Somewhere I've Never Been free porn video

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Somewhere I've Never Been by Alice Kramden I woke up and ... something had changed. The first bad sign? That I woke up. When's the last time I had to sleep? The second bad sign? That there weren't cries of anguish, concern, or fawning when I woke up grumpy. Normally that's a one-on-one thing - if I wake up in a bad mood, people are definitely going to feel it around me. It's pretty much a gut reaction. I got up and swung plain white cotton bedsheets off me. I was in a rat- infested dunghole. Well, I suppose it'd be fine for most of you, but I'm used to a little higher fare. I stepped into the bathroom. What a quaint room, all white shiny tile and porcelain. I suppose if one needs to wash off the dirt or squirt out effluvia into porcelain like a hairy mammal, that one would want to make it easily cleanable. Ah, but there's what I'm looking for ... the mirror. And I nearly screamed. What the hell had happened to my body? I used to look like a Greek god. Now I look like a Geek god. I no longer have a chiseled jaw or broad shoulders or pectoral and abdominal muscles looking as if they were rendered out of marble - now I just look rather gangly. Well, at least that's easily fixable. Without barely a moment's thought I push my will out upon the universe what I want and look into the mirror. And nothing's changed. And a bolt of sheer terror - yet another first for this wretched day - bolts through my psyche. * * * * * * * * The next ten minutes are spent in futile attempts to affect my body and my environment. I spend a good four minutes telling my body to re-sculpt itself into an Adonis-like form before I, at least for now, give it up as a lost cause. Then, I attempt to change my surroundings into something more palatial ... but I can't even change the pillowcase. And suddenly, I realize that non-omnipotent mammals can't wish their effluvia away, and that's what I appear to be trapped as. And while I'm sure I knew at one point - for humiliation purposes, of course - all the various intricacies of how these mammals urinate and defecate, some of that knowledge (which I hadn't accessed in a while - it's rather gucky, after all, and one can be so much more creative) appears to have gone with my power, and I learn about "splashback" and aiming this wretched meat tube when one needs to get rid of it all. * * * * * * * * Some awfully bubbly female pop singer starts up an awful chirruping in the other room, singing the same words over and over again in a loop. In annoyance, I lash out and turn her and her whole family line into baboons. When she keeps singing, I sigh and realize I can't do that anymore. Walking into the other room, the noise seems to be coming out of a phone on the nightstand next to the bed. Although I'm not familiar with this device, it doesn't take much to press the big green Answer button on the screen. Holding it up to my ear (a bit of a new experience, I'm used to just summoning people), I say, "What?" "Robert ... " Let me pause for a moment here, because something odd happens at this point, something nearly as scary as losing my power. My name wasn't Robert. But now it is. I didn't have a name. Those of us walking through your worlds usually don't. But the moment he said "Robert", I recognized that as my name, in the same way that you might recognize your name as "Peregrine" or "Sebeliah". The moment he said my name, a small bell rang throughout my soul (you should pardon the expression) and I was Robert. I'm used to DOING that to people, not to having it DONE to me, and I did not like that. I. Did. Not. Like. That. One. Bit. The mortal was prattling on, and since I could not turn him into a baboon, I suppose I best pay attention to what he was saying. "... hello? Are you there?" "Yes," I replied, trying to modulate some of the annoyance out of my voice. "I'm sorry, I was gathering wool." "WHAT? You're 20 minutes late and you're not even paying attention?" "20 minutes late? To what?" "For your shift! Listen, I don't know how much hooch you drank last night, I don't care how hungover you are right now, get your ass into work in the next 20 minutes or don't bother coming it all! Only reason you're not fired already is that I don't want to have to train another shithead and get him up to speed!" And with a click, he was gone. Shithead, eh? Let's see how you like being a sentient Port-a-Potty, my friend. Oh, damn. * * * * * * * * Mammals have to go to jobs, of course. They get coin for it, and they exchange that coin for shelter and for bread and for cloth to put on themselves. And as much as I hate to admit it, even to myself, right now I'm about as powerless as a mammal. I appear to outright BE a mammal. And as much as that'll change at some point, that means I have to "dress the part". Slum it. Walk amongst them. And since I don't want to be one of those vagabonds I see on the street asking for coin (whose number I have occasionally added to), I best get to this "job" I am apparently late for. I apparently don't need to drag a blade across my face at the moment; it's actually quite soft to the touch. Comes from a newborn body, I suppose. With 20 minutes to get there, no time for ablutions. I swipe the odor remover stick under both arms - God's wounds, that's an awful stink. I open his ... my ... wardrobe door and pull out ... wait a minute, where am I going? Who am I dressing for? I go back and look at this phone. "The Choice Canteen." I'm working at some form of saloon? I pull a button-up shirt and dress slacks from the wardrobe. I look in the mirror - my hair is a little bit shaggy, I best have a barber address it at some point - but it's manageable. I pull the dress slacks up to my waist, slip the apartment's keys into the left front pocket (a tight fit), look for the billfold, shove it into the right front pocket (a tighter fit), run my fingers through my hair, and take a step forward, expecting to step into a remote corner of the restaurant. DAMN IT! * * * * * * * * I run, majorly out-of-breath and sweaty, in through the front door of the restaurant. A brown-haired serving-girl quickly comes up to me and says "Roberto ... " And that bell rings again. And I am Roberto, and always have been. And I am unnerved even more. "What are you doing, coming in the front? You want Graydon to chew you a new one? Go around back to the employee entrance." Of course. "Thank you," I say to the woman, and walk around to the back of the diner, quickly finding the kitchen entrance. To which I am greeted by a round of apparently good-natured hooting, all along the theme of "Whoo-eee! Don't you look fancy!" A man quite a lot taller than me comes through the kitchen on a direct line for me, an angry look on his face that gets darker as he sees me. I feel an emotion I haven't felt in an epic age: I grow nervous at