Customization free porn video

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I looked up at at the seedy garage as I grabbed my folder and stepped out of the car. The sign confirmed this was the place, but I wondered for the millionth time if chasing some stupid rumor was really a good idea. I'd already dumped ton of money into customizing my ride, and I was reluctant to leave it alone in this neighborhood. The last thing I needed was it getting ripped off in some dump a few towns over from my home city. The whole idea was crazy. I'd decided I'd been living life a little too tight-laced during my rapid rise at the law firm, and it was time to loosen up. For some reason I'd gotten it in my head that "loosen up" meant "buy some sweet wheels, customize them and get a hot chick painted on the hood so I can put the whole deal on display at shows." From what I'd heard no one did better auto body art than this place. The fact that I'd had to chase hearsay and play telephone with a good half dozen people to get an address somehow added to the mystique. If their work was half as good as I'd been told the effort would be worth the trouble. I stepped through a ramshackle door off to the side, and was greeted by an overpowering odor of oil and spray paint. The little office I'd entered was cut off from the rest of the garage, but the ventilation was terrible. The place looked deserted, so I rang the service bell. A few seconds later the far door opened and a pudgy little bald man in a filthy smock strode in. His apron and clothes were stained by a cacophony of colors. The only clean part of him was a name tag that read "Sal." "Welcome to Fantasia Customizations," Sal said, extending a hand. "How can I change your life?" Strong greeting for a glorified stenciler, but I accepted the handshake. I supposed he was allowed a bit of bombast if he could live up to his reputation. "Well, I was thinking of getting my car a custom paint job, and I heard you guys were the best in the biz," I said. "I had something really beautiful in mind, I was hoping I could lay it out and talk prices." Sal continued shaking my hand as I spoke. The gesture lasted a few seconds too long. It was uncomfortable, like he was investigating my hand's contours, or maybe getting some sort of read on me. "Well, you're speaking to the right guy! I'm in charge of our premium work," Sal said after an awkward pause, finally letting go. He continued sizing me up, this time with his eyes. "Give me the details of the look you're going for, and I'll see what I can do." Eager top give him something else to look at, I opened my folder and pulled out the reference material I'd brought. I leafed through glossy photos of models, porn stars and actresses, explaining the features that drew me to each. Large breasts, tiny waist, classical face, a woman that bridged the gap between obscene and sophisticated. If I was going through all this trouble, I wanted to make sure they got it right. I was a little flowery with my wording, but I figured an artist would appreciate it. Sal took notes on a clipboard while I spoke, and nodded in satisfaction when I was through. "That's quite the lady you've laid out here," Sal said, peering at his work. "Still, I think I'm up to it. If you sign here and don't mind lending me your pictures, I'll throw a rendition together and send it tonight. If you like it, I can have you finished within a week." Sal offered me the clipboard. I read through his transcript, once again slightly embarrassed by my language, but I signed. At least the wording got the point across. I said my goodbyes and headed back to my car. It was untouched, thankfully. I drove home and changed, then hit up the gym and more or less followed my usual summer weekend routine. After dinner I checked my e-mail and saw the message from Fantasia Customizations. The body was just text reiterating the contract, with the price at the end. Cheaper than I'd expected. There was also an attached image. I opened it, and was greeted by a picture of the sexiest woman I'd ever seen. Her face was gorgeous, bold angles offset by the softness of her big gray eyes, delicate nose and pouty red lips. Her skin was flawless, with a creamy peach complexion. Her generous, perfectly shaped breasts were stuffed in a little blue bikini and seemingly defied gravity. Her body was fit and tight, but somehow found room for some seriously distracting curves, followed by slim legs that went on forever. Completing the piece was perfectly straight blonde hair that flowed just past her shoulders, a golden waterfall of beauty. I felt myself getting hard just looking at her. Had Sal really drawn that in a few hours? The image looked like a photograph, with the girl posed spread eagle for some unseen lover. I doubted he could get the same level of detail on a car, but the man obviously had talent I'd been promised. I replied to let him know I approved. My only suggestion was that maybe her pose could be even more provocative. I was already getting a mostly naked lady painted on the hood of my car, I might as well go full-on fantasy, get her tits and ass both in clear view. Sal responded a few minutes later. An adjusted pose would be no problem, and wouldn't affect the chosen figure, whatever that meant. One of the garage's workers would be by tomorrow morning to grab my car, gratis, then again on Friday afternoon to pick me up and drive me over. I didn't have to pay until I then, which was nice. Living in the city, being without a car for five days or so wasn't a big deal. Honestly, having one at all was a luxury. It was more a status symbol and something to show off than day-to-day transportation, hence my willingness to get something so absurd, if awesome, painted on. The rest of the evening was slow. I just couldn't stop thinking about how great my car was going to look, and how hot that chick was going to be. As I lay in my ratty pajamas my head was full of possibilities, but I eventually manage to find sleep. ----- "You lose weight?" Paul, a paralegal, asked as I walked past him Monday morning. As usual, we were the first two people in the office. "Looking pretty good, if you don't mind me saying." I smiled at him as I walked past. I hadn't, but it was a nice complement, if a bit odd. Maybe it was my suit; it was a new one, a bit slimmer and a nicer cut than what I usually wore. I didn't really have time for small talk. To be honest, I was glad to have an excuse to ignore him. Paul was a decent enough worker, but way too much of an ass kisser, and from what I heard he made the female employees a bit uncomfortable. A creeper, for sure. I put my head down and got to work, finding myself ahead of schedule for once. Afterward I met up with my buddy Brad for some basketball. He was a fellow car enthusiast that worked in the accounting firm a couple floors below my office, and we'd hit it off years ago. "You seriously went to that place?" Brad asked as I blocked his way. "I didn't think you'd be interested. You were never the kind of guy to get a wizard painted on his van. Your