A Fool In Love free porn video

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Some time ago, it seems like two years but I had no way of knowing for sure, I had graduated from college with good prospects and many ambitions for the future. One of those was to meet the girl of my dreams, get married and have a family. I met Stefanie at a dinner party held by mutual friends, Bob and Shirley. She was quite tall, being equal to my 5' 9" height, with long black hair and green eyes. Her exotic looks intoxicated me while her charming off-world accent completely captivated my heart. For me it was love at first site so I was thrilled when she agreed to our first date. Stefanie was great fun to talk to and seemed to have visited just about everywhere. We talked about our dreams for the future and each other's families. There wasn't a family for me to talk about as I was an orphan but she was from an influential family. Her home world was Imperium and she was on Earth to "round out" her education. Daddy, or Magnus as he was called, ran a small space shipping company and spent a lot of time off-world making various business transactions. That explained her seemingly endless knowledge of just about everywhere in the known universe. She travelled a lot with Daddy. I was definitely out of my league but that did not matter, I was in love. After just a few weeks of dating we became a serious item and, I thought, inseparable. I bought the biggest diamond ring that my money could purchase, went down on one knee, and asked her to marry me. That's when my big dream for the future slowly turned into a never ending nightmare. Her father had recently arrived from a business trip and was about to go off-world again. This time it would be for an extended trip home and he wanted Stefanie to join him. Daddy was apparently very protective and, though she loved me, we could not marry until their return to Earth. That might not be for another year or two. He had no idea about my existence and the trip would give her time to break the news of our upcoming marriage as gently as possible. I was devastated by the news but ecstatic that she had said yes. Not wanting to be without her, or risk absence dulling her love for me, I pleaded to see if there wasn't some way for us to stay together. I joked about being her personal valet and carrying her bags on board the cruiser. I did not have the money to be a paying passenger. I owed a lot in tuition fees and, as yet, had no job. Stefanie came up with a wild idea. There was a possibility I could "carry her bags" but it would require some risk and flexibility on my part. I said that I was willing to do anything to be with her. Daddy was currently hiring bonded servants for the trip but having trouble recruiting suitable people. Only the financially desperate, or in my case love-sick, would even contemplate becoming someone else's property even on such a temporary basis. If I was willing to swallow my pride and do this for her, Stefanie said it would prove my devotion to her and she would see that I was assigned only to her as a personal servant. And besides, the money was excellent. On my return I could fully pay off all my loans to be debt free. An appointment was made for me at her father's business office, and the very next day I was sitting in a chair being interviewed for a position. The recruiter, Caius, was a friend of Stefanie's and would help us in our plan to be together. Caius spoke with the same off-world accent as Stefanie and had this air of someone used to getting his own way. He was a very well built and tall being at least 6' 6" in height. I commented on his stature only to learn that he was of average height for a man from Imperium. Getting down to the matter at hand, I was told that all servant positions were filled except that of Ancilla. I did not know what that entailed but was told not to worry. It just signified a type of bonded servant. The cruiser was registered to the planet Imperium so common terms used under Imperium law were sprinkled throughout the employment contract. Basically my job would be to follow the wishes of my employer, or Dominus as the contract referred to him. To accomplish my role I might be cosmetically improved or otherwise altered to meet the aesthetical requirements of being an Ancilla and would have to wear, among other things, a collar to signify my bonded status. At this point I was getting more than a little worried. All of these conditions seemed a bit too much. Caius reassured me that only minimal changes would make me pleasing to my Dominus and help fulfill my role as Ancilla. Upon return to Earth I would be fully restored to my original condition and paid very generously for the duration of accumulated service. Duration of the trip was open ended but typically lasted one to two years. I guess I could handle it. I would be near Stefanie and, after all, I had promised to do anything to remain near her. Caius then said, "You do want this, don't you? I'm sticking my neck out to help you. Normally, I would only take a woman on as Ancilla, but Stefanie said that this was your wish." I told Caius there was nothing more in the world that I wanted and put on a show of confidence by boldly signing the contract. Caius then said, "If you have second thoughts you can still change your mind. Bonded servitude is illegal on Earth so the contract does not take effect until you voluntarily board the Imperium space cruiser." Since we only had two days before departure Caius wanted to begin the preparations now. That way I would be able to start training for my role as soon as the ship departed Earth. He had me drink a solution containing a cocktail of nannobots saying that the bots would help ease the changes and, as a bonus, slow down my ageing process. Tomorrow I was to report to a clinic for some minor cosmetic alterations and the following day make my way to the space-port for departure. A cab would be sent to pick me up from my house. I asked about what things to pack. Apparently nothing, as all necessary items would be provided on board the cruiser. As a bonded servant I did not need to bring my passport. Legally I would not be traveling as a person but as human livestock. That seemed strange and scary, but I brushed