It's A GAS - Part One free porn video

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It's a GAS... Part One "Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a GAS GAS GAS..." - The Rolling Stones I read the email once. Then, I read it again. And again. And, yeah... a fourth time. Four short sentences: "Your file was evaluated and accepted. Sorry for delay to write you. I could give you a surgery date of March 14th 2016. Let me know if this date is good for you." And yet it took four readings for it to actually sink in, for me to believe it was real. Okay, next step: scream, jump up, fist-pump the air a few times, yell "Woohoo!", do a frenzied little jig around the room... See, this email was the penultimate step in a very, very long process, a process that began over two years ago, and one that involved copious measures of waiting, frustration, anxiety, dejection, hope, more waiting, excitement, patience, impatience, still more waiting, and indeed a whole galaxy of other emotions, some of which I'm not even sure I have a name for. This email was the final confirmation of my sex reassignment surgery, or, as we in trans community prefer to call it, "gender affirmation surgery" or GAS. In the last essay I wrote (titled "Implants", about my experience with breast augmentation surgery) I did conclude by saying that - at the time - while the option of continuing on with my physical transition and pursuing genital surgery was always a possibility, I was, for the moment, content. Perhaps I should elaborate on that. I think in truth I always DID feel a desire to complete my physical transition, so that my body was congruent with my gender identity. But the thing is, for the most part, the magnitude and complexity of the surgery, and the potential for complications, scared me off. In other words, my fear of the surgery outweighed my desire for the outcome. But gradually, over time, the balance began to shift. The daily reminders that there was still this anomaly there, that my body did not wholly reflect who I deeply felt myself to be, began to grate: getting dressed in the morning and having to, well, "tuck" things out of the way; going to the bathroom; wearing a bathing suit and worrying that something might not look "quite right"; being intimate with my partner. All of these things began to function as unwelcome cues that things were not as they should be. The tipping point came a couple of summers ago. My partner and I were at a friend's rural property with about ten other mutual friends, camping out, barbequing, hiking through woods, having singalongs around the campfire. It was great. On the property there is a lovely, spring-fed pond into which the owners had trucked a few skiploads of sand to form a small beach and sandy bottom. At some point, someone said, "Hey, let's go for a swim!" None of us had bathing suits, so there was the immediate assumption that we'd all just go skinny-dipping. Um, okay... fine... Now, let me clarify: none of these folks could give the slightest smidgen of a shit what I have between my legs. They love me and accept me for who I am, and frankly, I doubt that any of them even much noticed (and in any case, the water was so damn cold that within a few seconds there probably wasn't much to notice anyway. As George Costanza would have said, "There was SHRINKAGE!") But the thing is, I noticed. As I swam around, feeling my bits sloshing back and forth in the water, suddenly, the balance shifted dramatically... and permanently. I no longer cared about the complexity or the risks of the surgery. I just wanted that stuff GONE, once and for all. I wanted a completely female body, and I didn't care what I had to do to get it. Okay, it's probably an exaggeration to say that I no longer cared. I still carried a lot of anxiety about it, but the thing is, that anxiety was no longer a block. I was finally ready, and from here on out, I wasn't going to let anything stop me. Where I live (Canada), we are extremely fortunate that SRS is covered by our public health insurance, but, in order to QUALIFY for coverage, there are about a thousand hoops you have to jump through first. And I was only poised for hoop number one. I had a long way to go. Hoop number one was simply to get a foot in the door of the Adult Gender Identity Clinic at CAMH in Toronto, which at the time was the only facility in the country authorized to recommend approvals for surgery. The waiting time: ten months. Ten fucking months. Gads. (Even then - two years ago - the system was woefully overtaxed, and it has since gotten worse. By the time I was close to the end of my own process, the waiting period had increased to almost 2 years, which, in my humble opinion, is not only completely unacceptable, but actually dangerous. I could see some trans people becoming so discouraged by the inordinate wait just to get an initial appointment that suicide might start to seem a viable option. A while ago I asked one of the psychiatrists who was interviewing me if the Caitlyn Jenner episode had had an impact on their case-load. She replied that, in the month following Jenner's emergence as transgender, the number of referrals to the clinic