TeaseChapter 3 free porn video

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It had been over a month since Ron had last made love to his niece, Lisa. Of course, it had also been a month since he had last even seen her as well because every time he saw her, they ended up having sex. He moped around his apartment, trying to get his mind off her. She was driving him crazy without doing a thing!

He remembered the day she showed up at his workplace. Her shorts a little too short, her top a little too tight, her hug a little too long and that kiss. His coworkers stared as he fumbled for words that she was his niece, while the words ‘WE ARE HAVING SEX’ were written all over his face and her body. He quickly gathered his things and led her out to have lunch. Just lunch. Not to that hotel just a couple blocks away. Not to the front desk, passing his credit card and receiving a key. Not leading her up the elevator, arms entangled. Not entering that room, clean and ready to receive them, two lovers. Not quickly undressing, lustily. Not laying her on the bed. Not fucking her, making her moan and then scream out as she comes hard, and he fills her with his sperm. No, we are just going to have lunch! Shit!

He rolls off of her, sated, “Oh God, girl! You are crazy! And I’m crazy for you!”

He scurries back to his office, leaving her in the shower and telling her she can stay as long as she likes. And telling her to please stay and he will come back to her that evening. Telling her to get room service if she wants lunch. He hurries past his coworkers as they stare and hides at his desk, his own meal forgotten.

He also remembers some of her stories she told him; her confessions. Ha! That’s a thought. She told him about the time when she was 14 and actually went to confession.

“One time, during recess, I had snuck off to the chapel. There was a Confessional there. I thought it would be cool to hide in there and, well, pleasure myself right in the church! I went in; no one was using it at the moment ... I sat down on the little padded kneeling bench, the kneeler, stretched my legs apart, and pulled up my skirt. There were a few people, old women mainly, in the pews just outside the door and here I was ready to diddle myself. I wondered what they would think if they knew.

Well, anyway, I sat down, legs apart, and hand up my skirt. I get comfortable, pulling my panties down. I wet my fingers and am playing with my clit and then suddenly there’s a noise on the other side and the little shutter opens! A priest must have seen me enter! I had been to confession before and knew the routine. But of course, I was NOT prepared for this. I froze, not moving. I hear his greeting. He’s pretty young, maybe 20’s?

Anyway, I nearly jumped out of my skin and was about to bolt out, but his voice was calm and quiet, almost refreshing. He told me not to be shy. That everything I said was in confidence. I guess he thought I was new. He had seen me come in and knew I was young, not one of the old women outside. But he must not have been able to see me. Of course, sitting instead of kneeling didn’t put my face where he could see. I still had my skirt up and knickers down.

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been well, a long time since my last confession.”

I giggled and felt a rush as I said that. He replied that it was ok and not to be bashful. Well, I guess I wasn’t since I hadn’t bolted. But I did start talking, kinda rambling ... and touching myself at the same time. It was exciting. Really exciting, knowing I was ‘confessing’ my sins to a priest only inches away as I finger fucked myself.

“I have had impure thoughts, sir.”

“You are very young, but it isn’t unusual to have such thoughts.”

“I have kissed boys, men,” as I continued slowly touching myself.

“That’s not necessarily a sin, my child.”

I felt myself build. It was so ... titillating. I imagined him being able to see me. Like a peep show.

“I have had relations.”

He must have noticed a change in my voice as well as what I was saying, ‘cause he just said, “Oh ... Uh, go on.”

I was really getting excited now. There were noises. Moist sounds. And my legs scrapped the wood walls.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

I had a bit of a hard time answering, “I’ve had carnal knowledge ... Of men.”

He flustered a bit and said that I should try to work at loving Jesus instead ... or something like that. I was kinda busy. He seemed to sense something.

“Miss, is everything ok? You seem ... anxious, upset, maybe?”

I had closed my eyes and focused on trying to make myself come. I pushed my fingers into my pussy, rubbing inside and out. I know I was panting, but still tried to answer.

“I ... do ... things. I ... have thoughts, like ... now! Uugh! Oh!”

I stifle myself but bumped the wall as I shake to my orgasm. I’m orgasming in a church, in a confessional, with a priest just on the other side of me!

“Miss! You seem ... agitated. Do you need a doctor? Uh, I think. Oh ... OH! Please, Miss, I don’t think this is appropriate ... SORRY!”

