The Wager Part 6 free porn video

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Chapter Seventeen Week fifteen. After I had motored home and caught up with my sleep, Sam and I got in touch with her dad's retired police friend. We explained what I had seen and how we got the information. We knew that we were breaking the law with the hacking and could not go to the police and tell them what we knew. What we could give him though, was the date of the next delivery and a description of the methodology. Our friend sat thoughtful for a while and suggested that he go to see some of his old colleagues with a tip off. He would explain that the information had not been obtained legally but it had been checked out and a delivery had been observed. He would let us know what happened as a result of our tip off. I had my visit to the doc again and more shots. My tests showed that my progress down the path to womanhood was going very much faster than anyone predicted. The doc said that there were early signs of shrinkage in my testicles and that my sperm count was already low. He thought that at the present rate, I would be effectively chemically castrated within another couple of months. Thank god for the sperm bank. I was already at the stage where my capacity to produce testosterone was severely reduced. The doc asked me whether I would like to speed things up with the removal of my testicles. I told him that it was a kind offer but that I was happy with progress so far. He said that my breast development was already very definitely Tanner stage 2 and moving on from there He had never seen such rapid development before. When Sam and I talked through the results again, we discussed the idea of coming off the hormones for a while at the end of this month. With the shots that I had been given, I would be nineteen weeks down the track before I eased off and tried to recover a bit of Tom. We were committed for now, but there was that possible holding point down the line. My breasts now were noticeable without any padding and I was wearing normal A cup bras. I was conscious of movement in my breasts and felt more comfortable wearing a bra. The weight of my bust was noticeable now. Small, but noticeable. The aching in my nipples had gone but the sensitivity remained. Sam caught me several times absent mindedly rubbing my nipples as I was working or reading. She had started calling me the nipple fondler. It was difficult, but I broke myself of the habit. I still enjoyed playing with my nipples in the shower and was able to orgasm just playing with them. I loved it when Sam and I fondled and played with each others breasts. I was almost jealous of her lovely shaped C cups. I was now starting to find a bra comfortable. I had even started selecting my own matching underwear. If I had to wear it, I might as well enjoy it. It was my twenty seventh birthday the following week so we invited all our close circle and their partners, where they had them. We even invited two of the women from the gay club. We were flat out with systems design. We had our core team of five and six more people who worked with us on a freelance basis. In just six months we had more than doubled the size of our business. We were in a position to pay off our bank loan at a much faster rate than we had expected. Each of our team was on a basic of ?50k and we were paying monthly bonuses. From the business point of view, things could not be going better. Our ex police friend contacted us at the end of the week and said that he had convinced the Devon and Cornwall police to act on his tip off for the following Sunday. It was a good week and enquiries kept rolling in. we were flat out. Week sixteen and we waited for the outcome of the police raid. During the week Sam and I went to the hair dressers and she got her honey blond hair styled and more highlights added. I had the same with my auburn hair. We both shopped for a party dress and ended up with matching spaghetti strapped dresses that showed ample cleavage in her case and what little I had in mine, also plenty of leg. For the first time I was consciously looking for something that would make me look good and sexy as a woman. It was a strange mix of feelings and it was my first little black dress. We also indulged in the purchase of some very sexy lingerie. Now that I had something of a bust, a flattering, whisp of a bra, seemed a good idea. Now that my meat and two veg slotted comfortably away in the gaff, the flimsy knickers made more sense to me. It was starting to hit home now. I had enjoyed shopping for clothes. I was proud that I was now looking at size twelve now most of the time. My first clothes had been fourteens or sixteens. I did not feel self conscious shopping for girl's clothes. I did not feel odd wearing them. I was automatically selecting things to wear that came together as an outfit. I felt comfortable in skirts but possibly less so in dresses. I was wearing jewelry. I took a perverse pride in the fact that I could fill an A cup without fillers. I was actually proud of my budding breasts. My muscle definition had reduced massively and my shape had altered. Nobody was clocking me as male. I had crossed a line somewhere without realizing it. I didn't feel blokey anymore. I didn't know what I felt. I was my own worst enemy. All my life I had thrown myself into every project, determined to get the best result possible. I realized that I had done the same with the feminization. I was just unable to do things half heartedly, even when I realized how dangerous and destructive what we were doing could be. Come the weekend, everything was ready for the party. We had thirty two people attending. One third were men, not including me and the remainder were women. We had one and a half female couples if you included me. The party was great fun with good food, lovely wines and stronger drinks, good music, dancing and much chat and laughter. I found no problem being the hostess. I was finding the female role easier as time went on. The fact that I had no choice, was leading me to accept the inevitable. Sam spent quite a time talking to Rose. When we were alone in the early hours, after everyone had gone, we cleared up the worst of the mess. We then cuddled in bed and talked through the fun we had had. With the excitement of the night, I was still wide awake. "You spent a long time talking to Rose." "Yes, there were a lot of questions that I wanted to ask her." "Such as?" "I wanted to know more about her transition. I wanted to know if she had been either gay or bi sexual before she was married. She told me that she had never been gay or bi sexual. She had originally been attracted to women and loved their company. As a young man, she had been very uncomfortable in being macho. She had tried cross dressing as a child, and had found being dressed as a girl very calming. It had felt right. After she was married she knew that she loved her wife and enjoyed sex with her. She also knew at some fundamental level that she had to be a woman. I asked how long after she started transitioning did she continue to have sex with her wife. She told me that her wife became gradually less keen and she gradually became less able. By the time she was dressing and living full time as a woman her wife had already talked about divorce. They stopped having penetrative sex five months after she had started on hormones. Her wife had been more and more reluctant as time had passed and she had found it hard to get an erection. I asked her when she had first been attracted to men. She said that after her wife left she had felt confused and lost. After she had been on hormones for seven months and living as a woman for about five months, she realized that she had been idly assessing men. She was more inclined to look at men than women. After another month she had her first date with a man. She could pass quite successfully and was quite presentable. They had ended up going dancing and at the end of the date he had kissed her. She had been shocked at first but found it to be an exciting awakening experience. From that time on she thought more about men and less about women. It was if someone had switched a light on in her brain. She had decided quite soon afterwards that she wanted full gender reassignment so that she could have proper sex. Just over a year later she had her first vaginal intercourse with a man. It was wonderful and an experience to be repeated regularly. What is going to happen to you Tom? Are you going to be awoken?" That night we quietly cuddled and held each other tight, scared that we might lose each other. In the morning we felt much better and made love with a passion. Chapter Eighteen Week sixteen and we heard from our retired police friend. He was pleased as punch. The local police had caught the two hoods on the beach and a police launch had picked up the two in the dinghy. The bigger boat that the rib had come from got away. The police were kicking themselves that they had not set up a bigger operation. They had not involved the navy who could have tracked the boat. They were, however, very happy with what they had picked up. The two from the car were well known to the Met Police and had a string of convictions. The two from the boat were Russians and all four were very tight lipped. The police had captured drugs with a street value of well over half a million pounds. They had asked our ex police friend to see if his contact had any more information about the gang's actions. Megan got straight onto to the French site and, to our dismay, the whole thing had been wiped. There was no trace of any information left. The house had been cleaned. The police were pleased to make a bust, but disappointed that they would not be able to get to those behind the drugs. Strike one and we had hurt Justin but we had come no where near putting him out of business. On Monday evening I decided to take an inventory of myself. I stood naked in front of a long mirror and studied what I saw. From the neck up I looked like an acceptably good looking young woman. I had a high forehead