Thw Wager Part 8 free porn video

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Chapter Twenty Three Week twenty six and we were back at the studio. The team were both delighted to see us and jealous of our tans. When we had been away new enquiries about work had come in and quotes been sent out. The work at the trust had been completed and signed off and was working sweetly. Because of the preparation work that we had done during the original bidding process, it had been smooth and easy. We had the excuse to go back and do our detective work around the trust. Sam was going to be our sleuth. It was now warm enough to spend evenings outdoors so Sam and I did our yoga and aerobics outdoors in the nude. It was fun and it was sexy. My glueing was still holding so we looked like a very sexy pair of girls. After a couple of days, it occurred to me that I had not been too bothered about being glued away. Watching Sam doing yoga in the nude awoke stirrings below and I found the solvent to free myself. Once free I returned to the garden, erection to the fore and took Sam pleasantly by surprise. It had been nearly two weeks since I was last inside her. We had never had a gap that long before. It felt good and I felt like Tom despite being aware of my breasts and nipples. Tom performed manfully for much of the evening and into the night. The problem was that the following morning it was back on with the gaff. I was conscious of its discomfort all day, having not been troubled by it for weeks. Sam found out that our Mr Smyth was well connected with several of the trust board and seen as a very clubbable chap. He was thought to have extravagant tastes and to be an excellent host. It was assumed that he must have a wealthy wife or a private income to supplement his NHS salary. It turned out that he was part of the same social circle that Justin moved in. We were by now fairly certain that there had to have been collusion between Justin and Mr King-Smyth. All we needed now was proof. Sam's dad had found that Mr Smyth was a pillar of the Masonic Province. Not only was he a revered past master of his lodge, but he was active at Provincial level. He rubbed shoulders with senior police officers, councilors and at least two of the trust board. He was going to be difficult to get at. No untoward gossip about him was forthcoming apart from his reputation for generous entertaining, though it was commented on that he had been less lavish in recent months. We wondered whether he had been making money from his procurement role with more than Justin. Come the end of the week Danny dropped a bombshell. He told us that he loved working for us but was finding a regular job with regular hours a bit restrictive. He would love to carry on as a freelance but could not cope with regular hours. If a lady wanted a liason with him, he felt that it was inconsiderate to put them off. He had been invited by one of his lady friends for a week away in the sun. Since the death of her husband she had not had the proper company of a man and he felt it would have been unkind to turn her down. He apologized for dropping us in the lurch. He gave Tim a big hug and then gave Sam, Jackie, Megan and me each a big hug and a warm kiss on the lips. Each was full and longer than just a goodbye. I was last in line and watching the others, I was kind of looking forward to my turn. He left us each with a silly grin on our faces. It was impossible to be mad with him. On Saturday I had my first outing with the walking group. We were walking along the grand union canal from Rickmansworth. The irony was that when I was a boy, Justin and I used to cycle to the canal and spend the day on the towpath helping at the locks. Now, to all appearances, here I was as a woman on the hunt for a suitable man. I was dressed in shorts and good walking shoes. It was a warm sunny day and I wore a t shirt with a jumper and waterproofs in my backpack. I had been wearing either a cinch or a corset for most of the time, so despite the heat, I thought I had better show as much waist as possible and wore a cinch. We met up at the rendezvous and I introduced myself to the leader. The group were all between twenty and about fiftyish. There was a pretty even mix of men and women and of the twenty six people, only three married couples. It quickly turned out that all three of the married couples had met as part of the walking group. The day was very pleasant. We walked and talked, changing walking partners from time to time. We stopped at a pub for lunch and were back at our start point at about five o clock. We had walked about eight miles over the day and I was tired, but relaxed. The crowd had been very pleasant. Almost everyone was a single. I heard tales of marriages that had collapsed and partners who had died. I heard stories of people who were still waiting to meet Mr or Miss right. The saddest tale was of a man whose wife had a crippling condition that left her completely helpless. Once a month he had a nurse in and joined the walking group for a day of respite. He was not at all bitter. He must be a saint. The group would meet again in two weeks. There were lots of nice people but no likely prospects as far as I could see. When I got home, I was tired and sleepy. I dozed on the sofa, cuddling with Sam. Sam's day had been spent, sun bathing, shopping and trying to find out anything new on our Mr Smyth. Sunday, I was up early, the weather was not as good so I wore a pair of light weight walking trousers, a T shirt and a fine jumper and despite the discomfort, the cinch. Waterproofs were in my backpack. We were walking in the surrey hills. I parked and met up with the group at ten in the morning. It was dry but cloudy. This was a weekly walking group and much larger than the one yesterday. There must have been well over forty walkers. I reported in and introduced myself to a very scoutmasterish leader. I was a bit taken aback by his manner when he took my details and my weekly subs. A smiling lady of about sixty, saw my look of alarm and came up to me. "Don't worry about Dominic, he is the same with everyone. He is both a bachelor, welsh and a geography teacher. Poor soul, he has the worst possible interpersonal skills but he does all the organizing for this group and is a dear, really. I think he was hoping to find true love but he is scared of both men and women. I am Liz, let me introduce you around. Are you here for exercise, the wildlife or to find a new companion?" Well that was straight to the point. "I suppose I am here for all three. I love walking and the countryside and I no longer have a partner. (Sam forgive me) I have been on my own for months now and I am fed up with the dickheads you meet on line. What about you?" "I lost my husband to cancer five years ago. I started with this group four years ago. I had a relationship with one of the group for a couple of years, but that was more a case of friends with benefits. I now am courting my lovely John. We spend some time at his place and some at mine. We can't decide which to sell. That is John over there talking to the lady in the pink top" "I know I should not need to ask but what is a friend with benefits?" "Bless you, you poor innocent, it is a friend with whom you can have pleasant, uncomplicated sex, without the need for emotional attachment. Someone you can have a good chat with, enjoy their company, enjoy the sex with but have no residual attachment to. I can recommend the arrangement until you find someone to love. It keeps the juices flowing. I would recommend Dougie, but I think he might be a bit old for you." Liz seemed to have a permanent twinkle in her eye. She was obviously getting the most enjoyment she could out of life. Her partner John was equally twinkly and fun. I was soon introduced to several of the group and lost track of names. I walked with several different people through the day. One woman, who was about my age, walked with me for a fair time. I learnt about her struggle as an artist, her problematic love life and her problems with confidence around men. She was a lovely girl, attractive and with a warm personality. She had suffered at the hands of an unsympathetic bastard of a father and it had left her unsure and scared when dealing with men. I liked her and could easily have fallen for her if I was still Tom and I did not have Sam. The men were a mixed bunch. I was cornered by one guy in his forties whose wife had divorced him in order to marry a long time friend. Having spent half an hour listening to him, I could not blame her. A second guy was in his sixties. He had lost his wife to cancer two years before after a long illness. He was charming, good looking, witty and extremely pleasant company to walk with. He saw me as a daughter rather than as a woman, so no joy there. Another one was about my age, but somehow very immature. He was fine and he was fun, but it was like talking to an adolescent. My favourite was Mike. He was pleasant to walk with. He didn't talk much but was just happy to walk side by side. Questions and comments came at intervals. Often he spoke just to point out a bird or a wildflower. He was easy company. I found out very little about him but at the end of the walk, he asked me whether I was coming again next week. By the time I got home, I was absolutely shattered. I had walked sixteen miles in two days. I was not used to it. Sam asked me about the walkers and I recounted the day. She was amused about Liz's comments about friends with benefits. We ate the meal Sam had prepared and I was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. Week twenty seven and when I woke up, I was alone in bed. Sam had allowed me to sleep in. I was stiff and my feet ached. A fit ex rugby player like me should have been able to walk sixteen miles in two days. I needed to build my stamina again. I was raw between my legs where the gaff had rubbed. It was good for many things but not long distance walking. When I joined the others in the studio we had a group meeting. We needed to replace Danny and take on at least one more to meet our workload. We let our freelancers know that there was a full time slot available and also put the word around the wider community. We immediately had a response from Karen. She was someone that we rated but had lost touch with when she decided to go walk about through Australia and New Zealand. She had been back for a while and was looking to get herself onto the property ladder. Karen's output was good, she fitted well with the team and she was obsessed about producing good quality work. We welcomed her on board straight away. A few others expressed a vague interest but none were pressing. The odd one out though was an expression of interest from a sixty two year old man. He had been the head of IT at a large company and when the company had merged with an even bigger company, he had become redundant. A substantial settlement and an early pension had been given to him and, although he had enjoyed his retirement for five months, he was now bored witless. He did not want to take on a big managerial job again, but he did want to write systems and produce code. We met him later in the week and