High Technologies In Griffin Stagehouse free porn video

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Hello, my name is David Williams, and I am an aspiring 23-year-old actor. I've been chasing my dream of becoming an actor ever since I was a little boy, but the road to success has been long and difficult. Despite my talent and dedication, finding a job in the entertainment industry has proven to be a challenge. Physically, I am a 6'2" tall, lanky guy with messy brown hair and hazel eyes. I've been told that I have a unique look that stands out in a crowd, but I've yet to find the right role to showcase my talents. I live in a small apartment in Los Angeles with my wife, Anna. Anna is a nurse and works long hours to support us while I pursue my dreams. Her soft, auburn hair and gentle brown eyes are a source of comfort for me in my most challenging moments. We've been married for two years, and she's been my rock through all the ups and downs of my career. My best friend, Matthew, is also an actor, and we met in acting class a few years ago. He's been a great source of support and encouragement for me. We often run lines together and help each other prepare for auditions. Matthew's quirky sense of humor and laid-back attitude provide a welcome balance to my intensity and drive. With his sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, he's always been a natural on stage. Despite the challenges, I remain optimistic about my future in the entertainment industry. I'm constantly working on my craft, attending auditions, and networking with other actors and industry professionals. I know that success is just around the corner, and I'm determined to make my dreams a reality. *** Matthew called me up last night and told me he found a job for an aspiring actor at the Griffin Stagehouse. He said he went to see it but turned it down, even though they were offering a really good salary of 10 thousand dollars a month and a test role in the play for three months. I couldn't understand why he would turn down such a great offer. "Why did you turn it down?" I asked. "It was a female role," he said. I was confused. "Why do they offer it to a man then?" "That's the thing," he replied. "The theater is moving to new technologies and will use nanotechnology for secondary roles. They proposed using nanobots to turn me into a young woman for these three months, with the appearance of just the way the director of the play sees her. And after the end of the season, I would have returned to my appearance and get one of the main roles in some new play." I was dumbfounded. "They can do that?" "Yeah, they can," he said. "But I just couldn't do it. It didn't feel right." I understood where he was coming from. It did seem a little too futuristic for my taste. "It's just weird," I said. "I don't know how I feel about all these new technologies being introduced into the theater business." "I know, right?" he said. "But I just couldn't imagine myself playing a woman, even if it was just for a few months. It's just not me." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I get it. I don't think I could do it either." As we continued our conversation, I couldn't help but be astonished by the emergence of such technologies in the theater business. It seemed as though the line between reality and fiction was becoming more and more blurred. And I couldn't help but wonder, as an actor, how far would I be willing to go to chase my dreams? *** The conversation with Matthew left me feeling intrigued. I couldn't help but share the news with Anna, wondering what she'd think of the whole situation. "Anna, you wouldn't believe the opportunity Matthew turned down today," I said, as we sat down to have dinner. "What was it?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. I explained the entire situation - the nanobots, the temporary transformation into a woman, and the generous salary. Anna seemed surprised by Matthew's decision. "I don't understand why he'd turn it down," she said, furrowing her brow. "As a nurse, I can't even earn that much money, even if I worked overtime every single day. All he'd have to do is go on stage and say a few lines for an hour." "Well, he didn't want to be turned into a woman for three months," I explained, trying to see things from Matthew's perspective. Anna looked puzzled. "What's wrong with that? The female body is no more shameful than the male. It sounds like Matthew is driven by stereotypes and male chauvinism." I had to admit, Anna had a point. "You're right," I said. "It could even be an interesting challenge and experience for an actor to play the role of the opposite sex." Anna then suggested that I go to the Griffin Stagehouse early in the morning and find out more about the role. "Perhaps it hasn't been given to anyone yet, and you could get it. We could really use the money," she said. I hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Would you be okay with me being a woman with an unfamiliar appearance for three months?" Anna smiled reassuringly. "Yes, I could. Because inside that woman would still be my beloved husband David, right?" She paused for a moment, and then added, "I have to admit, I'm even a little bit excited thinking about you as a beautiful woman." Later that night, as we lay in bed, Anna's words echoed in my mind. The idea of playing a woman intrigued me. It would certainly be a challenge and a new experience, but would it be worth it? As I held Anna close, I made up my mind. "Anna," I whispered, "I've decided. I'm going to the Griffin Stagehouse tomorrow morning to find out more about the role." Anna hugged me tighter, and I knew that, no matter what, we'd face this new adventure together. *** As I arrived at the Griffin Stagehouse in the morning, I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. The secretary informed me that Jane Anderson, the director of the play, would meet with me. I was well aware of her reputation in the theater business, and the mere thought of meeting her made my heart race. While waiting in the reception area, I reminisced about what I knew of Jane Anderson. She was famous for her willingness to experiment with new technologies and her groundbreaking approach to theater. Standing at 6 feet tall, her striking features commanded attention. Her short, chic hairstyle framed her piercing blue eyes, and her strong jawline and high cheekbones gave her a sharp, angular appearance. Despite her intense looks, she was known for her warm and friendly demeanor, which put people at ease. As I sat there, I couldn't help but admire her sartorial choices, always impeccably dressed in the latest fashion. She exuded confidence and sophistication, which was unmatched in the theater world. Her reputation for pushing boundaries and exploring new territories in her productions was well-known. She was unafraid to take risks and use new technologies to create innovative and memorable performances. She always sought the next big thing, constantly challenging herself and her actors to reach their full potential. I began to feel grateful for the chance to meet such a renowned director like Jane Anderson. This opportunity could be the break I had been waiting for in my acting career. I also couldn't help but wonder how working with her might push me to new heights and help me grow as an actor. *** As I sat down in Jane Anderson's office, she proceeded to bring me up to date on the benefits of using nanobots in the play. "Firstly," she said, "you won't need any makeup. The nanobots transform the actor's appearance to perfectly match the role, both on and off stage. Secondly, they temporarily adjust the actor's mind, giving them the character traits, basic feelings, and desires of the character. This helps the actor truly live on stage, easily participating in impromptu dialogues and improvisation, which is crucial to my directorial vision." She continued, "And thirdly, the commercial rights to the character created with the help of nanobots are wholly owned by the theater. This gives us additional commercial opportunities and advantages." I had to admit, her arguments were solid. "Is the role still available?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. Jane nodded. "Yes, it's still open. So far, none of the male actors we've approached have agreed to the temporary transformation." I was surprised. "Why don't you just hire a woman for the role?" Jane leaned back in her chair. "The audience will be more attracted if they know that the role is played by a man. It will stir their blood and increase the box office." As I sat in front of Jane, I couldn't help but marvel at the surreal nature of the situation I found myself in. My mind raced with thoughts about whether or not I should seize this opportunity. On the one hand, it was a chance of a lifetime, but on the other hand, it was a huge risk. *** After much deliberation, I decided to accept the role. Jane smiled and proceeded to show me what my character would look like. She brought up a holographic image, and I was amazed at the transformation I would undergo. I would become Jasmine, a slender 22-year-old woman with body measurements of 36E-23-35 and a height of 5'7". Her face had small, regular features, a large sensual mouth, expressive gray eyes, and arched eyebrows that gave her a haughty, interrogative expression. Her long, straight blonde hair completed the image. In the play, Jasmine was the daughter of a wealthy man, but she had a poor education and low intelligence. Her thoughts revolved around sex, men, and clothes. Jane looked at me expectantly. "Are you ready to play such a role, David?" I thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "I believe I can handle it." With that, I signed the contract, and Jane informed me that my transformation would take place in a week at the university hospital under close supervision. I would be placed in a special nanochamber in the evening, fall asleep, and wake up in the morning in a new body. When I returned home, I showed Anna the signed contract and the image of my future character. Her eyes widened as she looked at the holographic image, but she smiled and hugged me tightly. "I'm so proud of you, David." We decided to celebrate at home with a bottle of wine. As we clinked glasses, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness about the journey I was about to embark on. But with Anna by my side and the opportunity to work with a renowned director like Jane Anderson, I knew that I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. *** I called Matthew to let him know I had signed the contract. He seemed surprised but congratulated me, nonetheless. "Wow, man! That's a bold move. I hope it works out for you!" The evening before the transformation, I went to the hospital, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Anna stayed behind to wait for me at home, promising to be there when I returned as my new self. At the hospital, I lay down in the nanochamber, the cool surface beneath me providing little comfort. My thoughts raced as I tried to imagine what the transformation would be like. Soon, sleep overtook me. When I woke up, I was greeted by the smiling faces of the medical team. "Good morning!" one of them said. "The transformation was successful. You're now Jasmine." I looked down at my new body, feeling both amazed and bewildered. Then I had realized, that the nanobots had corrected my personality, and the changes were drastic. My thoughts and speech had become extremely primitive, and it was difficult for me to concentrate on complex ideas or use difficult words. It felt like trying to swim through a pool of molasses - everything was slow and sluggish, my thoughts muddled and scattered, and I couldn't quite grasp the details. When I tried to think about difficult concepts, it was hard to find the right words. My new personal values, preferences, and desires were those of a stereotypical "bimbo." One of the doctors asked me how I felt, and I found myself responding without hesitation. "Um, like, I feel totally good". Another doctor approached me and asked, "Jasmine, are you okay that your thinking ability is reduced?" I hesitated for a moment, uncertainty creeping into my voice. "Well, like, I