for a woman but not unusually so. It made me look intelligent. My eyes, lips, nose and cheekbones all looked good. There was no sign of a beard or sideburns, my face was smooth and a little chubby. My hair was auburn, healthy and now came down to my shoulders. My neck and shoulders were much slimmer than they had been, but they still looked chunky. My boobs were small but visible, they looked as though they were going to be a nice shape, but looked small on my frame. My waist was noticeable but still looked too wide. My hips and bum had spread a little and the muscle tone in my bum and hips had largely gone. I had a bit of a wobble. My todger and balls looked out of place on the rest of me but they seemed to have reduced in size. My todger was only marginally smaller but the shrinkage was much more noticeable with my balls. My hands were slim, slightly on the large size for a woman, but they looked elegant. The muscle tone in my legs had softened and my legs now looked long and sexy. My feet were a little larger than you would expect for a woman, but if I had not been looking for it, I would not have noticed. Was I looking at a man or a woman? If you ignored the cock and balls you could see a chunky looking woman with a pretty face, good legs and a flat chest. I looked a lot like a much younger version of my mother except that she was very well endowed in the bust region. Mum had good legs and a pretty face. As soon as she let her weight rise, she started to look a bit chunky. Her bust though was a large DD size on her five foot five frame. If I was going to look like an attractive woman, I was going to have to lose more weight and maybe go back to the corsets for a while. I even wondered about the rib operation. We could certainly afford it now. I had got my weight down well below eleven stone now but it needed to come down further. I was going to have to do more yoga and aerobics to keep myself looking trim. After talking it through with Sam we agreed that the rib trim idea was too dangerous and decided on more corset wear. More discomfort in the cause of beauty. If my bust grew, I lost weight and put a little more rounding on my hips, I would look much better balanced. In under four months I had changed from being a solid, tough hunk of a scrum half to being a slightly chunky, but feminine looking "female". Was this an achievement or was it just the beginning of the end of my happy old life? Somehow, it was difficult to feel pleased with the changes. The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became. It had been a disappointment when the drug raid had been a dead end. We set Megan to look at anything that she could dig up in any of Justin's other companies. With the volume of work that we had it was difficult to release time for her to hack. We had heard rumours that Justin's wager winning system was having a lot of installation problems. Justin's team had been spending most of their time trying to sort out bugs and refine the system. We wished him all the ill luck in the world and hoped his problems would mount. At work Sam still called me Tom, but when we were relaxing and chatting, she called me Jen. Sam loved to go on retail therapy trips with me. We were doing so well that we could afford to splurge a bit. When we were out Sam just chatted away to me as if I was her best female friend. It was very easy for me to slip into that role without thinking. In some ways Sam and I were closer than ever. My opinion was sought on styles, colours, make up and outfits. Advice was also freely given. The one thing that disturbed me though was that Sam had called me Jen more frequently when we were making love. I found that despite being male underneath, I was starting to match her mood cycles. I had become much more prone to tears. We even had a good weep when we went to see a romantic film at the cinema. Unusually, I enjoyed it. I was wearing mascara and a bit of lippy more often than not and some female behaviours were becoming natural. I did not have to concentrate to pass. On Friday we dressed up and had a meal out with friends and on Saturday we went dancing at the Gay club. The dancing became competitive and then raunchy. We were egged on by our gay friends and had a thoroughly naughty night. When we got home Sam suggested that we had purely lesbian sex. When I said that I was not sure how, she produced a lesbian porn film that one of the girls at the club had lent her. The film was extremely educational and both during and after the film, we tried most of what we had watched. It was a new and very rewarding experience for both of us. I never realized one could have that much pleasure without actual penetrative intercourse. Week seventeen and Megan decided to have a crack at getting into Justin's main system. Most of the site was impenetrable but Megan found a record of Justin's contracts for systems work. There were several with his subsidiary companies in America and France. There were also contracts with a number of other organizations in the Lebanon, Russia, Germany, Bolivia, Panama and Belgium. Tim contacted a friend who had done a considerable amount of freelance work for Justin's company and asked if he had done any work for those clients. Tim's friend said that he was not aware of any systems being designed or supported for any of the client groups mentioned. He said that only a few of Justin's staff were involved in systems work. The remainder, were scary dudes and he did not know what they did. Justin's total design team consisted of three people plus his freelance workers. We decided to see if we could follow up some of the supposed contacts. We had the names of the organizations and a contact person in each case. If we could get evidence that Justin had been selling bogus systems to organizations in return for illegally raised money, we would be able to, not only prove money laundering, but also that he was earning money from illegal activities. We thought that we would start with the Belgian contacts. I think we were under the impression that Belgium was less scary than Russia or Lebanon. Our efforts resulted in us identifying a billing address for the Belgian organization. The address was real and it was another club. There seemed to be a pattern forming in Justin's money making interests. We trawled the Belgian press looking for any reference to the person named as the customer contact, but could find no person of that name. Sam suggested that she should go and look at the club and see what sort of organization it was. I vetoed the suggestion. There was no way that I would let Sam put herself in harms way. Any risk taking was my job. Sam was unkind enough to point out that since I had started on the hormones, I had lost a large amount of muscle mass and tone. I may be much more supple and possibly quicker over a short distance but now, I was not a lot stronger than she was. She also raised the problem of my passport. I no longer looked like my picture. If I dressed up as a man then I looked quite feminine. If I dressed as a woman, then I had a man's passport. Whichever way could lead me into problems at passport control. What we decided, was that I would travel as a man, but get a letter from my therapist to state that I was a male transitioning to female. When I got to Belgium, I could book into a hotel, change into female dress and go and see what I could find out about the club. I would then return the following morning. The rest of the week sped by with a visit to the therapist, a meal out with friends and a heavy load of work. When Saturday came I donned male clothing for the first time in weeks. I bound my small breasts and was able to go without a gaff. It was wonderful to be swinging free again. My clothes felt loose on me, everywhere except the hips and bum. It felt very strange wearing shoes and socks, they were lumpy and heavy. In the end I gave up with my old chinos and wore a pair of my lady cut jeans. I looked a bit strange with a mans shirt, jacket, coat and shoes with a pair of women's jeans. I wore my hair in a low pony tail and, of course no make up or nail polish. I had not realized how natural I had become, wearing women's clothes, make up and nail polish. I did not think of myself as a woman in any way, but I was totally comfortable in women's clothes and make up. My day to day conversations, my mannerisms and my interests had become quite female. I was comfortable in the knowledge that I was male. I was also totally at ease living as a female. It was a bizarre split personality. It was not until I tried to be convincingly male on the journey that it came home to me how far I had travelled in becoming a woman. On the one hand it was deeply scary, but on the other it was what we were planning to succeeding at. I was surprised on my way out that when I presented my passport it was handed back to me without comment. There was no problem. The journey was uneventful and I found the hotel with ease. Once in my room the transformation took place. I put on a waist cinch and was able to unbind my small breasts. I used a push up bra and fillets to enhance my bust and dressed as a young raver in short skirt, tights, a top that showed all the cleavage I could muster. I wore a pair of knee high soft leather boots with one and a half inch heels. I wanted to be able to stay on my feet for a long time. The year was now moving into spring and it was not too cold so I just wore a wrap and no coat. I found the club right in the heart of the red light district. Sitting in a coffee shop opposite for an hour, I could watch the comings and goings. The crowd were young and looked anything from latish teens to latish twenties. They were a bunch of bright young things doing the Saturday night thing. There was also an older crowd, mostly male, who did not look as though they were there to dance. Whilst I sat there I was approached by several men varying from a few years younger than me, right up to my father's age. I had taken care not to dress in a way that could make me be mistaken for a working girl. As a result the pick up lines, in a variety