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NOTE: Not original? Not mine. And now for the next exciting installment! Read, Review and Enjoy!


Hermione sat down in the grass and the others circled in around her as she showed them the relevant page in the book. "What we are searching for is the Ring of Mykele." She announced proudly.

"The ring of what now?" Ron asked looking confused.

"Mick- elle." She said sounding it out for them. As Harry leaned in closer to her to read the passage, she felt her heart beat faster and hoped he couldn’t hear it.

"Hermione, this is in Latin." He said, scratching his head.

"I know. I learned it when I was ten from my parents." She answered nonchalantly. Everyone appeared impressed, but she wasn’t exactly pleased by their accolades. There were a lot of other things she had wanted to do the summer her parents had forced her to learn the dead language, but knowledge was always prized far over experience in her home, regardless her argument that the two were linked.

"Well, what does the ring do?" Ginny asked.

"Like Lupin told us, it has many powers. Most of them the wandless kind." Hermione began, searching through the text for the relevant lines.

"Well, what’s the one that is supposed to interest me so much?" Harry ran his hands through his hair nervously.

"Let’s see, it can make the wearer invisible just by thinking it." She quickly translated, finding it easier to look at the book than at him.

"Harry has a cloak for that." Ron said. "Though I suppose it is a bit cumbersome."

"It can also let you read one’s thoughts." She added.

"Voldemort can do that, so that’s not why he would want it." Ginny pointed out.

Harry had confessed to Hermione that it felt like sometimes he could read minds too, but neither one of them was about to tell that to anyone else. He had worried that it was one more way he was connected to Voldemort. "It allows the wearer to see in the dark." She went on quickly, catching onto Harry’s anxiousness.

"That one’s cool." George grinned. "No wand light to give you away."

"Is that it?" Fred asked her as he too leaned to look at the book, as if he’d be able to read what he saw.

"Well, there’s one more thing, but it’s been scratched out." She pointed to where someone had blackened the page. Underneath the scribbling someone had written in English: You have found the second clue. I delay no further. As you can see, this Ring is extraordinary, but there is yet one power to uncover. Look to the thing that lives, yet should not. It is a dangerous being to keep at a school, yet can offer protection of a secret way. Know the way to calm it, and you will find the next clue upon it.

"Your mum sure did like her riddles, didn’t she?" Fred sighed.

"So what’s alive here that shouldn’t be?" Ginny asked the group. They all thought awhile. Then Ron’s stomach growled loudly and they decided to save the clue for later.

"Thanks, Mione. You’re the best." Harry whispered with a grateful smile before he and the Weasley kids went in to shower before lunch. With an airy feeling of satisfaction, Hermione went to fetch Neville and Luna and tell them of her discovery.


Luna was excited that Hermione had finally made progress with the book. Though she still didn’t know exactly what they were searching for, she did know that it was important for Harry to have it. She’d been shown so many things recently, things no one else was supposed to know. She desperately wanted to tell her new friends what they were in for, but she couldn’t. The best she could do was guide them and even then she wasn’t sure she was doing the right thing. Part of her couldn’t stand the burden of her secrets anymore and just wanted to find some way to make it all end for good.

Entering the Great Hall, Luna decided to take advantage of the less strict seating restrictions of the weekend meals and went to sit with Harry, Ron and the rest of her Gryffindor friends. After all, there weren’t many people in her own house who cared for her company and she’d rather be near people who at least liked having her around. Moving quickly, she took the empty seat next to Ron, forcing Harry and Hermione to the other side of the table. She caught their amusement and wished Ron were as perceptive as they seemed to be. Perhaps it was time she start being less subtle in her own feelings, though her rather high self-confidence just couldn’t quite extend to her romantic aspirations. Maybe if she was more certain, maybe if she had seen something that gave her a more definite answer as to how her affection would be received… But there was some comfort in knowing that eventually things between her and Ron would be settled one way or the other. She knew how she’d like it to turn out, but she didn’t hold out any great hope. She knew what he and everyone else had thought of her, how often they used the words "weird", "strange", or "odd" to describe her… and unfortunately it seemed Harry was changing his mind about her faster than Ron.

She felt so alone all the time, though that was partly her own fault. She knew what she had to do, how to act and what to say to be accepted… but she’d always done what felt right to her and simply dealt with others disapproval of her disregard for normalcy. After her mother had died in such a silly and thoughtless way, she’d been cruelly teased and this led her to believe that she didn’t want to be accepted by the other kids. Now that she was older, she found that there was a part of her that did want to feel a part of a group, to have someplace she belonged. Ginny had whole-heartedly taken to her, Harry and Hermione were both on their way to really liking her… it was Ron who was the hold-out, the one still questioned what he felt about Luna and why, and she knew it. All she could do was hope he’d continue to come around. Until then, she supposed she would focus on the clues with everyone else and so she picked up her book and pretended to read as she listened to them all discuss the latest development.


"Maybe Moony can help us with the second clue." Ron said after his third helping, reverting to Lupin’s nickname while they were in public.

"Yeah, he didn’t know where the clues led, so maybe the bickeross potion won’t work against them to find this Ring of Michael." Fred added.

"Mykele." Hermione corrected. "Maybe, but I wouldn’t bet on it. It was like a game to them."

"What?" Ron asked, his mouth full.

"Be more disgusting Ron, please." Ginny scolded sarcastically.

"Hiding it, making clues. You all know that the Marauders liked to play games." Harry said, catching onto Hermione’s train of thought. "Maybe this time they did hide the ring out of necessity, but it certainly seems that they still made a game of it. And this time they roped in my mum to help."

"Your mum probably secretly liked the thrill as much as the boys did, otherwise why would she have helped at all?" Luna said absently from behind a book called ‘Modern Witches and the Horrible Creatures that Hunt Them.’ Harry smiled as Hermione made a face at the title. He knew she was only interested in useful information, not made up nonsense and he liked that she so enjoyed learning. But then, a part of him liked that Luna read those strange books, it seemed to let her see things from a whole different perspective. He realized he was beginning to come a bit closer to understanding her… if that was even possible, which he still wasn’t sure it was.

"Why would it being like a game mean anything?" Ron asked after he swallowed. "Other than that they made a tedious responsibility into fun."

"Well, think about it. Suppose they one day decided to come get the ring back. They would want it to be as difficult as possible, right? So they would do everything they could to ensure that they would receive no outside help, even from themselves. Make it a contest to see who would find it first." Hermione shrugged.

"So you’re saying Moony will refuse to help us?" Fred asked.

"Not so much refuse as be unable." Harry reasoned. "I think what Hermione is trying to say is that they probably found some way of keeping themselves from helping each other or anyone else. He did say that they mistrusted Peter, so they probably used the strongest potion possible. Could have been precaution as well as a contest."

"So no one will be able to help us?" Neville asked timidly.

"We’ll help each other." Harry assured him. "I just don’t think Moony will be able to figure out the clues for us."

"Still doesn’t hurt to ask." Ginny said and no one could argue with her point. So after lunch, they made their way to the Defense classroom and found Lupin in his office writing a letter. He was so focused on what he was writing that he didn’t notice them all come in.

"Is it a love letter?" Ron asked, sneaking up behind Lupin and startling him so badly he nearly fell out of his chair.

"No. Just a regular letter." He said turning red and quickly putting the paper in his drawer.

"To whom?" Ron asked with false sweetness.

"Um, Tonks." He answered quietly.

"Are you writing her poetry?" He continued to tease as Harry, Fred and George stood behind him grinning.

"Leave him alone, Ron." Hermione scolded with a face that looked much like the one Mrs. Weasley made when disciplining her children.

"It’s Saturday, I figured I’d be student free." Lupin said by way of an apology. "What can I do for you all?"

"We found the second clue and were wondering if you could help us." Harry answered as Hermione showed him the passage in the book and the clue Lily had written under it.

Lupin studied it for some time, running his fingers wistfully over the words as he allowed his thoughts to wander back to that time when Lily had been alive to write them. When he finally opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out. After awhile he shrugged apologetically. "Sorry, guess that’s the potion working. It won’t let me tell you what I think."

"Maybe if you wrote it down?" Ginny suggested as Neville handed him a new piece of parchment. He tried, but every time he went to write, he dropped the quill due to sudden finger spasms. "Guess not." She said after his fourth attempt.

"Sorry." He said again. They stayed and had tea with him, trying several roundabout ways of getting through the potion.

Once it was clear they would be receiving no help from Lupin, the one who had started them on this quest, they politely said their good-byes, which seemed to suit the professor just fine. Harry grinned as he followed the others, knowing his friend was anxious to get back to his letter. Deciding to continue enjoying the weather, they headed outside to the tree by the lake.

