Unsure_(1) free porn video

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It was such a warm night, a little humid but not too sticky in the house. Still her room was far too warm, Kendra Evans thought. She had already stripped down to nothing but still no luck sleeping. It was a good thing it was Friday.

Maybe cold water would help, she rose out of bed. She slipped on a long thin white shirt that hugged her firm body. At thirty five and one kid she hadn't lost a step.

Her tits where full and just a hint of sag to give them a nice fold at the bottom. Her ass, which poked a little from the shirt, was firm and heart shaped. Her hair was still curly and its same wonderful shade of light brown. She was a real treasure, and most found it astounding she was single.

She made for her door knowing full well that the warmth was not the reason sleep evaded her. No, in the back of Kendra’s mind she knew the real reason was in the room she had to walk past. It was her fifteen year old daughter Chelsea’s room.

She walked a little closer to the door then normally she would have. Her hearing was focused in the way of someone trying not to hear something and sure enough she heard it. A light girlish moan fallowed by rapid breaths, then another, this one just a little deeper.

Kendra sped up her step and left the hall. She knew she would hear the sounds, and she didn't lie to herself about what they were, it was the sound of a girl enjoying sex. This time however it was not Chelsea’s moans it was Daphne's her girlfriend. Least she was pretty sure.

Her lovely daughter Chelsea was a lesbian. She had been for quite some time now, all her life if Kendra thought about it. Chelsea had met Daphne several years ago. The two had been fast friends and one day Kendra had caught them kissing. Kendra really could not even say it really shocked her. She set them both down talked with them. Both girls were freaked out but Kendra told them it was alright. She told them it may just even be a phase they were going through. Kendra herself had always been straight; some would say even a little boy crazy. Still she heard of other girl going through a time like that. She knew neither could get pregnant this way and she decided the girls could have a safe zone at her home.

They keep most of their activity out of Kendra’s safe for a little cuddling and such. The house was well built and the rooms proved to be quite sound proof, and really the sounds of the two girls enjoying each other had never bothered her before. What little discomfort she may have had vanished for good after Daphne came out to her parents and was kicked out and moved in with them.

The girls had carried on like a married couple for a while after that, but one night a year back had caught Kendra a little off guard. The girls had had a friend over, another girl about their age. Kendra had simply thought this to be an actual normal sleep over, until she decided to surprise the three with a midnight snack. She and cracked open the door to see both Chelsea and Daphne, both bare asses in the air, with their face mouths working over their naked little friend.

Kendra had not been noticed and backed out slowly. That had rattled her a little but she figured it was all girls involved so no harm. Still the scene had stuck with her; it was the look on the girls face. It had been a look of pure sexual ecstasy.

When Kendra was honest with herself, she was jealous. It had been a long time since she had felt the touch of a lover. She just could not bring herself to seek others since Chelsea’s father had passed.

Since she that night Chelsea and Daphne had the occasional week end sleep over with some random girls, a few repeats but mostly curious girls having a one-time go. Still each time a girl stayed the night Kendra would remember the first girls face twisted in delightful agony, and masturbation was starting to help less and less.

All this fleeted swiftly through Kendra’s mind as she pulled a pitcher of cold water from the fridge and drank deeply. She was just putting the pitcher back when she turned her head and caused a startled yelp.

"Oh my god! Miss Patricks," fallowed. It was Vivian, the girl spending the night tonight, and she was safe to say she had not expected to find anyone up for all she wore was a pair of tiny yellow panties.

Vivian was pixie cut, black haired beauty with pale cream skin. Kendra could not quite tell her age but she looked far younger then she could be for a girl in her daughter’s class.

"I'm so sorry, I figured you were asleep. I was just coming for a drink," she stammered trying to cover her slim bare tits. Meer pink nipples and swells on her chest really. "I shoulda put on a shirt."

"Relax dear. It’s not like I've never seen 'em before," Kendra chuckled and handed the pitcher to the girl.

Vivian instantly relaxed and took the pitcher. She took a quick gulp and few drops ran down her chin to her puffy breasts. She handed the pitcher back and said "Seems we had the same idea."

