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Another blow in the back. Shit, these seats must have been designed by some sadist on a particularly bad day. Even an inverted bucket would have been more comfortable. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the damn driver hadn’t regarded it as a matter of honor to find every single pothole this shitty backwater road had to offer. Well, if you could actually call this stretch of compacted mud a road.

The fat woman next to me was still sleeping, which was a miracle. Sure, she had some extra cushioning built in to dampen the worst impacts, but I was barely able to cling to my seat. Sleep was totally out of the question. I envied her for that ability, but unfortunately, it led to her sliding slowly towards the aisle and pushing me off the seat. I was just glad that her head wasn’t resting on my shoulder anymore.

I looked in the direction toward which her mass was inevitably pushing me. It was still occupied by the chickens whose cackling contributed to the acoustic background for this trip to hell. I felt no urge to land on those chickens, especially as their sinister looking owner opposite the aisle was still staring at me like an axe murderer.

The bus was groaning with each impact, and I began to wonder if its breaking apart might bring a mercifully quick end to this disaster. Anything interrupting this misery would be welcome; even an accident might be more comfortable. Sweat and dirt were stinging in my eyes, I had long since given up trying to dry my forehead as my sleeves were soaking wet, anyway.

The bumping was bad. The view was shitty. The noise was grating on my nerves. The worst thing was the stench, though. To say that the bus was fully loaded would have been the understatement of the year. It was solidly packed and ungodly hot. Most of the passengers seemed to be farmers, and I guess you couldn’t blame them for their hygiene after a long day in the fields. The result was a bouquet of odors that seemed thick enough to cut with a knife.

All of this was bad, but there was one thing that made it almost unbearable. I was doing this voluntarily. Hell, I even paid for this. Backpacking in some exciting, tropical country, the great culinary adventure before I got too old for this and kids would have to be considered. Christine had firmly stated that I was crazy, that my cooking efforts were a waste of time, anyway, that I should grow up and find a decent job, that this trip was a complete waste of money and she wasn’t coming. Period.

Sadly, it had not turned out to be the dream vacation that I had envisioned. As much as it pained me, I had to admit that she had been partially right.

Sure, the tropical jungle I had always wanted to see was right behind the fogged window panes. In the beginning, I wasn’t able to get enough of it. I was fascinated by the smell, the plants and the animals. I couldn’t understand why the locals seemed to completely ignore the marvelous nature around them. After a few weeks, I began to understand them. After a few nasty encounters with the local fauna, the jungle now seemed scary, hot and made travel very uncomfortable.

One of my goals had been to come in contact with the local population. Again, I had succeeded. At that very moment, I was in contact with an enormous local ass that was slowly pushing me off my seat. Compared to the torture bench I was sitting on and the relentless mass of advancing flesh to my side, even the chickens below me started to look damn comfortable, creepy looking owner or not.

One upside was that I had indeed been able to improve my cooking skills a lot. It was amazing how much these countries had to offer and how little of that was known back home. As shitty as the rest of the trip had turned out to be, this knowledge was safely stored in my head and made the rest more or less bearable.

Still, I so wished for the damn bus to finally stop.

To my surprise, it did exactly that. Confused, I looked around. This didn’t look like the ancient temple city I wanted to reach. There was nothing to be seen but jungle and suddenly frightened looking locals around me. The driver got off his seat, pushed the squeaking front door open and quickly stepped aside.

I expected some peasants wanting to board. Instead, men in green uniforms entered the bus. As always, I couldn’t guess whether they were military or police. I had previous encounters with both and they were always solved by a small pile of bribe money discreetly changing ownership.

These guys looked much more formal than the ragged gangs I had met before. Their uniforms were actually quite ... uniform and clean. They tried to look very serious and professional as they scanned the scared travelers on both sides of the aisle. This was actually quite interesting. I, as a westerner, felt like an untouchable impartial observer of whatever was about to happen between those locals. I thought about taking out my phone to get some juicy shots for my Insta account.

This was why I hadn’t chosen one of those boring all expense trips for which Christine had made a plea. I was young, I wanted to see foreign countries, raw and unfiltered.

They continued their way down the crowded aisle, trying to step over the terrified chickens and that small pig in the middle of the bus. Their leader suddenly looked at me and smiled. Everyone around me seemed to deflate. What? Seriously? Whatever was going on, I should have nothing to do with it. I was a tourist.

He turned around, pointed at me and said something to his companions. Wait. This didn’t look good. I wanted to get to know the local culture, but maybe not THAT raw and unfiltered.

He pointed at me again and crooked his finger. I don’t know whether it was his natural authority or the weapon he was carrying, but I stood up like a puppet. He pointed at the fragile net and tubing contraption that served as an overhead bin. I understood and grabbed my backpack.

I felt slightly worried, but still relied on my immunity. I even hoped that after this had been straightened out, I might be able to wrestle a more comfortable ride to my destination out of it. As I followed him out of the bus, I noticed the pitying looks on the faces around me. They looked at me as if I was on my last walk. ‘You have done nothing wrong, you’re just a tourist,’ I tried to calm myself down. For some reason I felt like my immunity relied on my acting appropriately, as if I actually was untouchable. It was important to show no fear.

Just fractions of a second after I had left the bus, the driver slammed the door shut behind me. The old diesel coughed to life immediately, and the bus pulled away like it was escaping the devil himself. Damn, this didn’t look good.

