Mackintoshes Don't 3 free porn video

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Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 3 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 20.03.16 This is the 3rd and final part of this work Please read my first and second Chapters before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: Chantal and Judith assisted the still groggy and slightly confused Mary from the operating table. They placed in her in a wheelchair and pushed her to Judith's waiting Bentley. The armless cape was once again slipped over Mary's head and the attached voluminous hood tied neatly by its fasteners under her chin. Once this was in place Mary was helped back into the rear of the car and secured by the seat restraints. Judith thanked Chantal for her excellent and rapid work and they parted with a hug and a kiss, promising to meet at next week's gathering. Judith started the Bentley and drove away. After a few minutes Mary became somewhat more alert and despite her overwhelming pleasure at the events thus far began to have misgivings about her current situation and what the future might hold. She had, she realised, completely abandoned her former life as a nondescript young male in a humdrum occupation , for a very uncertain future as a mutilated being, completely at the mercy of an exotic Frenchwoman. Where had her curious passions led her? she wondered, then noting in awe , that she was using the pronoun "she" in respect of herself. Was that appropriate? Or was the pronoun "it" a more fittingly applied to the genderless thing she had become . Perhaps she could discuss the question with Judith but realised that her edentulous state made conversation difficult. Her musings were interrupted when Judith began to speak to her. "Mary, you are almost certainly bewildered by all that has happened to you and what the future holds. Firstly, I propose to take back to my flat, get you cleaned up and safely tucked up in bed to recover from today's adventures. Tomorrow we will be taking a short trip across the Channel to France to my small maison de ville just outside Paris. Once there we will need to make further adjustments to you so that you are fitted to the role which fate has set for you." Mary could only feel confused by Judith's somewhat portentous announcement, but that confusion was mingled with some comfort and possibly a little excitement that there was, indeed, a future planned for her. Mary spent the rest of the relatively short journey to Judith's flat wrestling with internal existential arguments about the appropriate pronouns to be applied. On arriving at Judith's mews flat in fashionable Knightsbridge. Judith parked the Bentley in her garage and released Mary from the constraints of the seat belt helping her out into the unusually spacious private garage. From there Mary could see a set of steps which she concluded led up to Judith's flat. Ascending the steps required Judith's aid as Mary was encumbered by the cape and also still somewhat incapacitated by the drugs she had been administered. Through the door at the top of the steps a swiftly unlocked door led into a panelled hall which spoke of tastefully used wealth. The hall gave way to an equally decorous living room heated by a large, efficient wood burning stove contained in a vast fireplace and which was slumbering redly as they entered. Judith bent to adjust the fire to increase its heat output and then turned to undo the ties of Mary's cape and help her to remove it. Judith then gestured Mary towards another doorway and she found herself in a large bedroom. Once there Judith began to unburden Mary of her mackintosh and her bloomers. The naked Mary then found her dressings being unwound and felt he curiosity arise to see the results of the surgery she had undergone. Mary was astonished to see a completely flat groin with only a small clear plastic tube emerging much lower down than the position formerly occupied by her male organ. There appeared to be minimal scarring which she attributed to the skill of Chantal. "Mmm," said Judith. "Now doesn't that look much better than that silly old nonsense you sported before. I bet you are very happy with Chantal's work aren't you?" Mary thought for a moment and then nodded enthusiastically. Judith smiled and then said, "I realise you are finding it difficult to speak now that you are toothless but if you persevere in a short time you will be able to make yourself understood quite clearly." Mary mumbled that she would try. Judith now directed Mary to the bathroom and bade her take a shower to clear her head and freshen up her body which had been clad in impermeables for much of the day. In the shower Mary began to muse again on her state, clearly she was no longer male, rather she was neuter, an "it" perhaps not a person but an object, a thing. If Judith had been privy to those thoughts she wold have agreed, indeed in her mind Mary was a thing, a much desired thing, but no longer to be accorded the proprieties of a person. Whilst Mary was in the shower, Judith heard her doorbell ring and