of languages, were pleasant and no problem. A smile, a confession of speaking only English and that I was meeting my boyfriend prevented any difficulties. I plucked up courage and crossed the road to the club. There was no problem getting in and once inside a wall of sound hit me. Having parked my wrap, I got myself a bottle of Italian beer. I was not going to drink anything that I had not seen being opened and it would never leave my sight. In no time I had been invited to dance and was jigging wildly to the pounding beat. You could feel the music as much as hear it. I could smell the pot and, in no time I was offered a selection of pills. When I turned those down I was asked if I wanted anything stronger. I had covered most of the club within the first forty minutes or so. Other than the drugs, the place seemed to be a normal club. There was one door though, that was guarded by two large scary doormen. They were only letting people through who had a pass card. The only people without passes that were allowed in were the women on the arms of the members. I asked one of my dance partners what went on behind the door and he said that it was a high roller gambling den. So far, so good, I had observed what the main body of the place was like. I had been groped and had erections rubbed against me. My bum had been distinctly man handled but nothing that I could not cope with. I wanted to get into the gambling den to spy out the land. The only plan that I could think of was to stay close to where the members were coming and going and get picked up. Not much of a plan, I know. Almost as soon as I headed towards the door, a distinguished looking man, in his late thirties, or early forties came through the door back into the club. He was in deep thought and walked straight into me. In a flurry of French he apologized most graciously. He suggested that the least he could do, was to share some champagne with me. I realized, after the first couple of exchanges, that we had been talking French. My French is adequate but hardly fluent. My companion quickly realized my difficulty and smoothly moved to an impeccable, but slightly accented English. He introduced himself as Julian and ushered me to an area of the club that was relatively quiet. The background noise still made it difficult for conversation, so my companion suggested that we transfer to the comfort of the gambling club. Julian flashed his pass and we went into the refined quiet of the gambling club. The difference was huge. The average age of the men, was much more than double that in the club and the elegance of the women made my outfit feel cheap and drab. We found a place to sit, away from the tables where serious gentlemen were playing cards with a deep intensity. "Now my dear Jen, we can talk without the need to shout. What is a pretty young woman doing on her own in this den of iniquity, in danger of being knocked to the floor by a thoughtless ruffian like myself." "A good question Julian. This is my first trip to Belgium. I came with a good female friend for a short weekend break. I wanted to see the sights and visit the galleries. It would seem that she came to party. It was her idea to come to the club, if I had been expecting to be clubbing, I would have brought more appropriate clothing." "You look charming my dear. Where is your friend?" "She found herself a hunky male companion and decided the rest of the evening was going to be in his arms. Her last comment was that I shouldn't wait up for her and that she would see me at a late breakfast. I was just about to get my wrap and leave. This place is a bit more wild than I am used to." "It is a good job that I brutally tried to knock you down. I can show you a little of the quieter night life here. Have you eaten?" "Only a snack." "Then I shall take you where we can have a quiet meal and enjoy some good music. The restaurant is only a couple of hundred yards away. If you are happy we could walk. To buy you a meal would be the least I could do to make up for my brutality." "I appreciate your offer but I am a single girl on my own in a strange city and maybe I should head back to the hotel." "I give you my word as a Lawyer and an upright French gentleman, that we can dine, talk and maybe a little dancing and then I will deliver you safely to the door of your hotel. My dear Jen, I too am adrift in a foreign town and would welcome the company." I agreed to go with him to eat. I was hoping to find out more about the gambling club. It was strangely easy to be the feminine to his masculine. I knew I was a man in a masquerade but, I suppose, so many weeks of living as a women and it was becoming second nature to me. He was probably twenty years older than me and stood at a little over six foot tall. His suit was cut to perfection and what he was clothed in would have paid for a complete new system of top spec computers in our studio. He was clean cut, clean shaven, with a twinkle it his blue eyes and a warm smile. Since when did I start noticing the colour of a man's eyes? He was definitely not the sort of heavy weight hood that I had started to associate with Justin. He directed us to a very elegant restaurant where a four piece group were playing gentle jazz. The menu was mouth wateringly tempting and there were no prices to be seen. We shared a bottle of excellent Chablis as we ate our fish, then sat back with a smooth fruity Armagnac with our coffee. Julian admitted that he was a married man with a wife that he loved and three children, the eldest of which was at university. He had been in Belgium for a meeting with a group of EU lawyers, discussing the future application of a range of regulations. The meeting had dragged on and on and he had decided to stop over rather than try to drive the 300 miles home. When I asked him about how he had decided to go to the gambling club, he told me that one of the German lawyers had suggested it. The German was a member and after a couple of calls, a membership pass had been arranged. Gambling dens were not his normal haunt, but he was a good card player, good with numbers and his fee for the weekend meeting had been obscene. He was intrigued to go and see what it was like. The thing that intrigued him most was that the German lawyer had a bit of a reputation and he was interested to see what sort of places he frequented. When he went into the club he had watched for a while. He summed up the clientele as being largely made up of the type of people that his colleagues defended in court. Some of the people made him feel uncomfortable. He played poker at one of the tables and, at first he was making gains. He had not joined a very high stakes table, but the money was enough to make him cautious. There were suggestions that the stakes be raised and slowly he had started to lose. He had reached the stage where he was down by a small amount when he decided to take a break and review his position. That was when he literally walked into me. I had probably saved him from stupidly losing more than was sensible. I had therefore earned my meal many times over. It was a shame that after getting to talk to someone who was a member albeit a temporary one, I should learn so little. Julian's conversation was witty and fun. He had me laughing at stories about legal cases. He quizzed me about my background and I was able to talk freely about everything with the exception of saying that Sam was my oldest and closest friend rather than my wife. Julian said that he would have his firm contact us to see about systems design. It was easy talking to Julian, relaxed and fun. When Julian suggested that we took advantage of the good music and dance, I was half on my feet before I had thought about it. Once up, it would have been wrong to back out. I had to think hard about where my hands went. Julian was an excellent dancer. I was clumsy and stumbling at first. I excused myself as being an inexperienced dancer. I explained my tendency to try and lead to having been one of the taller girls at an all girls school and having to play the male part. In the end I just relaxed and followed Julian's lead. Once I relaxed it was such fun. The alchohol had loosened my stiffness and I was in danger of becoming graceful. We smiled, laughed and talked as we whirled round the floor. At the end of one dance we were smiling and looking in each others eyes when he leaned in and kissed me. I could feel the slight stubble on his skin and smell his musky au de cologne. His lips were dry and warm on mine and I liked it. My first reaction was to close my eyes, with my head tilted back, my arms around his shoulders and to respond to the kiss. When my brain resurfaced I knew that this was so wrong. To be held in a strong man's arms a gently but firmly kissed was intriguingly good, but oh so wrong. I was so tempted to explore with my tongue. But as we broke I blushed and looked away. Shit, I am not gay. "I should apologise, my dear Jen for taking advantage of a young lady, but I am afraid that I enjoyed that too much to do so. I promise to be on my best behaviour from now on." The evening drew to a close and Julian escorted me back to the hotel. All the way back in the cab, I was thinking about what I would do if he wanted to kiss me again. I was actually hoping that he would. I am not gay. I like women. I am not gay. I wondered what I could do to encourage him. We had held hands all the way back from the restaurant and as the taxi pulled up I gave his hand a squeeze. He got out and opened the door for me. As I got out, he gathered me in his arms and I did not resist. We kissed and I was happy and relieved that he had done so. My tongue could not help itself and we explored each other, the kiss lasted no time but for ages. As we said our goodbyes I felt exhilarated and excited. That was a kind of feeling that I had not had since I was a teenager. It was naughty exploration of territory that I should not be setting foot in. All the time I was feeling guilty and wretched about cheating on Sam. It was wrong at so many levels and I am not gay. That night I cried tears of frustration