thinking about your male equipment being all locked away in there where you can't get at it, no matter how much you want to. You must be getting kind of horny yourself, aren't you Julia?" How right she was! The nearness of this magnificently-shaped woman and her sexy caresses were causing lustful excitement in me, despite my strange predicament. Standing there, bound, naked and feminized, I felt my nipples tingle and my cock try to swell in its confinement, putting aching pressure on my balls. "Oh yess, Mistress," I breathed. "Ohhh, it's been so long and I'm soooo horny..." I could feel my knees trembling. "Would you like me to take my panties off, Julia?" Hannah asked softly. "Would you like to be close to a real woman's pussy?" "Ahhh, yes Mistress!" I felt like a doe in heat. "Yes I would!" Slowly, smilingly, Hannah lowered her leather panties and stepped out of them. Bound as I was, I had to bend over sharply to see her and this put me almost at eye level with her moist, inviting womanhood. "Nice, isn't it?" Hannah teased. "Why don't you get down on your knees for a better look?" Slowly I sank down onto my knees and found that my bondage was perfectly suited to a kneeling position as my elbow-bound arms propped me up behind and my corset and collar arched me back. Hannah gleefully touched a finger to her love nest. It came away moist. She held it up to my nose. "Sniff!" she ordered. "Oh," I sighed. "I want to fuck you so bad!" "Well," she said. "This is as close as you'll ever get!" and she stepped closer, straddling my bent-back face. "Suck!" she ordered. "Eat me out like a good little lesbian. Prove what a woman you are!" In an agony of frustration, I tongued her desperately, not knowing what else to do. For several minutes I moved my tongue and lips with all the skill could and finally I was rewarded by her shuddering cry of ecstasy. "Oh! Yes She-male! Yes She-male! Yes!" she cried, grabbing my long hair and pushing me even further into her. One more convulsive jerk and she was through. She rested quietly on my face for a while, though, glowing with satisfaction. Finally she dismounted me. "That was the best ever," she sighed, looking at me with a strange expression. "Now that I've had a she-male, I may be hooked. Too bad for you if I am, Sweetie." She took a deep breath. "Now we'd better fix your makeup. Your Mistress and thar worm who calls himself my master are coming!" Later, walking back to the cabin with Rod, I asked, "Mistress, when is this awful slavery going to end?" I was still wearing my high heels and the stiff leather corset and my neck was still arched back by the leather collar. My arms had been freed from the single mitten, but at Clinton's insistence, Rod had put them into leather wrist cuffs that were secured to my corset front by cords a foot in length. "Oh, I don't know, Julia," Rod replied casually. "Whenever Eva gets here to photograph you, I guess. In the meantime, aren't we getting Julia into some real escapades?" "But this is nothing like what I had planned," I protested. "I never figured on having to walk around naked like this while people spank me and bind me and things!" I also never figured on Clinton Crayle treating me like that! But I couldn't tell Rod about it. Whatever plan he'd made, he must be playing a complicated game. "That's just too bad, Julia," Rod smiled. "You're in too far to back out now so you'll just have to play along with it until Eva comes." "But that other slavec-- Hannah -- she knows I'm a man!" Rod raised an eyebrow. "Dear, at this point, I'm not even sure you're a man. You certainly don't look or act like one! All I know is that you used to be a man named Larry VanLow and you plan to be returned to that identity someday after you've framed your cousin Julia. But for right now, you're definitely on the femme side." She giggled. "I've seen the way you quiver when men touch you!" I blushed all over. "I can't help that!" I snapped. "I mean, with all the female hormones I've taken, and going without sex for so long, I'm getting confused!" "Well, Slave Darling, we're at the cabin now, I'll let you rest for a while on the floor rubbing my feet. Then you can draw my bath, wash, dry and powder me, and help me dress for bed. Also, I'm anxious to have you perform for me like you did for Hannah!" The thought of pleasuring Rod's lean, athletically feminine body sent a chill of excitement through me. And a wave of pain through my confined masculine organs. "But Mistress," I asked as we entered the cabin and Rod started undressing. "Aren't you going to take off this bondage?!" Rod looked thoughtful for a moment. Then "No," she said. "I find you rather amusing that way. I think I'll let you keep it on all night!" It was ten o'clock the next morning when Rod took the collar, corset and cuffs off me. By that time, I had waited on her every need, served her breakfast, helped her dress and undress, and lapped her to three orgasms. By way of thanks, she had spanked me twice and forced me to perform a thousand menial, degrading tasks as she sat lounging around, smoking one of my expensive cigars and giggling as I meekly swept up the ashes with a whisk broom! "Clean yourself up now," Rod ordered. "You can use my old bath water. Then freshen your makeup and report to me." An hour later, freshly washed, perfumed and beautified, I presented myself to Rod. She was wearing a smart sundress, hose, and sensible shoes. I myself was nude, as usual now. "We're going out for a bit, Julia," Rod announced. "Would you like to wear something? Or would you rather stay naked, as you were yesterday?" "Er- I'd rather wear clothing, Mistress," I said. "You know, people here are rather cruel to naked slaves." "So I've noticed," Rod remarked. She pointed to some things on the floor nearby. "Lace on those boots," she ordered. "I'll help you with the rest of the things." It seemed odd to be putting on boots while I was totally naked, but I knew better than to argue. They were soft leather, well padded and comfortable, despite a rather high heel. At each ankle, there was a metal ring, and Rod had me tie them together with a three foot length of strong leather cord, creating a rather loose hobble. "Now for the gloves," Rod said. "I'll lace them on for you!" She called them gloves, but they were actually leather hand pods, without fingers. They laced on tightly, cramping my hands into uselessness. I noticed a metal spring-clip at the tip of each glove. "But- Mistress Rod," I