My Wonderful Obsession 43 free porn video

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My Wonderful Obsession Part 43: Love in the Rockies The next morning we were up early, munching on some of the food Rob had considerately stocked our fridge with, putting on our eye makeup and helping each other into our ski clothing and boots. It looked like a clear day was in store, so we dabbed sunblock on our cheeks and noses. "Here, better put this on too," I said, handing Julia the tube of zinc lip sunblock I'd picked up in Vermont. "You wanna keep 'em nice and kissable." She gave me a suspicious look, then went to a mirror and began applying the thick gel. "Hey, what's with the hot pink! Why does everything with you have to be hot pink?" She gestured at the bright slashes on my ski suit, and then my nails. "BECAUSE, that's why. It's what all the trendy girls like us wear on the slopes. You wanna fit in, don't you?" She just rolled her eyes and finished the job. Then we hurried off rather clumsily to the meeting place, struggling to walk in those big awkward boots while trying to manage our skis and poles, arriving just in time for the nine a.m. start. I was a little disappointed, but not surprised, that neither Rob nor Jeff was among the group of red-suited instructors. But Lindsey was there, and she came straight over. I elbowed Julia when I noticed her lips were hot pink. "Hi Julia! Hi Sandra!" she sang in her crazy-high voice. "How are you girls this morning? Did you sleep okay?" Julia and I looked at each other. "Not bad," I replied. "We were pretty excited about today, so we coulda slept a bit better." Julia nodded, "Maybe it's just the altitude." Lindsey laughed and her pretty face beamed. "Well I guarantee you'll sleep like the dead tonight. The first day's always a killer." We all laughed at the lame joke, and she related how Rob had tasked her with looking after us that morning. Then she asked us to describe our experience on skis. I told her how I did at Killington, but Julia admitted she was more of a novice, so Lindsey had us step into our skis and follow her to the beginner slope. At first Julia seemed to struggle a bit to stay vertical, but then she found her balance and we made it to the little rope-tow without incident. I was amazed at how my body remembered exactly what to do, and I longed to get right onto the nearest chairlift, but I stayed close to Julia while Lindsey gave her pointers and drilled her on her stance, balance and edging technique over and over again. I did my best to show by example! Fortunately my friend was a great student, or Lindsey was a great teacher, and the one- on-one instruction was hugely helpful. It also helped that Julia was fearless! By mid-morning our instructor deemed us ready to head up the shortest, easiest chairlift and in no time we were making our way down the hill. She stuck like glue to my friend and kept up a constant stream of encouraging comments and pointers for both of us. Julia went down a few times, like I'd done in Vermont, but as Rob had told me then, that just helps you learn faster! As for me, I was just loving it! I felt really good in my bright form-flattering outfit, and I was sure it helped my skiing form too. Neither did it hurt that Lindsey complimented Julia on her outfit, as I'd done when I said her butt looked great in those white ski pants. Soon it was lunchtime, and the three of us went into the lodge for some much-needed sustenance. I think that was almost as enjoyable for me as the skiing! As three attractive young women, we got a lot of attention from the all males in the cafeteria, not to mention being checked out enviously by a lot of the females. We chatted, laughed and giggled like close girlfriends, and by the end of the meal we all knew just about everything there was to know about each other. Just about, I said. And I still envied that girl for her pretty voice! Before we parted ways, Lindsey asked us to spend the rest of the afternoon practice-skiing one of the longer green runs on the village side of the mountain. "If you do okay with that, we'll try out one of the back bowls tomorrow," she promised. Then it was back to the ski racks. "So how are you feeling?" I asked Julia as we re-applied our pink sunblock. "Not too bad, I guess. My feet are pretty sore, and my thighs were starting to burn before we stopped for lunch ... but I'll survive." "I think we should get you different boots. And I had the same thing with my thighs when I was learning - it's from tensing up so much when you're trying to do your turns. As you get more confident it goes away." "I'll take your word for it. Maybe my feet'll get used the boots too. So where's that run Lindsey wanted us to do?" We consulted the huge area map we saw nearby. "I think it's that chairlift over there," I said, pointing to a base station a couple hundred yards to our left. We stepped into our skis, and set off using our poles to propel us. The temperature was well above freezing in the bright sunshine, so we were feeling a bit warm by the time we got ourselves seated. We both unzipped our jackets to cool off. This was a much longer lift than the other, and in places it was above the treetops. But as long as the safety bar was lowered, neither of us would admit we were scared. There was a cold breeze blowing at the top station and we couldn't zip our jackets back up fast enough! We paused a minute to take in the views. "It's so gorgeous up here," Julia gushed. "Look how far you can see! There's mountains everywhere!" I just nodded, a big grin on my face. I was SO happy my friend had come on the trip. Even if it meant no one-on-one time with Rob, I thought, sharing this experience with Julia was the best thing I could've done. We spotted a small sign with a big green dot on a white background and started off, slowly at first, hoping to make it to the bottom without breaking anything important. Julia had asked me to lead, and she'd try to match my turns. I looked back every few seconds and saw that she was managing okay. About halfway down, we stopped for a break and she told me I could go a little faster. So I did, which soon resulted in her catching an edge and falling, but like a trouper she struggled back up, dusted herself off, and we made it all the way down without further trouble. Julia was over the moon. "I did it! I skied that sucker! That was SO awesome! C'mon Sandy, let's go up again!" So that's pretty much how the rest of the afternoon went. Julia complained about her feet more than a few times, and she had a couple more falls, but none of that seemed to dampen her enthusiasm one bit - and her skiing definitely improved. By about four we were both pooped and agreed to call it a day. "That was the best day of my life," Julia stated emphatically. "I LOVE skiing!" "Hey, it was only the first day," I smiled. "Wait and see how you feel after tomorrow!" While heading back to the condo, we detoured past the rental shop and my friend got fitted with a new pair of boots, these ones a light shade of pink, the familiar name 'Nordica' on the side. "Same brand as mine!" I exclaimed after she pronounced them a much better fit. "Judging by the color, I'd say they're designed for female feet." "Yeah, and now YOU have something to go with those lips," I kidded her as we resumed our trek. "I think we should give you pink nails too. I brought the bottle, just in case ..." "Thanks but no thanks," she laughed. "I'll stick with clear gloss. How come you always want me to look like a party girl?" "And what's wrong with looking like a party girl?" "I'd look exactly like YOU, that's what's wrong." Back at the condo, we stripped out of our ski clothes and flopped on the sofa, not wanting to move another muscle. "I could use a nice hot bath right about now," I sighed. "We can BOTH do that. Jeff said there's a big outdoor hot tub near here." "There is? That sounds perfect ... except we'd have to walk through the snow. Maybe we could get the guys to carry us ..." "You're such a wuss sometimes, Sandy. I say we just go. You brought your swimsuit and flip-flops, didn't you?" "'Course I did. Did Jeff say there's a change room?" "Dunno. There's a couple of nice bathrobes in my closet. We can just change here and walk over in our flip-flops." "Okay, if you insist. I'll call Rob and let him know in case he tries to get in touch." I left a message on Rob's cell and we went to our rooms to change. But I had a small dilemma. I knew Julia had a one-piece, and I'd packed mine too. But at the last moment I'd stuffed my new bikini into my suitcase. What to wear? I was still standing in front of the dresser with nothing on when Julia burst in, all set to go and carrying my bathrobe. She had a mildly shocked expression on her face. "Don't you ever knock?" I exclaimed, grabbing the robe and using it to hide my nude body. "No, why should I? What's keeping you? Can't find your suit?" "I'm having trouble deciding ..." "Deciding what? Whether to go naked? Sandy, we'll be in the water - no one's going to see what you're wearing." She came over and spotted the colorful bikini. "Wow," she said, holding up the bottom piece. "You're thinking of wearing this? You're braver than I am." "No I'm not. I'm gonna wear my one-piece." "Oh, if you wanna expose yourself, don't let ME stop you," Julia giggled. "Maybe some other time." I handed her the bathrobe and quickly wriggled into my navy one-piece, tucking my breasts into the formed cups and pulling the fabric smooth and flat around my crotch. This, I realized, was the first time I'd be wearing a swimsuit in public since my operation, and once more it was like a major revelation to not have to worry about hiding male parts that didn't belong under a feminine garment like that in the first place. "Don't worry, this one's plenty cute enough," Julia said as she straightened a twisted shoulder strap. "When you were at my pool party I thought it looked really great on you." "Nice of you to say that - thank you!" I replied as I tied my hair up in a ponytail. "You looked pretty amazing in yours too." "Thanks! Well, now that we're all happy, shall we get going before it closes for the night?" "Yep." I wrapped myself in the robe and wiggled my feet into my flip- flops. We grabbed towels and made our way to a spacious courtyard behind the next condo building. The hot tub was in the center and it looked more like a small swimming pool than a regular spa. An older couple was relaxing in the steaming water, and they greeted us like close friends. "OH MY GOD, does that ever feel good!" declared Julia as she slowly immersed her body. "WOW - this is SO incredible," I chimed in. "It feels like all the aches and pains are like, dissolving right out of my body!" The older couple looked bemused. "I take it you girls had a rough day on the slopes?" queried the man. Julia answered, "I sure did. My friend Sandy here took me down this crazy mountain, like a hundred times." "Oh please, Julia - it was like eight times, max," I sniffed. "And it was, like, a BEGINNER run? GREEN?" "Oh, sure it was - so THAT's why I'm feeling half dead ..." I shrugged and looked to the couple for sympathy. "She SAID she was having fun. I thought I was too, until now ..." They laughed and we all introduced ourselves and ended up having a nice long chat. They had a condo timeshare at Keystone and came every year around that time, and their grown kids often stayed with them. The woman told me I reminded her of her married daughter! That was really cool to hear. All of a sudden a huge pile of snow fell all over our heads and we both screamed in shock and surprise. It was Rob! He'd grabbed a snow shovel and loaded it up to the max, and our new friends never let on what was about to happen. "You're such a brat!" I scolded him as he climbed in beside me. "That wasn't very nice." "Got your attention!" he laughed. "So how was your day, ladies?" "Great!" we both answered in unison. Sure, I thought - a different story depending on who the audience is. "Lindsey said you were doing really well, Julia," he told her. Julia smiled, "She's