at my own inability to control what was happening to me. I am not gay. What had I achieved by my visit? Absolutely nothing and I had got myself into a situation that had left me confused and disappointed in myself. I knew that I was going to have to woo a man in order to win the wager, but I didn't want to enjoy it. On the one hand I had made a convincing job as a young woman. On the other hand I had been far too comfortable. I had forgotten who I was, but I am not gay. In the morning I was stupid enough to wear my female clothes without thinking. I suppose I had found them comfortable now that I had a small but distinct bust. When I got to the border agency check, the officer looked at me, looked at my passport and immediately got on the phone. I was immediately directed out of the queue and to a shed at the side. After I was escorted from the car, I was interrogated. Who was I? Why was I, a female travelling on a man's passport? My luggage had been brought from the car and the mixture of male and female clothes discovered. I tried to explain that I was a pre-op transsexual and that my passport had yet to be altered. I showed the officers the letter from the psychiatrist. The letter was met with as much suspicion as I was. I was then told to strip for a search. I was asked whether I wanted to be strip searched by a man or a woman. In my confusion I could not say, so I had a mixed audience of four officers while I stripped naked, the crude jokes that the officers cracked and the derision with which they looked at my naked body was mentally and emotionally crippling. With a look of absolute glee they informed me that I had to have a cavity inspection in case of drugs. It was the most humiliating experience of my short life. They were not gentle. When they had had their fun and checked with my psychiatrist, I was allowed to go. All my self confidence had been drained out of me. When I got home I told Sam the unvarnished truth about what had happened and my concerns. Sam cuddled me and soothed me while I cried and tried to make sense of where we were. For the first time since I was a small child, I just wanted to be held and for someone to make the difficult stuff go away. I was depressed and had totally lost my belief in myself. For the whole of the following week I was in a dark fug. I felt that Justin had won. I was no longer Tom and I was only a freak who would be rejected by everyone. I found it difficult to get out of bed and kept bursting into tears. Sam kept things going and nursed me through the week. By the end of the week I was able to go for long periods without crying. By Sunday I was starting to get angry and my determination started to return. Sam's relief was palpable. She really thought she might have lost me. Chapter Nineteen Week nineteen and I was starting to recover my old self. All the time that I had been down Sam had called me Tom. Not once had she called me Jen. As week nineteen progressed she started to call me Jen again in the evenings. By the weekend of that week I had felt up to going out again and Sam and I went dancing at the gay club. The dancing brought back difficult feelings but it was nice and fun and when we got home we spent a lovely night of lesbian and heterosexual love making. I was starting to find that erections were not as fast to come and quicker to go but it was close and loving and Sam and I felt at peace afterwards. Week twenty and I was raring to get back into the fray. While I had been feeling depressed I had lost more weight and was now down below ten and a half stone. Sam's birthday was coming up and I asked her what she would like. She asked whether she could have anything she liked, when I responded in the affirmative, then she said she would let me know. We had one bit of good news and another bit of news that I wasn't so sure of. The good news was that the NHS Trust where Justin had beaten us in getting the contract, contacted us. They were distinctly unhappy with the system that Justin's company had installed. They wanted us to look at the system to see if we could make it work. We were up to our ears in work, so we arranged to have a preliminary look later that week. With the pressure of work, we decided to invite another of our freelancers to work full time. Danny was a hunk of a man. Good looking and a muscular six foot plus tall, he was the most laid back person we knew. He was a brilliant analyst/programmer but just loved the good things in life. Every now and then he would disappear and go walkabout. He was great fun to be around, witty, thoughtful and a total gentle man. Women loved him and he loved women. He was a lovely clever man. We knew that he was unlikely to be a long term prospect but his skill was of the highest. The less good news was when I visited for another check up. The doctor was amazed at the speed with which I was developing secondary female characteristics. He had never known anyone develop a full A cup in under six months. I was definitely at Tanner stage 3. He was also surprised at how my weight had redistributed. My hips and bum now had a distinctly feminine look. He gave me the bad news that I was now effectively sterile. He went on to say that my testicles had significantly atrophied in a very short space of time. They rarely dropped back from inside my body cavity when I took my gaff off. He again suggested that I have the testicles removed. They may be useless, but removing them was too big a step emotionally. Sam reminded me that in our original plan, we had assumed that I would be needing to get implants about now. With my surprisingly quick bust development, it looked as though I would be able to make do with what I had. Not only had my bust developed faster than we had expected but my nipples had grown to be as large as Sam's and just as sensitive. My chest had nothing of the male left. Stripped to the waist my bust was completely female. My shoulders were still a bit muscular for a woman and broader than you would expect and my neck was still a bit thick. My face looked female, albeit, more handsome than pretty. My waist was still a bit too large. My bum had lost some of its firmness and I had expanded a bit across the hips, so I looked as though I had a waist, but I was definitely going to have to lose more weight. Ten stone was going to have to be my target. More starving required. Spring was starting to develop into the first sunny warm days of the year and Sam declared that it was shopping time. We needed to get summer clothes. We were going for a monster shopping bash. I was told that I needed summer dresses, skirts, tops, lingerie, make up, bikini, jewelry and shoes. She told me that she had decided what she wanted for her birthday. She wanted the two of us to get a tattoo of a butterfly on the cheeks of our right bum. They did not have to be the same butterfly but they had to be the same size. The second part of the present was that she wanted a proper girl's night out. She wanted five of us, including her friend Donna, Megan Jackie and myself to have a full blooded girls night out, with all that that entailed. I had no idea what she was talking about, but I agreed. Shopping was fun. I enjoyed the two of us chatting about clothes and trying stuff on. Sam was a ten and I was now able to fit comfortably in a twelve. When we had started, I was hardly able to get into a fourteen and mainly fitted a sixteen. I thought that we had exhausted our shopping needs when Sam declared that it was time for our girl's night outfits. I was taken to a different type of shop. After a considerable amount of searching, Sam spotted a soft, stretchy, very fine woolen dress. It came to mid thigh and was up to the neck at the front with a scoop back that went all the way to my bum cleavage. It was in a soft sedgey green that went with my auburn hair colour and drew attention to my green eyes. When I tried it on Sam told me to leave my bra off. Now Sam is much better endowed than me, with her gorgeous C cup breasts, but my nipples had outgrown hers. I may have had very modest breasts but I had large sensitive nipples. When I tried the dress on, it clung to me like a second skin. It hugged my hips and thighs and the touch of the fabric on my very sensitive nipples made them stand out. I may have been relatively flat chested, but with the nipple display, I was going to get a lot of male attention. I was reluctant at first, but it felt so good. Sam said that such a dress should be worn without bra or knickers. Because of my small additional factor, I would have to wear my gaff. The good thing was that the outline would look like a thong. Sam tried to get me to buy some four inch heeled, sandals to go with the dress but I drew the line at two and a half inches. The outfit was completed with a broad belt that would accentuate my waist. Sam selected a very sheer ivory silk blouse with long loose sleeves with tight cuffs. She then selected a shiny deep red miniskirt with a silver belt, that came no further down the thigh than the one she had bought for me. Next was a pair of what Sam called fuck me heeled shoes, at least four inches possibly five. They made her bum and legs look superb. Sam then headed to Victoria Secrets and picked a bra that was flimsy in the extreme. "Sam, you can't wear that. You would look as though you were naked from the waist up." "Don't you think I would look sexy?" "Yes, too sexy." "You are missing the point. You can't look too sexy on a girl's night out." With that she bought the wisp of a thong that went with the bra. Next we bought very sheer, shiny hold up stockings. There was no way we could have suspenders under what we would be wearing. Next we were off to the tattooist. My choice was a small tortoise shell butterfly, my favourite, just over an inch across. Sam chose a Mazarine blue to go with her eyes. Sam decided that we should have them positioned so that they would just peek out if we were wearing very brief bikini bottoms. I was surprised how painful it was, but Sam just called me a wimp. When we got back to work Sam insisted that we show everyone our tattoos.

