BetrothedChapter 5 free porn video

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Allison stood on the prow of the boat, letting the wind stroke her hair. She was going home. With Nick. She couldn't quite believe that it was really happening. Then all of a sudden, strong arms encircled her waist from behind, and she knew that this was real.

"Look Nicky, I can see land," she said pointing it out to him.

Nick chuckled, there was no way you could miss it. "Oh yeah, there it is."

She turned around in the circle of his arms, and wrapped hers around his neck. She pressed her face into his shoulder, and breathed in the manly smell of him.

"Can you believe it? We're finally together again," she said, pulling back and looking in his eyes.

"I knew we would be, we are meant to be together. Nothing can keep us apart."

"I didn't know. I thought you were lost to me forever."

Nick couldn't stand the hurt that suddenly came into her eyes. She always got that look on her face when talking about the years when she thought he was dead. He groaned and bent down to kiss her. It seemed to be the only thing that soothed her hurt, the only thing that could convince her it was all real, the only thing that made her believe they wouldn't be separated again.

Allison stood on tiptoe so she had better access to his mouth. She deepened the kiss, ravishing his mouth with hers until she heard catcalls behind them. She pulled away, and didn't have to look to know the men were staring at the scene they were making.

"Hot damn," one of them said, "You got a real affectionate girl there, captain. Better be careful to keep her or I might just try my hand at it."

"Not a chance, Hubert," Allison said good-naturedly. Despite the fact the men were crass and fought constantly and stole anything that took their fancy, they all had good hearts. Allison could see that in them, and had formed a sort of bond with the rag-tag bunch.

She turned back around to face the ocean, and the faint line of land in the distance. Nick kept his arms circled around her, and she set her hands on top of his, which were resting on her stomach. He leaned his chin down on the top of her head.

Allison remembered another time they when they were in the exact same position. She had been twelve and he sixteen. It had been only a couple of weeks before he had died, or so she had thought.

She had been over at his house, and they were out in the garden, eating blackberries off the bush, when all of a sudden Nick bent down to kiss her lips. He often pressed chaste kisses to her mouth, but this time she pulled back before he got the chance.

Nick looked confused and tried again, but again she pulled back. Allison had giggled at his annoyed expression, loving to tease him like that. All of a sudden she stood on tiptoe and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, then took of in a run.

"Get back here, you little minx," he called after her, taking off in a run to follow. Allison had giggled in childish delight at their game. She ran into the house, running along the hall, in and out of rooms, Nick chasing after her.

She had finally stopped in his room, catching her breath, and when she looked up, she saw it on the wall. It was one of her paintings, a portrait she had done of herself. And it was hanging right there, framed on his wall. She just stood there staring at it, her face staring back at her. The fact that he had hung it up made her feel special, like she was a real artist.

She hadn't heard him come into the room, but she felt his arms go around her and his chin rest on her head.

"Oh Nicky," she had said, "You hung it up."

"Of course I did, it's beautiful."

She had turned in the circle of his arms, and this time let him kiss her. She felt like she was the most precious thing in the world to him when he held her like that. And that day he had done something he had never done before, he let his tongue hesitantly leave his mouth and brush her lips.

Allison had jumped back in surprise at the unexpected sensation. He had just smiled at her astonished expression, and she had giggled nervously, before taking his hand in hers, and leading him back outside to eat more blackberries.

"What are you thinking about?" Nick asked. The question jarred Allison from her memories, and she turned once again to look at him.

"I was just thinking about the day we ate all those blackberries. Do you remember?"

"How could I forget?" he said, allowing his lips to softly touch hers. He then quickly swiped his tongue across her closed mouth.

Allison pulled back and giggled up at him.

"You were so young, and I had to be slow and gentle with you, when all the time I was tempted to go further."

She smiled and rested her head against his chest, his heart beating in her ear.

"You can go as far as you want now."

"Okay, you two are going to have to row in from here," Smithy said a while later, when they were much closer to shore.

"Drop anchor," Nick ordered, and Smithy repeated the order louder to the men.

"In you go," Nick said, picking Allison up around the waist and putting her in one of the rowboats, before climbing in himself.

"Bye Nick," Smithy said gruffly, trying to hide the emotion in his eyes.

"Bye Captain," Nick proudly said back, having left the position to his former first mate.

"Goodbye everyone," Allison called out to the crew, despite the fact that they had all had their farewells earlier.

The ship was taken up into a general hum of parting words and waves of goodbye, as the little rowboat was lowered to the ocean.