a great instructor. Are we gonna have her again tomorrow?" "I'll see what I can do," he replied. "Shouldn't be a problem." With that he slipped a hand around my lower back, and for a moment I regretted not wearing the bikini, so I could feel his hand on my bare skin. I then introduced Rob to the older couple, and we all chatted and joked for ages until Julia and I began to feel like stewed prunes. I also noticed she was looking kind of drowsy, so playing the big sister role I announced that it was time for the girls to get out. We'd been in the water for over an hour and a half, ignoring the sign that said thirty minutes was the maximum. At least neither of us had to worry about being pregnant! Rob followed us back to the condo and waited on the sofa while I dressed and fixed my hair and makeup. When I came out I asked if he'd seen Julia, and he said no, so I checked her room and there she was in bed, conked right out with her robe heaped on a chair and her damp swimsuit on the floor. I quietly picked it up and pulled her door shut, then hung it in her shower and went back to join Rob. I felt kind of sleepy too, but not enough to miss out on some quality boyfriend time! He put his arm around me as I snuggled next to him and caressed my still-damp hair. "Mmm," I purred, "that feels nice." "So I'm forgiven for dumping snow on you?" "No, but you're on the right track ..." "That's good to know," he said softly, nuzzling my neck and sniffing the air close to me. "Mmm, there's that lovely fragrance again. Takes me back to when I saw you in Cincinnati ..." "You said you liked it ..." "I didn't like it - I LOVED it. You put some on that letter you wrote me ... I thought that was pretty special, but I love it best on you." His word were melting a path straight into my heart, like they always did. "You're always so sweet. Have you always been like that?" Instead of replying, Rob tilted my face towards his and kissed me softly. I returned his kiss and for who knows how long we kissed and ran our fingers through each other's hair. Soon we were French-kissing passionately. "You are SO beautiful," he whispered when we came up for air. "Where've you been all my life?" This time I didn't answer. Instead I put my lips to his and let him know how much I loved his compliments. If he'd asked me to marry him right then and there, I would've said yes without a moment's hesitation. We kissed and caressed for the longest time, and it was the most wonderful interlude ever, but eventually it had to end. "So what would you like to do tonight?" he asked. "I don't have anything planned with the gang. We could catch a bite somewhere or hang out back at my place ..." I didn't answer for a while, just soaking up the feeling of being so warm, cozy and secure in his arms. Then I made up my mind. "Uh, anything sounds nice, as long as it's with you. But, um, I think I should stay here with Julia. I'm pretty bagged too. I'm sorry ..." He gave me a little squeeze. "I get it. It was a long day, and the hot tub probably finished both of you off. Why don't you get to bed early and we'll have some fun tomorrow night instead. There's a great place with live music you'll both like a lot. I'll see if the others can join us again." "That sounds like a real party." "It WILL be a party. I promise!" I smiled, thinking of how he always kept his promises. But I had no idea how much of a party the night would turn out to be, especially for this girl! ***** The following day was amazing. Lindsey drilled her students on everything she taught the day before, taking us down the long green run we'd practiced on, and then leading us over the top of the mountain into one of the valleys on the backside, or back bowls as she called them. There were mostly blue and black runs, but we stuck with the greens for the rest of the morning. Julia was becoming more and more confident, skiing a bit faster and in control with every run. Her boot problems seemed to be over and that probably helped a lot. After lunch we skied every green run on the front of the mountain and even tried a blue that Lindsey said wasn't too hard. The better Julia skied, the better I enjoyed myself, except that I was sure she was learning faster than I did back in Vermont. Not fair! We were both feeling too euphoric to notice how tired we were when we called it quits for the day. Julia was especially thrilled. "I'm SO glad I came here!" she gushed. "I never thought I'd be able to ski like that. Isn't it like the most awesome thing in the whole world?" "Yeah, unless you hate snow," I laughed, thinking of Karen. "But I'm like you. When Rob taught me to ski in Vermont, it was like I was a whole new person. I just love the feeling of carving huge turns back and forth down the mountain." "I saw you doing that. It looked kinda like ballet." "Yeah, it really IS like that. Like, your body just gets in the zone, you know? You feel like you can do anything." She shook her head. "I'm not there yet. I'm still pretty shaky on my turns." "You're getting there - you just need more practice, and maybe some more pointers. You're doing really well for only your second day." "Thanks. Hey, where did Rob say we're supposed to be meeting tonight?" "It's a place with live music, that's all he said," I replied. "Sounds like fun to me ..." ***** As tired and achy as Julia and I both were from two full days on the slopes, we were totally in the mood for another fun evening with our new friends. We spent two whole hours showering, doing our hair and makeup and helping each other choose clothes. As we set off on foot for the village, Julia complained again about her thigh muscles. "Wow, I hope we can get back early tonight," she said. "I think I need to recuperate!" "Yeah, I'm a bit sore too," I agreed. "I'm all for getting a good night's sleep." We met up with everyone at a smallish but really fun lounge that was absolutely packed with a noisy apr?s-ski crowd, mostly in the twenty-to- thirty age group. Loud music was playing over the speakers. A real party atmosphere, just as Rob had promised, but no live music. Whatever! After we all got seated he asked how Lindsey was treating us, to which we answered "Great!" Julia reiterated that she'd had the best two days of her life. Lindsey beamed and exclaimed, "These girls are fun! Julia's a fast learner, and she's totally fearless!" "So you don't mind looking after them again tomorrow?" Rob asked her. "Sure, I'm counting on it!" Of course, I would've preferred a day with Rob himself, but I had to think of Julia, who I knew was stressed that Rob and I might take off and leave her on her own. Two big pitchers of beer arrived along with eight glasses, and we all ordered bar food like mile-high nachos, potato skins and Buffalo wings. Not exactly the healthiest dinner, I thought, but hey, this was a party place after all. And, again, nobody tried to I.D. us! Even though our new friends were kind of intimidating, being expert skiers and all, I loved hanging out with them. The guys kept all us girls in stitches with their jokes and stories, and it felt so exciting and special to be one of the females which males like them try so hard to entertain and attract - an age-old mating ritual, as Julia described it later. Whatever - I loved it, and I enthusiastically played my part by laughing and giggling and flashing my pink nails and brushing my hair back from my face at the right times to signal my acceptance and appreciation of their efforts. And when I paid a visit to the ladies' room I put on fresh lipstick and made sure my eye makeup was flawless. We were on our second round of pitchers when I noticed there was a small stage in one corner, all lit up by some colored spotlights. There were three microphones on a stand off to one side, and on another stand was a small TV screen facing the stage. But no musicians or instruments. There were eighties and nineties tunes playing on the sound system, though. "Is someone going to use those mics?" I asked Rob. Like, where was the live music? "Yes, that would be US," he answered with a devious smile. "US? What d'you mean?" "This is Karaoke night, darlin'," he said. "You know what Karaoke is?" "No, I don't," I lied. I was in the mood for partying, yes, not for embarrassing myself in front of all those people. I already felt inadequate enough around them. Julia jumped in. "Sandy, Kath told me you loved Karaoke! I'm so disappointed! And you're such a good singer, too ..." She shook her head in mock disgust, and I wondered if the beer was already affecting her. "Oh yeah, I remember ... Ted and Erica told me you could sing," Rob said, nodding his head. "So you're in the right place! What's your style, sweetheart - Country? Blues? Pop?" "None of the above, thank you." 'Swell,' I thought. 'How in hell do I get out of this?' "Country!" Julia said, much too helpfully. "I happen to know she does a mean Patsy Cline. C'mon Sandy," she implored, "show us your stuff!" She must be getting tipsy, I thought. And thank you so much, Kath, for blabbing all about me. I'll be sure to return the favor! "I am NOT going to sing, DEAR friend. I'm here to ski and have some fun - that's it. Period." Then the rest of our table erupted, "C'mon, Sandra! Sing a song!" I just shook my head, but my resolve was slipping. Just then, a pair of girls approached the stage and grabbed mics, taking the pressure off me - for the time being. The canned music faded out and a male voice announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? Let's give it up for Debra and Jessica, singing 'I Will Survive.' Didn't think the snow conditions were THAT bad this week!" There was mild laughter for the bad joke and polite applause for the girls. Then the track started to roll, and I recognized it as a song by Gloria Gaynor, who had a very powerful voice. Unfortunately the girls didn't, and I winced every time they sounded flat or came up short where they needed to belt it out. Come to think of it, not even one note was left un-messed-up, and their timing was way off too. But they looked like they were having an absolute blast, and the audience clapped and cheered when they were finished. I began to wonder if another drink might make me be brave enough to get up there and be the center of attention like those girls. But I never got the advantage of another drink. Julia left the table to go to the restroom, or so I thought, and when she returned she grabbed me by the arm. "Let's go ... SWEETHAAT," she commanded, mimicking Rob's accent. I should have resisted but didn't, for some reason. That's how Julia and I found ourselves under the stage lights with mics in our hands, as our names rang out over the sound system. "And these two lovely ladies will perform 'Man - I Feel Like a Woman.' That drew applause, hooting and a lot of whistles! OH MY GOD, was my only I thought. Luckily I'd heard this Shania Twain song numerous times and thought it was kind of cute, if not for the irony. If I could've caught Julia's eye she would've gotten SUCH a dirty look from me, but the track was already playing and it was time to focus! We totally botched the intro, but managed to get it somewhat together by the end of the first verse. You could tell we'd never sung together! Whatever - we muddled through and got to the end without too many disasters. At least, I figured, we didn't do any worse than Debra and Jessica. And I'll admit I even started to enjoy myself! Especially at the end when everyone hooted and whistled and clapped. But if I thought my dues were paid, I was sadly mistaken. As I made my way back to the table, Mr. Friendly Announcer said "Hold it right there, Sandra! We have a special request from your boyfriend, Rob. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the one and only Miss Patsy Cline!" Everyone started clapping. 