The End Of Jessica Munroe. Part 2 free porn video

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It was his fifth glass of wine. A nice white wine, not too heavy but quite alcoholic. He didn't care. He downed it quickly. Art looked at himself in the mirror, just to the left of the front door of his house and took a deep breath to steady himself. It had been six weeks since Art had first taken the dress from his mothers wardrobe and slipped it over his head. Six weeks since he had sloppily applied foundation and eyeliner and lip gloss to his face in an attempt to pass himself off as a girl. Six weeks since he had lay on his mothers bed, revelling in the feeling of the dress against his body, of the waxxy feel of his lips, in the sensation of escapism he had felt in them moments. He had done it all in an attempt to prove something. To prove that anyone could be just like her. Jessica Munroe. The vapid and simple Jessica Munroe, who represented everything Art hated. Everything wrong with the world. A lazy, drunken, smirk danced across Art's mouth. What a stupid idea. The idea that he, Art Bellows, chubby, freckled and most importantly male could hope to match or compete with an amazonian woman like her was laughable. It hadn't taken Art long to realise it himself. In fact it had happened mere minutes after trying on the dress. He had taken another look, a closer look. It was clear he wasn't Jessica. His nose was too long. His body too fat. His brow was too low. On closer inspection Art was convinced it was clear he wasn't even female. The idea that had cemented in his mind the day she snatched Linton away again had already collapsed. Art had resolved to merely hate her from afar, just as before. He had taken off the clothes, he had hastily removed his make up and he had returned the room to the way he had found it. And yet, two days later, he had once again found himself in his mother's bedroom, paused, gazing into her open wardrobe. He had once again found himself reaching into her closet and pulling out a dress. He had once again found himself following the instructions of a Youtube video and applying layers of make up to his face. It hadn't taken long before Art had moved onto his older sisters wardrobe, a much younger and more fashionable set of clothes, a brighter and more varied palette of make up. He had begun to recognise styles and clothes that matched, hoovering up fashion articles and learning how pairing the right shoes with the right dress drew an outfit together. His ability with a make up brush had improved. He had learned to create a smokey eye look. He was close to perfecting his winged eyeliner. He had even purchased a few items of his own after noticing how the near constant use of his mothers had begin to drain the supplies. After only three weeks Art acquired his first pieces of womens clothing, from a cheap online store. A few pieces of lingerie, a dress and a pair of shoes. He kept them all in a locked, backpack under his bed. Art couldn't explain why his passion for dressing as a girl had evolved so quickly and organically. In just six weeks he had gone from a boy who had never considered wearing anything other than a t shirt and jeans, to a boy with a deep and extensive knowledge of accesorising, styling and womens clothes. He didn't know why he had carried on after that initial time. He didn't even have the motivation of Jessica Munroe anymore. What he knew was that being dressed, whether only for a few hours before his mum arrived home, or for the whole day on the increasing amount of days when she wasn't there made him feel good. He also knew this wasn't considered normal. It wasn't considered normal for a boy like him to spend his days thinking about what shade of lipstick he should pair with his siters denim pinafore dress. He knew if his friends wouldn't understand. He didn't understand it himself, but in the privacy of his home he didn't care. He felt good. He would continue as far as he could. Quite accidently, Art had become a crossdresser. He took another deep breath in. The padding in the bra on his chest to give the illusion of breasts rose as he did. He looked himself in the eyes. Eyes that were rimmed with black, glittery make up. An almost perfect winged eyeliner and mascara making the whites of his eyeballs pop. He licked his lips nervously, tasting the chemical flavour of his nude lip gloss. He turned his head from side to side, considering the job he had done. His hair was short, much shorter than a girls would usually be but he was satisfied that he had styled it in a way that could appear as if he was wearing a cute pixie cut. He lowered his eyes to the rest of his body, wrapped in a short, tight maroon red bodycon dress. The first dress he had bought. A little puppy fat stck out from his belly. He had lost some weight over the past few weeks but he had a way to go yet. His legs were covered too, encased in two layers of dark black tights. Art had made sure that no body hair was visible. On his feet were a pair of his mothers heeled ankle boots. They had been a struggle to get on but this was not the first time Art had worn this outfit. He knew what shoes looked good with it. These were the shoes. He grabbed at the empty wine glass again, lifting it to his mouth in an attempt to collect the very last remnants of his wine. It was pointless. Nothing left. He sighed to himself as he placed the glass back on the table by the mirror and resumed his examination. He was happy with the look. From a distance no one would be able to tell he was a boy. Or at least he hoped not. The hair might be a give away but that would be covered. Another long deep breath to calm his nerves. He could feel his heart beating in his ears. He wasn't sure if these deep breaths would help. He suspected his nerves would not subside. Maybe that was a good thing. The adrenaline would help, surely. It would certainly help if he ran into any trouble. Mentally, he shook the thought out of his head. Better not to think like that. He stood up straight, leaning back on the heels of the boots and pushing his "breasts" out. Another look in the mirror. He looked good. He couldn't look any better now. Without stopping to pause he spun around, grabbing a large coat from the end of the bannister rail and swung open the front door. The door slammed shut again as Art stepped out of the house in a dress and heels and make up for the very first time. The wine had been planned. A night in with his sisters clothes and his make up practice. He would visit a few chatrooms, speak to a few people. He would take some pictures, posing and pouting before uploading them to the web. The wine would make it all that bit better, he had figured. Being a little tipsy never hurt. What Art had not planned for was his ability, or lack thereof, to hold his alcohol. He had not drank much in his sixteen years, a few around friends houses or family gatherings. A whole bottle of wine had proven to be a bit much. While he had planned to be tipsy he had now found himself decidedly drunk, and the little voice in the back of his head that had been telling him to dress up and leave the house for the past couple of weeks had become impossible to ignore. And now he found himself outside, the slight breeze of the nightime tickling his pantyhosed legs. The hood of his coat was pulled up over his head, covering his short hair from any suspecting eyes, even if there was no one about. Art might not have planned to leave the house but when the idea had become to impossible to ignore he had known better than to leave the house at a reasonable time. It was 3 a.m. Art began to walk. He had a vague idea of where he wanted to go. A route he reckoned would be short enough to get home quickly and quiet enough to