Suddenly, he bolts out of there. I know he’s figured out what I was doing. I take a breath, I smell my odor. I’m sure he had too. And maybe could see me through the grill. I had slid down onto the floor, knees wide, and my elbow resting on the kneeler, legs bare, and my hand still rubbing.

As I recovered, I wiped myself on my panties, and then out of a whim, I stuffed them on the side of the kneeler, sure that they would be found. I smiled at that thought and snuck out of there as quickly as I could.”

Ron took a breath, still pacing his apartment. That girl was crazy, alright ... but so was he!

There was that time, well several times, that he “had” to pick her up after school. She dropped into his car in her typical Catholic high school uniform with its now definitely too short pleated skirt and its definitely too tight white button-down shirt. She immediately got rid of her buckle shoes and yanked off her socks. There’s nothing like fucking a 16-year-old “Catholic” girl with her skirt up to her hips and bra-less shirt unbuttoned, especially when you are her uncle, and she throws herself at you to relieve her stress of the day. SHIT! If I’m caught, Bubba is sure to have fun with me!!

Well, my sweet Lisa is wound up after school and as typical, has her knees again dashboard, feet bare, and that beautiful pleated school girl uniform skirt up against her crotch, glimpses of panty covered pussy, legs exposed, two buttons on her shirt now open, cleavage bare ... what’s not to like?

Ron groaned internally as she leaned over to kiss him, right there still in the school driveway. He makes it quick in order to not attract Bubba. But he makes the mistake of asking her where she wants to go, instead of just taking her home ... that is to HER home. FUCK! Yes, of course, she wants to go parking somewhere, again, and she wants him to screw her. She says she NEEDS it. So what is a guy to do?

Interestingly, he never looked at the other Catholic school girls coming out of the door at the end of the school day, ok, well, looked, but didn’t touch, ok, well, there was that ONE time.

“Hi, Ron! This is Karen. Karen, this is my uncle Ron.”

He looks towards the back seat to see another incredibly foxy 16-year-old school girl climbing into his car.

“Oh, ah, hi, Karen, glad to meet you.”

He looks away from between her legs and up to her eyes. Oh ... she is cute, adorable. SHIT! He shakes her hand. That delicate little teenage hand, lingering holding it a bit too long.

“Hi, Mister ... ah, Ron”, she demurely, but seductively, replies.

He knows he is in trouble ... again, as he gives his niece a look like WFT?

Lisa pronounces, “Take us somewhere. You know.”


He knows she wants to go to his place. ‘somewhere, you know’. Bubba’s waiting, and his will power is zilch. On the way, Lisa has articulated that this cute little teenage hottie here is wanting. Wants Ron to release her from her virginity. DOUBLE SHIT!

Ron looks at Lisa like, NO WAY, but Lisa looks back with YES WAY. Apparently, Karen doesn’t like boys either but isn’t gay. She wants a man. She also knows to keep her mouth closed. Lisa also likes her and trusts her and has talked to her about her uncle. About how he is gentle and loving and cares ... and is good in bed.

Ron isn’t so sure, but his little man directs him to HIS home instead of HERs. FUCK!

Inside, Lisa immediately heads for the liquor cabinet. Ron groans that he is breaking so many laws, but his stupid little man is overriding sensibility. Lisa pours three shots of Tequila and Ron grudgingly, well maybe not totally grudgingly, gets a lime from the refrigerator.

Three shots each later, the trio are well south of the border. They are also shedding their clothes amongst the nearly continuous giggles of the two girls. ‘This is crazy! Crazy!’ Ron keeps thinking, even as his mental abilities become impaired.

The girls are laughing and kissing each other, and another round of shots and another slice of lime are gone. He closes the liquor cabinet, telling them they are cut off!! He is greeted by giggles and laughs and now kisses for him. He feels Karen’s little tongue sliding into his mouth. Her little teen body, now sans skirt, shirt, shoes and socks, only bra and panties remaining, is pressed against his body. She’s soft and warm and cuddly, a few inches shorter and maybe 10 pounds lighter than his sweet niece.

Lisa starts unbuttoning his clothes as he continues French kissing his newfound friend. She’s not holding back, just as Lisa said.

“Karen wants you to be her first,” Lisa had stated matter-of-factly as Karen nodded, smiling.