hurried to answer it, On opening the door she found a motorcycle courier waiting impatiently. Treating the man to her most icy disdain, Judith took the package that was thrust at her and ignored his obvious "waiting for a tip" manoeuvre, shutting the door in his face. Opening the package she found documents she had requested and looked with interest at the passport photograph. Evidently it was the picture of an elderly woman, garbed in a somewhat outmoded raincoat. She smiled and mentally congratulated her contact on the excellent work. Once out of the shower, Mary was intercepted by Judith who held a latex nightdress for her to wear. Mary was then led to a bedroom which featured a large bed made up with black silk sheets, pillowcases and duvet. Rustling her way into the sumptuous bed linen Mary was then given a pill and glass of water by Judith, which Judith indicated would help her sleep despite the excitement of the day. What Judith neglected to tell Mary was that the pill contained not only a sedative but a powerful hypnotic which would render her amenable to the most outrageous requests. The pill also contained other powerful drugs designed to prepare her body for its ultimate transformation. Lying back in that glorious bed clad in the most erotic night attire she could imagine, Mary was almost instantly fast asleep before she could savour the situation. Her dreams were however a different matter and I will leave you, dear gentle reader, to speculate upon their content. To France Mary awoke next morning to find Judith regarding her closely. "Out of bed lazybones." We have a busy schedule ahead of us" said Judith. "What time is it?" Mary slurred in a more intelligible voice than that immediately following her drastic dental surgery. "It's 0530," replied Judith. "Come on, let us get you dressed. We have a ferry to catch," she explained. Mary was then helped into a silk camisole and a corset eased over it. Judith then proceeded to lace this very strictly until she was satisfied with the tiny waist she managed to achieve on the former youth. A secondary rather pleasing effect was the displacement of flesh from its waist to the chest giving the impression of a small but noticeable bosom. Rubber bloomers were then drawn up to cover its nether regions and a silk 1950's style "housewife" dress pulled over its head. Stockings were pulled up its legs and fastened to the suspenders on the corset. Short ankle length glossy rubber boots were placed on its feet and then a beautiful emerald green,rubber-lined satin mack reaching to the mid-calf was buttoned and belted securely onto Mary's far from unwilling body. The hood of the mack was pulled up snugly around Mary's head and face then the drawstrings were tied in a delightful little feminine bow under Mary's chin. The mack featured a cape which reached from the shoulders down past Mary's waist and concealing her posterior. This was utilised to hide the fact that Mary's hands were bound together behind her back. Thus caparisoned, Mary was led from the flat to the waiting Bentley and secured by the seat belt in the back seat. Judith bent down once Mary was seated and securely bound her feet and knees together. Again the mack provided cover for the bonds. With Mary safely imprisoned in the back seat, Judith shut the rear door and got into the driving seat. Starting the fine automobile and feeling the surge of the powerful engine characteristic of this race bred marque Judith smiled a small smile of triumph and anticipation of what was to come. At this early hour the journey through London and on to Dover was fast and uneventful, the Bentley effortlessly digesting the miles as it was designed to do. Judith pulled into a layby just outside Dover and freed Mary's wrists explain that the Border service officials would probably want to see her full face and she would need to remove her hood for this. Judith checked that the grey wig Mary had on was straight but left the hood in place. Checking in at the port Judith handed over the passports at the Border control. The officer took them and glanced at Mary " Would you remove your hood please Mam?". Judith jumped in and explained "This is my Aunt, she has just undergone extensive dental work, show the man please Auntie". Mary smiled gummily at the officer. Somewhat repulsed, the officer handed back the passports and waved them through. On the boat, Judith untied Mary's leg restraints but retied the wrist straps and helped her from the car. In this way Judith was able to retain control of her "Auntie" without arousing undue attention. Judith found seats for them in a quiet section of the ferry and began to explain discretely what she had in mind for Mary. "Mary you have demonstrated your devotion to mackintoshes in the most positive manner possible and therefore I propose to offer you the opportunity of not merely wearing them but becoming a mackintosh yourself. My colleagues and I are followers of the goddess Susurra who is a latter day incarnation of Isis. One of her attributes is that she is the goddess of rain and hence the link with rainwear. Susurra