Ashley, Part 1 free porn video

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I'm not the unluckiest boy in the world- far from it, in fact- but every morning I wake up cursing my life. My name is Ashley Nathan Moore. I was born on the 12th of May 2003 to two very loving parents, who would subsequently have three more children- three girls. I'm the only boy in the family... And the frustration that causes me is immeasurable. Not that I don't love my sisters, of course, and they love me. Cassidy- the second of my three sisters- is always telling me how glad she is that I'm her big brother. I just wish- I ALWAYS wish- that I was her big sister. Ever since I started primary school I was obsessed with girls. For a twelve year old boy, this isn't out of the ordinary, I admit, but at the time, I was five, and every time I saw one of my classmates walk past wearing a skirt, or with their long hair tied into a ponytail, it triggered a feeling in me, a feeling that only grew stronger each time I felt it. When I left primary school, I was dreading starting secondary school. I didn't really have any friends at primary school, and no one I knew would be going to the secondary school I chose, but the source of my dread was much more basic- virtually every girl I say at the school would be wearing thick grey tights, a knee-length pleated skirt and tiny black ballerina flats. I would spend every minute of every school day obsessing over this fantasy I knew could never come true, eventually leaving at the age of sixteen as an all but fully grown man, complete with facial hair, body hair and a deep, masculine voice. I was all but ready to resign myself to my fate and forget all about my dream of being a girl... And then I saw her. I'd seen over the summer news stories about a girl who used to be a boy, but who was kidnapped by her absent father and forced to be a boy again. Fortunately, the girl was rescued and returned to her mother, once again living life as a girl. Her name was Laura, Laura White... And on my first day at secondary school, I was shocked to see her face- and the skirt, tights and ballerina flats she was wearing- walking past me in the corridor. There was someone who had been in the exact same position as me, but had taken the plunge and decided to live her dream... But who ended up suffering through a terrible ordeal as a result. After two months, I worked up the courage to introduce myself to Laura and her friends. It turned out that she was a member of the school's drama club, so I hastily signed myself up as well, even though I'd never really had any interest in acting (and my parents aren't what you'd call 'artistically-minded'). A few days later, I told Laura- in confidence- about my secret wish, and she instantly became one of my best ever friends. A short while later, I confided my secret to a second girl, Suriya, who also became one of my best friends and later my sort-of girlfriend too- much to my parents' surprise. It was Suriya who would give me my first taste of life as a girl, by giving me a pair of her school tights. It took me a week to work up the courage, but eventually I took the plunge and stretched the thick grey legwear over my legs... And I was instantly in heaven. It was the first time I'd ever worn a feminine item of clothing, but it just felt so right. In the meantime, I had joined the girls' ballet class- which took my parents by surprise when I asked them if they'd be happy to pay for the lessons. I had thought that by attending the class, it would bring me closer to my dreams by bringing me closer to Laura and her friends, but if anything, it made my urges even worse. Every lesson I'd show up in my white t-shirt and black leggings, whilst the girls would wear dark blue leotards and soft pink tights, and would have their hair tied up into elaborate buns. What should have been an activity to help me realise my dreams only served to remind me just how far away from them I was. Eventually, I 'came out' to all of Laura's friends, who accepted me without question as 'one of the girls'. Even better, I would find myself building up a wardrobe of girls' clothes- every time they were going to throw away old clothes of give them to charity, they'd end up in my hands instead. I would be given skirts, dresses, leotards, even one of Suriya's old saris. I'd hang out with the girls at the weekend too, join in their makeovers and dressing-up parties (when their parents weren't watching, anyway). To all intents and purposes, I was just another one of the girls... ...And yet as I start my second year of secondary school today, I'm reminded just how much I am NOT one of the girls. As always, I pull on my black socks, my grey trousers and my black lace-up shows, and as always, when I meet my friends at the front gates, they're wearing their ballet flats, grey tights and knee-length pleated skirts (apart from Suriya's older sister Priya, who's wearing the 'upper school' uniform of a straight skirt and black tights). "Hey Ash!" Suriya squeaks happily, rushing over to give me a hug. "Second year starts here!" "Hey Suri!" I giggle. "Hey Priya... Years three and four start here, I guess!" "Don't remind me," Priya laughs. "I'm already terrified about my GCSEs as it is..." "Though you do at least get to wear the 'grown-up' uniform," I laugh, prompting sad smiles from the two Indian girls. "As would you, if you just told your parents," Priya sighs. "Well, in two years you would, anyway!" I force out a chuckle, but inside, I know that what Priya's saying is correct- and it's the reason why my dreams will never come true. If my parents reacted with surprise when I told them that I wanted to start ballet class, I dread to think what their reactions would be if I told them I wanted to live my life as a girl. My father in particular would be livid- the way Laura's father acted toward her is proof enough of that. My parents already have three girls, I couldn't take their only boy away from them- especially not from dad. Every time my mum gave birth to a girl, dad would smile and be happy and say how much he loves his new daughter... But he would then immediately return to me, indulging me in a kick-about or a trip to see Queen's Park Rangers (his favourite football club) play. Every morning I wake up and see the QPR poster on my wall, I'm reminded that not only am I his boy, I'm his only boy, and that's all I can ever be. Mum, on the other hand, is very much devoted to her career. Out of her and dad, she's the main breadwinner. She manages a large shop (part of a national retail chain) in Knightsbridge, leaving most of the day-to-day running of the house to dad (who does occasional work as an Uber driver). Whenever she is home, she always finds time for myself and my sisters, and will help me with my homework if I need it or drive me to dance class (despite my father's tuts). If I were to tell mum that I wanted to be a girl... I can't even begin to imagine what her reaction would be. After the first two lessons of the day (which should include PE, but thankfully don't at it's the first day of term) I make my way to the small 'picnic table' Laura and her friends have claimed as their own. "Hey Ash!" Suriya says, jumping up and giving me a hug before leading me to my usual seat, squashed between her and Laura. "Found any year sevens you want to boss around yet?" Nicole, the unofficial 'leader' of the gang asks. "Nah, just been in form then in a not-PE class," I say. "Ugh, boy's PE," Harriet- another member of the gang- spits. From what I understand, in Laura's first year at secondary school, Harriet was something of a bully to her, constantly picking on her and making her life a misery for being who she wanted to be. She and Laura are now firm friends after Harriet was forced to apologise by her mum (it turned out that Harriet's dad was forcing her to be a bully out of fear of punishment), and if anything Harriet is the most determined to make Laura- and me, for that matter- into full girls as fast as possible. "What are you doing?" Megan- the final and shyest member of the gang- asks. "Rugby or football?" "Football, thankfully," I say. "Got rugby after half-term. Reckon you could, I dunno, break my ankle or something during half term?" "No way!" Harriet laughs. "Yeah," Laura says. "How are you going to do ballet with a broken ankle?" NOT in a leotard and pink tights... I self-pityingly think to myself. Break ends shortly afterward and I head