Olivia's Rosebud Blossoms free porn video

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We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked.

I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an interest in the enema scenes I had included in my stories and wondered how that might transpire.

We ran through a scene online until she disappeared. I later found out that she dropped off to finish what I had started for her. I felt relieved knowing that I had not scared her off in some way.

I had been wanting to visit some family and was tentatively planning a trip that would take me near her home state. As I began to let my thoughts matriculate, I began to wonder if there might be a slight chance that I could possibly meet Olivia and help her realize her enema fantasy and maybe a few other back door interests she may have. I thought to myself, “This will never happen unless it’s online or in your twisted old mind.”

I stowed away my thoughts after realizing the fruitlessness of pursuing such nonsense. What eighteen year old girl would ever agree to such a suggestion from a guy my age? But, after mentioning this to another online friend, I was reminded that if I didn’t try, then I’d never know.

As a result, I sent Olivia an email and planted the seed, so to speak. I never expected the positive reply. She said that she had been reading the enema scenes over and over and that they always got her going. After our online scene she had thought about how to actually approach someone to help her make it a reality. Then, lo and behold, here comes an email to address her dilemma.

I was floored when I read her reply. My mind began to spin with all the thoughts of what might transpire. After my mind stopped reeling, I then began to think, “Get real, dummy, this could be some old guy like you, just playing online pretending he’s an eighteen year old girl. Or it could be some grotesque, old broad getting her jollies at my expense.

I decided that I would request a photo with a time and date stamp on it that showed her face and if it matched the one posted on her profile that would be proof enough. Sure enough, within minutes I received an email with her beautiful, shining face and radiant smile looking back over her shoulder with the object of our mutual interest in the foreground. What a delightful bum indeed. I was hooked.

Plans were made and I rolled into the closest city to her and checked into one of those suite hotels so we’d have some room to play. Since I drove, I had all the gear I needed with me. (I had to buy all the enema stuff as I had only written about the subject.) I had only ever used the disposable ones for medical procedures myself. Although, by now I had watched a lot of video and read up on the subject. I had ordered good quality equipment online.

As had been arranged, I called Olivia when I got settled into my room. Our tentative plan was to meet for coffee and chat about our adventure later. I arranged to meet her up the street at a local coffee shop she knew of.

We met, coincidentally, right at the door on our way in. We introduced ourselves and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I held the door for her and we proceeded to the counter and ordered our coffees. You could have cut the tension with a knife. I would have preferred having a cocktail, but she wasn’t even old enough to drink legally. We both were trying to ease our nerves and get to a friendly place without any apprehension.

Luckily, they called us to get our coffees, which broke the short, uncomfortable silence between us. We returned to our table and seemed to be a little more comfortable. I pointed out, “You have some white powder on your cheek, there.”

“Oh, shit. It’s either flour or powdered sugar. I just got off work,” she said, wiping it off. “Sorry, I was running a little late and I didn’t go to the ladies room before I left.”

“That’s fine, Olivia. I must say that your pictures don’t do you justice. You are much lovelier in person. I guess this is a pretty strange situation for both of us, huh?” I said, trying to put her and myself more at ease.

“Yeah, I guess so. A little more so for me because of my work schedule. I usually have to be in at 3:00 a.m. so it doesn’t allow much time for dating at normal hours, except when I have days off,” she said as she played with the whipped cream on her drink. “I usually have to work Saturdays, but I arranged to get this one off.”

I thought for a moment and finally said, “You know, Olivia, now that we’ve met, if you have any second thoughts about all of this, I’ll understand if you don’t want to go through with it.”

“No, I’m a little nervous now, but I really want to do this and I feel more comfortable with someone as…experienced as you are. Besides, I wouldn’t know how to ask someone my age, especially face to face. After doing the text scenes with you, it’s almost like I know what’s coming, so I feel safe, especially since we’ve met now.”

“Well, thank you, Olivia. That’s very sweet. I feel like a kid with a brand new toy. No disrespect intended. But I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable. I’d like to take you to dinner tonight if you would like to?” I asked her.

“Um, yeah. That would be great…Uh, what time?” she said, rather preoccupied with other thoughts.

“Whatever time you’re comfortable with, Sweetie. Is there a problem?” I inquired.

“Well, I have to drive across town to go home and change. I only brought some shorts and a top for tonight. I didn’t think we’d be going out, ya know? And I didn’t tell my folks I had dinner plans just that I was going to change at my girlfriend’s place before she and I went out tonight. So, if I go home and change for dinner…”

“I see. Well, is there a mall around here? I could take you shopping. I’d really enjoy that. You could shower at the hotel. I have a suite, so you’d have some privacy.”

“Oh, no. You don’t have to do that, I’ll figure something out.”

“Nonsense. I’d love to do that for you. After all, I never had a daughter to take shopping and spoil.”

“Well, I guess so, if you really want to. There’s a mall a couple miles up the road here,” she said, pointing out at the street.

“Okay then, let’s get a couple of lids and go to the mall,” I said, pushing my chair back.

We ended up in the junior miss department at a large chain department store. She found some dresses she liked and went to try them on. I sat in a chair outside the dressing rooms. I heard her call out, “Uh, Daddy? Could you come here a second?” It almost didn’t register with me until I was sure that it was her voice that I had heard. I wasn’t sure if she was playing as my little girl as in my stories, but then just figured it was the safest thing to call me in this situation. Either way, I liked it.

I went into the dressing area and she opened the door and asked, “Would you zip me up, Daddy?” I zipped it up and she just turned and looked in the mirror.

“Nope, not this one. What do you think?” she asked.

“I agree. Want me to unzip you?” She turned and I unzipped it all the way down to her cute little ass. I now confirmed my first thought that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She turned around, looked out the door past me and not seeing anyone there, she dropped the dress right in front of me.

My breath caught momentarily as I snapped my head around to see if anyone was behind me. I then turned back to get another quick eye full of her luscious 36DD boobs. Her nipples were visibly stiffened. I also noticed that she was wearing some fairly nondescript, beige panties. “Well, isn’t this a nice treat,” I said, smiling like a Cheshire cat.” Why don’t you try the little, red, halter top one?” I said, and reached out and gently flicked her left nipple, teasingly.

She quickly covered her boob, blushing slightly. She gave me a wry smile and reached for the red number and slid it over her head. She held it up with one hand and pulled her long, golden locks aside and asked if I would tie her straps. She arranged her boobs in the cups and it fit perfectly, showing a perfect amount of cleavage. Her large nipples were straining the fabric. Just gorgeous.

