Back To School free porn video

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Back To School I live for feedback [email protected] This is a story written from an idea sparked by a conversation with a very dear friend. This is dedicated to him and we hope you enjoy it. I was so excited. This was going to be the first day at my new job. I had recently been appointed as the receptionist and administrative assistant at the local Elementary School. I set the alarm to wake me up early, so that I could get ready and make sure I would be on time. I was excited but also nervous. I had yet to meet my new boss, Mr Michaels, the Principal of the school. I had been hired by his deputy, so I would be meeting him for the first time today. The State had just enacted an affirmative LGBT action hiring program. This meant that as a pre-op transsexual, I could be considered for jobs that would in the normal way not be open to me. Personally, I think I got the job because no one else applied. Only the Principal and his Deputy knew about my status, and the deputy had just taken a leave of absence with a stress related illness. I hoped that was not because he had hired me. That left only Mr Michaels at the school who would be aware of the real me. That suited me fine; teachers have a reputation for being conservative so it would avoid any unpleasantness. I had a nice bath to relax myself and I took a long time to get my makeup right, not too plain but definitely not too showy. I wanted to make a good impression on my first day. I tried three different shades of lipstick before I decided on a subtle pink. I knew that it matched my light skin coloring, courtesy of my mother's Nordic heritage, which also accounted for my blonde hair. I pulled it up into a ponytail for today to keep it nice and businesslike. I have been transitioning since I was 16 and have dressed full time since I was 18. I pass easily as a woman and I get some nice looks from men and a few women too. Hormones have allowed me to develop some small but perky breasts and I have yet to have any complaints in that area. I had to tuck myself this morning as my cock is small but still functional despite the hormones I have been taking since I was 18, and I didn't want any accidents. I chose a sexy pair of panties, which always makes me feel nice; small and pink with lace trim around the legs and waist, and a bra to match. I thought a more demure look than my usual style would be in order, so a nice light blue skirt, only two inches above the knee instead of my usual six, teamed with a matching two button tailored jacket with a white blouse. I picked out some nude pantyhose as it was still a little cold outside. I fussed over which shoes to wear and finally settled on a pair of strappy sandals with a two inch heel, short by my standards. I took a last look in the mirror and thought, Mmm, looks nice, good body, nice hair and a cute face. I was good to go. I had a quick coffee on the way to the school and exactly at the appointed time I pulled into the staff parking lot, then walked over to the school entrance. My knees were shaking and I told myself to get a grip, I am sure he is going to be nice and everything would be fine. I took a deep breath and walked into the school. Mr Michaels had asked me to arrive a little early this morning so we could get to know each other before the other staff arrived. I found my way to the Principal's office and knocked on the door. "Come in," I heard a voice call from inside the office. Mmm, nice mellow voice, I thought. I pushed open the door and standing up from behind his desk was Mr Michaels. I recognized him from his photograph displayed in the hallway, but it had not done him any justice at all. He walked around the desk and held out his hand. "Hi, welcome to the school. I'm Andrew Michaels and you're Nicole, I believe? Is that what you prefer?" His handshake was firm and friendly; not trying to crush my fingers or one of those limp handshakes that make you cringe. "Nicole is fine, but most people call me Nikkie," I said. "OK, Nikkie it is, if that's alright. You can call me Andy, but sometimes, we may have to be a bit more formal. Please, sit down. Can I get you a cup of coffee?" Nice friendly start I thought. "Oh, yes please, black, no sugar if that's OK." He turned to a coffee machine in the corner of the office and started to pour a cup. "We'll have a coffee and then I'll give you an orientation tour if that's OK?" As he poured the coffee, I got to have a good look at him. I guessed mid thirties in age; dark brown hair, hazel eyes, about 5ft 11 in height, and a mustache and goatee with some salt and pepper coloring which made him look very dashing. He had his jacket over the back of his office chair and was wearing a tight dark blue polo shirt. I could see he had a nice physique; he probably worked out as I could see good muscle definition as the shirt tightened across his chest. As he bent over at the coffee machine I sneaked a look at his ass. Nice and tight down there as well I thought. All in all, a very attractive package. I felt a little tingle in my cock and I thought no, please, no, don't embarrass me now, of all times. He came back round with my coffee and he sat on the corner of his desk twirling his glasses as he talked. He had my resume in his hand and we chatted about my past experience. I was definitely feeling a little buzz as Andy smiled at me as he talked, and I could feel my cock getting even naughtier. Of course, because cocks have a mind of their own, they ignore what their owners want, and just please themselves. So, I just had to adjust myself and cross my legs to make myself a little more comfortable. I saw his eyes widen as I did so, and I thought, oh yes, he noticed that alright. He walked back around his desk and sat down. There seemed to be a little red flush to his cheeks but I thought nothing of it. He checked his watch and said that the staff would be here soon, so why didn't we have that orientation tour now, and he would introduce me to them at the morning staff meeting. He came round the desk and I stood to follow him. As I turned, my heel caught in the carpet and I tumbled forward right into his arms. He caught me in what felt like a pair of strong arms and stopped me falling any further. As I fell, my hand had instinctively gone out to save myself, and I brushed down the front of his pants. Oh my! There was no doubt about it. My hand had bumped into something a lot harder down there than I had expected. As I lay in his arms, I began to wonder if there could be more to this job than I had bargained for. "Oh, I'm really sorry, I'm so clumsy," I said as I held onto him for support. Mmm, this feels nice, I thought. He had blushed when he caught me and I thought that was very sweet. "I didn't expect you to fall for me quite this quickly," he said and I giggled. "Ahem," I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I saw Andy's eyes widen as he looked over my shoulder towards the door behind me. "Ahh, Miss Williams, this is Nicole, our new receptionist, she had just tripped up..." I realized he was still holding me. Oops, this could look awkward so I moved away from him and said, "Thank you so much, Mr Michaels, I could have fallen badly there." "Erm, that's OK Nicole, let me introduce you to Miss Williams, our temporary Deputy Principal." Miss Williams? No, it can't be, she would have to be over a hundred years old by now. I turned and my heart sank. It was the old dragon, looking as mean as ever. Miss Williams, my teacher in fifth grade. Shit, shit, shit, please, not her, I thought. She had made every day of my life hell whilst I was in her class. She had been horrible to everyone, but had taken a special dislike to me and delighted in making me as unhappy as she could. I shuddered inside, but managed to smile and said, "Good morning, Miss Williams, I am delighted to meet you," I put out my hand to shake hers and very reluctantly she took mine and just touched it with hers as if she might catch something. "Likewise, I'm sure." I guess all school kids think their teachers are ancient, whatever their real age. I did some quick mental math and realized that she could easily still be teaching now. She ignored me and looked back at Andy. "Mr Michaels, don't forget you should call the Mayor about the pageant." "Thank you, Miss Williams, I will." He paused. "Actually, if I do that now, could you give Nicole a tour of the school, Miss Williams?" He smiled at her, and his eyes twinkled. I thought if he smiled like that at me I would do a cartwheel for him on the spot. Looking as if she would rather eat live geckos, she agreed. "This way, Miss...?" Thank God I had changed my name when I transitioned. "It's Adams, Miss Williams." She had known me as Nick Wayne and I had chosen Adams simply because my favorite beer at the time was Sam Adams. "Please follow me, Miss Adams." "Actually, I prefer Ms Adams, Miss Williams." "I'm sure you do, Miss Adams." She obviously hadn't lost her touch over the years. Still as mean as a rattlesnake. As I turned to leave I looked back over my shoulder at Andy and he was clearly checking out my ass. I smiled to myself and the imp in me put an extra wiggle in my walk as I left with Miss Williams. The school was delightful, with big windows allowing plenty of light into the classrooms, and brightly colored project work and art covering the walls. The rooms looked and felt like happy places, and I felt sure the children would love being in here. It was totally unlike the dark and horrible elementary school where Miss Williams had tortured me. Maybe it had felt dark and horrible to us back then because she had been there. She must hate it here, I thought. We finished the tour and she brought me to the Staff Room for the meeting. As she opened the door, she turned to me and asked, "Have we met before? You seem to be familiar, but I can't quite place where." A little shiver went through me but I managed a sweet smile, "Nooo, I don't think so, Miss Williams, I am sure I would have remembered you." She frowned and ushered me into the meeting. Andy introduced me to the others and there was a chorus of hellos, Hiyas and welcomes. Everyone seemed nice apart from Miss Williams, who sat in the corner and seemed to be taking a close interest in me. The meeting ended and Andy said let's get you sorted in the office. As we walked back the children were beginning to come in and their laughter and giggling filled the hallways. They would quieten down when they saw Andy but they didn't seem to be scared of him and he smiled as he watched them milling around. I was standing quite