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INTERRUPTIONS by Geneva During the 1870 Franco-Prussian war a young Prussian spy in Paris is captured by a brothel owner and is turned into a girl by her magic book. The new girl escapes and finds refuge. She eventually gets revenge for an old injury and finds love. START I took a deep breath, hoping to steady my nerves as I made my way to the general's quarters. It did not help much. My stomach was cramping too much in my nervousness. The general's quarters were near enough to the rest of the army bivouac and the night twinkled with hundreds of campfires. There was no need to keep them hidden from the French, stuck and helpless behind the Paris fortifications. I had been ordered to report to the general but for him there was no tent and campfire. Instead, the Prussian army had taken over a French farmhouse and his staff room was its former large kitchen. I presented my orders to one group of sentries at a gate and again to another sentry at the door and when he stood aside, I knocked at the ancient -looking oak door, almost instantly opened by a uniformed man who I recognized as the general's aide-de-camp. I saluted him and with a curt nod of his head he saluted back and gestured for me to enter. "In here, Leutnant." The general was standing in front of a table studying a map. His tunic was actually unbuttoned and his head was bare showing his cropped gray hair, but it did not reduce his air of authority. When he saw me he straightened even more than the usual ramrod stance he had shown at his last regiment inspection. As I saluted he gave a slight acknowledgement, then looked me up and down. It was just a month or so previously, when I had been barely promoted from ensign to leutnant. that I had been advised that I was being considered for an important, yet risky task. I had previously given my name as a volunteer if such projects were planned. For some reason, supposedly connected with the task ahead, I had been ordered not to cut my hair. Usually, like other young officers, indeed the whole Prussian army, my hair was cropped. I had obeyed, of course, as my duty demanded, and I was almost embarrassed at its length, now almost like a civilian's, compared to everyone else in the army. It had got so that some officers would frown when they saw me and I would have to give them an explanation. They would be wondering what schemes their superiors were up to. "Stand straight, Leutnant!" I heard commanded and I immediately did so, clicking my heels. Hardly daring to breathe, I looked straight ahead through the small multipaned farmhouse windows, with the view over our bivouacked army and its rows of tents, laid out in lines with military precision. I was aware that he was inspecting me closely. He peered into my face and he actually walked round me, as if he was even inspecting my rear. I noticed another figure there too in the corner. It was my immediate commander, my captain. The general came in front of me again and gave my face more scrutiny. I grimaced. Was I improperly dressed? I had brushed my uniform, polished my boots, all the metalwork and leather. "I think he will do, although his hair is messy!" I heard the general say and I wondered what he meant. To my astonishment the captain came over to me, saluted and then took my hand shaking it. He almost looked as if he was about to embrace me but then caught himself. He almost seemed emotional. He had given me much rigorous training and instruction since I joined the army, and I knew that he was meticulous but fair. I was astonished too to see there was a little sympathy, mixed in with sternness in his eyes, reminding me of the duty expected of me. "Leutnant Kroll, Gerhardt, I wish you luck. It was patriotic of you to volunteer for special service. The success of the Prussian empire may depend on you. You must have great courage, and remember your duty to the Fatherland. Hopefully, your task will not last long. Now that you have been selected you should obey all orders without question! Understood? We will begin the process tomorrow. We can delay no longer. This siege has gone on long enough. We must force a quick surrender and you will be a part of it." I was flushed with pride. I had been conscripted into the army two years previously as part of my compulsory military service. It was not to my taste. I had wanted to make my living as an artist but, when conscription called, I had to obey, like all Prussian youth. I was not as strong or tall as other recruits, but they told me I had shown initiative and courage, plus rigorously attending to orders and I was happy that I was being recognized with a great task. The general gave a nod and the captain saluted and left, leaving me alone with the general and his aide-de-camp. "You speak French well, I have been told, Leutnant?" "Yes sir, my mother was French but," I blurted out, " she is a good Prussian citizen now." "I have no doubt she is, but I am only concerned with your own knowledge. You will be required to speak French like a native, a Parisian." "My mother was from Paris so I think I will have the proper Parisian accent, sir" "All to the good! Well, Leutnant Kroll, I suppose you are wondering what this is all about?" I swallowed. "Yes, Herr General." "Well, as you know, we of the Prussian army are arranged in siege around Paris. Our armies have triumphed over the French. We defeated them easily in the field and even captured their emperor." He gave a contemptuous laugh then shook his head in exasperation. " But still the war is not finished! They now have another republic, their third!" he snorted. "They now have a 'Government of National Defense', as they call it, but we are having difficulty finding anybody to negotiate with! That is very disorganized of them! "Our siege will eventually be successful, but the army general staff wish to see it shortened. We are proposing to bring up our new Krupp guns. These are designed to fire explosive shells and have a range of over four kilometres. That would almost certainly force surrender of whoever is in charge, but the Kaiser is unwilling to cause too much destruction. "More to the task for you, it would help us if we have information on the mood of the population. We have repots that our siege is causing unrest and disorder in the city. There are competing factions. If the dissidents overthrow the government they will surely want to sue for peace. We need a spy in the city to inform us of the sentiment. Perhaps even one who can start rumors to cause panic." He gave a small laugh. "The French even have a name for it, agent provocateur! So, Leutnant Kroll, that is what we want you to do. We will introduce you to the city. There you will spy out for us, and do anything in your power to start unrest." He must have seen my expression of disbelief. "Ah yes, of course, you will be wondering how we will get you into the city? We have it surrounded, but there are French lines too, difficult to pass. So, our idea is, with you and others, to send you in at night by balloons. These are filled with coal gas. Being lighter than air they will float and carry you over the city. Then you will set the balloon down and you will begin your work." "But Herr General, how will I report back?" "You will carry some pigeons. You will attach messages to them. We will give you four and you can attach reports at your discretion." "Then I will have to get some place to stay, or hide, and suitable for pigeons, sir," I added hastily. "That is right. You will use your initiative. Our information is that there are many unoccupied or partly ruined buildings. You should shelter in one." "But how will I get back?" He twirled his mustache. " I have heard that you show much initiative. So you will either have to see if there is a way you can pass back to us through the French lines. If not, you will just have to wait out the siege. That should not take more than a month anyway. You will be given a good supply of francs, enough to last about three months. "You will, of course, be given French clothes to wear, some such as a workman would wear. I don't have to remind you that as a spy you would be executed if you are discovered." That had been first in my mind when he mentioned the scheme. I gulped. "So will you do this?" The task would be dangerous. If I failed I would be executed by a firing squad or maybe even by guillotine and I felt a shudder inside. Still, if I were successful, I would enhance my military prospects. All able bodied men were required to spend time in the Prussian army. I had been selected for officer training, but I really eventually wanted to make a civilian career. Still, the time I spent in the army would be easier if I was known to have given good service and I might make useful connections. It would probably open a few doors and help in my later life as a civilian too. "Yes, general, I will be pleased to do it. I want to do my bit to ensure Prussian success." "Wonderful!" I thought he was going to shake my hand but he caught himself and just nodded approval me and I saluted back. "Then, any questions, leutnant?" I hesitated. "Please, captain. I will do my best , but if I am not successful and am killed, or captured and executed, will you send a letter to my relatives? You may read it. I will make sure it contains no military information," I asked. "I have lived with an uncle after my parents died some years ago. I have no brothers or sisters." "Yes, I will do so. But I am sure that will be unnecessary for a young man of your initiative. You will carry out your task and in a month or so when the French have surrendered you can rejoin the army. Then, dismissed, leutnant! Report back here tomorrow morning." I made my way back to my quarters, apprehensive and excited. It did not take long before they had everything ready for me. They had already procured some French civilian clothing for me, a pair of baggy trousers, a collarless shirt and a loose jacket. The clothes even fit me quite well even though they were worn and shabby like a workman's. They drilled me in my story, that I was a refugee from areas now occupied by Prussian troops and that unfortunately my papers had been lost in my frantic haste to escape the advancing Prussian army. I would not have been the only person so affected. The speed of the Prussian advance had taken many by surprise. There would be many refugees in the city. The next day I had an apprehensive look at the balloon. It was attached to a small wicker basket which was supposed to hold me, my supplies and the pigeons. It seemed tiny, only about half a metre square. Lying next to it was an enormous deflated rubberized bag, which they assured me that, when it was filled with coal gas, it would give me enough lift to sail over the French defenses. The planned trip was to be at night, so that the balloon would not be seen by the French. All that was needed was a suitable wind. Hopefully it would carry me over a suitable section of Paris. When I saw a suitable part, I was to release some of the gas, alight in hopefully an open area, dismount with the pigeon carrier then release the balloon. Relieved of its load it would rise up again and be carried well away, leaving no sign that I had been dropped off. I wondered about training for the mission, but there was little of it, other than to drill me in the control of the vent for the gas bag, familiarize myself with the map of Paris and learn the care of pigeons. "Gerhardt, I hear that you have been selected for the venture." I heard behind me. "My congratulations!" I turned to see Albrecht Steinhof, a fellow trainee. I had known Albrecht for some time, from when we were in the officer school. However, we were not friends. We had been keen rivals during our training. I knew that he too had also been considered for a special task. But I had been the one selected. He shook my hand but there was resentment in his eyes. Still, that was the army. It was our duty to strive to be the best soldiers we could. This time I had been more successful than him. I offered him my hand. "Albrecht, I am sure that the general will have a suitable task for you too. It is not as if the army will run out of things for us to do!" I tried to make a joke of it but his face still showed envy even though he took my hand. Albrecht had been given the same training as me. That was reasonable, in case I fell ill. "So, do you want to go out and celebrate?" he asked. "Maybe we can pick up a couple of local girls. I've heard that these French girls know a lot of tricks." Albrecht's exploits with girls were the talk of or group, but I shook my head. "Sorry, I'm not of a mind for it." He laughed. "Then I'll go by myself." I wanted to get started but