Falling Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7, In which Jenny and I come to an understanding

It was mid-afternoon and instead of walking into a meeting downtown, I was gazing out the car window at suburbia. My friend Jenny was driving, since she was familiar with the area.

I turned back to study Jenny with mixed feelings. She was an attractive girl, only a year younger than I — I’d seen her license — and quite vivacious once I’d gotten past her shell. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d been a waitress working the respectable side of the Bad Hoss, the restaurant and strip club where we’d met. Since then, I’d introduced Jenny to a lot of things good girls didn’t do.

Jenny noticed me looking and flashed the same happy smile she’d worn when she posed nude for her application photo an hour ago, about the same time I’d learned she’d been a member of her school’s Purity Club years ago. Starting that night, she’d be the Bad Hoss’s newest dancer. It still seemed like a big change, I wished I was taking it as well as she was.

‘Loosen up, Linnea,’ she encouraged me. ‘Estelle still works at the salon, and Hattie says she has a real good reputation. Apparently people come from all over to see her — maybe not as far as you,’ she added with a laugh.

‘It’s not that,’ I assured her, mostly truthfully. My life had gotten awfully complicated since I’d met my girlfriend, Stacey. She practiced magic, which sounded preposterous, except I couldn’t argue with the results. I’d never been attracted to girls before I’d met her, but she’d turned me onto cunnilingus in a big way. There was nothing that turned me on as much as licking Stacey, except maybe watching her cum on my busy tongue.

Or getting sodomized by Michael. He was my other roommate, the gay boyfriend of my dead brother, and Stacey’s sponsor at some ‘Mind Controllers Anonymous’ group. I’d been helping him grieve for the loss of my brother, but it had turned into something more than that.

In retrospect, it was clear both of them had done something to me — besides the sex — but I didn’t care about that, it felt so good being with them. There had been some tension because Stacey didn’t like to share me, but I’d been working on it. I shuddered to think what would happen if she learned the truth about this trip.

What she knew already was bad enough. I’d tried to use some of her magic on one of my big clients so I could make a sale and improve our living situation with a hefty bonus. Somehow I’d screwed up and gotten things backwards. After a long evening with my Neanderthal sexist pig clients, I was exactly the sort of cock-craving slut they imagined all attractive women to be.

I didn’t regret that, either. I could remember when my attitudes had been different, but it felt like some other person — not me. I knew Stacey wouldn’t like it, but at least I’d closed the sale. Anyway, it was just sex, and not love like I felt for her. I was left with just two problems.

The first problem was that Stacey had flat-out told me to refrain from sex until I got home and she could help ‘fix’ me. Assuming I needed fixing, I didn’t really think anything was wrong with me. It was a hard thing to do, and in fairness to Stacey, she realized it. That was why she’d told me to get my pussy pierced, as a reminder.

My second problem was sitting beside me. I really, really liked Jenny, we both had the same cravings for cock and pussy and were totally compatible with each other. It was like we’d been best friends for years, and I knew Stacey would blow a gasket if she found out, because my feelings for Jenny weren’t just about the sex. I loved Stacey, but I feared I was cheating on her emotionally with Jenny.

Jenny didn’t know about Stacey, either. How could I share so much with her, and not tell her I loved somebody else more? I couldn’t. I also worried her live-in boyfriend, Dan, might not be so understanding about her new lifestyle. He’d seemed accommodating enough in the hotel room last night, but would he be happy to learn he wasn’t sharing her with just me? Men could be so funny, sometimes.

A tiny corner of my mind wanted to urge Jenny to be faithful and considerate of his feelings, but it was swamped by the rest of me, which wanted to jump right in and get fucked every which way, too.

‘Cheer up!’ Jenny repeated. ‘You haven’t done anything wrong! I wasn’t really happy with that waitressing job anyway, and you helped me square everything with Darryl so it’s better than before.’ She gave me a quick look before returning her attention to the road. ‘And whoever you’re frettin’ about will understand, I just know it.’

I straightened in my seat. ‘What?’

She laughed gently. ‘You look like a dog waitin’ to be kicked. You think you’re cheatin’ on somebody, don’t you? Let me guess: you’ve got a woman back home.’

It was a little uncanny how well she’d read me. I’m sure I flushed a little. ‘Smart girl. Why don’t you explain things to me? I’m feeling a little stuck, myself.’