know my thinking got, um, simpler and stuff, but it's like, not too dumb or anything, you know? I mean, it's kind of weird, but I think it's going to help me, like, totally get into my role and play it, like, super easily!" I smiled, trying to reassure both the doctor and myself that I was okay with the changes. A third doctor asked me about a digital photo camera. I furrowed my brow, struggling to answer. "Um, it's like, a thingy that takes, you know, pictures? And, like, stores them in it? Super cool, right?" The physicians continued to ask me questions, and I answered them conscientiously, still trying to adjust to the shock of my transformation. Even though my persona had shifted significantly, I could still sense my core identity beneath it all, and I was curious to discover where this transformation would lead me. *** As the physicians provided me with women's clothes and let me go home, I prepared to leave the hospital. Suddenly, Jane Anderson appeared in my hospital room. Standing next to me, she towered with her 6 feet over my new slender 5'7" frame. She looked me over, seeming satisfied with the result of the transformation. "From now on, get used to being called Jasmine," Jane advised me, a slight smile on her face. "That's the name I'll use for you in everyday life." At first, the idea felt a bit strange, but as I tried to think more deeply about it, I realized that complex thoughts were now difficult for me. I decided that I was okay with being called Jasmine. Jane then proceeded to question me, ensuring that my new mentality matched the character I was supposed to play. Her blue eyes fixed on me, she asked, "If you were getting a massage, Jasmine, would you prefer a female or a male massage therapist? And why?" To my surprise, I found that I was now attracted to men, and I preferred the idea of a male massage therapist. My eyes lit up with excitement as I imagined a hot, handsome man massaging me. I decided to be honest with Jane and explained my thoughts, saying, "Well, like, I'd totally prefer a guy to, you know, give me a massage. Cuz, like, just thinking about a hot dude touching me, um, makes me, like, kind of horny, you know? Jane nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response, and then asked another question. "How do you feel about the fact that on the stage of the theater in the play, different men will hug and kiss you?" As I considered the question, I felt a thrill of anticipation and even found myself becoming aroused at the thought. I was beginning to understand just how much my mentality had changed since signing the contract. "I think it's going to be, like, super fun and stuff", I exclaimed, feeling a flutter of excitement in my chest. "I mean, it's just, like, acting, right? And, like, I'm sure those guys are going to be, like, hot, so, like, why not?" Jane continued her line of questioning, her eyes still fixed on me. "So, Jasmine, how do you feel about your new body? What are your thoughts on your appearance now?" I hesitated for a moment, trying to process the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings inside me. My new persona seemed to revel in the idea of having a body which is desirable to men. As I imagined a man caressing my newfound full breasts, I felt a strange, unfamiliar sensation between my legs. "Um, I, like, really glad to be, you know, super sexy and all," I stammered, a hint of confusion in my voice. "It's kind of, like, exciting to think about guys, like, wanting me and stuff. But, um, I'm still kind of getting used to, like, all these new feelings and thoughts, you know?" Jane seemed satisfied with my response and gave me an encouraging nod, acknowledging the complexity of the situation and the adjustments I would need to make. Just then, one of the physicians approached Jane and me, wearing a serious expression. "Ms. Anderson," he said, "I'm afraid Jasmine's cognitive abilities seem to be somewhat... too impaired." Jane's eyes narrowed, and she reassured him, "This is the character I need for my play. Her mentality is exactly what I was looking for." I couldn't help but feel relieved and even a bit proud that Jane was happy with the transformation. *** As I walked through the front door of our home, I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. I wasn't sure how Anna would react to my new appearance and personality, and I couldn't help but worry about what the future held for me. As I approached her, she looked up from her book and stared at me, her eyes widening in amazement. "Anna, um, it's me, David, but you know, now I'm Jasmine," I said hesitantly, my voice higher and softer than it had been before. "I, like, can't believe it." Anna blinked, her surprise quickly turning to a warm, welcoming smile. "Oh my goodness, David, you look absolutely stunning! And your voice, it's so... different!" She laughed gently, trying to put me at ease. "Thanks, I guess," I replied shyly, giving a small twirl to show off my new figure. "It's so... weird how much I've changed, right?" Anna nodded, still grinning. "Yes, it's incredible. So, tell me everything that happened at the hospital." I sat down beside Anna on the couch, feeling my new E-cup breasts shift as I moved. "So, like, I was in this super cool, like, chamber thingy, right? And then I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was, like, totally different!" I gestured at my body, still marveling at the change. "Look at me, Anna! I'm, um, a woman now." Anna's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "And how did you feel when you woke up?" I thought for a moment, my new mind struggling to find the words. "It was, like, really weird at first, you know? Like, I looked down at my new body, and I was, like, 'I'm a girl now!' But then, after a bit, it kind of started to feel, um, normal, I guess?" Anna nodded, her gaze warm and understanding. "And what about your thoughts and speech? How do you feel about that?" I hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe the sensation. "Well, it's kind of hard to, you know, think and stuff? Like, everything is, um, simple now, and I can't really think about, like, smart things or whatever. But, um, maybe it's for the best? Since I need to be this way for my role in the play and stuff. It's, um, important for my theater career, you know?" I'm, like, trying to be okay with it." Anna looked at me with fascination, her eyes traveling over my body as she took in my new form. "I can't believe how different you are, David. I'm sure the audience is going to love your performance, especially knowing that you used to be a tall, strong, and intelligent man. It's incredible what nanobots can do! And we'll use the shortcomings of your artificial personality to our advantage, I promise." I nodded, feeling a bit more reassured by Anna's support. "Yeah, like, maybe it's going to be, um, interesting? I can't wait to, you know, be up there and, um, do my thing, I guess?" As we continued to talk, I noticed Anna's gaze lingering on my breasts. She seemed to be fascinated by their size and shape. "Um, like, do you want to, you know, touch them or something?" I asked, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. Anna's cheeks flushed, but she nodded eagerly. "I have to admit, I'm a little curious. They're so much bigger than mine, and I can't help but wonder what they feel like." I laughed, feeling a strange thrill at the idea of Anna exploring my new body. "Well, like, go ahead. I mean, like, we're still married, right? Even if I'm a girl now?" Anna smiled and gently cupped one of my breasts, her touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Yes, we're still married, David. And I have to say, I'm really enjoying this new experience. Your transformation has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for us, and I'm excited to see where it takes us." As Anna continued to touch me, I felt a sudden surge of desire for her. Despite my new attraction to men, my love for Anna hadn't diminished one bit. In fact, the idea of exploring our relationship from this new perspective was incredibly exciting. "Anna," I whispered, my voice breathy and full of longing, "I, like, totally still love you and stuff, even though I'm, like, a girl now and, like, into guys and stuff. But, like, I want to be with you and, like, explore all these, like, super cool new things together, you know?" Anna looked into my eyes, her expression tender and loving. "David, I love you too, and I'm thrilled to explore this new side of our relationship. We'll take this journey together, and I'm sure we'll find ways to enjoy it and make it work." I smiled, feeling a warm glow of happiness spreading through my chest. "That's so awesome, Anna. I, like, can't wait to see what, like, fun stuff we can do together as, like, two girls, you know?" Anna grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait either, Da? I mean, Jasmine. This is going to be an amazing adventure for both of us." *** I could feel my heart racing as Anna leaned in closer to me, her eyes full of love and desire. Her lips met mine in a soft, tender kiss, and I could feel my excitement building even more. The sensation of kissing Anna as a woman was so different and truly amazing. Her hands then gently moved to my breasts, and I couldn't believe how sensitive they were. I gasped softly as she cupped them, her fingers teasing and playing with my nipples. The sensation was incredibly intense, and I couldn't help but squirm and giggle a little. "OMG, Anna, that feels so good!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in delight. Anna's warm smile reassured me as she continued to explore my new body. "I'm so glad you're enjoying this, Jasmine. I want to make you feel as incredible as you look." As her lips moved from mine, they made their way down to my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't believe how amazing it felt to be touched and kissed like this by Anna, especially as a woman. My mind was spinning with so many new and exciting sensations. When her lips finally found my breasts, I gasped in surprise and pleasure. The feeling of her warm, wet mouth on my sensitive skin was a whole new level of amazing. Her kisses were gentle and sweet at first, but as she started to lick and suck on my nipples, the sensations became much more intense. I couldn't help but let out soft moans of pleasure, and I felt my body trembling with excitement. "Anna, OMG, that's so... Wow!" I stammered, struggling to find the words to describe how incredible it felt. "I never knew my body could feel this good!" Anna paused for a moment, looking up at me with a loving smile. "I'm so happy to hear that, David. I want to learn everything I can about your new body and how to make you feel amazing." As Anna continued to shower my breasts with attention, her other hand began to slowly wander downwards. My heart raced with anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous about what it would be like to experience pleasure down there as a woman. I had no idea what to expect. Anna's fingers lightly brushed over my stomach, making me shiver with excitement. When they finally reached my new, delicate, innocent-looking slit, I couldn't believe how sensitive I was down there. I gasped as her fingers gently stroked me, and I felt so warm and tingly inside. "OMG, Anna, that feels so amazing!" I managed to whisper, my voice breathy and full of desire. "I can't believe how different it feels from before!" Anna smiled up at me, her eyes full of love and reassurance. "I'm so glad you're enjoying this, David. Just relax and let yourself feel all these new sensations." As her fingers continued to explore my sensitive lower part, I felt the pleasure building inside me, much more intense than I'd ever experienced as a man. I could feel the heat and the pressure growing, and I knew I was on the edge of something truly amazing. When Anna finally found the right spot, the wave of pleasure that washed over me was so powerful, I couldn't help but cry out in ecstasy. My whole body shook, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud of pure bliss. "Anna, OMG!" I gasped, my eyes wide with wonder and amazement. "That was the most incredible feeling