“Listen...” I started before I was silenced by a punch to my gut. The leader stood there smiling and waited patiently for me to recover a bit before pointing at my backpack.

What? This was about my backpack? They wanted to steal something, maybe? The only valuable items were my phone and a bit of cash. They could have that; I just wanted to get away from this shit. Hell, right at this moment I just wanted to leave this damn country for good and never to return. I suddenly missed Christine and my home, terribly. I was even willing to admit that she had been right all along and that this trip had been a terrible idea.

The leader said something in the local language and gestured for me to unpack my gear. Adding a surprising touch of professionalism, one of his underlings was recording the whole scene with his phone. That worried me a bit, as this was obviously not about robbing me or slipping some evidence into my backpack.

Still, I had nothing to hide. Slowly, I unpacked my stuff and placed it on the muddy ground. My t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, my spare pair of shoes, powder packed in plastic foil, a few fresh pairs of socks. Wait, what powder? I was quite familiar with the contents in my backpack, and I was certain that I had never seen that before.

Like an idiot, I pointed at it and said “Wait, I have never seen that before.” Yeah, sure, like they had never heard that before. They would, of course, believe me immediately, apologize for the inconvenience and let me go. Yeah, sure. Damn. Damn. I had, of course, heard about the ridiculously strict drug enforcement laws in these countries. I had heard about tourists being used as couriers against their will or without even knowing it. That had been a purely theoretical scenario. Until now, that is.

Passively, I let my hands be cuffed behind my back, I endured the guy’s smug grins, I let myself be led towards their beat-up Jeep. There was nothing I could do, anyway.

The small room was rather dark, as there was no window and it was at the end of a corridor. The walls might once have been painted red, but they were almost completely covered with a layer of grime. It was hot everywhere, but this particular part of hell felt like an oven. A rather dirty oven, to be specific. A grumpy guard had wordlessly shoved me in there. I had been shoved around a lot since they had pulled me out of that bus.

I had seen various local police stations, each one shabbier than the last. I had seen police officers shamelessly pawing through my belongings, which were apparently now reduced to the things I was wearing. I had been screamed at in a language I didn’t understand. My lack of response hadn’t bothered anyone or stopped anyone from continuing to do it. I had been hit, shoved against door frames, car roofs and desks. In short, my life had turned into a complete nightmare. I had long since decided that my thirst to experience the local culture had been completely quenched.

Now, in this grimy dark cell, I was alone for the first time. I felt relief as I heard the steel grid fall into its lock behind me. It gave me a few seconds to ponder my situation, something I hadn’t been able to do while being mistreated.

Okay, I had been framed, that much seemed certain. My protestation of innocence would impress no one, even if they understood my language. Shit. I was in deep shit. I had no specific knowledge about the local penalties for drug related crimes, but my guess was that they were not very lenient. It could range from long prison terms to death.

My only hope was that my government would somehow bail me out. The problem was that to describe the relationship between the countries as tense would be a vast understatement. I wondered whether my government would even be informed about my fate. Shit.

I was still confused about what had happened. I hadn’t noticed anyone tampering with my backpack, and being rather paranoid about theft, I had kept an eye on it the whole day long. It must have happened at the hostel while I was asleep.

My thoughts were interrupted by two police or correction officers opening the cell door and motioning me to undress. Unbelieving, I hesitated, which earned me a good smack with a baton. Shortly afterwards, I stood there in just my underpants and was instructed to remove them as well. They didn’t try to hide their enjoyment when they motioned me to turn against the wall and lean forward. They at least used a rubber glove while they took the last remnant of my dignity.

I was relieved when the humiliating examination was over. At least, this time they didn’t find any objects that I didn’t know about. The orange overall I was given was grimy and torn, but I was glad to get dressed nonetheless.

They led me out of the building into the open. The light was blinding; sweat was running down my forehead into my eyes. As I waved the flies from my face, something sharp poked into my back and got me going across the dried mud courtyard.

We were approaching a gate in a fence that connected two shabby low buildings. The other side of that fence was packed with faces staring at me with wide open eyes. They looked hungry, desperate, aggressive and somehow disturbingly inhuman. One started to shout something and suddenly the silence was replaced by a deafening cacophony of voices.

The officer in front of me unlocked the gate and beckoned me to follow him. We entered a narrow corridor that was formed by a fence on each side. The whole corridor seemed to be filled with wildly flailing arms and noise. I was suddenly terribly afraid. They could not possibly throw me into this lion’s den? Being a westerner, I still clung to the hope of a nice comfy single cell for a few days until all of this had been sorted out.

I stood transfixed, staring at the mass of humanity in front of me until another sharp poke into the back got me going again. What followed was pure horror. Hands groping me everywhere, spit landing on every part of my body, abject fear running through my veins. Weirdly, the officer in front of me wasn’t touched by anyone. He was like Moses parting the Red Sea. Unfortunately, it closed again as soon as he passed.

We finally stopped in front of a cell door. “Paris” was painted on it in crude, but colorful letters. Like every opening I had seen so far, it was packed with bodies. I turned around and saw that the equally packed cell door on the opposite side was marked “London.”

Like an idiot, I pointed at the door to “Paris”, shook my head and said “NO!”