his approach. What have I done wrong, aside from my lateness? "What, did you come straight from one of your clubs?" the man I assume is Graydon says, looking at my outfit. "This is not your busboy uniform! I can't have you bus tables when you're dressed up like some sort of ... suave homeboy. I'm going to have to have you wash dishes today. You're lucky I don't send you home." I'm ... going ... to ... WHAT? I cast him into the vilest pits of Hell. I wish him into the cornyard. I turn him into a sentient piece of defecation worming its way through the small intestines of a constipated dachshund. I turn him into a garden snail whose shell is just about to be painfully shattered by an army boot. And I realize I can do none of these things. And I say, gritting my teeth, "Yes, sir." And head back towards the sinks. And suddenly, a bolt of pure fear goes through me, because the world has changed in just the last few seconds. I am hyperaware as I realize that this room and each thing and person in it seems noticeably bigger than it was just a few scant moments ago before my mental tantrum. And my hair now suddenly seems not only longer but seems to be gathered and resting against my back. * * * * * * * * I wash what's there and ask the kitchen lead for a quick bathroom break, which he grants with a silent affirmative motion delivered with an arrogance worthy of my former self. I step into the bathroom and look in the mirror, and finally my intellect seems to wake from the damnable sleep it must've been in for this entire morning. No need to shave. Slacks fitting tight around the waist with little pocket room. Long, shaggy hair now resting in a ponytail against my back. Diminutive frame, now even shorter than it was when I woke up. I am apparently being turned into a wench. ZWOUNDS! BLAST! GOD'S TEETH! ... SHITDAMNFUCK! My anger blasts in a million exhortations a second as I curse those around me to various fates that my now paltry mortal will cannot effect. There is a banging on the door as the kitchen lead's rough voice comes through. "Yo, fairy, you fall in?" I might have dismissed that as merely a semantic barb in the infantile traditional male-to-male "no-YOU-are-gay" vocabulary exchange, had I not caught a glimpse of myself on the way out. I had changed even more. I had ... small breasts, pushed down by a sports bra which was apparently visible through my unbuttoned shirt. The hair looked even more roughly shaggy, although still held in place by a rubber band. My eyebrows were apparently plucked and shaped (damn, did I have no sense of protective coloration?) and my face seemed more tapered and ... dare I say it, haunted. I reached down and still felt the male equipment in place. I was apparently now on hormones, transitioning from male to female. "Coming," I said, as I swiftly buttoned up my shirt. * * * * * * * * I have cursed people to their own figurative hells before. (Do I actually send them to Hell? I don't know. I never knew of a Heaven or a Hell, of a God or a Satan. I could curse people to an environment I visualized in my head, and visit them there, but was it merely my own mental construct or the actual Hell? Beats the ... you'll pardon the expression ... hell out of me.) But. As I was saying. I have cursed people to their own figurative hells before, but I had never thought of this particular hell that I was living through ... and what made it particularly vicious was how these brutes put their imaginations to work to employ virtually no powers other than their mammalian bodies and what was around them. Now, granted, they didn't result to outright physical torture. We were at the job, of course, and certain pretenses must be maintained. But the number of times hot water was abruptly dumped into the sink ... or knives nearly caused cuts. The number of times I was accidentally shoved hard to the ground. And what made it worse? I had to hold onto my temper. I kept a tight rein on myself. Because I had figured out something. I'm sure some of you have it by now. But for those who haven't ... every time I angrily lashed out with my non-existent powers, my transformation into a woman took a step forward. So each time a brute shoved me, each time I picked up a dish and endured the simple humiliation of having to wash off people's half-masticated saliva-saturated food bits off their plate, each time I heard "faaaaaaggot" hissed under someone's breath, not only did I restrain myself from lashing out a fist (which would have had little effect from this small body), I had to restrain myself from lashing out my temper. And this went on for hours. But I will not subject you to the repetitiveness of the hatred that I had to deal with. Original or creative, they were not. * * * * * * * * One very small thing I will give this process. Hell makes you enjoy the smallest of heavens. When you can't adjust the weather to suit your whim, you actually enjoy sunshine and a warm spring breeze with the smallest hint of loam to it, because it's all the more random. Out in the back, I was eating a ham sandwich and a bag of chips from a local sandwich chain (like I would trust the cretins inside there with my food) while letting the sun shine on my face and the breeze help refresh me from the muscle fatigue that washing 20 million dishes had brought about. The back door opened. My gaze instantly turned in that direction, certain that I was about to be manhandled once more. The brunette waitress from before came out. "Are you okay, honey?" "Yes," I said firmly. "Thank you for your concern." And then to my great surprise and embarrassment, and for the first time in quite literally my existing memory, I burst into tears. * * * * * * * * Fortunately, she wore a name tag, so I needn't guess at a name I was supposed to know ... my savior's name was Jody. When I began to weep, she gathered me in her arms and leaned my head against her shoulder, saying soft "there there"s as she patted my back. For perhaps the first time, I found myself deeply grateful for at least one aspect of what was happening to me. I had not been embraced by someone under their own volition in nearly all of my memory, and certainly not in a body small enough that a woman could circle her arms around it. I presume that perhaps I had as a child, but those memories vanished so very long ago. Finally, the tears ran dry and I looked at her. I had left tears and snot where I was sobbing. She saw where I was looking and said, "It's okay, honey, I'll run it under some water for now and throw it in the wash tonight." She held out a hand underneath my chin and lifted my face up. "You are so brave to be transitioning like this, but you needn't put up with the shit they're subjecting you to in there. File a claim with the EEOC! Tell Graydon you'll sue his ass and the restaurant's if they don't shape up! You don't have to be so tough!" She started to walk back in, and