protested. "I won't be able to use my hands this way! Why, I can't even get these things off!" "You won't need to get them off," Rod smiled. "And as for using your hands, I've thought of a very good use for them." "What do you mean?" "All day yesterday, you complained about being forced to run around naked. Well, today I've decided to let you cover yourself. Watch!" Swiftly Rod pulled my mittened hands down and attached the spring-clips at the tips to the tether between my ankles. "Mistress! What is this?" I tried to straighten up. Couldn't. My hands were securely fixed to that hobble. Then I found that by putting my booted feet close together and bending my knees slightly, I could get enough slack in the tether to raise my hands to just below my crotch. I was still bent slightly forward, however. "See?" Rod guided me over to a mirror. "You're as modest as the girl in 'September Morn'!" I looked at my reflection in the mirror and immediately wished I hadn't. I looked ridiculous, like a bashful female with both hands crossed over my pussy and my breasts half-hidden behind my arms. Some covering! My leather boots and mittens seemed to call attention to my lack of any other clothing more effectively than total nudity would have. And the half-bent-over pose that my bondage forced me to assume made my bare bottom jut out saucily. I knew that walking in this fix would make my ass sway wildly and and give teasing glimpses of the feminine charms that were now half hidden in my bondage pose. "Oh please, Mistress Rod," I begged. "Don't make me go out like this. It's just awful!" Rod gave me a look of amused concern. "Why, you poor Dear," she cooed. "Did you think I was going to take you out where everyone could see you dressed like that? Don't worry, Darling, I have something else for you to wear!" And she stepped behind me. "Oh what a relief," I said, "thank you, M--!" My words were suddenly cut off by a six-inch leather dildo that Rod suddenly stuck in my mouth. It was mounted on a strap, and she rapidly secured this around my head, locking the gag into place. I couldn't speak! Now she clipped a leash to a metal ring mounted on the gag. "There!" she said brightly. "You're all dressed for your walk!" I wanted to protest, to cry out, to do something -- anything! But I was helpless. I couldn't run, couldn't protect myself, couldn't even beg for mercy as Rod picked up a riding crop, draped a towel over one shoulder, and casually took the leash. "Come on, Slave." She tugged firmly. "That Clinton told me about a place where I can skinny-dip without worrying about anyone taking advantage of me. I happen to love skinny-dipping," she giggled. "And you're perfectly dressed for it!" The spot Rod had mentioned was fairly secluded, but the walk over there was sheer humiliation! Everyone we passed -- and there were dozens -- laughed heartily at the sight of me, a naked woman trying to cover herself as she hobbled at the end of her Mistress' leash. Now and then some man with eager hands or some woman with an urge to paddle my prominently-displayed bottom would stop us and chat a while. Rod was just as obliging as she had been the day before, offering me for caresses, pinches or swats to anyone who asked. Hands, male and female, roamed over my body, and I was almost thankful that my hands were tied where they could defend my pussy-wig. If anyone should try to enter it with a finger and discover that it was just a disguise for my male sex... I shuddered 'to think! But we passed every prodding inspection. No one ever guessed that I was actually the wealthy and powerful Larry VanLow and not just a naked woman-slave. At last the passers-by thinned out. We entered a quiet woods with lightly-travelled paths criss-crossing it, and finally came to the edge of a clear, vigorous stream. "Just perfect!" Rod said. "Now I'll just fix you up so you won't get into any trouble while I swim." So saying, she reached up and pulled down the top of a fairly tall springy sapling. Then she tied the end of my leash to it and let it spring back up. I was secured perfectly. With my hands tied to the ankle tether, I couldn't raise them high enough to grapple with the leash. And with the sapling tugging up on the leash -- which was still attached to my gag - I couldn't bend down far enough to get the strap close to my mittened hands. I was stuck there in that awkward "September Morn" pose until someone chose to release me. And releasing me was obviously the last thing on Rod's mind! With tantalizing slowness, she began undressing, hanging her clothes on a nearby limb. The sun dress came off, revealing her small but firm and well-shaped breasts, unencumbered by a bra. Next, she unsnapped her garter belt, stepped out of her sandals and rolled her stockings down her long, shapely legs. She spent some time that way, in just her pale blue bikini panties, draping her clothing over the branches, being careful not to snag the delicate hosiery, seemingly unaware of my eyes devouring her sexy body. Finally she turned her back to me and let her panties fall to the grass, revealing her perfect rump. Gaily, she stepped out of them, bent down to pick them up, and hung them with her other clothes. Now she turned to me. "Well Slave," she said. "Keep an eye on these things while I'm in swimming. Why, are you staring at me?" She posed seductively, hands on hips, flaunting her, lean body. Beneath the pussy-wig, I felt that familiar, awful ache as my cock swelled in its confinement. I groaned involuntarily. "You're not getting sexually aroused are you Slave? You are? I guess you must really like being feminized and made to parade around all naked and tied up," She stepped closer. "Would you like me to caress your titties? Like this? You're moaning again, you must really love it! Just think: If some man were to come along now, all he'd see would be two women, gloriously nude. He'd probably have trouble deciding which of us was prettier? Well, maybe not. He'd probably pick you! I guess any real man would much rather handle a body like yours than than be trapped inside it, like you are. Minm, all this talk's making me horny. I'd better go cool off! Ta-ta!" And she turned and walked over to the stream, diving in gracefully. For several minutes I watched her sporting about in the water. Then she swam upstream, out of sight, and my eyes turned to her clothes, hanging in the trees just a few feet away. Oh, how I longed for them! If only I could get out of this awful