Jenny laughed delightedly. ‘I knew it! See, I knew you weren’t getting this ring for yourself, not when you’re still wearing clip-ons. It had to be for somebody else, and it surely isn’t me. I guessed a girl, ’cause a guy would have asked for a boob job instead, and you know your way around a pussy too well.’

‘You think my tits are too small?’ I asked, looking down at the skin exposed by my blouse where the buttons were missing.

‘Lord, no,’ she answered. ‘I wouldn’t change a thing about you, Linnea, except your hang-ups.’

‘Thanks, I think,’ I replied weakly.

We turned into the parking lot fronting a nondescript strip mall. Jenny navigated the lot and pulled into a spot near a beauty salon before replying.

‘Look, you’re from — wherever — and I live here. We both knew this wouldn’t be more than a short fling. I know the love you feel for me, Linnea, I’ve felt in the way you’ve touched me and the way you look at me. I saw the way you went out of your way to help a girl you hadn’t even laid eyes on before yesterday.’

The look she gave me went straight to my heart before turning south for moister climes. She was so close to having it right, but hadn’t accounted for the need to try and put things right where I’d made a mess.

‘I just know that anybody with so much heart has plenty left for those she loves — the same as I know anybody you could love will understand your needs and know that sharing with others don’t mean there’s less of you for her. Just like Dan and me!’

I could feel tears in the corners of my eyes, and my throat was tight. ‘You’re a gem, Jenny,’ I choked out, and leaned over to hug her tightly. Her misplaced trust and optimism touched me to the quick, but I needed a friend just then.

Jenny sought out my lips and kissed me, and it might have gone further but for the seatbelts still restraining us. ‘We’d better go in,’ she said huskily, ‘or you’re never gonna get your ring.’

Regretfully, I decided she was right, and we headed into the salon.

It was a typical establishment, the kind I’d been in many times before, but I looked around with a new appreciation. Not unexpectedly, it appeared to be inhabited solely by women, nearly all of them fairly fashion-conscious. The staff were mostly on the younger side, and the clientele were a mix of coeds out of school for the summer and trophy wives who had no job to interfere with their free time.

My mouth watered at the sight of all those attractive bodies so artfully displayed, and I heard Jenny’s soft sigh beside me. I belatedly understood what Stacey had meant when she’d told me about the pull of a hair salon the day we’d met.

‘Welcome to Trendz! Can I help you?’ asked the receptionist when we approached the front desk.

‘Yes,’ I smoothly answered. ‘I’m Linnea Richwell, here to see Estelle. We called earlier.’

She found my name on the appointment list and lined it out. ‘I’ll let Estelle know you’re here, Linnea. Can I get
either of you anything to drink? Sparkling water or an iced coffee?’ I shook my head.

It turned out Estelle was the oldest woman in the place, with a weathered face and greying hair that made her look old enough to be my mother — not the most comforting thought. Luckily, she acted younger than she looked, giving the pair of us a friendly smile and escorting us back to a private room at the rear of the salon.

Finally, when we were alone, she got right to business. ‘Now, Linnea, I understand you’re interested in a genital piercing?’ Estelle made it sound like she did them all the time, which for all I knew, she did.

I nodded nervously. It wasn’t that I was shy about exposing myself, but rather that the thought of somebody poking holes in me — especially in sensitive areas — scared me.

Estelle nodded soothingly. ‘And did you have something particular in mind, or would you like to look at some pictures for ideas?’

‘I’d like a little ring, right at the top,’ I said. Actually, it was Stacey that wanted it, but I didn’t see a reason to go into details. Her wish was good enough for me.

‘That’s a very popular choice,’ Estelle reassured me. ‘Now, you understand everybody is built a little differently, and I won’t know for certain what options you have until I’ve examined you, but are you more interested in aesthetics or stimulation?’

‘Oh, stimulation!’ Jenny chimed in before I could open my mouth.

‘Can we have a moment alone?’ I asked, frowning at Jenny. She stuck out her tongue at me.

‘Certainly. This is a very personal decision, and I want it to be the right one. I’ll just step out for a smoke, let me know when you want me back again.’ Estelle rose gracefully and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

‘Jenny, I’m the one getting pierced. Can I please make the decisions?’ I knew the last thing Stacey would want was something that stimulated me even more.