then turned back and came up to me. "And please know ... I am your friend. I don't know how to handle all those guys in the back for good, and I can't do it all for you, but I am your friend and I will support you however I can. The world is not only comprised of those fuckheads back there." * * * * * * * * Try as I might, a few errant curses freed themselves from my temper in the days that followed. And, boy oh boy, would they have been creative had I actually had the power to implement them! My community's circle would've given me a standing ovation. But the cost, oh, the cost! My hips swelled outward, my ass sticking out of the slacks. My breasts grew just enough to become difficult to hide even with the sports bra. And my voice, while still sounding male, sounded weak and even somewhat breathy. Needless to say, my even more feminine appearance was even more antagonizing to the kitchen critics. And finally ... that Friday ... I had a full stack of dishes I was bringing over to the drying rack. And the most elementary of childhood pranks was done ... an outstretched foot. I tripped, and 30 dishes went flying everywhere, most shattering on the floor. I heard a round of ironic applause from the dining room, as well as hooted laughter from the men around me. And my anger grew, and grew, and grew and I stepped down on it but it grew, it grew, it grew ... and it exploded. And the world changed. * * * * * * * * A gravelly female voice said, "Christ, Berty ... " And that bell rang in my soul that had rung twice before. And I knew ... I was Berty. " ... are you okay? Ramona, ya dumb bitch, you gotta watch where you're going!" A skinny Latina, who hadn't been there before, who I had never met, in haircap, white T-shirt and black jeans - the kitchen outfit - gave me a grin both sheepish and apologetic, and grabbed one arm to help me up, with the owner of the gravelly voice helping me up by the other arm. "Ooof-ta!" she said as she pulled me up with one meaty arm. I looked around the room and realized that the entire back kitchen crew were all ... women. I said, "No, it's okay," and tried not to startle at the female voice coming out of my own mouth. I reached down to dust myself off and DID startle when I saw what I was wearing: a waitress outfit. * * * * * * * * In the past that had never happened but apparently it just had, I-as- Berty had evidently come in and by doing so rammed the swinging door into the formerly non-existent Ramona - making her drop the dishes. Once more quickly back into the bathroom, although Graydon was screaming for me up front. My face was just on the female side of androgynous. I was short as hell, with hip bones jutting out from a rather straight-as- a-rail-ish body. A sort of brittle ugly-orange hair was tucked haphazardly into that same rubber band. A swift cupping of my pelvis confirmed that I had no dangly bits, just a warm mound in-between that gave me a slight shock as I touched the more sensitive bits. My self- examination was swiftly cut off by a bellow: "BERTY! GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE!" * * * * * * * * Had I know how much of an improvement the life of Berty would've been over the life of transitioning Roberto, I would have lost my temper quite a while ago. Plus, it meant I got to work the tables with Jody. Whenever I was on shift, she was on shift, so we got to know each other quite well. How did I turn the kitchen crew? I didn't. At least I don't think I did. I didn't wish them into women, I just angrily yelled into the ether and wished for a kinder, more settled world. But either way, it happened, and the all-women kitchen crew were a far nicer and less homophobic, transphobic, chauvinist bunch than the people that had been there before. Nonetheless, I was afraid to lose my temper again - now that I was a woman, I didn't want to "bounce" off this gender pole and start going back in the opposite direction. I didn't enjoy being a transitioning man, and I didn't want to revisit that circumstance. So I did what I could. I started listening to meditation tapes in the morning. I learned how to breathe with my diaphragm to calm me down when a dish got dropped or I got stiffed on a tip. I bought a small television set and began to accumulate the cultural knowledge of the day. I went to the library and checked out books and started reading them too. John Grisham and Tom Clancy weren't Ernest Hemingway or William Shakespeare, but I did enjoy their stuff nevertheless. And I enjoyed making Jody laugh. She was a good friend. She'd look at me with bright eyes when she laughed. And one day, she gave me a quick peck on the cheeks after recovering from a fit of giggles I had caused with a particularly good (if ribald) joke, and looked to see how I'd react. She seemed to like the fact that I didn't say anything, but looked at her with wide eyes that must've shown at least an inkling of something. * * * * * * * * I don't know where it would've gone from there, because something happened. Something horrible. * * * * * * * * "Berty, Table 12 wants you." "Quit joshing me with, Gray, there's no one at Table 12." "Are you high, girl? You just served him a well-done steak." What? I looked out at Table 12. A very nondescript man sat there looking towards the kitchen. When he saw me poke my head out, he gestured with a "come over" gesture. I had never seen the man before in my life, yet supposedly I had not only taken his order but served up his food. What was going on here? Taking a deep breath, I headed on over. "Hello, sir. Is the food not to your liking?" I said, falling back on the precanned waitress-lingo I had picked up and could dish out without much thought. He grabbed my hand, yanked me towards him, and took a deep breath from the inside of my wrist. What. The. Fuck. And then he smiled. And I knew. I knew that one of my circle had found me. This was the worst of all possible outcomes. * * * * * * * * "So," he said, smiling with a mouth full of sharp teeth. (He had always liked the theatrical, this one. I'm surprised there weren't darkened clouds rolling in ... ah, yup, there they go.) "I've finally found you." "You were looking?" "When one of us who walk across the world completely disappear without a trace, there's usually something juicy at hand. But now that I've scented you, I know the truth. Someone's ... NEUTERED you ... *girl*," he said, putting a particular mocking emphasis on the last syllable. "Who got here before me?" "No one," I said mildly. "I woke up one morning to find myself this way. Could be a hidden player in the shadows - you might want to clear out before they get you, too." "You're in an all-fired hurry to get rid of me," he said, smiling. "Listen," I said, keeping my voice calm, trying not to think of Jody waiting for us to take our lunch break together out back, most likely due to come in any second, "just don't want to watch