he was a lovely smiley granddad of a guy. We both took to him. He seemed to exude wisdom and common sense. Martin was welcomed onto the team to start the following week. A couple of our freelancers heard we had taken Martin on and they were delighted as they rated him as an ok guy. We were busy and we were making money. Friday night came and our little team celebrated developing business with a meal out. There were fifteen of us including the freelancers. Wine was taken, jokes were told, much flirting took place and a good time was had by all. There was a competition telling Danny stories. The tales of his exploits with the fairer sex abounded. There were even a couple of blushing tales from recipients of his favours. He was toasted as an absent friend. Friday night I asked Sam to glue me up so that I did not need the gaff. It took a couple of goes and a lot of mess of glue and solvent but we got it right in the end after much giggling and laughter. We made love as women that night. Saturday morning and I was out with my fortnightly group. There were about twenty in the group. The walk was a bit uninspiring and the company bland. We only did six miles and I felt very flat after it. I was home early and Sam instructed me to have a bath and get my glad rags on. She had got us tickets to see the Royal Ballet dance Myerling. We had not been to the ballet in ages. Both of us were dressed to kill as we arrived at covent garden. Our seats were the best, in the stalls, and we saw the most beautiful and sad ballet. We were both weeping by the end. The emotional charge was almost overpowering. I had always loved the ballet, but I had never felt it so deeply before. We were so excited by the experience that we talked for ages about the beauty that we had experienced. Up early again the following morning. I took Sam breakfast in bed and then set out to meet my group. We were out Chalfont way and I had taken the train. I met the others at the rendezvous and was again accosted by Dominic. I recognized most of the faces but there were several new ones. The total number was about the same. I spent time with Liz and John. Dougie walked with me for a while and you could tell what was going through the old rogues mind. Men can be so transparent. My girl friend from the previous week walked with me and again talked about her father. I was interested and concerned for her, but starting to get a little wary. There were three more men that I spent time with, but none of them resonated with me. It was a relief when, in the afternoon, Mike fell into step with me. After all the previous chatter it was nice to walk in companionable silence. We carried on our sporadic conversation for the rest of the afternoon. I was too emotionally drained to do any more prospecting among the males. When I got home Sam again wanted a breakdown of the runners and riders. I do not know why but I hardly mentioned Mike. Sam was excited by the prospect of her first visit to the clinic the following week. We cuddled and after my exercise I was soon fast asleep. Chapter Twenty Four Week twenty eight and we had the first visit to the clinic to look forward to and I had a visit to the doc. We had to use the solvent to release my todger for the visit. The doc gave me a very thorough inspection. "Good news and bad news Jen, which do you want first?" "Try the good news first." "Well you progression through female puberty is quite remarkable for someone your age. I have never come across someone, who is not inter sexed, who has developed so rapidly. You are where I would expect someone to be after fifteen to eighteen months. Your breast development is well through to Tanner stage three and getting into Tanner stage four. Your fat redistribution has progressed rapidly and, most oddly, you seem to have had some development of the pelvis. I may be mistaken, but unless I got my initial measurements wrong, there has been some female development in a slight widening. I know it does not make sense, but that is what appears to have happened." This was hardly good news. I was turning into a woman at a much faster rate than we had anticipated. I might never get back to us being Tom and Sam if we did not find a way out soon. "What is the bad news?" "When we last met, I told you that the rate of atrophy of your testicles was very fast. Well they are effectively dead now. There is a swelling in one and I would like to give you a local anesthetic and draw some blood from the testicle. I am concerned that the dead tissue may have gone sceptic." The doc sprayed my scrotum with something that numbed the surface. He then inserted a needle and drew some liquid from the swollen testicle. I could see that the colour was strange as he drew the plunger back. "I was right. The tissue has become infected. I fear that if your testicles are not removed, they will become very dangerous to your health. Within a very short period gangrene is likely to set in. I strongly advise their urgent removal. They are dead tissue and no use to you. I can do it now if you agree." "Let me just talk to Sam first." He left us to talk and as soon as he left the room Sam said it was a no brainer. It might be difficult to take such a step emotionally but it was a must. The implications of their removal hit deeply. I would be a physical eunuch. I may already be one chemically but there was a finality about their removal. We called him back in and told him to go ahead. Ten minutes later I had been physically neutered. It hurt my mind. I was in a black fug, feeling sorry for myself. Sam tried to comfort me that evening but I was deep in a black place. The following morning I was still depressed and did not get out of bed. Sam was worried and called Rose asking her to come round and talk to me. Rose arrived mid morning and I spilled out my woes to her at length. She was someone who would understand. I whinged on and on about my loss and being a gelding and how life was awful. I sobbed and I sighed. Rose listened to it all. "You selfish, self centered, stupid man. Do you realise what you are doing. You are in danger of losing the one thing you value above all else, Sam. You see everything in terms of what is happening to you. What about what is happening to Sam? She is slowly seeing the love of her life morphing and changing in front of her. She is losing much of the man she loves. You have some control over what is happening to you. She has none. At weekends she has to sit back while you go out looking for a potential mate. If you succeed she is in danger of losing you completely. If you fail she is probably in even greater danger. You can control what you do and the pace you take things at. Sam just has to sit back and watch. I am not surprised that she wanted to get pregnant, it is about the only part of her future that she has real control over. Stop thinking about yourself and think of Sam. Cherish her, reassure her, support her, communicate with her or you are going to drive her away" There was more and by the end of Rose's lecture I felt thoroughly ashamed of myself. After we had a cup of coffee and I had wiped my eyes and made myself presentable. Rose said her farewells and left. I went straight to Sam gave her a huge hug and kiss and told her that I loved her totally and utterly. I apologized for being such a self centred git and for thinking only of myself. I promised that I would think of her in the future. Her only response was, "good, about time." The new members fitted in straight away. Martin had many contacts and tentatively suggested that, if we were interested, then he could get leads for new contracts. Our response was, "Go for it." At the end of the week we visited the clinic for our first attempt at getting Sam pregnant. She was both nervous and excited. I caused some confusion as both the husband and also female companion. Even though I dressed in jeans and tops almost all the time, I was unmistakably female. The whole process was a little bizarre and in the end Sam was left feeling very strange. "If I am now pregnant, it would feel like the immaculate conception. How can I get pregnant without a good bout of rumpy pumpy. It just feels wrong." On Saturday we had a free day and spent it together, in the garden, in the sun. We cuddled and made love and in the evening we both got glammed up and went out for a meal. I had an opportunity to fuss over her and I took it in full. I stayed unglued that night so that we could make the most of each other. I was aware that Sam had got over her original problems, making love, with me looking and feeling like a woman. She now looked at me again as we made love. She also seemed comfortable with me inside her and our breasts rubbing together. We had found a softer, more sensuous way of making love. I had lost the animal thrusting and had become more involved with the nuances of touch and feeling. I was conscious that I was no longer strong enough to hold Sam like a toy and use her and dominate her physically. We missed the way that I had sometimes just taken her and she had submitted to my maleness and passion. It was much more a sharing now. I was happy with what we had, as was Sam, but I knew we both missed what had gone. Even at the height of passion my cock was now, noticeably diminished from when we had married. I had even started taking a Viagra substitute to help my erections. Because the stitches from the orchiectomy had not healed I had to walk with the gaff again. Most of the crowd was there when I arrived at the rendezvous. I looked out for Mike but could not see him. My needy female friend buttonholed me early on and I spent a long half hour listening to all her worries and problems. I walked with some of the single men. There was one who was eager to get to know me better, but he was short fat and had a number of little ticks and habits that you could not ignore. He was a nice guy and fun to talk to but, shallow as I am, I could not see me wooing him. Another guy was pleasant to look at but boring as hell, I found difficulty keeping track of what he was saying. My mind kept wandering. One very nice guy, probably in his early forties could have ticked the boxes but it was too soon since his wife had died. He was nowhere near ready to move on and, maybe never would be. This was the third week and I had not seen anyone to target. We lunched late at a pub and we were ready to move on at half past two. After we had walked on for another mile or so I noticed Mike had joined us. When we drifted together I was happy to end my prospecting and just walk with Mike. We fell into our pattern of silences and occasional comments and questions. It transpired that he had spent the morning with his nine year old son. That was news. I did not know he was married, divorced, widowed or what. He chatted a little about how pleased he was that his son enjoyed rugby. For the rest of the afternoon we talked rugby. I nearly spoiled everything by talking about playing. I quickly realized what I was saying and clarified that it was women's rugby. It turned out that Mike played in the back row for a club that I had played against more than once. I must have tackled him and probably been flattened by him. As a