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I've lost my muse for my CDC story these past few months, but I've come across a few stories that inspired me. I figure I'll post a link to the original material, not trying to step on anyone's toes; credit is an important thing. http://g.e-hentai.org/g/927364/b7305a2de8/ I woke up in a white room. My eyes quickly shut; the bright lights beating down on them is too much. I groan as a dull ache works its way through my head. It feels like the worst possible hangover. I hear a set of springs in the distance that sounds like someone shifting in a bed. I cover my eyes and open them slowly, adjusting to the light. Propping myself up on my elbow, I squint around the room. There's 3 more beds in it, one on the same wall as me and 2 more in the same positions on the opposite wall. Each with lumps presumably hiding people underneath the covers. My headache starts to lessen just in time for a shooting pain centered in ear. I gasp and reach up, feeling some sort of plastic earring hanging off of the top of it. The noise I make seem to wake up the others in the room. Three other guys experience the same perplexing awakening that I did. Swinging my covers off, I notice I'm wearing a hospital gown and nothing else underneath it. I move to stand and fall right back down. It must've been a while since I've tried that. The one directly across from me attempts to speak but it dies in his throat. He looks around and finds a glass of water sitting by the edge of the bed. He quickly drinks it all and asks, "Where the fuck are we?" I look to my own stand and take a drink of water as well. "I don't know. I don't even know what the last thing I remember before waking up is." The other two guys follow our lead and I begin walking around. There's 2 doors; one on each of the walls with no beds. The only other distinguishing feature is a black orb in the center of the ceiling. It reminds me of the covers people put over cameras so you can't tell where they're looking. Everything has a very sterile feel to it and I'm reminded of some horror movie with a mad scientist. It's the most terrifying white imaginable. Another of my roommates tries a handle, finds it locked, and begins pounding on the door. "Help! Somebody! Let us out! Open the door!" The 4th person speaks up, "I wouldn't bother. Place like this is paying their employees a lot of money to look the other way." He folds his hands across his chest. "We won't be able to do anything until they want us to." The 3rd guy, falls to his knees, an unfortunate view for the second guy. "Hey man! Cover up or something, I don't want to see your ass." He stands up blushing and covers himself more. "Sorry, there's a lot on my mind right now." I take another look around, there is a table with enough chairs for all of us, but they don't look sturdy enough to use for anything but sitting. "Well there's not much we can do now but plan." I want to try and be productive while we wait for out captors. "I agree, no sense in wallowing. I'm Jack." The 4th guys speaks up after nodding in agreement with me. He's got long hair for a guy, down past his ears. He has broad shoulders and a stocky gut visible in the way his gown rests on it. What I can see of his skin is very tan and there's quite a bit if visible muscles. Good thing he's on my side. The second guys speaks up, "Michael here." he raises his hand and I can tell he doesn't have much fat or muscle on him. His hair is shaved nearly to his skin and various tattoos jump out across his arms. He looks like he's seen a few cells in his life. "P-P-Peter," the final one squeaks out while still leaning against the door. He also has a gut, but I get the sense that it's from a lack of exercise. He's pale and his face shows a bit of fat as well with a longer buzz cut on top. Not the most intimidating presence. "And I'm Ben." I lean towards the skinnier side, I've never been able to put on much weight; from eating too much or working out, unfortunately. My hair is cut in a professional way or it is when I get a chance to look in a mirror. "Can someone describe what this thing in my ear is?" I play with it a little and walk towards the center of the room. Jack stands up and reaches up to his own ear. "I was afraid of this. When I first felt it, it reminded me of the clips we put in cows' ears back on my farm. Now that I can see one, that's exactly what they are. There's a bar code on there as well, to tell us apart I imagine." He looks closely at mine for a few more seconds, then lets it go. As we begin to separate, a click is heard from the ceiling. We all look and a barely visible gas is entering through a hole. Peter and Michael both immediately suck in their breath and cover their noses and mouths. Jack shakes his head, "It's going to knock us out, not kill us. If they wanted to kill us, they would've done it already. Just calm down and breathe normally." We all look at each other and nod, adjourning to our respective beds. Sleep comes quickly after that. - Waking up, I'm sitting upright in a chair, naked. My ankles and wrists are strapped down. I feel another strap under chin, there must be something on my head as well. There's a bright light above my head, somehow managing to block out everything beyond a small circle around me. I hear a noise and look straight ahead, in its direction. A brief sheen comes across what look like 2 sets of glasses. People! "What am I-" A surge of electricity runs through me, cutting my question short. It stops after a few seconds and another feeling replaces it. It's... is it... pleasure? I look down to see my dick getting hard, but it's not just there. I feel it in my lips, my chest, my ass... - I jump awake, sitting upright in the original bed. I must've passed out again. Everyone is sitting at a table looking at me. "Are you okay? You've been asleep a lot longer than anyone else." Jack looks at me. I get up and walk to the center of the room. "Yeah, I think so." I notice the 4 servings of leafy greens placed out in front of each chair. "Lunch?" "If you can call this green shit food, then yes." Michael grunts and pushes his away from him. Peter has already started eating, swallowing he says, "Might as well eat what we can, don't know when the next meal is coming." "Slow down, fatty. Let some air in." Michael chuckles at his own joke. Jack reaches over and jabs him in the arm, "Peter's right. Keep up as much strength as we can." Jack and I follow Peter's lead and Michael groans loudly before slowly eating as well. "So what happened to you?" Peter asks, having finished first. I put my fork down. "I woke up naked strapped to a chair before some machine attached to my head started to do something. I wasn't awake much longer after that." Everyone nods their head in agreement. Jack speaks up, "Similar to what we went through as well." "Do we have any idea what that machine does?" I flash back to the moment it turned on and feel my dick begin to harden. I feel my face blush a little as I adjust my posture. No one looks me in the eye, glancing around the room. Each face in various states of embarrassment. I speak up again, "I take it that everyone enjoyed it to some degree?" They all steal glances at each before nodding slowly. Peter is the first to speak. "Could they be testing some sort of new male pleasure device?" "I don't think we would be kept in a room like this if that's all they were testing," Jack responds while crossing his arms. "It's something a lot more ominous." Michael audibly gulps at hearing that. He goes back to slowly eating, his eyes welling up a little before wiping them away. "We're not getting out of here, are we?" He asks. Jack shrugs. "I don't know. There's too many unknowns at this point. Just have to stay strong for each other. Keep an eye out for any slip ups." We all agreed to Jack's plan, even if it did seem a daunting task with what I've seen so far. I looked around at everyone at the table; they all seem in good spirits considering. I'm glad that Jack is putting up a tough face and taking command. I can't help but think he's feeling the same way as I am: we're not leaving here the same way we came in. Michael finally finished his meal when the click from ceiling was heard again. We moved to our beds again and waited the inevitable sleep - Again, I woke naked and strapped down. Briefly a thought passed my mind that this might be someone's greatest fantasy. I smiled before I came back into my situation. The sets of glasses flashed again right before I heard the machine turn on. No jolt of electricity this time, but I did tense up when it started. Just like last time, but with new feelings in my hips and face. They quickly went numb after that and a sharp tightening sensation hit me in the stomach. I felt the wind knocked out me and my head roll forward before passing out again. - This time I woke up without opening my eyes; my skin felt different. Like all the nerve endings went haywire. The fabric of the sheets felt rougher than before. I realized I was completely naked under the sheets too, apparently the gown was getting in the way. Slowly, I sat up and stretched. My hair fell into my eyes, I guess it had a growth spurt. I felt sore all over like I just been through a boot camp or something. I remember the feelings I had earlier and put my head underneath the covers to inspect myself in the only privacy they afforded us. Nothing seemed different, just tender. I poked my head out and saw Jack stirring. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, I could see his defined, tanned pecs so I knew he had lost his gown as well. He smiles glumly at me and stands up to stretch. I don't think he's realized yet that he lost his only piece of clothing. As he reaches the top of his stretch, I notice he seems taller than before. When he finishes, he looks down and attempts to cover his dick by making sure I get a nice view of his tight ass. He sits back down and pulls the sheets over him. "Sorry," he mumbles. I laugh at that and quickly cover my mouth. That sounded an awful lot like a giggle from a girl. I hear a groan from across the room. Peter sits up and scratches his belly before getting up and walking to the table where another round of greens are placed for each of us. I notice that he seems to have packed on some muscle. He's not as thick or ripped as Jack, but he does look healthier. Jack and I look at each other and both stand up out of our beds. My legs immediately buckle as I do so and I fall down to my hands and knees. Jack rushes over to me, crouching as he gets close. "What happened?" He said quietly. Peter notices the commotion as well and begins to get up, I wave him off, "I'm okay. I think I stepped awkwardly." Jack stands up and offers me a hand up. I grab it and bend one leg up off my knee and notice something: my heel looks a lot less pronounced than it should. Right now, only my toes and the ball of my foot are touching the ground. I put some weight on the leg, expecting the heel of my foot to drop but nothing happens. Finally, Jack pulls me up and I'm standing the same way on my other leg. I look at Jack and see he's also on the balls of his feet. "Jack, have you always stood like that?" I point and show him. Jack looks down and examines his legs. "No, but I can't seem to go back to the way I used to either. It's like my bones don't work that way anymore." He looks a little worried at this revelation. We both walk slowly over to the table and sit down. Peter has just finished his meal and stands up, his legs doing the same thing, and walks over to Michael's bed. "Hey, wake up. Are you feeling okay?" Michael turns around to face us then immediately covers his face. "Get your dick away from me man, I don't want to see that!" Peter blushes and covers himself up. "We're all naked now, so I can't help it." He walks slowly over to his bed and sits down with the sheets on his lap. Jack speaks up, "We're all guys here and it's not like you haven't seen a dick on the internet before. Get over yourself, we don't have the luxury of clothes here." Michael throws the top of the sheet off of himself. His hair has gotten much longer; the tops of his ears are covered. His face and chest look much softer. Maybe his lips are plumper too, that part is hard to tell. He crosses his arms. "I'm not hungry and I don't want you perverts looking at my junk so I'll just stay here." Jack shrugs. "Suit yourself." I focus back on meal, the food has more flavor today. It doesn't look any different, nor do I see anything new. "Does this taste different to you today?" Jack nods. "Yeah, like there's more flavor to everything. I can't describe what it is though." "Same here," Peter chips in then chuckles a bit. "If anything I might finally be able to lose some weight now that I like the taste of vegetables." Jack and I smile at that. We both clear our plates and look up in time to see the hole in the ceiling opening. - Again I wake up strapped to this chair. This time is different though. I'm actually looking forward to the machine turning on. The now familiar whirr starts up and my eyes roll back as my dick stands straight up. My mouth drops and I can feel my tongue falling over my lips. I can even taste the sweat on my skin below them. My feet begin to numb, that I expected. My ears and nose I did not. I'm only vaguely aware of another new sensation around my ass before the pleasure becomes too much. - I woke up eager to see what had changed. I paused to think about that for a few seconds. Just 3 times on this machine and I was loving what I was becoming. I had let my life be played with by these people. My heart beat had started to race a little and I felt sweat beginning to pool at my forehead. I sat up and noticed that my hair was falling in front of my eyes. I flicked my head to the right and I was treated to the sight of Jack stretching his arms out over his head. His nose had flattened out slightly, getting broader as it moved down his face. His ears also stuck out passed his hair, his tag just visible. There was also something sticking out from his hair above his ears. Other than being white, I can't see enough to tell what it is. His arms had somehow gotten more defined and his stomach has flattened into a six pack. I could also see his morning wood pointing up out of the pool of sheets. I felt my mind blank as I stared at his dick, all of my problems forgotten. He twists to put his feet down and I see something following behind him as he does. He stands up and I can see now that he has a tail with tuft of fur on the end. It moves periodically back and forth as he adjusts to his new body. His legs look a lot stronger than before, I'd wager inhumanly strong. I look down at my legs and it seems like I've put a lot weight on them. My thighs especially, I flex them and see muscle underneath a layer of fat. I go to stand up and walk over to Jack as he gives me a grin and cocks his head a little. I blush and feel my hips rocking back and forth. Looking down, my dick is sticking straight out so I cover it with my hands. As I'm walking, my feet seem to step in front of each other; either the source or consequence of my hips I imagine. I also felt my ass sticking out slightly, the cold air on my asshole was a foreign feeling, but not unpleasant. Jack stands up and the first thing I noticed is how much taller he is. I remember having to look up to him before, but now my eyes barely come to his chest. "You look different Ben." I put my hands up to me face. "It's hard to tell without a mirror, can you describe it?" "Um, I can try. Your lips seem a lot fuller, almost like they've been injected. But they don't look out of place. Maybe your mouth is just wider." I smile at him. "Anything else?" I feel my eyes fluttering as I ask him. The fact that I noticed my eyelashes means they're probably longer too. He blushes. "Your ears are sticking out and seem to move around a lot like the cows' I had on the farm." He takes a step closer. "Honestly, you're really pretty. It's amazing the transformation that's happened." It's my turn to blush as I turned away from him to the other set of beds. Peter is just sitting up; as he rubs his eyes, his own dramatic transformation can be seen. His physique matches what Jack used to look like; powerful, corded arms move from his eyes to over his head. They brush against his longer ears as he does so. He stops and attempts to pulls one forward to get a look. While searching for the other one, his hand collides with the same white structure that Jack has poking through his hair. He sees both of us and stands up. "What the fuck is happening? Why do we have floppy ears and horns?" "That's not all." I turn around and show him my tail, I felt it earlier but didn't make an attempt to look at it. Jack sees it and turns to look at his own. He turns back around. "We're starting to resemble cattle. As to why, I don't even want to guess." "I didn't know we were capable of something like this as a species," I said out loud. Could somebody really have advanced technology this far without the public knowing about it? We all hear a loud groan and turn to look at Michael. He's sitting up in his bed, both hands on his head. His hair covering most of it, but I can tell that he hasn't had the same treatment that Jack and Peter have had. I walk over to him quickly and wave the other 2 off. Kneeling by the bed, I ask, "Michael, how are you feeling?" He looks at me and laughs. "Ben? You look like a girl." His hands move down from his face and I have a feeling that we look more like each other than we do to our previous selves. I see his plump lips, flatter nose and even the slightest hint of horns underneath his hair. "That's what Jack has told me, but how are you feeling?" I try to stay away from that topic, afraid of what might happen if I dwell on it too long. "Sore, a