bondage, I thought, and get back into clothing, even women's clothing! I yearned to feel panties on my bare ass once again and hose on my shaven legs. I never thought that I, a man, would feel so eager to put on a dress, but after two days of enforced nudity and public exposure, I'd gladly have worn even my Maid's uniform again! So deeply was I thinking that I failed to hear the approaching cart until it was almost on top of me. I guess I couldn't have done anything about it anyway, bound as I was, but it was an awful shock, seeing the light two-seater suddenly come up on me--driven by Clinton Crayleand pulled by Hannah! "Whoah up there, girl," Clinton ordered. Hannah came to a stop, and I had a chance to study the odd sight she made, wearing only a corset and boots, her elbows secured at her sides, a bit-gag tied into her mouth. Her eyes flashed angrily as Clinton, immaculately attired in masculine sporting garb, pulled on the reins attached to her corset with unnecessary roughness. "Let's have a look at this!" He grinned, stepping down from the cart. On his way over to me he casually removed the bit-gag from Hannah's mouth. "Well, young lady," he smirked at me. "That's quite a fix you're in! Alone here in the woods at the mercy of any passing stranger. Are those your clothes on the branches over there? What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Then in a low tone he whispered, "That's in case anyone' listening; this case is getting involved and--" "Come on, Clinton," Hannah said disdainfully. "Go ahead and take her before her Mistress comes back. After all, that's what we're supposed to be here for!" "Not so fast," Clinton said. "A situation like this has a lot of possibilities, and I intend to make the most of it." He came closer and ran a hand over one of my breasts. Horrified as I was, trembling with fear and embarassment, my nipple still stiffened under his touch. Then, to my astonishment, he whispered, "I can understand how could a man can be brought to this." He flicked my nipple--for the benefit of anyone looking? "I'll get you out of this, but it'll take some time. Meanwhile just try to go along with things." Clinton stepped over to the tree and systematically gathered up Rod's clothes. He picked up dress, shoes, underwear, even her towel! "What are you doing?" Hannah demanded, squirming in her bondage as Clinton hid the clothes in the carriage. "We're only supposed to take this one. Rod's working with us, remember? We have a deal with Julia." "I've had enough of you trying to boss me around." Clinton roughly forced the gag back into Hannah's mouth. "I told you when I hired you on for this case that you have to take orders -- and I warned you it wouldn't be fun. But I'm playing this my way. Now pull the cart back into the woods and we'll watch for Rod." Hannah looked like she wanted to disobey, but when Clinton climbed back into the cart and cracked the whip at her ass, she apparently decided to cool it for a while. She dutifully pulled the carriage back along the path, just out of sight. And just in time! They had been gone no more than a minute when Rod came walking back through the woods, water glistening on her lovely skin. "Well, Slave, did you have fun waiting for me?" she asked. Then she looked around. "Wait a minute! Where are my clothes? Who took them? Wait 'til I get that gag off you. I'll--Oh! Someone's coming!" And she jumped back behind a bush. The Someone Coming was Clinton and Hannah, of course, jogging up innocently as though they had just arrived. I noticed a tear streaking down Hannah's face and her eyes shone furiously. "Whoah, Slave!" Clinton said. "Look here! I think that Slave belongs to the charming lady I met last night." Clinton dismounted again and walked up to me. "Where's your Mistress, Slave?" he asked blandly. "Back here in the bushes!" Rod called. "Rod? Is that you?" I could tell he was enjoying this. "Come on out!" "I can't," Rod said. "I was in swimming and someone stole my clothes. You haven't seen them, have you?" "Stole your clothes? My, that is unfortunate," Clinton said. "No, I haven't seen anything." "Well, could you let me borrow some?" From the tone of her voice, I could tell that Rod suspected Clinton but knew she was in no position to accuse him directly. "I've no wish to walk back to my bungalow this way!" "I know what you mean," Clinton said sympathetically. "Why, without your clothes, people might think you were a slave! They'd certainly give you a hard time of it if anyone told them you were coming! And of course, you'd have to go clear to the Main Hall and get a duplicate key to your cabin. And what if they ask you for identification? Why, you might have to stay outside in that condition for quite some time!" "Please." Rod sounded worried. After the way she'd seen people treat me, she had good reason to be! For a few seconds, I felt a small twinge of satisfaction at her discomfort. "Loan me something to wear!" Then I chilled at Clinton's next words. "All I have are Pony-girl outfits, like the one Hannah is wearing. But I'll be glad to harness up the two of you alongside her!" "Pony gir-" Rod said. "But that's bondage!" "Suit yourself," Clinton said smoothly. "I could fix you girls up like Hannah and ride you back to the cabins. That way, you'd be under my protection and no one would bother you. I could release you as soon as we got back to the cabins." "Hmm," Rod mused. "You promise?" "Word of honor," Clinton smiled. "You'll be a free woman again as soon as we get back to the cabins!" "Well....." "Of course, if you'd rather take your chances, I'll just head on back now. There must be quite a few people in the area who'd like to hear about the two naked slaves who'll be trying to sneak back to the Main Hall." "Never mind," Rod said resignedly. "Here I come." And she stepped out from the woods, defeated but not humbled. In a trice, Clinton had her decked out in a pony-girl outfit. Tight corset with elbow-cuffs attached to the sides, running boots like mine and a bridle-gag. "Oh please." She tried to protest the gag. "Must you gag me?" "Absolutely," Clinton said, strapping it on the helpless woman."Now let me just hitch you up beside Hannah and I'll get started on your slave." Rod and Hannah made a remarkable sight, hitched up to the cart together, their proud bodies rebelling in the bondage. But I didn't have long to admire the scene, for very shortly I was similarly corseted, elbow-bound and hitched up beside them!