close to him and I became aware of his cologne, something warm, woody and very masculine. We made it back to his office where he showed me my workstation and desk. It had a view of the main hallway and a straight line of sight into his office where I would be able to see him at his desk. I hung my purse on the back of my chair and settled down at the desk. Andy stood a little behind me as I started the computer and he told me to read the school's policy manual which had a lot of information about processes and contained most of what I would need to know. We should then meet at lunchtime for a review. He asked me to hold all calls this morning and just give him a list of them at lunchtime. He looked down at me with those hazel eyes and smiled as he said, "I hope you settle in here, Nikkie, I think you've made a good start already. Oh, and don't worry about Miss Williams, Loretta's bark is worse than her bite." Oh, no it's not, I thought to myself, I knew her bite was far, far worse. As he turned to go his hand accidentally brushed my shoulder and I felt a little thrill run through me. This wouldn't do, getting the hots for the Principal. Well, not on the first day anyhow. I spent the morning reading, getting to grips with the school computer system and answering the phone. I have taught myself to be very good with computers and this system was so basic that it took me only a few minutes to get to grips with it. I quickly saw there were a lot of things I could do to make the school processes much more efficient with only a little extra effort. Some of the staff drifted in for meetings with Andy and I got to know some of them a little better as they waited for Andy. When he wasn't in a meeting his door was open so I could see him only a few feet away from my desk. I would look up from time to time and it surprised me how often I caught him looking at me. Just checking up on me to see that I'm working, I thought. Once, between meetings, he called me through to ask if I wanted some coffee. He said the school coffee was so awful that he had brought in his own supply and that I could help myself from the machine if I wished. I thanked him and as I walked back to my workstation it struck me that there was no modesty panel to my desk. It meant Andy could look straight across and he would be able to see my legs beneath the desk. Now I'm not a prude and it didn't worry me at all, but maybe I could have a little fun. I found that if I was looking at the computer, I could just peek at Andy over the top of the screen so that it would appear as if I was staring at the screen. The first time I caught him looking at me I nonchalantly crossed my legs beneath the desk. I almost smirked as his eyes nearly bugged out of his head and he quickly looked back down at his desk. The second time, I just moved my legs apart ever so slightly, and he went bright pink and almost fell off his chair. I began to consider something that had just occurred to me. Andy knew I was transgender, and yet, here he was, getting all hot and bothered about me. I do have a little devil that lives inside my head who sometimes makes me do naughty things. Now, it clearly said to me, let's see where this goes. At lunch Andy asked me to come into his office for our scheduled review. He explained he normally worked through lunch but, of course, I would be free to take my lunch hour every day. I gave him the list of callers from the morning and he asked me if I had any questions. I had quite a few and he answered some, and gave me the names of other staff members who could answer specifics. I said, I am a bit confused about this, and waved a piece of a paper at him. He asked me to show him, so I walked around to his side of the desk and put the paper down in front of him. In order to point to what I wanted to clarify, I had to bend forward over his shoulder and my breast pressed against his arm. He moved his arm away a little and I just moved slightly so that my breast touched his arm again. He didn't move away this time. Instead, he moved back so that his arm pushed into my breast. There was no mistake, that move was deliberate. I felt my cock give another little jolt; this was getting me turned on. I held my stance and increased the pressure on his arm and he pushed back again. He was pointing at the paper and explaining what it meant. Casually pointing at something a couple of lines further down the page I allowed my hand to brush his. He didn't move his hand away and I left mine just brushing his. I looked down and could see very clearly that there was a bulge in his chinos which he was unsuccessfully trying to conceal with a sheet of paper. Oh Lordy, what an effect I'm having, I thought. "Miss Adams, can I have a moment, please?" Both Andy and I jumped as Miss Williams stood at the door. Shit, what had the old bat seen? Nothing, I hoped, just Andy and me looking down at a sheet of paper on his desk. No harm done, I thought. "Yes, of course, Miss Williams, what can I do for you?" I walked to the door and turned to close the door to Andy's office, looked straight at him and winked. I knew he would have blushed at that. Miss Williams needed me to check on some staff details and I quickly did that and emailed it to her. As she left, she took another long look at me and said, "I'm so sorry Miss Adams, but I do feel I've met you before somewhere." "In town, maybe? It's Nikkie, by the way." "What is?" "My name, people call me Nikkie." She looked down her nose and said, "I think I shall leave it at Miss Adams." Cow, cow, cow. I guess I won't be calling her Loretta anytime soon, or having cosy little chats together. She was making me a bit nervous as she kept on about having met me before. Even though I thought there was no way she could connect me with Nick, it was a little worrying. The afternoon went smoothly and I became more confident answering the phone and deciding which calls to hold for Andy and which to put through. More of the staff popped in and were really friendly, probably because they would be asking me for favors in the future, but in the end, who cares? They were mostly nice people. I mentioned to Andy that I had some ideas for improving the systems, and he asked if I were willing to stay on this afternoon so that we could discuss them. I didn't have any plans this evening so I agreed. My personal life was a disaster zone; my last boyfriend had dumped me by text a few months before, as he had decided he really was gay after all, and was now living with a male dancer in Santa Fe. The well had come up dry ever since. There had been a couple of quickies in the backs of cars but that had been that. So I had no reason to rush home at all. I amused myself hacking Miss Williams" password, and had done it in a few seconds - "drowssap" is not a secure password. Did I tell you I was a part time hacker as well? Shoot, a girl has to have some secrets as well. Andy finally called me into his office and closed the door behind him. "Let's not be disturbed this time." He moved his chair over and I pulled one of the visitor chairs over to sit next to Andy so we both could look at the screen. We had gone through a couple of ideas, when I felt his leg bump into mine. I moved slightly as I assumed it had been an accident, but when it happened again, I thought, OK let's see how far this goes. I pushed back with my leg and Andy kept his pressed against mine. We stayed that way for a while and then I felt his hand just stray onto my leg. Ohh, what do I do now? How do I feel about this? His hand didn't move back and I snuck a sneaky peek at him. I really liked him I decided, he was good looking and kind and more than anything, he knows I am transgender. I have had some bad experiences when guys hit on me not knowing who I really am. When they find out, of course it's my fault, and some take it personally. It's never got to real violence, but I've had to talk or run fast more than once. He moved his hand a little further, so this time I turned to face him and said, "Mr Michaels, what are you doing?" He whipped his hand away so fast I thought his fingers would fly off. He jumped sideways and said, "I'm sorry, my hand just slipped. It won't happen again." I looked him straight in the eye and said, "I sincerely hope it does," I picked up his hand with mine and put it back on my leg and said sweetly, "Now, where were we?" I looked at Andy's face and I had to giggle, his eyes were bulging and his mouth was wide open. I leant over and put my finger to his lips to tell him to keep quiet and put one hand behind his head and pulled him towards me until our lips met. I took his glasses off and he began to kiss me back, his tongue finding mine as he pulled me towards him. His hand began to move on my leg and I moaned a little to encourage him. He kept his hand moving up my leg and it began to slip under my skirt... There was a loud knock on the door, and I nearly jumped out of my skin as Miss Williams" voice came clearly through the door, "Mr Michaels, are you in there?" "Will that damn woman never leave me alone?" Andy whispered as he tried to compose himself. I giggled and moved my chair away from his before remembering his glasses, and I quickly stuck them back on his face. "Yes, Miss Williams, I'm in here, you can come in." She came in like a rhinoceros charging a safari bus. "Mr Michaels, I really must protest..." she hauled up short when she spotted me. "Oh, Miss Adams, you're here..." she trailed off. "Hello, Miss Williams." I smiled sweetly. Andy turned to me and said calmly, "Thank you Nikkie, I think those are excellent ideas so let's meet tomorrow morning if we can, to organize implementation." "You're welcome Mr Michaels, and good night. Good night to you too, Miss Williams." "Oh yes, and to you Miss Adams." As I left Andy's office I heard him say with a sigh, "Now, what is it this time, Miss Williams?" "I really must protest, Mr Michaels..." There was a spiteful tone in her voice and I felt sorry for Andy. That evening I had a text from Andy. "Can you make it in at 0700?" School started at 0730 normally, so that was no problem. "Yes, look forward to it." I added "XOXO" just for the hell of it. I spent the rest of the evening wondering about what I was getting myself into and what the morning would bring. I thought that it was pretty clear what Andy was after and following a barren spell I was up for it too. I choose my outfit carefully again in the morning, my lingerie was a bit more risqu? than yesterday. Hey, if it makes you feel sexier, it's worth it. I picked out a simple shift dress in pink with lace sleeves matched with salmon pink low heel shoes. The dress