- 3 years ago
- 24
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“Captain Sanchez, I demand to speak with my husband and family!” Jennifer Land spat venomously, placing her palms flat on the surface of the big desk. The ceiling fan overhead squeaked as it rocked loosely in its mount. Flies buzzed in the background. A steamy tropical breeze wafted in through the grimy curtains of the office of the “Comandante de Policia”.
The office itself was for the most part tastefully decorated, in a third world sort of way. In its center stood a large varnished wood desk with a scarred red leather top, from behind which the Comandante gazed impassively up at the angry, American woman. Against the far wall was a somewhat dilapidated couch covered in stained linen. A couple of rusting filing cabinets stood near the single window which looked out from two floors up onto a dusty courtyard below. Several posters of local scenery and one large oil painting of poor quality depicting “El Presidente” graced the drab white walls.
“Captain Sanchez, perhaps I’m not making myself clear,” Jennifer land continued. “I am an American citiz...”
The old rotary style telephone on the desk let out a clattering ring. The Comandante held up his hand, cutting Jennifer off in mid-syllable. “Sanchez,” he answered in clipped military fashion. He listened for several moments, nodding his head from time to time. “Si, bueno,” he replied into the receiver. Raoul Sanchez was not a man to mince words. “Si, perfecto. Gracias,” he said at last. An odd smile graced his poorly complected face as el Comandante leaned slowly forward to replace the telephone receiver into its cradle. He looked up at Jennifer Land once again, a completely neutral expression on his face.
Taking this as a cue that she might continue her verbal assault, Jennifer stood up straight, squared her shoulders, glared as menacingly as she knew how at the man behind the desk and spoke as calmly and succinctly as possible. “Captain Sanchez, I am an American citizen. I have been unjustly separated from my family and unduly detained. I wish first to speak with the consulate at our embassy. I expect immediately thereafter to be released from custody and reunited with my husband and daughter. I don’t know how I can make these demands any clearer, Captain Sanchez.” Having said her piece, Jennifer waited for the man’s reply and, she hoped, capitulation.
“Mrs. Land, please. Be patient with my office. There is no need for harsh words or hard feelings,” the Commandant said, switching to surprisingly good English. “That was one of my most trusted lieutenants just now.” He nodded toward the phone. “He assures me that your husband and young daughter are in good hands and in good health.” Jennifer opened her mouth to respond, but again was cut off by his upraised hand. Sanchez had a certain power over women. “You must understand,” he continued, “that we have, as a result of your own government’s insistence, sought to increase the security at our airport. We have just recently received reports from your Drug Enforcement Agency that there is a new smuggling ring in the region who allegedly uses operatives disguised as touring American families to move their product. We cannot be too careful, now can we, Mrs. Land.” Raising his eyebrows condescendingly, Sanchez folded his hands over his ample belly then leaned back in his big swivel chair, causing it to complain bitterly.
“Captain Sanchez, I sympathize with your situation, but I can assure you that my family and I are not the people you seek. Now, if you please, I would like to place a telephone call to our embassy.”
Jennifer Land was not about to forgive and forget. Not only had she, her husband and teenage daughter been forcibly separated almost immediately after setting foot in this God forsaken shit hole of a country, but Jennifer had then been escorted into a small anteroom where she was strip searched by a none to gentle Latin woman of massive stature. Every opening and orifice in her body had been systematically probed. Never in her thirty-two years had Jennifer been subjected to such indignities. She’d felt totally violated, and was therefor feeling quite vindictive.
“Very well, Mrs. Land,” Captain Sanchez said in a conciliatory manner. “If that is the way it must be between us, then so be it. I will do as you ask.” He leaned forward in his chair, picked up the telephone and dialed. Handing the receiver to Jennifer he said simply, “Your embassy.” He sat back in his big chair looking beaten and much chastened.
Sanchez watched Jennifer Land from behind his mask of contrition. “She is an attractive, young woman,” he thought. Captain Sanchez had a “thing” for American women. He enjoyed defiling them, to make them grovel. “They’re all such haughty bitches who lead their simpering males around by the testicles.” Sanchez laughed inwardly. “I suspect Mr. Land is learning all about being led by the testicles right now at the hands of Sergeant Diaz.”
Diaz, had a reputation for brutality and preferred the company of men, white men in particular. Diaz had been given the Land male as a reward for his part in the family’s abduction at the airport. Diaz had been told that he could keep Mr. Land for as long as it suited him after which he should either kill the man and dispose of the body or sell him to a mutual acquaintance who would see to it that Land was put to good use somewhere outside of their country.
Either way, the thought was amusing to Captain Raoul Sanchez as he sat listening to the idle threats and boasts the Land bitch was presently voicing over the phone to someone in her embassy.
“I want him reprimanded formally!” Jennifer Land shouted into the receiver. “And I want that ... that female beast of a security guard at the airport arrested. She virtually raped me!”
Again, Sanchez had to hold back a laugh. Angelica from airport security had thanked him profusely for allowing her to have a few minutes with the American woman. “It had been a long time since she’d played with such a ‘scrapper’,” Angelica had later informed her superior.
Jennifer faced Sanchez. Her dark, green eyes flashed in anger.
“She is indeed a beauty,” Sanchez thought idly. “One would hardly suspect that she is the mother of a fifteen year old daughter.”
Jennifer had in fact turned thirty-two one month earlier, and she was indeed a very hansom young woman who caught many a stare from male passers by. Jennifer had dark, brown hair which she wore girlishly long, often tied back in a ponytail. Her face was a lovely oval shape with high cheek bones. Jennifer had a cute upturned nose and sparkling green eyes. She kept herself in immaculate shape, spending many hours at the Nautilus Club in her home town. She also lifted free weights and ran. Jennifer had a narrow waist and nicely shaped hips. Her breasts were not overly large. One might call them, “a handful”. Even after having breast fed her daughter Emily, Jennifer’s tits had not lost their bounce. Jennifer’s best feature, all of her male acquaintances agreed, was her rear end. Put simply, Jennifer Land had a great ass.