the next few days had contrary winds, followed by a day of dead calm. The waiting did not do anything for my nerves. Having committed myself to the mission I was impatient. Finally the wind changed and I was told to be ready within the hour. It was a moonless night and quite dark and, as I got to the balloon site, I saw the gas bag already inflated, looking like an enormous great gray slug in the light of many lanterns. It was tethered to some stakes by several straining ropes. I had a moment of panic when I saw the small size of the basket, now looking almost filled with the crate for the pigeons, but I suppressed my misgivings. The general was there. He gave my civilian outfit a cursory but contemptuous glance. "You are ready, leutnant?" "Yes, Herr General," and I saluted and went to climb into the basket. Albrecht was already there, doing something with the vent in the balloon. "Just making sure all is correct," he said and stood back for me to get in. "Good luck, Gerhardt," he said as I climbed I into the light basket, my feet kicking against the pigeons' crate. I heard squawks of alarm and their wings fluttered as I settled myself in beside them. Their fluttering matched that of my stomach. At the general's signal some soldiers began loosening the ropes while others took a firm grip on the mooring ropes. The tethering ropes were finally cleared and at the general's signal the men let go of the other ropes. I had a moment of concern when the balloon rose only slowly at first until it lifted faster. In seconds it was caught on the breeze and began to drift in the direction of the city. The soldiers' faces, strangely lit by their torches, were gaping at me as the balloon lifted up, then becoming ever smaller as I drifted away from them until their faces were lost in the gloom. In a minute I was well over our own lines. I could easily make out campfires below and the partly lit tents. No one noticed me at all and looking up I could barely see the balloon holding me aloft. I hoped the French would be equally oblivious to my passage. Then, in only minutes, the outlines of the French lines became visible. No one there seemed to notice me in the darkness either. The stars were out, but my balloon would have been only a passing shadow, like a cloud, over them. The wind was almost right. I was soon drifting fairly close to the city center and I saw the spoked lines of the streets radiating from their edifice, 'Arc de Triomphe' they called it, I believe. I wondered if the French were feeling as triumphant now with their capital under siege, their armies shattered and their emperor a prisoner. Ahead I could see a less bright area, and even an open space. That would be a good spot to let down in. Now was the tricky part. I had to release just enough gas to permit me to slowly descend. There was a valve I was to operate, and I had been instructed to take a deep breath before operating it as the coal gas was poisonous. So, taking a deep breath, I opened the valve, feeling the swoosh of the gas as it rushed out. I waited a few seconds, breathing out slowly, then tried to reclose it. To my horror the valve was stuck open. I had to wrench at it with all my strength before it reclosed. More gas had come out than I wanted so I allowed yet another few seconds before I gasped for a breath. I turned up my nose. There was still the distinctive smell of the coal gas. I bent down to get a breath but, if anything, it was worse around my feet and I choked slightly. The valve had never been so difficult before and when I examined it more closely I saw some marks on it, as if it had been tampered with. I drew in my breath. That must have been Albrecht's doing. He had deliberately sabotaged my mission! He actually had wanted me killed so that he would be the one to take part in another attempt. I had little time to curse him. With so much gas released the balloon was now falling quite fast and the ground was rapidly coming at me. I braced myself for the impact but with a sudden change in the wind in the lee of a larger building the balloon was whirled away from the open area. I sucked in my breath. The peaked roofs of some buildings were rushing towards me barely giving me enough time to brace myself before the basket struck against one, caught for a minute then in another gust of wind was dragged along a roof. Then, with a sudden jolt it stopped, caught on some projecting ornamental ironwork. I was almost jerked out of the basket. The balloon had stopped moving and as this seemed as good a place as any I started to climb out. Remembering my instructions, I lifted out the basket with the pigeons. They were strangely quiet and I looked at them. All were lying motionless. I shook them but they still made no motions. I had the sickening realization that they had been asphyxiated by the poisonous gases from the venting balloon! There was another gust of wind and this time the partly deflated balloon, now relieved of its load, was caught in it. The basket tipped over, spilling out the pigeon crate but I did not have time to react when a stray rope on the basket caught my leg and dragged me along. Then I was rolling off the roof, only briefly aware of the balloon lifting away into the air, before I was falling off the roof. I hit the ground with a jolt and I surrendered to my pain. The next thing I was aware of was lying on something soft. I opened my eyes to see that I was in what looked like a bedroom, a woman's bedroom, filled with frilly lacy curtains and light colored furniture. There was a dressing table with a mirror, and on the table were a selection of brushes and combs, women's cosmetics and even a perfume bottle. There was a scent in the air too, a woman's perfume, not subtle, almost cloyingly sweet. I shook my head and raised myself, wincing at the terrible aches in my arms and legs. As I raised myself there was a spasm from my back and in fact, I seemed to be sore all over, but as I gently tested my limbs and ribs I was relieved to find that nothing appeared to be broken. I raised myself more and was completely taken aback to see that I was on a bed, with a pink frilly coverlet, blankets and sheets. It was obviously a woman's bed, matching the room. It was then I found I was completely naked under the sheets. My clothes were there, but in a pile at the side of the room. I threw off the sheets, grimacing at the scratches, scrapes and bruises on my body and limbs, dark blue or red, then suddenly horrified to discover my ankle chained to part of the bed. I had a sudden chill. I must have been caught and that was why I was chained, and probably soon to be tried and executed. Then I began to wonder. Why would I be on this soft frilly female bed, and not in some stark cot in a bleak prison cell? I had lain there for ten minutes or so trying to make sense of it when the door suddenly opened and a woman entered. She looked as if she was about fifty. She was flashily dressed and must have been quite beautiful when young. Even now she was quite striking. Her hair was still dark, but with some streaks of gray. Her face was elaborately made up, a layer of make-up just failing to conceal lines on her face. Her dark red dress was expensive material, but it was a bit too flashy for everyday wear. Her waist was well indented. She obvious wore a tight corset. She looked down at me coldly. She was about to speak but, before she could begin, "What has happened?" I asked. "Why am I here and why am I fastened to the bed?" She lifted her eyebrows. "Ah, you speak French, and very well too. That will make it easier to communicate. But then I suppose spies like you would need to speak good French." I tried to play innocent. "Spy? What? I do not understand! I am an ordinary Parisian workman." She sniffed in obvious contempt. "Do you think I'm stupid? I advise you to give up that pretense. Last night I heard a terrible banging on the roof and when I went to investigate I found you lying outside, unconscious. I must say you made a terrible mess of my roses! Lying beside you, there was a basket of dead pigeons. Actually I thank you for them. My girls and I will eat pigeon tonight. It will be a pleasant change from the mean diet we are having since you Prussians laid siege to the city." She gestured to a pile of clothing by the bed. " I must say your clothing was appropriate, but you forgot your underwear. Its label shows it is German manufacture. Also, we had reports of a balloon found almost deflated about half a kilometer away. "So, monsieur, I think it is highly unlikely you are an ordinary French citizen. At the least you could be an aspiring burglar. But it is far more likely that you are a Prussian spy." I made a feeble protest but the lie must have shown in my face. "I thought so. No, the question is, what do I do with you? You deserve to be executed, yet," there was faint smile on her face, "you are a nice looking young man. You have, I must say, a nice body. My girls were very taken with you when they undressed you and washed the dirt and scrapes off your body. You know, it would be such a waste to have them separate your head from your body, or have a volley of bullets put into your chest." "What are you going to do?" I cried. "Nothing at the present. In fact, you have made quite a dilemma for me already. I should have turned you over to the police immediately. Maybe I will still do that." "Please let me go. I can give you money." She looked at me angrily. "Young man. You insult me. I may run a brothel, but I am a loyal French citizen. It is only my sadness at the killing in this war that has stopped me from already turning you in. Continue to insult me and that is what I will do! Besides, I already have taken all your money. You are without a sou. "Now, how do you feel?" Before I could reply the door was pushed open and a younger woman came in. She was only partly dressed. She was not wearing a dress, only a white shift with a tight dark blue corset over it pushing her breasts up nicely into her low neckline. I could not help being stimulated by her appearance and being naked the effect on me was immediately noticeable. The girl pointed to my groin and gave a beaming smile while the older woman laughed. "Well monsieur, I see that you must indeed be feeling better. I think perhaps, you should tell me your name. I am Eugenie, Madame Geroux. I am a widow. This is one of my girls, Pauline. As I said, I run a brothel here. So, your name is?" I blushed. "I am Gerhardt, Gerhardt Kroll." "Well, Gerhardt, I have many things to attend to and I will let Pauline look after you today. But I suppose you will be feeling hungry? Pauline, will you fetch some food for our young friend here? There may be some of that stew left!" I watched as Pauline turned and left the room. She was a very pretty girl, with long dark hair in ringlets and a slim figure, but with voluptuous hips that had drawn my attention. Her lips were full and red and her eyes had sparkled. "As for you, Monsieur Gerhardt, you'll stay here until I've decided what to do with you. "By the way, it's late afternoon. We'll be having some customers start here in a few hours. I advise you to be quiet. I'm sure they would not like to find a Prussian spy in their midst." I lay there the rest of that day. They actually fed me well and the pigeons, that had accompanied me on the journey, even tasted quite well. She had used a wine sauce. Later, I tried the chain on my leg but it could not be slipped and its other end was too firmly bolted to the bedframe. I heard the customers coming and going that night, their voices, then their bumpings and bangings and occasional cries while I lay in quiet terror in case I was discovered. I felt absolutely devastated. I would have failed in my mission. I had no way of communicating to the army, and if the story ever got out that I had been a captive in a brothel I would be the laughing stock of the Prussian army. The next morning I was awakened from a doze by Madame Geroux. "Well, young man, how do you feel today?" I gritted my teeth. "I feel well, thank you, madame," I said sarcastically. "I suppose you'll be wondering what will happen to you. I've come to a decision and I've two choices for you. One of them may help me too. "One choice is that I will inform the authorities that I caught a young man who I first thought was a burglar, but now I have suspicions of being a Prussian spy. You know the penalty for that? "The other...? Well, you see, I run this brothel. I need girls, pretty ones. And, looking at you, I see a nicely shaped young man. It would be such a pity if he were executed. So, I've been thinking. Perhaps that young man would like to help me here, in return for not being turned in?" I was horrified. "What, to have