‘You’ll look beautiful no matter what she does, Linnea. You’re doing this for your girl, but I don’t see why you shouldn’t get something out of it, too,’ she pouted.

‘It’s complicated,’ I temporized. I tried to think what, if anything, I could say. ‘She — ouch! Jenny!’

She’d reached over and plucked a hair from my head! As I watched, aghast, Jenny rubbed it against her glossy lips, popped it into her mouth, and swallowed. ‘How does this work?’ she asked.

I looked frantically for my purse and saw it sitting in Jenny’s lap, opened. We stared at each other and I started to think she hadn’t gotten it right. ‘Can I have my purse and lip gloss back?’ I asked, trying to pretend nothing special had happened.

‘Just relax,’ Jenny said, looking slightly exasperated, and I slumped back in my chair as all of the tension I’d been holding inside me melted away. ‘That’s better,’ she smiled, and I smiled back, knowing she was right. Part of it was relief at being able to skate out of a conversation I didn’t really want to have with her.

‘Tell me how this works,’ she prompted, holding my tube of lip gloss. ‘You did something to Darryl, didn’t you?’

I abruptly changed my mind, figuring that if she knew that much, I might as well come clean. ‘It’s magic,’ I responded. ‘No, really!’ I protested, reading her expression. ‘If you take a hair from somebody, smear a bit of the gloss on it, and eat it, you can make them do things. I used it to make sure Darryl would give you a job.’

Jenny laughed. ‘I knew something was up! I couldn’t believe it when Darryl signed that contract — I always hated the way he low-balled the girls there.’ She turned serious again. ‘Is it working on you?’

‘I don’t think so,’ I admitted. ‘I actually don’t understand very much about how it’s supposed to work.’

‘So, if I told you to squeeze your boobs, you’d do it?’

‘Silly,’ I reproved her, ‘I like doing that anyway,’ as I proceeded to demonstrate. I was nearly falling out of my blouse anyway, since several of the top buttons were missing, so it was easy to massage myself.

‘Pinch your nipples, hard’

‘Ow!’ I exclaimed, jolted by the sudden burst of pain. We looked at each other for a moment of surprised silence.

‘Did you like that?’ Jenny asked

‘No,’ I said shortly, rubbing gently to make the pain go away. ‘That really hurt! I don’t know what happened.’

Jenny focused intently on my face. ‘Do you love me, Linnea? Tell me the truth.’

‘I’m sorry,’ I started, deciding she deserved to know, ‘but no. I really like you, Jenny, I like you a lot, for a lot of reasons.’ I licked my suddenly-dry lips. ‘But I’ll always love Stacey.’

Her expression turned mulish. ‘Have you loved her for a long time?’

‘It seems like it sometimes,’ I laughed lightly, ‘but really we only met a few weeks ago! She just sort of swept me off my feet.’ I smiled at the memory and confided, ‘Can you believe I wasn’t interested in women before then? I guess sometimes you just don’t recognize who you’re waiting for until they come along.’

‘I really like you too, Linnea, and I think it’s mean of Stacey to make you get pierced if you really don’t want to. I think she did something to you to make you feel this way, and I think it’s plain wrong.’

Since I’d reached a similar conclusion not too much earlier, I couldn’t exactly argue the point. On the other hand, it felt disloyal to Stacey to say so, and Jenny was being way too hard on her — I knew my girlfriend loved me as much as I loved her, and that was saying a lot.

‘If I tell you to love me, will you? Be honest,’ asked Jenny cautiously.

‘No. It doesn’t work that way,’ I replied.

‘There has to be some trick,’ she said, shaking her head in frustration. ‘I don’t think there’s really anything that different, but Daniel says I’ve turned into a slut.’ We shared knowing laughs that would have had any listeners tenting their pants. ‘Tell me why.’

Her last plea echoed between my ears and I found myself talking without having intended to say anything. ‘There’s something more. Stacey didn’t tell me, I guessed. Instead of swallowing the hair, you wet it with your pussy juice and then burn it.’ Abruptly I decided to come clean about my most shameful deed. ‘I did that with one of your pubic hairs while you were in the shower this morning.’