While he watched her talking on the phone, Sanchez continued his daydream. “Let’s see,” Sanchez thought, doing the math while Jennifer rattled on with the embassy, “Daughter is fifteen, that means mother was seventeen when daughter was born. So, probably knocked up when she was sixteen. Well ... well ... well,” thought Sanchez. “This is indeed interesting. The sassy bitch standing on the other side of the desk started rather early. I wonder if her weakling husband was her first and only. I suppose with one so young it’s possible. Interesting. Very interesting. It shouldn’t bother her too much then when her daughter follows in her mother’s footsteps.” This thought brought a smile to Sanchez’s lips.
“And just what are you grinning about, Captain?” Jennifer Land said as she placed the receiver none to gently onto the cradle. “That was Gary Jameson of the United States Embassy on the phone. He informed me that he is on his way over here as we speak, and expects to be here in about two hours. Mr. Jameson told me to tell you that you and he are going to have a lot to talk about when he arrives.”
“Two hours,” Sanchez muttered as he looked up at Jennifer Land from his musings. “Only two hours. That doesn’t leave us much time.”
“Time?” Jennifer asked, confused. “Time for what, Captain?”
“Mrs. Land, we have much to do if we are to reunite you with your family. There are many details which must be worked out,” Captain Sanchez said in a very businesslike and official manner. He leaned forward and shuffled through some papers on the desk. Then looking up at Jennifer, he said flatly, “The first thing you will need to do for me, Mrs. Land is to remove your clothing.”
For a long moment, Jennifer stood staring at the man behind the desk, refusing to believe what she had just heard. Finally, Jennifer found her voice. “I ... I beg your pardon, Captain,” she croaked, then cleared her throat, trying to recover her equilibrium.
“I asked that you please remove your clothing, Mrs. Land,” Sanchez repeated in a cold tone of voice, his dark eyes sparkling wickedly. “I don’t know how much clearer I can be.” He smiled up at the shocked young woman. It was a cold, predatory smile that sent shivers through Jennifer.
It only took a moment for the adrenalin to kick in. Jennifer could hear her heart pounding in her ears. At first she glanced quickly around the dingy office, looking for a way to escape. When nothing obvious presented itself, she looked back at the captain. Jennifer managed to regain some composure through sheer force of will, and with it came anger and outrage. Summoning all of her courage, Jennifer glared across the desk at Sanchez and growled, “I’ll do no such thing. How dare you even suggest something so vile and crude. I’ll have you know that this incident will not go unreported. As soon as Mr. Jameson arrives, there will be hell to pay. And now, Captain,” Jennifer spat triumphantly. “I demand that you escort me to a suitable place where I might await Ambassador Jameson’s arrival.”
The room fell silent following Jennifer’s tirade. Raoul Sanchez and Jennifer Land remained locked eye to eye for several moments. The sound of children laughing could be heard coming from somewhere outside.
With a resigned sigh, Captain Raoul Sanchez pushed back his desk chair and stood slowly. His posture was slouched and chastened as he moved around the end of his desk. Then as he stepped in front of Jennifer Land, he suddenly stood up straight revealing his true size. Jennifer actually took a step backward as she looked up at the big man.
Raoul Sanchez, though a little on the pudgy side, was an imposing figure of a man. Standing at six foot four inches tall, he weighed two hundred seventy pounds if he weighed an ounce. After an uncomfortable period of silence during which Sanchez noted the fear in the American bitch’s eyes, he said almost conversationally, “I think, Mrs. Land, it is time that you fully understand your situation.” Jennifer meanwhile was speechless. Continuing, the big man said, “You are not in America anymore, Mrs. Land. You are in my country; in my world.” Sanchez grinned maliciously. “And in my world, Mrs. Land, the only rights you have are those that I see fit to grant to you.”
Jennifer opened her mouth to object. Like lightning, Sanchez’s hand shot out and slapped her hard across her mouth, with a resounding “crack”. Jennifer spun, catching herself on the edge of the desk, or she would have fallen to the floor. Her head swam. She tasted blood. Jennifer was thoroughly stunned, having never been struck before by anyone for any reason.
“You will learn to speak only when told, Mrs. Land.” Sanchez continued in his cold conversational tone. He wasn’t even breathing hard. “In my world, Mrs. Land, you will soon discover that everyone, and I do mean everyone, follows my orders without question or hesitation. I expect no less from you, Mrs. Land.” Having said this, Sanchez remained silent for a moment as if waiting for Jennifer to digest all that he had said. Then without warning he snapped, “Strip, Mrs. Land. This minute!”
Jennifer took another step backward. She wasn’t beaten yet. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight. “It’ll take more than what you’ve got to make me do anything of the sort, you bastard!” Jennifer hissed. She looked like a cornered alley cat.
With a laugh, Sanchez reached out and grabbed Jennifer by her upper arm.
“Oww! Let go of me you son of a bitch!” Jennifer struggled, but to no avail.
Sanchez shook Jennifer like a child, then slapped her on the side of her head once ... twice. Jennifer was terrified. Sanchez smiled at her when she looked back up at him, her green eyes wide and staring. “Mrs. Land, I can arrange for some assistance if you wish. I am sure that more than one of my guards will happily volunteer to disrobe you, but I thought that I would spare you that embarrassment. I was hoping that this would be a private affair between you and me.” He grinned wickedly.
Sanchez released his grip on Jennifer’s arm, leaned casually back against the edge of his desk and crossed his powerful arms over his chest. “Before we get started, Mrs. Land, I would like to point out one other piece of information which you may have overlooked.”
Jennifer gazed up at him with hate in her eyes while she rubbed her injured arm.