TRIPLED. But things are changing, and fast. In response to a detailed - and quite damning - study of the status of transgender care in Ontario, the Ministry of Health has recommended expanding the capability to refer patients for surgery to include all qualified healthcare professionals. So, instead of one clinic bearing all of the load, there could potentially be, within a year or so, literally hundreds. It's about time.) Okay, so I am not exactly a spring-chicken any more. That created two conflicting attitudes to this enforced waiting period. On the one hand, I could choose to take the long view. Hell, I've been waiting this long, what's a few extra months, right? On the other hand, I am at a point in my life that, when I make a decision, it stays made, and dammit, I am ready to move on it. No hesitation. So, faced with the both need for patience and the desire for instant gratification... well, it was a rather tricky balancing act. But, in retrospect, the months did go by, and I didn't die or go mad, which is nice to know. And at last I had my initial assessment appointments, which required the opinions of two independent evaluators. Since I had to drive about sixty miles in to Toronto, they were good enough to give me two back-to-back appointments, with about 15 minutes in between to grab a coffee and chill out. Both appointments went well. I've since talked to some trans people who've had pretty nasty experiences with the AGIC, but that was not mine. Perhaps they took my maturity into consideration, and made the up-front assumption that if I made the decision at this stage of my life, I had probably given it some pretty careful consideration, and it was hardly an ill-considered, spur-of-the-moment impulse. So anyway, they came to the conclusion that: I was indeed transgender (duh), that I was competent to make decisions about my own healthcare (ditto), and that I didn't suffer from any major mental illnesses (HA! Fooled 'em! You know the old joke: "Insanity doesn't run in my family, it gallops." Okay, okay, just kidding. Well, sort of.) Mildly humorous anecdote: A couple of completely unrelated but totally crazy things happened to me during, or right after, those initial appointments. Right in the middle of my second interview with an AGIC psychiatrist, suddenly, an extremely loud alarm went off out in the hallway. I was startled, but the doctor who was interviewing me didn't bat an eye; he just kept talking as if nothing was going on, so I relaxed. I speculated that, since the building was a medical facility, perhaps the alarm signified some sort of medical emergency; you know, "Code Blue" or something. That is, until the interview was over and I went out into the hallway. It was full of smoke! What the fuck??? Somewhat alarmed (an understatement) I ran down to the lobby by the nurses' station where the elevators were, but they were shut down, and everyone seemed to be standing around as if they had no idea what to do. A short, dapper-looking Indian fellow was standing next to me and I asked him if he knew what the hell was going on. "Nope, he said, "But I'm ready to head for the stairwell!" "I think I'll be right behind you!" I agreed. But just then a maintenance guy in overalls showed up with an armload of charred electrical stuff and yelled, "It's okay everyone! Just a burnt light fixture!" Everyone shrugged and calmly headed off, as if this sort of thing happened every day. And perhaps it did. It is a rather old building. So, I took the elevator to the parking garage, hopped into my car and headed out into Toronto rush-hour traffic. Then, just as I was heading toward the freeway, the brake warning light on the dash came on. Weird... I checked the hand-brake; it was off. The light flickered a few times, went off again, then went back on. This repeated several times. I tested the brakes and they felt fine. "Okay..." I thought to myself, "It seems alright for now. I'll head home and get my mechanic to check it out in the morning." I got onto the freeway system and headed west, doing about 120km/hr, then north, same speed, checking the brakes periodically. Everything seemed fine. Then, onto the 401 westbound, and suddenly the traffic was so dense I had to slow almost to a walking pace. No problem, that's pretty much expected at that time of day. Then, just as I was passing an exit, I pressed the brake pedal, and it went right to the floor. FUCK!!! I swerved across two lanes and got onto the off-ramp, using the handbrake to stop at the bottom. Fortunately, there was a car-pool parking lot right there, so I simply drove (slowly!) into the lot and parked. I called CAA to come and get my car, then called my partner to come get me. Then, for the next 45 minutes, I sat there and imagined all of the ways that that could have totally turned to shit. What if I had been doing 120 and suddenly needed to do an emergency stop? What if the pedal had gone to the floor right then? I shuddered. Not a good scenario, that, and it could perhaps have put an abrupt end to my gender transition aspirations, right then and there. As I sat waiting for CAA to arrive, I also reflected that, an hour or so earlier, I mentioned in my interviews