to my next lesson- maths. It is, fortunately, a lesson where I can just sit down, shut up and get on with it- something which is a rare treat in my school life. As much as I love my friends, the fact remains that they're all one year (or in Priya's case, two years) ahead of me, meaning that the only opportunity we get to hang out is at break or lunchtime. During lessons, I basically work with whoever I'm sat next to, and they're often people I wouldn't call (or wouldn't want to call) friends. It's not like I'm bullied at school- in lessons, the teachers keep a close enough eye that there's nothing any would-be bully can do, and at break, I spend all my time with Laura and her gang, who are untouchable (and, thanks to Laura's brush with fame the previous summer, fairly popular). This doesn't stop other kids in my year- usually girls, frustratingly enough- from sniggering or pretending to whisper to each other every time I walk past. I'm lucky that I can rise above it all... But god knows how bad it would be if I suddenly showed up to school wearing a skirt. The school day ends, as usual, at 3pm, and I wave my six female friends goodbye as I jump into the passenger seat of my dad's car, smiling as I wave at the two tiny girls on the back seat, each dressed in the red cardigan and grey skirt I desperately wished I could wear when I went to the primary school they'd spent all day at. "Hey Bryony! Hey Cassie!" I say to the two girls. "So, Cassie, how'd you like your first day at proper school?" "It was okay," the four (nearly five) year old girl replies. "The teacher read a funny story to us." "I'm not expecting to actually learn anything yet," dad chuckles. "Hopefully you two paid more attention in school today?" "I always pay attention in school," I say. "Yeah, to girls!" Bryony says sarcastically, making my dad laugh. "She does have a point," dad says. "I take it you spent the whole time having out with your girlfriend and her friends?" "Yes, as always," I reply. "That reminds me- can Suriya and Laura come over on Thursday after ballet?" "What, to help you with your homework?" Dad asks. "It's the first day of school, do you even have any homework?" "No, but I bet I will by Thursday," I say. "They can help me with my homework if Ashley doesn't have any!" Cassidy says, making everyone in the car chuckle. "You don't even get any homework until you're in year three," Bryony says, making my younger sister stammer. "Play nice, you two," dad warns. "So, Cassie, what was your favourite thing about school?" I ask, trying to save the tiny girl's blushes. "I really liked how big it was," Cassidy replies. "I DIDN'T like how everyone was dressed the same. How do teachers know who everyone is?" This time, I can't help but let out a giggle at my sister's innocence. "That's why it's called a 'uniform'," I say. "It means that everyone wears the same thing." "Why can't I wear my pink dress instead?" Cassidy asks. "Over to you, Ash," dad laughs. "You seem to have this one covered..." "Uhh," I stammer. "I think it's got to do with helping you feel like part of the community, or something..." "What's a 'community'?" Cassidy innocently asks. "Don't you know anything?" Bryony says. "It's a group of people who all do the same thing." "Uhh, close enough," I say. "It's a group of people who all either live together or work together, like, you and your friends at school all work together, so you're a community." "So are we a community?" Cassidy asks. "Us, mum and Dorothy?" "Yep!" I say happily. "The Moore family is as much a community as your class at school." "So why don't we all wear the same thing?" Cassidy asks, making everyone giggle again. "Well, for starters, me and Ash can't wear skirts," dad laughs. "Unless you want to wear trousers to school or at home..." "No," Cassidy says, shaking her head. "Only boys wear trousers!" "Girls can wear trousers too," Bryony says. "It's only boys who can't wear skirts." "That doesn't seem fair," Cassidy says as I remain quiet and muse on just how right the tiny girl is. After I arrive home and change out of my uniform into a pair of jeans and a plain blue t-shirt, smiling sadly as Cassidy changes into her favourite pink dress and Bryony changes into a t-shirt and a short denim skirt that is a far too 'mature' look for the 9 year old girl- though if I said that to Bryony's face, she'd just take it as a compliment. After dinner, I spend a short while fussing over Dorothy- my youngest sister at just 2 and a half years old- before heading up to my bedroom and shutting the door. I sigh as I open my wardrobe and take out the small suitcase from inside, opening it to stare at the contraband within. After checking that my door is firmly shut and all my family are downstairs, I withdraw a knee-length, pleated grey skirt from the suitcase and- after stripping off my jeans- slowly step into it, securing it around my waist. Even though I'm still wearing boy's underwear and a boy's t- shirt, even though my hair is (relatively) short and my face is make-up free, the mere act of wearing a skirt makes me smile, and for one brief moment, forget all about my misery. I'm NOT the unluckiest boy in the world... But it certainly feels like it at times. After a short while, I strip off the skirt and return it (and the suitcase) to the back of my wardrobe, ready for when I need it again. After pulling my jeans back on, I take my small tablet PC out of my drawer and switch it on, logging onto Facebook to find a discussion already in progress. 'Hey, 'honorary girlie'!' Laura types as I enter the chat room. 'Hey Ash!' Suriya types. 'Enjoyed your first day of year 8?' 'Yep!' I type. 'Not quite as painful as usual, lol.' 'Wasn't it your sister's first day at school today as well?' Nicole asks. 'Yep!' I reply. 'She likes the school, doesn't like the uniform so much...' 'Like brother, like sister!' Megan types. 'You have to admit it's ironic...' 'Maybe a little,' I sigh as I type. 'Actually spent the last hour wearing a skirt, thinking it'd cheer me up.' 'OMG just tell your parents already!' Priya types, making me roll my eyes. 'What's the worst they can do, they can't kick you out?' 'Believe me, they can do worse,' Laura types, making me shiver with terror as the conversation briefly pauses. 'I'm sorry,' Priya eventually types. 'But your dad was evil, I've met Ashley's dad, he's not like that, he's not a bully. 'And in fairness, he's always been polite to me,' Laura types. 'Even when he knows what I am.' 'It wouldn't surprise me at all if they already knew,' Suri types, making me smile. 'Nah,' I type. 'If mum had any idea about that, she'd have confronted me about it ages ago.' 'I've got to go,' Laura suddenly types. 'My grandma's here, she's made me a chocolate pudding, I'll get in trouble if I don't eat at least some of it...' 'Ttyl, Laura!' Nicole says as Laura signs out, leaving another awkward silence in the room. Laura's ordeal at the hands of her father left some deep emotional scars, probably the deepest of which was an obsession about her weight that led to a year-long battle with bulimia. All throughout her second year at school, Laura would attempt to purge her body with laxatives, which resulted in her collapsing in the middle of ballet class. In what was easily the most terrifying experience of my young life, I had to watch as Laura was wrapped in a blanket (to keep her warm), placed into the back of an ambulance and driven away, leaving me and the other girls stood there terrified out of our minds. What terrified me more than the sight of Laura collapsing was the thought, however illogical, that if I tried to live life as a girl myself, the same- or worse- would happen to me. Eventually, after a long day, I head to bed, but not before taking one last wistful look at the suitcase in my wardrobe, the suitcase that contains my 'other life'. The following day, as always, I dress in my plain shirt, trousers and blazer and get dropped off at school by my mum whilst my sisters dress in their skirt, blouses and cardigans and get dropped off at primary school by our dad, and as always, I'm greeted by (and spend all of my free time with) my six female friends, before heading home with dad, Bryony and Cassie just after 3pm. Tonight, however, is special, as tonight is Wednesday, which means that when I get home, I don't change into jeans and a t-shirt, but instead change into a tight white t-shirt and black leggings, ready for my ballet class tonight. "See