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Answer to the Dulldroms

My wife, Janet, and I have been married for more than seven years and the sex was getting more than boring. i had already had several affairs and I am sure Janet had had some too. We maybe had sex once every couple of months and it just was not exciting. Janet is 33 and I think pretty hot. Nice long legs that form a great ass, nice tight little cunt that she keeps neatly trimed to a racing stripe. 32 C cup titties and about 110 pounds. Janet in 5foot 5 with blonde hair and big brown eyes. I...

2 years ago
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Family GroupingsChapter 9

Maggie parked the car by the kitchen door, and she and Sean unloaded the groceries, into the kitchen. As they moved about, putting them away, they touched each other often, in passing. Maggie finally stopped at the stove, and said: "We mustn't do this baby. The girls might notice, and guess we were sleeping together. We were very lucky the other night. They might have come in to talk to me, at any moment. We could never have explained it." "How can I keep my hands off you, now? I get a...

2 years ago
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Pleading in Vain

PLEADING IN VAINBy Miranda BirchCopyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved.Eventually he found out, of course. About the money. There was almost a row. Almost. ButMary was firm.“There is no use crying over split milk. The money is spent, and that's that. It isn'tlike you got nothing for it. Most sissies would give their right leg to have suchgorgeous outfits as you have!”She laughed then, not even bothering to pretend to take his objection seriously. Mikewas stung by this to attempt...

1 year ago
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PornHub Indian

It's Pornhub. Normally, I should not speak about it, since the brand name speaks for itself a million of words. Like all the words in the world. It's one of the giants and you can be sure that you will get whatever the fuck you are looking for. But, anyway, for those of you that do not know this place (how the fuck is that even possible?), I will tell you a few things.Pornhub is a free porn tube well known for its size and quality. Their library has massive amounts of porn and they cover all...

Indian Porn Sites
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Experience With The Guy Whom I Met By Accident

Hi guys, I am Rajesh (cd sissy) from Hyderabad. Am a regular reader of ISS I visit this site very often. Now the incident which I am going to share with you all had happened with a man whom I don’t even know. His name is Ramesh whose age might be 40+. I actually met him when I was travelling in a train. I went somewhere and was returning back in a train and the train was fully crowded. I got into it and was standing near the door. Forgot to tell you people about me am 22 years old height 5’11...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Leben 20

Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Finally able to get out of bed Alan started to push everyone harder. They may not be as strong but he was damn sure going to make sure if they went down, they went after inflicting pain. As of yet Alan was still at a loss for a plan to finally end the Doctor, though that was about to change.   Alan had been watching everyone closely when there was a disturbance outside the village. Looking he saw that...

1 year ago
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CommuneChapter 24

Jack walked towards the auditorium building with Ella and Frau Shultz in tow. Both women were dressed up in their nicest outfits. The two women were almost giddy at the idea of watching a German film. Frau Shultz hadn’t seen a German film in almost fifteen years. For her, the entertainment options had been very limited. Melissa spotted Jack and waved to him. She shouted, “Jack!” Jack waved back to her. He couldn’t help but notice that Melissa was wearing a very nice blue dress. She had a...

4 years ago
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Young Explorations Part 2

The next morning when Helen got on the bus, she said hello as every morning. In reply I just said: “now it’s your turn”. You looked at me questioningly and I explained that now that she has seen and touched my cock, it’s only fair that I see and touch her pussy. She said it’s impossible, not in the bus. She went to a strict convent school and her uniform went down to well below her knees. Then she suggested something. “I can cut my pocket for you.” It took me a few seconds to understand how...

