JennyChapter 6 free porn video

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Vincent "Vinnie" Blanton was not a mirror image of his older brother, Tom. In fact, the two could not be more unalike. Vinnie was two inches taller than Tom at an even six feet, but five pounds lighter at 185. While Tom had worked hard to become a talented athletic competitor, Vinnie was a natural athlete. It all came easily to him.

He was a solid .350 hitter in Babe Ruth baseball with good speed, and a good glove in the outfield. He was slotback on his high school football team with sure hands and adequate blocking skills. He might have been a very good golfer if he had any interest in the sport. He did not.

In fact, sports was just a pastime to him. He never really reached his potential in any of them simply because it was never very important to him. His real interest was in another sporting endeavor, scoring with the local girls. By the time Vinnie had finished high school, he had racked up an impressive number of conquests in his never ending pursuit of pliant young ladies.

It was almost a badge of honor for some of the girls to have become part of that scorecard. While brother Tom was a solid, studious young man, destined for post secondary education, Vinnie had no ambitions beyond high school. He would scrape through with barely a C average, and be happy to see the end of his formal education.

As a member of the Blanton family, he possessed one full share of the four shares in T. Blanton and Sons. He was a crew chief, but answered to his brother Tom, who was appointed operations manager by his father. Vinnie rankled at this slight by his father. After all, he was a son too. Deep inside, however, Vinnie knew why his father had chosen Tom. He was the educated one, he was the organized one, and he was the "workaholic" in Vinnie's view.

Despite this acknowledgement, Vinnie was still unhappy with the division of responsibility and wanted to end it sometime in the future. Vinnie's lifestyle since high school was work during the weekday and Saturday morning, and then play at night.

He had been through a string of nubile young ladies in the past couple of years, but was now seeing Marcia Raymond on a regular basis. She was spending some of her nights at his apartment. She liked the idea of Vinnie's obvious free spending and enjoyed the various restaurants, clubs and casinos they frequented. Vinnie's lifestyle was almost the definition of hedonism, and he was enjoying every minute of it with the exception of the necessary work day.

Tom passed the freshly opened beer to Vinnie and sat in the chair opposite his younger brother. They were in the kitchen of Tom's home while both Jenny and Nikki were out for the balance of the day. Tom was nervous, uncertain how to begin and get the purpose of the meeting on top of the table.

"Vinnie, I think we need to talk about you and your future with the company," Tom began.

"What do you mean ... future with the company?" Vinnie asked somewhat belligerently.

"I mean that you obviously aren't very happy with your situation and you've made it pretty clear that you would be just as happy if the business was sold, and you could cash in your share," Tom said bluntly. "Does that about sum it up?"

"I guess," he replied hesitantly. "Are you thinking of selling because of what happened to Dad?"

"No, I'm not thinking of selling at all," he said looking squarely at Vinnie. "I'm thinking of offering you a fair price for your share."


"I'd be prepared to purchase your share from you at one quarter of the fair market value of the business," Tom said.

"How do I know what fair market price is?" Vinnie asked suspiciously.

"You would be given that information from an independent source. You would also have the right to go and get your own evaluation on the worth of the business," Tom replied.

"What if I don't like the numbers?" he asked cautiously.

"Then you don't sell and we go on as before. As you know, the shares have never left the family," Tom concluded.

"How much do you think the business is worth?" Vinnie asked.

"Something at or over two million."

"So my share would be a half-million?"

"That's right."

"I'll think about it," Vinnie said after a moment.

"One thing, Vinnie. I need you to be on the job full time and at top speed. With Dad off, I can't do it all myself. I need you to pull your weight," Tom said seriously.

"So you don't think I'm pulling my weight, eh?"

Tom's reply was blunt. "In a word, no!"

"You fuck off for a couple of weeks with your woman and decide I'm not doing my job, is that it?" Vinnie spat angrily.

"Vinnie, you haven't had your head in the job for some time, a long time before I got married. All I have to do is look at the job performance reports every Monday to see the difference. I don't know what your problem is, but I can't afford to have full time people doing part-time jobs," Tom said in a level voice.

"And I suppose your midget all-star is perfect is he?" Vinnie shot back.

"The results speak for themselves," Tom said coldly.