was a little higher over the knee than the previous day but it was still quite modest. I threw my purse into the car and headed off to the school. I arrived just before Andy pulled into the parking lot, and waited for him to get his bag out of the car. We said Hi and walked through to his office where he dumped his bag onto his chair. "One thing I forgot to show you yesterday, Nikkie, is the stockroom where we keep all the teaching supplies. You and I have the only keys to it, so before anything else let me show you the room and you can have the key." "OK Andy." I wondered and hoped I knew where this was going. "It's up on the second floor, so if you're OK, let's go see it." We chatted about the unseasonal cool weather and when would it start to get warmer again. Anyone overhearing us would die of boredom within a few minutes. We arrived at a door which Andy opened with a key from his keyring and then said loudly, "Nikkie, this is your key, let me show you what's in here," He handed me a key and opened the door for me to walk through first. He followed me into a small room stacked full of boxes and resource materials neatly shelved with a few spare desks over to one side. The door automatically closed behind us and as I turned round to ask Andy a question his wrapped his arms around me, pulled me in close and kissed me. Ohhh, I thought that was fast. I caught the smell of his lovely cologne again and I leaned into him and returned the kiss. Believe it or not I had never kissed a guy with a mustache before and the first impression was that it tickled. I giggled a little and that made him pull back. "What, oh God, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this." I saw his face drop. "Andy calm down, I'm not going to scream the place down." I pulled him towards me and kissed him again. "It's just that, what if someone comes in?" That killer smile spread across his face and he said, "The door locks automatically behind us and you and I have the only keys, remember?" A big grin spread across my face and I put one hand behind his head and pulled him in for a kiss. He put his arms around me again and we stood there for a while just kissing; learning and enjoying the way we liked to use our lips and tongues. His hands dropped to my ass and he drew me tight into his body and I moaned as I felt his hard cock push into my tummy. My own cock was getting hard too now and I'm sure Andy could feel that too. He moved one hand away from my ass and started to stroke my cock through my dress. Ohh, that felt so good, my knees almost buckled as long pent up emotions rippled through me. Andy moved his hand away from my cock and he moved up to squeeze my breasts. My nipples, which are very sensitive, immediately hardened and I moaned again as he rubbed them through my bra. I took one hand down from behind his neck and found his cock, big and hard within the constraint of his pants. I unzipped him and managed to reach in to pull aside his briefs and release his straining cock. My Lord, I thought, that feels nice and large. I put my fingers around it and began to stroke his cock, he moaned at my touch, and began to thrust his hips forward so that it slid through my hand. I broke the kiss and pulling my dress up I slid down to my knees and found myself looking straight at one one the nicest cocks I had ever seen. It was at least 7 inches long and thick and with the slit already glistening with pre-cum. I glanced up and he was looking down at me, his eyes wide with excitement. Holding his gaze, I kissed the tip of his cock and felt it twitch at the touch of my lips. I slid my tongue over the head, lapping it at first and then flicking my tongue against it. I heard Andy moan and he closed his eyes and put his hands on the back of my head to keep me in place. I moved my head forwards and took the head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it and just flicking the most sensitive part underneath where the head meets the shaft. Andy literally jumped when I did this and his cock slid right out of my mouth along my cheek. "Oh my God," I heard him whisper. I managed to get him back into my mouth and began to use everything on him; tongue, lips, hands and even teeth to drive him on. He was thrusting his cock deep into my mouth now and I could feel him getting harder and his movements more urgent. I sensed he was close and used my hand to bring him closer and closer. "Nikkie, Nikkie, I'm coming, I'm coming." I kept pumping him and with a "Fuuucccckkk, he exploded into my mouth. His knees buckled and I just managed to keep him in my mouth long enough to take his full load. His cum tasted fine and I was glad for that, as he had cum what felt like pints. I swallowed and looked up at him and grinned, he smiled back, pulled me up to my feet and kissed me. That's nice, I thought, men don't always want to do that after I have blown them. He pulled back a little still holding me in his arms and said, "Nikkie, that was fantastic." "Mmm," I said, "I enjoyed it too, breakfast of champions." He laughed at that and then looked at his watch, "Oh my Lord, we have to get going. Nikkie, I know we can't talk now, but I think we need to, don't you?" I nodded, wondering what that might mean, but he squeezed my hand and gave me another little kiss. I took a minute to make sure both he and I were tidied up before he opened the door and we left the stock room. We walked slap into Miss Williams. Fuck, I thought, this woman is haunting me. Andy, cool as a cucumber, said breezily, "Good morning, Miss Williams, how are you? I've just been showing Nikkie here the stockroom process." I had to bite my lip hard to stop myself laughing and she looked at me in a very strange way. "Very good, Mr Michaels, Miss Adams. Good morning to you both. May I have some time later, Mr Michaels?" I sensed Andy's shoulders sag slightly, and he said, "Of course, Miss Williams." The rest of the day went quietly. I got on with learning the school routines and getting to know the staff a little better. They seemed to be a mixed bunch, different ages and backgrounds but I was impressed with their enthusiasm for their job and the way they focussed on the children. A school is led by its principal and I could see Andy's guiding hand throughout the school, especially in the way the kids reacted to him. He was always positive and upbeat with them, although I did see him being tough on some of the staff, but they seemed to respect him for that. I also had time to start putting into place some of the improvements Andy had liked the previous evening. There was one time I caught Andy looking my way, and I just shifted a little in my chair, pulled my dress up to my thighs and opened my legs a little. I knew he could see my panties under the desk because he went a lovely shade of pink. He was trying not to smile but failed and had to look away before he burst into laughter. After the children had left for the day and the staff members were leaving, Andy asked me to come into his office. He closed the door and invited me to sit on one of the visitor chairs. He was pacing around the room looking as if he were building up to something. My heart sank; he was going to let me go after what happened this morning. I was convinced of it. I would be fired after two days, which would be a new record even for me. "Nikkie, look, about what happened this morning, you see, I..." I cut him off, "I get it, you really like me, but it wouldn't be appropriate for me to stay and you're going to let me go. It won't be the first time and probably not the last." He paused and looked at me over the top of his glasses, "Oh my God, is that what you think? I'm so sorry, I don't want you to leave. That's the last thing I want. I've waited for such a long time to meet someone like you. I really want you to stay." I was relieved and flattered at what he had said, but why was he so worked up? He came over to sit down next to me in the other visitor chair and lowered his voice. "Nikkie, I wanted to tell you that I am bi. I like men and women, but what I like most of all are girls like you. The sight of you yesterday sitting at that desk was driving me crazy. You looked so perfectly feminine, yet I knew you had something extra hidden beneath the desk. Of course, I knew you were transgender from your application but I had no idea you would be so beautiful. You took my breath away yesterday." Oh my, my head was spinning. I couldn't think straight, Andy was looking into my eyes and he sounded so sincere. "Andy, that's so sweet of you, but I'm not beautiful." "Nikkie, let me be the judge of that." He leant forwards and gave me a little kiss on the lips. I felt my heart flip as his lips touched mine and my cock started to twitch in my panties. My head was spinning now and I didn't know what to think. I needed some time to straighten this out in my head. I blurted, "I'm sorry." I picked up my purse and ran out of the office and out to my car. As I ran out of the entrance I almost bumped into Miss Williams. "Well, really, Miss Adams, there's no running inside the school." I just kept on running until I got to my car. I sat there for a few minutes, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. I slapped the wheel in confusion and frustration. This was not like me, I was normally so cool and in control. Andy had really got to me. Oh, hell, what was I going to do? I drove back to the apartment on auto pilot and I retreated to my favorite place to relax and think - my bathroom. I lit some scented candles, ran the bath, threw in some of my best bath oil and sank deep into the warm embrace of the water. I love spas and this was about as close as I could get at the moment. I closed my eyes and just let the aromas do their magic. I heard my phone buzzing as a text message came through and I ignored it. I needed some serious me time right now. Gradually my head began to clear and I started to think more clearly. This had happened so quickly with Andy, but I had enjoyed it. He was sweet and good looking, and he knew about me and he didn't care, more than that, it excited him. I knew I should slow this down, but what the hell, life isn't a dress rehearsal. I reached for my phone and looked at the last text. It was from Andy. "R U OK?" I thought just for a moment and replied, "Yes, all OK. Sorry. Same time same place tomorrow? XOXO" Andy came back straight away. "OK C U Then" I woke early the following morning and went for a run before heading off to the school. Running in the cool air of the morning is the perfect way for me to de-stress. The hypnotic nature of running just seems to strip me of any worries and