has let it be known that she requires her high priestess to have a rainwear robe containing the spirit of a willing offering. You would, I feel, be the ideal offering." Mary was stunned by this revelation, it meshed with some of its most deeply held fantasies, and coupled with the hypnotic drug it had unwittingly taken, felt inextricably drawn to accept the proposal. Judith read the signs and without a word spoken by Mary, said "Good, that is settled then. We will proceed to my maison de ville and there we will perform the final adjustments to you and prepare you for the sacred ceremony. The rest of the voyage and the journey to Judith's maison de ville proceeded uneventfully and Mary was taken immediately by Judith to a white tiled room bearing all the hallmarks of an operating theatre. The delightful Chantal was already in attendance having taken an early flight and picked up her car from the nearby airport. Here Mary was helped onto an operating table and watched in some alarm as Judith and Chantal scrubbed and gowned up, donning the seemingly obligatory red rubber aprons and boots. Judith walked over to the table and began to explain. "We need to remove unnecessary components in order that the nanobots which will effect your transformation into a mackintosh do not weaken themselves by converting those bits. To this end we will give you local anaesthesia in the extraneous parts." "What are the unnecessary bits?" quavered a thoroughly alarmed Mary. "Oh, just your hands and parts of your legs, to say mid-calf," said Judith blithely. "What!" screeched Mary. Judith explained, "Look, mackintoshes don't have feet or hands do they?" "Er, no," mumbled Mary. "Well that's cleared that up, off they come," was Judith's brisk rejoinder. Whilst Mary was still digesting this, Chantal swiftly injected Mary with anaesthetic in the wrists and the lower legs. She then applied inflatable tourniquets to the target areas. Chantal picked up a scalpel and made a circular incision around the right wrist exposing the bone. Mary felt nothing. Chantal then picked up a fine toothed bone saw and began sawing at the exposed bone with strong deft strokes. In a matter of seconds the hand was freed. Chantal then repeated the operation on the other wrist with the same rapid result. Chantal then turned her attention to the right leg and mirrored the actions on the wrists. Again within seconds the right leg and foot were removed leaving only the left to complete the procedure. The left leg and foot rapidly followed suite. Moving swiftly Chantal cauterised the wounds commenting that it wasn't worth suturing them because they would only be in in existence for a very short while. "Tomorrow" was the thought that immediately passed through Judith's mind, "I will be wearing this tomorrow. The table on which Mary lay was cranked up so that it could see Chantal's handiwork. "See how neat you are now," commented Judith. "No silly bits projecting from your mack." Mary was forced to agree, there were indeed no parts of her projecting from the perimeter of the mack. Judith then drew May's attention to a sort of harness cum coat hanger which stood on a rail which had been pulled out of a wardrobe. "Let's get you accustomed to your regular location then," she chortled. The table was wheeled over to the hangar and Mary was then suspended on the contraption. "We need to bend your head back into the proper hood position when you aren't being worn," explained Judith signalling Chantal to bring the necessary material. "Just another quick injection in your neck to soften the vertebrae, paralyse all of your limbs and allow your head to hang back completely," was how Chantal described the process. This was accomplished in double quick time and then Mary felt her head flop backwards so that she was seeing the world upside down. The rail on which Mary was now hanging was slid back into the wardrobe. Judith went to close the wardrobe door but decided that a sedative injection was called for and indicated to Chantal what was required. The sedative was injected and as Mary began to lose consciousness she heard Judith say, "Tomorrow at the ceremony we will complete the process and as I am the high priestess you will become my mackintosh but now I must go to prepare the template mackintosh which you will merge with." Saying this Judith closed the wardrobe door and Mary blacked out in both senses. The Ceremony Mary awoke as the wardrobe door was opened, it was unable to move its head from its unnatural hanging backward position so it wasn't aware who had opened the door. Hands lifted it from her hangar and placed it in a wheelchair, its head hung limply over the back of the wheelchair until a headrest was positioned to provide support. Judith stood their looking very regal in her priestess's robes, a midnight blue satin mack with a capacious hood and attached floor length cape. She was holding a mack of similar design but this time made of silk and jet black. Judith began her explanation. "This, Mary, is the finest expression of the outerwear couturier's' art, the most exquisite silk coated