"Yah, well you give him all the easy jobs and I get all the shit jobs," Vinnie whined.

"OK Vinnie. Tell you what. You and Robbie change jobs for a month and let's see what the difference is. I've been thinking about doing that anyway," Tom challenged.

"Screw you, brother. I'm not falling for that."

Tom was beginning to get angry.

"Suit yourself, but get your job back on schedule and start thinking further ahead than fifteen minutes when it comes to ordering from the suppliers. I'm tired of the same old bullshit about how they're always late."

"What's your problem, Tom?"

Tom was getting angrier at his brother.

"You, Vinnie! You used to be right on top of things. Now the only thing you seem to be on top of is your latest girlfriend."

Vinnie jumped out of his chair and lunged at Tom. It was a mismatch. Tom stopped him cold with a stiff open-handed shot to his chest, slamming his younger brother back into his chair.

"Make your mind up what you want to do, Vinnie," Tom said coldly. "I need to get on with business and I don't need a problem with you. Either you are in or out of this business. I'll expect your answer within the next two weeks. If you need more time, ask for it."

Vinnie stood up silently, looked at his brother with a cold stare and headed for the door; slamming it on the way out. Tom slumped back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment. It had been an ugly scene, much worse than he had expected. His own brother had expressed his contempt for him and made it clear they had no future together in this business.

Tom wondered how on earth he was going to tell his parents about this. He knew Vinnie well enough to know he might try and use his mother to make Tom look like the villain. The last thing his mother needed right now was another soul-wrenching problem in the family.

When Jenny and Nikki arrived home just after five that afternoon, Jenny could see right away that Tom was upset. She sent Nikki downstairs and sat down, at the kitchen table next to Tom.

"Was it that bad?"

Tom looked at her and nodded. "Yes, it was that bad. A lot of anger came out Jenny. He's my brother and I love him, but it's hard to just let him drift like this and not do something. I would be happier if he just went back to being the Vinnie I knew a couple of years ago. I don't what's happened to him, but he's not the same guy. Something's going on with him," he said sadly.

"I'm sorry Tom. It must hurt a lot," she said sympathetically.

"Jenny, I just don't know how I'm going to tell Mom and Dad about this," Tom said looking at her with a wrinkled brow.

"Don't let it get old, Tom. It won't get any better with age. Sit down with them and talk to them about it. I can't believe they don't know what's going on with Vinnie. Mothers always know."

Tom sat quietly for a few moments and then turned to Jenny.

"As always, you're right love."

He smiled a rueful smile at her and leaned toward her and kissed her softly.

"I couldn't do it without you, Jen."

Jenny raised her hand to the side of his face and looked deeply into his eyes.

"I feed off your strength, Tom. You make me strong," she said quietly.

"You did something very difficult today and I'm proud of you. It took courage," she smiled as she rose and began the preparations for their evening meal.

Shortly after dinner, Tom drove to his parent's house. He knew Jenny was right. Better sooner than later. This would be two very unpleasant conversations in one day. He struggled with how he would broach the subject with mother and father.

He knew from his Sunday conversation with his father that he was mentally all there. His speech was impaired, but his thought processes seemed to be just fine. He didn't want to have to "dumb down" his conversation. It was going to be difficult enough. He had phoned ahead and asked if could come up at 7:30 and talk to both of them. Naturally, his mother agreed.

"Mom and Dad, I have a very difficult thing to discuss with you tonight," Tom began.

"I had a conversation with Vincent this afternoon, and I'm afraid it didn't go very well. I think you know I have been unhappy with his performance and attitude for some time and I talked to him about it today."

He paused and looked at his parents. They were listening intently and had shown no signs of interrupting.

"His performance has been slipping for several months now, and I don't know why. I know he resents my being his boss, but I don't think that's the only thing. You know he had been pushing for us to sell to a bigger company and cash out of the business. You also know I don't agree and so far, you don't either. However, with Dad's medical problem, things have come to a head."

Tom paused again, looking to see if his parents wanted to interject. Still, there was no reaction on their part.

"A while ago, I approached a friend of mine and asked him to help me look for ways that I could purchase Vincent's share if he was willing to sell it."

There was a quick intake of air by his mother, but she did not interrupt.

"I want Blanton and Sons to continue for a long time. I have to tell you that Jenny and I have plans to have another child, perhaps more."