After throwing around ideas for awhile, Luna turned to Hermione. "Does it say anything about this Michael guy?"

"Mykele." Hermione corrected again but Harry could hear the agitation in her voice. He saw that the twins had also picked up on her annoyance and he took in the wicked grin they shared. He smiled to himself and guessed that Hermione was in for a hell of a time, knowing how they liked to push people’s buttons. "Let me see." She scanned the page.

"Why would knowing stuff about him help us?" Ron asked Luna.

"I don’t know, I was just curious. You never know when knowing things will come in handy." She answered mysteriously, while looking pointedly at Harry, as if she were trying to give him a hint about something… what it was he had no idea.

"Yeah, this Michael guy did make the ring after all." Fred added, shooting a smirk in Hermione’s direction.

"Mykele." She said, glaring at him before clearing her throat and turning back to the book. "It says he was a great inventor of many powerful objects used by many of the world’s most powerful witches and wizards. He was considered a genius in his craft, though he unfortunately met his end while in the process of creating a hat for his son, who was an Auror. The hat was supposed to kill any person who placed it on their head and he mistook it for one of his own one day when preparing to go out."

"I wouldn’t call someone who did that a genius!" Fred laughed.

Ron gave his brother a little push. "It’s not funny."

"Does it mention anything else about the ring?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Well, here’s something. It says he made the ring as a gift for Godric Gryffindor."

"Why?" Ginny asked.

Hermione turned the page and sighed. "That part has been scratched out too. Looks like it would have given away the last power or something."

"Wait, let me see the clue again!" George said excitedly. He reread it, his eyes growing wide as he shook his head. "Of course! It protects a secret entrance and is dangerous. Why didn’t I see it before!"

"What?" Everyone asked. Harry’s heart was in his throat.

"The Whomping Willow!" George answered excitedly.

"You may be right!" Hermione exclaimed taking the book back. "It lives but shouldn’t. Trees are alive all right, but this one is animated! And it guards the way to the shrieking shack, plus if you push the knob that Crookshanks found, it calms it so you can get by!"

They all excitedly ran over to the tree, which immediately began thrashing when Neville got too close. "Be careful." Ron warned him before turning to the others. "So, who’s going to push the knob?"

"I’ll go." Harry volunteered. "This thing was supposed to be for me anyway." He walked slowly to the edge of its reaches and took a deep breath. Then he jumped in, dodging branches and leaping for the lever.

"Harry, Watch out!" He heard Hermione scream. The branch came out of nowhere and scooped him up throwing him several feet. He felt his body thud against the ground as the wind was knocked out of him. His friends ran over yelling his name as he sat up with a wince, his glasses cracked and his arm bleeding.

"Occulous reparo." Hermione instantly pointed her wand at his face.

"Well, that didn’t work." He said, shakily getting to his feet with Ron and Fred’s help.

"Maybe we should all go for it together." Luna suggested, gazing dreamily at the tree.

"Yeah, it’ll be harder for it to get all eight of us and at least one should be able to get there." George agreed. Together they all turned and faced the tree and after counting to three, they ran in. Harry didn’t look anywhere but his at his target and once again he almost made it before being grabbed up. This time he hung on to his branch for dear life, praying that someone had succeeded.

A few violently dizzying seconds later, the tree stopped moving and Harry carefully climbed down, the world still spinning under his feet and forcing him to sit. "Who made it?" He asked once assured that everyone was safely on the ground. Ginny raised her hand proudly. "Good job." He said as he surveyed the rest of the group. They all had cuts and scrapes, their clothes were torn and leaves were tangled in their hair. All in all, not as bad as it could have been.

Once they all caught their breath and collected themselves, they split up and began examining the wide tree trunk, looking for anything that was carved into the wood. Harry stopped at a spot where he found J.P. and L.E cut decisively into the trunk. He touched the initials- his parents’ initials- feeling sad and sorry for himself.

"I think I found it!" Neville called suddenly from the other side. They all gathered around him and gasped. A brief paragraph had been magically seared into the wood far above anyone but Hagrid’s eye-line. Harry looked up and read the words that revealed the last power of the ring. It took a few moments to fully comprehend their meaning as his mind tried to reject what his eyes were seeing. Feeling his chest tighten with emotions he couldn’t even describe, he reached up trying to touch his mother’s message.

"Harry?" Hermione put a scraped and bleeding hand on his shoulder.

"We have to find this ring." He said turning to the others with a new determination. He would see that he used this last power if it was the last thing he ever did.

A/N: Sorry to leave you hanging. Actually, I’m not, because it’s more fun for me this way. Please keep those reviews coming because they make me feel good. And if you didn’t like something, please let me know, I’m all about feedback. BTW in the next chapter, someone dies.

Chapter 14: Secrets and Loss

NOTE: You know what goes here so I’m not going to write it. Real quick note about this chapter, someone dies, someone innocent, someone who’s a friend. They are a semi-main character. Don’t get mad at me, I’m just the medium through which the words flow. Please review and please enjoy. I write for the reader, let me know you guys are out there.



The new marauders were all in the Gryffindor common room talking excitedly about what they had discovered, Luna once again using Harry’s cloak to gain easy entry. Harry, however, was sitting apart from the others, not knowing exactly what he was feeling. He sat in front of the fireplace, staring at the bright, golden-orange flames as they licked at the wood he fed them and thinking about how he now wanted that ring more than anything else in the world. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that Hermione was staring at him, worried about the effect this new development would have on him.

He hadn’t said anything to anyone since they had returned to the castle after copying down Lily’s words. Now as the voices of his friends faded into the background, he sighed and took out the folded piece of paper, rereading the long passage for the hundredth time.

You have reached the third clue. Let your reward be knowledge. The last power of the Ring of Mykele is the power to speak with the dead. When you find the ring, you will know how to use this power. For now, here is your next clue. In a nearby town, there is a secret house. One you have never seen. In this house, there is an antique store owned by my friend. Very few people know of it. She will ask you three questions. Answer all and she will lead you. To reach this house, you must know the words. They are hidden here in this clue. L-E .....Remember

Harry was stumped. It could be any of the words, any number of them. They had all agreed that the town was Hogsmeade, as there was no other village nearby that she could have visited while at school. But where and more importantly, how was he supposed to find a secret hidden house?

"Well, we won’t be able to do anything until our first Hogsmeade weekend." Ginny voice broke through his reverie, but he still kept his back to them and they seemed content to let him have his space.

"And that isn’t for three weeks yet. We have plenty of time to work on the clue." Neville added optimistically. Harry felt himself getting angry and desperate. He wanted- no… he needed the ring now. He wanted to talk to Sirius and his parents. He wanted to apologize to Cedric Diggory.

"Harry? It’s dinner time." Hermione came to kneel in front of him, gently reaching out to rub his arm. Her hand was now bandaged as they had visited the hospital wing upon reentering the castle. Madame Pomfrey had asked that they not make their visit a weekly ritual this year after she had fixed everyone up. Harry felt another twinge of anger mixed with guilt and still said nothing as he rose to follow them to the Great Hall.

He kept his silence all throughout dinner and wound up going to bed early. However sleep was an impossibility as his mind continued to race with thoughts of the past and the ways he wished it were different. He tossed and turned until his roommates finally came up to go to sleep themselves. Noticing he was still awake, Ron gave him a small smile of support. "Maybe you should talk to Moony." He said quietly as he climbed into his own bed.

"And what good would that do?" Harry asked, letting loose his first words since finding the clue and unable to hide his grumpiness.

Ron’s grin quickly faded. "I don’t know, tell him-"

"Tell him what? That we know what the ring does? That I’d do anything to get it? He won’t be able to help." He flung the covers away from his suddenly hot skin.

"Just-" But Ron was interrupted as Harry leapt out of bed.

"I’m going downstairs to work on some homework or something. I know I won’t be able to sleep." He left the room with his books saying goodnight to his roommates. He felt tense all over, his muscles tight and anxious to move- like he needed to run endlessly for miles.

When he reached the common room, he wasn’t surprised to see Hermione sitting in a chair in front of the fire with a book on her lap. "Couldn’t sleep either?" She asked. "I figured you’d be down here sooner or later."

"You called it then." He threw his books on the couch and slumped in the chair across from her.

"What’s going on Harry? What are you thinking?"

"That I almost wish Lupin had never given me that parchment. If I can’t find this ring, if I know I could talk to them and don’t get to... I don’t know." The words slipped easily from his mouth. She made it so easy to be honest.

"Well, maybe this will help." She moved to sit next to him on the arm of his chair and showed him the book she had been reading. "After dinner I went to the library to see what I could find on this Mykele guy and I came across this: He made the ring for Godric Gryffindor so that he could communicate with his wife, who had died two weeks after the school was first opened. Her name was Selene."