the comment aside thinking that Stefanie would not allow any harm come to me. That night I told Stefanie of my success. She was at first delighted to hear that I had been hired but concerned when I said I was to be an Ancilla. She thought Caius had played a nasty trick on me but since I had already taken the bots it was too late to alter anything. We just had to make the best of the situation. I was not sure what she meant by all of that and wished she had warned me before the interview. Stefanie said not to worry as she would oversee my Ancilla training and make sure that I become a very desirable asset. Just as a safeguard so that I could not be coerced by others into making nasty changes to my legal status, Stefanie had me fill out a form designating her as my legal guardian so only she could amend the contract. As the evening progressed we shared a bottle of wine and I forget all about her comments. We made passionate love that night. It was probably the last time we could do so until our return to Earth. When I woke Stefanie had already left to pack for the trip. It was a shock when I looked in the mirror to shave. All of my body hair was gone, I mean everything! No eyebrows, no balding mop of brown hair, not even pubic hair. I hated the androgynous appearance but felt I could probably live with it for the duration of the trip. Early that morning, as instructed, I reported to the clinic. After a very intimate examination, the Doctor explained that some minor plastic surgery would be needed to fulfill my role as Ancilla. Nothing irreversible would be done and, as only the latest laser surgery techniques were used at the clinic, there would be no pain or time required for healing. On waking from surgery I very felt strange. Noticing two mounds on my chest I let out a very female scream. The sound of my new voice caused me to scream again, only louder. A nurse quietened me and the Doctor came to explain the "minor cosmetic changes." I was in shock as he described the litany of modifications. My vocal chords had been shortened to a higher pitch and a tracheal shave had been performed. My nose had been reduced to a cute female button, my chin shaved and cheeks widened to create a beautiful female face. My mouth was now outlined by thick sensuous lips that formed a very sexy smile. The 36 B breasts would, aided by the bots, soon grow into a C cup. Bots would complete the transformation of my body to a gorgeous hour glass shape, but to accelerate the process, surgery had moved fat from around my waist to my hips and butt. The tendons in my feet had been shortened so I could wear high heels comfortably all day long. Without shoes I now had to walk on tip-toe. This was uncalled for; I did not want to look like a she-male or a woman! Finally the most devastating piece of news was given. A fully functional set of female organs had been transplanted into the space created by removal of my penis and testicles. At first I could only sit there in stunned silence. I wanted out of this situation now. Finally I recovered my voice to vehemently complain that the changes exceeded terms of the contract. The changes were only meant to be cosmetic to enhance my role as Ancilla. The Doctor explained that, on the contrary, he was just fulfilling those requirements. An Ancilla is female so all of the changes were necessary to fulfill my contracted role. Everything was fully reversible when released from service and returned to Earth. To emphasize the point he held up my testicles and penis encased in a stasis jar saying they would be well looked after until my return. No wonder Stefanie had been upset. I was now completely a woman. The Doctor went on to explain that without male hormones, the bots would sustain my female gender indefinitely and fully complete the transition to a beautiful female. My complexion would become silky smooth and soft. In fact, I would have the looks of a beauty queen and fashion model combined. I was given some pills to calm me down and told to dress and go home for my last night on Earth. The clothes were a tailor made fit but not what I would have chosen for my first public appearance as a female. I struggled into the matching pink satin thong, bra, and garter belt. Getting my boobies nestled into the bra was a totally new experience as was having the thin strap of a thong pulled up tightly between my butt cheeks. Next I slid a pair of silk stockings up my legs and clipped them onto the garter belt. The feeling was so unexpectedly sensual that I would have had an erection if I still had my male equipment! I then pulled on a white silk blouse and tight black pencil skirt. Skillfully I did up the reversed buttons and slipped on black shiny pumps with three inch heels. Lastly I applied minimal makeup and placed a short platinum blonde wig on my head. Leaving the clinic I walked over to the cab that had been sent to take me home. Surprisingly I had no trouble walking. My steps made the sexy clip clop sound that women make when wearing heels. My hips sashayed with a natural gait as I placed one foot in front of the other. I casually swung the handbag over my shoulder before climbing into the cab. I remembered to sit first and swing both legs in together. I reversed the procedure on getting out at my home. So where did the skills for dressing, putting on makeup and walking in a skirt and heels come from? I had done them all without a second thought. It seems the bots did more than change my physical appearance; they imprinted the necessary automatic body memory to behave as a woman. I wondered how far their re- programming actually went. Guess I had no choice now but to find out. I fished through my handbag to find my purse and pay the cabby. After leaving a generous tip I walked up to my front door. I had one last night before reporting for duty. Tortuous thoughts kept me awake until finally I drifted off to a fitful sleep. On waking, a look in the mirror confirmed the worst. While I slept the bots had been hard at work. My transition now looked complete. In less than two days I had been changed into a beautiful sexy woman. I no longer needed a wig for natural long wavy platinum blonde hair fell past my shoulders to frame a pair of firm ripe breasts. I had an hourglass figure