cares. Bouncing along with my ponytail flowing behind me just seems to clear the senses. Arriving back at the apartment I felt calm and ready to face what was to come. After a long hot shower I picked out a pretty lace bra and matching panties, decided not to wear any pantyhose today, even though it was still cool outside. A flared skirt just above the knee and a pretty white blouse completed the outfit. I pulled on a short coat to beat off the morning chill and I headed for the car. I arrived and saw Andy's car already in the parking lot and I hurried through to his office thinking I was late. I opened the door and there stood Miss Williams talking animatedly to Andy. I thought, will I ever escape from this woman? Andy was frowning and had his arms crossed over his chest. I had the sudden and uncomfortable feeling they were talking about me. I thought with a sinking feeling that this would put the lid on anything happening this morning between Andy and me. I nodded to both of them as I walked past and Andy smiled, but Miss Williams just glowered at me. "Old bitch," I thought, though I kept on smiling. I must have been a few yards past them when I heard Andy yell, "Nikkie, wait up." I turned round and he was striding towards me, his eyes blazing. "What's up?" I said. "Nothing," he said, "but that woman is just too much. A saint would struggle to keep their temper with her. Thinks she can do my job better than me." He took my elbow in his hand and pushed me down the corridor and past his office. I looked round at him and started to say something. He just put his finger to his lips and we kept walking further down the hallway until we came to a door. Andy opened it and ushered me inside. It turned out to be a disused classroom that seemed to be set up for meetings. It was quite pokey with no external windows and it must have been horrible as a classroom. Andy took a look around, kicked the door shut and turned the lock. There was a small observation window in the door but it only gave a limited view of the room inside. Over in one corner was a table pushed up against the wall and he grabbed my hand and pulled me gently towards it. It was obvious we couldn't be seen from the window. He still hadn't spoken a word since we entered the room. He turned, put his arms around me and said, "I am sorry for yesterday. I thought I had ruined everything when you ran out." I looked at him for a few seconds and then decided to let a kiss be my answer. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in tight to me and our lips locked together. "No, it's me who should be sorry," I whispered, "I just got a bit flustered, that's all. I had to get things straight in my head." I pulled him in for another kiss and his hands dropped down and he began to caress my ass. Now if there's one thing that gets my motor running, it is feeling someone's hands all over my ass. I moaned as we kissed and I pushed my hips even closer to his. I felt an instant response from his cock as it began to push into my tummy. I felt my own cock respond as our tongues flicked and fenced at each other. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and I heard him moan this time. I dropped one hand from around his neck, pushed him up against the wall then pulled his polo shirt up over his chest and began to kiss his chest. His nipples started to harden straight away and I took each in turn into my mouth and sucked and nipped them until he was making little sounds somewhere in his throat. He suddenly dropped his hands and began pulling up my skirt. "Wait," I said, stepped back and unzipped the skirt and let it drop to the floor. I looked down and could see my cock pushing up and over the top of my panties. I bit my lip and looked shyly at Andy. This was the point of no return. This was when guys could no longer pretend I was really a girl. If he was serious about me, this is when I would be able to tell. He looked down at my cock, back up to me, smiled that killer smile of his, and I watched his eyes as he put his hand down, touched it gently and began stroking me. I remembered to breathe again and he kissed me once more, his mustache now no longer tickling me. I felt his strong fingers gently encircle my cock and he began to move his hand up and down. My insides started to flutter as he stroked and rubbed my cock to hardness, and I knew by then he was really into me. I eased his hand away from my cock and with him still pushed up against the wall, I slid to my knees and quickly unzipped him. His chinos fell to the floor with his cock standing straight out from his groin. I looked up to see him smiling down at me and I kissed the purple glistening head and he jumped a little. I put one hand around the base of his cock, pushed it upwards and began to lick in long slow strokes along the length of his shaft. I felt his knees sag a little as I sucked just the head between my lips and allowed my tongue to play around it. I slid it out and repeated the actions all over again, licking and sucking slowly to get him as hard as possible before taking the whole shaft into my mouth. I took him deep until my nose touched his pubic hair. I pulled back and began to rock backwards and forward, sucking his cock deep into my throat. I gagged a couple of times but kept a steady rhythm going and his hands settled on my head as he looked down at me. I let his cock slip out and took each of his heavy balls into mouth in turn and rolled them around inside. This really got to him and I felt his hands tightening on my head. That normally means men are about to come and I stood up, kissed him and said, "I want you in me, please?" He blinked once and then nodded. I dove for my purse where I kept a small bottle of lube, and with shaking hands, slathered some over his cock and around my hole. There was no time to waste and I leant over the edge of the desk, opened up my ass cheeks, pulled my panties to one side and looked back at Andy, "Fuck me now, please Andy." He looked down at my ass once, grinned and put the tip of his cock at my entrance. He teased me a little with it, pressing it in and then pulling it back. "Now, please, Andy, now." I was practically pleading with him. He pushed hard and as I pushed back he slipped past the muscle and into my ass pussy. I grunted as I adjusted to having him inside and he began to push harder and harder. I could feel his balls slapping against my ass as he plunged his full length into me. I was being pushed hard into the table and I had to use my hands to steady myself. I could feel him growing inside me as I tried to tighten my muscles around his cock. He gave one big thrust, groaned and then I could feel his cum pouring into me. He kept driving into me for a few times and then I felt him stop and slowly pull out of me. I felt suddenly empty as his cock came out and I lay there for a few seconds trying to catch my breath. Andy helped me up, kissed me and said, "Nikkie, there aren't any words to describe how I feel. I have never come so hard in my life." I will never know if that was true, but it made my insides do a little jump as he said it. I said, "Well I'm glad I didn't wear pantyhose today," and giggled. I pulled my skirt back on and we tidied ourselves up quickly but carefully. I had learnt from bitter and embarrassing experience to carry a panty shield in my bag and I was grateful for that foresight this morning. Andy unlocked the door and checked the corridor and we slipped out and arrived back at the office unseen. When I eventually sat down at my desk, I had a feeling that someone had been messing about at my desk. I could swear that some of my papers and bits and pieces had been moved slightly. There was nothing I could put my finger on and I shrugged, thinking that Andy had probably been looking for something. The rest of the day was a bit of an anticlimax after the morning's events and we settled into the daily routine. Andy had meetings with parents and some local officials and asked me to take notes in a couple of them, and it was fun to see him in action. He seemed to be firm but fair with the teachers and staff, but was obviously fiercely loyal to the children in the school. I had trouble focussing at times in the meetings, with my mind wandering back to this morning and the feeling of his cock in my booty. This was Friday and Andy had some after-school duties, and I had a regular session with my girl pals that evening. As I gathered up my things, Andy came over and wished me a good weekend. As I turned to leave he leaned close and said, "I'm coming in for a few hours tomorrow, nobody else will be around. If you're, I mean if you haven't got other plans..." The look on his face was priceless. Little did he know I would cancel a private audience with the Pope if he had asked me to. I grinned. "Mr Michaels, are you asking me to do some overtime?" He looked puzzled. "Well, no, I mean, I don't think s... Oh." The penny dropped and he said, "Yes, that's right, but only if it's good with you, I mean." I touched him gently on the arm, "Andy, of course, it's good with me, what time, sweetie?" He swallowed and said, "Would 10am be alright?" I smiled broadly. "I'll be sure to be there honey." I turned and really worked my ass as I walked away. I threw a look over my shoulder as I reached the door and he was standing watching me, or my ass, to be honest. I blew him a kiss and that grin spread across his face. I had a blast with my girl pals that night and they all caught on that something had changed. "Who's the lucky man then?" one asked. "You haven't stopped smiling all evening." I swear I blushed down to my toes. That dragged a huge cheer from them all as I tried to hide my face behind my hands. I went to sleep that night thinking of the grin on Andy's face as I left the school. Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, the sun warm but still with a cooling wind. I went for a short run primarily to get rid of the effects of the previous night. After a shower I wondered what I should wear. I pulled on white panties, picked up the matching bra, paused as a wicked thought went through my mind and put it back down again. I settled for a pair of loose, white cotton shorts matched with a print top. The top was quite short and left about a couple of inches of my tummy showing. Some white sandals completed the outfit. It was definitely weekend wear but I though still modest enough to get away with. I spent a little extra time on my hair and face, hair tousled and makeup light, but highlighting my eyes. I looked one more time in the mirror to check everything one more time, picked up my purse and headed out of the door. I stopped to pick up coffees for both of us, as well as a muffin as a reward to me for the run this morning. I pulled into the staff parking lot just after 10 am and there was only one car already there, a beautiful red Mustang with the top down. As Andy drove a gray SUV, I walked past it thinking it must be a parent's or visitor's car. I guessed Andy must be a little late as I strolled into the office and sat down at my desk, put my purse on the floor when a pair of hands covered my eyes from behind and someone kissed my neck. "Oh my God," I screamed and turned round to see Andy standing there grinning like a kid. "Gotcha," his grin got even bigger and my heart rate started to come down a little. "Andy Michaels, you are a very bad man, I may have to go change my panties after that." He stroked my hair, bent down to give me a kiss and said, "Sorry, you look beautiful this morning." I kissed him back and said, "OK, you're forgiven, but remember, next time I may pepper spray you," He laughed and pulled me up out of my chair and holding my hand walked me into his office. "Anyway, I didn't think you were here yet, I didn't see your ca..oh, is the Mustang yours?" He smiled and with obvious pride said, "All mine, like it?" "Andy, it's gorgeous, do I get a ride in it then?" I fluttered my eyelashes and made a pretty please face. He laughed and said yes, but only if I was good. I giggled and said, "I can be good but I can be very bad as well, which do you want today?" For an answer, he put his arms around me and drew me in for a long and passionate kiss. I put my arms up around his neck and I felt myself melt into his arms. He kicked the door shut behind me and we stood there just enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms and the pleasure of our lips locked together. He was a great kisser, taking his time and not just diving in with his tongue, making sure I was getting as much enjoyment from it as he was. His lips moved from mine to my neck and he gave little butterfly kisses up and down so that I tilted my head back and moaned a little in my throat. With my head back he licked my neck a couple of times with his tongue as a cat might and I moaned again as this made me feel weak at the knees. My body was already reacting to this stimulus and I could feel my cock growing inside my shorts. He moved his hands up underneath my top and I felt his surprise as he found my bare breasts with the nipples already hardening. I drew back and smiled. "You like?" He smiled broadly, "Oh I like. I like very much." I reached down and pulled my top off and dropped it on the floor. Andy immediately took a nipple into his mouth and started to suck. My nipples are really sensitive and as his tongue flicked the tip I nearly fainted with the pleasure. As he sucked one he nipped the other between his fingers and rolled it until it was almost too much to bear. I pulled his face up to mine as my lips were burning for another kiss and I attacked his lips with mine, running my tongue along his lips and nipping his bottom one with my teeth. I saw his eyes widen a little with the sudden pain but I felt his body react as he pulled me even tighter to him. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue Wranglers and I pushed his t- shirt up so I could get at his nipples and I did the same to him as he had done to me. He moaned this time and as he pushed his groin into me I could feel his hard cock even through the jeans. I pulled his t-shirt off, after all fair's fair, my top had been off for a while, and nipped one of his nipples with my teeth. He giggled and said, "Is that all you've got?" I shut him up with a sharper nip and dropped to my knees. I unbuckled his belt, undid the fly and reached inside for my prize. His cock stood straight out and I took it in my hand, looked up at him and said, "I'll show you what I've got," and slid my lips over his cock. I heard him say, "AAAhhh," and I began to tease him with my tongue and lips. I slid my tongue over the head and he twitched as I pushed the cock upwards and flicked the sensitive little part where the underside of the head meets the top of the shaft. How did I know this? I've got one too, remember? I held his cock up against his belly and licked it from top to bottom three or four times. I know this feels good for a guy and when I'm doing it I love the feeling as my tongue slides over the hot warm skin, it turns me on as much as it does the guys. I turned my head to one side and kissed my way up and down Andy's shaft all the while my fingers were sliding up and down his cock. He started to breathe real heavy and then said, "Wait." He picked me up from the floor and knelt down in front of me. I looked down and suddenly realized what he intended to do. "Andy, you don't have to do this," I said my voice thickening with desire. "I don't have to do it," he said. "I want to do it." He undid the cloth bow tied around the waist of my shorts and he gently and slowly pulled my shorts down. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he equally gently took my panties in his fingers and pulled them down too. My cock which had been fully aroused for some time now, sprang free and I closed my eyes in anticipation. I shivered as I felt his breath on the head of my cock and his tongue flicked out to kiss the tip. He slid my cock past his lips and I felt his mouth tighten around me. He slowly and gently began to move backwards and forwards, his tongue licking and bathing the head as I instinctively began to rock my hips backwards and forwards. My eyes were still closed as I luxuriated in the warmth of his mouth around my cock and my nerve endings were being shredded by what he was doing to my cock. I stopped him before I got too carried away and said, "Andy I want you to make love to me now, please, I want you inside me, I can't wait any more." He smiled up at me, stood up and led me by the hand across to the couch that was pushed up against one wall. He lay me face down on the couch and I looked over my shoulder as he quickly got rid of his boots, and pushed the jeans off. "My purse, the lube's in my purse." He smiled and said, "I was a Boy Scout, I came prepared," He reached down and picked up a bottle from the floor where he had obviously placed it in advance. I laughed and got to my hands and knees, wiggled my ass at him and said, "Go Tiger." His cock was bigger now than I had seen it before and I licked my lips at the thought of what he was going to do. He lubed his cock, then bent forward and dragged his tongue across my rosebud and I nearly shrieked as he did it. He put some lube into my hole and then slid one finger in and then added another. I closed my eyes yet again as I felt his fingers move in and out, that wonderful feeling that makes my stomach do flip flops and made me want his cock in there even more. I started to push back against him and he recognized that it was time. He knelt behind me on the couch and touched his cock head against my hole and I groaned. He put his hands on my hips and pushed slowly into me, I pushed back and his cock slipped past the muscle and into me. I bit my lip as the pain of the muscle stretching hit me and the all I could feel was the pleasure of having that beautiful cock inside me. This was no frantic coupling as our first two sessions had been. Then we were constrained by time and desire. This time we were able to take our time and enjoy the feelings each other's body gave us. Andy's body was like wood seasoned outdoors; tough and hard yet with enough give and flexibility to respond to my body as he moved his cock in and out. He moved too far back once and he popped out of me and I felt lost because his cock was no longer inside me. He quickly got back into me and we built a rhythm each of us learning how the other moved. He set the pace and tempo and I responded, moving backwards and forwards to help him drive into me. I began to feel his pace quicken and I sensed he was close to a climax as his cock grew inside me. He started to thrust into me really fast and I was moaning with the exquisite pleasure and I swear I could feel his cock swell as his climax passed down through his cock and into me. Andy grunted once and thrust once or twice more before stopping and pulling slowly out of me. We lay together on the couch, fingers entwined and happy to be just holding each other. Andy stroked my hair and I trailed my fingers down his chest and we talked softly reveling in the opportunity. Andy eventually looked at his watch and said, "We should be moving, I have to meet the Mayor this afternoon about the town pageant." "Nooo," I said, "just a few minutes more." He smiled, leaned over and kissed me and ran his hands over my breasts. "Are you free tomorrow, Nikkie?" "More overtime, Mr Michaels?" I smiled innocently. "I thought we might take a trip up into the mountains, go for a hike. Are you up for it?" "In the Mustang?" I asked excitedly. "Nope, we'll take my truck, it will be fun," he said. "You have a truck, too? Awesome." Fun and mountains were not words that belonged in the same sentence for me. I am not a wilderness girl. Where do you plug in the curling tongs for one thing, and for another, there are lots of wild things in the wilderness. Wild things that can bite, sting or even eat you. That's why it's called the wilderness. On the other hand my Boy Scout here would be with me and that would be worth it I thought. I immediately began planning what to wear. "Well?" he said. "OK, I'm in, but if a snake bites my ass, you're going to have suck out the poison." "It's a deal, now get dressed, we have to move." I reluctantly let go of him and picked up my things. Luckily I had brought another panty shield with me so any immediate emergency was taken care of. Andy quickly dressed and we walked out together to the parking lot. We agreed he would pick me up in his truck at my apartment at 9am. He kissed me quickly and slapped me on my butt as I turned to go to my car. I drove home, really excited about the trip tomorrow with Andy and also a little worried as well. I was a bit nervous about what tomorrow would be like and I really had to trust that Andy knew what he was doing. Most important of all, I was thinking about what to wear. I stopped off on the way back to some shopping and got waylaid by the Sale stickers on the clothing stores. Arriving back at my apartment later than planned, I checked the mailbox, picked up a couple of letters and then gratefully peeled off my clothes. Wrapping myself in my favorite robe, I filled a glass with some chilled Chardonnay and ran a really warm, foam filled bath. I lit some candles and sank back into