dorkiness runs in a different direction." He drove past me, and missed his shot. "It's a girl, not a wizard, and it's my car, not a van. I only really take the thing out to shows, so I might as well have something worth bringing," I said as I grabbed the rebound. I tried to duck through, but he got in my face. "I figure if I need to go somewhere important I can bum a ride off you." Brad snorted. "Two things. First, getting a bikini chick painted on your car is straight up sleazy. Brian, you're like my brother, so here's some proper brotherly advice: you wonder why I score more chicks than you? It's crap like this. Any girl who sees that thing's gonna be pissed, and I won't blame her. It's sexist." Easy for him to say. He had a chiseled physique and effortless style that made him a hit with the ladies. Brad scored chicks that looked like my car girl with his smile alone. I was no slouch, but compared to him I was hopeless. Also, I was in enough of a dry spell that the eye candy would be welcome, and any girl that didn't like my car wasn't the one for me. Brad kept talking as I looked for an opening. "Second, brother or no, you're overestimating my generosity. Only a select few get to experience the majesty of my ride. As a rule, the list starts and ends with sexy ladies who I know will treat it right. Any dude, even a friend, has to earn the right to ride in my machine." He wasn't kidding. Brad, good buddy and defender of female honor, was an insane misanthrope when it came to his car. It was a goddamn beauty, way nicer than mine and probably worth somewhere in the six figures, but he treated that thing better than most people treated their kids. I'd only been in it once or twice before. But nice or no, Brad had no place lecturing me about misogyny when he openly admitted to reserving his sweet ride for babes. As Brad daydreamed about his one true love, I managed to sneak around and take a shot. The swoosh was satisfying. "Tell you what. You give me a ride to Lucy's thirtieth tomorrow, and I'll let you win," I said, grinning. I could tell I'd struck a nerve by his glare. Brad hated losing, and accepted no charity. He babied his ego almost as much as his car. Brad ran to fetch the ball, then hesitated before bringing it back in. "You know what? You somehow win, and I'll give you that ride. Just this once, though. You want another trip, you better grow some tits. Big ones." I agreed to his terms, then kicked his ass. He wasn't happy, but Brad is a man of his word, so we made our plans. The last thing he grumbled about was how my shoes better be pristine or I'd be vacuuming the thing afterward. That night, I imagined how the seat of Brad's car was going to be even comfier than my new cotton pajamas. ----- Tuesday crawled by as I waited for Lucy's party. A fellow attorney at the firm, Lucy... well, Lucy was kind of annoying. Friendly enough, but way too much of a girly girl for my tastes. She was more of an acquaintance than a friend, and we only really talked because we worked together. But she was pretty damn hot, if I wanted to think like that. And she knew how to party. I wore my best suit for the occasion. It was a bit feminine, but I kind of appreciated that. I was sort of effeminate myself, in a good looking way. Brad sometimes suggested that acting a little bit more macho would help me with the ladies, but I wasn't about to change who I was. I did just fine, thank you much. I met Brad in the parking garage after the agonizingly slow work day finally came to a close. His car was parked by itself in some lonely corner. It was beautiful looking and was once again the smoothest ride I'd ever had, so I could kind of understand why. I occasionally thought about how Brad himself wasn't too bad. I'm not gay, but the man had a certain appeal. When we arrived Lucy and some other friends had already grabbed a couple couches in the back. She waved us over. "Bri, Brad, so glad you could make it!" She kissed each of us on the cheek. "Grab a couple drinks and let's get started!" I drank, and I danced, and I drank and I danced. I jokingly danced with Brad, which was pretty fun. I let my mind wander a bit. I worked up a sweat with Lucy, who did an amazing job turning me on. It was a solid reminder of where my interests really lay. The drinks kept coming. We toasted to Lucy. We sang happy birthday. We bitched about Paul. I talked about how great my car was going to look, and ignored Brad when he rolled his eyes. I was too drunk to properly do the concept justice, but explained it as some sort of artistic statement about the world. I said it involved women, I think? That sounded right. I was really drunk. We danced and drank and kept going way, way too late. I kissed Lucy goodbye, on the lips this time. It lasted a bit. It was nice. Brad, also way too drunk, couldn't drive home, so we called cabs and went our separate ways. A pity. I was really looking forward to a ride back. When I got back to my apartment, I collapsed into bed almost immediately. I only took the time to undress and throw on my silk pajama bottoms. ----- Wednesday, Wednesday was rough. I woke up with a brick inserted in my head, promising myself I'd never drink again. My whole body felt funny, and my mind was numb. I skipped showering, got dressed without even looking at the clothes and just headed to work. I was ahead of schedule for the week, I could probably skip out early. I saw Brad in the elevator, muttered a hello, and that was it. We were both hurting too much for mundane small talk. The same went for Lucy. I felt bad ignoring my friends, but in a sense we were silently bonding over the idea that drinking on a Tuesday was a horrible, horrible idea. We weren't in college anymore. I made my escape in the early afternoon. I felt my stomach rumble, and knew all the crap I'd eaten last night was done digesting and ready to come out. Except as stood in front of the bathrooms, I couldn't remember which one I should use. It was the stupidest thing, but as I started to push the door for either I became overwhelmed by the sense that it was wrong, that I was transgressing. My hangover was so fucking bad I'd forgotten which restroom I belonged in. I swore I could hear Paul snickering in the distance as I told the secretary I was going home sick. God, I hated that prick. After the most miserable bus ride of my life, I made it home and plopped down on the toilet, relieved in both body and mind. Diarrhea isn't fun, but at least I didn't have to question whether I needed to be sitting down or standing up. Washing up, I tried to continue looking on the bright side. I hadn't vomited. That was something. Then I peered in the mirror. My face was wrong, somehow. I think it was the hair. Either I needed a haircut, or it needed to grow out some more. One of those two, at any rate. I stumbled through the apartment and to the couch. Should my chest be jiggling like that? It was slight, and I was pretty sure it was normal, but my head was so foggy. I popped some aspirin to try and make the last of the pain go away. It helped a bit, but the sickness