Same as The Wager part 6 Videos

4 years ago
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College Wager

The five girls sat there in the café around the corner from campus discussing, or arguing in the case of Elissa & Louisa, about the exam they had taken only an hour ago. As usual Elissa & Louisa had found the exam easy; both girls normally got high marks with only a few percent separating their scores. The two girls were part of the lucky few: good looking, great figures and hardly studied and still got top marks. Their competitive rivalry had slowly built up over the last 6 months, ever since...

4 years ago
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The Wager

1: The Game BeginsHow could this fucking happen? We have only been married eighteen goddamn months. I first met Jill at a church social in her hometown. Jill was a beautiful young lady with a religious upbringing. Her parents required her to attend church every Sunday. We dated for about a year. A year I refer to as the 'Blue-Balls' year. We were married in the spring of '98 and all was right in the world. Money was our only problem. I was barely making enough money to cover the necessities and...

2 years ago
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The Wager part 2

Chapter 4 We had five days left when Justin dropped the next bombshell. He outlined his plans for the next five years. I was to go straight to Thailand where my new home would be situated. I would work and live there. I would be located in the brothel of a notorious local madam. Justin was the joint owner of the brothel and ladyboy bar. I would be on very low income and would have no access to funds. My work would be whatever the madam wanted me to do and that was unlikely to be...

4 years ago
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The Game Begins How could this fucking happen? We have only been married eighteen goddamn months. I first met Jill at a church social in her hometown. Jill was a beautiful young lady with a religious upbringing. Her parents required her to attend church every Sunday. We dated for about a year. A year I refer to as the 'Blue-Balls' year. We were married in the spring of '98 and all was right in the world. Money was our only problem. I was barely making enough money to cover the necessities...