the embrace of the hot water. It is sheer bliss to let your mind wander freely with the soft bubbles and the wine buzz helping you along. I found myself thinking about Andy with those hazel eyes and that grin of his. When he smiled at me I literally went weak at the knees, it made me feel shy and yet at the same time I wanted to push him down on the floor and throw myself on top of him. I knew this was happening quickly, but I hadn't met someone like him in how long? Oh, that's right, never. Ok girl, I thought, let's see where this takes us. I did some important stuff, like shaving and moisturizing my legs, as I was planning they would be on show a lot the following day and sorted out some of my washing that was now overflowing the laundry basket. It was only then that I got round to opening the mail. The first was a utility bill, and the second didn't look official but the name and address was typed. I slit it open and a single sheet of paper fell out onto the floor. As I picked it up and began to read it, I felt my heart almost stop. HARLOT! I'M WATCHING YOU WHILE YOU SIN I sat down on the nearest chair and just looked at it. My heart was beating fast and I felt like I was about to pass out. What the hell was this about? I had the thought that it might be meant for someone else, but when I checked the envelope, it was addressed to me. It was then that I noticed there was no stamp or frank on the envelope. That meant someone had come here and put it into my mailbox. My hands were now shaking and I had to gather myself together. Was this a joke? Was one of my pals having some fun? No, I instantly dismissed that thought; nobody I knew would do such a stupid thing. I was shaking now, this was very scary. I had watched far too many episodes of Criminal Minds to just shake this off. What should I do about it? Call the police? I knew they wouldn't be able to do anything about it, and they probably wouldn't even take it seriously. I had also watched enough CSI to know that I should preserve the evidence so I ran to the kitchen and got a plastic Ziplock food bag, put the letter and envelope inside and sealed it. Transitioning brings its own psychological fears and it's not unusual for girls like me to go through some tough times. I think I coped with it pretty well, but this brought back some bad thoughts that I didn't need. I made sure the door was double locked and the chain was on. I retreated to the bedroom and sat on the bed with my arms hugging my knees up against my chest. I stayed like that for a while and then told myself, you have got to pull yourself together, start thinking about this rationally. Don't let the shadows creep in, use your brain to get things in perspective. Whoever is doing this, he wants you to be scared, so don't be. Act normally, fight back. I did what I always do when I want some stress relief, I went running. I changed into my running gear, grabbed my pepper spray and headed out the door. I admit I did spend a lot of time looking behind me, but eventually the monotonous rhythm of the run worked its magic and the stress seemed to seep slowly out through my running shoes. I got back tired, but calmer than when I left. I checked every room when I got back just to make sure there was nobody there. I cooked a light meal and, after checking the door one more time, I went to bed. It wasn't the best night's sleep I had ever enjoyed, but at least the run had tired me out so that fatigue eventually got me to sleep. I woke at 7 and fixed some breakfast before a shower and getting ready for Andy to pick me up. I had picked out in mind the previous day what I was going to wear and it didn't take long to get dressed. It was a combination of comfort and exposure. I matched a sports bra and a pair of white cotton panties with a pair of small cargo shorts and a ribbed top that I particularly liked, which left some tummy exposed. I tied my hair up into a ponytail, and topped that off with an old Albuquerque Dukes baseball cap, pulling my hair through the hole at the back of the cap. I had a pair of work boots, don't ask, which would do for walking with some white socks that peeked above the top of the boots. I remembered to put on some sunscreen and threw some essentials; bottle of water, lip gloss, panty shield, and lube into a small back pack at the last moment. I threw in a sweater and a light jacket, just in case. I didn't know what we were going to do about food. I guess we would stop to pick up supplies on the way. I was ready by 0830 and made myself a final cup of coffee before the phone buzzed and Andy announced he was outside. I made my way outside, checking carefully before stepping through the door. He had pulled up outside in his truck. I do love trucks, and there's something really sexy about a guy driving a truck. It brings out the James Dean in guys. Andy was grinning at me throughout the window, and despite the way I felt, that grin did its magic with me and I felt my tummy do a little flip. Oh my god, he was wearing a cowboy hat too, that almost made me lose it on the spot. He shouted for me to stop dawdling and to jump in. As is a girl's prerogative I strolled slowly round to the passenger door and took my time opening the door. I climbed in and Andy leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss, "Hello Darlin', you look gorgeous this morning." "Why, thank you, sir, and right back at ya," I replied fluttering my eyelashes. "I love the look this morning, very Lara Croft," he said, his eyes firmly fixed on my legs. "Mmm, thank you. I love that hat." I shuffled a bit closer and gave him a kiss, this one a bit longer than the first. He broke off the kiss, took a deep breath and said, "OK, if we keep doing that, then we won't get far today." I giggled and gave the bulge in his Wranglers a little tap. "As you wish, but you need to bring that with you, I want some of that later on." He laughed and put the truck into gear and we pulled away. He told me that he had planned a fairly easy hike today, if I liked it, we could always do something longer and tougher another time. That assumption that there would be another time just made me feel good about this man. He was easy to be with and he made me feel safe. I scooted across on the bench seat right next to him and he put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze. We rode like this for a while and I asked him what we would do for food. He pointed at a rucksack on the floor of the truck, "There's food and water in there, should be enough for the walk I have in mind." He chatted on about the Chuska Mountains and the hike he had planned, but after the initial euphoria of meeting him, my mind started to drift back to yesterday afternoon and the letter. My attention wandered and I suddenly heard Andy saying, "Nikkie, Nikkie are you still with me? You seem miles away, am I boring you?" I sat up and said, "No, just thinking about something." He must have picked up on my tone, because he looked at me and said, "What? You look worried. Tell me if you like. Maybe I can help?" "No. I don't want to worry you, it's OK." Andy looked at me again and said, "When anyone says that they are really worried, tell me, please. Is it about us?" "No, no," I said quickly. "It's something that happened yesterday afternoon." "Well," he said when I didn't say anything else. "What is it?" Taking a deep breath, I told him about the letter and what was in it. He pulled the truck over to the side of the road and stared at me. "You didn't think that was important enough to tell me?" "I just didn't want to worry you," I said, now close to tears. Andy reached over to me and pulled me tight into his arms. I was shaking by now and he just held tight until I stopped shaking. He asked me again what exactly the letter had said and I told him. He sat back and asked if I had gone to the police. I told him, no, as I didn't believe they would take it seriously. I had stopped shaking by now and Andy still had his arm around me. "I don't want to get you involved in this, it's my problem." He turned to me and those hazel eyes just told me that he was going to make it his problem too. "Do you have any idea who would be doing this to you?" "No, none. I can't think of anyone who would want to." "Do you want to go back?" he asked softly. I let out a long sigh. "God, no. I want to be out there with you, it will be good to forget it for a while." "Ok, but when we get back, I want to have a look at the letter." Andy turned the ignition and we got back on the road. We were quiet for a while but then Andy out his arm around me and I felt safer and more secure. We arrived and parked the truck at the bottom of the hike that Andy had planned. He had told me it was a two hour, fairly easy hike to a spot he knew which would be secluded. Throwing an Indian blanket he had in the truck cabin into his bag he helped me with my bag before he started away. He was wearing his Wranglers and a check shirt and with the cowboy hat he really did look the part. My heart was beating a little faster before I had even walked a step. He was an experienced walker and I could tell he was holding back to keep pace with me. Running had given me strong legs, but hiking is so very different from running on flat sidewalks and even trails, and within an hour my calves were already aching. Andy stopped for a water break and I gratefully flopped down to rest my legs. The view was stunning, the air was clear and fresh and you could almost believe you could see forever. All too soon, Andy hauled me up and set off again. Walking at that altitude also slows you down a bit; you have to suck in that little bit more oxygen than at lower levels. I was getting a second wind now, and we made steady progress until we came to an area of juniper and Pinon trees and just hidden by them, a small meadow of buffalo grass. Andy spread his arms wide and said, "We're here, isn't it just glorious?" It was too. It felt like a beautiful and secluded little patch of heaven up in the mountains. The sun was high by now and although the altitude kept things cool, the meadow was sheltered from the breeze and warmed by the sun. Andy spread the blanket on the grass and I tumbled gratefully onto it, my calves almost on fire. I lay back and groaned with pleasure at being off my feet. He carefully placed his Stetson on the ground and knelt in front of me, untieing my laces and slipping the boots off. I wiggled my toes in thanks. "How are your calves?" he asked. "Complaining bitterly, they think this is a kind of medieval torture." Andy knelt by my feet and picking up one foot began to rub it. "OOOhhh, that feels wonderful," I said

