A Meeting Of Maids Part 3 free porn video

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I had been in my cock cage for a week and was really feeling the strain, Roberta had not helped! When I left in a hurry from Roberta's I realised I still had the cock cage on. I thought about asking for the key but realised what I really wanted was a key holder. I did however have second thoughts as soon as I got home, so I rang her. "Roberta I forgot to ask you to remove the cock cage before I felt" I said in a meek voice. "Really!........*Snigger*"......CLICK. The phone went dead. That night Roberta sent me a long and explicit text stating how horny she was and how she had played with herself re-living the memory of my blow job. My cock throbbed in its prison as I drank in the words. After that every day she sent me a text usually late at night detailing her pleasure session, what she had done, what websites she had visited. She even read all my stories on Fetlife and ordered me to detail our sissy session and post it. I had a day to get it written and posted or I would be staying in the cage for another week. After writing the account of our fun together my poor cock was bursting. Luckily I knew...or hoped my torture would be coming to an end at the weekend because we were going to Margaret and Roberts for dinner. I was a little bit worried about Jenny asking for sex but she had a low sex drive and so far she had not asked. Usually I also got advanced warning because she would make some salacious remark about a man on the TV, by that I knew she was in the mood...so far no comments. The weekend came but not soon enough and we headed to Margaret's and Robert's. We had a lovely meal and again played Trivial Pursuits for the usual stakes. We lost of course and headed to the kitchen. After starting the washing up I ask Robert. "Please can I have the key to the cock cage?" "I will think about it," he stated with a shrug. "Please...oh...please......I'm bursting.....I will do anything.....I beg you!" "Beg?" said Margaret's as she entered the Kitchen. "Oh...I...I..was just telling Robert how our dog begs for treats"..I answered cleverly covering my tracks I thought. "Mmmm..She answered. Can you make some coffees?" She turned and left. We finished the washing up and made the coffees before returning to the living room. I still had not managed to get Robert to give me the key. I was desperate for relieve but secretly loving the humiliation of having to grovel. I think Robert also loved the power he had over me. When we sat down with the girls we got a surprise. "Since it's getting close to Christmas Margaret and I thought we would take a shopping trip to London," said Jenny. Robert and I exchanged knowing looks. "That sounds nice dear..." I returned. "When are you going?" "Next weekend....We plan to leave early Saturday morning, do some shopping, take a show in Saturday night. We should get back late Sunday....probably on the last train so we can get some last minute shopping in" Said Jenny laying out their plans. "Sounds wonderful," put in Robert. "So you two boys will have to fend for yourself," said Margaret. "Beans on toast then" I joked, Jenny laughed she knew I was a good cook so I would eat well enough. "Same for him," said Margaret pointing at Robert; it would seem his skills were not as good. "Well you two could get together, for meals," said Jenny. "Yes you seem to play well together," added Margaret. I tried not to blush at this comment, and refrained from making eye contact with Robert. So when we left that night I was still in the cock cage. Robert had promised he would let me out next weekend when the girls went away. I thought about what we would do during the week, still being tormented by Roberta and her late night texts. Then on Thursday she sent a rather interesting text it read:. "Davina, why don't we split the weekend up? I will come to your house when the girls have left and be your slave for the whole day. Then on Sunday we switch, you become the slave at my house." I replied saying that would be a wonderful idea. Saturday morning I was nervous and twitchy, both in anticipation of the weekend to come and the fact I had not climaxed for over two weeks! Jenny commented on my nervousness. "Glad to get rid of me," she smiled. "Yes for some peace and quiet," I quipped. As soon Jenny left I waited impatiently by the door. When Robert arrived I directed him upstairs and told him not to take too long dressing. She returned quickly but not quick enough for my liking. The wicked smile on her face told me everything, I was still impatient my cock throbbing painfully in the cock cage. "Kneel!" I demanded. Roberta knelt submissively a look of shock on her face at my harsh demand. "Where is the key?" Roberta pulled out the chain from around her neck and out popped the key to my frustration for the past two weeks. Eagerly I pulled off my clothes and headed for the living room. "Follow me," I demanded over my shoulder. Leaving a wake of clothes I slumped onto the couch, my cock hurting for release. Roberta entered meekly behind me. I pointed between my knees and she knelt. "Unlock me now!" She fumbled with the key and