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Chapter 1 "My dad is not a very nice person," I explain to my therapist. "Maybe it's because he never expected to have a child after number ten. Maybe because he was 59 when I was born. Maybe because he's an asshole." My therapist signals that I should go on, "When I was born my oldest brother had just been married, my youngest," Here I gesture with my fingers on my glass. "Well the one closest to me, was starting High School. He didn't have time for me." My therapist refills my glass, and I tip it to her when I take another drink. I lean in close, "Everyone at the company--dad's company, Sector & Sector, all my siblings, they all have jobs. Dad likes saying he's 89% legal, well that 89% is all them. I'm the extra bit. He calls me Eleven." I stand up and put my jacket on. The bar is empty, and the bartender is staring at me. She's leaning up against the back wall with all four of her arms crossed. It's imposing. I throw her some money, really don't know how much, and pick up the bottle. "I'm taking the bottle home with me," I tell her. The bartender rolls her eyes at the guy who just spent the night whispering to a bottle of Therapist (90 proof), and waves me out the door. The streets here are horrible. Concrete instead of ferrocrete or permacrete. Stained with ash from the mags of the cars. They're being rained on. The rain is horrible. Sweet and nauseating, never enough to get you wet, only damp and sticky. The planet is horrible. Class M, but it's not Earth and I'm reminded every time it rains, or fogs, or whatever. No snow. Haven't seen snow since I left Earth. I stagger down the street and I begin to realize that I am far too drunk to make it back to, wherever I'm going. My house, probably. Well, a house. There's a front stoop with a little light above it. I can see the rain through the drops, making volume light. The steps look more comfortable then walking down the sidewalk, so I lounge on them, bottle in hand. "He calls me up," I tell the bottle. "Lots of money every time, then I go do things. Like real things. Usually not killing anyone." I take a deep draw from the bottle. "Actually never that. Never killed anyone. Directly." My head lolls back against the brick building, the clay is green, because the entire planet is weird. "Arson though, a couple of times. Once the fire killed a pregnant lady. Told dad I wouldn't do it again. He didn't like that. I think I did though, even after I said I wouldn't." I don't even notice I'm drinking now. Just like breathing. "You look like lonely," a streetwalker propositions me. I do my best to focus on her under the haze of the streetlight and the alcohol that's filling up my vision. Green skin, pretty color, long dark hair, two legs. "She" is dressed like any hooker. Leather with strategic holes in it, things packed too tight and popping out. Nice things. "Female?" It sounds rude to check, it's not. Not with A-males and bemales, and zetamales, and all the other parts, walking around. I hope they all find love, but there's only so many ways our genitalia can fit together. I'm incompatible with most. Some people try anyway, I'm not one of them. The street walker pulls her skirt up and I can see that she's not got anything but her pussy underneath. That and some very arousing garters. I'm beginning to realize that what I've been feeling all this time is loneliness. Then I remember that I am actually very unhappy, and this hooker isn't going to change that. Sex probably wouldn't hurt anything, I think. I give a nod, and hand the hooker my bottle of Therapist. There's a good four fingers left but she knocks it back like it's Coca-cola and she's a movie star selling the audience a refreshing beverage. I was actually just trying to get her to help me up, and when I put out my hand again she tosses the bottle into the gutter and hauls me to my feet. She's strong, which doesn't surprise me. She smells nice, which does. "Were're headed, slim?" she asks, once I've got my feet under me. I look around the street, for landmarks. There's a street sign, but they put those everywhere. It could mean anything. I look around under the sticky rain, in the light of the smallest green moon. "Your place?" "I don't think so." "A hotel?" "Nothing around here does hourly." "That's okay." I try to put my arm around her shoulder and nearly succeed. "I think I'm going to be lonely the whole night." My handset vibrates on the table. I have the ear piece set to silent, I'm the only one who can hear it when it wakes me up. That does not go well. The light from the window is knives in my brain. It is physically painful to keep my eyes open. The clock on the table blinks 12:00 because even in the fucking future we can't make a working hotel clock. The hooker is tangled up in the covers still asleep. But I know I have to answer because it's my father calling. Actually it's my father's secretary. She is...depressingly polite. This is hilarious to me, knowing that my father is incapable of giving orders without a slew of profanity. I assumed that was how everyone's