He just laughed, opened the door and unceremoniously pushed me inside.

It was too dark to see much. It was strangely silent, and I noticed that the rest of the prison had suddenly fallen silent as well. Although it was hard to imagine, it was even hotter in there. The air was so thick with humidity and stench that I was afraid I would suffocate on the spot.

After a few seconds, my eyes got used to the darkness and I looked around. I was surrounded by dozens of men. They were all watching me. No one moved. The room was completely silent. The small circular space around me was the only part of the room that wasn’t solidly packed with men, and they were all watching me.

Cold fear ran down my spine. For the first time, I really contemplated that I might not survive this. Calling for help was obviously useless; the officer had just thrown me in there and left.

One guy stepped forward. He just stood there, looking at me calmly, like he owned me now. ‘Show no fear. Show no fear. Show no fear.’ I repeated this in my mind over and over, like a mantra.

He calmly lifted a hand and slapped my cheek gently. I thought that this wasn’t so bad until the whole mob descended on me. The first few hits hurt like hell, but after a while it got better. I think large parts of me just went numb. I just collapsed and let them have their way with me.

Strangely, my only thought was that Christine had been absolutely right about this trip being total nonsense, and now it was time to pay for my stubbornness. I had laughed so often about her sitting at home while I enjoyed some sunset or marvelous beach bar and I guess karma was finally striking back. It just seemed a bit excessive.

I remember writhing on the compacted mud floor in pain, half awake and confused. I remember naked feet in front of my face, lots of naked feet. I remember stench and heat as I slipped in and out of consciousness.

My whole body hurt as I was roughly pulled into an upright position. The man in front of me wasn’t tall, he wasn’t muscled but he had a distinctly mean look. This was a man who was used to fighting, used to winning and used to having no regard for anyone.

He calmly looked into my eyes for an eternity before he started to speak. I watched him attentively, nodded at the appropriate times and tried to smile despite my battered lips. One problem was that I had not the slightest idea what the fuck he was saying. The other problem was that the things he said to me might have been crucial for my prospects of surviving this nightmare.

I was reasonably sure that he was explaining some kind of rules of the house. His finger was waving just in front of my face and his expression was dead serious. His tone was assertive, and all of those details led to the conclusion that the things he said to me were rather important. I decided that nodding politely, even after he slapped my face from time to time, and mimicking the others’ behavior was the best strategy.

The days to follow showed me that I was dead wrong. Slowly, I decoded the rules in there. First, I was at the very bottom of the pecking order. This meant that simply copying my cellmates’ behavior turned out to be unhealthy.

Second, the only way to move up in the pecking order was money. Mine was not gone, it was just that someone else had it, in this case a bunch of corrupt prison guards.

Third, I practically had a big “victim” sign on my forehead. I had never been in a serious fight in my whole life. I wasn’t physically imposing; my behavior was non-threatening and I hadn’t a cruel bone in my body.

As a result, my life in that shitty cell was pure hell. The higher-ranking inmates had more or less decent bunk beds, while I was assigned a spot on the compacted mud floor. Their food at least seemed edible, while mine was just puke-inducing. I had to be half starved before I was able to keep it down. These were obviously not the natives whose culinary secrets I had wanted to learn. Worse yet, right from the start I had the honor of cleaning the toilets, which were just holes in the floor. That task was way beyond anything I had imagined up to that point.

I spent most of the time just sitting or lying on the floor, waiting for my trial or for my government or wife to rescue me from this hell, but nothing happened for weeks. Luckily, I was ignored by my cellmates most of the time, except when the sanitary equipment needed to be taken care of. Being ignored was the best thing that could happen to me, I realized, as I watched the endless and surprisingly brutal fights among the 43 inmates of this overcrowded hole.

More than once I desperately wished to be in that damn hot sweaty bus again. It seemed like heaven, compared to this. I fondly remembered the potholes, the fat woman next to me, my sweaty shirt and the agitated chickens. Even the arrest and the ride in the police car seemed desirable, now.

The shouting and screaming rose to a deafening level and the cell door window was packed tightly with higher ranking inmates. This meant that some new, unlucky fellow was about to be thrown into one of the cells. I just hoped it wouldn’t be ours. It was already fully packed and I had learned that newcomers were invariably meaner and more dangerous than I was, so they didn’t even replace me at the bottom of the food chain.

I sighed as I heard our cell door being opened, and surprisingly, the noise in our cell suddenly died down. This had happened when I had been thrown into this cell, but not since then. I looked up to see who had caused this unusual reaction.

In a cell packed with smallish, but dangerous looking and swarthy locals, the new guy was totally out of place. He looked like a giant out of Gulliver’s tales. The cell had been packed before, but now it seemed too small even for this single person.

He was huge, he was broad shouldered, he was white and he had a long blonde mane. He looked as out of place as Thor in a kindergarten. The aggressive guy that had explained the facts of life on my first day had been the undisputed king in here so far. Tentatively and without any enthusiasm, he approached the newcomer, probably to stake his claim.

Bracing himself, he lifted his notorious forefinger again and started his usual rant. Casually, and almost too quickly for the eye to follow, “Thor” punched him straight in the face. The guy flew backwards, blood flying from his face in a weirdly perfect parabola.

The whole cell was deadly silent.

Grinning viciously, “Thor” slowly looked around.

