A New Secretary. A Change In Simons Status. free porn video

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A New Secretary A Change In Simon's Status. By Trish. A big thank you to Robyn Hoode for the edit. It was my wife's infidelity that finally motivated me to quit the London business scene. Fortunately I work mostly behind a computer, and can work anywhere with a high-speed data line. The idea of quitting London and going self-employed was not a new one and I had been toying with the idea ever since I inherited my grandparent's house in Dorset but until I found out about my wife's affair the decision was not just mine to make, and, as she did not want to move, it was just a pipe dream. Things had not been good between us for a while, and it was really only a matter of time before the marriage ended. I guess it would not have been so bad if she had just come out and told me but instead I got home from a business trip a day earlier than expected, and found my wife in bed with my boss! Furious I stomped out in tears, and immediately handed in my notice, along with instructing my solicitor to begin divorce proceedings. After London, living in the 'sticks' was a whole new experience but, once I got used to it, I found the flexibility of being a self-employed one man band suited me or rather it did until I created a fund-raising interactive CD for the local Archaeological Trust, which opened more doors than I could walk through. It was one of the first 'local' jobs I got. It was not much, just a package they could send out to local businesses in search of sponsorship but it raised my profile. I could not say if the businesses who received the disk came up with any funding for the trust, but they really liked my work on the CD and couple of months after it went out I was suddenly busier than ever. The work just kept flooding in and eventually I got so backlogged that I had to subcontract a couple of my old university mates to keep up with it all. In the short-term, punting them some work did ease my immediate workload but in the end it also made things worse, because the local companies whose work I had subcontracted to my mates, assumed that I was also in the agency staff game and started asking me to find them contractors. At first I was happy to do it but, after a while, not only was I doing my own contract jobs but I was also acting as an agent for many of my old university mates, and, as the months, progressed their other mates as well! Filling various contracts was a headache but straight forwards. Unfortunately that was not the case when it came to all the extra paperwork, because it meant I was working even longer hours than I had in London. As the contract agency side had turned into a very profitable part of my business I did not want to lose it but I knew that to keep on top of my own jobs I needed to find someone to take the routine business paperwork off my hands. Hoping that I would get lucky I put an advert in the local paper and at the Job Centre for an experienced IT secretary/administrator and crossed my fingers. I had no fixed conceptions of who I was looking for, but I knew who I did not want, and initially I was not impressed by the applications. I was either getting 17 and 18-year-old kids with half an NVQ in business practice or old dears, who lacked the necessary computer skills. By the time I got sent Robbie Willows CV I was at my wit's end. Her background was mainly retail administration and although she lacked the computer business background I was looking for, on paper she was worth an interview, so I called her, and invited her round that afternoon for a chat. "This afternoon?" She sounded uncomfortable and had a gruff Lancastrian accent. "I'm not dressed for it." "Not a problem," I said. "It means I don't have to either." And gave her directions. It was about hour and a half later that I heard a noisy engine pull up outside. Glancing out of the window I saw a tatty old motorbike, and at first thought someone had biked me some work over. Wearing a scruffy tee-shirt and jeans I mooched to the front door and greeted the visitor. The rider still had their crash helmet on and I did not realise there was a woman under the leathers until she removed her helmet and said hesitantly. "Mr Riley? I'm Roberta Willows." "Oh!" I hid my surprise. "Hello." She looked more like a Hell's Angel than a secretary! "Hi I'm Simon Riley," I said cheerfully holding out my hand. She towered a good four inches over me and my first thought was 'bull dyke' as she almost crushed my hand in her powerful grip. With her short dark hair, hulking physique and well used bike leathers there was a mannish quality about Roberta Willows that was rather intimidating and raised the hairs on my spine. At first glance I did not think she was what I was looking for but I was stuck and showed her into what I laughingly called my office, saying, "Grab the seat behind the desk please because I'm in the middle of something on the computer." With a whistle of dismay at the mess Ms Willows said in a cool not quite unfriendly tone, "I see why you need help?" "Yeah," I laughed, "it's all gone kind of mad lately," and offered, "Tea or coffee?" "Erm, coffee, please?" she answered, looking uncomfortably out-of-place sat in her leathers behind my messy paperwork desk. Although I keep the house immaculate, my workspace is a different matter. Except for the area where the bank of work computers sat, my office was an organised tip, resembling more a students bedsit than the hub of a successful small business. Seeing how uncomfortable she looked as I passed her a coffee eased my feeling of intimidation as I said, "Here you go." Giving me a thin smile she coolly looked me over and said, "Thanks." With a small shake of her head she added in a slightly warmer tone, "I was expecting something different from this, Mr Riley?" "Simon please," I said hopping onto the stool. "Robbie," she said hesitantly. Once I'd got past the usual background questions and the interview proper started Robbie started showing a little more animation. Although her answers indicated a serious lack of confidence in herself, I assumed that it was because she lacked some of the background knowledge I was looking for. However in her favour she had all of the admin skills I needed and seemed bright enough to learn the how the computer business worked. As we spoke it was obvious that she was easily the best candidate I had seen and as I explained what I wanted from my potential assistant she really impressed me with the kind of questions she asked. "So how much do you know about the IT business?" I asked. "Not much," she answered honestly. "Obviously I can use the common computer office packages and," she shrugged, "but I guess business admin, is business admin." "Well true," I nodded liking her quickness, and as the interview progressed I felt sure that she was worth hiring. Unusually for me I made a snap decision and offered her a month's trial there and then. Her jaw dropped and for a split second she looked at me shocked. There was a weird vulnerability about her astonishment, which I found really appealing. Instead of the dyke aura she had been radiating I felt a wave of uncertainty as I added. "That's if you want the job?" Speechless she nodded. "I do." I smiled asking, "Okay how much do you want?" Catching her out for the first time Robbie nodded hesitantly asking, "Erm is ?9.50 an hour too much?" "Okay," I said shaking my head with a smile. "But how about ?12.50 if you last the trial month?" As my words sunk in her face went though the book, settling finally on a wide grin that totally transformed her until then fairly chilly expression. "When do you want me?" she said finally answering my question "From now would be handy?" I laughed. "Anything else you need?" "Well?" she answered, sounding surprised as she looked about the mess. "For starters some shelving and space so I can organise the paperwork into some form of order?" "Fine that can be your first job," I said. "There's a couple of old store-rooms I'm planning to get knocked into one just along the hallway to the barn and it might not look it, but it is ordered." For the first time Robbie showed her sense of humour and half-laughed. "You could fool me, but I think I can bring some semblance of order to the chaos." "Okay, you've got a deal!" I laughed, crossing my fingers and hoping I had made the right choice. Employing Robbie turned out to be a stroke of genius. She might not have been quite what I imagined when I got the idea of an admin-secretary, because she was about as feminine as spanner, but, my god, was she effective! Never giving me a hint of the insecurities that hid behind her bossy mask she soon had the office and me sorted. Her forceful no-nonsense attitude, and short temper quickly put a stop to my buggering around and improved my productivity within weeks. At first our relationship was strictly business, but in response to my growing confidence in her abilities it slowly deepened into the beginnings of what became a solid working relationship. I liked Robbie, and, although she was decidedly odd with her mannish ways, we found that our personalities complemented each other. As the weeks passed I learned that she had been though an equally nasty divorce experience that left her in debt and with numerous trust issues where men were concerned. As I never treated her as a potential female partner I did not trigger her defence mechanisms once our relationship moved from strictly business areas and grew into the beginnings of a firm friendship. She had been working for me for about six months when the accountant showed me the figures, and my jaw hit the table! Boggled by the increased profit margin I instructed the accountant to give her an instant 50% pay rise! However the pay rise was from work and I wanted to get her something, as a personal thank you, but I did not have a clue what. Putting the idea to the back of my mind I managed to keep my face glum when I got back. "Oh?" Robbie said seeing my face. "Not good news from the accountant then?" I had told her I would give her a pay rise if we could afford it. "Yeah he gave me some bad news about your pay rise!" I groaned. "Oh?" She looked at me her face falling. "Yeah sorry, it's not what I thought it would be?" "Ah well." She shrugged, putting a brave face on it. "Next time?" Losing control my face broke in to a wide grin as I laughed. "Yeah hope you don't mind but it's going to be a bit more than I said." "Simon!" Robbie growled, "Please don't do that to me!" When she asked, "How much?" I did not tell her and just passed her a pay slip. Robbie did she not know what to do. In the end she just said, "Thanks Simon," and gave me a brief kiss. It was the first and pretty much last noticeably feminine gesture she ever made around me, and I do not know which of us was more embarrassed! When she started her self-confidence was shot, but I knew within weeks that she was better than she believed and little by little I started to let Robbie get on with it. Best of all as her confidence in her abilities increased she really started to enjoy doing the things I hated. Especially dealing face to face with the clients and after meeting them she had an uncanny ability to subcontract to a person who would suit them, a task that used to kill me. However before she could start seeing clients Robbie needed a business wardrobe, her jeans and biker tee-shirts were fine for the office but not for business meetings. Knowing how strapped for money she was I gave her the business's credit card and I told her go and buy herself a couple of suits. I was not really that surprised when she came back with a couple of overtly masculine cut trouser suits, or that she wore them with a shirt and tie. I already knew Robbie was good on the phone with clients, but face-to-face she was brilliant and took to contract negotiating like she had been doing it for years. One immediate difference was she always got a premium rate and she did it looking a hell of a lot more comfortable in a suit than I did, even though I had worn one for most of the last ten years! Respected by our competitors and liked by our clients and contractors Robbie grew into the job. Slowly but surely behind her abrupt mask she was rebuilding her shattered self-confidence and as she did Robbie really started to relax around me. Not that I noticed anything different about the way she behaved of course. On the surface she was just her usual blunt-self, stomping about in her bike boots while telling me off for not having finished whatever I should have. Technically I might have been the boss but after nine or ten months it was Robbie who was actually managing the business and keeping me on the straight and narrow. Little by little our friendship continued to grow until we reached the point where I felt I knew her well enough