2 years ago
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The Dragon and the Wager

The Dragon and the Wager By Morpheus With a deafening roar, the enormous reptilian creature easily soared through the air, his body held aloft by a pair of powerful leather wings. Nearly every inch of the creature was covered with thick, virtually impervious scales and from the end of his long tail to the tip of his snout, he was a creature to be feared. If his sheer size alone weren't enough, a single glance at his long claws or vicious saber like teeth were enough to terrify any...

4 years ago
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Aesops Wager

Two gods were sat in a New York park one day. Being deities from two different faiths, they were arguing as usual about who was the most powerful. Such arguments were common between gods as each wanted to prove they were better than the other (the past thousand years has seen a fast increase in such arguments as one by one, each god was slowly being forgotten about by the humans they watched over). The two gods in question this day were Loki and Asiaq. Since the fall of the Nordic and Asiaq...

4 years ago
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Aesops Wager

Two gods were sat in a New York park one day. Being deities from two different faiths, they were arguing as usual about who was the most powerful. Such arguments were common between gods as each wanted to prove they were better than the other (the past thousand years has seen a fast increase in such arguments as one by one, each god was slowly being forgotten about by the humans they watched over). The two gods in question this day were Loki and Asiaq. Since the fall of the Nordic and Asiaq...

3 years ago
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The Wager part 10

Chapter Thirty Two Week thirty nine and only three months left. We were frantically busy with work. Martin's contacts had proved a rich seam of opportunities. We were being stretched to our limits with work. Sam and Megan were out visiting clients and researching system requirements, most of the time. Tim, Martin and several of the freelancers worked on keeping existing clients happy whilst Megan and I led a team of freelancers writing new systems. Our business had grown massively in...

4 years ago
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The Wager

Author's Note Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I last wrote and submitted a story. I want to thank all my fans out there for having enjoyed read many of my stories. It is because of my fans that I am writing once more, or else there would be no other reason for me to write. Now as for why I am having this author's note is because I want to address certain topics, to you who would be reading this. One topic is about the theme of my story. The other, is about my stories in...

3 years ago
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Catwoman and BatmanThe Wager

This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...

4 years ago
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A Wager

A Wager by Stats I was standing in front of the urinal of the washroom where I work, daydreaming. I was totally absorbed by the experience I had the day before where I wore a complete set of women's underclothes under my business suit. No one suspected a thing. Thought that the next time I did this I would wear some padding in my bra. Perhaps try to pull it off with no socks, the pants were long enough to cover my ankles if I was careful. Even my secretary-with her eye for...

4 years ago
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The Wager part 5

Chapter 13 Week ten and more good news, we had been successful in both of the other contract bids. We would now have to advertise for another member of staff. I had my second visit to the psychiatrist that week. I was worried how to approach it. Sam suggested that it was time that I went the whole hog and dressed completely as a woman. It was becoming increasingly difficult to look anything convincingly male. My outward appearance was quite female but I still had a lot of old macho Tom...

4 years ago
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The Wager part4

Chapter 10 That weekend we worked on ideas of how to get inside knowledge of Justin's operation. Jackie had decided that she wanted to be part of the "get Justin" team. The first target was to trawl through all the public information that we could get and then back that up by hacking into his systems. The biggest problem that we had, was a lack of hacking knowledge. Jackie gave us a solution when she told us about her partner Tim. He was a compulsive hacker and he was very good at...

4 years ago
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A Little Wager

This is a serial story that I wrote over a period of several months A Little Wager By Morpheus Part 1 In a room that was not a room, in a place that was not a place, something other than the known laws of physics held sway. The dimensions of the room were in constant flux as it seemed to grow and shrink from moment to moment while gravity itself seemed to be merely optional. A blue monkey sat on what some might call the ceiling, casually playing a game of jacks while a...

4 years ago
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The Wager

Bill’s sexy dream was getting really wonderful when the damn alarm blared. He threw his right hand at the snooze button, desperately trying to keep dreaming. It was not fair to be jarred out of his dream just as Catherine Zeta-Jones was fondling his cock. Bill lost the battle to stay asleep and opened his eyes slowly. Through the haze of sleepy eyes, he saw a shadowy figure bending over him and the bed. Gentle fingers still fondled his scrotum and cock. He thought he heard whispering; the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Marital PickUp Wager

One night several years ago I tried to get really romantic with Babs and knelt down at her feet as she sat on the sofa. I looked up at her and asked her what was the last time a man knelt at her feet to worship her beauty. I expected her to just melt into my arms but she smiled and said that it was the last time she tried to pick up a guy in a bar. I knew that wasn’t true, but it started a round of playful banter that led to some teasing and verbal jousting. Before we knew it we were talking...

4 years ago
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The Wager part 7

Chapter Twenty Week twenty one and I was still trying to get clear from Sam what a real girl's night out was. She told me that the whole idea was to get dressed up in the sexiest outfits possible, then have enough drink to lose some inhibitions. You then went dancing and the idea was to do as many naughty things as you wanted to without grabbing a man and getting laid. That is unless you met the right hunk and wanted to get laid. I was definitely not sure whether I should be part of...

2 years ago
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The Wager

She really should have known better. Rochelle had decided this year to watch the Super Bowl with her boyfriend, James. She didn't know much about football, but she knew he was a big fan so she thought she would sit with him and see if she could grasp the fundamentals at least. James normally went down to his favorite sports bar to hang with his friends during his team's football games, but because Rochelle wanted to watch it with him and learn, he chose to stay home with her and watch it so he...

4 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 8 A High Stakes Wager

The following Monday morning Cecilia breathed a huge sigh of relief, when she woke up and realized her period had started. Her menstruation normally was a source of irritation that intruded on her routine once a month, but for once she was very happy to see the familiar spot of blood. She changed her panties and stuffed a pad in the crotch of the clean pair, relieved that her moment of carelessness with Jason the previous Friday night would not disrupt her life. She spent a normal Monday...

2 years ago
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The Wager

It was so cold outside, just opening the door to the bar I felt a whoosh of warm air, noise, and the smells of beer and popcorn pour out over my body. Sighing with pleasure I walked into the bar, letting the warmth surround me, glancing around, looking for Noelle. Spotting her at the far end, I peeled off my heavy coat and all of my outdoor accessories on my way, revealing ass hugging jeans and a sparkly sequined top. It’s only Christmas once a year, I thought to myself, I may as well dress up...

2 years ago
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The Wager

It was so cold outside, just opening the door to the bar I felt a whoosh of warm air, noise, and the smells of beer and popcorn pour out over my body. Sighing with pleasure I walked into the bar, letting the warmth surround me, glancing around, looking for Noelle. Spotting her at the far end, I peeled off my heavy coat and all of my outdoor accessories on my way, revealing ass hugging jeans and a sparkly sequined top. It’s only Christmas once a year, I thought to myself, I may as well dress...