I've ever felt in my whole life! I can't believe how amazing it is to be a woman!" As I lay there, my body still trembling from the powerful orgasm, I knew that this transformation had opened up a whole new world of amazing experiences for Anna and me. I couldn't wait to explore this new side of our relationship and discover all the wonderful things we could do together as two women. In that moment, I knew that being Jasmine was going to be an amazing adventure, and I couldn't wait to explore more of these wonderful new sensations with Anna by my side. *** As Anna and I lay there, basking in the afterglow of my incredible experience, she looked at me curiously. "David, how do your female physical sensations differ from your old male sensations? How does it feel when your vagina is stimulated compared to when your penis was stimulated?" I thought for a moment, trying to find the words to explain the differences. "Um, like, it's so different, Anna. When my, you know, pussy is touched, it feels, like, super warm and tingly, and, like, the pleasure just spreads throughout my whole body. With my, um, old penis, it was more, like, focused, you know?" Anna furrowed her brow, wanting to understand more. "Can you try to explain it in more detail? What are the nuances of these sensations?" I tried my best to clarify. "So, like, when my pussy is, um, stimulated, it's, like, so sensitive, and every touch feels, like, really intense. But it's not just the, um, outside that feels good. It's, like, deep inside too. It's like, um, waves of pleasure that just, like, keep building and building until, like, that super amazing orgasm happens. With my old penis, it was, like, just on the surface, and the pleasure didn't, like, spread as much, you know?" Anna nodded, understanding better now. She then shared her thoughts with me. "Dav?, Jasmine, I've been thinking about this whole transformation and the theater. I believe that the director, Jane Anderson, and the theater are trying to manipulate you and use you for their own purposes, to increase the profitability of the play. However, we were lucky that you were given such a great body and a sex-loving personality. Your looks and body are serious weapons, and I promise I'll help you use them to the best advantage for your theater career and our family." In my simple thoughts, I felt so grateful to have a devoted wife like Anna by my side. Her words gave me a sense of confidence and calmness. "OMG, Anna, you're, like, so smart and amazing! I'm, like, so lucky to have you in my life!" Anna smiled warmly at me. "I feel the same way, Jasmine. Now that we're both women, we can face the world together and support each other even more than before. I'm confident that we can navigate this new chapter of our lives and make the best of it." We continued talking, discussing our feelings and plans for the future. Anna wanted to make sure I was prepared for any challenges that might come our way. "Jasmine, remember that people may try to take advantage of you because of your new appearance and simple way of thinking. It's important to stand up for yourself and not let anyone manipulate you," Anna cautioned. I nodded, taking her advice to heart. "Yeah, I know, Anna. I'll, like, try my best to, you know, be strong and not let people, like, push me around." Anna reassured me, "I'll be by your side every step of the way, helping you and guiding you. We'll face any challenges together." As we talked, I couldn't help but feel more and more confident in our ability to handle this new chapter in our lives. Anna's love and support were like a beacon of light, guiding me through any doubts or fears that I might have had. "Anna, I, like, can't thank you enough for, like, always being there for me. I love you so much!" I gushed, my eyes filling with tears of gratitude. Anna reached over and gently wiped the tears from my eyes. "I love you too, David. We're in this together, and I wouldn't have it any other way." *** As we browsed through the store the next morning, I felt somewhat overwhelmed by all the choices. But then Anna found the perfect dress ? a lightweight, flowing summer dress with soft pastel colors. "Jasmine, look! This dress will beautifully emphasize your gorgeous figure and make you feel really confident," she said. I took the dress from Anna, feeling the soft, breathable fabric between my fingers. "OMG, Anna, it's so pretty!" I said, imagining how it would look on me. We headed to the fitting room, and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous about trying on the dress. But as soon as I slipped it on, I knew it was perfect. The V-neckline showcased my large, beautiful breasts, and the thin, adjustable spaghetti straps made my shoulders look delicate. The waistband cinched in at just the right spot, making my waist appear even slimmer, and the A-line skirt grazed my hips, adding to the soft, feminine look. The slightly shorter hemline displayed my toned legs, and I felt simultaneously sexy and vulnerable. "Anna, how do I look?" I asked, stepping out of the fitting room to show her. Anna's eyes lit up when she saw me in the dress. "Jasmine, you look absolutely stunning. This dress is perfect for you, and it really creates that impression of accessibility, vulnerability, and insecurity we were looking for. But remember, we need to work on how you present yourself at the theater today." I nodded, my eyes wide and eager to learn. "Yeah, I totally get it. So, like, what should I do, Anna?" Anna took a deep breath and began to instruct me. "First, try to giggle less and be less enthusiastic in your statements. Instead, make your speech more languid, seductive, and full of ambiguous hints and promises." I tried to mimic what Anna had said, my voice becoming slower and sultrier. "Like, this, Anna? Is this, like, seductive enough?" Anna nodded approvingly. "That's better, Jasmine. Now, when you talk to people at the theater, give them the impression that they're sexually attractive to you. This will allow you to manipulate them instead of them manipulating you." I thought about Anna's words, my simple mind trying to process the strategy. "So, I should, like, make them think they're, like, super hot and stuff, right?" "Yes, Jasmine," Anna confirmed, her voice gentle yet firm. "You're incredibly beautiful and desirable, and that's a powerful tool. Use it to your advantage, and you'll have more control over your theater career and our lives." I smiled, feeling grateful for Anna's guidance. "Thanks, Anna. I'll, like, totally do my best to, like, follow your advice and stuff. I'm so lucky to have you by my side!" *** Anna looked at me thoughtfully, her eyes filled with determination. "Jasmine, let's try something, okay? I want you to practice your seductive speech and behavior. Pretend I'm someone you're trying to charm and invite me to spend some time together in a park. Remember, try to be alluring and suggestive." I nodded, taking a deep breath as I prepared myself for the role-play. In my simple thoughts, I focused on the way Anna had explained seductive behavior and speech to me. I took a moment to imagine the park setting and how I could use my newfound femininity to my advantage. "Alright, Anna," I began, my voice soft and alluring, "Imagine we're, like, at a party or something, and I just, like, totally noticed you from across the room." I leaned in closer to her, letting my eyelashes flutter and my eyes sparkle with mischief. "Hey, Anna," I purred, "I couldn't help but, like, notice you standing over there. You look, like, super interesting, and I was wondering if you'd, like, want to escape with me for a little while?" I bit my lip playfully, letting my gaze linger on her lips as I continued. "There's, like, this super beautiful park nearby, and I think it would be, like, totally amazing if we could spend some time together there, just you and me." I reached out and gently touched her arm, my fingers tracing small circles on her skin. "We could find a nice, secluded spot to, like, sit and talk, get to know each other better, maybe even share a few secrets." I let out a soft giggle, my eyes never leaving hers. "What do you say, Anna? Are you up for a little adventure with me? I promise, it'll be, like, totally unforgettable." As I finished my invitation, I looked at Anna, hoping I had done well in capturing the seductive behavior she had been teaching me. I was eager to learn and improve, especially if it meant helping our family and my theater career. Anna's eyes widened in surprise, clearly impressed by my performance. She smiled warmly and nodded her head, her gaze filled with admiration. "Jasmine, that was... amazing!" she exclaimed. "Your voice was so captivating, and your body language was incredibly alluring. I have to admit, even knowing that it's just a role-play, I found myself wanting to accept your invitation and follow you to that park!" *** As I entered the theater, I could feel a newfound confidence coursing through me. My sexy dress clung to my body just right, and I felt powerful, seductive, and in control. I spotted director Jane Anderson across the room, looking over her notes. Taking a deep breath, I sauntered over to her, my heart pounding in my chest. "Hi, Jane," I purred, letting my sultry voice fill the room. "What do you think of my outfit for today's rehearsal?" Jane glanced up from her notes, her eyes widening as she took in my appearance. She smiled, clearly impressed. "Jasmine, you look absolutely stunning. This dress is perfect for your role." I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, and I knew it was time to put my new skills to the test. "Thanks, Jane. You know, you look, like, totally amazing today too," I said, my eyes sparkling with mischief. Jane blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Jasmine. That's very kind of you." I leaned in closer, my voice low and inviting. "You know, there's, like, this really cool cocktail bar nearby. I was thinking maybe we could, like, go there tonight, after rehearsal? Just you and me, having a good time and unwinding from the day." As I spoke, I gently placed my hand on Jane's arm, letting my fingers trace delicate circles. "We could, like, have a few drinks, maybe share some stories, and who knows? Maybe we could find ourselves in a more... private setting to, like, explore our connection further." Jane's eyes widened, and I could see the intrigue flicker across her face. She hesitated for a moment before responding. "Jasmine, that sounds... interesting. I'd love to join you." I smiled, feeling victorious. It seemed that my seductive behavior had worked its magic on Jane as well. As we moved on to the rehearsal, I couldn't help but think about how far I'd come in my acting skills, and I looked forward to the evening ahead, ready to continue refining my newfound talent. *** At rehearsal, I scanned the room, taking in all the new faces. There were so many actors I hadn't met before. As I looked around, my eyes suddenly locked onto someone I couldn't believe was standing right there: Damian Hartwell, the famous 50-year-old actor with his chiseled jawline, piercing blue eyes, and distinguished salt-and-pepper hair. Known for his magnetic presence on stage, incredible acting range, and tall, athletic build, Damian was a favorite among directors and audiences alike. I felt my heart race at the thought of working with such a talented and captivating performer as my partner in the play. Jane approached me, a smile on her face. "Jasmine, I have some exciting news for you. You'll have two big stage appearances in our play. The first one involves seducing your father's business partner, played by none other than Damian Hartwell," she said, gesturing to him. My eyes widened in excitement, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation. "Wow, that's, like, amazing! I never imagined I'd get the chance to work with Damian." Jane continued, "Your second appearance on stage will be an improvisation. A random visitor, like a postman or a plumber, will come to the house, and you'll flirt with them. This will change every performance, giving the audience a fresh experience each time." I nodded, intrigued by the unique challenge. "That sounds, like, so much