“Anybody else want some?”

I was too stunned at first to realize that this was the first person I could understand since I entered this shithole. The locals shied away from him as far as they could. Then he spotted me.

“Hey!” he said.


To this day, I believe that Victor saved my life. I learned later that he was no saint, but right then he was definitely my savior.

The locals scurried around, eager to please him. As his new best friend, I found my toilet cleaning duties were immediately transferred to some other unlucky dude. Victor decided that we’d get the bunk bed in the smaller room, which was a bit separated from the main room. This was where the cell’s nobility had resided and to my surprise, the former alpha males left their territory with strained smiles on their faces. I soon had access to the best food available (which was still pretty bad, but at least edible) and was generally treated with respect.

Victor soon ended the local tradition of extorting money from weaker prisoners, but didn’t do away with the pecking order. I felt like a pig when I watched my successor at the bottom of the totem pole suffering, but to be honest, I had no compulsion to clean the toilet anymore and there just wasn’t enough edible food for everyone. We remained a totally unequal society. I was just at the other end of the food chain, having taken the place of the guys I hated for doing that, before. Morally, I was on shaky ground, but my life was at least bearable this way.

Victor spoke the local language and ruled the cell undisputed. For some reason, he and I never talked about why we were in there. We talked a lot about the corrupt local government and justice system, and that was enough to imply that everyone in there had to be innocent. No one believed that, but we left it at that.

“What are you going to do?” he asked out of the blue. We had been busy with our usual occupation: staring at the opposite wall.

“What?” I still believe that the prison routine numbed most of my brain cells. I doubt that I would have been able to read a simple newspaper, even if one had been available. Hence, my answers were not exactly eloquent. Victor patiently explained.

“Simon, when you get out. What are you going to do first?”

“Get out? Vic, I’m in here for ... hey, I don’t even know how long. Shit...”


“I have no idea how long I’m stuck in this shithole. Damn, that sucks.”

“Yeah, it changes you, right?”

“Yeah. Vic, to be honest, I don’t think that I’ll ever get out of here,” I answered in a dejected tone.

“Stop, Simon. Okay?” He turned around, looking appalled. “Of course, we’re going to get out. Our embassy...”

“Vic, there is no embassy in this banana republic. We don’t even have diplomatic relations with...”

“Simon,” he interrupted me, looking me in the eyes. “Simon, I’ve always been lucky. I’ve always rolled sixes.”

“Yeah, I know. For every guy rolling sixes there has to be a guy rolling ones. That would be me. Let’s be honest, nobody gives a shit about me. If someone cared or wanted to get me out, it would have happened by now.”

“Come on, these things take time down here. I bet someone is working on your release right now.”

“Somehow, I really doubt that,” I answered with a sad smile.

A local came slinking into our semi-separate private room and Victor just casually waved him away. He didn’t just have the physique to do that, he also had the natural authority. Our private zone had no door and no separate toilet, but the wall separating it from the main room was a definite privilege.

“Okay, Simon. Just imagine you’d get out.”

“Ah, Vic, don’t tempt me. I don’t even want to think about it, it might drive me crazy. I might start thinking about Christine, about what she might be doing right now. How lonely she must be, worried, desperate.”

“Christine? Your wife?”



“Vic, be realistic, look at me. I’m completely average.”

“I have no idea about that, I’m not gay. Even if that’s true, why shouldn’t your wife be totally hot?”

“You know, there is this theory about the hotness of a normal couple being about equal.”

“Haha, Simon, I don’t give a damn about things like that. If I see a hot woman and I want her, I try to have her. I don’t give a shit about rules. I want it, I take it.”

I looked at him in wonder for a while and nodded. He was right. That was how he was. That was exactly how I wasn’t. I had always been the shy unassuming artistic type. He had this can-do attitude, just taking what he wanted from life.

“So, you’re married to an insanely hot woman, Vic?”

“I sure am,” he smugly replied. “I’d show you a photo if I had one, but let me tell you, you’d be amazed.”

“Wow.” I totally believed him. He was exactly the kind of guy who got the really hot women. He was big, bold and confident.

“Simon, let’s make a deal, okay?” He suddenly sounded very serious. “We will get out of here sooner or later.”

I looked at him, skeptically. “You will, Vic, I’m sure. You will roll a six and just walk out.”

“Nonsense. We will both get out. Get that into your over-skeptical head, man.”

“Okay, let’s for a moment assume we both get out.”

“Right, that’s the spirit. The first one to get out visits the other’s wife, tells her what’s going on and looks out for her. Okay? I’m a bit worried about my girl being all alone in the world, without me being there to protect her.”

“Yeah, sure, why not.” Easiest thing I ever had to promise. It would never happen anyway.

He looked unusually solemn as he held out his hand. I shook it.

Something was happening.

Everybody felt it. An outsider would have been totally oblivious, but after a few weeks, we could feel the prison as if it were an animal and we were trapped inside. We felt its pulse, heard its voice, smelled its odors.

The animal was tense. It was as if the whole prison braced for something.

Everything was way too silent. I peeked around the corner. No one in the main cell was uttering a single word. No one fought for the places at the small window in the cell door. Everyone cowered in the darkest corners. Cautiously, I returned to our smaller room. Even Vic’s unquenchable optimism seemed affected and we exchanged nervous glances.