you later, twinkle toes," dad sighs as mum and I leave the house and get in her car. "Mum," I ask as we drive off. "You- you ARE okay with me studying ballet, aren't you?" "Of course I am," mum says with a smile. "Don't pay any attention to any teasing from your dad, if this is what you enjoy doing then it shouldn't matter whether or not your father approves." "Yeah, but he'd obviously be happier if I was out playing football," I sigh. "You do still enjoy doing ballet, don't you?" Mum asks. "I wouldn't want to be shelling out good money for something you don't enjoy..." "Oh- no, I do still enjoy it," I say. "And I get to hang out with all my friends, and dance with them..." "Well, at least it'll make your dad happier, knowing that you're only doing this to attract girls!" Mum laughs. "Besides, your teacher's said that she'll have spots opening soon in her junior classes, and you know how much Cassie wants to join the class too... reckon you're teacher will give us a discount for having two siblings in the same class?" "Couldn't hurt to ask," I say, making mum laugh as I arrive at the studio. As always, I smile when I see my six friends stroll into the studio with their hair tied into tight buns and their bodies covered in soft pink tights and dark blue leotards, but inside I feel my heart wrench, such is my desperation to join in their side of the class. Whilst I'm learning the male steps, they're all learning specialised steps to prepare them to dance in pointe shoes, like proper ballerinas. A few months from now, they'll have their pointe shoes and will be in the advanced class, and whilst I've been told I'll be able to join them in that class, I'll still be in my t-shirt and leggings. "Still thinking about quitting?" Nicole teases Priya as we leave the dance studio. "...As long as I can still fit it around my homework!" Priya giggles as she pulls on a loose cardigan and flimsy dance skirt over her leotard and tights. "I'm really, really excited about the pointe shoes!" "Me too!" Suri squeaks, before sighing sadly as she sees me smiling at the six girls. "Aww," Laura sighs, coming over and giving me a quick hug. "You know, if you asked Miss Fullerton, I'm sure she'd teach you pointe as well..." "Or you could just tell your parents that you wanted to wear this to the dance class," Harriet says, playfully stretching the fabric of her leotard. "Yeah, but you're all nearly ready for pointe shoes," I sigh. "I'd have to take loads more months before I was ready..." "Better late than never," Priya shrugs. "And I'm not just talking about ballet..." "Rajkumariyom!" I hear a familiar friendly Indian accent call from the reception area of the dance studio. "Gotta go, don't want to keep dad waiting," Priya laughs. She, Suri, Laura and Nicole all go to leave, but before they do, Suri returns and wraps me in a tight hug, squeaking happily as she squeezes my body. "See you later, girlfriend!" The Indian girl whispers, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving with her sister and her friends. I climb into mum's car a short while later, and as we head home, I muse on what Priya said- 'better late than never'. The thing is, though, I may not be able to wait much longer. Laura takes a special pill every day that blocks her production of male hormones, effectively preventing her from going through a male puberty. When she grows up, she'll grow up to be a woman. Obviously, I'm not taking this pill myself, so when I grow up, I'll grow up to be a man... And that day is rapidly approaching. One day, my hair and my face will suddenly start sprouting hair, my muscles will grow, my shoulders will widen... And any chance I ever had of being a girl will vanish in an instant. I'm pretty sure they don't make pointe shoes in size 12... I wake up the following morning and run through my usual routine- pulling on my school trousers, being dropped at the school gate and immediately becoming envious of my six friends in their grey school skirts. As always, I barely talk to anyone in the classes I'm in, but hang out with my six female friends at break and lunch, meeting up with them again later in the evening for our second ballet lesson in as many days. Yet again, I enter the dance studio with my t-shirt and my leggings on my body and a smile on my face, and yet again my heart breaks when I watch the girls stroll into the studio wearing their soft pink tights underneath their dark blue leotards. Unlike last night, however, tonight I know that there'll be something I can do about it when I get home, as I won't be going home alone. "Come on!" Suri urges as she all but wrestles me onto the back seat of mum's car. "In the middle, you know you love it!" I laugh tiredly as I squeeze myself into the middle seat whilst Suriya and Laura take seats either side of me, just like when we're sat around our table at school. "It's so good of you girls to come over and help Ashley with his homework," mum says as we set off. "Honestly, I don't mind," Laura says. "Anything to help our favourite boy!" "Or favourite 'honorary girl'!" Suri whispers into my ear, making me giggle quietly. When we arrive home, the three of us head up to my room (pausing first to do a few quick ballet steps for Cassie, who absolutely adores Suri and Laura). Once we're inside and my door is shut, Suri heads straight to my wardrobe and pulls out my suitcase, opening it and pulling out a pair of pink tights and a pale blue leotard very similar to the ones she and Laura are wearing right now. "You know the rules," Suri laughs as she hands me the delicate garments, before leaving me alone in the bedroom. I quickly strip off my t-shirt and leggings, leaving me only in my androgynous-looking white briefs, before pulling on the soft pink tights. Even though they're a skin-tight piece of legwear like my leggings, they couldn't be any more different in the way they feel on my legs. The leggings are thick, warm, practical... The tights are soft, caressing my skin rather than clinging to it. Once my tights are smooth and straight, I step into the leotard, shaking with excitement as I bunch it around my waist before stretching it over my torso, finishing by putting my arms through each armhole and smoothing it over my body. After wrapping a flimsy dance skirt- similar to the one Priya wore yesterday- around my waist, I cough, signalling to Laura and Suri that they should re-enter my room. Once the two girls see me in my dancewear, they immediately surround me in a tight group hug, with Suri repeatedly kissing me on the cheek. "My bestest, bestest girlfriend!" Suri squeaks quietly. "Come on, we need to get some make-up on you, and fast!" I giggle and offer little resistance as Suri and Laura lead me to my mirror and apply a small amount of mascara and pink lipstick to my face, and once they're done, I stare at my reflection and sigh happily- I am truly indistinguishable from any of the girls I saw at my dance class earlier this evening. "Now come on," Laura giggles. "Hope you're not too tired from your 'real' dance class." "Yeah," Suri agrees as the two girls sit down cross-legged on my bed. "Show us your moves!" I smile as I turn my feet out into a perfect first position, before dancing a few quick steps, much to the girls' obvious delight. "Ahh, you are SUCH a girl," Laura says, giving me a hug as I join her and Suri on my bed. "You know, you could do that twice a week for 'real' if you wanted, you know what you have to do..." "Yes, yes," I sigh. "Laura... Do you think you'd have ever come out to your parents? I mean, you always told me that your mother 'sussed you out', am I right?" "Yeah," Laura whispers. "Just before the final term of primary school, she just comes out and asks 'do you wish you were a girl'? Obviously, the only answer to that is 'yes'." "What, you know, 'clues' did you drop?" I ask. "I only ever hung out with girls at school," Laura says. "I never showed any interest in male stuff, I only ever liked girls' things, girls' activities..." "Sounds familiar," I sigh. "You're so lucky..." I wince a little as Laura stares at me, clearly not agreeing with what I'd just said. "Um, I mean, to be asked that question..." "S'okay, I knew what you meant," Laura says with a grin. "You know, asking for pointe shoes could act as another 'clue' to your parents..." "One they'd probably ignore," I snort. "Besides, I'd still be months behind you girls..." My nose scrunches up in confusion as Laura and Suri giggle at