be deserted at this time. It was a suburban road which lead downhill towards a small common, only ten minutes away. It was a park that Art had regularly played football on as a kid. He would never have expected to be heading towards there in a minidress and heels in the middle of night. He chuckled to himself quietly. This was ridiculous! The idea that he could be out of the house dressed like this was thrilling to Art. He lifted his head slightly. There really was no one around. No one to hide from. Stretching his back and puffing out his chest a little he slowed his stride from the franctic pace he had started at. He was making a concious effort to walk in the correct manner, one foot in front of the other, placing his foot from heel to toe. The sight of his long, dark legs stretching out in front of him as he strode along the pavement lifted him. He smiled. The sound of his heels on hard concrete echoed around the empty street. It was a sound that lifted Art's drunk, fuzzy heart more than he ever thought it would. He considered for a second lowering his hood but he decided against it. No need to throw all caution to the wind, Art reasoned. The dark windows of the houses he walked past stayed dark, and the empty road stayed empty. As he reached the bottom of the hill he laid eyes on the park, lit only by the harsh, orange light coming from the lamposts and, thankfully, empty. Art quickened his pace a little to cross the street and stopped at the gate. He scanned the horizon. There were three roads that surrounded the park, all quiet. All empty. Slowly, he opened the gate. He physically winced as the heavy metal entrance squeaked loudly in the otherwise silent night. Resolving to take more care he pushed the gate open all the way. Still nobody else. Still silent. The gate shut behind him with a soft tap, much quieter that when it had been opened. Art hadn't even realised he had been holding his breath the whole time. He exhaled slowly as he once again surveyed the park. There was the football pitch where had played as a kid. The BMX ramps that he had always been too nervous to attempt. The childrens play area. It was in the oppsite corner to the one Art had entered from. The swings and slides stood silent, casting strange angled shadows across the soft floor of the play area. He may have been wearing a dress and heels but Art was still sixteen and drunk. The idea of an abandonned play area was too much to pass up. Art licked his lips again and began to walk along the concrete path around the outside of the grass, his heels clicking as he went. "No one over the age of 13 is allowed to enter this childrens play area, unless they are a parent or carer." Art could just about make out the jolly comic sans font on the sign outside the play area. A happy smiling kangaroo was printed next to the lettering, one cartoon finger outstretched to stop any would be intruders. Art had come this far. No kangaroo was going to stop him now. He was incredibly relieved to find the gate to the play area had been well oiled as he entered. No squeaking. He didn't know where to start. There was a a short balencing beam that stretched across the length of the area. "Time to see how good I am in these heels, I guess." Art slurred, to no one in particular. As it turned out Art, was not as good as he had hoped, falling off before even reaching the halfway point. It took him three tries to get across all the way. The hard sole of his heel clanked loudly against the metal ladder of the slide as he climbed to its summit. He didn't wince like he had done with the gate. In fact he hardly even noticed. The cold metal of the slide against his nylon covered rear sent a shiver up his spine. He smiled again. It certainly wasn't a bad shiver. His hood flew off, as he rushed down to the bottom. He didn't bother to pull it back up. He really was all alone out there. His confidence growing he sauntered over to the swing, throwing his hips out from side to side in a overlly sexy manner. If no one was around he might as well tart it up a bit. He was dressed up after all. He reached one arm out to grab the support pole of the swing set, before bending his knees and slut dropping dramatically. As he stood up he pushed his ass out and stroked the pole, pouting and looking over his shoulder. He couldn't hold it. Stifling his laugh he swung round the pole and sat down heavily on the swing, pushing himself lazily on his heels. Breathing in deeply he felt the cold, nighttime air enter his lungs. He smelled the dew that was beginning to form on the early morning grass and wondered just how long he had been outside. He had not planned to come out tonight but he was glad he did. This experience had been brain tingling. The initial adrenaline that had driven him to the park still buzzed in his ears, as did the effects of the wine. The sense of freedom he had felt outside was new and exciting. He had completely let himself go and he was loving it. Any thoughts of Jessica or Linton were long since banished. He was happy in himself. Turning his head skywards he gazed out into the inky purple sky. The first few rays of sunlight were beginning to turn black too blue. He looked back down at his heeled feet. While the front of his mind enjoyed the experience of being outside the back was racing with questions. Why did this make him feel so good? Would he be doing this forever? If so, would he ever tell anyone? He reasoned not on the last question. He was having far too much fun on his own. There was nothing wrong with that, was there? Nothing wrong with him enjoying his own company, even if he happened to enjoy his own company while in a dress. He didn't think he was transgendered. He had read up on it. People who feel as if they were born in the wrong body. That wasn't him, not as far as he could tell. He certainly wasn't gay. He was just a boy in a dress. Smilling broadly with his eyes closed he began to rock further on his heels, the slight creaking of the swings chains not too far above him. He stretched out his long, black legs and bent them again, bringing them back underneath himself and feeling the nylon of his thigh press against that on the back of his calf. He loved that feeling. He pushed himself off from the ground and let himself swing freely, the wind whipping up under his skirt and lifting it slightly to reveal his crotch. He laughed a little as he swung, loving the rush and the disorientation that the alcohol was causing. The crossdressed, happy boy pendulummed, higher and higher and faster and faster. The wind rushed in his ears almost blocking out all other sounds. Almost blocking out his breathy laughter. Almost blocking out the creak of the chains. Almost blocking out the loud, thumping bass of a car stereo. Almost. Art dug his heels hard into the floor of the play area, bringing himself to an adrupt stop. He strained his ears. It was definitely the sounds of a car. As well as the music he could hear heavy revving and screeching of tyres, and what was more, the sound was getting louder. The car, wherever it was, was heading his way. Frantically, Art reached behind his head, grasping for the hood of his coat. He pulled it up far around his face, covering his made up eyes and his painted lips. He reckoned whoever it was in that car would likely not appreciate his efforts. He sat, completely still, gripping the chains of the swing. As hard as tried, he could not determine from which direction the car was coming. What should he do? He could stay where he was, alone on the swing, and hope the car simply drove past or he could move, try and head out into the back streets and gamble on them bypassing him completely. Or he could hide. The idea of crawling into a bush in his dress and heels wasn't an appealing one, but being caught like this was less so. He strained his ear again. The car was definitely getting closer. It sounded as though it was almost on top of him. Out of the corner of his eye the bright, white flash of headlights caught Art's attention. He spun around and caught a face full of it. The screech of tyres on asphalt announced the arrival of the car. It span around to meet the park at the opposite corner to where Art was sat, the corner from which Art had entered. The corner that lead back home. Art rubbed his eyes, trying to desperately to get rid of the green and purple blobs that danced across his vision. In his druken, panicked mind there was only one idea. Run! He obidiently listened. Clumsily, Art staggered to his feet. If his mind was beginnning to rapidly sober on the arrival of the car, his body wasn't. He made a dash for the exit and stumbled out into the street, his eyes still blurry and his brain still foggy. He started walking. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was it was away from the car and it was the opposite direction from home. Behind him the car screeched around another corner. Even in his drunken state Art could tell the car was now on the same road as him, and approaching rapidly from behind. He tensed up but kept on walking, and hoped his hood would be enough to shield him from view. The car was fast. It didn't take long before it was upon him. Art sank as he heard the engine slow. He didn't dare look out from the corner of his hood as the car idled past him. He could tell he was being watched. All he could do was walk. From inside the car he could hear voices over the sound of thumping house music, loud and boorish. He heard laughing. Art was wrong. He thought he could pass. Clearly whoever was in the car had seen through it. He tensed up even more. The engine of the car roared into life as it's wheels squealed and left black lines on the road. Art watched as the red lights shrunk away. He stopped walking. Again, he was holding his breath. He daren't exhale. In his minds eye, he crossed his fingers hard, hoping that whoever had been in the car had seen their fill. That they wouldn't question the boy in the dress. That they would just chalk it off as some weirdo to tell their mates about. Art hoped hard, but his hopes were in vain. As the car crested the hill further up the road and disappered from sight the unmistakable sound of brakes bringing a car to a fast stop echoed their way back to Art's ears. Whoever was in that car had not seen enough. They were coming back. Some twenty yards ahead of Art there was a side road. It was small and narrow and there appeared to be only a few traffic lights. He could make a break for it. He could try and get down that road and hope they missed him. It was that or head back into the park. Art knew where he fancied his chances more. The side road would have to do. The booming bass music that blead out from the car still echoed in the suburban nighttime air. It was moving, but Art could not yet tell how close it was. It took a huge effort to will his mind and force his heeled foot to move, but Art manged it. He trotted, as fast as his heels would allow, over to the mouth of the road, desperately tugging at the hem of the dress in an attempt to make it longer than it was. Why had he worn this on his first night out? Why couldn't he have just worn jeans? The side road was as dark and as narrow as Art could have hoped. Along the opposite side of the pavement the road was narrowed even further by parked cars. There was only a few lamposts to illuminate the street. Again, Art considered diving into a bush, but decided against it. He hadn't gotten away yet. Being found in a bush wouldn't have served him any better. Another wave of bass, coupled with horsepower. Art clicked his way up the road a few yards before spinning around. The car was getting closer and closer again. If they thought to go down the side road there was no way he was going to escape now anyway. He held his breath. The car was only metres away.The main road was still dark. No headlights. Art was confused. The car was extremely close he should be able to see something by now. He could definitely hear it. It sounded like it was only seconds away. Unless...He span around, almost tripping on his heels. In front of him the bright spotlight of two headlight beams seared their way down the narrow road. He was right. The car was only seconds away. There was no getting away now. The car pulled up right next to Art. The second blast of headlights had once again left him with splotchy, blurry eyesight. He turned away from the car as best as he could, not wanting to let the driver see his face. "Hello beautiful," Art recognised the voice, even if he couldn't quite pinpoint it, "You out here all alone?" "Why don't you get in. We'll give you a ride home." A second voice. Art didn't reply. He was sure he recognised that voice too. He refused to turn to them, instead looking out across the darkened front gardens of the houses. Where he had earlier been grateful to see them deserted and empty, now he hoped someone, anyone, would emerge and save him from this. "Hey," The first voice again, trying to catch Art's attention, "Hey! We're trying to be nice here.Why don't you get in the car." Art still didn't turn. "OY!" The second voice shouted louder, as a wide open palm smashed the horn of the car sending a shrill klaxon into the air. Art jumped, startled by the noise. Without realising it he turned towards the drivers window. There, leaning out, was the fat ape like face of Doyle, grinning at having got the boy too turn around. Across from him in the passenger seat sat Marcus, just as ape like, with just as big of a grin on his face. Doyle spoke first. "There you. Rah, you are fit." This comment took Art by surprise. Even with knowing he was a crossdresser they were really playing the part. Art could tell whatever joke that was being played was at his expense, he just hadn't worked out the punchline yet, "What are you doing out here all on your own?" "You working?" Marcus piped up. Art didn't understand what he meant. He turned away again. Another angry shout by Marcus made him turn back towards the car. Art's knees were shaking. Not only had he been caught crossdressing but it was also by two boys from school. His academic life was over. At least he wouldn't be a nobody anymore. "What's your name?" And yet the boys in the car hadn't yet made their move. They hadn't yet jumped out and beaten him up. They hadn't yet taken a picture, and now they were asking him his name. Art wondered if they were just stringing him along, trying to make his suffering worse. It didn't seem likely. Doyle and Marcus weren't usually that smart. "Oy, what's your name?" Marcus again. He was certainly the less patient of the two. Art still didn't answer. A mistake, "I said, what's your fucking name?!" Art panicked. He went to say Art, not thinking. He had never been more happy to hear his words catch in his throat. Instead he made a low, small coughing noise that didn't sound like anything. Doyle cut back in. "What the fuck was that?" Again, no answer. "So are you working or not?" "Look just get in the car!" Marcus was getting angry now. "Are you working?" The question seemed so alien to Art. Was he working? What did that mean? "It's a simple bloody question. Are you working tonight?" "No." Art surprised himself when he spoke. The voice that left his lips was not his own. It was soft and higher than his. It was a girls voice. He had practiced adapting his voice before but he had never expected his brain to override him. To use this voice without being told to. Secretly he was extremely happy it had. He was also beginning to suspect the truth. Neither Doyle nor Marcus recognised