I pointed towards the main room and had just opened my mouth to say something when a loud boom interrupted me. Silence. Another boom. Impossible to tell which direction or how far away. Holy shit, something serious was going on and it hit me that this could very well my last day on Earth. Before Vic had saved me, this prospect would hardly have bothered me, but now that my life had become bearable, I felt like I had something to lose. I realized that if Vic was killed, my surviving might lead to nothing but a prolonged and painful death. The other inmates would release their aggressions on me the moment he was gone.

Gunfire. I was no expert, but even I knew that those were automatic weapons. I could hear men shouting and screaming.

Suddenly, something big crashed into the main cell from the outside. I was just about to peek around the corner when Vic pulled me backwards. He put a finger on his mouth to silence me. Guys in the main cell were suddenly shrieking and a loud boom shattered our abode, followed by another and another. Deathly silence followed.

Vic motioned me to follow him towards the main cell. I had no idea how he knew when it would be safe to check; maybe he just followed his intuition.

The main cell was pure horror. It seemed like an off-road vehicle had crashed through a wall into the cell. It was riddled with bullet holes and the bloodied remains of the windows told me everything I needed to know. I had no way of telling if the men inside had been guards or attackers and had no intention of finding out.

I was shocked. No one in the main cell escaped injury. A few were moaning in pain, but most were dead. Blood was everywhere. It looked like one of the more violent Tarantino scenes.

“Hand grenades,” Vic whispered, and I nodded as if I had known that all along.

Vic stared at the hole in the wall that had been struck by the car.

“Shall we?” he asked, grinning. He gestured broadly with his hand as if he were inviting me in to a grand dining room or something. I just stood there and stared at him stupidly.

“I don’t know, Vic. This isn’t even an outer wall; it just leads to the courtyard. They will just shoot us on sight.”

“Chicken. No risk no gain. Let’s leave this shithole. Time to roll sixes, Simon.” His eyes were shining. This was his moment. I, meanwhile, was deathly frightened, certain I was about to roll a one.

“Okay,” I reluctantly said, just as we heard someone fumble with the cell door’s lock.

“Shit, they’re coming. Run, Simon. I’ll keep this door closed. One of us has to do it and you can’t survive in here without me.”

“Vic...” I truly didn’t know what to say. Vic, the daredevil, was offering to sacrifice himself for my escape? Before I could even say anything, he was blocking the heavy steel door’s latch.

“Just go, you idiot. Eat a nice steak for me. Go fuck your girl. Tell my wife that I love her. Go!”

The last I saw of him was his usual grin. I turned around and jumped through the gap. I felt sad. I had just left behind only true friend I’d ever had in life. It wouldn’t matter in the long run, though, as we would probably both die there.

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Instant Karma

Instant Karma I looked at the clock-calendar, and the time was 21 minutes past 8, on Sunday the 7th of February, 2027. I should be 56 years old today, and I should be celebrating it surrounded by family. That was what I thought with part of my mind. The other part was looking at the Clearblue pregnancy tester I piddled on shortly after I got out of bed this morning, not really believing the dark line on it. I called out to my husband Peter, who was in the shower. "Peter, Peter, come...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part VII

Bad Karma Part 7 - Heading Towards the Light Sometimes when you're down, life kicks you in the balls. Even it seems if you no longer seem to have any to aim for. "No, you can walk back and think about how disappointed youse made me," The mobster behind the desk told Jasmine. She had no choice but to leave the dark car lot with the pair of heavies looking over her. To make matters worse it had started to rain a little whilst she'd been grilled by the mobster. Oscar knew that...

4 years ago
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Karma is a Bitch

While laying naked on an examination bed, Dr. Lalita Sundari secured a gel-like device on my head to connect to my brain via wireless transmission to her computer. She opened my legs and tried to push a tube-like probe into my dry vagina.“Oh dear,” she said. “We need some lubrication. The gel will not work as well as natural lube. Would you mind if I stimulate your clitoris to get your juices flowing?”“If it will help, go ahead.” I was scared. This process would reveal my illegal genetic,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Jocelyn finished her sixth glass of wine and settled in to finish reading her newly acquired book on the occult. She had paid an enormous fee to get the book, the word being in the underground that some of the incantations actually worked. She considered what she would do if she had magical powers to transform her life. There would be many changes. Yes, many changes. Jocelyn was wealthy, alone, miserable, and drunk. Wealthy because her company had gone IPO just over a year ago, and she was...

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Karma And A Lonely Friday

in the bar-stool to your right… nooo, your other right. Yeah that girl… well she is, along with the other patrons in this, mmmm, ?okay establishment? I mean, it's not a complete dive bar and even though there aren't that many "cultured" people beating down the doors to get into this place, it doesn't smell like piss and puke either… so let's go with that. Where was I? Right. This girl, like the others in this okay establishment, is quietly listening, to the diatribe of one, Father...

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A Little Karma for Mark

Did you ever do something for revenge? I did last week, when I found out my husband cheated on me. I was so mad and just wanted to get back at him. I've always had feelings for my husband’s brother. My husband wasn’t even sorry that he cheated on me. He said that he needed a change. We have been married only five years and I’m shocked he'd do this to me. I planned on getting back at him. Except, what I had planned would absolutely disgust him and that was what I wanted to do. I had called my...