with a thin sheet of rubber. This is the mack you will merge with, It is impregnated with nanobots which will transform you into silk and rubber so that the melding can occur. It is imperative that you are "in extremis" for a significant period of time whilst this takes place in order that your body is so weakened that it is unable to fight the nanobots via its immune system. I have already taken steps to weaken your immune system via drugs you have been administered but that in itself is insufficient therefore you must be put into a near death situation and the most effective way to do that will be to hang you, This will not of course be the humane long drop you English perfected, rather it will be a very slow strangulation. The paralysis drug you were given yesterday will wear off very shortly and this is also essential as you would strangle very rapidly were you still in paralysis. You will be very tightly restrained for this process because we have found that this increases the duration of the hanging and also because any indecorous movements whilst you are hanging would be considered an insult to the goddess. I leave you now in the hands of my acolytes who will dress you and then bring you to the temple. Mary was undressed with great reverence by the attractive rainwear clad young ladies who apparently formed Judith's entourage. They were somewhat in awe of Mary because of her "chosen" status and willingness to be the offering. With the exception of her now familiar Rubber bloomers Mary was dressed only in the nanobot impregnated mackintosh. Mary's calves knees and thighs were strapped together her sleeves were strapped together and a strap also applied very tightly joining its elbows together, thrusting its chest forward and giving a little prominence to the bosom which had emerged from recent, very restrictive corseting. Mary realised that the attached cape would conceal all of this bondage and thus give the decorous view of the process which the goddess demanded. In no time Mary was being wheeled into the temple where she saw a large number of mackintosh clad ladies all agog to see the sacrifice. On a raised dais, Mary could see Judith looking triumphant and gloating over her coup. Shuddering, Mary could also see a small platform with a gallows and a noosed rope attached via a pulley system to a large weight, seemingly controlled by a lever. Mary was brought to the dais and quickly placed on the platform, there she was asked by Judith if it wished to become the high priestess' mackintosh. Mary was aghast to hear her own voice say she wished to serve the goddess and become a mackintosh. A murmur of approval ran through the crowd of supplicants and Judith looked as though she would burst with pride. Without further ado the large hood on Mary's mack was drawn over her head completely enveloping it and the noose slipped over it and drawn tight. The hood alternately inflated and deflated with Mary's breathing as she heard Judith walk over to the lever. The lever was pulled and the weight released. Mary felt the noose tighten and then she was slowly drawn up out of the wheelchair. She hung there limply the noose had been cunningly positioned to finish under her chin, tilting her head back and tied so that it did not tighten further. In a long drop this would have broken her neck but in this procedure and with Mary's "wardrobe" treatment there was no immediate damage. The real threat would be slow asphyxiation from the build-up of Carbon dioxide in the hood. Mary felt the nanobots begin to process her body as she heard and felt drips of waste material falling into collector tray which had been placed beneath her as she became free of the wheelchair. The drips began to increase in frequency and Mary felt her consciousness begin to change in some strange way. She felt a growing sense of comfort and ease as she became reconciled to ceasing to be a person and becoming an object to be used and then put away. No longer needing to think and act, to make decisions but merely to provide protection to her wearer. The drips of waste material became a stream, then a flood and then finally tailing off into sporadic spots. Mary's body was no more, it had merged with the template, a beautiful mackintosh was suspended from the noose, the hood hanging down emptily. Mary's consciousness, however, was in the presence of the Goddess and she was very pleased with her willing sacrifice and angered by the arrogance of her high priestess, Judith . She informed Mary that far from being possessed by the high priestess as an object to be worn she would gradually possess the High priestess as she was worn. She, Mary, would in fact become the high priestess. She would be Judith, High Priestess of Susurra Goddess of Rain with mighty powers provided by the Goddess. FIN Author's note As I've indicated before I realise that this a niche interest. I do have other ideas floating around based loosely upon the work of John Entwhistle and his excellent book " A Northern Tale" ( found in all good on-line retailers ) Please feed back if these would be of some interest.