that I had yet to have a significantly negative experience as a trans person; very little in the way of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation, and a lot of support and acceptance. I realized that I had just called for a tow-truck driver and I had a purse full of still-male ID; I wondered whether I had just invited my first negative experience. As it happened, no. The tow-truck driver was this very jovial middle-aged Jamaican dude with waist-length dreadlocks who didn't bat an eye at the male name on my CAA card, called me "Missie" and cracked jokes pretty much non-stop. (By the way, I have since gotten all of my ID, including my birth certificate, changed to reflect my new legal name and gender. I find it a little strange (but very welcome!) that here in Ontario you can actually change the sex on your birth certificate, even without having completed SRS, as long as you have a supporting letter from a healthcare professional. It's almost like they're admitting they made a mistake the first time around... which is kind of true, isn't it? Anyway, thank you, Ontario Human Rights Commission, who made that the law!) Long story short, my partner came and got me, the tow-truck driver drove my car all the way to my mechanic's lot, and all's well that ends well. (Incidentally, the brake line had rusted out. It is a pretty old car. But, I figure there's probably no point in me buying lottery tickets any more: I think I used up my stockpile of good luck that day!) So where was I? Oh yes: waiting some more. Now I had to wait for a pair of "surgery approval" appointments. That took about six months, including two months where, thanks to some sort of computer glitch, they actually LOST MY FILE temporarily, and when I called they had no idea who I was. Those were two panic-stricken months, let me tell you, and I finally had to get my GP to intervene and straighten things out. It ended okay, though. They were suitably apologetic about the glitch, and to compensate they fast-tracked my approval interviews. In the interviews, you have to demonstrate a working knowledge of the surgical procedures involved, what to expect, what NOT to expect, what possible risks and complications exist, and show that you have adequate post-surgical support. I aced it, I think. My partner was there with me, and we made it clear that I had excellent after-care, and that I was very well acquainted with everything that would happen, before, during, and after. Then, more waiting. The AGIC doctors do all of the decision-making for all current patients in a single team meeting, which typically happens at the end of the month. Since my interviews were at the first of the month, I had to wait. But eventually I got a phone call letting me know that I had been approved and that they were forwarding their recommendation to the Ministry of Heath, and to the SRS clinic in Montreal (currently the only one in the country, if you can believe that.) Then, more waiting, but not long. I received a letter about 3 weeks later from the Ministry informing me that they had allocated funds for my surgery and had informed the clinic to that effect. There was dancing in the streets at that point! (Well, okay, maybe not the streets. Dancing in the living room for sure.) But then, dammit, more waiting. Everything should be completed, no? I had already sent the clinic my completed health questionnaire, they should have the Ministry letter, as well as recommendations from the two psychiatrists at the AGIC who interviewed me... what was the holdup? All I needed now was a surgery date. How could it be that that could take so long? A month went by, and I sent a couple of anxious emails, to which I received vaguely reassuring replies and the assurance that I would be contacted "very soon." Another month dragged by without a word from the clinic. I started to panic. I was afraid that my surgery might be delayed till mid-summer or later. Here I was, so near to my goal, so close to that increasingly bright light at the end of the tunnel, and yet this one, final piece of news was... still... pending. Then, abruptly, unexpectedly, and about when I was beginning to feel some real despair, the email that opens this article showed up in my inbox. Break out the champagne! Release the doves and balloons! Lasers, fireworks, massed choirs singing the Hallelujah Chorus and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony! I recently did a talk to the local Unitarian congregation on the subject of "finding courage". I suppose they seem to think that living as an "out" trans person takes courage. Whatever; I dunno... Maybe it does. My partner and I sing in a local LGBTQ (and allies) amateur choir. It's a lot of fun (despite the fact that a few of the songs in the current repertoire are cheesy enough to make lasagna), I get to play guitar on a few songs, which I really enjoy (and the choir is actually quite good; a few years before I joined they actually sang at Carnegie Hall for an international choir competition.) Anyway, the choir always does a performance at the local Unitarian hall at some point, and this time the service leader asked if I would give a short talk the same day, to