each other, before Suri reaches into her bag and hands me a wad of photocopied pages. "Here," the Indian girl says, her giggle only getting wider. "What's this?" I ask, flicking through the pages- which are clearly ballet-related. "All of our 'pointe preparation'," Laura says. "Exercises and stuff. Some of it's fairly advanced but there's a lot you can do by yourself, in your room, to strengthen your legs and your feet." "Oh my god," I squeak girlishly. "This is so cool, thank you so much!" "We would've got it done earlier, but we had to wait until we were back at school to get access to a photocopier," Laura explains. "Doesn't seem right that we all get to be ballerinas but you don't. I like to think that I'm living proof that it doesn't matter how you were born, you can still be a beautiful dancer..." "And you are!" I giggle, giving Laura a hug before Suri playfully shoves the blonde girl out of the way. "Let his ACTUAL girlfriend give him- sorry, HER- a cuddle!" Suri says, giving me a hug of her own. "You know," I say to Suri, "if hell did freeze over and I did tell my parents... You'd have to become a lesbian to still be my girlfriend..." "Oh, whatever," Suri laughs. "It's not like we're allowed to have sex anyway, what difference does it make?" "And you know, Nikki Thomas's girlfriend still went out with her after she came out," Laura says, referencing the eighteen year old girl who she views as her idol. "You know, your story's a lot like Nikki's, Ash. Dressing as a girl in secret, aided by friends behind your parents' back... She turned out fine in the end, nothing to say that you won't either!" "I know," I laugh. "I read Nikki's columns, she's really cool... But she was sixteen when she came out, I'm only twelve, my parents wouldn't take me seriously..." "You'll never know until you try," Suri says quietly, making the whole room pause for a brief second. "Um, we promised your parents we'd help you with some homework, guess we'd better get on and actually do some..." A short while later- after having removed my make-up and my dancewear- I wave my friends off at the front door, sighing sadly as they depart- though I'm not sure what I'm most sad about, Laura and Suri going, or my latest 'girl time' ending. "Come on, son," dad laughs as I try to slink upstairs. "Sit down, I need to talk to you for a second." "What's up?" I ask as I sit down opposite dad, nervous that I missed some trace of my make-up when I was removing it. "You know you'll always be our firstborn, right?" Dad asks. "You'll always be our special man." "Yes, I've kinda figured out that I'm the oldest of the four of us," I say, making dad playfully hurl a cushion at me. "What I'm trying to say is..." Dad says, before sighing. "When- when Dorothy is the age you are now, you'll be 22, not just our special little man, but a man full stop..." Like I need any more reminders, I think to myself. "And..." "Is this about Suri?" I ask. Worse yet, is it about 'girl time'? Has dad somehow figured it out? "No, no, it's not about Suri of any of the other members of your 'harem'," dad chuckles. "Is it about ballet?" I ask. "Or only having female friends?" "No, no- gah," dad sighs. "This... This can wait until tomorrow, the weekend. It's almost nine... You should get to bed soon. But think about what I said- soon, you WILL be a man, with all the responsibilities that involves... Your mum and I hope that you will grow up to be a RESPONSIBLE man. A good man isn't defined by how many girlfriends he has, but how he treats the one woman he loves, her and his whole family." "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be getting Suri pregnant any time soon," I say, making dad hurl yet another cushion at me. "Damn right you're not," dad laughs. "I refuse to be a granddad at the age of 34! You're no less of a man if you wait until you're sixteen, regardless of what anyone says." "Um, this is a fun talk dad, but- no offence- was there really any point to it?" I ask, chuckling as dad looks around for another cushion to throw, only to find that he's run out of cushions on his sofa. I actually make him laugh as I hand back one of the cushions he threw at me earlier, only for him to immediately hurl it at my head. "Stop that!" Mum chastises the two of us. "Oh, he's got a hard head," dad laughs. "He may spend his evenings doing ballet but he's got his old man's skull, if nothing else." "What were you two talking about?" Mum asks, an air of actual concern in her voice. "Good question," I say, laughing as dad pretends to throw the entire sofa at my head. "Just- um, trying to have a man-to-man," dad says. "As Ash grows up, he should adopt more responsibilities around the house, 'earn his keep', you know what I mean?" "He's only twelve!" Mum says. "Though... You're not entirely wrong, especially... This is something we can talk about tomorrow. God and get ready for bed, Ash." "Can do," I say, heading upstairs and changing into my plain boy's pyjamas while I try to make sense of what dad was trying to tell me. It wasn't a botched attempt at 'the talk'- we'd had that months ago, after I'd started going out with Suri- and if mum wanted me to help out more around the house, she'd have just come out and asked me. I decide not to worry too much about the talk as I settle down to bed, my thoughts occupied by the soft, delicate dancewear I'd danced in mere hours before, and that I can't wait to wear and dance in again... Like any other schoolboy, I have a smile on my face as Friday dawns- not just because it's the last day of the school week, but because it means I can try to put behind me my sheer frustration at the injustice of having to go into school every day in a pair of grey trousers when my friends all wear skirts. Of course, the weekend always ends, Monday always rolls around and my frustration always begins anew, but as I arrive home with dad, Bryony and Cassie, I can immediately tell that this weekend is going to be different. Before we're allowed to change, the three of us are sat down on the sofa (with me also being given Dorothy to hold) as mum and dad stand in front of us with very serious expressions on their faces. "Kids, there's something very important we need to tell you," mum says, and immediately my heart sinks as one thought- and only one thought- enters my mind: my parents are getting a divorce. They've been disagreeing a lot lately, mum's been feeling under the weather, dad's been more thoughtful- as he showed last night- been acting a lot more serious, especially when it comes to money... "Your mother and I," dad says, making my heart beat faster. "We..." "...We're having another baby," mum says, making Cassie squeak excitedly and even making the normally-dismissive Bryony gasp with wonder. "I'm going to be a big sister again?" Cassie says, bouncing up and down and nearly shaking me out of my seat. "Yes you are!" Mum says with a wide grin. "And so is Dorothy! You're all going to be big sisters- well, apart from Ashley, of course!" I force a laugh out, but once again, even at this happiest of times, inside I feel cold and empty. Once again, through no fault of my parents, I've been 'left out'- Bryony, Cassie and Dorothy will all get to be big sisters, but once again, I'll be a big brother whether I like it or not. It's only as I go to bed that a thought dawns on me- when dad talked to me yesterday about me being his 'special man', I assumed it was an attempt at some sort of father-son bonding, but it was to prepare me to yet again be an older sibling, be another 'man of the house', as I'm the only male other than dad who lives here... But who's to say that nine months from now, I won't have another sister, but rather another brother, another boy for dad to fuss over and take to the park to play football, or take to Loftus Road to watch QPR play? Who's to say that nine months from now, there won't be another boy to take on the role of the other 'man of the house'? When he's old enough for that responsibility, anyway. Of course, my hopes could all be in vain- I had these exact thoughts two years ago when Dorothy was born, and even five years ago when Cassie was born and I was just seven years old, I was having these thoughts. Now, however, it's different. Now, I've tasted life as a girl, thanks to my friends, and I want more. I KNOW I'll be a better big sister to the new baby than I would be a big brother... All I need is the courage to tell my parents that that's what I want to be.

