Betting People - Trick Or Treat? free porn video

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Betting People: Trick or Treat?

By Maximillian Excaliber


This wasn't supposed to be, but is, the first story in a new series I'm writing called 'Betting People'.

Each story will be different but will have a common theme. All of the stories in this series will be about people make a wager that results in their becoming intimate. As you will find out while reading them, these stories are, in fact, tales of seduction.


Chapter One – The Party

I had just arrived at the apartment of Veranda Cain. Veranda is the best friend of my girlfriend Bernadette Silva.

That night, Veranda was hosting a Halloween Party and everyone was supposed to show up in costume. Bernadette had forgotten to tell me about it and by the time she did, all the party supply stores were sold out. I was forced to improvise so I'd worn a white short sleeve shirt and slacks.

The moment I walked in the door Veranda said to me, “ Trick or Treat Walter? ” That's me, my name is Walter Mitchel.

Unfortunately, for several reasons, I was as nervous as a hiccuping parrot in a glass factory.

First, Veranda is thirty-eight years old, five-feet eleven inches tall, has hazel eyes, long flowing auburn hair and is every bit as beautiful and sexy as Bernadette.

Second, she never seemed to miss an opportunity to show me how very affectionate she could be .

Third, from the first day Bernadette introduced us, Veranda had been looking at me with 'bedroom eyes'.

Fourth, because of all of the above, I'd been fantasizing about her more than I usually did.

Now, if that's not enough for you, here's the topper... that night Veranda's entire body, what I could see of it, was covered with green latex and, what little I couldn't see, which wasn't much, was hidden by what looked at the time to be the tiniest golden satin loin cloth in the world.

Her bare breasts were covered by a thin layer of latex that did nothing to hide her pointy, erect nipples and showed very clearly every curve of her bountiful bosoms. Whether I liked it or not, my eyes were drawn to them like bees to honey. Believe me when I say it, green or not, they looked very tasty to me! They were so beautiful that I had to fight hard not to stare and almost missed the gold and ruby necklace surrounding her long sexy neck .

Thinking to myself that everyone was watching me, I forced my eyes casually down to her midsection, then beyond and noticed the pair of gold sandal pumps on her feet. I smiled and looked up at her face. That's when I saw the matching earrings she was wearing.

Anyway, after I rolled my tongue back in my mouth, figuratively that is, I tried to remember what she'd said. It came back to me and I felt trapped. It sounds kind of silly doesn't it. But Veranda has a way of being really tricky. That's why I was afraid that no matter what I said, she'd find some way of using it to her advantage.

While I was trying to figure out what to say, Veranda asked me about my costume. I told her that I was supposed to be a 'Serial Killer' and explained to her why I had been forced to improvise . She was old enough to know who Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and David Berkowitz were and thought it was funny. Trying to avoid answering her 'Trick or Treat' question. “ What are you supposed to be? ” I asked, to which she responded, “ A Martian Princess. Do you like it? ”

I told her I did hoping she'd forgotten her original question. My hopes were crushed when I heard her say, “ You never told me what you wanted. Which was it, a Trick or a Treat? ”

I faced the realization that no answer I could give would likely be a safe one and said the first thing that came to my mind... “ Trick! ” Then changed my mind and said, “ No! Treat! ” and then when I realized what an idiot I was sounding like said in frustration, “ Hell, I don't know, pick one! ”

I had been counting on Bernadette running interference for me but, at the last minute she called to tell me that she was going to have to work overtime. I offered to wait at home so we could go to the party together but she insisted otherwise .

Fortunately after I'd made an ass out of myself stammering like an idiot, Veranda laughed and said mercifully, “ Don't worry about it. ” I breathed a sigh of relief but then she added seductively, “ I'll surprise you later. ” With a sense of foreboding, I began to consider the possibilities and immediately wondered how I would ever make it until Bernadette got there.

Luckily, to my pleasant surprise, two seconds later she came walking in the door and I didn't have to worry about avoiding Veranda.

After she kissed me, I asked Bernadette what happened and she told me her boss decided she didn't want to pay the overtime after all and sent everyone home early, or was it on time? I can't remember. Anyway, it doesn't matter because with Bernadette there, I knew my chance of enjoying the party went up a hundred percent.

Bernadette had brought her costume with her and after saying 'Hi' to Veranda, immediately excused herself so she could go change.

Not wanting to be left alone with Veranda, I used the excuse that I was going to go mingle with the other guests and wandered about looking for anyone I knew.

I soon discovered that everyone else at the party , male and female alike, were dressed as provocatively as Veranda . 'What kind of party is this?' While I pondered the question, drink in hand, I toured the room and I waited for Bernadette to make her in-costume entrance.

A few minutes later she reappeared and I almost hit the floor. Every visible area of skin on her body was covered in blood red latex paint. She wore a black leather thong and matching garter, fishnet stockings and high-heels. All of which perfectly accented her curly black hair. Glued to her temples were two shiny black horns and attached to the back of her thong was a rubber blood- red pitched fork tail. In her right hand she was holding a leather, cat-of-nine tails whip.

“ What do you think, is it HOT enough for you? ” There was an appropriately devilish grin on her face.

Enthusiastically, I replied, “ Hell honey, I'm on fire! ” Had I not known it would have messed up her costume, I'd have snuck her off and raised a little hell of my own!

The party went on and about 1:00 in the morning it ended and, after we helped Veranda clean up, Bernadette and I said our goodbyes and left.

Chapter Two – “ Ambushed me? ”

“ Veranda asked me how things were going between us at the party. ” Said Bernadette to me in a casual, conversational tone.

At the party, I ' d drank just enough to be feeling no pain but, for some reason, her words surprised me. Veranda and Bernadette had known each other since high school and it wasn't what friends usually do. Then again, friends don't usually make goo-goo eyes at each others boyfriends either, do they? “ Why did she do that? ” I asked.

“ Because she's got the hots for you and wants to fuck you Walter. ” Replied Bernadette.

I didn't think she knew and almost chocked when I heard he say it. “ What did you say to her? ”

“ I told her that everything was fine between us. She looked disappointed. ” We were about two miles from home.

Trying to sound nonchalant about it, I suggested, “ If she asks again, tell her I'm already taken. ”

“ Wouldn't it be simpler if you just gave her what she wants? ” Asked Bernadette.

The first thought I had was, 'Did I hear her right?' Then I remembered the latex green skin golden loin cloth Veranda had worn and thought to myself, 'I'd love to but then, if I did, it would be over between us' That was followed by, 'I wonder if Bernadette sneaked a few drinks when I wasn't looking?' Her driving was fine and I decided she hadn't. “ No, it would not! ”

“ Why? ” Bernadette asked without taking her eyes off the road.

