Charity Graduates 3 Hope and Change
- 3 years ago
- 32
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The first time I saw her, she was perched on a barstool on the tiniest little ass I have ever seen. She looks twelve or thirteen, but I found out later that she is a college sophomore, and nineteen. My buddy spotted her first,
‘Mike! See that one at the bar?’
I chuckled immediately as I took another swig off my Dos Equis. Although I had never really heard that expression before, I knew exactly what he meant. He means that she is so tiny that in a cowgirl position and tucking in her knees, you could just spin her around impaled on your cock… a spinner! Crude remark perhaps, but just stuff between guys and not meant to be shared in any other company or context.
The problem is that she looks sweet, and as far as I can tell she is alone, nursing a lite beer that appears to be her first and only. I’m thinking that she just stopped in for a quick beer on a hot and humid day. Her short shorts … white ones… define a perfect little ass. A pink halter-top and pristine white tennies completes the vision. I am guessing that she tops out at somewhere just under five feet and about a hundred … mmm, maybe ninety-five pounds!
She has perfectly shaped brown hair down just past shoulder-length. A pink ribbon pulls her hair away from her face … I actually kinda like that look … school-girlish! From what I can see of her face from my angle, she is cute! No, make that very cute!
I need to know her!
‘I’ll let you know when I find out, Jake!’
I say to my friend in answer to his crude observation. I slide off my stool and away from our table, sidle up next to her stool and say,
‘Buy you another, doll?’
She looks me up and down with a very obvious appraisal, smiles and says,
‘Mmm, no thanks honey. You’re cute n’all, but I just stopped in for a quick one.’
‘Well, how about something else? A burger? A car? A house?’
She giggles musically (which, by the way quickens my heartrate) and asks,
‘Are you hitting on me?’
Always being an honest and straightforward guy I answer with a confident smile,
‘Um, yup!’ I sweeten the smile as much as I can and continue, ‘Thing is, I think you are kind of cute and quite frankly, would just be interested in getting to know you.’
‘That’s very flattering handsome, but not today. I appreciate the effort though!’
I hear Jake chuckling. She notices too, and says,
‘Friend of yours?’
‘Yes, that is my imbecile friend, Jake. I’m Mike, by the way.’
‘Well Mike, it was very nice to meet you, but I have to get going. Bye!’
Usually that ‘bye’ would have been a knife in the back of any nascent relationship, but I decide to take matters into my own hands. In the time it takes her to get her purse out and pay her tab, and get to the front door, I am already waiting for her outside. The sidewalk was busy, but as soon as she appears outside the place I drop to one knee, with my arms outstretched. I have a lyrical baritone singing voice and as a last ditch effort, I decide to serenade her right there. I sang,
‘I’d walk a million miles for one of your smiles, girl-from-the-Fifth-Street-pu-u-uu-ub!’
She covers her mouth with both hands, to stifle a giggle and her surprise, as a crowd around the entrance applauds my effort … I even get a couple of whistles! Smiling, she says,
‘Okay, okay! Um, I do have some time, so how about a nice iced chai tea at Starbucks around the corner? Your treat, of course!’
She extends her hand to help me to my feet,
‘Gillian! But, everyone calls me ‘Gilly’ and I kind of um, like it. Does anyone ever call you Michael?’
‘Nope. Mostly Mike since I was about uh, a minute and a half old.’
She laughs and says, ‘I want to call you Michael! Is that alright?’
‘Find by me, and actually I like the way it sounds when you say it!’
She smiles and takes my arm. As we walk away, I see Jake watching this from the other side of the door, inside the club. He is slowly shaking his huge bearded head and saying something that I cannot hear…
…but I know what he is saying. He is muttering to himself,
‘How’n the fuck does he do that shit?’
I wave goodbye to him smiling at my triumph. Pretending she didn’t notice, Gilly says,
‘Wave goodbye to Jake for me too, Michael!’
‘I did. You’re covered, baby!’