"Selene Gryffindor. What does any of that have to with now?" he asked.

"I don’t know. Luna said it was important that we know the history behind the ring and I agree. It’s always better to know exactly what you’re dealing with." She leaned back against the chair so that her arm was pressed up against his.

"Is there anything in there that will help us?" he asked to distract himself from the goosebumps rising all over from her nearness.

"I don’t think so." She paused. "Harry, I know how important this is to you, and you will have your chance to talk to them. I’ll see to it personally."

"What will I say?" Seeking comfort, he hesitantly leaned his head against her shoulder, closing his eyes against the despair he felt. "I hardly knew my parents. And Sirius, how can I apologize for being so stupid. And Cedric-"

"Cedric’s death wasn’t your fault, Harry. It was Voldemort. And Peter."

His eyes flew open. "If I wasn’t here, if I wasn’t around-"

"Then Voldemort would have taken over by now." She interrupted resting her head upon his. "I can’t honestly say that I know what you’re feeling, but I do know that if you were never born, then Voldemort wouldn’t have been stopped fifteen years ago and maybe none of us would be around... me especially, since my parents are who they are. But because you are here, because your mother gave you the power to withstand Voldemort all those years ago, you gave the rest of us a chance to live."

Harry took in her words. Deep down, he knew she was making great sense, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that he was responsible for everything. Perhaps he was used to the guilty feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was familiar, something he could grab onto at a moment’s notice. He didn’t want to give it up. Maybe that was selfish, to keep the feeling all to himself for it’s reliability, but he didn’t care. Hermione sat with him until morning, reading silently beside him, simply there for support. Finally other students began to come down, ready to enjoy their Sunday. Harry was never more grateful that Hermione was in his life.


"It just feels so natural being around him, comforting him." Hermione admitted. She, Ginny and Luna were seated in the courtyard waiting for lunch to start. Although she hadn’t mentioned what exactly she and Harry had talked about, she was sharing the feeling of spending that time with him.

"That means you guys are good friends, not necessarily that you’ll make a good couple." Ginny said steadily.

"That’s your opinion." She answered hotly. Of course they all knew of the school-girl crush the youngest Weasley had on Harry. But now years later, Hermione had hoped she would have gotten over it. She wasn’t sure that was the case. "What do you think Luna?"

"I think whatever you both decide will be best for you." She answered quietly.

"As long as the road to my brother is clear, right?" Ginny teased her.

"I find Ron interesting." Luna defended herself.

Ginny shook her head. "You’re the only one."

Hermione was taken aback by her friend’s mean words. "There’s nothing wrong with Ron. He’s got a lot to offer. Really, Ginny. He’s your brother after all."

"He wasn’t good enough for you!" she shouted. "Don’t pretend you didn’t know he liked you. We all know you’re smarter than that."

She was stunned. Of course she suspected Ron may have developed a crush on her, but had assumed it was merely because of all the time they spent together. "I knew and handled it delicately. I never made him think I wanted anything more than his friendship. And I’m not the one sitting here talking him down to someone who is actually interested in more with him!"

"Well, aren’t you perfect." Ginny said sourly before rising and walking away.

"Ginny!" Hermione called after her but the other girl kept going. "What has gotten into her?"

"I’m not sure, she doesn’t talk about much lately and there’s a lot swirling around in her head so I can’t make most of it out." Luna answered, staring after her friend. Hermione felt the girl’s answer was odd, but then so were most things about her. But she was astonished to find that the absurdity embraced by Luna was exactly what was drawing her in and making her want to be friends with the girl.

"Well let’s hope whatever it is passes quickly." She said as she gathered her things to go into the castle.

"I wouldn’t hold my breath." Luna said so quietly that Hermione wasn’t sure she’d heard anything at all. What did that mean? She wanted to ask, but the other girl was already heading away so she let it go. After all, how would Luna know anything if Ginny hadn’t talked to her?


Ginny slammed the portrait behind her, ignoring the scolding the Fat Lady was screaming from the other side. At first glance the common room appeared empty and she was glad of it. Throwing her bag across the room, she slumped into one of the armchairs by the fireplace and stared at the crackling flames. "Hey." A soft voice said beside her.

She screamed and fell from her seat as Neville stood quickly from the other chair looking horrified. "What are you doing here?" She screamed at him, her heart beating a mile a minute.

"I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!" He continued to fumble out an apology as he reached down to help her up. "I really wasn’t trying to scare you, I thought you saw me there."

She looked at him suspiciously before taking his hand and allowing him to help her to her feet. "Shouldn’t you be at lunch?"

"Shouldn’t you?" he countered with a shrug before stooping to pick up the papers that had flown off his lap.

"I wasn’t hungry."

"Neither was I. What’s wrong, having a bad day?" he asked in a friendly yet embarrassed manner. She smiled in spite of herself, he was always so nervous around the girls.

"I’ve had worse and I’ve had better." She sighed, slumping into the chair once more.

"Well, I guess I’ll leave you alone then." He said as he shyly gathered his things.

She felt guilty for making him feel bad. After all, no one was more harmless than Neville. "Hey, don’t let my attitude run you off. You were here first."

"Are you sure?"

"Sit down already, Neville." She insisted. He sat. "What are you working on?" she asked awkwardly.

"Just some notes. Trying to think some things out I guess." He answered quietly.

"Hope that works out for you."

"So…what’s bothering you?"

"Nothing important. Hey, Neville? Would you mind if we just sat here quietly for awhile?" she asked delicately. There was nothing she wanted to discuss with anyone at the moment.

"Sure. Whatever you want." He sat still for a moment before returning to his notes. Listening to him scribble, she closed her eyes and wondered what it was exactly that was making her so unhappy.


Tonight. Usual place, usual time. I’ve received news.

He’d gotten the note just before dinner and knew exactly who it was from. He resented the fact that all of a sudden this new person comes into the fold and right away he was expected to take orders from them. But he also knew that if he wanted to get anywhere in the future, he had to play the game now. So at midnight, he set off for the clandestine meeting.

Draco wrapped his invisibility cloak more tightly around himself as he slunk out into the crisp night air, feeling strangely vulnerable. While he was actually enjoying having a room to himself, going anywhere outside of it was a whole different story. Usually he never went anywhere alone here if he could help it. Goyle and Crabbe may not be the most lively of conversationalists, but they certainly knew how to fill space and look menacing. Pansy he could do without, but even she was useful in her own dull way. He knew that he tolerated them all because they gave him the two things he never received at home, company and attention. The only times he’d ever done anything without them here at school it was because he’d been following orders from his father, and he couldn’t risk disappointing Lucius- his hold on the man’s affection was shaky as it was. This situation was no different. It had been made very clear to him that the identity of his new partner had to be kept secret from absolutely everyone and he’d be damned if he was going to let anyone mess this up for him. And so he was now forced to not only sneak out of his prison-like yet strangely freeing punishment of a room, but also stalk the school grounds completely alone in the middle of the night.

As he made his way around the lake and into the forest, he took off the cloak and wondered what his life would be like if he just kept walking… If he went on until his legs gave out, completely abandoning everything he knew and starting over somewhere far away. "It took you long enough." A voice said from behind him.

Refusing to show how startled he was, he slowly turned and regarded the cloaked figure with a smirk, ready to play his part. "I was enjoying the freedom." He answered, not wanting anyone to know that he actually liked being kept away from the pressures of interacting with anyone other than Dumbledore and Snape.

"Hey, it’s your fault that you got caught. You’ll have to make your punishment work for us."

"And I will." He answered defensively. "So, what is it you wanted?"

"It’s what the Dark Lord wants. I’ve gotten news from home."

Draco was quickly losing his patience. Not that he ever had much for this particular person anyway. "And?"

"The plan for the quidditch game is a go. My parents have sent me the spells and it’s been agreed that we go through with it."

"And?" Draco asked again, working hard to hide his sudden nervousness. He hadn’t been thrilled with this plan when it had been discussed during the summer but knew better than to voice his concerns. Now that they actually had to do it, his stomach began twisting itself in knots. This was beyond anything he’d been asked to be a part of in the past, a lot of people could get hurt or even killed. Of course, that was what they wanted- but a part of him that had been learning how to actually reason things out was screaming at him that this was a step too far.

"And, I’m to remind you that no matter what happens you are to make sure they think you are responsible."

"How could I forget?" He asked snidely. That was the part he was most uncomfortable with. His name wasn’t worth much to many people on either side of the war as it was, and now he had to become known as a murderer to the do-gooders and a fall guy to the evil ones.