I explained, “Because I love you, that's why!”

“ Suppose I gave you my permission, what would you say then? ” There was still no change in expression.

I began to wonder if she were testing me and said, “ I'd say you and I are in a relationship and I'm not going to cheat on you. ”

“ What if she ambushed you? ”

Confused, I asked, “Ambushed me? What do you mean ambushed me?”

“Something kinky, like tie you to a bed and tease you until you beg for her to fuck you.”

Trying my best to sound convincing, I declared, “That's not going to happen. Anyway, there's nothing she, or any other woman for that matter, could do that would make beg them to fuck me.”

“You don't really believe that? Do you?” Her tone had changed telling me she didn't believe me.

I asked, “Don't you?”

“Not for a minute.”

Obviously, that wasn't what I wanted to hear. I didn't know whether to be offended or not. I said to her, “Well it's true.”

“Fine, let's bet on it!”

I wasn't sure if I'd heard her correctly. “What?” I asked Veranda.

“I said, 'let's bet on it!' We'll play a little game. If you win, I'll get you that 50 inch television you've been drooling after. If I win... “

I didn't wait for her to finish. “As tempting as that sounds, I'll pass. I'm still a little tight from the punch we drank. But if you can wait until morning... ”

“You drank! If you recall, I had someone from work drop me off. I am the designated driver.” She reminded. To which I responded, “In any case, I'm not in any mood for fun and games.”

It was a lie. I was horney as hell. You would be too after being around a bunch of near naked attractive women all night long. It was the worst time for me to be tempted.

“Did you just say you werent in the mood? Wouldn't that give you an advantage?" She retorted.

She had me there. "Well, yes but..."

"Can you think of a better time?"

'Fuck!' I thought. 'She's using logic. I hate it when she does that!' I was forced to admit she was right.

There were a lot of things I could have said but wasn't about to. I could have told her the truth that I'd been fantasizing about Veranda but I knew that wasn't going to help me. I could also have told her that the very idea she was suggesting I found both erotic and arousing. How does this sound? 'Sure honey, I'd love to have you tie me to the bed and pretend you're some other woman trying to seduce me!' Oh yeah, that would have really convinced her. I decided to say the only thing I thought was safe... “Fine, but I don't want to hear any whining later when you find I'm not as susceptible to a woman's powers of persuasion as you think I am!”

Then I thought, 'Damn! I ought to be a fertilizer salesmen. I almost bought that bullshit myself.' but inside where it really counted, I wasn't so sure. If you're wondering why I gave in so easily, I'll tell you. It's because I knew that she wouldn't stop asking until she got her way.

As soon as the car was parked in the garage, Bernadette exited the vehicle and, over the hissing sound of the cooling motor said to me...

"If you need to go to the bathroom, now's the time to do it." I told her I did and she told me to... "Meet me in the bedroom when you're finished."

That took about two minutes.

“Strip!” Bernadette demanded, as soon as I walked through the bedroom door.

She still holding the whip in her hand. Bernadette must have seen me look at it because she said...

“Opps. I'll put it away.”

She turned her back to me and opened the top drawer of her dresser and placed the whip inside and, as I undressed, she started searching for something.

It took me about a minute to disrobe completely, during which time Bernadette found what she was looking for and waited patiently with her hands behind her back.

“ Lie down on the left side of the bed and put your hands over your head. Make sure that you leave enough room for me to sit down next to you. ” Her hands came into view and I could see she was holding several scarfs.

Naively, I asked, “ What are you going to do with those? ”

“ 'Something kinky, like tie you to a bed and tease you.' Remember? ” Reminded Bernadette.

I said in protestation, “ I didn't think you were actually going to tie me up! ”

“ Well I am. So, do as I say or admit you're wrong and forfeit! ”

Since I wasn't about to forfeit, I did as I was told.

Two minutes later she'd tied my wrists to the rails on the left side of the head-board. Then she bound my ankles together and to the rails on same side of the foot-board.

When she reached over and removed yet a fifth scarf from the drawer and headed in my direction, I demanded, “ What are you going to do with that? ”

“ Why Walter honey, I'm going to blindfold you. That way you can better imagine that some stranger has ambushed you and not me, dearest. Otherwise, you don't stand a chance. ” Bernadette answered wickedly. The sad truth is that in some fucked up way she was right, but that didn't keep me from asking myself, 'Who kidnapped my Bernadette and replaced her with this vixen?'

With no farther protestations from me, Bernadette tied the scarf around my head, covering my eyes and sending me into near total darkness. Then she announced...

“ I'm going to go take a shower. ”

Astounded, I yelled, “ You're what? ”

“ Don't worry, it won't take long. I'll turn the stereo on and leave some music playing for you, so you won't get too bored while I'm gone. ” Replied Bernadette, her voice fading rapidly as she did.

For some unexplained reason, the station she'd chosen was playing the slow, easy listening style of music, that even sober would have put me to sleep, and what I guess was about five minutes later, I was out like a light.

Chapter Three – “ What happened? ”

“ Wake up sleepy head. ” Bernadette said softly. Her voice was close. She seemed to be sitting on the bed next to me.

As fog of sleep began to rise, I tried to move and became aware of the scarfs binding me to the bed, then remembered where I was. Instantly, I turned red with embarrassment at my predicament. I also realized that I was no longer inebriated. “ How long was I asleep? ”

“ Long enough for me to do my nails and get out of my costume. ” She said pleasantly.

Having seen her do her nails before. I had no idea how long it took her to change, but I did know that I must have slept at least an hour.

“ So Walter, ” she began, “ imagine that when you came home after the party you feel asleep and awakened to find yourself tied to the bed. Kneeling on the bed next to you completely naked is Veranda. Her pussy is wet with excitement and she is reaching down to take your cock in her hand. ”

As the words were spoken, I felt the delicate fingers of a woman's hand gently encircle my penis and begin moving ever so slowly up and down my limp shaft. The easy way in which it did, told me that Bernadette must have lubricated my manhood sometime while I was sleeping.

“ Can you feel her stroking it? Doesn't it feel good? ”

I didn't answer. I was too busy trying to keep my penis from getting hard. It wasn't cooperating.

Bernadette continued...

“ Now she's bending over you and placing her right breast to your mouth. ”

Something small and rigid brushed lightly over my lips and was quickly pulled away. Meanwhile, the hand on my cock continued moving.

“ She wants you to stop fighting her and thinks that perhaps a kiss will change your mind. ”

There is a shifting of weight on the bed and a mouth touchs mine. I'm sure from the smell of the perfume that it is Bernadette. Even so, I resist the temptation to open my mouth and allow our tongues to mingle passionately. I give into temptation for a second but when I do, she pulls away from me. 'What a tease!' I think.