“So, what do you think?” she asked.

“It’s perfect. Beautiful. I think that’s the one. How about you?”

“I love it!” she said excitedly.

I paid for the dress and we headed back out into the mall. I asked her, “Is there a Victoria’s Secret or something like that in the mall?”

She asked, “Why?”

“Because I’d like to get some nice panties to go with your dress, Sweetie, if that’s alright with you? I mean, I noticed the ones you’re wearing, and…”

“I do have clean ones that I was going to change into later, you know?”

“Well, I figured you wouldn’t be wearing those tonight. I just thought we might find something nice to go with the dress, that’s all.”

“Okay, it’s up to you. I’m going to have to hide this stuff in my car until I can sneak it in the house. I’m supposed to be saving for school in the fall. My mom would wonder where I got money to buy these things if she saw them.”

We went on and got a nice pair of red, silk and lace thong panties. As we were walking out of Victoria’s Secret, I said, “And what about shoes?”

“I brought a pair of wedgies to wear later.”

“Okay, then, let’s find a shoe store. We’ll top off your outfit with some nice heels.”

Olivia said, “No, that’s too much. You’ve spent enough already.”

“Hey, it’s my pleasure to do this. I never had a little girl to spoil, so you get the benefit,” I said as I hugged her to my side as we walked on to find a shoe store. It’s good she didn’t see me buy the little emerald green, satin robe while she was picking out her panties with the sales lady. I lied and said I had bought some boxers.

We picked out some very sexy little black sandals with 4 inch spiked heels and ankle straps. Aside from the shoes being beautiful in their own right, they made Olivia’s legs and ass just pop.

We realized that we had better get back and start getting cleaned up for dinner. I dropped Olivia at her car and I followed her to the hotel. I got a recommendation at the front desk for a nice restaurant for dinner and called and made a reservation while Olivia was in the shower. I snuck in and hung the robe on the back of the bathroom door while she was washing her hair. It was a shame I couldn’t see through the shower curtain. Oh, well. It wouldn’t be long anyway.

When the water shut off and Olivia had pulled back the curtain and retrieved a towel, she yelled, “What the…? What’s up with this robe? I thought you said you bought boxers?”

“I lied. Sue me!” I yelled back.

She came padding out in her bare feet with her hair up in a towel, wearing her new robe. She strode up to me and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips and said, “Thank you, Daddy. You shouldn’t lie, though. It’s very beautiful and it feels fantastic.”

I got a small payback when I saw her bare bottom in the mirror as she reached up to hug me. “It looks great from here,” I said as I looked in the mirror.

She realized what I was looking at and smacked my arm after letting go of me, feigning mock disgust. “You are totally a dirty old man!”

“Hey, I did nothing but look!” I exclaimed. “Reflective surfaces shined upon me.” I stated in my defense as I put my hands up.

Olivia giggled and walked off to finish getting ready. I started for the shower.

We left the hotel arm in arm. Of course I was beaming from ear to ear to have such a beautiful young lady on my arm; even if she did look like my daughter, or younger. It seemed as though Olivia was enjoying herself immensely as well. She was sporting a huge smile herself, looking and feeling fantastic.

We had a wonderful dinner; almost to our detriment, from being so full. But, we had coffee and returned to the hotel.

We had certainly melted all the ice from earlier in the day. We had become fast friends. Friends with plans to take all this to a new level. To transcend the slightly sex charged bond we had already created.

I paused at the door to my room. I took Olivia’s face into my hands and asked her, “Are you ready to begin, my dear?”

“Absolutely, this has been a perfect day so far. Why stop now?”

As we entered the room I also asked her, “Sweetie, I have never inquired about the whole Daddy/daughter scene. Is that part of our little tryst here? I got so wrapped up in just the enema part that I kind of forgot the premise for all my stories, so I just never asked about that.”

“Well, yeah, Daddy. Why do you think I called you that in the store today?”

“Well, I just thought you were trying to cover for me coming into the dressing room. I was just confused since we never talked about it or included it in our scenes.”

“Okay, I really felt like your little girl today at the mall,” she said, rubbing my arm and looking up at me.

I started getting a warm feeling running through my whole body. I softly said, “Come here, Sweetie, give Daddy a hug,” and pulled her into me. She rested the side of her face on my chest and I kissed her on top of her head.

“Now why don’t you slip out of your dress for Daddy and then go hang it up.” I said to give her something to do while I set up the enema bag in the bathroom. I’d wait to fill it until I was sure we were both ready. As I turned to leave the bathroom, Olivia was standing there watching me. I could see the apprehension, almost fear, in her eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, “You look a little worried. You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” I reminded her.

“It’s…it’s just that I’ve never seen any of this kind of stuff before. It was only last year that I got my first dildo,” she said innocently.

“Come here, Sweetie,” I said, taking her hand and leading her out to the living area and sat down and pulled her onto my lap. I nudged her chin up with my finger and kissed her lightly on the lips. Then I lightly ran my finger over one of her large nipples. She inhaled sharply. I took her face in my hand and kissed her with more purpose and she responded in the same.

“Are you my precious little girl?” I asked her softly.

“Yes, Daddy,” she replied meekly.

“Are you ready to be my good girl and do as I say?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, looking up into my eyes.

Okay, then, stand up in front of me with your hands behind your head and your feet slightly apart.”

She did as instructed, her large breasts displayed proudly in front of her, nipples erect. She looked fantastic in all her youthful glory; soft, glowing, alabaster skin, long flowing hair, the strings of her thong riding high on her hips, the gusset hugging her tightly between her firm thighs. I just sat there taking in the whole sight, letting her experience being on display for me. Her gaze was fixed on a point behind me somewhere.

“Very good, Sweetie, now turn around and slide your panties off slowly and then hand them to me,” I instructed.

She did as she was told and I got a glimpse of her pussy below her lovely, rounded bottom. I even got a slight peek of her little pink rosebud as she bent down to get her panties off of her feet. She stood and turned around looking confused as to what to do with her thong.

“Give me your panties, Sweetie, and then resume your position.” She did as instructed and I put them to my nose and inhaled slowly to savor her womanly scent our eyes locked the whole time. She blushed slightly and I gave her a wry smile, “Mmm, you smell great, Olivia. I can’t wait to taste you.”

“On your knees and resume your position,” I ordered and she quickly complied. “Now come here and help me out of my pants,” which she did obediently and returned her hands to the back of her head. I was sporting a bulge in my underwear.