player I had not been conscious of the size difference between me as a scrum half and him as a forward. My natural aggression made me want to take people on. Now Mike felt bigger and stronger than me. My natural feeling, now, was to look to him for protection not to try and hammer him into the ground. That thought made me look at him again. He was probably six foot two and something about fourteen and a half stone. He was solid and athletic and I suppose he could be called good looking if you liked that sort of thing. We chatted on and the time passed very quickly. When we parted I wondered how much I knew about him. He had a son he loved, he knew a lot about wildlife, played rugby, was interested in world affairs, was well read, knew about art and built furniture. Not much to know but a start. I reported back to Sam and made a huge fuss of her over the evening. Chapter Twenty Five Week twenty nine and we met Kevin, the king hacker. I don't know what I had expected but a small, spotty guy who looked anything from fourteen to eighteen. His confident greeting and manner was at total odds to his appearance. He was wearing very expensive trainers and a watch that shouted money. He was blinged up. This was one teenager who had money to burn. He was sharp and worldly and most impressive the moment he opened his mouth. He had started hacking when he was six years old and had become very good at it. His only real problem was when he was fourteen. He had been rummaging around in NATO headquarters files for a couple of days, when he had a visitation from some very serious looking heavies. He was whisked off to London, his parents were told to keep their noses out and he was questioned almost none stop for well over forty hours. The security services took a very dim view of his hobby. He was then asked to demonstrate how he had accessed NATO files. Next he was invited to hack into a couple of other specified organizations. There were then more days of talks and eventually he was made an offer. He was told that he would not be prosecuted if he agreed to undertake specific hacking projects for the government. He also had to give an under taking that he would not use his skills to steal and he was given a list of organizations that were off limits. All that had been four years ago. He had left school at sixteen and made a lot of money advising on system security, on odd research jobs and in government tasks. For a young man, he oozed confidence and know how. When we had explained the reason why we needed his services and what we wanted him to do he said that he would charge his "good guys" rate, ?1000 for the hack. He was interested in our set up and the work that we did. His knowledge was amazing for a nineteen year old. We picked up some good suggestions from him about the hardware that we were using. Kevin left us to get on with the day to day activity of the organization. We were busy. The last twelve months had seen a massive growth in our business. We were building a name for ourselves, nationally, and had even had contact from companies abroad. I was making a point of concentrating on Sam. I had been self centred and too concerned about what was happening to me for too long. Sam seemed to be a bit happier and I could tell that she was tense waiting to see if she was pregnant. Martin had already become the team's father figure. Sam had already taken to having little heart to hearts with him. He was a lovely man. I had got into the habit of soft tops and jeans at work. I wore a bra for comfort all the time and without thinking why, I had got into the habit of wearing a little make up during the day. I could almost convince myself that I was wearing guy's clothes. Sam wore the same at work. The only change was on the hot days when we wore shorts. After work, if the sun was out we would get naked and top up the tan. The only time we got glammed up in skirts or dresses was when we went out. It was a good week. Sam and I got back to an even keel and I started to accept the loss of my balls. At the weekend Sam glued me up and I got ready for my walking groups. On the Saturday it was the fortnightly group. We had a nine mile walk through the Hertfordshire countryside. The walk was muddy and the weather mixed. I was glad that I had not worn shorts when the showers fell. The weather subdued the group and it was a little downbeat. I did meet a few new men. One of the guys that I had met the previous time asked if I would like to spend Sunday with him. He was an unappetising specimen, but time was passing and maybe I should not be so fussy. Another guy was extremely interested in my love life and my background of partners. He suggested that we get together during the week. It was fairly clear what his objective was. There were other approaches but I did not really connect with anyone. Saturday night and Sam and I got dressed up and went out to our favourite fish restaurant. It was just a comfortable together night. It still seemed a bit odd as we got ready for bed and Sam stripped my dress and lacy lingerie off my while I stripped hers. It was an erotic experience that still felt somehow alien. Those moments when we unconsciously did girly things together felt natural until I remembered who I was. My natural, unthinking behaviour was female. We were only seven months down the road. What would I be like after twelve months? Sunday morning and Sam helped me glue up. I met with the walking group in deepest Surrey. Dominic was first to greet me with his fussy ways. I was kind of softening towards him, a little, he was good hearted if inept socially. We fell into our normal pattern for the day. I spent time with the recent widower and the twitchy man button holed me afterwards. I looked around the group for targets and thought that a guy who looked about late thirties and reasonable looking might be an option. When I chatted to him, he was very pleasant and good company. The only draw back was that he was a mature student who had decided to go back to university to see if he could get his masters and then, maybe, try for a doctorate. He was interesting and presentable, but penniless. He would not satisfy the wager. Mike joined me at lunchtime and I kind of gave up my hunt for a target so that I could spend a restful and companionable afternoon with Mike. I had completely ruled him out as a target because I thought he had been cleaned out financially by his wife when she left. I knew he lived in a small house, which I thought was rented, and worked alone in his workshop, renovating old furniture. He was fun and good to know but I did not think he fitted the terms of the wager. I was feeling guilty that I had only five months left and I had not got a target. Mike asked an awkward question before we parted. Did I have a brother that played rugby, because I reminded him, somehow, of a scrum half that he had played against. The player had stuck in his mind because he was so committed and competitive. He said the guy had a broken nose and an ugly mush but something about me reminded him of that scrum half. I assured Mike that I was an only child but that I had rugby playing cousins. When I got home Sam was noticeably irritable, but wanted to know every detail of how I had got on. She was eager to see if I had identified a target. She was concerned about the passing of time. Chapter Twenty Six Week thirty and we had both bad news and good news. The first blow was that Sam was not pregnant. It had been a long shot, but Sam was still weepy when she knew that it had not worked. The second was contact from Justin. He let us know that he had been having us monitored by people that he employed. He was delighted to see that I had progressed so far to becoming a girly girl. He was sure that Sam must be starting to become disgusted with the person that I was becoming. He was also delighted that I seemed to have made no progress getting myself a man. He was looking forward to winning the bet. He finished by saying that he was pleased that I was already doing all my own feminizing, because I would be able to fit in at the Thai brothel so much faster. The good news was that Kevin had found some information for us. It would appear that Mr King-Smyth had an interesting pattern of deposits in the account that was not a joint one. It would appear that there were frequent large transfers into that account from an offshore bank. The totals ran into tens of thousands of pounds over the last two years. If we wanted, he was happy to trace the account and find out whose it was and where the money came from. We thanked him and urged him on. Maybe we had some small flickering light at the end of the tunnel. Late in the week I had a phone call from Mike. His son was singing a solo in the school concert and would I like to come along. If I was happy, we could go for a pizza afterwards. I was very unsure of what to do. I had related very easily with Mike but more as a mate in a bloke and bloke sort of way. I had not attempted to be at all girly with him. It was clear from the invitation that Mike might be seeing me as more than a walking mate. Now I was met with the thought of a man being interested in me and the possibility that I might take him up on it, it brought a whole lot of stuff into focus. I had been plowing on with the abstract concept that at some point I would have to pretend to be a woman and woo some faceless man. It was theoretical and in the future. I had no difficulty with the abstract. Now there was a guy that I liked who wanted to spend time with me, but not with Tom, he wanted to spend it with Jen. He also wanted to introduce me to the most important person in his life. This was suddenly very real. I was Torn. I talked it through with Sam. Now that I was faced with the prospect of being a woman for a man I liked, I was not sure that I could do it. Sam calmed me down and said to just treat it like going out with a mate, don't think of it as a date. She reminded me that I had coped with girl's night out and I had snogged and played with a man's willy. I reminded her that I had been drunk and it had all just been a game. None of us had taken it seriously, it wasn't real. In the end Sam persuaded me to go. I was then in confusion as to how to dress and present myself for the evening. In the end I decided to wear a soft blouse over a knee length skirt. I was going for sedate rather than sexy. One and a half inch heels, restrained make up and not too much jewelry. I would look smart but not as if I was on the prowl. I was nervous before the evening came. I was early at the school and stood like a lemon clutching my handbag outside the school. I had been waiting for about fifteen minutes when I saw Mike with a young boy of about nine or ten. There was no mistaking who were father and son. There was a very strong likeness between them. Mike's face lit up when he saw me. He came over and introduced a very shy Liam to me. Liam blushed and hung his head but shook my hand in a very serious way and said that he was pleased to meet me because his dad had told him lots about me. The concert was so sweet and young Liam sang like an angel. It must be the hormones, but I had tears running down my