1 year ago
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A Just RewardChapter 22

As they drove home the next morning the girls were still bubbling with excitement. They had splashed out the evening before and used up the balance of their food allowance by going à la carte. That had introduced them to some novel flavours and they had really enjoyed the experience. The van though was the real root of their exuberance. Isobel dropped Becca off first. Tom had invited Nell to spend the day with him and she was thrilled when Mary gave her permission to do so. They did join in...

4 years ago
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Passion on the Run

All the instructions tell you is that the competition is set over 3 dates, first leg is a marathon, second and third leg to be confirmed later and where to go for the first leg start. On the day you arrive an hour early and sit in your car, your nerves are strung so tight you start thinking you won’t be able to go through with it… then you see people turning up….. God, they’re all men!! Is the first thought to enter your head… as you wait you see they start to leave, relieved you start...

3 years ago
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I lost my virginity and had my first MFM the same

Rich and I met at the beach during the summer that I became a teenager, and were going steady just a week later. He was my first official boyfriend and I felt so cool since my boyfriend was a year older. I had kissed a couple of boys and maybe four or five girls before him but it was wonderful knowing I had someone I could kiss anytime I wanted.For the first few weeks we would just hang out on the beach and sneak off into the bushes to make out. We moved ahead pretty fast for our age and...

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Peters Advanced TrainingChapter 5

"It seems like it might work," Peter said, "but I'd feel better about actually trying to stage the scene instead of trusting to our paper layout." Meagan interrupted, "Hey Mom, I need to get on the computer to do some research." "Sure thing dear," came the absentminded reply from Debbie. "You two working out our next pose?" "Yeah," the two adults replied at more or less the same time. "What is it?" "It's a secret," Debbie said mysteriously. "We're not sure it will...

1 year ago
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Brians Humiliation

Brian's humiliation By Lilly Brian was pretty pleased with himself as he walked home from school. He had just won himself a place on the first XI football team, which would make him one of the social leaders in the school. He was already fairly popular on account of this, with his admittedly rather androgynous, good looks and seemingly effortless academic success. He walked into the house, slamming the door behind him and ran upstairs to play on his computer, he was just about...

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ReunionAug 5, 1976by Noelle O It was my first leased home, and as I walked to the door I looked out of the window to see the purple and orange-drenched sunset stretching it’s luscious fingers across the surf and sand, leaving tiny diamonds in its path. There had been a soft knock at the door and I opened the door to the tall lanky man standing on my front porch. The deep summer wind tousled his graying hair attractively and his smile appeared framed, as if in portrait, against the rich...

1 year ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 17 Banishment and Black Hearts

Three months after the Captain's Ball, it was finally time for Baron McKesson and Lady Dambro to take their leave of Seacroft and the Sparine Peninsula. It was time for us to get back to being Sid and River again, maybe even Mat and Sparrow for a little while. We only had a few things to wrap up, and we had been saving them, reluctant to confront some harsh reality in the midst of what had turned into such a lovely situation. But we still had Oereia to deal with. Still had Joist and Link...

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POVLife Kyler Quinn Getting Back At Her Boyfriend

It’s not every day that you stumble on an edgy hottie like Kyler Quinn walking alone in the middle of nowhere. Our stud pulls over to give her a ride, and she reveals that she just got into a big fight with her boyfriend because he’s been cheating on her. To make the frustrated freak feel better, the pervy guy takes her back to the bedroom and lets her play with his dong. She sucks his dick, making stunning eye contact with her beautiful blue eyes. Then, she lets him shove his huge cock inside...

1 year ago
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Indiscretions Ch 03

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter three Tom Singleton awoke and wasn’t sure where he was at first, and he wasn’t sure who the naked woman lying next to him was, either. Then he remembered. He was in a motel room. He’d met a woman named Alison in a roadhouse the night before and… The memory of what happened when he returned to the motel with Alison flooded him with guilt. He’d slept with a woman he wasn’t married to, he’d cheated on his wife! Melissa always said...

4 years ago
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احدثكم عن نفسي وعن حياتي من البدايه كيف اصبحت سالبا عندما كنت ابلغ سن 13سنه لم اكن اعلم عن الجنس اي معني او مفهوم ولكن عندما قابلت صديق اخي وجارنا وهو بداء يفتح عيني علي الجنس ويحدثني عنه وزاد الامر تدريجين حتي بداء يضع يده علي جسدي وليزيد اكثر ويخرج زبه لاري اول مره في حياتي قضيب شاب بالغ وتكرر الموقف كل يوم لاري هذا القضيب امام وفي الايام التي لم يزورنا كنت مستاء جدا وكان شئ ينقصني وابقي اتذكر صورته امامي وهو يحرك يديخ علي قضيبه وكان ياتني شعور ما هو ملمسه حتي اتي اليوم الذي وضعت يدي علي زبه...

