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“Captain Sanchez, I demand to speak with my husband and family!” Jennifer Land spat venomously, placing her palms flat on the surface of the big desk. The ceiling fan overhead squeaked as it rocked loosely in its mount. Flies buzzed in the background. A steamy tropical breeze wafted in through the grimy curtains of the office of the “Comandante de Policia”.

The office itself was for the most part tastefully decorated, in a third world sort of way. In its center stood a large varnished wood desk with a scarred red leather top, from behind which the Comandante gazed impassively up at the angry, American woman. Against the far wall was a somewhat dilapidated couch covered in stained linen. A couple of rusting filing cabinets stood near the single window which looked out from two floors up onto a dusty courtyard below. Several posters of local scenery and one large oil painting of poor quality depicting “El Presidente” graced the drab white walls.

“Captain Sanchez, perhaps I’m not making myself clear,” Jennifer land continued. “I am an American citiz...”

The old rotary style telephone on the desk let out a clattering ring. The Comandante held up his hand, cutting Jennifer off in mid-syllable. “Sanchez,” he answered in clipped military fashion. He listened for several moments, nodding his head from time to time. “Si, bueno,” he replied into the receiver. Raoul Sanchez was not a man to mince words. “Si, perfecto. Gracias,” he said at last. An odd smile graced his poorly complected face as el Comandante leaned slowly forward to replace the telephone receiver into its cradle. He looked up at Jennifer Land once again, a completely neutral expression on his face.

Taking this as a cue that she might continue her verbal assault, Jennifer stood up straight, squared her shoulders, glared as menacingly as she knew how at the man behind the desk and spoke as calmly and succinctly as possible. “Captain Sanchez, I am an American citizen. I have been unjustly separated from my family and unduly detained. I wish first to speak with the consulate at our embassy. I expect immediately thereafter to be released from custody and reunited with my husband and daughter. I don’t know how I can make these demands any clearer, Captain Sanchez.” Having said her piece, Jennifer waited for the man’s reply and, she hoped, capitulation.

“Mrs. Land, please. Be patient with my office. There is no need for harsh words or hard feelings,” the Commandant said, switching to surprisingly good English. “That was one of my most trusted lieutenants just now.” He nodded toward the phone. “He assures me that your husband and young daughter are in good hands and in good health.” Jennifer opened her mouth to respond, but again was cut off by his upraised hand. Sanchez had a certain power over women. “You must understand,” he continued, “that we have, as a result of your own government’s insistence, sought to increase the security at our airport. We have just recently received reports from your Drug Enforcement Agency that there is a new smuggling ring in the region who allegedly uses operatives disguised as touring American families to move their product. We cannot be too careful, now can we, Mrs. Land.” Raising his eyebrows condescendingly, Sanchez folded his hands over his ample belly then leaned back in his big swivel chair, causing it to complain bitterly.

“Captain Sanchez, I sympathize with your situation, but I can assure you that my family and I are not the people you seek. Now, if you please, I would like to place a telephone call to our embassy.”

Jennifer Land was not about to forgive and forget. Not only had she, her husband and teenage daughter been forcibly separated almost immediately after setting foot in this God forsaken shit hole of a country, but Jennifer had then been escorted into a small anteroom where she was strip searched by a none to gentle Latin woman of massive stature. Every opening and orifice in her body had been systematically probed. Never in her thirty-two years had Jennifer been subjected to such indignities. She’d felt totally violated, and was therefor feeling quite vindictive.

“Very well, Mrs. Land,” Captain Sanchez said in a conciliatory manner. “If that is the way it must be between us, then so be it. I will do as you ask.” He leaned forward in his chair, picked up the telephone and dialed. Handing the receiver to Jennifer he said simply, “Your embassy.” He sat back in his big chair looking beaten and much chastened.

Sanchez watched Jennifer Land from behind his mask of contrition. “She is an attractive, young woman,” he thought. Captain Sanchez had a “thing” for American women. He enjoyed defiling them, to make them grovel. “They’re all such haughty bitches who lead their simpering males around by the testicles.” Sanchez laughed inwardly. “I suspect Mr. Land is learning all about being led by the testicles right now at the hands of Sergeant Diaz.”

Diaz, had a reputation for brutality and preferred the company of men, white men in particular. Diaz had been given the Land male as a reward for his part in the family’s abduction at the airport. Diaz had been told that he could keep Mr. Land for as long as it suited him after which he should either kill the man and dispose of the body or sell him to a mutual acquaintance who would see to it that Land was put to good use somewhere outside of their country.

Either way, the thought was amusing to Captain Raoul Sanchez as he sat listening to the idle threats and boasts the Land bitch was presently voicing over the phone to someone in her embassy.

“I want him reprimanded formally!” Jennifer Land shouted into the receiver. “And I want that ... that female beast of a security guard at the airport arrested. She virtually raped me!”

Again, Sanchez had to hold back a laugh. Angelica from airport security had thanked him profusely for allowing her to have a few minutes with the American woman. “It had been a long time since she’d played with such a ‘scrapper’,” Angelica had later informed her superior.

Jennifer faced Sanchez. Her dark, green eyes flashed in anger.

“She is indeed a beauty,” Sanchez thought idly. “One would hardly suspect that she is the mother of a fifteen year old daughter.”

Jennifer had in fact turned thirty-two one month earlier, and she was indeed a very hansom young woman who caught many a stare from male passers by. Jennifer had dark, brown hair which she wore girlishly long, often tied back in a ponytail. Her face was a lovely oval shape with high cheek bones. Jennifer had a cute upturned nose and sparkling green eyes. She kept herself in immaculate shape, spending many hours at the Nautilus Club in her home town. She also lifted free weights and ran. Jennifer had a narrow waist and nicely shaped hips. Her breasts were not overly large. One might call them, “a handful”. Even after having breast fed her daughter Emily, Jennifer’s tits had not lost their bounce. Jennifer’s best feature, all of her male acquaintances agreed, was her rear end. Put simply, Jennifer Land had a great ass.