refused to disappear completely. I got lost in thoughts of Brad and Lucy and last night. I think I kissed one of them, but couldn't remember who. It didn't matter, we were all drunk as hell. Even lying down, my whole body felt off. Particularly my groin. It was like I had too much down below. Or was it too little? Trying to shake off the thought, I wondered where my car was. I vaguely remembered dropping it off at some custom shop for work. I hoped it would look nice when it was done. I spent the rest of the night with my occasionally brain screaming about how something was wrong, finding little details that seemed off. I ignored it. I knew exactly what was wrong; I'd drank too much, and I was paying for it. Eventually I just wanted to stop thinking, to go to sleep. I didn't have the motivation to get changed properly. I threw on a too- large t-shirt, then collapsed into blessed oblivion. ----- "I'm tell you Bri, a little makeup and you'd look great. You're naturally pretty, you just don't let it shine through," Lucy told me at our weekly Thursday lunch. "Google work/life balance sometime, it would do you wonders." I nodded glumly, only half paying attention. I wasn't in the mood for yet another lecture about how I could be so beautiful if I just did my hair like this or started buying that brand of body wash. It was a load of crap. I knew I was decent looking, and while she called my looks butch I preferred the term athletic. Not everyone was destined to be a man-eating hottie like her. But I uncomfortably smoothed my skirt under the table. Was it really that drab? Lucy was obsessed with setting me up with someone. She'd gotten it in her head that my current dating slump was a personal slight against her as a friend. I loved her, and the concern was sweet, but the girl needed to learn when to lay off. We were out for a bite, not to find me a husband. Besides, none of her men held a candle to Brad. A pity he saw me as an acquaintance, not a love interest. Even after Tuesday, as far as I could tell. I picked at my food as she went on about boys who would be perfect for me or clothes that would really bring out my figure, boyish as it was. Then my attention was slammed back into full gear. "I'm sorry, could you say that again?" I asked. "Er, I was just asking, are you into girls? Like, a lesbian?" Lucy was staring at me intently. "I'm not judging or anything, but I don't want to keep wasting my time guys aren't your thing, you know? You're my best friend, you can trust me." A bowling ball dropped into my stomach and my eyes shot down to my drink. I tried to play it cool, but I could feel my face turn red. I wasn't gay, or bi, not exactly. I'd never actually been with a woman, and I'd had my fair share of guys, whatever Lucy claimed. That said, I sometimes thought about what it would be like to be with another girl. Lucy was one of them. But it was purely fantasy, nothing I'd ever act on. I was straight. Mostly. "N, no," I squeaked. Fuck. Now she'd be convinced I was lying. I gathered my thoughts, smiled weakly and pushed some errant hair out of my face. "Lucy, you've seen me date guys. I'm just having a bit of a dry spell right now, is all. " I could tell Lucy was calling bullshit, but she nodded and continued rattling off her list of guys. I wished I could make up an excuse and leave, but didn't want to insult Lucy. I lost myself in thoughts about my car. What was I getting painted on it again? It seemed so close, yet I couldn't remember. Lunch eventually ended, and the rest of the day was uneventful. That night I threw on a silk nightie and just watched TV, thanking God it was almost Friday. ----- Friday was completely mundane, with all the good and the bad that entails. It started when I leaned down to grab a pen and caught Paul staring at the view when I looked up. The little rat scurried as soon as he realized, of course. He knew I didn't have the time to waste hunting him down to reprimand him about looking at my cleavage. Well, once I was a little more free I'd call him into my office and calmly explain that if he kept treating me like a sex object he'd end up with my high heel in his ass. I've heard the excuses. A girl like me shouldn't wear a low-cut shirt if I don't want guys like him checking me out. Well, the excuses are bullshit. Just because I'm busty doesn't mean I need to dress like a nun. Once I got settled in my office, things went more smoothly. Paul didn't have the balls to bother me in my domain. I worked through the morning uninterrupted, then headed downstairs to grab some lunch. I ran into Brad in the elevator, and decided my blouse should be more revealing, not less. Maybe my skirt could have been a bit shorter, too. I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face as we chatted a bit, inconsequential stuff. Not about, for instance, Tuesday night's kiss. The one I'd been thinking about non-stop. But we'd been really drunk. He probably didn't think anything of it even if he remembered. Brad is cute, but that kiss was our first and only semi-romantic contact. I know I'm a bombshell, I've chewed men up and spit them out, but for some reason the guy made me feel like a stuttering school girl. Maybe because when I said he was cute I meant he was the hottest stud I'd ever seen. If you ever saw him rock the skinny jeans with a tight polo, you'd understand. A pity I couldn't talk about him with Lucy. The girl would drop everything and never stop until he went out with me. The sign of a good friend, maybe, but also potentially embarrassing. I needed to get Brad's attention myself. If nothing else, there was something compelling about him being the only guy who I've ever had to try for. Back in my office after lunch, I got a call from Fantasia Customizations. They told me my car was done, and that they could send someone to pick me up whenever I was ready. I'd completely forgotten it would be finished so soon! Honestly, I hadn't missed the thing. I hoped the result was nice, but for some reason I couldn't remember what I'd requested. The rest of the day went off without a hitch. At one point Paul fled at the sight of me, which was satisfying. Lucy invited me out for drinks, but I told her I'd have to see what happened with my car first. A driver from the shop was waiting for me when I walked out of the office. I hopped in the ride, and we were off. ----- The guy behind the counter at Fantasia showed me to my car. The sight made my jaw drop. Those perverts had painted ME on the body! A disturbingly realistic likeness was splayed in an impossible pose, somehow showing off my boobs and butt at the same time. Worse, I was wearing my skimpiest bikini. It was bright red instead of blue, but the cut was exactly the same. My lips were the same cherry red as the bikini, pursed as my gray eyes offered a disgustingly submissive come hither look. Painted me looked like some degrading combination of prostitute and porn star. I'm an up-and-coming lawyer at a serious firm, not some hussy flaunting her goods. Yeah, sometimes I like showing off this hot little body of