to tease her. It started when she insisted that I put a small internet capable telly in the office for the Isle of Man TT, and the World Cup. "Sometimes I think you should have been the wench!" Robbie quipped after I made a comment about the futility of 22 men chasing a pig's bladder! "I've never met a bloke before who dislikes beer, hates driving and doesn't understand football," she grinned, "but admits to preferring cooking and housework." Praying that my face did not tell her how close to the truth she was, I laughed. "I think that says something about the blokes in your life more than me, Robbie?" "Perhaps?" She grinned back clearly amused by something. "Well if it will make you more comfortable I can always get sexist?" I suggested. "I'm sure you'd look lovely in short-skirted office suit... Sweetheart." "Sweetheart! Ha!" Robbie laughed. "No chance!" "Or maybe I'll order one next time, instead of a trouser suit?" "Only if you want to be wearing it!" Robbie grumbled, throwing a ball of paper in my direction. "Simone!" We played lots of little verbal games like that, and Robbie's witty humour and quick-tongue meant she usually came out on top, which improved her self-esteem and kept me laughing. She described her humour as workshop, and it was often lewd, and crude. Some of her quips and comments would have been barely acceptable from a male workmate, and much to her delight they often had me blazing red with embarrassment I first noticed a shift in our relationship one December evening, when it was pissing down. Seeing the stair rods bouncing off the lane outside I told her she was mad riding the ten miles home in it as we finished up for the day. Pulling a face Robbie looked out of the window and muttered, "Bugger!" "Want to stop over tonight?" I offered. "The spare room's made up?" Normally when the weather was this bad she took my car but that was in the repair shop after I clipped a wall trying to turn it round. Although we were now good friends Robbie had never stopped over, and except for business functions, we had not really socialised outside work. Knowing her history I assumed that spending the night, even in separate rooms would unnerve her and expected to have to talk her round, so I was astonished when she said with a grateful smile. "Thanks Simon, I'd like that." She liked my cooking as well, before we spent very a pleasant evening cabbaged out in front of the telly with a couple of drinks. We did not talk about anything important however as we chatted, something I had been mulling over coalesced in my mind. She had been with me for getting on for two years and had become pretty much indispensable. I was acutely aware of how much of the businesses success was down to her drive and the consequences of losing her worried me enough to bring it up with my business advisor. The figures spoke for themselves and his suggestion that I could offer her a partnership made sense. Thinking about it as we sat watching drivel of the telly I made up my mind to ask my solicitor to draw up the papers. Robbie's 37th birthday was coming up and it seemed fitting to spring the surprise on her then. Long before I mentioned her to my business advisor I had pretty much decided to get her a company car of her own. We did not really need two cars but I thought it was a fitting gesture, until I recalled that her computer desktop was a photograph of her dream motorbike. Suddenly deciding to forget getting her a car, I secretly contacted the Harley Davidson dealers and ordered the model in the photograph. It took a little doing but I managed to arrange for it to be delivered on a Friday morning when I knew she was out visiting one of our biggest accounts at Wilton. Once it was all arranged, I was like a cat on a hot tin roof, and hard pressed not to let anything slip. Robbie must have guessed something was up because as the date got closer, she kept giving me long questioning looks. Having arranged everything with the Harley dealers to deliver the bike, by the time she got back mid-afternoon it was hidden in the garage. I had been scheming about how I was going to do this since I ordered the bike and the only fly in the ointment was the weather. In typical British summer fashion it was chucking it down outside by the time she got back, and Robbie was moaning about it as I handed her a cup of coffee. "Thanks Si," she said pulling her face as I also handed her a sheaf of phone messages with a suppressed grin. "Here, pressy." Looking at her stood confidently next to her desk still wearing her suit jacket, I suddenly felt a huge wave of affection for her. In comparison to the coldly intimidating figure that had walked into my home 23 months earlier she was like a different person. There was now an air of self- assurance about her, and although she was still as bossy as ever she no longer hid behind it. Pulling on her nose she was already scanning the phone messages absently sipping her coffee. I gave her enough time to get distracted, before I dropped the partnership papers in front of her saying, "Here, these need your signature as well." Robbie glanced at the papers on autopilot and I waited until she had her pen out before adding, "Oh yeah, and before you do, the solicitor says I've got to tell you that they make you a partner." "You're joking," Robbie said with a thunderstruck expression on her face not noticing that she had spilt half of her coffee on the floor. "Yeah," I nodded happily, "course I am, see?" I passed her my signed and sealed copy of the documentation and one of the new business cards I had made for her. "Now scribble your name, while I clean the spill up." "Why?" she gawped as I quickly mopped up the pool of coffee beside her. I had never seen an expression like that on her face before and even now it gives me the collywobbles when I think about it. Giving her a sly grin I laughed. "Well for one thing I cannot afford to lose you!" "But?" she babbled. "A partner?" "Yes, the way I see it is the business would not be where it is today without you so you deserve an equal share of the rewards! You've more than doubled the turnover on the contracting side, and turned it from a pain in the arse into the one of the biggest IT agencies in the South West." "Oh my god!" Robbie gasped, reading the sincerity in my face. "You're serious!" I nodded and held out my hand. "Yep, 50/50!" "Simon you have got a deal." Taking my hand she shook it, looking stunned. "Oh yeah and while I remember?" I said. "There was a delivery for you. I told them to dump it in the garage." She laughed and shook her head still clearly astonished. "I'll go sort it now, it's probably the stationary I ordered." Tossing her suit jacket over her chair followed by her tie she walked out through the internal door into the garage, calling, "Make us another coffee will you?" "OH MY GOD!" Her shout echoed about the house. "SIMON YOU BASTARD!" Walking in I held a small birthday cake on top of which sat the keys and a few burning candles. "Happy birthday, partner." I don't think she heard me as she was stood there in frozen disbelief ... Her jaw was on the floor as she looked from delivery note to the bike in astonishment. I knew that the delivery note had under customer name, Ms. R Willows -Partner, Riley & Willows E-tech and the company address. "Surprise!" I said, holding out the cake saying, "Make a wish!" "Eh?" Stunned Robbie tore her eyes from the bike and saw the cake. Wide eyed she let out a weak puff, that flickered the candles, stuttering. "You..," Looking at me she said with a sudden ear-to-ear grin of astonishment. "... bastard. Thank you, but why?" "Well I've wanted to give you a personal thank you for a while, and if I bought you a designer dress you'd have hit me." I grinned as she swung her leg over the Harley and settled into the saddle adding, "Since I did not want to get punched I thought I'd buy you your dream bike instead, and I hope you like it?" "Like it?" Robbie muttered. "I don't know what to say." "Well the thank you was a good start," I laughed unable to take my eyes off her face. Watching Robbie as she grasped the bars it was like she slipped into a seemingly Zen like state, almost as if she was holding some mental communication with the Harley. Loving her every expression I waited for the look of amazed disbelief to fade before I offered the keys again, giggling. "Why don't you take it for a spin?" "In this?" she said nodding at the rain drumming on the roof. "And I'm not exactly dressed for it just now am I?" She indicated to her 'seeing a client monkey suit' and asked with strange expression of amusement filling her face. "So partner, can I ask you a personal question?" "Sure," I said, never expecting her question. I thought I was so careful. "When are you going to show me what you look like in one of your pretty outfits, Simon?" Leaning back in the saddle she grinned at me saying, "Coz I'm sure you're going to look cute!" With a dry throated, "What?" of disbelief I felt an awful sinking sensation, and went white as my tongue turned to stone before I spluttered, "You know?" "That you are a tranny?" she chortled. "Yes." "How?" "Well when I was younger, before I met the wanker (her ex) I lived with a tranny student in Manchester," Robbie said with an ear to ear grin, "And realised you might be one not long after I started when I noticed that there would occasionally be a pair of tights in your washing basket. Then about a year back I saw a bra in your washing machine, which is not good for them by the way, well putting both of those tells together made me think more about it, but when I combined that with the fact that for all you're a successful businessman, you've actually got a very submissive personality I realised just how much you reminded me of a few T-girls I knew in Manchester." "Oh!" I said blushing even brighter. My private life changed dramatically after my divorce. For the first time in my life I had a truly private place to live. As a child I enjoyed dressing in my mother's clothing and, when I left home, access to her wardrobe was about the only thing I really missed. Then I met the woman I married and, distracted by her charms, the desires faded only to return with a vengeance as my marriage fell apart. Taking the attitude after my divorce that what I did alone was my business, I indulged my hobby and did some of my best work dressed. I do not know or particularly care why I like feminine clothing it's just something I have always done and really enjoy. Not that I wanted anyone to know about it of course. Even though I lived alone, once Robbie started I was careful to keep my hobby hidden. I know in today's world cross-dressing is seen as an innocent enough hobby and that most clients would not care in the slightest, after all, IT types are expected to be odd. Even so, I still felt ashamed about my hobby and kept it well hidden, or at least thought I did. "Erm?" I stammered thickly. "Why didn't you say anything?" "It's not a big deal!" Robbie snickered. "I've been wanting to ask you for ages, but never dared?" "Oh?" I could feel my face starting to burn as I whispered, "And you want me to ... ?" "Wear one of your outfits, yes and," her eyes captured mine, "I've still not forgotten that comment about ordering a short skirted office suit, and it's not a bad idea," she chortled happily. "But," she grinned, "it will be you wearing one for me, doll! However for now anything with a skirt will do." Her smile widened. "Please? I find the thought of you in a dress really appealing." "You do?" I gasped. "Oh yeah!" she beamed. " To my astonishment she actually seemed elated about confirming my hobby. "Erm?" Feeling ill I looked in to her expectant eyes terrified. "Oh go on?" Robbie badgered eyeballing me until I capitulated. "Okay? But don't you think I'm a bit ... ?" "Sick?" Robbie grinned. "No, not at all. I adore T-girls, for me they are the best of both worlds, as much fun to look at and spend time with as a genetic girl but without the bitchy side, and the added benefit of them being a male between their legs in the bedroom!" There was a self- mocking edge to her tone as she added. "And let's face it. I'm as much of one as you are!" I blushed, and nodded. It was true. The rude edge that often coloured her humour was out in full as she laughed, "And the thought of you decorating the bitch seat of this beauty in tight leathers in the future is a one hell of a turn on!" "Turn on?" I could have kicked myself she had done it to me again, reduced me to moronically repeating what she said. "Yeah! A turn on!" Her thick eyebrows bobbed up and down suggestively. "You clinging on to me looking like my hot tranny biker bird!" For a long moment her comment hung there, as we looked at each other in astonished silence and it was clearly written on Robbie's face that she had shocked herself with what she had just said. Then, with a half