Hysteria 2 free porn video

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Victoria woke up the next morning. Disoriented, she tried to recall the events of the previous evening. She stretched, noticing that she was still on her chaise lounge.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed, aloud.

Her mind was flooded with the naughty things that Dr Reeves had done to her body. Victoria’s cheeks were bright red and hot, but the thoughts of how he made her feel sent shivers up and down her body. She was aware of parts of her body that had previously never crossed her mind.

As a moral, upstanding woman, she should not be thinking of her nether region, much less enjoying what had happened! Victoria rang for her maid. It was earlier than she was used to getting up, but she was wide awake.

“Well, ma’am, you are up early this morning,” Betsy, her maid, commented.

“Yes...well, that is neither here, nor there,” Victoria commented, absently.

“Let’s get you dressed, my lady. You have a big day ahead of you,” Betsy smiled.

Victoria frowned. What did she mean? It was Tuesday. She usually spent the day reading or sewing. Although her mind was full of questions, she was a proper lady and would wait to speak to her husband about this unusual statement.

After being dressed, Victoria went downstairs to breakfast. Charles was already seated. His plate was empty, and the newspaper hid his face from her view. She was irritated. He could have waited for her.

"What's wrong with me?" she wondered.

Charles never waited for her to arrive before eating his breakfast. He was a busy man. Victoria seated herself and went about making her plate. About to spoon the first bite into her mouth, she was interrupted.

"Victoria, get your wrap and reticule. We need to be going," he said, briskly.

"But, I just sat down. I haven't eaten yet," she replied.

"That's your fault. You should have been down earlier. Now, get your stuff, and come on! We're going to be late," her husband told her, as he left the room.

With her stomach growling and temper growing, Victoria gathered her stuff and followed him to their carriage. She climbed up and sat down. Charles was oblivious to her glare.

"You could have helped me into the carriage, Charles," she stated.

"You made it in just fine," he replied, reading that wretched newspaper again.

They rode in silence for the twenty minutes it took to reach the doctor's office. Victoria gazed at the scenery, as she thought about the events that happened last night. She wiggled in her seat, as her pussy was warm and getting slick. It gave her the most delicious thrill to say that naughty word, even if she only said it in her mind.

The carriage came to a sudden halt, right in front of a grand house. Charles stepped out of the carriage and offered his arm to Victoria. Appearances were everything to him. So, in public, he was the perfect gentleman and husband. Charles escorted his wife to the door.

"Where are we, Charles?" she asked.

"You're here for your treatment. This hysteria has you in a bind, and I won't have a wife that back talks, as much as you," he said, "And...you better hope it starts to work, or it's off to Bedlam."

Victoria stared, open mouthed. He brought her here! He brought her back to the doctor that had caused all those confusing feelings.

Dr Reeves opened the door and motioned for them to enter. He greeted Charles with a firm handshake. Bowing to Victoria, his warm brown eyes met hers and locked.

She felt his intense gaze everywhere. Her nipples were like tiny pebbles, and her pussy felt as wet as the sea. Victoria squirmed. She was at odds with these feelings.
He released her gaze and turned to Charles.

"Sir, have you allowed enough time for me to sufficiently treat your lady wife?" Dr Reeves asked.

"Just tell me when to return," he said.

"Hmm...it's a little after nine. Let's say around lunch. Is that acceptable?" Dr Reeves asked.

"If I'm not too busy," Charles said.

Dr Reeves considered himself an easygoing man, but there was something about Victoria's husband that he truly did not like. It could be the callous way he treated the beautiful woman who married him. Or, maybe, the man was just a pompous ass, who preferred money to warm passion.

Victoria watched her husband open the door and leave, without so much as a goodbye. She faced the young man in front of her and was greeted by tenderness I his eyes. He offered his elbow, which she hesitantly took, and escorted her into a sitting area.

“My dear lady, may I take your coat and gloves?” he asked.

Dr Reeves’ eyes drank in the sight of her lush curves. Her breasts strained against the fabric of her shirt, as she shrugged off her coat. He gestured for her to sit on the couch.

“Let us talk for a moment,” he said, “you are aware of the reason for your visit?”