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Different Dads Different Daughters Chapter 4

________________________________________________________________________________ Different Dads, Different Daughters - Chapter 4 The next morning Ryan woke to the definite sensation of something warm, wet, and wrapped around his hard and throbbing cock. Peeking under the covers his curiosity was rewarded with the deliriously sexy sight of Patty sucking him while she was in a state of pleasure and happiness. Mind you, if he’d taken the time to look, he could have figured it out by the up...

3 years ago
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Do me Daddy

The phone vibrated next to Lauren. It was in silent mode as she was studying for her chemistry midterm in the student library. She glanced down at it and was surprised to see that it was Vicky calling.Lauren had known Vicky for almost four years or since the two had started as freshmen at Florida State.Vicky wasn't really what Lauren would call a close friend and she only heard from her occasionally. She seldom saw her around campus and wondered if she was even still going to class.What she did...

2 years ago
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We got home and Sammi, with her daughters’ help, got out the photographic equipment. Michael and Rose helped set it all up, under her direction. My son may have a crush on Samantha! Sarah was on the Internet, looking at something, as Kalista and I went up to change. We got into our matching red outfits we’d purchased while in San Francisco for IGB event. After our pictures were taken, Rose and Michael wanted to have theirs taken, so I told them to change into something they dance in, while...

2 years ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 7

Angel was right about the man. He had offered her and Emily drugs, but then expected rough sex. There were many times during their intercourse that Angel thought he was going to seriously hurt her. He would choke her, cut off her air supply until she was blue in the face. She would grab at his wrists, trying to get him to let go, but it was useless. He would let go of her and she would quickly catch her breath before he would give her a hard smack across her face. He would bite and pinch and...

2 years ago
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I fucked my Hmong childhood crush

After all these years of being a bachelor I decided to settle down with my wife. However, back in July of 2013, her and I broke up for reason that my ex came back into my life. (but that's for another story) Yeah, the same bitch that made me say "Fuck Bitches." Any whores, during that time I got a facebook message from a c***dhood friend. I knew this girl because we use to go to school together. She knew that back in the day I had a thing for her but she didn't know how to react. Anyways, me...

3 years ago
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Preachers Wifes Birthday Preparations

This is a continuation of the events described under the title Minister***** there are probably 4 stories. You can probably get the gist without reading the earlier stories. However, if you want to be fully up to speed better start at the beginning.On the way home from the clothes fitting in the city Jonny sat in the back with Preacher John's wife. She had been up for the fitting and purchase of the designer clothes from her skin out. Jonny had told Angela, often referred to as Ange Babe, that...

3 years ago
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A set of instructions

I sent my lover a set of mildly specific instructions as to what I wanted that evening, my sexual appetite often changing, this way he would know exactly what I was in the mood for.Lover, here are your instructions, I have laid out everything for you in order from closest to the bed to farthest in order as per the instructions.1. Get home, come inside.2. Close the bedroom door.3. Put the blindfold and handcuffs on me place my hands over my head, give me a kiss.I had laid out the handcuffs,...

1 year ago
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Let's see what Naughty Blog has to offer! Now I’ve been a porn lover for years now, and I’ve searched far and wide for the best porno sites on the internet that can deliver top-quality porn right to my computer screen. With that being said, I’ve seen my fair share of low-effort, fucked up sites that even a 40-year old virgin wouldn’t jack off to. I’m talking spammy ad-filled porn sites that can infect your computer with malware or a virus when you just hover your mouse over their home-page...