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Karma Has Its Way Part III

Karma Has Its Way: Part III Ron and Seema had dinner that evening at the American consulate. Over dinner, their conversation covered many of Seema’s new duties as Ron’s Personal Assistant. The pay he offered was more than generous. She would have private quarters in Ron’s home to which she would have the only key. The American Ambassador to India joined them as desert was served. A representative of the Indian government accompanied the Ambassador. Seema was in awe. Never in her wildest dreams...

Love Stories
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Laine Meets Karma

Hey Laine, where's the stock listing on the erectile dysfunction meds? I asked you for it over two hours ago, and haven't seen you lift a finger yet. Princess, if you want to make the money you'll be making as a pharmacist, you need to learn that you have to actually work for it," Ray scolded his freshman year employee."Dammit, I didn't get into Pharmacy College so I'd have to work for a nigger," Laine thought as she walked to the shelves to perform this latest mundane task that Ray, her...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Good Karma

Authors' notes: the story idea actually came to me as I was reading some of the hyper board debates. While it is a typical stepford story, one of the subplots deals with identity death, and the claim that the perpetrator always gets away with it! As we will see here, some don't! Story notes: this is a very sexy, lots of love story, using Stepford as a starting point. I offer full credit to Sarah Barndt for the original story idea. Legal notes: DO NOT REPOST HARDCOPY, and OR ALTER AND...

4 years ago
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KARMA Jack always thought it was Karma, his fate, to meet Sarah, the youngest female lawyer ever to be made a barrister. They fell in love at first sight, courted for only three months before they were married. He just knew that with a woman like his, he would no longer need to do something that had occupied so much of his life since childhood. He thought of it as his dirty little secret and avoided anyone discovering it. As a pre-pubescent child, he used to dress up in his...

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Bad Karma Part X

Bad Karma Part 10 - Capturing the Fraudulent Fraulein Lauren was not sure about doing what she'd been asked to do. Everything about associating with nerds had been drummed into her via the toxicity of the Alpha females. That she had led them in this for so long didn't help her anxiety at going to talk to Colin, but the attitude had originated from Fiona, before Lauren had taken over the gang. Lauren had just adopted it as the norm when she'd become leader of the alpha females. Now she...

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Karma ch 1

This is my first work of TG fiction so please be kind with reviews and comments, any feedback and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. The first couple chapters will be light on the sex and will emphasize the main character adjusting to his new life. I guess I should write this all down on paper, while I still remember it clearly. My name is Kyle, or should I say my name was Kyle. Until 3 years ago I was your typical college guy; a little too much drinking, not enough...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part XI

Bad Karma Part 11 - Good Karma Kylie was not sure what to do with herself during the week whilst they waited for Marcus to come back so that they could move the plan forward. Jasmine was busy trying to get her jewellery business off the ground with the help of Jasper and Oscar who was by now completely dressed as Meredith. Most of the time Lauren was at school, which left Kylie pretty much on her own. She spent the first day just being herself in the town, although being herself was...

3 years ago
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Karma and ReincarnationChapter 3

“Gram, stay, and I’ll tell you about everything along with Grady. Overnight my situation has changed a lot. My financial situation has improved considerable. In fact, it is much better than that of Cary’s wife and family. I guess he thought he would live forever. He died and left his two kids and wife without the same cushion I have. There are savings, but it isn’t enough to last them for long. “By rights, it should have been me who was out in the cold. I’m glad I had a lawyer to go after...

2 years ago
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The Karma of Serenity

The Karma of Serenity By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and school had just ended for the week. This should have put me in a good mood, but my mood was anything but good at the moment. I'd gotten a B- in history class, which wasn't quite the grade I'd been aiming for. Unfortunately it was too late to do anything about that now as they'd already e-mailed my grades home. I snarled as I walked down the halls, glaring at several students who got in my way and smirking as they...

3 years ago
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The Meaning of Freedom Chapter 4 Morals and Karma

The Meaning of Freedom Chapter 4: Morals and Karma By InnocentGuilt "Hello, this is 911 what seems to be the problem?" the 911 operator responded. "My name is John Smith. I don't know how long I can talk or stay on the line, but please listen and believe everything I say. Half the stuff I don't believe myself." John spoke in a very nervous, and very scared voice. He knew that if Jenny found him calling the police he would suffer the same fate as Kenny and Lilly. "Sir, if...

2 years ago
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The Karma genie

One day a lamp containing a genie was rubbed by an old man. Unfortunately he died of a heart attack when the genie appeared, not making any wishes. The genie, being mischievous as genies are known to be, used an old loophole and granted his own 3 wishes. To be freed. (Duh) To free all the other genies (duh) To pay back all these annoying humans for being so annoying. The universe granted the genies wish, in typical genie fashion. Random humans will be bitten by karma in the most humiliating...

4 years ago
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Camp Karma

Now I can only assume you are wondering who I am and what I am going on about, Well, Let's just say i've been told I have to tell you people how I came about living at this camp, Yes I do live at a camp, Used to live in a nice three story house but not anymore, Thats old news, Been living at this camp for what seems to feel like a millenium even though I guess at this exact time it will be six months, Maybe give or take a few days Alice:- *Will you get on with the story* Ahh that there...