Initially, Karen had been shy, but now, drunk, she was all over Ron. The two of them were stripping him fast. He wasn’t resisting either. By now, all three were, well, entirely nude. Tits and butts are swinging all around him. Two sixteen-year-old girls and one thirty-something guy. All drunk and laughing and falling over things, chasing each other in a tickle battle. Ron no longer thought of himself as older. He was another teen playing, drinking, and likely soon to be fucking.

He grabbed Karen and lifted her light body up into the air, all giggles and laughs. Lisa snuck up on him, tickling his side. He releases Karen and turns to grab Lisa.

“Oww!” Karen exclaims, hopping on one foot. She had hit the end table.

She drops onto the couch as Lisa and Ron turn towards her. She’s nursing her stubbed toes; leg bent and hurt foot sitting on her other knee.

“Here, let me see,” Ron says as he kneels before her.

He gently takes her foot, wiggles her hurt toes as he watches her face. He pronounces that they are not broken and proceeds to play ‘This little piggy... ‘ with each toe as she laughs and giggles.

He moves her leg, unfolding it and placing them apart. Looking down her thighs, he has his first clear view of her young virgin pussy lips below her trimmed dark brown bush. His hands slowly slide up her inner thighs, as his eyes flick between watching her face and looking at her young snatch.

Lisa sits down on the couch beside Karen. Ron looks over at Lisa, inquiringly. She nods her approval wordlessly as the two girls pant to catch their breath. Ron kisses partway up Karen’s thigh, then pauses, looking at her face. She slouches down, her crotch now inches from his face. Her eyes showing desire mixed with anxiousness. Lisa leans over and puts her arms around Karen, and they kiss as Ron continues.

He reaches Karen’s bush, kissing her fur as his hands hold her hips, pelvic bones protruding. He does one last look up only to see the two girls are totally locked lips. His mouth slides downwards below her bush and into her pussy. A muffled groan comes from her. He tastes strong female, musky from the school day and their recent activity. Young with hints of soap and perfume, he licks her, hearing her moaning above him. She slouches more, pressing herself into his face.

He sucks her clit and licks into her slit, his desire for her rising through the intoxication of his drinks. She does little quivers and bucks to his touches. He looks up, and his hands go to her cereal bowl breasts, nipples hard. He massages them gently at first, increasing slowly.

The two have paused their kisses. Karen’s hands go to Ron’s head, urging him back downwards as her fingers run through his hair. Lisa watches Ron and holds Karen in her arms, continuing to give light kisses onto her neck and cheek.

Ron returns to lapping up Karen’s now wet pussy. Her legs spread wide and her breathing in short huffs as she moans and groans and wiggles under him. Suddenly, she ripples and shakes in little fits.

“Cumming ... Cumming!” Karen moans in a cute little squeak of a cry as her orgasm rolls through her body, eyes tightly shut, mouth open. Her hands clench his.

Lisa hugs her as Karen continues little fits of shakes while Ron continues his attacks with his tongue.

He finally relents and leans back as Lisa bends to kiss him, purposefully licking his lips to taste Karen’s juices on him. She urges Karen to join, Ron leans forward with his hands on her thighs as his lips meet hers. She tastes herself, rekindling her desires even as she is still in her inebriated afterglow.

They all stop for a moment, catching their breath. Lisa whispered something to Karen, and then they pulled on Ron as they stand to lead him to his bedroom. He watched as two little wiggling butts dragged him willingly to his potential heaven and possible hell.

Lisa sat Ron down on his bed.

“Ron, my love, be gentle. She’s never done this, but she wants you. We talked about this, and she really does want you to be her first. I want you to do this for her!”

He wasn’t at all sure about this, even after eating Karen out. It’s one thing to have oral sex, but this is, well, virgin territory for her. And statutory rape for him. Of course, he’s already got sexual molestation and delinquency of a minor... 20 years to life any way you look at it.

But Lisa’s urgings and hugs and kisses along with Karen’s sweet looks and her kisses as well have disarmed him. Not to mention the assistance of numerous ounces of alcohol.

Lisa whispers that she wants Ron to lie down, and Karen is going to climb on top. He has no problem with that. None at all. Best, as Karen is so small and he doesn’t want to hurt her.

Lisa whispers, “Do you have a condom?”