Now that she was right in front of me, I reached down and ran the back of my index finger along the outer lips of her mound. I felt a light stubble and I was not pleased. There was also a hint of moisture, but I was more focused on the stubble. She had been instructed to be clean shaven.

“Why is there stubble on your pussy, young lady?” I asked firmly.


“Silence!” I said sternly, but not loudly. “Over my knee, now!” I ordered.

Olivia instantly looked stunned by the order, but slowly made her way on her knees and climbed over my lap. I rubbed her buttocks softly, letting her anticipate the impending slap to her derriere. I rapidly drew my hand back and I felt Olivia tense up immediately and suck a quick breath through her teeth. I hesitated in midair letting her wait for the impending pain. I then gave her a quick but halfhearted smack on her right cheek. I waited and watched for my hand print to appear. Seeing the pink print come to life, I quickly administered another to her left cheek, this one harder than the first.

“Ow!” she exclaimed.

“Not a peep. Take it!” I ordered. I promptly gave her 8 more swats evenly distributed between both cheeks. I rubbed her butt gently and then slipped my hand between her legs and checked her pussy. She was somewhat opened and wet to the touch on the outside of her inner lips.

I helped her back to her knees and said, “I think it’s time we went to the bathroom, My Dear.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said as we made our way to the bathroom.

I turned on the water in the bathtub to get it to the right temperature. “It’s time you were cleansed, Little One,” I told her. “I will administer your enema and you will hold your water until I tell you to go to the toilet and release. Do you understand me?” I asked firmly.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“When the water enters, you will begin to feel full, you may experience some discomfort, even some cramps. I expect you to endure these symptoms and hold your water like a big girl. When I have given you permission to release your water, I will leave you in the bathroom to empty yourself. Once you have finished I want you to shower yourself and shave your pussy smooth for me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Very well then, on your knees and elbows on the bath mat,” I ordered.

I filled the bag with warm water and screwed the plug in and hung it from the shower curtain rod. I then retrieved some lube and applied some to the tip. I squirted some on my finger tip and spread Olivia’s cheeks and rubbed my finger tip around her pink pucker. After rubbing it around a little I eased my finger into her tight, little hole. I twisted it around and felt her clenching, almost trying to push me out. I pushed in to my second knuckle and kept twisting my finger around to spread the lube. I pulled out my finger and picked up the nozzle. I place it at her ring firmly and she clenched.

I said, “Relax, Sweetie, if you push out a little it will help this to go in easier.” She tried to push and I took advantage and pushed the nozzle in about a half inch.

“Ugh,” she grunted.

“That’s good, Sweetie, I’ll just push it in a little more, okay?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said tentatively.

I pushed the nozzle in until the flange met with her sphincter. I left it there for her to get accustomed to having something foreign in her virgin butt. I squeezed her butt cheeks as she became accustomed to the new intruder in her ass.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, Sweetie. I’m going to give you a little water now,” and I released the clamp and let some water flow into her bowels. I shut it off after a couple of seconds. “Everything okay?” I asked.

“Uh huh,” she whimpered.

“Okay, Daddy’s going to give you some more water. You’re doing really well so far,” I told her. I then released more water, letting more than twice as much in as last time.

“Mmm,” she moaned lightly. I squeezed her butt some more and lightly stroked her tummy with my other hand.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Yes, Daddy,” she replied quietly.

“Here comes some more, Sweetie. You’re doing really well,” I released the clamp again and let it flow until I could see half the bag was gone. I clicked the clamp.

“Ohhh, I’m so full. Is that all the water?” Olivia asked, pleadingly.

“There’s just a little more, Baby,” I lied. I continued rubbing her belly and released the clamp again letting it go for a while and then clicked it off again.

“OH, Daddy, I’m so full. That’s all the water isn’t it?” she asked again more urgently.

“Just a little more, Sweetheart,” I told her as I kept rubbing her stomach. Her belly was getting hard. I let it flow again, letting it run dry.

“Okay, Baby, that’s all of it. Now hold it for me. I’m going to take the nozzle out.” Hearing no answer, I began to twist the nozzle as I pulled it back gently.

“Oh, god, Daddy. The cramps are getting really bad,” she whined.

“It won’t be long now, Baby,” I told her as I slowly eased the nozzle out of her ass. “Hold your water, girl. This will be over soon and then we can have some fun with your little fart box,” I told her gently.

I knew I should let her get to the toilet fairly quickly for her first time, just in case. Water was one thing to clean up. This was her first cleansing, though. I helped her up and to the toilet and I closed the door as I said, “Go ahead, Baby. Come out when you’re done and shaved,” and I left her to her privacy.

I was sitting in the living room when Olivia reappeared. She was wearing her robe. It had been at least fifteen minutes since I left her.

“Are you okay, Sweetie,” I asked, tenderly. “Just remember that that was your first cleansing. We can try another later if you like, now that you’re….ahem…empty.”

“I’ve been better. That was…different. I think I passed some prime rib from New Year’s Eve,” trying to add levity.

“That’s a good one, Sweetie,” I chuckled. “Come here and sit on my lap. You are done with the toilet aren’t you?” I joked with her.

“You’re bad, Daddy,” Olivia said as she slapped my arm while she was sitting down. She curled up in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her close. She rested her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her head as she released a long sigh, as if relaxing after her ordeal.

“You know,” I said, breaking the silence, “I need to inspect to make sure you shaved properly.” I slid my hand down to her thigh and then to the inside of her other thigh. I rubbed the soft, milky skin on her inner thigh as I worked my way higher. Olivia relaxed her other leg and parted her thighs to allow me to go higher. I eased my hand onto her puffy mound to find it silky smooth; heavenly. I continued to rub her gently, increasing the length of my soft strokes.

Olivia elicited a breathy, “Mmmm, that feels nice, Daddy.”

I was tickling at her pucker now as I continued to stroke her aroused womanhood. I parted her inner lips and retrieved some of the building wetness to deliver to her virgin rosebud. I began to rub her juices into her freshly cleaned starfish. Just a little tease. I moved back up to her womanly essence and rubbed her more passionately I make my way up to her clit and circled it with my finger a little before starting the whole cycle again.

Olivia looked up at me as I looked down at her and we began to kiss, softly at first, but jetting toward raw passion. I stroked her harder and our kissing became almost frantic. I suddenly stopped and scooped her off my lap and carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. I climbed over her and laid beside her and engaged her lips once again; fondling her ample breasts now, then squeezing ever harder. I sought out a nipple and began to roll it between my fingers, increasing the pressure as I went.