4 years ago
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Minha primeira vez com um casal

Meu nome é Billy, 1,72 atualmente com 68 kg moreno bem dotado o que vou relatar aqui agora realmente aconteceu, eu trabalho em uma grande empresa no setor de RH com dezenas de outros funcionários, a maioria mulheres e a maioria bonita simpática, nos intervalos conversamos muito brincamos e nas sextas feriras sempre depois do trabalho nos reunimos para tomarmos umas bebidas e rir um pouco, mas confesso que entre tantas mulheres lindas, simpáticas tem uma que me desafia, vou chama-la de Renata,...

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First Time Fucking My Friends BBW Mother Pt 1

I am a 35 year old man who has had a crush on my best friend's mother since I was young. She is 63 years old and is a very large bbw woman with huge 46E tits and a huge fat round ass with thick thighs and a fat belly.Over the years, we would have this continuing flirtatious relationship between us. She never knew that I used to sniff her dirty panties and shoot my loads in her panties. I would also sometimes try and sneak a peak when she was showering or getting dressed. She had the body I...

4 years ago
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Dunes Naturist Beach

The DunesThis story is based on true events, up to a point. One of my favourite nudist beaches on the west coast of France is between Les Granges and Sauveterre near Brem-sur-Mer. So, on our way further south for some surf my mate Geoff and I spent a week camping nearby and made for the beach most afternoons to chill and let the rays do their work.The beach is wide and backed by dunes and pine forest and runs for maybe 8 kilometres. To get to the nudist area we have to walk through the main...

3 years ago
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The Angry Witch

The Angry Witch By Anon Allsop The day started out fairly normal for a 16 year old sophomore boy, I noticed Cassie waiting in the lunchroom for classes to start so I wandered over there and sat about ten feet away. At least there I could look at her and not be noticed. I used to lay awake thinking about Cassie, she was so pretty and I was head over heals for her. My friends all thought she was a freak, I would bet that many of them had a crush for her as well, but they...

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the merging of the three great gods

Introduction: hello. im sorry to say there is no sex in this chapter. but there will be sex in the next chapter. i do give you my word. just stick with me here. David was about to climax while watching a nice tight young teen get pounded by a giant mknster cock in the throat. The girl was a small dirty blonde girl wity blue an B cup tits. She was tan without any tanlines an had a slim figure but a big tight ass. Her,pussy was shaved an her nipples were dark pink. Basically the perfect girl in...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 27

When we pulled into the restaurant parking lot we spotted Michael already waiting for us near the entrance; it would be hard to miss him, a giant black guy with a shiny bald head, wearing snug jeans and a black sweater that molded to his muscular frame. There are not a lot of black people in town anyway, and there are not a lot of people of any color anywhere with his size and build. We joined him near Chubby’s front door for a moment, debating whether to go in or wait for Derek out front since...

Wife Lovers
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The Sheriff and His StepdaughterChapter 5

As Rachel got older, we settled even more into a normal family life. Diane still worked at the restaurant but she wanted to improve herself. She began taking classes over at the University of North Carolina Charlotte in bookkeeping in hopes of getting into that line of work. Eventually she quit waitressing and started her own bookkeeping business. She had several clients all over the area and while she wasn't making a lot of money, she worked out of our home so overhead was very low. It was...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Josephine MustSee Bathtub Titty Fuck

Oh man, get ready for some serious cock-hardening bathtub action in today’s DDF Network masterpiece feat. Josephine and Yanick Shaft. The mature gentleman awaits his sexy girlfriend in the bathtub and once he sees her high heels, mind-blowing lingerie, and sexy negligee, it’s just a matter of seconds until his cock gets hard as fuck. Soon, Josephine takes his veiny dick into her mouth for a warmup blowjob, which leads to some pussy fingering in return! Her giant titties are extra...

1 year ago
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Meri Foursome Chudai

Hi I am Preeti, 30 year old. Mera rang fair aur figure 34-30-38 hai. Mere pati ka naam samir hai jo ki ek multinational company mein kaam karte hain. Hum log Delhi mein rehte hai. Ek baat mere pati ko office ke kaam se bangalore jana tha to unhone mujhe bhi saath chalne ko kaha. Unhone kaha kaam bhi ho jayega aur dosto se bhi mil lenge. Hum college mein char dosto ka group tha main, sumit sharma(mere pati), ajay bhargav(ab) aur nikarika pawar(niki). Niki aur ab ne bhi shaadi ki thi aur wo...

3 years ago
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The inheritance part 1

It was an easy life. I had drifted through university doing just enough to be awarded a 3rd class degree. I had a nice apartment. No proper job, just a bit of bar work. All possible because of a generous allowance from my uncle. But then something unexpected happened. Unexpected for me and, I guess, for him as well. He died. He was relatively young. And as it soon transpired, too young to have got round to making a will. So his wife inherited everything. And she and I had history. She...

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Innocent Mom Son And Daughter Romance Part 8211 3

Hi, it’s Chan again from Chennai. Thanks for your valuable feedback. Please give your feedback at Do read first and second part of the story. Here’s the third part of the story. As we both smiled and my sister asked us “what happened?” My mom answered to her, “Priya, you have a surprise tonight”. I told that tonight will be our best and unforgettable night in our lives. My mom told her to get ready. I requested mom “mom, you both wear traditional saree so that we have passionate romantic sex”...