Reaching a hand out from under the cloak, his partner stepped forward and placed it reassuringly on his shoulder. "It’ll be okay Draco."

He shook it off and began walking away. "Just don’t screw up your part when you set those spells. I’ll handle what I need to." He said over his shoulder. He took a deep breath and closed off his thinking mind. He was now in ice-mode, numbing himself from the inside out so that he could go on to do the things expected of him and try to make his father proud. It was a state of being he could slip into pretty easily after so many years of practice.


Harry made an effort to pretend that everything was fine and happily, no one asked any questions. And so the next two weeks went by quickly and without incident. Though they had made absolutely no progress with the clue during that time, Harry was excited in spite of himself when he woke early Saturday morning. It was the day of the first quidditch match of the year and he rushed to the window to find the weather was warm and clear- perfect for flying. He dressed quickly, then hurried down to the Great Hall with a smile plastered across his face, sure they were going to beat the Hufflepuffs- no problem. Parvati and Seamus had been learning the plays quickly and their last practice had gone as smoothly as it could have possibly gone. They all worked together like a real team.

Taking a seat at the table, he realized Ron was already having his usual nervous breakdown. "Oh, will you relax! This one’s in the bag." Ginny finally told him. The rest of the Gryffindors were buzzing along the table, excited to have the best seeker and beaters returning. It seemed they knew there was no way they wouldn’t win the cup this year. But as they all headed to the locker room, Harry’s own stomach began to flutter nervously. After all, he hadn’t nearly as much practice over the summer as the Weasley kids.

At the entrance to the stands Hermione, Luna and Neville broke off to go find seats. Harry had to stifle his laughter as Luna wished Ron luck before following the others- she was wearing Gryffindor colors and a button that said Weasley Is My King, but in his nervous state Ron apparently hadn’t noticed the words. It seemed he was paying more attention to Luna these days than Ron was… hopefully that would change. But as it was, Harry did notice her and saw that she seemed distracted, jumpy, and somehow resigned… Something about her reminded him of someone about to be walked before the firing squad, assured that it was their time to die and fully accepting that it had to be that way. And then she turned to him and it was all gone, like some sort of shield had gone up between them and all he could see was what she chose to show him… a falsely excited smile.

Pushing aside his confusion, he followed Ron into the locker room. The team laughed and joked as they prepared themselves, each trying to channel their nerves in a positive direction. After changing into his uniform, Harry sat back and let Ginny give the pep talk. He had found that it really didn’t bother him to step aside as team captain; it was less responsibility for him and she was doing a fantastic job anyway. Besides, the less he had to worry about at this point, the better.

Ten minutes later, they walked out onto the pitch to loud, exuberant cheering. The entire school was alive with excitement, throwing themselves into this simple joy to forget for awhile the complex horror waiting for them out in the world. Harry glanced at the Gryffindor stands, hoping to catch Hermione’s eye. She and Neville had gotten front row seats and he was surprised to see Luna sitting beside them. He wondered whom she’d support when they played Ravenclaw and as he attempted to share a grin with her, she shot him a look of so much guilt, sorrow and terror that he was taken by surprise. A moment later, her face was normal and she was simply staring expectantly over the field, obviously trying not to meet his eyes again. This was the second time within the last hour that he’d noticed her actively try to hide something from him. There was nothing he could do about it now, but his curiosity had been peaked and he knew he wanted to talk to Luna later and find out what had her so shaken. He tried to ignore a small voice telling him that later would be too late.

Taking their positions on the field, the two teams stared each other down- once they were fellow students, now they were quidditch enemies. At Madam Hooch’s whistle, all fourteen players zoomed into the air. Dean Thomas, having not made the team, was the new announcer this year and he appeared to be channeling Lee Jordan while he spoke. "And Ginny Weasley has the quaffle first. She passes to Patil, who passes to Finnigan and back to Ginny. She goes to make the score- It’s a fake! She passes to Patil who SCORES!!! The only girls on the Gryffindor team and what lovely girls they are!"

"Mr. Thomas...." McGonagall warned.

Pushing everything else in his head aside, Harry listened to the commentary while searching for the snitch. He also kept his eye on the Hufflepuff seeker, Iris Taylor in case she spotted it first. Circling the field and listening as the score increased 20-0 Gryffindor favor, he took a moment to enjoy the feeling of freedom being in the sky evoked in him. Then his senses kicked in and he ducked a bludger that came at him as Fred rushed forward and angrily hit it back at the Hufflepuff beater that had sent it hurtling in his direction.

"Thanks." He called.

"Pay attention next time!" Fred yelled back with a grin. Harry grinned back before heading off to make another sweep of the field.

"Another goal for Gryffindor!!! Way to let the girls show you up Seamus!" Dean shouted into the microphone, teasing his friend.

"Mr. Thomas!!" McGonagall shouted in a voice meant to imply it was her last warning.

Harry and Ron shared a laugh as he went past the goal posts before he flew off to check the other side of the field. Just as he was ready to turn around again, the snitch zoomed past his face. He gave chase immediately as George jumped on his tail to block the other beaters who were trying to interfere. Seeing Iris coming at him from the opposite direction, he began to worry- she was closer to the snitch as it was heading right towards her. Then suddenly, the snitch zoomed upwards. Harry fixed his grip and shot up after it. Iris was too slow and now she was behind him. He knew she’d never catch up to his Firebolt, so he focused all his attention on the snitch. Stretching out his hand, he could just barely touch it. He pushed a little harder and grasped it firmly, feeling it struggling to break free.

"HE CAUGHT IT! HARRY POTTER HAS THE SNITCH! FINAL SCORE 180 TO 0. GRYFFINDOR WINS!!!!!!" Dean shouted into the microphone. Harry and the rest of the team flew around the pitch to the enormous cheering from the Gryffindors and the predictable boos coming from the Slytherins.

Then Harry heard a noise he didn’t recognize coming from his right. He looked over at the Gryffindor stands just as the second explosion went off and raised a hand to shield his head from the debris. The front of the tower began to fall away as students frantically struggled to hang on and climb backwards. As he flew through the air, dodging the wood and fire raining down on them, he caught a glimpse of Hermione as she grabbed Luna who’d began to fall, pulling her back to safety. Together the girls reached out to grab Neville, but couldn’t get him in time. Harry watched horrified as Neville, Hermione, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, and several other kids fell over the side. All fourteen quidditch players leapt into action racing to catch their fellow students. The professors were all shouting and preparing to cast spells.

Harry made a beeline for Hermione, screaming out her name. She saw him coming to save her and reached out her hand as she fell. He was inches from her, pushing himself to his limit to breach the final gap between them. Firmly grasping her hand, he felt pain shoot up and down his arm. He tried to pull her onto the broom but couldn’t muster the strength. He looked around desperately for help.

That’s when he saw Neville. Fred and Ginny had made a grab for him, but they had missed. "Hold on tight!" Harry yelled as he raced forward, still holding onto Hermione with one hand. He wrapped his legs around his broom and stretched his other hand out for Neville feeling Ginny and Fred right behind him. Suddenly he lost his balance and rolled over, dangling from his broom by his legs as his friends had to swerve to avoid running into him. He made a mad grab for the boy, but missed and yelled out to the others as Neville continued to fall. Only seconds had passed since the first explosion but to Harry, if felt like he was watching his friend free-fall for hours. Neville finally hit the ground and was crushed, as rubble from the stands fell down on top of him.

Harry watched it all- every part of Neville’s death- not wanting to forget. His anger surged as he realized that again, he had not been able to help. Carefully bringing his broom down, he gently let Hermione go before uncrossing his legs and falling to the ground in exhaustion and grief. She sat next to him, staring at the spot under the destruction where Neville had landed. She wrapped her arms around herself, crying hopelessly as she rocked back and forth. Harry felt his own eyes water and he turned and buried his face in the ground. Vaguely, he felt pain in his shoulder from where it had popped out of the socket when he had grabbed Hermione. It was nothing to the feeling tearing through his heart.


Luna had run away before anyone could make sense of anything down at the quidditch pitch. Now she sat alone in her dorm, contemplating the mysteries of life as she allowed tears to flow freely down her face. She’d known this was coming, just not how horrible the outcome would be. She’d tried her best to minimize the damage by sitting in the Gryffindor stands, knowing the second explosion had been meant for the Ravenclaw section- specifically, it had been meant for her. Hoping that by placing all the targets in one place she’d force the culprit to do exactly what they did- move the second spell- she’d made it so that everyone’s attention would be on one spot with no diversions. She’d been trying to save lives… and she’d almost succeeded.

