"Gill" free porn video

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We left the relative shade of the peristyle garden with its white marble fountain depicting Venus a ewer hoisted on her shoulder. The trickling figure stood in the centre of a shallow square pool, surrounded by smooth flag stones and then by a grassed border skirting up to a colonnaded cloister that hemmed the garden in, providing a screen to the outside world.

I took her small hand in mine to lead her away from the site of our tryst, to the coolness of the house I had had built in a Roman style.

She hesitated as if frightened by the sudden change of light. A gently guiding hand at the small of her back motivated her forward step into the cloister.

Gill was here for one thing, she was payment in kind for services rendered. Her father had defaulted a gambling loan; I had his marker now, won in a hand of poker. He would continue to default; his business was shot, crippled by union activity and a falling market share. It was true, I had kind of ensured he would fail; buying up everything around him was having a disastrous result on him. All's fair.as they say, and what goes around comes around. He had made a virtual pauper of my Daddy; I had the wherewithal to repay the deed. With no hope of repaying his debt, Gill was the best her could offer.

She wasn't quite what I had expected. Not that I had any previous knowledge of her, only a glance at a silver framed photo on John Craig's desk as I delivered the news of his immediate future. I might have harboured some respect for him, for his business dealings perhaps, but any respect evaporated the moment he offered Gill as a bargaining tool. I wanted to see him with a hole in his forehead, such was my disgust. Hypocritically, took him up on his offer though, deciding to have him erased latter as I said, sure she will be full and final payment.

Gill was nothing like her photo might have indicated. The picture showed a confident young woman, who looked squarely back at the lens, an enigmatic smirk on her lips. It showed a woman without a care in the world, who promised a wealth of sexual enterprise and freedom. In fact, the almost complete opposite had tremulously knocked the door, had timidly made her way to a meeting in my garden, had stood nervously clutching the strap of her purse between her wringing hands, head bowed.

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Even allowing for the impossible situation her father had caused her, Gill's mouse like appearance and squeaky voice gave rise to the possibility that the photo had lied. I could sympathise a little with her position, but found her completely unattractive as a possible sexual partner. A glass of ice cold chardonnay did little to ease her, but it gave me the chance to evaluate what I would do. If I sent her home unsullied, undefiled, I would have to exact my revenge on her father long before I was ready. I was enjoying the spectacle of his gradual decline too much. If I took her, took my payment, then his life would be extended and my revenge would be all the more complete when he eventually folded or put a nine millimetre in his head.

I decided to take the easier, hopefully less messy option. She would do for the evening's entertainment. Was that a callous thought? It possibly is, but do I care at all? Not in the slightest.

We passed through the cloister with its vaulted ceiling, through a heavy carved oak door into the coolness of my study. The garden is completely shrouded from the outside world, but the study offered an unlimited view through patio doors of a landscaped terraced rockery that lead eventually to the street. If patient enough, it was possible to see people walk along the pavement some fifty metres away.

I let her hand go and watched as it dropped to her side lifelessly. The whites of her knuckles showed where she gripped the bag in her other hand. She stood statuesque in the middle of the room; her head still bowed, a thin cotton flower print dress hanging on her limp body.

Put the bag down. She dropped it at her feet, simply opening her hand to allow it to fall. It was the simplest of movements, almost pitiful.

Take your dress off. I noticed her glance up at the window, the calculation of the possibility of being seen through the patio doors was plainly evident as it flashed through her mind.

It wasn't a request; take it off. Her head still bowed, she reached behind her neck to start the zipper and then she reached around her back to complete the undoing. With a slight shrug, the dress fell to her feet.

Her hands wrung together in front of her panty covered mons. The heavy lace successfully his any allure she might have had inside. A matching bra did the same for her breasts, hiding anything underneath in the heaviness of the fabric.

Lose the underwear. Again, she glanced up at the glass doors, causing her to hesitate.

Lose the underwear now. I raised my voice to emphasise my meaning. Her bra had a front clasp that sprang open with a twist. It dropped to the floor to join the dress. Her breasts, slightly pointed with raised nipples shone whitely in the reflected sunlight. She hooked her thumbs into the elasticated waist band of her panties and eased them over her hips and then stepped out of them.