At this point his mother's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Oh Tom, that's wonderful." His father smiled and nodded.

"The only way I could see to resolve the problem was to buy Vinnie's share and keep it in the family. I have had the business evaluated by professionals and my financial advisor and friend Steve thinks the business is worth at least two million dollars."

Tom's mother again had a sharp intake of breath and she expressed surprise. His father remained calm and watched Tom carefully as he continued.

"I have offered Vincent a fair price and given him the opportunity to accept it or get his own valuation. I have also offered him the opportunity to remain in the business as he has been. I am not trying to force him out but that's what he seems to want," Tom concluded.

There was a silence for what seemed to be a long time before his mother spoke.

"Tom, I know Vincent hasn't been attending to business very well. Your father and I have been very worried about him. Like you, I think there is something else bothering him, but he won't talk to us about it. Do you have any idea what it might be?" she asked.

Tom let out a great sigh of relief. His greatest worry was in vain. Jenny was right; mothers know!

"No mom, I don't. You know he has a bit of a playboy reputation, and I wonder if he hasn't gotten involved with some of the wrong crowd. But, I really don't know and he isn't talking."

"Tom, if you buy him out, can we afford it?" she asked.

"Yes, mom. That's what Steve was working on when Jen and I were on our honeymoon. My big worry is what Vinnie will do with the money. I'm afraid it might be all gone in a few months with nothing to show for it."

Tom's mother looked at her husband and asked; "What do you think, father?"

His father pointed to Tom and replied, "Tawwhm iss rhyt muthur. Thuh muhnee whill goh kwik."

"Dad, I'll try and get Vincent to accept payment over a period of time, say five years at a bonus amount of $120,000. At least then, it won't be gone right away."

Tom's father slowly nodded his head in approval.

"Vincent is 25 years old, Tom. He's an adult and should be able to look after himself," his mother said firmly.

"I just hope he ... grows up someday soon. He's like a spoiled kid, and he's a heartache for your father and me.

Tom accepted a glass a wine from his mother a few minutes later, beginning to relax and breathe again. Unlike his meeting with Vinnie earlier that day, this had been much easier. His parents knew and didn't hide from the truth. Tom wondered if he could find out what Vinnie might be up to that had changed him so much in the past two years. He thought Frank McCauley might have some suggestions.

When Tom arrived home, Jenny was waiting for him in the living room. He picked her up and swung her around in a circle and put her down, kissing her soundly as he did so.

"You are sooooo smart." he grinned. "They knew and they understood what I was trying to do."

"I'm so glad, Tom. This is so difficult for you," she smiled and kissed him back. "I'm proud of you."

Tom grinned and hugged Jenny. "Well, I may have shot myself in the foot. If Vinnie doesn't want to work, I've got to find myself another supervisor and fast. I have to hope I can find another Robbie out there," he said stopping to think for a moment.

"I think I'll check with Robbie and see if he knows any of his classmates we could recruit, or maybe even one of his crew."

"That's enough for today, love. Time for bed and a good night's sleep," Jenny cooed.

"Aw, do I have to go to sleep right away?" he whined.

"We'll see. I guess you could be in line for a special massage for your stressful day."

Tom grinned at her. "Ohhh ... that would be nice. That would be very good for my physical and mental health."

"So, what's keeping you ... get moving big guy!" she laughed.

Tom hadn't really realized how tense he had been that afternoon and evening. He had faced two very difficult problems and dealt with them. He was disappointed with how his meeting with Vinnie had gone, but was greatly relieved at the meeting with his parents.

He felt he had been holding his breath all day and was finally allowed to let it out. As he crawled into bed and waited for Jenny to finish in the bathroom, he reflected on just how dramatically his life had changed in the last few months. He was a married man with a wife and child, with possibly more to come. He was now responsible for the family business and its success or failure would be on his shoulders.

He hoped he had the strength to cope with the pressure and problems that running the business would throw at him. Despite the problems with his brother, he was grateful for the unswerving support of his parents and Jenny.

A few minutes later, Jenny came out of the bathroom and turned out the light. She slipped into bed beside Tom and was about to reach out to him when she realized he was asleep. She smiled and placed her hand on his naked shoulder and closed her eyes.