It was the second time she’d decided to try and challenge fate, to change the things she knew were coming. The first time- following Harry and the others to the ministry- hadn’t worked out so well either. She knew that had she not taken the action she had today, many others besides Neville would have been killed. But in the moment it didn’t matter. The loss of his life was devastating. She could have told someone what was planned, what she knew… but she hadn’t. His death was as much her fault as it was the person who actually set the spells.

But the reason she hadn’t told anyone was too shameful to admit… even to herself. The fact that she’d risked and lost his and many other lives to try and end hers was too big a burden to bear. Feeling so very tired of knowing things and having the responsibility of guiding everyone down the proper path… She was willing to become the victim of this evil little plan, knowing it had to happen, that Harry had to lose someone to fuel his fury to the point he needed it at in order to survive what was ahead for him. But Hermione had reached out and saved her before Neville, letting her know it just wasn’t her time, she wasn’t done here- not that she was certain his should have been over. How could she explain it to the others? They couldn’t understand even if she was able to put into words how alone and full of frustrated despair she felt. And she could never explain that she knew the explosions had to happen in order for so many other things to happen, that this was the catalyst that would change so many lives. Her friends didn’t know- well, they didn’t know anything yet. But all she had to do was keep letting things play out and soon Harry would figure it out. Sometimes he was so close but there was too much distracting him from the truth within him. And Ron, he was starting to come around… so she knew she had things to look forward to in the future. But until that time all she could do was continue to sit and suffer alone while pretending everything was normal. And she would wait, she’d learned her lesson about trying to change fate. For now anyway.


The hospital wing was packed. Uninjured students were helping the professors and Madam Pomfrey tend to all who were injured, the majority of whom were Gryffindors. Harry sat on his bed, his arm in a sling and his shoulder aching. It was all a dull roar in the back of his mind, all he could see was the closed door to Madame Pomfrey’s office. As soon as the chaos was over, the staff had uncovered Neville and taken his body in there before any of the patients were allowed into the infirmary. Everyone had told Harry that it wasn’t his fault, but he didn’t believe it. He kept thinking if only he’d been quicker, if only he hadn’t lost his grip. Vaguely he realized that Fred and Ginny were just as miserable, having also missed catching their friend. And he knew the professors were horrified at not having seen Neville fall while they were busy keeping the rest of the tower from collapsing. But none of that mattered to Harry, Neville was still gone and he personally could have prevented it, regardless of who else had also failed. Everyone else had been saved after all… it wasn’t fair.

Hermione and Ron were sitting on the edge of Harry’s bed, having suffered only minor cuts and bruises. Neither said a word, unable to do more than sit in shocked silence as they began the process of mourning their friend. Harry remembered a time in second year after Neville had been picked up by pixies and hung from a chandelier during one of phony Professor Lockhart’s failed lessons. He had said, "Why is it always me?" as he dangled there helplessly. Harry closed his eyes and cried.

Soon the room began to clear as students were sent back to their common rooms until dinner. None of the adults even attempted to kick out Harry and his friends, simply working around them as they shot out nervous glances. Neville’s grandmother arrived in a flurry a short time later, crazy bird hat and all. Dumbledore and McGonagall led her gently into the office to see her grandson’s body, each holding her up by her shaking shoulders. Harry felt sorry for her. First she had lost Neville’s parents to death eaters, driven into insanity by Bellatrix LeStrange and now she had lost her grandson, the last piece of her children that she had. Emerging from the room awhile later quietly sobbing but more or less in control of herself, Mrs. Longbottom looked around the infirmary until she spotted Harry. She made her way over and looked from him, to Fred, to Ginny who were in beds on either side of him. "I was told how hard you three tried to save him." She wiped her eyes. "He spoke of you all constantly, please, come see him laid to rest." They nodded their silent agreement, unable to say anything out loud.


Draco angrily paced between the trees, not knowing exactly what to feel. He’d once more snuck out to meet and debrief his partner, but he’d already heard what had happened… Longbottom was dead and he couldn’t imagine a more pitiful victim... Hearing footsteps behind him, he whipped around to once again find a cloaked figure hovering behind him. His annoyance was at a breaking point. "What the hell happened?" He shouted.

"You seem upset?" His partner appeared surprised.

"You aren’t? You’re the one who’s new to all of this." He grumbled crossing his arms.

"Look, I know it didn’t work out exactly the way we wanted, but Neville was a friend of Harry’s. Although I would have much rather gotten those annoying girls."

"I’m sure you would have." Draco answered, forcing himself to go cold. It was obvious the person before him had no idea why he was upset and he wasn’t about to show weakness in front of anyone. Especially someone he may have underestimated… apparently he didn’t know just who he was dealing with after all. He’d never have expected such callousness.

"I did my part. Now make sure Harry thinks it was you, it’s important. I think Loony Luna may be onto me, she’s getting to be quite the thorn in my side. Even more than the Horrid Hermione."

"Don’t worry about it, I’ll figure something out. Are we done here?" He asked, turning and walking away without waiting for an answer. He had a lot of thinking to do.


A few hours later, Luna walked calmly into the hospital wing, startling Harry into realizing he hadn’t noticed she’d been missing from the group. She wound up following him and the others up to the boys’ dormitory where they all scattered, sitting on various beds and staring at Neville’s empty one. He would never sleep there again, and Harry wasn’t sure how any of the rest of them were expected to sleep either.

He, Ron, Dean and Seamus had told McGonagall that they would see to going through their unfortunate roommate’s things and packing everything away. Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny and now Luna had volunteered to help… but now that the task was before them, no one could bring themselves to actually do it.

Finally Ron stood up and broke the somber silence. "Come on guys, Mrs. Longbottom wants to leave with all of his stuff." He said as he moved to Neville’s nightstand. He awkwardly picked up the books that lay there and flipped through them before walking over to place them in a trunk. All eyes were on him and as he prepared to put them away and they saw several sheets of paper fall out from between the pages of one of the texts, scattering across the floor.

Hermione stooped down and grabbed them. "They’re in his writing. Looks like notes." She revealed.

"Probably homework." Dean said.

"I don’t think so." Hermione answered, reading them.

"I can’t be in here anymore." Seamus said getting to his feet. "Dean, will you go with me down to the kitchens? I haven’t eaten all day and should probably at least attempt it. Can you guys handle this without us?"

"Sure go ahead." Ron answered absently.

They left quickly, nearly running from the room. As soon as they were gone, Hermione turned to the Marauders. "It’s about the clue. He was trying to figure it out."

"What’s it say?" George asked.

"It’s just a bunch of things scribbled down." She put the paper down and everyone gathered to read.

Harry needs the ring. Third clue, need words. Words are in the clue. L-E.....Remember. Remember what? Lily Evans? Initials? L-E has to mean something.
Ginny is sitting next to me now, and she seems upset. I wish she’d notice me, I wish I knew how to make her feel better. She’s so pretty. I should tell her. No one tells each other anything. Luna won’t tell Ron. Harry and Hermione won’t tell each other. I should just ask her. She might like me too.
L-E..........remember. What are we supposed to remember? Something about Lily? Maybe L-E is a clue and not initials, but how?

Ginny sat back with a small smile, tears running down her face. Then she dropped her face into her hands and wept with energy. Ron was staring at Luna but as usual she was looking out the window. Harry and Hermione were having trouble meeting each other’s eyes as she got up and nervously started pacing the room while he snuck glances at her.

Fred and George however had picked up the clue from Harry’s nightstand and were looking through it. "Um guys?" George said finally. Everyone turned to stare at them, except for Ginny who had buried herself into Harry’s shoulder. He’d thrown an arm around her trying to offer comfort, but she seemed nearly inconsolable.

"We think Neville accidentally solved it." Fred placed the paper in front of them. "L-E is not Lily’s initials, it’s supposed to be L through E. Look at the second sentence. ‘Let your reward be knowledge.’ Starts with an L...."

"And ends with an E" Harry finished.

"Good job, Neville." Hermione said quietly.

A/N: Who set off the explosions? Will everyone let their true feelings be known? Will Harry be able to answer the questions of the mysterious old lady and get the next clue? Find out in the next installment of Harry Potter and the Ring of Mykele. Please review.

A/N: Neville’s quote from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Chapter 15: Fighting Among Friends

NOTE: [insert previous statements here.] Sorry this took awhile to get up. I was at my parents’ house and their internet sucks. Read, Review, Enjoy!


Monday morning dawned as any normal day would. Harry lay in bed wondering how he could be expected to go to class like usual when only two days ago he had watched his friend die. Sitting up, he looked over at Ron and saw that he had woken with the same pained expression on his face as he thought of the day ahead. None of the boys in the dorm said a word, remaining somberly silent as they got up, dressed and went down to breakfast.