Sanchez leaned back and picked up a file folder from the stack of papers on the desk top. Opening the folder he scanned its contents in silence. Then at last he began to read from the top sheet in the file. “Emily Land,” he quoted. “Age 15, five feet, 4 inches tall, 93 pounds, green eyes, brown hair, appendectomy scar on lower abdomen.” Sanchez glanced over the top of the folder and smiled when he saw the look of horror on Jennifer Land’s face.
Immediately her entire demeanor changed. “Captain Sanchez, I...” Jennifer stammered then stood silent, her heart racing again. “Captain, please. You assured me that my family would not be harmed.”
“Harmed, Mrs. Land? Harmed? Of course not. At this moment, your husband Mr. Land is in capable hands. I’m sure he is being treated to some of our local color, and your lovely daughter thus far has undergone only a routine search.”
Jennifer’s vile look made Sanchez pause, holding up his hand in mock surrender.
“Please, Mrs. Land. Before you misjudge me. Your daughter was searched, but no invasive methods were used on the young lady. She is safe and in good care.” He noticed Jennifer relax a bit. “It is that care that I wish to discuss with you, Mrs. Land.” He paused to be sure he had Jennifer’s undivided attention. “As I have mentioned, your daughter is indeed a lovely, young girl, taking after her mother.” The compliment went unrecognized. “Emily is under the watchful eye of one of my top lieutenants, however, it has been reported that several of the other guards at our detention facility have, shall we say, taken more than a casual interest your daughter.”
Jennifer felt sick. She knew where this was going. Just then a knock came on the office door.
“Si,” Sanchez snapped, obviously annoyed at the interruption.
The door opened, and a young uniformed guard stepped into the office. “Pardoneme, mi Capitan,” the man began then continued on in rapid Spanish. Sanchez nodded several times, curtly. When the guard finished, he was excused by the Captain and quickly left the office.
Turning to Jennifer, Sanchez said, “My guard has informed me, Mrs. Land, that Mr. Jameson from your embassy will be detained for an indefinite period of time. He sends his regrets and asks that you please be patient.” Sanchez smiled his wicked smile then continued. “So, Mrs. Land. It appears we have a bit more time to spend together, you and I.”
Jennifer felt the blood rush from her head. Unsympathetically, Sanchez simply stood by and watched as the young woman nearly fainted. Jennifer was cold and trembling when the Captain next spoke. “Well, then, Mrs. Land. Let’s continue then, shall we. Please disrobe for me now. You may begin with your blouse, and remember, Mrs. Land. It is only through my direct intervention that your young daughter, Emily escapes the amorous attentions of some of my staff. Latin’s are known for their skill with women, Mrs. Land. I’m certain that young Emily would learn many new pleasures were I to permit it. Do I make myself perfectly clear, Mrs. Land?” Sanchez pushed himself away from the desk and took Jennifer’s chin in his big hand, squeezing her cheeks. “I said, do I make myself clear, Mrs. Land? I expect for you to answer my questions.” His voice was cold and threatening.
Jennifer took a slow, shuddering breath, held it then slowly nodded her head.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Land. I didn’t hear you. Your answer, please, and have the courtesy to look me in the eye when you speak.” He let go of her.
Terrified for her daughter and outraged at her own situation, Jennifer Land replied, “I understand you, Captain Sanchez.” Then as she looked into the man’s black eyes, Jennifer’s inner courage and spunk allowed her to say, “But I can assure you, Captain that you have not heard the end of this. My husband will not take this lying down.”
A broad smile spread across Raoul Sanchez’s face. “No, Mrs. Land, but he’ll be taking a lot of other things lying down,” he thought to himself. Then aloud he said, “The blouse, Mrs. Land.”
“But ... But, Captain Sanchez, please. I’m a married woman and a mother. A lame excuse,” Jennifer thought to herself. “Had she been reduced to whining?”
“Yes, yes, Mrs. Land. I know. And if my arithmetic doesn’t fail me, you bloomed early.” He almost laughed aloud at Jennifer’s reaction. “Tell me, Mrs. Land. Have you had many lovers, or just your husband?” He reached out with both hands and took Jennifer by her shoulders. Jennifer tried to shrug his hands away, but was unable to overpower the big man. She looked down at her feet, resignation creeping into her psyche. “Mrs. Land, please look up at me. You have such lovely green eyes.” He placed two fingers beneath Jennifer’s chin and raised her eyes to his.
Jennifer tried to appear defiant and strong, but her courage was flagging quickly. She felt so alone and vulnerable here in this awful place with this horrible man. She didn’t want to even think about what was going to happen next. She didn’t have long to wait to find out.
“That’s much better,” Sanchez said. “Now let me help you with your blouse.” Before Jennifer knew what was happening the big man removed his hands from her shoulders and began to fumble with the top button of her silk blouse.
“Nnnnnnnnno,” Jennifer whimpered, grabbing his hands, her eyes filled with alarm.
“Drop your hands, please, Mrs. Land.” Sanchez commanded. He stared into Jennifer’s eyes. She saw no compassion there; only lust and wickedness. Sanchez unfastened the top button.
Jennifer continued to stare into the Captain’s dark eyes, her hands holding ineffectually onto his wrists as Sanchez worked his way down, unbuttoning one button after another, a condescending smirk on his face. At last Jennifer let go of his wrists and dropped her hands to her sides, allowing Sanchez to tug the tails of her blouse from under the waist band of her khaki skirt. Without a word, the big man slipped the smooth silk over Jennifer’s shoulders then allowed the soft material to fall down her back, sliding down Jennifer’s arms to the floor behind her. Satisfied with his progress thus far, Sanchez leaned back against the edge of his desk. Then as if appraising a side of beef, the big Latin looked Jennifer up and down. Jennifer lowered her gaze to the floor. She was mortified.
“Very nice, indeed, Mrs. Land. Your husband is a fortunate man. Please continue, or do you prefer that I assist you?”