face when Liam sang. After the concert Liam, was much less shy. He was dismissive about his efforts as a singer but was delighted to tell me, at length, about his triumphs playing for the local under ten side at rugby. His father looked on with pride as he recounted some of the tries that he had scored. He asked if I would come and watch him in September when the season started again. After the meal Mike thanked me for coming and took Liam home. Liam shared between staying with Mike and staying with his mum and her new partner. It was a lovely evening. Mike was a good mate and young Liam was a really nice young man. Sam quizzed me when I got home. She wanted to know whether Mike was a qualifying male as far as the wager went. Even after spending time with him on four occasions I had no idea. I assumed that he would be broke because of the divorce. Come the weekend it was the monthly walking group on the Saturday. They were a nice crowd and it was a lovely walk but no targets identified. We were getting worried. Time was starting to run out. Sam suggested that I spend Sunday walking with Mike and find out more about him than his rugby playing career. I was a bit reluctant because it seemed like spying on a mate. When we met up on the Sunday Mike was eager to give me feedback about Liam's comments. Apparently Liam had been concerned that since the divorce, over four years ago Mike had spent most of his time on his own. The only social contact he had was the walking group. Apparently Liam was delighted that his dad had brought someone to the concert. Liam approved of me, especially my knowledge of rugby. I spent the day walking with Mike and started to find out much more about him. I was the first woman that he had met in the group, with whom he felt at ease. He had always been shy around women and had found it difficult making conversation. He knew he was not naturally talkative and women found his reticence off putting. Over the course of the day, I discovered that he had a degree in psychology but that he had never pursued it. Ever since he was a boy he had loved working with wood. Whilst he was at school and later at university he had started going to auctions and buying antique furniture that was somewhat distressed and renovating it. Once he had worked his magic, he put the furniture back into auction. He had managed to get through university with only a small student loan. Since leaving university he had carried on with his renovations. His reputation had grown amongst the dealers and he did a lot of renovations for them. He had a workshop at his home in Richmond. I was intrigued with his knowledge of antiques, it was a subject about which I knew little. When I asked him what he was working on now, it was a set of Georgean dining chairs. He was going to put them into auction the following week and he invited me to come along and watch. I had never been to an auction so I was intrigued to go and see. The day sped by and I had not noticed the nine miles that we had walked. Mike told me where to meet him, the following Wednesday at the auction room. When I got home I told Sam all that I had found out about Mike. It was her opinion that Mike was the nearest thing to a prospect that I had found, so I ought to at least give him a whirl. I was not so sure that I could con someone I had become friends with. Chapter Twenty Seven Week thirty one, only twenty one short weeks were left after this one. Time had moved so quickly. Kevin arrived at the studio with news about his latest hacking. He had found the account that had been transferring money into Mr King-Smyth's account. It was held by King-Smyth himself. There had been three large payments into the account from the same account in the last twelve months. There were two payments of ?15,000 about nine months ago and a further one of ?20,000 just over six months ago. If he looked further back there were other large sums from different accounts. Kevin suggested that the payments might have been bribes to secure the contract for Justin. He was going to trace the account and see if he could get any linkage to Justin. He would go as fast as he could but he was entering territory where he needed to be careful. Some of these offshore banks were very careful about their security. I fussed over Sam as much as she would let me during the week. She did not want me to glue myself up because in her own words she needed my cock. I found that with the use of half a tablet of Viagra I could keep her happy and smiling. On Wednesday I took the morning off to meet Mike at the auction room. He was standing waiting for me with a big shy smile on his face. I do not know why I did it but when I saw his smile I walked up to him, kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug. He went red but his smile was wider. The auction was much more up market than I had expected. Mike bid for a couple of lots, a walnut topped table and a little display cabinet. Both were in what the auctioneer described as a distressed state. Even then, the cost came to well over two hundred pounds. I was left speechless when the chairs that Mike had renovated went for well over a thousand pounds. Mike seemed pleased, no wonder. I lost him for a while as he got button holed by various dealers. I was very content to look round the lots and saw a lovely enamel broach in the shape and colour of a small blue butterfly. I could not resist buying it for Sam. Mike thought I was buying it for myself but I told him it was for a close and special friend. We went for a late lunch at a pub and I returned home. Sam was over the moon about her broach and was intrigued by the auction. I had seen that you could buy furniture and jewelry at the auction at a fraction of the price that you paid at retail and the antiques were so much more beautiful than the modern stuff. Work was going well and Martin's contacts were paying off. We had two bids in for new contracts. It was now high summer and all the members of the team had taken holidays. All we had taken was our week at the naturist camp. We promised ourselves a few days away the following week. We decided on Cornwall. The weekend was here again and I was out walking again on the Saturday. It was becoming a bit of a chore and I had not made any worthwhile connections. Saturday night Sam and I went to the theatre. It was good to spend the time talking about the play and just enjoying each other's company. Viagra and bed and we enjoyed each other's company some more. Sunday and I met up with the walking group in Richmond we were walking along the river through Ham then up around Richmond Park. Mike and I walked together and the day was easy relaxed and most enjoyable. Mike and I walked in silence for long periods and chatted freely as well. I can't actually remember taking Mike's hand, but during the afternoon we seemed to end up walking hand in hand. It was an odd thing for me to be walking hand in hand with a man but somehow it was companionable. At the end of the walk Mike said that we were very close to his house and would I like to see his workshop. I jumped at the chance. When we reached his house it was a delightful little detached Victorian cottage. It was small but very pretty. The drive went round the side and into the back garden. Inside, the cottage was small, but filled with beautiful antiques. When we went through his compact kitchen into the back garden and I was surprised by its size. Mike's workshop was about twenty five feet by about thirty. It was fully equipped and filled with projects that he was working on. When I asked him how much of the stuff was his and how much furniture he was working on for others and he said about 50/50. I was quickly revising my assessment of his net worth financially. Time passed faster than I had allowed and I was late getting back to Sam for my dinner. She was grumpy that I had not phoned. We had packed for an early start to Cornwall in the morning. Week thirty two and the journey down was easy. We arrived near Zennor by lunchtime and enjoyed a meal at the Tinners Arms. The next three days were spent visiting galleries, walking the coastal footpaths, wining, dining and making love. With the help of my little blue friends, my status as a gelding did not prevent me from giving and receiving the pleasures of love. I may have been quite diminished, but enthusiasm, largely made up for my reduced physical presence. We had to get back home so that Sam and I could visit the clinic again on Friday. The visit went smoothly and Sam seemed happy. On Friday night Mike phoned. He would not be going with the walk because Liam was with him for the weekend, but would I like to spend the day with them as they went to the zoo. I was going to decline so that Mike could have Liam to himself. Mike was insistent and the clincher was when he said that Liam had asked him to ask me. Sam and I had Saturday to ourselves. We did the shopping and then lazed in the garden sunbathing. It was a lovely relaxed day and a lovely cuddly night. On Sunday I met with Mike and Liam. Both seemed delighted to see me which was nice. Liam was a little star he kept me entertained and his father and me laughing. Gone was the shy little boy. He was delighted when his dad took my hand as we walked. The day was simple and fun. In the late afternoon when we were saying our goodbyes Liam asked in a disappointed voice when I was going to give his father a kiss. When Liam spoke the look on his father's face was priceless. First there was a look of surprise and then a big grin. It must have been the moment, because I went up to Mike and pulled his face down to mine and gave him a big sloppy kiss full on the lips. Before I knew it his arms were around me and he had me lifted on my tip toes as he hugged me to him and he gave me the most heartfelt kiss. I could not help but respond. He felt strong and smelt good. His cheeks had a very slight stubble and his breath tasted sweet. We broke off and looked each other in the eye for a second or two as if we were searching each other for what this meant. Then we just kissed again. We soon became aware of Liam cheering. "Daddy's got a girlfriend, daddy's got a girlfriend." We were both crimson with embarrassment at first but both laughed at our confusing together before we parted. I was pleased to have time to evaluate my response before I got home. I had felt good kissing Mike. The first kiss was for fun. I'm not sure how I would describe the other two. There was a need in both. I could feel Mike's need and I felt myself responding. What had I been feeling? I had not thought of myself as a man pretending to be a woman. I had not been thinking about Mike as a man. I had just connected at a very basic level with another human being and I had enjoyed that contact. I had not responded in such a gut butterfly way with anyone other than Sam. I could feel the ground shifting dangerously under my feet. When I got home I told Sam all about my day and especially the kissing. I told her how uncomfortable it had made me. She said that at least I had hooked a prospect. She was very thoughtful as was I and we did not bother to unglue me that night. We cuddled before we fell asleep.