someone else fall victim to whatever got me. Take a friendly warning and stay clear of the area." "Friiiiiiiiiiiiiendly?" "Consider it payback, then, for the favor you did me in Polrugaria." "Ah," he said, lost momentarily, "that was a fine meal." Snapping back to the present, though, I saw his greed reassert itself. I know what he was after. "Still," he said, pulling me down to the table, "I don't think so. Neutered or no, I think you'll still offer me a fine meal. And the meal you offer me ... won't be this diner's crappy steak, either." If the situation wasn't a life-threatening one, I would have rolled my eyes at the lame supervillain dialogue. Before he became omnipotent, this one had read far, far too many comic books. I heard an "ahem" and looked up. I had never been so glad to see Graydon looming above me, looking down angrily at my seated self. I also felt guilty about what was about to come. Even Graydon didn't deserve snailhood, or bimbohood, or whatever teenage-wet-dream he was about to be conjured into. "Berty, you know better than to sit down at a guest's table! Sir, I'm afraid we need our waitress on the floor. Can we fix whatever's wrong?" "Oh, I think so," the "guest" said. With a snap of his fingers Graydon ... ... turned inside out. * * * * * * * * "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" I yelled as the thing that had been Graydon let out an inhuman sound that was the product of a mutilated esophagus and voice box, and then swiftly crumpled to the ground, accompanied by a loud splat of liters of blood. Evidently this one had shifted his modus operandi from super villain to horror flicks, and the situation had become all the more dire. And ... at that moment ... Jody walked in. And I couldn't. I couldn't help Graydon, and I couldn't stop him, but I'd kill myself trying before he got to Jody. And he smiled, as he detected my love for her starting to shine strong in me. And he looked towards her. And before he could think, before he could do anything, I reached down to the very bottom of my soul, and regardless of what happened to me or my form or my life, I reached down deep into the bottom of my soul, said a quick prayer to Whomever might be listening to me, and started casting curses. * * * * * * * * When you curse, you hook into the current of life all around you. Through the movies I Netflixed and the books I read ... well, let's put it this way: I smiled when I first saw a grappling hook being used in an action flick. Because in many ways, it's like that - except instead of pulling yourself towards the hook, you're pulling the thing you hooked towards you. You're mentally pulling reality towards your will. When I saw him look at Jody, I frantically cast hook after hook after hook after hook into the universe. Imagine me frantically running down a field full of cannons, all of them loaded with grappling hooks, all of them firing one after the other into the universe, all of them designed at saving her. They affected me. But not the way I thought. I didn't bounce off a gender pole and start ricocheting back towards being a man. I became more of a woman. I felt my ass and breasts become lovely and rounded. I felt my abdomen become flat. My hair went from neon orange to a lovely shade of red that cascaded down my back in lovely plaits. My legs felt as if they changed. I became taller and my legs and calves felt stronger and were, no doubt, more shapely. But the "hooks" felt as if they were skittering down the wall of the universe. They weren't catching hold. I wasn't going to save her. And then, there's no other way to say this ... I felt someone yank my "hooks" up from where they had fallen, and sink them into the stream of the universe. And they TOOK. This one time, they TOOK. And, Saints be praised, she was saved. Our "guest" looked at me in astonished surprise. I didn't know what I had cast ... just that I wanted her to be safe. And so I didn't know what happened to him ... only that he disappeared. Not in a flash of white light (or anything as theatrical as he would've wanted) ... just that he was there one picosecond and gone the next. (Not that I can see on the scale of picoseconds any more, mind you.) And with his disappearance the diner's noise resumed as if nothing had happened. I stood there for a second or two, dazed. "Hey!" I heard a voice distantly. "HEY!" A voice came up to me. I looked up and saw Graydon, whole and unblemished. "Why are you standing by an empty table? We've got the lunch rush coming in any second! If you've got nothing else to do, you can roll silverware." Graydon was very confused when I gave him a huge hug that lasted a few seconds, followed by an emphatic smacking kiss on the cheek ... but I did notice a very small smile and some color rush to his cheeks. * * * * * * * * I went through the back door so hard that it slammed open, causing another background "hey!" from Graydon inside. I saw Jody waiting for me by the wood picnic table we kept to take lunch out back during good weather. I ran towards her, grabbed her cheeks in both my hands and gave her the longest, most loving kiss that anyone had ever given in the history of kisses. (And I ought to know. Omniscience, whether former or no, you know.) "I love you," I said. "Be with me forever?" "Absolutely, Bobbi," she whispered back. "Absolutely." And a bell ran in my soul. And I know, now and forever, that I am hers. That I am her Bobbi. * * * * * * * * EPILOGUE 1 "That's no fair," Satan said. "You helped! At least twice!" God cast her smile upon her fallen one. "It proves the test, though. The omnipotent strangers you've set a-walking across the land ... they can be redeemed." She looked at him sadly. "Anyone, you know ... *anyone* can be redeemed." Satan harrumphed. She suddenly looked uncomfortable as she readjusted her black leather bustier. "Yeah, well ... you helped out." "That wasn't against our rules. And you tilted the odds a bit against her with that entire kitchen full of transphobics. She deserved a hand." "Yes, well, that stranger was bad, but he wasn't nearly one of my worst. I bet you can't do it again with a worse one. Want to play again?" "Sure," God said, a smile warming her face. "I'd love to prove to you again that ... *anyone* ... can be redeemed, Lucy." * * * * * * * * EPILOGUE 2 I felt her weak, MORTAL love for another female in the vicinity shine in that old beat-up musty soul she had. And although the light of that love shook me, I saw its ephemeral trail leading me to who she loved, and smiled when I saw that woman enter in the room. To crush her one true love like that ... someone who had been so bereft of it for so long ... it would be the most delicious meal I had had in ages. And then I felt something snag hold in me, and the world twisted around me. I opened my eyes, and ... something had changed. Wait a minute. When's the last time I had to sleep?