"It would seem." Kendra said and took another drink as the petite pantie clad girl hoped herself up on the counter.

"So trouble sleeping?" She asked, and Kendra nodded her head. "It's not cause of us is it?"

Yes went screaming through Kendra’s head, you are reminding me that I have not been naked with someone I years, but she answer. "No, just one of those things."

"I see," Vivian said, "that's good. And you don't have to worry bout us. I not like lookin to still one of them or the other. They really love each other a lot ya know. I'm just here for some fun. Um...” she shied up a little. "I just wanta say thanks, for um... letting us um... ya know,"

Kendra was really sure what to say to this rather open girl. "Well I just think it’s safer here I would guess,"

"Yeah, lot more comfortable too. Better than the back of a car, with a boy trying to get in one spot and a gear shift trying to get in the other." Vivian giggled.

This got a laugh from Kendra. "Yeah, I've been there." She blushed realizing what she said and moved to cover it. "So you know a bit about boys?"

"Oh, ya guess that may seem odd. Yeah I go with boys a lot. But I find girls just as fun. I'm kind of a slut I guess," she said it without an ounce of shame. "And Chels and Daph, well I just couldn't pass on that."

"So have those two done anything with boys?" Kendra asked.

This got a laugh from Vivian. "No. Naw those two only got hearts for each other and bodies for women,"

"Well I guess that's good," Kendra said, "so are they really that active with girls?"

"Well," Vivian said, "I would guess it’s a yes and a no,"

"I've see the girls they have sleep over dear." Kendra said a little more sternly then she wanted.

"Yeah, well I mean they've played with a good number, but they almost do it as a favor," Vivian said. "Well that didn't sound right. Like everyone in school knows they are lesbians, and that make it earlier for some of the girls that don't really know if they are or not. So Chelsea and Daph let them work it out and fool around if they want. I've done it myself for a few girls and actually it’s a big relief for some of them. Most are just one time things and others finally learn what they want."

Kendra was a little stunned. She kind of felt proud of her girls. She had worried that they maybe slutty or taking advantage of girl but now she found they were helping.

Vivian miss read the silence. "I mean when you were our age didn't you ever wonder about or have a crush on a girl. Maybe even go a little further?"

"Huh," Kendra asked collecting her thoughts. "Well no actually. I mean to be honestly I was really into boys," she snickered. "I guess I was bit of a slut myself,"

"Really? Well your secrets safe with me. So are you still a bit of a slut?" Vivian asked intently.

"You are just a brazen one aren't you?" Kendra asked. Vivian just smiled, like the mischievous pixie her body suggested she was. “But if you must know, it’s been a while, a long while. Probably why I can’t sleep tonight."

Kendra had not meant to say that last one and to cover her embarrassment she turned back to the frigid to put the water back. With her back turned she heard topless little teen nymph behind her slide from the counter.

"Well thanks for talking,” Vivian said. "You a pretty cool mom, mine wouldn't do so well with this,"

Kendra stood up but did not turn around. "You're welcome," Kendra said and she thought that was it until she felt Vivian's arms slip around her waist.

"Ya know it’s a shame you've had to live here with those two having all the fun," Vivian said and she pressed herself into Kendra’s back running her hands over her stomach. Kendra knew she should stop it but the feeling of a warm body against her was just too good.

"You know I could take care of the whole not getting any for a while thing," Vivian said, and before Kendra could react Vivian's delicate hands cupped her thinly covered breasts. The girl’s fingers pinched Kendra erect and sensitive nipples.

The touch was like a live wire running straight to Kendra’s lonesome pussy. She could feel herself wetting. Kendra was paralyzed by the sensations. She stood there letting Vivian kneed her soft tits. It was only when she felt Vivian's hand slide down her side and tug the hem of shirt up did Kendra find the will to protest.

"No, we gotta stop," Kendra said and took hold of Vivian’s slender wrist.