laughed shrug she pulled herself together and asked. "Weren't you making me another coffee?" Her eyes sparkled with delight as she said in a mock male tone, "Sweetheart." The expression on her face made me blush and stutter, "So you don't think I'm a perv?" "No more than me!" Robbie winked leaning off the bike to give my bum a pat. "Which isn't saying much!" Her tones were again echoing with innuendo as she laughed and teasingly added, "And I really fancy the idea of having you spend a day or two as my sexy tranny secretary taking dictation on demand!" "Oh!" I gasped, astonished that she had vocalised one of my favourite fantasies. I'm sure Robbie read it in my face because she gave my bum much firmer pat and a possessive grope chortling. "Now run along like a good girl, and do as you're told." Her laughter increased as she spluttered, "Oh and I don't want to hear any complaint's about me being a sexist pig either sweetheart!" Blushing brightly I nodded, and tottered out feeling like my knees were made of jelly. Making the coffee on autopilot my mind was all over the place wondering how my surprise for her had turned into more of a surprise for me. Just as I bent over to put the milk back in the fridge I could hear her chuckling with pleasure behind me as she walked into the kitchen. "Mamma!" Robbie laughed. "I do hope you're going to be doing that some time soon in tarty high heels and a short skirt for me?" "Erm?" I blushed. "Make me coffee in a skirt, nothing too long, unless it's a tight pencil skirt," she teased, "The kind that makes you wiggle because you have to take tiny steps when you walk, or something short enough that I can get a flash of stocking tops every time you bend over?" I went very red as she added in a tone that simmered with lust. "Brings a very nice mental image to mind don't you think sweetie?" I was about to attempt a reply when the phone went. Robbie's eyes never left mine as she strolled through the door to the office and picked up her desk phone. "Hello Riley." She paused for a split second before adding, "And Willows..." The grin on her face as it sank in that she really was a partner in the business was like the sun coming out, and giving me a confident look of anticipation she pointed at her mug, mouthing, "Coffee doll." Things between us had changed somehow. In the space of five minutes, our relative statuses had shifted. I could feel it in her eyes as I brought in her coffee. Robbie was still on the phone discussing requirements when I placed her mug beside her. With another possessive pat on my bum and a thanking smile she waved me away with a flick of her fingers. My stomach felt knotted with anxiety and, unable to return to my work, I hovered with my heart pounding waiting for her to end the call. With a daft grin Robbie put down the phone and said. "God! I don't know what I'm more excited about. The Harley or getting you to admit you enjoying being a babe?" I must have looked confused because she freely laughed. "Because you've just fulfilled two of my dreams together..." Confused I stuttered, "I have?" "Yeah!" Robbie said with a faint blush tingeing her face "Well I knew you'd dreamed of a Harley Davidson, but me dressing?" I blushed. "Mmm! You tranny dressing," Robbie beamed. "And looking all pretty for me." "But why?" "Erm?" My question caught her out making her blush as she stuttered, "Well you see I've always had a thing for cross-dressers." Then with a shake of her head she pulled herself together and said, "I guess it started when I was a kid. I was never that happy about how girls were expected to wear skirts and look nice to begin with, and that only got worse when puberty arrived. Almost immediately all my friends started obsessing about boys and wanting to look pretty for them and that just turned my stomach." I nodded and added with a self mocking embarrassed laugh. "I know the feeling, kind of, only it happened to me at primary school. Only I was wishing I could be the one wearing the skirts." Robbie laughed and said with a grin. "Good! Anyway, for a long time I tried to fit in although deep down I thought I was a lesbian because looking at a good-looking girl did turn me on, but when I finally tried going out with another girl, who was a genuine lesbian, I never got anything from it." She chuckled. "For a long time I thought I was just not destined for any meaningful relationship, until a year after I left school I was offered a job in Manchester. Since I thought I was a dyke, I explored the gay village and discovered that there was a massive tranny scene there and met my first T-girlfriend, which resulted in me spending a lot of time hanging with her in the gay village. I think we would have stayed together if she had not been offered a post grad course in London, and then my mum introduced me to my ex." I nodded. "He was a nice bloke and we were both into the bike scene, and shared the same sort of tastes. After a few months together we sort of settled and bought a house, but then he started to get into the outlaw club scene." "Outlaw club scene?" "Yeah," she nodded, "the criminal gang side of the biker world, he didn't join the Hell's Angels, but it was a club like the Angels." Robbie pulled a face. "Now I'm into my bikes, but that side of the lifestyle never attracted me in the slightest. Anyway once he started hanging round with them, he quickly got into that world, and I hated it to the point that after he told me he was up for a vote on becoming a club prospect, which is the first stage of joining an outlaw club. I told him it was me or the club, and he choose the club." "Blimey," I said, "so what did you do?" "Got divorced, and moved down here about a year before I started with you," she shrugged. "I had to get away from the whole world he was in before I could put my life back together." On the rare occasions in the past when we had been discussing personal issues Robbie had tended to avoid direct eye contact but not now. Gazing me straight in the face she said with a twisted self-conscious smile. "I guess him joining the club and the place of women in that world just brought everything I'd felt about the idea of being someone's girl to the surface. I find it nearly impossible to accept the compromises, and strictures that women have to put up at the best of times, and, in the world my ex moved into, those restrictions are even more apparent. In truth I guess I always knew we were never destined to last." "So why did you get married?" I said. "Fear of being alone maybe," she said pulling a face. "I knew it was a mistake but I still went through with it. I guess deep down the only reason why was to make my mum happy when she had the cancer..." The way her conversation jumped about for the next couple of minutes as she tried to explain how she felt about being a woman in the biker world, and her taste in men confused me even more than how excited she was about my admitting that I was a crossdresser. "So trust me sweetheart," Robbie said with a smile, "when I tell you that I'd prefer it if you dressed as a girl for me I mean it, and I promise I won't laugh, because you're bound to look better than I ever did in a dress." Still red-faced I nodded. "If you want?" "Oh I do!" Robbie said as the phone trilled again. Feeling both anxious and excited I returned to my computer and eventually things got back to normal. Well almost as between calls she made numerous suggestive comments about how she like to see her secretary dressed when 'she' took dictation! I finished what I was doing around four PM and as I shut down my work computers. Robbie gave me a look from her desk and said. "Hope you don't mind but I'm staying over?" Giving me firm a pat on the bum, she added with a murmur of expectant delight that sent a sensual thrill coursing through me, "I'll clear up in here. Go dress girlie for me babe. Please?" There was a desperate almost pleading note in her tone that cut right into my heart, and feeling like my face could boil water I nodded an embarrassed, "Okay" "Great!" she grinned. "Now shoo!" With my legs shaking I staggered up to my bedroom and opened my limited girlie wardrobe. The embarrassed ashamed part of my mind felt like it was at war with my desire to comply and for a few minutes I just gazed at my reflection in the mirror paralysed with excited horror. "Don't be all day, honey!" Robbie bellowed. Jolted by her words I looked at my shaking hands. Although I had started experimenting with cosmetics before Robbie started I was not confident with them enough to dare using any of my meagre selection of makeup. My hands felt like the rest of me, really shaky, and my emotions were in turmoil. Simultaneously I felt sick and excited to the point that I had to force myself to undress. Selecting the first things that came to hand I redressed in a matching set of powder blue satin panties and padded bra. Praying that I did not damage them I carefully smoothed a pair of shimmering sheer tights up my legs with my mind a whirl trying to come to terms with how suddenly things between us had changed. Selecting a just above the knee black skirt, and a pale blue blouse I was soon struggling with the fiddly ankle buckles of my 3" heels. Feeling embarrassed I examined my reflection and groaned. I looked pretty hideous, and quickly pulled my blonde bobbed wig over my hair. The wig made a bit of a difference but I knew that before my face could look feminine I needed to do my makeup. Given how shaky I felt I did not dare try anything more than a coating of lipstick and a spray of the white musk perfume I liked. A second look in the mirror, made me feel worse but taking a deep breath I tottered down stairs with my heart in my mouth. Dressed in my skirt, blouse and heels I felt sick to the stomach but true to her words Robbie did not laugh. She had changed out of her suit and was now wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I felt a wave of reassurance when I saw how she was clutching her beer because I knew her body language well enough to tell that she was as nervous as I was. "Well?" I whispered dryly, forcing myself to speak. Robbie gave me a delighted grin. "Not too bad," followed by an amused shake of her head. "But not that good either." "Erm thanks," I stammered accepting the glass of wine she handed me. "I think?" "Now don't look like that?" she chided. "Because you do show lots of promise." Her eyes were all over me, appraising me with undisguised interest. "Give me a twirl love?" "Promise?" "Yeah," Robbie nodded spinning her finger. "Promise." Hesitantly turning on the spot with out too much of a wobble I said in an attempt to lighten my mood, "This feels really weird," and gulped a mouthful my wine. Reading me like a book Robbie patted the settee besides her laughing. "I wouldn't say weird honey. I say it feels about right, and you do look pretty good already." "I do?" I said astonished plonking myself down beside her. "Mmm, you smell nice!" Robbie said with a theatrical sniff of my neck. I was half hoping she was going to kiss me but instead she returned to her topic. "You've a nice slim figure to start with. All that's needed is just a little girly care and attention," she mused. "You've a head full of thick hair under that crappy wig, which just needs some work and with your face made up properly? I'd bet you'll look smashing." "I will?" I said surprised. "Yeah!" Robbie grinned, "Once we've got you looking right, just a few months instruction and I'd put money on you passing in public." "Instruction?" I stuttered. "Yeah." Robbie smiled with a wide anticipatory grin. "To train you." "Train me?" "Yeah, train you," Robbie laughed. "Let's face it you've not really thought about how much movement is a part of appearing feminine have you?" "No," I agreed guzzling my wine to hide my shamefaced expression. "Not like that!" Robbie gave me a sharp slap on the thigh and then laughed. "Looking at you I guess six months or so should be enough to teach you the basics." "That long?" I blushed, feeling my skin stinging where she had slapped me. "Yeah, but for now," Robbie said firmly, "I'll settle for seeing you taking nice girlie sip of your wine." Her face broke in a contented smile as she added, "And please avoid sitting down like a docker! What you should be doing is smoothing your skirt behind you and sliding gracefully into the seat, not collapse like a sack of spuds!" "What like this?" I stood and did as she had described. "Nearly!" Robbie grinned. "But you're not sitting quite right. May I?" "Yes," I said, enjoying the feeling of her hands positioning my body to her taste as she gave me her views on the differences between male and female body language. "You've thought about this then?" "Just a bit!" Robbie laughed. "Only I never thought I'd be in the situation where it might come true." "Oh?" I said slightly shocked and elated. "Well are you interested?" Robbie