- 1 year ago
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What had I let myself in for? Not only me but poor Amy as well. It had started as an ordinary Saturday evening. Now, here we were, in a flat with two naked, muscle rippling black guys neither of who's cock was less than a foot long. What the fuck was going to happen to us? Could we take these monster pricks on and survive? How the hell had it happened? Oh shit he wants me to suck the fucking thing.
Amy called around four that afternoon.
"Hey Trudy what you want to do tonight?"
"Don't know. Go out and get drunk."
"Why don't we go clubbing?"
"Could do. Where do you want to start?"
"What about 'Blacks on Blonds' I've heard it's real cool."
"Don't know. You think we'll get in?"
"Well we are blond and when we get our war paint on people think we're nearly twenty."
"How much does it cost? I've spent most of my pocket money?"
"I've heard it's free for blonds."
So... 10pm Amy arrived. Shit she was hot. Her long blond locks were tied in a pony tail that reached nearly down to her arse. Short white crop top allowing her black lacy bra to show through. Black lycra mini that barely covered her arse. Knee high white socks and patent calf length boots with four inch heals. Shit she looked so hot I could have fucked her there and then. However I wanted to go out so my dildo stayed in it's drawer.
I couldn't compete with Amy so I pulled on a very short and tight red dress. My black bra showed across the plunging back and it was so tight the outline of my g-string was embossed on the material. I added Red nylons and suspender belt finishing the outfit with a pair of red heals. Shit we were both hot.
It was a good job both our parents were broad minded. In actual fact they fucked like rabbets and not necessarily with their respective partners. Any other parents might well have objected to their fourteen year old daughters going out late on a Saturday evening dressed like two street walkers. We pulled on our leather coats and were off.
At Blacks on Blonds there was a queue of around twenty people. Mostly couples (living up to the name of the club) but also several gorgeous black men. We joined on to the back of the line.
"Evening ladies. First visit to my club?" said the deep base voice coming from a black guy with a bald head wearing a dicki.
"Y-yes," we both said in unison.
"Then you should know that pretty blonds don't have to wait. Just go to the head of the line and 'Open Sesame' you're in. Come on."
He led us to the door and in through the foyer to the cloak room and ladies.
"Enjoy yourselves ladies. I look forward to seeing a lot more of you later."
In the loo Amy was looking a little nervous.
"What's up?"
"They're all black"
"What did you expect from a place called Blacks on Blonds?"
"I duno? I suppose... Well... I just didn't think."
"Don't be stupid Amy. Come on I want to dance."
Taking her by the hand I led Amy down the corridor and into the semi darkness of the incredible club. I say it was semi dark, but there were a zillion spotlights of all shapes, sizes and colours. All rotating and gyrating madly. The place was big enough to hold twice the two hundred or so people there. The disco and it's myriad speakers nestled against the far wall. Fuck the jockey was a gorgeous blond, completely naked, not even pubes, and she didn't mind who saw her!
We weren't in the hall more than a few seconds when two hunks grabbed our hands and led us onto the floor. The guys were well over six foot tall with shiny bald heads and wearing suits and ties. Fuck I could have wet myself just looking at them. They danced with us for half an hour or so then led us over to the bar for a beer. Back on the floor things were hoting up. My partner's hands were all over me during the slow numbers, as were Amy's partners.
"I need the loo," I shouted in his ear. Then he shouted something in my ear.
I went bright red and giggled then headed for Amy. Have you ever known a girl to go to the bog on her own?
Taking Amy by the hand I led her down the corridor and we shared a stall.
"He told me to loose the undies!"
"Who did?"
"He did when I told him I needed the loo."
"Are you going to?"
"It might be fun."
"What might?"
"Going back without your undies."
"No fuckin way."
"Come on. I'll loose mine as well."
"Go on. Call his bluff!"
When we left our bras were on the floor and we were both carrying our panties.
"We'll give them these as souvenirs," said Amy.
The lads were waiting for us as we left the loo. Amy handed her black panties over and I did likewise as we headed for the floor. Shit what would these guys think? I hoped they didn't get the wrong impression.
Back on the floor The lads were over us even more than before. During the next slow number his hand was up under my dress playing with my naked backside. I looked over at Amy. Fuck her crop top was up around her neck and her partner was sucking one of her nipples. I felt a hand move onto my shaven pussy, I don't like pubes, always smelly and getting in the way.