While he watched her talking on the phone, Sanchez continued his daydream. “Let’s see,” Sanchez thought, doing the math while Jennifer rattled on with the embassy, “Daughter is fifteen, that means mother was seventeen when daughter was born. So, probably knocked up when she was sixteen. Well ... well ... well,” thought Sanchez. “This is indeed interesting. The sassy bitch standing on the other side of the desk started rather early. I wonder if her weakling husband was her first and only. I suppose with one so young it’s possible. Interesting. Very interesting. It shouldn’t bother her too much then when her daughter follows in her mother’s footsteps.” This thought brought a smile to Sanchez’s lips.

“And just what are you grinning about, Captain?” Jennifer Land said as she placed the receiver none to gently onto the cradle. “That was Gary Jameson of the United States Embassy on the phone. He informed me that he is on his way over here as we speak, and expects to be here in about two hours. Mr. Jameson told me to tell you that you and he are going to have a lot to talk about when he arrives.”

“Two hours,” Sanchez muttered as he looked up at Jennifer Land from his musings. “Only two hours. That doesn’t leave us much time.”

“Time?” Jennifer asked, confused. “Time for what, Captain?”

“Mrs. Land, we have much to do if we are to reunite you with your family. There are many details which must be worked out,” Captain Sanchez said in a very businesslike and official manner. He leaned forward and shuffled through some papers on the desk. Then looking up at Jennifer, he said flatly, “The first thing you will need to do for me, Mrs. Land is to remove your clothing.”

For a long moment, Jennifer stood staring at the man behind the desk, refusing to believe what she had just heard. Finally, Jennifer found her voice. “I ... I beg your pardon, Captain,” she croaked, then cleared her throat, trying to recover her equilibrium.

“I asked that you please remove your clothing, Mrs. Land,” Sanchez repeated in a cold tone of voice, his dark eyes sparkling wickedly. “I don’t know how much clearer I can be.” He smiled up at the shocked young woman. It was a cold, predatory smile that sent shivers through Jennifer.

It only took a moment for the adrenalin to kick in. Jennifer could hear her heart pounding in her ears. At first she glanced quickly around the dingy office, looking for a way to escape. When nothing obvious presented itself, she looked back at the captain. Jennifer managed to regain some composure through sheer force of will, and with it came anger and outrage. Summoning all of her courage, Jennifer glared across the desk at Sanchez and growled, “I’ll do no such thing. How dare you even suggest something so vile and crude. I’ll have you know that this incident will not go unreported. As soon as Mr. Jameson arrives, there will be hell to pay. And now, Captain,” Jennifer spat triumphantly. “I demand that you escort me to a suitable place where I might await Ambassador Jameson’s arrival.”

The room fell silent following Jennifer’s tirade. Raoul Sanchez and Jennifer Land remained locked eye to eye for several moments. The sound of children laughing could be heard coming from somewhere outside.

With a resigned sigh, Captain Raoul Sanchez pushed back his desk chair and stood slowly. His posture was slouched and chastened as he moved around the end of his desk. Then as he stepped in front of Jennifer Land, he suddenly stood up straight revealing his true size. Jennifer actually took a step backward as she looked up at the big man.

Raoul Sanchez, though a little on the pudgy side, was an imposing figure of a man. Standing at six foot four inches tall, he weighed two hundred seventy pounds if he weighed an ounce. After an uncomfortable period of silence during which Sanchez noted the fear in the American bitch’s eyes, he said almost conversationally, “I think, Mrs. Land, it is time that you fully understand your situation.” Jennifer meanwhile was speechless. Continuing, the big man said, “You are not in America anymore, Mrs. Land. You are in my country; in my world.” Sanchez grinned maliciously. “And in my world, Mrs. Land, the only rights you have are those that I see fit to grant to you.”

Jennifer opened her mouth to object. Like lightning, Sanchez’s hand shot out and slapped her hard across her mouth, with a resounding “crack”. Jennifer spun, catching herself on the edge of the desk, or she would have fallen to the floor. Her head swam. She tasted blood. Jennifer was thoroughly stunned, having never been struck before by anyone for any reason.

“You will learn to speak only when told, Mrs. Land.” Sanchez continued in his cold conversational tone. He wasn’t even breathing hard. “In my world, Mrs. Land, you will soon discover that everyone, and I do mean everyone, follows my orders without question or hesitation. I expect no less from you, Mrs. Land.” Having said this, Sanchez remained silent for a moment as if waiting for Jennifer to digest all that he had said. Then without warning he snapped, “Strip, Mrs. Land. This minute!”

Jennifer took another step backward. She wasn’t beaten yet. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight. “It’ll take more than what you’ve got to make me do anything of the sort, you bastard!” Jennifer hissed. She looked like a cornered alley cat.

With a laugh, Sanchez reached out and grabbed Jennifer by her upper arm.

“Oww! Let go of me you son of a bitch!” Jennifer struggled, but to no avail.

Sanchez shook Jennifer like a child, then slapped her on the side of her head once ... twice. Jennifer was terrified. Sanchez smiled at her when she looked back up at him, her green eyes wide and staring. “Mrs. Land, I can arrange for some assistance if you wish. I am sure that more than one of my guards will happily volunteer to disrobe you, but I thought that I would spare you that embarrassment. I was hoping that this would be a private affair between you and me.” He grinned wickedly.

Sanchez released his grip on Jennifer’s arm, leaned casually back against the edge of his desk and crossed his powerful arms over his chest. “Before we get started, Mrs. Land, I would like to point out one other piece of information which you may have overlooked.”

Jennifer gazed up at him with hate in her eyes while she rubbed her injured arm.

Sanchez leaned back and picked up a file folder from the stack of papers on the desk top. Opening the folder he scanned its contents in silence. Then at last he began to read from the top sheet in the file. “Emily Land,” he quoted. “Age 15, five feet, 4 inches tall, 93 pounds, green eyes, brown hair, appendectomy scar on lower abdomen.” Sanchez glanced over the top of the folder and smiled when he saw the look of horror on Jennifer Land’s face.

Immediately her entire demeanor changed. “Captain Sanchez, I...” Jennifer stammered then stood silent, her heart racing again. “Captain, please. You assured me that my family would not be harmed.”