"Why? Is it the fact I'm a girl?" Vivian asked with a pout. "Because these don't seem to mind," and with that she gave Kendra’s nipple another pinch.

Kendra could do nothing to stop the moan that came from it. "Even if I did want a woman," she finally said. "You're my daughter’s friend, you just too young. I could be your mother."

"My mother was never as hot as you Miss Patricks," Vivian said.

"Kendra, call me Kendra," Kendra told her dumbly. Where did that come from? She thought. This was not a time for politeness. Vivian still had her arms around her and Kendra could feel her young breast pressed to her back.

"Well, Kendra, you wouldn’t be the first older women I've been with. I told you I'm kind of a slut, so it’s not like you're doing anything to take advantage of me. And if you really didn't want it this would have no effect."

Kendra’s night shirt had been too short to start and with all the squirming it had ridden up higher leaving her pussy exposed. Vivian swept her hand, the one Kendra was holding by the wrist, down and across it.

It was the lightest of contact. A mere brushing of feathery fingertips across Kendra’s outer lips, but damn it was enough. Kendra let out a slightly too loud awe and went weak in the knees.

"Why don't we take this to your room? We don't want any other thirsty girls interrupting us."

Kendra was helpless. She had no power to fight this tempting little pixie or desire to if she could. "Yes please," was all she could reply.

They made their way down the hall to Kendra’s room, Vivian leading her by the hand. Once inside, by the bright glow of the nightlight, Vivian embraced her this time from the front. She pulled Kendra in for a deep tongue filled kiss as she let her hands wander the older women’s back all the way down to her bare ass cheeks peeking from beneath her night shirt.

As her hands found bare skin Vivian pulled back with a smile and said "I see you came dressed for the occasion." Then returned for more kissing.

Vivian then pulled Kendra to the elegant, welcoming king size bed. She laid Kendra on her back and starting at her hips began kissing her way up as she removed the night shirt inch by inch.

She kissed across her flat stomach and then to her ample breast. She went agonizingly slow as she exposed Kendra’s nipples. First the left and she took it in her mouth and nursed it to its fully erect state then her right and she gave it the same.

Finally she pulled the flimsy garment over Kendra’s head. With it gone she attacked Kendra’s neck and collar bone and earlobes with kisses and love bites.

Her hands still toyed with Kendra’s nipples and finally with a finger she began tracing her way to Kendra’s hyper active pussy, stopping just before her slit and tracing tiny circles.

"I'm not a work of art, Miss Patricks, feel free to touch," Vivian said just before returning to nibbling Kendra’s neck.

Kendra took the invitation and tentatively placed her hand on the young girls exposed breast. They were small but the nipples were as hard as her own. Kendra was astonished at the pure erotic thrill she received from toying with Vivian's puffy breasts. She just had to go for more.

She pushed Vivian back enough to get her mouth to those succulent little teenage mounds. With a mounting delight Kendra sucked a pink puffy nub into her mouth. She was rewarded by hearing Vivian let out a low moan.

"Awe there we go, Lover, just let yourself go." Vivian said as she straddled Kendra giving the older women better access to her chest.

Kendra lavished the Vivian’s tits with licks and kisses and love bites. It was not long before Vivian was squirming and grinding her panty cover pussy on Kendra’s stomach.

For her part Vivian kneaded and pinched Kendra’s large firm breasts. Some she leaned in and nuzzled her way to Kendra’s neck. With more force than before she locked her lips to the delicate neck and sucked forcefully, leaving her lovers mark. Kendra cried out in pleasure.

"Are you ready for the main event, my lover?" And began kissing and licking her way down Kendra’s body. There was no mistaking her goal.

Oh my god, Kendra thought, am I really going to do this. Am I really going to allow another women, no, a young girl, am I going to allow a girl my daughters age to lick my pussy? Still Kendra knew her answer. She had come this far and if she where she were honest with herself it was the erotic sexual experience of her life. So without a moment’s hesitation she spread her long legs, revealing her glorious shaved pussy to her young lover.