mine, but that's what I do on my personal time, not something I wanted to advertise whenever went on a joy ride. And it was bad enough that they painted me wearing barely enough to be legally clothed, but how had they gotten a picture of me in it in the first place? There was no way they did something like that from memory. "Something wrong, lady?" the goon who'd escorted me in asked. "Yeah, something's wrong," I said, my eyes narrowing as I turned on him. "You assholes ruined my car! Why the hell would you paint something like that?" The man shrugged. "We just do what the orders say. That's the picture and details you gave us, so that's what you got. Plus artistic liberties." "Why the hell would I want a picture of myself practically naked?" "Lady, I got no idea. I don't question the paperwork. Look, how 'bout I get it out for you and you can see for yourself? We just did what you asked." I was ready to argue, but I honestly didn't remember what I'd put in that order. Still, it couldn't be the monstrosity I saw. So I let him go grab his precious paperwork. That would prove me right. The goon came back with a folder. I took it, opened it up, and was greeted by a large glossy photograph of me in my very revealing bikini. My pose was less overtly sexual, but that was largely because it was physically possible. I recognized the shot. I'd let an ex snap it a few years back, and as far as I knew I had the only copy. Our breakup had been mutual, and I'd watched him delete his version. Besides, we still talked and were on good terms. There was no way he'd have released it on the web, let alone somehow tricked me into getting it airbrushed on my car. Under the photo was a form with flowery descriptions of my features, written out like terrible erotica. It described things like "amazingly ample yet perky bosom," "face like worthy of the goddess of supermodels," and "sumptuous curves to put a stripper to shame." Brushing aside the unwelcome pride at how well I fit some of those descriptions, I recognized that it was all in my handwriting, even the signature at the bottom. The only thing off was the spelling. It looked like I'd written "Brian" instead of "Brianna," but with my sloppy cursive that wouldn't hold up in court. "You sure do love yourself, don't you?" the man said. "Can't say I can blame you, but still." "You seriously think I wrote this?" I snapped the folder shut and handed it back. "Why the hell would I describe myself as having 'legs made for wrapping around a man's back?' How much of an idiot are you?" This time the goon's eyes narrowed. "Again, I don't know why you asked for that. I only see the instructions, not the customers. Plus you big- titted bimbos are so full of yourselves, I didn't see nothing wrong with it 'til you started bitching at me." "Are you kidding me? A fucking bimbo? Do you even know who I am? My firm could buy this place and have it demolished tomorrow!" I was seething, felt myself turn bright red. "Get me your manager, now. Actually, forget that. Get me the guy in charge of your body art. Sal. We're going to have a good, long talk." "Sal? Who the fuck is Sal? Lady, I've worked here way too long, and I ain't never had a boss named Sal." The goon looked genuinely confused, which was calming him down a bit. I stared at him, breathing heavily. I was about to burst. "Don't lie to me. If he's not here, I'll come back tomorrow. I need to talk to Sal." "Again, and I mean this, we don't got a Sal here. We don't even got anyone with a S name. I think you need to calm down. Maybe someone played a prank on you or something. It happens." There was no way something like this just happened, but he was right, I needed to calm down. And I believed him about not knowing a Sal, as crazy as it was. He was too stupid to lie. I closed my eyes and ran my hands up and down my hair as I tried to control my breathing. A few seconds later, when I was slightly more zen, I opened my eyes again and spoke. Blonde strands hung in front of my eyes, but I ignored them. "Yes, I think that sounds good. I'll come back tomorrow. But I'm not paying you for ruining my car." The goon shrugged. "Suit yourself, we ain't going nowhere. You're on your own for a ride home, though, 'cause your car ain't going nowhere neither. Driver's gone, too. You were his last gig today." The rage came back, quieter but still red hot. No way I was calling a taxi. Those assholes fucked up my car, and now they wanted me to pay my own way home? On one hand, served me right for believing ridiculous rumors. On the other, they could go fuck themselves. "Anyway, could you step outside, ma'am? I'm about to close down for the night. We open again tomorrow at 10." I was spent, and I didn't have an argument left in me. I stomped out of the office, slamming the cheap door behind me, and nearly tripped when my heel caught on a crack in the sidewalk. I felt humiliated and in shock over what I'd seen. I couldn't think straight, let alone start figuring out how I was going to deal with this. The ugly goon locked up and drove away without stopping, ignoring the beautifully manicured middle fingers I flipped him. What was I going to do now? I still had enough pride to refuse a taxi, but I needed a way home. I pulled my cell out of my purse and tried some friends. Lucy, never one to learn, was already drunk. There were no answers from anyone else. Of course. That said, there was another option. Normally I'd have been mortified, but right then I was pissed and desperate enough to not care. I did what I could to tame my hair with my fingers while I worked up the last bit of nerve I needed. The phone rang twice before I got an answer. "Brianna? Huh, forgot you had my number. What's up?" A little while later I was riding back home in Brad's car, complaining bitterly about what just happened. I'd heard about how awesome his ride was, and even through my terrible mood it didn't disappoint. Brad was great too, completely agreeing that the shop was run by perverted morons and that putting sexy cartoon me on the hood was all kinds of creepy. I vented for most of the ride. After I finally calmed down, things went all but completely quiet. For the most part I just stared out the window at the city and finished fuming in silence. But at a red light, I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over, and Brad was smiling at me. My heart all but stopped, but I managed to smile back, my troubles suddenly all but forgotten. That smile gave me the nerve to invite him to drinks with Lucy, but he suggested somewhere a bit more personal. Somewhere we could have a proper dinner. I have to admit, Brad's condo was almost as nice as his car. Plus I had no idea Brad was such a good cook, especially when he wasn't expecting guests. We sat and chatted in his apartment through the night. The conversation was great, and during the lulls the looks and smiles continued. A few hours in I found out that he hadn't forgotten our kiss either. And that it was every bit as good as I'd remembered. When we finally fell asleep, I wasn't wearing any clothes at all.

