Cobra 2 free porn video

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In the last chapter, after a virus had turned almost every woman in the planet into part animal hybrids, we followed the story of Sandra and Marcus when her changes start. We followed them throughout the five days in which she changed from human to a twenty two feet long cape cobra hybrid, the first of that kind ever documented. She had fangs and had a strong venom. After some shopping, she was able to protect her husband from her venom and also to process it on her new venom processing machine. They were surprised that her venom was valuable and needed in the market. Now it is time to see the doctor. Monday, 07h Next morning they were still entangled. Marcus was using a part of Sandra's body as a pillow. She was cold and he hugged her and kissed her face while warming her under the blankets. Some time later, she started to wake up. - Good morning, my love! Did you sleep well? - I never thought that sleep as a snake was that good! I think I have not even moved all night long. How about you? Have you slept with me all around you? You have even used me as a pillow! - I slept pretty well too. Your cold body was all I needed to have a good night of sleep. And I loved last night, even if you had not kissed me! - I don't want to kiss you unless I know more about my venom! I don't know if my venom stays on my mouth. - Well, you bitted me yesterday and I had no reaction. See? The holes you did on my hand had already healed. - That's better. - And I loved hearing you hissing last night. I felt an enormous excitement. - That's good! Now I know what I have to do to exssscite you! Hsss! - Don't do that now! We have to have breakfast and go to the doctor today. And I still have to take off the passenger seat from my car, so you can fit inside it. They got up and bathed together. At least Marcus bathed with part of Sandra's body, since she did not fit in the shower with him. After that, Marcus went to kitchen while Sandra was finishing her shower and started to prepare their breakfast. When he was finishing, Sandra came swaying her hips and slithering easily. - Wow! If you continue to sway that way, I am not letting you out of my sight! - I did not realize what I was doing. I am feeling good today. This night was wonderful! And now I am at peace with my new body. - You are getting used with if fast. Are you eating some breakfast before we go? - Yes, but I will do it quickly. Hand me some eggs, please. - Are you going to scramble them? - No, I am eating them whole. She took six eggs and swallowed them one by one, whole. - Are you going to eat them with the shell? Why not remove it before? - There is a series of motives, I felt their smell with my tongue and what I feel is appetizing. I already proved that I can digest bones and that I can swallow big pieces whole. And I want to see if I can digest egg shells too. I think six eggs will do for now. - If you say so, ok then. I you take the car seat off. - I will go with you. I want to see if I will fit inside your car. - But first you have to put some clothes. I think your body is beautiful, but people still have modesty and will not tolerate a naked snake woman going around. - I always think that my scales are like clothes. I will put on a dress and meet you outside. While she went to their bedroom, Marcus went outside and started to remove the passenger seat from his car. It was a small car, but was enough to them until now. Soon Sandra came back, wearing a long dress. - Better this way? - Yes, it is. Now try to fit into the car and to be comfortable. She tried to enter the car and put her body on the back seat and positioned her upper body on where was the passenger seat, but it was uncomfortable. Next, she tried to sit on the back seat and to pull her body over the back seat and the passenger seat. She had to coil her tail on the passenger seat place, but she felt comfortable that way. She put the seat belt on and saw that she was using all space inside the car, except by the driver's seat. She then used her tail to close the door. - Ok. I fit inside your car. Now let's go to the hospital. Marcus drove them to the hospital, where they were they were attended by a doctor. She had a huge scorpion tail above her head and started to talk to Sandra. - Do not worry about the stinger. I do not have venom. - Your changes were light! Do you have just the tail? - No. I also have an exoskeleton over my belly and I lay a huge amount of eggs but yes, my changes were light on me. What about you? It seems to me that you do not need the genetic assay you scheduled! - That's true. When I scheduled it, I had just discovered that I was changing. I changed into this on the extended weekend. - Wow! That was fast! And it seems that you got out of it very good. What do you know about your body? - Well, we did some research and we suspect I am a Cape Cobra, a poisonous one! I have what we think it is venom and I have the fangs to inject it but I need to be sure that I am poisonous. I also know that I have cold blood and that I have to take sunbathes to warm my body. - Well, that's a start. You knowing the species will speed up our genetic tests and your poison analysis. But I never heard before of someone that changed into a Cobra. I already know about rattlesnakes and boa constrictors. With regards to sunbathing, I only advise you not to exaggerate in the dose. Snakes can have heat stroke too. If your blood is really cold, then you can end up in a stroke because of overheating. - I did not know that! - That's dangerous to a snake. - Other point is that I don't know if I will lay eggs. - Do not worry about that. I lay dozens each week and do not regret. Selling my eggs would improve my cash income but I end up using most of them at home, as food supplement to me. - Do you eat your eggs? - Yes, they are delicious and also replenish the nutrients and vitamins I loose when producing them. - Are you poisonous too? - No. I just have the stinger but nobody messes with me fearing it. - Interesting. Will I have that kind of attention too? - Sure! Nobody messes with a cobra, even more because of your size! Let's start to measure you? - Ok. What should I do? - Just remove your dress and go over that scale. Try to fit all of your body over it. Sandra coiled her body over the scale and the doctor noted her weight. - I am sorry to inform you that you weight three hundred pounds now. - All of that? She then measured Sandra's length. - Well, that's not much for a twenty two feet three inches long snake. A good thing with reptiles is that the meals tend to be more spaced. - I hope so. The doctor continued the physical examination, measuring her width in several points and measuring her claws. At the end of the consultation, she handed Sandra some prescriptions so she could schedule the further exams, like a tomography to map her body and organs, a blood test and a venom test to discover her lethality. Since the hospital had vacancies to make all tests that day, she went straight to make the lethality test. She was attended by a young boy. - Do you know if you have venom? - Yes, I have. We made some tests at home and there was a liquid flowing out my fangs. - That's good. When was the last time you took off your venom? - Last night, before going to bed. I did not want to hurt my husband accidentally. - Ok, I just hope you had produced more up to now. It is normal to the first venom be a bad sample, but since that you got rid of it I think your venom will be better to test. And I see that the doctor needed it tested only to cobra compatibility. - Yes, we discovered that maybe I am a cape cobra. - Ok. Take this vial and try to extract your venom now. She took the vial that had a thick rubber over it, and sank her fangs on it pressing them forward. When finished, she noticed she had produced a considerable amount of venom but only around a half she had produced last night. - Wow! That's much venom! If this is real venom, you will make a good income! - I hope so! How much time until I get the result? - We will have it in a few hours. I believe you have other exams to do, right? - Yes, I have to take a blood sample and a tomography. - The blood sample you can take here, just after that door. She slithered through the door and a bat nurse attended her. She had huge ears and her face was a little distorted. - Good morning! I will take a blood sample from you right now but do not fear my look because I don't do that by biting you. - Are you a bat hybrid? - Yes, I am 45% vampire bat. But besides I like blood and that my saliva being a good anesthetic I don't bite. The only good thing the changes brought to me is that my sense of eco location that allows me to walk blindfolded as I walk seeing. - That's good. And have you got any use to your saliva? - Not yet. I am studying some offers but they do not worth a lot. She then quickly located a spot under Sandra's scales to take the sample and got the sample painlessly. - Done. I hope it did not hurt. - I did not even felt it. Thank you. Marcus followed his wife to the tomography, were the doctors took some hours to scan all of her body. In the end, the doctor called her with the exam results. - Well, let's start by your body. You have a human skull, with no apparent differences. Your nasal orifices are also normal, which is rare on reptile changes. Two of your salivary glands have been modified into venom sacks and they are connected to your fangs. As I can see, you can breathe even if your throat is full, like a cobra's respiratory system. Talking about that, you have four lungs now. Two of them have the normal human size and are located in the same place. The other two are located bellow and are four times bigger than the others. Your stomach is also huge now. It occupies most of your lower body now. I think you could eat a small calf whole now. - Wow! I did not know that my stomach was that big! - Yes, it is. But I do not recommend you to eat a whole calf. It would take up to two weeks for you to process that amount of food, in which you could not even move. - Ok. I will eat normal food only. - That can be a problem too. Snakes are not fit to eat human food. - What should I eat then, only meat? - I think most of your eating should be meat now, but I am no specialist on that. I advise you to make an appointment to a nutritionist to learn how and what to eat now. With regards the rest of your body, you still have a human uterus and vagina, although it is a little different now. It is composed by several muscles now and they are pretty complex. - Don't I have a pelvis anymore? - No, you don't. What seems to be your pelvis are only the muscles. I am not sure its function, since no snake has that. Your skeleton is human just from your chest up. The rest of it is composed by ribs up to near your tail tip. - I think I know what these muscles are for. I can move my vagina now in several ways now, almost like a new mouth. - Interesting, I will note that. As regards of your cloacae, I identified that you have all the organs to produce eggs and I can see you have some of them inside you now. I don't know how much time until you lay them, but it will be soon. - I will lay eggs? - Yes, that's for sure. Adding that to your apparent venom production capacity, soon you can make a good income. - That's good! There is a thing that is bothering me. Since I changed into this, I had not urinated yet. Is this normal? - This is compatible with what I found on exams. You do not have a bladder anymore. You eliminate everything in your feces, which is normal in reptiles and birds. - I had no idea of that! Have you seen anything else in my body that would demand my attention? - No. Here are the exam results. Physically you are now 65% reptile. If your venom is pure and if your blood is entirely cold, then you should reach an index of 85% animal. - Wow! That's too much! Does this mean that I am too much animal and that I should be considered feral? - Normally, it would be, but your neural functions are intact. This allows me to asses you as non feral and you will not need a psychological treatment. And if your lethality tests indicate a high index, the hospital will register you as poisonous to authorities, but you will not have any problems with that. - Phew! Thank you! She then went to get her lethality results. She was scared when she saw that her venom was 100% compatible with that from a cape cobra with purity index of 70%. The blood exam was ready too and stated that she was now 80% cold blooded. - Wow! With results like that, I am almost entirely