with bubble shaped butt. My eye color had changed to a piercing sky blue. Was it too late to change my mind and reverse the changes? I was stuck! My only hope of being a man again was to board the cruiser and fulfill the contract. Even if I could afford to pay a hospital to reverse the cosmetic changes, the Doctor still held my male genitals until fulfillment of the contract. I had no idea how to reverse and end changes caused by the bots. While showering I took the opportunity to check out my new body. I slid two fingers into my vagina and quickly masturbated myself to orgasm. My nipples were very sensitive and stood erect with little encouragement. I had not known how sensual and pleasurable a woman's body could be. I suspected the bots had made me ultra-sensitive to sexual stimulus for I came to orgasm with minimal coaxing. Maybe the trip would not be so bad. I may no longer be a man, but Stefanie and I could still enjoy having female sex together on the trip. I dressed in a new set of clothes I had taken home from the clinic. This time I wore yellow satin underwear and a bright flower patterned sundress. I took the waiting cab to the spaceport. On board the cruiser I was greeted by two overgrown hunks dressed in full Roman soldiers regalia as if they had just dressed walked off the set of a movie about ancient Rome. Both men were very tall, about 10 inches higher than me, even in my heels. For some reason I found them to be very attractive. I felt my panties get moist just looking at them. The bots had apparently not only changed my sex but also my sexual proclivities. I felt like a bitch in heat as I was led into an off-limits service area of the ship. An ornate silver collar and matching bracelets were snapped on to me and locked in place by a small silver key. The bracelets were pinned together behind my back and a leash attached to the ring on my collar. At this point I was starting to freak out. Protesting my treatment I was dragged away to what I later learned was called the Ancilla pen. The pen turned out to be a large hold full of wire cages. Almost every cage contained a gorgeous looking girl, each positioned on their hands and knees with heads held protruding through the cage by a circular neck size hole. Immediately below each head there was a feeding trough where the girls could lick food pellets up into their mouths. Some girls seemed to have a metal rod or post inserted into their asses. Water dispensing bottles similar to those used on pet cages were also within reach for licking. I was quickly backed into such a cage, and left to assess my new home. After what seemed like hours, one of the guards informed us of what to expect after take-off. First we would be prepared for service, and then inspected by our owners. If our owners so chose, we would be displayed for the pleasure of all passengers. After that we would begin our training in earnest. Upon completion we would either serve our Dominus during the voyage out or be placed in suspended animation for transportation to Imperium. Due to bot programming we would understand and instantly respond to common Ancilla commands. We would have to pick up the rest of the language by ourselves. Apparently it was Latin as Imperium was based on the old Roman civilization of Earth. Our collars and bracelets were not just decorative. Electric shocks would be used to enhance our responsiveness in training and warn when we were at the limits of our allowed area. First there would be a beeping we got close to the perimeter of allowed movement. If exceeded, we would be shocked unconscious. All of the girls were tall and about my height. I wondered how many of them had, like me, been men only a few days ago. They all seemed to be from Earth, not speaking the language of Imperium. One by one I watched as each girl was removed from their cage and taken to the preparation area. Finally it was my turn. I had lots of questions but, more importantly, demands to be released. There had been a mistake. I was not a woman. I was not a slave. I wanted out of this! Unfortunately I received an electric shock whenever I tried to speak so I soon resigned myself to see what happened next without protest. The preparation area looked like a sterile hospital. I was commanded to strip and sit back in what looked like a cross between a dentist's and a doctor's gynecological chair. My neck, wrists and ankles were strapped down to the chair. The Doctor I had seen earlier at the clinic came over and said hello. I began to plead for release but was silenced by the sting of an electric shock sent to my neck from a hand held remote controller. My mouth was forced wide open by a dental spreader bar. He then made a cursory examination of my teeth and injected some Novocain into my gums. I felt the pushing and cracking of teeth as he efficiently broke and removed my back molars. I could not see what purpose this served and wanted to ask if they would be replaced with implants. Unfortunately I did not want to suffer another shock so I held my tongue. After examining my breasts and vagina he picked up a long curved surgical needle. To my horror he quickly and efficiently pierced my breasts, belly button and ears. Rings were placed in each and sealed closed using a laser. A punch was then used to make a hole in the septum of my nose. A grommet was inserted to reinforce the hole and fixed in place with a resounding click. A large ring was installed in my nose and sealed closed. Apparently, not only was I classified as livestock on this trip but I was to be led around by the nose like a domesticated animal. What happened to me next was even more horrifying. First a catheter was installed followed by the multiple piercing and ringing of my labia and clitoris. Thin electrical leads were attached to the rings, the other ends left dangling. I was released from the chair and instructed to lean over a waist high horizontal bar. My nose ring was tethered to a floor bolt and my legs spread wide and cuffed by my ankles to the floor. I thought if I were bent over any more I would be able to see up my ass! Not able to move a muscle, a man with a tattoo gun started to work on my right butt cheek. He inscribed some words I did not understand: ?Propietas Magnus.? On the