3 years ago
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Never Judge a Person By Their Smile

There she was, Ashley Connors. My god was she hot; dark hazel hair, not too fat yet not too skinny, great ass, near perfect breasts, but what got me most was that smile. I remember moving to my new house, I saw a young girl my age sitting there. She was smiling the most innocent smile I have ever seen. From the moment I saw her I knew I wanted her more than anything on this planet. My phone vibrated wildly on the kitchen worktop with my alarm going off, I grabbed it and rushed upstairs to my...

Straight Sex
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Stranger Inside My Wife

It began with a stranger joining us around our campfire at an Army Corp of Engineers campground in Kentucky. He told my wife she has amazing eyes. As Dave and I sat with a group of other campers, my wife and this guy continued chatting and appearing to get closer together. At first, his hands softly rubbed my wife's lower legs over her jeans. I could not really hear their conversation, but it was apparent they were deeply attracted to each other. As the evening continued, his hands moved...

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The Surrender Project

? Ana Adair 2012All rights reservedThis chapter is a work of fiction. The characters and situationsin this story are imaginary. No resemblance is intended betweenthese characters and any real persons, either living or dead.For fantasy purposes only.  CHAPTER ONE It wasn’t the most exciting night. Miri had decided to go for a few drinks at the dive bar down the street, but nothing was happening and nobody she knew was there. She ended up just sitting at the bar with her beer, pretending to text...

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Sally Awakes Chapter 04

The next week started off wonderfully. Monday night Sue got her period so for the next three days I got Sid all to myself. I found I enjoyed sucking cock almost as much as fucking. Sid certainly enjoyed my technique. I even heard him telling Sue how well I was doing it. I will admit she did look a little upset about being on the outer but on Thursday she said she was all clear and so I paid special attention to her pussy that night as a sign of atonement. Actually I loved licking pussy too but...

4 years ago
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A Portrait of Betrayal

I was at loose ends. My wife Carole had taken off on a two-week trip to see our sons, Oliver and Carl. Carole’s job allowed for extended time off, but mine did not, and truth be told: I didn’t really have a very close relationship with either of our sons. I wasn’t sure if it was my time away serving in the Air Force, or the long hours my job required, but in the end, it really didn’t matter; it was what it was. When I got home to our brownstone in Boston’s Back Bay after dropping Carole off...

1 year ago
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Making Me Beg

The first time I saw her, she was begging – actually begging – outside a coffee shop in the business section of town. She was the prettiest young woman I had seen in a long time – even though she needed to be 'cleaned-up.' And, being totally honest here, my panties got wet just watching her smile shyly anytime someone gave her a few coins or a bill. The little girl sitting on an overturned milk crate at her feet seemed 'needy' enough to genuinely help her mother's cause. I could tell she was...

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Watching my wife being fucked

The day I caught my wife fucking another man was in some ways the worst day of my life, and also the best. The mixed emotions of rage and erotic excitement were almost more than I could stand. I had come home early and found my wife of 3 years going at it on the couch in our family room with a young guy; he looked like the yard guy from what I could tell. My pretty 25 year old wife was bent over the couch and the young buck's hard cock was filling her tight cunt to the balls on every stroke....

1 year ago
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Goetic JusticeChapter 5 Gainful Employment

Ryan stood in front of the wardrobe mirror, trying to straighten his wrinkled shirt, struggling with his tie. It was the day of the job interview, and he had but a scant hour to get himself prepared. It wasn’t as if he had never worn a suit before, but it was Becky who had advised him on being presentable. He didn’t know the first thing about dressing snappy. She had prepared his wardrobe, helped him shop for clothes, ironed his shirts. Without her, he was a mess. Maybe there was an element...

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The Trials of First Love Chapter 6 The Finale

My eyelids were heavy and as I slowly opened them, the light hurt. As my head started to pound I tried to move, but the pain stopped me. “Anna, oh Anna,” I heard my mother whispering. “She’s awake,” she said louder. When I tried to turn my head toward her voice, she told me not to move. I felt pain all over my body as an image flashed of Jeremy above me angry and the feeling of cold air on my skin. ‘What was that? When was that?’ I asked myself. I cringed and immediately felt more pain in my...

1 year ago
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Picture Perfect Finish

A blast of cold air greeted me rudely as I exited the subway station on my way home from the office. It was unusually cold for early November, and the weather darkened my already foul mood from a long day at work. I walked briskly towards my house and checked my watch. It was almost 9:30 p.m. Anne was going to be pissed. This was the third night in a row that I hadn’t made it home for dinner and to help the kids with their homework. I unlocked the front door and cautiously pushed it open. I...

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Starting With NothingChapter 2

was over the moon with the day's work, not only had I earned over four hundred pounds, but I'd realized a long held desire of making love with another woman, I was bubbling over as we reached our local post office just before closing time and deposited the cheque. The first thing I did when we got home was to kiss Jay hungrily and ask him if he enjoyed watching me, "It was beautiful Jools" he smiled, "Absolutely fucking mind blowing" "Well how about taking your sister to bed and...