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Rebekah hadn’t replied to any of Emma’s text messages, and so at around noon on Sunday, still in her pyjamas, Emma decided to call her. ‘Hey, Emma,’ the voice down the phone line was somewhat muted. ‘Bex, I’ve not heard from you. I feel awful about last night, what a disaster.’ ‘Yes. Well.’ ‘What’s the matter? Did the two of you hate it, too? I saw you leave at the interval, along with everyone else.’ ‘Look, this isn’t a good time, Emma. Me and the fella, we… We’ve had an argument.’ ‘Oh,...

2 years ago
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A Horrible ChoiceChapter 9

Sheryl looked back and saw that Cricket didn't seem to have hardly even noticed. He just eased his car out onto the street and drove away like nothing happened. He knew Shawn's car, and he had to have seen him peeling out like that, but it didn't seem to bother him in the least. Walking up to her apartment building, she had that awful sinking feeling way down deep in the pit of her stomach, and she kept looking, expecting to see Shawn driving back down the street towards her, but he...

1 year ago
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A Day To Remember Ch 1

‘Mr. Corwin, what are you doing?’ The teacher’s sharp question broke through my oblivion. She wanted to know what I was doing. What was I doing? I looked down at the notepad in front of me only to find an extremely graphic, if somewhat crude, drawing staring back at me. I felt my face grow hot as I leaned over the desk in an effort to hide my work. ‘Bring it to me, now.’ It was not a request, it was a command. I desperately wanted to refuse, but I knew that would be a wasted effort. Slowly I...

2 years ago
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A Forced Tryst

We’re both in college but her dorm-mates often give her shit for drinking and coming in late on school nights. She told me once she’s fucking two of her three teachers for her grades, and with how much class she misses it must be true. Tryst’s picture comes up now and as its 1 am on a Wednesday I’m sure she needs a ride and a couch to sleep on. I sigh, set my Xbox controller down and take a drag of my blunt. I got some friends over and they see me getting up to leave.
 “Yo, man where you...

1 year ago
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My Aunt caught me While Masturbating

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, I am 22 years old and I have got 6.5 dick in height and about 3 inch in diameter as I will not tell a lie that mine is 9 or 10 inch as other people usually do. I am the taller one and iam holding average body type. I also have a habit to clean my Private Parts hair and even legs both from front and back. So for this purpose I often use Hair removing cream for my legs and back, whereas razor for rest. Actually, the reason behind this habit is that,...

3 years ago
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A trip to the park with my new friend

So today i had a meeting with a new friend. I was so nervous, as I am with all meeting. I was sitting in my car in my normal work clothes, black shoes with bkack trousers and a blue shirt with a maroon jumper. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until you notice my socks....or lack of socks. Instead i am wearing opaque stockings which go all the way up my legs and are attached to a black basque. Over them is a pair of satin red panties. I am a crossdresser and so is my new friend that i am meeting for...

1 year ago
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Morning Inspection

Metallic clacks and a jingle of metal hitting a familiar ceramic bowl by the front door startle me awake, instantly casting a sense of dread through my having overslept. Leaping from the bed, I hastily straighten the pillows and comforter. I grab my collar from the nightstand and slip it around my neck, buckling it in place.The pink leather material lightly bites into my soft morning skin—the silver leash-ring clinks with every frantic move I make. Lifting my nightshirt up, exposing my belly to...

3 years ago
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Iribis the Demon

"why am I summoned mortal?" his voice was filled with venom. "you're here to give me information, please tell me your name."  "Iribis, what is yours?" "mine is not of importance as of now. I have summoned you and you must listen to me and follow my commands." he said with an ever gaining confidence. "this is a deal I do not like, how about this human. You release me and I'll tell you the secret to immortality, all I want is to be set free upon your world." it said with a wicked...

1 year ago
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Three girls a pack of cards and me

It had taken a while for me to engineer this situation, and originally it was going to be me, mygirlfriend and her bestie.Bestie really fancied me and although we had occasionally snogged at parties, and I had felt her up a few times, she told me that "fucking would just be wrong, because of her lifelong love of her bestie".Us guys never had that issue, and I would not hesistate to fuck my best friends girls, in fact I had already fucked three of them.Anyway , back to game night.My girls...

2 years ago
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Grandma8217s Story 8211 Wild party

Jeff, arriving home from school, found Isabel napping on the couch in the Family Room. Without waking her, he sat down to open the mail in the large over-stuffed chair nearby, affording him a view of his Grandmother’s thighs and the entrapped panties in the narrow crease between the opulent twin mounds of her bottom. She was facing the back of the couch with one leg pulled up and her short skirt hiked up over her hips. The position enhanced the beautiful curve of her hips so golden...

4 years ago
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Before the Glory hole experience

My hubby wrote recently about how I discovered what a Glory Hole is and got to experience a huge black cock. It drove my hubby crazy with desire and we have enjoyed hours of great sex since. He keeps telling me how turned on her got when he walked in to the cube in the porn shop where I was getting stuffed with a huge black cock. I had told my hubby to go and get a xl sized condom so I could fuck the huge black cock that I was sucking. He had almost rushed out of the room. Soon as he was gone...