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Carolines Karma

(My deepest thanks go to ArthurianMorgaine for editing this story for me. It was a joy to work with her and her edit has made this story flow so much better. In turn I hope you the reader enjoy this story as much as I had fun writing it.) Karma: – For every unpleasant event that occurs, a second event will occur that will cancel out by virtue the first event by being pleasant. As the organist flawlessly changed the background music to ‘Here Comes The Bride,’ everyone in the church turned,...

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Bad Karma Ch 01

Well this is my first go at posting my stuff so reviews, constructive criticism or any comments are welcome. This story will probably take a few chapters to get into the sex – so for those looking for a gradual build up with some romance, you came to the right place Rye is in Yr 12 and so is 18 – Enjoy — Shit! Fuck! Shit! I’m late again. Why do I have to be late again?!! Fate is soo evil. I really don’t want to see Ms. Ablick again. The snotty fat cow, always snickering behind her hand,...

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Karma Has Its Way

Introduction: An intelligent young Indian woman takes some of lifes knocks while her dreams are often crushed. The comment section has been restricted to members only due to spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Karma Has Its Way Seema Patel was a lovely young woman. She was twenty-one-years-old and had recently graduated from college. She had gotten the highest marks in her classes and graduated with honors. Her mother, Asha Patel, and her younger...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Taken by a blonde stranger in an alley We had only met once and immersed ourselves in a brief flirtation outside a club one night. We went for a walk, breaking all my rules as I abandoned my friends in the club for twenty minutes. He seemed a sweet guy, lots of fun with sexy blonde hair that looked perfect for holding onto whilst he fucked me with his tongue. Maybe that is why I broke my rules and took a walk, because from the minute he introduced himself, I wanted to have him in...

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You have to love Karma

You have to love Karma. My wife, of 38 years decides to go the gym and begin a rehabilitation schedule for her knee surgery it was suggested by her pain management physician and referred her to a 23 year old post college ther****t. He apparently was above his class. He also had made some quick financial stability. Anyway, she extended her rehab beyond the 12 weeks and continued for 4 additional months. It was then she informed me she was leaving me for this guy, and to have a nice life Wow....

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Jakes Magic Remote Part III Karma Chamele

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------------------Sarah got home only a few minutes after...

2 years ago
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Jordanian wife karma is a bitch

I am sorry if this is a long story, but i wanted to share this karma experience. I think i have a cheating wife. I met this married woman long time ago, when online chats were new on the internet. We chatted online for several months and later over the phone before i finally met her. In our online chats, she told me a lot of things about her life and she lived in a loveless marriage, and how bad her husband treats her.Our first meeting was kind of awkward (in a hotel room). We have discussed...

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Karma Part 16

Karma Part 1 The Voice said, "You have been a pitiful excuse for a person your entire life. You have tormented those that loved you and manipulated others to do you bidding. You have watched the suffering of others and profited off of their misery. You are unfit to enter these gates. There is no excuse that you can offer that will change our view of you. Are you prepared for our judgment?" After a verbal beating like that what else could I say but "Yes." I mean they were...

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Karma Part 7

Karma Part 7 When I woke up I wasn't sure where I was. I looked around the room and nothing was familiar. Then I heard the sound of a young boy laughing and I remembered I was at Anita's. With recollection came all the memories from the night before. "Rita." I thought to myself. As I started to get up my back let me know that I did a little bit too much yesterday. Settling back down to give it a moment I noticed the time. "10:22 am? God how could Anita let me sleep so late? I...

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Karma Part 8

Karma part8 Saturday morning 9:35am. The beginning of what I believe will be the most uncomfortable day of my life. I just lay there in my bed dreading the beginning of the day. Tonight I was supposed to go out with Mike. I don't think mere words can explain how much the thought of going on a date with a guy grossed me out. But I was committed. So I was going to do my best to keep my word and behave. However, just to add to my misery, first I was doomed to spend a few hours baby...

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Karma part 9

Karma part 9 By Amanda D "Get the fuck off of me!!!" I screamed. I thrashed and struggled but I couldn't free myself. As a matter of fact the more I tried to escape the tighter my restraints seemed to become. Finally I gave one great kick and I was free. I bolted up right and looked around the room I was in. Slowly it came to me I was home in my bed and the restraints that had trapped me was my blanket, now lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. "Oh god!" I exclaimed....

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Karma part 10

Karma, part 10 By Amanda D. Thinking back I probably should have taken more time to enjoy the day instead of wishing 2:30 would come faster. Perhaps a longer breakfast with Rita or one last roll in the hay with Pat would have been in order. But how was I to know what Paul and Mia had in store for me. The photos probably should have given me a hint, but in my heart of hearts I just didn't believe they were real. The first moment I saw the mug shots of Mandy, taken only a...

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Mirror Karma

Mirror Karma A Mirror on the Door Story by Kristine Roland Claire's good friend Jeffrey went through a mirror in the door, what effect did that have on Claire's life? Authors Note: This story is complete and can be read stand-alone. However The Mirror on the Door precedes this story in this universe. If you read The Mirror on the Door when it was first posted last year, at the suggestion of a number of people that story was revised recently, and the revised version is...

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Cartoon Karma

Cartoon Karma By Shawna Stimple Will Watson began his day like any other. He woke up, brushed his teeth, ate his breakfast, and made his way out the door to meet his girlfriend for coffee. Leaving his apartment, he said his hellos to the elderly duck couple that lived across the hall. They were always so polite, and tried to look out for the young human. Arriving at the caf?, he noticed his girlfriend, Megan, sitting in the corner with her nose buried in a giant book. Sneaking up b...