2 years ago
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Her Shy Sister

Vince met Mandy at the carnival that was the official kickoff for the summer vacation. Now his success with girls was usually a long drawn out process. You see, despite his trim figure and good looks, he was a little on the shy side, but he hit it off with her the moment they met.They spent the day together riding the rides and talking. Like him, she was seventeen and facing the last year of school. She attended a rather exclusive all-girls school which explained why he had never seen her...

1 year ago
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Shonas Summer Holiday Ch 02

Chapter 2 – The Shower Even though it was late in the afternoon, the sun bore down. Jane, lying naked on the chaise felt the cool water splashing on her back. She arched her back, lifting her torso, her hard nipples rubbing against the towel under her. Shona laughed as Jane squealed. Jane turned to see Shona standing in front of her, her oiled body glistening in the sun. ‘I need to cool off,’ Shona said, diving into the pool. Jane followed her friend into the water, swimming up next to her....

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Growing TogetherChapter 3

It was cool enough to be wearing a jacket when Jon parked the Monte Carlo outside the Skyhook Aviation hangar at Sky Harbor airport. It wasn't the first time they'd been there; they'd made numerous trips with Jennlynn in her Learjet 24, which she'd nicknamed Skyhook. The name had a double meaning -- it should have had an "er" at the end of it, but it sounded better over the airwaves the way it was. Jennlynn had been a pilot long before Jon and Tanisha had first heard of her. Before Jon...

3 years ago
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I Learnt A Lot From Stopping With My Granny

I had to go and live with my gran for a few weeks before school broke up for the summer holidays. Mom’s job as a business adviser for failing businesses had taking her to the other end of the country for at least the next two months.Gran was 66 years old and widowed for the last three years, standing at 5 feet three, I towered over her slightly plumper body, it was hard to tell what size she really was as she always wore big loose dresses, but she did have a nice set of breasts to look at. She...

1 year ago
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"Armed police officers! We have a warrant to search the premises!" A rude awakening if ever there was one! I quickly slipped on a pair of pink polka-dot knickers that I’d discarded on the bedroom floor the night before, and pulled on my pale blue skinny fit tee-shirt. I tugged it into place over my breasts just in time; a burly black man with a bald head crashed through the bedroom door and dragged me unceremoniously to my feet. My heart pounded in my chest as he guided me roughly into the...

2 years ago
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It was when the heel of my shoe clicked firmly against the wooden ankle of the bench for the tenth time that Mrs Hemsley, the school secretary, finally looked up at me with complete exasperation. I smiled politely, as you should, but the old woman simply frowned and shook her head. “Charlotte Reid, why can’t you sit still?” Mrs Hemsley finally spluttered. I shrugged as if it really was a question too difficult to ponder at this given moment, before making the conscious decision that humming...

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Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter ThreeThomas

Baseball Player to Baseball Girl Chapter 3 Mike meets Thomas The alarm clock rang at 6:30 am. Mike had only a few hours of sleep, but it felt like he had slept much longer than that. He jumped out of bed and took a quick shower so that he could be ready for Thomas's arrival at 7:00. Fortunately, it was an off day for the Seals, which meant Mike had a day with no obligations. He was looking forward to trying on all of his new clothes and jewelry. As he was contemplating what he...

4 years ago
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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

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A Suitable Position Chapter 8

A Suitable Position© Chapter 8 Life on the Inside. Her ladyship, Maxine von Bulow the Countess of Argyll arranged the satin cushions to her satisfaction and lowered herself gracefully onto the comfortable couch as she carefully observed her friend Rozamund Kirchen instruct her new maid on how to make the bed they had shared to her own specific standards. Under normal circumstances a lady would have little interest in such a domestic scene but this was a most unusual situation,...

1 year ago
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Rub Page threw me for a minute with the name, because the first thing I thought of was old-timey pornography printed on actual paper. The older masturbators in the audience may even still have some nudie rags underneath the mattress, but who really needs a physical stash when you’ve got access to so many bigger, better collections on the internet? I imagine it’s the same thing with erotic massage directories. Sure, your creepy uncle might have a handwritten list he keeps folded up in his...

Erotic Massage Sites
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My Sixtieth Birthday

It was my sixtieth birthday and I went to New York City with three of my sexy female friends. We went to dinner and a show one night. Did some site seeing and attended a swinger party the following day.At the party i was sitting alone at the bar after just fucking a young man when a young woman sat next to me. Everyone was naked at this point and most were having sex. She was very young looking but I knew she was at least 21 because that was they minimum age for the party. She started talking...

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KellyChapter 36

It was a year later. Kelly had delivered a beautiful baby boy who was now over six months old, Mikhail Adams Callahan, called Mickey. Although the plan for Camille to be his wet nurse hadn’t worked out, the girl slept in the nursery with the baby and normally had taken care of his two o’clock feeding. Kelly thought about her pregnancy with some amusement. She remembered telling everyone she would be a mess — a happy mess, but a mess. She never was. In fact on the day of her delivery, she...

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