Amy was going wild, she just let him do what he liked, keeping her tits out. I felt two hands on my hips and just knew that my dress was up well above my arse! His hand slipped in between my legs and the thumb found my opening. Fuck what should I do? I looked over at Amy and her skirt was up around her waste. Then my dress slipped further up and I was naked from the neck down.
Fuck. How had this happened. I was dancing, naked with a black guy and my mate Amy, fuck she was naked as well. My dress, her top and skirt were on the dance floor. I was beetroot red, all over. However, when I looked around I was relieved. Virtually all the women there were naked from the waist up and at least half off them were totally naked! So I just kept on dancing.
At around 2am the guys decided it was time to go. They led us, naked, off the floor and up to the cloak room, our clothes remaining somewhere in the main room. As we collected our coats the owner appeared.
"I knew you'd enjoy yourselves. Come back soon, you're always welcome."
Pulling our short leather coats on we tried, unsuccessfully, to pull them down low enough to cover our arses. The guys led us out to the car park and into a black Merc. Ten minutes later we were standing, naked, in a very expensive flat with the guys handing us a couple of beers.
"Let me introduce ourselves," said my partner.
It had been far too noisy in the club for conversation.
"I am Michael and this is my brother Thomas. We are diplomats from The Gambia."
"Hi I'm Amy and this is my friend Trudy. Pleased to meet you."
Now this was a ludicrous situation. I was standing there wearing only Red nylons, matching suspender and a pair of red heals. Amy was wearing Knee high white socks and patent calf length boots with four inch heals. We were both holding beers. The two gorgeous black hunks were fully dressed in black pinstripe suits, white shirts and old school ties.
"I hope you ladies don't mind if we get comfortable," said Thomas undoing his tie.
So there we were, all four of us naked and those two monsters hanging down around their knees. Now don't get me wrong, we both lost our virginity long ago and liked nothing better than a good fuck. We also had nothing against black men. It was just those monsters that we were going to be expected to accommodate inside our bodies.
Amy knelt down in front of Michael and gingerly took his knob between her lips. Oh fuck. Oh shit. I took Thomas's prick into my mouth. Amy made a gurgling noise and rolling my eyes I could see she was beginning to swallow the snake. Thomas pushed, I swallowed, and his knob end was passing my throat. Fuck! Shit! I was going to die! His balls hit my chin and he pulled all the way back out. Michael had done the same to Amy. Fuck it was wild. We did it again and again. The knob ends were actually reaching into our bellies!
Michael pulled free from Amy.
"Take a good deep breath doll. I'm going to do something wild."
She did as she was told and Michael quickly buried his monster to the hilt.
"Deep breath," said Thomas before quickly plunging his knob end back into my belly.
What the fuck! Oh shit! He was pissing! Straight into my belly! I could feel the hot liquid filling me up! The dirty Bastard! I couldn't stop him. All I could do was kneel there and let his hot piss gush directly into my belly. I took ages for him to finish. I heard Amy gulp air as Michael finished and his knob end passed back between her teeth.
"Fuckin bastard you pissed into my belly!" she shouted.
"And my brother is filling your pretty friends belly with his piss also."
"Why the fuck are you doing this?"
"We do it with our girlfriends at home. Do your boyfriends not piss into your bellies?"
I gasped for air as Thomas withdrew. I thought I was going to be sick.
"No they fuckin don't!" she shouted.
"Did you not enjoy it then?"
"No I fuckin didn't... Well. Actually. It was wild. Fuckin shit it was great!"
"No it fuckin wasn't!" I hissed. I have a belly full of piss and I don't like it."
"I'm sorry," said Thomas, "I assumed that you would enjoy it. I thought at least one of your boyfriends would have pissed in your belly before."
"We'll they didn't. And you wouldn't have either if I'd known what you were going to do."
"Let me get you something to drink as an apology"
"Shit no, my bellies full of your piss. The last thing I want is a fuckin drink."
There was an awkward silence which was broken when I burst into a giggle. We all giggled and things were all right. Thomas went to a cupboard and returned with two quart tubs.
"I think we will need this if you are going to accommodate our weapons between your legs."
He handed one to me and the other to Amy. The label read:
A blend of natural lubricant, muscle relaxant and local antithetic blended to allow the tightest openings to accommodate the largest implements.
Work into the opening, gently at first. Ensure that the opening is well coated along it's entire length. It may also be necessary to coat the implement before insertion. The preparation requires less than two minutes to work and the effect lasts for at least four hours.