2 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice Pt 10

It was Friday morning and Janice was happy, she would soon be meeting Wayne, her lover. She had told her husband that she was having a weekend with her friend Ruth and would be home late Sunday afternoon so she had three days with Wayne and two nights. Technically though not just with Wayne he had promised to take her to a posh club for morning coffee, 5* lunch and an afternoon of fun. She did not know what the fun would be but trusted Wayne. Wayne had said some of his friends would be eating...

1 year ago
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Visiting shemale goddesses

Sexy hung shemales have long been a favourite of mine and over the years i have had several sexy encounters of all kinds. As ive got older it has become more appealing to have these beauties top me if possible. Most ive met have been quite abrupt and arrogant and have suited the top position well. Not every experience has been nice. However my last one was a really nice suprise.I was in Amsterdam working for a week and had a 3hr slot early afternoon to amuse myself so took a short walk around...

2 years ago
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Busting Sexy Niece

Hi, My Name is Sahil. I am now 40 year old. This is a story about me and my niece Vanshani who is now my wife. I am living in Florida, USA. Me and my wife were moved to Florida when I was 30 year old. My wife was youngest child in her family. She has one two older brothers. Her oldest brother had a daughter, Vanshani who was 21 year old. It was winter break in her college when Vanshani came to Florida. I went to air port to pick her up. I was seeing her first time after three years. When I saw...

3 years ago
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Pimping My Father Chapter 1

Pimping My Father Chapter 1: Background “Hurry up dad! You’re really pissing me off again and probably costing me money.” Trina yelled across the large kitchen. Her father Glen apologized as usual as he gulped down the last of his hurried breakfast on the fly. He felt like an idiot dressed in the Lycra biking attire Trina and her mom had made him purchase. The twenty nine year old father always thought they were gay looking but the wife held all the cards and so he followed her...

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The DavetoJane Chronicle Part 1

I wrote the first two parts of this chronicle to make sure I never forgot these wonderful events in my life, not knowing they were to be part of a complete change in my life. They were, however, originally written for my eyes only and certainly not intended for publication. My apologies for this being heavy reading. I was instructed to write the remaining three parts by my Lover and Mistress. Together they record my full transformation. Constructive communications may be sent to...

1 year ago
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Scouries Lures Christian Teen

During a recent wild, sex filled weekend three well known authors wrote this story. Scouries accompanied by two brilliant ladies who wish to remain anonymous for now. Between bouts of passionate lovemaking, the three naked authors typed out the following. SCOURIES LURES CHRISTIAN TEEN THURSDAY JUNE 14th, 2001 "No way Jennie... I'm not going," I said as we strode down the school hallway towards our lockers. "You promised," my best friend replied. "I said I'd think about it and I did....

3 years ago
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OSL The Wedding

-- NEWPORT BEACH -- It was a perfect June afternoon. The temperature wasn't overly hot and the sky was clear with white, puffy clouds scattered around, only occasionally passing in front of the sun. The sounds of birds fluttering about the trees clustered around us filled the air, accompanied by the distant roar of waves crashing against the beach far below. In front of us, about thirty feet from the cliff's edge before it dropped off into the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean, was an elegant...

4 years ago
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Il torneo

Dopo poco tempo dalla rovinosa sconfitta di Darya, Monica, Erika e Veronica, la giovane Gaia, affascinante ed audace sedicenne bionda riceve una lettera con la quale viene invitata a partecipare ad un importantissimo torneo di arti marziali che si tiene ogni quattro anni e raccoglie alcuni temibili combattenti. La ragazzina, entusiasta e pronta a dare sfogo alle proprie abilità si presenta il giorno indicato all'enorme complesso di edifici che ospiterà la gara. Le regole sono semplici: nessuna...

2 years ago
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Caught in My Girlfriends Panties

Bella was wearing a black and white checkered wrap dress.  The deep-v neckline teased her ample cleavage. Without seeing it, I knew she was also wearing a half-slip and lingerie chosen to please me.  I pinned her to the foyer wall as soon as we entered her house. We kissed. I grabbed her soft ass.She had a midwestern look with fair skin, dirty blond hair, and blue eyes.  She was fit, but not slender, with a big sexy ass, smooth thighs, and nice bell-shaped tits.  I took her hand and led her to...

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TV Bondage Model

TV BONDAGE MODEL by "cc" My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Detective; I specialize in untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My fee is a Thousand Dollars a day and I'm seldom out of work because I guarantee my results and my clients know my discretion is absolute. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office..., as soon as I get one again, that is! The click-clack of my high heels on. the sidewalk should have been a familiar sound to...

4 years ago
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Doctor of Desire Ch 08

The building had her name on it. CLARE’S WORLD. Of course it did. It was her empire, built up from potholders sold at parties to a multibillion dollar ‘lifestyle industry.’ She understood people and knew how to get or make what they wanted. Her pots and pans were in the most upscale houseware stores. Her gardening boots were sold at Z-Mart. There were three fashion lines, each aimed at a different demographic: Cowgirl, East Sider, Family Values. Women were her bread and butter. A receptionist,...

3 years ago
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Fucking a cute thick girl

So, it was a while since my last story... (I fucked Kara) Kara was out of state for a bit and I hit a total dry spell. It was crappy weather outside, classes were canceled and I took the day off of work. I was just sitting there watching movies and old sitcoms all day while eating cheesy ruffles... That was pretty satisfying enough for me, but I had to fuck or I was gonna go crazy. I scrolled through my phone book on my cellphone. I'm not gonna lie, it was a bit more sparse than I expected...