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Hello all, I am Ritika. A 27 year old business woman residing in Delhi working in the fashion industry. By day, I run a successful fashion firm but by night, I turn into a high society escort working in complete secrecy. Do I do it for the money? Absolutely not. But the sexual thrill I get out of meeting with completely strangers and spending a night with them in a hotel room – that’s what really gets me off! It is good to be back on Indian sex stories  after a long time. My last story...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 251 Jive the Day Away

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: August 29, 2011) Chapter 51 - Jive the Day Away When we awoke the next morning, Austin was more excited than he had been the entire trip. I had made a promise to Austin earlier this summer. I promised him that he could pick...

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Ive Never Been One For Anal

I have never been one for anal. I have always felt my ass was too tight and it seemed dirty. But oh, how I am now a fan of getting a little dirty. My boyfriend has always wanted to do my tight ass, but I never even wanted to see what it would feel like. I have always been the one fucking his ass. I purchased some Thai beads for him as I knew it was a fantasy for him to have his ass screwed and I loved to push my dildo’s inside him. Almost two years into our relationship I found out that anal...

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Note : This story is completely fictional!I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed.My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 87 years old and my Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better for her and safer if she went into care.I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with.While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadnÂ’t had any...

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From Negative To Major Positives

From Negative To Major Positives - by: Chiara I have had a serious problem ever since I went through puberty, and I mean serious! You see, I'm very small for a guy? no, not there, but overall. I'm only 5'4" tall and I weigh just over 110#. So I'm short, skinny and more than a little bit on the scrawny side. I'm not a dwarf (the correct term for miniature properly-proportioned people as opposed to midgets who are disproportionate) I'm just small. But what makes for the other half...

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Sarah Carerra 219 The Jive

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 6, 2010) Chapter 19 - The Jive The next morning, I found myself standing in Sarah's closet once again. I'd been spending so much time as Sarah lately, that I had almost forgotten what my own closet looked like. I knew that...

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The Disabled Police Detectivethe Protective Custody Assignment

Andy Ironside Ripley a member of the farmhouse Indiana police department's special division. Is eating lunch in his private office when the buzzer on his desk buzzed loudly which Indicated. That his boss police Chief Robert Randolph needed to speak to him so he quickly finished his sandwich drank some coffee then he left his office and reported to the chief's office. When he reached his destination he entered the chief's office then he said "You wanted to see me sir"? The boss cleared...

1 year ago
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Riverdale Kids No MoreChapter 7

It was June 25th, and Ethel Muggs was officially a high school graduate. Now she had a summer of sun and hanging out with friends who would be celebrating their last Summer before they take off for university. Ethel already knew where most people were heading. She had been surprised at hearing that Moose was leaving at the beginning of the Summer to go live with an uncle on the West coast. This was her last Summer to win Jughead's attention. She had picked up a couple recipes for beef...

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My first date with Vivek

Hi, I’m Geetha, a Regular ISS reader since 2 years. I read ISS to learn about sex and not to purely fantasize. I gather good ideas and feel more confident after knowing a lot from all you friends. I’m 18 and study in 12th grade in Hyderabad. The incident I’m going to share with you people is real, and fresh.. Just three days old. My bf Vivek is 18 and studies Law in second year. We met on Orkut 2 months back and fell in love soon. He is a true playboy and has allot of influence in parties and...

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Clive and The Twins Part 3

Continued from Part 2They all agreed that there were no rules and Clive went to get some dice, the girls sat on the sofa in anticipation wondering how the game would go, they had never played it before but all agreed it would be a laugh.Clive returned with the dice and gave one to each of the girls, “OK, let’s do this” Clive said and they all threw a dice. Amber was lowest and Clive was highest “Truth or Dare Daddy?” Amber asked. “Truth” Clive responded, Amber thought for a moment and then...