him. He suspected neither of them even recognised him as male. As far as both of them were concerned they were speaking to a girl. A girl out on her own in the early hours of the morning. A girl wearing an extremely short dress and heavy make up. With a sudden rush, it dawned on Art what Doyle had meant by, "are you working?" The boys in the car thought he was a hooker. "Are you sure. You look like you're working." "I'm not." Art knew what danger he was in. If either Doyle or Marcus figured out what he was they wouldn't hesitate to end him. He knew he should run.He knew he should be terrified. He knew he should be offended by the idea that he was a prostitute, but he wasn't. Inside Art's heart was fluttering. They thought he was a girl. They didn't recognise him and they thought he was a girl. It had worked. He was passing. "Look, I don't care if you're not working. Just means we don't have to pay you. Get in the car!" Marcus was seething in the passenger seat car. Art steeled himself. He bent down slightly, looking past Doyle and over towards Marcus. "No." The passenger door was open in a flash. Marcus stood up, glaring across the roof of the car. Art straightened back up to look at him again. "Fair enough. We'll just do it out here" Marcus slammed the car door and began to stomp his way around the back of the car. Art tensed again. He had gone too far. He would pay for it now. The flashing blue lights of the arriving police car had never been more welcome. Marcus stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide. Doyle froze in the driver seat of the car, his face white and gaunt in the presence of the new arrival. Art turned towards the blue, his face fully illuminated under his hood. The car pulled up directly in front of the boys car, boxing them in and preventing them from escaping. From the drivers seat a portly middle aged officer, with a balding head and fat moustache emerged. A younger officer got out from the passenger seat, his narrow eyes focused on Art. "Alright boys! That's enough of that!" He strode over towards where Marcus was stood, "C'mon. Back in the car." Art was stood stock still. He watched the older police officer grip Marcus slightly by the arm and escort him back to the passenger seat. The younger officer was still staring at Art. For his part, Art tried hard to avoid his gaze. As Marcus got back into the car the officer leant down, sticking the full mass of his sizeable head into the open window. Art waited anxiously as he heard the stern words being passed across between the three. It seemed like a very long time before the officer stood back up again. Art heard the engine of the car start up again as the car spluttered back into life. Marcus kept his eyes pinned to Art as the car reversed and turned onto the main road, before disappearing from view and silently slipping off into the night. Art was alone with the two police officers. A cold wind blew around his legs as he held the nylon surfaces of the tights together. He shivered slightly. Turning back around after watching the car leave, the older officer began to approach the Art. As he approached he stooped slightly to see under the hood. The younger of the two was still stood strong, still staring in Art's direction. "Now then. What to do with you," Art had no idea what was going to happen, "Jesus you look young. We've had reports of a woman socilicting sexual wares. I didn't believe it myself. This is a nice neighbourhood. Don't usually get that sort of thing here." From across the road Art noticed a curtain twitch. Clearly someone had been paying attention to the commotion going on outside. "Sorry." Art's answer was weak. Why was he even apologising? He wasn't a hooker. "Now, as I'm sure you're aware, prostitution is illegal. Me and Dave here should really take you down to the station." Art looked up at the officer from under the hood. His eyes were wet and big, pleading. He was relieved to see the upturned smile of the officers moustache looking back at him, "It's OK sweetheart. Let's get you home. Where do you live?" The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon as Art opened the back door of the police car. The warm interior was a welcome relief from the brisk spring morning. Art slid in first, before pulling his legs in and keeping them together. He huddled himself up, making sure the hood never left his head. Slowly he began to relax as the car took off back past the park. What had started as a simple day of crossdressing had ballooned into a rollercoaster evening, one of the worst of his life. His first time out of the house dressed and he had almost been caught out, by two bullies from school no less. He had taken too big of a risk. He had gone to far. And yet, as he reflected on the night, and the threats by Marcus, and the proposition from Doyle, and the police escort he was now the beneficiary of, one thing occurred to him. He had almost been caught, but he hadn't been. He had stood a foot away from Doyle, a boy who he had seen almost everyday for the past six years, and still had not been caught. He had looked Marcus straight in the eye, and still had not been caught. Whoever was sitting in the house making frantic calls to the police had seen him, and still he had not been caught. Even now sitting in the back of this police car, neither of the officers showed any evidence that they knew he was a boy. As far as every single person he had met tonight was concerned they had been speaking to a girl. And not just speaking to. Art's mind drifted back to the way Doye had looked at him. With hungry, lusting eyes. He remembered the way Marcus had been desperate for him to get in the car. They hadn't just seen Art as some girl. He was a girl that they wanted. A girl that they were willing to pay to sleep with. The idea was strange to Art. As far as knew no one had ever wanted to sleep with him before. He had seen himself. Sure he could look cute, for a boy, but he had been convinced he wasn't passable, let alone good looking. He never would have entertained the idea that he could be attractive. Yet the evidence was there. Inside himself he felt a lift. It was pride. Pride in his ability to pass as a girl. Pride in not being caught. Pride in his looks. The warmth of the cars heather was now nothing to the warm glow Art felt inside himself. He loved it. He loved the idea that he could be admired for his looks. A nobody like him. He had never known it before. This must be how somebodys feel. This must be how she feels. Jessica. For the first time in a long time Art found himself thinking about her again. This must be how she feels all the time. Pride in knowing she was admired. Art had given up on ever matching her with his looks. He had given up on ever feeling the same way she did, and yet here he was. Admired. Proud. Reinvigorated. He had given up on his goal at the first sign of doubt, but that doubt was dying a quick death. Why couldn't he do what he had set out to in the first place? He had fooled Doyle and Marcus. Why couldn't he fool others? Why couldn't he fool everyone? He loved this feeling. He would be damned if he was easily going to give up on it now. The idea that had burrowed into his head all them weeks ago was back, and this time it was not going away. He could pass. He could be a girl. He hated Jessica Munroe and he was coming for her. Art lifted his head and pushed back his shoulders a little. Up ahead he could see the eyes of the younger officer in the rear view mirror, leering back at him. Well, Art reasoned, who could blame him? Purposefully, Art stared right back into the gaze of the officer. He smirked. He winked. A slow, long wink. The officer turned away. The car drove through the quiet suburban lane as the sun rose on another day.