"Do... Do... Do you think we can actually take those inside us?" I asked.
"I think you will try. Do not worry we will be gentle," said Michael taking a large dollop of the clear goo in his right hand.
"Come on Trudy, Kneel in this chair, no put your knees on the arms and lean over the back. That's it now just let me get this goo inside you."
Thankfully it was at room temperature. I felt him working it well into my pussy. It felt like he had three or four of his fingers inside me. Fuck shit I was cumming already. Then he was working it into my arse. Now I'm no stranger to shit stabbing but that thing? No way. Fuck he was stretching me, how many fingers had he shoved inside me. He was using both hands, one on each hole.
"Your turn Amy," I heard Thomas say.
"No Fuckin Way."
"Come on up in this chair."
I looked over and Amy was climbing into an armchair and spreading herself like me. Michael withdrew his fingers and I slumped down into the chair. Across the room Thomas was working the lube into Amy's pussy. Fuck his whole hand was inside her! Then the other started to work on her arse. He had both fuckin hands inside little Amy. Then I thought Fuck!
"Did you do that to me?"
"Why of course. I had to get the lube all the way inside and make sure you were completely lubed all the way up."
"But how? I'm not that big and it should have hurt like hell."
"The Star Lube is a secret formula known only to a few people."
"Watch," said Michael.
Thomas withdrew his hand from Amy's ass and started to ease it into her pussy alongside his other. Fuck he was going to kill her! I think I went a little pale. Amy was going wild. Cursing and swearing but quite definitely having the orgasm of her life. Then he withdrew both hands and slid the pair into her anal passage! That's right, right up to the fuckin wrists!
"Do you think you could do that?" asked Michael.
"No fuckin way!"
"Cum up in the chair, spread your legs, you will like it."
Why did I fuckin let him do it? I knew what he was going to do. It was impossible. But he still did it and I let him! I was double pussy fisted before being double arse fisted! I came and came and came.
Amy was kneeling by my head.
"He's got both fists in your ass Trudy."
"I fuckin know."
"Does it hurt?"
"No more than when Thomas double fisted your ass," I hissed.
"You mean?"
"He had both fists in both your pussy and ass!"
"You fuckin bastard!", she yelled.
Michael withdrew his fists from my ass. They moved both chairs next to each other and had us kneel back up on the arms. I looked over my shoulder as Michael slid his left fist into my pussy and his right one into Amy's. Then Thomas slid his Left fist into my ass and his right into Amy's! I watched as the pair fist fucked all four of our openings. Then fuck" Michael withdrew his fist and slid it inside my ass alongside his brothers before doing the same to Amy! Fuck I never even imagined anything like this was possible. They fist fucked us until we both passed out.
I woke up and fuck! Something was wrong! I was lying on the floor with my knees in the air, feet spread on the floor. I reached down between my legs. Fuck something was in there!
"What have you fuckin shits done?!"
"Relax hun, just loosening you up a bit."
Amy was lying next to me just beginning to stir. Shit there were bottlenecks poking out of both her openings.
"What the fuck have you shoved into us? Get them fuckin out!"
"OK Hun, just spread your legs and I'll ease them out."
Thomas knelt down between my legs and reached up.
"Brace yourself."
He started to pull on the bottle in my twat.
"Fuckin thing's stuck. Michael hold her arms while I pull."
"Argh! Fuck! Shit."
"Hold on I think it's coming. That's it nearly out."
It felt like I was being turned inside out. Finally Thomas held the Jack Daniels bottle in the air.
"See it came out all right."
"Get the other fucking one out of my arse right now!"
"Argh! Fuck! Shit."
"That's it. See it came out all right," as he held the Champaign bottle in the air.
"Fuckin bastards you could have killed me."
"Na we could've shoved far bigger things inside you."
"No you fuckin couldn't. Now get the bottles out of Amy."
She was lying there moaning.
Thomas held her by the arms as Michael took hold of both bottle necks and pulled them together! How she didn't split in two I don't know. She did scream and curse until, eventually, Michael held up the two Champaign bottles!
We sat down, naked, drinking coffee.
"Why the fuck did you shove those bottles inside us?" asked Amy.
"Because we could and we didn't think you'd mind. In fact we thought you'd like it."
"Fuckin bastards. It wasn't very nice," said Amy, "You could at least have asked us."