He starts for the drawer beside the bed. Lisa completes the task, retrieving one and then, with a few slurps and rubs, gloves his stiff manhood. Lisa has told Karen that Ron is big, but not that big. He’s, well, perfect size for us. For us teens...

Karen giggles as she climbs on top of Ron. She’s still spinning from the Tequila, her afterglow, and is heated from the excitement. She is also tense at the upcoming event. A major one for her. Ron’s hands rest on Karen’s thighs, now on either side of his hips. His gloved stiffy is pushed against her belly.

Lisa gives Karen a kiss and whispers instructions to her. Karen tentatively touches Ron’s rod. It moves, and she giggles, but she wraps her hand around the base, near the bottom of the glove, just as she has been told. He groans at her touch. She is less aggressive than Lisa. She is hesitant at each step and still wobbly from drink. She rubs up and down it just a little. Her free hand slides down his chest to her crotch, which is up against his balls. Both hands play with him.

Ron’s mind blanks as he watches her beautiful blue eyes dart from his face to his shaft. He sees her get excited and the decision made. She lifts and, with Lisa’s help, guides Ron to her slit. She’s still wet from his earlier attack. She’s scared, her inexperience showing, even though still drunk.

Lisa helps her lift and position herself. Karen glances at Lisa and then fixates on Ron’s eyes, which are locked unblinking at her wonderfully glowing face. He smiles, almost shyly. He is about to receive her virginity.

He hears Lisa, “Now just sit down, push in. Do it fast.”

And she does. She lets out a whimper as her maidenhood is pierced, and she feels him filling her, filling her more than she expected. Her eyes flare wide, almost in surprise. Her mind swirls in newfound feelings. Emotions flow through her. She feels love, desire, lust. She feels him throb inside her newly pierced puss hole. Her pelvic muscles clench involuntarily. She lets out a breath and releases the tension as Lisa smiles and kisses her cheek. She’s no longer a virgin.

Ron is glued to her eyes, waiting for what is about to happen. Lisa tells her, “Now,” and suddenly, she’s pushing down, impaling herself. He feels his dick enveloped and heated, pressed into this amazingly hot, tight and slippery place. Even wrapped in the condom, he can feel her pelvic muscles squeeze as she adjusts herself on him. He’s glad the alcohol and condom have slowed him, else he would have burst right at that very moment; between the incredible feeling and the beautiful look of her flushed face, strands of hair falling over her eyes and her sweet little mouth opening, licking her lips. He watches her breasts rise and fall to her now heavy breathing. Her blue eyes, wonderous. She smiles at him. An angel’s smile.

Then she moves, no longer needing Lisa’s direction, biology telling her what to do next. He feels his dick sliding out of her warm vise, pause, and then pressed back into her heaven. She’s thrusting in a rhythm now, riding him. He lets her set the pace but starts bucking into her, needing to come.

Karen closes her eyes and is rocking on him, in and out, slowly increasing her stride. She speeds her efforts, humping him hard now. Her breasts bounce up and down as his hands reach them, touching them and squeezing them. She moans, and there’s another burst of speed. He pushes into her, trying to hammer her, no longer wanting to hold back. She’s fucking him hard. Pent up desires released like a rubber band snapping. She’s whimpering in fits as Lisa touches her lower back, near her cowgirl bucking hips. Ron groans trying to hold himself from cumming as he rubs her tummy and then down her bush and between her legs to her clit.

Lisa begins rubbing herself as she watches the hot sex scene playing out in front of her. Her own body wanting to cum. She moves and sits onto Ron’s legs, behind Karen, their bodies rub together as Karen humps. Lisa’s hands slide along Karen’s thighs and hips and then down Ron’s legs and over her own, and into her crotch. Her hands squeeze Karen’s butt as she bounces up and down then slips fingertips in-between Karen’s butt cheeks, touching wet pussy lips and his penetrating dick. Karen shudders to the erotic touches of fingers on both the front and back of her sensitized pussy. She crashes off her cliff, exploding.

“OH!! GAUD! FUCK ME! Cumming!” she nearly yells as her body heaves and shakes in convulsions, losing all rhythm, her mind burning with sexual fireworks as her climax hits hard.

He sees her eyes flash wide, her mouth open, her face flush red, then her orgasm explodes his. He sees heaven in this beautiful young girl and blasts into her. His balls dump wads of sperm in spurt after spurt into the thin plastic sheath that is all that keeps her from pregnancy. His mind blanks of everything as he cums hard. He has taken another young teen. SHIT!!