little nauseous. I'm hungry too but I might need help standing." He looks at me with confusion in his eyes, "What's happening to us?" I stand up and offer him my hand. He looks over and sees my limp dick and immediately turns away. "You're going to have to get used to looking at naked guys; they took all of our gowns." He takes a deep breath and turns back around. Making eyes contact with me the whole way up until he's standing, unsteadily, next to me. "Let's get you some food." We both walk over to where the other guys are sitting and I pull out a chair for Michael. After he sits down I scoot the other chair over and sit next to him. I rub his arm for a bit until he starts eating. I follow him soon after. "So Peter and I realized that there must be 2 machines that they're using on us. He and I have taken on accelerated masculine traits, but you two..." I give him a look and he trails off before starting again, "We need to focus on sticking together. I think everyone can agree to that. Something tells me we're nearing the end of this and we need to be ready." Soon after that the hissing starts again. Michael and I finish our meals and head back to his bed. We both pass out just as we sit down. - This time I'm genuinely aroused after I wake up. My dick is throbbing and I can feel blood rushing to my lips. I hear the whirring and gasp loudly as it enters my system. I look down at my cock to see my balls swell as cum sprouts out of it. I watched in pleasure and amazement as more and more cum came out while my dick seemed to shrink to something no longer than my pinky. My cock continued to leak like a faucet but my attention was brought to my chest and abs. I felt them compressing, thinning. While my thighs and hips began to gurgle. I felt another huge push and I started cumming even harder before my vision went black. - I awoke to the sight of Jack looming over me. "Are you all right, Ben?" I felt my mouth begin to salivate as I looked at this perfect specimen. His horns had grown in nicely and had taken a curve upwards. As my eyes worked my way down to my true goal I admired how his body seemed to be cut out of marble. A few dark patches had appeared on his skin since I last saw him, but they looked good. Thick hair had started sprouting out right below his abs and went to his hooves, his powerful legs flexing to show off what they're capable of. I move back up the main stage and move forwards so I can shove his cock in my mouth. I hear him moaning up about and after a few more seconds I pull off his soaked dick, "Call me Betsy." "Fuck that's good. How far can you go?" he says looking down at me. "Ooooonly ooooone way to find out, Sexy." I dive back on it and he grabs the back of my head. I feel my throat expand as he shoves his way past my tongue. I can feel myself cumming just from the way he's using me. As he starts to shove it further down my neck I fondle his balls. He moans at that and pulls out of me. I start to pout as he picks me off the bed and spins me around. Sensing his goal, I grind my ass cheeks back and forth. "I'm waiting..." I barely finished the word before he shoved into me and my entire body electrified. I feel him cumming in me and that pushed me over the edge. I felt my little cock pumping everything out of me. He pulled out and I looked down to see the mess I had made. For the first time, I noticed that I had a small pump over my cock with a tube that ran up to the ceiling. A thought popped into my head; I'm being milked. I immediately started cumming again, fuck that's hot. Jack sat down on my bed and I noticed another tube running down from the ceiling to Michael's bed. I stood up and made my way over swinging my ass back and forth, teasing Jack, knowing he can't look away. Michael is still underneath the sheets, asleep. I lift the sheets and snuggle up next to her. Michael shifts slightly and wakes up. "Ben? What are you doing in my bed?" He turns around and looks at me. Something in his eyes tells me that he's not at the same point I am. I can't help but show my disappointment. "Are yoooou okay? You look a little wooooorried." He blushes, "That machine is messing with my mind. There are things going through my head that scare me. I'm not gay, but these thoughts... It takes all of my willpower to stop from orgasming." "Soooooo you're saying yoooou haven't cum at all since we've been here?" "No! There's 3 other guys in the room and like I said I'm not gay." He looks at me incredulously. I smile to myself. "Yoooou said earlier that I loooook like a girl, what if I helped yoooou out? Vent all that frustration? I know you'll feel better." My hands move down his body, teasing the fur around his waist. He shakes his head, "I just said I wasn't gay, we're both guys." "But, if I'm pleasuring yooou, that doesn't make yooou gay." I smile broadly and move my fingers down a little further, tracing a finger down his length. He closes his eyes and moans slightly. I take the initiative and throw the sheets off of us. I reposition myself so that my ass is sticking up in the air. His eyes are still closed so I take his whole cock in my mouth and start to play with his balls. It doesn't take long before she starts to cum. "Muuuhhhh-oooohhh!" I swallow what I can and start to lick her fur clean. I can hear giggles above me. "I can't believe I held out for so long, I feel amazing!" She picks my head up and brings me into a kiss. I pass along some of the cum I hadn't swallowed. I grab the hanging pump that was lying, unused, on her bed. While exchanging our shared juices, I reach down and maneuver it onto her cock. "Oh!" She pushes back and looks down at her new addition. "What is it?" She fondles the tube leading up into the ceiling. "It's for cooollecting our milk, silly." I stand up and give her a hand so she can follow me. We walk over to the two towering mountains of muscle on the other side of the room. "And here's hoooow we produce it." Michael walks over to Peter after she sees me sit on Jack's lap. Peter looks at her, a slight smile on his face. "What can I do for you, Michael?" Michael plays with her hands behind her back and looks at the floor, "I like Mikala nooow, and I have sooome thoughts about hooow to make up for the way I've treated you." She tilts her head up, pouting slightly, twisting back and forth. Peter sits back and crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm listening." Mikala takes a few steps forward then kneels down and starts to caress his cock. "I actually have other plans for my mouth, if yoooou don't mind." She starts to lick it up and down. After getting enough of a reaction, she begins to deep throat him flawlessly. Peter moans then picks her up, spins her around and lines himself up with her hole. He quickly shoves her down. "Fuck yes! Fucking pooooound into me!" After a few thrusts, she becomes just as enthusiastic, jumping up and down on his lap. I've taken this time to work Jack up into an aroused state as well. He scoots forward and pushes me onto my hands and knees. Still sitting down, he opens his legs and pulls me back into him. I start to rock back and forth and soon, Mikala joins me on the floor as Peter leans in behind her. We start making out again, "This is amazing, isn't it?" She says. "It's like I wasn't living befoooore." I smile broadly and roll my head back and Jack finishes inside me. Mikala experiences a similar feeling and we both stand up after our men. Suddenly, a new voice can be heard in the room. "Congratulations! You 4 are the first test group that has passed our indoctrination procedure! We will be coming by shortly to restrain you and get an accurate appraisal of your mental faculties." The now familiar hiss starts up. But instead of going to our beds, Jack and Peter give each other a look and a nod and each charge at one of the doors. Neither are much of a challenge for them; a thud can be heard as I assume the doors land in the opposing walls. Mikala and I look at each other, Peter comes back in first and motions for us to follow him as he follows Jack the door he took out. As we exit the room, we can see Jack has cornered a diminutive looking man in a white lab coat. Jack puts his hand out on the wall behind him, "So, what is this place?" he says as he leans down so they're face to face. "It's a testing facility for creating new types of milk," he says with his eyes darting around. They settle on a red button a couple of feet away, but Peter quickly steps over to the wall and rips it off. The scientist swallows visibly but continues. "Our division was formed in response to the discovery of a virus that causes dramatically reduced fertility in all traditional milking cows." "Why didn't you recruit women?" Jack asks. "There's four generically male human cow hybrids standing in front of you." He nods at Mikala and me. "We were planning to have two women and two men, but there weren't any female volunteers. Plus, our program should