Same as Ashley, part 1 Videos

2 years ago
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Ashleys Spring Break Captivity

As long as she kept reminding herself that it was a joke, she was fine ????????  As long as she kept remembering that it was all a joke, she was fine; she was just another girl on stage in shorts and a tee-shirt. But it was getting harder to treat it as a joke when all these other people were telling them what to do and where to go; how to stand and how to walk, and smile, smile, smile. It was they started taking it seriously that she got nervous.?Because? it was a joke, and it had been...

2 years ago
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Ashleys nudist afternoon

Title:  Ashley?s nudist afternoonAshley happily drove along the expressway to the beach. It was a clear sunny day and great for outdoor activities. Today was Saturday and the sporty girl had the whole afternoon to relax at the beach. The location was Rose Beach ? a nudist beach, far away from the city. Not many people knew of that beach and Ashley enjoyed the peace of the secluded location. She was pleased to see the almost empty car park upon reaching. She parked her blue Beetle, crossed the...

3 years ago
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Ashley Fulfills Hubbys Desire

Ashley Fulfills Hubby's Desirebycrax1976© Ashley and Andrew have been together for ten years. Though married for five, they have no k**s, preferring their freedom. When Ashley and Andrew met sparks flew. They have spent as much time together as possible considering their opposite hours and are still deeply in love today. Ashley works at the neigborhood pub, while Andrew is a chartered accountant and works from home.Andrew was spending a Sunday evening in the pub watching football. A shy quiet...

2 years ago
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Ashley Blows the Pizza Guy

Ashley could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she hurriedly rushed toward the door. She took a deep breath, hoping that it would slow her heart rate just a little. Her palms were sweating, but not because of the heat of the warm spring evening.In the five days she had been living in her friend's apartment, she had ordered pizza from the same restaurant on a number of occasions. Each time, Hector would appear at her door wearing his baseball cap and a blue shirt emblazoned with the...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Ashleys Angelic

I'm Jay, a young, twenty-something business professional. At the risk of sounding a little conceited, I consider myself to be a good looking guy. I'm fairly athletic and work out at the gym to stay in good shape. I am a recent university grad, so I have just started my climb up the corporate ladder; I'm not exactly raking in the big bucks yet... even though I'm working like I am!. To help make ends meet I'm renting a downtown condo with two friends of mine, Geoff and Ashley.Geoff is my best...

4 years ago
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Ashleys anal wishes finally come true

"Hey there," she said, stopping short with her black Labrador."Hi," I muttered, pausing, trying to keep my dog from lunging towards hers."Are you new to the area?" her eyes batted. Her voice was raspy like that of Kim Carnes or Bonnie Tyler. Such a sexy voice drove me absolutely crazy with interest."Nope. I've lived here for about two years or so," I smiled."I don't think I've seen you before.""I've seen you," I responded, giving her a once over, "You're not someone I'd soon forget," I...

2 years ago
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Ashley chapter two1

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller From Chapter One We watched the video, smoking drinking nice cold beers, and discussed the play session. Janis said she's never topped before and Ashley said wow really because she was so natural at it. Janis asked Ashley if she wanted to try it and she quickly said no, she'd been mommy to too many “lovers” before. She went onto say she enjoyed playing safely like this with no expectations beyond the playrooms' door. She went on to say she wanted to try...

2 years ago
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Ashley 1

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax Teller Ashely was a person who I'd met through a friend and we always seemed at odds with each other. We never argued or fought but our speak to each other was always confrontational. She was not run way beautiful but the wholesome girl next door beauty. She would never have been a fashion model, but she never lacked for attention. It wasn't intentional in the way she dressed or acted but she did exude a sexual energy. I was ten years older than her twenty eight...

3 years ago
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Ashley and Jason Part 41

Ashley let out a sigh and looked at him. "look at me" She said with her hands still on her hips. "Jason look. at. me" She said again. Jason nervously looked up and saw that Ashley's expression had changed. "I know it's hard but it'll only get harder as you stay here. I understand you're scared right now" Ashley said as she sat down on the bed and held Jason on her lap bringing his head into her chest. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just...I can be a bit parental inside a...

2 years ago
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Ashleys first time

I had dated my girlfriend, Lorry for over 5 years. She was divorced and had two k**s, her son James lived with her until he left for college and her daughter, Ashley lived with her father in a different town. Lorry was always very protective of her k**s and it took a couple of years before I got to meet them. I got a long great with James and even though our relationship wasn't like a father-son relationship, we were close and felt like family. James had no problem when I moved in together with...