'Oh my God,' I thought - 'this is so NUTS!' I shook my head and tried to slink into my chair. But it wasn't there - my 'friends' had hidden it somewhere. "Pat-sy! Pat-sy! Pat-sy!" chanted everyone at the table, and other patrons chimed in. What was I supposed to do? Then Rob got up and planted a kiss on my lips, and said "It's all for fun, sweetheart. Go for it." Damn! If he didn't have those gorgeous eyes ... I heard more than a few whistles as I returned to the stage. Then I realized I didn't know what I was supposed to sing! And the screen was blank! Just before panic set in, I recognized the first few notes as the track began to play. 'THIS one I can do,' I thought. Now I hadn't sung that song for years - since Kath and I used to play downstairs with their cheap little Karaoke box. But Mr. Thomas had said my voice was contralto, like Patsy Cline's, and the recollection gave me a boost of confidence. Maybe more than the alcohol did! Thankfully there's a long instrumental lead-in, so I had a few more seconds to compose myself. Then as the words appeared on the screen, I took the mic with both hands, found Rob's eyes with mine, and sang "Crazy ..." Before I got through the first line, the place went totally quiet. But I only had a little trouble keeping my focus, and I only had to look at the screen a couple of times to make sure I sang the verses in the right order. The rest of the time I stared straight into Rob's gorgeous eyes, and I'm sure that's why I was able to put so much energy and emotion into the song. The last line, "I'm crazy, for lovin' you," was an especially emotional one for me, because it pretty much said it all. And I sang it like I really meant it! Which I did! Everyone at my table was still standing and cheering when I got there, and my chair was back too. Rob put his arms around me and gave me a nice kiss, which set off another round of clapping and whistles. Julia came over and put her arm around my waist, as though to share my celebrity moment. "Wow, Sandra, you were SO amazing! You sounded just LIKE her!" gushed Lindsey in her impossibly high voice. "Better," said Jeff. "You really nailed it, Sandra. So when are you turning pro?" "Thanks everyone - you're way too kind," was my reply. "It was a lot of fun ... I guess!" I put on a big frown for Rob, but mostly I was just so relieved I hadn't made a fool of myself! "Sandra, how do you make your voice go low like that?" asked Stephanie. Now I wasn't about to give her an honest answer, but Julia, arm still around me, was nice enough to jump in. "Oh, that's our little secret, isn't it sweetie?" There was an unmistakable odor of alcohol on her breath. I shot her a 'don't you even think about it' look, but it was already too late, and Stephanie seized on the comment. "Oh, I know now! She's not your girlfriend after all, is she? She's really your boyfriend!" I was absolutely mortified, and speechless to boot. "Oh, you have such a pretty boyfriend, Julia," Lindsey giggled. "He looks so much like a girl!" "Does he always dress like that?" Stephanie added. "Yeah, he looks a lot better in girls' clothes, doncha think?" Julia replied. "But like, he goes way overboard with the makeup and the pink nails!" I was speechless, and my mind was racing to head off the panic attack I knew was on the way. But Rob came to my rescue - he pulled me close and when I turned his lips were waiting with a nice big kiss for me. Then he turned to face everyone, and said, "Well, that's the best kiss I've ever had with a guy!" Everyone laughed, and I instantly felt the panic subsiding. Obviously he took it all as a big joke, like everyone else except Julia. I made a mental note to kill her with the fireplace poker when we got back to the condo! After the fourth or fifth round of beers were drained, and we'd heard from a bunch more wannabe singers, and the girls had visited the ladies' room one last time, we gathered our stuff and made our way outside into the crisp mountain air. It was like you could smell the rocks and trees! Rob had his arm snugly around my waist, and Julia was walking close to Jeff, using him for support on the uneven snow. 'She seems to like him,' I thought. The others were all for haunting another bar till all hours. "I'll have to pass, sorry," I said. I was already tipsy enough, and I didn't want to get sick in front of Rob. Julia, though, had no qualms - I'm sure she wanted to hang with Jeff a bit longer, despite what she'd said about getting back early. "Don't stay out too late," I whispered to her. "Okay, MOTHER," she snickered. "Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow morning," Lindsey called. "Oh, and really I loved your singing!" "Yeah, you were amazing," agreed Stephanie. "I hope you'll sing for us again." "Maybe some other time ..." "G'night, Sandra," waved Ty. "Have a great day tomorrow. And don't let Lindsey take you down any double blacks!" "Okay," I laughed. "Uh, thanks, everyone - I had a really fun time." I waved and turned to go, but Rob was beside me in an instant. "I'll walk you to your condo," he stated in his take-charge manner, as he found my hand. "Oh, you don't have to - I know the way ... I think. Don't you wanna hang out with your friends?" Of course, I was feeling pretty desperate to spend more time with him and I was flattered that he seemed to feel the same. "I can catch up to them later," he said matter-of-factly. "I see them every day!" So off we went, arms around each other, chatting and laughing, and kissing lots, too. I was in seventh heaven! Booze always makes me feel more amorous and sexy, and that night was definitely no exception. The sky was clear and you could see zillion stars, and the moon was just starting to appear over the mountain, giving the snow an other-worldly glow and adding a feeling of romance to the entire scene. That is, as long as you had someone special to enjoy it with! We didn't go in the direction of my condo, though - instead we walked over to the now-deserted base area. In contrast to the hectic scene earlier in the day, the area was now completely silent, dark and still. The snow had already been packed down firm and smooth by grooming machines, two of which could be seen by their headlights, making their way high up the steep face of the mountain. "Wow, I can't believe how they can climb like that," I remarked. "They can handle steeper terrain than that," Rob laughed. "You should take a ride in one and check it out." "No thanks, it looks way too scary. What if it tipped over? It'd roll all the way to the bottom." He laughed again, "Whatever you say, sweetheart." I stopped and turned face to face with him. "Am I really your sweetheart, mister Hewitt?" A bit forward of me, okay, but remember what I said about alcohol. The moonlight lit up his rugged features and I felt my heart melting even more than it was already. "Hmm ... that's up to you, miss Johnson." Maybe Rob intended to say more, but I didn't let him. I threw my arms around his neck and opened my mouth to press it against his. Now THAT was one of the more incredible kisses of my life - there was SO much pent-up passion between us. And it went on and on, and our tongues were free to thoroughly explore each other's mouths, which they happily did. I hoped the kiss would never end, or when it did, something even more intimate would follow. But there was something stirring inside me. I could detect a kind of tingly feeling around my new vagina, and a kind of longing to be touched and caressed there. That was a totally new sensation and it felt absolutely thrilling. But the realization that I desired sex with Rob gave me a mild scare, and I inadvertently pulled away from him. "Are you okay?" he whispered. I felt like he was peering into my soul. "You have tears in your eyes." "They're happy tears," I said. "I'm so glad to be with you again. I missed you so much this winter." "You missed ME? I was voted the most lovesick ski instructor on the mountain," he joked. "You're so sweet," I giggled. He always knew the right thing to say to a girl! I tried to snuggle closer, and he obliged by unzipping his jacket, wrapping it around me. I put my hands around his back. "You're so nice and toasty-warm," I purred. Then we kissed again, this time even more passionately. A very noticeable lump began to make its presence felt, pressing firmly into my tummy. I almost mentioned it, but was able to be a proper lady and pretend I didn't notice. I was SO happy the days of worrying about my own lump were now behind me - but I could still feel myself becoming aroused, and that was so incredibly special and gratifying! So much so that I became even more excited. And I no longer felt afraid. "I thought you wanted to walk me back to my place ..." I whispered. Rob answered my question with another passionate kiss. Then, "I do." ***** I closed the door behind us and reached to set the deadbolt - until I remembered someone else was staying there. I found myself counting on Julia to ignore what I said about not being out late! The condo would have been completely dark if not for the security lighting some distance outside the living room windows. We kicked off our boots and removed our coats, and embraced again. Then Rob surprised me - he asked if I'd like him to light a fire. "Uh ... sure," I replied without thinking. "That'd be really nice." 'Oh yeah,' I remembered, 'he likes to take things nice and slow.' So I curled up on the sofa while my talented outdoorsman constructed a neat square tower of kindling and lit it. Within seconds there were huge flames illuminating the room, and he piled on a few larger pieces, arranging them with the iron poker. It was a d?j? vu moment, recalling the time Mark built us the fire in the cabin in Kentucky. I quickly forced Mark out of my mind and thought instead of a big thick comforter I'd seen in my bedroom closet. "Don't go away, I'll be right back," I said. Spreading the comforter on the carpet a safe distance from the flames and sparks, I reclined to await my man. Soon we were passionately embracing and kissing again, this time horizontal instead of vertical. In no time it got too hot for sweaters, and soon our hands were all over each other's bodies, though I tried to avoid touching his big lump. 'Save it for later,' I reminded myself. But that still meant I could unbutton his shirt and let my hands explore his wonderful furry chest and his classic six-pack! Meanwhile, his hands weren't exactly idle. He seemed to be enjoying all my curves - especially my hip, which because I was lying on my side was so pronounced. But my tight jeans weren't letting him get any closer, so his hands found their way up and under my top, first caressing my back, then working their way around to my tummy and then, gradually, onto my breasts. But he stopped at my bra cups and didn't try to slide his hand under them, which again surprised me, until I mused that, like me, he was saving the good stuff. Instead he slid his arms out of his shirt, and helped me out of my top, and we kissed and caressed each other even more passionately. At some point I realized my pants were down around my knees, and Rob's hands were following the contours of my hips, butt and thighs. Thankfully I'd followed Karen's advice and worn a really pretty lacy bra and matching panties that evening - pink of course - just in case! And I'd worn the same perfume as when we went on that romantic dinner-and- dancing date almost a year before. I'd put it on everywhere, and I think it worked! Rob seemed to be completely absorbed by my feminine body and how I'd pampered it. As for me, I was totally in awe of his amazing male physique. My heart was beating so loud I wondered if Rob could hear it over the crackling fire! I never thought a man's body could turn me on like that! Any fears I'd had about being intimate with him seemed to be vanishing. But we were only at the heavy-petting stage - how would I react, and how would HE react, when we were both completely naked and the really scary stuff started happening? 'Oh my God,' I thought, 'what if Julia comes home when we're right in the middle of it?' Maybe Rob sensed what I was thinking. All at once, without saying a thing, he rose to his knees and gathered me up in his arms, then carried me to my bedroom. 