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Jessicas Birthday Party

Introduction: Jessica awakes to find that the day she has waited for all her life her 18th birthday and the day she will Meat her destiny, over the coals. Jessicas Birthday Party Story: #1 Copyright 2004 Written: October 31 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: TDM Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Jessica awoke to the smell of bacon being cooked by her mother in the kitchen and realized it...

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Jessica Weekend in Las Vegas Story Five Part 1

This a continuation and maybe the last story in the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. ***On Wednesday afternoon, the doorbell rang and I walked over and opened the door to see a messenger service man with a thick envelope. "Ma'am, I have a delivery for Jessica Summers." "I'm Jessica Summers," I said taking the envelope. "Thank you." I looked at the return address, it was from the travel agency I use. I opened it...

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The Descending of Jessica Ch 14

Welcome to Epilogue III/Chapter 14, or as I like to call it, ‘Return of the Jedi’…. wait, that doesn’t sound right. Anyway, you might want to read the preceding chapters lest you be lost. Unless you like being lost, some people are into that. I don’t judge. This started out as a project to vent a few sexy stories, and has become more of a novella. Entering in the middle of it would probably be frustrating. It is a quasi memoir, the names and locales have been changed and some parts embellished....

1 year ago
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My Best Friend Jessica

I was always a little jealous of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5’4 115 pounds, perfect ass. Prefect everything, at least that was how I saw her. Most of all she always had the perfect boyfriends. Even though I had never been with another girl, I would fantasize about her. It freaked me out a little bit. I never thought of myself as a lesbian. I had been with my fair share of guys. But Jessica was different, she was my college together, and we were going to live together...

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How I Got Seduced By My Friends Mom Jessica

Hi everyone, I am Raj, age 22, from Mumbai. Today I am here to narrate a real incident. It took place a few months ago during my trip to Assam. To start with, I had a friend in my college who was 2 years younger than me. His name was Sarengyam, and he was an Assam native.  We became good friends as we lived in the same hostel. After a few months, Sarengyam told me that he is going for a few days to Assam to meet his family. He asked me if I was interested in accompanying him. Since I wanted to...

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Jessicas New Job

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Jessica Buske whispered to herself, crying. She was sitting on a bench in the park. It was the only place she could think of to go. Jessica is a pretty red head, nice figure. She’s wearing a business suit. “Cutbacks...cutbacks...” she repeated it to herself, almost not believing the meaning of the word. The word seemed like some kind of a curse on her. Her whole life had changed an hour ago. And now, here she was, in the park in the middle of the afternoon, wondering...

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Jessica y la reina blanca

Jessica y la reina blanca.La detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven treintañera pasea por la calle en dirección a un club de ajedrez donde debe hablar con su presidente. Jessica va vestida con unos pantalones vaqueros cortos que resaltan su figura y su precioso y voluptuoso trasero, lleva una camisa a cuadros que sujetan sus preciosos pechos que se agitan sin sujetador, Jessica lleva su habitual gorra de beisbol que tapa su angelical cara de rasgos redondeados en la que resaltan...

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BisexJessica de strapon en el Estadio

Bisex-Jessica de strapon en el EstadioEs día de concierto en el estadio, la detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven de treinta años viste su habitual camiseta blanca anudada en el ombligo, unos ajustados pantalones vaqueros marcan su precioso y abultado trasero, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas le dan un aspecto jovial mientras su preciosa melena castaña se recoge en una coleta bajo una gorra de beisbol que ensombrece su precioso rostro y sus preciosos y gruesos labios.Jessica...

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Jessica y las ninfas

Jessica y las ninfasLa detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. Vestida con su ropa preferida, la detective treintañera se siente más cómoda, con unos vaqueros de color claro, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas, una camiseta también blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver su ombligo y una gorra de béisbol dejando caer por detrás su preciosa melena de color castaño claro recogida en una coleta. Tras varias informaciones las pesquisas la llevan a un edificio abandonado en el centro de la...

5 years ago
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Jessica y el hombre dormido en el bosque

Jessica y el hombre dormido en el bosqueLa joven detective Jessica B. investiga un caso en un pequeño hotel rural en mitad de un bosque. Tras llegar a la hora de la siesta Jessica decide salir a pasear, toda la zona parece vacía.La joven de treinta años pasea con sus manos metidas en los bolsillos de sus pantalones vaqueros cortos que realzan su culo en forma de burbuja que al andar se agita en mitad del bosque, mientras su melena castaña recogida en una coleta también se agita de un lado a...

2 years ago
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"She'll like this." Jessica said to her friend, Sarah, all the while holding up the denim miniskirt to her own body and examining it in the mirror. "Who?" Sarah asked, clearly not paying attention as she thumbed through a nearby clothing rack. "Lyssa." Jessica said with a snarl, insulted at having been ignored. "I'm going to her birthday party tonight, remember?" "Oh, right. That guy's little sister. Why get her anything? You're not going for her." "Adam. His name...