The look on her face spoke volumes. Her husband had just dropped her off, without so much as a reason for his actions. That angered him. This delicate flower deserved better, and he was just the man to make things better for her.

“May I call you Victoria?” he asked.

“Yes, please do,” she answered.

“Excellent, and please call me Lucas. Dr Reeves is so formal. We will be getting to know each other much better, as I treat you for your hysteria,” he told her, “Your condition is not fatal, but it is debilitating. It can cause dizziness, fainting, and many other ailments.”

Victoria nodded, in understanding. She tried to listen to each statement, but the big words seemed to fly right over her head. It was like he was talking in a foreign language.

“There are many ways that I treat hysteria, and I can say that my success rate is close to 100%. If you need references, my nurse can provide them, as she is getting treatment for her hysteria, as well,” Lucas explained, “Let’s get you to the exam room. Amelia will assist you in getting ready.”

He stood up and offered his elbow, which she took. Lucas led her to a room deep in the house. The dark paneled walls were illuminated by wall sconces, that cast romantic shadows. The fireplace took away the chill in the air. But what caught Victoria’s attention was the table in the middle.

Her breath hitched, as she spotted the stirrups, and her imagination went wild. How wanton! No respectable lady would lay with her legs wide open. She looked at Lucas, who was watching her with an enigmatic expression.

“Dr Reeves...uh... I mean, Lucas, surely you don’t expect me in lay on THAT!” she exclaimed.

“Victoria, I can promise you that no harm will come to you. Please, trust me,” he said, gently.

Lucas backed out of the room, leaving her alone. Her mind was jumbled. Lost in thought, Victoria missed the soft knock on the door. When she turned around, she nearly jumped out of her skin. A strikingly exotic woman stood just inside the door. Her jet black hair framed her lovely face, which held a startling pair of lavender eyes. Victoria had never seen eyes as beautiful as this woman’s.

“My name is Amelia,” the lovely woman said, in an Italian accent.

“Victoria is mine,” she answered.

“Lucas sent me in here to help you,” Amelia explained.

Victoria nodded, and Amelia stepped over to her. She looked straight into Victoria’s eyes, as she slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Amelia slipped the garment from Victoria’s shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. She, then, reached behind her and unclasped her skirt, leaving it where it fell.

“You are a beautiful woman, Victoria,” she whispered, as she moved behind her.

Amelia unlaced the corset that was holding Victoria’s heavy breasts up, then massaged the skin marked by the constricting garment. Victoria, unaccustomed to another woman's touch, stood still. Amelia's touch was just as devastatingly erotic, as Lucas'.

She felt Amelia slide her warm hands underneath her chemise. They traveled up her ribcage, to settle right below her breasts. Victoria's heart hammered in her chest, and she very nearly stopped breathing when Amelia cupped them in her hands.

"Timid, little rabbit, your heart beats frantically," Amelia whispered.

Victoria shivered from the nearness of Amelia's lips. The lovely Italian brushed a kiss to the nape of her neck, as her fingers lightly toyed with Victoria's rock hard nipples.

"Your hysteria is as bad as mine," Amelia murmured.

Victoria gasped, as Amelia pinched her nipples. Her pussy was drenched and felt like it had a heartbeat of it's own. She arched her back to gain more contact with Amelia's hands.

"Little rabbit, there is no need to strain for my touch," Amelia purred.

She nipped the back of Victoria's neck, then pulled the chemise from her body. The cool air hardened Victoria's nipples even more. Her back felt bare, as Amelia got to her knees and began to slide her petticoats and pantaloons down.

"Bend over the table, little rabbit," she told Victoria.

Lost in a red lusty haze, Victoria leaned over the table. The fabric was soft, like velvet, and her every movement felt like the velvet was sucking her nipples. Her pussy felt thick and swollen, just from the stimulation of her tender pebbles.

She felt Amelia behind her. The lovely siren had knelled on the floor, positioning herself between Victoria's ankles. Amelia nudged her feet apart, until Victoria's legs were open wide.

Victoria gripped the soft fabric tightly. Her most private parts were completely visible and open. The prude in her wanted to rebel, but the tingles rushing through her felt so good.