"Please Amy can I bottle fuck your pussy and ass with two Champaign bottles."
"Yes please," said Amy.
"No Amy!" I shouted.
"Come on Trudy, you took them before you can take them again," said Amy unbelievably.
"Come over here girls and kneel down, that's it spread your knees wide," said Thomas. I'll just work some more lube inside your holes while Michael lubes the bottles."
Thomas slid both his lube slimed fists into Amy before performing the same function for me. Then he climbed up on Amy's back and pulled her ass cheeks wide apart while Michael offered up the Champaign bottle base to her anal opening. She squealed a lot while Thomas pulled her wide apart and Michael worked the gigantic bottle into her arse. Then the bottom of the bottle slid past her anal ring and slipped smoothly all the way in until only the neck was showing.
"We'd better let Amy recover for a little while. OK Trudy, your turn."
"No fuckin way!"
So there I was with Michael perched on my back spreading my arse while Thomas worked the bottle into my anus. Even though I was well lubed it hurt like hell. I was glad I'd been unconscious when they shoved the bottles in last time.
I thought they were going to shove bottles into our pussies next but instead Michael filled mine with his monster black tool while Thomas did the same to Trudy. Fuck he was big. He only managed to get about half of it in before bottoming out. Amy took a little more of Thomas's prick.
""This will hurt a bit," said Michael.
"What will?"
"When I push through your cervix and enter your womb."
"No fuckin way."
Just then Amy squealed. Looking over I saw Thomas push the rest of his prick inside my friend. I screamed as the monster black head entered my womb. Fuck they had shoved their monster cocks all the way inside us. Slowly the pain subsided. I heard Amy moan as she reached a tremendous orgasm. Mine followed quickly. The two studs pounded at our pussies for ever. Finally I felt him jerk and start spewing his seed deep into my womb. Next to me Thomas was dumping his load into Amy.
"What the fuck!" squealed Amy.
"Relax hun it's only piss."
Just then I felt Michael piss directly into my womb! The fucking bastards. They just kept pissing. Finally they were done and I felt the soft hosepipe slide out of my pussy.
"Don't move I'll have to plug you or the piss'll go all over the carpet."
I felt Michael slide the bottle out of my bottom before guiding it up my abused pussy. I think it also entered my womb. Thomas was doing the same to Amy.
"When I had recovered a bit I asked, "What now?"
"Why now we fuck you in the ass, one at a time."
"Why one at a time?" asked Amy.
"Because we've only got two pricks and we're going to put them both inside the same ass at the same time," said Michael.
"No fuckin way!" we both said in unison.
So there I was pussy full of cum, piss and god knows how big a bottle. Straddling Michael with his monstrous dong in my ass. Thomas was kneeling behind me and Amy was helping him work his monster in on top of his brothers. Man it was fucking tight. The bottle in my twat was taking up all the available space. Where these two giant black salamis were going I had no idea. They fucked me for what seamed like hours before transferring their attentions to Trudy's arse. Finally they both spent their loads deep in her back passage. Unbelievably they both pissed in her ass together. I was glad I had been first. Michael, who was on top, slid free first and the piss started to leak out around Thomas's prick. As Thomas slid free Michael slid a whisky bottle up her arse to keep the piss in place.
The lads carried us into the bathroom and sat us down on our hands and knees. Finally the bottles were removed and we were allowed to empty ourselves. The piss gushed out of my pussy and both Amy's holes for ages and ages. Finally we were empty. The four of us showered together before returning to the living room still naked.
Michael fixed some coffee.
"Man that was wild," said Amy as we sat sipping from the steaming mugs.
"How big were those bottles you shoved inside me?" I asked.
Thomas produced a large green bottle.
"This magnum went into your pussy. It holds two pints of Champaign. And this whisky bottle was up your ass."
"And these," said Michael producing two magnums went inside Amy."
We just sat there in shock. They couldn't possibly. No way.
"We could not have done it without the Star Lube." Said Michael.
"Without it our pricks would have torn you apart," said Thomas, "With it you were able to take all this."
"Fuckin hell," I said.
"Did you enjoy yourselves?" asked Thomas
"Fuckin hell we did!" we chorused
A little while later Amy said, "We should be getting home."
"OK," said Michael, just a minute.
He returned from the kitchen with four full coke bottles.
"These are a special present for you."
Fuckin cheapskate.
"Come on, kneel back up on the chair so we can insert them."