Same as Thw Wager part 8 Videos

4 years ago
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College Wager

The five girls sat there in the café around the corner from campus discussing, or arguing in the case of Elissa & Louisa, about the exam they had taken only an hour ago. As usual Elissa & Louisa had found the exam easy; both girls normally got high marks with only a few percent separating their scores. The two girls were part of the lucky few: good looking, great figures and hardly studied and still got top marks. Their competitive rivalry had slowly built up over the last 6 months, ever since...

4 years ago
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The Wager

1: The Game BeginsHow could this fucking happen? We have only been married eighteen goddamn months. I first met Jill at a church social in her hometown. Jill was a beautiful young lady with a religious upbringing. Her parents required her to attend church every Sunday. We dated for about a year. A year I refer to as the 'Blue-Balls' year. We were married in the spring of '98 and all was right in the world. Money was our only problem. I was barely making enough money to cover the necessities and...

4 years ago
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The Game Begins How could this fucking happen? We have only been married eighteen goddamn months. I first met Jill at a church social in her hometown. Jill was a beautiful young lady with a religious upbringing. Her parents required her to attend church every Sunday. We dated for about a year. A year I refer to as the 'Blue-Balls' year. We were married in the spring of '98 and all was right in the world. Money was our only problem. I was barely making enough money to cover the necessities...

2 years ago
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The Wager part 2

Chapter 4 We had five days left when Justin dropped the next bombshell. He outlined his plans for the next five years. I was to go straight to Thailand where my new home would be situated. I would work and live there. I would be located in the brothel of a notorious local madam. Justin was the joint owner of the brothel and ladyboy bar. I would be on very low income and would have no access to funds. My work would be whatever the madam wanted me to do and that was unlikely to be...

2 years ago
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The Dragon and the Wager

The Dragon and the Wager By Morpheus With a deafening roar, the enormous reptilian creature easily soared through the air, his body held aloft by a pair of powerful leather wings. Nearly every inch of the creature was covered with thick, virtually impervious scales and from the end of his long tail to the tip of his snout, he was a creature to be feared. If his sheer size alone weren't enough, a single glance at his long claws or vicious saber like teeth were enough to terrify any...

4 years ago
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Aesops Wager

Two gods were sat in a New York park one day. Being deities from two different faiths, they were arguing as usual about who was the most powerful. Such arguments were common between gods as each wanted to prove they were better than the other (the past thousand years has seen a fast increase in such arguments as one by one, each god was slowly being forgotten about by the humans they watched over). The two gods in question this day were Loki and Asiaq. Since the fall of the Nordic and Asiaq...