When they hit the clear, blue water, Nick took up the oars and started in a slow and steady pace toward shore.

"Are you nervous?" Allison asked.


She could tell he was. " Don't worry, everything's going to be fine."

He just glowered at her and kept rowing. Allison smiled to herself, and hid it by looking down at her lap.

She turned to look back at the boat, which had its sails up and was leaving again. She let her fingers trail over the top of the water, and watched the muscles in Nick's arms work as he rowed.

She was relaxed with the sparkling ocean surrounding her, and Nick by her side, but she got more and more excited as they got closer to land.

When they were only a few yards away, she couldn't hold her enthusiasm in any longer, and without a word, she hurled her self out of the boat and into the cool water.

"Ally," she heard Nick call behind her. She swam rapidly away from the boat. She was only wearing a thin day dress, and was unhampered by any corsets or petty coats, so she swam easily through the water.

Nick watched her swimming away for a moment, then jumped right into the water after her, the boat forgotten. His fast, sure strokes caught up to her in no time, and when he came up behind her, he pulled her down by the legs, until she was under water with him.

He grabbed her waist and held them both under the surface. His eyes were closed, and he searched for her lips with his own, kissing her chin and cheek before he found them.

When he did, he nudged his tongue into her mouth, tasting the saltwater that flowed past their lips.

They broke the surface still kissing, before they broke apart, gasping for air to catch their breath.

Allison giggled when she had recovered, and put both her hands on top of Nick's head, using all her weight to push him below the surface. When he came back up he splashed her full in the face. She angrily splashed him back, and it turned into a full out war. She had to squint her eyes due to the cloud of foamy water that was surrounding them.

After a minute or so, she realized that he had stopped splashing her, and was nowhere to be seen. "Nick," she called, looking about for him. Just then, she felt a hard pinch on her butt, and she squealed and jumped away as best she could in the water.

Nick broke the surface laughing. She couldn't help but laugh too, and she pushed his chest playfully and started swimming for shore again.

They had just gotten close enough for Nick to be able to touch the sandy bottom with his feet, when he grabbed Allison again. He held her up in his arms, and kissed her forcefully, trailing kisses down her salt tinged neck.

He held her waist in his big hands, and lifted her up higher until her breasts were eye level with him. Holding her easily, he kissed and bit the fabric-covered mounds. Allison could feel the tingling between her legs, and kicked them ever so slightly, restlessly.

He lowered her back down, still holding an arm around her waist so her head wouldn't fall under water. He used his free hand to search under her dress, and rub her pussy beneath the wet fabric of her pantalets. She squirmed in pleasure.

"Grab my shoulders, sweetheart," he told her. She did, holding herself up by them. And he used both hands to lower her undergarments to around her ankles. Then touching her pussy again, nothing separating it from his hand but the accession of cool water.

Allison moaned as the fingers spread her pussy lips, letting the water run in as the massaged her gently down there.

Nick let her hang from his shoulders as he turned to his own clothes. He undid the belt, and struggled to get the wet fabric down around his legs. When he was free of any constraints, he hiked her skirt back up around her waist, and pulled her to him.

He lowered her gently onto his erection, and she gasped at the welcome intrusion between her legs. He used his arm muscles to move her back and forth in a steady rhythm on his cock, letting the pleasure rise for both of them.

"Nick," she screamed as she came, feeling his seed spill and mix with the salt water that was already inside of her.

She breathed heavily and rested her head against his shoulder, keeping her legs wrapped around him. They held each other in a gentle hug as the both recovered from the aftermath of their orgasms.

Allison soon became aware that they were out in the open, in the middle of the day, naked from the waist down. The only thing protecting them from prying eyes was water that flowed gently about them.

Allison self-consciously detangled herself from him, and swam awkwardly as she pulled her pantalets back up around her. Nick also pulled his wet pants up around him, but with decidedly more trouble. When he buckled his belt, he held his arms open for her, and she swam into them, hugging her arms around his neck.

He put one of his arms around her back, and the other under the back of her knees, and he carried her toward shore. He started to feel her slight weight in his arms as the water level got lower and lower around him. He didn't put her down when they reached the sandy shore at last, just continued to carry her up the bank.

Allison didn't mind, having lost her slippers in the ocean. She wiggled her toes as her bare feet dangled in the air as he carried her.

"Do you remember the last time you carried me like this?" she asked.

"Mmm hmm, you were six, and you fell and twisted your ankle by those rocks over there." He gestured his head to the left of them.

"Yeah, and you had to carry me all the way home," she nodded.