Tauntingly, Bernadette asks...

“ Tell me Walter, don't you want to feel her mouth on yours? ”

I see it in my mind and immediately my cock begins growing in size. Realizing what is happening, I struggle to make it go down but all I can manage to do is stunt its growth.

There is more shifting on the bed and then I hear Bernadette say...

“ Tell me Walter, would you rather feel her mouth here? ”

Immediately, the hand on my manhood lowered to the base of my cock and held it firmly in place. I felt something rub softly up length of large ridge from base of my cock to just under the crown. I could tell from how soft it was that it was a tongue!

“ Or perhaps you want to feel her mouth here? ”

It began rolling over the head and continued to do so for several long, pleasurable seconds. When it stopped, I heard Bernadette say...

“ I hear she's quite good at giving head. Imaging she starts sucking you. Let’s find out, shall we? ”

So began one of the most excruciating, erotic blow-jobs I've ever had in my life. When it began, I was only three quarters erect, but less than a minute later I was harder than a porn-star on Viagra.

For the next thirty minutes, the only sound in the room I heard was that of lips sucking and and tongue licking at my dick. Several times I came close to cumming and every time she pulled back at the last second. Finally, just when I was about to give in, she stopped abruptly.

As I lay there panting and tried to collect my wits, I recognized the unmistakable feeling of a condom being rolled slowly down my shaft. Then, as I felt a female body climb over me I heard Bernadette ask...

“ Tell me Walter, what do you want? ”

I stubbornly refused to answer and felt a hand grasp my cock about the shaft and hold it motionless while something soft and warm began sliding over my cock-head and embrace it lightly. It wasn't another condom!

Once again Bernadette asked...

“ What do you want Walter? ”

The hand began moving my cock in circular motion causing the tip of my dick to roll around whatever was encircling it.

“ Tell me what you want Walter! ” Said Bernadette more insistently.

Despite the desire to relent, I stood fast... and hard!

However, when I felt my cock-head being surrounded by something warm and tight, I began to weaken.

“ Are you ready to fuck now Walter? ”

Truthfully I answered, “ Yes! ”

“ Who do you want to fuck! ”

I lied, “ You. ” Okay, so I admit it, I only partially lied. Still, I knew it wasn't what she wanted to hear but hoped it would do.

The pussy poised on my cock began moving up and down an inch. As it continued to do so, Bernadette demanded...

“ Tell me again, who do you want to fuck? ”

She leaned over. When she did, I could feel her hard nipples brushing against my chest and her perfume filled my nostrils.

It was utterly frustrating. I tried to thrust upwards but every time I did she went with me, foiling my attempts to get more of my cock inside her.

Finally, I was so frustrated that I would have said anything to fuck her... even the truth. “ Veranda! ” I proclaimed.

“ Then say it! Pretend I'm her and say it like you mean it! ”

Even though I was still blind folded, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that the woman on top of me was my girlfriend's best friend. When her face became clear in my mind's eye, I proclaimed loudly, “ Please Veranda, fuck me now! ”

“ Well, that was your trick! ” Announced Bernadette and I thought to myself, 'Where the fuck did that come from?'

“ And I'm your treat! ” Cried the woman on top of me as she impaled herself completely upon my dick. “

I gasped suddenly, partly from pleasure but mostly because the voice I'd heard wasn't Bernadette's. “ Veranda? Is that you? ” I began to wonder who was on top of me.

Two female voices giggled simultaneously. The scarf was pulled up over my eyes and I looked to be sure who was in the room with me and whom I was in.

Bernadette was there and she was wearing her sexist robe but, she was not the one on top of me. That, much to my surprise, was Veranda. She was still giggling and each time she did, her pussy tightened up spasmodically around my cock, causing her writhe erotically.

As she began bouncing up and down on my cock, Veranda answered, “ I thought you'd never ask. I almost blew the whole thing and started fucking you before you could. ”

“ Actually, technically, you did 'blow the whole thing' and, quite impressively I might add. Don't you agree darling? ” Said Bernadette.

I opened my mouth to say answer her and found myself immediately speechless. It might have been because I was having trouble believing what was happening. Then again, it could have been that at that very moment Veranda leaned forward and filled my mouth her left breast and in the process of doing so caused all but the tip of my cock to slip out of her. 'Damn!' I thought to myself. I'd really only just begun to enjoy the glorious depth of her hot pussy. I didn't have to to think of because Bernadette said to me...

“ Well, go on, suck it! ”

Not needing to be told a second time, I began rolling my tongue repeatedly around Veranda's nipple.

Wanting more of myself inside her, I raised my hips and started fuck her as deeply as I could possible. It was only half but, that was still more than before.

“ Ohhh! ” Moaned, Veranda in response to the movements of my throbbing hard man-meat moving like a piston in and out of her coitus canal.

“ More! ” she screamed like a banshee in heat and then savagely pushed herself up and backwards until all of my searing hot love-muscle was once more buried completely inside her torrid tunnel of lust.

For the next several minutes Veranda fucked me wildly until, suddenly at the bottom of a hard down-stroke, her whole body became as rigid as a statue and motionless.

I could tell she was cumming when seconds later she began erotically and uncontrollably quivering.

It eventually passed. When it had, she began to raise up lazily as if to dismount me and found a surprise waiting for her. I hadn't cum yet and wasn't finished. Sure that her pussy was very sensitive, I waited until she was half way off my cock and then started fucking her as fast as I could before she could finish dismounting me.

I knew it worked and that I'd caught her off guard when instead of getting off me she clinched up as if stricken by lightening and remained in place.

Each thrust of my powerful hips pushed her higher and higher into the air until eventually she could go no farther without falling off me and, once I had her up there I began fucking the entire length of my cock with all the speed of mechanical sex machine.

A minute later Veranda screamed, her eyes rolled back into her head and she proceeded to writhe in orgasm. The sight of her in ecstasy was too much for me and, before I knew what was happening, I went over the edge and started cumming so hard I was afraid the condom would break. Luckily for both of us, it didn't.

When I was finished, rather than stopping I kept moving inside her only this time, at a much slower pace.

I wanted to see if I could get her off a third time and knew that as long as I continued moving my cock would not go down. So, to keep it hard I began fucking her in a steady, metronome like 1-2 pace.

“ Oh no you don't! Save some for me. ” Ordered Bernadette as she walked around the bed to the right side and proceeded to help Veranda, whose breathing was labored from excitement, dismount me. I'd done the same thing enough times to her that I guess she'd figured out what I trying to do.