which I agreed. I related how, back, quite a few years ago, now, when I first made the decision to live full-time as my true gender, so many people said to me, "Oh Christine! I so admire your courage." "This is such a courageous step you're undertaking." I would always smile and nod and say something polite in return, but privately I'd always be thinking: really? is that what it is? I don't know. Does it take courage to reach for a life-jacket if you're drowning? If you're falling does it show courage to grab for a tree branch or a rope to try and stop your fall? To me it's more a simple matter of responding to the demands of your own survival. And so it was, it seems to me, when I committed to being my true, authentic self. But now... well, now I could certainly see a measure of courage coming into it. The more I researched the surgery that I sought, the more I talked to people about it, the more I realized that this was a serious commitment of... well, I suppose it IS "courage". That's really the only word that springs to mind. It is, by any definition, major surgery. A lot of sensitive tissue gets snipped and shuffled around, the recovery period is long and, in the early stages anyway, sometimes painful. And there are many things that can go wrong, from infection to tissue death to prolapse of the vagina, to many other complications, some trivial, some serious. Individually, the odds of any of those things happening are fairly small, but it all adds up, doesn't it? I've heard some people say that after a month of recovery the best they could manage was to totter to the fridge for a bite of lunch. That doesn't sound so appealing, now, does it? On the other hand, I've also heard of people finding the recovery a snap. Two weeks and you're up and about doing stuff, and within a month everything's pretty much back to normal. I suppose it's all about your general health, resistance to pain, speed of recovery and so on. In those terms, I can afford to feel somewhat optimistic. I typically recover quickly, my health is excellent, and I am generally okay with a bit of pain here and there, as long as there are some good drugs available. But there comes a time when an event of this magnitude suddenly goes from a "concept", i.e. something kind of nebulous in the distant future, to something very, very real. And that happened to me just the previous week, as I write this. Suddenly, I realized that in a couple of short months, I will find myself lying on a table with a tube in my arm, and I'll fall asleep, and when I wake up... well, things will be very different. And, as is drilled home repeatedly during the approval process, this is completely a one-way street. Once the operation has been completed, there is no going back, ever. On the other hand, if I were to back out, if I were to call and cancel, I would never, NEVER, get this opportunity again. They wouldn't even look at me. They'd say, "Sorry, we don't waste our time on people who aren't completely sure. We already have enough patients on our waiting list who are sure. So... take a hike." All true. Nonetheless, I realized that this is perhaps the most major all-or-nothing decision I've ever made in my life, and suddenly, I found myself questioning literally every decision I've made about my gender journey. Even to the point of questioning whether they were in fact decisions at all, or whether I'd simply allowed myself to be carried along by some kind of thoughtless momentum, one step leading inevitably to the next, and to the next, without stopping to consider their validity or rightness. It was a hellish week, believe me. In my previous article on my breast augmentation surgery, I referred to the sudden fear and uncertainty I felt when confronted with the imminence of the surgery itself, and how I wondered, "What the fuck am I doing?? Why am I doing this?" Well, what I experienced this time was the same thing, only magnified a thousand times. It was pretty scary. But, with the help of my friends, my wonderful partner, my music, and my excellent therapist, I have once again found the ground beneath my feet, and I am once again aware of what, really, I always knew, but forgot briefly. And that is this: I am a woman. I may have been assigned "male" at birth, and yes, I had all of the male bits and pieces, and I looked male, but that was never who I was in my heart. I am, and always have been, a woman. And, I want my body - all of it - to reflect that. I'm committed and I'm ready. So anyway, now... yes, that's right: more waiting. But, this time, I am at least waiting for a specific date! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting pretty bright. The other day I told a friend, "You know, I think this time will go by like a cheetah running in wet cement: fast and slow at the same time." And so it is. Okay, as I write this, I have just under two months to go, then it's off to Montreal and... snip-snip! If anything crops up in the meantime, I will write about it. Otherwise, I plan to write the next installment from my room at the clinic, as soon as I feel well enough after the surgery. Should be interesting, to say the least... So... stay tuned for Part Two...