We just chit-chat on the way to the coffeehouse: where are you going to school, what’s your major, the usual pre-first-date-getting-to-know-each-other bullshit! I ask her,
‘Why lite beer, Gilly? I’ll have to take you out sometime and buy you a good beer … one you can actually taste.’
‘Um, thanks Michael, but let’s just get past a chai tea at Starbucks first, before we start naming our children.’
Great sense of humor!
This tiny little girl is going to be fun! If I can close the deal, that is!
‘You’re right, first things first. We need to get to know each other first, maybe a movie or dinner or something. By the way, what are some of your favorite baby names?’ I joke.
‘Michael!’ she responds quickly in a giggly accusation.
We end up spending an hour at the coffeehouse, just talking and laughing. She is a delightful person, with a terrific sense of humor and a quick wit. She is going to City University, and is in a B.S.N program, studying to be a nurse. I tease her about being a pediatric nurse so she will at least be taller than her patients. She slugs me in the arm with her tiny fist for teasing her and giggles a little.
‘That’s yery funny Michael, but I have actually heard that one before … about a dozen times a day, actually!’
‘I doubt that!’ I challenge her.
‘Well, okay, that’s an exaggeration, but I have heard it before.’ She admits.
‘And I was so hoping to come up with an original insult for a girl I just met!’ I tease her.
I find out that she is four-foot ten, and ninety-two pounds. She is about six months away from her twentieth birthday, but she looks so much younger. I decide not to tell her about the ‘spinner’ comment from Jake, since she might misconstrue my interest in her. I lose track of what she was saying at one point in the conversation, just staring into her blue eyes, and searching her pretty face with mine.
I get caught when she asked a question that I missed,
‘Michael! Did you hear what I asked? I asked about your program at school!’
I tell her exactly why my attention wandered … looking at her, admiring her pretty face … and she smiles sweetly, idly running her fingertips through the hair on my forearm says,
‘Oh, Michael. That’s so sweet!’ She looks at my watch and says,
‘I have to get going but you can walk me home! It’s just a couple more blocks.’
We had a club sandwich with our drinks, and I left a tip for the waitress, and we walked out. On the way to her apartment, I asked her out for Friday night. By way of answering me, she fishes a pen out of her purse takes my hand, and turning it over writes her number on my palm.
‘Call me tomorrow night, Michael!’
She kisses the tip of her finger, and presses it to my lips as a goodbye kiss. She smiles, knowing that I am hoping to taste her lips and says,
‘Bye, Michael!’
I am too stunned to answer, and just give her a lame kind of half wave. I watch her perfect tiny ass, as it ascends the stairs and disappears into the darkness of her building. I walk back to the bar, and am not surprised to find Jake still there, trying to put moves on a pretty coed. I walk up to them and tell the girl,
‘Don’t believe a word he says, darlin’! He’s the biggest liar in town!’
Jake turns around and with a big smile,
‘Mike! Where’s that pretty little thing of yours?’
‘Walked her home … maybe Friday night. As
k the bartender for a piece of paper and a pen will you?’
I copy Gillian’s number onto a bar napkin and stuff it in my pocket.
‘Mike, you are a real master … you know that? I would have bet against your getting that little spinner’s number!’
‘Gilly … her name is Gilly, Jake, and she is a very nice girl!’ I say as I clap him on his monstrous shoulder. Then I turned to the girl he was working on and say,
‘He is big and ugly, but he is a lot of fun, and has a heart of gold so, my dear, you are a fool if you don’t give him your number!’ She smiles at me and says,
‘What if I give you my number handsome? You can call it, but if you don’t I will be very disappointed. I won’t complain too much if you give it to Jake though. I like the big bear type!’
She writes her number on a napkin and hands it to me, and I hand it off to Jake.
‘Have fun, you two!’ and with a fatherly look and a sideways glance I add, ‘Be good!’
As I make my exit, I notice Jake moving in a little closer, and his new friend responding to him. He turns and his broad smile says, ‘Thanks Mike!’
‘What’s a wingman for?’ I think to myself as I walk out. Over my shoulder, I hear her as Jake, ‘What’s a spinner?’