She stood with her feet surrounded by the conglomeration of clothing. Almost pure white, almost transparent, like fine bone china held up to the light. It was possible to see the veins under her skin, pronounced in her breasts. She was only an average size, thirty four perhaps, waist in the twenties and hips in the middle thirties. At five feet six inches, she had absolutely no spare flesh, not quite skinny or anorexic, but not too far from it either. Her hip bones protruded forward a little, but not so much that it detracted from the overall picture. Her hands clasped together in font of her cunnii, hiding her femininity.

Put you hands behind your head. She complied slowly, nervously, but she complied.

I sat down on the nearest settee to me so that I could look her over. Gill could not be called a beauty. At twenty three or so, her face was more than passable, but the slightness of frame and her timidity did nothing for her. It indicated a narrowness of mind, even shrewishness. That was probably unfair, but an accurate description of the persona she projected.

Gill's skin was almost flawless; a small brown mole on her left breast was the only apparent defect spoiling a totally unblemished body. She wore no adornments, no jewellery. Her pubic hair was unshaved; a vee-shaped mass of black hair hid her genital region. She didn't shave her arm pits either. Un-adorned, unsullied and in a completely natural state, she stood with her hands clasped behind her head, eyes downcast, waiting for me to give her an order; a blank page.

I sat back in repose to appraise her. She stood motionless, hips askance, one knee slightly bent, her weight carried on one leg. Did I want this girl naked in front of me? Did I fancy her? Was my desire for revenge against her father that great? I decided that she did not do anything for me sexually. It was nice that a naked woman stood in my study, there for my pleasure, but did I want that pleasure. Arousal could not be further from my thinking. Gill was going to have to work for me to take her.

Spread your legs. She was slow to respond, but slowly her weight shifted, her feet planted the width of her shoulders apart. It improved the overall appearance of her, the light from the garden shone between her legs, through her pubic hair.

Now come here. She stepped out of the ring of dress and underwear and traversed the short distance between us. Her eyes still didn't look up, even when she was directly in front of me, standing between my parted knees, taller than my sitting position, she hid her eyes.

Kneel. Gill knelt, her hands still behind her head.

I pulled on the plastic coated end of the tie to my jogging pants. The knot undid easily.

Pull these down. Gill took her hands from behind her head and grasped the waist band and eased the jogging bottom down over my hips, exposing my cock, then passed my knees that I had obligingly pulled up and together to help her.

Suck it. I ordered her when the garment was on the floor next to my foot and I had once again, placed my feet down and parted me knees to either side of her slim body.

She didn't respond at first, I was about to repeat the order, but she grasped my cock at its root and lowered her head. Her mousy brown hair hid her face, but I could feel the heat of her breath as her mouth descended slowly toward my flaccid prick. Then the pleasure of her warm, moist mouth enveloped my length. I felt her teeth rub slightly as the head passed through to rest on her tongue.

Somewhat inexpertly, she began to bob her head, sucking my cock into her mouth, allowing only the head to pass between her lips and teeth. In a strange way, it was quite erotic, knowing that she was inexperienced, I didn't know if she was a virgin or not, but could guess that her lovers were counted in multiple of ones. It made a change to the usual bimbo I was more accustomed to; sexual athletes with all the guile of a guided missile. Gill's ineptitude made a refreshing change; it had a positive effect on my cock. Her mouth was working a magic, causing hardness and need to shoot a load quickly.

I didn't want to just come in her mouth and then send her home. Seeing that she was payment, I wanted to get full value, after all, she was costing me the best part of fifty grand, albeit, indirectly.

Stop. She took her mouth away from my twitching cock that glistened from her saliva, but did not look up at me.

Stand. She stood up, letting her hands fall to her sides. Part your legs. She shuffled her feet apart. I looked at her furriness for a moment or two, savouring her freshness and natural look. So many women shave their pubis these days; it used to be something of a rarity, back in the sixties, but now appeared to be 'D rigour'. Seeing a woman in her full glory was a nice change.

I raised my hand, running a palm up the inside of her thigh until it reached her hidden lips. Her heat radiated through the coarse hair and was slightly damp. She shivered at the initial touch, but remained standing as before. Slowly, I worked my hand into her labia, my thumb butting against her pubic bone as her lips parted and lubricated automatically.

Twisting slightly, I pushed a finger between her slick lips and entered her cunt, not deeply, just enough to make her gasp at the intrusion. Her secretions increased, coating my finger, easing its entry into her body. The pad of my thumb sought and found her clitoris and began to rub the sensitive vestigial cock in a circular motion. I was surprised at its size, although I could not see it, my thumb told me that it was a substantial organ and would be pronounced if her hair was shaved off. I could feel it harden as blood suffused it. I wanted suddenly, to have it between my teeth, but resisted the urge.