"You were crying so much. You said the only thing that would make you feel better is if I sang to you."

Allison laughed. "And you hated to sing, but you did it anyway. You sang to me all the way home." She rested her head against his shoulder.

Nick held her closer, and carried her up to his house, stopping at the front door. She knocked lightly on it, and he swept her inside when it was opened.

The butler looked aghast at the two wet, disheveled people who had just walked through his door.

"Mistress Allison," a maid said disbelievingly. Nick recognized her as his old nanny. A woman who had practically raised him, and Allison too, since they spent so much time together.

Allison wiggled in his arms, and he let her drop to stand on her own. Her bare feet pattered against the marble floor as she ran over to Mrs. Heegle. She gave the old woman a giant hug, and was hugged forcefully in return.

"Oh, Miss Allison, I feared you were kidnapped for good," the old lady said as she patted Allison's cheek affectionately. "What happened to ye? And who's this man that carried you in here?"

"Mrs. Heegle, don't you recognize him? It's Nick," Allison said turning to look at him.

Nick stood awkwardly, not sure what to do. He watched as Mrs. Heegle stared at him in amazement, and walked closer to him, examining his features with rapidly moving eyes.

"By the saints' almighty, it is Nick. Our Nicky has come back from the dead," she reverently touched his shoulders, then pulled him to her for a hug. Nick wrapped his arms around the old woman's brittle shoulders. He hadn't realized how much he had missed her mother-like hugs, the warmth and comfort they could bring.

She pulled back and he reluctantly released her. And before any questions could be asked or answered, the study door was flung open, and Nick's brother, Aurick Bancroft, along with several other well-dressed gentlemen, walked into the front hall.

"What the hell's going on here?" Aurick asked upon seeing the wet and grubby urchins in his house. But no sooner as he said it, than Allison turned around.

"Allison," he gasped, "I assumed you were dead." He grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her into his embrace. "Thank god you're all right."

He only held her for a moment though, before Nick roughly jerked her out of his arms and into his own.

"And who do you think you are?" Aurick asked condescendingly to the man now holding his fiancée.

"Don't you recognize me?" Nick asked his brother. They had never really been close, but still, he was the only family he had left.

"And why should I recognize an urchin like you?" Aurick asked, "And kindly take your hands off my fiancée."

"She's not your fiancée anymore," Nick said, his voice as cold as ice.

Aurick got a deadly look in his eye, and he stepped menacingly forward, "Now you listen here, I--"

"Stop it," Allison interrupted him, "You're brothers."

At her words, Aurick glanced at Nick with incredulous disbelief. "No ... it's not possible, Nicholas is dead."

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CumBang Kira Noir 04182018

Kira Noir is a huge pervert. Just look at her! Home, in her bed, jerking off to porn. Not just any porn, either! Kira likes watching a whore take on a lot of men! Gang bang and blow bang porn is her very favorite kinds to watch, and sometimes Kira makes so much noise masturbating, her neighbors can hear! This time, she’s so loud, we think the whole neighborhood came to see what all the commotion was about!! Before you know it, almost a dozen horny white boys were creeping into her...

2 years ago
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From Perfect Wife to Black Cock Slut Part 2

Part 1 is at It had been 2 weeks since our anniversary, 2 weeks of turmoil. 2 weeks since my wife had been fucked by a huge black dick. The owner of that dick would be calling this very night and I was preparing for my future as a cuckold. We were returning from a romantic anniversary break in Rome when I realised my darkest fantasy of Chris being fucked by another man. I'd been concerned about my limitations in...

3 years ago
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Sex Money Chapter Ten

Heidi collapsed down onto the bed in mock exhaustion as Jim looked on in amusement. The flight back from Las Vegas had been jam-packed due to the holiday season and the snow hadn’t made things much better. But here they were finally were, home at last. “I just want to sleep forever.” Jim sat down on the windowsill, “You enjoy yourself?” “Yeah.” Heidi rolled over, looked across at him, “It was great.” Jim smiled, “Good.” Heidi lay down, stared up at the pristine white ceiling. It really had...

1 year ago
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Loving Adrian Ch 2

Chapter 2: Tenderness Despite her vow to avoid Adrian, or any inviting situations, at all costs, Helen found herself spending most of her free time that week with him. Adrian was fun company, and together they shopped, laughed, joked, and studiously avoided anything that could release the tension between them. That was, until the day they went sunbathing by the Cathedral. The sun’s heat was almost oppressive as Helen sprawled out by the ancient stone wall of the cathedral in the city centre....