have made you both female. But we noticed the increase in tissue in your genitals so we decided to move forward with what we got. A lot of the features we wanted you got, just not the most critical one." He pauses and looked around. "If that's the only mistake, we should be able to tweak our formula enough to correct it." Jack looks at the two of us and Peter off to the other side, a smile comes across his lips as he makes eyes contact with me. "Why don't you show us where you can make that change?" I step up to Jack and place a hand on his back, "I'm not so su-" Jack waves his to cut me off. "Lead the way doctor." He stands upright and allows the scientist to pick a direction. We all follow him; Jack in front, Mikala and me in the middle, and Peter taking up the rear. Our hooves clacking along the hard cement hallway. He stops and swipes a card next to a door. He opens it up and motions for us to go in. Jack leans down to his level, "You wouldn't be lying to us would you? This place has to have some security, but I haven't seen any yet. Nor have any alarms been going off." The scientist starts to sweat. "A silent alarm was probably tripped when the doors were opened and the button was... removed. But we've been experiencing power fluctuations for a few weeks now." "Boy who cried wolf situation," Jack says while standing up, "But where is everyone else?" "You weren't supposed to wake up for several more hours. I was eager to start evaluating the results so I didn't want to wait until morning when the main staff showed up." Jack walks inside and we all follow him in. There are two chairs on the opposite wall, one of which I recognize instantly. The other is larger and I can only assume that Jack and Peter are just as familiar with that one. The scientist walks over to a computer that appears to be connected to the chairs with a large throw switch in-between them. Jack and I follow him over. He silently searches through the computer and brings up a page with a lot of words and numbers jumbled up together. He starts scrolling through it and begins speaking, "Each one of these lines is a different part of what we indoctrinated you with. There is an overall balance that needs to be maintained, which may be what limited us in changing your sex. Push too much, the subject breaks and slowly withers away: no will left to live. Don't push hard enough, they break the conditioning and regress. We scaled up from very little to get to the point where it worked on all of you." I look over again at the switch on the wall. "What's that for?" I point across his screen, moving his eyes away. He spins over to the side to look at it. "A left over from the previous tenants. This building used to be used for psychiatric experimentation with electricity. It turns out that it was the perfect backbone for what we were trying to do. Flipping that triggers the program to run from the computer through to the device on top of the chair. The other chair had a similar set up with the program that produced the half bull half humans." He points across the room, I look up and Jack motions for me to stand back from him. "So you said that both of these programs are running at the optimal level to produce these results?" He spins around again to face Jack. "It would appear so. Each of you had vastly different body types and metabolisms, yet the program worked. I think it's safe to say that, save for a few minor tweaks, we've found the starting point for all of our future work." He sounded especially proud of his last statement. He spins back around to face the computer. "Good." Jack easily picks him and brings over to the closer of the two chairs. "Wait! What are you doing, stop! I can help you!" he screams while squirming in Jack's arms. "You just spent all that time explaining how you reprogrammed us to fit a certain need, and you don't understand why I'm doing this?" Jack said as pushed the scientist into the chair. He flicked his head at me and I sped over to fasten the restraints. I finished with the head strap and we both stepped back. Jack took me into his arms and gave me a long kiss while the scientist squirmed in the chair. He pulled back, tapped me on the butt in the direction of the switch. I look back to see Jack rip the clothes off of the scientist, showing his pale, pudgy body. "Wait, don't do this please! Just let me go, I won't tell anyone I promise!" The pleas got the attention of Peter; he was currently pounding into Mikala, who seemed to be drooling in passion from what I could see. He pulled out of her and moved to stand next to Jack. Jack looks at him. "Oh I know you won't be telling anyone. Betsy, throw the switch." A shiver went down my spine as I followed his command. I could feel myself cumming as the sensation reached my ass. I walked back over to him so I could watch the show. Mikala joined us, on shaky legs, as well, propping herself against Peter. His cock immediately started spurting its milk, a small part of me was disappointed that it was going to waste, but he would soon be producing more than enough to make up for it. As I was thinking that, his balls began to swell. His chest and face began to slim down and as his hair and ears grew outwards. I saw his lips and nose broaden as he eyes began to roll back and the now familiar sound of hooves on concrete began to resonate. "Fuck! Why did I struggle so much? This feels amazing!" She came in a rather large puddle at this point, Mikala and I joined as we both remembered that pleasure. The restraints popped off and we moved to greet her with hugs and kisses. "I'm Janice and I have some things to tell you after one of you breaks me in," she says, wiggling her ass while she walks over to the computer. She presses a few buttons and a tube falls from the ceiling, she immediately applies it to her cock. At this point she moves to stand upright from the computer. Jack steps forward and immediately pushes her back down then grips Janice's hips from behind. He briefly looks down to make sure he's positioned right, then slams all the way into her. Her tongue falls out and eyes glaze over. Her cock starts spurting, quickly filling the tube with her milk. At one point he lifted her off the ground with a thrust, then held in the air while he continued. Jack started slowing down, then held her tight against him until his dick made a sound as it left her. "Wow... Let me catch my breath for a second." Janice straightens up and fixes her hair. "Okay, follow me." She turns and open a new door, motioning us through it. On the other side is what looks like a large vat flanked by conveyor belts with empty bottles. She walks over to a console and presses a few buttons. Something inside the vat powers up and its contents begin swirling around. "This is where we're collecting the milk to be sold later. Once the company knows that the experiment was a success, recruitment can begin. Males only, of course." She giggles and walks towards Jack, "We have a few standard security people due to show up soon, they would make fine Overseers." She says while rubbing a hand against his chest. I feel a twinge of jealousy and move to grab his hand and lean into him. He smiles at me then looks at Janice, "Overseers?" "Sorry, that's the name we gave the non-milk producing subjects. Our research showed that pairing the subjects with a dominant partner proved to produce more milk than any other combination." She looks up at him, then at Peter, "Oh I almost forgot!" She rushes back into the indoctrination room and reveals a cabinet hidden in the wall between the two chairs. As we're about catch up to her, she turns around holding an ear tag and some sort of application gun. She loads it into the gun and lines it up with her ear. Closing her eyes, she pulls the trigger and lets out a little whimper. "It's our only form of ID," she says while lowering the gun. "Plus, I should be able to adapt the security system to use these tags instead of the cards. So moving forward, each member will only have access to what they need to." "Sounds good. Mikala and Betsy will stay here and help with anything you need. Peter and I will greet the security members when they arrive. Be ready for us soon," Jack says as he moves back through the first door we came through. Peter gets one last kiss with Mikala before jogging after him. Janice turns to us. "There's one last thing you need to see. I'll get started on the tags, and see if I can send an email out to my boss to tell him to move forward. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to go without a proper milking, but I'll do my best." She leads us hand in hand to another door down a hallway and pushes it open. Sunlight rushes in and I have to cover my eyes until they adjust. When I put my hand down, I see a picturesque view of a farm with open fields and crops growing. There's a few buildings and equipment lying around them to one side as well. "Welcome to the farm."