You've guessed it, they were going to shove the contoured bottles inside us. We knelt back up on the two armchairs while the bottles were worked all the way into our well used, abused and lubed arses and pussies. Then they helped us to our feet. Fuck it's difficult to walk with coke bottles filling your holes! However, with a little practice we managed a rather undignified waddle.
"No, no coats, you go home as nature intended you, naked," said Michael.
""But we can't," in unison.
"Don't worry. It's early and we'll drive you."
"No please don't make us do this," I said.
Twenty minutes later, just after six thirty am, The Merc drew up to the pavement outside Amy's house. Michael stepped out, opened the rear door and helped an unsteady Amy to her feet. We sat there and watched as she waddled up the drive to the front door. Fuck she didn't have a key. All she could do was ring the bell. A few minutes later the door was opened by Amy's rather startled mother. As the door closed behind my best friend I wondered what she was going to say, considering she had two coke bottles inside her.
I was growing more apprehensive as we drew closer to my house. Finally we were there. Thomas helped me to my feet and opened the gate for me. I knew the back door would be open, but the lads wanted a show so I rang the bell. Well they got their show but I had a lot of explaining to do. I convinced mum I had been to a party that had gotten out of hand.
I slept most of Sunday, Amy did the same. On Monday we spent every minute of free time talking about the fantastic evening and wondering if we actually did everything we thought we remembered. I couldn't believe the size of the bottles I'd taken or that they'd actually pissed inside of me.
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John Doe. Your name sits on the bottom of the contract you have in front of you. The contract which entitles you to full control of the cottage in front of you for the next 96 hours. Right now it's 8 pm on Thursday, which gives you one day to prepare, two days to party, and almost all of Monday to clean up. A shout brings your eyes away from the paper, and to your buddy Steve who's balancing a couple of 24's with his knee's and one hand, while using the other to try to open the locked door....
My boyfriend Craig came over one night a few weeks ago. He came through the door and I smiled. He still had a handsome face at 40. His frame was aging but still well kept. I wrapped my arms around him kissing him so hard. I backed him up against the wall. I pressed my small silhouette against him. I could feel the electricity, the warmth run through my body. It took only looking at him for me to ache for his cock plunging into my own heat. I unbuttoned his shirt and ran the palms of my...
Ruthie struggled with another issue during March. She realized something she really had not wanted to think about. Increasingly she was attracted to Jen. Whenever the two women were in the room together it was very hard for Ruthie to keep her eyes off her roommate. The two roommates continued their nightly ritual of "unwinding time" at the window. "Unwinding time" was a chance for Jen to relax and look across the Pacific Ocean towards her home in New Zealand. For Ruthie "unwinding...
Hi readers well its me Snajay (call boy) from Bangalore…and I hope u all would have read about my story how I became a call boy in the title “my first sex with my Aunty.” Well now I have come back with another story of mine One day I got an Email from Mr. Kumar saying that he needed call boy service for her wife. I got the mail verified and we met at place and he took me to his house in his car. We reached the home and it was very big, He rang the door bell and a whitish but sexy female dressed...
Robin - Early Morning I woke up next to Pat thinking about how I could get used to this. Who was I kidding? I am already used to waking up next to them, and I would definitely miss doing that if we were apart. When my alarm went off it occurred to me that today I could get dressed before going to school. Unlike last week, I could actually keep my clothes on all day today. After taking a quick shower with Pat I returned to my rooms to get dressed. I decided to wear a green polo shirt and a...
A mother helps her son transition to manhood"Mom! Can you come in here?”“What is it Donnie? You need to get out of bed.”“Mom, something weird happened?“Okay, I’ll be in…Now what is it?”“Well, it is something to do with my privates so I don’t know what to say.”“Honey, I am your mother. I have seen your ‘privates’ since you were born. Your privates will always be ‘public’ with your mother…Now, it could be something serious so let’s see.” Donnie shrugs and pulls back his cover and then his sheet....
The next morning, Jamie found herself getting up rather early. Even she was surprised that she was getting up that early. As she stretched, she glanced over at Erin, who was still fast asleep. Sliding out of bed, Jamie got dressed, and as quietly as she could, slipped out of the room. As she made her way downstairs, Jamie noticed that there wasn't a soul that was moving around, and wondered if maybe everyone else was still asleep. As she walked into the kitchen, Jamie saw a plate that had a...