laughed teasingly. "In what?" I said feeling confused. "In letting me turn you into my girlie." She giggled lightly as she said, "Let me see, now what can I call you, Simone? Naw?" She pulled a face. "Not girlie enough for someone as pretty as you." "Si, Simon? Si Riley?" Robbie said my name a few times. "Sarah?" Nodding with a wide grin of pleasure she declared, "Yeah I like that, I'll call you Sarah from now on. What do you think?" "Okay..." I nodded with a blush. "Cool!" Robbie laughed, "So you like the idea of becoming Miss Sarah Jane Riley?" Her face was still split by a wide grin, but her dark eyes hardened a little as she said expectantly. "I expect a response please Sarah," and grinned all the more as I hoarsely said. "Yes, Robbie, I am interested." "Great!" Robbie chuckled. "When do you want to start?" Her eyes bubbled with delight, and not a little undisguised lust as she added, "I've always dreamed of finding someone who would swap roles!" "How about now?" I suggested feeling a wave of glee mixed with sexual anticipation filling me. "One thing though, if you mean it," Robbie said thoughtfully. "For the next six months or so I'm calling the shots." "Okay Robbie," I said. "And at work you'll appear and behave, as if you were my secretary?" I nodded. "And I think, Sarah, that you're the sort of girl who dresses to impress her boss." I nodded aware that my heart was thudding. "If that's what you want, I'm game." "Oh I do and more," Robbie laughed giving me a wink as she added, "Because I see a steamy office affair on the cards!" "Affair?" I babbled, and went red again. "Yeah, why do think I like copping a feel of your bum doll?" Robbie laughed, with her grin turning a little giddy as she added, "I've already said I think you're hot!" "I am?" "Yeah!" she laughed, slipping her arm over my shoulder to pull me close and give me a kiss. "Mmm!" she sighed breaking the kiss. "I love snogging painted lips!" For a wee while we sat there drinking in silence, lost in thought as we both mulled over what had been said. Beside me I felt an odd tension filling Robby and looked at her saying gently. "What?" Sounding very jumpy and embarrassed she looked at me and sheepishly grinned. "Erm Sarah, you know I mentioned I want to swap roles?" "Yes?" I nodded. "How far do you want it to go?" she asked hesitantly. "As far as you want?" I said with a grin. "You're in charge?" "I am?" Blushing bright red Robbie suddenly blabbed out. "Will you call me Mr. Willows or Sir at work and either Bob or Robert after hours?" Her face went every shade it could as she added hopefully. "Please?" "Sure..." I croaked dry throated with eager anxiety, blushing a little as I added, "Bob?" "Well then!" Robbie laughed putting her feet up. "What's for tea then, Sarah?" "Erm, lamb chops and mash?" I suggested, all of a sudden getting a real thrill of enjoyment from her reaction to me wearing my girlie things for her. "Chops are fine by me," Robbie said. "And I'll have another beer while I'm waiting darling." Loving the feel of the skirt constricting my stride I jumped to my feet and saying, "Oh yes Bob!" Loving how her eyes lit up with delight at my use of the male name. "Glide not stride, please Sarah!" Robbie called with a mock growl as I dashed unsteadily off to fetch her beer. Firing instructions and hints about posture and body language, Robbie made me repeat fetching her a beer three times, before I went to and fro in a 'girlie' enough manner to suit her. Even as I cooked and during the meal she continued in the same vein, telling me how she wanted me to sit, hold my cutlery, pick up my glass and present myself generally. Her comments at times were very rude, and I should have been embarrassed by what she came out with but I was not, instead I adored how she was now treating me! It was not a one-way street by any means. Right from the start Robbie told me that she expected me to correct her posture and body language in the same way and I did. After something to eat and a couple more drinks Robbie decided that I was relaxed enough for her to push me a little further. With her eyes sparkling with delight she said, "Strip for me please Sarah. Let me see what we've got to work with." There was a steely note in her tone that struck me dumb and feeling a little giddy hesitation I complied. "Mmm! Nice!" Robbie complemented as I revealed my underwear. Even though I wished the ground would swallow me up, I did as she asked until I stood naked and red in the face before her beady eyes. "You're going to have to learn how to do undress in an entertaining way for me." "I am?" I gasped. "Why?" She grinned wolfishly. "I've always loved watching a stripper giving a sexy lap dance!" "Not bad," she observed as her eyes toured my body. "You've a sweet arse, no gut to speak of and nice slender arms," That lewd edge to her tone was back as she noted with a giggle. "And an enjoyably small-sized clit!" "Thank you. I think?" I said, blushing, once I got my tongue working again. "Okay, job one is to lose the body hair," Robbie said eyeing my naked form. "Then you need a decent pair of tits? Oh and your ears need decorating with pretty pierced earrings and," she bobbed her eyebrows and teased, "perhaps in a few other places?" Jolted from trying to recall what she had said about presentation and body language I felt foolish and excited as her words hit me. "Only joking babe!" she grinned at my expression. "Now what else, oh yeah your hair, and eyebrows need sorting and you'll be presentable," she continued, "At least enough for the office and the odd evening walk." I listened to her with mounting apprehension and, more than a little anticipation as she said. "Okay you can get dressed now love." Redressed and cuddled up beside Robbie with her arm around me I felt my tension easing and was even able to make a coherent answer when she asked. "So how long have you been a tranny Sarah?" "Since I was a child..." I admitted with a light laugh. "Before I was in double figures that's for sure." For the first time we were really talking about our life histories and I quickly discovered that Robbie's admission earlier about being as much a crossdresser as me was the truth. It was surprising that many of the reasons why she had married in many ways mirrored my own. So much of what we said to each other chimed with our own deep desires that we both found ourselves nodding and interjecting comments as we exchanged stories. Putting forward exactly the same issues and views but from the opposite sides of the gender divide. "I hated being female from the moment I found out that I was one, and thought I should have been born a bloke," Robbie admitted. "It's been with me for as long as I can remember, but I didn't really understand what I was feeling until I started school. Even as a five-year old I can recall not understanding why I could not wear trousers like the other lads, and having to wear a school uniform skirt felt humiliating." I nodded, and was about to add a comment of my own when Robbie continued. "Then as I got older and my body started to mature sexually I saw how much better the boys had it. They did not have to put up with catty school girl comments because I had no tits and was physically bigger than most of the lads, and most of all I envied their freedom from all the feminine shit." "Somehow Bob." It felt a little strange calling her by a male name but also incredibly exciting. "I don't think you bothered to much with the feminine?" I teased. "Ha!" she laughed. "You never met my mother!" "But it's not like women in men's clothing are anything unusual," I said remembering to sip my wine, "Or likely to trigger the same reactions that I'd get if I went out like this?" "Well yeah?" Robbie shrugged. "That's true I guess." "I know what you mean about starting school though. Except that I was the other way round," I said feeling a little light-headed with the wine. "I would have given anything to have swapped with one of the girls. I wanted to have pretty hair, to have it permed, to wear nice clothes, or even the school uniform, and makeup but couldn't because boys weren't allowed to. From an early age it's rammed into a boys heads that men aren't supposed be in any way girlish, and I felt so ashamed about my desires." I shrugged. "I guess I still do?" "Well you can ditch that idea babe," Robbie laughed. "Because as far as I'm concerned you can have all the feminine freedom you want," she grinned and teased my skirted thigh. "I want you to be girlie and feminine, because then I can be equally masculine in return." "Oh you can," I giggled, excitedly, and experimentally fluttered my eyelashes at her. "And I think you should." "Guilty," Robbie laughed adding, "And you really need false lashes and lots of mascara on to do that flutter thing properly love." With the booze flowing, and lots of laughing Robbie told me how she had always wanted to work out and see her body develop a real masculine shape and in return I admitted that a long-held dream of mine was being feminised. "You help me," Robbie laughed, "and I'll see that you do." "Alright Robert," I agreed. "You've got a deal." "God I'm kicking myself Sarah," she laughed, "Why the hell didn't I bring this up ages ago?" There was a slightly hammered look in her face, and a slur in her words as she chortled, "Mmmm!" After giving me a long kiss. "I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this new relationship Sarah." "Me too Bob," I whispered as her lips again took possession of mine. That night we did not sleep together. We were blasted by the time we went to bed and I guess when the moment came both of us chickened out. Anyway we were way too far gone with the booze to have done anything even if one of us had wanted to. Next morning I awoke to find Robbie sat on the side of my bed gazing at me with amazed adulation in her eyes. "Morning Sarah?" she chortled happily giving me a kiss before I was really awake. "Wh. What time is it?" I muttered rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Half eight, and time to get up!" Robbie bubbled showing no indication of the beer she had drunk the previous evening. "You've got a lot to do while I give my new bike a test drive!" As I sipped the coffee she'd brought when she woke me. Robbie was rooting though my closet deciding on what she wanted me to wear. At her action I felt a surge of giddy excitement and apprehension as I recalled what we had agreed to the previous night. Her happy chatter continued over breakfast as she told me in a tone that bubbled expectantly how she wanted our relationship to evolve. As she elaborated, I began to comprehend it from her point of view. "I'd love to get home to find my dinner waiting," she said, "and do DIY jobs as my missus did her housework..." It was apparent that most important to Robbie was for me to relinquish control to her. She did not have to say it out loud but it was obvious from how she spoke that, with her assumption of the male role, Robbie wanted all the customary head of the household rights that men had in the 1950's and consequently expected me to accept the kind of traditionally subservient feminine one that was prevalent in that era. "Well what do you think?" Robbie asked after she had clumsily tried to avoid directly saying what she wanted, before finally just telling me. Maybe she thought I was going to turn her down because her face had that hesitant but hopeful expression again. It was like music to my ears and blushing a little I nodded, "You're a chauvinist Robert, but if that's what you want," I teased, "I guess I'll have to be a good girl and accept that decision." My answer filled Robbie face with amazed delight as she whispered hoarsely, "Oh I do babe. I do!" Grinning from ear to ear over the kitchen table she added, "Now while I'm out Sarah I want you to lose the body hair, chest, arms, legs, armpits the lot." "Okay Rob." I was about to correct myself when she said, "From you Rob's fine, but I prefer Bob babe." "Oh and don't forget your minge babe. Coz I've been dreaming of a nice sexy landing strip to guide me to your clitty!" Grasped her leather jacket and helmet she insisted that I gave her a kiss on the doorstep. Laughing, "I can't wait to have you kiss me still wearing a sexy nightie," Robbie bounded off towards her gleaming new bike calling, "I'll be back about threeish Sarah, be wearing what I left for you, and have me dinner on the table for five." I heard the "Putta, putta" throb of the Harley as I climbed under the shower and stood there for a long time under the stream of hot water. Racked by self-doubts I thought over everything that had happened in the previous 24 hours feeling thirty years of masculine living attempting a rebellion, but ignoring my conscience I started to shave off my body hair. It was harder than I expected, took forever and I went though a pack of razor blades