Once Veranda was free of my penis, Bernadette lovingly asked her to lay back, close her eyes and relax.

Breathing heavily and her body was flushed with sex, Veranda did as requested.

Bernadette sat down next to her and waited for until Veranda to calm down. All I could do was lay there with my condom clad hard-on still pointing straight up into the air. With nothing else to do, I took the opportunity to get my first really good look at Veranda's sexy naked body.

Chapter Four – “ Bi-Curious ”

Five minutes or so later my cock still hadn't gone down and Veranda was, for the most part, back to normal. Bernadette began speaking...

“ Was he everything I told you he was? ” Tired but content, Veranda replied, “ That and more! Now I'm begging to think you've been keeping him to yourself all this time! ”

Bernadette ignored her and I wondered what they were talking about.

“ How do you feel? ” She said instead.

“ My clit is swollen and it hasn't stop tingling yet! ” Replied Veranda.

“ Really? ” Inquired Bernadette curiously, “ Let me see. ”

Without even thinking about it, Veranda opened her legs so Bernadette could look and I thought to myself, 'How friendly are they?'

I watched as my girlfriend knelt down and began examining her friend's pussy. Maybe it was curiosity?

With her head very close to Veranda's pussy, Bernadette called over her shoulder...

“ Wow! You're right, it's really swollen. ” Then, very much to my surprise, Bernadette licked it once.

Veranda jerked suddenly, opened her eyes and said, “ It's sensitive too! ” Then she asked the seeming innocent question, “ What's it look like? ”

I thought to myself, 'Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she's Bi-curious?'

“ Kind of like mine. ” Answered Bernadette as she raised her right leg and moved it over Veranda, and kneed straddled. Her pussy was about six inches away from the other woman's face. “ See? ”

Veranda looked at Bernadette's pussy. It was wet and, to me, her clit appear to be swollen. “ Veranda seeing it asked, “ Your clit isn't as big as mine. Is it sensitive? ”

“ I don't know. ” Responded Bernadette.

After a moment's contemplation, Veranda giggled, “ Well, tell me how this feels. ” And then she leaned forward and flicked her softly once over Bernadette's clit.

“ I'm not sure. I thought I felt something but I can't say. Do it again. ”

Veranda did. Bernadette squirmed.

“ I definitely felt something that time. ” Began Bernadette. “ Did it get any bigger? ”

Appearing to examine her friend's genitalia, Veranda replied, “ I think it did. ”

“ How about you, are you still as sensitive as you were? ” Asked Bernadette playfully.

Giggling again, Veranda suggested, “ I don't know, touch it and I'll tell you. ”

Bernadette touched it alright, with her tongue. After which Veranda said, “ Oh yes, it's very sensitive! ”

“ Are you sure? ” Asked Bernadette teasingly. “ Maybe I did it wrong. Let me try it again. ” After which, she let her tongue roll several times around Veranda's clit.

Unexpectedly, Veranda insisted, “ Stop! Your kitty's trying to tell me something! ”

“ What? ” Bernadette and I exclaimed almost in chorus.

Veranda turned her head sideways and put it very close to Bernadette's pussy as as if listening and pretended to be listening to something. “ Wait a minute, it's whispering. ” She placed her hands around Bernadette's waist, locked her hands together tightly and as she pulled the woman forcefully to her proclaimed, “ It says, 'Eat me! ”

Which is exactly what Veranda did! There were no such words uttered by her pussy, but at the time, I'm pretty sure Bernadette didn't care. She was too busy enjoying the wonderful sensations being created by Veranda's tongue sensually

making twists and turns on her clit as it were if driving down some erotic roadway.

A few seconds later, Bernadette felt the tip of Veranda's tongue exploring the neither regions. She didn't know how long this continued but she discovered when next Veranda let licked her clit just how sensitive it had become.

“ Fuck! ” Exclaimed Bernadette as jolt of electricity emanating from her clit sent a powerful wave of pleasure throughout her entire body.

“ Ummph! ” It happened again. This time it was much stronger than before and Bernadette found herself unable to do anything more than a primal, lustful grunt.

She tried to return the favor but when she did Veranda, whose arms were still wrapped around her waist, pulled her away and loosen her grip until she was screaming in orgasm.

After what seemed to Bernadette an eternity of sexual bliss, she was able to gather enough strength and dive face-first into Veranda's honeypot.

I watched on in amazement. It was all so arousing that my condom clad erection never had an opportunity to subside.

Finally, when both women were sated, they stopped and as they lay facing each other cuddling like a couple of alley cats, Veranda reached up and untied my left wrist from the bedpost.

Bernadette, who had fallen fast asleep, was in the center of the bed. Veranda was still awake remained on the right.

With superhuman speed, I used my free hand to free himself from my bonds and rose to my feet. There was a waste can on my side of the bed. I tossed the spent condom into it. Then, quietly and carefully rolled the dazing Bernadette over onto her back. Once she was there, I gently pulled her legs apart and crawled between them.

Veranda, who was intrigued by what I was doing, said nothing in the way of warning to Bernadette. Instead, she watched intently.

Feeling something worming its way inside her well lubricated, unresisting pussy, Bernadette opened her eyes lazily to see who or what it was.

I could tell from the look in her eyes when she looked down that she was not completely awake so I took advantage of the situation. I , grabbed her by the wrists, held her in place and drove my cock as deeply and fast as I could.

Her eyes opened wide suddenly and, when the look on her face changed telling me that she'd realized that she was pinned to the bed, I began fucking her in long, deliberately slow strokes.

Then Veranda did something neither of them expected. As she bent down and took Bernadette's left breast in her mouth and began sucking. At the same time, Veranda reached between Bernadette's legs and she begin rubbing her clit.

Unable to move, Bernadette lay there twitching while I fucked her.

What must have seemed an eternity later, the sensations became too much for her and Bernadette started screaming. She was cumming harder than I'd ever seen before and when I thought she couldn't take any more I came inside her taking to a limit I'd never dreamed possible.

Afterward, Bernadette moved to the left side of the bed, making room for me in the center.

As the three of us cuddled, I said to Bernadette jokingly, “ I saved some for you. ”

“ I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about her. If I'd hadn't stopped you, you'd have worn her out before I got my turn. ”

I looked at Veranda and asked, “ Is she serious? ”

Veranda answered, “ I do believe she is. ”

Trying to sound hurt, I said, “ Well excuse me for being a pussy hound! ” and began pouting childishly.

Veranda said consolingly, “ Don't both to apologize Baby. A pussy hound is what we've been searching for. ”

That's when I realized I had been wrong. Bernadette wasn't 'Bi-curious', she was 'Bi-sexual'. Not only that, they both were and I asked myself, 'Was I going to have to fight Veranda for Bernadette's attention?' I said as much.