‘You are so bad,’ Jenny drawled, but she was smiling as she said it. ‘I’m glad you did — who all knows how long it might have taken me to discover how much I like being with a girl?’

‘Or taking it in the ass,’ I added.

‘Lots of things,’ she agreed. There was a pause, and then Jenny spoke softly. ‘I left something out, too, Linnea. I don’t want to be just a one-night stand for you. I want to be with somebody who understands me, and my needs, the way you do. Last night you made me feel things I’d never felt before. I don’t want you to go back to her and forget me.’

‘I could never forget you,’ I husked, and she cut me off.

‘Don’t move!’

I froze as Jenny gently caressed my cheek and then plucked another hair from my scalp. I wanted to tell her to stop, hating the thought of betraying Stacey yet again, but I felt myself lubricating as I watched Jenny wind the hair around a finger and then sensuously trace her shining lips with it.

She contorted slightly so she could slide the finger up the leg of her shorts. I hadn’t been in a position to see before, but the darkness of the denim suggested Jenny wouldn’t have a problem wetting her finger, and the hair, with her intimate secretions. ‘Forgive me,’ she whispered, holding the glistening blonde strand between us.

‘I forgive you,’ I gasped, suddenly realizing I could breathe again. ‘Don’t do this, Jenny,’ I begged, fearing she would take me away from Stacey, even as I longed for what the two of us might share.

‘I think I have to,’ she finally said, and plucked a cigarette lighter from the clutter on the counter along the wall. We both watched the hair turn to curiously scented
smoke in the tiny flame.

Nothing happened.

Finally, I stood up and removed the lighter from Jenny’s unresisting hand. ‘I still forgive you,’ I told her, and then kissed her to prove it. ‘You don’t need magic to have me, you little slut,’ I said after coming up for air a minute later. Our second kiss was passionate, almost animalistic, as we tried to force our tongues further into each others’ mouths.

My hands were all over Jenny’s sweet body, and on sudden impulse I trapped one of her nipples between my fingers and twisted it roughly through the thin fabric of her top. Jenny gasped and swayed in my arms, nearly collapsing, and I realized she’d orgasmed.

She blinked rapidly and stared at me with her mouth wide open, presenting quite an arousing sight. ‘How?’ she said, and then reached into my gaping blouse to fondle a breast.

I sucked in my breath when her fingers brushed my rigid nipple, and cried out when they pinched it between them. Unlike a few minutes earlier, there was nothing but ecstasy in my voice. My nipples had never been so sensitive.

‘I never told you I liked that,’ Jenny said, looking at me closely.

‘Oh God, do it again!’ I husked, trapping her hand against me with my own.

A smile blossomed on her face and spread as wide as I’d ever seen. My heart leaped in my chest to see Jenny so happy, and I knew my face mirrored hers. God, I had to have her! My entire body was trembling with desire.

‘Fair’s fair,’ Jenny said, holding me off with her arm. ‘Wait just a minute, Linnea,’ she asked, and I relented, curious what she was doing.

As I watched in basically a haze of physical need, Jenny collected a few more hairs from both of us and twisted them together into a thicker strand, which she proceeded to knot. My heart twisted at the way she absently chewed on a lip while completing the process.

The worn stump of Stacey’s tube of lip gloss sufficed to coat the variegated bundle in Jenny’s fingers, and she carefully inserted it inside herself before looking up at me.

Finally understanding what she was doing, I hastily pulled my skirt up around my waist, allowing her to wet our hairs even more in the secretions from my copiously dripping pussy.

‘Together,’ I gasped, holding the lighter in a shaking hand and igniting it. I still loved Stacey, but there was no way I could give up the toothsome little minx standing in front of me.

‘Together,’ Jenny agreed, holding the hairs in the flame, to our mutual astonishment, they went up in a sudden ‘poof’ like flash paper.

Absently I thought there might be a reason I’d never seen Stacey do this, but then all I could think about was Jenny. It felt like the rest of the room faded away, and then her eyes grew until I could look into her soul, and knew she could see mine.

We didn’t touch, but I’d never been so intimate with another person in my life, Stacey included. My heart beat faster and faster as sensations and desires flashed through my mind. I knew, subconsciously but with perfect clarity, exactly what excited Jenny, because the same things excited me.