father talked for the longest time. Until I went to school, and called my teacher "a sweet fucking cunt". My language cleaned up shortly after that. My father's never did. So Susan gives my father's orders in a cheerful California accent, and only stumbles a few times as she censors his notes. Running guns, that's easy enough. Sector & Sector have a hefty arms division. I've done this before. "Oh, and...Eleven?" Susan doesn't use my name anymore. I don't know if it's because she feels sorry for me. Or because she's afraid of my father. No, I know she's afraid. But I have to answer her question. "Yeah?" "You're...you're gonna have to get a new body." I give a little chuckle. I have no idea what she's talking about. "The planet...where you are going...the pressure is 5 atmospheres. You need a Gen-B. I'm sending you to a local doctor, everything is being set up for you." She hangs up, and I can see the details on my screen. Thats it. No question about what I want to do. Maybe I don't want a new body. Maybe I like my body the way it is. Nope. Eleven is going to get his Gen-B and there's nothing he can do about it. I wake up the hooker and contract her for the rest of the morning. At least the money I make is going back into the system. I'm a job creator. Any schoolchild can tell you, there are about 100,000 habitable planets in our galaxy. And any slightly older schoolchild can tell you that "habitable" is a very variable term. There's a ten to twenty percent difference in just about everything that can impact an organism's survival. Ten to twenty percent difference in heat tolerance, breathing requirements, atmospheric pressure, and light and audio perception. When it comes to what's poisonous and what isn't, the deviation is more like 90%. Humans have one of the best tolerances to potassium, and one of the worst to arsenic. We're special like that. So the species segregate. Oxys hang out with oxys. 20 - 20khz range all hang out together. See red to violet? Best make some friends at least read your signs. But people aren't about to let an opportunity to trade go by simply because we can't handle a three percent difference in nitrogen in the air. About a hundred years ago human scientists started working on the first Generation-B bodies. There's no other way around it. You want to survive the whole universe, you have to build a body that can do it. The process is simple enough. It starts with butterflies. Well any insect with a staged life. Anything that goes into a cocoon. You'd think that when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly and spins it's little chrysalis, it transforms the way you put on clothes. One day it works on legs, the next wings, until it's a butterfly inside. Then it pops out like a new insect. But that's not how it works. The caterpillar goes into its cocoon and turns into caterpillar soup. Just a body of liquid that used to be a body. The brain and some of the nervous system just sit suspended. And the butterfly grows out of that. The body forms around, and augments, the nervous system. Old brain stem. New everything else. And now that's going to happen to me. I have dinner in a noodle cart in the best part of the worst part of the city. I think it suits me. Susan is there to hand over the details. It's probably not a big enough deal for her to wear a disguise down her, but it would be devastating if she were recognized with me. She's dressed like a punk, cargo pants and piercings. She's got an awesome tattoo on her left shoulder and has died her hair pink. She's only the bagman on the big jobs. Usually dad sends a street urchin. They don't ask questions when you pay them in drugs. But they can't answer questions either. Susan hands me a folder and orders noodles and meat dish no.1. I'm not sure why the proprietor bothered to number his only menu option. I open the folder and start scanning the contents. It's a six month trip, pretty easy. I'm running silent for the last week as I near the planet. Going in the long way. The weapons are going to Chinochkan. That's the English spelling of their name. Once I get the Gen-B I'll actually be able to pronounce it correctly. "Chinochkan is in the midst of a civil war," Susan tells me. "Maybe a gender war is a better description. Chocons have three genders. The females are fed up with being treated like second class citizens. They're demanding equal rights." Intergalactic terminology kids: the child bearing gender is normally called the female, and in gendered language all the female pronouns are applied. In the case of races where both genders can carry a child, the female is used until she bears the child. Then she gets to be a man. It's like Ms and Mrs "The females are normally kept in their own private continent," Susan slurps noodles and wrinkles her nose. She adds a huge heap of soy sauce and tries again. It's clear she'd much rather have a nice salad, but she keeps up appearances. "They're purchased by male couples who want a child, and the money goes to pay for the rest of the woman's life." "Sounds cushy," I say with a mouth full of noodles. I think