The Great Hall was filled with small mumbling here and there; the Slytherin table was providing most of the noise and they conversed easily among themselves, as if nothing had happened. Everyone else in the other three houses was staring at the table, their books or at nothing at all. Neville’s absence was felt all along the Gryffindor table and as Harry took a seat between Hermione and George he knew that today would be one of the hardest to get through. He didn’t want to go to classes and stare at an empty desk. He didn’t want to go to Potions and know that nothing would blow up or bubble over.

Dumbledore stood up and the silence that rang though the hall was deafening. "As you all know, there has been a terrible occurrence this weekend and a life was lost. We have now determined that a spell was placed on the Gryffindor stands set to go off at a certain time. It was the equivalent to what Muggles call a bomb. We will be conducting a thorough investigation and the culprit will be caught. In respect to the memory of Neville Longbottom, all classes for the entire week have been canceled." He paused. Not one student cheered at the prospect of no class, even the Slytherins knew better. "The funeral will be held tomorrow and any student wishing to attend may do so along with the those whom were already invited by Neville’s grandmother. Also, there were plans to cancel this weekend’s trip into Hogsmeade, but I have ultimately decided to allow it to go on as planned. Enjoy your breakfast."

Once again, a note appeared in front of Harry directing him to go immediately to the Headmaster’s office when he was done eating. He looked at the others, but this time, only Ron and Hermione had also received one. When it was discovered that even Ron was having trouble building an appetite, they decided to just skip the rest of breakfast and wait in Dumbledore’s office. They stayed close together as they walked the halls, all three of them immersed in their separate grief. When they passed by the gargoyle and went up to the office, they were surprised to see the Headmaster already sitting behind his desk, waiting for them with a look of sad determination.

"Sir, didn’t we just see you downstairs?" Ron asked.

"I noticed you three leave and decided that I was also done with breakfast."

"Why did you ask us here, sir?" Hermione inquired as Harry stole a glance at her. Her face was red, as if she had been crying right through the last thirty-two hours.

"I was wondering how you were doing on your hunt." He answered honestly.

"We know what we’re looking for." Harry said. "The Ring of Mykele."

"Ah." Dumbledore sat back and brought his fingertips together, looking pensive. "Who else knows this?"

"Fred, George, Ginny, Luna and Neville." Ron said without thinking. Realizing what he had said, who he’d included, he looked down in sadness and anger.

"I see. Harry, I have to ask you to abandon your search." The headmaster said simply. He appeared to brace himself for what he knew was coming.

"I can’t do that!" Harry yelled, startling Hermione and Ron.

Dumbledore had seemed to anticipate his anger. "You have to understand that it was careless of Remus to give you the first clue knowing what you would find."

"Why?" He demanded.

"Do you remember the Mirror of Erised? What I told you about it? The same applies to this ring. If you find it, you’ll be looking to the past instead of the future. Its powers will consume you."

"Only if I let it! I just want to talk to them, at least once. You can’t understand. My parents, Sirius, Cedric and now Neville! I just want one chance to say good bye. I never got to say good bye to any of them!" He was shouting again.

"How will that help you, Harry?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"I don’t know. But I won’t let you or anyone else keep me from doing so." He turned and stomped out of the headmaster’s office. He knew he looked childish, but he didn’t care.


After their dismissal from Dumbledore a short while later, Hermione and Ron found Harry sitting alone in the Owlery. They sat down on either side of him without saying anything, all three simply wanting to be there for each other. She was worried and feeling like Dumbledore was letting her down. He was losing his student in every way possible by saying things that he knew would force Harry to push against him. She couldn’t say she didn’t agree with their Headmaster, but she saw Harry’s point as well. What could it hurt to have at the very least a proper goodbye? After, Dumbledore could demand the ring be handed over so that he could be sure Harry wouldn’t hurt himself.

She wanted desperately to say something to break the silence, to make Harry feel better about Dumbledore trying to forbid him from seeking the only thing he’d ever really wanted… but she felt like with Ron present, they couldn’t have an honest conversation about what he really felt. Harry, when they were alone, was always himself and at the same time completely different. He was able to tell her things that he couldn’t tell anyone else and that made her feel entirely special. Despite the fact that her feelings for him past friendship had developed a long time ago, she now found herself drawn to him in a new and better way. Of course she had no hope that he would ever see her in that light, but just knowing that he trusted her more than anyone else in his life was enough.

Sadness suddenly stabbed through her heart. She felt like she should have been thinking only of poor Neville, who they had all tried and failed to save. He had slipped right through all of their hands and the fact that Luna had later sought Hermione out to thank her for saving her life had done nothing to lessen the guilt. How would any of them be able to move past this? She knew she would never be able to forget… after all, it was her fault Harry had missed Neville. Had he not come to save her first he could have caught him, had he not had to hold onto her as he zoomed after the other boy he wouldn’t have lost his grip and could have caught him… Surely this all proved that had she not been saved Neville would have. It was a realization that was hard for her to come to terms with.

Ron, who was always desperate to lighten the mood, finally couldn’t help but break the silence, interrupting Hermione’s depressing thoughts. "So, I’ve been thinking lately about some things, and I decided I’m going to ask Luna to be my date for Hogsmeade this weekend."

"Ron!" She scolded. "Do you really think two days after... you know… is the proper time to bring up dating people?" If she wasn’t going to allow herself to talk or think about other things, then she’d be damned if she was going to let him do it around her.

"I just want things to try and get back to normal, whatever that is." He explained moodily.

"Things without Neville are normal? Living without Sirius is normal? Constant fear for our lives is normal?" Harry asked. "I’ve got news for you Ron. Things haven’t been normal for a long time. In fact, I don’t think things have ever been normal. Not for us."

"Doesn’t mean I can’t try." he sounded hurt. "I know if I had died, I wouldn’t want everyone sitting around moping for days feeling sorry for themselves."

"You didn’t die! Neville did. And you know what? We never paid enough attention to him to know what he would’ve wanted!" Harry rose to his feet and stalked over to look out the opposite window. Hermione began to panic. The boys were inching toward one of their fights and she wasn’t sure whether she should, or could stop it.

"Maybe you couldn’t get off your high horse long enough to pay him any attention, but I sure as hell did." Ron said defensively rising to his feet as well.

"Stop it Ron!" Hermione grabbed his hand and tried to pull him back.

"No!" He whipped his arm from her grasp. "You know what Neville told me in fourth year Harry? He told me that if he didn’t feel so sorry for you, he would have wanted to be just like you: strong, confident and fearless. But you aren’t any of those things. You’re scared and clueless, just like the rest of us. Only difference is you got famous, which gave you a big enough head to make you think you could do anything.

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Chapter 21 - Family ~~~***~~~ The balls Harry had been juggling in the air began to crash down to the floor. One by one, precious orb by precious orb, each and every ball was being sundered. No sooner had he plugged the dyke with one finger than a new spout of water burst forth from somewhere else. And all around, in every direction, those he loved, those who loved him were dying. “I DIDN’T WANT THIS BLOODY WAR!” Harry flung his cup of tea against the stone wall and it smashed...

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Chapter 6 - Too Close an Encounter ~~~***~~~ When Harry shut the door to his room and descended the stairs he was, perhaps, the happiest he had ever been in all his life. The sun sent golden rays streaking through the coloured windows above and cast a golden image on the floor below, tinged with enough red to make Harry think fleetingly of Fawkes. His hair a tangled mess, he was wearing a T-shirt, boxers and socks, one with a rather large hole through which the large toe on his right...

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Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun Chapter 1 - Dreams in the Heat ~~~***~~~ Drip. In the silence… drip… within the warm stone walls… drip… Harry could hear every sound… drip… from every room… drip… and could not sleep… drip. The rain, which only moments earlier had roared outside the castle like the hidden waterfall of the Forbidden Forest, left only the lingering drip of water into shallow pools collected between rock and mortar. Uncovered and naked on his bed, he was still...

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Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...

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Chapter 41 - A Reason to Be ~~~***~~~ Harry set his quill down on the desk next to the parchment. His hand was cramped, his back ached, and he was so tired he considered laying his head down and going to sleep. Still, it was as if a great weight had been taken from his shoulders. The sky was blue and the sun bright as it streamed into the classroom. An odd contradiction to the subject matter he’d just finished describing--astronomy. He had completed his last end of term exam and was...

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Chapter 21 - Protecting the Snake ~~~***~~~ Outside, the rain continued to pour down as Harry made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen this much rain. The conditions were miserable, and Harry had to sneer, thinking of Malfoy and what he’d have to do to return to the castle. By now, the Slytherin would be up and about in Hogsmeade. What would he try to do? Harry stopped to look down through a window to the Hogwarts grounds below. Through...