Olivia began to moan louder as I increased the pressure to a full pinch of her puffy nipple. I began to pull on her excited flesh and she arched her back; perhaps to keep up with her stretched flesh, but more from the intense feeling running through her body. She had never felt so aroused before. No boy had ever done this for her.

“Oh, god, Daddy!”

I started to kiss my way down her neck and continued on to her chest and began kissing her heaving breasts all over. I worked my way to one of her turgid nipples and sucked it in, wetting it, flicking it with my tongue and then sucking it hard, pulling it up along with her whole boob. I kept teasing her nipple with my tongue and sucking it hard. Then I bit her lightly and she jumped in reaction.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, and then exhaled a throaty breath.

I bit down again, harder, and then held it for a couple beats.

“Oooohhh, damn!” she cried out and then grabbed the back of my head and crushed my face into her big tit. “Oh, wow!” was all she could muster as the jolt went straight to her pussy.

I worked my way to her other breast and repeated the process before heading further south. I kissed my way down her undulating tummy, in a hurry now to get to her steaming delta. I could smell my waiting prize. I kissed her clit hood and sucked it lightly. I kissed my way down her now glistening slit as she began to ooze her womanly fluids. I continued past the bottom of her slit as I raised her nearer leg over my head to gain better access to her still tight, little pucker.

I flattened my tongue and slowly licked her freshly cleaned asshole. I repeated my action only following with the tip of my tongue, grazing over her perfect back hole. I began to lick her asshole, almost wishing it wasn’t quite so clean; a little more…flavorful; even musky. I worked in earnest as she began to relax her sphincter ever more. I worked her until I was able to begin to penetrate the virgin pink rosebud.

Light moans began to rain on my ears as I proceeded to work my way deeper and deeper into her warm rectum. Olivia was beginning to experience what I had foretold. She was becoming very relaxed as she became more aroused. Her pussy juice was now trailing down to my tongue, flowing freely from her slit. Her ass squished as her juices were being pumped into her ass like my tongue was a piston.

I worked my way up to her soaking pussy and licked her deeply, pushing inside her silky cunt and scooping up her copious juices. I sucked on her lips as my whole mouth covered her. I slid my tongue further up, flicking at her aroused clit. I easily slid my middle finger into her pussy and worked it in and out, coating it with her juices while I sucked on her clit and tongued it furiously.

I then slid my soaked finger down and started to apply pressure to her waiting asshole. I patiently worked the tip of my finger into her ass as I kept sucking and licking her clit alternately. I worked my way past the first knuckle and I could feel her relaxing. I pushed slowly in to my second knuckle. I began to stroke in and out, slowly gaining more real estate. I twisted and stroked for a while until Olivia breathily asked for, “More.”

I put two fingers deep in her pussy and then began to work them both into her waiting asshole. “Ooohhh,” she sighed heavily as I worked them all the way in and then back out, over and over. I added a third finger before she could ask for it, at least verbally. She had drawn her other knee up to her chest to give me full access to her back door.

I was pumping her ass with great determination and she was breathing heavily and her thighs were beginning to quiver. I suddenly bit down on her clit and she exploded into orgasm.

Olivia cried out loud, “Oh my fucking god! Oh! Oh! Oooohhh!” she kept crying out and I kept pumping her no longer virgin ass vigorously until Olivia snapped her legs straight and practically forced me from her as she tried to regain some control over her spastic body movements.

I moved up beside her and hugged and rubbed her as she came down from her violent orgasm. It took a while for her to slow her breathing to the point where she could speak again. “Oh, fuck. I’ve never cum like that before. Not even close. Damn, that was fantastic. I never thought I could ever feel anything like that.

I looked into her eyes and smiled like a Cheshire cat and said, “Welcome to the wonderful world of anal play, Beautiful Girl. Shall we continue?”

“Mmmm, let me catch you up a little, Daddy,” as she reached down and caressed my fully hard member. She rolled toward me and started kissing her way down to my throbbing cock and kissed the head with her full lips. She sucked on the head and flicked at my pee hole with the tip of her tongue. She then sucked me into her mouth. It felt glorious in her hot, wet mouth.

I groaned in pleasure as she slowly worked me up and down, sucking gently. She released me and licked down my shaft and began to suck softly on my balls. She stopped sucking and looked up at me and said, “You need a shave, Daddy. We’ll have to see about that later,” and then began to kiss her way down even further.

She then flicked my ass with her tongue. Then she alternated between kissing and licking my ass. It then turned to licking only as she began to work me in earnest. I was loving it as she tongued my hole. It was so relaxing, so erotic, and so hot. She worked her way back up and took me deep into her mouth again, sucking harder than before.

I didn’t want to lose it in her wonderful mouth so I eased her off my twitching pole and rolled her onto her back as I threw a leg over and climbed on top of her. I positioned myself to enter her soaking gash and rubbed my hard cock up and down her slit and then spanked her clit with it a few times before sliding down and pushing into her easily, at least at first. After I got the head in she was tight. I had to work my way in slowly.

I pulled her legs up onto my shoulders and started to slowly push my way into her tight little cunt. I finally worked myself all the way in, but it was still so very tight. I pumped slowly, taking full strokes and grinding when I was fully sheathed in her. I took my time as I wanted to finish in her silky ass.

I had to pull back to keep from losing it too soon. I gazed upon the young beauty beneath me. My head was reeling from the feelings going through my head. I couldn’t believe that I was actually here with this barely legal, young woman. It was time to sink myself into her perfect little rosebud and make it fully blossom.

I pulled from her frothy pussy and rubbed the tip of my leaking cock on her little pink hole. I began to push gently into her. I told her to push against me like she was trying to push something out, which would make it go in easier. I felt her pushing and I eased forward and the head popped in. I pushed a little more until I passed her inner ring.

Olivia moaned, “Oh, Daddy, it hurts, but it feels so good at the same time.”

I waited until I felt her relax some and then pushed a little more. I pulled back a little and pushed in a little deeper. I continued in this manner until I had most of my cock buried in her ass. The whole time our eyes were locked on each other.

Again, with all the feelings swirling about in my head. I rested there buried deep inside of Olivia and leaned down and kissed her deeply. I then told her how very special she was and pulled back and pushed back in all the way. I was trying my damnedest not to lose control. It was tough, really tough.

I looked her in the eyes and told her, “You are so precious. I love that you let me have your perfect little rosebud, Olivia. You’re so beautiful, I don’t think I can hold out much longer, Baby Girl.”