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Jessica Nigri Truth or Dare

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, places, events, etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplay and glamour model)Jessica Nigri - Truth or DareA celebrity erotic storyby DaxG2001 ([email protected]) & Mean...

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Jessica Chapter One

Jessica Chapter One Jessica sat down in her first class window seat and got herself organized for the long flight to Europe. She then pulled out her compact and inspected her face and hair. Before closing it she mouth the words, ‘Jessica your such a slut.’ This trip to Europe, she hoped, was going to make her an international sex star. A dream she has held since finding her father’s porn collection under his bed just a couple of months before she turned 18. It had been part of her...

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Ribecca Debra and Jessica

At last the day arrived when her mom would take her to aunt Ricky.She was super excited. She loved going to her aunt Ricky's. She was a bit older than mom, which made her just over forty. Unmarried, she lived alone in a nice apartment in the next town, about an hour's ride from Jessica's home. She was quite different from her mom, much more a free spirit, given to wild colors and extravagance, always a fun person to be with, always with a quick joke or a smile for Jessica. She had always been a...

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Jessicas Choice

One day Jessica and her best friend and roommate Brandi are at their jobs as internet spanking models, when suddenly Jessica hears her name being called on the public address system. As she hears it, she and Brandi who are on their breaks start to walk to the shift supervisors office. As they are walking, Jessica says, I wonder what she wants? I haven't been late any this week. Who knows, says Brandi, but don't get excited or upset until you know what it's about. About 30 seconds later they are...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 50 New Friends

June 5, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “How was your day exploring?” I asked Abbie when everyone sat down to dinner. “Chicago is not New York, that’s for sure.” “Did you find anyone to hang out with?” “I talked to a couple of people and I’m going to a dance club tonight to check it out.” “Take a cab home, please,” I said. “I’ll cover the cost.” “Why?” “The L runs through some very rough neighborhoods between the Loop and Hyde Park and it’s a longish walk from the L here. Buses don’t run late...

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The Descending of Jessica Ch 11

So, in the last chapter we finally arrived at Brent’s big fuck up. If you haven’t read the previous 10 chapters, you probably should, or you will have no idea what is going on. I haven’t as yet gotten a lot of feedback since Chapter 8, so there’s not much to say here. Sorry for the delays in getting this out, but as I’ve said before, life has been busy. I’m still working on spelling and punctuation. I noticed just now in the Chapter 10 that I used the word ‘heel’ when I meant ‘heal’, and...

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Jessica the bigtitted BBW geek

Jessica had very big tits.Her tits were massive. She was a very chubby girl, with an overall "jiggly" appearance.This was her reality. She was a chubby "geek" girl with her massive, jiggly tits and her large retro video game-themed t-shirts that were always noticeably stretched by her massive breasts.Jessica also had a bit of an attitude. She was that girl in school who walked around with a slight frown on her face as she moved her jiggly self around wearing her worn out sweat pants, her tight...

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Jessica Chapter Five

FIVE Jessica’s new love for sucking her brother’s cock, anyone’s cock for that matter, had her feeling the need for more cock to help satisfy her need and love for becoming a cock sucking slut. She also wanted to explore her new found need to be naked in front of men. Jessica love how those men at the party lusted after her with their eyes when she was naked in front of them. Grabbing the newspaper she looked in the want ads section for nude dancers and already she could feel her pussy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 13 With A Little Help From My Friends

December 20, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “I didn’t know doctors made house calls these days,” I chuckled. “We usually don’t,” Doctor Robertson said. “But Al didn’t want Jessica at the hospital.” “That’s right,” Al Barton said. “She doesn’t need hospitalization and I suspect you know that the hospital is worse than a High School locker room for gossip.” “So I’ve heard,” I said, shifting my eyes to Alicia. It was just after 9:00pm on Tuesday, and Al Barton, Doctor Robertson, and Doctor Franco,...

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Jessica Alba No Cock For a Month

The look of dread that appeared in her eyes when he declared her punishment was something he had never seen in his daughter before– the sadness and disappointment seemed to overwhelm her. Jessica had immediately dropped to her knees and mashed her face against his covered crotch in an attempt to woo him back, and he’d almost broken right then. But he reminded himself that if he gave in now, she’d never listen to another word out of his mouth. He had to stick to his guns and stay out of her for...

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Jessica My Horny Tutor0

My name is Luke. I'm a senior in high school. I'm just a typical kind of guy. I'm 5'8 with a nice build and a great tan. I work out as much as I can. I play lacrosse for my school. My life is great. I already received a scholarship to my first choice college, Stanford, to play lacrosse. My family just booked me a surprise vacation for three weeks in Cancún Mexico to start my summer. I only have 2 weeks left in school. My three best friends I grew up with John, Pete, and Derek are all...

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Jessica y la habitacioacuten roja

Jessica y la habitación rojaLa detective Jessica B. es una treintañera de cuerpo esbelto de gimnasio, pelo castaño recogido en una coleta, grandes ojos también castaños tapados bajos una gorra de beisbol, carita de ángel con facciones redondeadas, labios carnosos, tetas erguidas bajo una camiseta blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver un precioso ombligo. Sus habituales pantalones vaqueros marcan un voluptuoso culo que sobresale en forma de burbuja de su silueta musculada. Unas zapatillas...

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Jessica Gets Stuck

Just then, her partially closed bedroom door suddenly burst open and the family dog, Buster, came bounding in, crashing into the side of the bed. The bed shook with a force that startled Jessica, as she was not prepared for it, almost causing her to fall over, however she caught herself by falling back on her elbow, now taking a lounging position on her bed. After recovering from the sudden shock of being interrupted from her hot fantasies, she looked over and saw the big ball of energy that...