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Cartoon Karma 2 Going to the Chapel

Cartoon Karma 2: Going to the Chapel By Shawna Stimple It was a bright and not so early, when Will Watson awoke to his rooster neighbor, somehow drunk, and crowing at the crack of noon. "Please tell me that it's not morning already." he said, before glancing down at the diamond ring, still stuck on his finger, and groaning. He put on the same Jeans and T-shirt combo that matched every other outfit in his closet, except a certain puffy sleeved dress. After neglecting to shower, he...

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Bad Karma Part IV

Bad Karma Part IV - A Switch in Time The sex with Ben last night had been great, although it was never quite the real thing with the bodysuits. Oscar as Wendy had stuck to being the good little woman who took her man in the standard missionary position, but had been sorely tempted to suggest that she might like to take it up the rear. Although there were many men who would do that with a woman, some men had a blocker on such activities and Oscar just had the feeling that Ben was one...

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Bad Karma Part VI

Bad Karma - Part 6 - A Bad Business All Round Jasmine admired her reflection in the mirror and then spritzed some perfume on her neck on both sides. She was nearly ready for her date with her husband whom she'd just heard had returned to the house downstairs. Having seen her substitute daughter off to the Prom, she'd had the house to herself to get herself all dolled up. It had been a veritable orgy of modelling all the different dresses that the real Jasmine had in her wardrobe for...

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Bad Karma Part VIII

Bad Karma Part 8 - Shifting Relationships Lauren decided not to go straight back home to the Goodridge family residence. Instead she asked the Uber take her back to Oscar's flat. She already had a key and she had money in Dan's wallet in his trousers that were still in the dressing room, so Lauren was able to pay the fare without relying on charity from her faux mother. After the driver left, Lauren decided to spend a little time snooping around Oscar's flat. She'd been there several...

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Bad Karma Part IX

Bad Karma 9 - Reaping the Fruits Jasmine, or at least the person who was currently presenting themselves as Jasmine Goodridge, sat in her bedroom trying to sort her way through all the mess. The plans that she had were in disarray and now her partner in crime had even betrayed her. She was on her own, with both the loan sharks baying for her blood, her business failing and her husband trying to divorce her and throw her out of the house. On top of that she still hadn't found the...

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KARMA OR KISMET How I Became A slave Owner Again

KARMA OR KISMET?How I Became A slave Owner AgainBy: Charles E. Campbell   It was really just a pretty typical day, really, thinking back on it now from the comfortable perspective of eighteen months. What happened that day happened every day, on many a street, in many a town and city everywhere, actually. Mundane. Nothing innately unique or even noteworthy. At least, not right away.    I was in my driveway replacing the radiator on a mid-sixties Plymouth Valiant. A buddy of mine had owned one...

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KarmaChapter 4 A leap of faith

I woke up slowly, luxuriating in comfortable warmth. Then I realized I was half-sprawled across someone. A man - Tony - my suddenly awake brain informed me. His scent filled my senses with my face buried in his hair, my lips brushing his neck. The rest of my body began reporting in and the news went downhill from there. My thigh was resting on an obviously aroused cock and his arm was between us, cupping one of my breasts through my tee shirt. Unconsciously I began gently moving myself...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 76 A Karma Day

Normally I hate hospitals. The last time I had been in one had been to say goodbye to Shannon. The time before that I had woken up in one after my fight with Brad Russell and his two buddies. I guess visiting a friend, even a dying friend, beats waking up in one, but still, not generally something I looked forward to; until now. This trip I was looking forward to. Rebecca used her ID to secure us a parking space that would normally have gotten her towed away and we made our way inside. It...

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Sextra Credit

Thanks for reading. Collin Waters had missed quite a bit of school during the semester, traveling in Europe with this parents and brother, so he was having to make up classes in summer to get the right amount of credits. The school had allowed it, but then he was having to make stuff up in the summer. He had not gotten to graduate with his class two weeks earlier, as he should have, and had turned eighteen in May. He was standing in the hallway waiting to go into an English Lit...

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Drafted Into SpaceChapter 4 Cash or Credit

Three hours later we were pulling into the Springs. A large enough town we could hide in plain sight and be able to buy weapons and ammunition too. I drove to my favorite gun store and asked RJ about being able to pay for the weapons and ammunition. RJ asked, "What I meant by pay for the weapons and ammunition?" We have to give money or credit which is kind of like a promise of money in exchange for weapons and ammunition. That is how these people make their living. RJ had a puzzled...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Karmas favorite victim

Introduction: A rich girl tortures girls, and someone gets payback after she cheats Karmas favorite victim, Pt.1 (Introduction) Rich girl gets what she deserves I dont know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasnt because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didnt bother...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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One Lousy Credit

One Lousy Credit! By Sapphire Getting called into school only a couple days before the start of my senior year was not how I had planned to spend the last few days of my summer vacation. First, Principal Kaus can be scary when he wants to be. (You don't get to be the principal of the Circe School for the Gifted and Talented without being an skilled adept, and I'm far enough along with my studies to really understand what that means!) And second, it's dangerous to be around those...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites

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