Free Porn Download Sites
3 years ago
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Travelling DbferChapter 2

April jumped over and started licking immediately. I reached for April's pants and slid them off. She wiggled her ass to assist me. She backed away from May. I guess she had sucked up all of the cum. "May, you better suck me off. My cock needs to be hard so I can examine April properly." "Yes, doctor, ' said May. "April, take your top off please." "Yes, doctor' Wow, it's hard to imagine a better pair of db's. I hit the jackpot. The doorbell rang off in the distance. Neither...

2 years ago
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Cum Addiction

It happened a few years ago, some sort of illness came to. It lasted in people forever with no cure, well no long-lasting cure. These people need to ingest semen at least once a day, and even then once isn't exactly enough. If they don't they start to go through withdrawals and this eventually leads them to death. You, having a medical degree, put together a select team of scientists in your area where you study the disease and work on creating a cure. On top of this, you were personally given...

2 years ago
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I Didnrsquot Know She Was Violent

I was head of the team that had just closed the biggest deal of company’s history. I was called into the CEO’s office, he said James I know you appreciate what you have accomplished today. I know how many long nights, weekends and weeks away from home you have put in to bring in this contract. I have created a new position for you Chief Contracting Officer at triple your existing salary. I have taken the liberty of having my florest deliver here this bouquet of flowers and bottle of champagne,...

4 years ago
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The Sex Kabaddi Match

The Kabbadi match I was a teacher in a school at Bangalore. My wife Soundarya was a also a teacher in the same school. She teaches Chemistry and I teach Maths. Our life was quite peaceful. When I saw that two vacancies came up in the Ooty Boarding School and they paid much better, we both applied to the boarding school and we both got the jobs. Residential quarters were given to us and facilities were also good. The colleagues were also very friendly. One of my colleagues was Peter, a man...

2 years ago
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It is a rainy cool night, a fire burning in the fireplace, Jacuzzi is warm. We have just finished dinner, and have moved to the couch in front of the fireplace. Talk is light, yet each is waiting for the other to make the first move. I get up to put another log on the fire and you excuse yourself to freshen up. When you return you stand in front of me wearing a thin dark silk robe, that I can see your choice of lingerie is black and red, silky bustier and thong panties. You spin to let me get...

4 years ago
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Pretend Mum and Dad ndash Part 2

Note: This is just from my dirty imagination.With his new-found pretend mum, Paul had never shot so much spunk ever. And his mum Shelia was thrilled to have found a pretend son like him who could get at least three erections an hour.As arranged Paul called round the following afternoon and saw a note on the door – door open come right in. As he entered the hall way, he got right into his son role. ‘Hi Mum, I’m home, where are you?’‘Up here in the bathroom, my darling boy. Would you come up as...

4 years ago
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Mummy Ki Padosfod Chudai 8211 Part 2

Pichle part mein. Aapne jaan liya ke mummy dinner pahuchane Sourav bhaiya ke ghar chale gayi. Ab kahani aage padhte hai. Mummy darwaze ke taraf gayi aur usko khola. To samne TV room mein Sourav bhaiya bas french cut brown colour undewear pehne hue. Couch pe lete hue the aur TV dekh rahe the. Bhaiya ki upper body kamar tak puri ache se visible thi. Abs ke halke shapes. Hatho ki biceps. Chest nipples sab ekdum clearly dikh rahe the. Unke thigh se lekar legs ke end tak halke baal bhi the. TV...

3 years ago
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It happened one night Again Part 22

This is the second part of my ‘it happened one night’ trilogy, as in the first part of this story it is a tale of pure fiction and any similarities to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. After the events of the first story life as it does just plodded along as it always had. Ashley had given birth to a baby boy that they had named Nicky and they had still remained living in their $100 a month rented cottage. Matt still had issues holding a job down but that was nothing new to...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Brandi G92

Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for! Watching the voluptuous, beautiful, blonde Brandi get fucked, filled, and fed by the #Cocksmen. The guys were extra ready to get the job done this week, so ready, there wasn’t much of an intro, so much as a pouncing. They were like tigers, Mitt even got to bring all 5 of his friends this week. Brandi services 6 guys, takes 8 hot creampies, a facial, and a glazing of those big ol’ pussy lips. We ran a little longer than usual today,...