snake now! - Well, using the index the other doctor showed you, I believe you are now 70% animal. At least your brain is still that of a human. - Yes, but now I want to go to see a dentist. I need some fangs caps as soon as possible. - We are going there just after lunch. We can eat at the mall and go from there to the dentist. - Are you sure? I am not used enough with my body and I fear being in crowded spaces. - I am sure! You need to eat, or at least I need. And I bet that you are hungry too. - Well, I am hungry. How about if I stay in the car and you order something for me to eat? - I don't want to do that. You have to get used and went out now that you changed. - I will, I promise. I am just nervous about being in public in a crowded place having no protection on my fangs. - If I have to bring your food, you will have to eat whatever I bring to you, deal? - You would not dare to bring me something for a snake, would you? - I don't know. Maybe I want to test your ability to eat something strange. Maybe you will even like it. Did you know that the mall has a store specialized in food for changed woman? - Don't do that to me, please! - I will think about it. When they got to the mall, Sandra waited while her husband went inside. He went straight to the food court and decided not to play with her. He only bought several hamburgers and sodas and went back to his car. He took one hamburger to himself and handed the others to his wife. - Is this enough to you? I don't know how much do you eat now, but with a body of that size this should be enough. - Wow! I think it is a lot of food but I will have no problem with that. She took a hamburger and swallowed it, washing it with some soda. She then ate all hamburgers quickly, while her husband watched her with his jaw on the floor. - Wow! Five big burgers in a few seconds! This must be a new record! You must think about your diet as soon as possible! - Well, that is on my list of priorities. This is my first meal after being changed. I think I have to eat and then measure how much time it will take to be hungry again. And you saw when the doctor said I weight three hundred pound now. I must need much more food now to sustain my body. - Yes, you should need, if you were hot blooded. We have to think more about this. What if you hibernate after each meal? - If that's the case, then we should know as soon as possible. Then Sandra swallowed the rest of the hamburgers and took the soda. Her belly was a little prominent but since it was huge now, it was almost normal. Then Marcus drove them to the dentist and they talked while driving. - The doctor also said that you have four lungs now. Have you noticed that before? - No, I did not. I was just breathing normally. - How much time can you hold your breath now? - We can test it later. Besides saying that, she held her breath anyway and pretended to be hearing the music on the radio. After some minutes, they got to the dentist. - Phew! We have to test again later! I wasn't even feeling breathless. - What? Have you held your breath since that time? - Yes, I held it for about five minutes and did not even felt. Who knows how much time I can hold my breath now? They entered and registered her. In no time the dentist called her name and they entered together. This dentist was specialized on transformed woman and had experience. - Good afternoon! What can I help you with? - I had changed this weekend and now I am poisonous. I need something that can protect my husband from my fangs. - Ok, let me examine your teeth. Sit down there, or try to be comfortable around that chair while resting your head over here. He pointed the chair and she lay on it and coiled her tail around the chair. Then, he asked her to open her mouth. - Wow! I had never attended a cobra! Your mouth opens a lot and your teeth are all sharp. Do you control your fangs position? - Yes, I can raise and fold then as I wish. - Ok. Raise them to me, please. She did as instructed and her fangs unfolded. - Good, I see they are huge and are in a good shape. I think I have something that will help you. He went to a nearby drawer and searched into several small boxes until he found the one he was searching. Inside it there were two huge golden fangs, but they were hollow and did not seem to be sharp. He inserted Sandra's fangs inside these jewels and asked her to fold and raise her fags. - How so? Are them comfortable? - I don't feel any difference! What have you done? - I have fangs caps in store for several kinds of fangs. When a new changed woman arrives, I like to be prepared since it is generally urgency. Your fangs are now inside gold protections, lined inside with silver. Whenever you want to take of your venom, just pull the caps and they will slide out easily. Remember to clean your fangs before putting them back. While you have the caps on, your fangs will be harmless. - That's great! This is a great relief. - Just remember to keep your fangs with no protection from time to time, to avoid damage on them and it is all ok. Then the dentist presented the amount he charged the material. It was a lot of money, but fortunately their health insurance covered such cases and they had to pay just a small amount. As they were going to their car, Marcus noticed that Sandra's slithering was smooth and graceful. - I am impressed as to how fast you learned to slither. - I am getting used to it. I don't feel as a strange in my body anymore and I am getting used to it. She quickly entered the car and as soon as Marcus entered, she sneaks to his side and went up on his body until she was facing him. Then she planted a passionate kiss on his lips, using her tongue to explore his mouth. When they separated, she put her head on his lap. - Wow! What a kiss! - I was missing kissing you! I wasn't kissing you fearing that I could poison you. Now I am free to kiss you! - That was good! Are you going home in my lap? - Yes, I don't like to look at your back. I was thinking and I think I am flexible enough to fit the front seat of your car. I can place my upper body in the front seat and my tail in the back seat. I want you to install the seat again when we get home. They went home as Marcus was caressing her head, hood and hair. When they got there, she proved her flexibility by slithering out of the car by the window. - Wow! You are really flexible! - Yes, I am! And I like the feeling of it! Now I have to take care of my nails, I want to blunt and paint them. - Why don't you schedule an appointment at the manicure? - I will try. Maybe they have some time to attend me today. - Sure! I will install the front seat again, so you can try to fit in it. While he installed the passenger seat of his car, she phoned the manicure and scheduled an appointment. Since it was a Monday, they had a lot of time to attend her and could do that immediately. She came to the car when Marcus was finishing installing the seat and told him. Since she was ready, she tested it entering in the passenger side and slipping her body to the rear seat. She managed to fit comfortably inside the car. - I fit here in this position comfortably. I think that if I exercise some more, I could operate the pedals with my tail and could drive my car again. It is just a question of finding the best position for me to stay. - That's good. This way your changes will not limit you anymore. Then he entered the car and they went to the manicure. When they got in there, Sandra asked the manicure to cut her claws short and blunt. After some argument where the manicure refused to cut her claws so short, they agreed on a longer size, but they had to be blunt. The manicure was a hybrid with a cat. She showed her retractable claws to Sandra and how they were blunt but well cared. A few minutes later, Sandra had three inches claws with red nail polish on them. She heard several comments about how beautiful her scales were and was enjoying the attention. She took the opportunity to wash and style her hair. After three hours, she was ready and they returned home. - You are very beautiful! And you are really stunning now! - Thank you! I wanted to feel more feminine. I had been too much of a reptile and less human these last days and it is good to feel human again. When they got home, she quickly undressed herself. - I can't stand using clothes anymore. I keep thinking that my scales are my clothes now. - Well, while inside our home, I see no problem in that. I also think it is a shame to cover so beautiful body. You were really lucky with your changes. - I am feeling that way too. Tomorrow morning we can see to register me as an autonomous vendor of my products. - We will need to buy some equipment too. I will search online for some vendors and prices. We need a lyophilization machine and some containers to your venom. - Don't forget to search for containers to snake eggs. If the price were good, maybe I can sell mine too. - Won't you try your eggs first? They could be nutritious and you will spend lots of energy to produce them. - Maybe I will, but I don't know if I would like to eat something that came from me. Marcus went to the computer and started to browse for equipment prices while Sandra went to their bedroom. He was wondering if they should sell their cars to buy the machinery when he saw the prices, but then he found a company that sold the machine they needed and was willing to negotiate the payment method. They even took payment in products, if they got a 20% discount in the market value. - I found out a company that sells a good machine and where we can even trade your venom for it. If we can negotiate a good deal, we can pay for it quickly. - That depends on the quantity of venom I will produce, but since the purity is high and that the market for cobra venom seems to be good, we will have no problems. Let's see it tomorrow. - We could go there now. - No! Today I have other plans. She then entered the room where he was and he saw that she had put some makeup and was stunning. She slithered up to where he was and coiled her body around the chair where he was. When she was facing him, she hugged him. He noticed her horny face and started to caress her body. - You helped me a lot today. You dessserve a reward! Hsss! They kissed passionately. He was exploring her mouth with his tongue while was feeling her squeezing him. He caressed her breasts and felt her nipples hardening. She quickly uncoiled from the chair and guided him to their bedroom, where she removed his clothes and wrapped into his body again. She pushed him into bed and he entered her pussy with his cock. She was all wet and started to use her pussy to suck his cock while kissing. She was hissing and moaning when felt an orgasm coming. He saw as she as opening her mouth and exposing her covered fangs. Is no time she came hard, followed by several others until he came inside her. At this time, she had an even stronger orgasm and moaned louder. They were panting and she was still sucking his cock. - Thisss isss ssso good! - I loved the surprise! And I like to make you hiss. - I am melting after sssso much orgasssmsss. My body isss way hotter than before! Hsss! He caressed her body, sending shivers into her. - You are exsssciting me even more now! I can't ssstop hisssssing! - That's good! I think it is sexy! He caressed her body while she rested on his chest. After some minutes, he excused himself and went to shower. When he was showering, he heard her hissing louder and quickly finished to see what was going on. - Are you feeling ok? - Yessss! Sssso much pleasssure in my body now! Can you ssssee somesssthing different on my body? Then he saw what was causing that. - Sandra! You are laying eggs! And they are huge! She was laying the third egg. Her eggs were six inches long and three wide, like large white capsules. - Thissss isss sssso good! She contorted her body while laying eggs. Some minutes later there were a dozen eggs over the bed. - I am exsssaussst! - Well, you already laid a dozen eggs! - And I felt a huge pleasssure at each of them! Hsss! - Relax and rest some more. I will put away your eggs and come back to you. He grabbed a bowl at kitchen and put her eggs in it. She laid two more eggs before sleeping. Since he was not that tired, he just turned on the air conditioner and watched some TV. Instinctively, she coiled her body around them and hugged him when the air got colder. After some time, he turned off the TV and lay down on her tail, using it as a pillow. He put a blanket over them and slept too. Tuesday, 08h In the next morning, since they were under the blankets, Sandra's body warmed