finally unlocked my imprisoned cock, much to my relief. The feeling of it being allowed to get hard for the first time in two weeks was almost as pleasurable as climaxing. After a few seconds of pleasurable relief I looked down at her. Rather lewdly my hot demanding cock throbbed before her upturned face. "Worship my balls, and kiss my cock.....no sucking yet." She obediently complied; I did not want her to suck me knowing full well I would climax within seconds. Although after a couple of minutes of her skilled tongue on my balls and deliciously my puckered hole I wanted.... no NEEDED to climax! "SUCK ME NOW!" I demanded. Again she obediently complied. Four strokes it took before I was filling her mouth with rope after rope of spunk. I bellowed my climax to the ceiling not caring who heard. Roberta managed to take two weeks of spunk without spilling a single drop. As my climax subsided she continued to suck, it was pleasurable but too soon. "Stand up," I ordered. Now that the haze of lust had subsided I had the chance to really inspect her. She had on patent leather 'Mary Jane' shoes. Black sheer stockings that encased her shapely legs to disappear under the many petticoats holding the hem of her black satin maids dress horizontally. The maids dress was a bright pink (so it was new). It was very sissy, with white lace at the cuffs and hem. Lace frills also ran down in lines from high neck to the hem at the front of the uniform. As usual for Roberta it was figure hugging. On her arms were shoulder length white lace gloves. She stood head bowed awaiting my orders. Strangely a shiver of lust ran down my spine at the thought of such control. Another thought came into my head. I pulled on my jeans and retrieved a chair from the kitchen. This I placed in the centre of the living room and sat down. "Over my knee Roberta," I ordered. She looked at me her eyes wide with shock. "Yes I am going to punish you for the torment you put me through over the last two weeks." Roberta meekly did as I ordered and laid herself over my lap. Her uniform skirt fanning out like a peacock's tail. This gave me a chance to see what was under the skirt. She had on a pair of pinks lacy and very sissy panties. Every inch was covered in delicate white lace. After admiring them and wishing they were mine I pulled them down to her knees. "I think you should have one slap for every day that you teased me....fourteen in all....what do you think Roberta?" "Yes....Master," she murmured. "You will also thank me after each stroke and ask for the next." SLAP...... I waited for Roberta to speak but I think she was recovering from the force of the blow. It was extremely hard because I was very cross. Even now I could see my hand print forming. "Do I need to start again?" I threatened. "No....NO...Master.....Thank you.....please may I have another..?" SLAP! "Thank you.....please may I have another..?" SLAP.... I continued until I had given her fourteen strokes, by which time her bum was bright red and she could hardly stay on my lap. She stood up pulling her panties up and I had to laugh as she winced at lightest touch of her panties. "Now where is your key?" I demanded. She handed it over meekly, no doubt wondering when she was ever going to be release. I let a wicked grin grace my lips and watched her squirm. "Okay I have some work to do on the computer. Go upstairs and get the housework done. Dust and hoover the bedrooms, make the beds and clean the bathroom. The stairs and landing should see you through to lunch." "Yes Master." She bobbed a curtsey and headed upstairs. I watched her pink frilly bottom wiggling as she walked away and my now free cock swelled in my jeans. I did have a lot of work to do so I set too, but after an hour or so my mind wandered to the sight of her pink sissy bottom. Under the excuse of going to toilet I went upstairs. She was in the main bedroom and as I looked in she was bending flaunting her sissy bottom in my face, she looked back at me from this position a cheeky grin on her face. "What are you up to?" I asked knowing full well she had heard me coming and was flaunting her bottom for effect. "Dusting Master" she pouted all innocent......still in the same position. I forgot the toilet and moved to fondle her sissy bottom. Her knickers were soft but the hot skin underneath was even softer and warm....was that the spanking. I wondered if she would be open to me fucking her sissy pussy but was not sure how to ask, strangely. She broke my reverie by standing. "Does Master require something?" she asked a wicked grin on her face and her hand traced the bulge in my jeans. "Yes," I gasped and sat on the edge of the bed. Smiling she got to her knees between my legs and began to remove my jeans. The blow job was slow and exquisite and considering I had cum not so long before, when I came it was fantastic. Licking her lips salaciously she helped me back into my jeans. "Will that be all Master....I have work to do," she smirked. "Yes....Yes...carry on," I croaked. She finished the upstairs just before lunch and made me a bacon sandwich. I had her serve me and then stand as I ate. Afterwards I headed to the living room to watch the rugby. Having