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Eva Elfie Twitter 17000 679000

Eva Elfie’s Twitter profile is topped with a header image that implores visitors, “Let’s get naughty!” I feel like maybe I’m in a good position to really appreciate the hell out of the thing, because well, I’m always naughty. Then again, I bet this chick can turn the most wholesome, strait-laced dweebs into absolute perverts. I pity the no-fap nerds who stumble onto this growing archive of the pornstar’s posts, because I didn’t last more than a couple minutes before I had to whip my dick out...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 14

*************Decimocuarta parte************* Mi rubia tutora tuvo que consolarme con caricias en el pelo y palabras tranquilizadoras. Yo, por mi parte, estaba m?s que dispuesta a dejarme mimar. Me apoy? sobre su pecho, grande y duro, hasta que mis l?grimas, que por fin hab?an salido en torrente, amainaron de nuevo. ?Despu?s del cambio, los primeros reconocimientos no son agradables, lo s? ?me dec?a, cuando iba recuperando mi compostura?. Ni siquiera conoces a?n tu cuerpo como para que te lo examine ...

3 years ago
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Slutty Mom8217s Illicit Affair Helps Son Fuck Her

Hi guys, I am sharing my erotic experience with you all about how I got to fuck my own juicy mom! I am from Mumbai city. I, mom and dad stay together. Dad is a manager in a private company. My mom is a housewife, a very good housewife. She is not skinny nor too bulky, she is perfect. Her boobs and ass are in great shape and size. Mom mostly wears saree. At night, mom wears nighty, sometimes without a bra. So, coming back to the story. It was a regular day in November. I took leave for my...

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Turning to Darkness P5

Part 5. Monday morning Rachel went to see the school guidance councilor. She told him that her father had been abusing her and r****g her. The councilor looked quite worried, “This is very serious. Do you have any proof?” he asked. “What do you want a fucking video?” Rachel blurted in disperse. “Please calm down Miss.” The councilor said gently. “You cant just go making accusations like that; you are talking about some serious criminal charges being laid against your father. The police will...

2 years ago
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You Go First Samantha Said

Jake phoned me Tuesday morning and told me to come visit him that afternoon. His parents were going to take their houseguests to the world-famous museum of fine art in our city, and he and I would have the house to ourselves.Of course I knew what he meant – Jake and I had been having sex for months now, though until recently always at night, in the back seat of his car. This was another opportunity for Jake to use me, and in a real bed again. What kind of guy would look forward to being used as...

1 year ago
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RoadhouseChapter 5

Dom and I discussed the need for a better supply of meat, if the local butcher had put one over Fred by selling mutton instead of lamb I didn't want to deal with him. "What's the local publican like Dom?" "He's a pretty decent bloke Tony, what have you got in mind?" "Pubs usually serve first class food, I wonder where he gets his meat." "Only one way to find out mate, let's go and talk to him." Dom drove an old 'B' model Ford so we got in and he drove into town. Parking...

2 years ago
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Dousing The fire within

   Pale white skin, dark brown hair tied up to a pony tail, green eyes and an intoxicating, sweet smile. Jane often admired herself in the mirror, there was no doubt in the fact that she was proud of her physique and always had an attire that would do justice to her body. ‘You’re one sexy babe in the world’ she would often whisper to herself and giggle. In college she didn’t have a lot of friends, but all the friends she had, was quite dear to her. One of those were, Ashley. Ashley was as...

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My stepsisters

Long before I met Amy, I became addicted to watching and being watched. When I was younger, still living at home with my parents, I slept in a room that was directly next to both of my sisters, a common door connected our rooms, but it remained closed most of the time. Every once in a while, when I could not sleep, I would knock on the door and talk with them. There was nothing going on, I would simply sit on the floor between their beds and talk about stuff. Now my sisters were not...

2 years ago
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A Gothic Weekend in Whitby

GOTH GIRL For any of you thinking of spending time on Teesside, I have to tell you that after three months there I had more than exhausted the charms of Billingham! Teesside is an area in the North East of England which is dominated by chemical plants and associated industries. A number of smallish towns have effectively merged into one large conurbation. I work for a company that designs and installs computer control mechanisms for complex and potentially dangerous processes. We...