I had seen you many times in your office, sometimes staring outside of your window, other times looking intently at your computer. We had smiled at each other as we passed through the hallway, exchanging a “Hello, how are you?” pleasantries as most people that work in an office do. When we had meetings, my eyes were always focused on you, how quickly your expression could change from amusement to serious in seconds. I knew I liked you and I assumed it was mutual even though we hardly talked....
Bogus By Holly v I never got on with my twin sister, she was the good girl and I was the bad boy always in trouble but we pretended to be friends especially for mum and dad. We were both blue eyed, blonde haired 5foot 10 tall, and that's where the similarities ended. My sister Catherine joined the police force I must admit she looked sexy in the uniform; I became a con man, thief all round crook. It was on one of my con jobs when things started to move on towards a big score. It...
The flight from Boston Airport to Diamond City was quick. Bennett landed us on the street, right in front. As Bennett finished shutting it down, we hopped down. A couple of guards came up, the curiosity on their faces apparent. “I’ll stay here, answer questions, and keep nosy fingers away.” “Very good, Bennett.” I heard one of the guard’s whistle at something. “What?” “Oh, sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just saw what you have painted on your armor. We’d heard that the...
Having successfully completed my task I grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. Once I had the shower running at the perfect temperature, I slid the glass door shut and let the hot water run down my body to wake me up. I leaned against the wall as my thoughts drifted back to last night, to how I found myself losing my virginity to Ashley, and loving every second of it. A part of me wanted to crawl back into that bed and just spend the rest of the day with her. One day of absence...
After finding a replacement transcriber, and filling him in on the information to this point, we resume from the previous encounter: January 22: Recording: Darcy and Jack each look at the books handed to them. "So you want us to be completely honest in these, for scientific reasons, but what if it it's something we don't want to share with you?" Darcy looks at Nathan in a confused way. "There are some things that are just too personal, and I don't want you knowing them." Nathan...
*** This is my first story…Please let me know what you think. Private Dance-Part One: Nurse Cammy My husband was home on leave from his job overseas and I decided to treat him to something special. We live in Las Vegas, with some of the biggest, most outrageous strip clubs in the world. I set up a private table for two at one of the classier joints, with a private dance for us at some time during the evening. When date night came, I dressed in my flirtiest outfit. The corset top hugged my...
LesbianThe girls started arriving at 10 and all were there by 10:30. Miss Jasmine had greeted each one at the door totally nude. She said, "This is a no clothes house so please leave your clothes on the bench here." Her dad was beside her and greeted all the girls. He was flabbergasted on how pretty they all were. He tried to hide his hard on but the girls giggled and reached out to touch it. He finally gave up and let them pet it. Abby, Michelle and their parents were the last to arrive. When...
I arrived at my non NHS clinic for specialized therapy. Greeted by the TV nurse I was shown in to the front reception area. I was informed that I would now have to go to the pre preparation room to be got ready for the Dr and the treatment. This was down some steep steps into a cold room kitted out with a patient waiting cage, a rack and a table. Next to the table was an array of items that were to be fitted to me. I was ordered to strip naked by the nurse. It was quite cold and being naked...
"Good afternoon Karen, this is Dr. Robertson from the Lab. Sorry, I have a problem for you. I've just done the final screening on your boot camp candidates and Peter John Rossman's has come up HIV positive. Must have been a very recent infection because it didn't show in the preliminary checks but is beginning to show after being incubated for a week. Most likely he had sex with another male as nearly all UK women are vaccinated against it early on in their lives. As you know the vaccine...
I clatter noisily down the metal stairs, hurrying as much as I can, knowing the little skirt keeps floating up around my hips. Good job there's no one here to see... and all I can focus on is the hair brushing my neck, the tightness of the shoes, the cool air around my thighs... And that I'm probably going to be late! I slow down for the last few floors though, I don't want to be out of breath, and at the final staircase I pause, looking at my reflection in the window, ready to...
You must be heartily sickened by my constant admission of being astonished, amazed, shocked etc, -but how else am I to describe the feelings I had experienced over the past week? Let me enumerate the surprising and incredible events that had befallen me. My opponent in a duel, a noted marksman, had fired and missed me, whereas I, a complete novice with a pistol, had fired and killed him. I then discover that Caroline Vanner, who I had fallen in love with at our first meeting the previous...