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Chapter 11 - An Unhappy Inheritance ~~~~***~~~~ It was dawn, but still quite early. The sky was a glowing deep purple and in the dim light it took Harry a moment to adjust his eyes and clear his head. He slipped on his glasses and patted the edge of his bed where Hedwig hopped to his side. He untied the post from her leg and held it in his hands. The dreams of the night before were washed from his mind as he looked at the writing. It was addressed simply: Harry, My Love. His heart began...

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Prologue The golden candlelight flickered off the stone walls, walls built before the founding of Hogwarts, before the campaigns of Charlemagne, before the birth of Christ. These walls endured the battles of Pharaoh, and of Caesar, and saw the creation of magic in the earliest of days. The rhythmic chant of the sixteen, cloaked in black, resonated against the walls, which somehow knew what was to come. A thin, toothless, smile creased her aged face, worn by years of waiting, but now…...

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There was a dark and stifling silence in the small, disheveled bedroom at the top of the stairs. The room wasn’t much to look at, but it was arguably a great improvement over the cupboard under the stairs. The shadows of the room held a troubled boy with dark, unruly hair and an unmistakable lightning bolt scar. In torment, he writhed in his bed as he slept. It was frustration and fear rolled into one. He felt as though he were being held back from something, or perhaps from someone....

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The sun dropped in the sky over the castle, mottling the horizon with swirl of muted pink and gold. The air held the crisp feel of the approach of cooler nights and the smell of fall was in the air. The new school term had begun at Hogwarts again. If it hadn’t been for the sheer weight of things to come, it would have been a very pleasant evening indeed. A boy with dark, untamable hair and an unmistakable lighting bolt scar sat quietly looking out of a castle window from his dormitory...

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________________________________________ It was a nice garden, the garden at Malfoy Manor. At one time the bushes were elegantly crafted topiary, a menagerie of fantastic creatures in fanciful poses, but they had been untended for a year and now they looked just like bushes. Just here or there you could see a shadow of a dragon, the wing of a swan. It was like looking at clouds. The grass had grown up too, long blades that got between your toes. It was half wild but then that was good. It...

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________________________________________ “Harry?” Padma said quietly, standing at the end of the hospital bed. Harry seemed to be sleeping, his chest rising and falling weakly. His eyes were red, like he’d been crying. Perhaps the pain was worse than he let on. She felt bad for needing to wake him. “Harry wake up.” She reached out and tapped his leg. He jerked fitfully, but his eyes flickered open. He didn’t speak though, didn’t acknowledge her. He just stared off into space. What had...

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Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission. Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it. In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY! ________________________________________ “Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.” “Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no...

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________________________________________ “One… two… THREE!” Harry yanked up on the broom and tried like hell to hold on as it shot into the air. He saw the stands come into view and screamed, throwing his weight up and scraping over the top by an inch. He tried to slow down but the broom didn’t seem to hear him. He was forced to try and control it as it careened along the ground. All he could do was try to aim the thing like a bull in a rodeo as it bucked and vibrated at sixty miles...

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________________________________________ Harry lay on his back on his bed with his mothers locket dangling above him. The bloody thing was taunting him he was sure. He had run some detection charms over it and been shocked to find that the thing was wrapped up six ways from Sunday. Harry flicked through one of the books laid around him but found nothing he hadn’t already seen before. “What now Harry.” Neville had asked him earlier that day when Harry was dragging his way through some...

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“Someone back up on the street that I‘d rather didn‘t recognise me.” “Oh right. Bloody paparazzi.” Harry stepped back out into the street and did his school shopping quickly. When he walked back past Fortescue’s the wizard was still there, showing the waitress a long scar on his arm. * Harry stood in the country lane and rechecked the letter he held in his hand. He was sure he was at least in the right village and probably on the right road. It was just that the road went a...

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The owl swooped down over sleeping London, a letter, signed and sealed in emerald green clutched in its talons. Even if it had had only the stars to see by it would still have been able to fly true, but it wasn’t necessary. London sleeping was almost as bright as London awake. But light or no light this delivery was a tough one. The post owls prided themselves on being able to find anyone but it didn’t make it easy when the address was simply … London, somewhere… But Dumbledore had given...

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had an accident with my flash drive and everything on it was deleted including the first draft of this chapter. But things are on track now, so getting back in the swing of things, a rewrite of the chapter from the beginning… Read, review and enjoy! After taking Simon’s wand and returning Luna’s to her, Harry left the boy magically bound on the couch with Jacey to watch over him. Allowing him to gently pull her down the hall to the...

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Ron slammed his fists down on the bed, tired of feeling guilty and mad and frustrated. Maybe he needed a friend right now after all, someone to talk to and help get some of this off his chest. Harry had claimed to want to listen… but that had been while he’d come to defend Luna’s honor. He didn’t really feel like talking about any of this to the guy who was now in all probability sleeping with his first love. He sat up at the sudden sharp knock on his door and quickly strengthened the...

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A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...

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A/N: Read, Review, Enjoy!   Harry woke in a panic, clutching at his stomach. He found only a small clean bandage, not the wooden dagger he’d been dreaming of. Trying in vain to look around at his dark and blurry surroundings he began a search for his glasses, reflecting as he moved that while he felt stiff and sore, the terrible gut-wrenching pain he remembered was gone. Where was he? What had happened? His fingers finally brushed against the lens of his glasses as he blindly searched...

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Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

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This is a work of fiction and any similarity between events depicted and those recently reported in the press is entirely coincidental.                      Harrie"Harry, do you love me?" Rhoda asked suddenly, completely spoiling my mood."No," I replied, as I pulled out of her, with my tool sort of shrinking and oozing slime into the condom without me actually cumming."Why not Harry?" she asked."Cause you're the neighbourhood whore I guess Rhoda," I explained, "That's why I pay twenty five...

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The Manor loyalsock

It was said that the Manor housed all sorts of inhabitants, from actors to accountants to clothing designers, as well as its own janitorial, kitchen and gardening staff to facilitate its remote location. There were no rumours in EdgeVille, Montana that held fast, however, much to the frustration of a group of socialites in the prestigious little cliff-side town. People stayed at the Manor for indiscernible intervals, the reason for which remaining unknown to all but said inhabitants.Situated...

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A weekend in the Lifestyle Part II

When I was a teenager, I could get it back up and ready to fuck again just minutes after a huge orgasm, but now that I am in my thirties, it takes a while longer. Also, before I bust a nut, almost anything can make me hard, and I am willing to try new and kinky stuff. But, after I cum, my dick gets really picky about turn-ons and turn-offs. Before I exploded, Biff rubbing my cock and putting our cock heads together was a turn on, but now that I had shot my load, it was less exciting. Even...

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A True Escort Story

Pictures are not her (just to enhance the story). I can't remember her name or link so please don't ask. Just a random slut I chose.So...just wanted to tell a of seeing an escort since I've been with a couple and the purpose of this isn't really to make you cum - it's to just tell a hot story but so you can also learn something (no...I didn't get aids or herpes; I'd NEVER fuck a stranger without a condom). There is was another girl but she wasn't really an escort. I've decided to never see an...

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Accidental sex with mature doctor

This is true incident which happened some 7 years back..iam sharing it with all readers. i dont know the art of wiritng it erotic. so bear with me.iam a 32 year old doctor.i was doing graduation in medicine then..There was a sister of my friend who was doing post graduation in the same college. She was married and her husband was also doing post graduation from a college which was in other part of the state. I had hardly met the sister of the friend in last 23 years, barely 10-15 times. She...

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A strange place called Florida The true team captain

On a nice, warm Saturday afternoon, two college-aged girls were set to wrestle and both were blondes. Amanda was a tall blonde who was around six feet tall but she had a skinny and lanky build while the other blonde, Nicole, was also around six feet tall but had a more curvy build. Nicole had a nice round ass and massive thighs while Amanda had long skinny legs. Amanda's breasts were perky while Nicole was a lot more busty. Both of the girls were college-aged and in good shape which would turn...

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1 Educating Kaylee Ch 08

XII — A Matter of Trust It was a mental struggle for Luke to push the pedal down harder, but because he was running behind he forced himself to accelerate just a few miles per hour over the speed limit on the three-lane highway. He didn’t really like breaking the speed limit but the last thing he was going to do was show up late for Kaylee’s opening night. The mathematical odds told him his gamble to speed three to five miles an hour over the speed limit would be the perfect balance between...