'What about our clothes?' I thought, but after he gently placed me on the bed he went back for them, as well as the comforter. That gave me a chance to duck into the ensuite, where I quickly peed and then worked some KY into my vagina. The room felt a bit cool, and I felt a little self-conscious, so I slid under the sheets. Rob came back with the last load just as I was covering up, and he laughed when he saw me. "Still playing coy, huh?" "Always," I replied in a breathy voice. There was some light in the room from the dying fire, which was nice, but I still needed some privacy. "There's a big candle on the dresser," I said. "Would you mind lighting it?" I know, most people make love in the dark - but I kind of wanted Rob to see me, and I REALLY wanted to see him - all of him, but especially those eyes! Rob nodded and obliged, and then he gently closed the bedroom door. "That better, darling?" "Much, much better. But not perfect." I got out of the bed and went over to him, throwing my arms around his neck. "I love kissing you, mister Hewitt." And I began doing just that. Well, I'll admit I DID let my hands slide along his shoulders and down his shoulder blades and his back, to the top of his pants. But I couldn't very well stop there, and I gradually worked one hand inside his pants and shorts until I held one of his firm butt cheeks. Rob was doing much the same with me, though. His hands were all over my back and when he realized what I was up to he must have thought I wouldn't mind his hands on my butt cheeks. He guessed right! We must have gone on like that for I-don't-know-how-long, but I knew that sooner or later we'd be horizontal again. Rob still didn't seem to be in a hurry, which actually bothered me, 'cause I was feeling a little impatient to get on with real lovemaking before Julia got back. Instead he was busy exploring everything he could reach standing up (except for my crotch). I was wondering if he'd ever lose his pants, and then I figured he must be expecting me to do something about it, but I was a bit reluctant - I mean, he had such a huge hard-on, and his pants had such a big bulge - I was almost afraid to let him out! But eventually I worked up the courage and let my fingers find the button and zipper. I was right - it was like a wild bronc exploding out of the gate! In an instant I had his shorts down and my hands were full of his wonderful maleness. "Oh my!" I squealed between kisses. Rob just let out a huge moan. But he wasn't totally incapacitated - he still had enough manual dexterity to undo the tiny clasps on my bra strap, and I felt his warm hands slide around and right onto my boobs. The sensation was electrifying! He began expertly caressing and kneading me, and now it was MY turn to moan. Thank you, thank you God for giving me breasts! I think Rob took this turn of events as the signal to take things to the next level, because he stepped completely out of his pants and shorts and helped me slip out of my bra and panties. Now we were both completely nude - my first-ever time as a woman that I was naked with a man! We quickly embraced - I mean, after I folded his penis up so I could get close! - and now it was basically no-holds-barred. Rob lifted me onto the end of the bed and had me kneel, still facing him but now eye-to-eye, and then he put his face into my chest, finding a nipple with his mouth and driving me absolutely wild with tongue caresses. And yes, he had no trouble at all fitting my entire boob into his mouth. All I could do was kneel there, alternately pulling him tighter against my chest and tracing the contours of his rugged face and broad shoulders with my hands. Meanwhile, HIS hands were now free to explore new territory on my body. If I weren't so incredibly aroused, or still under the influence of alcohol, I might have been worried about him touching me where he shouldn't, but I was able to just live in the moment. He didn't try touching me 'there,' but he must have felt every other part of my lower body - my tummy, my butt, my hips, my thighs, the whole length of my legs, and even my ankles. And more than once his fingers came tantalizingly close to my special place, brushing past the little patch of pubic hair Karen had left, which only got me more aroused and made me long for him to just get on with it! So I got a bit more assertive and tugged up on his face to make him kiss me again, and when his penis was in range I grabbed it and held on. Then with my other hand on his butt I pulled him towards me and we both fell back onto the bed, our legs wrapping around each other. Now he was on top of me and his hard penis was pressing right into my abdomen. We kissed madly and I let both my hands grasp his butt cheeks and pull as hard as I could towards me, adding to gravity and making sure Rob's body was as tight to mine as it could possibly be. "Robert, I love you so much," I breathed loudly. That must have come straight from my heart! "I'm in love with you too, Alexandra." And that was all I needed to hear - now I knew I'd be making love with this man, having real sexual intercourse, like within minutes, Julia or no Julia. For an instant I thought of the many times I was with Mark, and later Rob himself, when I wanted so badly to be physically able to do exactly what I was about to go ahead and do for real. I groped again for his penis, and he lifted himself slightly to let me take it. My hand closed around it right near the exposed tip, and I gave it a little squeeze. It felt SO hard! And SO hot! And so BIG! Then, almost automatically, I spread my legs a little, directing him towards my crotch. "Wait a sec," Rob objected. "What?" I objected right back. He was reaching over to the bedside table to grab something. I was confused for a moment, and then realized he'd pre-stowed a condom there! I almost giggled out loud! "Oh, it's okay hon," I whispered in his ear, "I'm on ..." "The pill?" he said, completing my sentence. "Ah, but we can't be too careful, darling ..." He followed up with the most wonderful, long kiss, probably intended to stop any arguments. Now I didn't feel like arguing, but I did say, "So this means you didn't believe Julia?" I could see the look of confusion on his face, even in the flickering candlelight. "What did she say? OH, I know ..." And he shook his head, chuckling, "Well if you're a guy, I'll eat my skis and go back to work in the bank!" Now I certainly wouldn't have wanted Rob to do either of those things, and I knew how good he was at keeping his promises, so I made another mental note to incinerate Julia's dead body in the fireplace. Or maybe just read her the riot act. Getting THAT all sorted out made me feel even more comfortable with Rob, but I WAS kind of disappointed - like, I was really looking forward to feeling him inside me au naturel! And I was so turned on at that point that I could totally get how, in the heat of the moment, a girl could let a guy come in her without protection. Well, whatever. "Here, give it to me," I said, trying to pry the condom out of his fingers. He looked at me quizzically, then let go. At least I could enjoy the experience of fitting the condom onto his impressive cock! And I really did, making a big production out of trying to stretch it around him. "Maybe you should've bought the extra-large," I kidded. He laughed, then gasped and moaned as I played it to the hilt, unrolling it slowly and giving him lots of little squeezes. Then I got myself snuggled under him again, but he tried more than once to put his hand on my crotch and prevent me from directing his cock there. Grrr! Why didn't he want to come in me? Recalling Karen's advice, I tried to distract him by directing his hand to one of my boobs and moaning excitedly to let him know how much I enjoyed it, while stroking and squeezing his penis with my other hand and at the same time wriggling my body to get it into the 'right' position. Making love with this guy was turning out to be pretty complicated, I mused, but still an oh-so-incredible experience for this brave new girl. Just then it struck me why Rob was trying to delay intercourse - he wanted to practice his foreplay techniques on me! The realization made me all the more eager to make passionate love to this hunky man, right then, and all night long too! I mean, how amazing was it that he wanted to make sure his girl would get the most enjoyment from having sex with him? No wonder Katie was so bummed about losing him! But I knew from personal experience with my own cock that he'd be in no condition to resist if I played him right. So I opened my legs a little, letting his soft tip come into contact with the folds of my labia, all the while squeezing and stroking him. A little more pressure, and the folds parted slightly, and then I could feel him on my clitoris - it was the most amazing sensation, reminiscent of something; but I couldn't quite place it. I was glad I had the chance to lube myself - the gel was definitely helping. I gently moved his tip back and forth, up and down, making a complete circuit of the soft, tender flesh inside my labia. Each time it passed over my clit, I got a little jolt of that wonderful sensation again, and then I remembered feeling the same thing when Julia and I had made love years before, back when I had the male role. But that was then and this was now, and I had a handsome, sexy man of my own to take care of. And did he ever need taking care of! I could tell his penis was getting extremely impatient, even if his brain wasn't exactly on-side. There was only one last hurdle now, and I remember feeling a sense of trepidation because of his sheer size, while at the same time being quite impatient myself. 'Whatever,' I thought, 'I'm going for it.' So I opened my legs wider, and, still making circles with his tip around the inside of my vulva, I began to zero-in on my vaginal opening. Rob cooperated by pushing down into me at the same time, and all of a sudden I could feel a stretching sensation as my vagina was forced to open wide to accommodate his girth. It was the craziest feeling in the whole world! Not at all like the hard, painful foreign objects I had to shove in there while I was healing from my operation - this one felt a lot more like it really belonged in me. Yes, it was rigid and it was hard, yet it was impossibly soft at the end. And so far, not too much discomfort. My hand was still wrapped around Rob's penis, but I didn't want it to seem like I was 'playing coy' with him again, especially now, so I allowed more and more of him to enter me. It seemed like he'd given up and was ready and eager to plunge all the way in, if only I'd let him. The crazy stretching feeling soon turned into a realization that there was a something huge forcing its way into the depths of my body (which there was!). I began to worry Rob might be too big around for me - the same concern I had when Mark used to come in me from behind. I recalled that sensation would disappear after a while, and counted on this one being the same. Rob was now in full control, and I took my hand away to allow us to fully embrace while he pushed more and more of his huge cock into my waiting vagina. I wanted nothing else than to be a complete woman for this incredibly masculine guy! But he seemed to sense I was having trouble adjusting to his size, and he withdrew himself almost to the entrance, then slid back in again, a little more slowly and deeper this time. I was SO thankful for the KY! And for Karen's great advice! Rob repeated his careful in-and-outs a few more times, and all of a sudden I realized what was happening - he was actually thrusting into me, and I was experiencing real intercourse with a man for the very first time! The excitement I felt must have distracted me a bit, and I was able to put the discomfort out of my mind. Rob's thrusts became quicker and more deliberate, and I realized he was fully inside me, and now his breath was coming in shorter and shorter gasps. I could barely believe what was happening to me! I was making real man-woman love with this incredible guy! I couldn't believe how blessed I was! Even if I'd only been a virgin for a few