2 years ago
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My Newest Challenge

To have the body I have, you have to work for it. I love my body, and so do the women in the building where I work. I'm not a man whore or anything; I just like sex and you can't blame me for that. I have a six-pack, great arms, and those lines above your pelvis that drive women crazy. I have these light blue eyes that apparently make me super approachable, and I'm tall, almost 6'6" so that's a plus. But I'm not kidding, as soon as I take my shirt off they just melt into my arms. It's just too...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Watching TreyChapter 3

Robbie couldn't help smiling inwardly as he got himself cleaned up for Sunday dinner with Lindsey and Trey. As his mind replayed images of his time with Trey over the past week, a shiver went through him. Damn! It had been so sweet! And his careful plans had played out almost to perfection! The pictures and videos he captured... oh my god! They'd serve as fuel for his masturbatory fantasies for years! Of course, a large percentage of both the stills and video images would never be posted...

3 years ago
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Fourteen Days

Kristy groaned, true to what the weatherman had predicted the last week of January had been hot enough to melt a person caught in the sun leaving them in a puddle on the sidewalk. She struggled to come to terms with the fact that, going by what had happened in recent years, the heat wave would last at least until Valentine's Day. Two more weeks she grumbled. She didn't care really all that much; she would rather be too hot than too cold; she reminded herself of the news last night where she had...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Kenzie Anne Deep Diving Into Kenzie Anne

Luscious Cherry of the Month Kenzie Anne has her sexy bikini body accented with a little tactical gear. She’s ready for some deep diving, if you know what I mean! This blonde babe aims to seduce, stripping off her bikini by the pool and getting her incredible body soaking wet. She’s ready to seduce Charles Dera in the cabana, and he bears no resistance to her sexy charms. She gives him a raunchy show, and crawls between his legs to get his big cock growing for her. This blonde means business!...

2 years ago
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A Mother and Sons Love Turns A Corner 3

After a little warm up at the kitchen table, my mother and I went to our bedrooms and got dressed and ready to go shopping for her some new clothes, to try and get dad to notice her again like in their younger days.Mom had put on a skirt and white blouse to go shopping in, and the skirt stopped about three inches above her knees and showed off her round butt in the back just right, as well as the real slight flare in her hips, with either panty hose on or nylon stockings on under it, the blouse...

1 year ago
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Submissive Lesbian

My name is Rachael and I always had a thing for women and face sitting with women. I always would be the submissive type in the relationship. I 'm cute, 5 '5", 125 pounds, with beautiful long blond hair that goes past my shoulders with some cute freckles on my face. I've been told I have a great body too. One Saturday night I met my match when I went out to this bar in the city. I was wearing a black short skirt with thin see through silk blouse. I had some of my cleavage showing through my...

3 years ago
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Nilima Didi Ke Sath Sex

Hi I am SARTHAK a regular fan of ISS ,I live in UTTAR PRADESH India I am 23 years old young handsome guy , one day I saw my DIDI dressing her saree in hurry to go school she didn’t noticed me I was seeing her bra from which boobs r trying to come out she was about to turn suddenly I got out from there ,her name is NILIMA. I want to do phone sex with any hot girl (preferred from U.P. and Uttaranchal).phone sex is much pleasurable n safe in comparison to real sex.Mene bahut si girls ke sath phone...

3 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 4

I had not learned anything from my previous relationships. I did not find a reason why she decided to leave me or even humiliated me. It did not take me more than a month to recover. In new school I actually made Girl Friends, and not girl-friend. I suppressed my desires completely and continued to become friend. Boys did not care about what I appeared but girls did. I found it was very tough lying a girl. I concentrated on making them expressive than expressing myself. I watched pornography...