men to use me? I'm not one of those kind! I'd rather die!" "Hah! That can be easily arranged, but I should have added something else. You see, Monsieur Gerhardt, you would act as a girl." I was about to protest but she held up her hand. "I said girl, and I mean a genuine girl." She emphasized the 'genuine'. "You see, I have a magic spell book. One of the spells in it, if you heard it, would make you into a girl. And yes, a very beautiful one. Yes, you'd be very popular, but then, all my girls are!" "That cannot be! A spell book? That would be magic. Nonsense!" "I assure you that it's not nonsense. Of course you must not reveal what the book does. For my good, but your's too. The power of the book is too great to allow its knowledge, even its very existence, to be known. Only the girls here know of it." I wondered what book she meant. Magic? I shook my head. Magic did not exist, but she seemed very sure. "No, I can't. I'm a man." "Then, will you be prepared to die like a man, as a man?" She must have been ready for the expression in my face. She nodded knowingly. "Ah, I see you have to think about it. I'll give you until this evening. Then you'll agree or I'll call the gendarmes." At last the evening came, and Madame Geroux came into my room, accompanied by another of her girls. She introduced her as Michelle. She was also very pretty, also with long dark hair, but worn straight. She, like Pauline, was not wearing a dress, only a tight scarlet corset over her shift and black stockings. Just as had happened with Pauline, her pretty bosom, swelling in the low neckline of her shift, stimulated me. I tried to cover myself. Michelle gave a giggle at my attempts before I finally grabbed a sheet to hide myself. Madame Geroux looked at me. "Well, monsieur, I have to ask. You have you decided?" All that afternoon I had lain in an agony of indecision thinking about the alternatives. "Madame," I asked, "if I became a girl, would I start to behave and think as a girl?" "Yes, that's a consolation. Or perhaps a reward? Yes, it usually takes months, but you'll start to think as a girl, have a girl's feelings and desires. I've been told you'll eventually fully accept and even welcome your new body, but it will take some time. I wish the spell had that effect immediately but," she shrugged, "that's the way it is." "You mean you have changed men in the past?" "Oh yes, two or three, men who wanted the change. I've brought Michelle here to show you. She used to be a man, but she persuaded me to use the book on her. Isn't that right, Michelle?" Michelle blushed prettily and nodded. "Yes, Madame Geroux." I stared at her. Surely there was no way a pretty girl like that could ever have been a man? "Actually, I've also changed two girls into men. Why on earth they wanted to be men I can't imagine" She shrugged again, "but there's no accounting for taste." "Where did the book come from?" "My mother gave it to me. She was given it by her mother and before that? I don't know. All I can say is that it's been in our family for generations. It's been passed through the female line. I suppose it's been used before, for various reasons. Actually it's written in an old language, although it has notations in French, Spanish and other languages, advice on how to use the spells and some comments too. Actually, much of the book has healing spells for diseases and injuries. My mother told me these were used with great discretion because she could not let the existence of the book be known. That would have been dangerous for her, very dangerous. This may be the nineteenth century but our society still has little tolerance of witches or magicians." She shook her head. "But we've delayed too long. You're ready, then Gerhardt?" I swallowed. "Yes, I am prepared." I was miserable, but I meant it at that time. I was deathly afraid of being changed to a woman with the added horror of being used in the brothel, but that was better than dying before a firing squad or under a guillotine. "All right, I'll read the spell to you. I warn you, the first effects are not pleasant. First, you will start to shiver, more and more violently until become unconscious, but when you awake the transformation will be almost complete. You'll not like this at all, but it's to save you. Yes, it will help me too." I decided to plead with her as a last resort. "Please madame, have mercy. I do not want to be a woman and a prostitute!" She snapped the book shut, with a look of exasperation. "All right, your choice. I'll contact the authorities. They can be here presently. I'm sure you will die well!" She made to move out of the room. I was broken with the thought of execution. "No please, I will do as you say." She nodded. "Then you'd better lie back immediately. You know what I am going to do?" she asked. "Yes," I whispered. "You're already undressed. I'll leave you like that so that I can check the changes. Michelle or others of my girls will check on you too. They have all had the spells read to them at some point. The spell affects all who hear it. With women, it makes them more beautiful. Don't you think my girls are all very pretty? Actually I'm over sixty, but I have read the spell several times to girls and to young men, and I flatter myself that I look much younger. You wouldn't think I'm sixty, would you!" She was right about that. I would have sworn that she was only in her forties. "Now, prepare yourself. Hurry up! take away that sheet." I licked my lips nervously. "But I am a man. I should not be seen naked before a woman." She raised her eyes and gave a faint smile. "Before this day is over you will be a woman." I felt helpless. Something terrible was going to happen to me and I could do nothing about it. I lifted the sheet from me, now blushing furiously. I felt the hairs on my legs and arms lift with the chill in the air. She examined me, her eyes running up and down my body. "Yes, you'll do well. You have a straight, well-formed body. As a girl you'll have these too. I should tell you that you'll become like a girl of your own age, but there is one lovely effect of the spell. It makes beauties, and you will always look younger than your real age. That's a nice thing for woman, eh? "The only thing is your hair is much too short. " She sighed. "That means a wig for many months! Now, time to get on with our task." She pushed me back onto the low bed, opened the bag she was carrying and pulled out a small package of silk cloth. She unwrapped that to reveal a tattered book. It was quite small, with a stained yellow leather cover that looked like pigskin. She opened it at a marked page and began to read. I began trembling as I heard her begin to sound out various words. They made absolutely no sense. They were no language I recognized. "That's a strange sounding language," I said. "Yes, it's nothing like any language I've ever heard either." I did not know what I was expecting, but by the time she closed the book and put it back into her little bag nothing had happened. "Didn't it work? " I asked. If it had failed to work would she call the police? Then, what she was doing was fantastic, Impossible, I thought. Why was she playing with me? "The spell takes several minutes to start." "What will happen now?" "You'll see soon enough. So Gerhardt, why did you become a spy?" "It was suggested as my duty. Also, if I'd been successful, it would have helped my career. Also, I speak French." "Yes, you do, very well, like a native. Did you want to stay in the army?" "No, I really want to be a painter, of landscapes, portraits and such, I mean. But like all young men in Prussia I had to complete military service. I will take up painting when my army days are over." "I'm afraid, Gerhardt, that your life has now taken an interruption, a drastic change! I don't think these plans will happen now." She was watching me closely. I was trembling with apprehension and then briefly I felt cold and I shivered. "Yes, Gerhardt, to become a woman may be your loss or gain depending on many things. You're a bold young man," she said. "Anyway, I see you are starting to shiver. That is the first sign. Eventually you'll become unconscious and the changes will start. "When you become as a woman, or at least a girl your own age, your mind will resist the change in your body at first, but eventually, a few months or so, you'll start to feel and think as a woman. You'll get a woman's emotions, and in time you will be comfortable in your new body. You'll get her desires. You're a healthy young man and no doubt you have had natural attractions to women. Did you ever sleep with a woman?" "No." I shook my head. My mind went back inexplicably to Albrecht. He had taken as many opportunities as our army service allowed to visit whorehouses. He had often boasted to me of his prowess. "A pity, I didn't know that. Otherwise I might have had Pauline give you a lesson or two as a parting gift but it's too late for that. It would be interesting to compare your reactions and experiences. Between as a man and as a woman, I mean. Anyhow, after some months as a woman you'll start to feel the corresponding attraction that women have to men. "Of course, any men looking at you will only see a girl, and you'll be a beautiful one. Then you will have to learn how to handle both your own emotions and the attentions of men. I imagine that as one of my girls you will be very beautiful and popular. You should earn well." I gasped. The thought of men using me filled me with horror. I tried to rise but she held me down, gently but firmly. I felt cold again and this time I gave a definite shiver. She was watching me carefully. "Lie back, young Gerhardt. It will soon be on you." I shivered again, a series of shakes that made my teeth chatter, and my vision grew hazy and clouded. Then, with another strong series, so that I was shaking continuously, I felt my eyes growing heavy and I slipped into unconsciousness. I was told later it was almost two days when I woke again. My eyes were crusted over and my mouth felt as if it was filled with grit. I felt a damp cloth wiped over my brow, and some sweet wine dripped on my lips. I ached and was utterly tired and I just allowed myself to slip back into a deep sleep. When I next awoke, it was still to an aching body. I groaned slightly, and immediately my face was wiped again and I felt a hand at my back, lifting me slightly and a cup of wine at my lips. I could barely control my lips and much dribbled down my chin and neck. I tried to speak, but only managed a slight gasp. I was totally confused. I was barely awake. I could not understand or remember anything at first, yet there was something important that I had heard about. I forced myself to concentrate and even tried to rise, but I was held by someone's arm, the woman's I supposed. I clutched at it and struggled to rise and I again felt the blessed water at my lips, then a cool cloth was washing my face and eyes. I pried them open, dazzled at the sudden light, and saw Madame Geroux over me. Her look was half concern, half calculation. "How do you feel?" she asked. "What?" I gasped. Her voice seemed to be coming from a distance. She repeated her question. "I .... feel.... terrible, " I croaked. "What.... has.... happened?" "It's the result of the spell. The final result is good, but it was very severe on you. You have been unconscious two whole days." "Spell?" Then I suddenly remembered. She had said I would become a girl! Then I remembered all that had happened before I fell unconscious I tried to rise but I was too weak and she had to pull me to help me sit up. All of my body ached. " I hurt," I groaned. "I feel terrible." "It's a drastic change, to be sure. It would be better if you were able to rest, but not for too long. Eventually you'll have to face up to your changes. Besides, it's time you started earning your keep. Do you want to see your body or face first?" But by that time I had slid down the sheet covering me. My breath caught at the sight. Right in front of my eyes in my vision were two rounded prominent female breasts. On their tips, sticking out prominently, were pink nipples and areolas. I had seen female breasts before either on marble statuary, or accidental glimpses of female relatives nursing infants, but these breasts were not pendulous and swollen with milk; they were smaller, rounded and pert. I lifted my hand to feel one, noticing too a slim rounded limb, not sinewy and muscled as my arm had been, but a woman's arm, rounded and smooth, with a slim hand and long delicate fingers. I flexed my arm and worked my fingers. They ached slightly but all moved well. Curious, yet hesitating, I put my fingers to a nipple but stopped. "Why did you stop?" asked Madame Geroux." You should