before I had removed everything I could reach. Shaping my pubic hair into the landing strip felt incredibly exciting and by the time it was done my cock felt like it was going to explode As though in a dream, I found waiting on my bed a short summer dress along with my sexiest underwear. Since my usual Saturday routine involved me dressing, I forced away the burning sensation of shame telling myself I was doing this for Robbie. Smooth and mostly hairless my body looked both childish and feminine, so I avoided my reflection as I doused my hypersensitive skin with body lotion and talc. Getting dressed took me a while because I had to do something about my hard on and in that post orgasmic downer I was again assailed by shame. Even so, Robbie's words kept bouncing about my head pushing that shame aside and suddenly I was enjoying every sensation. I could not believe just how my differently my girly things felt as I drew them onto my hairless body. "God!" I muttered to myself. "If it's always like this I'm going to take forever every time I dress!" Although I had a pair of flats and a pair two-inch block heel ankle boots Robbie had put out the strappy three-inch heels I had worn the previous night. After an hour or so of housework I discovered that working in high heels was a damn sight harder on my legs than I expected! Even so I felt compelled to keep them on, and enjoyed playing housewife immensely. So much so that I did not hear her get back and was engrossed in pulling out all the stops and treating her to a proper dinner when Robbie burst back into the kitchen. She was wearing a huge grin and chortling about how much she loved her new Harley! "Hey Sarah!" she said dropping the Harley's pannier liners and sweeping me into a hug. "You look pretty enough to eat!" With a giddy laugh she picked me up and swung me round, saying, "I still cannot believe that you are willing to be my girl." Her obvious pleasure as she spun me around thrilled me. "Well I am," I laughed, adding with a teasing note in my tone. "Now put me down you big oaf before I burn the onions!" With a laugh of, "Okay," Robbie carefully set me back down and made herself comfortable at the kitchen table demanding coffee! I realized the depth of Robbie's intentions when she opened the Harley's panniers. They were packed full, and at my expression she laughed. "Since you got me such a lovely and fitting present, the least I could do was get you some pretty things in return. But first?" With an excited confident laugh Robbie pulled out a parcel and dropped it onto the table. Inside were four earrings and a sterile needle. "Well do you want me to begin making you beautiful Sarah babe?" I looked at the needle and earrings fearfully making Robbie growl in that exciting masculine likes tone, which turned my innards to mush. "Now fetch me an ice-cube, and come kneel here girlie." She pointed to a spot in front of her and added with a malicious grin, "I think I mentioned last night that you were getting your ears pierced?" Surprisingly it did not hurt and I soon had two earrings decorating each ear and a hard-on blemishing my skirt. "Well I wonder how we're going to stop that happening Sarah?" Robbie laughed, giving it a quick grope as she pulling me to me feet with a kiss. Glancing at the clock she gave me a pat on my skirted bum and said, "I'm going to watch the footie, bring us another coffee in babe?" Nodding, "Yes Bob," I was acutely aware of the rings hanging from my freshly pierced ears, and wondered what else she had in store as she retired to the telly. It did not take me long to find out as when I fetched her coffee in she had the contents of the panniers scattered all over the coffee table. Holding up a short-cropped camisole top with, 'Harley girl,' emblazoned on the chest and a little leather miniskirt she said. "Can you see yourself in this Sarah babe?" Feeling like I was living a dream, I nodded. "Yes, but I'll need a little help?" I giggled and used my hands to bob my padded bra though my dress. "Give it time babes, and there is another one with a higher neck line!" she laughed, and held up some really sexy lingerie. "God I don't think I've ever enjoyed shopping as much as I did today I got you some sexy undies, and..." after a quick root around she produced a bag with cosmetics company's logo on it and a book laughing, "Homework," as she held up a book on makeup techniques. "I also went a little mad and bought you some more makeup along with some accessories." "What?" I asked amazed. "A pretty ankle bangle and a couple of bracelets, a girls watch and a necklaces," she was grinning from ear to ear, as she popped open a cardboard package and showed me a necklace with 'Sarah' cast in silver as the pendant. "Come here and let me put this on you." I loved how her lips caressed my neck as she fastened the necklace and willingly allowed her to turn me in her arms, and ravish my lips for the second time since she arrived. "What else?" I asked, looking at the other parcels when she finally released my lips. "Not much really," Robbie grinned. "A few bits and bobs for me, and, oh yeah, these!" With a pleased grin she opened a largish box and proudly displayed a pair of very lifelike realistic boobs. "It was embarrassing as hell when the woman in the shop assumed they were for me, and advised me 36c were too small for my frame," Her grin widened, "But they are top of the range attachable mastectomy prostheses, and will do just dandy for now." "Wow!" I whispered amazed. "You must have spent a fortune!" "Not really," she grinned. "And nowhere near what you spent on me, so shut up and say 'Thank you, Bob'." "Erm thank you..." I gazed at her in delight. "Bob." "Want to try them?" Robbie laughed, "I've got the adhesive in here somewhere." "Adhesive?" "Yeah, 48 hour waterproof stuff," Robbie said delving round in one of the bags, as she giggled. "Slip your dress and bra off, love, I want see my bird flashing her tits for me!" Ten minutes later I knew I needed to wear one of the bra's she had bought me, because they were heavier than I expected. Without anything to support them I quickly discovered that they pulled and bobbed about on my chest in a weirdly painful and strangely sensual way. Robbie adored, how I looked with them on, and insisted that I strutted up and down for a few minutes wearing nothing my panties, stockings and heels! "Mmm, you're turning into a hot sexy bitch for me, Sarah," she cried delightedly, and quickly bent down to clip a gold bangle about my left ankle. "There!" she laughed clicking it closed. "Now you're really mine." "Thought I already was?" I laughed. "Yeah, but that says so." "Sorry?" I looked at her as she sat back in the armchair and laughed. "They are called slave bangles love." Her eyebrows bobbled suggestively. "And I had that one engraved." "What does it say?" I asked. "Bob Willow's Girl!" she laughed. "And best of all... I've got the key!" "KEY!" I exclaimed blushing violently. "Yeah!" she giggled happily. "It shuts with a lock so you can't lose it sweetheart!" "Locked?" I gasped. "On me?" "Yup!" Robbie grinned. "And from the look of this clitty?" she gave me a quick sensual grope, "you like the idea of being marked as mine?" I should have felt offended. She had locked the bangle about my ankle as if I was her slave girl but instead it excited me, and with a laugh I said, "Sometimes Robert Willows, you are a kinky bugger!" and draped my half-naked body over her, loving how my new boobs wobbled as I gave her a kiss. "Me?" she laughed pulling me onto her lap. "Well I did warn you." "Yeah you did," I laughed loving the feel of her arms cradling me. Glancing up at the clock, Robbie said, scooping up most of the purchases on the coffee table and returning them to the panniers. "Now get dressed love, because you're awfully distracting with your tits out like that, and kick-off's in five minutes." "You'd rather watch football than me?" I laughed slipping on a bra, and my summer dress. "Yeah," Robbie grinned. "You've dinner to finish, and all your new things to put away," she handed me the panniers. "Anything that's obviously for me Sarah, you can pop in the spare room?" "Spare room?" I giggled. "How about the chest of draws in our bedroom?" "EH!" The look on her face was lovely as I added with a sultry giggle. "You don't think I'm going to let you sleep in the spare room again do you, Robert?" There were a couple of parcels still on the table, and when I went to pick them up, Robbie regained control of her tongue and laughed. "Leave them love, they are for the bike, I'll pop them in the garage at half time." "Okay," I nodded collecting my 'presents' and carrying them up to the main bedroom. Along with the nightwear and lingerie she had bought me I found two pairs of male pyjamas, a couple of pairs of boxer shorts and men's vests. Putting everything away, I giggled to myself and changed into the leather skirt and the other Harley Girl top that covered my false boobs. Looking at the time, I guessed that I had about an hour before I needed to think about finishing dinner and opened the makeup book. Although I had used cosmetics in the past I was not really very experienced with them and the ten minute 'simple' makeup took me almost the whole hour, but I managed to do a reasonable job. Brushing my wig out I slipped it on and was surprised just how different it made me look. The skirt was very short and rather tarty, but with top I had to admit it did work, and switching my shoes for my boots I giggled to myself as I went to show Robbie. "Wow!" Robbie said when I sheepishly walked in. "You look... Wow!" She giggled and then added, "Get us another beer babes." As I walked to the kitchen she called, "Swing your hips more, love, think walking like a runway model so your feet cross in front of each other." That pretty much set the tone for the evening. She was either correcting my feminine posture or acting like a total chauvinist and I loved it. All my life I felt uncomfortable with the idea of being the 'man' in the relationship and taking the lead. Looking at it now I think that my lack of willingness to be the head of the house was probably one of the motivators that led to my ex-wife's infidelity. Robbie however had no problems with filling that role and I'll be honest, I felt more comfortable than I ever had with someone knowing that she was the 'boss.' I did not know where our relationship was going but wrapped in her arm I did not care because for the first time ever I felt genuinely relaxed alone with someone of the opposite gender. Although Robbie and I had become very close friends our relationship until last night had been mostly professional but in the last 36 hours that had changed completely. "Bob?" I asked cuddled beside her as she watched Match of Day. "What love?" she answered watching the telly. "Do you want to move in with me?" I held my breath. "I know you teased me about being the boss but if you want I'd like make this role swap a permanent thing both here and at work?" "Seriously?" she said. I nodded. "Yeah. I want to be your girl, and have you make me into the kind of girl you want?" "Make?" I nodded again. "Yes. Make." I blushed brightly. "I think I want you to be the masculine one in our relationship and take the traditional gender role." "For real?" I nodded blushing brightly. "Good, because I have another surprise for you." Robbie gave me a naughty grin. "Assuming you want to be on the receiving end of it?" I found out what she meant a couple of hours later when she took me to bed and came out of the en-suite bathroom proudly displaying a realistic 8" flesh coloured dildo! Grinning, "Surprise," Robbie crudely masturbated the phallus and then blushed saying sheepishly, "Well I do want to be the bloke in this relationship." The sight took my breath away. To my eyes her body was a study in perfection. Her breasts were small hardly more than bumps on her broad chest, which ran straight down to her boyish hips set above a flat bum and powerful legs. She allowed me a moment to take in the vision and appraise its meaning beckoning me closer saying, "Well then wench, how do you like your new boyfriend?" "I... I?" Blushing I looked at it wide-eyed with astonishment. With a wide grin she cheerfully growled, "Why don't you come and give him a nice introductory kiss?" Robbie now lives here and we enjoy all the pleasures of married bliss. She is a gracious husband and sexually active and I'm only too happy to fill her needs. She says I'm the perfect slut, my mouth fits her pussy and my ass works well around her thrusting cock. As to myself, I love the taste of her pussy and her lips on my budding breasts as her teeth nip at my nipples. The shaft excites me when she walks and it sways suggestively like a warrior's sword so I immediately fall on all fours, eager to be mounted or, service it with my mouth. The End- For Now. 2019.