months! All kinds of crazy, wonderful thoughts and images went through my head in those seconds - it sure wasn't a minute - before he came. I could actually feel him convulse just before he exploded into the condom. Then his body relaxed a little on top of me, his penis still filling every bit of space I had to offer him. He started to roll over, to pull out and take his weight off me, I guessed, but I wasn't about to let him. "Please stay in me ... don't move a muscle," I implored him between the hottest kisses I'd ever experienced. We were both bathed in sweat! "You're so amazing," Rob breathed into my ear. "That was unbelievable ... how can any girl be so attractive? And so perfect?" "I try ... but you're amazing too, Rob. You're SO masculine - you drive me crazy." "Didn't you sing that to me?" I giggled - he was right! "Yes, I AM crazy about you. I can't help it." I pulled his face back for another passionate kiss. "Mmm ... thank you for making love with me, Robert." "You're thanking ME?" he chuckled. "Isn't it the guy who's supposed to say thanks?" "Doesn't HAVE to be ..." He shook his head and then kissed me long and deep again. "You really are different, aren't you?" His eyes penetrated mine. "I've never met a girl like you, Alexandra." I made him kiss me again, and we must have kept our lips locked for ten straight minutes. While Rob was thrusting, I'd pretty much forgotten how much my vagina was being stretched, caught up as I was in the moment. But while we lay there talking and kissing, the feeling of something uncomfortably huge inside me returned. Thankfully, after a while the feeling seemed to subside, and I realized he was shrinking at last. Just at that moment, I thought I heard a door close. "Did you hear something?" I asked Rob. "Hear what?" "Sandy? Are you in bed?" It was Julia's voice calling. "Uh-huh," I said as loud as I could with a hundred and eighty pounds of man sprawled on top of me. "Can I come in?" There were footsteps approaching my bedroom. "NO!" I said. Though I was tempted to say someone already was. Rob quickly slid sideways off me and his penis went with him - sans condom. He quickly covered us with the sheets, and in stumbled Julia. I don't think it registered at first that there was someone in bed with me. "Are you asleep?" she asked in a very slurred voice. "Not NOW ..." I was trying to think fast - should I get up and grab my nightie from the dresser? No, if I did that the condom's contents would drip all over the place. I knew how this worked! "Uh, d'you need some help, Julia?" "Uh-huh ... hey, is that somebody there beside you? Or am I just seeing double?" I could see her eyes squinting in the candlelight. She was definitely drunk - so much for her mom's admonitions! Rob spoke up. "Hi Julia. Have a nice evening?" "Oh, yeah! It was the best! How about you two?" "Uh, we did too," I replied. 'What the hell,' I thought, 'she's completely out of it anyway.' So I cupped a hand over my crotch, slid my nude body out of bed, and scampered into the ensuite where I extracted the squishy condom and quickly rinsed my hands. When I came out I found Julia sprawled on the bed with Rob sitting up next to her. "Is she out?" I asked him softly as I fumbled in the drawer for my new nightie. "Just about," he whispered. "Here, let me help you with that." He got up and once again my breath was taken away with the sight of his naked body - even without an erect penis! Thank God my friend wasn't watching too! Rob slipped the satiny garment over my head and helped it settle around my boobs. "Wow, you look gorgeous in that," he whispered. "Thanks ... I bought it specially for the trip." The nightie WAS beautiful - it was pure white, cap sleeved, with LOTS of lace trims and accents. He pulled me close to his body, which still felt warmer than mine. "I like your style," he said. "First the pink lingerie, now this. Most girls don't wear things like this anymore." "THIS girl does. You've just been hanging out with the wrong ones." "Obviously." We kissed again. It was just TOO wonderful - except for one small detail. "Um ... shouldn't we be getting Julia into her bed?" I whispered. "I suppose." "Uh, can you maybe put something on in case she wakes up?" "Think I need to?" "YES. I'm the only one who gets to see you like this." "Whatever you say, darling." The way he looked at me with those eyes, he could get away with anything! Rob found his boxers in the clothing pile and pulled them on. Then he took Julia's limp body in his arms and I followed them down the hall. "Shouldn't we get her undressed?" he asked innocently. "No, that's MY job. You're not seeing HER without any clothes either." "Doesn't seem fair," he joked (or at least I hoped he was joking). Rob left the room and I went to work getting Julia's tight pants off; I finally succeeded without breaking any nails. She moaned a little while I pulled off her sweater-top and unfastened her bra, probably because of the cold sheets, so I put my lips to her ear and said "It's okay, you can go back to sleep." I managed to get her body completely under the covers and then tiptoed out, closing her door on the way. Rob was waiting for me on my bed, his boxers back on the floor. Without thinking, I pulled my nightie off as well. "Think she'll make it?" he asked, pulling me onto his lap and snuggling his face between my boobs. I was tempted to say 'I hope not' after her blabbing that evening. "She'd better - I'm supposed to get her home in one piece." "She's younger than you, isn't she?" "Uh-huh." Only by a month, but I knew I looked a couple of years older. "Thought so. She can't handle her alcohol." "Why are we talking about Julia?" I pouted, fixing Rob with a stare. "Who's your sweetheart anyway, mister Hewitt?" He laughed, "You are, miss Johnson ... you most certainly are." With that sorted out, we launched into yet another session of passionate kissing and groping, and in no time I could feel him growing. But I didn't think my tired, aching vagina was up for entertaining him again that evening, so I hoped he'd be satisfied with some heavy petting. I certainly didn't mind! Soon he had one of my boobs in his mouth again, and I began to forget about my sore pussy. I couldn't believe how attentive this man was to his girl! And how incredibly lucky I was to be able to experience what it was like for a girl to be on the receiving end of his attentions! Then we were down on the bed, exploring and enjoying each other's bodies with hands and mouths like nothing had happened only a half-hour before. When I touched his penis it was fully erect, and it was obvious he intended to make love again, except HIS way this time. He wasn't letting me divert his attention like before. Soon he had one of his hands gripping my freshly-waxed pubic skin, his fingers extending into the folds of my labia. His fingertips seemed to be feeling for my clit, and my body squirmed reflexively. That only seemed to embolden him, and his fingers were now exploring all around my vulva. I began to feel nervous, remembering how Karen had cautioned me against letting Rob's fingers get too intimate with me. But it felt so good to be touched that way, in that place, and I didn't want to disappoint him - or worse, make him suspicious! "Mmm ... you sure you want to do this?" I asked between kisses. "I am," he answered, not letting up for a second. "Oh ... um, I'm a bit sore there? Maybe we could ..." "Do something else? If that's what you'd like, darling." "I do want you, so badly ..." I was about to cry. "I want you too," he said, tipping my chin up to kiss me. "But I don't want to hurt you." How could he know that? I wondered. Then my tears started to flow. "You're such an amazing guy, Rob. How did I ever find you?" He smiled and kissed the tears from my face. Then he pulled the sheets over us and put both arms around me. "It was me that found you, darling." "But why do you like me?" "I don't like you ... I LOVE you. You're SO beautiful ... inside and outside. I know, I should be focusing on other things than your looks, but with you I can't help it. And you're so unbelievably feminine - I mean, everything about you." He was gazing into my soul! "Your eyes are so gorgeous ..." "So are yours." "And your skin - it's so soft and smooth. Your legs are like pure silk." "I'm sure there's lots of other girls who ..." "Maybe, maybe not. But you're ... you're different from other girls. There's something mysterious about you - I wish I could put my finger on it." "I thought you WERE putting your finger on it," I joked, hoping to keep his mind from exploring the possibilities. He chuckled. "You mean in it ... and I don't think there's a girl anywhere who's as out-and-out sexy as you are. You know exactly what turns me on. How do you do that?" "It's 'cause I CARE about you, that's all. I want you to enjoy being with me ..." "Believe me, I can TELL. But I want YOU to enjoy this too, darling ..." "Oh, I DO like making love with you ... more than you know. I'm just a bit tender right now, that's all. I'm so sorry, hon ..." "He shook his head. "No, darling, I'M sorry. I never ever want to hurt you." "You not hurting me. I wanted you in me so bad ... maybe I just need more practice ..." He grinned. "I'm up for that." I reached for his penis and gave it a little squeeze. "Hmm ... yes, you ARE." He'd softened a little, but a second after I gripped him he was fully hard again. I began to stroke him, and he moved a little to make it easier for me. It was obvious that this man really was 'up' for more, and in no time I had him where I wanted him - flat on his back, with my face inches from his huge cock. He found a boob and a shoulder to hang onto, and he seemed to just cave! When his breathing became short and fast, I wrapped my mouth around him and stroked faster and faster. "WHOA!!!" Rob yelled as his cock pulsed and throbbed, and I instantly had a mouthful of his salty-sweet liquid. "OH MY GOD ... oh my God, why ... did you do that?" he moaned in a loud voice. "To show you my appreciation," I replied as best I could, "for being so special." I got up and quickly rinsed my mouth in the bathroom, then hopped back into bed with him, laying right on top of his naked body with that wonderful cock of his gripped between my legs, right up against my vulva. Oh my God, did that feel fantastic! We kissed and kissed for a long, long time, until Rob gradually went soft and I sensed that I was losing him. When his regular breathing told me he was fast asleep, I glanced over at my bedside clock, and wondered what I should do. It was after one A.M. now. Julia might not remember what she saw last night, I thought, but what if she found Rob in bed with me in the morning? But I didn't want him to leave me - it was SO incredible, the experience of being there with him, both of us completely naked. That could never have happened before! In the end I elected to set my alarm an hour earlier and help Rob get away before Julia woke up. I pulled the sheets back up over us, and then I carefully moved his arm so I could snuggle in really close beside him with my head on his shoulder, my leg atop his legs and my arm across his chest, and I reflected happily for a while on how my weird and wonderful life had brought me to that marvelous, oh-so-intimate place. I'd finally arrived, I mused; I'd done it! What a miracle it was to be born male and get to experience the ultimate female sex act: intercourse with a man who believes you're a woman through and through? Who gets so turned on by your beauty and femininity that he gets huge erections and comes not once but twice? To say it felt pretty amazing and special seems like the most gigantic understatement ever. Then my runaway thoughts turned to the future, and how I could get this guy to give up the single life and marry me and make me the happiest girl in the world. But in my over-tired state everything I tried to envision about the future seemed way out-of-focus, and I finally surrendered my conscious mind and fell asleep, content enough with where I was at that very moment. To be continued ....