I then started to pump a little faster and then a little harder. Olivia was becoming more and more verbal as I started to smack my hips against her ass. I was reaching critical mass. I pulled back one last time and buried myself deep in her ass and released shot after shot of my seed deep in her bowels. That triggered Olivia’s second orgasm and I began to pump her again until we locked in an embrace and rolled onto our side, panting furiously, kissing between gasps. We rolled apart and I popped out of her ass. My eight inches rapidly fading and softening. Both of us now laying on our backs trying to reclaim our normal breathing.

Olivia finally rolled over and straddled me and we kissed softly. “That was wonderful, Daddy. Oh my god, I can’t believe I had an orgasm that way. Thank you for giving me all of this.”

“Oh, Baby, it’s me that should be thanking you. I can’t believe this just happened, and I’m still alive!” We both chuckled and then started kissing again. It was such a tender moment. We hugged and kissed for a while. I fumbled around and we pulled the covers over us and snuggled together as we drifted off to sleep.

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The Heart Blossoms When It Blossoms

"What's the big deal? They just want to throw you a bachelorette party." I marched right out of the bathroom and halted right in front of him, as he stood a few feet away from the door. "I'm fully aware that when I marry you, I marry into your family, but that setting is the last place I wanna be in with them." He bit his bottom lip and I saw the brown hair atop his head moving around. "Well, they both loved you when they met you. My mom is a sweet lady and I've known Celeste for five years...

2 years ago
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You are here again. Although I love you more than life itself, you are an alien disturbance in this environment…a flaw in the space-time continuum inhabited by your brother Adam and I ever since the catastrophe that destroyed the marriage between your mother and I.Life on a hill country farm in the Wanganui back blocks is tough. But your mother came from Otago hill country farming stock, as I did, and we took on the isolation and backbreaking work with our eyes open. The land had been worked...

2 years ago
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Lindsey Blossoms

****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet. If it is found in any other place it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text, and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...

2 years ago
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Rose Blossoms

Rose Blossoms 01by The TechniciansRose didn't think that she could take any more of this torture.  She had displeased Master and hewas punishing her.  It was the worst form of punishment possible.  He wasn't spanking her orflogging her or jolting her with electricity.  Those she could endure.  Those she had endured.Those she would now relish.  No, Master was torturing her in a much worse way.  He wasignoring her.Master had not touched her in over three weeks.  Not only had he not used her...

1 year ago
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The Rosebud

The Rosebud By Geneva In the turbulent times of mid 1500's in Scotland, John is accidentally changed to a girl, Marion. Change back is delayed after she is abducted to England. Eventually Marion finds love. This is another tale of the Budrose family. START I had been working through the counting exercises my mother had assigned me when the newcomer arrived. I was taking a welcome break at the time so I noticed my parents' unusual behaviour. That made me curious. They were...

3 years ago
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Charlis Rosebud

It took a minute before Ryan realized the girl who caught his eye walking through the doors from baggage claim into the arrival area was his fifteen-year-old daughter, Charli. The beautifully built, raven-haired Asian girl was wearing a little fedora cocked at an angle, pulling a rolling suitcase and striding confidently through the doors in a black pencil skirt that looked too short to be practical for traveling in. She was also wearing a matching black jacket that almost made the outfit look...

3 years ago
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Rosebud By XoYo The man looked around the room, his hands linked behind his back, his expression blank. He looked like a banker, Rachael decided, balding and shapeless. There was a slight trace of a Scots accent when he spoke, but it sounded like he had been in England for some time. He was probably in his early fifties and he was dressed expensively, if not too fashionably. Money can't always buy taste, Rachael thought. The bland looking ones were always worst. Rachael's...

2 years ago
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Casey Blossoms

I was always a bit shorter than the other boys, never as muscular. I always tried to move and act in a masculine manner, but as I grew, I ended up about 5’6” and about 140 pounds with rather a delicate frame. My face was not clearly feminine, kind of in between masculine and feminine. I never had all that much body or facial hair and got teased even as it was. I looked at the girls and I envied them. They could do all kinds of fun things that I could never do. They got to dress up and be...

1 year ago
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Hiking for Love 2 Love Blossoms

I got up and she led me to bed. Once in the bedroom, we stripped down and crawled in bed. I was already hard, just looking at her. She smiled as she lay down and slightly spread her legs. I grabbed her hurt leg, and gently brought up by my face, and kissed her ankle gently. She looked at me with a weird look on her face, "Foot Fetish?" "No. Actually this is the one part of you I totally love all ready. Because of this ankle, it brought us together. Had you not been a klutz,...

1 year ago
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Love Blossoms

Have you ever faced a dilemma where you know that whatever you are going to do, or whatever you are thinking is not right, and you still want to do it? Well I have been facing this from 2 years exactly now. I am Sharath. The dilemma I am talking about is that, I really love my best friend more than my life. I do have a girlfriend, but it’s just a casual relationship. My best friend’s name is Ananya, and my girlfriend’s name is Varsha. You are definitely thinking why, despite having a...

1 year ago
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Ana gives up her tight rosebud

I was at work that afternoon, when Jerome, my wife’s black lover, called me. He said that one of his friends was the owner of a strip club downtown. On Thursday nights they had kind of amateur pole dancing show. And the bastard was proposing me to get Anita there to have fun.Of course it was a black club; but Jerome laughed and added that a lot of married white wives went there just for dancing and stripping off on stage in front of black men.Then Anita called me on a video call. I saw she was...

2 years ago
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Sumikos Joyful Blossom

The reason why young Sumiko did not have a dedicated suitor as yet was the fact she helped her parents in their tiny fish store that specialized in gourmet delights from under the sea. It was not because she was too busy to waste time on allowing a young man to court her. It certainly was not because she lacked longing for the touch of a male hand on her feverish young girlish flesh. Quite simply, it was because she carried with her the odor of fish no matter how hard she tried to wash the...

2 years ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 9 Tender Blossom

Claudia Garibaldi, along with several guests, arrived at the Villa Agostino the day after my first meeting with Ferdinando Stanley. A great bustle and flurry then ensued, with servants scurrying about, and boxes and travel trunks carried back and forth, and rooms allocated. It was some time before I managed a moment alone with Claudia. I first made an abject apology for my words in Genoa, which she graciously accepted. “Actually, Giovanni, your distaste when discovering the cargo my vessels...

3 years ago
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The tainting of the May blossom

Judy always walked to school. It was the first day of May and it was her birthday. Being seventeen was such a land mark and yet she so wanted to be eighteen. She knew it was only a matter of time before her fake ID got her busted and properly grounded. She had had umpteen arguments with her Mum about parties and late nights. Many was the night she had cried herself to sleep, hating her Mum. As if the changes in her body weren’t enough, she was now full of angst and rebellion. Being seventeen...