the meat is some kind of amphibian. It's good. Susan rolls her eyes. "They have no rights, can't hold vote or hold office, and can't attend school. Of course, because they are the only means of procreation they're holding the next generation hostage." I'm curious. "Why do they need the weapons?" "What you're shipping is concealable ordinance." I flip the page and look at some very interesting diagrams. "The resistance is trying to get the women who are still brought to impregnation a way to defend themselves." I shrug, close the folder, and dump the last of my noodle broth on the street. I like drinking the broth, but here it's seen as bad luck. "There's a reason you are going, Eleven," Susan says as she dumps her noodles. She puts her bowl back on the counter and turns to me as she starts to leave. "They find human women irresistible." Yeah, lucky me. I don't like this doctor either. He's full blood human, maybe that's why. He takes my panels and gives me a physical. Yes, a full physical. I'm told prostate cancer runs in my family, then wish I hadn't been told that. Then it's time for a brain scan. This actually takes the better part of two days. I'm put, naked, inside several machines. They figure out all my brain patterns. The inside of my skull and my spine are mapped down to the tinniest detail. I'll miss my sleeves. I've been working for years to cover my arms in tattoos, and now they'll all go away. Sloughed by my dissolving body. Whatever. Half the fun is getting them done anyway. And there are some that I'd like to remove in any case. They show me the body I'm going to grow. Same face. I wish there was something they could do about that. But there's a reason everyone can't look like a movie star. Stupid ethical reasons, but reasons all the same. I'll have bigger eyes. They'll see into the IR and UV spectrum. Not a lot, but enough to pick up some weird shit. Right now the human eye can distinguish a color difference down to 1 nanometer. I'll get down to .1 nanometers. Ten times the colors. Picking out new curtains will be a snap. Different ears. Ones that can hear louder, and higher frequencies. Ones that won't cop out when the going gets over 120 decibels. Stronger muscles; denser packed, building mass five times as fast. Excess fat is for fat people, not Gen-Bs. They comb over my genes, turns out I have a strong chance of getting skin cancer. That's gone. So is that prostate cancer. Gen-B don't get polyps, so there's no colonoscopies in my imminent future. I ask if I can get better hung. Everyone laughs at that. You don't have the money they say. Hilarious. The shipment has to go out in another day. When it comes to running guns you have to move quick before a cease-fire is declared. I'll change on the plane. The doctor goes over the use of the tank. It's exactly what I expected. A giant glass womb, wires and electrodes included. I know where to place each one and there will be a nurse bot to help me. I have them ship the tank to my bay. The loader bots will know how to hook it up, the whole thing is modular. It's set up for USB-Macro 22. I wish there was something nice I could say about the ship, and the truth is, I've flown worse. It's a freighter, Big Bertha, carrying 200,000 metric tons. I'm carrying all of that in "humanitarian aid." On paper that's all I've got. It's a mission of mercy, Jack. I take my tour, one of the hanger boys shows me around. The cargo is almost all loaded. He's not in the loop. He shows me the bay where my pod will go. Sleeping quarters, a rec/mess hall, the head and the cock pit. "She's a quad drive," the hanger guy says, pointing to the throttle. "Dual lift propigator." "It's fine, I can fly it," I tell him. He gives me a thumbs up and heads out. I pull the checklist off the wall and go over it in my head. It's got the flight plan too. Big Bertha is off the planet in three hours. I watch the hanger bots load the last of the cargo, and close the bay. Takeoff is easy. There's some tricks to flying a dual propagator, but I know them all. We're cruising out of orbit just under half an hour. Out of the solar system in another three. It's only a matter of pointing us in the right direction and hitting the throttle. I slip electrodes over my head and kiss my tattoos goodbye and then relax into the tank. I close my eyes for a nine week nap. Being born sucks. The tube opens and spills a whole bunch of amniotic fluid into a sluice. My naked body comes with it. It does not go down the sluice. The light is too bright, my pupils have never had to constrict before. Apparently the first time that happens it's fairly painful. Who knew. I'm exhausted. It takes me over an hour just to get the strength to wiggle my fingers. After a couple of hours of laying there I finally muster the energy to sit up. There's a mirror in the bunks and I want to look at my new body and shower all this gunk off. I leave sticky foot prints on the steel floor, the scuttles will take care of that. Everything hurts. My knees hurt. My fingers hurt. My breasts hurt. I get to the mirror to see a young woman looking back at me. Shit.