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I'm obsessed. I admit it, I embrace it and I revel in the fact that I'm obsessed. Obsessed with the male member known as a penis, a cock, a schlong, a Johnson, Mr. Happy, A DICK. All kinds, slender ones, thick ones :-), short ones, long ones, average ones, as long as they are shaped with that wonderfully velvet soft head that has the wider collar, and a stiff shaft. Don't ask me where this obsession came from. I just fell into it. I wish it was ON it but that will come. Often and with much...

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Chelsea 10 Obsession

I like to tinker.  Always have, ever since I was a kid. Anything from taking apart a DVD player and putting it back together to building models from scratch.  Later, I graduated to laptops. Soon after, I started designing things.  Started with elaborate mouse traps and then graduated to Rube Goldberg styled contraptions.  Wasn’t really a point to it other than the sheer enjoyment of figuring out how to take what was in my head, translate it to paper, and then bring it to life.Why am I telling...

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Jamies Obsession

For Jamie, any occasion was an occasion to cum. She loved cumming. She loved the delicious sensations that came with any sexual activity. And she had been like this for several years now! Ever since puberty had hit and her body had begun to change. The hard little bumps that had sprouted on her chest were something to be investigated and delighted in. The wonderful sensations that manipulating her developing breasts had triggered down between her legs necessitated even more extensive...

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My obsession

At the time, the kids were living with us and Christine who was eighteen at the time was starting to develop rather well. She was also starting to wear revealing clothing to which I took notice. It was odd at first for me, being a gay male, to start noticing her in this type of way. Any chance I got to look down her top or just stare at her cleavage I took, obviously with precaution. Her breast weren’t the only part of her body that was developing her ass was also. Her ass was getting nice...

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The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...

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The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...

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Wonder Woman Obsession

Inspired by a story on The character of Wonder Woman belongs to DC comics. This is just a fan fiction. Thanks to Steve Zink, matchless and generous Prince of Editors for all his help. Wonder Woman ? Obsession By Eric Princess Diana sighed. She hated going to public fundraisers or any large functions. She did not enjoy being the automatic center of attention. She was used to it both as Wonder Woman and as her real identity, Princess Diana on Paradise...

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Obsession I can still remember the first time. A cousin who lived close was visiting when he whispered that his older brother had magazines with pictures of naked women in them. As I had never seen a naked women, I was curious, but I scoffed, so he snuck them over. Sure enough, some of the women were naked, although some were wearing stockings or heels. But even as I have said I hadn't seen a naked woman before, I could see that these had something different about...