“Harmed, Mrs. Land? Harmed? Of course not. At this moment, your husband Mr. Land is in capable hands. I’m sure he is being treated to some of our local color, and your lovely daughter thus far has undergone only a routine search.”

Jennifer’s vile look made Sanchez pause, holding up his hand in mock surrender.

“Please, Mrs. Land. Before you misjudge me. Your daughter was searched, but no invasive methods were used on the young lady. She is safe and in good care.” He noticed Jennifer relax a bit. “It is that care that I wish to discuss with you, Mrs. Land.” He paused to be sure he had Jennifer’s undivided attention. “As I have mentioned, your daughter is indeed a lovely, young girl, taking after her mother.” The compliment went unrecognized. “Emily is under the watchful eye of one of my top lieutenants, however, it has been reported that several of the other guards at our detention facility have, shall we say, taken more than a casual interest your daughter.”

Jennifer felt sick. She knew where this was going. Just then a knock came on the office door.

“Si,” Sanchez snapped, obviously annoyed at the interruption.

The door opened, and a young uniformed guard stepped into the office. “Pardoneme, mi Capitan,” the man began then continued on in rapid Spanish. Sanchez nodded several times, curtly. When the guard finished, he was excused by the Captain and quickly left the office.

Turning to Jennifer, Sanchez said, “My guard has informed me, Mrs. Land, that Mr. Jameson from your embassy will be detained for an indefinite period of time. He sends his regrets and asks that you please be patient.” Sanchez smiled his wicked smile then continued. “So, Mrs. Land. It appears we have a bit more time to spend together, you and I.”

Jennifer felt the blood rush from her head. Unsympathetically, Sanchez simply stood by and watched as the young woman nearly fainted. Jennifer was cold and trembling when the Captain next spoke. “Well, then, Mrs. Land. Let’s continue then, shall we. Please disrobe for me now. You may begin with your blouse, and remember, Mrs. Land. It is only through my direct intervention that your young daughter, Emily escapes the amorous attentions of some of my staff. Latin’s are known for their skill with women, Mrs. Land. I’m certain that young Emily would learn many new pleasures were I to permit it. Do I make myself perfectly clear, Mrs. Land?” Sanchez pushed himself away from the desk and took Jennifer’s chin in his big hand, squeezing her cheeks. “I said, do I make myself clear, Mrs. Land? I expect for you to answer my questions.” His voice was cold and threatening.

Jennifer took a slow, shuddering breath, held it then slowly nodded her head.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Land. I didn’t hear you. Your answer, please, and have the courtesy to look me in the eye when you speak.” He let go of her.

Terrified for her daughter and outraged at her own situation, Jennifer Land replied, “I understand you, Captain Sanchez.” Then as she looked into the man’s black eyes, Jennifer’s inner courage and spunk allowed her to say, “But I can assure you, Captain that you have not heard the end of this. My husband will not take this lying down.”

A broad smile spread across Raoul Sanchez’s face. “No, Mrs. Land, but he’ll be taking a lot of other things lying down,” he thought to himself. Then aloud he said, “The blouse, Mrs. Land.”

“But ... But, Captain Sanchez, please. I’m a married woman and a mother. A lame excuse,” Jennifer thought to herself. “Had she been reduced to whining?”

“Yes, yes, Mrs. Land. I know. And if my arithmetic doesn’t fail me, you bloomed early.” He almost laughed aloud at Jennifer’s reaction. “Tell me, Mrs. Land. Have you had many lovers, or just your husband?” He reached out with both hands and took Jennifer by her shoulders. Jennifer tried to shrug his hands away, but was unable to overpower the big man. She looked down at her feet, resignation creeping into her psyche. “Mrs. Land, please look up at me. You have such lovely green eyes.” He placed two fingers beneath Jennifer’s chin and raised her eyes to his.

Jennifer tried to appear defiant and strong, but her courage was flagging quickly. She felt so alone and vulnerable here in this awful place with this horrible man. She didn’t want to even think about what was going to happen next. She didn’t have long to wait to find out.

“That’s much better,” Sanchez said. “Now let me help you with your blouse.” Before Jennifer knew what was happening the big man removed his hands from her shoulders and began to fumble with the top button of her silk blouse.

“Nnnnnnnnno,” Jennifer whimpered, grabbing his hands, her eyes filled with alarm.

“Drop your hands, please, Mrs. Land.” Sanchez commanded. He stared into Jennifer’s eyes. She saw no compassion there; only lust and wickedness. Sanchez unfastened the top button.

Jennifer continued to stare into the Captain’s dark eyes, her hands holding ineffectually onto his wrists as Sanchez worked his way down, unbuttoning one button after another, a condescending smirk on his face. At last Jennifer let go of his wrists and dropped her hands to her sides, allowing Sanchez to tug the tails of her blouse from under the waist band of her khaki skirt. Without a word, the big man slipped the smooth silk over Jennifer’s shoulders then allowed the soft material to fall down her back, sliding down Jennifer’s arms to the floor behind her. Satisfied with his progress thus far, Sanchez leaned back against the edge of his desk. Then as if appraising a side of beef, the big Latin looked Jennifer up and down. Jennifer lowered her gaze to the floor. She was mortified.

“Very nice, indeed, Mrs. Land. Your husband is a fortunate man. Please continue, or do you prefer that I assist you?”

Jennifer quickly looked up at her captor, her fear and loathing readily apparent on her face. Then, summoning her waning inner strength, Jennifer looked Sanchez directly in the eye and said with as much contempt as she could muster, “No, thank you, Captain. You’ve done quite enough.”

“Very well, then Mrs. Land. Your skirt next, if you please.” Sanchez folded his arms across his broad chest, waiting.

Not for the last time, Jennifer looked quickly around the room hoping she might spot some avenue of escape, but as before, none presented itself. She looked up at Sanchez, hoping for some sign of compassion or humanity. She saw none in his dark eyes. It was hopeless. Slowly, Jennifer reached to her side for the catch to her wrap around Khaki skirt. While Sanchez watched seemingly impassively, Jennifer unhooked the small hook. Before proceeding she again gazed into her captor’s eyes with all the courage and contempt she could muster. She opened the skirt and released it, allowing it to join her blouse in a pile at her feet. Jennifer Land now stood in only her bra and panties before a total stranger in a hostile land far from her home and family. She was utterly alone.