3 years ago
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Ashley part 8

"Come on," George whispers, looking every bit as terrified as I am. "Mr. Jackson has said we can go into form early so that we- well, you- don't have the rest of the form staring at you." "Okay," I whisper. "Mr. Jackson your form tutor?" Megan- who has joined the 'convoy' of myself, George and Priya- asks. "Yeah," I say as I take step after step on my quivering legs. Despite the protection of three of my closest friends surrounding me, the walk to form is still the most...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Jason1

Jason bounced off of her like he had walked into a padded wall, falling back into his room, and losing his grip on his towel he sat down on the floor fully exposed to this hot senior. Ashley was equally surprised but was unshaken by the impact. When she saw Jason on the floor she stifled a laugh and stepped into his room closing the door behind her. Jason looked up at her, He noticed he could see up her skirt and saw a small like bulge and something long going up Ashley's white panties. his...

4 years ago
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Ashley part 7

A wide, happy grin creeps across my lips as I dance for the cheering crowd. My face has been made-up with thick stage make-up, making me look a lot older than my thirteen and a half years. My shoulder-length blonde hair has been tied into a bun, and a white, feathered headdress has been pinned to my hair- but none of this compares to my costume. I'm wearing a brilliant white tutu with thin shoulder straps and a stiff net skirt that sticks out several inches from my narrow waist....

3 years ago
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Ashley And The Offer

As Ashley Mendes again sashayed for what she thought was a mundane day into the paralegal office known as Bagwell and Associates, she said to the secretary in front of her who was on the phone, “Good morning, Kathy,” in her most cordial voice.“Good morning, Ashley,” The older lady said. “Mr. Bagwell wants to see you,”“Yes, ma’am.”“You’re welcome,” The secretary named Kathy said. News (among other things) traveled fast around the firm. Kathy knew exactly what was going on. Kathy said nothing....

Office Sex
1 year ago
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She was 18 years old, just one year younger than me, and damn was she beautiful. 32DD, a nice tight hot ass, a body that was like one of those figure skaters, and skin so soft. Almost made you want to jack-off right there and then. Long black hair, and a smile that would make you want to come all over on. That was my cousin, her name, Ashley. Ever since I was 13, I saw my first porn video and I have been thinking? What beautiful girl would I love to share a good time with? So man beautiful...

5 years ago
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Ashley and Antoinette

“Oh my fucking god is that Jim?!?!” Jim turned around to see Antoinette. She was on the short side and was carrying just a little too much extra weight but was still somebody he’d always considered fuckable. She had this habit of dying her hair a different color every couple months and even though he hadn’t seen her in a while she was currently rocking her naturally brown with what looked like purple highlights. “Shit, Antoinette, I thought you’d moved for work. What are you doing back here?”...

4 years ago
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Ashley and MiloChapter 4

"Wake up Daddy and see the sun. It's like a big red ball." I could smell coffee. I guess I overslept or didn't want to let go of the dream I was having. Ashley brought out a cup of what she had brewed and sat next to me. The kids watched with us until the sun was completely sitting on the horizon. I made my excuses and headed out back to the outhouse. Ashley had put the washbasin out with a jug of water. I came in asking, "Does anyone want a bath?" Ashley snickered. "Not me, the tub...

2 years ago
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Ashley and Jason Part 31

Jason could hear Ashley humming as she was in the shower. As she turned around she saw Jason standing naked. Ashley gave a small smile and she opened the shower door letting him in. "You really like being with me don't you?" Ashley asked as she began to help Jason wash his body. Jason grabbed Ashley's cock with one hand and started stroking it making it hard. Ashley began kissing Jason got down on his knees and began sucking Ashley's cock slowly as he felt her cock grow in his mouth. "I...

2 years ago
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My step-daughter Ashley had just turned sixteen. We'd planned a huge party for her birthday. The invites had been sent out, the family had planned to come to the house, a list of friends that totaled about a dozen were planning on coming over, the food was ordered, and everything was set. We knew that it'd be a blast.The pool in the backyard was clean, the lights were all working and we knew we could keep it going until late in the night thanks to living outside of the city. The township had...

4 years ago
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Ashley Juggs is Always Number One

Ashley Juggs is Always Number One ---------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Jenna finds out why Ashley Juggs will always be the top porn star. ---------------- Jenna thought about the contract she had just signed and smiled. This was it! This was going to be her step to number one. She'd always been number two in porn next to Ashley - that...

2 years ago
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Ashley Is Admired By Mrs Ponzo

Ashley Young lived with her girlfriend in a condo.  They were working and going to college.  Denise, her roommate had a boyfriend and spent time at his apartment.  Ashley sometimes felt like it was her own condo.Ashley was dancing around the condo and enjoying many glasses of wine.  She had bought a new dress and was enjoying how sexy she looked in it.  She twirled around which made her panties show.  Her dress was very sexy and she was not sure where she would even wear it.  It made her look...

3 years ago
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After a hard day's work at the farm, you want to do nothing but have a beer in your hand and your wife sucking you cock. That was exactly what I intended to do, I quickly took a nice warm shower and got rid of all the sweat in my body then went downstairs to grab that beer from the fridge. My wife, Cathy, must be in her room correcting all those quizzes and test she passes out to the high-schoolers. I finished my beer feeling more refreshed than ever and went upstairs to our bedroom."Hi...

2 years ago
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Ashley Becca Ch 01

Author’s Note: This is probably going to be long, so let me know what you think about chapters instead of all at once. I love real feedback, but please don’t use it as an excuse to hit on me. Without further delay, please enjoy and don’t forget to vote! * * * * * Leaving the still figure behind in the twin bed across the room, Ashley quietly tiptoed out the door and locked it behind her. She waved at the few other early risers, after all 10 am Saturday morning was pretty early at college, and...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 3

"Come on, cheer up!" Dad urges me as I comb my long- for a boy- floppy blonde hair. "Don't think there's a single twelve year old boy who wouldn't kill to go where you're going tonight, getting to see the best film ever with your girlfriend AND being surrounded by a bunch of celebrities..." "Yeah, I guess," I say with a long sigh. "What's wrong?" Dad asks. "Just a little tired? Don't tell me you don't like Star Wars..." "No, the film was alright," I say, making dad...

3 years ago
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Ashley and Jason Part 22

As he arrived at Ashley's dorm room he knocked politely and waited for Ashley to open the door. As soon as Ashley opened the door she stepped to the side and allowed Jason to enter her dorm room. Jason started looking around at how neat and tidy Ashley's room was. "Thank's for coming here" Ashley said as she closed the door. "Sorry to make you come on such short notice" Ashley said to Jason. "It's no issue I wasn't doing anything anyway, So what's up why'd you want me to come over...