The changes had been coming almost i learned my place as a maid to Mother and longer the pampered daughter. The training since i became Mothers daughter had been thorough and very complete. I was totally convinced that the only way i could prove my worth was to be as ultra femme as possible for Mother. The thought of being male or behaving in any way other than ultra girly had been programed into me as revolting. I begged Mother to insure all my maid dresses...
B.t.V.S. - First Kiss 1 – Fuffy #1It hurt to be around her. Seriously, it really hurt to be around her. Every time Faith caught a glimpse of her hair, saw a bat of her eyelids, watched a bead of sweat roll down her face and onto her chest, it felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Her breath caught in her throat and her stomach flipped upside-down and twisted around.Watching Buffy train right now was like dying. The way her body moved caused Faith's throat to close and her...
The groan of the old elevator softened into a squeal as it arrived on the 8th floor. A weak ding sounded from the above as the doors opened, letting me exit. I glanced at the various markings on the bare concrete to confirm that I am on the correct level. The potted fern rustled with the evening breeze, its leaves welcoming me back home. “The correct level today. I guess maintenance actually does help.” I mumbled under my breath as I walked towards my apartment. A woman was sweeping...
Hi,this is Amith. I’m 22 yrs old and this incident happened a year back.We live in an building consisting of 4 apartments in banglore.A girl name vrunda,25 yrs,dusky,ok boobs and ok ass, used to stay with her parents next to our flat.She has a elder sister who is settled in pune.One day her parents decided to visit their elder daughter and they left vrunda back as she didn’t get leave from her employer.The very next day my parents left to visit some relative’s marriage. Me and vrunda were alone...
Incestthe water from the shower rinsed away the last bit of shaving cream from my lower stomach and upper thighs. My nether region was shaved bald and completely smooth with the anticipation that I would later ask my wife to take me into her mouth. She preferred that I stay clean shaven on all areas that she enjoyed kissing, so I did my best to keep her happy.My time in the shower was coming to a close. I washed my hair, then my body, and shut the water off. I was relaxed from the heat of the water...
Grace and Paul Gamenston lived in an upscale middle class neighborhood in Powder Gap, Georgia.. Powder Cap was in the southeastern part of the State having an urban population of approximately 25,000. Most of the residence worked in a near by metropolitan city and commuted the 26 miles one way daily. Paul worked in the larger city for a large international company which took him out of town on business several times a year. Grace was a mother and housewife, active in the local Woman's club...
While our business partnership was growing at a slow, steady pace, our personal relationship had become a wild, impetuous sexual growth with no boundaries. We loved each other and both of us sought to bring pleasure to the other. While I was no longer a virgin, my sexual experience and knowledge was at a beginning point. Charlie was a considerate and vocal lover who pushed me to experiment and seek higher and higher levels of sexual fulfillment for both of us. She insisted that we talk to...
Chapter Sevenby Buck JonesZack Arranges a Group EncounterI told Gramp what I wanted. I wanted a controlled ****. I want to be tied up to a tree and guys and then maybe some girls come along… and they use my holes. The guys double fuck me… I could be d**gged or something. I just want to give up control to get what I want. I want sexual excess and sexual exhaustion. I don’t want to bleed or anything, but I wantto be lost in what’s happening. I want every action, every slap, every whack to work me...
Eve was the eighteen year old cheerleader who lived next door to my wife and I. I did my best to always mind my manners, because Eve was just too damn cute and her easy outgoing personality was infectious. The last thing I needed was to get caught looking at or fooling around with an eighteen year old high school senior. I was washing our family sports utility vehicle one day, when a car load of Eve’s friends pulled up outside of Eve’s house, next door. Eve sprinted out if the house, wearing...
First Time------------------------------- My name is Tom and I am a 30-year-old white male. I am 6\'1\" tall and in good shape and am well endowed in the guy parts department. I am divorced with two great kids that I only get to see occasionally. I have been living with Tanya for a year now. She is a super sexy 23-year-old black girl. She is 5\'3\" and weighs about 110 pounds. She has short curly black hair and skin the color of milk chocolate. I would say that her measurements...
Souvenir Paddles – III I suddenly heard voices coming from the direction in which she’d left. It sounded like the lady and at least one other female. Good grief!! This was getting deeper as we went along. I couldn’t imagine with whom she was speaking but figured I wouldn’t need to wait long to find out. I was right in this assumption. The voices were moving now, towards the room in which I knelt. As they grew closer, it sounded as if there were two girls speaking with my lady. As they entered...