Jennifer shrank back from Captain Sanchez when the big man pushed himself away from his desk. Unexpectedly, however, he turned away from her. Stepping behind his desk, Raoul Sanchez sat heavily in his big swivel chair. Jennifer stood very still, unsure of what to expect next. Sanchez folded his hands over his belly and stared at the top of the desk for several moments. Then at last he looked up at Jennifer. After a prolonged pause where Sanchez allowed his eyes to travel slowly over every inch of Jennifer’s body, he said, “Marvelous. Simply marvelous Mrs. Land.”

For the first time, Jennifer felt a hot blush creep up her neck. She lowered her gaze and instinctively pressed her knees together. When she looked back up at Sanchez after a moment, the man made a motion with his hand indicating that Jennifer should turn in a circle.

“What a beauty,” Raoul Sanchez thought as Jennifer slowly complied with his demands. He watched enthralled as the American woman turned slowly. Her breasts were perfectly shaped and filled her B cup brassiere nicely. Sanchez could see that the small satin garment offered very little support. What he saw behind that smooth shining material was all woman. His eyes traveled slowly down the American’s body noting every enticing curve. Her tummy was flat and muscular as a result of hours of working out. As the young woman continued to turn, reluctantly displaying herself, Sanchez was awe struck, as were many by Jennifer Land’s rear end. Then, as she turned away from him, Raoul Sanchez was presented with a lovely view of her narrow waist and spreading hips. The smooth, white skin of her muscular back was accented by the long pony tail of dark, shining hair which hung almost to her waist. Then again she stood sideways to him presenting a mouth drying profile of her full, shapely bottom.

“Dios Mio!” Sanchez gasped softly.

When at last Jennifer again faced her captor, Sanchez’s eyes locked onto the triangular panel of satin between the young woman’s thighs. The shining panel bulged outward enticingly. Obviously a treasure lay behind.

Sanchez very much wanted to see what lay hidden behind the two small garments which remained between him and the full disclosure of the American woman’s charms. A voyeur at heart, Raoul Sanchez rarely engaged actively in these “interviews” as he thought of them, and there had been several in the recent past. This time, however, as he studied the shapely body of the woman standing opposite his desk, Sanchez thought he might like to participate.

At last Sanchez roused himself from his musings and said, “That was well done, Mrs. Land. As I said earlier, you are a handsome woman. Please come around here and stand beside me. I would like to get a closer look at you.”

Jennifer’s mind raced as she frantically tried to think of a way out of this horrible situation.

“Mrs. Land,” Sanchez said expectantly. “Come around here now, please.” With his hand, he gestured to the floor beside his chair.

Unable to think coherently in her near panicked state of mind, Jennifer found herself doing exactly as she was told. She moved slowly around the big desk until at last she stood near her captor’s chair.

“Closer, please, Mrs. Land,” Sanchez said with a predatory smile.

Jennifer took a step closer. When she saw Sanchez reach a hand in her direction, Jennifer instinctively started to move to avoid his touch, but when she saw the cold look appear instantly on Sanchez’s face she froze. Jennifer shuddered when the man placed his hand on her hip and pulled her closer still. She stumbled, almost falling into Sanchez’s lap in the process, but was able to catch her balance at the last minute.

“Her skin is so very soft,” Sanchez thought. “American women do spend a lot of time on their appearance. In this one’s case, it’s been worth the effort.” He felt Jennifer flinch when he squeezed the firm flesh just behind her hip bone. “Love handles,” the American’s call them,” he thought with a smile. “A good name.” He allowed his hand to slip down onto the smooth satin covering the young woman’s fabulous backside. Sanchez could feel Jennifer’s body heat through the soft satin. He also noted with excitement the firmness of the flesh beneath. In his mind’s eye, Sanchez saw that flesh compressing beneath the impact of a lover’s thighs. “Soon,” he thought. “Soon.”

Sanchez broke the prolonged uncomfortable silence by saying, “Your brassiere, Mrs. Land. Remove it for me now, please.”

When Jennifer opened her mouth to object, she received a painful squeeze from Sanchez’s powerful hand upon her hip. She looked down at him in bewilderment, wincing in pain. Sanchez brought his other hand up to Jennifer’s other hip holding her as he turned his chair to face her. Then spreading his knees apart, he pulled her forward so that she stood between them. Jennifer whimpered for the second time, jumping slightly when she felt the course material of Sanchez’s pant legs touch her skin. She quickly found herself in a very compromising position.

“Your brassiere, Mrs. Land,” Sanchez said again in a far more commanding tone of voice as he stared Jennifer coldly in the eye.

The man’s big hands remained on her hips as Jennifer slowly brought her hands up to the small catch between the cups of her bra. She closed her eyes and shuddered once again when the man began to slowly kneed the flesh of her hips. Then her hands froze in place. Jennifer was unable to go any further. Fear had her completely paralyzed.

“Look at me, Mrs. Land!” Sanchez snapped, shocking Jennifer back to the moment.

“Oww,” she cried when the big man squeezed her hips. This time with both hands and leaving red imprints in Jennifer’s white skin. She did as she was told and opened her eyes.

“That’s better the man cooed. Now, once again, Mrs. Land,” he continued, his tone of voice turning cold. “I want you to remove your brassiere. Don’t make me ask you again, Mrs. Land.”

The hostile, threatening demeanor of the big man coupled with the mild state of shock that Jennifer was in caused her resolve to falter. She unfastened the catch of her bra. At that same instant, to Jennifer’s astonishment, Raoul Sanchez slipped his thumbs under the elastic waist band of her panties and quickly drew them down past her knees in one smooth, practiced motion.

“Nooo!” Jennifer cried. Unwittingly she let go of her brassiere in a belated attempt to prevent her captor from exposing her. The result was quite pleasing to the eye. The elastic strap at the back of Jennifer’s bra caused the cups covering her firm breasts to jerk back suddenly, making her bounce invitingly just inches from Sanchez’s face. Jennifer saw the man’s eye’s lock onto her exposed sex as she reflexively tried to capture the brassiere. The whole affair was almost comical. Quickly, Jennifer moved her right hand down to cover herself while attempting to cover her breasts with her left hand and forearm.