The combination of finger and thumb was having a nice effect, involuntarily; her hips were rocking in time to the rubbing, her heat increased as did her slickness. Gill's breathing was becoming shallow, irregular and ragged. Her hands twitched as if to pull me away from what I was doing to her. Her knees started to tremble, she moaned a little; I increased the pressure and pace. In a few short minutes, the trembling of her knees had become a positive shaking, they looked to be on the point of collapse, but my hand supported her, kept her upright and continued to agitate her nervous system.

Gill came in a flood, her juice flowed between her thigh and the back of my hand, ran down her leg in a rivulet to pool on the floor. She sighed between clenched teeth and quaked in front of me.

Oh my g. I hushed her with a finger to my lips. I didn't want to hear what she had to say, it would spoil the moment for me. Her body was in a natural state, her orgasm had also been natural, not a screaming fake meant to impress me like so many of my normal bed sharing partners. She stood, demure, quietening and slowly calming down.


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I was I suppose, somewhat surprised by her bodies reaction. Given that we did not know each other, that she was here under duress and that there was no way she could ever be prepared for a situation such as this, her quickness of orgasm was a testament to her sexuality, her body's ability to accommodate, her readiness to mate.

I stood and held her quivering body in my arms, feeling her heart race and thump the other side of her ribs. I wondered how she would react when I took her to my bed.

Turning as one, joined hip to hip, I led her from the study to my bedroom through a connecting door. We stopped at the edge of the bed. Guiding her by steering her by the shoulders, I positioned her next to and facing the bed. I sat in front of her to drink in her body. Again, she stood motionless, with her head and eyes downcast.

Kneel. I ordered her, but more softly now. The need to be masterly or tough seemed inappropriate after the reaction in the study. She knelt again between my knees; as I opened my mouth to order her to suck me again; she grasped my cock and bent at the waist to engulf my turgid cock in her mouth.

This time, her sucking was in no way hesitant as she had been before. She sucked and jerked me into her mouth as if her life depended on it. Her head bobbed up and down, cheeks pulling in then flushing out with the motion. Gill's tongue snaked out to lick the end, her lips parted as her mouth swallowed me again, stuffing as much as her mouth could cram in. It was my turn to sigh. I have been sucked by many, but she was as good, if not better than even some of the professionals. It seemed completely natural for me to be fellated by this strange girl.

I couldn't last much longer at this rate. She was doing to me as I had to her; my orgasm was rushing up, boiling in my balls. I had to stop her or come in her throat. I grasped her head between my hands and eased her back. She held onto my solid erection.

Stand up. She stood as did I. Grasping her shoulders; I turned her around so that we swapped places, then pushed her onto the bed backwards. She lay flat with her legs dangling over the side. I knelt and parted her legs. I could see her moist lips through her dark hair, it was my first sight, her clit was as I suspected, quite large, almost a cock in its own right, being about half an inch in length. I had to have it between my teeth.

It was very nearly what I imagined it would be like sucking a small dick. Her clit was hard and became harder as I suckled on it. The effect on Gill was immediate and devastating. Her hips jerked, trapping me top lip between her pubic bone and my teeth. It hurt like hell, but didn't stop me sucking her even harder. My lip was bruised I knew, but having this woman come again was my all consuming desire.

She grasped my head, pulling my hair to force my face into her. Breathing was difficult, but I wasn't about to cease the attention my tongue was giving to her fabulous clit. I wanted her come in my mouth, very soon, with a cry, she rewarded me with a stream of girl cream, it was far too much for me to swallow and ran down my chin and neck, soaking my torso and upper thighs.

I wasn't finished with her though; still sucking gently on her wonderful clit, my index finger slid between her lips, I crooked it to lodge behind her bone, feeling the ribbed inside of her cunt. I manipulated her inside as if in a beckoning motion, the ribbed ridges were pronounced and became even more so with my fingers insistent rubbing. Gill was writhing now, her head thrashing from side to side as I brought her straight away to another crashing climax.