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Chapter 1. Chris and Julia had just returned back to Britain after their recent tour of duty Italy and wanted to be in early at head office. They both had a lot of work to do and they wanted an early finish as it was only a month to their wedding. They both still had a lot of preperations to make. " Chris once we are married I would still like to go out with Nena on my free days." Julia said this as they walked into their office. Before he could reply the secetaty said, "The big...

3 years ago
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One of TwoChapter 2 Choices

I woke up in the morning feeling as confused as I had been when I fell asleep. No fairy had shown up during the night to plant a solution in my head. I thought maybe it had been just a dream. To check, I smelled my right hand. Nope, it wasn't a dream. I had really been inside Nancy's panties. I got up and took a shower. In spite of my fear, I still managed my morning erection. I was really worked up because I had gotten no relief on the bus when I made Nancy cum. I relieved myself in the...

2 years ago
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The town of Motherhood

The Town of Mother Hood is a self efficient town on the Inland. It was started 200 years ago where women were upset by the violence in the world. They blame men. So they thought they would raise there son as obedient men to women. When the man comes of age they would start turning them into the sex slave for the mothers. Although they planted seeds of the men enslavement through out their life. They didn’t tell them of this arrangement till they came of legal age. Most were easily broken. Gene...

3 years ago
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Behen Ko Delhi Me Ragda Part 8211 4

Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends, thanks for your overwhelming response to my previous stories and I am glad that people (especially girls) discussed their sexual desires with me to find the ways to realize their fantasies and also live it in reality. Hope my advice helped them. I assure that all those conversations have been deleted so that privacy of my friends remains maintained. This is the continuation of my story series of tit bits between me and my slut sis Prom and this time you...

4 years ago
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A Riverstill Angel

Fair warning, this is going to be a rather long story. It actually came to me in a dream, almost in clear, perfect novel length clarity. It will heat up rather quickly, and I hope my readers will fall for Lindi Quinn as passionatly as I did. I hope you will also be patient with me. There’s a lot of plot and descriptions and story line laid down in this first chapter. I think I am going to want to play with Lindi and Aidan for a good long time. And I know damn well I want to delve deeply and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Natasha Teen Two Cocks For Christmas

Merry XXX Christmas to you! Join us for today’s DDF Network Xmas special, featuring our new face Natsha Teen, a super hot teenager from Columbia. The blue-eyed schoolgirl with blonde hair and perky titties opens her Christmas present and finds a sex toy inside a box. She doesn’t wanna waste a minute and gets naked, sucks that rod and fills her sweet juicy pink with it right away. While she’s working her pussy with that dildo, David Perry and Ricky Mancini enter the room and...

2 years ago
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meeting with Mistress M

You might have read my blob entry – soon a couple of hours with mistress. This is the real story how this meeting went. the days and hours before our meeting have been a buzzing of messages back and forth. i was supposed to take several of my thongs with me, my leather cock ring, my butt plug and my vibrator.. all that was just prepartaion.. the night before Mistress M wrote me to travel with the black thoong with one whole in it and the leather cock ring arond my balls and cock. furthermore...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Mission Part 1

This story is pure fantasy (obviously). I am responsible for the original posting on literotica.com.—————————————————A classified mission, no details given when it was announced and barely more once things got underway. Usually we found out something, some morsel of information, but this time, nothing. No location, no timeframe. So I had no idea what to expect when we touched down, but as soon I stepped outside I was filled with a sense of relief and wonder. Nothing but sandy beaches, palm...

2 years ago
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Nightriders BaneChapter 5

At dinner one night Shaylee said, "I have to thank you for bringing the Major's books along. At the time I thought that they would be just a bunch of dead weight but I was wrong! I'm sorry." "Thanks. I noticed that you've been reading them and I must say I'm surprised. What does a woman need to read books about warfare for anyway?" "Well they're making me think on a lot of things. First we're not safe yet, not by a long shot! As long as that last nightrider is out there we are in...