Bernadette didn't answer, Veranda did. “ How do you know it won't be the other way around? ”

Believe it or not, I thought about her question for an hour before I finally went to sleep.

Chapter Four – “ The Next Day ”

The next morning I awakened about noon the next day to the sound of the shower running and the smell of hot bacon and fried potatoes. Neither woman was in my bed and I wondered which woman was where.

I went the the bathroom expecting to find one naked body there in the my six foot square, glass enclosed shower and was surprised to see two. As they were both too busy scrubbing each others backs to notice my presence, I took a moment to relieve my bladder and then flushed the toilet.

“ Fuck! ” Yelled both women almost at the same time. It wasn't an exclamation of pleasure. Bernadette cracked the shower door open and said, “ Do you see what you've done you asshole? You've given ups both goosebumps! ” I looked by all I could see were her pointy erect nipples.

I stepped forward, placed both hands on them and, as I began playing with them, I retorted, “ You do look cold, want me to warm you up? ”

She replied, “ You better do something. We can't go anywhere like this! ” Then she began pulling me into the shower.

Well, what followed was a shower scene to rival any thing ever seen on film... adult film that is!

During breakfast, Bernadette explained it all to me. She told me that she and Veranda had been 'living together' for five years when I met her. They loved each other but also wanted a man in their life. When I came along, Bernadette wasn't sure whether or not I would be willing to accept another woman in our relationship and it took to 'feel me out' so to speak. Meanwhile, the two of them continued seeing each other. They decided to approach me when Bernadette realized why I had been really trying so hard to avoid Veranda. The 'Trick or Treat' fiction was Veranda's idea. She passed it on to Bernadette while they were supposed to be 'freshening up' at the party. Bernadette knew that I would be drinking and also knew there was a good chance that I would pass out as soon as I was flat on my back. The music and blind fold just made it easier. When I did, she called Veranda and told her to come over. They spent most of the time getting out of their costumes and waiting for me to wake up. The rest of the story you know.

That was all five years ago. The three of us have been living happily together as man and... is there a name for it? I guess it doesn't matter. The point is, we love each other and that's all that counts!

The End

Same as Betting People - Trick Or Treat? Videos

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat By Morpheus James looked around him, unable to help but feeling nervous. After all, it was late at night on Halloween and he just happened to be standing in the middle of a cemetery. The fact the he wasn't alone offered him comfort as well as a reason not to show his discomfort. "Okay, here we are," Kevin exclaimed, swinging his flashlight over the ground around them. "This should be a good spot." "Yeah," James agreed with a nod. "It should be..." There were...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Megan was full of anticipation for the night ahead. October 31 was the one night of the year that she and her friend, Molly let their hair down – and some. Every year was a little bit different; a new adventure, and each year they just got naughtier and naughtier. Her district really made an effort and she passed house after house, all with an orange glow and pumpkins in the windows. Little parties of fifth and sixth graders, all with their parents were going a-spooking. This was what...

2 years ago
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Lady Bug Trick or Treat

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had my hands full as I put all the candy by the front door in a big orange bowl. I put a small wooden chair next to the front door. I have to pass out candy to the trick or treaters. I don't live in a big neighborhood. But I usually give out allot of candy to the k**s. I think they mark my house every year to stop at. There usually a few girls who stop bye. Either with the k**s or just to say hi. I prefer bodacious women. The more voluptuous the better. I'm...

4 years ago
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Tammy Likes to Trick or Treat

Tammy Johnson was a pretty girl of 18 who often dressed up for special days like Halloween or Christmas in costumes that showed off her shapely body and piercing blue eyes. This year she had made her Halloween costume on her sewing machine making sure that it would hug her curves tightly in those places where she knew men liked to let their eyes linger. This Halloween was a bit different because it was the first year that she was no longer a silly virgin. She was so relieved that she had...

2 years ago
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Trick and Treat

I usually watch scary movies on Halloween, sometimes do a marathon. Depends on what's out, I'll rent some DVD's or maybe just watch my own as I have quite a horror movie collection. I haven't been trick or treating since I was a young teen. But my friend Michelle said I should get out this Halloween, do a little "trick and treat." I said I'm not really interested in going around to houses begging for candy anymore and mocked her for the way she said trick and treat."I'm not talking about...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

As a college professor I'm fully aware of when Halloween comes around, at least two weeks before hand, all my students always seem to get excited about the up coming parties, and despite the fact they are almost fully grown adults, they just can't wait to get dressed up in scary outfits, and have a good time.I personally don't, I normally sit at home, with the lights turned down watching a film waiting for the whole night to be over, until last year.Last year I was doing my usual thing, having...

4 years ago
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Halloween Trick Or Treat

Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Linda Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire craved on Hallows Eve, however in this case it was her butt that had given up the blood.? As the coed recalled the nightmare and the trick she had taken part...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Introduction: This is my first story so I want to know what everybody thinks so please leave comments There was something about the air in Chicago whenever October rolled around. Brooklyn breathed in the fresh autumn air from the patio. For some reason, the air seemed fresher and cleaner. Its crispness mixed with the scent of freshly fallen leaves, reminding her that the days were getting shorter and the nights were getting colder. Normally, October was her major party month. Shed take weeks to...

2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Finding the boxes, he gets out the ladder to hang up the ghosts. Every year his wife would climb on the roof and hang ghosts from a wire dangling from the soffit. While up there, she would form a web out of a couple strings of black lights on the front of the dormer and put a giant spider in it. Brad drags the ghosts up the ladder and hangs the wires from the hooks. He takes a look around while he is up there, to see how much of the neighborhood has been decorated. From this vantage point,...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat By P No bird sang and no crickets chirped. The birds had long fled south and thecrickets were deep in their winter hibernation. The still night at the endof October was cold and dark, a preview of the winter to come. Here and there,the quiet cold was interrupted by the bright flashlights and raucous voicesof the small knots of trick-or-treaters who braved the cold and dark and madetheir noisy way from house to house in celebration of the age-old holiday,Halloween. Margo had...

3 years ago
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Trick Her Treat

Trick, Her Treat Juliette Lima The Eve of All Hallows Day When wild times hold sway Themes hard to beat And ways to compete Let the men try out lace lingerie. Be it ever so trite there is nothing like a costume party to help a crossdresser get in a day of prissily primping, silky sashaying, and being a fool. I am no different from any other crossdresser, my wife does not like it but she likes me well enough to tolerate the occasional silly assed dress up time when I pretend I...