"Oh my! Such a pretty pink treasure hidden between these chocolate curls," Amelia drawled.

She opened Victoria's pussy wide with her thumbs. Massaging her hairy outer lips, Amelia watched, as Victoria's tender inner lips gaped open, then snapped shut. She could see beads of dewy moisture beginning to gather at Victoria's tight, little pussy hole.

"Your little cunny has been neglected for so long, little rabbit. It looks so tight, and I bet it tastes so sweet," Amelia remarked.

Amelia slid her finger inside and felt the walls contract around it. Slowly, she worked it in and out, until the innocent Victorian lady was gasping loudly and grinding against her hand.

She slid further between Victoria's legs, twisting until she was face to face with the woman's swollen, pulsating clit. Pushing two fingers inside Victoria's dripping slit, Amelia wrapped her lips around the stiff clit in front of her and sucked it gently into her mouth.

Victoria screeched, as the seductress applied a steady, but rhythmic suction to her rapidly swelling bud. It was like she knew every sensitive place inside her pussy. Soon, Victoria was grinding her clit against Amelia's tongue and humping her fingers.

Victoria teetered on edge of a cliff, until she felt Amelia worm her little finger past the puckered entrance of her ass. She screamed, as she fell off that cliff. Lights exploded behind her eyes. Her whole body was electrified and spasming.

Amelia licked and sucked the pulsating bud, while gushes of slippery fluid coated her fingers and hand. Never had she witnessed a more violent orgasm. Her own pussy was humming with need.

Gently, she pulled her fingers from Victoria's body and helped the limp lady up onto the table. She quickly placed Victoria's feet into the stirrups and spread them wide. Going to the end of the table, Amelia admired the view.

Lucas would be pleased. Victoria's pink pussy was flushed bright red and very puffy. The normally hidden inner lips were so swollen that they curled out, revealing a still twitching hole. Victoria's tight back entrance was slightly more relaxed and twitching, as well.

Victoria lay against the table, breathing hard. How could she still be lust filled after what Amelia had just done? She heard the door open and turned her head to see Lucas enter the room.

Victoria was stricken at just how sensually handsome he was. His shirt was hanging open, showing a lightly haired chest. Unlike Charles, his waist was trim. She let her gaze travel lower, following a trail of hair that led to places unknown.

Lucas saw the unfocused and soft look in her eyes. She was completely naked and open. It seemed that the uptight lady was gone for the moment. In her place was the horny woman not afraid of her need.

"Well done, Amelia," he thought.

Spying Amelia in the corner, he approached her. She shivered. She knew the look in his eye.

"Victoria, watch me. Watch me treat Amelia. Her hysteria has grown, while she attempted to treat yours. Only a man's body can satisfy hysteria. A man's body is able to siphon it out of a woman's body," he growled.

Turning her roughly, he tugged her to the floor, then pushed her upper body down. Amelia's ass poked up highly. Lucas lifted her skirts over her head, revealing Amelia's candy apple red slit.

"Look at her pussy, Victoria. See how swollen it is. Her hysteria is begging to be pounded out," he said.

Victoria was in a trance. The beautiful siren was about to be mounted, like a common whore. A small part if her was aghast, but mostly she was jealous. She wanted him to do that to her.

She watched in awe, as he rubbed Amelia's ass cheeks roughly. Lucas opened his trousers and pulled his stiff cock free. He rubbed the leaking head all over the puffy lips in front of him, before guiding it to Amelia's open portal.

Gasping as he pulled the woman's most private areas open, Victoria literally felt him slide all the way into the woman. Her pussy jumped and flooded, as she heard skin slapping against bare skin. Amelia moaned and screamed so loudly that Victoria wondered if she was in pain.

"Oh, Lucas! Fuck my pussy! Rid me of this crippling hysteria," Amelia gasped.

Lucas grabbed her hips and pounded into her rapidly and very roughly. At the angle they were in, Victoria was able to see Amelia reach below her and rub her pussy in time with his thrusts.

Lucas' thrusts got more erratic, until he arched his back and pushed into her body several times. He pulled out and shot many streams of thick white cream all over her ass cheeks.