Every day she saw his remarkable inner strength. It was what had made him so attractive. His physical strength was obvious and exciting to her, but his everyday personality was what made him so desirable. Not long afterward, she too drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Tom became vaguely aware of a pleasant sensation as he slowly awoke the next morning. He had slept soundly and felt a comfort he was only now becoming familiar with. His lovely Jenny was beside him and her sensuous scent was always a delightful way to awaken.

But this morning, there was something extra he hadn't quite identified yet. His eyes remained closed as he gradually woke. Finally, he turned his head and looked at his lovely wife lying beside him. Her eyes were open and she was smiling at him. He began to realize that lovely special feeling was her hand gently gripping his morning erection, and her thumb slowly stroking its base.

Tom groaned and stretched, his arm wrapping itself around Jenny's back. He moved his head toward her and kissed her forehead and then her lips.

"Good Morning." he mumbled sleepily.

"Hmmmm ... and it's only going to get better," she smiled. "You missed out on your massage last night. I thought I better make sure I made it up to you."

"You are so thoughtful." he yawned.

His hand slipped down and caressed her breast through the silky smooth nightgown she wore. As his hand slid lower, he realized she was not wearing the bottoms. His big hands gently squeezed and fondled her lovely round backside, his little finger straying into the crack between the two cheeks. He was fully erect now, and pulled her body into his. Jenny removed her hand from his swollen cock and gripped his butt tightly. Tom slowly pulled her up on top of him, stroking her back from shoulders to calves, pausing to squeeze her butt cheeks each time.

"I thought I was supposed to give you the massage," she chided.

Jenny could feel his thick, swollen member pressing into her abdomen and began to grind her hips into the rigid organ. She brought her knees up along side his hips and placed her slit on his erection, moving back and forth in a slow, sensuous stroke.

She thought she heard Tom groan quietly as she began her final seduction, and smiled as she kissed his cheeks and nose, ears and neck, shoulders and finally lips. She arched her back and her hand placed the head of his cock inside her outer labia, and began to rhythmically push herself onto him.

Tom responded with his own push, and soon she was fully impaled. She continued her short, small movements until she began to hear the liquid squish as he moved in and out of her.

Same as Jenny
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With his second Games now in the books, Bret resumed his job as the DI for unarmed combat. Bret was also assigned as Assistant Range Officer. Within a week Bret was fully immersed in both jobs. Bret's and Bob's habit of exercise once again consumed an hour of their mornings. Ten days after returning from the Games, Bret and Bob were about half way through their ten mile run when the observed two large black males arguing with two young white females. The young girls each had a toddler...

3 years ago
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Alyce and the Queen

Alyce continued down her path. What a strange and fascinating land? Part of her wanted to stay and explore every sexual adventure, but the other part just wanted to go home. She walked down the well-worn path, looking in every direction for a clue as to where to go next. “Where is Chet when I need him?” she pondered. Coming to a fork in the path, she looked left and then right. Lush green vegetation surrounded her, and she felt the sickening dread of being lost. Sitting down on a large...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello doston! Main Avinash fir se mukhatib hoon aapse aage ki kahani lekar. Meri kahani ‘Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai’ ke liye mujhe bahut mail mile. Iske liye dil se shukriya. To bina aap ka jyada waqt liye, main iske aage ki kahani batane ja raha hoon. Maine apna lund uski choot se bahar nikala. Maine feel kiya ki woh abhi bhi nikal rahi thi. Maine aas pas nazar ghumayi aur uski panty utha li. Uski or dekhkar poocha, “Kya main isse clean kar sakta hoon?” She: “Sure but ek shart hai! Mera bhi clean...

4 years ago
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Meri Sexy Mausi Ki Chudai

Hello doston. Mai gandhinagar gujarat se hu. Mai ekbar fir haazir hu ek nayi story lekar. Ye story mere clg k last year ki hai. Meri college mere ghar se kaafi dur thi to last ek year ke liye mai apni mausi ke ghar rehne ke liye chala gaya. Aap ko bata du unki age shayd 28 thi aur wo thodi saavli thi bade bade boobs aur moti gaand k saath wo bohot hi sundar lagti thi. Mai hamesha use chodne ke bareme sochta tha. Unka ek beta tha pr wo sirf 11 mahine ka tha aur mausaji kaam ke silsile me...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 24

After the initial jolt she'd received, Tonya was starting to get used to the stimulation; anything that had started out causing her pain was getting to the point where it became pleasurable. Her consciousness was being drawn into a trance state by the soothing tones and pulsating lights coming from the headset she was wearing; she was drifting into a strange, mystical dreamland... A few hours later, Nancy awoke with a start, as the Doctor poked his head into the break room; she grabbed her...