up enough for her to wake up before Marcus. She felt something wrong into her mouth, like her venom sacks were full. When she moved her body, she woke up her husband. - Good morning! How do you feel today? - Good morning! I am relaxed. Last night you were great, but lay eggs were great! Now there is something bothering me inside my mouth. It seems that I am full of venom. - It seems we will have to collect your venom often. Let's see how much venom you had produced. They went to the kitchen, where Marcus handed a bigger glass cup to his wife. She removed her fangs caps and pressed them in the glass. - Sandra! Stop filling this cup! It is almost overflowing! - Wow! This is so much venom! Why didn't I have this production before? Maybe because you were still changing and that you did not have the fangs caps. Maybe your venom was flowing into your mouth and you did not realize. - With that amount of venom, we will be rich! - Yes, I am excited now! We can live only with the selling of your venom! He handed her a second glass and she finished draining her venom. After that she brushed her teeth, put the caps back and took a quick shower while Marcus prepared the breakfast. - What do you want to eat? - I don't know. Do you believe that even after that monstrous lunch yesterday, I am already hungry? - I do believe. You laid fourteen eggs last night and produced almost two cups of venom! Your body burns energy to do that. - How about we taste some of my eggs? I am curious to find out what they taste like. - Even I am curious, but I have some barriers to overcome. Aren't they poisonous? - No! No changed woman eggs are poisonous. It is just an unfertilized snake egg. He then took two eggs from the fridge and boiled them for a few minutes. When they were ready, he peeled the shell of them, which was soft, seasoned one with some salt and handed the other to his wife. He cut his egg in half and noticed that the egg yolk was a deeper yellow, but otherwise it was as a normal egg. - Ready to eat? - Always, but I can't chew anything. I have to swallow it whole. He tried a piece and it tasted different from a chicken egg, but it was still delicious. Sandra, on the other hand, swallowed her egg whole. - Do you feel any taste when swallowing like that? - Just a little. My tongue is really sensible and everything I eat leaves the taste on it. I feel the taste only after I swallow the food. - I liked your egg. When you will lay more eggs? - That's a good question. I have no idea. By the way, I don't know if they are valuable! We may be eating a small fortune. - I will browse for it. But if your venom is as valuable as I saw in the internet, we could afford to eat your eggs whenever we want. - Let's hope so. Do your browsing and then let's go to buy my venom processing equipment. I don't want to waste any more of it. By the way, what are you doing with the venom we are already collected? - We can't throw it away. I am storing it in a big bottle. As soon as we have the equipment to process it, I will send it to incineration. It is the only way to not destroy the environment. All the venom we took from you could easily kill a river if we had thrown it in the sink. Even the cups are not good for use anymore. I am keeping them away from the kitchen. They are poisonous to me even if I wash them. - I agree with you. It's better to be in the safe side. After putting away her venom, he browsed for snake eggs price and found out they worth only twenty dollars each. He also took note of the address of the company that sells the equipment to process her wife venom. - Let's go? I already have the address of the company that sells the machinery we need. We can also go to the town hall to register you as a autonomous vendor of venomous materials. It is required so you can sell you venom. The legislation had advanced at that time. The opening of new companies to sell products from changed women was easy and fast. They only needed to register her in the town hall and could start to seek for clients. The paperwork was all done by the buyer, which turned the life of the transformed women easier. They only had to agree about the price and hand out the products. - Let's go, I am already ready. I also want to go to the mall to buy some clothes to me. I have only a few dresses and I also have to donate my pants. - Aren't you afraid of people today? - No. Since I put my fangs caps, I am more confident. I can't fear being in public places. And now I have enough coordination to walk, or slither, without bumping into each piece of furniture in the way. - I bet that the compliments you received yesterday have something to do with this behavior changes too. - They improved my confidence, that's true. Do you really think that brown and yellowish scales are beautiful? - Yes, I do! Since I saw them for the first time, I think the brown integrates so well with your skin and the yellow ones help to compose your visual, which is not boring nor leaves you faded into the ambient. - How cute of you! She kissed him lightly in the lips. - Now let's go, I want to finish all of this up to the end of this afternoon, so we can start to collect my venom as soon as possible. We don't know how much time we have until my venom sacks are full again. They went to the store Marcus had located. The salesman was respectful and listened to her needs before suggesting an all in one model. That machine could receive; process and pack her venom in just one step. She had just to put her fangs on a glass compartment on the top of the machine and it would take care of everything else automatically. That machine was also the most expensive model available there. They had some good payment options and after some negotiation, Sandra was able to negotiate a term of payment of two weeks. Sandra had also promised that she would pay before the deadline if she found a good price for her venom. The store also had the machine promptly available, so they put it in the car and went to the town hall. The register as an autonomous vendor was easy to get and took only a few minutes, but they had to wait a few hours until all clearances were checked. At the end, Sandra received a small identification card with her vendor number. The next stop was at the Mall, where Sandra walked in a crowded environment for the first time. Besides several other changed women being there, she was one of the most changed one. Her scaled skin and her cobra features were noticed wherever they went. Every one in the mall turned their heads to see her. - Have you noticed how people are staring at you? - Yes, and I am a little nervous. I never had that much attention before. - You were never a twenty two feet snake before. You are one of the biggest changed women at the Mall. - But there are other women as big as I am out there. - Yes, and they are rare. I feel lucky because I have a wonderful woman that changed into a so exuberant creature. - Don't you tire of flattering me? - No. Now let's try to buy something before we eat. They went to some stores and Sandra was getting more comfortable around people. Wherever she went, several people were complimenting her by her change. Several of the women said that they wished they could change like her because she made it seem that it was easy being that size. She had to show her fangs to a saleswoman that wanted to take a picture with her too. After buying two dresses, they went to the food court to eat something. When they got there, they found a table where Sandra coiled her body at and Marcus seated on a chair. - So, what are you going to eat today? - I don't know. I want something like yesterday, but with more variety. Are you buying our food? - Of course, you just have to tell me what you want and I get to you. She then told him to buy only eight burgers and three drinks to her. While he was buying the food, she stayed at the table. When returning with a mountain of food, he saw that Sandra was talking to some people and were taking pictures with them. They had asked her about her changes and she was becoming quite popular at the Mall. Marcus waited until everyone dispersed and then handed her food. - You are a star! - Wow! I am almost bothered! Just after you left I was boarded by several people, took six pictures, several autographs and had to answer several questions about my changes. - Well, I suggest you to get used to that. - I think I will become a reclusive cobra, what do you think? - Nonsense! I am just kidding you. Soon there will be another changed woman and everyone will leave you alone. - I hope so. Now let's eat! I am hungry. While Marcus ate his burger, Sandra was able to swallow all of hers and also took the drink. In no time she was waiting for him. - It must be good to eat that fast. - Not so much. I can feel some taste when I swallow, but it is very fast. This leaves me a little upset. And there is the matter about the size of my belly after I eat that much! Look at me! Now I have a huge belly and I am not even feeling sated. - Do you want some more food? - No! I ate enough to have energy for some time. I asked for that much of food to see if I can fill my venom sacks quickly. I want to test if the amount of food I eat increases my venom production. - Are you already thinking about increasing production? We don't even know how much you can make in a day! - Yes, but I want to have a lot of venom to sell. Now that we have the machine, I will try to keep it busy. That way we can pay for the machine as soon as possible and have a comfortable life. - That's a good idea, but watch out what you eat so you don't get fat. - I do not have the intention of getting fat. I only need to satisfy my body. And changed women don't get fat, did you forget that? - No, I was just pushing you! It is good for you to know how your body works. They talked some more and then returned home. Marcus installed the venom machine in the kitchen and turned it on. Its operation was simple and Sandra was anxious to test it. She read the instruction manual and then put her fangs on the receiving container and drained her venom. The machine detected the presence of the venom and started processing it. It was quite silent and the timer on it indicated it would take twenty minutes to process that venom. Twenty minutes later, the machine biped and released five small plastic bags with a yellow powder inside. Each bag had one gram of venom. - Wow! Five grams in the first processing and my fangs were not full! - Impressive! If your venom is as good as the tests indicated, we may have some serious money now. - We need to find someone to buy it! They browsed for some company who would buy her venom and found a big pharmaceutical group that seemed serious and was trustful. On the other hand, that group paid less for the venom. Sandra then called the company. - Good afternoon, my name is Amelia. What can I help you with? - Hello! My name is Sandra and I just finished my change into a snake and had an examination that stated I am poisonous. I want to offer my dried venom to you. - Perfectly. I will register you. Please tell me your registration number. She told the woman her registration number. - I found it. You were registered today! - Yes, I just bought the equipment to process my venom too and I had it tested a few minutes ago. - Which species you are? - I am a Cape Cobra. - A Cape Cobra? That's the first time I heard about a change into a Cobra! We have a lot of interest in your venom! It is pretty hard to find! - That's good! My venom is 100% compatible with this specie and is 70% pure. I just got my results yesterday. - That's better! We can base the price on your info. How much venom do you have now? - I have only five grams. - Wow! That's a good amount! We are interested in buying all the venom you can make. Besides snake antivenin, we do several researches that require this kind of venom. - Well, I think I can produce more than that. I got this amount in about five hours. - Five hours? This is crazy! We have to work a month to get half of that! - Well, does that mean you are willing to pay a lot of money for my venom? - Sorry about that, but your venom has potential to help us a lot. Than Amelia told Sandra the value she was allowed to pay for her venom. She accepted that amount and they made the arrangements to transfer the money to her bank account. - Thank you, Sandra. We are sending a courier to pick up this shipment and he must arrive in about half an hour. The payment is already blocked on your account and will be unblocked just after we do the tests on our lab. - How much time does that takes? - Around three to four