ENURRUA DAY THIRTY-EIGHT "Tarifa?" Aihola's voice was soft in the early morning, as the sun began to filter into the many natural holes in the top of the mountain cave. Tarifa moved her head slightly from where it rested on Aihola's firm chest, her Drow Mistress's arms holding her tightly. Their bodies were pressed close together, sharing warmth and sensation even through their clothes, but while it felt glorious to be in her arms again, Tarifa felt like something was missing. "Yes...
Hey there guys! Here is the long awaited fifth chapter of ‘Cuffed’! Let me just say: this thing was a BOOGER to write and edit! Between this chapter, moving into a new house, my other stories, and the holidays, I didn’t know if I’d ever get it done, but, here it is! For all of my fans that have emailed me about this story and the others: you guys are the best. You add fuel to my, sometimes, nonexistent fire and urge me to continue when I don’t even think I can. I love you guys and your...
a story written for me by Mars2000 from bdsmlrthis image was his inspiration!FaceTime (part 1) Hi, let me introduce myself, I’m a 50 something male that had lived his whole life in a closet. No, I’m not gay but I can relate to how they feel. You see, all my life since I was about 5, I have been infatuated with bondage. Over time it developed from self-bondage and dreaming of being ****d by older girls since I did not have any girls interested in me when I was young, to wanting to tie girls up...
Alex’s senses were flooded with goodness. His wife had just put a plate of pancakes in front of him, slathered with butter, real maple syrup, and finely chopped macadamia nuts. He lingered, taking in the sight and the smell of it, before moving in with knife and fork. ‘Tuck in, honey,’ Janine encouraged. ‘You might need all your strength. I figure it’s today or tomorrow.’ ‘I sure hope it’s today. I’ve been three days without, and that’s longer than any stretch since before we were married.’...
A chill mist surrounded the unreasonably large castle at the heart of the Valley of Quorn. This castle was both fortress and palace, yet, in truth, neither. Built over more than 500 years the castle was more like a small city than a castle, and rather than a palace, it was in truth a university. What did they teach there? Adventuring, the ancient and honorable profession of mages and kings, bishops and crooks, the princes of the earth and its ambitious peasants. The school has been founded...
FantasyEveryone looked me over as I sat down and smiled. The conversation shifted gently as I returned to the table. There was a lot of professional talk in the field of Anthropology. I had already decided to follow in my folks footsteps there, so I enjoyed it and joined in. Then my Dad said, "Did you here the law finally passed protecting the Anatese territory? Now they will be able to continue their ways, at least for the foreseeable future." Tom said, "And we can continue to spread their...
Thursday Morning Mike Dahl was sipping from a cup of black coffee when Cutie and Halee walked into the kitchen. They both wore cute pink pajamas, and Mike felt as if he suddenly had two daughters. Cutie, as usual, gave her Dad a hug and then offered to get him more coffee. Halee watched while Cutie hugged her Dad, then shyly gave him one, too. "Thanks, Uncle Mike, for everything you did." From the stark, white pallor on her face, everyone could tell that she was remembering the...
Susan arrived at Devon’s place filled with anticipation. He’d promised her a reward for being such a good girl. She giggled a little. No one had ever called her a good girl.She entered the training room, removed her long coat, and kneeled at his feet with her gaze lowered. She was completely naked and felt a mix of vulnerability and lusty need.“Look at my slut, ready for me,” Devon praised her. “You’ve come a long way in such a short time, my dear.”Susan kept her head down but nodded in...
MILFThough tired, we wanted to celebrate the completion of casting and getting cast. Snake and his angels waited for us playwrights in the ACT lobby. Natasha noticed Lindy and I join them as we strolled together out into the street. While Snake and all the angels except Helena and Miwa stuffed themselves into Buzz's limo, I watched Natasha interact with Michael, the short dandy. It looked like a lover's row. "Wait!" she yelled as we stood beside a Checker cab that took the place of the...
Fed up with waiting for a taxi, naive young tourista Liza Rowe thinks she’s hit the jackpot when she meets Boris the driver. He offers to take the cash-strapped cutie to a nearby hhostel for free where she can room and board in exchange for some lite work. What girl could say no to a deal that sweet? A smart one, that’s who! Soon after arriving at Hostelxxx dumb little Liza discovers what the real price for a room is her juicy fat ass and tiny little tits, and thats just to start....