Amelia bucked and groaned. Her open pussy looked like it was gasping for air. Her fingers were working nonstop. She stiffened for a second, then slumped down, totally relaxed.

Victoria's body was tense. Her, once satisfied, pussy was hungry again. She gazed steadily at his dripping cock, then glanced at the cream that was running into Amelia's ass crack.

Lucas stood up and walked over to her. He leaned down very close. With a finger under her chin, he brushed his lips lightly over hers.

"My needy little dove, your hysteria is at critical levels, but I need your permission to start treatment. Do you consent?" he whispered into her ear.

She stared into his green eyes a moment, then said,"Yes".

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Because of an affair my late Mother had resulting in the birth of my younger brother Austin her sexual relations were poor as my late Father nevervreally forgave her and would rarely have sex and even then he forced himself on her. Eventually my Mom who at one time treated me badly had changed completely once she seduced me. I had been a virgin till then despite messing around with my best friend Burt, butbthen both at sixteen Burt and I had not had sexual relations with a female or so I...

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First Sex Experience

Hi, am Ajay from Chennai. To describe me am 5’9ht, 65kgs and 6-inch tool with the athletic body as am a trained sprinter. This is my first story in indian sex stories dot net . This is a real-life incident which happened with my neighbor girl during my 12th std vacation,(18 at the time ) pls do bear with me as this might be little lengthy. She(Hanna) is dark skinned 38c- 30-36 and elder to me ????. Coming to point she used to come to my house daily in the evening and late at night times. She...

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Today is the day Maggi comes to be with Jason her hubby he is in the Army and has been over seas. He has been assigned to a new post and now him and Maggi can live on post. Fran Barson meets Maggi at the airport cause Jason is in the field for two more days, Fran brings Maggi to on post housing and shows her the house. Waiting are a couple men Fran lets every one in and hands the keys to Maggi the men bring in the bags and other things and Maggi is left alone to settle in. Scared alone 1285...

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Neighborhood Gandpa

I was in my final year of high school. I was on the cheerleader squad and getting ready for college. I was just under five foot tall and did not weigh a hundred pounds. I had long black hair and big blue eyes. My mom and granny had always told me to be nice to men and they will reward you. Always be nice to men and give them what they want and they will treat you right. I went over to my friends house one day, we were out of school and I had nothing to do. Her granddad opened the door and...

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Sighing, Ed sent a text to Laura's phone. He was surprised by the immediate response. Rather than a reply it said "messages to this number are not in service. If this is a real number then the recipient has refused to receive your messages." "What the…?" Ed gasped in confusion. Had Laura really blocked his phone? Why would she do that? Ed can think of only one reason. She had dumped him and rather than telling him, she stood him up on what was supposed to be their first full night...

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And They Danced Ch 02

It was late autumn where the leaves had fallen from the trees and the skies were a murky gray. Jason walked through the park with his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets and his head down. Even the geese honking in the nearby pond could not bring him out of his doldrums. He had missed Karen before, but since their passionate rendezvous in his apartment a few months earlier, he now missed her even more. A cold drizzle had begun to fall and he headed to the Corner Café for a cup of coffee. The...

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Multiverse Apocalypse

Rifts have opened between universes and beings of great good and great evil clash as the fabric of the multiverse is torn asunder. Can Naruto battle the forces of Disney's Maleficent or will the evil witch be too much to handle for the young shinobi? Will DC's Harley Quinn and Mad Moxxi of Borderlands fame double team Marvel's Bruce Banner or will the Incredible Hulk be too powerful for the two curvy clown-faced vixens? Do Jill Valentine and Lara Croft have what it takes to neutralize Cobra...

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Chapter 1 A red drop fell into the water. The deep plop sound echoed from the narrow ceramic tile wall. The red core sank into the clear white water. Fingers of red strings meandered out from the core. At first, they looked like the mane of a mare. Then, the twines of read got so twisted and discombobulated that an entire unicorn was visible expanding liquid cloud. The shapes invited dreaming. The young woman with the snow white skin, dark locks of hair, and bright red lips kept pressing the...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 45 Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Wheels Resort Dining Area 2:38pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 It wasn’t hard to believe that all of us students, coaches and parents were completely mesmerized by Viktoriya Kharlamov’s stories about growing up in the Ukraine. Not a single person mentioned heading off to play tennis or mini-golf as we originally planned. Instead, we commandeered a small corner of the Resort’s cafeteria and were regaled by the amazing tales we heard. Toxic and her mother had moved to a small town, Ivankiv about...