other cheek he created a barcode tattoo. The barcode was read by a scanner that beeped its acceptance of my entry. I assumed this was some kind of branding or property identification system. All of the preparations had been very disturbing and embarrassing but had been made painlessly under local anesthetic. I was in shock and denial that all of this had happened to me. The Doctor returned, at first I thought to release me, but not yet. He was holding a flexible hollow metal tube, larger at one end than the other. It was greased and slowly inserted it into my rectum. The head was large and painful to take but eventually it passed inside of me. A screw mechanism located inside the tube was then rotated using a special ratchet that reached up into the tube. I felt the tube expanding inside me. Finally he was satisfied that there was no way for the tube to come out and I was released from the bent over position but remained anchored to the floor. A very ornately engraved chastity belt was then pulled up between my legs. The electrical leads were inserted into a terminal on the chastity belt. The open end of the catheter tube was inserted into a hidden recess of the chastity device. It had a built in valve to control the flow of urine. The front and back of the chastity belt, connected by a hinge at the bottom, were raised into place. Pins on the back section at each side of my waist meshed with holes on the front piece and locked with a click. The locks were hidden with no visible way to open them. I was now locked into the chastity belt. The front piece had a hole with a small hinged door to it. The hole meshed with the location of my vagina and was obviously intended to conveniently allow penetration without having to remove the whole chastity belt. My vagina entrance was locked with a tiny padlock. Now my sex was sealed and controlled by whoever kept the key. Presumably it would be given to my Dominus. The Doctor explained that the chastity device would control my daily ablutions and sexual activity. The vagina could now be remotely controlled to stimulate sexual excitement or to inflict pain. The only way for me to go to the toilet was to sit on and mate with the tube in my rear end to a metal post found in the pens. First thing every night a metal post would be inserted. Overnight it would give me several enemas flushing my bowels clean. The flushing system was completely automatic and I would remain locked to the device until released in the morning by one of the staff. This way toilet time would be minimized and they had another way to control me. To stay alive I had to be within daily access of a metal Ancilla post. If not, I would have a long and painful death being unable to pass any body waste. No running away for me, but that did not matter as there was nowhere to run! To complete my initiation I was placed on a metal post and, despite having been quickly flushed clean, was left locked to it for the rest of the day. I received multiple pulses of stimulation that steadily grew in strength arousing me to the very edge of orgasmic climax only to quickly subside and fade away. Such a cruel torment! Finally I was returned to my cage in the Ancilla pen. The next day, Stefanie came strolling through the pens inspecting all of the caged girls. She eventually stopped in front of my cage and exclaimed, ?I can?t believe it. Is that you Mark?? Since I was gagged I could only nod my head. ?You?ve changed so much nobody would recognize you. You?re obviously not a Mark anymore. From now on I?ll have to call you Marisa, Marisa the Ancilla. Do you still want to be my personal servant?? I nodded yes feeling my body blush with shame. ?I will personally watch over and help your training. You are such a natural, maybe you were born for this role! It will take at least a month to reach Imperium, so we have plenty of time to fully test your aptitude as an Ancilla. Caius may have done you a favor by tricking you into this predicament. If you like, I can amend the contract to make your position permanent.? After violently shaking my head no she giggled and laughingly said just teasing my love. It was now time to meet my Dominus and other citizen passengers. Naked except for the newly installed chastity belt, collar and bracelets, the girls were lined up, each girl connected to the next by a chain strung from nose ring to the preceding girls? collar. Bracelets pinned hands together behind our backs and gags in our mouths kept us quiet. The line of Ancilla was thus led out onto a long stage. A large noisy crowd of passengers were eager to see the female livestock. One by one, each girl was separated and seated on a locking post. We looked like mannequins in a store window supported by rods extending up from the floor into our behinds. Owners began to walk up on stage to inspect their livestock. Stefanie and Daddy finally came up on stage to get a close look at me. Stefanie asked if I could be her personal servant on the trip out to Imperium. Daddy agreed, but said I had to also complete Ancilla training before arrival on Imperium. I must be ready to fully entertain his business associates. Finally! Thanks to Stefanie, it seemed that our plan to be together was going to, at least, partially work out. Stefanie then exclaimed she was late for a date with Caius and hurried off to be with him. I was stunned. I had no idea Caius would be on the trip and jealously wondered at their relationship. How could he be a passenger free to date Stefanie while I had to suffer my current indignities? My thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Stefanie?s dad, now my Dominus, grabbed my face by the chin and looked into my eyes. ?Marisa, I am well pleased at the way you have turned out. What a pretty face and such beautiful eyes. Are you enjoying the trip so far? I know who you are or should I say were! Caius explained that he recruited a man who longed to be female. Despite the extra medical costs, I am happy to have helped you out. I know you don?t want to return to Earth and become male again so we have figured out how best to satisfy your wishes and cover my costs to transform you. Stefanie, after hearing Caius?s tale, has updated the terms of your contract to permanent Ancilla status. There is