1 year ago
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Trick or Treat

I lifted the lid of the slowly bubbling pot roast, savored the aroma, gave it a stir to check that it hadn't scorched on the bottom, and replaced the cover. Another two hours at the lowest heat, and the meat would be mouth-wateringly tender. I laid the spoon on a dish, replaced the casserole dish in the oven, and was about to set the table when I noticed that our automatic light had come on in the front yard. It was just about dark enough for the light to be obvious, and make the...

3 years ago
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Pussy Trick Or Anal Treat

Nick looked down as Joan Jett took the entire length of his cock down her throat. She was on her knees in front of him, with her arms wrapped lovingly around his thighs. It was difficult for Nick to resist the pull of his climax, given her warm mouth and tight channel. He thought to himself, "Oh, what the hell," grabbed the side of Joan's head and began to thrust in and out with abandon.Well, it wasn't really Joan Jett deep throating him, but rather his wife, Anne. Three minutes ago, they were...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

 Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

It was Halloween, our school was sponsoring a trick or treat event. Some of the teachers would be in class rooms and as you entered and answered the quiz they would reward you with candy for the right answers. If you answered wrong you would be asked to pick an envelop and inside would be a treat or trick. I was doing pretty good when I heard that there were better prizes on an upper floor. I darted up the stairs and started for the very first class room, as I knocked at the covered door it...

1 year ago
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Trick or Treat

Ever since I was little girl I’ve always loved dressing up and with Halloween approaching it was time to decide whether I needed something new for this year. A large wickerwork basket in the corner of my bedroom contains all my fancy dress outfits and I was having a nice quiet evening on my own so I decided to drag everything out to see what I had before making any decisions. As soon as I discovered the ‘she-devil’ outfit that I wore last year it brought the memories flooding back. We sell a...

3 years ago
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A Trick to Get a Treat

My life began to change for the better in July, 2013. At that time, I had a boyfriend named Tom. Now Tom was a nice enough guy, and he let me play with his 6-inch cock any time I wanted to, so that was nice. Very nice. But he didn’t know how to use his tongue or his cock to bring me pleasure, and worse, he didn’t care. As long as my sucking and my riding got him to orgasm, he was happy, and he didn’t particularly care if I was. So I walked into a local lingerie shop, looking for what I could...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

I thought of this story when thinking of possibilities for Halloween costumes. This story contains adult oriented material, so if you are not an adult read at your own risk Trick or Treat by Sir Robin Frank was looking through his mom clothes for something to wear for tonight. For the Halloween dress-up lip sync, him and his friends were dressing up as famous female singers, then they were going to go trick or treating afterward. It wasn't his idea, and he was not very...

3 years ago
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Trick Or Treat

Not my story but was given permission to share. "Trick or treat."Jimmy looked at the man before him hopefully. The man was naked except for a towel around his waist. Jimmy had clearly pulled him from the bath or a shower. He would be lucky to leave without abuse.The man looked back at the skinny sk** standing in front of him. "Aren't you a bit big to be trick or treating. How old are you?""Um, yeah I guess so, I'm nearly 15."Jimmy was glad his face was hidden behind a Spiderman balaclava but he...

2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat? By Enigma Thursday, August 27 "Come on, Sandy. Not all men are alike, and certainly not all of them are like that slime ball ex-husband of yours!" Amy said. Amy and Sandy were lingering over their weekly lunch, for once neither of them needing to rush back to their medical practices. "Well, I haven't met one yet I would trust as far as I could throw him." Her friend replied. "Oh, yes your have! Remember my James? He is a truly considerate man, and...

3 years ago
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Kelly Ripa Halloween trick r treat

The group gathered in front of her on her porch and she saw it was four young men and three young women. One of the guys stepped forward and she asked trick or treat. Looking around he grinned and said both you’re the trick slut and our treat. Shocked she froze as the guys moved towards her pushing her back into her living room. The girls quickly gagged her and stripped her naked. Then the guys moved her to the bedroom binding her spread eagled on her king sized bed. The group of teenagers...

2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Halloween and Sammy was going to do costume thing just like every other year. This time she was going to just take her job to the extreme. Black slacks, white shirt and a pocket protector. Geek squad. The only thing that gave it away that something wasn’t quite right for the typical suburban wife, computer manager, and mother, was for some reason her pocket protector seemed to rest on a breast that was even bigger than normal. What her coworkers didn’t know was Sammy was wearing two...

3 years ago
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Halloeen Trick or Treat

There’s always been something about Hallo’een that’s made me anxious, excited.. You could drag out fishnets, wear robes and dresses that flashed skin that had lost its summer tan, and give in to delightful dark impulses. It was decadent. I could dress in the clothes that Damion had loved for me to wear, but I had been too shy to enjoy. But not now. Not tonight. There was something different tonight. The girl that stood in the mirror wasn’t me, but some ancient sultry priestess, some enchanting...

2 years ago
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I met Alison at my door one Halloween night and fell immediately in lust.I’m a confirmed bachelor. I tried marriage once and it was a disaster, so I live alone in a beach-front condo full of young married couples, most have k**s that run around the pool screaming and hollering, which makes me use the pool at night when they’re all in bed.I’m kind of obligated to observe Halloween with everyone else, so this year I bought plenty of candy, hung a skeleton on my door, and waited for the...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

I was out with several friends, just yakking and stopping here and there for candy. A couple of the girls, Stacy and Marie, were dressed as fairies. Brenda was wrapped in gauze and was a mummy. Her mom found a case of expired bandages at the hospital where she worked, and oh, my, what a find! She laughed as she told us the story, her supervisor thinking it would make a great mummy costume for a silly teenaged girl and told her to take it home. It totally did! Two of us were dressed like slutty...

3 years ago
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Dressed for a Trick or Treat

Dressed for a Trick, or Treat By Shawna Summers [email protected] "I can't believe we're doing this," I comment to my friend Jim as we walked into his house. We entered the front door of the large house, and I saw the Halloween decorations were all over the hallway. Jim's mom usually got into Halloween, I guess that's why she was cool with this. "Why? It's not a big deal," Jim commented casually. Maybe not for you, I thought, but didn't say. I was about to live...

3 years ago
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Sticky Trick or Treat

If you want to read in detail what happened, search for “Gym Access for Cum” or “Involving the little brother in the workout scheme.” in my profile. Me and my husband just moved into our own small bungalow in this small town. Just enough room for us two. Since we won't have any offspring, we decided to have one room as a home gym. Working out is a big part of our lives. I am Mike, 35, lean build with a 7 inch cock.. My Husband, Taylor, 28 but looks so much younger, hot body with a 8 inch...