2 years ago
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ashley teaches danny a lesson

'hi step borther' says ashley 'look i'm not trying to be rude but i have seen you looking at me when i come out of te shower with just a towel wrapped around me trying to sneak a peak and really i'm not that bothered believe me i have seen your cock through your trousers its hard to hide its huge so how about you show me yours i'll show you mine ? how does that sound ?''really wow you would really let me see you in the nude ?' danny says'yes of course but you 1st i'm not going to strip for you...

2 years ago
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Ashley Becca Ch 02

Author’s Note – Sorry everyone, I’ve been holding back this part for a while. As always, feedback and voting are appreciated and somewhat neccesary to convince me to finish this series. If you haven’t read the first chapter, please do, the characters, as well as the story, will make more sense. This section contains scenes of both a male/female nature and female/female, though no full out sex, yet. Cor grinned as she hung up the phone. ‘Hell yah’ she said in a self satisfied way. After a few...

3 years ago
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Ashley and MiloChapter 6

Saturday was a beautiful day for a birthday party for Lindsey, me too for that matter. I had sent Ashley home at four-thirty, just as the day was dawning. Ashley kept saying it was going to be a busy day. At eight I went by the big house and across the street to Mrs. Hamlin's to see the birthday girl as agreed. Mrs. Hamlin had prepared breakfast for me. Ashley joined us before we were finished and had coffee. I surreptitiously held Ashley's hand. Mrs. Hamlin smiled when she saw...

4 years ago
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Ashley part 18

"Look, there goes the freak!" a voice whispers as I walk down the school corridor, minding my own business. I don't dignify the bully with any kind of response- instead, I just keep walking, telling myself that their insults can't hurt me... Even though deep down inside, I know that's not true. Six weeks have passed since Megan's birthday party, since I told Melissa, Lydia and her gang where they could shove their fake 'friendship'. Just over five weeks have passed since Melissa...

3 years ago
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Ashley By Heather St. Claire The streetlights were beginning to dim; it was dawn already. Probably getting too late for one more trick. Ashley decided to call it a night - - her first night as a member of the world's oldest profession. Time to head back to her apartment for a nice, cleansing shower, and then...a battery recharge. If anyone saw the tall, well-built prostitute walking along the downtown streets in the early dawn, they would never have guessed the two most amazing...

3 years ago
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AshleyChapter 2

When I got back downstairs, Ed had finished all of the leftover breakfast. “How do you stay so skinny with all that you eat, Ed?” I asked. “Do you have a tapeworm?” “No, that is one thing I didn’t pick up in Southeast Asia, Bill,” he replied. “I just have a high metabolism.” Then he changed the subject to a more important one. “I’m going to need some money, Bill. The stuff, that I need to get, is expensive,” he told me. “Sure Ed,” I said as I reached in my pocket and dug out a hundred...

4 years ago
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Ashley Chapter Three

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller From Chapter One Ashely was a person who I'd met through a friend and we always seemed at odds with each other. We never agrued or fought but our speak to each other was always confrontational. She was not run way beautiful but the wholesome girl next door beauty. She would never have been a fashion model, but she never lacked for attention. It wasn't intentional in the way she dressed or acted but she did exude a sexual energy. I was ten years older...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 10

I fidget in my seat, trying to get comfortable as the train rushes through the French countryside to our destination. It's not my clothes that are making me restless, of course- my pleated white miniskirt and loose patterned tank top feel perfect against my smooth, hairless skin. It isn't even the disapproving stare of my father at my long, slender legs that makes me uncomfortable. The source of my restlessness, for once, is my three younger sisters- or rather, the thing that's...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Trents First Time

It is now Saturday night. Ashley just got home from work. The first thing she notices is that Trent's truck is not in the driveway. She gets to the door, unlocking it, as she pushes it open walking inside. She kicks off her shoes, and drops her keys and purse on the table. She turns towards the stairs climbing them slowly. She reaches the bathroom turning the shower on hot. She slowly strips her sensitive body. She reaches above her head pulling her hair out as her curls fall over her...

3 years ago
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Ashley D Part One

I work at a large brokerage firm. I don’t actually do investing, but do a lot of background investigations of prospective companies that we invest in, for brokers and business people at work. Recently we had begun to trim the fat so to speak, with guidance from the main office. They wanted to cut all expenses that weren’t essential to running things, and I was spared, as I’m a one-man operation. After the main office went through their downsizing period, they found other ways of saving money,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ashley and Charlotte

Ashley stood naked at the bedroom window, her inner thighs wet with excitement. Please? She heard behind her but ignored it...........again. Please Miss Ashley. Let me cum?The 18 year old Charlotte was naked on her bed. Wrists tied together at the head of the bed. The legs tied at each corner. Her young lithe body stretched taught because of the ropes and the extreme sexual frustration she felt.Ashley had been teasing her for over three hours and the teen had been begging to orgasm after 10...

3 years ago
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Ashley part 6

"Beautiful, girls," Miss Fullerton announces as the twenty-odd teenagers bow, before extending their arms and legs into the most elegant shapes. "Extend... And pointe." "C'est magnifique," Mademoiselle Renou congratulates in her refined French accent. "Group one, you will continue practising at the barre. Group two, you will practise your pas de deux." I, as a member of group two, nod, before following Mademoiselle Renou- not to mention a dozen leotard-clad teenaged girls- to the...

3 years ago
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Ashley part 9

My heart beats faster at the breathtaking sight of the ballerina effortlessly performing her steps. From the tiara pinned to her blonde hair, through her beautiful, embellished tutu and soft pink tights to her shiny satin pointe shoes, she is the very image of grace, elegance and femininity. As I watch her dance in the mirror, I actually have to remind myself that the ballerina... Is me. Today is Friday the 12th of May 2017, and exactly fourteen years ago, a baby boy was born. Today,...

4 years ago
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Ashley Part 2

It was almost ten in the morning. I was laying in bed. My wife was lying next to me in bed. Knowing that she was wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt, no bra or panties did nothing. It never did. I hadn't been sexually aroused by her in years. What was doing it was hearing my step daughter in the other room breathing and lightly snoring. Because I knew what I saw the night before when we celebrated her birthday. I knew what she'd done the night before. And I couldn't stop thinking about...

2 years ago
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Ashley part one First time with Miguel

Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life.     “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker.   They talked about a week ago, Friday, at the movies....

4 years ago
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Ashley part one First time with Miguel

Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life.     “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker.   They talked about a week ago;...