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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 8

Bob and Millie by Peggy Sue I never found out why Arthur left. He started to explain why he was leaving and I stopped him. Since I was a child I was always suspicious of 'why' questions. If the answer wasn't simple, it must be a lie. So I was alone. I didn't feel like sitting alone in coffeehouses - I would have missed Arthur, and I was determined not to waste time with useless emotions. I was enjoying masturbating anyhow. So I looked up my old friend Millie. Millie was surprised...

4 years ago
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Neighorhood Slut Mom

By Janexxx My name is Jane and I am the mother of a 13 year old son. I had my son Randy when I was 15. A boy several years older than me took me out to a private area at a nearby lake and got me drunk. When I drink I get very horny and he knew that. Before long he had me naked and sucking his cock. He was very hard and thick. I sort of remember him pushing his thick cock into my tight pussy. I almost came as soon as he entered me. My pussy was soaking wet. His cock glided back and...

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He walks into the room to her, approaching her from behind, silently. She didn't notice him coming towards her, and jumps slightly as he wraps his arms around her from behind. He smiles, and softly kisses her neck."Hey baby" he whispers in her ear. "His prince!" she replies as she leans her head back into him. "Have his told her how much his want her lately? How much his desire her...?" He whispers in her ear. "Mmmmm.... Tell me!" she whispers softly... "his'll show her..." He whispers back.He...

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MomsTeachSex Alice March Brett Rossi Hot In Here

Alice March is helping her stepmom Brett Rossi as they bake cookies together while Dylan Snow watches. After declaring how hot it is in there, Brett peels her dress down to show off her full boobs and then helps Alice to slide her shirt down, too. Then she helps Brett out of his shirt. It’s not long before Brett has gotten both Dylan and Alice out of their clothes to join her in partial nudity. She offers to show Alice how to suck a dick with Dylan as the model, and finds both her...

3 years ago
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Naughty Bad Girls First Time

Reading all the first time stories, really go me to thinking about mine.. It was with my then at the time boyfriend, Who I had met through my cousin, Sheena. I was seventeen and he was eighteen. His name was Patrick. He was not the usual type of guy I went for at the time. He was tall, built and a bad boy. He had blue eyes and brown hair. It was a cool day in september and I was visiting my cousin for a week or two. Patrick and I had been dating for about a month by then, up to that point it...

First Time
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My Life as a Wittol Chapter Nine

By: CJ’s Hubby  A special thank you to Sexy-Geek for his editorial assistance   This story contains themes of cuckold and wittol and takes place a few years before CJ’s marriage and while she was living with her current husband. CJ and I had been dating for a few months when her living situation changed. She had been living with a widow Aunt who tried to put conditions on her while she lived there. So CJ moved in with a couple that she had become friends with, but it didn’t work out as they...

2 years ago
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Hans and Greta

ONCE upon a time, deep within the great forests of Germany, dwelt a widowed mother and her two children. The boy was called Hans and the girl, Greta. They were twins, blessed from birth with tremendous beauty and born of the same tall, trim build with fair skin and hair of gold, like their mother. In fact, they were both so hot that throughout high school they had to put up with a lot of jokes and rumors about incest from their classmates about incest. Oh, it was true that the brother and...

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My Hot FatherInLaw

Hi Readers, hope you all remember me by my two stories, ‘Hot-Son’ & ‘Younger Brother’ So once again a very Hi to all of you and thanks for your feed back which I valuable most. Please give your feedbacks as before. After taking my son and brother I was searching for another incestual love which was too difficult. But one day my hubby told me that his father will come to stay with us for one month, I was thrilled but my excitement died down when I thought of my father-in-law (fil). He is a very...

1 year ago
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Four Into One Will Go

Tied firmly to a chair, Vince Reason, his gut still aching from the fist that had floored him, could not work out how his plan had gone so terribly wrong as four big guys in different coloured masks pawed and slobbered over his woman, Carrie, who lay sprawled naked on the bed. Black hands were mauling her tits, as she sucked on a massive black cock, and a well-endowed white man was fucking her like crazy. Trouble was, she seemed to be enjoying it. And these men were all strangers, not at all...

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Ovids Other Metamorphoses part 1

Ovid's Other Metamorphoses A Poem and a Mistake "Future generations, listen so that you may know of my fame, The playful poet of tender verses, whom you are reading." --Tristia 4.10 Before I was relegated to Tomis by the bitter mercies of Caesar Augustus, I was a Roman; before I was a Roman, I was a Sulmontini. Now I am half a Greek, delivered to a seaside city of barbarians far from my home and my wife, never to return to the Eternal City where my verses were widely...