fun! But how far can I go with my improvisation? I don't want to cross any boundaries." Jane reassured me, "The performance is intended for viewers over 18, so you can feel free to fully explore your desires and motives. Just stay true to your character and let the scene unfold naturally." I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Okay, Jane, I'll do my best. I can't wait to see how it all comes together on stage." As the rehearsal progressed, I couldn't help but steal glances at Damian, imagining our scene together. I knew this was an incredible opportunity to showcase my acting skills, and I was determined to make the most of it. *** As Damian and I stood side by side, I took a deep breath and decided to initiate a conversation. "So, Damian, are you, like, totally looking forward to our scene together?" He smiled warmly at me, "Of course, Jasmine. It's going to be quite an experience, especially given your unique transformation." I could tell Damian knew about my past as a male actor, and I felt a sudden urge to reassure him. "You know, I have to admit, at first, it was a bit strange, but now I, like, really enjoy being in this body. It's so flexible, and I've never felt so in tune with my sensuality." As I spoke, I playfully ran my fingers along my curves, my eyes locked onto his. "And, well, these big sensitive breasts are, like, a whole new world of pleasure. I'm definitely embracing this role and all the, like, experiences that come with it." Damian raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my openness. "That's an interesting perspective, Jasmine. I'm glad you're enjoying the experience." Feeling bolder, I leaned in a little closer, my voice taking on a sultry tone. "And, like, who knows, Damian, maybe our on-stage chemistry could lead to something more... off-stage. I wouldn't mind, like, exploring that possibility, would you?" I could see Damian's eyes widen, a hint of a smile forming on his lips. "Jasmine, I must say, you certainly know how to keep things interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing where this journey takes us." As we parted ways, I felt a surge of excitement, knowing I had successfully piqued Damian's interest. I couldn't wait to see how our on-stage chemistry would translate into our personal lives, adding another layer of intrigue to my ever-evolving transformation. *** Rehearsal had been going smoothly, and it was time for my improv scene with the plumber. I glanced around the room, taking in the focused expressions of my fellow actors as they prepared for their roles. The door opened, and in walked the plumber, played by a young, handsome, and incredibly muscular guy. As he entered the room, I couldn't help but admire his physique ? he was young, handsome, and incredibly muscular. The sight of him sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. Standing next to him in my light, flowing dress, I felt vulnerable, yet incredibly aroused. "Hey there," the plumber said, his voice deep and alluring. He pretended to be fixing something, his muscles flexing as he worked. "All done, miss," he announced, wiping the sweat from his brow. I took a deep breath, ready to put my seductive skills to the test. "Thank you," I purred, my eyes locked onto his. "You have such strong, skillful hands. I can't help but, like, totally wonder how it would feel to be in the place of that water pipe, you know? To have those hands, like, all over me." I could feel my body heat rising, my attraction to the plumber becoming more and more irresistible. The plumber stepped closer, his eyes dark with desire. "You have no idea how much I'd love to show you," he whispered, his arms wrapping around me as our lips met in a passionate kiss. I felt a shiver of excitement race down my spine, my body responding eagerly to his touch. Just as our passion reached its peak, the door burst open, and the actor playing my father strode into the room. The plumber quickly stepped back, muttering apologies as he scrambled to gather his tools. As the scene came to an end, I tried to catch my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I could see Jane, the director, watching me intently, a smile on her face. She approached me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Jasmine, that was absolutely amazing," she whispered softly in my ear. "I can't wait to see you tonight at the bar." Her words sent a thrill down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder what the night would bring. With each new experience, I was diving deeper into my role and discovering new aspects of my sensuality. I was more than ready for whatever adventure lay ahead. *** As I walked through the door, still buzzing from the exciting rehearsal, I couldn't wait to share the news with Anna. "Hey Anna, guess what? Rehearsal went, like, super well today!" I gushed, my excitement palpable. Anna looked up from her book, a smile spreading across her face. "That's great, David! Tell me all about it." "Well, you're not going to believe this, but my on-stage partner is the famous Damian Hartwell!" I exclaimed, my eyes wide with excitement. "He's, like, so amazing, and I can't believe I get to work with him." "Oh, wow!" Anna responded, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I'd love to meet him in person someday. He's such a talented actor." I nodded in agreement, feeling a swell of pride at the opportunity to work with someone as renowned as Damian. "Yeah, it's, like, a dream come true," I replied. "Oh, and I also have some more news. I have an appointment at a bar with Jane Anderson tonight!" Anna's smile widened, and she gave me an encouraging nod. "That's fantastic, David. Just remember to act according to the circumstances, okay? If you feel like being intimate with Jane, I'm totally fine with it. In fact, I'd be proud if you could catch such a big fish in your female nets as the famous director Anderson." Her words of encouragement filled me with determination and excitement. "Thanks, Anna. I'll, like, definitely keep that in mind. I'm not sure what will happen, but I'm just going to, like, go with the flow and see where the night takes us." Anna patted my arm gently, her eyes filled with warmth and support. "That's the spirit, David. Just enjoy being Jasmine and embrace the experience. I'm sure everything will work out just fine." *** Sitting at the bar with Jane, I couldn't help but admire her poise and grace. The soft lighting and intimate ambiance of the bar set the perfect mood for our rendezvous. Leaning in, I let my seductive voice weave its magic as I complimented her. "Jane, you're, like, such an amazing director, and you look, like, totally stunning tonight." Jane blushed at my compliments, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Thank you, Jasmine. You're looking incredibly gorgeous yourself." We sipped our cocktails, the alcohol gradually working its way into our systems, loosening our inhibitions. As the evening progressed, the music in the bar shifted to a slow, sensual beat, and Jane took the opportunity to invite me to dance. "Jasmine, would you like to dance with me?" I smiled and took her hand, allowing her to lead me to the dance floor. As we danced, our bodies swaying to the rhythm, I felt a powerful connection growing between us. Jane's eyes locked onto mine, her gaze intense and filled with desire. Unable to resist the magnetic pull between us, she leaned in and kissed me. The moment our lips met, a wave of excitement and passion washed over me, making me feel more alive than ever before. As the kiss deepened, I felt myself melting into her embrace, my heart racing with anticipation. As the song came to an end, Jane leaned in and whispered seductively into my ear, "Jasmine, how about we continue this somewhere more... private? My place is nearby, and I have a feeling we're in for a wild night." Her words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel exhilarated at the thought of exploring our connection further. "Jane, I'm, like, so ready for that. Let's make tonight a night to remember." Hand in hand, we left the bar. *** As Jane led me into her apartment, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the sophistication of the interiors. It was clear that a skilled and expensive designer had worked their magic in creating this beautiful space. Jane poured us each a glass of very expensive wine, and we clinked our glasses together in a toast. The rich flavor danced on my tongue as I took a sip, and I could feel a warmth spreading throughout my body. I couldn't deny the powerful attraction between us, and it seemed Jane felt the same way. As our eyes locked, our desire for each other became too strong to resist. Before I knew it, we were quickly undressing each other, our fingers fumbling with buttons and zippers in our haste to explore each other's bodies. As we slipped out of our clothes, I marveled at how beautiful Jane looked, her skin glowing in the soft light of the room. We moved to the bed, our bodies entwined, and our mouths joined in a passionate kiss. My hands greedily caressed Jane's body, as her own fingers traced patterns on my skin. Each touch sent shivers down my spine, filling me with an overwhelming sense of passion and desire. *** As Jane left me lying on my back on the bed, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation, wondering what she had in store for us. When she returned, I saw that she was holding a double-ended strap-on designed in such a way as to give pleasure to both women. Intrigued and excited, I eagerly spread my legs, allowing Jane to position herself with the toy. First, Jane gently inserted the shorter end of the strap-on into her own vagina, securing it in place with a harness around her waist, hips, and inner thighs. Then, with a gentle touch, she carefully inserted the long, thick, and elastic end of the strap-on into my vagina. As she did, I felt a rush of pleasure and anticipation wash over me. The sensation of being penetrated and completely filled by this amazing toy was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Every movement Jane made seemed to send shockwaves of delight through my body, making me crave more of this incredible feeling. My mind was swimming in a sea of pleasure, and I found myself completely lost in the sensation of being so intimately connected with Jane. As the strap-on continued to fill me, stretching me in the most delicious way, I reveled in the new and exhilarating sensations that came with being Jasmine. The powerful, simultaneous orgasm we shared left me breathless, my body tingling with satisfaction and wonder. Exhausted and satisfied, I lay in bed, hugging a happily smiling Jane. As I held her close, I marveled at the incredible journey I had taken from David to Jasmine. It was hard to believe that not so long ago, I was a man used to take, and now, as a woman, I was discovering the joy of being taken. *** When I got home that morning, I couldn't wait to tell Anna all about my night with Jane. "Anna, you wouldn't believe it. Jane and I had, like, such an amazing time together. She had this, like, incredible strap-on, and it was, like, so intense and wonderful." Anna smiled, clearly pleased that I had enjoyed myself. "Well, David, if you liked the strap-on so much, maybe we should get one for ourselves?" At her suggestion, I couldn't help but feel a little excited, but then Anna added, "You know, though, you haven't even tried sex with a man yet. Trust me, it's way better than a strap-on." Her words made me think of my best friend, Matthew. I felt guilty that I hadn't seen him since my transformation. "Anna, I just realized, I haven't even, like, met Matthew since I became Jasmine. I feel so bad." As I thought about Matthew, a wild idea popped into my head. "Anna, what if we, like, had a threesome with Matthew? He's my best friend, and I think it would be, like, totally unfair to him if I ignored him sexually." Anna's face turned serious, and she shook her head. "David, I don't really care for Matthew. I think you should deal with your friendship with him yourself." I nodded, understanding that Anna didn't share my enthusiasm for the idea. I knew I needed to find a way to reconnect with Matthew and maintain