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Clive and The Twins

Clive was a single dad with a daughter who he shared custody with his ex-wife so he spent half his time with Amber and half on his own which suited him and he made sure he made the best of his time with Amber. Clive had just got a call from his ex to say that Amber had the flu and wouldn’t be coming this week which was a shame as the plan was for two of her best friends Lyn and Beth were due to come after school for a weekend sleepover and to use his PC for some school project which Clive had...

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Clive and The Twins Part 2

Clive stood looking down at the girls and didn’t hear the back door open, “OMG Daddy, what is going on?” Clive froze as he turned round and saw Amber standing in the doorway with a horrified look on her face. Her Daddy was standing naked and her best friends were on their knees bending over the sofa, their arses and backs covered in Clive’s cum. There was an eerie silence before Clive stammered “Ah, I was just helping the girls with their project” while both girls looked at Amber shamefully....

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Anniversary Trip ch1 Our Tenth Wedding Annivers

Our Tenth Wedding AnniversaryPaula and I have already submitted two stories describing some of our more erotic adventures after my wife began to have sex with other men. We have enjoyed writing these stories so much that we decided to write a few more. After some discussion, we decided that we would write about the most erotic two weeks we ever had. This occurred during a vacation to Las Vegas that we took over our tenth wedding anniversary. In order to keep the narrative to a reasonable...

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The Casebook of the Captive Teen Detective

All characters are over the age of eighteen, not that it should matter, since it is a work of fiction.  The actions presented in this story do not represent the views of the author or the staff of any site at which it may be posted.The Casebook of the Captive Teen DetectiveCasebook #1 The Final Case of Stacy Blue By Razor7826        I thought it was just like any other case closed, a shining example of my own youthful brilliance.  The media pounced on yet another triumph for the teen detective,...

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Meeting Clive with Mr Watson

There was something very different about Mr Watson this morning,he seemed agitated, even nervous, as soon as I walked through the door I was told, I am glad you are early this morning Chris, as I am very needy, now go lock the door and come to the back, when I got there he was sitting on the table, trousers off and told me to just wank him off, while he told me what he had done to Mrs Watson the previous evening, he did not last long, before there was a sticky mess on my hand, now go wash up...

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SRU Riverdale Revisions

SRU: Riverdale Revisions By Tebra PROLOGUE: The sun beamed brilliantly across the polished floor of the mall. It was just after 9AM on a Saturday and only a few shoppers had appeared. The old man stood in the doorway of his shop, took another sip of his hot tea, and glanced towards the front of the mall. It was so peaceful at these times, he thought. Before the crowds and the noise. He sighed. This was his time. The moment he allowed himself each day, before plunging into...

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Riverdale MixUp

This story originally appeared on my own web site. Having enjoyed Anne-Mal's, Caleb's and Heather's contributions in this vein, I thought I'd contribute it out of a love of mayhem as much as anything. Copyrights, parodies, etc, etc--all the usual disclaimer nonsense.... Riverdale Mix-Up By Jacquie Windsor Archie Andrews was 100% sure that Betty and Veronica were happily splashing around in the new pool that Mr. Lodge had just installed last week. The red-haired teen was...

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Frustrated League Cup Liverpool Home perfect endin

Phoenix Ticker May 9 morning, Premier League last game of the 37th. Liverpool sits Anfield home 4 to 1 victory over Chelsea. This is the second time the two ultimate teams clash in four days. FIFA Cup final opponents Liverpool lost 1 to 2 missed the National Cup crown, while the game’s victory greatly ease the recent weakness of the Red Army, which temporarily exceed Fulham ranked eighth in the Premier League standings. FA frustrated FIFA 16 players turned gorgeous half after blasting the...

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Disney Dark Multiverse

The Disney Multiverse covers movies, television and beyond. Worlds where heroes are virturous and noble, always win over the villain, and gain their happily ever after. A Multiverse where 'Dreams Come True'! Few people remember that nightmares are dreams as well... Thus to protect the Multiverse of Dreams, must come it's opposite. The Multiverse of Nightmares. Where 'Bad Dreams Come True' instead! A multiverse where the villain wins, the hero is corrupted into a new evil, where only the wicked...

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Altered Fates The Missing Episode of the Fugitive

As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...

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Depraived Chapter 1 D

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 52

Eddie was hugging me when I woke up the next morning. While we slept in the same bed, we were too tired to do anything else. The evening on the boat had wiped us out and as hard as we tried, we just weren't into making love. I slipped from under his arm and went to the bathroom. After taking care of my bladder, I jumped into the shower. While I shampooed my hair, Eddie came in and stood in front of the toilet. "Don't you dare flush until I'm finished," I yelled. Eddie laughed and then...

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Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball

*This story with pics. "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little...

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Drivers Deliver

Delivering pizza is a job you can make a living from... if you have room mates, and as long as the tips hold out. You need to have a beater that you can repair yourself that also gets decent mileage. It can't be too nice looking and the side that faces the customer's house or apartment has to show that. Some people won't tip if your car looks too nice.The evenings are the best shifts because they are the busiest times and tips are generally bigger due to the bigger orders. Late night orders...

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Caregiver in Love continuing the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love (the continuing saga of the Caregiver) Part 1 Caregiver Saga Part II: Caregiver in Love. Shawn's older sister continues to dominate him. Shawn rejects and resists her efforts to feminize him. Meanwhile, he is thrilled by a budding romance with his beautiful cooking teacher, Jacqueline. He only hopes that his smooth legs, and his complete lack of any experience with sports or other manly attributes do not turn her off. He hopes that she can forget his shameful...