Back at my place, a crappy dorm room actually, I am just sitting at my small crowded desk, thinking about Gillian. I think about how her hair looked with the sunlight on it. I think about how incredible her blue eyes look with her darkish brown hair … stunning, really! Then I have a dirty little thought about her being, well, tiny underneath. Since she is so small, I am thinking about how tiny her little pussy might be.
I have been with small girls of course, but this one will be the smallest if I ever get the pleasure. After that semi-vicarious kiss as we shared as we parted, I am not sure that will ever happen. I decide, looking at the rumpled napkin containing her phone number, not to call her tomorrow night as she suggests. It might seem a little over-anxious.
It will definitely put me on her mind … and on her radar. I also decide to come up with something more creative for a first date than dinner and a movie. Something to get her little heart racing. But what? I turn to my books, and tomorrow’s assignment and vow to work something out later.
I meet Jake at the pub again the next night, instead of calling Gillian.
‘Mike! What the hell! Are you crazy? You didn’t call her?’
‘I just thought it might seem a little overly urgent and needy to call her on command. I’ll call her tomorrow night, but I have to come up with something to wow her on the first date. Any suggestions?’
‘Well, I just take ’em out for a few drinks to get them loosened up, and then try to get them into the sack. Works more often than not Mike!’
‘Wow, Jake! That’s magnificent! Are you shitting me … get her loosened up hoping to get her in the sack? That’s your idea?’
‘Well, yeah. It works, sometimes.’
‘What kind of a wingman comes up with a bullshit suggestion like ‘loosen ’em up and get ’em in the sack’? Jake, I want this girl! I want an on-going relationship with her, not just to test your ‘spinner’ theory!’
Jake thinks for a moment and says,
‘Well, how about that Art Fair down by the lake? It starts this Friday, maybe pack a lunch or sumthin’!’
‘Okay, well at least that’s on the right track. Let me think about that. By the way, what ever happened to that busty blond we met yesterday?’
‘I am seeing her again tonight later. I am taking her to dinner and a movie! How’s that for creative? I think she likes me … she asked about you though!’
‘You are just a savant, Jake! But thanks for the tip about the Art Fair … she might like that!’
The next night, the night after she expected to hear from me, I call her. The phone rings, once, twice, three times … she made me wait until the fifth ring, then I hear her voice,
‘Hello Michael!’
‘Hi Gilly, um, I am wondering if you have any plans for Friday night?’
‘Mmm, nothing major! What did you have in mind?’
‘I’ll pick you up at seven, wear something casual … jeans or shorts … but bring a light sweater.’
‘Hmm, sounds mysterious, Michael! May I know what we will me doing?’
‘If you can wait two days, I think we will have fun!’
‘Okay handsome, but it had better be good … I am looking forward to doing something I can brag to my girlfriends about!’ I laugh, and simply say,
‘See you on Friday … seven, doll!
‘Bye Michael!’
Okay, so now what am I going to do? Tramping around some dusty Art Fair might be fun for a while! But what else? I have two days to come up with something she can brag to her friends about. I didn’t chat with her on this phone call, but you never do when you are calling just to set up the date.
I have homework to do, and work on a research paper to get it started. I hate cramming big projects into the last night, but I have about a week, to I get it done.
Friday night arrives, and at about ten minutes before seven, I call her on my cell phone telling her to meet me out in front of her building.
She is sitting on her stoop as I pull up. She slowly rises, her eyes widen and she puts both her hands to her mouth in a surprised smile. I stop the tandem bike right in front of her, and remove my ‘Blues Brother’s’ style sunglasses.
‘Oh-my-god, Michael!’ she says half laughing.
‘Hop on baby … room for two!’ She looks over my rig, eyes wide as I hand her an identical pair of sunglasses to wear as we ride. She giggles and puts them on and we mug our imitation of the Blues Brothers, and she gets onto the back seat. I have a small cooler bungeed to the carrier behind her seat.
‘Where are we going Michael?’