"Oh, you are so beautiful," Vivian said. She drew herself slowly closer until she could smell Kendra’s arousal. Then slowly touched her tongue to the outer lips and drew it up and down them until they bloomed for her.

For several minutes Vivian worked her tongue over, in and around Kendra’s slit. She would flick her clit and the suck it, she used her finger to open her lover to get deeper and firmer contact. Kendra clawed at the sheets, moaning and biting back screams. She could not believe what this young girl was doing to her cunt. After several more minute of this oral assault Kendra could take no more, her body clinched up and a scream tore from her throat. The world spun and Kendra was hit by waves of orgasms then she collapsed.

After a time the fog lifted and she felt Vivian still toying with her body. "That was amazing," Kendra panted.

Vivian moved to her face and planted a deep tongue kiss on her. Kendra could taste her pussy on the girl’s mouth. "Well I aim to please," Vivian said when the kiss was broken.

"Well now it's your turn," Kendra said. Her pussy may as well not be the only one she tasted tonight. "I've never done this before, but I'll give it my best."

Vivian ran her hand comfortingly through Kendra’s hair. "Just do what feels natural to you," it was hard to believe she was the younger and yet Kendra was the one that felt like a virgin.

Vivian spread her young slender legs and showed her prize sixteen year pussy. It was a creation of pure beauty, all pink and aroused. She keeps a small tuft of hair atop an otherwise smooth bare cunt.

Kendra did not know what to think but the sight of this pixie girls pussy made her want to cum again. The sent was amazing, mild but womanly. She placed her tongue at the top of the slit and traced it down the lips until she was almost tickling Vivian's puckered little rose bud. Then she took a long slow lick back up, her tongue slipping between the lips this time. The taste of the girl’s pussy was amazing. Next Kendra found Vivian's clit; she attacked it with her tongue mercilessly and quickly had Vivian writhing in joy.

I was a surreal moment for Kendra to think that maybe when she had seen Chelsea and Daphne making that girl cry in ecstasy, she might have envied more than just the girl but the ones making her cum.

The orgasm hit Vivian like a truck. Kendra found her mouth flooded with girl cum as Vivian pushed her away from her over indulged sex.

Kendra moved to lie beside the young little sex pixie. They shared a few more kisses as Kendra spooned up close to her. "You have no idea how great that was for me," Kendra said as she stroked softly along Vivian's small breasts. "I guess it’s really lucky we got thirsty at the same time."

Vivian giggled and snuggled in tighter against the older women. "Yeah, Miss Patricks, I should tell you. I was never thirsty."


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Neha Bhabhi Ko Choda Ghar Bula Ke Choda

Hi dosto main ajay main main 24 saal ka hu main agra main rehta hu, main is site ka bahut bada fan hu aaj main apni story aap se share kar raha hu (meri id hai pasand aaye toh rrply karey koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty mujhse chudwana ya sex chat karna chahey toh mere emil id par msg karey main sab secret rakhunga)( sirf agra ). Toh story pe aateyhai pls puri padey maza aa jayega, mere pados mein ek ladki rehti (aarti) hai jo mujhse umar mein kuch saal badi hai main ussey ghar bula ke kai baar chodta...

4 years ago
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A Bond Beyond Years 8211 Part 4

Naked, tired and drenched in my body fluids, I drifted away into sleep. Soon, I found myself standing in front of my sister’s house. I stood outside and took a few minutes. I can’t believe I am back here again. The past few days have been a blur. Life passed uneventfully. But my mind was occupied elsewhere. On one side, I struggled to accept it all. I still could not believe how Sneha convinced herself to get sexual with her son! On the other hand, I was horny all the time! Whenever my naked...

2 years ago
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Jake and the twins

The cast of characters:Chris, 26. Real name Christina. 5’6” good body, although she hides it the way she dresses. Still a bit of a tom-boy. A pony tail type of girl. Does not like make up. Loves playing softball and soccer. A bit of a hippie free spirit type who has her “causes” she likes to help. She still lives in the town she grew up in and loves the two bars in the town. One her Uncle Jake owns.Patricia, please don’t call her Pat. Chris’s twin sister. She’s the prim and proper...