Jennifer quickly looked up at her captor, her fear and loathing readily apparent on her face. Then, summoning her waning inner strength, Jennifer looked Sanchez directly in the eye and said with as much contempt as she could muster, “No, thank you, Captain. You’ve done quite enough.”
“Very well, then Mrs. Land. Your skirt next, if you please.” Sanchez folded his arms across his broad chest, waiting.
Not for the last time, Jennifer looked quickly around the room hoping she might spot some avenue of escape, but as before, none presented itself. She looked up at Sanchez, hoping for some sign of compassion or humanity. She saw none in his dark eyes. It was hopeless. Slowly, Jennifer reached to her side for the catch to her wrap around Khaki skirt. While Sanchez watched seemingly impassively, Jennifer unhooked the small hook. Before proceeding she again gazed into her captor’s eyes with all the courage and contempt she could muster. She opened the skirt and released it, allowing it to join her blouse in a pile at her feet. Jennifer Land now stood in only her bra and panties before a total stranger in a hostile land far from her home and family. She was utterly alone.
Jennifer shrank back from Captain Sanchez when the big man pushed himself away from his desk. Unexpectedly, however, he turned away from her. Stepping behind his desk, Raoul Sanchez sat heavily in his big swivel chair. Jennifer stood very still, unsure of what to expect next. Sanchez folded his hands over his belly and stared at the top of the desk for several moments. Then at last he looked up at Jennifer. After a prolonged pause where Sanchez allowed his eyes to travel slowly over every inch of Jennifer’s body, he said, “Marvelous. Simply marvelous Mrs. Land.”
For the first time, Jennifer felt a hot blush creep up her neck. She lowered her gaze and instinctively pressed her knees together. When she looked back up at Sanchez after a moment, the man made a motion with his hand indicating that Jennifer should turn in a circle.
“What a beauty,” Raoul Sanchez thought as Jennifer slowly complied with his demands. He watched enthralled as the American woman turned slowly. Her breasts were perfectly shaped and filled her B cup brassiere nicely. Sanchez could see that the small satin garment offered very little support. What he saw behind that smooth shining material was all woman. His eyes traveled slowly down the American’s body noting every enticing curve. Her tummy was flat and muscular as a result of hours of working out. As the young woman continued to turn, reluctantly displaying herself, Sanchez was awe struck, as were many by Jennifer Land’s rear end. Then, as she turned away from him, Raoul Sanchez was presented with a lovely view of her narrow waist and spreading hips. The smooth, white skin of her muscular back was accented by the long pony tail of dark, shining hair which hung almost to her waist. Then again she stood sideways to him presenting a mouth drying profile of her full, shapely bottom.
“Dios Mio!” Sanchez gasped softly.
When at last Jennifer again faced her captor, Sanchez’s eyes locked onto the triangular panel of satin between the young woman’s thighs. The shining panel bulged outward enticingly. Obviously a treasure lay behind.
Sanchez very much wanted to see what lay hidden behind the two small garments which remained between him and the full disclosure of the American woman’s charms. A voyeur at heart, Raoul Sanchez rarely engaged actively in these “interviews” as he thought of them, and there had been several in the recent past. This time, however, as he studied the shapely body of the woman standing opposite his desk, Sanchez thought he might like to participate.
At last Sanchez roused himself from his musings and said, “That was well done, Mrs. Land. As I said earlier, you are a handsome woman. Please come around here and stand beside me. I would like to get a closer look at you.”
Jennifer’s mind raced as she frantically tried to think of a way out of this horrible situation.
“Mrs. Land,” Sanchez said expectantly. “Come around here now, please.” With his hand, he gestured to the floor beside his chair.
Unable to think coherently in her near panicked state of mind, Jennifer found herself doing exactly as she was told. She moved slowly around the big desk until at last she stood near her captor’s chair.
“Closer, please, Mrs. Land,” Sanchez said with a predatory smile.
Jennifer took a step closer. When she saw Sanchez reach a hand in her direction, Jennifer instinctively started to move to avoid his touch, but when she saw the cold look appear instantly on Sanchez’s face she froze. Jennifer shuddered when the man placed his hand on her hip and pulled her closer still. She stumbled, almost falling into Sanchez’s lap in the process, but was able to catch her balance at the last minute.
“Her skin is so very soft,” Sanchez thought. “American women do spend a lot of time on their appearance. In this one’s case, it’s been worth the effort.” He felt Jennifer flinch when he squeezed the firm flesh just behind her hip bone. “Love handles,” the American’s call them,” he thought with a smile. “A good name.” He allowed his hand to slip down onto the smooth satin covering the young woman’s fabulous backside. Sanchez could feel Jennifer’s body heat through the soft satin. He also noted with excitement the firmness of the flesh beneath. In his mind’s eye, Sanchez saw that flesh compressing beneath the impact of a lover’s thighs. “Soon,” he thought. “Soon.”
Sanchez broke the prolonged uncomfortable silence by saying, “Your brassiere, Mrs. Land. Remove it for me now, please.”
When Jennifer opened her mouth to object, she received a painful squeeze from Sanchez’s powerful hand upon her hip. She looked down at him in bewilderment, wincing in pain. Sanchez brought his other hand up to Jennifer’s other hip holding her as he turned his chair to face her. Then spreading his knees apart, he pulled her forward so that she stood between them. Jennifer whimpered for the second time, jumping slightly when she felt the course material of Sanchez’s pant legs touch her skin. She quickly found herself in a very compromising position.
“Your brassiere, Mrs. Land,” Sanchez said again in a far more commanding tone of voice as he stared Jennifer coldly in the eye.
The man’s big hands remained on her hips as Jennifer slowly brought her hands up to the small catch between the cups of her bra. She closed her eyes and shuddered once again when the man began to slowly kneed the flesh of her hips. Then her hands froze in place. Jennifer was unable to go any further. Fear had her completely paralyzed.