Jennifer’s heart raced. She had never before been exposed in such a manner. She was not in the habit of showing herself to anyone, including her husband. Even when they made love, which was not all that often, Jennifer would insist that they turn the lights off before she undressed and slid between the sheets. And now here she was standing naked and alone before a total stranger. Jennifer felt the panic begin to rise within her mind, blanking out all coherent thought.

As if from a great distance Jennifer heard a voice say, “Uncover yourself, please, Mrs. Land.” When all Jennifer was able to do was to stare blankly down at the horrible man between whose legs she stood, she felt powerful hands grasp her wrists.

With very little effort, Raoul Sanchez was able to force Jennifer’s hands down to her sides where he held them firmly in place against her hips. Sanchez smiled at the far away look of shock on his captive’s pretty face. From there he allowed his eyes to move down the American woman’s body so close to him he could smell her fear as well as her pungent female aroma. The young woman straightened in a half-hearted attempt to struggle free of his grasp. It was an ineffectual effort at best. As Sanchez leaned forward in his seat his face came within inches of Jennifer’s shapely breasts. He studied them closely for a moment before moving on. The two milky white orbs were indeed perfect. Not a stretch mark or blemish could be seen on either. The pink, upturned nipples gave no hint that a child had once suckled them for nourishment. Raoul Sanchez let his eyes wonder “south” past Jennifer Land’s smooth but slightly rounded belly which currently heaved from her rapid breathing. The skin was flawless.

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Lauren GisalChapter 24

Sunday 30th August, 8am The car really did arrive at seven fifty in the morning. Lauren had hoped that it might fail to turn up so that they could say they tried, but go back to bed and enjoy a normal Sunday. Nikki said if it was late she would be really angry as she could have stayed in bed later. They had time for a cup of coffee and some toast before leaving a short message for her parents and gently closing the back door. Rebecca was sitting in the front passenger seat, clearly so...

2 years ago
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Our first encounter

OK, you have been tantalizing me for a couple of weeks here online. Pictures of your hard dick with a cock-ring, private messages about hooking up, de-friending me, re-friending me. So here’s how it’s going to go down:Tomorrow night I will be sitting in my car at the Wal-Mart on your side of town. Not directly under any lights or so far away from other cars as to attract attention. Just out near where the employees park. Light green 4 door sedan, with the driver-side seat belt hanging out the...

1 year ago
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It was Yoda This Morning

December 24,2011 “Hey, you awake?” “What time is it?” I sit up and run a hand through my hair. “7:30 AM. I just woke up and need to talk.” God, I love Yoda, but there are times (like this) that I want to kill him! I never could, I love him to much… “What happened last night?” he asked as he sat down on my bed. Okay, more like flopped on my bed. Now, I am definitely wide awake. How could I possibly explain what happened last night without losing my best friend? “I’m still drunk,” he said....

2 years ago
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Mari vigrion anti

Tum ko sharam nahi aati main tumhari anti hoon main ne kaha anti hum doost bhi hain , anti ne kaha wo to theek hy per yah theek nahi hy , main ne kaha ok sorry anti , aur anti norman ho gai , aur main ne us se dobara chat shoroo kar di aur us ne muj se kaha app hot ho is waqat main ne anti ki taruf dakh aur anti se phocha anti main kiya kahoon anti ne kaha ke kah do jo tum ho , main ne kaha yes to anti meri taraf dakhny lagi aur shrmany lagi , phir main ne us net friend se kaha can i see your...

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Sweet Sandy

Now I am a faithful husband and I have never played around my wife or any other woman. I have always had my sexual urges satisfied but there comes a time when new things can be enticing. I consider myself to have an open mind when it comes to sex and I am somewhat of romantic guy. As time passes by things in my sex life got a bit tense. My wife being 40 had to do more night shifts and that came with a lot of absent nights from dinner. One evening I was home with the kids and Jen was at...

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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 17

‘Both of you are hopeless.’ The words stuck with her as she looked down at her hand in his. She couldn’t help but avoid the gaze of the few people on the street in front of the coffee shop. ‘What’s wrong?’ He flexed his fingers in her vice grip. ‘Uh, nothing,’ she said. ‘I’m not sure. It’s just, we’re walking together. Together. We’ve done it millions of times. Why am I so nervous? I mean, we’re TOGETHER. How am I supposed to act?’ ‘Okay, baby. If that’s what you want to say, I’ll buy it,’...

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Vanessas Island Chapter Nine

At first it seemed a bit strange to be reading aloud a story written in the first person by a woman. But somehow, knowing that Vanessa had written the story, I found it a tremendous turn-on. It was as if I was not just possessing her body from the outside as I had already, but from the inside. When she played with her body or the bodies of other women in the story it was with my hands. When she saw them it was with my eyes. "'I run a health club for women only'," I began. "'Alot of women would...

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Helping Her Friend

Several weeks ago my wife's best friend once again showed how abysmally stupid she is. She has never been my favorite person but that has nothing to do—well little to do—with her smarts. This late mid aged woman has had several husbands and boyfriends in her life. She just can't seem to keep a man for long. Her last husband expired before she had a chance to divorce him and she inherited his property and his debts. One of the pieces of property she inherited was a small business, a liquor...

2 years ago
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A Visit

My wife knew of my enjoyment to wear women’s lingerie when we married and over the months that followed our honeymoon she had often wanted to see more of me dressed up.   I always enjoyed these times although they were not as frequent as I would have liked them to be. One Friday, after a rather long and difficult week at work, I returned home and was greeted by a tender hug and a loving kiss, as was the usual in our house.   We settled into our normal routine and I thought that the weekend...

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Warehouse Ghosts Part 1

Introduction: Elenas just moved into a new apartment, only to find out its old inhabitants are still around. The dark sprits demand to be satisfied and unbeknownst to Elena… shell satiate all of their needs, whether she wants to or not. So, this is my first try at an erotic work. Please let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy! A little to the left&hellip, yeah, perfect. I smiled up at the mover, taking in his muscly arms and well toned physique. He shot me a flirtatious smile as he...