‘Dinner!’ is all I say.
She smiles as we pedal away from her dorm building. She has handlebars attached to my seat post, but only mine can steer. We ride without her knowing where we are going, but she happily provides half the pedal-power. We ride for about twenty minutes and enter the park by the lake. There is an amusement park across the lake, and this weekend they are having an Art Fair, starting tonight.
I find a nice quiet grassy spot near the lake, and pull us over to a stop. She gets off, and immediately pulls the basket off the back of the bike. She is surprised to find still warm roasted chicken, a salad, a couple of bunches of grapes, and a bottle of Chardonnay with a couple of plastic flutes.
‘Oh, Michael! I love it … so romantic! Can you open the wine, I’ll fix us each a plate.’
I pull out my portable wine bottle opener, it is pocketsize, and has two prongs that slide down each side of the cork. A couple of twists and the cork pops out. I fill the plastic wine glasses halfway, and we make a toast. ‘To us!’
‘Michael, I love this so much … we can see the lights from the amusement part, this is wonderful. I was worried that you might just come up with something lame, like dinner and a movie. This is sooo much better!’
‘Glad you approve! Plus, you make the cutest Blues Brother ever, baby!’
‘You really think so?’ she says as she reaches over and dons the sunglasses I brought for her, and giggles musically.
After dinner, we decide to ride over to the Art Fair, and the amusement park. It is just a ten-minute pedal around the lake, she jumps off as I chain the bike to a post. We walk around the fair, with Gilly checking out several of the booths. We watch a stilt-walker striding through the fair, and a fire-eater. We admire some of the more creative artwork, discussing various pieces.
When we decide on a couple of rides, we start with the roller coaster. I am not one for heights, but not afraid of them either and we find ourselves raising our hands off the bars on the down hills. It is exhilarating! She wants to checkout their Ferris w
heel, and as luck would have it, we are stuck on top for a few minutes. I tell her,
‘You know Gilly, it is tradition that if a couple gets stuck at the very top of a Ferris wheel, they have to kiss.’
She didn’t say a word as she turns to me, closes her eyes and parts her lips. We share a very soft and nice kiss, until the wheel jerks us back to reality and starts to descend. We kiss each time the wheel stops to let someone off. I hear some guy a couple of seats behind us yell, ‘Give her the tongue, dude!’ We just laughed, and she slides her tongue out just to touch my lips at the next stop. Her soft, warm and moist little appendage tastes sweet as it presses against my lips before she quickly retracts it.
‘Michael, I hope you don’t think I am being forward, but the roller coaster excited me, and being on top of the world with you is just too much!’
‘No Gilly, it was nice … felt nice!’
She moans softly as she cuddles closer to me. When we reach bottom, I climb out first and take her hand to help her out before the scraggly-haired operator can take that pleasure from me.
‘Why, thank you kind sir!’ she says with a sweet smile (one that melts my heart!).
‘Da nada, baby!’ I answer as she giggles.
When we reach the bike, she is standing there in her prim little white short shorts and tennies. Her breasts are small, but push out against the material of her halter-top as she breathes heavily. She brushes her hair back off her neck on each side with her hands, and softly says,
‘Kiss me Michael!’
I waste no time in closing the distance between us, take her in my arms as she tiptoes up and I kiss her as passionately as I can. The kiss lasts for a long time as I hold her with my hands on her back, one high and one lower down. We decide to kick off our shoes, and walk along the shore for a while, talking softly and holding hands. The cool sand feels great on our bare feet and between our toes.
At one point, she teases me trying to trip me with a torrent of giggles, and I pick her up in my arms and pretend I am going to feed her to the waves as she screams,
On the count of three I pass her over the water and then set her back down on the sand. My counter-tease earns me a slug in the shoulder, and then another kiss as she throws her arms around me.
‘Oh, Michael! I am having a wonderful time tonight, and I will definitely brag to my friends about our evening together.’