“Look at me, Mrs. Land!” Sanchez snapped, shocking Jennifer back to the moment.
“Oww,” she cried when the big man squeezed her hips. This time with both hands and leaving red imprints in Jennifer’s white skin. She did as she was told and opened her eyes.
“That’s better the man cooed. Now, once again, Mrs. Land,” he continued, his tone of voice turning cold. “I want you to remove your brassiere. Don’t make me ask you again, Mrs. Land.”
The hostile, threatening demeanor of the big man coupled with the mild state of shock that Jennifer was in caused her resolve to falter. She unfastened the catch of her bra. At that same instant, to Jennifer’s astonishment, Raoul Sanchez slipped his thumbs under the elastic waist band of her panties and quickly drew them down past her knees in one smooth, practiced motion.
“Nooo!” Jennifer cried. Unwittingly she let go of her brassiere in a belated attempt to prevent her captor from exposing her. The result was quite pleasing to the eye. The elastic strap at the back of Jennifer’s bra caused the cups covering her firm breasts to jerk back suddenly, making her bounce invitingly just inches from Sanchez’s face. Jennifer saw the man’s eye’s lock onto her exposed sex as she reflexively tried to capture the brassiere. The whole affair was almost comical. Quickly, Jennifer moved her right hand down to cover herself while attempting to cover her breasts with her left hand and forearm.
Jennifer’s heart raced. She had never before been exposed in such a manner. She was not in the habit of showing herself to anyone, including her husband. Even when they made love, which was not all that often, Jennifer would insist that they turn the lights off before she undressed and slid between the sheets. And now here she was standing naked and alone before a total stranger. Jennifer felt the panic begin to rise within her mind, blanking out all coherent thought.
As if from a great distance Jennifer heard a voice say, “Uncover yourself, please, Mrs. Land.” When all Jennifer was able to do was to stare blankly down at the horrible man between whose legs she stood, she felt powerful hands grasp her wrists.
With very little effort, Raoul Sanchez was able to force Jennifer’s hands down to her sides where he held them firmly in place against her hips. Sanchez smiled at the far away look of shock on his captive’s pretty face. From there he allowed his eyes to move down the American woman’s body so close to him he could smell her fear as well as her pungent female aroma. The young woman straightened in a half-hearted attempt to struggle free of his grasp. It was an ineffectual effort at best. As Sanchez leaned forward in his seat his face came within inches of Jennifer’s shapely breasts. He studied them closely for a moment before moving on. The two milky white orbs were indeed perfect. Not a stretch mark or blemish could be seen on either. The pink, upturned nipples gave no hint that a child had once suckled them for nourishment. Raoul Sanchez let his eyes wonder “south” past Jennifer Land’s smooth but slightly rounded belly which currently heaved from her rapid breathing. The skin was flawless.
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So I wasn’t doing so well In my math class so I ask my math teacher Miss. Phillips what I can do to bring my grade up. She tells me to come to her room after school to see what work I can do. This was around 12 o clock …school didn’t end until 2:30. So not thinking anything about the math help I almost forgot to go… so glad I didn’t…So when I got to Miss. Phillips class she was standing there at the board and as I walked in she gave me a seductive smile as she bit her lower lip. I stood their...
Hi, guys! Here is part 3. Thank you all for your patience and suggestions. As a reward for being such good pets, I have attached a drawing of how I imagine the school uniform. I hope you enjoy it!As always, show me the love and leave comments with your opinion or PM me.Thanks!PART 3:She entered the office and let the front desk girl know that she was done with the medical exam and was awaiting the rest of her orientation. The girl, Becky, gave her a sympathetic look and asked ‘I gather you met...
‘He’ll Have to Go’ Words and music: Joe Allison & Audrey Allison Copyright: 1959 Central Songs/Beechwood Music Corp. Author’s note: This has always been one of my favorite songs, a sad song. I particularly like the version by Jim Reeves. This will be a relatively short story and complete in this submission. Thanks very much, as always, to Techsan for his quick and accurate editing! Thanks for reading, please vote. * YOUR SWEET LIPS Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone. ...
Players: James - 43 - the homeowner JJ - 19 - James’ son Lucy - 20 - the former girl next door, now James’ frequent partner Myra - 35 - Lucy’s mother Larry - 38 - Myra’s long term partner Gary - 40 - Larry’s older brother Alice - 19 - Lucy’s best girlfriend Becky & Brian - late 20s - James’ next door married neighbors It was early summer and everyone was ready to get naked and sexy outdoors after the cold weather. It was the way of nature, celebrated by fertility rituals since...
You had just graduated high school less than a month ago at the age of 19, having done relatively average on your last big test. You were finally seen as an adult by society now, and you had big responsibilites ahead of you. You could no longer live in your parents house, you needed a place to stay! After a long week of searching, had finally managed to find a nice apartment, settling in with all of your appliances, your video game systems, your television, that nice desktop you saved up months...
RomanceOur story had taken some exciting turn already, in previous episode we have read how Kiran slowly but finally gave up and got involved in a discreet relationship with Reddy. Gautam too wasn’t far behind, as he took full advantage of his divorce seeking client – Mrs. Ahuja. But while Kiran started meeting Reddy regularly, Gautam had to travel back the next day leaving his lover of the night behind. But at the same time the rest of our residents too were lining up for some exciting turns in their...
Dogwoman Susan SloanBy susan sloan (the main doggy character in the story)PART 1A rich, middle-aged businessman’s submissive young second wife is methodically transformed into a pet dog by her husband’s teenage son, with the full knowledge and consent of the dominant boy’s dad.She is trained and permanently dehumanized by the sadistic boy, her stepson, who subsequently takes full and legal ownership of her on her husband’s untimely death.This is her story.? [email protected] sloan,...