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Meeting Clive

So how did it all begin? I hear you scream out at me. Well to be honest I don’t know, it all happened so fast and now I’m in a really odd place in my life – but I’ll get to that later. First I have to explain what has happened, maybe it’ll help me clear it all up in my head. Maybe it won’t. I got to work at half nine and settled in with a coffee for a slow day with lots of gossiping with the three other people on with me. I work in a large complex with about thirty shops scattered about. We...

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History of the Multiverse Femslave World

HISTORY OF THE MULTIVERSE --THE FEM-SLAVE WORLD--      It's called the multiverse, which is an infinite number of alternative realities, coexisting with our own world in our own time, but in other planes of existence: or you could just say "other dimensions" for short.  If it can be dreamed, then it exists for real somewhere in the multiverse.  Like the world where dogs rule and humans are the pets, or the clich?d realm where the Nazi's won the Second World War.  And then there's the planet run b...

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Black beauty Beena

Hi, my name is jimmy from Rajkot. I have a sexy friend, beena m. Who is working with me in bank. I am narrating a story of my sex experience with this keralian beauty. Beena is a sexy girl from errnakulam. She is a black beauty. She is 5”6 and has the figure of 34-32-36. She has nice sexy legs with superb thighs. She is very hot and has got such a beautiful face and sexy smile with very sweet & erotic voice that every man would love to spend time with her. With lovely dimples on her cheeks,...

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Ive gota sub

I’m a very normal girl in pretty much every way. Oh, all right, my ass is a bit bigger than I’d like (although many tell me it’s just fine), and I do tend to drink a bit more vodka than I should, but on the whole, I’m pretty normal. I’m a junior in college, and despite that fact, I’m still in the dorms because I can’t afford better. Single mom, need to focus on my studies too much to work enough to afford it, etc. So student loans that will take me a zillion years to pay off, crappy dining hall...

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Tony shows me what Ive been missing

When I awoke in the early morning I was feeling horny, still pleasantly excited from the previous evening and wasn’t surprised to feel my erection pressing hard against the shorts I was wearing. The latter part of the previous evening had been spent drinking and talking to Bob and Tony about anything else that came to mind but mainly sex. From his manner and the way he behaved, it had been obvious that Bob was a little shy and unsure of us, and had eventually when pressed by Tony, admitted they...

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All Ive ever wanted and so much more

As Lucy sat in front of the mirror, brushing her long brown hair, my attraction towards my wife grew considerably. Her short 5’4 frame shimmered in the gentle light of the hotel room. Her small waist and curvy hips, smooth stomach and pert B cup breasts all exposed after her quick shower. She had told me to book this room. Told me that tonight my fantasies were all going to come true. I couldn’t wait, I was beyond excited about what she had arranged. For the last few weeks she had been very...

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Youre the first woman Ive ever

You’re the first woman I’ve ever.. It had been raining all morning and Karen hadn’t been feeling well. She had stayed home from work for the fourth time this month. As she lay in bed she tried to convince herself she was unwell with a cold or something due to winter setting in, but deep down she knew the truth was she was lonely and becoming depressed. The phone rang and although numb she answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘Karen? It’s Martin. I’ve just come into the store and Margaret tells me you’re...

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I think Ive waited long enough

So there I was. It was a typical Saturday night out. Beautiful girls -much more beautiful than me- and hunky guys lined the streets and bars. I was in the of the biggest and busiest clubs, hanging out with my brother and his, let’s say, hardly unattractive friends.  I’d always liked one of them. Matt. He was a few inches taller than me, standing at around 6’3′, and his eyes were a beautiful, piercing blue. He was just my type. He was into rock music, like me, but he didn’t have long greasy...

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Daddy Ive Been a Naughty Girl

Daddy smiled when she came home and spotted me dressed up in a schoolgirl outfit. She kissed my forehead and asked me, ‘Were you a good girl at school today?’ I pretended a shy reluctance, holding back a bit. ‘Umm…teacher gave me a note to give you.’She raised an eyebrow. ‘Oh? That doesn’t sound very promising. Why did she send home a note?’I shuffled my feet, mumbling something incomprehensible and proferring a piece of paper. She accepted it and unfolded the note, perusing its contents. ‘Oh...

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Kept Ive Become His Dirty Little Secret

I lay on the bed as he shut the door behind him. With cum dripping out of my pussy, I lay there discarded, used. Staring up to the ceiling, my heart still racing from what just happened, my normal thoughts started coming back. I had come a long way from the innocent girl my parents had raised. I waited a few minutes before standing up and going to the shower, one of the few pleasantries in the room. He gave no indication of when he would come back next, he kept all the control for himself....

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Ive Always Longed

Lucy and I met in grade school. We became best friends, quickly. She was so pretty. She had long blonde hair that hung just beneath her bra strap and big green eyes. She was about 5’6 and 120 pounds of giddiness and wildness. She loved to try anything and everything at least once. I was about the same in height, structure, and looks. Everyone thought we were sisters, and sometimes, we would just say we were. I always had a thing for Lucy, though. Sometimes I would think of all the times I’ve...

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Men Ive Had Dereck

Author’s note: As with all the other stories in this ‘Men I’ve Had’ series, this is based on a true experience of mine. I was sorely disappointed. In an almost un-heard-of coincidence, my new-found fuck-buddy’s family and my wife and the two remaining kids at home were going away for the same weekend, and I’d been all a-shiver with anticipation of spending the entire weekend in bed with him, luxuriating in the sweet man-to-man loving I’ve come to love so well. But then, just this morning...