4 years ago
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Friendzone To Sexzone

Hi. My name is Kanth. I’m a regular sex story reader. This is my first sex story so forgive me for any minor mistakes.About me, I’m 18 years old with a fit and athletic body. I’m from Malaysia and I’m not an always-talk-to-girls type. For any feedback or safe sex just contact me via During my school days, I had a love crush on a girl named Tharshini. She was very beautiful like the actress Anandhi Ramya. She has the right sized butt that makes guys go crazy and those boobs are just so amazing....

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Sneaky Beaky

Sneaky Beaky British Army lingo for special operations, sneaking about, up to something. See those blokes over there? Reeks of sneaky beaky work... Must be from the Regiment... Urban Dictionary Lilian Alford, like most of the inhabitants of Demeter stood two metres tall and had a physique that back on Earth would have required hours of hard work in the gym. Here it was the product of Darjee medical technology and the thousands of nanites that now inhabited her body. As she moved to...

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The Birthday Present

My wife and I are in our fifties now and started dating in high school. I’ll refer to us as Doug and Megan. We were the stereotypical football player/cheerleader couple. I quickly started realizing Megan was very different than any other girl I had dated. Her appearance to me, in the beginning, as well as her friends and family, was very straight-laced and intellectual.Her sexual side, however, was totally different. From the beginning of our relationship, I was amazed at her craving for sex....

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TouchMyWife Indica Monroe Take Notes Hubby

I can’t satisfy my wife Indica or maybe I don’t try hard enough – either way my dick is too small and she is left wanting more. She tries to re-educate my little dick energy by fucking big-cocked men. She likes to film herself doing it & humiliate me during the process. This time its with …another big-cocked stud. She f-rces me to watch her gagging on his huge dick before she slides her wet cunt on it, you can see it cling right around it. He fucks her hard in doggy,...

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GirlsWay Lauren Phillips Sabina Rouge Office Hazing

It’s Sabina Rouge’s first day as an intern. She’s hard at work until her boss, Lauren Phillips, checks in on her. Lauren has a certain mischievous look about her, although Sabina seems unaware… until Lauren whispers something lewd in her ear. Sabina is stunned as the fiery redhead walks away, though shakes her head in disbelief. Surely she misheard, right? But as the day goes on, the remarks become more and more blatant. There’s no way that Lauren doesn’t...

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Dark Lord Rising GAME

Foreword from the author: in case you didn't get it from the tag in the name this is a story written to be read in game mode, given the way it is written reading it without game mode active has no interest as I didn't add a Canon path to be followed and a lot of text and options will be missing. Fools, everyone of them! What right do they have to expell me? To banish me? How could I have guessed that the girl I gave the love philter was the arch chancellor's little niece. Besides if that old...

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Sasha Ch 06

Sitting at the gate, I started to get second thoughts about what I was about to do. I gazed out onto the tarmac. If I tell Dylan what’s going on, it’s really, really going to hurt him. That truly isn’t what I want. But how could I give up what I’d found with Sasha? I reflected on my life with Dylan, pleasant as it was, he didn’t make me feel nearly as alive, as desired as I did for the mere 24 hours I spent with Sasha. Gosh, I married Dylan for all the wrong reasons, didn’t I? That realization...

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Casino Pays Out Big Time

Last weekend my wife went away on a girls weekend up to the cottage, so on the Friday night I decided to try my luck at the casino. I was probably only there for 20 minutes when the machine I was playing hit a mini jackpot. The bells went off and a casino employee came over to verify my winning machine. I won $2500. Not to bad I thought! I took my winnings and went to a fancy restaurant in the casino and ordered a $100 steak dinner. After dinner and dessert I got a room for the night. That was...