3 years ago
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His Sweet Slave Pt 2

Two days laterThe anticipation of serving Laurence continues for two more days until he finally receives the results of our exams, which turn out to be negative across the board for both of us. The message is short and simple, but the wink that he places at the end of the message makes my womb immediately ache. When I hear the knock on my door, I quickly get up to answer and smile so widely, thinking that it’s my sexy boss who is now my master. When I see Robert’s handsome face looking back at...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Story about my friend sexy wife

I would like to share my true experience here, the experience goes like : About myself, my name is Sonu(not a real name) I am not a very exotic guy, I am very simple, shy, average person, 5’7”, 165lbs, average built, wheatish color, Punjabi guy. This is a very true incident of my life; this incident is when I was 30 years old (5 years ago). I was virgin at that time, I never had any girlfriend and I was too busy with my studies and Jobs, I used to have a very involving Job at India before...

1 year ago
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Shes in love with me part 2

I smiled up at her, ‘so uhm…you still wanna blow me?’ I asked smirking lightly. She looked down at me so innocently, ‘I–I don’t know. I’ve never done it before…and I don’t want to be bad’ I smiled again, she was so cute. ‘practice makes perfect.’ She rolled her eyes at my comments ‘I can’t–I’m too chicken’ she said lightly laughing. I stared at her for a moment ‘I can’t–I can’t just make the first move’ she whined. I bet she could, if she wanted to. But I could see how afraid she was. She saw...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 39 Bjorns Confession

Bjorn Erikson looked at Jessie Harper just as he was about to strip himself naked in front of the other six people in the Communal Dormitory of Camp Starkers. He started pulling at the bottom hem of his t-shirt then said to Jessie, “Well, I guess I was wrong about nobody wanting to get naked in the six days we were here at Camp Starkers. But don’t get me wrong, because I am kind of glad that this is happening ... and I do have a little bit of a confession to make before I take my clothes off...

1 year ago
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EchoesChapter 4 A Sieve in Time

"Sammy! Quitting time!" Brian was yelling at me from across the yard, and I barely heard him over the hum of the seamer. I didn't take my eyes off the bag, or the seamer's foot until I was done with it, but once I had the twine cut and the bag on the table I looked up and waved in acknowledgment. Two weeks after starting work, I was now sacking feed pretty much on my own. It was repetitious work, but not rocket science, and it freed up Brian to work more with the yard crew. I was also...

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 11

Ex-cons have all the time in the world to practice their acting skills in prison. In fact, you might say that their major daily activity is acting. They act tough when they're weak. They act happy when they're miserable. They act like they're reforming while planning all the capers they're going to pull when they get out. They act like they don't want drugs, when the only thing they can think of is getting a rock of crack, as soon as possible, and something to smoke it with. Wally's...

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Cuckold intervention

It had been a few weeks since we had met Pam and we had kept in touch, well rather Linda had been doing a little more keeping in touch than I had. Even so when it was just Linda and me at home the sex was great and when Pam came over the odd time the two of them put on a great show and always made sure I enjoyed the evening.It was a Friday evening and I could see Pam's car in the driveway when I arrived home. Linda greeted me and all she was wearing was a tiny tshirt, too short to cover her...

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FamilyHookups Honey Gold Sexy asian teen Honey Gold takes her stepdads BBC in her tight pussy

Honey Gold is hanging around the house when she decides to try to get a few sexy pics of herself she can send to boys. She’s getting some really hot pictures when her sexy black stepdad shows up and sees the whole thing! She’s embarrassed at first, but as they’re talking he reveals that he thinks she’s beautiful and no one has ever told her that before. She thinks he’s sexy too, so in her mind there’s only one thing to do, pull out his massive BBC and go for it. He’s hesitant at first, but as...

4 years ago
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Better Off BredChapter 5

So there I was, running naked in the rain, the evening warm, only half darkness so I could see the track, and the naked body of the girl running beside me. Definitely a first. Laura didn’t try to explain, in fact she never spoke, she just fitted in by my side, matched my pace and stride, and ran. Perfect. Ok, so we have already agreed my social skills suck but I’ve been running daily for years, not once have I had a conversation whilst doing so. It’s just not right, running time is “me”...

2 years ago
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The Inception Of Adventures Of Neha 8211 Part 2 Capsizing Of Servitude

I wanted a man to touch me the way they were touching in the videos I saw in the night. Ashfaq chacha, our servant since many years was in my room this morning. I wanted to experiment with him. Hence I decided, to keep him nearby while improvising along the way. I then laid on my bed and told, “Chacha aaj bukhar jaisa lag raha hai, dekho na.” I then took his hand and put it on my lower neck. He kind of rubbed it on my chest for some time, then pulled his hand away. He replied, “Thoda badan...

1 year ago
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Master of Transformation 3

MASTER OF TRANSFORMATION #3 By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 9 It was strange looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my sister Debbie. But I was getting increasingly used to being Debbie's twin. But with school starting I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to go to 11th grade when I looked like a 7 year old. And it would be ridiculous to go back to 2nd grade, as I would be bored and not learn anything. Janet said that I would be going to a special school called LAMA...

4 years ago
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The Shaming Part 2 Sweet Interlude

Slowly I wake up. The rays of the sun enter through the slats of the blinds, and as I open my eyes, I see stripes painted across the walls of the room by the sun. My mouth is dry, and I am confused as to where I am. I have a moment of panic and then memory returns.I recall yesterday, my shame at having been caught shoplifting, my humiliation, the spanking I received and finally the pleasure and the shame of being subjected to all the lesbian sex play. I am alone and wonder where my stepdaughter...