First Time
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The Plucking of an exotic island blossom

www.papahaxx.com visit here to see real porn Trevor Christian was a 33 year old third generation Englishman, who had recently arrived on Pitcairn Island to take up the threads of the life and means of livelihood which had originally been started by his Grandfather, Fletcher Christian who was one of the original rebels on board the ship "THE BOUNTY" which had been run aground on it's shores over 100 years ago. The sailors had thereafter decided to continue their lives on this beautiful...

1 year ago
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The Plucking of an exotic island blossom

Trevor Christian was a 33 year old third generation Englishman, who had recently arrived on Pitcairn Island to take up the threads of the life and means of livelihood which had originally been started by his Grandfather, Fletcher Christian who was one of the original rebels on board the ship "THE BOUNTY" which had been run aground on it's shores over 100 years ago. The sailors had thereafter decided to continue their lives on this beautiful island, and married many of the local girls and merged...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Lotus Blossom

"Well, what do you think of my offer, hmm?" Captain James Matheson swirled his brandy around in his glass. The offer was indeed tempting. Here he was, in Hong Kong for a few days, and the offer of a 'lotus blossom' was just what he needed. Sex. No strings attached. He smiled devilishly at his companion, Choi Ho-San. Ho-San owned a brothel and had many beautiful women at his disposal. "I'd like to take you up on that offer," he replied in answer to Ho-San's question. Ho-San grinned...

3 years ago
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The tainting of the May blossom

Judy always walked to school. It was the first day of May and it was her birthday. Being seventeen was such a land mark and yet she so wanted to be eighteen. She knew it was only a matter of time before her fake ID got her busted and properly grounded. She had had umpteen arguments with her Mum about parties and late nights. Many was the night she had cried herself to sleep, hating her Mum. As if the changes in her body weren’t enough, she was now full of angst and rebellion. Being seventeen...

1 year ago
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Love Blossomed

Hi friends..Im mr.X and im going to narrate my first love experience with my best friend monisha to all of you..Im 18 years old and so she is..We both are from the same college and same department..The interesting thing is we both studied together from class 6.. She is my best friend and i’ll do anything for her.. I had never seen her with a bad eye.. But one fine day there was a party for the second year students at our college..Everyone planned to dress well and show off.. I wore a nice...

2 years ago
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PART 1: "LEAVE BEFORE THE LIGHTS COME ON "You know, you did alright tonight. I had a good time." She hiccupped and slurred her words. The olive-green beer bottle in her hand frothed and dripped as she gulped at it. "Thanks..." I smiled. My heeled leather boots clattered on the pavement, staggering from side to side, clopping on the paving stones. My nylon covered legs laddered, tattered and torn, my vision a blur. "I did too, actually." "Not bad for a first time, eh?" She...

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A Blossoming

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…..”Is there something wrong with me?”That;s what Diane, my next door neighbor asks me. We’ve been neighbors all our lives. I’m two weeks older than her and we’ve been buddies ever since I can...

1 year ago
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This is my first attempt at writing so I would appreciate any feedback. Please note that this story has adult themes so you must be over 18 years old to continue on. *** Chapter 1. Tiffany Prentice The young doe ran out of its paddock into the surrounding fields, stopping to look around before beginning to graze the sweet smelling grass in the valley.... Tiffany awoke from her daydream, stretching out on her couch. Having focused initially on a corner of the room that she felt had not been...

4 years ago
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Dee 8

I'm Now Called Dee Ch.08 I'd now been on the waiting list, for my surgery, for almost two years and now had a date in less than a month. I was lucky because living in the U.K., our overstretched and understaffed health service, cared enough to offer people the chance to live as the gender they preferred. I know this wasn't possible in other countries, the costs being prohibitive for some in my situation. Dad still wouldn't see me or talk to me, but mum was now proud of...

4 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysThe High Lake

Mark woke up at 6am to find a naked Annabelle in his bed. She pulled down the sheets and proceeded to lick his cock. After the first lick, she looked at him and said, “There’s a different flavour on your cock, it’s very sweet!”, and then went back to licking his cock to attention. Mark just smiled, with a very satisfied look, “So, it wasn’t a dream!” Annabelle looked at him, as his cock steadily grew in her hand, “What wasn’t a dream?” Then Mark looked at the clock, “I promise I’ll tell...

3 years ago
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A Morning After Stroll

Mark stood in the hotel foyer willing Louise to appear. The time was 7.05am. He had checked the outside temperature and finding it surprisingly balmy, given that the sun was barely over the trees on the other side of the river, he had relayed that fact to Louise, the lady he had just spent a wildly sensuous night with. Since 8.30pm on the previous evening, this last twenty minutes had been the longest time they had been apart. How crazy was that?The lift doors opened and there was a thump in...

Love Stories
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Getting my own way

It was one of those nights. I was at home, watching television, feeling a little randy. Hubby hadn’t got back from a golf day with his mates. I knew he’d probably be slightly the worse for wear and of no damn use to me. My mind wandered a little, thinking of sex. My hand wandered a little, too.I was shocked back to reality when I heard the taxi door slam shut and heard him fumbling with his keys in the front door. Sure enough, he was a little drunk. He came into the lounge and staggered about...

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I slide Emmie's underwear off and spread her legs open. I began kissing her at her smooth navel, slowly working my way down to her honeypot. I touch the tip of my tongue to her clit and she spasms with sensitivity. I slowly lick her clit from bottom to top with my wet tongue, putting pressure on her clit as I lick. Emmie is breathing hard and starting to make moaning sounds that only add to my pleasure of giving her oral. "Fuck, yes!" she says. "Eat my pussy good!" My fingers come up and...

2 years ago
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Going Rogue

Lisa Forrester looked like the typical woman working a nine to five job. She was a secretary for Josh Rogue, an up-scale Manhattan real estate lawyer and she loved her job. She looked like your average beauty, long brown hair that fell in waves around her face and stopped just below her shoulders, and bright brown eyes that looked into you instead of at you. She was quite petite, standing at five feet even and weighing one hundred and twenty pounds. Even though she looked it, she was anything...