our friendship, but I would have to figure that out on my own. *** As I approached Matthew in the theater bar, I could see the amazement in his eyes. It was almost as if he couldn't believe that the woman standing in front of him was actually his old friend David. I smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as I prepared to reconnect with him. "Matthew, like, it's me, Jasmine ? or, well, I used to be David," I giggled, watching his reaction closely. "Wow, David, you look... incredible," he stammered, his gaze traveling up and down my body. "I mean, I had heard about your transformation, but seeing it in person is something else. What's it like to be a woman? How is sex different in a woman's body?" Taking a deep breath, I considered my answer with a bubbly enthusiasm. "Oh my gosh, like, being a woman is a totally new world of, like, sensations and stuff! It's kind of hard to explain, but I feel, like, super in touch with my emotions and my body more than when I was a guy. And my E-cup boobs? They're, like, sooo amazing! I just love how they look and feel, and trust me, you won't regret seeing and feeling them in your hands. And, like, sex? It's sooo different. There's this amazing feeling of, you know, vulnerability and connection when you're, like, penetrated. It's like every touch and caress is just, like, way more intense and intimate." Matthew nodded, his eyes wide with curiosity. "That sounds incredible, David... Jasmine. I'm happy for you ? it seems like you're really embracing your new life." I smiled, feeling a warm glow of happiness at his acceptance. "Thanks, Matthew! And like, guess what? I'm now working with some super cool people in the theater business, like Damian Hartwell and Jane Anderson." His eyes widened in surprise. "That's amazing, Jasmine. You've come so far in such a short amount of time. I'm really proud of you." As we continued to talk, I couldn't help but feel a growing attraction towards Matthew. He had always been handsome, but seeing him now, as Jasmine, I was struck by just how appealing he was. I felt a flush of warmth between my legs, my body reacting to the thought of kissing him. Matthew, however, seemed to sense my attraction and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, perhaps remembering that I was once his male friend. I knew I needed to tread carefully if I wanted to explore this connection with him. As we sipped our cocktails, the alcohol began to loosen us up, and I could see Matthew starting to relax. Sensing an opportunity, I leaned in closer, my voice dropping to a seductive purr. "You know, Matthew, we could always go back to your place and just, like, talk and hang out. I'd love to spend some more time with you, and who knows what might happen?" I watched as a blush crept up Matthew's cheeks, and I could tell that he was feeling aroused by the prospect. "Um, yeah, Jasmine, that sounds nice. I'd love to spend more time with you too." As we left the bar and made our way to Matthew's apartment, my mind raced with the possibilities that lay ahead. I was nervous, excited, and filled with desire for my old friend, and I couldn't wait to see where the night would take us. Inside Matthew's apartment, we sat down on the couch, and I scooted closer to him, our thighs brushing against each other. The electricity between us was palpable, and I could tell that Matthew was struggling with his attraction to me. I said in a bubbly, flirtatious tone, my hand gently touching his arm. "Like, I just want you to know that I'm still, like, the same person on the inside, even if my bod is totally different now. And, um, if you're, like, willing to give it a shot, I think we could have, like, a super special connection or something." As I looked into his eyes, I could see him weighing his options. Finally, he nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Alright, Jasmine. Let's see where this goes." My heart soared at his words, and I knew that whatever happened between us that night, it would be a memory that we would both cherish forever. *** As I sat next to Matthew on the couch, I couldn't help but feel the excitement build up inside me. I wanted to find a way to get closer to him without making things awkward. An idea suddenly came to me, and I felt a shiver of anticipation run through me. "Hey, Matthew," I said, trying to sound casual. "Remember that improv scene I told you about in the play? The one where I play the daughter of a wealthy man?" Matthew's eyes lit up as he nodded, "Yeah, I remember you mentioning it. Sounds like a really fun scene." I bit my lip, taking a deep breath before continuing. "What if we, like, acted out that scene right now, here in your apartment? You could play the driver who comes to report that the car is ready to go." Matthew's eyes widened, and I could see the excitement grow in his expression. "That sounds like a lot of fun, Jasmine! Let's do it!" He got up and walked out of the room, only to re-enter moments later, fully in character. "Miss Jasmine," he began in a formal tone, "I'm pleased to inform you that the car has passed its technical inspection. I've changed the winter tires to summer ones, and we're all set to go." I couldn't help but giggle at his serious demeanor. I looked at him seductively and said, "Oh, how wonderful! You know, I'd be so happy if you could do a little 'technical inspection' of me as well," I said, batting my eyelashes. "I'm wearing winter clothes, and I would be so grateful if you could help me change into something more suitable for summer." Matthew's eyes flickered with surprise, but he played along, his voice husky as he replied, "And what would you like me to help you with, Miss Jasmine?" I moved closer, my voice barely a whisper as I said, "Well, under my dress, I'm only wearing panties. I wear them in winter, but not in summer. Would you mind helping me with that?" The air between us crackled with electricity as Matthew closed the distance between us, his hands finding my waist. I could see the desire in his eyes as he pulled me closer, and I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine. As our lips met in a heated kiss, all thoughts of the improv scene vanished from my mind. This was no longer just a game ? it was a passionate exploration of our newfound connection. Matthew's hands roamed my body, sending shivers down my spine. He pinned me against the wall, one hand greedily caressing my full breasts while the other slipped under my dress and into my panties, tightly grabbing my buttock. I gasped, pleasure flooding my senses, and I couldn't help but think how amazing it was to share this intimate moment with my old friend. But, unlike the scene in the play, there would be no one to interrupt us this time. It was just the two of us, free to explore our desires without any limitations. And I couldn't have been happier. *** As I experienced my third or maybe fourth orgasm, waves of pleasure rolled through my body. My brain went totally blank, and I was lost in a feeling of pure ecstasy. Finally, Matthew pulled out of me and, reaching his own orgasm, released a stream of warmth onto my stomach and chest. We collapsed onto the bed, our bodies tangled together, both of us panting from the intense passion we had just shared. We lay there, holding each other close, and Matthew's hand gently wrapped my pussy. "You know, Jasmine," Matthew said softly, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on my groin. "You have the most divinely beautiful and perfect body I've ever seen. If I were a sculptor or artist, I would give half my life just to be able to capture your nude body in some kind of work of art." I blushed at his compliment, my heart swelling with happiness. "Oh my gosh, Matthew, that's, like, the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me! You're, like, so amazing too. I never knew it could feel this good, you know?" *** As the curtains lifted on opening night, I felt an electric thrill surge through me. The theater was packed with eager patrons, drawn in by the news of my unconventional transformation and the tantalizing advertisements that showcased my stunning appearance. I knew that my success as Jasmine hinged on my ability to captivate the audience with my acting skills, and I was more than prepared to rise to the challenge. The spotlight shone brightly on me as I took the stage, and I could feel the audience's eyes on me, taking in every detail of my curvaceous figure. They knew the story behind the scenes ? that I, once a male actor, had been brainwashed and transformed into a beautiful woman for this role. That knowledge only heightened the anticipation in the room, and I was determined to meet their expectations. The play unfolded, and I reveled in the freedom of my character, embracing the sensual energy and charisma that Jasmine exuded. My improvisational scenes were met with laughter and applause, and the chemistry between Damian and me was palpable. The more the audience responded to our performances, the more we pushed ourselves to new heights, delivering a show that was nothing short of mesmerizing. It wasn't long before word of our captivating performances reached the ears of a well-known journalist, who was intrigued by the story of my transformation. Matthew, ever the supportive friend, helped facilitate an introduction, and soon enough, an in-depth article about my unique journey was published in a national newspaper. Critics couldn't resist praising the raw intensity of my scene with Damian Hartwell, and both of us reveled in the accolades that came pouring in. As my fame grew, so did the demand for tickets to our performances. Soon, every show was sold out, and people were clamoring for the chance to see me ? Jasmine, the stunning actress with the most extraordinary backstory ? grace the stage. *** As Anna, Jane, and I entered the director's office, I could feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. This meeting was crucial for my future as an actress, and it could change my life forever. The director of Griffin Stagehouse, Mr. Thompson, sat behind his desk with an air of authority, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he looked at me. Anna cleared her throat and began, "Mr. Thompson, we would like to propose a long-term contract with David, or rather, Jasmine. Under its terms, the image of Jasmine should be assigned to David. He should have the possibility to switch nanobots to his own appearance and back to Jasmine's appearance three times a year for theater money. At the same time, Jasmine's IQ should be increased by nanobots to a normal IQ. These are our requirements." Mr. Thompson frowned, clearly not pleased with the proposal. "I'm not sure about that. It's quite unconventional, and we have to consider the theater's best interests." Jane, to my surprise, took my side. "Mr. Thompson, the audience loves David as Jasmine. He's put so much of himself into the character, and switching to another actor could ruin the commercial success we've had so far. We shouldn't fix what isn't broken." As Jane passionately defended my role, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her support. She was risking her reputation for me, and it meant the world to me. Finally, Mr. Thompson relented. "Alright, fine. We'll sign the contract. But only because I trust your judgment, Jane." The three of us exchanged glances, a mixture of relief and triumph in our eyes. Mr. Thompson signed the contract, sealing our agreement. As we left his office, I felt a rush of gratitude and excitement for the new opportunities that lay ahead. But before I left, I lingered in the doorway, offering Mr. Thompson a seductive smile. "Mr. Thompson, why don't we, like, celebrate this new partnership sometime? Maybe we could, you know, grab dinner together at a restaurant, just the two of us?" I let my words hang in the air, allowing him to imagine the possibilities. The director's eyes widened, and I could see the intrigue in his expression. "Well, Jasmine, that sounds like an interesting proposal. I'll have to think about it." With a soft smile, I turned and left the office. Copyright © 2023 by heteroD Enjoyed the story? Help me create more by supporting me at https://www.patreon.com/heteroD