no more need to fear a return to Earth. I now fully own you as a farmer might own a cow. I may eventually auction you off but until then will train you to become a valuable item of female livestock.? That bastard Caius had twisted everything and landed me in a situation I had no control over. How was Stefanie so easily tricked into betraying me? Was there no way to escape this fate? I could not even utter a word of protest as the only sounds emanating from my gagged mouth were unintelligible. Dominus whispered that he had a treat for me and the large gathering of owners and citizen passengers. I was to entertain them all by being displayed on the posing rack. A strange contraption was placed behind me. It was like a stick man made from hinged metal rods hung by very thin almost invisibles wires from each joint. The wires were attached to a motorized pulley system. Straps were encircled around my neck, wrists, elbows, waist, knees and ankles closely binding me to the stick man. A switch was flipped and I began to cycle through provocative poses to the accompaniment of music. My body was kept to a heightened state of sexual frenzy by electrical stimulation emanating from the post locked into my anus. There I danced as a marionette on strings for several hours until the crowd grew bored and started to drift away. Days passed into weeks as I continued my training. I learned how to pleasure a man. How to lick his balls then kiss, lick and suck his penis so that it grew to full length. Eventually I did not gag as the throbbing head was thrust to the back of my throat. I even learned to enjoy the taste of semen as it exploded into my mouth. Occasionally my vagina was unlocked and I practiced how to slowly coax a penis erect, letting it titillate my clitoris and finally ram home into my vagina. The in and out thrust of a penis now made me climax to orgasm. I don?t know what was worse, the betrayal by my body or Caius taking the role of male partner in my sex training with a very enthusiastic Stefanie cheering him on. I was desperate to talk with Stefanie but it was many weeks before she eventually visited me in the Ancilla pens. I told her of Caius?s betrayal and how I hated being sex trained by him, but most of all I did not want to remain a woman. I pleaded with her to release me. She looked concerned and said she sincerely thought that was my desire. It was unfortunate that she had made a mistake but what was now signed could not be undone. Then she laughed casually and said, ?Besides, it certainly looks like you enjoyed the sex. You are an Ancilla now so it is right that you crave sex with men. I?m not gay so you no longer attract me. Our engagement is off. Even if I wanted to I can?t legally marry livestock! I need a real man and have accepted Caius?s proposal of marriage. Daddy likes the idea of him as a future son-in-law. As promised, I will still use you as my personal slave and continue to oversee your training to become the best Ancilla ever.? With a hand wave she commanded me to the kneeling position. I immediately responded with my legs spread wide open and head bowed to the ground. She giggled and complemented my instant response. ?See, this is obviously the right destiny for you. It comes so naturally to you...? I was quickly taken through the various other Ancilla poses, so total was my conditioning I was unable to resist or control my body. As the weeks passed I was taught traditional Ancilla dances. The tinkling of bells announced my slave hood as I gyrated keeping time to the music and sometimes the whip. I was whipped often but never enough to damage the goods. On completing my training I was put into cold storage for the rest of the voyage to Imperium. On arrival at Imperium I was awoken and prepared to entertain Dominus?s guests at a feast. My Dominus was an important man on Imperium and shown much respect. He had an enormous walled mansion in the space port town of Pompeii. The men, all tall and well-built, gathered in a circle around low tables seated on sumptuous floor cushions. My job, and the other slave girls, was to flirt with the men while pouring wine and serving food from silver dishes. Each time we had to kneel with our knees parted wide and beg our Dominus?s wishes before seeing to their needs. Finally, after we had served the food it was time for the entertainment. I was prepared for my part in the festivities by being belled and dressed in many diaphanous veils that could be easily removed or torn away. Thank god I was allowed to wear 6? heels making it much more comfortable for me to dance. I had to do the dance of veils. Lots of hip gyration and breast jiggling interspersed with removal of veil after veil until finally naked except for my chastity belt. I was then auctioned off for sex to the highest bidder. A small key was passed to the winner who unlocked access to my vagina. Intercourse was performed on stage to the full appreciation and encouragement of the on-lookers. I never felt so violated or humiliated in my life. The next day I was surprised by being told to dress in normal women?s clothing that had been provided. I put on a dark blue and white cotton polka dot dress under which I wore a pale blue satin bra but no panties. My shoes were high heeled white sandals. Caius and Stefanie came to collect me. I obediently followed them out of the mansion to a waiting car. Caius and Stefanie said they felt bad about the training I had endured and to make it up to me we were going to spend the day together at the races. Was this some kind of perverse joke? One minute I am human livestock and the next I am supposed to play friends socializing together for the day. I was apprehensive thinking there must be a catch but it gave me a glimmer of hope that things might get better. It sure felt good wearing clothes again, even if they were female garments. I was still locked into my collar, bracelets and nose ring so everyone could easily tell my true status. On arrival at the track I thought we would see horses but instead there were girls outfitted as ponies wearing leather harnesses and sporting long tails. Their heads were wrapped in halters and mouths contained bits just like real horses. The pony-girls raced around the track pulling light weight