4 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 12

Travis caught his sister coming out of the bathroom on Sunday morning. She was still glowing, but looked a little mussed, as if she had gone through a long and grueling night. "Hey, sis, how did it go? He locked the door, and I couldn't ease into your room to watch from the closet, but I wanted to." She smiled. "It's a good thing dad and mom sleep in different rooms; he's still in there all wrapped around Jean. Now he's fucked all three ...

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Personal Trainer

I looked to the clock and saw that my 2:00 client would be arriving at the gym soon. I have been a personal trainer for a few years now and it has helped my image and confidence. I am 6’3” 220 pounds with almost no body fat on my body, which helps me get a lot of clients. I was dressed in my usual tight tank top that accentuated my large chest and revealed my strong arms, along with a pair of shorts that my ripped legs could barely fit in and my 8-inch cock constantly tried to push through. As...

4 years ago
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Girl Next Door

Hi, sex cravers. This is Varun again. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old from Hyderabad with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. This story is about a girl next door who is younger than me and lives across my home. I have a brother who is older to me. He is working now so am I. Though he is older to me, we’re more like friends than brothers. We share each and everything. No secrets. And the topic here is not about my brother lol. I just want you all to know that...

2 years ago
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Keeping My Sister in LineTiffanys Confession Part Two

(Continued Confession of Tiffany Reddick) “You have to take off your clothes first,” I acted like this was not a big deal. After all, I had to watch HIM get naked, which was gross enough for my part. I felt like it would only feel authentic if he was nude. “You’ve seen mom and dad naked plenty of times. This is just how this particular game is played,” I said. “Oh, certainly!” he imitated my mother’s enthusiastic submissive bubble-headed bimbo act and stood up. Then he started laughing and...

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Stepmom Kim

Kim was well built to say the least. A very busty double d with very long curly red hair, a slender body about five foot six, tight slim ass and olive green eyes. She was exactly half my Dads age. He was forty-two and she was twenty-one. Everyone knew why he married her but wondered why she would marry him. He was a middle aged man, good looking and in good shape even for a thirty year old but she had a body built for porn films. The rumor was they met when she was stripping at a club...

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The New Girl

My name is Shane and I’m almost 19 years old. It was the first day back at college after the summer holidays. I was pretty pissed off still, I should have finished last year but because I spent too much time messing around and not studying I essentially had to retake my final year.The only plus point was I got to see the young fresh girls coming from school for there first year. I was eager to see what was on offer. I sat patiently in the college yard before registration checking out the young...

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AllGirlMassage Blair Williams Gina Valentina Size Matters

Client Gina Valentina is tiny compared to her statuesque masseuse Blair Williams. In fact, she’s so much smaller in size, she isn’t sure if Blair will agree to take her on as a client. Gina’s isn’t crazy to think her size matters to Blair. It certainly matters, in a good way. The sexy blonde masseuse is transfixed by Gina’s petite body and her dark beauty. She watches lustily as Gina gets naked and climbs onto the massage table lying face down. Blair plays with...

3 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 29 Easier Said Than Done

Of course, real life intruded on my firm resolve. Janna had asked me to put together a list of my ‘predictions, ‘ both those that had already come true and those that were scheduled in the coming years. It was something that I worked on regularly and that she read, pointing out where I’d already changed the course of events. So many of the things I remembered were what happened with Willa and, while there were some similarities, Emily was a different child. That’s weird. I’m a mother. In...

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Hot Encounter With a Sexy Cougar

Several years ago on a Wednesday evening I was feeling that itch for female companionship. At the time, Houlihans was a popular bar, especially for middle-aged women, cougars, on the prowl. After a few drinks, I noticed a blonde who appeared to be about ten years older than me smiling my way. She was nice looking, not gorgeous by any means, but had a certain sexiness about her. She carried a few extra pounds, but had one feature that was impossible to miss. Her breasts were enormous! Full,...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

1 year ago
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Suhani Adventures

Hi indian sex story friends, I am Suhani. I live with my mom and dad in Bengaluru. I am 21and a student of BCA 2nd year. My dad is a businessman and my mother is a principal of a college. Hence, I am one of the richest girls in the class. I have a fair tone and long black hairs right up to my ass. I go to the gym regularly and maintain a figure of 34-26-36. I have got a big pair of boobs, smooth flat belly with nice curves and a big ass. I am very horny kind of girl. I have been in lots of...

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