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

4 years ago
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Outback Nights Ch 01

The cold night air blew into the room, lifting the sheer curtains with their gentle touch. The woman, so beautiful with her long brownish blonde hair, sweet smile, angelic eyes and voluptuous body, stood there naked in front of the window, looking out into the world beyond her window. The Outback is so beautiful this time of the year and part of her wished that she could be out there in the wild, free from the stress of her daily life and the hell of her past. But tonight she was not alone, and...

2 years ago
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Forward:I am a great fan of Bill Bryson. Having read his book entitled, Down Under, I was intrigued by a passage in his book that dealt with his journey from Sydney to Adelaide. During the excursion, he visited a town named Young, also renowned as the cherry capital of Australia. While in this town, he encountered a store that doubled as the local pet store and porn shop, one all the most unlikely and unusual combinations you could imagine. He didn’t elaborate too much about the place but went...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Horseback Riding Gone Wrong

___________________________________________________________________________________ Horseback Riding Gone Wrong It was a beautiful summer day at the farm as usual. The gentle prairie winds gently blow across Ashley with the sweat scent of wheat and barley. Ashley's parents owned a 400 acre farm which also included a big forest which was well suited for horseback riding. Ashley was a 22 years old, 5"6 tall, with beautiful blond hair that reached to her ass. She had eyes that were...

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass [Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley’s concerts. Things happen in her dressing room…] Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her...

2 years ago
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Deeply Relished The Paradisaical Sex Trap Set Up By My Two Gorgeous Schoolmates

Hi friends. I am Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my back to back absorbing sex encounters with 2 of my schoolmate beauties Poornima and Prathiba whom I met after 6 long years. I had no contact with them from the time we completed +2. Prathiba is a Malayalam babe, fair complexion, slim with some fat and flesh in her arms and thighs. She is a real beauty. Poornima is a brahmin, wheatish complexion, slim and a bit skinny. She looks too hot. In fact I used to see both of them...

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Backfire By Alec Stevens Note: This is my first story, so let me know what you think. (Story takes place mostly in and around Flint, MI) Chapter 1: Beginning of the End John Woodby walked down the hall to his next class from Advanced Placement Biology. He, being only in 10th grade and going into honors classes, was extremely smart. As a result of this, he was also stuck up, and everyone, especially the girls (due to the fact that he was the cutest guy in the school) hated him....

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

[Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley's concerts. Things happen in her dressing room...]Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her long black booths....

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Home Schooled

It was when I was in junior high that I realized that being home schooled, I definitely grew up different than other girls who went to public schools. I wanted to experience my 11th and 12th grade years with kids my age to you know go to Proms, and School football games. I know my grades were good enough to even apply to a good collage with out even going to a formal Graduation. The thing is, I would be going with out you know interacting with kids my age. I had a great friend who did go to...

4 years ago
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Kelli and Cathy had been best friends when I met Cathy. They remained close after Cathy and I married. I also worked at the same firm as Kelli's husband, Joe, and although we got along we weren't buddies. He had an aggressive, confident personality and I always seemed to be the target of his jokes and comments. Kelli worked as a hair stylist and often spent time with Cathy. Also, Cathy did like to do things with them as a couple, so I put up with his wisecracks. One thing we both liked to...

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Backstage Heros

“Lyn I will fuck that sexy ass of yours before the season is over mark my words”. “Oh no you won’t Joe”. Joe and Lyn were in show business, they had been given a three month contract for twice daily live performances. It was the big break both of them had been looking for, even if it was playing the two halves of a Pantomime cow. Lyn was the slightly higher paid of the pair as she played the front half. Joe was less fortunate as the rear end though had the consolation of having...

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Backstage at WWE

First I’m going to introduce myself I’m John I’m caucasian, 6 feet tall, dark blonde hair, a six pack, and a ten inch dick. I just won tickets to a WWE show and a backstage pass. My goal with the backstage pass is to meet and fuck some of the women in WWE. I arrived at the arena and can’t wait to try to meet women like Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks, Charly Caruso, Becky Lynch, Stephenie McMahon, etc. “I can’t believe I won this backstage pass! I wonder who I’m going to meet this is exciting!” When I...

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Backstage Pass

No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....

2 years ago
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The Schoolgirls

The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...

1 year ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 34 Visiting the Schools

I had been instrumental in rescuing many troubled and abused girls in modern times. Many of those girls, I took into my home to guide them into returning to a life of being just normal kids and to become self-sufficient members of society. After a while my home was bulging at the seams and I decided that something needed to be done. It was then that Grace and I came up with the idea of constructing a boarding school for troubled and abused girls, which I lovingly call my TAG School (Troubled...

3 years ago
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Horseback Ride

Horseback Ride As soon as my sister walked in the door I told her that we had to talk. She said okay but that she really had to pee first. I paced the floor waiting for her to come back out to me. When Emma reappeared she looked great. My sister was something special. She had just come back from a night out with the girls and she was dressed to kill. Her short tight cotton skirt was black in color and just barely covered any panties that she might be wearing. Her little white half...

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Summer Schooled

It was the summer of '94, I was 18 and just out of high school. I would beheading to college in the fall, and I wanted this summer to be one I wouldnever forget. Oh, I will never forget it but not because it was fun. Thefirst weekend I went to a party with friends, we all got drunk and on theway home, we were stopped by the cops and ended up getting arrested, the good news was that at least no one got hurt and I wasn't driving. The only thing the police did to me was make me call my mom to...

2 years ago
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Backstage Pass0

“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits...

1 year ago
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Backstage Pass

“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits at him. He...

Group Sex
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Flashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...

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Backwoods fuck

During the last year I had been down on my luck, I found myself staying in this rural run down trailer park in south Alabama. I was the only African American living in this trailer park, but that did not stop me from making friends. Everyone who lived around me was facing the same type of problems of trying to find a good paying job. On Friday my buddy Jimmy was throwing a get together at his place. The park was full of loud music, pot smoking and drinking; the atmosphere was a wild one. There...

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Permission given to post on Fictionmania and Crystals Story Site. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand...

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backwoods man

I'm not sure even at this point if my sexual likes are a product of something I was born with, predisposed to be open to what I am, or if it is a learned response from those that taught me. My sexual universe seems to be ever-expanding born from the good, the bad, the strife, disappointment, and randomness of the lovers I had. This is a recounting of a man from my past who helped mold me into what I am. I can't say whether I am grateful for the man he was but I can see the positive in what I...

2 years ago
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Backwoods Bruises

Backwoods Bruises Chapter 1 The roadway off of the main street was bumpy and filled with muddy depressions, which left me with the impression that, at any time, my car might sink into the mire and leave me in an everlasting pit, from which I was doomed to never return to civilization.  It went on that way for almost a quarter of a mile, before I finally saw the first and only house on the desolate forested expanse.  The house itself had seen better days, totally lacking paint of any kind, with...

2 years ago
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Behind The Bikesheds Wiv An Old Schoolmate

The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent...

3 years ago
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The Highschooler

The High Schooler Chapter one Another day...Fuck... It is not like I'm not good at school because i am, straight A student, parents pride, kid of the year...screw all of it! I was to fucking smart, I was trapped by it. I walked in a cloud of nothing all day nothing really mattered.. i absorbed and gave back all information passed my way, but did not feel anything acting and most of the time just sat there wishing i was in collage or something. "i need something to numb my mind...

2 years ago
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Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles. She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up...

1 year ago
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Making it happen The schoolbus

Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to where my stories will emerge from, the two main people who will be in every story are both good looking blonde guys, both are 6ft 2 and are muscular and both 7.5 inches and cut. Dan and Chris are twin brothers and both are 19, they are well built and use this to intimidate thier victims. Dan is the more forceful of the brothers but...

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Making it happen The schoolbus

Introduction: Im new to writing Im very new to writing but felt like i have waited long enough to post some of my ideas just to see if anyone has the same interests as me. im 26 and straight myself and have never been involved with any incest or anything other than a straight relationship so im in the dark about alot of things i write about. Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to...

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Sabrinas Embarrassing Schoolday

Sabrina Davis is a 18-year old high school student at North Lake High. Although she doesn’t know it yet, today is going to be very, very embarrassing for her. She won’t be forgetting today for a long time. Today will be full of nudity, humiliation, and much more for poor Sabrina. But where do we start? Edit 8/3/20: Thanks everyone for all the likes, comments, and views! The story is now public, anybody can add a chapter without my approval. Have fun!