get used to your new body. Do it!" she ordered." She took one of my nipples in her fingers and pinched and rolled it. I gasped at the sensation. "Do that yourself!" she ordered. "Your customers will probably do it anyway!" I put my fingers out and I touched one of the nipples, for the first time feeling its sensitivity. I pressed the breasts. They felt yielding and smooth, yet firm on my chest. A man's body had nothing comparable at all. I bent further to look at my body. I was still naked. Below the two breasts my torso narrowed quickly to a small waist, but then flared out again to wide hips, with a slightly rounded belly between. I bent even further to view further below, trying not to be distracted by the weight of the breasts on my chest and saw, at the base of my belly, a patch of hair, and nothing else. I was too stiff to bend enough to see further. "You want to check down there? Maybe you'll need a mirror?" suggested Madame Geroux. "You'll get a better idea of the changes in your body much easier with it." And without waiting for a reply she handed me one. I held it between my legs in my shaking hands seeing, in the tuft of hair, a mound with a vertical slit. My male anatomy was gone completely! I shuddered. "Open your legs further," she ordered, and I did so. The slit opened to reveal a set of ridges of flesh with a small opening surrounded by pink puckered lips. I looked at it in awe. I had never seen a woman's private parts before and now I possessed them! "Go on! Touch yourself," she encouraged. "You should get used to your new body. You'll have to wash there anyway, frequently. I require all my girls to keep themselves properly clean! The customers prefer that." I did so, probing with a finger, wondering at the sensitivity, the new sensations, almost flinching at times. The opening was moist, but I could not bring myself to probe further. I dreaded at the thought of having a man's penis actually being there and then entering me. "Satisfied?" asked Madame Geroux. "Of course I'm not," I whimpered. I had no other reply. I was stricken. The enormity of what I had done was beginning to sink into my mind. I burst into tears. She patted my hand." Yes, I know, the changes are astonishing, but you'll just have to get used to them and not complain. Here, have a look at your face." I looked at the mirror in horror. My hand went to my mouth as I saw my transformed face for the first time. I screamed. "You've given me a disease! " My face was red and blotchy! "No, not at all. It's just the first effect of the spell. It will pass very soon. Look at you. It's a girl's face." It was a certainly girl's face, but puffy, dirty and stained. Still, as I stared at it, I saw signs of my own regular features, blue gray eyes, high cheekbones, although now furnished with full lips. The girl had my ash blonde hair, but it was far too short for a woman. "I'm glad you're concerned with your face. As a woman you should be, but don't worry. It will much improve, even within a day. What you should look at just now are your features. I see a pretty face, your nose, brow and chin in proportion. Yes, and pretty full lips. You're blonde too. That will make you popular." She took my face in her hands and looked into my eyes. "Pretty eyes too. Dull, but I think they will soon be sparkling. Your lashes are still a bit short too but if the spell works as it usually does it will make you grow longer ones." She stroked my eyebrows and my forehead. "You'll be a beauty." She looked down at my chest. "Pretty breasts too, nicely shaped. You still have hair on your chest but it will soon fall out. See!" She pulled on some and it came way with barely a sting. "See! The long male hairs on your arms and legs too will soon fall out. Down there too," she pointed to the base of my belly, "you'll lose some hair and it will become a woman's pattern. Actually, some of my customers like women to be well supplied there. Some others like their girls to be shaved. You can decide later which you want." I felt my stomach contract. However I did it, I would have to escape this place! At least I was now well disguised. But then, what would become of me? My male identity was gone. "Now, Gerhardt, how hungry are you?" The mere suggestion of food made me feel nauseous. I shook my head. "That's fairly usual, but your appetite will soon return. Oh yes, I think we should now get a female name for you. How about Germaine?" She shook her head. "On second thoughts, no, it is too like the English for German. I know ... Gabrielle? I had no thoughts about it. "I suppose so." I did not like the loss of my own name, but I had no choice, and to be addressed in a woman's name was strange. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an explosion. The windows of the room rattled and I head shouts and screams from outside. "Your damned Prussian army!" She glared at me. "Now they are shelling the city. Someone told me that whole streets have been demolished. "She stared out of the window, her mouth quivering in anger then abruptly she turned to me. "Now, Gabrielle, it's time you got up. I need to see that you have come through the spell with no injury. I want you to get up and walk around a bit. Come on!" She helped me to my feet and, ignoring my gasps and groans, supported me as she walked me back and forward in the small room at least two dozen times. "Not too bad, Gabrielle! You seem to have undergone the change well. I know you ache but that's normal for the spell's effect." My eyes felt heavy and I felt myself sagging. "Yes, you will still be tired. The spell is quite weakening. I'll let you get some more sleep. You're still weak. Your aches should have almost gone in a few hours. Wait here." She went out but came back with a decanter of red wine and a wineglass. "Here, some wine. That will help you relax and sleep." It was a large glass, and I had drunk little since I woke up. I was soon very sleepy, and allowed myself to settle in the bed. I slept for, I suppose, some hours more. When I awoke, I was alone in the room. I was still naked, but someone had put a blanket over me. I threw it off and explored my new body again. I had never felt anything comparable to the breasts. Their soft firm texture, unlike anything I had felt on my previous male body. I touched one of the nipples and felt a slight shiver. I pinched one then the other and experienced a small strange feeling of pleasure. Both nipples rose to my touch and the surrounding areolas too. I shivered. How would I ever get used to these on my chest? I felt at my groin, still intrigued to be missing my male parts. I felt into the groove, and spread my legs. As I explored, I found an exquisitely sensitive spot. When I rubbed it a feeling of intense pleasure washed over me. I gasped, but then I heard a noise at the door and I jerked my hand away. She had not bothered to knock. Madame Geroux pushed her way in, carrying a pile of clothing. She looked at my blushing face with a smile. "Exploring yourself?" she asked. "That's good!" She had changed into yet another gown. I looked at her neckline. It was low, revealing the tops of her breasts, almost to her nipples. At first I was first taken aback at her immodesty, then remembered that I too now had breasts. "How do you feel now?" she asked. I had not thought of it. In fact I had little soreness left. "I feel better," I said. She seemed satisfied. "Good! Now today, we should not delay. We will get you fitted with women's clothes. You can try this stuff." I realized her bundle also had women's underwear. "The girls and I will give you a few hints about carrying yourself as a woman, how to behave, and so on. Then the rest you'll have to learn yourself through experience. Now, my girl, it is time you ate something. You've been through a strain. The spell is not an easy one and you must keep your strength up." She had referred to me as a girl. My face flushed with embarrassment. "I'll call one of the girls to bring some more food. In the meantime, cover yourself with this. There will soon be men around." She handed me a dressing gown. It was pale blue, made of a smooth slippery fabric and decorated with lace and ribbons. It was a woman's gown. I did not want to appear as if was giving in to her but it was that or stay absolutely naked. Nervously I put it on. "That's better. I must say you actually look very appealing." She called out the door, and within minutes Pauline brought in some water, rye bread, wine, cheese and some sliced apples. She gave me a quick appraisal. "Well, isn't she pretty!" she exclaimed. I was very hungry by this time and managed two large slices of bread with cheese. I also had another cup of the wine. I had not had much opportunity to taste wine in the army. Once a week we had been able to get out for beer. Madame Geroux looked at me approvingly. "Yes, you seem to have your appetite back." There was a knock at the door and she answered it. I heard her talking to someone. "That was one of the other girls," she said as she came back. "She was wondering how you were. I told her you had undergone the transformation well. The other girls will be keen to see how you look too. Isn't that nice of them? You'll need to learn a lot from them. So make sure you keep friendly with them! "All right, I have some minutes to spare so, Gabrielle, let's get you dressed. Properly. Take of that dressing gown," she ordered and I did so. "And stop trying to cover yourself!" she snapped. She looked me up and down, ignoring my blushes as she scrutinized my naked body "I suppose you have never seen a woman dress, or undress for that matter. I'd better help you." She gave a small smile. "There's little call for most of my girls to be fully dressed when they are working, but they like dressing themselves up when they're walking in the streets, markets or parks. Some even like getting to church on Sundays." It was true that I had never seen a woman dressing. I had no sisters. She picked up a white garment. "Well first, these they are called drawers." She handed me a white loose breeches -like garment, but split in the middle, so that it was almost like two partially joined legs. "These pull up over your legs and tie round the waist." I allowed her to do fasten them on me, but blushing at the feel of the crisp fabric. "Why is it split in the middle like that?" She grinned. "It's too much of a fuss to untie them at the waist when you need to relieve yourself. This way you only have lift your skirt or petticoat and spread your legs." I winced at her description. To think that I would be faced with that! She gave me another superior smile. "Also, there are those monthly times where you will need to clean yourself regularly to avoid staining your clothes." "Time of month? Stains? What do you mean?" She shook her head in exasperation. "You never knew? What an ignorant life you have led! Gabrielle, women bleed from their private parts once each month, unless they are pregnant!" Albrecht had made jokes about woman bleeding but it was almost unbelievable. "Don't shake your head like that. It's part of being woman. All women do it unless they're pregnant or too old. At these times you'll need to wear a pad. I'll show you later when your first one comes. It's these bleeding times I give you a rest. Men don't like the mess." Ignoring my shuddering she held out another garment. "Now, this is a chemise. This goes over your head. Hold up your arms." It was like a shirt, although in a finer fabric. I shivered as it slid down my body. I felt my nipples harden at the touch of the fine fabric. I put it on, shuddering at the feel as it draped around me. "This will do for the present. It has these ties at the front." Without my asking she fastened it. I felt the fabric brush against my nipples buttocks and bare legs. "That's good. That's a start. Next, your stockings, a corset and a dress." We were interrupted by another explosion, so near that I even felt its concussion and I winced. Madame Geroux tensed and swore. "That's your former comrades at it again, destroying my beautiful city with their big guns." She looked at me coldly but shook her head and picked up a garment with laces hanging from it. "Next, this is your corset. It fastens with these clips at the front, but you tighten it with the laces in the back. You may need help putting it on. That's why some women have maids. Here, my girls help each other when necessary. You'll need it to train your waist to be slim. Men like slim waists and some like my girls to leave them on all the time. Otherwise, you can unclip it at the front if you are in a hurry to undress." She set it round my waist, fastened the front clips and started pulling at the laces at the back the garment. She worked fast and the