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Gas The Early Trials

‘You never said why.’ Sarah C. said to Dr Tilley from her comfy chair. Sarah idly flicked back an errant blonde hair as she looked across at the slightly greying, ageing man before her. Dr Tilley had begun to sport a neat little salt and pepper goatee of late, which framed his face in a slightly satanic cast. ‘Why what?’ Dr Tilley replied, sitting across from her in a relaxed slump. Above them, there was a soft chime. ‘We are coming in to land,’ said the voice. ‘Please extinguish all smoking...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Gas Station

I stop at this gas station almost every morning. I know all the current employees and owner, as I have for the last five years I have come here. All have their own unique personalities and sexual appetites. I have my favorites, as I am sure they have their own personal favorite customers.It is owned by two brothers who couldn’t be more opposite. Seth, the older, more laid-back Arab brother, is in a very unhappy, boring arranged marriage. He is a gentle, caring lover. He likes sex on clean...

Quickie Sex
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A Guy At The Gas Station Gets Lucky With Kelly

It was a Saturday morning during the summer of 1984. I had a bunch of yard work to do. Kelly had slept in and then had a couple of errands to run. Kelly was twenty-four. She had jumped out of the shower and spent a bunch of time combing out her ultra-long dishwater blond hair. Her hair hung to just above the backs of her knees. I used to call Kelly a ‘twerp’. She’s only 5’2” and weighs about a buck-twenty, with half of it boobs and the other half hair.She slipped on a white T-shirt top. It was...

Quickie Sex
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High gas prices no problem

Im a girl, but I also have a twin brother, Ted, but I always call him teddy, its just one of his buttons I like to push. He didn't get his drivers license until way after I did, mostly because we did a lot of stuff together so I drove him everywhere. Like any teenagers we had no jobs, rarely any money, but wanted to go everywhere. We were on our way to a party, and were still a while from getting there, but the tank was empty. I pulled into a gas station, realizing we were 15 minute drive from...

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Its a GAS Part 2

My apologies for the long delay in getting this out. It was a hectic few months after surgery, and since then a lot has happened (mostly really good! I've gotten a lot more work as a musician, lately, is one of the things.) but all of that has really cut into my writing time. Apologies also for the length of this part, but hey, it describes a pretty complicated and lengthy part of my life! If you haven't read Part One it might be worth doing so before tackling this one... (By the way,...

2 years ago
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Out of Gas

As you are walking down the street ,no street light in the near pitch black night, your car has runs out of gas now on your way to the nearest store to get some gas and a gas can.I see you walking and slow down and offer you a ride, as you pull yourself into my truck I can see your sexy legs from the dome light, a nice little cotton sun dress. As we go down the road I reach over and start caressing your thigh. You push my hand away, I tell you nobody rides for free, and start grabbing at my...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park behind the Gas Station just off o

Back before all the bypasses and interstates were built, you had to travel through several small towns. Yes, it took longer but it made for a more interesting ride. Back then there were little motels, with 6-8 units. The cars parked just off the highway and you knew what kind of people stayed there. There was a reason some only charged by the hour. Most of the gas stations were owned by "mom and pop" you never knew what you might be walking into if you didn't live in the area. You...

1 year ago
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drunk MILF for 2 small gas station wine bottles

Having just graduate High School and horny as ever I was eager just stick my young hard dick into anything. This story is 100% true. I was hanging out with one of my buddies, alex, at a local park sitting under the covered picnic area. We both were glad to be out of high school and just talking shit about random stuff. When my buddy alex told me he was having some issues with his laptop and asked if i could take a look at it. I told him sure and he went off to his car to get it. Meanwhile i am...

4 years ago
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My wife gets pumped at the gas station

We started off living in a bad part of LA back min the 80s,but the neighbors were great.I always told my wife to get gas at the Texaco because they had a full service island,that way she didn't have to get out of her car.This station was owned by a Korean family,the father was the owner and mechanic,the son worked there and was a student at UCLA , he is 19 but looks 14.The sister ran the place,she was 24 and a business grad.My wife always flirted with the son whose name was Johnny,an...

1 year ago
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My stop at the gas station

I took one last heavy sigh before I got out of my car. It was a clear night around 10pm. I looked over myself. Black flats, a pair of tight light grey yoga pants, a short black shirt that barely covered my stomach, and a light grey ? length cardigan that I made sure didn’t cover the outline of my bubble butt. Underneath I wore a pair of white panties with pink trim that I had stolen my 13 year old niece at a camping trip last summer when I was desperate for girls’ clothes. I had a decent...

1 year ago
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Out of Gas

The engine sputtered and coughed before it finally quit. I muttered curses under my breath as I yanked the wheel and pulled off the road. "Shit, out of gas. Damn gauge, I knew I should have had it fixed." I was in a real dilemma. Out in the middle of nowhere with no gas, no food, very little water and hot as hell outside. Before long the hot desert sun started to heat the inside of my car. Looking at the map the closest town including the last one was at least ten miles away. "Guess I...