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The Best Sex Ive Ever Had

I woke up one morning feeling so exhausted and hoping my lectures for that day would get cancelled. Despite how terrible I was feeling, I had a lot of time on my hands. I checked my phone and Ty, who had asked me to be his girlfriend a while back, had sent me a text in which he said he was dreading the day as well. He mentioned that he missed us getting naughty and playing with each other, although I still feared his manhood and he was usually the one pleasuring me. I sat on my bed and tried to...

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Ive got yummier things in mind

I heard your car pull into the driveway and just that got me excited for what I was going to make happen that day. You used your key and came upstairs to my bedroom. We were both fully clothed and you asked ‘I thought we were going swimming?’ I assured you we were and pretended to go get change in the bathroom. I waited to hear your pants unzip and hit the floor, then I knew it was time to make my move. I came out of the bathroom and pushed you back onto the bed. ‘I’ve got some yummier things...

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Ive Waited 9 Years For This

Since fifth grade I loved this boy named Aron. He was only 12 and I was 11. He had this amazing light, tan skin and dark brown eyes that held you. His spiky brown hair made him look just as more anglican. We went out a lot through elementary, middle, and high school. It was the night of graduation out of High School. Aron walked up to me and took my hand. ‘Would you like to go out to eat with me?’ I was baffled but still answered. ‘Yes. I would love to.’ He took me out to a local restaurant. We...

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Please Spank Me Ive Been Good

‘Master, may I ask you something?’ she asked one morning as we sat eating breakfast. ‘What is it, pet?’ I asked as I sat My fork down. Whenever My girl starts a sentence with, ‘May I ask you something?’ it’s cause for My complete attention. ‘Well, Master today is Friday… and if we don’t have anything planned for this weekend…’ she said faltering. ‘What is it you want to ask, pet. Be quick about it – I have to get to work,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry Master. I was just wondering if you would spank...

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Ive waited for you

Here he was again. It’s been over a year since I’ve seen him yet here he was again, in my house. Ryan always turned up when he got bored of his latest ‘girlfriend’.  I suppose I should have been flattered that he was always drawn back to me, but I never was. The only emotion I ever felt when he paid me one of his visits was guilt. Pure guilt. Guilt that I had lied to myself again about being over him. Guilt that I let him back into my life. Guilt that I couldn’t say no. Guilt that whenever he...

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Ive always wanted to break the rules I just didnt know it would have been with my brother

Spending the day alone with my brother turned into something I wouldn’t imagine “Ryan, Johanna were leaving” my mother said screaming from downstairs. I quickly slipped on my skater skirt and black bustier top. Running downstairs I kissed them before they left for their business trip. Closing the door and locking it “Ahh peace and quiet” I said whispering to myself. Well that was until my brother started blasting music in his room. Crossing my arms I walked upstairs and went into his room....

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since ive become pregnant

Since I became pregnant seven months ago I have noticed that all I think about anymore is sex and doing naughty things. The sad part is my man ran off once he found out I was pregnant. This left me horny and trying to find ways to quench my insatiable sexual appetite any way I could find. The fact that I am pregnant, and now very obviously so, limits my choices of sexual play partners quite a bit. Many guys are turned off by a pregnant woman, or frankly they just don’t want to deal with the...

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Interactive POV

I’ve dreamed of Interactive POV porn, so when I heard there was a site offering just that, I had to check it out right away. Done right, the first-person POV format can really drop you into a sex scene in a way that ain’t quite possible with the third-person stuff. Take a couple bong rips or smash an edible beforehand and it’s even easier to imagine you’re really the porn stud as you watch those girls bob their heads and back their asses up on “your” dick. The only thing missing is an...

Best Porn Games
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CAREGIVER by Natalie Finn Part I "Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper." - Albert Einstein Family tragedies and flying objects Our family histories, the stories of our parents and their parents, do much to shape our early beginnings...

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Archie Awakening in Riverdale

This is a parody of the "not so innocent" kids from Riverdale High. The year is 1960. Rock and roll rules and Elvis is the King. It is late August and the kids are preparing to return to school as 18 and 19 year old Seniors after a summer of adventures and new experiences. Our Characters: Archie Andrews - red-haired, clean-cut, All-American boy, has spent the summer working in his father's store. Betty Cooper - blonde, ever-cheerful, young lady, spent the summer in the Great North Woods as a...

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Mein Aur Beenish

My name is Ali.. I m from Rawalpindi Pakistan.21 years old with a 5.9 height. That was mid October and i was in Rawalpindi for my inter university cricket matches. We lost our 3rd match from Punjab university so we came back to our city. When i reached home i find beenish there; sitting next to my mother and have chitchat with her. As she saw me she was blushed and came quickly to me and we have a handshake and i could feel the warmth and excitement in her handshake and in her eyes also. In...

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Hot Diver and Jenna

As she swam laps in the university pool, Jenna couldn't help but admire the dive team practicing at their art. Each time she took a rest, she was inspired by the incredible acrobatics the divers could accomplish with just seconds in the air. There was one diver in particular she enjoyed watching, morning after morning as she trained in the pool. Unlike the other members of the team, he was broad and muscular, tall and dark-skinned. Somehow he was just as graceful as the other divers as he...

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Depraived Prologue NightR

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

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