laces made a hissing sound as she pulled them through the eyelets. The garment became snug, but all of a sudden, she began to pull the laces tighter and I felt it's the stiffness of the bones and its compression immediately. "Breathe in more," she commanded. I drew in my breath. I must have winced. She snorted. "Stop making faces! I'm tightening it to give you a nice slim waist. The spell has given you a nice figure, but a little pulling in at the waist always helps. You can take short breaths for breathing. You are not used to it, that is all, but it will get better as your body adjusts. If you'd been born a girl you would have been used to one from when your figure began to develop." She kept on running her fingers up and down the back, slowly tightening the laces. With each sequence the garment contracted, my waist was compressed and my breasts were pushed further up inside the chemise until they protruded from my chest. When I looked down they seemed to fill my vision. "That's enough for now, Gabrielle, now you can relax," she finally said. Relaxation was impossible. I was panting severely trying to get enough air, my breasts heaving up and down just under my throat, filling the square neckline of the chemise. She slipped hand into the low chemise neck and pinched a nipple. "See, you're still accessible! Yes, you are very pretty. My customers will like you, " she said, looking at my heaving chest. "Just take short breaths. It will be better when you are used to it. Your body will adjust and then it will merely feel snug on you." She pulled out some black stockings from the pile. "Next, your stockings. These are a knit cotton fabric, just like the rest of my girls wear. Hold out your leg and pull up your chemise." She slid stockings up my legs, tying then with a red ribbon just above the knee. "Now, your petticoats. Stand up." I wondered how much more there was to a woman's dress as she tied even more layers of fine but stiff material around my waist. They rustled when I moved, and I felt my face redden. There was one last garment. "Now, your gown. It's fine fabric, and will show you off. Of course, for convenience with most customers you can leave it off. When you start earning maybe we can get you a nice silk one for when you walk outside. I think you will be very popular so I imagine you may not get a chance to wear it much." She pulled it over my head and fastened it at the rear. Like the chemise, it had a low square neckline, but now filled with my heaving breasts. I felt exposed. "Doesn't it show too much?" I gasped, speaking as loud as the corset allowed. I was horrified by how much I was exposed. "Hardly. You want something to show yourself off and entice men. Last thing, here are some shoes." These were small and dainty in white leather. They seemed very insubstantial, but fitted my feet, now much smaller than they had been. I felt helpless in the combination of the tight corset and the voluminous petticoats and dress. "What happened to the clothes I was wearing?" She glared at me. "Don't think you will escape! You're now a woman. You will stay as one so you will not need male clothes any more. Besides, I've sold them. The money I got will only partly make up the cost of what you are wearing. Besides, there is no way with your figure they would now fit you anyway. "Now, let me look at you." She just shook her head. "Your hair, it will be years before it is long enough." She sighed. "I'll see about getting you a blonde wig. I'll comb it this time. After that you will do it." She opened a small lacquered box. "You'll need a little help with cosmetics too. You are pretty, but I like my girls to redden their lips and put powder and shadow on their faces. After all, most of the customers expect that. So for now, I think some shadow for your eyes and some red for your lips and a little rouge for your cheeks. Your face has just about lost any blotches from the spell." She held my face in her hands, examining me. She still shook her head. "Ugh, these eyebrows are still too thick. Hold still!" And she thinned out my eyebrows with a pair of tweezers, ignoring my wincing and squealing. "Wipe your eyes! She ordered. "I suppose they would thin out by themselves in a day or two as you lost your male hair, but not quite fast enough and anyway, many ladies shape their eyebrows." "Now, some rouge for your cheeks, and a little carmine coloured soft wax for your lips." "I can't wear that!" I protested. "That's for whores!" "So? And what do you think we are here?" She rubbed on some coloring from her box. "There!" She nodded in approval. How do you like yourself?" She held up a mirror to my face. I gasped at the girl looking at me. She was still beautiful even if she was painted like a whore. I could barely see any trace of my previous male face. Yet my stomach sank. I was changed so much! "Please, you cannot do this to me?" She slapped my face. "I am getting tired of your complaints. I can and I will! You now have no choice. But, let me see. I think you 'll be popular. I tell you. You can live here ten years. Then, if you wish, I will release you to make your own life." She eyed me critically up and down. "Perhaps I'd better check on you for a day or more to help you adjust. However, it's time to let the other girls see you. I can introduce them." She went to the door and called. Six girls crowded into the room and I saw their eyes grow wide in amazement. Michelle at the back was giggling as she pointed at me. Madame Geroux introduced them all to me. Two were in dresses, but the others were only in their shifts and one, Pauline, who I had met before, was wearing a black corset. Her waist was even slimmer than mine. "Girls, this is Gabrielle. She will be joining us. Just like you, she has had the spell read to her and as you can see, it has worked well. Her hair is short, but we will get her a wig. Now Gabrielle, these ladies will help you. You have much to learn about how to behave and carry yourself in the presence of a customer. If you learn well it will make you more in demand and increase your earnings. "Pauline is my senior girl and she can teach you much." It took me some seconds to understand the implication of her words. I clenched my teeth. It was bad enough to be changed, then to have to wear women's clothes. Now I would be trained to face a future as a painted prostitute. I shuddered involuntarily. I would have to escape. The next two days were spent under the rigorous instruction of the girls, who had me practice putting on and removing various articles of clothing. 'Tantalizingly', one called it. They ignored my protests and even threatened me with a beating if I did not comply. I was supplied with a blonde wig that I was supposed to pin to my own hair. I was taught about using cosmetics, walking in what they called a seductive fashion, sitting properly, and even how to talk and move my hands like a woman, and how to speak as woman did. I was told to smile a lot and to make sure I continually flattered the male customers. Madame Geroux inspected the results when they had done. "Good! I think we have delayed long enough. So tomorrow, you can come down to the parlor to show yourself for your first customer and you can start paying your way." Her eyes gleamed, " As you are a virgin I'll be able to charge more that first time. I'll have some champagne too. If you're good maybe the gentleman will give you a special present." I could not escape the feeling of dread. I needed to escape, but there were too many of the girls around. I would be caught before I even reached the door. I winced at the sound of yet another explosion and its concussion. The Prussian army was now firing their big guns about every few minutes. Once I had even heard the shell whistling overhead followed by an explosion just a small distance away. I was in a dither of helplessness as I readied to go to bed that night, a terrible apprehensive feeling in my stomach at my impending fate. Madame Geroux had had me fully dressed in a flashy looking low-cut silk gown. "To get you used to your finery," she said. I had barely begun undoing my dress when there was a sudden crash and an enormous explosion. The house shook and some of the ceiling fell on me, knocking me to the floor and covering me with dust. I spat out the dust in my mouth and struggled to my feet being aware of the terrified screaming of the other girls. When I looked out of the door, the stairs were half torn away and the house was filled with smoke and dust. As the air cleared I saw that a large part of the house's front wall was missing and the room was open to the street. Some of the girls were cowering in a corner and screaming or crying out. Madame Geroux was lying on the floor, her body covered with masonry rubble from the wall. Blood was seeping from under her torn dress. It looked as if she was dead. Pauline was sprawled just across the remains of the room, covered with dust and a heavy beam pinning her to the floor. Her eyes were rolling in fright. Something was on fire near her and she was screaming as the flames drew nearer. I barely thought before I pulled the beam off her and dragged her away from the flames. Then I ran to the kitchen and, taking a large tub of water from the stove I threw it on the flames. They died back and I beat them out with a wet cloth. I looked round. The front wall of the house was broken. Almost without thinking I leaped through the hole in the wall, past some neighbors gaping at the wreck of the house, and into the night. No one tried to stop me. I was only wearing the fancy gown and light shoes, barely more than slippers, but I rushed on until I was completely out of breath and crouched under a tree. I had escaped from the brothel, but my predicament was little better off. I was alone, friendless, in a changed body and penniless. I was a very pretty girl, but I was vulnerable and lost in a strange city. When I had caught my breath I struggled on again, not knowing where I was headed, but only wanting to be as far away from the wrecked house as possible. Unfortunately it had started raining and I was getting wetter and colder. At last, out of breath, and desperate to get shelter from the rain, when I stumbled past a large house I saw stables at its back and, almost exhausted, I climbed over the low wall. When I tried the stable door it was not locked. Gratefully I pushed it open. It was dark inside but I stumbled into a pile of hay and collapsed. I was shaken awake by a rough hand. I opened my eyes to see a bearded man dressed in a coachman's uniform. He carried a whip and looked as if he might use it on me. "Who are you, girl? What are you doing here?" " Please, I am lost. I took shelter from the rain. Please forgive me. I will leave." I would have left by myself but he dragged me to my feet and pulled me to the door where he pushed me out and I stumbled, heading to the street. My clothes had hardly dried but at least it had stopped raining. Two women were standing by a carriage outside the stable. They looked at me disdainfully. Shamefaced, I tried to hurry past them but one spoke to me. "You girl, what were you doing?" I would have rushed past her but the coachman grabbed my arm. "Answer, you!" "Please, I was lost and I needed shelter from the rain. I used the stable but I will not bother you further. I am sorry I had to trespass." "Where are you from?" one woman asked. I desperately thought of a cover story. " I am a refugee from Alsace. I fled in front of the advancing Prussians." I was aware that my face was still made up like a prostitute. "I was taken in by a woman but it turned out to be a ... excuse me, madame, a whorehouse and she tried to make me a whore." I made to cover up my low neckline. "I was able to escape when a Prussian shell hit the house. I am sorry to have troubled you." I made to move away but she held up her hand. "Poor child!" She caught me by the shoulder, examining me critically. "You would like some work?" "Yes," I sniffed. "Perhaps you can help us and we you. My mother is an invalid in this house. She needs much looking after. Unfortunately I have a young family and I cannot do both. Would you be willing to help look after her in exchange for board?" That was more than I could have hoped for. I knew little about housework but in the army we had to care for the barracks and sleeping quarters and most of us had taken turns in the cookhouse and canteen that served the recruits. I might have a lot to learn but I had nothing to lose. I nodded my head." Thank you, Madame. You are very kind." "Then girl, what is your name?" "It is Gabrielle, Gabrielle Marchand." I used my dead mother's surname. "Please, I have no identification." "I am Madame Bouchard, Genevieve Bouchard.