Our sensitive nipples could bring us to peaks of delight just from manual stimulation, there was no question the feel of a penis stretching our rosebuds was far preferable to traditional intercourse, no matter how pleasurable. Our greatest pleasure was to kneel before a woman and taste her pink folds, bringing her to oral fulfillment.

We reveled in the label ‘slut’, knowing sex, even with others, was but a tribute to the power of our bodies. However degrading in appearance, we knew the apparent submission was merely an offering to the other, made and received in perfect understanding of our mutual love and passion.

The heat and tension inside me spiraled higher and higher, and I don’t know what would have happened if Estelle hadn’t chosen to return.

‘Are you girls alright? It’s been mighty quiet,’ she asked, peering in the door. ‘Y’all haven’t been smoking anything in here, have you?’

I was still holding the lighter, and Jenny’s pupils were so dilated her normally hazel-colored eyes looked black. Presumably mine looked the same. ‘No, just finishing our discussion, please come back in. I’m definitely looking for stimulation.’ We both giggled breathlessly, like adrenaline junkies staggering off a violent roller coaster ride. I wanted to fuck someone, anyone. Jenny flashed me a wicked grin over Estelle’s shoulder, not that she’d had any doubt what I’d do.

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Samantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, chill out...

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my hot pussy reshu09xxx

Friends, I am my hot pussy reshu09xxx, Ikis years old right now I'm married.Here the people read reading fuck my wet without Afuddi absent. I'm all alone all day, I was already married sex addict, and the outbreak of the fire is started.My husband was several years older than our love Marj, I met him was when I XII was the subject of garment designing.Fainl papers look after our online job training, all of which has to be sent by the group sharing.Gupta started my training in textile!I have sex...

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Scarlett Sage Mommy Will Protect You

Scarlett Sage storms into the living room crying embracing her stepmom Cherie De Ville. When Cherie asks her what happened she tells her that her boyfriend cheated on her and that all the kids at school are mean to her. Cherie promises her that she’ll protect her as she brings her closer. Scarlett can’t stop crying so Cherie pulls out her tits and tells her to lie down on her lap as she sucks them. It always calmed her down in the past and should do the trick today. Sure enough, as...

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Its Probably Not What You Think

How’s this for a line from some porn fantasy story: ‘I am a part time male escort dealing with women clients.’ OK, now time to get back to reality: It’s not night after hot night with well-toned foxes. Get real. Those foxes can get their own dates. Women are quite different from men. While with men, sex is almost always a key goal of an escort session, with women it’s just a possible factor. The women I deal tend to be quite ordinary, though each has a different story. And I like it that way....

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The Need For Sex In A Woman 8211 Part 1

Hello reader’s this is rahul from Trivandrum the god’s own country and city of beauty. I am 29 years old and recently posted to Trivandrum in some bank.My mail id is contact me for your feed backs. This is my first story about my encounter with a kerala buty now coming to the story. When I joined in Trivandrum my initial days was quite boring but until I met this beautiful kerala girl.She is heroin of story.She is around mid thirties and my customer in bank having rich account balances.I was...

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Westville College

WARNING: This story has been replaced with one called Florida Palm College. No more chapters will be added to Westville. You stand at the entrance to Building C, wondering if you're ready to go to orientation. Your name is Morgan Wilson and today is your first day at Westville College. It is a medium-sized private school about an hour away from Columbus, Ohio. The academics are supposed to be decent, but you got a lot of financial aid so you're not complaining. You were pretty quiet in high...

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My Best Mate Dan female

I’ve had to break it into chapters so I hope you don’t get bored. Chapter one My Best mate Dan. All my life I had known Dan. We were born one month apart, lived on opposite sides of the same road, our parents were close friends and inevitably we did everything together. We learned to talk together, learnt to walk together, went to the same pre-school, primary school, ate out together and spent all our spare time in each other’s company. Spoke about our dreams and our fears, family...

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Mirror ImageChapter 4

"OK," Sierra said, giggling, sitting up and reattaching her bikini top, "I have the results of the judge's final balloting." "Oh and just what judge is that?" asked Cathy, smiling. "Why me, of course." The three women had been sunbathing for close to two hours, all shedding the bikinis soon after lying down on the deck and all sporting deep tans. They had asked Carmine to join them, but she had declined, tending to the horses in the barn instead. "The most beautiful legs award...