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It was about 2 years ago now that I went back to my home town for our highschool reunion. They had everyone who came in from outside of town staying at the Comfort Inn. Well as I was checking in at the front desk she walk in, my ex from my senior year. In Highschool she played just about every sport she could. So you can imagine her body. She had a flat stomach, nice tits, a round ass, and dirty blonde hair. I wasn't surprised to see noting had changed. As she walked up to the front desk she...

Group Sex
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Highlights of the Day A Jo Cross Story

A LITTLE PSA FROM JO: Kirsten has finished writing her update on the day for you all, but I've just taken the netbook from her to add a little something of my own. I want to thank you all for taking an active part in her adventures. The truth and the fantasy. If I sometimes seem a little pushy in the feedback comments about the targets I set....That is because I can only have Kirsten at certain times and days because of work, personal lives, etc. And as I read your amazing suggestions, I...

2 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 5 Damn Lizard

Introduction: A new-comer really does make everyone cum. Viktoria sat quietly at her desk, a pile of application forms for a Dragon Handler position in front of her. One of her prize studs, Stallion, needed a new handler because his last had recently retired. Viktoria didnt want to hire a woman for the position, knowing Stallions temperment and demeaner he would not listen to a female handler. Sadly so far all the applicants had been young boys fresh out of college with no real experience. She...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 13

It was well past sunrise when Terence awoke. He lay with his eyes still closed. Already he could feel the warmth of the sun as it filtered between the leaves and branches overhead, and against his side the warmth of the young woman, his companion. He mused how good it was to wake with her at his side. In such a very few nights it had become a habit he would not willingly forgo. He opened his eyes and turned towards her, and almost jumped when he was met by her wide open, clear blue eyes staring...