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Masters Double Subbing Part III

So the slave started looking through the different sites that it had access to. Going through the different profiles on there for women who were possible candidates. It sent out flirts to a few that caught its eye. The slave even changed its profile information. It changed its sexual orientation from straight to bicurious and the looking for to include women. Doing that seemed to get the ball rolling. It started getting emails and flirts from different women, but unfortunately the first...

3 years ago
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358 PLEASE(ING) MUM (1)Sheila arrived home tired and footsore, her 5ft 7inch blonde, 10 stone frame Sheila, had traipsed the streets of the seaside town, looking for a shop with the perfect gift for her only son Ian, whom she doted on …16 on Saturday. Tall thin and gangly, a keen swimmer, mid-stream academically, shy and backward when it came to girls, though he was her pride and joy, her only c***d, to her perfection! She put the kettle on and kicking off her shoes collapsed in her chair, till...

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“So you did okay in finals?” Julie nodded. “All that stress actually made me work my ass off. I think I did pretty well,” she grinned. “I’m going to miss your company out here, but good luck with quitting,” I said. “The few, the proud, the exiled,” I added. “Mike, thanks for keeping me company and listening to me bitch all semester,” Julie said. “I’m gonna miss hanging out here with you and...

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College friend ko pehli baar chooda

Hello everybody I’m Kabeer. It happens when we were in the first year of college. We were in co-education and I have seven friends with me from my childhood and four of them were boys including me and four of girls.So we have a group of eight persons. Everyplace we use to admit together such as coaching, computer class, and English classes. We the boys and girls always together and doesn’t think any thing of each other but friend.We have experience about sex from the 8th greed of school and...

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Problems Problems Solutions Solutions

Just when you think you’ve got everything sorted, all systems running exactly as they should be, and everybody knowing and doing what they should, something will go wrong. Sods law. My old granny always used to greet this kind of thing with a sage nod and say, ‘shit happens even in Kansas’. And then she’d giggle. I have no idea why she said this, because to my certain knowledge she had never been to Kansas; in fact I would be surprised if she even knew where it was. She had certainly never been...

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You just tell me Bertha which way you want it

Hi, I’m back here to tell you about my last incident with Bertha. Well, this episode was not unpleasant at all!! She is a lady who was familiar with my grandmother and used to give her a hand   at home, say, a hired maid.  Bertha is no longer with us, sorry,  left a long time ago, but it’s now as I recall having a good time with her, as I was tired of jerking off and she was the one  at hand. Bertha is a woman born in the high Mexican ranges, in the province of Puebla. She comes from a village...

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I would go in my pay in my life before he came

My life was pretty good, not real great but bordering on it. Ilived with my mother in a medium-sized town, my father having died in atrain derailment on his way home from a business conference. Sad, yes, butI was just little. And while I have memories of him, they seem to befading now. I do have some pictures. Him by himself or with my mother orthe three of us on a day out to the beach. I don't really remember that,but I'm sure it was nice. My name is Ronnie. Well, actually it is Ronald,...

3 years ago
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Details A Seduction

He cut the rose at the base of the stem – a single red bud, not yet open, its intoxicating fragrance trapped inside tightly closed velvety petals. It was no less than 3 feet long, and he carefully removed the thorns, leaving only delicate green leaves to grace the regal presentation. He brought it in and placed it next to her keyboard. It was the smallest of details, a simple romantic gesture – and it seduced her spirit. She bathed in the calming essence of lavender, washed her long hair in...

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Romeo and Emily

Picture, if you can, a small tree-house nestling just above head height in a very broad, old willow tree, just where the fat trunk forks into a half-dozen large boughs. It’s in a copse at the end of a garden, by the ditch that demarks the end of said garden and the fields beyond. The tree-house itself is quite small and well-weathered but well-built with a proper felt roof and tight, boarded sides. It overhangs the crown of the willow slightly and is accessed by a hatch in the floor and batons...

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My Very Kinky Aunt Part One

When I was 18 I was seduced by my Aunt. She was in her 40s and came across as very prim and proper. I admired her body even though she never wore revealing clothes, although her skirts were tight and I could always see her VPL - I could see she wore very hi-cut underwear, I think it was because of that line of fantasy which made her more appealing to me. But other than that she was just my Aunt and I loved her as a relative.One day I was at my Aunt's house, I had just been fixing some shelves...

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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 7 The Boy in the Bubble -Please wait for directions- It wasn't a surprise when the buzz reached me that Monica Bonds no longer attended Clarksville High. The story passed around had her moving in with an Aunt and Uncle somewhere north of Clarksville. She'd done it, they said, to be near the sanatorium where Bradley Conrad was housed. I didn't care about the "why". I was just glad she was gone. I wished the two of them all the...

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Help from sister in Law Ch 4

"I really am sorry about before," Tim says running his hand lightly across her neatly trimmed bush as he lowers his mouth to her moist lips."Ahhhhhhhh!" Rhonda sighs as Tim sucks her labia into his mouth and rubs the tip of his tongue against it. With his hand resting on her pubic triangle, he slides his thumb down to the top of her slit and finds her swollen love button."Ohhhhhhyeeaaaahhhh!" Rhonda arches her back and pushes her pussy against him. Tim presses his hand down to hold her still...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Divorce

I dont believes back to June last yee in introducing myself … This story dates back to june last year. I had joined a social networking site, I just happened to get a message on my mail that this lady Subha (name Changed) had messaged me, knowing not what was in store I replied. This carried on for quite some time and since I am a guy with a high libido I was getting a bit too restless about this female. Then one day I mailed her my phone # knowing not what was in store. Then after about 3 days...