2 years ago
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Wager Between Us Girls

"It's a simple wager, the first one of us who screws him wins!" Kathy said.Kathy is my next-door neighbor and very best friend. She was talking about the new guy working at the Sunoco gas station down at the corner. He was in his early twenties and a hunk."Roy would kill me if he found out." I argued."He's not going to find out!" Kathy smiled. Kathy was always coming up with some crazy scheme to get me to cheat on my husband. Because she couldn't keep her pants on she wanted me to join in on...

4 years ago
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Thw Wager part 8

Chapter Twenty Three Week twenty six and we were back at the studio. The team were both delighted to see us and jealous of our tans. When we had been away new enquiries about work had come in and quotes been sent out. The work at the trust had been completed and signed off and was working sweetly. Because of the preparation work that we had done during the original bidding process, it had been smooth and easy. We had the excuse to go back and do our detective work around the trust. Sam...

3 years ago
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World Cup Wager

It was the summer of 2022AD, the time period of the World Cup. The World Cup was the world's second largest sporting event, only after the Olympics. If it had not been for World War III, the game would still have been held in Doha, Qatar. FIFA (organization behind the sports event) had it held in Oslo, Norway instead. As for how the Third World War began was quite simple. An energy-independent America was on the verge of overtaking Saudi Arabia as the world's leading producer of oil. With...

4 years ago
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Alices Wager

My wife Jen and I have been married for 5 years. Jen is a very beautiful 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds. She has auburn hair and blue eyes and the greatest tits and ass I could ever ask for. My story starts 5 months ago when we moved into our new house. On moving day we met our new neighbors John and Alice. Alice is a sexy Blond and John is tall and athletic and has dark brown hair. John and Alice came over as soon as we arrived at the house to see if they could help us in any way....

4 years ago
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The WagerChapter 3

Scarlet leaned toward Ren and whispered, "I like the stadium seating here." "Yes," he replied, "this is a nice theatre." "It's better than using the lecture hall." Ren slipped his arm under hers and they laced fingers. Scarlet put her free hand on his forearm. "Sure you don't want popcorn?" he whispered. "No -- I'm good." Ren let go of her hand and rested his forearm on her thigh, his hand on her knee. With his fingertips he explored the shape of her kneecap and he felt...

4 years ago
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The Wager A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Are you proposing a wager?" Professor Harrison Hunt smiled mischievously at his colleague. The tall, sinewy academic leaned against the bookcase in his old fashioned study. "I would be happy to take your money, Harry," responded Professor Michael Danes. "It is a bold claim for somebody with my knowledge in the field." It was. Mike had been professor of endocrinology at Lakes University Medical School for 4 years now, and had seen...

3 years ago
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The Scrabble Wager

SCRABBLE WAGER .....(1 of 6) Things have gotten a little out of hand. I suppose my mistake was agreeing to the wager in the first place. On the other hand, if I had won.... Oh, well, my turn will come. It all started with a playful game of scrabble. My wife Linda and I (my name's Peter) have been happily married for 8 years, and are in our mid 30's. We live what most would call a middle class life (I hate the word yuppie; sounds too much like guppy), although both of us went through a wild time...

3 years ago
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The Wager Turned Another Out Gay

John barely heard the notification on his phone above the music and the noisy crowd in the bar. He flipped the phone over and cursed as he read the message.Hi John, something's come up, sorry gotta cancel tonight.Great, John thought. He was used to Steve being late, so he'd grabbed a booth and made himself comfortable with a beer... followed by another beer. Now Steve wasn't going to show up at all. He'd walked down to the bar in the rain for nothing.Well, he couldn't do anything about it. He...

5 years ago
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The Wager

THE WAGER By Sailor861 With Super Bowl XXXVIIII fast approaching, Sunday,Feb. 2, 2004, office talk and lotteries ramped to full speed in dawn bright'sstore in downtown Philadelphia. But "db," as she was known far andwide, couldn't care less. She was not at all interested in pro sports and the prospect of watching24 big, heavily-padded men chase up and down a big, long field, throwing eachother to the ground and running for an ovoid pigskin ball, was silly, funnyand overblown to her...

2 years ago
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The Wager

We are sitting on the couch watching the hockey game. My blue and gold men against your blue and white boys; we’d been teasing each other good naturedly about how only one team was superior and that one of us was gonna end up in tears at the end of the game. “Lets make it interesting,” you say, “let’s put a little wager on the game.” “What kind of wager?” I say nervously. “Winner gets to do whatever he/she wants to the looser.” I smile and look at the TV, my team is up by two goals, and I’m...

3 years ago
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The Wager

A few years back on vacation in Miami, I had a good time on south beach. A GOOD time. So, I get a hotel room right on the strip, expensive yes but in hindsight sooooooo worth it. After checking in and hangin out by the pool and flirting all day with some sexy ass women, I decide to check out the night life once night fell. I hop in the shower real fast and then I'm out on the strip, basically bar hopping. Bar here, bar there, drink here, shot there. So safe to say I was "buzzed". I walk into...

3 years ago
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A Silly Little Wager

It all started with a silly little wager between you and your best friend Mathew. It had been a boring summer thus far. You both had lived the university life hard as freshmen and had hit up every party together, but now the semester was done and you find yourselves once again in his basement drinking beer and playing videogames. His parents were gone to conventions for a week. They owned a chain of appliance stores and always vanished around this time of year. Likewise, his slightly older...

2 years ago
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Lost Wager Pegged

My wife, Eva, and I like to play dom/sub games from time to time to liven up our sex life. We were going to watch a college football game, pulling for opposing teams. I suggested a wager to make it more interesting. "Okay," she said, "Loser is the winner's slave for the night.""You're on," I said. My team broke out to a big lead in the first half. I began talking about the things I was going to make her do after the game, really rubbing it in. But her team tied it in the fourth quarter and won...

3 years ago
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Prison Wager

"Convict!" the guard yelled into Tom's cell. Tom looked up from his bunk at the large prison guard looking down at him through the bars of his jail cell. Tom Waters is in prison for embezzlement. He answered with respect. "Yes, Mr. Roberts." "I see your wife was here for a visit." Tom nodded his head. "Yes, Mary was here." The large guard replied. "I know because we like seeing her cute little ass as she strolled out to that shit box of a car that she now drives. That's a shame....