4 years ago
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Aesops Wager

Two gods were sat in a New York park one day. Being deities from two different faiths, they were arguing as usual about who was the most powerful. Such arguments were common between gods as each wanted to prove they were better than the other (the past thousand years has seen a fast increase in such arguments as one by one, each god was slowly being forgotten about by the humans they watched over). The two gods in question this day were Loki and Asiaq. Since the fall of the Nordic and Asiaq...

3 years ago
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Catwoman and BatmanThe Wager

This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...

4 years ago
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A Wager

A Wager by Stats I was standing in front of the urinal of the washroom where I work, daydreaming. I was totally absorbed by the experience I had the day before where I wore a complete set of women's underclothes under my business suit. No one suspected a thing. Thought that the next time I did this I would wear some padding in my bra. Perhaps try to pull it off with no socks, the pants were long enough to cover my ankles if I was careful. Even my secretary-with her eye for...

3 years ago
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The Wager part 10

Chapter Thirty Two Week thirty nine and only three months left. We were frantically busy with work. Martin's contacts had proved a rich seam of opportunities. We were being stretched to our limits with work. Sam and Megan were out visiting clients and researching system requirements, most of the time. Tim, Martin and several of the freelancers worked on keeping existing clients happy whilst Megan and I led a team of freelancers writing new systems. Our business had grown massively in...

4 years ago
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The Wager

Author's Note Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I last wrote and submitted a story. I want to thank all my fans out there for having enjoyed read many of my stories. It is because of my fans that I am writing once more, or else there would be no other reason for me to write. Now as for why I am having this author's note is because I want to address certain topics, to you who would be reading this. One topic is about the theme of my story. The other, is about my stories in...

4 years ago
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The Wager part 5

Chapter 13 Week ten and more good news, we had been successful in both of the other contract bids. We would now have to advertise for another member of staff. I had my second visit to the psychiatrist that week. I was worried how to approach it. Sam suggested that it was time that I went the whole hog and dressed completely as a woman. It was becoming increasingly difficult to look anything convincingly male. My outward appearance was quite female but I still had a lot of old macho Tom...

4 years ago
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The Wager part4

Chapter 10 That weekend we worked on ideas of how to get inside knowledge of Justin's operation. Jackie had decided that she wanted to be part of the "get Justin" team. The first target was to trawl through all the public information that we could get and then back that up by hacking into his systems. The biggest problem that we had, was a lack of hacking knowledge. Jackie gave us a solution when she told us about her partner Tim. He was a compulsive hacker and he was very good at...

4 years ago
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A Little Wager

This is a serial story that I wrote over a period of several months A Little Wager By Morpheus Part 1 In a room that was not a room, in a place that was not a place, something other than the known laws of physics held sway. The dimensions of the room were in constant flux as it seemed to grow and shrink from moment to moment while gravity itself seemed to be merely optional. A blue monkey sat on what some might call the ceiling, casually playing a game of jacks while a...

3 years ago
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Thw weekend she became a slut

This is a fantasy story, names are made up.let me know what you think.many thanks.As i stood there looking at my fiancée covered in load after load of cum I could not help but let my mind wonder back to the start of the most amazing weekend of my life so far. Let me tell you all about it. It was friday afternoon, 3pm and Tina had just finished work. It had been a long week and she was looking forward to having the weekend off. As she made her way home her mind wondered through the week that had...

4 years ago
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The Wager

Bill’s sexy dream was getting really wonderful when the damn alarm blared. He threw his right hand at the snooze button, desperately trying to keep dreaming. It was not fair to be jarred out of his dream just as Catherine Zeta-Jones was fondling his cock. Bill lost the battle to stay asleep and opened his eyes slowly. Through the haze of sleepy eyes, he saw a shadowy figure bending over him and the bed. Gentle fingers still fondled his scrotum and cock. He thought he heard whispering; the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Marital PickUp Wager

One night several years ago I tried to get really romantic with Babs and knelt down at her feet as she sat on the sofa. I looked up at her and asked her what was the last time a man knelt at her feet to worship her beauty. I expected her to just melt into my arms but she smiled and said that it was the last time she tried to pick up a guy in a bar. I knew that wasn’t true, but it started a round of playful banter that led to some teasing and verbal jousting. Before we knew it we were talking...

2 years ago
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The Wager

It was so cold outside, just opening the door to the bar I felt a whoosh of warm air, noise, and the smells of beer and popcorn pour out over my body. Sighing with pleasure I walked into the bar, letting the warmth surround me, glancing around, looking for Noelle. Spotting her at the far end, I peeled off my heavy coat and all of my outdoor accessories on my way, revealing ass hugging jeans and a sparkly sequined top. It’s only Christmas once a year, I thought to myself, I may as well dress up...

2 years ago
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The Wager

She really should have known better. Rochelle had decided this year to watch the Super Bowl with her boyfriend, James. She didn't know much about football, but she knew he was a big fan so she thought she would sit with him and see if she could grasp the fundamentals at least. James normally went down to his favorite sports bar to hang with his friends during his team's football games, but because Rochelle wanted to watch it with him and learn, he chose to stay home with her and watch it so he...

2 years ago
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Wager Between Us Girls

"It's a simple wager, the first one of us who screws him wins!" Kathy said.Kathy is my next-door neighbor and very best friend. She was talking about the new guy working at the Sunoco gas station down at the corner. He was in his early twenties and a hunk."Roy would kill me if he found out." I argued."He's not going to find out!" Kathy smiled. Kathy was always coming up with some crazy scheme to get me to cheat on my husband. Because she couldn't keep her pants on she wanted me to join in on...

4 years ago
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The Wager part 7

Chapter Twenty Week twenty one and I was still trying to get clear from Sam what a real girl's night out was. She told me that the whole idea was to get dressed up in the sexiest outfits possible, then have enough drink to lose some inhibitions. You then went dancing and the idea was to do as many naughty things as you wanted to without grabbing a man and getting laid. That is unless you met the right hunk and wanted to get laid. I was definitely not sure whether I should be part of...

2 years ago
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The Wager

It was so cold outside, just opening the door to the bar I felt a whoosh of warm air, noise, and the smells of beer and popcorn pour out over my body. Sighing with pleasure I walked into the bar, letting the warmth surround me, glancing around, looking for Noelle. Spotting her at the far end, I peeled off my heavy coat and all of my outdoor accessories on my way, revealing ass hugging jeans and a sparkly sequined top. It’s only Christmas once a year, I thought to myself, I may as well dress...

3 years ago
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World Cup Wager

It was the summer of 2022AD, the time period of the World Cup. The World Cup was the world's second largest sporting event, only after the Olympics. If it had not been for World War III, the game would still have been held in Doha, Qatar. FIFA (organization behind the sports event) had it held in Oslo, Norway instead. As for how the Third World War began was quite simple. An energy-independent America was on the verge of overtaking Saudi Arabia as the world's leading producer of oil. With...

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Alices Wager

My wife Jen and I have been married for 5 years. Jen is a very beautiful 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds. She has auburn hair and blue eyes and the greatest tits and ass I could ever ask for. My story starts 5 months ago when we moved into our new house. On moving day we met our new neighbors John and Alice. Alice is a sexy Blond and John is tall and athletic and has dark brown hair. John and Alice came over as soon as we arrived at the house to see if they could help us in any way....