2 years ago
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Wife Loves my Bi Side

My wife and I had talked about my cuckold fantasies for years. It started about a year after we were married. While we were in bed one night fooling around, we were talking about fantasies, and we came around to the subject of her bachelorette party. She admitted that she was really attracted to the stripper that she had dance for her. As she was talking about him, I was fingering her, and I finally asked her, "If you had had an opportunity to slip away with him, would you have fucked...

2 years ago
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The Massage

It had been such a long week and I was exhausted... My boss had made my work over time all week and, being a physical job, my body was in pain. I could feel every muscle in my body that was sore and just walking around was difficult. It was 4PM and I was thinking about going home, taking a hot shower and then just going to bed. I know, it was early, but I just didn't feel like moving. As I drive home, I pass in front of a massage place that a friend had told me about. He had went in for an hour...

2 years ago
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Weirdest Yet Most Memorable Experience

Hi readers!! Born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in Southern part of New Delhi, fortunately enough making me a handsome guy with fair complexion and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. An athletic body with high amount of libido makes me horny however always being discreet of my escapades. Being a regular reader of ISS, it was my long awaited wish to share my true incidence, though would only revert to mails or chats of people truly concerned of discretion!! This...

3 years ago
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Sir A Fantasy

I am wearing a knee length red belted mac. I wear this to cover what I have been told I should wear for Him when I meet him in the flesh for the first time. He has told me to wear a low cut top and a short skirt, both of which are black, on my feet I am wearing knee high biker style boots. The top covers a skimpy black push up bra and the v-neck of the simple top frames the ample cleavage created by my 34FF breasts. The skirt isn't very short, just short enough to have the black opaque stocking...

3 years ago
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House Slut 28 The Party

> what movie you seeing Friday? Commando Classic, gung ho. Well I’m going to a party if you can join after. BCP. After that he’d texted the address and the time. Black choker, pink ribbon. That meant oral service for both men and women. She almost texted back to see if the pink ribbon was strictly necessary but decided against it. It wouldn’t be her first time, even though ever since her brief affair with Bethany she had never felt attraction to women. The main disappointment for her...

4 years ago
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Terris Transformation

The nice, young, married, nurse had never made love at work, or with a black man, or been unfaithful to her husband, but all that had changed. Terri Cummings was doing all three at once and loving every illicit, carnal first-time moment. Waves of ecstasy surged through her writhing body as the powerfully built man between her widespread legs hammered his demanding cock in and out of her hot, west, and very receptive pussy. She'd enjoyed something like this erotic bliss many times both before,...

4 years ago
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IntemperanceChapter 9B Rebellious Souls

They met with Steve Crow. He was a young, hip-talking man in a loud but fashionable suit. He had long platinum blonde hair styled in punk rock fashion. He wore sunglasses even though he was indoors. He was intelligent and articulate and he sat and went over each of the previously rejected tracks with them, rating each on its relative merits. "The only one you're absolutely forbidden to record is Its In The Book," he told them. "Which is one of our best songs ever," Matt said...

3 years ago
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My innosence

I was 18 then and a nice and innocent boy. Though my friends had given me the opportunity of watching pornographic material with them, yet I did not know much about it, and I was shy too, so I did not even ask my friends about it. I did not even know how to masturbate, and whenever, I used to have a hard on, I used to get very confused, and go to the toilet and urinate until my penis was back to its size. I used to think that it was because I needed to urinate urgently. More so I felt sex and...

2 years ago
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Teenage Dreams

My friend Shawn was house sitting for his friends mom and he invited me over. I brought some beer and snacks and we were ready to chill at the house for the night. I quickly got bored watching him play video games so I began to text Katie. After a few minutes of flirting I convinced her to come over. Shawn rode with me to pick her up, on the way I described what she was like and told him how we sometimes meet up to fuck. He asked me if I was gonna hit it tonight, I told him if we're lucky we...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 520

This is a serious thought piece from George Ever been anywhere women weren’t complaining about being too cold and men weren’t complaining about being too warm? Well, neither have I. Got it figured our though. If women would wear more clothing instead of parading around in all that bare skin, men wouldn’t become over heated being aroused by them. Want proof? Ever hear a Muslim woman complain about being cold? Ever hear a Muslim man complain about the heat? (That of course assumes he’s not...