traps. The drivers guided the pony-girls using reigns and liberal us of whips as encouragement to run faster. I spent most of the day waiting on Caius and Stefanie, fetching drinks and going to the bookie to make their bets. Finally I thought the day was coming to an end as the last race drew to a close. Instead we walked over to the winners? enclosure where I caught sight of my Dominus talking to one of the pony-girl owners. ?Ah! Here they are at last. Drusus, I?d like you to meet my daughter Stefanie and her fianc? Caius. This here in the polka dot dress is the filly I was telling you about. As you can see she has lost a lot of muscle tone during the transit from Earth. You would be doing me a great favor if you would take her on for training. We have to go off-world for three months and when I get back my daughter gets married to Caius. In the interim, this filly needs someone to look after her and knock her into shape.? Drusus replied, ?Magnus, I?ll be delighted. In three months she?ll be ready to pull the nuptial carriage and, who knows, maybe even be fit enough to enter into races.? This did not sound good. As if being an Ancilla wasn?t bad enough, now I was to become a pony-girl for three months! Drusus enthusiastically continued, ?You know I just happen to have the perfect tack for such a pretty filly. Why don?t we kit her out now. That way she can return with me to the farm and start training tomorrow.? The deal closed, I was led off by my nose ring and tethered to a hitching post. Drusus disappeared into a horse trailer only to emerge minutes later with a web of leather straps, all in a baby pink color with silver trim. The leather was soft, finally tooled and expensive looking. Magnus, Caius, and Stefanie all watched my conversion to pony-girl. First I was stripped of clothing. Even my collar, bracelets and chastity belt were unlocked and removed leaving me completely naked. My hands were inserted into soft mitten leather gloves that balled my fists leaving no finger movement possible. Drusus went behind my back and fastened the ends of a bar to just above each elbow pulling my arms back behind me. With no hands and arms locked back I was helpless to stop the transformation process. Each forearm was in turn bent up parallel to the bar and strapped in place. A leather casing was wrapped around my folded arms reaching to just above the elbows and laced into place. Then a hinged metal posture collar was placed around my neck locking with a tell-tale click as metal tabs latched leaving no trace of how to undo it. I had to hold my head up high losing all sight of what was happening to me. It was a tight fit around my neck. Trying to complain of the discomfort I could only create a whinny-like sound. Drusus proudly proclaimed the posture collar did not permit talking and restricted the wearer?s voice to making just whinnies or neighs. I was losing whatever minimal control I had over my body and slowly being outfitted as a horse. A sturdy wide belt was wrapped around my waist and tightly strapped into place. A small strap from the waist belt led up to another strap that encircled my body just below my breasts. On this small cups were attached to provide support under each breast. Inverted Y?s rising from the cups passed around my breasts and were anchored to a leather neck collar that covered the metal posture collar. The straps were tightened such that each breast was well supported and put on prominent display. Bells were clipped onto my nipple rings. Two straps at the bottom front of the waist belt were pulled down between my groins and tightly attached to the back of the waist belt. This not only had the effect of pulling my but cheeks apart, but the straps, passing on each side of my genitals had the effect of pulling my vagina apart putting my sex on public display. A bell was attached to my ringed clitoris. Then a long platinum blond tail was slotted into the metal rectum tube. I was told that I no longer had to sit on a post for cleansing. The tail attachment would keep my rectum open so that feces would discharge without any control on my part. Just as an animal, I would now shit and pee wherever I was or whatever I was doing. All this time Drusus was whispering what a good filly I was and to remain patient until he finished. One at a time, my legs were held up and laced into knee high boots. They had no heels but on trying to stand I found they supported my feet as if wearing 6? heels. They had no actual heels but kept me on tip-toe. The soles were horse hooves. I felt completely humiliated dressed as a horse complete with tail, hooves and harness. But the worst had been saved for last. Drusus came in front of me and slipped a bridle over my head. A single strap circled my forehead while another went over the top of my head. A metal ring in this vertical strap allowed my hair to be pulled through into a pony tail. At the front of my head the single strap descended past my eyes to split in a ?Y? shape that passed each side of my nose and ended at a ring on each side of my mouth. Straps passing over and coming down each side of my head straps buckled underneath my chin restricting movement of my jaw. Straps from the mouth rings were buckled behind my head while two others passed down around my chin and crossed before attaching to the leather collar. These straps further restricted my head movement so that I could not turn my head left or right, only look directly forward. Drusus approached me with a metal bit and pinched my nose closed until I gave in and opened my mouth. He had Stefanie insert the bit into my mouth. It settled into the space created earlier by removal of my molars and was held in place by clips attached to the rings at each side of my face. How convenient that I had no molars. This must have been planned all along! Had both Stefanie and Caius tricked me right from the beginning? A curved metal plate held down my tongue while another rested against the roof of my mouth. I could not believe I had been bitted like a horse! Drusus exclaimed to Magnus, ?Isn?t she just perfect! I think she was born for this. When I?m finished training her I bet you?ll decide to keep her as a pony-girl. You know a well-trained pony will fetch far more at auction than an