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Plants Part 2

Chapter 2 "Welcome everyone to the channel 5 morning talk show!" said the talk show host "First off, we're sitting down with a botanist about the strange Pink and Blue plants that have been growing all over town. Welcome Dr. Rex Greene" A middle aged man wearing a turtle neck and khakis walks in shakes the newscasters hand and sits down. "Welcome Doctor" "Thank you" "Now I hear you are studying the plants that are growing all over the county I believe?" "Yes it's the...

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Sex Love and DD

“I told you this wasn't going to work!” Sandra, the shapely, big brown eyed, coed playing Rae the Priestess of Saint Cuthbert, complains to her fellow Dungeons and Dragons party members with that playful gentle smile and her kind, yet sexy feminine voice that you find most distracting. “Keep your panties on princess of lawful good milk and cookieness.” David, your wisecracking crude, but strangely endearing friend, jovially mocks as he moves his Ragnar the Ravagener Thief miniature three hexes...

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Cuckolded My Useless Husband

. I am working as nurse in a multi specialty hospital and in charge of master health check up programme. i have to go to hospital by 8.30 and my husband Peter has gone for duty by 6 AM and he is working in the same department as accountant.Me a very horny girl and wants a dick 24/7 in my juicy cunt and my husband can’t cope up with that and hence he accedes his defeat and let me go loose in sharing bed with others and hence I fuck other males some time with his knowledge and most of the time...

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Every Girl Has Her Price

Every Girl Has Her Price"Do you want fries with that?" "No thanks," Kyle answered looking at the girl's name tag. "Okay, your order comes to five dollars and twelve cents." Kyle watched the girl behind the counter get his food. She was physically attractive, but there was also something else about her. Something else that made him think that she would go along with his plans. "Here's your order, sir. Thank you, and have a nice day." "Excuse me, there isn't anybody in line. Could I ask you...

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swamiji changed my life

My name is teja people say I look a like the actress Kavya Madhavan and I am in quiet fair and slightly hairy on my hands and my stats are 34 30 36 ( during I was at my 20’s). I am married with one kid and I was at my early 20s when this happen to me. Me and my hubby are happily married coupled after the first year of our marriage I gave birth to my son during that time we called up the local temple gurukal for our baby naming ceremony. On that day I still remember it was around 11 am and the...

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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 4 Pudding

One of the issues we needed to work out as we traveled was what Angie would be doing while I was writing. I encouraged her to be independent in her explorations but, in the evening, she was often left with nothing to do. “Can I read what you’re writing?” she asked one evening. “I suppose so,” I said. “I have to warn you, though, that my second ex-wife read the first novel I wrote and laughed all the way through the first page. The operative word there is ‘ex’.” “You write...

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One Familys Awakening Chapter 28 Finale

Karen and her next door neighbor woke up early the next morning shortly before sunrise. After hours and hours of taking turns fucking Keith and each other, Karen finally learned her new friend's name - Cecilia. Keith was still sleeping soundly as the two women fixed some coffee and moved to the deck for a little fresh air and caffeine. Cecilia looked over her shoulder at Keith lying in bed, still dead to the world sleeping. "I thought I had been fucked before. But last night was the first time...

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Whos Watching

My name is Ame. I'm twenty-one and going to school to become an RN. I live with my dad, Lewis, and stepmom, Kendra. It has been a rough couple of years for me since my mom died. I'll never forget her, but slowly the pain lessens with each passing day. My dad always tried to protect me from any hurt and felt like he'd be betraying my mom by dating again. I hated to see him unhappy, so I reluctantly encouraged him to go out and find a nice lady to fill the void in his life. Kendra is a fiery...

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Nanu277 Inspired this

As I awoke and turned to the clock to see the dreaded numbers 2:30 a.m. I knew I would soon have a smile. I pulled the covers away and there it was. You were in my dreams from what I wrote yesterday morning. I remember you on hands and knees, backed up to the edge of the bed. As I looked down I could see the thickness of my shaft covered in a white creamy mixture of you and I. Pulling out I would go so far as the bulbous swollen edge of the tip, which had an accumulation of the cream,...

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Slut I want to be a slut wife part 4

Part 4“You still think you can handle more cock?” Steve said with a puzzled look on face “Haven’t you had enough yet?”I began to unzip my boots and smiled. The boots fell away from my thighs, as I kicked them off my feet. Unrolling the black hold up stockings, I bent over to remove them from my feet.“I’m going to fuck the manager and get myself a room deal for when I want fucked in the future!” I smiled unhooking the black corset. “I never knew you were this horny! In fact I wasn’t convinced...

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Jacob what a wonderful brother

I'm 19 and Jacob is 23. He's my half brother. We never really met or knew each other well until about a year ago and from that time on, I knew we were going to get along great. His dad and our mom moved in together after a long time of separation and Jacob and I have our own wing of the house basically. Our mom and his dad decided they would need their privacy and that we got along well enough to share a side of the house. Our side of the house consist of 1 HUGE ass bathroom, a kitchen, a small...

3 years ago
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Human ManChapter 33

The midterm paper was due in an hour. Scott skimmed the text, looking for typos. All he needed to do was print it, bike to campus, and slip the paper in the basket outside the professor's office door. After that, he could start packing for the drive to Fort Stockton and Spring Break. His phone chirped and he checked the text from Janie. 'You home? I'll call.' 'Home, ' he typed. 'Have 2 drop paper at campus. B on road shortly after.' He verified that the printer had paper and was...

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Star Wars A New Hope

Danger looms across the galaxy as the Empire's secret weapon, the Death Star, is finalized and ready to wreck havoc. Though a small rebel alliance has attempted to hold them off, their efforts have been mostly in vain - until now. The secret schematics of the superweapon were leaked following a high-stakes operation, which lead to those plans being inserted into a droid. This droid eventually found it's way to the future hero of the universe - Luke Skywalker, a young nineteen year old on a...

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School Girl

I am M32 and living in Coimbatore and working as Manager. I used to go to my office by my car.I am littlr fast in driving and used to see my friend and show my hand who usally waiting for his bus at a bus stop. One day , by habbit i show my hand but he is not there. On next day , before lift my hand i have find him ,but that day a girl show me hand and she was so beautiful and young. I thought , she shown to body , who behinds my car. Then i left the place insame speed. Very next day , i again...

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she said no

as he went to sit at another booth, our body lanuage both agreed to leave the setting and find some where els to finish the get-to-gether. it seemed as if in that one instant she began pooring out about some of her co-workers hating on her swagg. i was thrown totally off guard and almost forgot about wanting to turn this woman around and sticking this 7 1/2 by 3 inch wide dick up that soft hot pussy my home boy got lost in! literally lost his head in that shit so made me want some. but soooo...

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Forced Perspective Chapter Two

Forced Perspective Two My name is Tom Wilson... and I was in shock. A few minutes ago, my consciousness was accidentally uploaded into the body of a sexy little cam girl, Zoe. This was thanks to a glitch that happened during my ID chip update. Meanwhile, Zoe... the aforementioned cam girl, was uploaded into my body, which wasn't good! It was pretty obvious that Zoe was not only drunk due to the alcohol in my former body, but she was also drunk with the power of being a wealthy...

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Fake smiles, faker laughter. The clink of champagne flutes, the low buzz of conversation. Men in suits, women in party dresses. The smell of overpriced perfume and superiority. It was the same as always. He felt so out of place there but nobody else seemed to realise it. He could act like them but he’d never be one of them. Secretly, he hated them. He hated them all. He only came for Sara. He couldn’t stay away from her. Everything seemed brighter when he was in her company. He’d been...

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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik Squirt Anal Prolapse

Porn superstar Adriana Chechik loves showing off her magical asshole and extreme anal skills to the world. In a graphic intro, the dirty-talking siren drives huge dildos into her asshole, spreading her gaping bunghole to show off her innards! When mega-hung Chris Diamond arrives, Adriana uses his massive cock to test the limits of her throat. A nasty, face-fucking blowjob leads to intense, ass-slapping sodomy. Fountains of girl squirt gush from Adriana’s gash as Chris’ big cock...

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Helen Ch 18

Helen woke up and discovered that Harry had gone from her side. Things slowly came to mind about the party and she began to recall the last events slowly which explained the smell of stale sex around her and on her naked body. She sat up and held her head in her hands, not just for the hangover but also what had happened, as things got wild and out of control. She brushed back her hair to one side and looked around before getting out of the bed. Harry came back into the bedroom with a tray...

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First Time In

© 1997, All Rights Reserved Author's Note: Pure fantasy. There were several girls in high school with whom I got close but never managed to actually persuade. The first person to mention 'cornholing' to me was actually a guy -- my best friend at about 12 or 13. He said his brother had done it to him. We jacked off together, but never did anything else. Nearly 15 years later, a delightful lady introduced me to the practice, which she and her high school boyfriend had used as a method of...

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A Step in the Wrong Direction Part 1

The door was closed, all was quiet, so he knocked softly on the door, not wanting to startle them. He heard Sarah say "Come in." so he pushed the door open. Dave stopped. Pinned to the wall, the girl he had brought up for thirteen years was naked and wrapped around her tanned boyfriend as he thrust into her. Her eyes were screwed tight, lips forced into a thin pale line as his cheeks clenched and her thighs gripped his waist. Dave looked on, frozen, helpless, too embarrassed to say...