4 years ago
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I watched you from across the room as I worked on some papers. You brought work with you this weekend and locked yourself in the office. Taking a break, I rub my strained eyes and continue watching you. Things between us are so strange. We’re friends, we’ve agreed to that. Yet there seems to be something that always pulls at us. Something inside of us when we come together burns us both. The intensity of it is sometimes too much to bear. You keep to yourself about the other half of your life,...

2 years ago
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The night was quiet. Even the wind made no sound. No cars drove by, no people on the sidewalks. It was as if they were waiting, anticipating something big. Inside the house with the white picket fence, and the perfectly trimmed green grass, on the second floor, behind a locked bathroom door, the sounds of light humming could heard. She stood there naked, in all her glory. Not a care in the world as she looked herself over in the mirror over the white, porcelain sink. Bare feet placed firmly...

3 years ago
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Tales of the Sea Witch

The five women stood in the middle of the deck, surrounded by leering men. Mere hours ago they’d been happy at the thought their long sea voyage would soon be over. But then the pirates had struck like lightning out of a clear sky. The raider’s ship was called the Sea Witch. Its figurehead showed a naked, dark-haired woman. Her nipples were gilded, and her pose was lewd, with her head thrown back and her mouth open in a moan of pleasure. The ship’s flag was red, the sign of a pirate, and after...

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The following is a totally fictional story. Hi, I'm Mark. I am an 18 year old crossdresser. I am a medium built guy only 5'7" 155 lbs. Last year I had the most unusual experience. My parent's friends own a house up in the mountains, about 8 hours drive away. They also have a daughter, Linda, who is a year younger than me and is very petit and cute. Her mom, Rita, is also a nice looking, medium built, MILF type. She is really good looking and is always dressed in the most...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 2000 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved I remember standing in front of the mirror turning this way and that. I smiled at myself knowing that I looked just like Mark liked me to when we went out dancing. It was our anniversary and we always went dancing on our anniversary. Two hours of dancing with Mark was like two hours of intense foreplay. I always finished the evening so hot we had to have a quick 'tension reliever' in the back seat of the car, or any place else we could...

1 year ago
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Deepfake Porn is a bit of a controversial subject these days, and it seems like everyone has a strong opinion about it. Celebrities and #MeToo warriors hate it, saying it violates the privacy of its alleged victims. Perverts, on the other hand, think it’s the greatest fucking thing since sliced bread. Hell, I’ll give up sandwiches for the rest of my life if it means seeing more photorealistic fakes of my favorite famous people getting fucked.DeepakePorn.net is almost exactly what you think it...

Deepfake Porn Sites
3 years ago
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On the Patio

On the patio. By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction if sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! They are working outside on the patio, in the hot sun, and I am on the inside, in the cool air-conditioned room, but I am the one who is sweating. Partly, because of the snow-white latex cat suit, stretched over every inch of my skin, except my eyes, mouth and crotch; partly because of the hot pink latex French maid...

1 year ago
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The Beauty Inspector

The door to the club opens and Mr. Glass walks in, tall, good-looking, trench coat damp from rain. Amber’s running her third set on the main stage behind me while Kat works the side stage. The music is loud, heavy with beat.  I watch him stroll across the floor to the manager’ office as my customer plays with my ass. We’re not supposed to let them touch us like this but hard times have made us desperate. Management looks the other way as much as they can. Mr. Craven gets word that the man has...

1 year ago
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Roulette 2 Taking Another Spin

Roulette 2: Taking Another Spin By Morpheus Wednesday afternoon, Nov 21st, 2007 I didn't like flying. Or more accurately, I didn't like being stuck in the middle seat with a fat guy on one side, who was encroaching on my space, while an old lady sat on my other side, hitting me with her sharp elbows every time she shifted position. So far, my trip home for Thanksgiving had been a little less than enjoyable. Between the MCO agents who glared at me during the security check...