2 years ago
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trick or treat

It was 7.30pm and i had just put my car in the drive ,opend door and a voice said "trick or treat mister " i looked round and a little lad was stood at my gate with his mother and i guess his big sister ,who looked in her late teens early 20's ,i looked in my pocket and found a pound ,i offerd the young lad it and him and his sister walked down for it ,looking at the young lass i saw a fit young lady nice chest too, so i said to her with a little cheek and in a slight wisper "i will give you a...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Halloween! My time to perfect my technique. I had my house outfitted with marvelous Halloween symbols, gargoyles, bats and large pumpkins. Electronic music was continuously playing. The sign outside said "Welcome to The Hypnotist's Lair." When I opened my front door the scene behind me was red satin bunting hanging behind a beautiful leather recliner with a crystal globe hanging from the thirty foot ceiling just in front of the top of the chair. It was multifaceted and the light from a...

3 years ago
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Betting Night

*Warning, contains rape theme at the end of the story.* Betting Night By J. Setak I wouldn't say that I had a problem with gambling; it was just my way to get a kick out of life. It was great. Usually, on a Friday evening I would go to the casino with my friends and lose some money on the poker tables or roulette. I loved one of the Casino's that was near me called, "Tyler's Casino", purely out of superstition. I had won the most amount of money that I had ever done at this place...

4 years ago
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Halloween and an Asian Girl Comes Trick Or Treating

As it got darker the number of kids knocking on the door yelling "trick or treat" had dropped to a trickle. Bill Ronson was putting away the left over sweets and planning to settle in for the night when he heard a knock on the door. Expecting another bunch of kids he was pleasantly surprised to find only one child standing on his doorstep. He was even more pleased when he realized it was fourteen-year-old Annie Wong from three houses down. He knew her family quite well and to put it bluntly,...

2 years ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 5 of 7 Trick or Treat

Author's Note: As I said before, these stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, a threesome, with some light bi-play and a hot wife. If male bisexuality offends you, please don't read the story. If you'd like to see an illustrated version, send me an email at ************ Chapter 5 - Trick and TreatCarol looked wonderful walking ahead of me into our bedroom, her cute little ass peeking below her swaying shirt tail. The top of her firm legs and inner thighs were visibly wet...

1 year ago
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Trick or Treat

Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Samantha stood in front of the mirror admiring the costume she’d bought months ago in preparation for this night. It was October 31st , the night of her company’s big Halloween masquerade ball. Samantha worked for one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies Nicrosafe that produced internet surfing software. She was an executive IT tech. Her job was interesting enough. But because of it she was always classified as a nerd or geek. But tonight she planned on showing everyone that...

2 years ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 5 of 7 Trick or Treat

Author’s Note: As I said before, these stories are hard to categorize… voyeurism, exhibitionism, a threesome, with some light bi-play and a hot wife. If male bisexuality offends you, please don’t read the story. If you’d like to see an illustrated version, send me an email at ************** Chapter 5 – Trick and Treat Carol looked wonderful walking ahead of me into our bedroom, her cute little ass peeking below her swaying shirt tail. The top of her firm legs and inner thighs were visibly wet...

2 years ago
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As Halloween approached in 1960 I was a sophomore in high school in a small midwestern USA town and very shy being only five feet five inches tall and a continuous victim of bulles so had no confidence with girls. Oh thanks to my best friend Burt RIP and Not my parents who couldn,t even be bothered to tell me about sex and how easy a boy could get in trouble if he got into a girls panties then I knew what to do and what to do it with, but could never see myself even asking a girl for a date....

2 years ago
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Trick No Treat

TRICK NO TREAT By: the beagle 5:30 p.m. "Ross I know it's quitting time, but I have a very important assignment for you. I need your special skills," my boss, Devin Prickly III demanded. "There is a $5000 bonus, if you pull it off tonight." Prickly was never careless with money. It had to be something big. You don't get to be senior partner in the biggest law firm in Phili, wasting money. "What's the catch?" I...

3 years ago
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His Trick Her Treat

There is a house on the corner of my street that does a haunted house every year. Now it's not one of those simple ones with touchy feely guess what is in the container games but one of the ones that could scare the shit out of you. Lucy and her boyfriend Darian were planning to attend her annual work party. Lucy was not looking forward to bobbing for apples in beer, and not to mention that silly game of who was in the costume mask. After working there for 5 years Lucy knew who they were from...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Samantha stood in front of the mirror admiring the costume she’d bought months ago in preparation for this night. It was October 31st , the night of her company’s big Halloween masquerade ball. Samantha worked for one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies Nicrosafe that produced internet surfing software. She was an executive IT tech. Her job was interesting enough. But because of it she was always classified as a nerd or geek. But tonight she planned on showing everyone that...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Copyright © 2002, TooMuchTime. All rights reserved. Henry felt like an idiot. Here it was, Halloween. All his friends were out egging people's doors, throwing water balloons at cars, and just generally causing trouble -- exactly what every 14 year-old boy SHOULD be doing on this day in a small town... exactly what he should be doing. Instead, thanks to his mom, who had to work an extra shift tonight, he got stuck walking his little sister Trish around for trick-or-treat. It just...

1 year ago
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CorruptionChapter 2 Trick or Treat

"I think today started going bad when you accepted this 'part-time' job six months ago," Al said, sarcasm dripping from his thoughts. "I told you that taking this job would be trouble." "Great," Caleb muttered aloud, pulling his mind back from how he got into this mess. "The voice in my head is saying 'I told you so' for a decision made six months ago" "What was that, Captain Connor?" the man to his left asked. Caleb had been assigned the rank of Captain in the Texas...

2 years ago
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Betting the wives

Introduction:Mark and Amy, a TV news anchor, along with Thomas and his gorgeous moroccan girlfriend Marcy are joined by Tim and his shy wife Lisa at the poker game with their boss Ron and his wife Wendy.Amy sat on the patio with the other wives and girlfriends. It was a warm clean summer night. She leaned back in the mesh patio chair and admired the well manicured yard. She allowed herself to imagine for just a moment a possible, a hopeful, future with her husband in a house like this one. He...

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Betting the wives

There was one festering problem for Mark and Amy. The had taken out a large home equity loan to bail out her parents and keep them from having to foreclose on their family farm. That was compounded enormously by the downturn in the real estate market. Mark and Amy’s home wasn’t worth half of what they owed on it. They could just make ends meet when Mark’s boss invited him to join in the quarterly poker game. Both Amy and Mark agreed it was an opportunity not to be missed. The games were...