Same as A New Secretary. A Change In Simons Status. Videos

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Change of Status

Rocky DiGiorgio was getting damn tired of all his father's sluts thinking they could just go around giving him these orders, and expecting him to obey them. The thirteen year old was being punished, one more time, for not doing something he'd been told to do by one of his father's damned concubines. This time, it was that damn Erica Saunders, his father's favorite concubine, whose instructions he'd once again refused to obey. He wished his father would hurry up and get back home again....

2 years ago
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The Secretary

The Secretary by Belladonna My name is Rachel Tyler according to everyone I'm in day to day contact with, but I was born Robert Tyler. Robert now seems more like a ghost to me than a prior version of myself. He no longer exists. Rachel subsumed him nearly two years ago when she introduced herself to the world. Back then, I was a wunderkind. I was 30 years old and in charge of a company that I had built from the ground up. After I moved away from my...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Simons Story

His hands shook slightly as he ran the white bath towel down her back, mopping up the droplets of water from her shower. Simon was naked too and his erection was prominent. “Careful,” Terry told him as his cock touched her body, “I don’t want to be covered with your semen do I?” She said with a smile as she turned and touched him. Simon was not only hard but also very wet from leaking cum. “Sorry,” he apologised. Terry reached for a wipe from her dressing table and began to clean the...