3 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 39

Earth Hillside Lake Dungeon, Ontario August 17, 2019 16:52 EDT It was easy to see which of them was the leader. He was truly massive, with long unkempt black hair that fell to his shoulders and a scraggly beard. He was also one of the few wearing more than a mere loincloth, dressed in some brown leather armor that covered him from his neck to his lower leg, but keeping his feet bare. His weapon of choice was a bow, though I could see the handle of a sword poking over his shoulder, next to...

1 year ago
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Perchance to DomChapter 4

I never saw Tamara again. She didn't respond to my one text congratulating her. After thinking about it, that probably wasn't what she wanted from me. Mother pouted. Dad had actually laughed in public. It was like she'd never known the man, and she blamed me. In a bizarre form of punishment, she started wearing lipstick. It was blatant. She applied a deep red pigment to her cumulus lips, weekdays while Father was at work. One day, her father caught her wearing it. I was given twenty...

4 years ago
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Hottest Day Of My Life

Yesterday morning I had to do some much needed shopping so I visited the closest mall and when I walked out, the rain was pouring down. I always park away from other vehicles so my car doesn't get beat up with dings and dents. It was raining so hard I just stood under the canopy to wait for the rain to let up a bit. Several other people were waiting as well and this young guy pushed his cart near mine and asked, "Remember me?" He looked familiar and then refreshed my memory by telling me...

2 years ago
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Low grey storm clouds were scudding across the sky above the slate roofs of the ‘New Town’ district of Edinburgh. They matched Veronica’s temper, as she paced the living-room floor of the two-bedroom apartment, in a foul mood which she was working up into an even fouler one. The flat was very well situated, occupying the top floor of a converted 1820s town house in an elegant street near Charlotte Square. Veronica had been renting it for just over two years, since graduating from Edinburgh...

4 years ago
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My Gift to Freddie

I met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...

3 years ago
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Marshmallow Pizzazz

Eddie parked his car outside of the run-down convenience store that was down the street from his girlfriend's house. The building was made of simple stucco walls, and painted a non-descript beige color. The sign hanging outside was sponsored by a large soda company, and read NAFFY'S STORE in a bold font. He had never been here before, and didn't know who the hell Naffy was. This store was in an area of drug users and teenage pregnancies. There were men with no shirts and numerous tattoos...

1 year ago
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How I And My Friends Became Call Girls 8211 Part III

Continuing from – Interview for Personal secretary position _II After fucking boss number two for four hours where he poured his cum into my, I was just getting used to the pounding I have to undergo for next six months. Boss number three came from the bathroom and asked my enter it. I went inside and he said. Kneel down babe…and suck…I sucked his cock again and he then pissed on my. Baby drink this and poured his piss into mouth. I drank as much possible and poured on tits. He took a glass...

4 years ago
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Later with Leslie

If you recall from my previous post, I got caught masturbating with our house guests panties, but rather than being offended, she was excited, and ordered me to return later that night after my wife was asleep. When we got back from dinner, Leslie went to bed, claiming too much wine, and my wife soon followed suit. I stayed up, nervous and excited, fantasizing about what lay in store for me. About 1:00 AM I snuck upstairs and slowly cracked open Leslies door. She whispered "hurry", and I went...

2 years ago
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Holiday Diary The Next Level

Following our weekend away in the countryside where I discovered how much I liked being naked outdoors, our first proper holiday was to Spain. I'd done plenty of nude photoshoots and even some outdoors in secluded places, but I was still a very shy in full public situations, despite being previously caught naked by some ramblers.It's not unusual in Spain to see women topless on the beach and I decided to join them and sunbathed topless.  However, if I went in the sea or to grab a drink, or even...

2 years ago
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What Happens In The Cinema Doesnt Always Stay There

I was waiting outside the cinema for you. I was becoming worried as the movie started in 5 mins and you were already 10 minutes late. I tried calling you several times but there was no answer. I was about to ring you again when I felt big hands grab my ass and soft kisses on my neck. Those hands slowly crept around to my crotch and were slightly pressing into my clit area while I could feel the big bulge in your pants pressing into my ass. You spun me around to face you and immediately cover...