She squealed and yanked her knees up as it struck her. Another flood sprayed my tongue and face to join the spreading pool on the wooden floor. My finger stayed inside to be joined by another as I got up from my knees, leaving the puddle to cool on the floor. I knelt beside her on the bed and began to finger fuck her in a furious pace, no gentleness, just a rapid fucking that I knew she would not be able to withstand for very long. I could feel her clit rubbing on the inside of my palm, that, with the finger fucking very quickly brought her off again.

She clutched me in a tight embrace, almost desperately squeezing my waist against her quaking body. What a delight she was turning out to be.

Fuck me? Fuck me please?

It was a demand I was more than happy, more than ready to comply with. She scooted up the bed as I nodded my consent. Now she looked at me, now she looked into my eyes for the first time since her arrival in my house. Green irises stared back at me in pleading. They struck me as very beautiful, having a depth and life that I could only wonder at.

On her back, she parted her knees, once more uttering fuck me. I too scooted up the bed, between her legs. Until now, my only contact with her had been mouth or hands, now I wanted more than anything to be skin to skin, horizontal and buried inside her to the root.

I kissed her mouth, tasting my sex on her lips as my tongue slipped between her parted lips. The kiss lingered, growing in passion, we joined at our mouths and then with our genitalia. My cock slipped into her fury sheath. Her knees came up, ankles crossed behind my back, her hips raised to allow me to plumb her depths.

I started slowly, drawing back as far as she would allow me, sliding into her, being pulled in by her legs. Gradually, I increased the pace, building towards my climax, trying to last for as long as possible, getting deeper with each thrust. My balls roiled with unspent come, blood surged to my cock; my tongue caressed her mouth, our breath mingled hot together.

Stop. Stop she managed around my tongue.

Bewildered, I stopped pumping into her, wondering what the matter was. Without another word, she reached down between our hips and grasped my cock at the base. I lifted a little to see what she was about to do. Was she going to take my seed in her mouth after all, or jerk me over her milk-white tits? The answer, when it became apparent; surprised me yet again. She positioned the head of my cock and then breathed, now push.

I entered into her ass at her insistence, passing her outer muscle ring to lodge deep inside her anus. Again, I started slowly, but she had other ideas, with desperate hip thrusts, she set a pace that would have me exploding inside her ass in no time at all. I could feel the tightness of her sphincter around my base was too much, I exploded in a blur of motion, nervous release and climactic release. Spurt after spurt of my hot cream flooded her ass as I kept thrusting into her until the last drop was squeezed and milked from me.

Totally spent, I collapsed on top of her, trying to get my breath back and control my thudding heart rate. Gill was constricting her muscles, milking the last drops from me. I slipped from her body quietly. Gills legs released me body, we parted to lie side by side.

Did I do well? She asked.

Incredulous, all I could say was, Fuck yes. That was incredible.

Does it pay my father debt?

Yes and yes again, he is all paid up. I answered.

Oh.that is a shame. She cast her eyes up at me and then said, I thought I might have to be brought to you several times. I had hoped I would be anyway. Can I be indebted to you for something else? Her eyes betrayed no guile, just a longing as she asked.

You came to me as payment, with no will in the bargain, you liked that?

I have wanted just that for so long. Dreamt of it; thank you for making a dream come true.

- The End -

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Gay Dominated By A Mature Top

Hey everyone. Its been a while since I have written, apart from all the encounters I have had so far, I really liked this once, hence the story begins; I am 19 years old, tall, athletic and bit chubby I was really horny and put up an ad online. Scrolling through the responses, I found a mature top, who seemed very direct, he introduced himself and he said he was 47 years old and was half Israeli, tall and pretty bulky, he was a bit fair and went by the name of lavi. He asked me to come over and...

Gay Male
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EchoesChapter 9 The Sergeant

I opened my eyes and saw myself, twice. I saw me, Sammy Kendall — the me I'd already met, and whose body we both now occupied, but standing a few feet off my other shoulder was another Sam Kendall, and this one looked a lot more like the new me than the old one. "I know which one of me you are, Sammy," I said giving him a nod. "And you?" "Sergeant Sam Kendall, United States Marine Corp," came my answer. "Hmm. I did the military bit in my own life, but I'm guessing you did it with...

2 years ago
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Miss Marilyn

I tripped over the metal threshold of the doorway as I hurried into the gas station’s store. I looked down immediately to see what my foot had hit then looked up, embarrassed, to see the reactions of the other two people who were inside. They averted their stares as soon as I looked over their way. I wanted a quick cup of cappuccino to drink as I drove the long distance from Cincinnati back to Michigan and fill my tank before the rush. Ignoring everything except my personal mission,...