ours, tops. - Ok then. We will be waiting. - And what is the best time for us to get your production every day? - Well, if I take my venom at eight o'clock I think that until ten o'clock I will have it available. What do you think? - I will schedule it to ten o'clock each day. We will buy all the venom you could make. - Ok. And are you interested into buying eggs too? - You lay eggs too? - Yes, I laid some yesterday and still have a dozen. - That's interesting! But unfortunately we don't buy eggs. But I will place a note on your register and we will contact you if we need some in the future. - Ok then. Bye. As soon as she ended the call, they started celebrating. - All this money just for five grams of venom! We will be rich that way! I hope I can keep producing venom like that! - You have to take a good care of your fangs now. They are valuable! - Yes, I will. I am thinking that I could take off the caps and keep then unprotected while we are at home. - Why is that? - The dentist told me to keep the protections off to avoid damages on my fangs. I will put them when I have to go out or when we are in bed and in some other situations. - I think this is good. I will take the risk of being near a poisonous snake. She then removed her fangs caps and put them away. They agreed that if she felt her venom taste on her mouth that she could drain them on the machine. Then they would know how much time it takes for her to fill her venom sacks. They checked their bank account balance and saw that the deposit was there and was blocked as they were expecting. A few minutes later, the courier arrived and got the venom, leaving the receipts with her. - Wow, I just realized that if I keep producing that much of venom, we will pay for the machine before the next weekend. - This is a huge opportunity to both of us. You can stop working almost immediately. - I like to work at my lawyer office, but I will stop getting new cases. It would be great to be able to take some vacations whenever I want. We just have to wait two to three weeks to see if my changes are really over and then you can quit your job too. Then we can do anything we want. They spent the rest of the afternoon making plans for the future. They concluded that if her venom worth the same after three weeks, they would quit their jobs definitely and just live from her venom. At nightfall, they checked their bank account and found out that the deposit was unblocked. They celebrated ordering some pizzas. - I am feeling a taste on my mouth. Are my fangs already filled? - There is just one way to say that. Go to the machine and extract it. She went there and when she bitted the venom container, a strong jet of venom hit the machine. She drained her fangs and waited for the timer. - Wow! I filled my glands quickly! - I am impressed! I hope the quality of your venom keeps still. - Me too. Now let me clean my mouth and teeth, while the machine process the venom. After she did that she looked at the machine timer. It was indicating at least forty minutes until the end. - Wow! That's much more than the first one! And it was only a few hours since I drained them. I think my production will be huge! - We hit the jackpot! - Only if the quality keeps the same. Let's hope. And now that I drained my fangs sometimes, I can tell when they are full of venom. - That's good. You can keep draining them when you feel them full. But I am worried with this new feeling of yours. Have you really finished your changes? Wasn't this a new change? - Do you think so? If that's the case, it is best for us to schedule a new appointment at the hospital, just to be sure. But I don't feel anything different about me. After they ate the pizza, when Marcus ate a few slices and Sandra finished it, they checked the machine and it had finished processing the venom. - Wow! Twenty grams! - Sandra said. - I did not expect that much! - Neither does me. - I barely can wait until tomorrow morning to sell this. This will worth a lot of money. I think we can start to see if we need other machines, as a quality analyzer or a safe storage. - It is a good idea. They went to their room and while Marcus was in the bed, Sandra cleaned her mouth again, put the protections and went to bed, where she climbed over her husband, wrapped him in her coils and started to lick his chest. - What's that for? Are you trying to provoke me? - Yesss! I need sssomesssthing from you! At the same time his cock hardened as she took of his clothes. She put his cock inside her and moaned in pleasure. She started to suck it as she did before, giving a great pleasure to him. - Hsss! I am hot! Hsss! I need more! Her tongue was feeling the air often. In a few minutes she started to feel a string of orgasms and hissed and moaned louder. She was squeezing her husband with her tail and pussy. Marcus came when she had her fourth orgasm and then she relaxed her body, lying on his chest. - Hsss! I am ssso horny now! I can't believe! Hsss! You were great! Hsss! - You were the great here! I thought you would bit me! You were showing your fangs. - Even if I usssed my fangsss on you, I would not hurt you! Hsss! My fangsss are harmlesssss now. - You are hissing more now too. - I liked a lot to have sssex with you! I am not trying to ssstop hisssssing! He caressed her body and felt her pussy sucking him some more. After some time, she slept onto his chest, still sucking his cock. He just turned on their air conditioner and slept too. Wednesday, 07h Marcos woke up in the next morning using Sandra's body as a pillow and feeling her pussy still sucking his cock. She had her face near his and her tongue was feeling the air slowly. Her body was spread in the bed and also over him, serving as a blanket. When his cock hardened, she started to suck it harder. He caressed her breasts and felt her nipples hardening. In no time she started to moan and slowly woke up. - Thisss isss good! Keep playing with them! Hsss! He continued to play with her breasts until she came. She was moving her body in waves, sending waves of pleasure through his body. When she came for the second time, he came too. At that time she was wide awake. - Thisss wasss good! Hsss! - I loved it too! I woke up with your pussy sucking me. I think I hadn't moved this night. - Truly? Did I ssspend all night with your cock inssside me? Hsss! Then Marcus noticed something. - It is me or are you growing more? It seems that you grew some more since last night! She woke up and they saw that her juices had wet his cock and the bed sheets. They also noticed that she seemed at least three feet longer. To be sure, she straightened her body in the room and it really was longer than before. - I am growing! Marcus went to her and they saw that her body too was longer, her torso also became longer. They took measure of her body and noted that she had now twenty five feet. - How much do I weight now? Yesterday I had three hundred pounds! - I think you will be just a little heavier. Your body seems slender too. - I feel like my fangs are going to explode too. Let me drain them because the company should call soon. She went to the machine and drained her fangs. She was relieved when finished emptying them, but was shocked when saw the machine timer. It was indicating at least two hours to finish the processing. - Wow! It will take two hours now! We are going to have a lot of venom to sell today! - That's good! At this rate we are going to pay every debt of ours until Friday. Next week we can think about what to do with so much money! - I loved it! I want to move to a new house! One that has a large backyard! - It is ok to me. Let's eat something before the courier arrives. Do you want some snake eggs, madam? He was grinning. - Yes, please! I will have two this morning. Marcus then put the eggs to boil and one more to him and brewed some coffee. When the eggs were ready, they quickly ate them. - One egg is enough to me! I can't eat anything until lunch. - I had two and I think I can stand until lunch time. At that moment the phone rang and Sandra answered. Marcus went to the machine and saw that it had finished processing another forty grams of venom. - Sandra! Tell them we have sixty grams this morning. Sandra told them and was excited when heard about the value she would receive. When she hung up, she started to tell. - They had my venom analyzed yesterday and said that it is first class venom! They told me that I am the changed woman who makes the purest venom they have notice. They are prepared to buy my entire production and they are finishing processing the today's order. Soon they will make the deposit. - Wow! I don't believe it. Not even in my wildest dreams I thought about making money out of your changes. They checked their bank account and the deposit was already there. In a few minutes the courier came and took the venom, leaving the receipts with Sandra. - Now we just have to wait until the deposit is cleared! I did not expect that sell my venom could be that profitable. - I hope that the excess of venom in the market did not change its value. - And I hope they find a new use for it soon. Them the demand will not fall and I can dictate the price. - Don't let this go to your head. - I know, I know! I will not. I will ask just the right price. I am no extortionist. - And what do you want for lunch? I thought about some meat to you, what do you think? - It would be good. What kind of meat? - Maybe a roast beef. I don't want to serve raw meat to you. How about I make a semi-rare, ten pound roast beef to you? - It seems interesting! Don't you think it is strange that I eat raw meat? - No. You are a snake. At least the most of you are. If you like to eat raw meat, what can I do about it? But today I will prepare your meat properly. - What are you doing? - I will season the meat and heat it properly before serving you. It will be a nice lunch, you will see! - I am watering! I think it will taste very good! And what are you going to do to you? - I will do the same for me; I just will make mine to the point. But I have to buy the meat for us. - While you go to the market, I will clean that mess in our room. - That's a plan. I am going there. He went to the market while Sandra went to their room clean the sheets. But when she approached the bed, she felt the smell of sex of that morning and started to being excited. She felt Marcus's smell in the sheets too and began to be very excited. She took the sheets off and went to the backyard to avoid the smell, but she already was so horny that her thoughts were clouding. In the backyard, she rolled in the ground with the sheets and started to moan lightly as she was caressing herself. She needed a cock and needed it desperately. When she heard his car parking in the garage she went to a corner in the backyard and waited. After Marcus had unloaded the car, he began to search for his wife. When he stepped in the backyard, he was assaulted by his wife, who was shredding his clothes with her claws. - Sandra! What is happening? - Hsss! I need ssssex! I need it now! Hsss! She coiled herself around him and positioned her pussy in front of his cock. She eagerly impaled herself with his cock and started moaning, when he felt the smell she had, his cock hardened immediately. She was hissing loudly while rolled around the grass wrapped into her husband. She came hard after some minutes and kept coming until he came too. Throughout this frenzy, she was to licking and biting her husband lightly. - Wow! What happened? - I wasss changing the sssheets when I felt that sssmell! It drove me insssane! - This was like having sex with a wild animal. - Well, I am an animal now. At leassst in the mossst part and I am the dangerousss kind. - I hope I can keep up to you. - You will! If my sssmell hasss the sssame effect on you, we will have a lot of sssex! - Great! I will not complain, but now I need a shower and new clothes. I still have to prepare our lunch. And I suggest you stop smelling everything. I don't have that many clothes. - I will keep my tongue in my mouth. It feels the smells stronger. After the shower and new clothes, Marcus slightly seasoned the meat and cut a small piece to him. He prepared his part first and when it was almost done, put the rest of the meat in the oven. While the meat was in the oven, he prepared some side dishes and served everything. His wife's meat was only warm. She was in the kitchen with him, keeping company. From time to time she was rubbing her tail on his legs. - You are better now? - I don't know what happened to me. That smell was driving me crazy. - Have you noticed that you were