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(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...

4 years ago
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beep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...

Mind Control
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The Schoolmaster

"It use be an old school house...way back at the turn of the last century,then around 1920 it became a home,if you can call it that;people lived in it here and there, and in 20003 it finally became vacant and has remained so ever since. "It comes with three out buildings over there ;it has the ideal potential to be converted into a beautiful home," the Estate Agent said. Callum and Sara looked around. "Can we have a few moments to talk?" Sara asked,looking at the Estate Agent.They watched the...

3 years ago
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Crossdresser teacher violates 18yo sissy schoolgir

I am a home schooling teacher, short skirt with side splits tight but stretchy over my right bum, black stockings and black lacy see thru panties wig, white sparkly heeled sandals and Lacey see through top sat opposite you on the couch. You are wearing a shirt and tight school skirt, white see thru Lacey panties and nude colour tights and black boots, tight school shirt white bra and pigtail wig. I sit opposite you on the couch occasionally opening my legs slightly giving you a glimpse of my...

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Popping The Cherry Of Hot Virgin Schoolmate

Hello everyone, I am back with another story. Thank you for your love and feedback for my previous story, looking forward to getting the same response. This story is about me and my best friend, Neetu. Neetu is 5 feet in height with sexy curves of 38-36-38. She is dark in colour but her beauty is to die for. She was called ‘black beauty’. We studied in the same school and after school, she went to a different city for college and further studies. I never spoke to her while in the school, I just...

1 year ago
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Virgin Assistant Director And Sexy Schoolmate

Hi everyone, this is a story which happened between me and a friend of mine. It all started in Mangalore where I was working in a film shoot. On one fine Sunday, I bumped into an old school mate, Nisha. She was one year younger to me in the school. She was working in a star hotel in Mangalore – new to the city and the job. We went for dinner and started talking about our school life. She mentioned that she missed the school. It had been 6 years since I left school and 5 years for her. We...

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Behind The Bikesheds Wiv An Old Schoolmate

© 2012 Robbie WebbThe author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the...

3 years ago
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Funked My Schoolmate

Hello friends and ISS lovers. I am narrating you my true story. Kaise maine apni best friend ko satisfy kiya…. Mera naam saajan hai mai 6ft tall hun aur ek average looking ladka hun. My dick size is 6. I am very disappointed on my dick size that how can I satisfy my partner with this size???.. Ye story 2012 ki hai us samay mai graduation complete kar k apne ghar aaya tha aur ghar pe hi rehne lga mere mom dad dono dusre seher mein rehte the aur mera bda bhai mere saath hi rehta tha. Wo kbhi Kbhi...

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Schooldaze ? by: Stacey Wilson I changed into my schoolgirl outfit in the boys' locker room at school. There was nobody in the building, so I knew I'd have plenty of free time to indulge myself. As I pulled my wig on and prepared to roam the halls, I looked forward to hearing the *clicking* of my heels on the clean tile floors. Suddenly I heard the door open! I all but froze in terror. There's not supposed to be anybody here! I checked every room! I stood there speechless as the...

1 year ago
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Instant Sex With Schoolmate

Hey friends I am Vikram, Virk from Panipat, Haryana I am a average looking guy. I am a regular reader of iss, 5.9 inch height and athletic body; please send me feed back at This story is about Priya (name changed) who I fucked during my board exams. I knew Priya by coincidence as we sat together in our pre board exams she was of medical stream and I was from arts. She has a height of 5.3, big boobs, round face and a cute childish smile; in sort she was a sex bomb. She was the talk of the...

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Homeschooled Synopsis: When his mother pulls Mickey out of high school and enrolls him in a home schoolers group, he develops close bonds with, and identifies with the other seven members of the group - except that most of them are girls and that leads to Mickey being feminized and then ultimately to regressing to an infant. 8th Grade - The year I was in eighth grade in middle school was the worst year of my life. That was the year that my father died. In four months he went from...

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Sex With Schoolfriend

Hi, this Rajendra , 28 from hyd. She was my schoolmate till tenth class. Recently there was programme sponsored by our company in the city for a cause and I was one of the representatives from my company for that event. It was in the evening time that particular day there was rain in the city, so I took my car. There at the venue I see a class mate of mine standing at the stall put up by their comp as they were also sponsors for the event. Initially, I was not sure if it was her. Anyways she...

1 year ago
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Young Lady Ginas homeschooling

Young 'Lady' Gina's homeschooling I was still called George when I moved in with my slightly excentric aunt Celia almost two yeas ago, after my mother had a serious nervous breakdown due to my lecherous oger of a father leaving us. For some reason aunty, after walking in on me wearing her prettiest undies and high heels, had taken up encouraging (and accomodating) my little transvestite affectation to the full. Aunty sorta found it a delightfull and classy foible and decided that she...

1 year ago
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Sedley Schoolmaster

SEDLEY, SCHOOLMASTER SEDLEY, SCHOOLMASTER ?Who?s that fellow in the picture? Submissive Stuart?s? Master Fenton asked him one day while  Stu was licking Fenton?s boots in his office.? Stuart looked up and noticed Fenton looking at the old painting of Stu?s bewigged ancestor. ?Oh, that?s my great-great-great-great maternal grandfather,? Sedley Codrington, Master Fenton. ?I don?t know much about him except that he was a? Revolutionary War hero, and later the first governor of this...

4 years ago
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Sex With SchoolMate

Hi i am master from Chennai , i do my engineering 1st year .i had a pleasant experience of sex 2 months back , it was wit my school mate , named nithi , we were good friends in school days , we were buddy wit our college life, had no contacts for many months , suddenly she called me once and said , hi i ve both a new cell and this is my number , i was happy to hear her voice once again. I then tot that i should not miss her , so i called her every weekend to talk to her. Once we had a small bet...

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Kitty and the Schoolmarm

Kitty hurried down the boardwalk carrying a tray draped with a gingham cloth. It was almost high noon, and she wanted to be sure her pa got his dinner on time. The young woman cautiously swung wide in front of the double doors of the Golden Nugget saloon. Pa had really cleaned up the town of Wilson's Gulch, but one never knew if a rowdy farm hand or cowboy would cause some offence in that den of sin, and be thrown bodily out into the street. Balancing the tray with one hand, Kitty entered the...

3 years ago
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A Better World IIChapter 5 EngineeringSchool

I blew the revile trumpet at 5:00 AM as planned. We all got up and I led out on our morning jog. We jogged down Santa Clara to First St., then south on First to San Carlos then east to the aquatics center. Our timing was perfect and we arrived at 5:50 AM. We had just enough time to shower and head for the pool. There were five people in the lap pool. We all had a great swim. We showered and headed for our first lab. Dr. Johnson was our instructor. It was Chemistry 1A. The lab went fine until...

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Horseback and Picnic Adventure

I want to tell you about a wonderful day that my boyfriend and I had a week ago. He's the sweetest man in the world and wanted to take me on a horseback riding trip. He also planned a wonderful picnic for us to have together. I'll go over all the details of this amazing day we shared together.I was very excited that my boyfriend was going to be coming over. He had planned a day of riding horses together on a wonderful trail in the country. I was very excited to do this with him. We had never...

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I guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...

Gay Male
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Backstage Pass 1 The Discovery

It was a simple sign in the woods, “Backstage Pass”. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy. The gate was flanked by barbed wire fencing that stretched away into the mixed hardwood bush on both sides as far as the eye could see. However, off to the right of the gate, nailed to a sapling, was the sign: “Backstage Pass”. Intriguing. Mysterious. Beside the sapling...

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Backstory Ch 02

Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...

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BACKLASH BY Vrykolakas Scot hit the enter key for the last timethat day--at least, in an officialcapacity. He rose to his feet, pushing back his wheeled chairand stretching,all in one flowing series of motions. He was proud of his strength, all thosehours of martial arts; looked like something was finally paying off. His legstrength alone could kick out a fire-door. He brushed back a few stubborn locksof hair from his eyes, and grabbed for his jacket and keys. It was time togo. Food, a...

2 years ago
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Outback Nights Ch 04

He had slept for what seemed like forever, not so much as even tossing or turning in the middle of the afternoon. His beloved had vanished not long after the exquisite torture she had placed upon him so that he could rest up for whatever would come next. And he was indeed very exhausted, there was no doubt about that fact. So exhausted in fact that he did not even sense her return into their chamber of passion and desire. She smiled as she gazed upon his sleeping body, left cleaned and clothed...

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