1 year ago
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Highwaymen Ch 14

As she scurried after him, Celeste’s mind was in turmoil. What had prompted her to offer herself to him so unconditionally? Yet … it had come to her naturally, driven by the power of his action and her reaction to it. Yes, she had meant it, she would be his slave. She wanted him to use her in whatever manner he saw fit. Although in the back of her mind she was aware that this feeling would not last, right now it was where she had arrived. She was his, and it felt right to be possessed. She...

1 year ago
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Highwaymen Ch 06

It was an hour or so later that the two companions led their steeds out onto the road. Once mounted, Jamie urged his mare into a walk, heading west, where he had originally been headed what now seemed so long ago. Only last night! Joanna held her stallion in check as she watched, and called out to him ‘Jamie! Not that way!’ He pulled up, and turned to face her, but did not retrace his steps. ‘Why not?’ His tone betrayed some impatience. ‘That way is to take the hot route. It would be wiser...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 08

The next morning, after they had breakfasted simply but well, Joanna turned to Terence. ‘Sir, I think we’ve had enough of luxury for now. I don’t wish to spend my money, earned at such risk, on these unnecessary things.’ Her dismissive gesture took in all the room and its contents. Terence frowned. He did not wish to admit his current lack of funds after having promised to pay for their stay, and he played for time. ‘Let us spend one more night here before we quit it, Joanna. This is not an...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 12

It was around noon when they finally awoke. Joanna stretched her arms and legs like a cat, flexing wrists and ankles. As she moved from the bed the others stirred. Rosie looked aghast as she realised how late in the day it was already, but Joanna quickly assured the girl she would see her right with the landlord, and Terence added his own reassurance. Very hastily they dressed. Terence fished out a gold coin from his pouch as he and Joanna escorted Rosie, who now looked flushed and flustered...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 02

‘So it pleases you to have been bested by a woman then Sir?’ ‘Oh God!’ He winced to think of it. What ignominy! ‘Oh no’ he groaned. The highwaywoman smiled wide, her white teeth flashing in the gloom. ‘Make up your mind Sir! Are you more pleased that you were responding to a woman? Or more chagrined that you were beaten by one?’ Though her tone was playful, she awaited his reply intently. For a moment he pondered the idea of stubbornly refusing to answer, even whilst thinking his feelings...

1 year ago
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Highwaymen Ch 16

Later that morning Celeste was once more dressed in her male garb as Terence addressed her. ‘We still have funds for a week or two, perhaps we need not look to our trade for a while.’ Celeste retorted hotly ‘We need money for our own purposes also. Remember that I at least don’t intend to remain in this profession all my life!’ His relaxed, to her eyes lazy, attitude provoked her to her old independence. She would not be told how to conduct their affairs if it was so clearly ill-considered....

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 15

Despite, or perhaps because of her hurts, Celeste slept a deep revitalising sleep that night. She awoke very early the next morning, to feel Terence lying by her side. She turned to look at him in the faint light of pre-dawn, resting her chin on a hand. How changed he had been the previous day! She shuddered in pleasure, felt her cunt suddenly wet as she quickened with excitement, replaying both her beating and the subsequent buggering in delicious detail. Her first thought after that was to...

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management. Viktoria had told her she wanted to train her to be her replacement when she retired. Mimi was both...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 04

He swivelled on his bound wrists to watch her tether the horse. He saw her toss her head back to shake the hair from her eyes, then turn back to him and smile. It was truly an engaging smile, but with a touch of self-satisfied arrogance as she surveyed him. As she strode nearer her eyes were fixed on his, then dropped, eyebrows rising as she looked at his crotch, his chest. He met her eyes with calm assurance when they rose back to his face, and read her surprise at his demeanour. Then she...

1 year ago
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Highwaymen Ch 03

She smiled to herself, shaking her head. She hadn’t been able to resist that last comment as she left the clearing, though she really hadn’t meant to tease the poor man more. Something about this foolhardy captive seemed to prompt her to it irresistibly. Now, as she threaded the trees carefully on her way back to the road, she began to muse on the encounter. She started with the play in the woods. Her loins stirred when she thought back to the view of his ass acquiring more and more stripes...

3 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 01

INTRODUCTION ‘Highwaymen’ is a long and still developing story of a Master (who does not yet know he is such), and a slave (who thinks she is Mistress). It concerns their twin entwined journeys to full discovery of their true natures. It includes graphic sex and developing BDSM elements. Some people (my slave in particular!) would have me warn you that there are considerable elements of over-romantic fiction. CHAPTER 1 He had dressed carefully. As he pulled the black leather riding boots up...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 07

So it had come about that they whiled away the afternoon at the inn. He had arranged to rent a room for tonight at least, promising to pay the landlord in the morning. Damn, he had no money! Terence was in a foul mood, made fouler by Joanna’s over-played sweetness. In the end he went stomping off for a walk over the fields and through the nearby woods. He brooded over what had happened, and resolved that this very night Joanna should feel him commanding her. The woman could not be allowed to...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 10

Today Terence rested, waited upon and, he felt, a little fussed-over by his pretty young companion. Still, they way he as feeling it was pleasant to be cosseted and he did not complain. The wound stung evilly and his whole arm throbbed somewhat. He drifted in and out of sleep, dozing for half an hour at a time. As the afternoon was disappearing into a darkening twilight he awoke fully, and saw Joanna re-entering the room. She smiled at him, then crossed her arms and put on a determined look....

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 09

Terence cantered eastwards along the road for an hour or so, enjoying the exertion. Occasionally he eased back into a trot to let his mount recover, but she too seemed to revel in the exercise. His garb was black from top to toe. In his belt was tucked the flintlock pistol, primed and loaded with shot. His saddlebags were empty, and he was determined that they should not remain so. He imagined the satisfaction Joanna would feel if he had to admit that he was unable to pay his bill. Dammit! He...

3 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 05

Jamie straightened up as he finished buckling his belt, then slipped on surcoat and gloves. After their exertions he was finally beginning to feel cold in the early morning air. He watched his new-found partner finish arranging her apparel too, and smiled pleasantly. ‘I feel a touch of chill, what say we make for the next village westwards? A warm inn and hot food would be welcome.’ The young woman tossed her head in derision. ‘Gods, have I taken up with such a soft companion? Sir, I have food...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 11

They ate a light meal in their room early that evening, and played cards for a while after. Joanna was relieved that Terence’s arm seemed not to be troubling him over-much. Often he caught a curious smile on her face. He assumed it was after this afternoon’s play, which had been awesome indeed! He was beginning to overcome the awkwardness he had felt concerning that particularly attention and his own wanton response to it. He was not a prude, and was prepared to learn any new tricks of love if...

2 years ago
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Highever Series Ch 02

Dear Readers, I’m sorry this one took a little bit longer to post! I have been working on trying to put everything in past tense, I am still working on it–so please excuse any awkward phrases if I missed anything. I really like getting comments on my work–what I could do better and such. I appreciate constructive criticism especially since this is the first story I’ve ever written. A special thanks to DirtyStrumpet for being an eager critic and reader. Please read Ch. 00 and Ch 01 of...

2 years ago
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Highever Series Ch 00

This is my first submission to Literotica! My story has distinctive references to the game Dragon Age Origins, but you don’t have to know it as I only borrowed names and places and not the complete plot. Please rate and comment! I would hate to waste your time, so know that this story takes its time and this first part has no sex scenes. My focus on these first chapters are mostly character development. You have my word that I will post the continuation of this as soon as tomorrow depending...

4 years ago
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Highever Series Ch 01

Geneve was overwhelmed this evening to say the least. First, she was erratically introduced as a Lady to the Palace, although it was under her strict instruction that she would not be (for she wasn’t, as she has refused the title, fully grasping the fact that she is a nobleman’s bastard) and now, sitting across the fifteen foot long table from her beloved sister and her soon to be betrothed, The Prince of Highever to continue the awkward evening. Stunningly handsome as he looks, Geneve finds...

1 year ago
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SexThighs Like Us

Andy Valentine backed into the Parallax Technologies office, pulling the liftcart filled with soft drinks. He could have pushed the cart and it certainly would have been easier, but then he wouldn’t be showing the secretary behind the desk his best assets. He knew she was staring at his fit ass, clearly defined and on display in his tight blue jeans. He looked like an All-American blue-collar hunk. From his short, sensible brown hair to his muscular legs and tight ass, Andy looked...