We are walking along the beach hand in hand again, and she is quiet, thinking hard about something. She suddenly comes out with it, as if it is an addendum to her last comment,
‘But, Michael … what is a … ‘spinner’? I overheard Jake use that expression …his voice carries … and you chuckled when he said it. So what does that mean Michael … does it have anything to do with why you asked me out?’
‘Wow, that’s a lot of questions from a very curious little girl!’ I say, buying some time to form an answer to her main question. I decide that leveling with her is best, even if it cost me her continued company.
‘Gilly, ‘spinner’ is a kind of sexual term use for a girl that is very petite, as you are. Before I explain what it is, let me answer another of your questions first.’ She is intently interested in every syllable coming from me as I continue,
‘When Jake pointed you out, he used a crude comment, but when I saw you I forgot what he said. I didn’t know anything about you, and just chucked at a comment between guys. When I saw you sitting so prettily at the bar, and could see at least part of her pretty face and I was smitten! I told Jake that I had to know you. We are out together tonight to start fulfilling that mission … and nothing further … I have no ulterior motives in asking you out, but to get to know you, and show you a nice time.’
‘Michael, that’s sweet, but I am still unfamiliar with that term, so can you um, explain what it means … to a guy.’
‘Gilly, I am not going to equivocate, and I will always answer questions you ask honestly. This might be one of those occasions where you might want to be careful about asking a question you don’t really want the answer to.’
She let go of my hand and we stopped. We are facing each other as I admire the way the the breeze plays with her hair. She is looking up at me intently waiting for my answer to her first question. I did not let her wait long,
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BDSMAround the corner from my office, there's a place where I like to go. It's a restaurant, with the bar upstairs. We call it the Jazz Club, although it's officially named after its location. It's in a wonderful old Antebellum house, with dark wood paneling, high ceilings and a rich, tasteful ambiance. I like it there because it's got a nice selection of single malt Scotch, and they allow cigar smoking in the bar. I don't actually like cigars--smoking them or being around the smoke--but I...
Believe it or not, this is a true story, some of it told from my recollections and some from my wifes. First let me say, I am a truly blessed man, my wife would rather fuck than eat and she is sexually submissive. It took me four months to get in to her pants, but since that time, she will fuck anytime, anywhere or any place and our best I think, was in a department store fur coat section. The first time we watched porn together, one of the tapes was a lesbian tape and it didn't take long after...
BisexualHello indian sex stories dot net dosto, main Nishanth hoon Bhiwandi, thane se jo Mumbai se nazdik hai. main 30 saal ke aas paas hoon aur meri shaadi ho gayi hai. Mujhe oral sex bahut pasand hai. Mere job profile ke wajah se mere sambhandh 18 se 35 saal tak ki ladies hota hai. you can contact me at or aap mujhse chat kar sakte hai Instagram pe cool_nice_friendly aapki aur meri dono ki privacy apna first point rahega. Yehi privacy se mujhe ek female mili jiski ye kahani hai. Kuch din pehle meri...
Power Workout By Radioactive Loner and JDG Seena looked at the young man who kept staring at her as she worked out at the gym. She was a young Wiccan initiate, and she was one of those within the coven who tended to use her powers rather recklessly. Others might tend to use their powers with more patience when dealing with the great unwashed, but Seena was not a pleasant person. Much of her adolescence and youth had come about to make her that way, but there was a certain degree...
I observed her again in the afternoon as we snorkeled. The second viewing excited me as much as the first, particularly watching the water wash around her pubic hair. We had a drink at the cabana bar and then went upstairs to dress for dinner. She took her shampoo into the shower and, after a minute, looked out "Want to join me?" "Oh, yes!" The shower was tiled and provided ample room for two people to move around easily. I suppose it was built that way on purpose, considering the nature...
Until a few months earlier my mother was fresh, healthy, pretty and vibrant with laughter and a zest for live. But now she was anorexic thin and pale. She looked so tired she could hardly sit straight, my heart started bleeding again because of her sickness. She had been in the hospital for weeks teetering between here and gone until she showed enough improvement to be allowed to come home. We were still not sure she would survive past a few more weeks but she did not want to leave us from the...