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Being Watched

It was a Saturday morning and mum and dad were out shopping, we knew they would be a while. My girlfriend Sara, 24 at the time, had a cute little body and face, with brown shoulder length hair. She came to visit and before we knew it I was randy as hell and stripping her off on my bed. I got her naked and was looking down at her great little body when I was aware of a noise at the back of the house. I then remembered that the window cleaner was due on his monthly visit. We had often fantasized...

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Thias MemoryChapter 9

Opening her eyes slowly, Thia sighed as she felt something heavy on her stomach 'Oh, ' she smiled 'reminds me of something, ' She rolled on her side and stared at the sleeping face next to her, taking a deep breath she put a hand on his face, tracing his features, she started thinking, 'I know I did the right thing, I just... I still hope that one day I'll remember!' "Hey..." Shane opened his eyes to find her staring at him. But he guessed Thia was lost in her thoughts as she...

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indian family reunion ch02

Indian Family Reunion Ch. 02 By the next morning, Usha had reconciled her dilemma. She knew that her son had no lewd thoughts about her. That was not her problem. She was unsure of herself, and she knew it. But she finally decided that nothing would happen between them, for no other reason than the fact that Ashok would not even think about such a thing. She felt confident that she would be all right. Ashok woke up early, and looked over at his mother, who was sleeping in the next bed. She...

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Fucked By Lustful Husband8217s Brother

This is my true story. My name is Simran belonging to a sikh family. I am happily married to Rajpal who has well established business in Delhi. I am 24 yrs ,5ft 6in,fair, very sexy figure size 39-26-36 with sexy long legs. Rajpal’s just elder brother,Himmat singh ,also stay in Delhi. He looks very similar to my husband and married to a very fair sexy girl Nina. Nearly everyday we all used to be together and really were enjoying . Many times I noticed Rajpal eying my boobs or my sexy legs when I...

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The Gate to Aragnatha

The Gate to Aragnatha By Lynn LeFey Chapter 1: Dungeons of Fantasy It was Wednesday, 5:30 PM, and Andrea Thomas walked toward the comic and game shop. The bell cuffs of her sagging denim shredded against the concrete. The hot late-summer wind blew through her excruciatingly short haircut. In a few more weeks, she intended on getting her hair dyed green, but for now, there wasn't enough to worry about. She pushed against the glass door leading into "Dungeons of Fantasy"....

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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 5

My wife was home and we cuddled up on the couch to watch the new year in. She was dressed in a nice black, lacy, teddy and she had my favorite scent on. It had been many weeks since I had sex with her, not since her last monthly, I knew that. Since that time Mary had--more sex than she wanted--or not enough to satisfy her, I didn't know which. I couldn't see into her mind. Maybe just as well. And oh yes, she had a little bastard planted in her during that time too. I wanted Mary, but I...

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My First Experience With A Shemale 8211 Part 1

I was on my knees with my hands holding her butt. The smell of her orifice is something that is still fresh in my nose, even after hours. I inserted my tongue between her butt cheeks. I could feel the hair around her orifice on my lips and my tongue. It tasted a little sour, a little tangy. But what aroused me was the feeling of her asshole, it’s wrinkled border on my tongue and the hair around it. My mouth was open wide and my tongue incessant. After a little while, her hole started to give in...

Gay Male
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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 18

Mildred, not knowing that the jig was up, made sure to “catch” them in the morning. She had a sharp tongue, much sharper than Bobby would have imagined, and her dire threats might have worked wonders, had he been any other boy. Monica finally stopped the woman’s tirade. “Stop, Millie!” she shouted. “He knows what we we’re doing.” Mildred stopped abruptly. “What does he know? And who said you could call me Millie?” “He knows why I’m here. He knows my non-existent parents aren’t gone. He...

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Memorable Sex With My Boss

By : Sexygall5555 I am Anupama, 32 years old unmarried lady, basically from Kerala now settled in USA and working here. I am medium built, white colored with figures of 34D-28-36. I don’t believe in marriage, because I had sex with many guys and I don’t want to cheat anyone. I am narrating here one incident of my sex adventures which happened at my office with my boss Jay I told you. I had many sex experiences with different persons. This is one of the most memorable sex incidents in my life....

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