3 years ago
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Not Very Nice People Chapter 211 The Party Trick

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 2: The Party Trick Synopsis: On their way down south, our heroes pay a courtesy call on Kenny Taylor, their acquaintance and a former socially impaired nerd, who has made a name for himself in the software industry. Kenny, now married, lives a life that stands in contrast to the mostly prosaic existence of Mike, Jake, Scott and Charlie. But behind every picture perfect facade there may lurk hair-raising secrets; and some have the potential...

1 year ago
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Betting it All

Betting it all By ProfPotts  ?Just fold already, Claire ? you?ve nothing left to bet anyway.? Kyle grinned across the kitchen table (currently pressed into service as a card table for the gang?s poker night) at her nakedness, his dark eyes glittering as he obviously enjoyed watching her squirm. It had all started innocently enough; the six of them having a few drinks and enjoying each other?s company as they played cards, but as inhibitions dropped, the stakes had risen. Soon clothes had joined...

2 years ago
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SRU Tricks and Treats

SRU: The Tricks and the Treats By Darb Trebmal The wizard was hurrying about in the back of his shop with the treats that would change some unsuspecting people. They were the best candy bars he had yet made. He finished wrapping them in their new and impressive wrapper and smiled with admiration. This was definitely going to get some people. Just then, his assistant and prot?g?e walked in and inquired about the candy that the wizard was smiling at. "These are 'Snuckers', the ...

4 years ago
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Card Trick

                                                       CARD TRICK         The alarm wouldn’t stop ringing. In my waking stupor I though it was the alarm. Well maybe not. I reached over and swatted the snooze button on the clock, but the noise didn’t stop.    Oh hell. The sun was out and it was way too friggin’ bright in my bedroom for this crap to be happening.     My headache was with me full force as I rolled to the other side of my bed and fumbled for the cordless phone. And of course, it...

2 years ago
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Trick Or Treat

It's Halloween night, a night full of custom and tradition. Yet amidst all the carved pumpkins and trick or treaters, there's only one tradition that this night brings that attracts your attention. That's the custom that dictates that every young woman, no matter how reliable or moral she is at any other time, must for this one night cast off her usual persona and adopt a new one as a sexual creature. Yes, for this one night they eschew their jeans and baggy sweaters in favour of skin tight...

2 years ago
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No Tricks Just Treats

No Tricks, Just Treats Author's note: My first Halloween story, though a little late. So, please go easy on me. Anyway, I do hope you'll like it. And if you do or you've enjoyed any of my stories so far, do check out Lheriss stories as well. They are available here on FictionMania as well as DA and Pt. * Carmen and her teenage daughter was staying in for this year's Halloween. At 18, Lara felt that she was way past the age of tricking. The last time she had joined her friends...

1 year ago
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Tricked with a Treat

Lily pulled another costume off of the rack and held it up to herself. "What do you think about this one?""Geezus!" exclaimed Veronica, her best friend. "I thought you were going for sexy, not out and out skank!"Looking over the frilly french maid outfit that was more white lace than black silk and wouldn't cover more than the bare necessities (if that) Lily shrugged. "At this point I'm looking for whatever will get me noticed by Paul. This would be perfect for being Yvette from the movie...

3 years ago
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Card Trick

The alarm wouldn't stop ringing. In my waking stupor I though it was the alarm. Well maybe not. I reached over and swatted the snooze button on the clock, but the noise didn't stop. Oh hell. The sun was out and it was way too friggin' bright in my bedroom for this crap to be happening. My headache was with me full force as I rolled to the other side of my bed and fumbled for the cordless phone. And of course, it fell on the floor. Almost comically as I reached to the floor...

3 years ago
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Tricky Treat

If anyone else wishes to archive this story, please contact me Tricky Treat By Morpheus Sam Chase looked down at his 9 year old sister Cindy with distaste, hating that he had to take her out trick or treating. He'd much rather be out with his other friends, thinking that Cindy would slow him down. Unfortunately, his Mom had insisted he take her, so all he could do was glare at Cindy in her Xena costume. "Common guys" Same called over to his friends from school, Shane and Eric. ...

2 years ago
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The Ol HeadSwapping Trick

The Ol' Head-Swapping Trick By Kayooger PART ONE: MAKING PLANS "So what do you want to do tonight?" Nick asked his girlfriend, Lyla. "The same thing we do every night," she said in a deep masculine voice. "Try to take over the world!" "God, you're a dork," he said, grabbing her in a headlock and tickling her fiercely. "Guilty as charged! Guilty as charged!" she cried in between giggles, until Nick finally released her and she collapsed on the bed, trying to catch her...

4 years ago
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The Cambodian Basket Trick A Primer

Don't worry men! Part two of the Fresh Thai Fuckmeat series will be up in a day or so! This is only a momentary diversion!Periodically, I get communication from men and couples interested in one or another aspect of sex in Southeast Asia. Usually it is just where to find good cunt in Bangkok or Pattaya or Chiang Mai, (as if that were difficult) but sometimes the question is interesting enough to write down and think on. The other day, a couple asked me to explain the nature of the Cambodian...

4 years ago
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A Trick a Treat

Jamie picked up her bag from the motionless carousel, thinking that the silence of the terminal was a perfect fit for Halloween, and her mood. She slipped a hand behind her curtain of reddish-brown hair to massage her sore neck for a moment, and then turned away from the carousel. Even the other passengers on her red-eye flight had already left, thanks to a stop in the bathroom before picking up her luggage. With nobody around to see her, she adjusted the right cup of her bra, which was digging...

4 years ago
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A Trick a Treat

Jamie picked up her bag from the motionless carousel, thinking that the silence of the terminal was a perfect fit for Halloween, and her mood. She slipped a hand behind her curtain of reddish-brown hair to massage her sore neck for a moment, and then turned away from the carousel. Even the other passengers on her red-eye flight had already left, thanks to a stop in the bathroom before picking up her luggage. With nobody around to see her, she adjusted the right cup of her bra, which was digging...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Magic Trick

A Different Kind of Magic Trick Mandrake the Magnificent was in a real bind. His monthly magic show was in a week and his normal assistant was going to be unable to perform due to a broken leg. How would he be able to find and train a new assistant in less than a week? Mandrake could not just cancel, as advance ticket sales for the show were through the roof at the club he was to perform at. After pacing back and forth through his house for the better part of an hour, he decided to...

3 years ago
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Betting It All

The game blared on, and the Bills were losing again. Donnie sat there looking at the screen in satisfaction. "Looks like you will be doing the dishes for a couple more days again, Keri. You gotta stop betting if you want to keep any of your free time." Donnie's younger brother laughed. Darrin was a good kid, barely turned 17 a month ago, but still, he was tolerable, Keri had decided. And he had even stopped trying to get a peek at her when she was showering, or in the hallway to her room...

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