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Male Escort In Chandigarh

Hi friends this is Sameer from Chandigarh, well basically i am form Punjab but due to my job i stay here. I am a single man of age 25. I moved to chandigarh about a year back as transfer by my company. I am very sex loving person. If u like my stories plz do comment at .Koi bhi chandigarh ki ladki ya bhabhi mujhse contact kar sakti meri email id par aur mujhe pata kuch bhabhiya krna chahti hogi par darti hogi ke kisi ko pata na chal jaye par yeh puri tarah secret hi rahega. Ok so let me start...

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My Little VentrueChapter 10

~~Antoinette~~ From the meeting room of her great glass tower in Elysium, Antoinette stood in front of the window-wall, and watched the city burn. Far off in the distance, the night sky had turned slightly orange with the light of flame, as the large fire of the North Side’s warehouse district spread. Sirens filled the air, and flashing lights of firetrucks and other emergency vehicles zipped by. “It burns,” she said. “Quite the sight.” Jacob stood beside her. The old Nosferatu was...

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DeannaChapter 20 The Trial Begins The Nightmare Continues TDpt4

The legal system in this country sure doesn't give a shit about the victims of the crime. The victim seems to have no rights at all. It seemed like every week the trial of Tara's husband was scheduled, some lawyer would get a continuance and have the trial postponed for another week or two. The defense knew it was going to get its ass kicked, and that the shithead was going down for a long long time, so they just tried to delay the inevitable. It didn't delay much. Because of the...

1 year ago
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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 5 Mom and Dadrsquos Incestuous Surprise

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Maria Reenburg My brother’s words, claiming that Daddy was an idiot for not wanting to fuck me, gave me the sexy confidence to do this. There was no dumb Vanessa to cock-block me. That bitch wouldn’t swoop in and steal Daddy’s erection this time. I would get his dick in me. I would finally fuck my sexy father. I marched back to the house beside my brother. He had the same strut. I knew he was making his move on Mom. He was going to seize her,...

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How I got my step mom and her best friend

I’m looking for a guy who likes to fuck from the backside. my asshole is perfect for a pounding. Come onand give me a good hard beating. Please help if you can!if you Real Then Contact Me Now :www.miamalkova.websiteAngela was my mom's best friend! Smoking hot, 5-09 with long blonde hair, a figure to kill for, and legs that any red blooded male would love to have wrapped around his ears! I was 18 years old when this story begins, and I was totally in lust with Angela! 38DD tits held up by...

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The witch and the Dragon Part 6

Chapter Eleven   “This is ridiculous,” Remi spat. “I can’t believe how stupid most of creation is. To think that in this day and age, BDSM is still misunderstood.” He and Anniel watched images projected within a glowing orb toward the front left corner of Anniel’s living room. Alluna sat at a glossy white table that slid out from one of the walls. Anniel had set out one of her fuchsia and metal chairs so Alluna could sit comfortably and taste the array of food Zak had sent up for her. A...

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ADA Miss Cumalot pt 5

Later that night, I called Darren. “Hey.” I said sipping tea out of my college mug. “What’s up sweetie?” he asked. I could hear his radio dispatch in the background. “I wanted to talk to you about my birthday.” “What’s up?” “I know what I want.” I said. “What is that?” “A threesome.” I said matter of fact. He let out a hearty laugh. “I am serious.” I told him. “I hear ya.” He said. “Darren, I am serious. I want to have a threesome, I have never had one before and I would like to...

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Betting 101

I was at work the week and I made a bet with a female co-worker on the Nebraska v. Virginia Tech game, I wagered that Nebraska would win. She asked me what I wanted to bet, I told her that she could decide. I’ll tell you at lunch what the bet is going to be. We met at lunch and she told me that since we are friends with benefits, that if you win we can fuck in whatever position you want. I immediately said “BET”. Don’t you want to hear what I will win? Whatever, I’m not going to worry...

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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 6 Hidden Family Passion

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Hidden Family Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson My hand clenched into a tight fist as I fought against my surging orgasm. I sat at the table in our breakfast nook, my mom beneath the table, her mouth engulfing my cock, sucking on it with such a wanton lust. Since last night, when she had sneaked in my room and woke me up with a blowjob, she had been a changed woman. Five years...