Ancilla. Besides,? he said, ?you can always breed her and make even more money before selling her.? Oh no! Please not that! I needed to stubbornly resist training and be the worst pony-girl ever. Maybe then I would be restored to my former status. Ear-pieces were cemented into my ears and I could no longer understand the conversation. Except for an occasional word, all the speech was somehow garbled. ?Now, except for simple pony-girl commands, she can?t distinguish human speech,? said Drusus. ?It helps them turn into the dumb animals they need to be.? Completing the transition, a leather mask was placed over my head to give me the equine features of pointed ears and a longer face. The eye openings were very narrow vertical slits which further restricted my vision. I was unhitched from the post and felt Drusus tug on the reigns. At first I ignored it but sood found resistance to be futile. A stronger tug caused intense pain in my mouth as the bit mechanism pushed down on my tongue and upwards into the roof of my mouth. All I could do was docilely follow doing my best to keep slack in the reigns. Not able to see much I had to trust in where I was being led, up a ramp and into a small stall. I was strapped safely into place for transportation to the farm. So began my days as a pony-girl. I spent many hours prancing around a pivoted wooden post. Besides being pulled by my nose if going too slow, a whip provided constant encouragement to maintain posture and gait. All gaits except walking required me to take knee-high steps. This was ensured by a series of spindles that emanated from the center post as if spokes on a wheel. They started at ground level but were soon raised to knee height. At first it was absolute torture but I soon learnt how to respond to commands without hesitation. There was very little to stimulate my mind so thoughts became less and less frequent. I became very fit and could run for miles without losing strength. I was now a well-trained pony. If I did well there were sometimes rewards ranging from food treats to masturbation. How had I come to this? I was becoming more and more like an animal trained to unthinkingly respond to stimuli. My only hope was that Stefanie would rescue me when the three months were up. Of course, I had no way to mark the passage of time and just lived each day as the previous one. Finally, Stefanie and Caius did come to visit, but not to free me. They talked to me as if I were a dumb animal that did not understand speech, as indeed I did not. I was fed sugar cubes from their open palms and felt hands stroking my head and breasts as if I were a pet. They had come to train me for my role at their wedding. Had it only been three months since I became a pony-girl? It seemed so much longer. I was backed between the shafts of a two-seater pony trap and heard clicks as studs on my waist belt locked into place on shafts mating connections. I was thus locked in place unable to turn my hips or body. The only option for me was to stand there looking directly forwards. Reigns were slid through each bit ring at the side of my face and pulled down to clip onto my nipple rings. I felt the trap take on weight as Stefanie and Caius climbed on board. I then heard Caius command giddy-up which was rapidly followed by a crack of the whip on my butt. Had there been some last vestige of humanity left in me I might have refused the command. I had been conditioned too well and took off pulling with all of my might only to be rewarded with a demands for more speed. The whip continued to encourage my obedience. My body acted as if it could outrun the whip but my brain told me otherwise, I was pulling it along behind me. I was guided by the reigns pulling sideways on my head and nipple rings to change direction. I did not want to follow but had no choice. It would hurt my mouth and breasts were I to resist. Finally I heard, ?Whoa!? and there was a sharp pull on the reigns. The bit mechanism did its job and both breasts were pulled upwards. I came to a halt as fast as I could to end pain induced by the bit mechanism pushing down on my tongue and up on the roof of my mouth. I was a beast of burden with no choice but to follow the command of whip and reigns. ?That was fun,? exclaimed Caius. ?I thinks she?s ready for the wedding next week. She?s taken to this so well I?m glad Magnus decided to keep her on as a pony-girl. It would be a crime to let her return to being an Ancilla.? Stefanie replied, ?I just love her as my pony. I think I can persuade Daddy to give her to us as a wedding gift.? The wedding day came and there I stood naked except for full pony-girl tack, adorned in flowers and bells ready to pull the bridal pony trap. My mane and tail were plaited with satin ribbons. I was blinkered, my head held in place by check-chains. I just had to stand in-place and wait until the ceremony was over. I could not wander away as my legs were hobbled. I guess I made quite a spectacle. Onlookers would come up to feed me to me sugar cubes and stroke my head or breasts. By now I had grown quite used to being treated this way, just a dumb animal waiting to meet human demands. I had not been able to speak or hear any human conversation in three months. I think my food was doped to make me even more docile. I cried as I saw Stefanie in her wedding gown, she was meant to be my wife, not his! The newlyweds climbed aboard the trap and with a snap of the whip I was pulling them at a smart pace to the wedding reception. After the wedding was over I had hoped to be released from this torture and returned to being an Ancilla. Funny how things change! Being an Ancilla was now a desirable outcome to me. It was not to be and so I remained as a pony-girl giving frequent rides to Stefanie and Caius about town. I was often loaned out to friends to provide special transportation at parties and weddings. Eventually, Stefanie and Caius grew bored with me and I was sold to Drusus. He saw how popular pony-trap transportation around town had become so he set me up as a pony-trap service for the general public. Every day I amused the tourists pulling them around to see the city?s many attractions. And so I became resigned to life as a dumb animal, a beast of burden. All from being a fool in love!