2 years ago
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The ImamChapter 3

FATIMA RETURNS 9th of Rajab 1416 (December 2, 1995) Fatima inspected her swollen belly in the creases of sunlight which glowed through her small hovel. She had been told by Mama Khadija that she carried a child. Through the tender months of feeding herself extra rice borrowed from her friends, she sometimes stopped her cleaning work and took walks above the slum area. She imagined living in a household with servants of her own and giving her child, be it male or female, a place and home on...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Kira Perez Parcel Vibes Surprise

You’re just casually recording when your roommate Kira gets a package. You keep filming when she opens it and sees a vibrator. She immediately rips off her panties and starts using her new toy. She moans in delight. You can’t believe you were getting all this on cam. But then, she comes to her senses and catches you being a creep. Horrified, she confronts you and says she might tell your girlfriend unless you eat her pussy out. Of course, you’re more than happy to do it. She...

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 19

It was every Autumn of her life that Ivory and the rest of her clan made the same trek south. Every Spring she returned the same way. She reasoned that the journey would seem less arduous as each year came by, but this year the wind was colder, the snow heavier and the ground more treacherous. Ivory wondered whether the migration only seemed worse because it was the first time her mother wasn’t there to accompany her, but Glade was as good a companion as her mother had ever been and in certain...

1 year ago
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Sex In Hut with mature servant

Hai I am santosh writing my first story in kerala erotica. It was good experience so I thought I should share with u all. one day I was having a cigartte in front of a shop in mumbai. one man was talking in mobile phone and he was very tense. so I ask him what happened. He told that his aunty is need of money on urgently for some work. And it was night time so he knew that he cannot get money from anywhere. I told him that I can give u the money if u want. He was very happy. He told this to his...

1 year ago
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A sort of revenge

Tony Fills In for Bill It was a lovely sunny morning and Mrs. Laura Francis stood looking out the window, admiring their lovely garden, and swimming pool. Money was no problem, she had everything almost, that a young married woman could want, but she was missing the one thing, that was so important in her life. Because of this she was feeling so terribly frustrated and lonely, and she was bored . Just then she saw the young newspaper boy Tony, come up the drive with the morning paper. He was a...

Erotic Fiction
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A LifeChanging Experience Part Two

A Life-Changing Experience, Part TwoI was confused and unbelievably embarrassed at the same time. Reaching down to pull up my pants and trying to stammer out an apology, I felt Kerry touch my left hand, the one holding the red satin panties. “It’s OK,” he said soothingly. “Believe me, I know how irresistible they are. That’s why my collection is so extensive - I simply can’t stop buying them.”I finally turned my head slightly to face Kerry and mustered the courage to force out, “This . . ....

1 year ago
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Chantelles Punishment

I shifted uncomfortably behind the cash register, trying to pay attention to what the customer was saying. I was distracted by a few things. The nipples on top of my tiny breasts were hard enough to cut glass and showed through my bra and the thin dress I was wearing. My pussy was wet enough that it had soaked through my thong, making them uncomfortable and I was sure that everyone in the store could smell how turned on I was. But the main source of distraction was the little...

3 years ago
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My Older Boss Finally Seduces Me

I worked at a local gym for a couple of years before I left school for University. While I was there my boss, who was approaching forty, used to flirt relentlessly with the younger staff (males and females). She would turn up to lifeguard training in tiny skimpy bikinis and spend most of the time trying to get a reaction out of the guys (which was sometimes difficult to hide for a hormonal teenager as I was at the time).I left for University and never thought much of it again until the...

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School Affair

Introduction: The most unexpected event in my life, involving me,my teacher and a special friend i like to call intercourse It was a warm day in mid-April, which i spent in school on detention, due to skipping computer science class multiple times for the past couple of weeks. Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that Im not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldnt get the task...

2 years ago
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I Knew It Was Wrong But

Spending the night at my best friend Ashley's house is always fun. She's a riot to hang out with, is crazy as heck most times, and has a wild personality. But what I've always really liked is hanging out with her stepdad. He's a pervert, he's always had a dirty mouth, says whatever he wants to, and doesn't really care what people think.The funny thing is, her mom is a prude. She's lame as fuck and boring, and I'm not saying that to be mean. It's the truth. Even Ashley has said for years, she...

1 year ago
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Short story 2 aimed at female reader waiting fo

The room is filled with steam from the tub... you have been soaking in it, enjoying the warmth spreading throughout your body... every movement creates waves that wash against your body... time flies, but soon you have to go, soon step out of the water... the tight feeling around your neck reminds you of it, reminds you of what you need to do...You move your hand lazily up to feel it, the leather Laing tight against your skin... the metal ring, normally cold to touch, now warm from the bath......

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Nostalgia Lisa

It’s a bit of a stretch to consider Lisa a “girlfriend.” But less than twenty-four hours with her left a lifelong impression. I flew into Miami to go to the wedding of some old friends. I had introduced the couple a decade earlier and they were finally getting hitched. I arrived the day before the nuptials and went to the rehearsal dinner soon after my arrival. There I met Lisa. Or that’s where I thought I met Lisa. She came up to me as if we were old friends, called me by name, and leaned in...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 11

Early Spring – 2082 a.d. Memories Jake sat on the porch, one booted foot up on the railing, looking out at the dust devils swirling around in the February desert sun. In a few hours the sun would be going down and, if he sat here long enough, he would be able to see the Aurora Borealis flickering on the horizon. It had only become visible this far south in the last few years, as the sun licked the protective ozone layer off the edge of the atmosphere. The ozone layer had been dissipating for...

3 years ago
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Mothers New BoarderChapter 3

Marleen Franklin closed the shop at seven o'clock, five minutes after Wendy's current boyfriend, Clyde Brooks, picked her daughter up in his sports car. She thought of Wendy as she walked up to the dark and empty apartment after she'd done the ledgers for the day, thought of how much a boon and companion she'd been as well as a child of which to be proud. She wasn't worried about Wendy being with boys; the doctor had assured her that Wendy was still a virgin as of the last checkup, and...

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