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Chelsea and Jessica go Uniform Shopping

Chelsea and Jessica go Uniform Shopping By Sissie Maid Cuckold Knock, Knock, Knock... "Oh hi Jessica, won't you come in," said Carrie Williams, "what do we owe this pleasure to?" "Oh, I'm here to take Chelsea for some maid's uniforms, is she here?" "Oh, yes, I see, well yes she is down the hall in the laundry room ironing her new maid's uniform, she is obsessed with that thing if you ask me. Go ahead down and see her." Jessica smiled and proceeded down the...

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The CatalystChapter 51 Educating Jessica

[‘Gracie got serious, “But Charlie, isn’t she only like 16 years old?”] I told her, “That’s correct, but, she DOES turn 17 next Saturday, the same day as our wedding. That’s why I don’t want any of the guys to actually have intercourse with her. 16 could get us 20! That being said, she wants this in the worst way. She knows we could all get into trouble and swears she won’t say anything to anyone that anything happened before she was actually 17. “While the State of Illinois is absolutely...

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The Abduction of Lady Jessica

“Frottage, clean the sybian,” ordered Lady Jessica Featherstonehaugh as she climbed off the sex machine with a squelch and stubbed out her cigar on the aged retainer’s bald head. “Did you instruct Drummond to saddle up Rusty? I am meeting Sir Percy Cholmondeley in Hyde Park at ten.”“Yes, m’Lady, of course, m’lady,” snivelled Frottage, reaching for his handkerchief.“With your tongue, Frottage, with your tongue,” snapped Lady Jessica, reaching for her horsewhip and thrashing him repeatedly across...

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Jessica Rabbit a Pirate Wench or

Authors note: This is the story of a high school senior that takes a part-time job for Halloween, and finds himself. I started writing this story a few years ago, and then my muse went away. I don't know if she's back or not, but I just felt that I needed to finish it. Enjoy. ---------- Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. Hello. My name is Russell Madison. My friends call me Russ. But,...

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Jessica Rabbit a Pirate Wench or

Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. As I walked into the G&H Costume Shoppe, the girl behind the counter asked, "Can I help you?" I was there looking for a part-time job. I wanted to make a little extra money to buy my girlfriend, Patti, something really nice for her eighteenth birthday. Halloween was just a little more than six weeks away and I knew that the big costume shop in town hired part-time help for Halloween. This shop...

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Brandi and Jessica Halloween final

She is one of the most gorgeous women that i have ever seen. She isn't too tall, about 5'6". Her eyes are so blue you'd think they would glow in the dark. She has perfect teeth, whiter than snow. On a fat day she weights 125. Her long brown hair can cover her c-cup breasts. She has a wonderful personality. She will make you smile on the worst days, without having to suck your dick. Everywhere we go we have a blast, it doesn't matter where we go. She knows exactly what i...

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Chelsea Starts to Work for Ms Jessica

Chelsea Starts to Work for Ms. Jessica By Sissie Maid Cuckold "No, you may not wear your formal Uniform Chelsea. You know it is only for serving at formal get-togethers. Now get changed into one of your morning uniforms and report to me immediately!" "Yes Ma'am, right away Ma'am." Chelsea curtsied and hurried to her room to change. A room that she had just been assigned by Jessica and had only finished putting away her uniforms minutes ago. Chelsea loved wearing the Formal Maids...

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Ryan Jessica Rob Tricia

Just then, Rob’s wife, Tricia, walked into the kitchen, having gone upstairs to attend to one of her sons. Ryan, who'd known Rob and Tricia for a few years before being introduced to Jessica by Tricia, got her attention and waved her over. “What is it,” she asked out loud. Ryan pointed down the basement stairs and out a finger to his lips. As long as Ryan had known Tricia, he'd lusted after her. She was tall (5’10), blonde, and leaner than he usually liked, but had a very cute little...

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Chris And Jessica Have Fun With Debbie

I’m going to tell you a very interesting story about a vacation we took with my wife’s father and his girlfriend. We went to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. My father-in-law insisted on paying and wanted to treat us. My parents were kind enough to watch our children for the week. My wife and I haven't been on vacation without them in years. I was hoping to talk my wife, Jessica into being a little spontaneous on our vacation. Jessica sometimes could be very timid, when it comes to sex. I was going...

Group Sex
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5 Jessica AnnieChapter 3

The sun was setting and soon the sky would start to darken. For the next twenty minutes the two girls pranced around as Annie and I admired their beauty. They tossed a Frisbee I had brought in my back pack, played chase, wrestled and in between chatted with Annie and I. They knew quite well that they were being watched, and after a few initial awkward moments they settled in and put on quite a show. The shirts clearly displayed their breasts, with Jessica essentially naked from the waist up...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 5 Katy Jessica Walter Late summer 1982

Saturday arrived and Katy showed up at Jessica's doorstep at about seven. It was a lovely evening: not too hot, with the sun just beginning to set. Feeling more summery than usual, Katy wore a seafoam green-colored halter-top to match the sheer bra and panties she had on underneath, and a black mini-skirt. It was Walter however, who answered the door, and Katy found him looking particularly hunky in a powder blue dress shirt and pair of off white chinos. Walter was also without socks or...

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Jessicas Tale

Jessica 01 Jessica 01 Jessica was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the man walked in from the patio.? Her sister Kim lay sprawled out on the floor a few feet away.? Mom and dad looked up in alarm from their recliners as the man burst into their home.? Pop!? Pop!? went two shots from the small gun in the man's hand, and her parents lay dying within seconds.? Tommy came in from the kitchen to see what the noise had been, and the man fired two more rounds. Tommy dropped across Kim,...

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Jessica gives it up for fame

I shuffled slightly forward and, fisting my cock, presented it to the pretty wannabe starlet. I brushed her long hair away from her face and with a twist of my wrist, I wiped the swollen mushroom head slowly under Jessica’s nose, forcing her to take in the pungent male scent of my knob-musk. Jessica gives it up for fame. I've seen them all come through my office in my time. All the wannabe's desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. And with my position in the talent company deciding who we...