3 years ago
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Whores and Pimps Part IV

Whores and Pimps - Part IV By Michele Nylons (Warning - Contains Incest) Michele lay on the bed sated; splashes of semen glistened on her stockings, blouse, face and hair. Steve, Joe and Bill stood around the bed looking at her, their erections slowly subsiding. She looked across the room and saw that Ellie had returned to administering to the fat cop's needs. She was on her knees and her pretty face bobbed up and down in the fat cop's lap. The fat cop was sprawled...

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First Step Towards Exotic World 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, My name is Kritika. I live in Bengaluru. I am continuing the story on ISS after the 1st part posted by Abinash. I am going to narrate my real-life incidents. Here is the second part of the story. If you have not read the first part, then read it first. I will be continuing the further parts of the story encountered with Abinash. I am sorry for the delay to submit the remaining parts. Quite a few of you have enquired with me about the next part. Without wasting...

3 years ago
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Love in the Cross Hairs Ch 03

Peter’s first reaction was disbelief. He spoke again, ‘Laurie?’ Laurie had her back to the ocean, a stiff cold land breeze was in her face. More wind than breeze, it smacked her in the face, it swept her breath away, through a hacking cough she rasped, ‘Peter?’ Peter sort of recognized the voice. It sounded a lot like Laurie’s, only it was caught up in some grating hoarse shallow whisper. Could it be her, really her? His face was to the first grey warnings of the sunrise, hers trapped n the...

1 year ago
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Tribulations of a Princess

To Readers: Feel free to add a chapter if you want, I don't really deny anything from being published. The more content there is means the more readers there are and ideas that can be formed into new story chapters or entire arcs. Mo' princesses, mo' sex. Anyway, thank you for reading and enjoy. Forum Page (Updates & Polls): http://forum.chyoa.com/threads/tribulations-of-a-princess.707/ ______________________________________ A princess. Always a beautiful young woman who had been pampered all...

4 years ago
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The Next Caruso

There are three parts to this story. The third has been posted, but I am deleting and reposting in the hope that all three parts will be together. For reasons I will never understand my 150 stories are scattered willy-nilly throughout my list rather than being arranged either alphabetically or by posting date. I would think that any database could be sorted in one of those two ways. Enjoy the story. Senorlongo INTRODUCTION I was three when I started singing in church and even...

2 years ago
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Young sex

He was fifty two and had his face between the eighteen year old's pussy for over an hour. He loved young cunt and she loved having her cunt licked and fucked. She never could get enough. He took turns sucking her clit then tongue fucking her cunt and sucking the cum out of it. She would always cum hard and many times for him. He loved the taste of her sweet cream. He then mounted her and shoved his thick cock deep in her hole and began fucking her hard. As he fucked her he grabbed a nipple...

1 year ago
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Tugging One For The Team Part 1

My beautiful mature wife, Candy, was relentlessly tugging and stroking with one well-lubed hand while with the other she was tickling and gently scratching lower down. She was whispering encouragement and waiting for the explosion that was building. The only problem was, it wasn’t me she was jacking off, but a young man we had met only a few days before and I was listening to everything from my hiding place with a mixture of excitement and anguish. Pour yourself a drink and settle in while I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Milking Time B2 Chapter 4 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 4: Ebony & Jordan Part 3Jordan collapsed onto her stomach after Ebony pulled out of her ass, and lay gasping, trying to catch her breath and recover, after Ebony's onslaught. Ebony reached over and spun Jordan around, so that she stood right in front of Jordan's face with her dick right level of with Jordan's mouth. Jordan screamed as Ebony pushed her huge cockhead against her lips. "No please! You can't," Jordan wailed, her cries cut short as Ebony forced her huge cock into her...

3 years ago
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Sex With Hot Bhabhi Part 2 Jyoti Ki Chudai

Jyoti bhabhi ke ghar main chai peekar apne ghar chala gaya. Ghar jaake bhabhi ki baatein yaad karke mujhe lag raha tha ki bhabhi apni sex life se satisfied nahi hai. Unke husband bahar hi rehta hai aur woh unko satisfy nahi kar paata hoga. Phir maine bathroom mein WhatsApp pe unki dp dekh ke muth maari. Phir do din baad meri didi ne bataya ki Jyoti bhabhi ka phone aaya tha. Unhe market se kuch lena hai bhaiya ghar par nahi hai to chale jaana. Me- Kya yaar aurto wale kaam nahi hote mujhse (show...