Same as Warm Welcome Spin-OFf Videos

2 years ago
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Spin The Bottle

Lorelie, Robert and I have been down the local bar where we often meet and chat on a Saturday night. Lorelie and Robert are in their early 50's, whilst me, I’m 47. Robert is pale skinned and fairly slim, Lorelie is overweight but, in my eyes, has curves in all the right places. As for me I am overweight and tanned. This particular Saturday, Lorelie and Robert invite me around to their place for a drink after the bar shuts. Well I have nowhere to go so I agree, and very soon we are sitting in...

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Halloween Bash A Family Time spinoff

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The King of Spin Has His Head Turned

SCENE 1: Gordon Set Direction: Dimly lit living room in the Hollywood Hills; panoramic glass windows overlook the distant flickering lights of LA. A man seated on an expensive sofa holds his head in his hands. Gordon held his head in his hands. His head was spinning in circles and his chest was so tight he could barely breath. The message from DC had confirmed it, but the picture was almost too much for him to take. The guy looked like he was in his twenties and to top it off he had curly blond...

Love Stories
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 56 Spin the Bottle

"So now what?" asked Tammy. "Are we just going to watch Crystal suck off her big sister's boyfriend?" "Sounds good to me," Crystal mumbled around his cock. "Do you mind if I pick the game?" asked Kari, slipping into the room. Crystal let his cock slip out of her mouth. "Oh, great, my boring older sister is here too," she teased. Kari stuck her tongue out at her. "What kind of game did you have in mind?" asked Brit, and Jeff could see her eyes light up with...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 4 Spin the Bottle

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, uniform Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 4 – Spin The Bottle by Avatrek ([email protected]) Gryffindor House of 1976 was far better than the one Ronald Weasley had ever known, not only were the common room and dormitories bigger, better and...

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Putting a Spin On It

It was getting late, and Penny was looking forward to opening the bottle of white wine that had been chilling in her fridge for the last couple of hours. She had just finished signing off the last paper in her Ministerial red box, when to her annoyance her laptop inbox ‘pinged’ at her. She was even more annoyed when she saw that the message was from her soon-to-be-ex-husband. The recent uncovering by an investigative journalist of his numerous dodgy business deals had very nearly derailed her...

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Wanna Go For a Spin

Damn, you follow me everywhere I go. Not really complaining! I was in a Laundromat minding my own business, sorting clothes. When I looked up, there you were. I was shocked. You just smiled and helped me sort the clothes. Everyone else had left. The attendant, a cute young Asian lady, put on her coat and left for a moment. We started the washers, two double loaders and one regular washer. Still, we never spoke. You were wearing a cute little casual skirt. You smiled with that evil...