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Jessica 4

Jessica woke dazed and sore, and sticky from the layers of dried cumthat had coated her body. She shivered in pain. Nightmares had tormented hersleep. She dreamt that she was drowning, but the blue-green sea was replacedby oceans of white sperm. Every time she raised her head, a wave of milkysemen would crash over it. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms, but tono avail. Over and over the white storm buffeted her about. Her every muscleached and cried out in agony. Choking and...

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Jessica 2

Part 2 As the limo sped on into the day, Jessica could not but wonder what washappening to her. The men in the car were silent for an hour or two, then sheheard low whispers among them. Abruptly, the large auto slowed and veered offwhat was obviously the interstate, but Jessica had no idea where. Her handswere still cuffed behind her back, and she lay almost prone on the rear seat.The sperm had long since dried on her face, but the mask was still in place.She tried sleeping fitfully, but...

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Jessica Chapter Six

Six Jessica had been dancing at the club for about three days when on a Saturday afternoon she saw something that made her heart almost leap out of her chest. Towards the end of her first dance of a three dance set her father walked in the door with some men she had never meet before. At first Jessica wanted to scream and run off the stage and hide before her father saw her. But then something inside Jessica made her stay. Jessica wanted her father to see her dancing for all these men in the...

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Jessica 3

"We're not done yet, though." said Eva as she toweled the spermfrom her hair, rubbing it through her fingers like fine conditioner."I think they have a video planned. I wonder who it'll be tonight." "What do you mean?" asked a still-trembling Jessica. "Every now and then, Sir John does a video of a girl here, eitherto keep her under control, or to sell to a private collector. We'vehad some fairly famous women here who suck cock like crazy, and theycan't to a thing because Sir John...

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Thank You from Jessica Simpson

As a free lance writer, I pick up jobs wherever I can, and one of the things I most like to do is write for television shows. The money is good, and it tends to be fun, and there are some great side benefits sometimes. A few days ago, in collaboration with my sometimes writing partner, Duane, I worked on a variety show. I like working with Duane. As an African American man in his early forties, he often sees things from a different angle than I do, and I like having him join me in some of those...

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The Biography of Jessica Ch 03

Dennis Forrest woke up to two abnormalities. One of those was an empty bed. His wife had many great qualities, but she was not a Morning Person. Nor was he, but his career had thrust it upon him and he made the best of it. JJ was admittedly, a grouch for about an hour each morning. The second odd thing took him a minute or so to notice because it was so out of the ordinary. It was the distinctive aroma of food, bacon, cinnamon rolls and freshly-brewed coffee. As JJ wasn’t a morning person, she...

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Alan and Jessica An Erotic Story

Jessica and Alan A Fantasy Jessica waited impatiently while Alan tried to find the correct key for his house door. After an interminable moment she heard a faint click and watched as the door parted from its threshold. "There," he said triumphantly, "I always keep forgetting to turn the outside light on when I leave." He stepped aside and motioned for Jessica to enter. After they were both standing inside the foyer and the door had been closed behind them, Alan took Jessica in...

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My sister inlaw Jessica

Its was the 4th of July weekend. I will never forget it! My wife and I had invited her sister Jessica and her boyfriend Bill away with us for the weekend. We had rented a house in Napa Valley for the long weekend. Jessica and Bill agreed and we all drove up to the house together. When we arrived Friday night, we settled in to the house. There were three bedrooms, a huge living room with a tremendous couch and big 42inch TV. We had stopped on the way up at a local store to pick up some wine and...

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JessicaChapter 2 Jessica and David

As I followed Emma and Jessica, I called my husband David to tell him what was going on and to ask him to meet me at that gas station, just outside of town. I then called Jessica, and I told her to stop at that gas station so I could pick up my husband. She texted me back with a picture of her in the car naked ... I almost ran off the road. When we got to the gas station David was already there. I got out of the car, ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss. A minute later, Emma and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 51 Not the Life of the Party

June 10, 1989, Chicago, Illinois I was fairly tired when I woke up on Saturday morning, but a shower revived me enough to drive Jorge and myself to breakfast at Alex Saunders’ restaurant. The guys teased both Terry and Zeke about their last weekend of ‘freedom’ but it was pretty clear that the two of them were quite happy to be giving up that freedom. I certainly couldn’t argue with either of their choices! I did make sure that they had talked to Elyse and that everything was set for the...

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This is a true story that happened a while back to me. I really felt like getting it out and hopefully you guys like it. Everything is true, except the names are changed as I do not want the real identities to be revealed. The story of course isn’t word for word true, I couldn’t remember all of it. There was more time in between the events that I wrote about, but I didn't include that time because there wasn't a lot of sex in those times and you guys would get bored. It's a pretty short...

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Mistress Jessica and her Asian boytoy

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. I always welcome comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail dot com. Thanks!Lee was bored. He was a 14 year-old student at Osborne High, a large high school that catered for thousands of students, and in his freshman year. Like most Asians, he was a top student in most of his subjects, but also like most Asians, he sometimes found it hard to score with western girls. Not that there were many good-looking ones in this...

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April and Jessica part 2 Jessica finds herslef

Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...

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Jessica Gets Tricked

Jessica's body was soaked with sweat. Her freshly high-lit hair was already damp and she wasn't sure her thick mascara wouldn't start running down her cheeks. It was one of those 'sticky' days, as she always thought of them. Hot and humid without a cloud in the sky. The kind of day where a white tank top and her Daisy Dukes were the only option. Forget the bra and panties, she knew they'd be coming off soon anyway.She sat on a shabby, second hand couch in the middle of nowhere staring at the...

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Jessica Simpsons Wedding Night

The beautiful blonde 22 year old pop singer Jessica Simpson was lost in a deep seductive kiss with her new husband Nick Lachey one of the singers from the boy band 98 degrees. They had just gotten married that Saturday Afternoon on October 26, 2002. Jessica had always dreamed of her wedding day since she was a child. She was a hopeless romantic and now she was here finally with the man of her dreams. A very hot and sexy man that is. Nick was huge compared to Jessica's little frame. He stood...

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