1 year ago
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Between The HeartbeatsChapter 8B

Wednesday, 6 August 03 1330 EDT JAG Headquarters Falls Church, VA "Admiral. You're 1330 is here, Sir." Harriet's voice came over the intercom. AJ stood and opened the door to his office. "Lieutenant? Where's Tiner?" Harriet stood and said, "Tiner just got away for lunch. I offered to wait for your appointment." She indicated the three star Admiral waiting to speak to her CO. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Please, Admiral, won't you come in." AJ offered. Harriet spoke once again,...

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Getting Sis Pregnant Chapter 5

Anna and I continued to have sex, and although it got to a point where she couldn't kneel well or do some of the things she and I loved to do, we put those things on the shelf. Instead, I started getting pleasure from little things I would do for her–like helping her to get up from a chair, telling her how beautiful she looked pregnant, rubbing creme on her belly to keep her skin soft and pliable. Anna did get a few small stretch marks, but I reassured her that she was still the most beautiful...

3 years ago
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First Meet With My Friend In My Apartment

Hi everyone, this is Rama from Odisha and let me introduce about myself. I am an average looking guy 33 years old Married Man and i am quiet fit have the ability to satisfy any women or girl. Gonna share you the real incident which happened with me Five years back. This is my first and Real story of mine. If you got any mistake then please forgive me. If any one wants to give any kind of feedback or comment then please write me on Now Coming to the real story, it was the month of June and I...

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PureTaboo Haley Reed Penny Barber We Warned You Last Time

Ellen (Penny Barber) and her husband Walter (John Strong) are walking through their backyard when they notice a neighbor’s teen, Terry, sneaking around. They are especially curious yet suspicious since Terry soon stops at the home of their troublesome teen neighbor, Gina (Haley Reed). Ellen and Walter watch with growing disgust as Terry nervously knocks on Gina’s door. When Gina pokes her head out, they have a hushed conversation and Gina hands over a brown paper bag. That’s...

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FantasyMassage Rachael Cavalli Your Fathers Medicine

Codey Steele gets home from school after a long hard day. When his mother asks him what’s wrong, he tells her that he just has a headache. Picking up a bottle of pills from the table, he pops 2 before his mother can stop him. Rachael Cavalli laughs seeing that he just took some of his dad’s dick pills. When he realizes he’s gonna be hard for hours his mom suggests he go sleep it off. He agrees and goes upstairs to lie down. When she goes upstairs to check up on him, he’s...

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Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour

Fleur gasped approvingly as the clothes separating her from Harry’s flesh vanished and her sex pressed against his organ where she had been grinding it. Her juices began to coat his shaft. The French witch wasted no time in reaching down and grasping his pole. She began stroking the firm rod while her tongue continued to duel against his. His powerful hands gripped her bum and kneaded her tender flesh. Fleur’s attraction to Harry grew with each passing second. Finally it reached a point...

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4 Curious college Girls Ch4 Take It As It Comes

Julie and Cynthia, still wet from the ‘shower’ they shared, walked into the living room, wearing nothing but towels. They were surprised to see Alex and Taylor sitting on the couch. They desperately hoped that the other two girls had not heard the noises they had been making a few minutes before. “Hey,” Julie said to Alex and Taylor. Both of the girls looked at Cynthia and Julie, grinning widely. “Why hello there you two,” Taylor said, “did you have fun?” This instantly caused both Cynthia...

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John CarterChapter 7

Weddings are extremely stressful for the major participants. The bride has struggled to locate the right wedding dress, the bride’s parents have struggled with an overly emotional bride while arranging the event, and the groom is just nervous at losing his freedom. Flowers don’t show up on time, dresses don’t fit, the bridesmaids dicker, and the groom is always wrong. Someone, somewhere, fouls up something simple and a major catastrophe is the result. Tears of worry, happiness, and raw nerves...

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Banging The New Neighbour Sangeeta

Sangeeta Kapoor was at a ripe age of 35 when she landed as a new tenant in the neighborhood. She stood by the truck all morning, supervising the strong, sweaty workers unloading the heavy articles, while her husband disappeared into the house. Every man on the street, including the workers, were slyly feasting on her sexy body. While some were slyly peeping out of their windows, some men even dared to walk by her house, smiling at her, trying to make small talk. But she shot them all down...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 3539

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER THIRTY FIVE We loaded the bags in Bob's car and climbed in. "We have to make one more stop before heading home Honey. You will need to get some equipment before we can move on to 'Phase Three'." "I think I've spent more than enough of your money today. What 'equipment' are you talking about?" Bob has a broad grin. "You should be able to figure that out fairly quickly when we get to the store. Buckle up." I pull my seat belt...

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Master K Punishes A Bad Girl pt 4

Kink left the room and entered his private office. He turned to the houses master computer control and turned the temperature for the master suite down to fifty five degrees. A body had more than one basic need and a lack of food with a lack of heat should hurry the process along. He felt as though he hadn’t slept in a week and lay down on the couch to catch a short nap before he went to again offer his Kitten comfort.He woke two hours later and set the computer to start warming the master...

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Ms PeachesI eat her pussy

I met Mistress Peaches after she saw my profile online, and responded with the simple message:"I've always wanted a pussy slave "We chatted by email for the next week or so, gradually getting to know each other, as much as is possible by writing. I was writing down an experience I'd recently had at the time, so I sent her that story in instalments as I wrote it, reasoning that it would either frighten her off, or intrigue and excite her..She seemed to like it, and the tone of her replies became...

1 year ago
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Beth and Bill

The story I am about to share did actually occur between Beth and I. My memories are so fond. I want to say that Beth and I talk several times a year, still, on the phone. She has moved on, and so have I. We had been together on the Internet for three or four months. She was very becoming; I was hopeful. She was 38, I was 48. She was divorced for two years and I for five. She wass from North Carolina, me from Colorado. We had chanced upon one another in, in a chat room-it was my...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 151

Laura spotted Yvette and Rhonda laughing together in the hallway at work, tilting their heads together, sharing an intimate moment that was so natural and relaxed that witnessing it made Laura deeply envious. On top of that, Yvette was incredibly desirable in a flowered dress that emphasized her deep black, preternaturally smooth skin, her long hair, her tiny waist, her peerless beauty. It had been at least two months since Laura and she and fucked in wild abandon in Rhonda's office. Laura...