When I awoke after a much needed deep sleep. The colonel was missing, I gathered that he had gone to the base. Claus was lying on Franz and giving it to him which might have been the reason I'd stirred. I thought it very callous of him taking advantage of Frank's boyfriend in his absence recuperating at the base hospital. But what the fuck. Zane slept soundly beside me. I had a rock hard cock and lying on his tummy, his ass was much too inviting. I lubricated and crawled over him. He...
Hey all ISS readers. I am a big fan of this site since I seen it first time. Well I m krinit 27 male from vadodara and the female of this story is 36 year old nd actully she is not from my city but she is travelling to valsad and how its all happen..Here it is and its a real story. I got a call from one of my friend who live in valsad and he told me that he is back from america..Actully we used to study together at vadodara. And I decide to go and meet him soo I packed my bag and decide to go...
A week later, Logan had to admit it felt good to be properly dressed and suitably armed again. The hunter’s black cargo pants and jacket were not a perfect fit but it was a damned sight better than running around in shredded jeans and a half-naked torso. It also had the surprise bonus of having an inner lining with protective metal plates sewn into the fabric. Denke’s boots had, unfortunately, been too small for Logan’s feet. However, the goggles and leather helmet he had looted from one the...
I never knew that my boyfriend had any idea I had the hots for his friend, Steve. Steve was a little taller than the average guy. He had well-kept black hair, was in his late 20’s, and always dressed to impress. I was surprised he was still single. Whenever I’d see him, I’d smile, flirt, and make sure to wear sexier-than-normal clothes. Funny thing is, I knew Steve liked me too. I loved it when he would come over and hang out with my boyfriend to watch football. There were several times when we...
“Vanessa, come on, we were supposed to go out tonight,” my friend Dave was saying to me. “I know, I’m sorry, but you know how my dad is with work. He likes to include his family with everything, so I have to go to the dinner. I shouldn’t be out late.” I smiled into the phone. “Maybe, if you’re lucky, I’ll swing by afterwards to give you a little treat.” He chuckled. “Alright babe, tell your parents I said hey.” “Will do.” I hung up the phone and wondered what to do about Dave. I’ve been...
Set in rural England during WWII, this story traces five years in the life of Ellie, 43, a highly-sexed, retired, female army nurse. Ellie is living alone while her husband, Phillip, 43, an army infantry officer, is fighting in South Africa. She dearly loves Phillip and misses him terribly. She cannot wait for the war to be over and for him to return home safely. Meanwhile, Ellie's longings for Phillip and her lustful cravings for love and gratification become so intense they lead her into...
Hello everyone. This is my second story and thanks for the overwhelming response on my previous story. Had not expected it. :d Okay so lets jump on straight to the story. Yeh story hain mere aur mere teacher key bare main , jo humare college main assistant teacher thi. Dikhney mainey toh wph ekdum bomb thi. Suru sey hi mainey kafi sun rakha tha key woh college key ladko key sath sex kia karti thi. Unkey bare mainey batai toh woh ek unmarried 22-23 sal ki young teacher thi. Kehney ko teacher thi...
Jessica's Story - Part 11 Boxing Day was to be just as busy as Christmas Day had been. It had been arranged for Rachel, Lisa and Kelly to spend the day with the Smiths. As for Sandra and Jessica, there was still one thing on their minds when they awoke that morning. "I can't believe we have another boy in the family who wants to be a girl," said Sandra. "He was already doing the right thing by having his hair long." Jessica didn't answer. She was busy giving her baby doll...
Jill wandered in at about 5:00 and with everyone there the conversation turned serious. Conner thought we needed a better place to work. With more space and a way to insure privacy for the research division, citing Saturdays incident. Lisa thought that might be a good idea, but liked the easy relaxed atmosphere here Jill also liked it here, but pointed out that this was a residential area and the city might cause problems for us if our commercial enterprises came to their attention. Claudia...