Hello friends. Itis Rakesh, after a long time, again. It’s been boring a few months after college. Let me tell about myself again. I am Rakesh. Age 24. Graduate and working as a freelancer. I have a not so good-looking body though I am mediocre-looking. Sorry for the long post for but I think it is worth it. Let us jump right to it. I was bored one weekend and thought of installing a dating app. After successfully failing in my search in various dating apps like ‘Tinder’, I thought I had my...
Hello, I am Aditya from Delhi. This is my first story on this site and hope you will enjoy my story this is real incident happen to me during my college days 3 years back. If any girl or aunty want real sex or phone sex in Hyderabad can contact me as I am currently doing job here.Mail me on : So coming to story I did my schooling from delhi and there was cute girl name tanya and we were in same class and use to go tution together. We use to sit together and in some days we exchanged our...
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SOLDIER?" Corporal Straffi screams."Sorry, Sir?" Smith responded."DID YOUR MOMMA PACK YOUR BOXERS FOR CAMP SOLDIER?" Corporal Straffiscreams."No, Sir." Smith responded."ARE YOU SAYING THOSE ARE ARMY PROPERTY SOLDIER?" Corporal Straffi screams."Yes, Sir." Smith responded."WHAT ARE YOU DOING DAMAGING ARMY PROPERTY SOLDIER?" Corporal Straffiscreams."I did not, Sir." Smith responded."THEN WHERE THE FUCKING CHRIST DID THIS HOLE COME FROM SOLDIER!" CorporalStraffi...
Hi friends, you must have got my introduction from my earlier stories published in this site. In this story, I am going to describe about my experience with a horny girl with whom I had sex in the train bogie itself. There is a proverb that girls and ladies behave in strange ways; rather nobody can predict how they would behave. I am going to describe it in one of my experiences, being my second and last incident during train journeys. Once, I was coming back from my hometown. As it was...
My last girlfriend, Sarah, was a wonderful girl. A dazzling smile, beautiful blue eyes and a slim but supple body. Her brunette, shoulder-length hair was so soft. We met in a bar and I couldn't believe that I was taking this stunning girl home. After a few dates, she allowed me to roam her pert 32A breasts, kiss and caress them and her navel, building up to entering her. The sex felt amazing, but she insisted I wear a condom, as she didn't want to get pregnant. We both loved nature, trekking...
Straight SexIn the morning after Anne had visited Tony in the middle of the night breakfast was a quiet affair both Tim and Tony were looking quite sheepish while Anne was trying to keep the grin off her face. After breakfast we moved up the river to Mannum only about a half hour trip but with four now on board I needed more food to last us to Morgan. We tied up in the park and I told Tony he was going to help while Anne and Tim looked after the boat as their were some k**s there I had learnt the last...
When I lowered my tongue to his limp cock my husband brought both feet up and shoved me backward, pushing me off of the bed. "What's gotten into you Sarah? You're my wife, not some whorehouse slut." I was huddled in a ball on the floor, not physically hurt, but feeling like I had been run over by a truck. His eyes met mine for a second and all I could see was pity. "Come up here," he was holding his arms open for me to come back to the bed. I stared at the wall, trying to keep him...
The sun was shining in my eyes quite annoyingly as Higgs droned on and on about the future. I was sitting in a hot metal folding chair, sweating under my BLACK robe and BLACK cap at our graduation ceremony. Looking to my left and right, all I could see were my fellow male classmates all sweating like me but with one important difference ... They all had shades. Sunglasses, I mean. You know. Tinted or reflective lenses that protected your optical senses from the sun’s bright luminous...
When Sheen Ryders stepson asks her for help getting his tie on for his big date, she immediately turns on the step motherly concern. She does not want her handsome young man getting any girls pregnant, so before he leaves, she jerks his cock and lets him titty fuck her to squeeze all his cum out. Later, Sheenas stepson is totally embarrassed because he blew his load in two minutes on his hot date. Sheena wants to make him feel like a man, so she teaches him how to properly fuck a wet pussy....
xmoviesforyouThis is the continued part of my earlier story. Those who haven’t read my earlier story please read Brutal Brothers Part-1 (link on top) Suddenly the door opens and there was Sameer Rohan and Dinesh my all brother standing there. They were taken aback when they saw me naked and sucking my own brothers cock i was terrified by seen them my body started shivering and i stood up and covered my boobs with my hands and ran upstairs into my room and Raj did the same thing. I was so fucking terrified...
We found that not only was there a fence around the building's rear, it also surrounded the rear parking lot. We couldn't even drive up and scope it out. But fortunately for us the bag in the rear of the SUV was equipped with a hell of a nice Zeiss spotter scope. With the scope anchored to the dash, I found out that the walk in door had only a pad lock. The overhead door must have had a wireless remote since there was no lock visible. Also I noticed that there was a camera aimed at the...
Manada de LoboThis past June I was cruising up Interstate 15 out of San Bernardino. There is a great cruising spot on the old section of Route 66 down by Lytle Creek. Having not been there in quite some time I thought it might be worth a swing through to see who was there and what was going on. I had hopes of reconnecting with some of the married and mildly bi guys who cruise that area for quick head on the way home. It was early evening so my timing was perfect to hit the head while heading...
Her exhausting evening of fucking with Barbara had the desired effect of keeping Laura from thinking of Jonelle for a while. And her body was sore for days afterward, which made sexual longings less intrusive. Even Barbara had taken her aside at work, whispering, "Girl, you really fucked me hard. I could barely walk the next day, and I still feel like I been reamed by a firehose. And I think you tried to chew off my nipples." "Quiet, you're making me hot again," Laura smiled, meaning...
Hello Everyone. I am Raghu. I am back. Thanks for all the replies and comments and support for my previous two stories. Special thanks to some of the ladies who trusted in me. I will continue to be the same in future. This has encouraged me to narrate my one more experience. In my first story I introduced my sister who works in a top MNC company. She is aged 38. She works in a top MNC company as an HR manager and has thus maintained a very good physique. She is married and has 2 children and in...