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Sex With Sister Trisha Part I

By : Ayush5226 Hi friends, This is Ayush (name changed) from Patna, I am a great fan of ISS and reading stories from last 2 years. I always wanted to write which happened with me this is my first story ever written anywhere about myself and i am very thankful for ISS and persons here who inspired me a lot to write here. So, if any mistakes in words or in content then please avoid it and suggest me. I am waiting for your responses here and deseparate gals from Patna can mail me at . In the...

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Nikkie Part 3

Monday afternoon I got a call from Carole asking if I was free for dinner that evening. I said I had a late afternoon lecture, but that it should be over by 6:00 pm. “Awesome! How about if I pick you up at 6:30? Do you like sushi by any chance? A friend of mine told me about this great new place over in Bristol and I’ve been dying to try it out, but none of my friends like sushi.” “I love sushi.” “Great, I’ll see you at 6:30 then.” I told Jenna I was meeting Carole for dinner, so not to wait...

Oral Sex
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 5 The Naked Truth

"Shall we go, your majesty?" Mark stepped back and bowed her out the door. Both his mother and his lawyer gave him strange looks. Rachel blushed after she realized he had heard her. She worked hard to keep the nervous titter from bubbling past her lips. Executives don't titter. Rachel decided she would make it, no matter what was thrown at her. Claire called after them, "Would you care to trade car keys?" Rachel accepted the keys to the Ford and handed her the keys to her five-year-old...

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Introduction: MARRIED COUPLE EXPLORE BISEXUAL LIFESTYLE TOGETHER I saw a picture on of a small cabin secluded on top of a mountain that was made entirely of glass. The web site guarenteed that you would see no one else for miles and would have complete privacy during your stay. I often find myself fantasizing about AJ and I taking a trip to that little glass cabin and bringing a third to join us for a weekend of uninhibited sex. We would spend the entire trip of not worrying about anything...

2 years ago
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On my Ywenty First Birthday in December, 1965 I was in Trier in What was then West Germany. Colleagues from my same air police flight had decided to surprise me as we were drinking at a bar often frequented by US airmen, but of course I thought it was just another night of drinking on a rare night off. Drinking off base was never as cheap as on base despite the fact three of us spoke fluent German, But Of Course there were no frauleins available on base and you mg males need German pussy now...

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A Little Alcohol Can Do Wonders

Well for starters the following story is partly true and partly exaggerated for the pleasure of the audience. Well I’m basically from Mumbai, Malad to be specific. I’m a south Indian married to a Maharashtrian. I got married recently. Me and my wife stay separately from our families. Our’s is a cozy 1bhk home in malad, with the landlord staying below with his family. Now getting to the story. My wife, well to describe her she’s very short 4 feet 9 inches fair, 34 breast 32 waist and her ass is...

4 years ago
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Hospital Volunteer during COVID

We are all suffering in some way from the Pandemic and being on lockdown is never fun. I have been isolated with my family and while I love them, the experience has been less than ideal. Beyond the general getting on each other’s nerves, being together so much has really cut into my sex life. Even just with my husband and not expanding out with friends it has been difficult to find the privacy, in a full house, to get a really good fuck in. My husband has continued to work outside the home and...

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Joe Gets a Lesson

‘Are you sure you want to do this, Frankie?’ Francesca (Frankie for short) was naked and bent over the dining room table. Joe, her husband for 10 years now, was standing behind her. He had a belt in his hand, folded in half, with the buckle end wrapped once around his fist. She found herself in this predicament because of their earlier discussion about their sex life, over breakfast this morning. Francesca had loved spanking, since she was introduced to it in college. Joe didn’t mind – after...

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The Car Wash

I woke up early, because I had some early morning business to take care of. Since business was in another town a few hours away, I decided I would dress up a little gurly for my drive there. I figured I would wear some short-shorts, and change after I got to my destination.So, since I woke up a little horny, I cleaned myself out, and jumped in the shower. I shaved my face, and shaved my legs. Washed my long hair and spent a little time playing with myself. I got my six-inch cock nice and hard,...

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CHAPTER ONE"Joey!" Angela Banner called from her back door, straining her voice to overcome the noise of the lawnmower. "Come have a cold drink, darling! You must be terribly hot!""Sure am, Mrs. Banner!" Joey Watson shouted back, cutting off the engine and running to pick up his shirt where he had thrown it in the grass.Angela was hot too, but the heat that was bothering her had nothing to do with the weather. Angela's house was cool and comfortable, but her pussy was steaming, steaming with...

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Sibling RivalryChapter 3 Incriminating Evidence

Mindy Chase stopped her dancing when Rick pulled the film tube from his camera. She hoped it was over, but he had apparently brought at least one more roll of film, which he now placed into the camera. She growled. "Okay Mindy, now I want you to turn around. Yeah, face the other way. Okay, now bend over and grab your ankles." Mindy bit into her lower lip as she slowly complied with the orders. She hated the feeling of giving in to these young perverts, but what could she do? She may have...

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Spanking our Neighbor

Melissa appeared nervous. For all intent purposes, she had every reason to be nervous. As for my husband, Steve was his normal self. His composure, his demeanor was that of being relaxed…seemingly, in control of his surroundings. Before he said anything, he took a sip of his wine. “JoLyn mentioned the conversation that you had with her this morning. Am I to understand that you want me to spank Karen?” Karen was Melissa’s 14 year old daughter. For the past few months, Melissa was...

2 years ago
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ButleredChapter 3

I returned to my humble abode with a letter in my bag offering me a job, subject to successful completion of butler training. I will not bore you with a description of my training. Suffice it to say that I found the tough tasks easy, and some simple tasks extremely difficult to take on board. The teaching staff hammered me with insistent enthusiasm, declaiming that a butler was the best of jobs, and one that merited the highest standards in the name of that profession. They also boosted my...

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Precipice Part 1 of 3

I think I'm about to get into trouble. It doesn't happen often, and like any other time, I didn't even know it was coming. There were three causes this time, and I'm only responsible for two of them.The first cause started long before I even started dating my wife. We've been married more than twenty years, so it's been an issue for a while. I've tried my best, but the problem is still there.My wife has four sisters, two older and two younger, with a sixteen-year spread between the oldest and...

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The General Book 2Chapter 7

It was the conversation from hell, one that Mark knew he would always dread. Sandy Mason had briefly touched on the same issues but he had been able to deflect them successfully. Not so with Debbie. She was correct. He was very definitely falling in love with her, he very definitely wanted their relationship to continue, and he knew that her feelings were legitimate and reasonable. What he didn't know was the solution. A million ideas were flying through his mind at that moment. He knew that...

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Six Days on the RoadChapter 55

Two more days had our clear cutting finished except for the few larger trees big enough to cut for lumber. We finished up completely with the firewood and did a general cleanup of the area before tackling the larger trees for logs. George even showed off his newfound skill of skidder driving by pushing up or digging up stumps. He could usually pull them up with the winch line, push them up with the blade, or dig them completely out. I knew there'd be plenty of the larger ones he and the...

4 years ago
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Rocky Encounter With Married Neighbor Woman

Hi this is Dhruv Desai. I am software techie works with MNC in Mumbai. I am married. To be very frank with you all since childhood it’s my desire to do wild, aggressive and innovative sex with married matured woman. Finally I got that opportunity one fine afternoon. I was alone during that weekend due to my wife’s visit to my in-law’s place. It was around 2:30 in the afternoon when I was at the ground floor in my building. I saw beautiful gorgeous stunning ravishing woman with waist height...

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Secret Passion

Even in the large suite there was no peace, the captain and Marissa were arguing again. Tyaja whispered to Ayanna “what is going between those two?” Tyaja replied “Maybe the tension of being on the lam is getting to them. Suddenly the door blasted open and that bounty hunter that was pursuing them stepped through the remainder of the door. The captain charged and caught the bounty hunter by surprise spearing him to the floor, as they struggled Marissa pulled out her knife and held it to the...

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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 12

Cynthia was standing at the kitchen sink cleaning up after a Thanksgiving Dinner. As she washed the dishes by hand, she looked out to the dog house and watched as Julie and Teddy cavorted and played around in the yard. She thought back to the slow but complete transformation that the beautiful German girl had made. She remembered those first few days of Julia's training after her night in the bar. Julia had been totally devastated by what had happened to her. When they got her home, she...

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A Night for Hunger

At the top of the stairs she stepped aside so I could let her into the apartment. Before opening the door I turned to her, looking at her. Reaching up I placed my hand upon the back of her head, running my fingers through her soft hair. With my eyes on hers I closed my hand, taking a fistful of hair. Slowly, firmly, I pulled downward. I was rewarded, as her face turned up, with her leaning her body against mine, her hands on my arms. With her face turned up, her eyes closed and her lips...

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The Battered LampChapter 28 The Deciet of the Silat

Thursday, January 28th – Majlis al-Jinn, Oman Kyle watched as the Marid Sarai, a gorgeous woman moving with grace as she danced in the center of the cavernous cave. Sarai, despite being the daughter of the Sultan Rashid, was opening the way for Kyle and his women to enter the Unseen Realm. He was going to rescue Aaliyah, defeat Rashid, and claim the Sultanate. There was nothing left for him in the real world. His mother was dead and the police hunted him. The Marid's dance was...

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