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My GirlsChapter 23

The first week that Victoria was gone was hell. The girls tried their best to keep me occupied and distracted, but most of the time it didn't work. Besides, Amy had her own demons to fight. She was very upset about Victoria leaving. Had she been there when Victoria left, I think it might have gotten very ugly. That was probably why Victoria did it the way she did. I will say one thing for Victoria, however; she did her best to stay in contact with the girls. She called them several times...

1 year ago
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Before Need Dark TemptationsChapter 8

Lindsay here - time to get inside the bosses head. While Rick sucked Pack off and then drank his piss I was over distracting the two police officers at the other table. How did I do that? Well, I tried lots of things but the only thing that worked was sucking their cocks. There was an empty beer glass on the table and as each one came I spit out their cum to fill it up. "Doesn't look much like beer Lindsay! Maybe you should collect some piss to get it colored right!" he was smiling and...

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Dees first BBC and cuckolds Ben

Dee had told me to come home now, but before I came in I should look through the bedroom window. I made my excuses to leave early, got in the car and headed home. I arrived home and parked on the road outside the house. I stepped out of the car and looked up to the bedroom window. Dee had recognised the sound of my car and was now standing at the window, naked. She cupped her tits at me and tweaked her nipples between her fingers, she then rab her hands down across her tummy and down to her...

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Stacies Mom

"No Mark you cannot go out on a date with this Stacie Girl: I have never met her OR her folks and don't want you getting in some kind of trouble." Luke Barrister said from under the body of the 89 Buick station wagon he was working on while his younger brother Mark and younger sister Wendy asked him if Mark could go out with Wendy's new friend Stacie Downs. Luke had been reluctant enough to let Wendy hang out with her at the mall, that was at least a public place and Wendy was the more...

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BadDaddyPOV Kendra Lynn Too Many Memories

Kendra Lynn is home from college for the weekend. She hasn’t seen her Step Daddy for far too long. Kendra’s Mother is out for the day. This leaves the devious all natural brunette alone with the man of the house. Kendra wants to show off how much better she is at sucking cocks and wrapping her tight wet pussy around them. She has learned a lot while away at school and wants to show her Step Father every trick she has. Kendra won’t take no for an answer as she drops to her...

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The Lady in BlueChapter 12 Anchors aweigh

Ted's point of view I grabbed Lisa and ran toward the parked cars even though I didn't think we would make it. The Pinto accelerated hard, the eyes of her brother slitted above a snarl. I felt an instinctive need to close my eyes when he slammed on the brakes and screeched to a halt just a few feet from us. The rough idle of the car didn't last long as it sputtered into silence. We stopped running and panted as we stared at the little bastard. Arthur sneered at us as the car door opened...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 123 Discussions

It was four days after Warren and Sophia had returned to Oceanview after the tour. And Warren was trying to be patient, but was getting a little upset. Sophia and Jessie were really into each other. They weren't really excluding him-well, Sophie wasn't--but he felt like kind of a fifth wheel. He understood part of it-that they'd been separated for months-and that he had had Sophia all to himself for all those months. He guessed what bothered him is that Jess had showed no interest in him....

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ExtraCurricular Part 3

Hot student Christina and her sexy teacher Amanda have succumbed independently to competing uncle and nephew seducers Gavin and Josh McClain. Both in steady relationships, the women nurse their guilty pleasures quietly, swearing there will be no repeat performance. But neither fully appreciates the kind of guy with whom she's been tangling. And if one McClain is bad, two plotting together is a fuckmare waiting to happen...“Give me a few more years and I’m going to have a place like...

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Going All the Way

He was the guy I'd been waiting for. It was summer going into my senior year in high school, and he was my boyfriend, Eric. He was no meat-head jock, though he was highly involved in football and baseball. Eric wasn't obsessed with these sports, but he cared deeply about his shape and worked out at any given chance. In result, Eric's body was nicely toned, and very big and buff. I was never one to go for the little guys- it's just something about a big man who could overtake me that was so-...

First Time
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Swinging gone to the dogs Part Two

With Jenna and Amy both three months pregnant and experiencing morning sickness and Bella about to give birth any day, Tom, Max and I wound up intensely aroused with what seemed no outlet for our sexual frustrations. This became an even greater problem when we spent sensual moments with our pregnant wives who we knew were carrying babies that weren't ours. That night, Jenna and Amy decided we should all meet up at our house and discuss how to resolve the issue. When they came over,...

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Didi Ne Pakda Muth Marte Part 1

Hi indian sex stories friends, mein vivek hun mein ahemdabad se hu. Mere height 5’8 aur fair hu aur well built bhi koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi muje contact karna chahe ya meri story ke baare mein kuch kehna ho toh muhje mail kijiye pe. Mein 20 saal ka ladka hun aur mere ghar mein mere papa age 47 years, mummy age 43 years unka figure 36c-32-38 unki gaand bahut achi hai aur moti bhi, mere choti behen kajal age 18 years uska figure 32-28-34 hai, aur mere didi nisha age 21 years uska figure 34b-30-36...

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Sach hua sapna in reality

Meri net par ek rina naam ki ladki se dosti ho gayi chating ke through,,dhire dhire ache dost ho gaye hum log milne bhi lage..aur apni sex fantasy share karne lage.Bhagwan ke marzi se hum dono ki fantasy match ho gayi..Jise BDSM kahte hain jo main english porn movies par dekha karta tha..aur aisa same enjoy karne ka man karta tha.Dhire dhire hum kareeb aa gaye jab bhi milte to thoda bahut sex karte jaise gaadi mein hi woh mera lund choosti main uski chut chata karta tha,woh bhi uchal uchal kar...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 45

The landing was, according to the older gentleman, just about perfect. The Goose is an amphibian and RCAF Station Rockliffe had a seaplane ramp for Royal Canadian Air Force flying boats. The Goose landed on the runway ... not the river. The old gentleman’s allergies must have been bothering him because he resorted to a florid handkerchief quite a bit as he narrated a quick history of the airfield. The saddest part of the impromptu history lesson was the changes to the base as it was being...