4 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 8 A High Stakes Wager

The following Monday morning Cecilia breathed a huge sigh of relief, when she woke up and realized her period had started. Her menstruation normally was a source of irritation that intruded on her routine once a month, but for once she was very happy to see the familiar spot of blood. She changed her panties and stuffed a pad in the crotch of the clean pair, relieved that her moment of carelessness with Jason the previous Friday night would not disrupt her life. She spent a normal Monday...

4 years ago
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The Wager A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Are you proposing a wager?" Professor Harrison Hunt smiled mischievously at his colleague. The tall, sinewy academic leaned against the bookcase in his old fashioned study. "I would be happy to take your money, Harry," responded Professor Michael Danes. "It is a bold claim for somebody with my knowledge in the field." It was. Mike had been professor of endocrinology at Lakes University Medical School for 4 years now, and had seen...

4 years ago
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The WagerChapter 3

Scarlet leaned toward Ren and whispered, "I like the stadium seating here." "Yes," he replied, "this is a nice theatre." "It's better than using the lecture hall." Ren slipped his arm under hers and they laced fingers. Scarlet put her free hand on his forearm. "Sure you don't want popcorn?" he whispered. "No -- I'm good." Ren let go of her hand and rested his forearm on her thigh, his hand on her knee. With his fingertips he explored the shape of her kneecap and he felt...

3 years ago
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A Silly Little Wager

It all started with a silly little wager between you and your best friend Mathew. It had been a boring summer thus far. You both had lived the university life hard as freshmen and had hit up every party together, but now the semester was done and you find yourselves once again in his basement drinking beer and playing videogames. His parents were gone to conventions for a week. They owned a chain of appliance stores and always vanished around this time of year. Likewise, his slightly older...

2 years ago
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Lost Wager Pegged

My wife, Eva, and I like to play dom/sub games from time to time to liven up our sex life. We were going to watch a college football game, pulling for opposing teams. I suggested a wager to make it more interesting. "Okay," she said, "Loser is the winner's slave for the night.""You're on," I said. My team broke out to a big lead in the first half. I began talking about the things I was going to make her do after the game, really rubbing it in. But her team tied it in the fourth quarter and won...

3 years ago
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The Wager Turned Another Out Gay

John barely heard the notification on his phone above the music and the noisy crowd in the bar. He flipped the phone over and cursed as he read the message.Hi John, something's come up, sorry gotta cancel tonight.Great, John thought. He was used to Steve being late, so he'd grabbed a booth and made himself comfortable with a beer... followed by another beer. Now Steve wasn't going to show up at all. He'd walked down to the bar in the rain for nothing.Well, he couldn't do anything about it. He...

3 years ago
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The Wager

A few years back on vacation in Miami, I had a good time on south beach. A GOOD time. So, I get a hotel room right on the strip, expensive yes but in hindsight sooooooo worth it. After checking in and hangin out by the pool and flirting all day with some sexy ass women, I decide to check out the night life once night fell. I hop in the shower real fast and then I'm out on the strip, basically bar hopping. Bar here, bar there, drink here, shot there. So safe to say I was "buzzed". I walk into...

2 years ago
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The Wager

We are sitting on the couch watching the hockey game. My blue and gold men against your blue and white boys; we’d been teasing each other good naturedly about how only one team was superior and that one of us was gonna end up in tears at the end of the game. “Lets make it interesting,” you say, “let’s put a little wager on the game.” “What kind of wager?” I say nervously. “Winner gets to do whatever he/she wants to the looser.” I smile and look at the TV, my team is up by two goals, and I’m...

3 years ago
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The Scrabble Wager

SCRABBLE WAGER .....(1 of 6) Things have gotten a little out of hand. I suppose my mistake was agreeing to the wager in the first place. On the other hand, if I had won.... Oh, well, my turn will come. It all started with a playful game of scrabble. My wife Linda and I (my name's Peter) have been happily married for 8 years, and are in our mid 30's. We live what most would call a middle class life (I hate the word yuppie; sounds too much like guppy), although both of us went through a wild time...

2 years ago
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The Wager part 6

Chapter Seventeen Week fifteen. After I had motored home and caught up with my sleep, Sam and I got in touch with her dad's retired police friend. We explained what I had seen and how we got the information. We knew that we were breaking the law with the hacking and could not go to the police and tell them what we knew. What we could give him though, was the date of the next delivery and a description of the methodology. Our friend sat thoughtful for a while and suggested that he go...

5 years ago
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The Wager

THE WAGER By Sailor861 With Super Bowl XXXVIIII fast approaching, Sunday,Feb. 2, 2004, office talk and lotteries ramped to full speed in dawn bright'sstore in downtown Philadelphia. But "db," as she was known far andwide, couldn't care less. She was not at all interested in pro sports and the prospect of watching24 big, heavily-padded men chase up and down a big, long field, throwing eachother to the ground and running for an ovoid pigskin ball, was silly, funnyand overblown to her...

3 years ago
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Prison Wager

"Convict!" the guard yelled into Tom's cell. Tom looked up from his bunk at the large prison guard looking down at him through the bars of his jail cell. Tom Waters is in prison for embezzlement. He answered with respect. "Yes, Mr. Roberts." "I see your wife was here for a visit." Tom nodded his head. "Yes, Mary was here." The large guard replied. "I know because we like seeing her cute little ass as she strolled out to that shit box of a car that she now drives. That's a shame....

2 years ago
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WagerChapter 2

After dinner, I walked up behind my mother and put my hands on her waist. "Abraham, I asked you not to do that when I'm washing dishes." I got up close and gave her a kiss on the neck. "Stop it Abe. The kids might see us." "Cassie, I love you!" She dropped a plate in the sink. Fortunately, it didn't break. "Martin, what are you doing?" "Having a little time with my sensual mother. Did I ever tell you how much you turn me on?" "Get out of the kitchen young man ... before I...

3 years ago
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Honour wagered and lost

Sarah’s honour wagered and lost.Sunlight filtered through the green canopy of overhanging branches dappled the coach and four as it swept down the long straight drive from the gatehouse to the arched porte cochere on the east frontage of our house.I stood there with my parents waiting to greet our arriving guests and my heart sank as I watched Lord Marchington's matched team of greys swing up the ramp to halt more or less opposite the doorway.Father sighed, mother kicked his ankle and put on...

4 years ago
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A Winning Wager

I had only been working for my company for a little more than a year on that fateful day in 2016. I had been out of work for roughly a year before then, so it was important that I earned favorable reviews during my first year-end review. As such, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to butter up the team that reported to me by allowing them to leave early on our final day before Christmas break. Truth be told, I needed the early break myself.I pulled into our driveway a few hours earlier than usual and...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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A Fair Wager Part 2

A Fair Wager: Part 2 Two shadows embraced in the dark. The air around them was warm and musky, and whatever pitch-black surface the shadows laid on was velvety soft. Too much so, almost inviting one to rest upon it, to envelope them in it comfort. The dark obscured the shadowed figures features, though one seemed taller, more masculine. Whist the other was tiny, frail, fair, and wrapped around its counterpart. Only intangible whispers could be heard, losing clarity as they echoed out...

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The Wager Part 4

The early morning sun poured in through a small gap in the curtains. Mandy blinked as her eyes grew accustomed to the bright light. For a moment she was disorientated, unsure of her surroundings. As she woke, she realised John was lying close to her, she felt the heat radiate from his body and luxuriated in it. She lay watching him as his big chest rose and fell with every breath. Mandy leant over and kissed him softly on the cheek. The events of the previous evening came vividly into her...