4 years ago
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Sexual Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends, My name is Sagar. This is true experience some years ago. Earlier I have written on this website about my first experience with my neighbor. You can read all my stories at this web page. (). The experience is 4 years after that. When my neighbor left our town I focused on my studies. I never found any guy with whom I can have secret sexual relationship. I am bisexual so for me it was not compulsory to become gay as I can have equal fun with girls also. For my friends and all other...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Lucys First Time

“I think I’m ready.” I whispered. “Ready for what, Lucy?” he asked in his deep soothing voice. “…ready to lose my virginity.” I squeaked, blushing and beginning to feel nervous. He paused the movie than turned to look me in the eyes. “W-What? You are?” he said surprised “I thought you wanted to wait until we got married?” “I-I wanted to wait until I found someone special.” I stuttered “and, I think you’re that person.” “Are you sure?” he asked, his pants beginning to bulge. “Mhmm” I...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 2

I went on through the next week as if nothing had happened between Deputy Williams and I. I walked the dogs every evening as usual. I may have walked with more swing in my ass, but that is beside the point. Deputy Williams stuck to his usual script. He cruised the main drag. The only thing that changed is that he didn’t pull over and make smart ass remarks. What he did do was slow down in his cruiser and follow along side me while I walked. I tried like hell to ignore him but I always gave in...

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Cockatoo Part 20

Cockatoo Part 20 I stopped dead in my tracks. "What did you say, Pao?" "Miss Sam, she meet the man. The horrible man. Nin follow him and saw them talking." "Was Nin sure it was Sam?" "Yes, Mr James, she say she saw them clearly outside hotel he staying." I couldn't believe it. What the hell would Sam be doing with this creep? Areeya was now well ahead of me on the way to Cockatoo, I didn't want her to hear this until I go there. "Pao, please don't say anything to Alex or...

2 years ago
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Watching Ana through the cell phone

I came home Friday evening after a wild day at my office. I needed a good relaxing moment and a good fucking session with Anita…But after dinner, at bed, she kissed me and admitted her cunt was very sore after fucking three black men during the afternoon.I asked her to fuck her tight asshole; but Anita smiled with an evil grin, saying that her rosebud was not so tight right now…But she finally let me to eat her well used and abused pussy. She was right for sure; I saw her rear entrance was...

3 years ago
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Bishop To Queens Porn

(To help keep track of moves and pieces I use https://lichess.org/editor it's a very good resource) The audience gathered in the auditorium. A buzz of anticipation ran through the crowd as they made their way to their assigned places. As they settled into their seats, a thousand immerse sensors in each chair reacted to its occupant?s presence and began to change their reality. The buzz of conversation faded as each person in the room was pulled inexorably into the game. For all its modern...

2 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 9

This chapter is dedicated to a man, who shall remain nameless, who found comfort in these stories in a time of need. More importantly, it is dedicated to the memory of his wife of 25 years, who would be with him if she could. May she rest in peace, and may he find the strength to continue on. I am honored that these stories have helped him do so. To prevent confusion: 'Megan' refers to the present day, 37-year-old Megan 'Little Megan' or 'Young Megan' refers to the original, 14 year...

3 years ago
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Office Ki Colleague Ko Pta Kar Dost Ke Ghar Pe Choda

Hi dosto, Mujhe sex ke baareme paad na bohut acha lagta h and me sex me bohut interest rakta hu. Me iss ka bohut bada fan hu and issme mene bohut sari stories padhi h and mene kahi baar stories pad kar aapne aapko shanth kiyahe. Aaj me aap sabse ek sachi story share karne jaa raha hu. Mai Piyush, Delhi ka rehne wala hu. To aj maine socha ku na mai aj apna experience bhi ap logo ke sath share kru. Jyada bore na karte hue sidha story pe aata hu or apko stories pasand aaye to please mail me at ...

4 years ago
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Sanjits Cabs Part 1

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] Sanjit’s Cabs - Part 1 Sanjit’s Cabs stood at the top of the hill overlooking the park. It was well known in the city and particularly the Asian community and seemed to pick up a lot of business. Sanjit, the 43 year Pakistani owner and proprietor ran a tight ship with only 8 cars, at anytime, on the road. He was firm but fare and always gave people the...

2 years ago
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Rachael And JuliusChapter 6 Stormy Seas

"Why am I here, Marcus?" JD walked into Marcus' office without waiting for invitation. His brother was on the phone and scowled at him. JD frowned and leaned over the desk - pointedly impatient for the man to finish the call. When he finally hung up, JD repeated his question, "Why am I here, Marcus?" "You the one stormin' in, what's on yo' mind?" "Charles is a fine lawyer." "I'm glad you think so. I'm right proud uh yo' son mahsef." Marcus put his feet up on the desk....