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Spin The Bottle

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Spin the Bottle Til Its Stuck

New Year's Eve was always something I looked forward to with mixed feelings, as I felt obligated to be social while everyone else got increasingly drunk. Neither the former, nor the latter appealed to me very much, and so I had turned the end of the year into something relaxed and quiet for me and my loved ones, ever since I was living alone.2016 was no exception. Novella and myself had a nice evening, watching a little bit of TV and she enjoyed a few glasses of wine while I ravaged the orange...

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Veena8217s Spin The Bottle Game Turns To A Hot Foursome

This story is based on an episode from Veena comics which you can read Nikita and Veena sat in Veena’s room, talking about their sex life. Veena was sharing the saucy details of how she met a chiseled Mexican man on the bus. Nikita couldn’t believe what she heard out of Veena’s glossy lips. Veena had accidentally touched the Mexican’s cock while they stood close by. But she had taken it a step further and fondled his bulge. They flirted silently with their lustful eyes as she groped him....

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A Little Spin the Bottle

“......Something didn’t quite happen the way that it should of, but I’m not complaining. My friend is dating this popular guy in school. His name is Bill. My name is Samantha. She claims they never had sex, but I’m not so sure that’s true. She was going on vacation with her family, and her and I made up a plan to try and catch her Bill doing something that he wasn’t supposed to with another girl, so that she could break up with him. She was interested in his one friend, Ryan. The same boy that...

Group Sex
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Spin the Bottle

Strange things happen in youth, you don't realize it until you're older and wiser, then you wish you could relive it again, but that's another tale. Sit down, my friend, while I tell you a fable... A bet gone terribly wrong, after playing spin the bottle for a few minutes when we all decided that we ought to drink some tequila after a friend found some in the in house. It was just the 4 of us, 2 girls, a friend and I, the girls drank the most tequila, I didn't mind, since I wanted one of...

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Spin the Bottle Of A Different Kind

Alex hated parties. HATED them. All his friends went to parties and had incredible fun, while Alex sat in the corner sipping a lite beer wishing he was home. He couldn't help it. He wanted to fit in, but when those sorts of situations arose he felt awkward and humiliated. So, when he was invited by a group of friends to a party that was going to be held at one of their places, at first he was reluctant to go, knowing that he would end up looking forward to going only to wish to God that he...

First Time
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A New Spin on RolePlaying Games 2

A New Spin on Role Playing Games 2 by: Shawna Summers [email protected] The next LARP event came by and I was more than ready! I was so horny and worked up I could hardly believe it. The last session had been such an amazing time and this one promised to be more of the same, and then added twist of me being the prize for one of the guys was just well, scary, but also a bit of fantasy come true! I did make sure to do all of my necessary prep work. Naturally this meant shaving...

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Spin the Dildo

You share a nervous glance with your best friend, Jake, as you sit down on the floor, forming a circle around a large, purple dildo in the center, the girls giggling madly at you. "Well, you did say you'd do anything to get with me, James," said Erika, smirking at you from across the circle. "Here's your chance!" "I don't particularly like the odds...," you reply, looking around you. Seating in a circle around the dildo are five of your friends and your younger sister. Starting from you, going...

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Spin the Bottle til Its Stuck

New Year’s Eve was always something I looked forward to with mixed feelings, as I felt obligated to be social while everyone else got increasingly drunk. Neither the former, nor the latter appealed to me very much, and so I had turned the end of the year into something relaxed and quiet for me and my loved ones, ever since I’m living alone. 2016 is no exception. Novella and myself had a nice evening, watching a little bit of TV and she enjoyed a few glasses of wine while I ravaged the orange...

1 year ago
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Spin Class Pleasure

I had already turned the music up when they started walking through the door. Some of my students were twice my 24 years old, each clad in their workout clothes. Shirley had her fuzzy headband on, and Rob must have forgotten his gym socks. Black argyle socks climbed up his calves, visible between the Cycle shoes and his athletic shorts. I smiled and greeted them all by name, already perched atop my spin bike. I had to lower the seat and adjust the handlebars quite a bit to fit my petite frame,...

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A Spin on the Sex Life or What was I just In

Bill and Stacy had been married now for two years when they found themselves visiting Bill's parents during Christmas. Being the only married couple of Bill's siblings, it had become customary for them to sleep in the largest guest room in the house. This room contained the double bed that just happened to be Bill's parents old bed from when he was younger and living at home. One of the advantages to having this room was that it was directly across the hall from the bathroom, making it very...

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A spin on my cycle leads to more

I had been married seven years at the time of this incident. I was 100% faithful to my wife all that time. I grew up girl shy, never had a girlfriend or dated much in high school. After I was discharged from the army I met my wife to be. We married and had three children over the next seven years. Our group of family and friends would take turns throwing a party about once every month and a half. My brother in law (wife's brother) married during this time. His mother in law, Deloris, was a...

Straight Sex
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A New Spin On RolePlaying Games

A New Spin on Role-Playing Games By: Shawna Summers I've always been something of a geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy books and movies; I can recite countless bits of useless trivia back to you about all kinds of movies. So, it was no real surprise that I took to role-playing games, or RPGs, as we like to call them. You know the kinds, Dungeons and Whatnots, all that kind of Tolkien-esque stuff. I had a couple of groups that I games with in high school, and it was fun, but it was never...

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Spin the bottle Adult version

My wife Felicity and I (Rob) had been married 5 years. I knew she was pretty wild from day 1. Sex was an adventure to her and she liked it rough and often. After 5 years it had not tapered off. If anything it was even better. She was into dressing up and sex toys, both for her AND me. We moved into a new estate and struck up a friendship with another couple down the street. Andy and Babs were a couple of years older than us. The girls worked in the same office and Felicity would come home with...

2 years ago
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Spin the Bottle

We had the house to ourselves for the weekend so Nicky and myself decided to have a few drinks and stay in, l took Rebel our Alsatian out for his evening walk whilst Nicky got a shower. On returning Nicky had got us both a drink and was watching telly, l went and had a shower Nicky liked me to keep my balls and cock shaved so whilst in the shower l gave myself a shave, she was also shaved, so it was only fair. I wondered what the night had in store? Nicky was never boring and was always game...