2 years ago
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WagerChapter 2

After dinner, I walked up behind my mother and put my hands on her waist. "Abraham, I asked you not to do that when I'm washing dishes." I got up close and gave her a kiss on the neck. "Stop it Abe. The kids might see us." "Cassie, I love you!" She dropped a plate in the sink. Fortunately, it didn't break. "Martin, what are you doing?" "Having a little time with my sensual mother. Did I ever tell you how much you turn me on?" "Get out of the kitchen young man ... before I...

3 years ago
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Honour wagered and lost

Sarah’s honour wagered and lost.Sunlight filtered through the green canopy of overhanging branches dappled the coach and four as it swept down the long straight drive from the gatehouse to the arched porte cochere on the east frontage of our house.I stood there with my parents waiting to greet our arriving guests and my heart sank as I watched Lord Marchington's matched team of greys swing up the ramp to halt more or less opposite the doorway.Father sighed, mother kicked his ankle and put on...

4 years ago
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A Winning Wager

I had only been working for my company for a little more than a year on that fateful day in 2016. I had been out of work for roughly a year before then, so it was important that I earned favorable reviews during my first year-end review. As such, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to butter up the team that reported to me by allowing them to leave early on our final day before Christmas break. Truth be told, I needed the early break myself.I pulled into our driveway a few hours earlier than usual and...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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A Fair Wager Part 2

A Fair Wager: Part 2 Two shadows embraced in the dark. The air around them was warm and musky, and whatever pitch-black surface the shadows laid on was velvety soft. Too much so, almost inviting one to rest upon it, to envelope them in it comfort. The dark obscured the shadowed figures features, though one seemed taller, more masculine. Whist the other was tiny, frail, fair, and wrapped around its counterpart. Only intangible whispers could be heard, losing clarity as they echoed out...

5 years ago
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The Wager part 12 the finale

Chapter Forty One Week forty nine and Sam briefed our lawyer before the disciplinary hearing as to what we were aiming to do. Our lawyer was delighted. She thought it was a brilliant solution for one of us to escape, she then went through what we had to do in the hearing to make sure it was legally watertight. The hearing was fun. We filmed and recorded the whole thing. It was one hell of a job keeping a straight face. In the end I dismissed Sam and informed her of her right to appeal...

5 years ago
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The Wager Part 3

Chapter 7 Week two was underway, more hair treatment and no shaving. Sam suggested that I should think about getting a gaff and get used to tucking. We contacted Jackie and she agreed to start with us in three weeks time. Because of the crash diet, I was now permanently hungry. I was just about 5ft 8inches wringing wet and weighed a bit over twelve stone. There were no love handles but there was a bit of surface flab. My target was to get down below eleven stone, hopefully ten and a...

3 years ago
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The Wager Part 4

The early morning sun poured in through a small gap in the curtains. Mandy blinked as her eyes grew accustomed to the bright light. For a moment she was disorientated, unsure of her surroundings. As she woke, she realised John was lying close to her, she felt the heat radiate from his body and luxuriated in it. She lay watching him as his big chest rose and fell with every breath. Mandy leant over and kissed him softly on the cheek. The events of the previous evening came vividly into her...

3 years ago
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The Wager part 3

The Wager: Part 3 John and Mandy kissed passionately as they lay on the bed. He caressed her curvaceous body in an intimate and sensual, but not overtly sexual way. He admired her pretty face and large breasts, with their huge dark nipples. Her waist was not slim, but that was OK in John’s eyes. He didn’t really like skinny girls. Her delightful derrière was large, well rounded and beautiful. She had long well-toned legs and shapely feet. John could vouch for her muscle tone, going by the vice...

4 years ago
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But Im Not Gay Wife Wager

I stared blankly at the television. It was a chip shot. A gimme. My favorite football team had just missed a 22 yard field goal that would of won the game. Hell my 14 year old neighbor could of made that kick. What rubbed salt into the mental wound was my girlfriend, who was dancing around the living room with glee. We had made a little wager on the game and she had won. Why did she pick the winning team? Not because of any in-depth analysis. She picked the winning team because she liked the...

2 years ago
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Black Wager

"Really! So you're telling me that any woman can be seduced regardless of her morals or situation?" I was amused by Reggie and thought that maybe the beer and size of his penis had given him an extremely inflated sense of his prowess with the women."Well stereotyping can be such a bad habit but, yea, I'm 99% right on that one." Reggie smiled at me rather pleased with himself."So you could walk right over to Lis and pick her up just like that?" I had the two of us laughing now."No no way man! It...

4 years ago
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Make a Little Wager I win you let me Seduce your

Recently my wife Tracey ran into an old college friend of mine, actually a girl, and the two of them hit it off. While that in itself might not seem bad, I've tried to distance myself from college and some of the friends who knew my girlfriend and I at the time.Lynn and I started dating in the last semester at N.C. State and after graduation we both stayed in Raleigh. I was from there anyway and Lynn was from Charleston. I was not Lynn's first lover nor was she mine, but neither of us was...

4 years ago
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A Decadent Wager

A Bargain made in HellIt seemed that from the very start of school Amy had been locked in competition with Emily in one category or another.  Emily had always seemed to come out on top somehow, adding to Amy’s frustration.  Both girls were 17 and in their junior year at the all-girls school in town. Emily came from wealth and privilege and flaunted it to her advantage.   She was the self-proclaimed leader of a group of mean girls that the Greek club at school had dubbed, ?The Sisters of...

4 years ago
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A Fair Wager

Fair Wager "Don't laugh too hard, okay Rich? Does this... um... fit your criteria for 'dolled up?'" I was feeling kind of desperate for his attention at that moment, standing at the top of the staircase leading from where my big sis's room door was open. I mean, I was humiliated myself in front of him by wearing her clothes. The least Richie could do was look at me and laugh in my face about it. Gloat over how he won another stupid bet between us. Or tell me to knock it off and we...

4 years ago
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Gafenbergs Wager

© 2003 "That's bullshit," Renata said with a toss of her dark, curly hair. "The Grafenberg Spot doesn't even exist. And I think wet orgasms are a figment of perverted men's overactive imagination." She looked at me, her sexy dark eyes flashing. "I dare you to show me different." "OOH!," Chrissy said with an excited smile. "A dare!" I looked at the two women and smiled. Rena was the hottest cashier at the clothing store I worked in. She was twenty six and very darkly...

3 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Wagers of Death

Spending time in The Hole is not something I would recommend. Judging by the dimensions the structure had been built to house Indians. A European could not stand fully upright without his head being forced into the bars of the cover, and had to sit, squat, or kneel, on the bare earth when not standing stooped. From ground level, I had a worm’s eye view of the world, and that was only a yard or two circumference around my ‘quarters’. The sun broiled down, and it was just as well I was naked...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

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