biting me while coming? - No! I didn't hurt you, did I? - No. I am fine. You were using your fangs caps and only bit lightly. - I wouldn't forgive me if I had hurt you. - Don't think about it. It's over. What were you saying before about your smell affect me too? - The smell I felt made me hornier than ever! I think it has the same effect on you. Have you noticed that you can keep yourself hard longer now that I changed into this? - That's true. We can see later if your smell affects me that way too. That my smell can do that to you, we already know. How do you feel about having sex so often now? I know that changed women do that, but how it feels? - It seems to be part of me now that I am almost all the time horny. I can control my desires, but I think I wouldn't refuse sex if you wanted. - Would you have sex with someone else to satisfy your urges? - No! That's cheating! I will not do that! - I am glad to know. Now let's eat before it gets cold. He saw as his wife took her piece of meat and swallowed it whole. She took ten minutes to swallow that ten pound piece of meat and then washed it with some juice. - Hmm! Delicious! The season made all the difference. You can keep doing this! - Good to know that you liked it. How about the amount of food? Was it enough for you? - I could eat another four pieces of this and would not be sated yet. But I think this amount was enough to placate my hungry. Anything else would be only to fill my stomach. Let's see how much time it will take for me to be hungry again. Now I am feeling a little drowsy. - Go to our bed and take some rest. I know that reptiles can be like this after the meals. - Only if you go with me. I like to coil around you. - Ok, I will lay with you, but I will watch some TV. I am not that tired. They went to bed and Sandra coiled her body around her husband. He used part of her body as a pillow and turned on the air conditioner. - You know that I will be cold and sleeping soon, don't you? - Yes, but you were already tired. I will wake you up later. - Ok. She kissed him and they watched TV until she slept. He noticed her body was cold and brought her to his chest. Her tongue insisted on feeling the air from time to time and he was wondering about how she felt having a so different body. At that moment, the TV stopped its programming to report something important. According to the news, the scientist who had created the virus was found. Marcus tried to wake up his wife, to no avail. He turned off the air conditioner and kept watching the news. After some world searches, the scientist was discovered at a property around four hundred miles from were they lived. The authorities had found her at an improvised lab where she was releasing the virus into the atmosphere. The reporters said that she was obviously going ahead with her research. When a photo of the moment of her arrest was released, Marcus was shocked. She was a cobra too and she resembled Sandra. The only difference was that the scientist's scales were black. It was evident that Sandra had been infected by the same virus that her. As the reporter continued to cover the news, she said that the investigators had found some written diaries in the scene, but they could not find any evidence about her research on her computers. The news also stated that when she was arrested that she bit several agents before being dominated but that the antivenin serum was provided by a pharmaceutical group in time to save everyone. The reporter interviewed one of the agents that said that the scientist was releasing the virus into the atmosphere constantly. When she was arrested, he said, she was saying that nobody understood what she did and that she had no regrets about it. She said also that soon the world would be a better and safer place to live. Nobody knew what she meant about that, but several scientists where receiving all the information the investigators took from the scene. The news started to cover only this case, repeating all the information from time to time. While Marcus was trying to warm his wife, he saw that some of the diaries were from the time the virus was created. In it, the scientist was celebrating the fact that she had created the virus and that she had finally finished the First Phase of her plan. She also stated that this was going to shut up everyone who opposes her. The diaries also stated that had been an accident in the lab while they were manipulating the virus, releasing it in the atmosphere. By the diaries descriptions, it seemed that the scientist was crazy. She had thought about preserving the woman reproduction capacity and proved that could make the human part of the changed women prettier. The diaries did not have any information about what was the Second Phase nor if it had been finished, but the diaries clearly indicated her work had not been finished yet. The last record stated that she found the keys she needed to end second phase. At that moment, Sandra was waking up. - Sandra! Look at that! They arrested the scientist who created the virus! - They got her? That's great! We are closer to a cure now! - Not yet, she did not have any info with her in the moment of her arrest and the notes they found left me worried. - What info? Marcus told Sandra everything he listened and they also watched the news when it repeated some time later. - What if I go feral? What if this second phase is a stronger change to end mankind? - Calm down! We have to wait as we waited for your changes. It may be something different. - I hope so! I don't want to be a complete animal. - Then let's change the subject. Does the company release your payment? She grabbed the notebook and checked her bank account. It had been released and they celebrated. They called the store that sold the venom machine to then and transferred the money to them. Even after the payment, she still had some money into her account. - The better part is that I can feel my fangs full again! I will process some more venom now! Sandra quickly went to the machine and bit the container. The machine's timer indicated two hours to process all the venom. - Marcus! It will be two hours processing again! I could fill my fangs in less time than before! - That's great! I hope the company can find a new use to your venom quickly. Oh, and the news also showed a photo of the scientist. She is a cobra too. She resembles you! - Wow! What if people think that I am her? - No problem there. Her scales seem to be black. The news said that she bit several agents when was arrested. - How cruel from her. At that time the phone ranged and Sandra answered. - Hello? - Sandra? Is that you? - Yes, who is talking? - I am Amanda, from the company. - Hi Amanda, what can I do for you? - I am calling to check if you have some more venom to sell. Are you following the news? - Yes, I am. I saw that they arrested the scientist responsible by the virus that changed us all. - Yes, that's why I am calling. She bitted several people and we are the only company that can make anti venom serum quick enough. - Wow! But I thought that the venom I sold this morning could take care of it. Do you still need more? - Yes, that amount had already been distributed and almost all of it had been used when the crisis came. We used every drop we could take back to produce the anti venom and we still need more. The news doesn't know yet, but she had bit several other people when she tried to escape. At least thirty six people are at the hospital this moment and all of them need more serum. - Wow! How could she try to escape? - Nobody knows for sure. It seems that they underestimated her strength. She was sedated, but she could break the cuffs and her cell's lock. When she tried to run away, the agents tried to catch her and were bitten. Now she is locked again with heavy security and is even more sedated. - Good they could lock her again. As regards my venom, I am processing a new batch right now. It will take around two hours to process it and I think I will have another forty grams to sell to you. Will this be enough? - Yes! I will send the courier in two hours. I am also allowed to pay around 20% more because of the urge of this case. - Amanda, this venom will be used to help people that were injured while in service. I will not charge you more because you need more venom. I should even give you a discount in the price if you promised me to do the same. Actually, with the amount of venom I can make, I don't need to think about raising the price so soon. - That's great! Your good deed will not be forgotten. I will note here what you have done. - It's not necessary, but thanks. I will be waiting for the courier. - And I am already releasing the deposit. Since this is an emergency, the money is already available to you. - Ok. You just made me happy! Do you think you will need more venom? - We will need all the venom you can make. We don't know how much anti venom the victims will need. Can you increase the production? - I don't know. All I know is that when I eat a lot it seems that my glands fill faster. I will try to eat a lot now and see if I can make another forty grams up to the bed time. And tomorrow morning I will try to process another batch. - That will be enough for us! Thanks by the help. - You are welcome. I will wait for the courier. - Ok. Sandra hung up the phone and told Marcus their conversation. They celebrated a lot the fact that her venom was being used to save people. They also celebrated that she was making a lot of money and that they could be millionaires sooner than they thought. After celebrating, they started planning the dinner. - What do you think I prepare some more of that roast beef to you? How much do you want to eat? - If I have to recharge my fangs quickly, how about thirty pounds? Let's see if I can recharge them faster by eating a lot. - Ok. But I will have to go to the market to buy it. I will be back soon. She kissed him goodbye and he left to the market. She kept watching the news, eager for more information. But the information was repeating constantly and no news was being released. She also went to the machine and saw that it was finishing. The courier arrived just a few minutes after it finished processing and took the venom. After that, Marcus returned home with all that meat. - Hi, I am back! Have the news said anything new? - No, they keep repeating the story over and over. I saw the photo of the scientist that you told me about. She really resembles me but what impressed me is that she was almost thirty feet long. - Where did you get this info? - On the news. They showed the record of her arrestment and it had the information. The news was covering something else, but this got my attention. She is twenty nine feet and ten inches long. - Wow! She is huge! You are only twenty four and seems huge to me. - I hope I don't grow anymore. - Well, I would not mind to have more four or five feet of woman. She went to him and coiled around his body until their faces met. - Funny boy. But I want to see if you can handle me if I grow more. They kissed lightly and she released him, so he could prepare her meat. It was almost nightfall when he put her meat on the oven. Just a few minutes later, he finished warming the meat to her and put it on the table. - Aren't you going to eat too? - No, I am good. This is all for you. I will keep you company while you eat. - Well, I don't eat, I swallow. Do these meats have thirty pound? - No. They have thirty eight. I hope this is enough to you. - Someday we have to test how much I can eat and then see how much time I will take to digest it. For now this will be enough. - I want to see this happen. You would need at least two hundred pound to do the test. - If what that doctor told was true, that I could eat a small calf. - Now, if you are going to be sleepy after this meal, how can we take your venom tonight? - I read the machine's manual. It has a lot more features you don't know, like a detachable container. I think you can take it and extract my venom while I sleep. - I can try, if you don't wake up. Sandra ate all three pieces of meat in less than half an hour. It was three tenderloin pieces with twelve pound each. Marcus was just staring at her belly that was expanding at each piece she ate. - Sandra! Have you noticed that your belly now seems to be lower on your body? - No, I haven't. I feel like I could eat a lot yet. Am I still changing? - Well, you grew some more since yesterday. Can you make a new appointment with the doctor? We must be sure if it is happening something to you. At least your animal side seems to be under control.