IncestStacey often wandered round the house naked since her only daughter, Becky, had started university a year last September. Stacey sighed as she looked at a picture of Becky on the fridge at age 10 with her freckled face and blonde hair falling in short soft curls framing her pretty face. “You haven’t changed much despite being all grown up now,” Stacey thought to herself as she recalled how in a whirl Becky had turned 18 then after a ‘total blast in the sun’ as Becky had called it, had packed...
It’s one of those decisions you know you shouldn’t make but can’t help it. I was in the general area of an Ex-girlfriend of mine, one that I had not seen for ages and something just came over me, a desire to find out if she still lived in the same house, and if so, how she was keeping?It was a bad decision. Or was it?I had always thought of her from time to time, simply because I believed, just as we were breaking up, that I had understood her. Over the years, I had mulled events over in my...
CheatingI first got into techno music when I was twenty. I’m kind of uptight so it was a huge surprise to me that when Laird took me to this basement techno show in Allston I was totally into it. Laird was my boyfriend for about six weeks. He was like ten years older than me and his car smelled like mold but that’s not why we broke up. We broke up because he was sexually repressed and I was twenty and just wanted to fuck all the time. He was also a Scientologist but I didn’t really care about that. I...
FetishEndlich wieder zu Hause, denkt sich Liz. Eigentlich wollte sie ja nur mit ihrer Tochter einen günstigen Urlaub auf einem Campingplatz an der Ostsee verbringen, weil mehr einfach finanziell nicht möglich war, da sie im Moment von den Alimenten ihres Ex-Mannes lebt. Durch die Schwanzgeilheit ihrer Tochter war sie allerdings einem 20jährigen mit viel zu dicken Eiern und viel zu wenig Rücksicht über den Weg gelaufen. Erst wurde sie mit Gewalt genommen, dann erpresst, nur um anschließend als...
I come from a lower middle class family, my parents got divorced when I was still a baby and I was raised by my mother, a young woman of strong character, intelligent, attractive, very feminine and flirtatious. I have always been shy and quiet, during my childhood kids made fun of me all the time taking advantage of the fact that I didn't know how to defend myself. Their favorite subject was my appearance, they used to tell me that my body was too girly and call me all kinds of names. I...
This is the story about my first high school sex.I met this girl in school she kept staring at me.So i went in a quiet hallway and asked why she kept staring at me for.She said that she like me.The next day we go to class together and i whisper something in her ear and she noded.I put my fingers in her pants and in her pussy and she started moanining,then i went deeper and fater she was tight and she was tight liped.the next day i talked to her in the hallway i groped her titties and smack the...
Mike Hudson leaned back in his office desk chair and propped his feet up on the top of his desk. With the phone cradled between his shoulder and ear he scanned a report while waiting for his party to answer. This was life in the new age of business! It was a nonstop twenty four hours a day go go go world. Ten years ago he never would have dreamed that his whole life would have revolved around what was happening on the Tokyo stock exchange! He was just in the middle of a conversation with an...
InterracialI wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon a large dildo and pushed it up my cunt just to make sure I was wet...
Introduction: The Luncheons with Megan continues. I woke up the next morning really rested and pleased with the way yesterday went. My only misgiving was that Jennie was not the girl I thought she was. She was acting more like a horny young girl, then my friend, the tomboy. I guess I wanted her to behave more like my mom, faithful, until I proved to be unfaithful. I guess I am confused. Before this week Jennie and I never had sex or even thought about having sex. This really was confusing....
Kat's reception on her arrival at the Callabrian spaceport was a sight warmer than her arrival on Calysto had been. Helios was waiting at the gate with a big, hand-lettered sign reading "Themis Agnoset" on top, and "Ready to party?" below. The wording was surrounded by what were obviously supposed to be balloons and party favors, perhaps fireworks, and the whole thing looked like it was a grade school child's art project. Kat had to laugh at the big grin on his face and Helios stood...
My alarm clock jolted me out of my sexy dream. I hopped out of bed, quickly realizing what time it was, and that I needed to get to school. Hurrying into the bathroom, I twirled my long blond locks of hair, as I brushed my teeth. I couldn’t stop thinking about the hot dream I had had. Even though I was having sex with my sister in it- WHICH IS COMPLETELY wrong- I couldn’t help becoming moist as I thought about it. “Cara, hurry up.” My twin sister, Jane called up the stairs. As I heard her...
Views from the bathroom window while waiting for that memorable Chili, Pizza, Doritos and beer dinner feeling to go away. * The house stood high atop a bluff overlooking the Okanogan river and the little town of Jessup. The long dead builder’s vision of grandeur placed it dangerously near the edge of the high bluff. Only a wooden fence five feet high stood between the house and a long, long drop. The fence was built inches from the very edge. The land proved more stable than the many...
[Wife speaking throughout] “Oh, Honey! Guess what happened today?” “Oh, cum on, guess!” “No, that’s not it. Doesn’t the negligee you bought me a few anniversaries ago give you a hint? Is this how I’m usually dressed when you get home from work? Get naked with me. Dinner can wait. I did fix your favorite drink though, and it’s waiting on the nightstand.” “Oh, Honey, your cock feels so good. Do you like how my pussy is? You tell me that I’m sexy to you. I want you to think that about me all...
The next day brought a light drizzle. We started extra early for school but pedalled slowly and talked as we rode the bikes. In a way I was not surprised to see Rita now with three girls who stayed close to her and not ten feet away. We talked where it was dry: inside the school. I went through an abbreviated monologue of the events yesterday but still gave some of my feelings. We got down to business as soon as possible and Rita took out a notebook right away and so did the other girls. She...