1 year ago
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Yiff – a fandom dedicated to a certain sexual activity or material… quite a broad subject if you ask me. However, if you visit r/yiff/, you will be welcomed to a world of furry pornography. As they state in their description, “Furries need porn too!” and well, I second that. Now, for those who are not into furry pornography, there are many other subreddits you can check out instead.Reddit is a free website, so even if you are not a fan of what it has to offer, you can always browse somewhere...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Recrutier III More fun at the pool

While Tiff got ready for our evening, I decided to stay by the pool and relax. I  sipped on my whiskey and leaned back in the lounge chair watching the party unfold from the cabana.  The joy and freedom of Vegas.  Where the thoughts of What happens in Vegas - Stays in Vegas always rang true here at the pool.  Once the alcoholic beverages begin flowing and the music thumps harder and harder, the bodies begin to grind, clothes are lost, and inhibitions are thrown to the wayside.  Of course, it...

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The GovernorChapter 13 The Locket

"Mr Pendrill. I want to play a game." "A game?" "That's right. A game. If you succeed, everything you desire will be yours. If you fail, you return to your early morning duties and you lose out on the fantastic opportunity that I've been offering you. It's that simple. This is the big one and it's for SJ6: the department, the whole caboodle. It's all or nothing. Do you understand, Mr. Pendrill?" Howard swallowed hard, and he straightened and stiffened his back. "Yes," he...

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State of ChaosChapter 5 Coming Home

There was a festive atmosphere in the gym. West-Central had a pretty good football program and they had defeated their opening day patsy thirty-five to ten. Most home games had a dance afterward in the gym, and the band was set up to play for their own school for the first time. Everyone had heard of them, but most hadn't actually heard them play. Some eyes were to be opened for sure. The band was first introduced by Jan Simmons who was the student council president. "You've heard a lot...

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mfm sex and dvp my first time

i was naked, waiting laying on my back when the callgirl was came with her frend in room. Both look very well and girl was dressed very sexxyy. Ive messaged where the key is. her bf say he must stay in the room for here safe:) i was littlebit nerveus but say ok. we wer fuckin on this way further and i see he was naked too? he says i wanna fuck her too. I say i would cam after feuw minutes, but same time she clamping me. He said, no i dont mean ThAT, pleeaase take your time sloweley i can fuck...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 12 Dees Diary Best Laid Plans

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, MAY 7th (LATER IN THE DAY) Dear Diary, My life is over. I realize that I'm not writing this where I said I'd be, and I realize that things did not progress quite the way I said they would (Well, THAT'S an understatement!), but here I am, as promised, writing my last entry. I still can't believe what happened... in fact, I'm not sure just what DID happen. But here it is, for what it's worth. After getting the prescription refilled, I drove to Fred and Brenda's...

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The Lez Witch Project

The Lez Witch Project By Cassandra Anaconda Morrison It was a Dark and Stormy Night and the Christian Fundies led by the Reverend Dr. Jerry Foulup had gathered beneath the cover of rain and the night to plot the destruction of all that was unchristian. "My brothers," Dr. Foulup said, pontifically. "It has become increasingly clear to me that America will not be safe for us to live in while the homos and the transgenders are permitted to EXIST!" Ratt Poberson, whose...

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The twins2

“The Twins” Since time immortal, the twins had been in each other’s pockets so to speak, each knowing as to the other’s movements no matter as to where they were, together or separated. Judy was the oldest by around five minutes. They’d made a pack with each other; whatever one had the other had it also, from sweets to clothing. Both had been brought up by their father on the family farm just outside of Taunton in North Devon. Their mother had died when they were only seven years...

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A Forced Pairing Ch 05

Lynn turned left, rather than right. Baz had told her not to – but she did it anyway. At the time it felt… funny. Different. Not so much a betrayal but more of a twist. She smiled a bit wickedly in the moment – going off on her own. Wondering if some of her husband’s wild, impetuous streak was not rubbing off on her. The desire to do something unexpected – if not for spite then to show people that they shouldn’t take you for granted. The way was more pleasant that what she expected, and...

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Landlady Aur Unki Beti Ko Jham Ke Choda

Hi guys once again iss bar story Hindi main likh raha hu. Meri pehli story Telugu main tha ache response bi mile aur mails bi thanks for your support. Any bhabis, auntys, any girls want sexual encounters or any doubts related to sex free feel to ask my mail id Ab jyada bore na karte hue story pe aata hun. My name is nischaey aged 27 5’11” height and enough length of cock to give pleasure and satisfy a women. Main hyd main rent pe rehta hu aur job karta hu ek rich area main. Meri landlady ka...

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It’s quite true what they say…You don’t know how you willreact in a given situation until you find yourself in it. I can attest to the fact that this is the case based upon my own recent experience. The question becomes how to tell you what happened without sounding like the biggest sleaze on the planet. I guess all I can do is lay it out there for you and let you think whatever you like. A little background might be helpful. I am 55 years old and have two grown sons, both living out of state...

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A MILF who has fun with Delivery Men

It's really hard being a woman that really enjoys sex. There are lots of names that they call women like this. I happen to like younger men and often am called a MILF. I happen to like that reference and giggle when I hear it. Older women have to become a little creative on how they will find men to fuck them. I often sit in my house thinking of ways to find men. My husband often travels and is not home very much. I'm a very horny housewife and need to get my fix of hot sex and young men. ...

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How i made love to my mom

Hi to all the ISS readers I am a new writer and i wish that u like my first story it’s about how I made love to my mom I would like to here from u as to how did u guys and girls liked my story. All names are changed in the story to keep the identity secure of me and my mom. My dad had been killed in an industrial accident at the greens boro textile plant when i was thirteen and in the seventh grade. We were living in a nice, comfortable house on walnut street at the time of his death. The loss...

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The Girl 2

The Girl Part 2 by: sissy Property of Mistress _______________________ I finally found her again. My search began a few days after I got out of the hospital. Several years ago a 18 year old girl walked into the city room of the newspaper I worked at and told me an incredible story. Based on my experience as a...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Daya Knight 06192017

The scene opens with a simple question, posed by superstar James Deen to his beautiful, ebony whore, Daya Knight: “tell me all the reasons why I should fuck your ass?” Watch to hear Daya’s responses, and as you already know, she responded with all the right reasons. Then, right in his backyard, James removes two bejeweled butt plugs from his pocket in order to warm up Daya’s backyard. Her ass is very tight, and that’s because Daya’s hasn’t experienced...

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Ohope Beach Chapter Two

We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to nowadays. She seemed to think there was a lot more sex happening, than really was the case. I certainly knew plenty of guys that had not yet slept with a female. Anyway, after about 15 minutes, Allison wriggled down and took me into her mouth. I tried to stop her, as my dick was still wet and slimy from her own juices. But she just pushed my hands away and sucked and...

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Behind The Beaded Curtain Of A Sleazy 70s Sex Shop

The air was heavy with cigarette smoke. The two men were chatting behind the counter, waiting for the flood of punters who would arrive as soon as the city offices closed. It was unmistakably a sex shop. The windows were blacked out and there were tacky neon signs and entry to the shop was via a beaded curtain. There were rows and rows of magazines, ranging from the tame to the explicit, though the latter were censored due to the Obscene Publications Act. It hadn’t been that long since the last...

Gay Male
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Massage School

Trish grabbed a handful of my shirt and pulled me closer to her. She looked up at me and batted those long eyelashes, ‘You ARE coming tomorrow aren’t you?’ ‘Of course I am Trish. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.’ I reassured her. ‘You better mister or else.’ she purred as her hand slipped between my legs. I selfishly admit, the only reason I had agreed to speak to another one of her graduating classes, was her promise of a very hot full body massage. The fact that her massages always turned...

4 years ago
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My Wife is Office Exhibitionist

Hello everyone I am Rocky from Mumbai and i am posting the below story which my chat friend Rekha as told me to do for her. If Any girl or married woman want to contact me my id is So Rekha narrates the story from here on..I am Rekha and I am going to narrate true incidence of my life. I am working in a private concern as Personal Assistant for many years. By the way let me tell you something about me.I am 28 and married to loving husband who too works in public sector company. We have been...

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Anjali Ki Cousin Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello frieds.. Me phir se ek bar hajir hu apni nayi kahani lekar aap sab logo ne meri peech li sari kahahi o ko khoob sara ha is liye dhanyavad, mera mail id hai : Jai se ke aap sab log jante hai ki anajali bhabhi ki kafi frd mere pas chudwa chuki hai,lakin aap sab log jante ho ki chut jit ni bhi mile kam hi pad ti hai, har khoobsoorat hasina ko dekh kar lag ta hai ki kash ek bar us ki chudai kar ne ma mouka mil jaye… Ek din anjali bhabhi ne kaya meri cousin sister ki shadi hai to muje waha...

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