2 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

Introduction: The Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga continues Highacre Dragon Breeders part 3 Impregnation A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management....

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 4 Melodys Dragon

Introduction: Part 4 of the Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga Highacre Dragon Breeders part 4 – Mimis dragon Mimi sat quietly on her bed. She had received a package that morning from her parents. The box was plain, wrapped in brown packaging paper and secured with brown twine. Her parents sent her one of these packages each month, normally they were made up of her favourite chocolate and new clothes but something felt different about this box, it was slightly heavier than the last she had...

2 years ago
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Back in the late 1970s the local council were in the process of building a Hoising Estate at Dartmouth Park Hill right next to the famous Highgate Cemetery in North London, But the building firm went bust and youths had been stealing building materials such as lead for roofing and valuable copper wire or breaking windows so two guards were employed 24/7 myself assigned nights 7pm to 7am with a second colleague. As it was such a large site we communicated by radio. We were also paid to do two...

3 years ago
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Highlander Code DuelloPrelude Duncan meets an old friend with quite a surprise

Duncan MacLeod was simply enjoying the air as he aimlessly strolled around the park. He hadn't been in this part of the United States in many years. He had gone wandering, as he often did, and had found his way to the coast of South Carolina. The scene around him could have been in just about any other American city. A baseball diamond and a soccer field were encircled by a running track with a small playground set off to one side. There were cries from the soccer field indicating a game was...

4 years ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 1

(Note: The story of Deirdre of the Sorrows is part of the Ulster Cycle. She is considered the most tragic heroine in Irish mythology. Of course the song "Bonny Portmore" should be well known to any fan of either the movie or TV versions of "Highlander".) Duncan blinked. "Ah, your daughters?" he asked as casually as he could manage. "Yes," smiled Deirdre. She looked closer at the Highlander and giggled. "Close your mouth Duncan. No one has repealed anything concerning ... us. I'll...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 2

(France, 1943 - Outside Paris) "Hurry!" whispered Duncan's friend and fellow Resistance operative Georges Dalou. "I hear someone coming." "Just one more second," muttered Duncan. "There!" he hooked the wire that led over the train tracks and down the telephone pole to the detonator for the explosive charge the pair had buried under the tracks. "Let's go." As quietly as possible the duo slipped away. Minutes later they broke into a run. "Why did you run the wire overhead?"...

1 year ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 3

(Paris, France - 1962) Deirdre hummed to herself as she zigzagged back and forth across the cluttered street. Stalls sold merchandise of all types and descriptions to the early evening shoppers. She stopped occasionally to inspect one item or another but nothing really drew her interest. As she turned from what a vendor claimed was an authentic seventeenth century lute that Deirdre knew was no more than ten years old she bumped into a man. "Excuse me," she apologized at the same time as...

2 years ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 4

(The Present) "One thing you said earlier I wondered about Deirdre." "What was that Duncan?" "You mentioned the Hunters. How did you know about them?" A merry smile danced across the woman's impish face. "Because Fitz told me about them." "Fitz? When did you see him?" "A couple of years ago. I was participating in the annual Renaissance Faire. As usual I was a strolling singer accompanying myself on the lute, which is not exactly my favorite instrument. I was singing, of...

4 years ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 5

(China - 1680) Duncan MacLeod examined himself in the polished steel mirror. He admitted that he did look rather dashing in the high collared blue tunic with the gold embroidery on the collar and sleeves. His polished boots peeked from under the finely woven cloth of his pants. Automatically Duncan reached for his sword belt and strapped it on as the final step in his dress. He adjusted the weapon to hang at just the right angle. Kiem Sun was well respected; enough so that his sponsorship...

1 year ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 6

(Sorry this has taken so long to update. I had writer's block and then I have to confess another project overwhelmed me. But now I'm back to this.) (The Present) "You know I heard what you said to Zhang Lee." "Hmmm?" Duncan replied as he attempted to keep an innocent expression on his face. "I do NOT fight all my duels in the nude." The pair of Immortals smiled at each other. They both remembered other meetings; some romantic and some in friendship when one or the other was...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 7

"You're wrong." The combatants fell back from each other. Surprise showed on Deirdre's face but shock was written on Guiseppe's. "Who are you?" demanded the Italian. "I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod." "Duncan! How, why, how did you get here?" "It wasn't that hard," replied Duncan as he cautiously circled the room, searching for a position close enough to both his friend and to her daughter that he could get between either of them and Guiseppe should that Immortal...

1 year ago
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Reddit High Res NSFW, aka r/HighResNSFW!  Whenever I get down to review many of the subreddits that I come across and finally recommend, I often favor those that have a shit load of dirty clips. I guess that’s probably because I know most porn lovers, including me, can jerk off quickly to erotic clips compared to images or text-based erotic content. But today I’m not going to dwell much on that at all, given that r/HighResNSFW only features images.I’m not saying that this is a problem for...

Reddit NSFW List
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High Porn! Great things surely happen when people come together and not just people in this case but JAV porn movies fanatics. These motherfuckers whoever they are have uploaded lots of awesome HD quality porn movies of good length. Even better being that besides the videos featuring the hottest of JAV porn scenes, all the sexual orientations including gay hunks, lesbian bitches, pretty ladyboys and even the kinkiest of porn niches are encompassed. After all, what would you expect from a group...

Asian Porn Sites
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I have to admit; I’m not always a value shopper. I can’t stand going to Costco and getting trapped by lines of idiots waiting for free samples of microwave cheese bullshit with a frozen pretzel. That said, sometimes even I can’t deny the benefits of buying porno in bulk. MileHighMedia is a pretty solid example of why.MileHighMedia.com has been around since the beginning of the millennium, and you’ve almost definitely beat off to their material before. The network is home of porno brands like...

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Listen, some guys love asses, others like tits, but I, an intellectual, likes a nice pair of thighs. You can say what you want about thighs, but most guys go crazy over them if they’re chick enough, or even if they’re just fit and tight with a gap in between. Do you think you would enjoy a nice and thick pair of thighs? Well, I think you would. And if you aren’t sure, you can easily check that by going to Reddit right now and visiting the sub that’s called /r/ThickThighs. It’s a subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Thighdeology… it’s a smart play onwards, and you either know what the fuck to expect, or you will be clueless. The only thing worth mentioning is that r/thighdeology/ is a subreddit dedicated to Hentai girls and not real ones, in case that might not sit right with you, you are more than welcome to fuck off to any of the other subreddits instead. I mean, there will be loads of choices.Keep in mind that Reddit is a free website overall… and it has thousands of other subreddits for you to check...

Reddit NSFW List
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Who doesn’t love a pair of hot heels on a chick? I know I do. But when I look for girls in heels, what I really am looking for are some nice erotica images. If you ask me, hardcore porn just doesn’t fit high heels at all, and the subreddit we’re taking a look at today agrees with me on that point. The sub we’re looking at today is called /r/highheelsNSFW and it’s one of the best places to go to if you have a fetish that consists of you checking out the sexiest babes wearing high heels in the...

Reddit NSFW List
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highschool need i say more

Introduction: this is my first story and its about some of the fantasys i had in highschool, please comment and tell me how i did. i was thinking about making a series if this gets good comments.not all will be lesbian. * ding dong, ding dong* the bell goes off signalling the end of math and my perverted teacher, ironically named Mr Cox. Monday my next class, sport. I head down the stairs to the locker room to change. My name is Sasha, im 15, toned abs, skinny, long brown hair and brown eyes....

2 years ago
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Highschool Adventure Chapter 1

--- This is purely fantasy. I do not condone doing anything with anyone u******e. Once again, this is fantasy ---Notes: This is an ongoing story. Expect many more chapters overtime. I have a lot more characters I want to introduce and to expand the story. This is my first story, so hopefully I improve over time. Feel free to comment, etc-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**Rinnnnnnnngggggg**It’s the...

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Highschool Harem

Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 101 Hot Technology Infidelity Leads to An Opportunity

Mark I hosted a program review meeting on the Gigabit Cellular Technology or GCT program. We had the entire team in the executive conference room – about fifty people. While I hosted, Tom actually ran the meeting. We had two test beds that were functioning far better than expected. One young woman reported on how they had tried to overload the system and get it to degrade or even fail, but to no avail. There was so much bandwidth and the PCM under-pinings for the use of the technology just...

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