3 years ago
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Angel and I share Laura

Laura and Angel had been friends since Laura moved to the area a few months earlier. They had met through work and became fast friends. Both Angel and I had been attracted to her since we had met her. She was 25, short only about 5 feet tall, skinny, but with lovely big tits. She had big brown eyes and mouse brown hair and a beautiful smile. Not only that but a lovely girl smart and funny. Angel had asked her to join us in a threesome but she didn’t want to as she was only interested in Angel...

2 years ago
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Kotonaru sekai kihan

Darkness. Silence. Everything is dark and quiet. You try to move but you can’t. Your arms, legs, hands, head, nothing is moving. In fact, you can’t feel anything. What’s going on?! Where are you?! “Hey there,” you hear a voice somehow both inside and outside your head, but not able to see who or where they are, “I’m sorry to tell you this but… you just died.” Wait… WHAT?! “I know you have a lot of questions, but those aren’t important right now.” You try to feel any emotion, only to come up...

2 years ago
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An unexpected neko

(Since I read countless petgirl/neko stories, I don't really know, who deserves credit.) One day you decide to finally get yourself a cat, since you wanted one for ages. So, the next day you visit the local animal shelter and look at all the different cats that are there. You pick a cat and the clerk mutters something. As you ask what he said, he just answers: "Oh, it wasn't important. I'm just glad this cat found an owner." With a shrug of your shoulders, you leave the shelter together with...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock 2123

Elaine trotted to the bathroom, her anxiety mounting. Quickly she used the toilet, cleaned thoroughly and washed her hands and her new plug. Her excitement was evident in the reflection above the sink. Her nipples were so hard. She couldn't believe she was going to do this now. Looking at her watch, Elaine noted she was down to twenty-five minutes. She had second thoughts.Maybe I shouldn't do this... What if someone comes home?She sighed and dried everything off. In two minds, she trudged from...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Neighbor Hungry Aunt And Her Daughter 8211 Part 1

To begin with the story I came to Bangalore for my job I got a house for rent the area was thinly populated as it was under-developing area only with four houses in my road. My neighborhood was a family with husband wife a son and daughter the wife is a very friendly average plumy aunty of around 43yrs age. Name anitha weighs around 75kg with huge ass her body measurements are 36-34-42 structure wise not so good but had a beautiful face. Her husband always use to be out of state she had a young...

1 year ago
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A Family MixupChapter 3

Nancy: So, I told him, come to my room after Amanda's in bed, I had his special present ready for him. I had candles lit and just a trace of perfume between my breasts and legs, places I knew he would want to explore. My hair was just right, my skin nicely smoothed by lotion, a fresh shave to welcome him to my body, I was ready as I slipped under the sheet, all naked and eager. A slight tap at the door, then it opened and Will came in wearing a pair of navy briefs, well-tented out in the...

1 year ago
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Vanessas Island Ch 01

For five years I had lived on the island totally without human companionship. I saw no men but the old guy who ran the supply ship, and no women at all. And I was happy. An artist needs his solitude. In the hurley-burley that we choose to call society, the deeper voice of the soul cannot be heard. Man alone with nature, that’s the way it should be. Like Thoreau at Walden Pond, Hemingway battling it out with the marlin in the Gulf of Mexico, Amundsen eating his own huskeys to stay alive at the...

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Mom After Mom 8211 Part 6 Shedding Inhibitions

Me – “You don’t mean that. Do you?” She silently nodded in the affirmative. Me – “I just don’t understand. How is this possible?” Di – “It’s a long story” Me – “I am ready to listen” Di – “Ok… But you shouldn’t judge me after this.” Me – “I am not in a position to judge as I was the one who started it.” She laughed at it. Me – “Now tell me. How did this happen?” Di – “ All this started with this distance between us. It was awkward and hurtful. I was not feeling as good as I expected. No...