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FullOfJOI Krissy Lynn You Wanted To Get Caught

I cannot believe that you would do this right out in the open. Jerking off in the middle of the living room like you own the place! I think you wanted to get caught, and now that I am here, I think you are even more turned on. Well, guess what, I am a little turned on too. Do you like my sexy panties? I can show them to you if you want. Stroke your cock just like that while I work my pussy. I love rubbing my clit just like this, nice and slow while you watch. Have you ever seen an experienced...

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Jenny Meet Susie Part 1

‘Oh, Susie, yes… right there.. Mmmhhh… oh yes, yes, that’s it.. harder.. deeper! Oh god, fuck me Susie!’ ‘Heh…’ ‘W-what?’ ‘Nothing.. just thinking.. we’ve known each other years and never tried this.. why’d it come up all of a sudden?’ ‘Oh god, I don’t even remember. Just fuck me, no slacking!’ Chapter One : Why? Jenny was in no mood today. Woken abruptly at 6 this morning, and by her step-dad, Jeffrey, of all people! He’d probably just come in to perv’ on her and woken her by mistake, the...

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pierced and ready

Today she got her nipples and pussy pierced. The whole time it made her so horny that she needed a man. She went into a small intimate bar to see who was there. She wore no bra or panties to rub against the new piercings and her clothing was very revealing. She sat at the bar legs spread and looked around. A man caught her eye. He could tell she wanted some one to fuck her and he wanted that job.He went over to her and rubbed her back and then to around the front of her. He liked that she had...

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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 610

Hi, if we haven’t met yet, my name is Cindy; I’m a cocksucking, dick-riding, pussy-eating, ass-fucking cum slut. And these are my confessions. My very first orgasm, and the half-dozen that followed, I climaxed while a cock spurted hot cum in my mouth and I fingered myself. The next 20 or 30 times I came, I was squatting in a glory hole, again with a series of cocks in my mouth, leaking precum or shooting a load down my throat while I fingered myself. In college, I lived in a dorm with a...

4 years ago
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Teachers pet

‘ we need to talk.’ The note I went to her office that autumn day. The door closed and locked behind her. ‘ latch ‘ had I failed ( I thought)* ‘ I,ll do anything for a good grade’ I said. ‘ good. I expect you to do well. ‘ I’ll always be there for you.’ She said. Leading me to the coach. As we talked ,I relaxed. ‘ how am I going to get an a ? I thought.. ‘ don,t worry.’ She said. ‘ we need to talk about yesterday ‘ she said. ‘ sure. As I relaxed. As I closed my eyes, I felt her rub my...

2 years ago
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One night in Vegas pt 2

So my cousin and I walked down to the adult superstore to see if we could find someone to join us in our night of fun. The first thing we saw was alot of people. I didn’t know there were that many people who were as horny as us. I guese that’s why they call it sin city. We looked at the videos for awhile then we paid our 5 dollars to go into the video arcade. It was dark and you could smell the cum and pussy juice in the air. I saw a girl in one booth sucking on a cock through a glory hole...

1 year ago
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Pinki ka Pehla Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto, I hope aap sab achhe honge. Aapke liye Pinki lekar aayi hai ek nayi kahani. Isme aap janoge ke kaise Aslam ke sath rehte hue Pinki mein physical changes aaye. Aur fir mera pehla Gangbang hua. To dosto, unke flat par shift ho gayi thi unki girlfriend banke. Waise bhi meri family mein koi nahi tha. Bas ek dur ke mama the jinhone mujhe junior college tak padhaya tha. Uske bad main unka ghr chor kar apni padhai ke liye aa gayi thi Aslam ke sath shift hone ke bad maine unse contact...

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Daddy Loved me part one

I was 11 tall for my age but very slim and long hair like my mother. Mum and dad had a blazing row she slept in my room told me to sleep with dad. In the night I felt him spooning me whisperig mums name and kissing my neck. He was so hard and was pushing against my ass. I was starting to get hard I open my thighs and then trapped his cock hard. Nice he whispered and started to push harder telling me how tight I was. He kept going fog ages I rubbed the end of his cock groaning and he came all...

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The Infinite Book 1 Chapter 9

Oath, Trevor, and Mira fell to their hands and knees, close to passing out. They had finally managed to escape the centipedes and were now back in a normal corridor. Their strength was next to zero, and Trevor was knocking back potions. Only once all was calm did they finally get back on their feet. “We need to find Noah and Beth,” said Oath, “we should—” A solid fist striking his face both cut him off and sent him falling to the ground. His eyes were rolling like billiard balls, but the...

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A Misunderstanding Part 4

A Misunderstanding - Part 4 By undiecontrol ([email protected]) Simon arrived home and was immediately required to show his purchases to Emma. She examined each item carefully while Simon waited, dreading the thought that he would be sent back to exchange something. "Good," she announced. "These are just right so let's hope they fit!" "But before you try them on, there's a few things I need to say. I think you might need all the help you can in the next four weeks,"...

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Dustys Daddy

So learned at a very young age that I liked dressing up in hose and heels and making guys cum (see any of my previous stories :-). I met Dusty when we were 13. He moved from another state. He towered above all of the other boys in our class at 6' 1". He was so big we called him Dusty Mountain. He had a full five o clock shadow and probably outweighed every other guy in the class by 60 or 70 pounds. There was an empty seat next to me and the teacher sat him there. I soon learned that he...

1 year ago
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Wife edges me Sunday

Sunday is normally our recoup day. Andrea always has a date on Saturday night so Sundays her pussy is sore and is off limits to me and since I spend all Saturday in chastity I'm always horny. In the pasted she would take my chastity cage off and have me jerk off while she describes her date but last Sunday she had a different idea. This Sunday as always I woke before her and started coffee and got breakfast going and waited for Andrea to wake up and unlock me. She came in the kitchen wearing...

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