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Mrs Hoffman

A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...

1 year ago
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Warm Welcome 8211 The Resort

Opening – Devi came to me one day with a ad she saw on internet. It was about a holiday package in a hill station in Kerala – Karnataka border named “Warm Welcome”. So what’s special about a holiday package I wondered. It’s only for girls. Wow, the very thought of going on a ladies only trip excited me. I checked with Dilip if he is willing to let me go. He asked when is it planned. I kind of know that he is supposed to go on a business trip. Personally, I didn’t want him to accompany for a...

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A Farm House Story Part 2 of 4 Welcome and Unwelcome Guests

“Not a bit. I’m interested in finding out what’s going on too.” The weather forecaster said that it was a typical Fort Worth early September evening and sunset would be about 748. It was followed by the local news. The crackle of the radio continued, “This is our top local 630 news story. “Jacksboro prison officials report that some prisoners escaped from the state jail at Jacksboro today. Authorities believe they are on foot and are reminding motorists to not pick up any hitchhikers...

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Spin the bottle

(Writer: I encourage everyone to add chapters to this story, make it very erotic) Your name is John, a handsome guy with a well maintained body. You been invited to the birthday party of your friend, Milla. The party lasted till 10:00 pm and after that Milla said to you "John, could you stay here for the night?", "Is there anything special?" you asked confused. "Emily and susan are staying here and this could be an opportunity for you!" she replied. Emily was a beautiful brunette and you had a...

1 year ago
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Roulette 2 Taking Another Spin

Roulette 2: Taking Another Spin By Morpheus Wednesday afternoon, Nov 21st, 2007 I didn't like flying. Or more accurately, I didn't like being stuck in the middle seat with a fat guy on one side, who was encroaching on my space, while an old lady sat on my other side, hitting me with her sharp elbows every time she shifted position. So far, my trip home for Thanksgiving had been a little less than enjoyable. Between the MCO agents who glared at me during the security check...

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Spin Cycle

Looking from underneath her covers early Saturday morning, Ashley began thinking about her day.She usually went out on Friday nights with her boyfriend, and sometimes he spent the night. This Saturday morning, he had to work, so he did not spend the night.Dragging herself out of bed, she headed straight to the laundry basket and started sorting her laundry. She hated this every Saturday morning routine.She made herself a quick breakfast, put on her Saturday sloppy clothes, loaded the laundry...

2 years ago
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spin the bottle

About 2 yrs ago me and a few friends went to Kingsnorton a suberb of Birmingham England. We meet up with a load of student girls studying at the local University. These 4 girls we all single and extremley shapley ladies ;)the night was going so well I couldnt belive my luck. One of my mates had to leave early as he had to go pick up his girlfriend from work. So i was left with a guy called Andy and 4 stunners. The drinks were flowin and the girls were getting more and more aroused and...

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Sunday Spin

With a basket full of my dirty clothes, I struggled into the local Laundromat. It was three years since I had routinely been to the Laundromat, but after splitting with my boyfriend it became a Sunday tradition. No Sunday roast with my parents, instead I spent the nicest part of the day sitting on a hard little wooden bench. You see, Peter got the washing machine in the split, and I hadn't got around to replacing it. As much as I hated to admit it, I still needed to feel hard done by;...

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The Incomplete Story of Ashley and Geoff

Cliff had been single his entire life. Married women were particularly attracted to him. He had many affairs and most of those affairs had ended with the husband and wife divorcing. It was obvious that married couples were having problems and some women were just seeking something they were not getting at home. Cliff was not looking for married women on purpose; many of the women did not tell him they were married until he figured it out.Ashley and her husband, Geoff, were hoping Cliff would...

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‘Kaitlyn?’ Recognizing a familiar voice behind me, I turned around. ‘Susanne! What are you doing here?’ She was a friend of my parents’, and I had gone to school with her kids. But what she was doing here, in the hallway outside my dorm room, I had no idea. ‘I’m here to help Geoffrey move in – right down the hall from you, it looks like!’ It was a challenge, but I managed to contain my honest reaction (which I’ll share with you in a moment) and simply replied, ‘Oh, great. Well, I have to...

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Clothespin Girl Superhero

Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...

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TV adventures with Uncle Geoff

Geoff called round and said he'd like to see me in stockings and suspenders next time. I told him I didn't have any of my own, and my mum only wore tights, so I couldn't borrow any either. "Don't worry" he said with a wink, "I'm going to buy you some".A couple of days later I found a note from Geoff pushed through the letterbox: "Tonight at mine, 9pm".I waited till mum went out to play darts then quickly raided the laundry basket in the bathroom. I could smell her Lentheric body spray in the...

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Housewarmingparty zu zweit

Das Praktikum 28Ein zweiter Versuch Wenige Monate nach Richards ersten Geburtstag sah ich, dass bei mir alles besser läuft als geplant. Die Agentur hatte mehr Kunden als ich mir je geträumt hatte. Ich hatte einige gute Mitarbeiter, sodass ich mich mehr um den Kontakt zu den Kunden und um grobe Absprachen wegen unserer Ideen kümmern konnte, und die Feinarbeiten machten meine Mitarbeitenden. Natürlich motivierte sie auch ein entsprechender Bonus, aber den konnte ich mir leisten. Je mehr ich...

4 years ago
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An Unwelcomed Surprise

It was probably about one in the morning and I was on my way out to this old picnic area by the lake where I live. I was a sissy on the prowl, looking for some cock! I was wearing my tight little khaki shorts and a sexy halter top with a thin little jacket. I also had on some cute little sandals that showed off my pretty red toenails. As I pulled up to the spot I was looking for I started to get excited. There was already a big pick up truck parked by the picnic tables just idling with his...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

2 years ago
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Tripletit 05 Tripletit Welcome

Tripletit Welcome Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is an immediate sequel to Journey to Tripletit. The events in both stories happen shortly after those in my stories ‘Tripletit’ and ‘Saving The Planet...

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Welcomed VisitorChapter 12 Welcome Home

As I walked into the living room it was then that I got quite a surprise or more like a shock. Standing in the middle of the living room were two absolutely perfect visions of beauty stark naked and smiling. It was Janet and Susie. They, in unison, said "Greg we missed you so much we just had to come over here to greet you." I heard the front door close and lock. Turning around what did I find but Grace and Kimberly in the process of stripping down also. Janet and Susie each grabbed a hand...