2 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

3 years ago
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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

3 years ago
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Itrsquos Out of Gas

I was on the Highway; I noticed a car along the side of the road with the hood up.So I pulled behind the car. As I approached this young lady sat in the drivers seat.With a soft soothing, voice, She said have you stopped to help me?I’ll take a look and see if I can I answered. She then opened her door and stepped out.She appeared to be in her twenty’s, stood about 5’7, 140. Had red hair that stopped just above her shoulders. I gazed into her eyes, green emeralds. My gaze moved down, she had on...

1 year ago
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An interesting night at the gas station

Did you ever go to get gas and not have enough money to pay your bill? How about having your credit card decline? Well this is the story of when this happened to me. My name is Holly and I was on my way to my boyfriend’s house. I had noticed that my fuel was on the low side. I was driving on the highway and was hoping I would not run out of gas. There was a sign up ahead that said there was a gas station in the next ten miles. I was hoping I would be able to make it. I always drove with a...

3 years ago
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The Teen Slut And The Gas Man

Ever since my encounter with an older man, Paul, and the sexual exploits he introduced me to, my sex drive had become insatiable. I suddenly found myself with an unrelenting desire to flash my body in public. It was shortly after my seventeenth birthday that I started exposing myself to dirty old men looking for a bit of action.It was an unbearably hot day in August when I began exploring my exhibitionist side. I left my house wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a bra. Walking down the...

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Anita gangbanged at a gas station

Anita and I had gone to another not so far town, to visit one of my wife’s nieces. Now on our road trip back home, we both were horny, thinking about some time alone we would spend just the two of us in the motel room we had booked in the middle of the way back home.We had been crammed together with a bunch of other nice relatives while staying at our niece’s house and we were just looking forward to enjoy some loud hot sex."It will be nice to be able to make some noise..." Anita said"I was...

2 years ago
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Fucking mommy at the gas station

Me and my mom were on our way to south Carolina to visit my grandmom so knowing this was going to be a long drive leaving from Philly we loaded up on snacks and other essentials. Only thing left we needed was gas…We had enough in the tank to get us out of the city and onto the road so we just decided it be best to get it while were on the road. So we got to about the end of Delaware about to go in Maryland when we stopped for gas. We both got out to stretch and we both had to use the bathroom....

1 year ago
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Tranny Gas Station Attendant

This happened about ten years ago and I thought I'd share it with you all for your enjoyment and mine! Like I've said before, although I'm bi-sexual, I don't walk around checking out other guys, nor do I like to be intimate with one. Sure, some might consider taking a cock in the mouth or ass intimate, but I consider it just sex. When I say I'm not intimate with other guys, I mean I don't kiss or cuddle or anything like that. It's always just sex, with no strings attached.......usually! There...

2 years ago
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A wrong gas station to stop

I had invited my wife to join me in a quick business trip in a town not so far. Anita had accepted gladly, saying we could share the driving.After two days, we were driving fast in the highway at night…Two hours after midnight, I pulled into a small gas station.Ana said she was starving and I needed some rest.A young black attendant in an oily stained overall came to us.I asked him to fill the tank and then to pull our car into the parking lot. He said it would be fine.I noticed the attendant’s...

1 year ago
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Horrible Gas for Tami to endure

Tami was in the elevator humming her favorite song. As she waited, another girl stepped inside. "Tami?" the girl said. "Wait, it's you Abby, isn't it?" Tami suddenly recognized Abby. She was a little bigger than Tami, but not really overweight. Her booty was slightly big in her booty shorts. Abby recognized Tami's unforgetful face, her slightly upturned nose and her long hair. "Yeah, it's me!" Abby exclaimed, smiling. Suddenly they both heard a rumbling of the elevator and then they felt it...

3 years ago
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A Guide To The Elusive Sissygasm

A Guide To The Elusive Sissygasmguide to sissgasmHave you ever watched one of those videos where the cute-as-can-be sissy is sitting back on her knees, riding a dildo for all she’s worth, when all of a sudden her limp—or possibly caged—clitty begins to leak a little—or sometimes spurt a lot of—cum while she experiences one of those earth-moving sissygasms? Her post-orgasmic spasms appear to reverberate throughout her entire body?I don’t know about you, but I become extremely envious while...