1 year ago
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Our First MMF Threesome

My wife and I had been married about 6 years. Being in our late 20’s, we were still very much enjoying our sex, had a few toys to use and often included them in our sex play. We were both sexually adventurous, and still are now. One of our toys was a dildo with balls and suction cup. It was quite realistic and we used it often. My wife would attach it to the bedhead and would ride it while she sucked my cock. She liked it because she could easily imagine that she was part of a threesome. We...

2 years ago
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Her American Soldier Ch 01

Chapter 1: Sergeant Rambo Sallie Rambo watched as her best friend grasped onto his glass of beer and raised it to her. ‘To Sallie,’ Brigadier General Billings said brightly. ‘For levelling up to Sergeant Rambo!’ Touched by the sentimental toast, Sallie smirked, flapping a hand at him as she looked away. ‘Oh, hush you,’ The British soldier giggled playfully. ‘Now, this begins the journey of you taking charge of the Soldiers,’ Sallie blinked, then looked around the stuffy bar where...

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Amorous Amblings Ch 02

I stood there stupidly for a minute with my dick at half-mast and my pants to my knees before an errant breeze wafting coolly across my genitals reminded me that I should get dressed. I pulled my pants up, put the cups in the sink, and walked to the bathroom for another shower. The warm water cascading over my skin cleared my somewhat muddled mind. This thing with the neighbor lady was all so sudden and fast. One minute she is giving me a cake to welcome us to the neighborhood. The next minute...

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A Night with Kelsey OHare

My local bar had to be throwing some sort of big event tonight, if you really wanted to call it big. Players from A local soccer team were supposedly going to be to do a Q&A in my local bar. The fact that more people would be their usual pissed me off like no other. What makes it worse is that it’s the FEMALE team. I mean who watches female sports to begin with? I sat in my stool sipping away. From the distance I see the two girls sitting on the stage. ‘Two cuties we got over here tonight’...

2 years ago
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Priyanka was Too Hot

hi I am Suny I’m 22 from hyd well built (not heavy)& handsome with 5 9 here I am writing this true incident which happened to me first take my details for further relationship and friendship at , esp hot aunties and sexy gals frm hyd can contact mee for safe sex, il be safer enough to maintain privacy. coming to mee i was in btec 3rd yr wich was a year back i was forced by my mom to go to my cousins place. this happened to be as their parents hav went to thirupathi leaving my both cousins in...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 43 Conclusion

Yahiko: They had their fight. Raijuuta can't live up to his boast. Sanosuke: Something's wrong. (thinking) He's already hurt, and he just took another wound to the right arm. That's not like Kenshin. It can't be-- (out loud) Hey, Kenshin, your right arm's not-- Kenshin: Yes. The anesthetic from the stitches is still in effect. As you thought, I can't move it. But, Raijuuta, my left arm alone is enough to destroy you. Raijuuta: You-- (he drives down with a giant Tobi Izuna. Kenshin...

2 years ago
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Perfect Plan for perfect night

My name is Marie. I have long, curly brown hair and green-blue-gray eyes. I’m 5’2′ tall and I am bra size 38D. Also, since I was 13 years old, I’vs been in love with my best friend. Let me explain to you our relationship. We first started to date in High School when we were in grade 9, we broke up after a week. I think it’s because we were too young for a relation. Two years later, in grade 11, we started to date again. We were going to the movie, to the restaurant…. It was at that moment I...

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Johns Little Family Affair 4

Dinner was on hold for thirty minutes when Judy came storming down stairs to confront Joy as she sipped wine at the prepared table. "What is the matter with that boy? I thought he'd rush home after the way we parted company. He could not have misconstrued my message, could he?" "No, I think you made yourself quite obvious. If you ask me, he's out knocking off number twenty-five. He probably has renewed confidence. Perhaps all he wanted was to know that he could have you...

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