Chapter Seventeen Week fifteen. After I had motored home and caught up with my sleep, Sam and I got in touch with her dad's retired police friend. We explained what I had seen and how we got the information. We knew that we were breaking the law with the hacking and could not go to the police and tell them what we knew. What we could give him though, was the date of the next delivery and a description of the methodology. Our friend sat thoughtful for a while and suggested that he go...
Like usual the first part of the week was normal and boring, Thursday things changed football practice was only 45 minutes long. We ran through our play book the first twenty plays were being scripted our game plan was to run the ball right down their throats. Defense our plan was to put a spy on the QB as he is the best around and he completes just over 70% of his passes. Along with the spy someone is blitzing on every play. more on how this works out later.I got home at least 90 minutes...
Somehow, when Samantha perked up and got in a better mood, the clouds that had been hovering over them all disappeared. Bob had no idea how Mallory could tell that he and her best friend had kissed and made up (literally!), but she did. Randy's mood improved too, but that was probably because, when she returned to the fire, Sam sat by him on the log and fed him S'mores. That, and the fact that Bob didn't send him any signals of displeasure. Mallory had been sitting in a lawn chair, so...
I guess Monday mornings just cannot be avoided. But the good thing about high school gossip is that there always will be new ones. Anton was dead, so he became old news. Three other guys missing from the football team which got its ass wiped on Friday night. That was a bigger thing. Until Saturday evening when a senior party was raided and both booze and weed were found. I guess someone forgot to bribe the deputies. Whatever, I was happy to be moved from the spotlights. Marie was back but she...
Femme de M?nage - Part 5 Belladonna [Author's Note: This Story is the Fifth of Five Parts] Charles panted as he ran the vacuum over the floors once more. While the floors were hardly walked upon, he wanted everything to be pristine the moment that Jane returned to the penthouse. Jane's absence during her surgery and recovery drained Charles. He hated being away from her. He tried to occupy his time by cleaning and re-cleaning every inch of the penthouse to make up for her a...
‘We need to talk,’ Cade said the next morning as she was dressing herself. He had already gotten dressed and was obviously preparing breakfast when she finally came awake. She had been so relaxed after her orgasm that she slept like a log. Now she felt more alive and awake than she had done in ages. Having sex with Cade was obviously the best medicine for total relaxation, she smiled smugly. Finally concentrating on his words she looked at the sober man standing in front of her. She raised...
Our hero is in his bedroom, bored as he browses his large porn collection. Sure he's got all the best titles from Japan, America and even some vintage ebony videos to make a collector cry but he's grown bored with the lack of physical contact in his life. He wishes that someone would take an interest in him and provide some spice to his monotone life. What our hero doesn't realize is that an inter-dimensional bounty hunter named Hex has been watching him on her ship's screens for weeks now,...
The phone rang after dinner on Tuesday. Mom was at work so I answered it. "Mary. Charlie's on the phone for you." She ran into the kitchen, practically ripping the phone out my hand as I pretended to keep it away from her. Never mess with a woman who's possessed. They talked for a good half hour. I thought I heard a lot about Charlie on the way to school Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was twice as bad. Well, not bad. Twice as intense. Charlie was a senior at Highpoint. He had his own...
I know that this story is going to sound really strange to you but I couldn’t help myself. From the very beginning I was lost to the sensations that controlled my actions. It all began one day when I was on the road as a sales rep for my company up in the Seattle area. I have to pay my own expenses so I’ve learned to trade quality for price. Even though most women won’t stay at cheap hotels because of the safety issue I do because I need to save money. Anyway, I stayed at a...
I stood in the guest room of Aunt Amy's house, staring absently at my duffel bag as I reversed the process of the previous evening. Aunt Amy was coming in and out of the room like a blue tornado in her jeans and blue shirt. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I'd ever seen her in another color. She was a tall-ish, thin woman with short, sandy colored hair. She was actually kind of pretty for a mom. And she could talk a dog off a meat wagon. Suddenly her jabbering came into focus as she...