3 years ago
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Evil Ann and Miss KittyChapter 2

Beth carefully peeled her skin tight costume down to her waist revealing a black strapless bra encasing a vast amount of perfectly tanned cleavage. She stood up and turned to face Ann. She unclasped her bra and let it fall away but kept her breast concealed with her hands. Teasingly she slowly slid her hands apart only to quickly reposition them, then she squeezed her breasts together and bent over. Unable to wait any longer Ann took her wrists and pulled them aside revealing her huge yet...

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Part 1: Before Tyler Where do I begin when it comes to Tyler Grayson? Before I met him would be a good start. Coming out of high school I was socially awkward, that has not changed much, but nevertheless out of high school I didn’t really know what college would entail. I’ve heard all the stories about “go out every night, get drunk, and bang girls” from countless movies and to be completely honest, all those three things didn’t appeal to me in the slightest. I am a lonely gay guy that has...

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virgin nidhi

I intend to put use to some of the things in real like too. I wanted to share an amazing experience I had with a very good looking handsome guy. Before we begin let me tell you a little about myself and my background. I am simple girl aged 23 now. I am a single daughter of my aged parents and we belong to a small city in central India. I have long hair and I am very proud on them, I dress simply in salwar kurtas don't like too much of makeup. I have a slim figure and small breasts with...

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Waking her up

She was already asleep when I crawled into bed. As I lay down she rolled over against me and sleepily asked me to hold her. I rolled on my back so she could lay her head on my shoulder. My hand slowly caressed her face following the lines of her cheeks down teasingly around her ear. She stirred asking what I was up to. I said it felt so good to hold her that I couldn't resist touching her. She moved up so she could kiss me, as our kisses became more heated I felt her lips open as her tongue...

3 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 24 Cauldron Dance

The cheers died and the priestesses gathered beside Rebecca and Wayne. “We should take care of our criminal priest,” Judith said to Rebecca. “His presence in the circle is disharmonizing at best.” Rebecca turned her attention back to The Barber behind the altar stone where he was still held. “And what shall we do with him?” she asked as he was brought forward. “Geld him and send him ball-less into the night like Saturn sent Uranus and was himself deposed,” said the Priestess of...

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Puthithaaga Velaiku Serntha Velaikaari

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en veetil puthithaaga velaiku serntha velaikaariyai sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Ganesh. En vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Naan college padithukondu irukiren, engal veetil velai seithukondu iruntha paati vayathu aagi vitathu endru velaiku varamal nindru vitargal. Apadi irukum pozhuthu puthithaaga oru velaikaari velai sernthaal, aval oru ilam mallu endru thaan sola vendum. Velaikaari vayathu 35 aagiyathu, aval mulai miga perithaaga...

3 years ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 8

It was almost a day and a half later than we expected when Earl and I finally rolled back into Albuquerque after our two-stage run from New Mexico to Ohio to Utah and back here again. We were weary of the road and eager to see our respective "families." As always, Earl was impatient to get back to Carol and the kids. Strangely, I felt myself feeling almost equally eager to have Margarita there to meet me at my door. Perhaps I might once again be the recipient of one of her choking...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 78 Arriving Home

We took the two vans home and discovered that there was quite an accumulation of mail waiting. Beatrice had arranged for a neighbor to bring it in and drop it on the coffee table in the front room. Becky ran over to the table and started sorting the mail. Most was bills, but as she got to the bottom of the stack she found one large manila envelope with my name on it. She tossed it to me as she continued to work. "Is it a letter from mom?" Matti asked boredly. "Don't you want to hear...

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It Happened in the Morning

Smells are the first thing I always notice when waking from my sleep. Today had that crisp cold air from the chilly months. My long tongue reaches out pass my lips in a deep yawn. I lift my head up and look about a few times while my tail starts a small pat on the covers. The human laying there on the other side of his bed, Rick I believe the others call him, took a few deep inhales while sleeping. The sound of his chest raising and falling was a soothing sound to my ears. I move up onto...

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The Devils PactChapter 19 The Sullivans

"You got a cute ass," I said, pinching Mary's plump ass as she turned the shower on. "Have I ever told you that?" "All the time," Mary answered, giving me a fond look. "And I never tire of hearing it." My cum was running out of her ass and cunt, white rivulets that ran down her legs and made her look so goddamn fucking sexy. We had just spent the last hour and half making love, in every position we could think of, and I came inside every hole my naughty filly had. I gave her ass a...

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A mothers mistake 12

Chapter 12 Chris was downstairs in the kitchen when his mother came down. She had showered and had on a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her freshly washed her hair. Chris got her a cup of coffee and sat at the table across from her. "I guess I screwed up huh?" he said. "We screwed up Chris. It was as much my fault as it was yours." Chris almost sighed in relief as he had taken on all the responsibility for what had happened. "What are we going to do? I... I mean... you could get... get...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 5 Band Auction

Peggy was still playing her game of wait and see. We were running in the morning and talking, but she was not ready to commit to dating. I was starting to consider my other options. I decided that this morning I would make one last attempt. If things didn't work out, I was going to move on. I went to Peggy's house to pick her up so we could run. She was looking good in her sweats and t-shirt. Her red hair was pulled back into a pony tail. I really liked her and could not figure out what...

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Kathleens StoryChapter 3

My name is Kathleen, or more appropriately, Slave #39. Read my initial story for full information on my life. I did not plan on writing another story for a few more weeks, but now feel compelled to, because of the last assignment that The Syndicate sent me on. It happened just yesterday, Friday the 13th, to be exact. The messenger knocked on my front door at 9:50 a.m. I had the feeling that The Syndicate would require my services on this particular day, so it was of no great shock to me when...

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Isolated with Tommys step mom 4

Lora laid back down in my arms enjoying the warm bubble bath. I laughed and said " So was Tommy going to come and kick my ass? I hope he knows I would never harm so much as a hair on your sexy little head." Lora didn't say anything but started running one of her finger nails around my nipple as in thought. Lora when got up without a word, wrapping a towel around her as she headed out the door, leaving me to wonder what had just happened. I got drying off before going to see where she had gone....

3 years ago
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Handlebars And Hand Holds

I had been working in the Information Systems Department on a Claims project for nearly two years before Elia came into my life. It's not as if she had any intention of having anything to do with me; it was, in her mind, unavoidable. She took a job in the same department working on the finance side of the house, an entirely different account but part of the same organization at the regional level. We happened to have offices on the same floor of a fourteen story building, although Elia was...