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Fool Me OnceChapter 3

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Fool Me OnceChapter 4

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Fool Me OnceChapter 5

"Hi," came the tinny voice. The pre-paid cell phones didn't have the best of components. "How ya doing?" Ryan replied. He knew Consuela's voice by now, even distorted as it was by the cheap phone. It was the time of day they'd set up to talk to each other, a thing they did nearly every evening now. They liked the contact, tenuous though it was. "Good, real good... how 'bout you," she answered. "Doing great... tired of waiting, but good otherwise," Ryan remarked. That was as...

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Fool Me OnceChapter 6

The morning after the TV show was videotaped, another attorney Ryan had hired showed up at the bank and settled into one of the overstuffed easy chairs in the big, well-appointed suit where the most senior officers had their offices. When Jon Harrison... the bank president... walked in, he asked why Carlton J. London was sitting there with three of his law assistants in attendance. Harrison knew exactly who the attorney was. They were both members of the same art groups and charitable...

2 years ago
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Fool Me OnceChapter 7

"I'm going to get five hundred thousand dollars?" Consuela asked wonderingly. "Yep," Ryan assured her. She looked at him with a bemused expression. "Actually something more than that... for lost wages and stuff," he added. "And you're getting four million?" Ryan nodded. "Pretty cool huh?" he said. Consuela nodded. She still had a dazed expression on her face. She looked around the living room in a too-small house she would not have to live in again. She didn't know what to...

2 years ago
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Fool Me OnceChapter 8

The trials for Sean Michaels and Carrie Gilchrist were relatively short. There wasn't much evidence for the United States Attorney to present, but it was all extremely compelling, very damning. The first witnesses were banking experts called to testify on the process of setting up accounts in overseas banks and how it was usually done to hide income otherwise taxable in the United States or send fraudulently obtained funds out of U.S. jurisdiction. A severely dressed woman from the State...

1 year ago
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Fool Me OnceChapter 9

"I... I don't know how to start, Ryan... I guess... just thanks for coming?" Carrie said hesitantly. She was sitting at the small picnic table in the shade of the big pecan tree. The visitor area for the prison camp was a pleasant, well-maintained grassy area between headquarters building and one of the dormitories where the inmates were housed. "The only condition your attorney insisted on finally was that I was to deliver your copy of the decree to you personally," Ryan replied in an...

4 years ago
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Fools Paradise

Introduction: Maxs infatuation comes to fruition. Max lay on his side, watching the alarm clock as it ticked its way closer and closer to seven a.m. The sun was coming in strong and sharp through the crack between the curtains and he could hear birds chirping away in the hedge outside. It was funny, but every time he saw Eva, she reminded him of a bird. Maybe it was the way she walked, that edgy grace, the upbeat attentiveness. He sighed loudly, and felt foolish because nobody was there to...

3 years ago
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Fools in LoveChapter 3

Not to trivialize Cal’s situation, but it indeed had been the best of times, and it had been the worst of times. All right he’d admitted to a woman the one thing no man ever dared admit. Yes he was a virgin; a twenty-six year old virgin. More than a quarter of a century old, and never once had a woman. How lame can one man get? That was the worst of it. But there was an upside too. If there was one woman on the planet to whom he had to make that admission to it was Maureen. For some reason...

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Sommer Loven

Madison Tyler wiped sweat from her brow and stared for the hundredth time at her cell phone. She willed it to have a signal. ‘What? Your boyfriend so insecure you have to call him every hour, sugar?’ said the man with deep Texas drawl. The one man on the face of the earth that Maddie would give anything not to be stuck in an elevator with. All right, so being stuck in a five foot by five foot cage suspended forty-two floors above Houston was a nightmare enough. What had she ever done to...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Return of the Ultimate LoveDolls

The client, heir to a banking fortune in Canada, nodded impatiently as he perched on his chair in the showroom.. He was young, he had speedboats and vacation houses and girlfriends and more money than he knew what to do with. Which suited Max just fine, because his firm catered to exactly such clientele. Max pressed a button on his desk. The door opened, and a woman trainer escorted the man's custom-designed LoveDoll to stand in the center of the room. The young man blinked. "She's so....

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Lovedoll

"Yes, Christina?" Lydia Dunn asked, without a loss of her legendary self control. "I don't recall us having an appointment." Christina weathered the stare and marched right up to her boss's desk. "I want to know why my investigation of the XTC Doll Company has been shut down!" she exclaimed. Lydia Dunn arched her eyebrows. "I was prepared to tell you during our normal staff meeting this afternoon. I saw no point in continuing this fishing expedition of yours. I would also...

4 years ago
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first time horselover

A lady fantasizes about a horse cock and then gets the real thing. *** I am a 38 year old woman who was raised on a farm in the deep south. Ever since I saw one of our horses fucking a mare, I have fantasized about a horse fucking me. I am married and my husband has no idea of my cravings for a horse cock. I love to masturbate and do several times a week. At night when my husband is fucking me, I let my mind wonder to my secret fantasy, me being fucked by a huge horses'...

1 year ago
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“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...

3 years ago
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Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...

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Her Tongue Tasted of Rye Whisky and Cloves

Cheaters never prosper, they used to tell me. I’ve made a life of cheating, and while I wouldn’t say I’ve prospered,  I wouldn’t complain. My wife never really understood me. Hell, I never much understood her. But over the years, we managed to develop an ‘understanding’. We don’t pry too deep into each other’s affairs, business or otherwise. I still remember the first time I broke those solemn vows to love no other but my lovely, frigid, back-biting, bitch wife. I mostly remember that girl’s...

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Wife in Loverland Part One Journey to Loverland

My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...

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Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...

Mind Control
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The Lovelace

Within this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...

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John and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.

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