2 years ago
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The Ballad of Elaine and John

Copyright 2002 swl all right reserved except: 1. Permission is given for a reader to download one (1) copy for personal use. 2. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story. Other free sites will also probably be given permission to post this story. The Ballad of Elaine and John by shalimar [Sung to Greensleves] Elaine I love you with all my heart. Elaine I love you with all my soul. But you don't love me at all it seems. Elaine why must you spurn me so? John, I...

3 years ago
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Twisted and Torn

Part 1 Chris felt very nervous as he thought about what he was going to do. The urge had become so great and if the traffic lights could speak, they would ask how many more times are you going to drive around the same corner. Looking for a free parking spot he found one further down the road from the bright sign that beckoning, hoping the walk might jolt some sense into him. But it was too strong and he had been harbouring this deep seated urge for some time. There was no turning back and he...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Gay Spa Encounter

On one of my business trips to northern Ohio several years ago, I decided to go to a downtown gay spa. I had never been to such a place, although I had read stories about what might take place at such establishments. It was late at night, and there were very few cars in the lot. I went in, paid the fee and got a towel and a locker. I undressed and locked up my things, put the towel around me, and headed off to explore the place. As my eyes were adjusting to the darkened conditions, I passed by...

2 years ago
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Born to Be a Girl Mrs Choice

DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a work of fiction. Any similarities between people living or dead is purely coincidental. No a****ls were harmed in the writing of this story. Are you familiar with those stories where the f***r raises his daughter as his son, because he is desperate for at least the appearance of a male heir? This is one of those stories, only, it isn't. My m***r had already raised a son, birth to adulthood, when she became pregnant with me. She was determined to have a girl,...

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The Bronze Horse

The Bronze Horse By JARCHAPTER 1I had finished my A levels and had been accepted for university, so I had the summer to myself.   Knowing that I would soon be up to my neck in student loans I had, for me, made the rash choice to go on the holiday.   I had found a very cheep, no frills, 2 week trip to Africa.The accommodation was a lot worse than I had expected, but it would be my last holiday before going to university and the cash saved meant that I could slash out on day trips etc.  The...

1 year ago
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The Bet Chapter 23

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 23 (Sunday - week 4) Her dreams were different this time. In a way, far more serious than they had ever been before - not that she would remember any of them though. She had dreamed many times before of love, but this time it was different. This time, in her dreams, she was in the arms of the man she loved. At least she loved him. And that was why she felt so distressed in her dreams, because she knew that the one she loved didn't return...

2 years ago
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Morning Coffee

MORNING COFFEEBy Miranda BirchCopyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved.It all started when my friend Sue invited me round for coffee. I hadn't seen her forages. I knew she had had love-life problems, what with her unemployed live-in boyfriendexpecting her to do all the housework as well as hold down a demanding job in a Citybank to support the two of them.I got there about eleven, and was ushered in by a strangely-excited Sue. I said nothing,but wondered what was up. She took my coat,...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled with my parents Neighbour

This is a true story that fulfilled a teenage fantasy several years on. As a teenager I lived at home in a regular 3 bed house on quite a nice estate. My bedroom was at the front of the house and looked out on to the road and across to similar houses opposite. One morning I’d not gone to school and had showered and was drying myself off in my bedroom when I realised that a friend of my parents was watching me from her bedroom window opposite. She seemed to be tidying her bedroom but kept...

1 year ago
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Betsy stepped out of her shoes, let her purse fall to the floor right next to the door, and walked over to the couch as if someone had turned up the gravity in her house. She flopped down onto the cushions with a whoosh of breath, and quietly resolved to herself that she wouldn’t even think about moving for at least a few minutes. Even something as simple as finding the remote could wait–all her shows were Tivoed anyway, which was a good thing considering it was seven o’clock and she’d just now...

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