cleaned the kitchen she presented herself to me. I gave her the list of downstairs chores including the ironing. I watched her simper slightly because I know she likes to watch the rugby. I wondered for a second what this would mean for me tomorrow since I would then be the slave, but tomorrow was another day. Through the afternoon I had her wait on me hand and foot and then just before dinner helped her prep and cook. "You will be joining me for dinner..." I stated and she smiled a blush reddening her cheeks. "Remove the uniform, shoes and gloves. I want you in lingerie only." "Yes Master," she murmured and headed upstairs. When she returned my cock hardened at the sight of her. She looked so demure in her pink satin lingerie. It consisted of pink satin corset that shaped her figure exquisitely. It was covered with tiny pink bows and hearts and was very, very sissy. Her stocking were held up by a pink lacy suspender belt, again covered in frills to match her pink panties. My cock throbbed and she smiled when she saw the reaction she was having. We ate together and I told her about the rugby. After the meal we relaxed in the living room, she knelt by my feet and we watched something and nothing on the TV. My mind was whirling and my cock was throbbing fit to bust. Finally I could take it no more. "Roberta kneel before me," I commanded. She eagerly did as I said eager to please her master of course. This only hardened my cock further; the sense of domination was such a drug. I could well understand why there were lots of dominant people. However I could not help but feel sorry for them, never having experienced the thrill of submission. To me it was the real aphrodisiac, but I had to admit domination was a good second best. "Can I serve you Master," she said breaking my reverie. "Okay, I have a request that you need to answer honestly...", "Yes Master" she answered, but I could see the look of concern on her face. "I would love to take your cherry....fuck your sissy pussy," I gabbled quickly. She did not answer straight away. I could see the look of indecision on her face. I wonder if she was wondering what I was. Does this make me gay? The simple answer was no, I love my wife and love nothing better that to make love to her. I was however curious as to male sex. Since I had now sucked a cock I now wanted the rest, bi curious I think it is. Her answer was not spoken; she stood and took my hand. Together we went upstairs to the spare bedroom, at the door she paused. "Do you have some lubrication?" Leaving her to enter the bedroom I headed for my room to get some KY lubricant. When I returned I had to stop at the bedroom door. She was laid on the bed face down. Her sexy bottom towards the door, she must have heard me gasp because she turned her head and smiled. As I moved to the bed she stood and proceeded to remove my clothes. T-shirt first she licked and nibbled on my sensitive nipples. I groaned in pleasure and my cock throbbed. Smiling a wicked smile she undid my jeans and let them fall to the floor. Her hand snaked into my underpants and I was putty in her hands. Sensing my excitement she gathered the waistband of my underwear and pulled them down falling to her knees as she did. Smiling up at me she planted a kiss on the head of my cock and as she did this painted her lips with my pre-cum. At that moment I wanted to throw her onto the bed and fuck her, again she sensed this. She moved onto the bed before me and with a wiggle of her hips removed panties. Her sissy clit was hard and weeping but it was her pussy I was interested in. Taking the lubricant I smothered my cock and then knelt between her legs. She looked into my eyes as the slick tip of my cock touched her pussy lips. "Take me," she whispered a look of lust in those eyes. Slowly I exerted pressure and the head of my cock popped inside. A look of pain crossed her face and I froze. After a few seconds the smile returned and she nodded. At this I pushed in deeper finally burying my full length inside her. It was the strangest feeling, tight and hot. It was the tightness that really got me, it made me want to fuck with abandon but I knew this was her first time and did not want to hurt her. I pulled slowly out revelling in the grip and hotness. I paused for a few seconds and she mewled her need. She wanted me back inside so I complied. "Yessssssss," she gasped. "It feels so good.....so hot....so hard," she murmured. This spurred me on and I began to slowly fuck her. Looking down I saw her untouched clit throbbing fit the bust in the cock cage. With a wicked smile I reached down and began to stroke it. Her eyes opened wide and she gasped with pleasure/pain. I wanted to increase the tempo and wanted to continue stroking her but realised it was too awkward to do this, so I pulled out. A feeling of dominance ran through me as I commanded. "On your hands and knees......I am going to fuck you like the bitch you are!" Once again her eyes flew open but she did not hesitate to get into position. Slipping my hand between her legs I unlocked her imprisoned clit and watched as it sprang to life. I heard her sigh with pleasure and knew exactly how she felt. This