4 years ago
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Dangerous Obsession

Dangerous Obsession Chapter One: I wanted her life! Staring at her on the latest Social Media Application, all I could think about was how amazing it must be to be her. Now! I realize that no one's life is perfect however from all her internet post she portrayed the life of perfection! At 29 years old, married, and due to gastric bypass surgery had lost a lot of weight, she looked on top of the world. Blonde hair perfectly styled, incredible makeup, one would think she could grace...

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Ass Obsession

Some guys are obsessed with tits. Some guys are obsessed with legs.Some guys are obsessed with pussies. And since it's 2018, many guys are obsessed with cock. Me... I love all of it... including eyes, lips and hair (but not cock). Me, I love legs... especially legs in stocking nylons. Partly because most lovely women always wear them, partly because Ms Phillips , my favourite milf , always wears them, and partly because the cheerleaders always wear them.But my biggest obsession, even more than...

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Introduction:A lonely mom that becomes obsessed with curiosity and her sonThis one’s a little lengthy. A lot of background, lead-up, and “Explaining”, as most of my 1st chapters seem to be. I feel it’s kind of important to know what the characters are thinking, where they're goming from. For those of you that just want to get right to the sex……Sorry. For those of you that, as I do, think it makes for a better story……Here ya go. −Obsession−Chapter one:My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed...

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Her Panty Obsession

I have been obsessed with panties for as long as I can remember. The different styles, textures, designs, etc. But one day, my fashion obsession for underwear became sexual. It all started when I was 18. I had been curious about what other women's panties smelled like. One day when I was doing laundry, I noticed a stunning pair of panties that belonged to my mother. They were satin pink with a nylon lining. They had gold and diamond speckles all...

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I'm Herman Howell and I'm a stalker. Well, not exactly a stalker, I don't want to hurt anyone; I'm just in love with a woman I've never met. I'm totally obsessed with a certain writer. I'm a man in my forties and have never been married. I've never even come close. I guess I'm what a lot of people call a loser, but it's not true. I've always paid my way, never took money from the government. I'm always reading stories about these good looking guys who screw all these women. They...

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NOTE: Just a short story that struck my fancy. Many thanks to Anynomous for "Mall Watchers." Hope you like it. LS Obsession By Lord Stormbringer Marty sat at a table at the mall watching all the pussy walk by. There was a large variety of ass that swarmed the mall, all of it on display. Normally there were groups of women carrying bags and bags of clothes. Marty drank it all in. He noticed that all of the girls had their hair fashioned, lips made up, clothes positioned just so....

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Haleys obsession

Harley's obsession Author: wits11 (more than 22,400 words) My dear joker will not be angry, we Together, you can do something to kill the damn bat I don't want that. Damn my plan is ruined A heavy blow hit Halley's face and she flew out If you hadn't been able to get the bat out of the way, he'd have been in the trap of my design Haley left with a sad cheek over the swollen cheek Sorry, I just wanted to help you It's a stupid woman, I can't think of a more interesting...

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A Shameful Obsession

We just published a new book, called A Shameful Obsession (61 pages in print). It’s about the middle-aged headmaster of a village school who becomes obsessed by his new neighbour. There is plenty of voyeurism and fetish & power play in it. Dennis Hobson is the well-respected headmaster of the village school. Already in his fifties he is happily married and enjoying a calm and peaceful life that is filled with nature, classical music and literature. One day though, out of the blue, he...

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Loving Wives My Obsession

I've discovered a new genre that I've been reading on the internet: Loving Wives. At first, being married, I thought that the stories would deal with the love and respect that a wife has for her husband and the romance that was involved in their equal union. The stories were hit and miss. A few were romantic, others were on swinging, okay that's not my thing, and then I started to see a trend that disturbed me. Cheating. Cheating wives. Cuckolded husbands. Humiliation. The more I read,...

4 years ago
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Breasts Obsession

Here is another 100% true story coming from me. Hope my stories is keeping someone entertained. Here is goes…. I had just graduated from high school and just got out of a relationship and was looking for a girl. This one girl out of the blue contacted me on the internet. From what her picture looked like, she looked like a sexy brunette. Well we ended up setting up a movie date. She came to pick me up the day of our date and i noticed she looked nothing like the pics i saw of her. she was a...

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BabySitting Obsession

I’d been watching her for a while now. Amy was supposed to be baby sitting me, not that I needed ‘baby’ sitting! I was fully capable of looking after myself but my parents hired her anyway. I guess they’d wanted to keep me out of trouble and hiring a leggy 24 year old with long blonde curls and the most perfect set of tits I’d ever fucking seen, was a good way to do that..... Apparently though, baby sitting a horny teenage boy wasn’t exactly her idea of a fun Saturday night so once my parents...

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Sandys Obsession

My story is a continuation of (The Forever secret) Friday night was a wild night for Sasha, Sassy and I, we had a wild sexy night. It just so happens that even though we thought we were being quiet enough , we made a lot of noise and Sandy and her friend Julie heard most of what was Happening . Let me tell you about Sandy. Sasha and Sandy are half sisters from different fathers. She is half Spanish and Irish, dirty blond hair and very fair skin, with just the most beautiful clear...

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A Teachers Obsession

all of the kids in the school are ages 14-18 years old . A few 18 year olds are here that failed. I am 29 years old and well-built. I played sports all through grade school and college I love that I know many young girls have a crush on me and I constantly hear them giggle with one another when they look at me as I walk by them. I look back at them with a smile because I have always liked young girls. It has always been a fantasy to make love to one. Sasha is a beautiful 16 year old...

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A Sinful Obsession

Diane was a knockout for her age. She was 5'6, 140 lbs, D tits, shapely figure. She was not a pencil thin woman. She took pride in her semi-thick figure. She knew damn well that men lusted after her. She had one of those asses that a man could smack, and it would jiggle a little bit. She often caught men staring at her ass, their eyes full of lust. Then she would go home and rub her clit, fantasizing about licking their cocks like a lolly pop. She knew what men desired, and she had no...

2 years ago
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The Cuckolds Princess Part 1 Genesis of an Obsession

The first time I saw the footage, I thought it meant the end for Lori and me, never for one moment imagined it a new beginning for us.Two men and Lori —well, not quite men: Tom and Vince were little more than boys back then, students in their final year at uni, my supposed friends. What affected me the most seeing her between them was the radiance in her eyes, how she encouraged them with glances, her expressions shifting from coy to sultry. I saw how she relished their hands on her naked body,...

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Secret Obsession

It had been filling the edges of my mind for several months, like sand fills air pockets in a jar full of pebbles. My growing attraction to a long-time friend was now nearing obsession and I still hadn’t worked up the courage to tell him. But tonight was going to be the night. Bryn had come over to help with dinner and my outfit. As dinner was nearly ready, I dressed in slimming black slacks and a low cut blouse the color of rich champagne. ‘Fabulous,’ Bryn assured me. She put the finishing...

2 years ago
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Dark Obsession

It was game day, the game was going on as I finished up preparing for what the after game show would show. I wanted to see the object of my obsession in all her glory, so I placed cameras in the locker room and monitored them from the acting stage in the back room since it was hardly ever used. I watched the news on my second laptop as they covered the game but my attention wasn’t on the game, it was on Erin. She was rather short, big soft breasts, thin frame with a nice ass. Her dark brownish...

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Teen Neighbor Obsession

Introduction: Her name was Taylor and she had the nicest ass I had ever seen. A girl moved into the area and immediately became friends with my daughter. Everything started out normal, but the more I saw of her and the more i had contact with her the more she became an obsession and then fantasies started to become reality. Taylor was 13 when she got here. Due to the way she was raised, she dressed prospectively with short skirts, short shorts, thongs showing, and tight pants. I am a big guy...

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Treys Obsession

Trey was well above average looking. In fact, he was fucking gorgeous. His most striking feature was his copper coloured hair, a tone which hairdressers were totally incapable of replicating. His lithe, well-proportioned body was almost totally hairless, except for small tufts of red hair above his cock and in his armpits. Trey’s slightly prominent top canine teeth gave him a naughty boyish smile and everywhere he went, both men and women couldn’t keep their eyes off him. Being gay, however,...

Gay Male
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The Obsession

As he neared the downtown bar where he was to meet his friend, Marty was less than enthusiastic about their meeting. He was meeting his friend from college who had been his roommate for the five years they had spent at Tech. They met the first day of their freshman year when they just happened to be picked as roommates. As so rarely happens, Marty and Nelson became fast friends almost at once. They were both business majors from relatively small towns on the opposite side of the state. Nelson...

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Fucking my mother in law an obsession

Ever since I began dating my wife when we were teenagers in High School, I had this thing for her mother Sophie. Sophie reminded me of the actress Angie Dickenson who lives and breathes sensuality. Every time I was around her I would get a raging hard on and would end up masturbating later thinking of this hot sexy lady. Fucking her became my biggest fantasy. Erica my wife was a hot little minx that loved to fuck and suck which should have been enough for me, but I could never get Sophie out of...