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It all started the weekend before Easter. We had moved into our first home about three months ago and life in a rural community has been a difficult adjustment for my family. I took a job in rural eastern Colorado and if you have ever been there then you know there really isn’t anything but flat nothingness for hundreds of miles. I took this job because it paid well and the cost of living was small. We bought a moderate size home about eight miles from what we call our town (population of less...

2 years ago
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Buying the Family Next DoorChapter 7 The Tattoo Appointments

After Tiffany and Sandy left I called Eddie. Eddie was a tattoo artist. I had met him at one of the strip clubs I used to attend. It so happened the Eddie owned and operated a tattoo and piercing shop located in the seedier side of town. "Hey, Eddie, how's it going?" I asked. "Not bad, but it's been a little slow since the economy took a dump. What's up with you? We haven't seen you at the club lately." "I've been rather busy. I've got several new lady friends. I may be able to...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 47

It was the last full day of the convention, and after breakfast Ginger met us and we were on our way there. She once again said how much she had enjoyed the game the night before, and I told her she was more than welcome to join us that night for champagne. Once we got there, we had barely started to wander the floor when I heard my name over the PA. Mr. Cummings was there with Roy, and after going to a private room they told me that all the arrangements were being made. They laid out...

3 years ago
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Gaping my wife0

Well anyway she was a bit shy And not very adventurous in the bedroom. Hell it took me almost 6 months to finally fuck her and after I bursted her cherry she just couldn't be satisfied. Soon after we were pregnant with our son which made things even better for me. She just wanted a raw fucking Every time I walked in the door. It seemed like she was getting more daring in her sexuality the bigger her belly swelled. She started telling me of one fantasy after another which made for a good cum...

2 years ago
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Shagging My Partners Milf Boss 2

We arranged to meet up one day and she told her husband that she was going on a Managers away-day so she would be back late.This meant she turned up in a full management ensemble.She had a very tight fitting white blouse on,a skirt which was not as short as usual but still showed off her legs,and a blue suit.This was finished off with a pair of black high-heeled shoes.I told her she looked hot and she said,thanks.I had to dress the part for my managers away-day but i still wanted to look good...

4 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 11

Now that the beautiful sexy blonde eighteen-year-old was performing oral sex for Leo, Floyd, and Tomas, along with fucking them without any resistant now that she was addicted to cocaine, they had decided it was time for her to start earning her keep. Tomas had Madeline on her knees giving him a blowjob. She was moving her pretty blonde head up-and-down letting his hard cock slip in-and-out of her hot mouth as she sucked him. “You have gotten very good at sucking cock,” Tomas said, as he...

4 years ago
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The Crossing part 35 of 37

I was an escaped British PoW living as a woman in Nazi Germany. Now, with the end of the war in Europe only days away, I was part of a group about to surrender to the Americans, but should I reveal my true identity to them when we did? THE CROSSING - part 35 by BobH (c) 2016 - 79 - "Is it just me or was there an undercurrent between Wernher and Walter Dornberger last night?" I asked Helmut as we headed down to breakfast the following...

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Kitchen cleanup leads to the bedroom

I was at the counter doing dishes when I felt his hands slip around my waist. His lips touched the back of my neck. He pulled me against his chest and I leaned my head against his chest. I felt his dick get hard when I pushed my body against him. I shook the water off my hands and looked up at him and smiled."Hey Scott," I said sighing when his fingers pushed a curly blonde hair away from my face. His hands gently caressed my cheeks and he smiled when I smiled again. Scott slipped his hands...

Straight Sex
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The Artist0

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller Art “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power “ Or Emotional Power The Artist Artists often have more than one medium they prefer to work with. I was different in that regard, I actually enjoyed using as many different mediums as possible. I was making a living as a Tattoo artist and...

4 years ago
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CulDeSac A Story in Around Ch 04

Castor watched as Roger left for work the next morning in his truck, heading off to his oh-so-trendy internet security company. Waiting for Roger to leave was the hardest part, Nancy always left for work early, giving her husband plenty of time in the morning to do as he pleased. What he mostly wished to do was to get into Gina’s pants, but her damn husband always took so long to leave in the morning. As soon as the truck rounded the corner, Castor was headed across the lawn and went into the...

2 years ago
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It started back in my sophomore year of high school. My fatherwas overseas with his construction firm on a six month build when my auntMarie had her accident. My mom wanted to fly up to see her in the hospital,but it was the middle of the school year, and she didn't want me missingany classes. That was when a neighbor of ours, and a close friend of myparents', offered to let me stay with her and her daughter while my mom wasout of town. She promised to feed me, make sure I didn't stay out in...