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She glanced up and smiled at him and he felt sure her eyes were admiring his slightly tumescent penis as she waved with her free hand. “Hi darl. Won’t be long. Just talking to Pammie on the phone and comparing notes.” Some notes with Pammie he thought as he slid under the sheet alongside his wife. From what he knew of Pammie she was as close as one could get to being a nymphomaniac without actually being one. His wife was always telling him of Pammie’s latest conquest with her newest...

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Jab Maa Aur Didi Ek Hi Mard Se Chodawai

Is sachi kahani ko padhane wale sabhi logo ko mai sabase pahale un tin logo ke bare me bata du jinke bare me mai aap logo ko is kahani me baat batane jaa raha hu. Is me tin log jinka jigra kiya gaya hai un logo me se pahali meri maa hai jinaki umar tab bayalis saal ki thi, dusari meri Didi jinaki umar tab bayis saal kit hi aur tisara aadami wo mard hai jisaki umar tab pachapan saal ka tha. Meri maa jo ki ek behad hi gori aur khubasurat aurat hai. Unki lambai paach fit pach inch ki hai aur...

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A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie Part 2

For the first few months after that night in her bed, Stephanie and I went to bed together every chance we got. It was almost like a honeymoon, except we had to plan every liaison in advance, and keep anyone from finding out, which if anything, only added to the excitement. My parents thought it was great that my aunt Stephanie and I got on so well together, little knowing that we were screwing each other senseless, practically under their noses, but I wasn’t so sure about my sister, Casey....

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My High Heel Fetish and Strapon Sex Experience

I got married to my husband in India before I came to the U.S. Like most Indian marriages, it was an arranged marriage. Before my marriage, I had few sexual encounters with my sister-in-law. While my brother was out on a trip, she used to sleep with me and often we used to kiss and fondle each other. My sister-in-law was beautiful with full lips, large pointed breasts, full round buttocks, and a plump pussy. Occasionally, both of us would dress up, she in very high-heeled shoes, lots of makeup...

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A Roed Trip with My Grand DaughterPart IV

This is the second day of our trip to the Grand Teton National Park in my motor coach. We had driven from her parent’s home, just outside of Kansas City and were going to be gone a week, just Kristy and me. She was my, soon to be, 14 year-old grand daughter, so pure and innocent as we started our trip anyway, that she didn’t even realize that I had molested her. It wasn’t planned, but I guess, most molestations usually aren’t. It was that damn storm that frightened her into my bed, and...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXIV

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXIV - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is Jezzie ever going to finally have just a 'normal' day of sissy school? Probably not.....oh to live in interesting times." Mother interjects, "Did Pepper get you up to date, Princess?" I nod and give a thumbs up. "It just occurred to me Jezzie can't swallow that fruit, I'll have one my gurls make it into a smoothie. ...

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My Sweet College Suitemate

Your name is Connor Winters. Your parents have finally said their final, tear-filled good-byes, and at last you are on your own as a freshman in college. You have been looking forward to this for a long time. It's not that you are particularly enamored with education; it's just that you have longed to get out of your small-town environment and finally get out on your own. Your parents mean well, but they kept you on a pretty short leash all through high school. You have heard for years how...

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Jan met Rex in the bar at her hotel where she was staying. In less than an hour she had him in her room naked with his hands cuffed behind his back. She sat him on a lounge with his legs spread and she stroked his cock easy from top to bottom and then rubbed his balls. When she had his cock hard and pointing in the air she then began to kiss him giving him a lot of tongue deep in his mouth as she rubbed his nipples. She told him "Just sit there and enjoy. When I touch you how you really like it...

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What a Wife and Son Deserve 15 revised

“Hey Snake and Pit it has been a while. Got the five grand?” “Yes we got it. Sorry to hear about your family trouble, we know you have been living the straight and narrow since she got pregnant, and we can’t blame you for that since there are kids involved. It’s too bad about the boy, your response suites your old ways nicely.” They all laugh at that part. “Well let’s start packing up all our slaves stuff to get him out of your hair. So what are you doing with the wife...