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Private Alexis Crystal Summer Celebrations with Anal and Creampie

There’s no better way to get over an ex than with an instant rebound and our number one star Alexis Crystal sure knows it! Watch this blonde beauty in Private Gold, Love Beach where she hits it off with stud Christian Clay at a banging summer party and forgets all about her old boyfriend in true private style. Enjoy all the action on as Alexis has sweet pussy eaten before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob and an incredible anal fuck that has her screaming with pleasure...

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The Making Of family Slut ndash Part 2

Today I am going to tell you how I met my dearest and closest friend in the whole world.But before that, let me tell you that those days I spent with my two favorite uncles had been some of the best days/weeks/months of my life. It took me a little time to realize that I do genuinely love both my uncles very dearly and loved being their mistress(I call myself their keep, but my uncles think it is too vulgar and call me their mistress). I loved to lift my skirt for them anytime, and they in turn...

1 year ago
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Her Biceps Cam! It would be wrong to say that my readership is a monolith, but they share many similarities. I could rattle off a thousand and one traits right now, but I’m going to stick to a theme related to this article. That theme is your pussydom.Labia Losers, Not Labia UsersIt’s true. You’re all giant pussies. That’s why you flock to an alpha male like me for guidance. What makes you pussies, though? Well, first off, the lack of any sex has decimated your testosterone. Research has shown...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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John and JoChapter 3

Jo was usually wary of showing her feelings, but she was becoming very aware that she was feeling something for John. He was always kind and considerate, and he was generous with his time and money: she never asked him for anything; she believed that living under his roof and eating his food was more than enough for her to take from him. But he always seemed to sense things, that nobody else that she'd ever known did, and he would then say to her: 'You must be needing... ', or, 'You must...

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Dinner with a Twist

Clair and Blair are a very adventurous couple. They tend to play a little game whenever they are out with friends, and everyone they knew close enough played with them. Sexually tease your partner and see if you can make them cum without anyone noticing. Although in most cases it became a contest of who could subtly bring their partner to orgasm sooner if they had figured it out. Jack and Lauren were the most notorious for playing along with them, and as a result were invited out to lunch or...

Oral Sex
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Wow ThanksChapter 6 Thanksgiving Morning

I rang the door bell and I heard Lissa excitedly call to her mom "It's uncle Jason." She opened the door, and I beheld my gorgeous, exotic, spritelike 14 year old niece. She leaped out and hugged me, and although it was cozy, it was tentative and completely chaste. Then my sister came out and gave me a warmer hug, and I knew right then that at least she hadn't been making everything up, as I could plainly see the shape of the cones and peaks of her nipples through her lovely emerald...

3 years ago
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I walk quietly into your bedroom early in the morning. You’re still asleep, lying on your side with just a sheet covering you from the waist down. Your hair is partially hiding your face and I can hear you breathing. I study your shoulder so softly rounded. Your back smooth and beautiful. My eyes follow your spine down into the top of your tempting ass. God I love to look at your ass. I’m standing naked beside your bed, my erection hardening as I watch you sleeping. I look at your creamy...

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Allys Dream

Cravings. Everybody gets them. Many people have sexual cravings of one sort or another. I do. But I’m a twenty-one-year-old woman, finishing her third year of college. My sexual cravings aren’t only from the need to get laid.I’m not a virgin. I’ve been with guys on various occasions. But none of them could ever fulfill my deepest, darkest wish. Only one man could do that. That man was my father. Many times, I fantasized about him making love to me. I wanted to feel his cock pounding into me as...