2 years ago
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Case Study 301 So your family wants to become nudists and swingers

Chapter 14 Thank you for returning to another exciting chapter in the ongoing saga of Kristen Foster and her plight. I want to warn those who have sensibilities about incest between grown men and younger women. This is your warning to leave NOW and choose another option as this chapter will contain such subject matter. Even though our protagonist is now in her early twenties she reveals certain things during her therapy sessions that just happened to occur to her when she was a...

4 years ago
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Hells brothel part 8

She backed up away from me as far as her restraints would allow her before pleading with me to not shock her with a small rectangular taser. I pressed the metal tips into one if her nipples and activated it. With some difficulty, I kept the taser against her sensitive breasts as she shook and thrashed. After I pulled it away from her, she continued to spasm and cry out as the current passed through her body. This was a really fun toy and it was also cheaper than the car batteries and jumper...

3 years ago
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The secretary saw me coming

I like to flash, I wasn't always, this actually made its way into me after I've been picked up by a security agent in a mall toilets where I was wanking, not to show my dick, but in hope a guy would see me and want to go further together... I was then accused of trying to flash and the idea came that I actually would like to do so. I watched flashing vids on xhamster and began searching how to do it, how not to get caught, and so on. I am currently at my beginnings, I'm still pretty shy, and...

1 year ago
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Denise the submissive mom0

Chapter 1 - The Preparation For Denise's Gangbang Begins Rocky decided he had enough of Denise , after all she was just an old hag with a pervert husband he had met at the mall. So he called 3 of his pals to come over , he told them to bring pot. Denise & Bill had plenty of Beer & liquor in the house. So as he fisted Denise (something new for Denise ) He had Bill set up the bar with booze and beer & told them he was having 3 friends come over "Why" Denise asked curiously . Well...

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Store party Monday night

I pulled into the drive at home and realized both my parents were home. I did a quick check to see if anything was obviously out of place. I knew my body was sticky, but a quick check of the mirror didn’t look too bad. I came in, hung my coat and headed for my room. I grabbed some fresh clothes and hit the shower. As I got out of the shower, I noticed all the scratches and marks over my body. Teeth marks on my chest and scratches on my hips and ass. I thought back, but couldn’t distinctly...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 12

Steve I was laying on my back, with Gio on my left shoulder and Juanita on my right. I could see the clock on the other side of the room showing that it was right at six AM. We were up later than usual last night. Even after coming to bed, my ladies were more active than usual, but what is normal for these women? Poor Gio, I could tell she wanted to be loved, but all she received was a lot of kisses and hugs. Our baby is more important than sex. The other girls are being almost overly...

4 years ago
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Slammed In The Slammer

Slammed In The SlammerAUTHOR JeepsterCODES MMM/F, preg, interr, gangDISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and...

2 years ago
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WristDeep in the Cunt Hole Fisting Tessa at the Burlesque

I never thought of myself primarily as a "lesbian", but since I'm definitely into women, I was necessarily part of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community. I don't have a problem with that, nor am I particularly proud of it. It just became part of my life, but I don't define myself through my sexual orientation. Life's too varied for that.However, I needed some orientation in that environment first. Where I live there's no real "scene"; the town is too small for that, which...

4 years ago
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A Special Kind of Love Ch 05

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Billy did. We were both sleeping on my bed. Billy had insisted that he sleep on the couch in the living room, but I wouldn’t have it. He was lying on his right side, a pillow in between his ankles so that he could elevate his broken left leg. With him turned away from me, I decided to give him back scratches throughout the majority of the night. It was never easy for him to sleep in places other than his own bed. That was part of the reason why I wanted...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 14

Carry takes over the Narrative: The following new character appear in the next few chapters: Major Jones Mercenary Commander, 5’-11’’ tall, 210 pounds, 40 years old, short black hair, blue eyes Saturday morning I didn’t want to get up. Chuck and I had made love twice last night before finally cuddling up together under the blanket and sleeping for a good nine hours. It was nice and warm here under the blanket with him, and I was one very satisfied woman lying next to the man who I had...