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Some Infinities Are Longer The Devils Return Chapter Two

“Why didn’t you tell me,” Aaron’s voice comes from above me. I look up, he’s propped up on a ledge, looking down. His knees are pulled to his chest and his chin between his knees. “I was going to,” I reply. I run and jump up, pulling myself in beside him. “I don’t want the cure,” he says. “It’s not like it kills me,” I tell him. “It just weakens me for a year or two.” “That’s not why I don’t want it,” he tells me. “I want to try spending my forever with you.” He doesn’t look at me when he...

2 years ago
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Bhai Ke Sath Jabardasst Sex

Mera Naam parul hai,mein delhi se hun.Mere ghar me mera bhai rahul jo mujhse chota hai wo aur mummy daddy hai. Mera age 29yrs hai aur height 5’2″ .Mein gori hun aur meri body bhi kafi bhari bhari si hai.Aaj mein aapko apne bhai rahul ke sath hui sachi kahani ke baare mein batati hun. Shuruwat mere college ke din se karte hain,mein lady shri ram college mein padh rahi thi.wahan mera ek boy friend tha rakesh .Mein aur rakesh kafi close the .Rakesh ne mujhe kai baar choda uske flat mein , mere...

3 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 15

Fashion is Our Name – Part 15 – Escape from Zagreb Chapter 38 – Headed to Croatia After the motorcycle escort peeled off with a hearty wave, Ben had us headed straight to the southwest, taking a route toward Graz, avoiding Vienna. He asked if I knew the plans for the evening. After asking Sing to take the passenger seat, I headed to the back, where Anne and Amelia were having a rapid conversation, with a lot of head nodding. I interrupted, ‘Ben needs some directions. What is the plan for...

4 years ago
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A Moms sexuality Is Awaken Chapter fn

CHAPTER f******n Back at the hotel Tim was ready to burst waiting for Sally and Josh to return. His hadn’t touched his cock, other than to piss, for almost two weeks. Ever since he heard he was selected to receive multiple blow jobs from Sally he wanted to make sure he qualified for at least the second round of getting sucked off by her. Tim had not been sucked off very much in his life. He had paid a whore a few times, but he would cum so quick it was over as soon as she started. Looking...

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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 9

Quickly climbing into the back seat Julian opened the rear passenger door and rushed for the end of the alley at a full run. Half of him expected for them to catch up and was surprised when he made it. Looking back at the entrance to Dark Street he saw it disappear before his eyes under the first rays of the sun, turning into a dead end as if it had never been there in the first place. Looking around the sights of the rest of the city called him and with one last glance back the dead end he...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 15

Sal was sitting in the back yard watching a skywriter writing something that looked like an advertisement for the new rodeo at Madison Square Garden. Then again, it could be for a popular moving company with trucks all over the city. The white clouds were dissipating so fast he could not be sure. Maybe it was the fact he was already on his fourth beer on his single day off in the week. His aunt Gina was all caught up in some new chain-letter thing that had all the females in the building...

4 years ago
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Living Beyond the Dream Humanization

Living Beyond the Dream, Humanization and Naturalization By: Malissa Madison Drew Correll, CEO and senior President of the Inter-Galactic Bank of Omega Seven, sat in his rather plush office, fully aware of what his best investigator was doing. He was aware because the Banks Owners had directed him to have Jarrell do just what he was doing. When his wall lit up with the images of the Judges office, he was ready. He knew that a corresponding wall there had become a large...

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Getting the GEDChapter 4

As Bob Tucker slumped over the steering wheel, Rosa reached across and unlocked the door for Jana. Jana unhooked his seat belt and started to push him over to the passenger seat, as Rosa exited the car and hopped into the back seat. Once Jana restarted the car and pulled it safely off the two lane road, she got out, retrieved her messenger bag and started to move her motorcycle into the bushes to retrieve it later. Just as she was remounting her bike, another car approached from the rear and...

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My Second ChanceChapter 37 Dahliarsquos First Big Meeting

Tuesday morning, I wake up being kissed, with a hand in my underwear, jacking me off. I open my eyes to see Kim and return the kiss. When we part, I tell her, Next time, come a half-hour early, and you can help me with my morning shower.” “I would love that. Why can’t we do it now?” “Imagine how Carol would feel seeing you step out of the shower with me. You need to be here early enough that she will not see.” “I thought we weren’t keeping secrets.” “We aren’t. I talked to her, and she...

1 year ago
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Ah Hawaii

We’ve been in Hawaii for two days. Just enough time to remember each other’s bodies and how well they work together. It’s lotsa sun during the days and Mai Tais at night, and every kind and color of volcano-named drink we can try – including a real killer served in a big volcanic rock that takes two straws from a Polynesian restaurant that sports bamboo walls and waitrons in shorts and brightly colored shirts. We sat in a high backed, two seater wicker chair. The food is good, exotic, but not...

4 years ago
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Siblings Discover True Love

Introduction: To prelude the story, Ill start off by saying that it is indeed a 100% true story. Names of all of the people except for my brother and I were omitted to protect their identities. Our last name is also omitted to avoid legal or familial ramifications. This story is written from my point of view. However, it is a collaborative effort that was authored by both my brother and I equally. We mostly did this story as a bit of a recap of just how far weve come, and it was originally not...

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Chemistry Teacher Ki Anatomy

Hi readers, . I will try my best to raise the cocks and wet the pussies of my readers. Sorry, no offence intended. Here is my new story. merey collage main bahut hi sexy teacher parhati thi pehley toh mujhey lga ki wo kunwari hai par baad main pta chala ki uski shaadi ho chuki hai. uska paati engineer tha. mam bahut hi sunder aur sexy thi main usey roz he neeharta tha aji main kya pura clg he unka deewana tha.Mam ko dekh kar humesha khyal aata tha ki mam key pati key kithey maze hai main uski...

1 year ago
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Wife and Boss 2

Finally have a chance to finish telling about first wife and my boss/ theater owner. I sat behind desk in office watching Mick and other 3 men got their dicks sucked and fucked my 21 to wife, then we Mick fucked her up her ass while she had Jimmy's cock in her mouth sucking his balls dry. Mick leaned forward, cupped both her tits and pinched her nipples told her he was almost ready to fill her young ass with cum for the first time, Jimmy was holding her head telling her to suck harder, he was...

4 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 20 Sharon Visits Armand at Home

Jorge rang the bell at eleven-thirty on the dot. Sharon let him hand her into the limo and settled back to shake as the car moved smoothly through the traffic. What was Armand up to? Nora seemed to think he had some master plan -- no doubt with some reason, although she apparently wasn't at liberty to share... Sharon had NO idea, but things had been escalating steadily since the previous weekend, so there was no telling... Nora's introduction to sex had somehow upset the equilibrium they...

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