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Melissas Lovely Mommy New Introductions

Melissa's Lovely Mommy: New Introductions Miss Samantha Love Styles entered the mall with her daughter hand in hand. The vision of loveliness drew breaths and gasps from those who passed by them enchanted by her beauty. Johnny, now Melissa was dressed in his full feminine regalia. The lovely floral perfume he was wearing intoxicated those who passed by him. The high stiletto heels he was wearing made the same staccato click his mother's shoes did. An electric thrill ran through him...

1 year ago
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The Brotherhood

Part I This is a story of brotherhood and a buddy named Jon, whom I met when we were both just 11 years old. At the time I wasn’t very athletic, at least not in the conventional sense, meaning I sucked at team sports or any sport involving a ball or puck. My problem was coordination. I had none, something I now attribute to the fact that I became nearsighted and wore glasses at an early age. As you can imagine, my lack of athletic skill was a source of embarrassment for me, even shame, and...

4 years ago
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A Train Ride to LoveChapter 15

(Speak in anger ... repent at leisure) "Go on just put your hands in and rub the butter and the flour together ... it's that simple really." They were both stood at the kitchen table Sam was stood behind her, with his arms looping around her waist so that his hands could join hers in the mixing bowl. Sarah knew that he didn't need to do that ... that he just did it so that he could ... rub up against her. Every so often, he would move his hips and she could feel his body hardening at...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Kaisa Nord Craves Anal Attention

Busty blonde Kaisa Nord flashes hard nipples in a red fishnet top, but when her rich husband, Maximo Garcia, gets home from work, he’s too tired to give her the sexual attention she craves. So, Kaisa deepthroats a dildo and then stuffs it in her tight pussy and up her asshole. Finally, Maximo rises to the occasion, rubbing Kaisa’s clit and sliding his stiff boner between her luscious lips. He plows her butthole, and Kaisa gives his throbbing boner an ass-to-mouth blowjob. He fucks...

5 years ago
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Marie ist eine alte Bekannte. Du stehst schon auf sie seit der Schule. Sie ist immer noch ein Pummelchen, und mit der Pubertät bekam sie dazu die passenden Euter. Sie hat bald nach der Schule jemand anderes geheiratet. Schon immer war sie eine Reiterin und du wolltest ihr schon immer dienen. das kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass du ihre reitstiefel abschlecken willst, an denen ein bisschen pferdescheiße und stroh klebt. und ich kann mir genauso gut vorstellen, wie sie da mit ihrem fetten arsch...

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As she sat at her window getting ready for work in the mornings :the young teacher often caught brief glimpses of the young married couple who lived directly opposite her window.Although the couple only moved in three months ago Emma had seen them many times as she at her window doing her make upThe couple were a bit older than her and the husband was very handsome his wife was about Emma's age and she was also very attractive.Over the coming weeks she got to know them as Dave and Carol...

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My experience as a White Bull with a cuckold India

So I’m an average white guy who’s in good shape with a pretty decent toned body. My Indian friend Anil is skinnier and shorter than me and has a more fattier body. I’ve known him since school and he had been with his girlfriend for a about 5 years when this happened, who is also Indian. We live pretty nearby to each other so were always going round to each others houses. His girlfriend would always compliment me when I saw her and would always insist on hugging me, she always wanted to take...

1 year ago
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Kay Carter 31741

Kay Carter is all alone at the office and her co-worker has a picture of her boyfriend, Johnny, on her desk. Kay is obsessed with Johnny so much that she starts to go down on herself with Johnny’s image in her mind. In the middle of playing with her pussy out at work, the best-case scenario emerges, Johnny arrives with flowers for his girlfriend and catches Kay in the act of masturbating to his picture. A little taken back, this eventually turns Johnny on and he gives Kay that cock that...

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Teacher 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The next time I (18 years old) had sex with my mother was to be three days after that first night. No opportunity presented its self prior to that. Mother was alone in the house after dad had left for work. She was in a nightgown and was picking up the dishes from breakfast. I walked up behind her and grabbed her in a hug. I wrapped both hands on her breasts and pulled her tight against me. All I had on were my boxers. As I nuzzled her neck I felt my...

4 years ago
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Dave ndash A Stop at the Pub

I was up my usual time and the smell of fresh coffee filled the kitchen when a bleary eyed Florence walked into the kitchen taking baby steps trying to wake up, she plonked herself down at the table and looked up at me, “Morning Davie” she sighed softly and I was thinking that the smoke last night hit her hard.I poured her coffee and she had her head bowed inhaling the caffeine fumes.She finished her coffee and had perked up considerably and she was ready for her shower and as she got up from...