First Time
4 years ago
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Ashley meets Lissa

One day she brings a friend home from the mall with her. Her name is Lissa she is about Ashleys age and just as sexy. Ashley figures since Trent has been working so late at the job site why would he come home early tonight. Ashley takes Lissa up to her room. They start to kiss and explore each others bodies. "Ashley your so hot. Where did this sexy body come from?" Lissa says as she runs her hands up and down her naked body slowly. "I'm pretty sure I got it from my mom. But your...

3 years ago
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Ashley is forced to have sex by her friends Part One

Ashley was sitting on her bed, when her cell phone suddenly rang. It was Donna, the leader of the popular group. "Yo, Donna! What is up? You don't usually call at this time?" "Hey, Ashley. Me and the rest are hanging out at the mall. Join us." Ashley put on her yellow summer dress, and rushed off to the mall. When she got there, she was greeted with Donna and Maria. They took her to the cafeteria, where she joined up with the rest of the girls. The girls started chatting, leaving...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Geena Cock Hounds

Jack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Geena Cock Hounds

Jack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Ashley8217s warm pee

I just got my discharge paper and go on the plane to go home. I loved the guard with all my heart, and didn’t want to go. But it was that go do life. I was walking the last two blocks to my house when I saw her. Long black her, C cups, long thin legs, and an ass to die for. I put the key in the door and walked to my room and sat my stuff down and went to bed. The next day I got up at seven and went for five mile run. When I got back I saw her again. She was walking down the street in a short...

3 years ago
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Ashley part 5

"Urgh," I moan as I wake up from a dreamless sleep, only to grimace as I feel the front of my pyjamas to discover that whilst I may not have had a 'normal' dream, I certainly had another type of 'dream' during the night. I sigh as I wash my face, before pulling on my school uniform and slinking down the stairs, where my parents are waiting with a wide smile on their face, as are all three of my sisters... And my new baby brother. "Morning, Ashley!" Dad chuckles in an artificially deep...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 4

"You don't lie to me," Suri sings in her rhythmic, accented voice. "You don't lie to me," Priya sings, trying her best not to giggle. "You don't lie to me," Laura sings, casting an excited glance in my direction. "You don't lie to me," I sing in as authentic a girl's voice as my wavering vocal chords can manage. "No more lies!" The four of us all yell simultaneously, earning cheers from Harriet and Megan on the sofa. "Out of Heaven have got NOTHING on you girls!" Megan...

2 years ago
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Ashley Judds dream

Ah there she is, I am standing at the arrival gate at Bluegrass Airport in Lexington Kentucky. I had been waiting for my charge to arrive and there she was Ashley Judd. My heart beat a little faster and my cock got a little twitch in it. My name is Tom Ward; I am a junior at the University of Kentucky. My parents are from the eastern part of Kentucky and are pretty poor. I have two sisters and a brother, the only way I could afford to go to college was get some scholarships and work my way...

4 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 7

During dinner, so our wives would know what was to expect, I discussed what we planned to do for the next several days until we got more information. “I’ll go out there and check the recording on Monday,” I finished. Our wives had already finished feeding the girls who were happily playing with the goo on the trays of their highchairs. “You want me to go with you?” Ed asked. “No, I don’t believe that’s necessary. I’m only going out there to change the recording disk and the batteries. I’ll...

2 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 2

"We're staying the night," Esther told Ed, as we entered the front door and kissed our wives. "The girls are sleeping in our bed with us - just in case." There wasn't any argument from Ed. I had noticed that Ashley was unusually nervous tonight when I kissed her, but put it down to all of us being nervous, and went to reset the alarm system. Upstairs we let Ed shower first. That was when I found out just how upset Ashley really was. She had checked on the girls and when she came back...

3 years ago
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Ashley Part 2

I stood in the upstairs hallway not believing what I'd just seen. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be pissed off, turned on, want to throw someone out the window, or rush back into the other room and get into something off the wall fucked up dirty and sexual like I'd never done. I just stood there listening to a conversation in the other room.I'd come home about ten minutes earlier, saw a pair of shoes I didn't recognize, and before I could even call out to see if anyone was home, I...

2 years ago
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Ashley D Part Three

A few days after I found her note, Ashley slipped me a small pink envelope with another message inside it. This told me one thing for sure before even opening it, she was enjoying the way we passed messages back-n-forth like a pair of kids at school. Our flirting went well beyond a seasonal romance though, although we constantly did that too. Of course the contents of our letters would have gotten us many an hour of detention for sure! Ashley was so adorable the way she thought we were being so...

3 years ago
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Ashley D Part Three

A few days after I found her note; Ashley slipped me a small pink envelope with another message inside it. This told me one thing for sure before even opening it; she was enjoying the way we passed messages back-n-forth like a pair of kids at school. Our flirting went well beyond a seasonal romance though, although we constantly did that too. Of course the contents of our letters would have gotten us many an hour of detention for sure! Ashley was so adorable the way she thought we were being so...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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AshleyChapter 5

Characters introduced in chapters 5 and 6: Gary Gun shop owner, 5’-10” tall, 180 pounds, 59 years old, gray hair, brown eyes George Gunsmith - never seen, only mentioned We took my pickup to the store. I don’t own a car and use the pickup for everything, as it has an extra large cab. We headed for the shopping center in town and the big box store there, as they have everything in one location. On entering, I got two carts. I knew we could fill both, because I always buy a lot when I...

3 years ago
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Ashley and MiloChapter 2

Sitting in the bedroom eating a sandwich was fun. Ashley's eyes traveled to the ceiling every few minutes. "What have you planned for the living room? Something spectacular, I'll wager." "Yes, I'm hoping so. You gave me the idea that night on the mountain when you stayed out to watch the moon come up and see the stars pop out. It is only fitting that you be here to help me implement it. This room is big enough to make it work, but then again the whole idea may crash. We will...

2 years ago
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Ashley Rules

Ashley Rules!Chapter I                Only a month had passed since Ashley hit 18, but already she was living on her own. Nothing much, a rented 3 room apartment in the city, dad and mom, each, sending her monthly cash for food, bills, clothes and other stuff Ashley might need, so, lets just say she was well supported and didn`t have to worry about finances, after all, she could always ask for more!There were 2 main reasons why Ashley moved to the city, second reason was that in a few months...

4 years ago
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Ashley part 17

"See you tomorrow!" Melissa giggles as she gives me, Cameron, Petra and Lydia a hug each as we head out of school and into the car park. Cameron takes her goodbye hugs next, then Petra, and finally Lydia turns to me with a devilish grin and gives me a long, soft kiss on my lips, which attracts a lot of attention and good-natured jeering from nearby students and a lot of disapproving stares from nearby teachers! "And I'll see YOU later!" Lydia giggles, giving me another kiss...

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