Allison stood on the prow of the boat, letting the wind stroke her hair. She was going home. With Nick. She couldn't quite believe that it was really happening. Then all of a sudden, strong arms encircled her waist from behind, and she knew that this was real. "Look Nicky, I can see land," she said pointing it out to him. Nick chuckled, there was no way you could miss it. "Oh yeah, there it is." She turned around in the circle of his arms, and wrapped hers around his neck. She pressed...
Copyright © 07-23-2002 I am not gay, or even Bi. I am just a horny old man who likes women so well he easily understands how one woman could make love to another and completely ignore men. If I were female, I would definitely be bi or maybe even a full lesbian. I know if I were a woman, I wouldn't want some crusty, sweaty man to stick a dripping cock in my face and expect me to suck on it. I wouldn't want a hard, knobby dick pushing in and out of my pussy or ass hole, at least not...
That night, Alita had just finished her report and was exhausted from her day’s work, so after her dinner she took a well deserved bubble bath. As she got undressed she admired her delicious body in front of the mirror, she cupped her voluptuous breasts with both hands as she turned around to see her shapely ass. Looking at herself like that made her wonder why her husband would still cheat on her. “If he doesn’t want these any more maybe someone else would love to have a taste of these.”...
I do like to share my experiences with others and wish they would with me either privately or via sites like this. You may remember that in my last episode I visited a TV Domme and was subjected to punishment and anal. Well here is the follow up. I contacted the TV Domme to arrange a meeting as usual, which was about once a month and was surprised to be asked if I would like a threesome again with the mysterious male who was at the last threesome that I wasn't aware would be there. I pondered...
Nicole by Leigh de Santa Fe Nick Gordon came home early one day to find his wife blowing a strange man in their bedroom. They hadn't heard his approach so when he walked past the bedroom he saw the tableau vivant as though he were glimpsing a pornographic movie. The man was lying on his back on their bed, his legs dangling over the side while his naked wife crouched between his legs, working away at her task with an assiduousness she'd never applied in their own lovemaking....
Vincent "Vinnie" Blanton was not a mirror image of his older brother, Tom. In fact, the two could not be more unalike. Vinnie was two inches taller than Tom at an even six feet, but five pounds lighter at 185. While Tom had worked hard to become a talented athletic competitor, Vinnie was a natural athlete. It all came easily to him. He was a solid .350 hitter in Babe Ruth baseball with good speed, and a good glove in the outfield. He was slotback on his high school football team with sure...
Lucy had already started cooking stir fry and asked me to wait in the lounge whilst she went to get changed. A couple of minutes later, she was back in the room and had changed into a purple dress and black leggings. She looked hot and my dick twitched in my pants. “Lets eat, I'm starving” she said, so we went and ate whilst chatting about each other's day's. I kept staring into Lucy's eyes and thinking about how beautiful she looked. We had both been flirting with each other across...
I suppose i should take you back to where and when me and Danny first met. At the time i was 15 years old. It was summer break at the pool. I was hanging out with my sister and her friend as usual, but this time her friend brought her younger brother, Danny. He was also 15 years old. He was a little older but only by two days. Danny had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. My sister and her friend introduced us and we were friends right away. We had so much in common. Girls, video games,...
Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead...
Introduction: Jen meets her lover at motel. Jen put on her skin-tight, black workout-leggings over a thin thong. A sports bra and tight sports top followed as she examined herself in the full length mirror hanging from the back of her bedroom door. As she adjusted her hair with flicks of her fingers, she noticed how the stretchy legging material just barely silhouetted the mounds of her labia, as she turned sideways to verify that no panty lines disrupted the smooth round curve of her hips and...
Dear Indian sex stories readers this is Akshay from Chennai. This is the first time I’m narrating my experience so please pardon me is I have done any mistakes. I’m 21 year old guy who studies final year in Chennai at a well reputed college. I’m virgin with 5’8 inch average dick. This story is about my aunt Priya who is 37 years old with assets 34-36-36 who got married some 7 years ago and still hasn’t given a birth to a child since his husband is physically challenged and due to which his...