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FAQ ndash My MOTHER is my obsession

Hello, my dear perverted buddies!As is widely known, I have an obsession with my mother, so through this post I am going to answer those questions asked me more frequently via chat about the relation between her and me.I would be really glad you to leave a comment for any other question/remark/opinion or to share with me your fantasies and experiences with your mother!NB. Cerchi la traduzione italiana di questa storia? Ecco a te il link:...

3 years ago
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Dark Obsession

It was game day, the game was going on as I finished up preparing for what the after game show would show. I wanted to see the object of my obsession in all her glory, so I placed cameras in the locker room and monitored them from the acting stage in the back room since it was hardly ever used. I watched the news on my second laptop as they covered the game but my attention wasn't on the game, it was on Erin. She was rather short, big soft breasts, thin frame with a nice ass. Her dark brownish...

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Janets Obsession

Janet's ObsessionChapter IAs the intercom buzzer to her modest little apartment buzzed, Janet's heart raced. Rushing over she picked up the mouthpiece as the small black and white surveillance screen flickered to life, reflecting back to her a courier holding a padded parcel and a clipboard.“Yes”“Hi, package for a Miss Janet Finch”, the courier mouthed into the intercom.“Come in, up to level 1, I'll be out in a sec”, she quickly said while replacing the mouthpiece, pressing the electronic...

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M J Part Three Oral obsession

M led J to the bed and gently pushed him down to a seated position. “Dude…this is crazy!! What are you doing?” J asked. “I am about to blow your brains out, get ready…”M popped a video into the VCR; a four hour epic of lesbian love. It depicted nothing but gorgeous busty women licking and sucking their lovers. Each scene started slow but reached a crescendo with the women sucking and fucking their partners to amazing orgasms. Something about lesbians appealed to both M and J, they loved the...

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The family Obsession

Marsha and Paul is a happily married couple. They have a son, Mark, who had just started high school and growing into a young man. Marsha has kept a great relationship with Paul’s parents, Seth and Estella. However, Marsha was not aware of Paul’s family dark secret, which leads to her own secret. Seth and Estella were high school sweethearts, who both at 15 got married due to the Estella’s pregnancy from Seth. And Estella gave birth to Paul months after. When Paul was a teenager in high school,...

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Breasts Obsession

Here is another 100% true story coming from me. Hope my stories is keeping someone entertained. Here is goes....I had just graduated from high school and just got out of a relationship and was looking for a girl. This one girl out of the blue contacted me on the internet. From what her picture looked like, she looked like a sexy brunette. Well we ended up setting up a movie date. She came to pick me up the day of our date and i noticed she looked nothing like the pics i saw of her. she was a...

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Mellas Obsession

Mella's ObsessionChapter One        Mella knew she was going to be in for it when she got home.  First off, she was over 30 minutes late because of traffic on the freeway and the food she'd bought her Master was getting cold and secondly, she'd given in to the one thing she'd been told specifically not to do by her Master... 1 hour later:  Master Ben was securing the last of the restraints on Mella's shapely ankles to the bedpost.  She was lovely and luscious spread out for display like this. ...

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An Obsession

Hi all If u like my stories plz mail me on My wife and I have been happily married for 26 years. During that time we have had an active sex life and there is little we haven’t tried. Debbie is a beautiful 46 year old, with golden blonde hair, the bluest eyes and a body that still makes heads turn. Her breasts are a 34 C with very sensitive nipples. I have had an on going fantasy, no an obsession, of seeing my wife masturbate. She will play with her tits when we are having sex, especially when...

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Debauched Obsession

Question: Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you think It was so natural for me to end up here then realise, I’m lying in a bed of jizz.   No? Just me? Oh, okay then.I just turned thirty. People my age talk about their first loves, and how they’ve married their ‘one true love’. I just think about how I can’t tell them about my first love, and my one true love. Cum.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had epic relationships with both men and women.  But, if we’re being truly honest, when I’m...

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A Mothers Obsession

The cab ride to the hotel had me anxious and excited to see my son Jason. It had been months since he visited me at Thanksgiving with his girlfriend Margo but now I was feeling those familiar yet forbidden urges I’ve been having on account of this obsession with my son. And to think it was only four years ago that I began wanting my son, sexually that is. I can remember it like it had happened just moments ago; the first time I saw his cock fully erect. *** It had been a long, trying day...

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An Innocent Obsession

Introduction: Abby is a young girl just entering into college life. She has been trained in lesbian delights by her mom's best friend "Aunt Ronnie" and is a self-professed bisexual. Her sexual development is pushed to new limits with the introduction of her new room-mates, Yummi and Maria. They are completely different and appealing in their own unique ways. Her dalliance with Todd leads to his visit to the dorm and the happy foursome find new ways to celebrate their sexual freedom. Abby is...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always had an obsession with my sister's pussy. When I was 18 years old, I walked in on her fingering herself in the living room. We were home alone at the time, and even though she screamed and quickly covered up, I remember every second of it. I couldn't stop staring at her. I noticed her beautifully even pussy lips, her throbbing clit, and her moaning. Ever since then, I would try to peek at it. When she got out of the shower, looking through...

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Sandys obsession

*** My story is a continuation of The Forever secret. Friday night was a wild night for Sasha, Sassy and I, we had a wild sexy night. It just so happens that even though we thought we were being quiet enough , we made a lot of noise and Sandy and her friend Julie heard most of what was Happening . Let me tell you about Sandy. Sasha and Sandy are half sisters from different fathers. She is half Spanish and Irish, dirty blond hair and very fair skin, with just the most beautiful clear green eyes...

First Time
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Your Wish Come True Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions

Many thanks for all the kind responses so far. I'm glad people are enjoying the story. This instalment is quite long. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone. Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions He begins to have strange dreams. With new interests emerging, he hastily concocts a story "OH, Di! I've missed you so much!" They were in bed together, entwined in each other's arms. Their lips met and he felt her tongue hot against his own. He kissed her gently--feather-light...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions He begins to have strange dreams. With new interests emerging, he hastily concocts a story "OH, Di! I've missed you so much!" They were in bed together, entwined in each other's arms. Their lips met and he felt her tongue hot against his own. He kissed her gently--feather-light kisses--on her closed eyelids, her chin, her...

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His Obsession

Forty-five long minutes later she jumped out of her car the second it was parked and rushed inside. Her aunt had pulled a couple of strings and managed to get her this job, one she desperately needed. Being in the second trimester of a potentially risky pregnancy, she only worked mornings as the PA to Alexander Colonomos. She had suggested her niece to take over from her in the afternoons. And even though she had absolutely no experience, the man had taken her aunt’s vouch. Making both herself...

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Her hair was shorter. Way shorter. I’d always remembered her the way the photos in my phone did; long dark hair hanging down, pinned up, braided, lying in tangles across white pillowcases. But those days were over. It had been a year. A year and two months, in fact. What was it she’d said? Something about not feeling safe, secure, something about me being the bad guy, about magnets attracting and repelling. God. An eloquent excuse for ending six months of madness. Eloquent. The word didn’t...

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My Amy Jo Johnson Obsession

This is Amy Jo Johnson. Isn’t she beautiful? She played Kimberly Hart who was the pink ranger on the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. She also started in a few other shows shortly after. She was my first crush. She was also the first girl I ever masturbated to. One of the things I noticed about her when I was in my teens was…Below is a few pics of Amy doing a back flip on power rangers. Notice how big her butt looks and how broad her hips are.Also notice her figure in the pics below... I always...

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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 1 Obsession

From the view of the nephew.At the age of sixteen, I started to find myself wanting to go round to my cousin’s house, just to be able to see my sexy auntie.Back from that summer trip, I found myself masturbating a lot. I did jerk off to magazines, but I always thought about my auntie. What made it worse was that my uncle wasn’t a nice guy and was big and fat, and quite ugly. I often wondered how had he landed a woman like my auntie.Even seeing pictures of them both from their youth, he wasn’t...

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Jack and His Sister A Tale of Love Incest and Obsession

The noise of engines in the street below brought Jack back to the world. Seven a.m. and every bus in Manchester sounded as if it was using Lever Street to escape the city. Most had to stop at the lights on the junction with Great Ancoats Street and wait for the change that allowed them to turn and continue their journey. On green, the guttural combustion growls escalate in volume and rise through the icy November air and into his third floor room, through the small gap that the fixed...

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Tilas Cum Obsession

My name is Tila, and I have a confession to make. I love cum. I’m addicted to seeing it, feeling it and tasting it. I love the way it slides down my throat and how I can smear is all over my tits. But I’ve always had one problem with cum so far, it’s never enough. I’ve done 25 guys in a gangbang once, there was a lot of cum but it wasn’t enough. I wanna have cum all over my body, in every oriphus, I want my stomach full of cum, I wanna shit out cum from my tight asshole. I wanna snort cum like...

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