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Gaston fucks Belle Beauty and the Beast

She smiled "Good morning," then, "Please don't stop." Beast couldn't help smiling too. He nodded, bringing his lips down to her nipple and his hand toward her shaved pussy. Gently, he put one of his fingers inside her tight hole and wiggled it. She was very sensitive down there; she began to moan and lift her ass up from the bed. Beast had an instant hard-on. Her innocence turned him on easily. Belle lifted his face from her breast and kissed him full on the mouth, sticking...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

3 years ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 10 Gaston Sauverand Explains

Gaston Sauverand! Instinctively, Don Luis took a step back, drew his revolver, and aimed it at the criminal: "Hands up!" he commanded. "Hands up, or I fire!" Sauverand did not appear to be put out. He nodded toward two revolvers which he had laid on a table beyond his reach and said: "There are my arms. I have come here not to fight, but to talk." "How did you get in?" roared Don Luis, exasperated by this display of calmness. "A false key, I suppose? But how did you get hold of...

4 years ago
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Being at a gas station CAN be fun

This fantasy came to me TODAY while my mom took us to the Arco gas station to fill up the church van. As I always do, I was looking around to see if I saw any hot girls around, and luckily I spotted one when we drove up but I got a better look of her before we drove off. Let me describe her to you, she's white, has black beautiful hair (was in a ponytail), hot body from what I saw, but to be detaikled about that, she was skinny, better looking than most girls I've seen, somewhat of a flat...

2 years ago
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Gas station hammering

As I turned in 3 young men eyed me nervously as they got back into their supped up shit box. Then with the customary wheel spinning of youth they tore off as if hoping I'd race. As the wheel cloud cleared from my windscreen I got out. Froggie Bill as normal was there to greet; as he was with all his customers. "Hi Bill," I said with a tired smile," more hot shot kids," I added. "Little punks," he said with an old Gaelic giggle," but they got more than they hoped for...

2 years ago
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Big Black Cock at Gas Station

Yeah, I know, it's been a while. Well, fuck GlennAnyway, I just got back and I'm still pretty high, but I just gotta share this. I was spossed to meet the girls for some clubbing, but something else came up-and it was BIG and it was BLACK, so....I didn't really miss meeting the girls!So, I just filled up on the way to the club and as I went in to pay (dressed to the nines!), there were some black guys standing out front. They had been watching my rack ever since I got out of the car. Can't...

4 years ago
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The Gas Meter reader

Oh it'd be about two years ago now, where we used to live a man used to come and read the gas meter, as it was situated inside the house. this particular day I really fancied someone to wank me off I wanted a little something different, me and the wife were seperated, and I'd already had a wank the night before but I was still as horny as fuck.It was around half one in the afternoon when there was a knock on the door, there stood a man, 5'10" probably 55-60 years old, dressed in some kind of...

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The GAYS at the GAS STATION used ME

I was still in high school and had just gotten my drivers license. I didn't own a car but I borrowed my dad's car whenever he would let me and I had always tried to obey traffic laws and to be as careful a driver as I could.One afternoon, I had told my dad that I was going to pick up some books from school and needed to borrow the car, but in reality, I was just wanting to drive around some and kinda just screw off. I headed down the road and went about 30 miles out into the country. I suddenly...

3 years ago
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Desert Stop Fuck at a Gas Station

The driving holiday around the Southwest had been a welcome break from the break-neck pace of the city and as dusk approached, we pulled into the small gas station/diner. I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time and would be sorry to return to the pace of the big city.‘Fill ‘er up’ I said to the young black attendant in the scruffy, stained overalls. ‘Fancy a bite to eat?’My wife, Jean, nodded and I asked the attendant if he would pull the car into a parking space.‘Be glad to, Sir’ he...

2 years ago
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Linda at the gas station

Just the other day I was getting gas for my motorcycle. Up pulls a woman right behind me and she’s about 25 with Blondie hair. She steps out of her truck and bends over to unscrew her gas cap. That’s when I see the best looking ass I’ve seen in a long time. I wanted to strike up a conversation,But she did first. She commented on my License plate holder. It reads “Ladies Flash Me Your Rack” Then just below that I have another sign that says “Spank You Very...

4 years ago
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Gas Station Hammering

I had been driving for a full hour before I saw the ram shackled huddle of buildings appear like a mirage at the road side. Though I'd travelled this desert road from Reno so many times it still came as a surprise when Froggie Bills gas station appeared like it had been dropped from the heavens. I slowed my car eager to stretch my legs and no doubt share a few words with the eccentric owner. As I turned in 3 young men eyed me nervously as they got back into their supped up shit box, then with...

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