In the year 1990, I was then resided in Chittagong. I changed my rented apartment and hired a flat at second floor of a six storied building. The house-owner resided on my head at the third floor. He was a Christian, I called him ‘David-da’, because his name was Mr David. His family was so small, only son and his wife Mrs Nilima. The whole family was whitish in complexion. Though his son was studying in college but he and his wife both were looked so young, what is the secret I don’t know. As...
IncestWhat follows happened - about three hours ago. I have changed the lady's name, but should anyone who knows either of us read this, the game - as they say - is probably up.I teach EFL at a number of companies here ('here' will be obvious if you've read "Oh, Canada!") - have been doing so for thirteen years - and have had several hundred students in that time. Until today I have never had anything more than fantasies about a few of them......... At the turn of the year I started a...
A sexy phone call is a good way for two horny people to get off, especially if they are apart. A sexy phone call is one way Dave and I satisfied our primal needs, since he lived a long distance from me. Right now, he's in another state on business. On this particular night, he called me, and this is how we satisfied our hunger for each other. Its 9:40pm at night and I am lying on my bed reading a magazine. The phone rings and for a brief moment I wonder who would be calling me this late at...
Vincent’s eyelids fluttered. When Vincent first became aware of the world again, he saw a beautiful sight hovering over him. “Ulani?” he said with a croak. She looked down on him. She didn’t seem happy to see him. Another face joined hers. It was an old man’s face, complete with a long white beard and the bushiest eyebrows, Vincent had ever seen. The old man placed his hand on Vincent’s head, “I think the fever has abated, at last, Princess. If he hadn’t been so healthy, he would have...
Max tucked himself back into his pants, pulling away quickly after giving a quick glance at the departing backs of Cyndi and his sister, now surrounded by Roach and his crew, the rest of the students parting like a wave before the school slut and her entourage. He still could not believe how well things had gone yesterday, both with his sister’s obviously well trained performance, but with how well his stepmother was falling in to line. He had left Niki to finish her shower while he went to...
Re Tony’s forfeit As Tony had failed to keep up the agreed full hour of mutual sexual gratification without exploding into the very meaty dripping wet pussy of the very hard to fully satisfy Gemma. On saying that you would need to be a very well-endowed and more importantly very hard to keep it in without it dropping out. She can usually go through several explosive orgasm with either someone who is very good or at the same time several mere mortals who are average especially if more than one...
In her sleep Randi immediately began dreaming that she was being fucked by all the people who had actually fucked her during the past few weeks. They were all there, rubbing, kissing and sucking her squirming body. The men all had stiff, throbbing cocks, and the women-Laura and Chelsey-were rubbing their luscious naked bodies against her. But they would not let her have a climax. They shot so much jizz into her that it was soon oozing back out of her plundered pussy, but whenever Randi...
I have been happily married to my sexy Thai wife Lisa for three years now. My wife is Thai is petite (5'1") with a stunning figure, a tight ass and long waist length black hair. We had met in a bar in Thailand and subsequently we were married back here in the UK. She was very loving with me but not very sexually adventurous. My attractive wife and I have sex often as we watch porno movies. Often we role play and we fantasize about my wife fucking other guys. Since my visit to Thailand I often...
This story is inspired from when I was a few years younger, what I got up to, and the fantasy that spawned from it that I secretly so badly wanted.From my teens into my twenties, I loved masturbating. I particularly loved doing it outdoors, or in risky places like public loos. I got so turned on at the thought of being caught. I regularly used to stop into a woodlands on my cycle home from work. It started by going on to the woods and having a quick sneaky wank. The more I did it, the more...
Katie walked back to her shared apartment after the last class before spring break. The days were getting hot in San Diego. Her long tanned legs showed beyond the hem of her mini skirt. The heat always made Katie feel horny and she looked forward to a week alone at her childhood home, where she could masturbate herself into a frenzy. Arriving in her room, Katie grabbed her pre-packed bags and was heading for the door, when her roommates came out of the kitchen. Rebecca was the first to greet...
Some people in this world live a life of extremes. This story is about one of them, told through their own eyes. I get really horny when I’m aggravated. Sometimes when I’m pissed off, sometimes when I’m antsy. Every time the girl from the end of the block walks by I get a huge hard on. Like a lightning bolt. The tv articles and books say I’m a sexual predator because getting angry makes me horny. That really kills me. I’ve never even had a speeding ticket. There’s gotta be more people like me...
Every since the sex offender, Patricia has taken my young body, I have had most incredible sexual pleasures in becoming her personal sex slave whose always hungry for more, but it was on a holiday weekend when I had off from work where I would experience intense use of my body as sex toy that will keep me cumming for as long as I shall live.As I got home from working from 2nd shift, I decided I would get myself a hot shower and hit the hay. Unbeknownst to me, Patricia used my house key to get...
Mark Harrison slammed the door of the car and trudged across the grass which spread across the wide front of his parent's house in suburban Trentham. It was a hot and sticky night, and he thought better of going inside just yet, choosing instead to sit himself down upon the red brick stairs which led up to the front door, snatching a leaf from the footpath and tossing it away petulantly. His date had been an utter disaster, and Mark's hopes of releasing his sexual frustrations loose at the...
Three blondes walk into a building ... You’d think one of them would’ve seen it. ✧ ✧ ✧ Father O’ Malley is hearing confessions one day when he suddenly feels an attack of the Hershey squirts coming on. When Mr. Hennesy steps into the confessional he begs him to take his place hearing confessions while he runs for the men’s room. “Sorry Father, I wouldn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t know what to give for penance. How many Hail Marys? How many Our Fathers?” “It’s very simple, my son....
I was wearing silky pink dress-like pajammas that were short and just barely covered my ass. I had removed my panties and thrown them somewhere once I had decided to go to town on my clitoris while I fingered myself to orgasm. It was so hot, rubbing my silky pajamas in my pussy juices and over my wet pussy lips while thinking about the several hot times I'd had with my stepdad. I imagined his hands all over me, squeezing my large C cups and pinching my nipples. I remembered the times he...