2 years ago
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My Wife and My Secretary

My Wife and My Secretary This story originally takes place some fifteen years ago and has been shared by myself and with my wife on many occasions. I have shared this secret fantasy with my wife especially when making love to her. The story has become part of our love making fantasies and each time I tell the story I either change or add some little part of it to excite my wife. I must admit that writing this also excites me which leads to some good loving with my better half. Even now I can...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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New Secretary At Home

Ben was a successful business owner and had a lovely brunette secretary name Jill. Jill and him had several extramarital affairs on the road and he was crazy about the woman. He was married to Jean who was a rich blond and sometimes was a total bitch. If he could trade wives he would have, but he knew she would take him for all his money and probably lose the business. Jean was also sexually active, enjoyed the BDSM scene with him, and enjoyed being his slave on numerous occasions. He tried to...

3 years ago
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The New Secretary II

"The New Secretary II" I had thought about ending the charade but the paychecks were good and for the moment I didn't have anywhere else to go. Since the job market was still tight I stayed on at the law office and continued as "Deborah" the secretary. As the months passed and then a year and then two and with Donna's continued tutoring I had become quite used to dressing and acting the part of not only a proper secretary but as a lady. That seemed to please her to no end! Then I...

1 year ago
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New Secretary

About 2 years ago, my personal secretary Sunita got married & migrated to Australia with her husband, who was working as a software engineer in Melborne, I was so used to her looking after my appointments & other office chores, that with her leaving, I was in total chaos after her exit, I needed a new secretary, so I decided to spread the word in my business & friend circles, so that I get, just the candidate I was looking for. After 4 days at about 11.00 am, my receptionist called me on the...

2 years ago
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No One Notices a Secretary

No One Notices a Secretary Belladonna [Author's note: Based on a caption made for me by Tranzmute] "Do you have any leads yet?" My secretary asked as she knocked on my door. Still clutching my head, I shook it before I replied, "Not a damn clue." "Oh," was all Theresa uttered in response. I shook my head again while I said, "I've spent over a million dollars trying to find the source of that damn leak. I've used IT, our team, and outside contractors, just to make sure...

2 years ago
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I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FM. We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production. We hope you enjoy this tale. Marina and Monica Promoted from CFO to Secretary. Beth Johnson sat out on the patio relaxing with her morning...

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The Secretary Experience

The Secretary Experience Chapter 1 I was a pudgy, straight A student all through high school and my good grades carried on into college where I was able to earn my four-year degree in less than three years. I thank my parents for my work ethic. Thanks to them I was able to put aside frivolity and focus on my studies. Thanks to them I was able to do what I wanted to do; thanks to Bonnie, I was able to be who I wanted to be. But I'll get to her. I graduated from Auburn University -...

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I had begun serving on the neighborhood board to be sure things were done correctly. I had a lot of money invested in my house, and even though I was single, I wanted to be sure it kept its value. The board oversaw all the maintenance and improvements to community property; collected the homeowner dues; made sure everyone obeyed the covenants; and checked that new houses were built to our code restrictions. We also promoted social events and neighborhood parties. It seemed like a lot...

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The Secretary

The Secretary By Morpheus Gene Howard frowned as he stared at the numbers dancing on his computer screen. He pulled his eyes away from the monitor and dug through the stack of papers on his desk, matching them and double checking them. After the third time, he knew that it hadn't just been a miscalculation on his part. There were several discrepancies in the company records. Discrepancies which could mean that up to 3 million dollars was missing. "Damn," Gene muttered, wiping his...

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Ken Summers8217 encounters with his married secretary and her two daughters

Part 1-Office Respite ——————— “Yes, sir. I completely understand. I’ll have it done for you when you come in first thing tomorrow morning.” I lowered the phone from my ear and will depressing the end button to end the call, my other hand ran through my short black hair and I exhaled a soft sigh of disgust. My overbearing boss had just given me yet another unreasonable deadline. A deadline that I knew that I wasn’t going to meet...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement.   He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week.   James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive.   We have been married for twenty years...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband James’s secretary quit last year; after marrying one of his clients. He was struggling to find a suitable replacement. He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week. James is a major distributor of swim wear, club wear, and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive. We have been married for twenty...

3 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

  My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement.   He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week.   James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive.   We have been...

Wife Lovers
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Seven In Front Of the School Secretary Part One

The Head Mistress sat in her leather chair in her office listening to the lady on the other end of the telephone. Although Amelia Marks already knew about the incident that had occurred two days previously at Queen Mary’s Girls’ School, she wanted as much detail as possible before dealing with the culprits.“So, can you tell me exactly what the damage was, Mrs. Wilcox?” She asked the woman.“Well, we didn’t discover that the changing room had been damaged until first lesson yesterday morning and...

2 years ago
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Mommy Adriana Makes Greta Become a Secretary

Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....

4 years ago
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Sex With The New Secretary

Last week was a week full of celebratory events.  Agatha Smith finally retired.  She gave thirty years of service at Anthony Roma’s company.  He made sure that she got a nice pension and his company gave her a retirement party.  She was the best administrative secretary he ever had.The best part of her retirement was interviewing dumb blondes to take her place.  There were many that were perfectly qualified.  Mr. Roma wasn’t really looking for somebody who would be able to get her work done...

Office Sex
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Secretary part 2

This is based on a game of the same name. Made by a user named DeeDee. Enjoy!17:55 Tuesday 28 jun. 20335 minutes left of the work day, and Chris has nothing, but the 16% Alex found for him. Suddenly a yellow blinking pops up on his desktop. It’s from Mrs. LaCroix. His boss. It reads: [Chris, this is about your mishap with the Nintendolls game data. I need to see you in my office as soon as possible.]With a sigh of defeat, Chris reads the message and close the computer. He gathers his things and...

2 years ago
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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part III 8211 The Private Secretary

Hello readers, welcome back for the third part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...

3 years ago
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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

1 year ago
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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

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MTVs Flipped My Fair Secretary

I plan on making several stories in this series, and if others want to, you are more than free to do so. Flipped By Po The 21 year-old rich and spoiled Brad, who was mysteriously bribed 100,000 dollars by MTV, agreed to appear on MTV's brand new show "Flipped". But exactly who he would be switching places with was still a mystery. But he didn't let it get to him... as long as he got paid and added more money to his illustrious bank. But... he had no idea what was about to...

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Naughty Secretary

I walked into the office again. 'Holy shit, is she just putting herself on display? She has that big crack on there, so is she just pretending that I won't notice? Is she plotting for a raise or what?' I thought as I stopped in front of her desk. "Brooke?" "Yes, Mr. Green?" she asked, failing to look at me. I clenched my fists and got closer to her. "Would you mind covering your cleavage? This is a law firm and I want our clients and potential clients to think we are serious and respectful....

Office Sex
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The Futa Experiment Part 1 The Secretary

Bianca sat in bed, absentmindedly scrolling through her social media feeds on her phone, whittling away the hours of the early morning. She didn’t have any plans for today, and tried to find some entertainment in the postings of others. One of her friends, Amy, posted a picture of herself in a skimpy swimsuit, captioned “missing the summer sun.” Her cleavage drew Bianca’s attention and she began to imagine those huge tits exposed to the warm, summer air, glistening with sweat. Her girl cock...

2 years ago
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The Bored Secretary

The Bored Secretary Belladonna Jerome Gustafsson tapped the butt of his pen against the desktop as he stared at the clock of his computer screen. Another minute clicked by while he awaited the arrival of Lily Ghosn into his home office. It was one of the few places Lily had never been in his home before. She was his wife's best friend for decades. She had been the Maid of Honor at their wedding. He cared for the girl, even though he detested her forced intrusion into his...

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The New Secretary

The New Secretary By Anonymous Writer I had been looking for work in the want ads and noticed there weren't many choices. Most of the jobs were menial labor or fast food types and didn't pay much. But I did find a job opening listed at a local law office. I circled the ad then drove down to apply. I entered the small out of the way building and noticed a stack of papers and books on a couple desks in the main office. After asking if anyone was in I heard a...

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New Secretary Chapter 1

When I bought the company I had the opportunity to pick my own personal secretary. So I asked HR to send up some suitable resumes for me to review. Thank you to the government because all of the files had copies of the candidate’s driver’s license – I get to see what they look like first. I interviewed three but as soon as Marie walked in I knew who it was going to be. She was about thirty, and according to her license, five feet six and 120 pounds. She had a nice pair of tits and great legs...

Straight Sex
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well.I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man's and they get played with and sucked on like a woman's. In fact, most of my clients tell me I'm...

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

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His special secretary Part 3

I went home like a ghost, my wife asked me what was wrong and I just told her that it's hard at work and that I'm stressed and we have a mostly silent dinner. I see that it does not seem much better for her and ask how she goes. It's also hard in her work and the restructuration is not going well, the employees are pressured like hell and she's afraid for her job too.I go to work the next morning and Sir Vatier is already there, he welcomes me and I sit at my desk to start my work when he calls...