2 years ago
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slutty wife gets tits stuck 3

this is the very short finish of this story. Please read parts 1 & 2 and comment if you want more stories and pictures.When i got home and no one was there i called out and the guys next door said my wife was over at there place. I whent over to find her topless and covered in cum knowing what a slut she had become this was no shock and i was only interested in the story of how it happened. This was all explained to me which got us all turned on and my slutty wife spent the next few hours...

1 year ago
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Asian Persuasion

I’d been working as a doorman of this club called The Loft for two years now. It was a good job. Good pay, $30 an hour. Flexible hours so I could study during the week, I typically only worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. People always asked, doesn’t it suck having to work every weekend while they got to drink? Not really. I was used to working weekends so it didn’t bother me. And who says we didn’t drink? Security was notorious for having a scotch or two while on the job. And staffies...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 7

Elsa bit her bottom lip in a cute and sexy but also slightly nervous mannerism. She nodded her head slowly at first but quickly gained confidence. She gave her hips a little wiggle. Her pussy stretched wide around the head of my cock. Her tight pink lips were rubbing over the hyper sedative glands of my cock. The thick tip of my cock brushed across the thin veil of her hymen. I held her slim waist, holding her steady. Her waist, barely 22 inches, looked even smaller with my hands around it....

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The Threesome 2

The Threesome (c) Abe Froman The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature; if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is consensual or purely coincidental. Thanks go out to Ashley for inspiration and...

4 years ago
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Mother in Laws Wish

I have recently posted experienced enjoyed with my mother in law. Here is another...... We had been having sex, either with Sally, or without, more so without as she had little free time that coincided with ours. Joan had excelled as a pupil but one day she decided that she wanted to experiment a little more. To my surprise she told me that she had read of a woman being "Spit Roasted" and that she wanted to try it. I explained the facts of what she was going to do and I could see that...

3 years ago
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CAST.CSA  31/03/95                              Page 1 of 14 Dear Madam Candida,Keep up your good work in the creation of your excellent magazine Madame in a World of Fantasy. I am always eagerly waiting for each new issue and the fascinating stories contained within it. I am glad that it appears you liked the last story I sent you and have tried hard to produce another exciting story. I have many other ideas on how this story could develop and am considering producing a second part to the...

1 year ago
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Being Mr Millers Slut Part 3

Introduction: Continution of Mr. Miller series Fall was coming soon. I realized that it had been almost a year since Mr. Miller had raped me in his cornfield and turned me into his personal fuck slut. In that time, Id finally grown but only an inch, I was now 49 not even quite five feet. My brown hair hung down to my back now long and thick, and my tits had finally pushed past my B cup and I was wearing a 32C bra at just fourteen. Id heard my mother say, when she thought I couldnt hear, that it...

3 years ago
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Trust Fall Ch 07

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Copyright © 2014 Tess Quince All Rights Reserved Chapter Seven BEN SHEPPARD CALLS ME A few hours after I stormed out on Susan. Danielle is right, he does have a sexy phone voice. The first thing I say is ‘Thank you for breakfast…and the flowers…and the gift.’ ‘You’re welcome,’ he says in that voice. ‘I’d like to see you again if that’s okay, but I’m tied up the next couple of days. They’ve got these guys working major overtime down...

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BB 4 final

As always! I write stories for money. If you want more on my archives or my rates - email me at [email protected] p4Becky had been allowed to sleep in her own bed that night but she didn’t sleep at all. Not one wink, and the times that she did, I was sure she had nightmares about me. I knew it, I saw it in her eyes the morning after. She wouldn’t confess it to me but I could tell. Those welding, puffy wide black deep Mexican eyes were begging to tell and spill all her souls secrets to...

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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Tammy

Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...

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FiremenPart 5 Fire Chief

The old Fire Chief had retired, and everyone was downtown at the retirement ceremony. Now that the ceremony was over, the men would start arriving back at the station any minute now. The first one back to the station was the new Chief. He had only been assigned to the fire house in the last few days, and he was still finding his way around. He was one of the youngest men ever promoted to Chief, and he felt like he needed to prove himself to the men. He walked in through the back door, stopped...

2 years ago
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SECRET by Barney CHAPTER 1 I have always known that my sister is a ball-breaking bitch but I never could have anticipated what she would do to her boyfriend, my best friend. Matt was my best friend through school and when we left and got jobs, we both worked in the same department for the same employer. It was only natural that we would become flat mates. Our friendship was forged due to a number of factors, the most important ones being that we were both underdeveloped as...

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