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All American BoyChapter 74

The next morning after The Game, Ben ran from the house as soon as I pulled into their drive. He had his shoes and Maverick’s warmup pants on, he was carrying his T-shirt and warmup jacket. Ben was talking even before he was in the seat, “What’s the big surprise, Dalton? I know if Charlie Stoner is involved, it has to be big!” “You got that right! I found the receipt for it this morning – Bonnie’s and my joint bank account bought us a seventy-eight inch, curved screen, 3–D UHD TV!” “WOW!...

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Daniella Defiled

Finish what you started. Fucking defile me’ – from Daniella Bound * Daniella’s pulse raced. Her discomfort was real, but it was countered by a sense of wild excitement. She could have freed herself by a single sharp tug of her wrists but she did not want to. Not for an instant. Never in her life had she felt like this. She was irked that he had left her so damn long, but then it should hardly have surprised her now she had submitted to his games. So she remained seated on his kitchen chair,...

4 years ago
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Part 1Ever since the age of 16yrs old, when I'd walked in on my stepfather fucking my mom's brains out, I've been obsessed with him. I was rendered speechless at the sight of him hammering her pussy, of course unsure what was going on. They didn't see me standing there in the doorway for the longest time... Both were naked, and he was giving it to her hard from behind. I'd been taught that nudity is something to be ashamed of, yet there they were, nude and glistening with sweat, and I couldn't...

1 year ago
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I wasn't looking forward to going home.  Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance (she's just as warped as I am)., it's just that ever since her sister moved in with us, our lives have been a living hell.  She is the biggest bitch I've ever, ever had to deal with, a true hapa princess, sweet sixteen and as sour, sarcastic, and foul as any girl or woman I've met.  Her mother and father, while treating my fiance like the proverbial worthless daughter they wished they had killed at birth,...

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Tommy Part 21

"Tommy"By GentilePart 21---------She called after 11. "You're not mad because we took your car are you, boy?" She was testing me. I had to be careful here because if I got mad it would disappoint her greatly."Of course not, honey." Yes, I said that."Where is the psycho?" No, I didn't say that."Thank you, Cully. It's meant the world to him. It really has. And to me too, boy. That's very kind of you. And he looks so cool driving it."She never said that about me behind that wheel. No, she had, I...

1 year ago
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Karma Rx 6300 780000

Twitter is more than a haters' paradise! Smart chicks use the platform for promotional purposes, and, lucky for me, these chicks are often sluts. Instead of going through tweets about Musk, Kim K's new boyfriend, and women's rights, I'm gonna focus all of my attention on a pair of bomb tits and their proud owner - Karma Rx. Stay around and find out what this tantalizing pornstar has to say on twitter.com/karma_rx! Let's get this party started!Entertainer, lover, pig, patriot...That's what Karma...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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A Sweet Tinder Date

Hell, sex story fans. Like most of the guys out there, I had lost all hopes of getting lucky on Tinder. Correct me if I am wrong but Indian girls are pretty irritating when it comes to casual sex. I guess it’s just not in their DNA. So when my Tinder profile matched with this pretty petite bombshell, I did get excited but not a lot coz I knew getting lucky with a clear cut intention was a far cry. Still, after a few weeks of chit-chat, we decided to meet. A bit about me: I’m a Mumbai based...

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How I Became An Owned Slave

I watched Matt as he took the last piece of clothing that I owned – the last anything I owned – and threw it on the fire. It took a few seconds, then it, too, caught fire, on top of all my other former possessions.Now I stood, completely naked, in the large backyard of his house, owning nothing, with no ID, no credit cards, no passport, no…anything. And I was standing in front of four men who were watching me with something like hunger in their eyes.I was shaking, feeling both scared – and...

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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

3 years ago
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Who Are YouChapter 8 Sad Goodbyes

I had set my phone alarm to wake me at 9:00pm so that I could tell Sylvia good-bye. I expected her to be back around that time, and I wasn't disappointed since she showed up shortly after I woke up. "Henry, you are looking much better, and I hear good things about you. You have been walking a lot, and tomorrow you leave. I must say that I'm going to miss you terribly, but life must go on, right?" "Sylvia, you have no idea how much I am going to miss seeing you each evening. This past...

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Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged

Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful… Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful man who gave her everything she ever needed. There was only one problem in Rohini’s life and that everything had become very routine. Her life seemed to be the same everyday. The excitement she had once experience was now...

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