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My sexy secretary

My name is John Lampert. I've been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I'm dependent on relationships. I don't know why, but I've been that way since I was 26 and I'm 34 now. But at the time I was single. I'm 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn't have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...

Straight Sex
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New Secretary Chapter 2 Maries first month

New Secretary - Chapter 2– Marie’s First Month If you have read the previous story about my new personal assistant Marie, you’ll know that she may turn out to be a great addition to the company. At this point how far she is willing to go remains unknown. I do know I underestimated her commitment. I must admit that I had completely underestimated the effect on Marie of making her my personal assistant and sex slave. She had always been effective, efficient and professional beforehand, but our...

Straight Sex
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Mistress Dyvias Secretary

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Mistress Dyvia presents: Mistress Dyvia's...

3 years ago
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From Salesman to Secretary Part 3

Chapter 4: Nearing Emilia's Endgame Tracy looked up from her computer to see James arriving to work. It was Thursday and Emilia had told the girls that her plan was going to be complete by Friday. Tracy wondered what humiliation the secretary was going to unleash on her boss today, but not enough to keep her from her work. Tracy was a no nonsense, go getter type of woman. The type you see on all of the advertisements for women in the workplace, but with none of the cringe. She knew...

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Secretary to the CEO

Secretary to the CEO by theduck1930 I’m a retired CEO of a small-cap company. Our market was agriculture chemicals. Rather a smelly business. If you had ever sprayed weed control products on your lawn you could appreciate what I just said. I had worked my way up the ladder starting as a janitor around the formulating mixers. The odor could knock your socks off if it had not been for everyone wearing a respirator. Every day when I came to work I could smell the plant as soon as I opened my car...

3 years ago
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Best Secretary A Man Ever Had

‘Just fucking great.’ I thought to myself as Henrietta left my office to go back to her desk. This had to be Frank Johnson’s idea of a joke again. He was the main boss for our section and handled personel also, I had been slowly climbing the corporate ladder and had gotten to the point of actually having a secretary. Vice President the sign read, with my name on it. Another of Frank’s ideas, a title like that got respect when speaking to a potential customer, at least that is what he...

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Watching my Father fuck his young Secretary

As Deborah bends over at the filing cabinet, John glances up from his desk and admires the view. The coffee-brown, wrap-around dress she’s wearing today highlights her stunning, statuesque figure, her long shapely legs, womanly hips and well-proportioned behind. Its late and there’s no one left in the building and John’s son is not due from the train station for at least another hour… He gets up and wanders over to stand behind his voluptuous secretary. As she rises back up from the filing...

4 years ago
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My New Secretary

One thing I want to do is to have my own business. A few months ago Ifinally decided to get started. It is a small distribution business. Iam mainly the middleman arranging products to be shipped all over thecountry. I don't have much of an overhead. So I don't need aninventory, just an office where I can conduct my business; a place tohang my hat so to speak.At first I worked everything myself spending most of my day on thephone. I needed a client base. As the amount of my customers grows,...

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The Perfect Secretary

The Perfect Secretary By Cherysse St. Claire "Cissy, would you bring in the projected revenues on the l'Audace line, please?" "In a minute, Ms. Fontaine. They're coming off the Laserjet right now." I reached over and withdrew the reports from the output stacker. The stark, white paper was a contrast to my long, slender fingers with their ultra-long, crimson nails. I patted an errant lock of my full, fluffy, golden-blonde mane back in place, checked my make-up in the desk-drawer...

1 year ago
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My conservative old secretarys panties

Saturday afternoon I arrived home and, as I was getting out of the car, I recalled some documents I had left on my desk.It was a little late; but I really needed these dossiers and papers to complete an office job at home. My wife came out as she saw my doubtful moment and I explained Ana that I needed to get back to the office. She smiled with an evil grin, saying my sexy slutty secretary would be waiting for me, naked and spread eagle onto her own desk.I laughed, telling Ana that she knew my...

3 years ago
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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 7

I eased out of Dani and slid off so I could lie next to her and look across at Sara and Natasha, just on the other side of her faintly trembling body. I stroked the fine, Mediterranean skin of her arm, then her pert left tit and its nipple which was still erect. She sighed happily. “Enjoy borrowing our toyboy, who you just met for for the second time?” Sara teased. Dani was right next to Sara, almost touching. She wriggled onto her side to face her challenger and snuggled back into me. The...

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CEOs and Secretary Hoes

“You know your work has been less than satisfactory. My husband and I agree we should let you go. But first your parting gift,” Kendra smiled slowly her red lips parting as she pointed down to her goodies. The young man stood up visibly shaken and approached Kendra. He slowly lifted her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any panties. He started to suck on her juicy clit. Firing workers and seeing how she intimidated them always got Kendra’s cunt soaking wet. She slapped him hard on the cheek....

4 years ago
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CEOs and Secretary Hoes

Introduction: A power couple and their steamy relationship… Kendra Worthington flipped her long blonde hair behind her back and gave her signature Im sorry but your fired smile to the young man sitting in front of her. He was cowering in front of her gaze and she spoke in hushed tones frightening him even more. You know your work has been less than satisfactory. My husband and I agree we should let you go. But first your parting gift, Kendra smiled slowly her red lips parting as she pointed...

3 years ago
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The secretary

She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others – the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...

2 years ago
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My Secretary Rebecca Chapter 1

It had been a little over six months since Rebecca began working for Mr. Roberts. She had come to him as a temp after his previous secretary had left to get married and moved away. Rebecca had been a very good secretary as a temp, and Mr. Roberts finally offered to hire her away from the temp agency and make her his full-time permanent secretary - an offer that she jumped on immediately!Rebecca was a drop-dead gorgeous woman, about twenty-eight years old. If you were to look at her, you would...

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The secretary

She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others - the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...

2 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 2

Intimate InterrogationIn her hot application, lovely looking Lea longed explicitly for a very violent and rough interrogation.I am happy by her hot approach, as sexy as serious. Curious for her experience in being a slave or top.I interviewed her about her sexual background: "Were you ever a slave before?" - "No Sir, never yet".I knew she had trained other women professionally, but I wondered how close and intimate she had got? I asked Lea about any lesbian love she gave: "Did you ever long to...

2 years ago
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Fun With Secretary

Hi friends, this is Chaitanya. This is a true story which happened in my office with me. I was looking for another secretary who can take care of my extra work in office after my earlier secretary left for Dubai after her marriage. I was searching for a good replacement for my old secretary who can handle all the work as efficiently as the earlier one. My business has also expanded more and I had to travel to many places to develop more clients. I was in need of a Secretary who does all my...

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Sexy Secretary

Sexy Secretary Intro My penname comes from a character I used to play in LockedInLace.com interactive fiction. One of the stories was based on the enigmatic M&R Corporation and I loved the idea of hapless males being transformed by a faceless corporation. I also loved the idea that the victims of M&R Corporation were forced to choose (or were allocated one by their "sponsor') from one of four feminine roles: schoolgirl, secretary, maid or sex-slave. I plan to write a...

1 year ago
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Secretary Pool

My name is Sharon and I'm 22 years old. I work for a large company that occupies most of a sky-scraper in New York City. I'm a secretary in the main typing pool on the 23rd floor. My husband of one year, Rick, is a junior executive, with an office on the 40th floor that he shares with many other junior executives. From what my husbands tell me, its a dog eat dog world in his department, with every department head acting like a god and everybody back stabbing every body else to get ahead in...

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The New Secretary

The day hasn’t even begun and already I feel exhausted, drained of any energy I had to muster before I came into work. I’ve already made ten phone calls and replied to at least fifteen emails and it’s not even nine o’clock. I wish I could get out of here; start over somewhere new. Then, a year later, return. Because this city will always be my home, no matter what, and despite everything bad that has happened in the last few months. I should be happy that it’s Friday, at least. Yet I find...

Straight Sex
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Lady Boss and Secretary

John T. Larmon is a business executive for a famous exporting company in UK has been working hard for the maximum business potential for his company. Recently while he was on a business trip for a few days he had what was a rather unexpected but delightful experience. John was staying in one of the new suite hotels and was traveling alone planning on spending his time at company meetings and watching TV in his room. He went down to the lobby to get a drink as the hotel offered free cocktails...

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Super Secretary

Super Secretary By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "This game is going to be awesome!" Larry told his co-workers as they were grabbing some morning coffee in the office beak room. "Damn, I know," said Kenny. "I wish it was starting now. I'm feeling good about the Giants!" "You guys have no chance," Alan piped up. "Did you forget the Patriots were undefeated this year?" "Dude, the Giants played them well in the last game," said Larry. "They've definitely got a...

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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 8Creating a New Secretary

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Eight: Creating a New Secretary By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I shoved my teaching materials into my satchel while admiring the naked girls in my classroom. Two weeks had passed since I'd edited my classroom to have every girl strip naked. I had a lot of fun. I'd enjoyed all my female students, savoring their delicious snatches quivering about my cock. My students were learning...

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