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Love making experience with my married exgf

Hi All, This is Prashant from Mysore. This is a true story of my ex-girlfriend and me. I had broken up with her and ended up having sex 5 years after break up. I was working in Noida. One day in the shopping center, I noticed a quite familiar girl. She looked like Neha, my ex gf from college. At first, I was not sure if I was right. But when I went close and checked, it was indeed Neha, to my surprise. Neha and I were college sweethearts and were in a relationship for 5 years. But college...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 55

Tina knew that Greg was going to be pretty uncomfortable for the next few hours, but she also knew that he'd enjoy it. She'd made a point to be around him a fair amount since Monday to get a good fix on what his fantasies were. She'd read that he'd spent a lot of time with the panties she'd left him with before Christmas pressed against his face and jerking off. The guy had a serious sex drive. He wasn't Circle material, but in this case that didn't really matter. He could still be...

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Getting Between Them

Warning: this is a very weird story about a man's very strange transformation into a particular part of a woman's body. I was inspired by a caption series I saw on an old, sadly deleted blog called "6th Dimension Caps". This is my attempt to recreate that story, with my own twist on it. If you don't like poop or farts in your erotica, stay far, far away from this one. All characters are over 18, and if you are reading this, you should be too. Not intended for consumption by minors or...

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I never knew I had it in me

First of all I love everything about women, so I am a straight man but something happened a few years back that has troubled me ever since. My brother in law had fallen from a ladder and hurt his right arm. He said he couldnt shave himself and asked me to go to his flat and shave him. It was strange shaving somebody, I had never done it before. After doing it I asked if I could do anything else. He stood right in front of me and said "there is one thing" and asked me to touch his jeans. I...

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Replacing Grandma Chapter 2 of 5

Replacing Grandma Chapter 2 (of 5) Jason took himself off to Grandma's room, and sat down at her dressing table. The surface was strewn with old makeup and perfume bottles, which meant that the room always had a heavy, flowery, almost sickly scent in the air. The mirror had dozens of small photos jammed into the frame, and Jason looked closely at the faces, recognizing a few heartthrobs from the 60's and 70's. Perhaps Kitty had been a bit of a catch when she was younger. She...

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me getting a big Atrikan BBC

It was summer and I just gotten back to Germanyfrom a short vacation in SpainI noticed I had nothing to eat so I decided to do some shoppig..I took a shoer and put on a Dress that was just right for the hot weather it was a bit longer then the minis I usally wear I drove in to the cityFirst I went andgot somethings to drinh Case of beer,case of coca cola case of water tgen drove to the other stoe looked for a parking spot close to the stort found on not as close as I wanted but then it was...

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It happened in Amsterdam

I happened to visit the city years ago with my girlfriend at the time. Although it was a trip for professional reasons, we've had some time to visit the city. Among other sightseeings, we entered a curiosity called "erotic museum" or something like that. We watched the exposed material, pictures and various erotic tools most of them. At a moment i noticed at a rather isolated semi-dark corner of the place a man sitted on a chair looking at something in a tv monitor. Ignoring our presence (we...

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Alien DebaucheryChapter 3

Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...

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Sex With Woman Through Social Site

Hi to all the readers of indian sex stories dot net . I am a frequent reader on ISS. So let me introduce myself, my name is Rahul and am from Mumbai. I am 30 year old guy with fair complexion and slim body shape. This is a true story. So let me introduce to the lady of the story Poonam (name change) So Poonam is a married woman who is 38 year old with good breast size and big ass. So I met a Poonam on one of the social networking sites, I had send her friends request and she accepted it after...

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Postage Stamp

You wouldn't think that something as small and inexpensive as a postage stamp could fuck up a marriage, but one of them, or rather the lack of one of them, did just that. I wasn't supposed to be there. There had been an accident at work. Joe Bivens hadn't been paying attention and as a result the turret lathe he had been operating took the little finger off of his left hand and I was elected to take him to the hospital emergency rooms. Once they had Joe in one of the treatment rooms I gave...

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Sylvia Ida and Dulce mix it up in Berkeley 1965

I was on my back on the white crispy sheets in the huge bed. Ida was starting to get up, but I pulled her naked body back to me. I really love naked against naked, touching bare skin all the way up and down. For a few minutes, both women were eating me. Ida got her face right back in my puss, she was giving my clit a lot of attention, and Dulce had one, then two fingers up me while kissing the whole area around my ass and vagina. I came a bigger, louder come from that. Ida finally pushed...

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