2 years ago
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Ecstasy The Double BJ in the restroom

[X] Ecstasy & The Double BJ in the restroom [X] One Saturday night I was riding with a friend of mine around the city looking for some fun to get into, and we ride past this club . I noticed that it was a gay club by the flag on the front . He says " Damn if we was gay, we'd be in there turnt up ". I laugh , but in the back of my mind I'm thinking to myself "b*o, if you only knew". I keep my bi curiosity and my fascination with transsexuals to myself. But we eventually make our way back to...

4 years ago
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Beginning Of My Sex Life With My Brother

Hey everyone this is Deepika. I was one of those traditional Indian girls who are even shy to look at boys a year back. But it is quite strange how things have changed in a matter of a year. I suddenly took interest in porn and was learning each and every thing I could about sex, thanks to internet. It’s all because of my friends, I joined college recently and had to make friends and fortunately I got a really amazing group of girls so funny and never hesitant to talk about sex and stuff. After...

1 year ago
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The bitch pegged me

That evening I came back home from my office, finding my sweet wife waiting for me with an early dinner.“Tonight I have a date, but you are not allowed to stay at home…” Anita told me as we were having a coffee after the meal.I asked her who would be the lucky one this time; but my sexy wife looked at me seriously and told me it was not my business…So, before ten o`clock I grabbed my laptop and kissed goodbye Ana, telling her I would be at my office again until she would call me to come back.I...

1 year ago
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Into the Breach

Title: “Into the Breach” PLOT: In a post-apocalyptic US, eight brave souls struggle to survive in a dystopian future. Will they survive, or will they succumb to the temptations the brave new world offers them? SETTING: Former United States, near future. Resource Wars have pushed the country to the brink of secession. Militias and government troops fight over water rights in the Southwest. Armed troops and mobile sensors guard a tenuous border between a secular, industrial North and theocratic...

1 year ago
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You were sitting on the couch, I could see you were already hard. You usually tell me exactly what you want me to do, but this time you didn’t need to. I knew. I knew when I walked in, and saw you lounging there with that bulge in your pants. I knelt in front of you and you looked at me, daring me to go further, unbidden. I flicked my hair over my shoulders, holding your gaze, and pulled down the straps of my top, revealing my bra. As I reached for your flies one of my nipples popped out. You...

1 year ago
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My mums birthday

I knew that my mum had let herself go a bit after my father had left her for a younger woman over a year ago. Although she was aged 50 and rather overweight, she would go out dressed in skintight leggings and a tight t-shirt with no bra, which accentuated her big round belly and surprisingly firm breasts and prominent nipples. Although no oil painting, she would get a lot of attention from some men, and would happily take drinks bought for her until she was well pissed. I had long harboured...

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My best friends girlfriend

My old friend marco had kinda lost his mind and became paranoid. He ended up hitting his sons mother and I stepped in. After that he hated me and I didn't care because I knew I was right. Well,I ended up becoming friends with his ex. He stalked her and harassed her daily. I became close to his son whom he neglected and he called and threatened me. I brushed it off and decided to hit him were it hurt the most. I invited his woman out to get a bite to eat. We met up and she was dressed like a...

Cheating Wifes
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McKenna and Kaden

I walked up Kaden’s steps to his apartment and let myself in. I had been coming every morning for the past week to help him with his basic “getting ready” routine, which usually consisted of me making him breakfast and then helping him get into the shower and put his clothes on etc. This morning Kaden was sitting in his chair watching TV. He could manage getting from place to place, but needed to rely heavily on crutches for the time being and he tired easily. The doctor said he would...

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Bens Learning Curve

Ben was sixteen-years-old and Emma was twenty-two-years-old.Much to Ben’s amazement, Emma was his girlfriend after they had met at a friend’s party. Emma was the older sister of someone else invited to the party and a few older brothers and sisters were there. Emma struck up a conversation with Ben and at the end of the evening, it was Emma who asked Ben out.“You were the best of a bad bunch,” Emma joked.Ben didn’t mind the joke as he thought Emma was so gorgeous looking and he was more than...

4 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 24 Di

After a quick shower and fresh change of clothes, Jason grabbed Di's hand as they walked into the restaurant at the top of the hotel. They didn't have reservations and didn't know what to expect, but Jason insisted they could eat at the bar if they had to. There was a crowd waiting when they got off the elevator, so Jason dragged Di through to the bar where they sat on tall stools. "What can I get you to drink?" a handsome dark-skinned bartender asked. Di glanced at his name-tag and...

1 year ago
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FillUpMyMom Lani Rails Crushing My Stepmom8217s Pussy

Lani Rails is so fine. Blonde, petite, a perfect tan & great tits. She’s also my stepmother. I (Brett Maker) kept stealing glances, staring and taking anything to the spank bank that I could. But it couldn’t go on like that so I decided to move out. When I told Lani she was very concerned and pressed me for answers.I didn’t want to tell her but she kept insisting so I let her know; I had a crush on her. Lani was shocked but determined; she said we had to fuck and get it...

2 years ago
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SandyChapter 4

Aunt Anita got home around 6:00 that night. As she and Sandy prepared supper, Anita asked, "So what happened today? Did he call?" "Uh huh." "Well?" prodded Anita. Sandy didn't offer anything though. "And that's all you're going to say, huh?" Anita asked. After a noticeable silence, she asked, "Well, did you see him?" "No we just talked." "Well, you didn't talk all day. What else did you do, anything exciting?" Aunt Anita asked. "Mostly swimming and sunning myself ......

3 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 6

The drive was like any other I had ever been on. Hot, dusty, filled with stubborn animals who didn’t want to leave their home range. By the third day we had them almost trail broken and life was getting easier. The old brindle cow who had assumed the lead position was up before daylight most days, ready to begin the journey. I decided she would be spared the fate of the others and would bring her home with us. A good lead cow is as valuable as a good hand. We’d been on the trail for four...

2 years ago
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April and Jessica part 1 Aprils discovery

April was about 5feet 9inches tall, big DD breasts, with a firm heart shaped ass and weighed about 130 pounds. She discovered she was attracted to other girls when she was 14. She was looking through her older brother’s bedroom for a pen and she stumbled on his Playboy magazine collection. The magazine fell on the ground open to one of the pictures of a woman naked. She told herself to look away and pretend she never saw it, but some part of her made her pick up the magazine and start...

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Tutoring Has Unexpected Rewards

My sister Kate and I were seventeen, twins, and in our junior year of high school. That's where our similarities ended. She was popular, athletic, outgoing, and had lots of friends. I was her polar opposite: nerdy, socially awkward, only a handful of friends. Pretty much irrelevant in our school's world. The only thing I knew I had going for me right from day one of high school was my brain. I was smart. Really smart. Top-of-the-class smart. But as high school dragged on, I found I had...

2 years ago
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A Visit Abroad

A Horny Shopper “ Aaaaahh”, he stood at the corner urinal and began to empty his over-full bladder. The tourist bus had pulled in to the French supermarket car-park at the insistence of many of the passengers after the on-board toilet had become faulty and many a bladder had threatened to burst. It didn’t help to be last off the bus due to trying to chat-up the little blonde he had his eye on, then being last in the queue for the toilets. French shoppers weren’t best pleased to find a crowd of...

Oral Sex
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CherryPop Bailey Brooke Movie Coming Soon

Kyle Mason, is talking on the phone with his friend about his crazy neighbor. Bailey Brooke, a young and sexy nerd, is crazy in love with him. Since she was a kid, she’s been in love with Kyle. She tries very hard to make him love her too, but she’s just not Kyle’s type of girl. She always dresses with clothes that are too big for her. She’s always has a pony tail and her glass hide half of her face. She’s the typical nerd. Now Kyle knows she’s coming to...

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The Society of the Rules

The Society of the RulesAdmission into the SocietyThe large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not...

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Sooky Hitches a Ride Home

Lonely Sooky lived by herself in a small, decrepit hi-rise apartment. The 43 yr old Filipina had not had a boyfriend in several years, but still liked to look and feel sexy. At 5’4”, she liked showing off her trim 120 lb body by wearing tight-fitting pants and loose, clingy tops. Today she wore a low-cut, lavender blouse, loose at the top to show a hint of her firm brown 36C breasts, and tight around the tummy to emphasize her trim figure. Her beige pants were a little tight around the...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 8 Bad Thing Happen

I slept most of the ride back. When I was about a half hour out, I called Mona to see if she wanted to pick me up. I then called home and Mom answered. I told her Dad was off the hook for picking me up. She laughed and said they forgot they were supposed to come get me. It must suck getting old. They say your memory is the first thing to go. Mona was waiting for me when we pulled up. She suggested going to her place to talk, but her parents were home. I told her we could go to my place. I...