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Spinner Ch 02

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Diaries of a Soldier Welcome to Korea

When my plane finally landed I was done. We had taken off from Seattle and 20 something hours later I was now standing at Osan Air Force Base South Korea. I was accompanied by about 200 other soldiers, but I didn't know anyone. We were all in transition, on our way to our new overseas duty stations. Me, I was a young 20 year old just going with the flow of this military machine. In the last few months I had completed Basic Training in Oklahoma at Fort Sill, then to Fort Leonard...

4 years ago
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Tricks and Treats for the Welcome Wagon

I step off the curb and look appraisingly at my house, trying to gauge the reaction that will come from the street. It’s the afternoon of October 31, and I have just put the finishing touches on my “haunted house.” The windows are boarded up, caution tape accents the front porch, a cemetery nestles against the right corner of the house, outdoor speakers blast frightening sounds into the night, a fog machine emits a spooky mist, and strobe lights complete the surreal effect. Suddenly, I feel a...

2 years ago
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Tricks and Treats for the Welcome Wagon

I step off the curb and look appraisingly at my house, trying to gauge the reaction that will come from the street. It’s the afternoon of October 31, and I have just put the finishing touches on my “haunted house.” The windows are boarded up, caution tape accents the front porch, a cemetery nestles against the right corner of the house, outdoor speakers blast frightening sounds into the night, a fog machine emits a spooky mist, and strobe lights complete the surreal effect. Suddenly, I feel a...

1 year ago
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2 Indian Sluts Welcome a White Man to the Office

Story by PriyaThe name is John. I'm from The city of Toronto and I had just transferred for work to Canada's easternmost city, St. John's. I am English and French descent, so I am quite the pale bloke. I have black slicked back hair and autumn colored eyes. So I kind of look like one of those stereotypical Greasers from the 50's. Anyways, I work for banking company that is based around the eastern half of Canada. I had gotten tired of living in a metropolis such as Toronto, so I was ready for...

4 years ago
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Sara and Lizzies Story A Rope and 3 Clothespins

This story is for you, Sara ... we've shared a lot and you've shown me a curiosity about some of the edgier things I like to do with a lover. Do you remember when I said we should go on an exotic trip and explore ... ourselves together? You loved the idea ... so I sent you a list of what I would bring with me ... clothes, toiletries, personal items and jewelry ... and ... a length of rope and 3 clothespins! For months you've been asking me what the clothespins are for ... but I do like to...

4 years ago
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Housewarming Gift

Susan noticed the cab pulling up next door. “I think our neighbors are back.” I walked over to the window to join her. Sure enough, a handsome black man was helping the driver pull suitcases out of the trunk, while his beautiful wife, a light-skinned black woman, was digging in her purse. When she looked up to pay the driver, she noticed us watching through our living room window. Susan waved and the other woman waved back. I gave a little wave myself, feeling very much like a...

4 years ago
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The first time I saw her, she was perched on a barstool on the tiniest little ass I have ever seen. She looks twelve or thirteen, but I found out later that she is a college sophomore, and nineteen. My buddy spotted her first, ‘Mike! See that one at the bar?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Spinner!’ I chuckled immediately as I took another swig off my Dos Equis. Although I had never really heard that expression before, I knew exactly what he meant. He means that she is so tiny that in a cowgirl position and...

2 years ago
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The Fucking Welcome Wagon

I take a long, cold sip of my lemonade (spiked with vodka), wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead, and silently curse the previous owners of my new house for letting their garden go to hell. It is a brutally hot afternoon, but I am bound and determined to rid my flowerbeds of these God-forsaken weeds. My tank top and running shorts are plastered to my skin and I just tossed my hair up in a ponytail to get it off my neck. I had no idea when I moved here that it could still be so blazing hot...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 13

A few minutes later, Connie and Tyler were ushered to a table toward the rear of the bistro. Two hosts held their chairs out for them as they sat down. Tyler was careful to hold his long, sequined skirt behind him as he sat, making sure the back end of the skirt didn't fall off the chair while also making sure to drape the front of the skirt as far over his freshly-shaven left leg as he could. It was such a complicated gown! Everything else he had worn since arriving on Saturn Beta had...

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Welcome to the Sisterhood

Chapter 1 As his train pulled into the station, Chris's heart sank. He'd not been to this part of town before and the graffiti, boarded up windows of the former waiting room and general decay everywhere reminded him why not. Still, he'd been out of work for four months and, by the time the agency phoned him about the role the previous week, he was getting desperate for work. So he gathered his belongings, stood up and left the train. The 10 minute walk to the offices of Glow...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 14 Naughty Welcome Home

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Fourteen: Naughty Welcome Home By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Linda Davies I had so many questions. It was so strange to realize that I had lived another life. That Steve knew it and I didn't. I glanced at him as we left behind the naked woman. We had sex in public, and no one cared because he edited reality. The power my husband had. A strange, dizzy sway rushed through me. My husband had all...

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 9

Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...

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GeoffreyI loved to look through porn magazines like Mayfair and razzle and often set out to buy a new one, I'd chosen a quiet corner shop I knew had lots adult magazine's on its top shelf, I hung around browsing till the shop was empty and quickly started to look through the magazines on offer.I was quite exited when I saw a magazine call stiletto heel, it was a contact mag with lots of adverts with pictures, I had to have it. I was only 16 but the shop owner only ever asked if I was sure i...

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Playing the GameChapter 26 The Playoffs

We entered the conference playoffs as the team favored to win. Our local paper was helping to fuel the interest by featuring pictures and biographies of each of the starters in the week prior to the first game of the playoffs. I got a lot of razzing at school the day after my picture and bio appeared. I was pretty uncomfortable with all this attention, but I was in the minority from my teammates. Most of the rest of the guys on the team were really enjoying their moment in the spotlight. We...

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Welcome to Sun City

This is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the four deluxe suites but she has no intention...

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Welcome to Gateway

Welcome to Gateway By Lissa The July sun beat down mercilessly on the streets, making the asphalt walkways feel like they were about to melt into a tar swamp. The people of Gateway, Kansas were steaming as well, seeking refuge in air-conditioned houses or shops, while the farmers in the outlying areas desperately kept watering their crops. Gateway had been founded along one of the old pilgrim trails west, and then kept alive by an old fort which grew into a military base. Apart from...

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