3 years ago
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The Wager part 3

The Wager: Part 3 John and Mandy kissed passionately as they lay on the bed. He caressed her curvaceous body in an intimate and sensual, but not overtly sexual way. He admired her pretty face and large breasts, with their huge dark nipples. Her waist was not slim, but that was OK in John’s eyes. He didn’t really like skinny girls. Her delightful derrière was large, well rounded and beautiful. She had long well-toned legs and shapely feet. John could vouch for her muscle tone, going by the vice...

4 years ago
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But Im Not Gay Wife Wager

I stared blankly at the television. It was a chip shot. A gimme. My favorite football team had just missed a 22 yard field goal that would of won the game. Hell my 14 year old neighbor could of made that kick. What rubbed salt into the mental wound was my girlfriend, who was dancing around the living room with glee. We had made a little wager on the game and she had won. Why did she pick the winning team? Not because of any in-depth analysis. She picked the winning team because she liked the...

2 years ago
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Black Wager

"Really! So you're telling me that any woman can be seduced regardless of her morals or situation?" I was amused by Reggie and thought that maybe the beer and size of his penis had given him an extremely inflated sense of his prowess with the women."Well stereotyping can be such a bad habit but, yea, I'm 99% right on that one." Reggie smiled at me rather pleased with himself."So you could walk right over to Lis and pick her up just like that?" I had the two of us laughing now."No no way man! It...

4 years ago
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Make a Little Wager I win you let me Seduce your

Recently my wife Tracey ran into an old college friend of mine, actually a girl, and the two of them hit it off. While that in itself might not seem bad, I've tried to distance myself from college and some of the friends who knew my girlfriend and I at the time.Lynn and I started dating in the last semester at N.C. State and after graduation we both stayed in Raleigh. I was from there anyway and Lynn was from Charleston. I was not Lynn's first lover nor was she mine, but neither of us was...

5 years ago
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The Wager Part 3

Chapter 7 Week two was underway, more hair treatment and no shaving. Sam suggested that I should think about getting a gaff and get used to tucking. We contacted Jackie and she agreed to start with us in three weeks time. Because of the crash diet, I was now permanently hungry. I was just about 5ft 8inches wringing wet and weighed a bit over twelve stone. There were no love handles but there was a bit of surface flab. My target was to get down below eleven stone, hopefully ten and a...

5 years ago
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The Wager part 12 the finale

Chapter Forty One Week forty nine and Sam briefed our lawyer before the disciplinary hearing as to what we were aiming to do. Our lawyer was delighted. She thought it was a brilliant solution for one of us to escape, she then went through what we had to do in the hearing to make sure it was legally watertight. The hearing was fun. We filmed and recorded the whole thing. It was one hell of a job keeping a straight face. In the end I dismissed Sam and informed her of her right to appeal...

4 years ago
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A Decadent Wager

A Bargain made in HellIt seemed that from the very start of school Amy had been locked in competition with Emily in one category or another.  Emily had always seemed to come out on top somehow, adding to Amy’s frustration.  Both girls were 17 and in their junior year at the all-girls school in town. Emily came from wealth and privilege and flaunted it to her advantage.   She was the self-proclaimed leader of a group of mean girls that the Greek club at school had dubbed, ?The Sisters of...

4 years ago
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A Fair Wager

Fair Wager "Don't laugh too hard, okay Rich? Does this... um... fit your criteria for 'dolled up?'" I was feeling kind of desperate for his attention at that moment, standing at the top of the staircase leading from where my big sis's room door was open. I mean, I was humiliated myself in front of him by wearing her clothes. The least Richie could do was look at me and laugh in my face about it. Gloat over how he won another stupid bet between us. Or tell me to knock it off and we...

4 years ago
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Gafenbergs Wager

© 2003 "That's bullshit," Renata said with a toss of her dark, curly hair. "The Grafenberg Spot doesn't even exist. And I think wet orgasms are a figment of perverted men's overactive imagination." She looked at me, her sexy dark eyes flashing. "I dare you to show me different." "OOH!," Chrissy said with an excited smile. "A dare!" I looked at the two women and smiled. Rena was the hottest cashier at the clothing store I worked in. She was twenty six and very darkly...

3 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Wagers of Death

Spending time in The Hole is not something I would recommend. Judging by the dimensions the structure had been built to house Indians. A European could not stand fully upright without his head being forced into the bars of the cover, and had to sit, squat, or kneel, on the bare earth when not standing stooped. From ground level, I had a worm’s eye view of the world, and that was only a yard or two circumference around my ‘quarters’. The sun broiled down, and it was just as well I was naked...

2 years ago
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The Wagerpart 2

“Och” exclaimed Mandy in her Scottish brogue. “So I lost the bet and my forfeit is that you get to choose what we do for the rest of the night, but what exactly do you have in mind?” ‘Well, first I think you need to undress me,” said John. “All right, whatever you say!” replied Mandy and proceeded to unzip John’s jeans, struggling to move the zip down over his erect cock. John sat up a little to make it easier for her, and the bulge in his boxer shorts popped out of his fly. Mandy grabbed...

2 years ago
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The Wager Part 1

Thanks to ‘Mandy’ (you know who you are) for her valued opinion and input. John relaxed in a corner seat of the hotel foyer, enjoying the busy hum of the place and watching the constant stream of people passing through. He’d been at the hotel for an hour or so, had checked in, gone up to the room, shaved, showered and changed into a crisp white shirt, jeans and Timberland shoes before coming back down to wait for Mandy.  It was almost five weeks since their last date. They tried to meet up once...

4 years ago
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The Wager

She really should have known better. Rochelle had decided this year to watch the Super Bowl with her boyfriend, James. She didn’t know much about football, but she knew he was a big fan so she thought she would sit with him and see if she could grasp the fundamentals at least. James normally went down to his favorite sports bar to hang with his friends during his team’s football games, but because Rochelle wanted to watch it with him and learn, he chose to stay home with her and watch it so he...

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The Wager part 9

Chapter Twenty Nine Week thirty four and we had still heard nothing from our policeman friend. We talked to him on Monday and he said that he would talk to his old colleagues to see what progress had occurred. On Thursday we had a call. He had spoken to the chief inspector friend that he had passed the information to. He in turn had taken it to his boss who had got excited by the prospects of a prosecution. His boss had been in discussions further up the line and everything had gone...

2 years ago
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Shannons Wager

I had the benefit of several editors, most of whom prefer to remain anonymous.However, I updated this story based on feedback from two writers on this site:Zeferage and Iphigenia-at-Aulis. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyedwriting it.

2 years ago
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The Wager

"I am positive I could get her in the sack. I think you’re just afraid to make this bet." That was Justin, my Best friend talking. We’re both in our early twenties now and for nearly ten years we’ve known each other our relationship has been intensely competitive. When we were boys we constantly competed against each other in everything from school work to sports, even in college we would try to compete who could get laid more. Every Friday after work, Justin and I would meet at a nearby bar....

3 years ago
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Loris Risky Wager

This is a story about a friendly poker game that got friendlier. Every first Tuesday night of the month a group of five guys gathered to eat, drink and play cards. Joe's Sports Bar was the site for the festivities. Joe, a member of the group, set up the card game in the back room. There was plenty of privacy and an endless supply of food and booze. The Monday night gatherings were intended to be stag. Lori was about to change that, much to the dismay of her fiancee Sam. Sam is 24 years old...

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