2 years ago
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His Cock brought tears to my eyes

My favorite cruise spot is a thicky wooded area off of US 250 just outside of stark county ohio. Nothing but dirt road and a few trail heads its state own and lots of people go there to hunt and fish or shoot their guns down by the river off of the beaten paths. I would go there to hunt for something more tempting than any wild game or fish. My hunt was for a nice hard cock to suck on. I would get there before day break and watch the sun rise. I purched...

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Alien The BeginningChapter 16

JJ took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bran." She paused for a moment looking at them. "I have a big favor to ask but first I need to tell you something that happened to me. To us I guess I should say because the girls are involved too. Last weekend was a drill weekend with the reserves and something happened." She paused again before saying, "This is going to be pretty unbelievable but it is true. I will try to show you at the same time I am telling you so you will...

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Origins Of Sarah Part 10 Torture Continues

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. After a brutal first day on the...

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The Schools Most Popular Girls

Crystal woke up gasping, covered in sweat and her sheets soaking wet. She lay down in pleasure, unable to even move. Yesterday she had witnessed the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Crystal was 22 years old and about 5’5 feet tall. Athletics had given her a nicely shaped body. Her hair was beautiful, a natural brown with soft red in it. She had a beautiful shape from running track, and playing volleyball. All in all she was an extremely nice, out going and caring person. What she had...

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Random Sexiness

Reddit Random Sexiness, aka r/RandomSexiness! Have you ever seen a random chick and just went, “Damn, she’s fucking hot!”… I am sure we all have. Well, as I have said many times before, Reddit has a section for everything and everyone, and r/randomsexiness/ is a place for just that. You have random images of sexy girls, in a variety of scenarios and a lot of random crap all around.I’d say that this is a specific niche, but it really ain’t. As long as you enjoy looking at cute and sexy...

Reddit NSFW List
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SSBBW Encounter part 6 The seduction

Part 6I heard her pick up the phone and say, “Hello.” She sounded a bit out of breath as if she had made a run for the phone. I asked, “Whattcha doing?” To my surprise, instead of answering, she just started to giggle. I didn’t get the joke, but said that she must be in a good mood. She responded, “Oh, you have no idea,” but she was wrong. I was definitely starting to get the idea of what she had been doing. “Have we been being naughty lately?” I asked. Getting her self control back,...

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MommysGirl Kit Mercer Coco Lovelock But I8217m Scared

Kit Mercer comes down the stairs to remind her stepdaughter, Coco Lovelock, that she’s supposed to go to the dentist today. It’s an important appointment and Coco shouldn’t miss it. Problem is, Coco doesn’t want to go because she’s scared of going to the dentist. To help her build up some courage, Coco asks if Kit could give her a hug. Kit agrees and takes her stepdaughter into her arms. After they hug, Kit says that they should get going, otherwise they’ll...

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Its a naughty world The initiation Part 1

Introduction: As Kevin grows through his mid-teen years, the more he realizes how he is outgrown by people around him and esp people in relation to him…This is just the first half of the beginning… Dear reader, This is my attempt in writing an erotic short story. Your reviews, ideas, comments regarding language or vocabulary, the pace of the story, and the amount of erotic comment is invaluable to me. Constructive criticism would be highly appreciated ! thank you, and enjoy of course! For...

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Returning Home

I stepped out of the taxi cab and breathed in the air of New York. Three years. Three fucking years. That was when I decided to leave my parents' home and move to California. My heart pounded as I looked at the door of my parents' home. I glanced a few houses down and looked at "her" house. The house of the woman that broke my heart nearly three years ago. I still remember the incident like it was yesterday. I was broken out of my thoughts with a cry, followed by a shriek. I saw my mom running...

3 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 2

The four roommates stepped out of their room still in the throes of sexual tension. By the time they had recovered from their initial shock at being naked, insufficient time remained to take care of their tensions. At least the tears had stopped and everyone was walking a little more naturally. Looking at the other groups of students emerging from their rooms, it was clear that their group was the most relaxed of them all. Three pairs of eyes looked over at Oscar in shared thanks. Smiling at...

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