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Saw Roohi NewlyWed Neighbor Masturbating 8211 Part 3

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and suggestions. I love hearing those, and it means a lot to me as well. I appreciate that you take out time to comment, so keep them coming. Any new readers can send me their suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on [email protected], and please don’t hesitate before writing. Also, read the previous parts. “So, how are we going to do it?” I asked. “Umm, I am making lunch for us right now. We can discuss it while we are eating,” she...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 23

January 17 (January 16 in Shanghai) Well, Major Robert Waldspeil thought for a moment, after hanging up his phone, that's damn strange. He had just finished talking with General Robertson and the Governor of Nevada – his boss and his boss's boss. The 'normal' summer duty for his men was two weeks, the same as it always was now that they're not going to the sandbox in the Middle East. They'd been out on this construction project to help build two new power substations for three weeks...

3 years ago
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I choose you.They may as well have I love you for all Kaydia heard in them. Her arms went around his neck as she pulled him into her, her mouth capturing his in a kiss. A kiss that was not approved by the Council, but what she care? What did he care? He didn’t he didn’t care about that. He chose her. After nearly a decade of fearing that she killed the last person to give a damn about her, it felt good to know that she mattered to someone.That knowledge filled her with a need, a need to feel...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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THE AFFAIR (The story takes place in the 1920s in London, England)Henry thought it was Nigel’s idea but he had finally found out, after some prodding, that it was Edith, Nigel’s wife, who had suggested the two wives witness their husbands’ meeting. Although Henry was against it at first, and his wife Barbara seemed quite indifferent, Nigel and Edith convinced them that it would be fun for all and that it could put some spark in a relationship which might need it soon.The two couples were rather...

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Awakening MirandaChapter 4

Miranda’s dominance and confidence evolved so naturally with every day she spent with the mature women, and the attention shown her by the absolute subservience of Parker, had her warm to that lifestyle, as though her previously timid persona had never existed. Her cunt saw the regular service of his tongue between her broad thighs, and his tears induced by the application of her cane to his flesh, became routine ... but the erotic novelty of it never wained, in fact it simply honed her...

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Reddit Lesbians

Reddit Lesbians, aka r/Lesbians! What’s better than watching a hot slut get hardcore rammed? Watching two babes ramming each other, and that is what this subreddit is all about. I’m going to assume that y’all already know what Reddit is. You know, how it functions, and all that bullcrap, so I’m going to cut right to the chase. In case you do not know Reddit, I have reviewed that site as well, and I shall cover the classics as well.Horny lesbians are quite feisty!You are here to check out the...

Reddit NSFW List
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MylfBlows Krissy Lynn Oral Sex Enthusiast

Oral enthusiast Krissy Lynn is an expert at delivering cock tingling pleasure to her clients. Today, she gets a call from a wound up guy who has had a tough week on the job. He needs to let out some pent up sexual energy, so he hires an expert. Krissy shows up with every intention of rocking this lucky guys world. She changes into some sexy blue lingerie and wraps her lips around the tip of his dick. Then, she works her way down his shaft, letting it fill her throat as she does. The experienced...

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The Limo Driver Part 1

She wakes up, goes to the kitchen, and turns on the coffee pot. Goes to the bathroom, pee’s and jumps into the shower. Knowing she has a long day ahead of her. She drives a limo for a living and sometimes it’s a drag with the traffic. Some days she wants to find another job, but the pay is great and she has good benefits. She knows she won’t be able to see the guy she dated a few times. She reached down with one hand and squeezing her breast and pinching the nipple. Her...

3 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 25 Country Girl

Missy Stone was standing at her dorm room door in a silk robe. It was obvious from her robe that she was not wearing a bra. If I were a betting man, I would be 'all in' on her being naked under her robe. She gave me a Mona Lisa smile and said, "What are you doing here? I thought you had a girlfriend?" What was I doing here? I loved Tracy and I would never do anything to hurt her, but something about Missy drew me to her like a moth to a flame. I couldn't help myself and I was afraid I...

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Janes secret adventures

Today after my mom dropped me off back home from getting my homework from school for the rest week she went to work. I fiddled with the tv a bit waiting for a knock on the door. Pretty soon John comes knocking, John is a neighbor from down the street, he goes to the local regular school with my step brother (step-dad son) they are friends. John is also my boyfriend. I greet him by the door with my arms around his neck and my lips smearing against his. I was in a short short overall with a...

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Golf Widow

She was well into her third gin and tonic when a pair of middle aged duffers and their caddy came back from their round and sat down at the bar. As it turned out, she was sitting in the middle seat, so the men ended up on either side of her. She couldn't remember their names when she told me about this, so let's call them Abel, Baker and Charlie - make that Carlos since the caddy was clearly Latino and a fine specimen in Sheila's eye. A round of the usual small talk was further loosened up...

3 years ago
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The Baby Carriage TalesChapter 2

When Tyrone said, "Let's do her next" as Helen walked down the street he caught me by surprise. I figured that what we had done with Sandy was a one time thing. "Wait here" Tyrone said, "I'll be right back" He came back a moment later and handed me a bottle with an eyedropper in it. "You need to dose their coffee as soon as you get them in the backyard and then call me on my cell and I'll take it from there." I spent all that day waiting for a cop car to pull up in front of my...

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Tempest of LiesChapter 21

The still air lay sodden and warm from the first wave of early summer heat, and moisture clung to the Cohort's face as he crept along the side of the path which wound along the west side of the island. His fingers twitched despite how tightly he had laced them, and he spun his gaze behind him every few steps. Ahead of him was the S-shaped curve between the trees which lined the shore to the left and the gardens to the right. Just beyond was the dwelling of Elder Yurton. His breath became...

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The DJ Catches Her Girl Pt 2

The rest of her gang, soon realised that we were an item, they had seemed a bit shocked that straight-laced Helen had a girlfriend, but they appeared to accept it with good grace, if not a bit of piss taking. I quickly found that I had allowed my feelings to get carried away, something I avoided with holiday-makers, I was falling for this girl. It somewhat shook me when I realised. Shit! The last thing I needed was a permanent relationship and a long distance one at that. No way, was I about...

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Company of Men

"COMPANY OF MEN” written by Janet Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusingpimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become anormal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Herhips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her....

1 year ago
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MomDrips Armani Black He8217s Going To Be Mine

Busty babe Armani Black welcomes her boyfriend Peter Green by laying nearly naked on the couch, wearing a sexy lingerie set with only one thing on her mind… his cock. Peter hands her a vibrator and tells her he’s going to be busy watching the game, so Armani comes up with a plan to seduce him. Later in bed, Armani tells Peter that she gets turned on thinking about him being with other girls, which does the trick and puts Peter in the mood. As he’s fucking her hard, Armani keeps his cock inside...

1 year ago
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Derry Helps with a Yard Sale

Note to readers: I am inspired by Pamela's wonderful "Mrs. Canvendish", which can be found on Read it and you'll love it like I do. Please encourage her to continue this un-completed tale, as I have. It is the gentle, non-sexual story of Matt, a young man going it alone in life (a bit naively). He becomes gardener-helper-maid to the elegant, living-alone Mrs. Cavendish, who is fascinated by his long "not neat" hair, and insists on brushing it for him and...

1 year ago
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Desperation Led Us To Satisfaction

Hi Friends!!! Hope you all are fine. I am Harman Singh, 31 years of age, businessman by profession. I am a married man not happy with my sexual life as my wife is not interested in sex. She doesn’t like it. Earlier also I have posted about my sexual experiences which I had in various stages of life. They are titled as below: 1) Fucked my cousin sister two days before her marriage 2) Hot sex with a divorcee colleague 3) Amazing sex with a married horny lady I am basically very horny. If I get to...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 34 Home for the Holidays Part V

December, 1981, Milford, Ohio On Tuesday morning, I swam and ate breakfast with my little sister and hung out with her until it was time to head out to see Anna. I was still surprised that she’d called out of the blue, and was really curious as to what it was that she wanted. Even though I hadn’t driven to her house before, I’d been there enough times to remember how to get there. I parked in the driveway, then walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Anna opened the door almost...

4 years ago
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The air of the bathroom wrapped around Stevie, as her arms wrapped around Lisa. Lisa had just gotten out of the shower, her nakedness drew Stevie like a magnet. The warmth of her body, the addiction being within her consumed every thought of her being. As Stevie would gaze into her eyes, falling into a new lust. The softness of kisses would gather us deeper into our wanting. Fresh and inviting we wanted each other right then. Lisa has felt Stevie's desire as she pulled Stevie's hand to her...

2 years ago
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Nieces Family Fun

Leeza awoke from her sleep with that warm moist feeling between her legs again as she reminisced back on the two weeks she spent at her Uncle Ron and Aunt Diana’s house. She imagined Uncle Ron’s coarse tongue touching her clit for the first time, sliding up and down her young wet pussy. She could still feel her pussy being stretched for the first time as Uncle Ron’s hard shaft parted her virginal pussy lips. Her fingers softly touched her hard clit as she arched her back and shuddered through...


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