3 years ago
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01 Jamal Works the HolidayChapter 3

The Boyz were exhausted, most of them sleeping in their chairs, except Stuart, who had his dick out again. “Come on Charlotte. Let’s get you cleaned up.” I helped her down the hall, holding her arm as she walked along, her pajama bottoms and panties in my other hand. “Did you have fun?” She looked at me and smiled, “I like playing Horsey!” LOL I couldn’t fucking believe it. She kept chatting all the way to her room. I got her inside and led her into the bathroom, “Okay Charlotte, let’s get...

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Sister Fucked The Way She Wanted

Hi all I am back with another encounter of mine with my sister who’s elder to me by 2 years her name is priya name changed for the reasons best known to us, she’s happily married and having a wonderful sexlife having a kid. Her sizes are 38-30-38 her best part in her body is her boobs it’s huge and beautiful. This story happened a month back when her husband was traveling abroad and she wanted me to stay with her for a couple of days. She has a habbit of drinking and I used to stay with her...

4 years ago
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Woman of Old Vintage Ch 01

(This is a real life story of a friend of mine. She is gorgeous in her looks and is a Bi. She and her husband is a very liberated couple.) One particular weekend I was very bored. My husband was scheduled to be back home on Friday evening. But he called to say that he was not coming home until Monday. On Friday evening, I was getting bored to death and was nursing a glass of scotch. Drinking alone was no fun. So, I started ringing up my friends so that I could at least enjoy my drinks in good...

4 years ago
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Mysterious Wife

A mysterious change has come over my wife the past six months. We used to fight all the time about this and that. Silly stuff, really. If I said the sky was gray, she would say it was black just to argue with me. I've always been able to push her buttons and, Oh God, did she ever know how to push mine. At first, I didn't notice the change. I was so caught up in my little world that her gentle manner went unnoticed. If she would've typically pouted, stopped speaking, or slept on the couch, I...

1 year ago
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Watching From The Bar Part 4 The Cilmax

Part One of Watching From The Barhttps://xhamster.com/stories/watching-from-the-bar-part-1-617814Part Two. Helens Story.https://xhamster.com/stories/watching-from-the-bar---part-2-helens-story-618455Part Three. The Floor Show!https://xhamster.com/stories/watching-from-the-bar-part-3-618877Synopsis for those that have no time (or no desire!) to read the first three parts. Helen and Steve are a happily married couple. But things have gotten stale. Steve gets the idea to spice things up on an,...

2 years ago
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Life lessons Ch 3 Recap

While driving the family home from church I was thinking about what my wife did too our sons this morning in the kitchen. On her knees sucking their cocks, like some cum hungry slut that I use to know all those years ago. Damn, just thinking about Carol this morning is getting me hard. Carol stroking Frank’s dick while sucking hard and fast on Billy’s dick, I wished that I did not put some stupid timer on their mother and that Carol could have taken her time. I always liked it when she...

2 years ago
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My Son And Me Having Sex At Night

Hello freind mera naam ruhi azmi hai, mai bhopal ki rahne wali hu, mere sahur ka intkaal mere sadi ke 1 year baad hi ho gaya tab mera beta meri pet me tha ,ye ghatna mere sath 4 month pahle ghati,mai 36 year ki ek bhot khubsurt mahila hu mera figure 36-26-38 hai colour bikul fair hai eyes ka colour blue hai hight 165 aur weght 55 hai mere boobs kafi bade aur rounded bikul tane huye hai meri gaad kafi badi hai bhot muskil se panty me chup pati hai ,mere sauhar ke intkaal ke baad maine apni sari...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Sofie Marie Family Makes Me Feel Better

Sofie Marie is a caring stepmother who goes to make sure her stepson Dylan is up and ready for school. When she gets to his room he is still in bed and claiming to not be feeling well. Sofie steps right in to check his temperature. He feels a little hot, but Sofie decides to make the call on an old fashioned trick. If his dick still works properly, he should be good to go! Sofie saw his penis was already erect and began to jerk him off. She used her mouth to suck out the sickness, then Dylan...


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