time my cock entered her pussy with ease and I buried myself to the balls revelling in the feeling. I started to fuck her a little harder and she yelped in pain...pleasure? However in this position I could easily reach round and stroke her dripping clit which I did. Her yelp this time was one of pleasure. So I fucked my first sissy pussy, bring her along at the same time. "Master....please......I.....mmmmmmm...cummming," she squealed. I was almost there as well, so as I felt her hot juices splash across my fingers I filled her sissy pussy with my hot spunk! We both collapsed in a heap on the bed and dozed for a while. Roberta was the first to recover and without asking she cleaned my sex covered cock, bringing me to hardness. A wicked grin lit her lips. "It's late and I have to go......I will leave you with that hard cock to remember me." With an impish grin she left and I heard her moving around, getting changed no doubt then the front door. As I slipped into bed exhausted a text arrived. "I expect breakfast in bed tomorrow at eight. Slave." My mind was a whirl at what I had seen and done during the day, and I had to pleasure myself once more before I fell asleep. I slept better than expected but was up at five packing and getting everything ready for my day of slavery. My cock throbbed in anticipation and I contemplated pleasuring myself especially as I knew Master Robert would be locking me up. I squirmed at the thought of having a master but it did not cool my ardour. At six I let myself in to Master Roberts's house and headed to the kitchen, there was a note for me on the kitchen table. "Davina, you can change in the spare bedroom. Make sure your uniform and makeup are perfect I will be inspecting you. Also I want you in your cock cage; you can give me the key when you serve breakfast. Master Robert." Again I shivered in anticipation, my cock throbbed at the prospect of the day so to avoid temptation the first thing I did was fit the cock cage. After this I tiptoed upstairs so as to not waken Master Robert. In the spare bedroom I got into my maid uniform. Pink corset to which I attached pink shear stockings. I wore my favourite pink PVC maid's uniform with lace gloves. On my feet my pink patent high heels. Carefully I applied my makeup trying to emulate how Roberta had shown me but it was not as perfect as I would have liked. Once dressed I carefully walked across the landing so as not to wake Master Robert, however he must have heard me. "Davina, come in here!" he ordered. "Morning master Robert.....did I wake you?" I asked meekly. "Yes....you sounded like a heard of elephants!," he admonished. I knew this was a lie but was not about to contradict him. "Yes Master.....Sorry Master." "Have you started breakfast yet?" he enquired. "No Master." "Then see to this first," he smirked throwing back the quilt. He was naked and sporting a morning erection. I knew exactly what he wanted so I mounted the bed and crawled between his legs. He parted them to allow greater access. I began by inhaling the musky scent of his balls before snaking out my tongue and licking them, he groaned with pleasure and his head fell back onto the pillow. His balls were hot and slightly salty from a night's sleep and I relished the humiliation of having to clean them with my tongue. My cock throbbed painfully in its prison and I wandered if it would be released today. Why worship progressed to kissing up his hard cock and then sucking the whole length into my eager mouth. Again he gasped with pleasure; I looked up meeting his lust filled gaze. I knew it would not take long, had he been dreaming of what he was going to do to me today. I remembered what I had done to him the day before and shivered.... anticipation or fear I was not sure which. As I suspected it did not take long to bring him to climax and I greedily sucked all he spurted. Satisfied he collapse back into his pillow. "Full breakfast Davina, I seem to have worked up an appetite," he smirked. I made a quick detour back to the spare bedroom to fix my dress and makeup then I headed to the kitchen. A while later I served Master Robert breakfast in bed. "The Sunday paper is due, go and accept it personally from the paperboy," he instructed. He then burst into gales of laughter, seeing the look of shock and then horror on my face. "Only kidding, you can collect it when he puts it through the letterbox." Obediently I scurried downstairs to wait for the paper glad that I did not have to do so personally dressed as I was. When the paper arrived I delivered it to Master Robert. "Start the cleaning downstairs. The hoover and cleaning equipment are in the kitchen cupboard.....I will be down to inspect when I am ready," he ordered. "Yes Master," I did a low curtsey and left. I was mid-way through my chores when Master Robert appeared; he surprised me by sneaking up on me and feeling my bum. As his obedient sissy maid I paused in my duties and allowed him to fondle me. It was torture in the fact that it had my cock throbbing. Sensing my torture his questing fingers found my imprisoned cock. "Good girl." I blushed at the thought of being his "gurl." "When you're finished downstairs do the upstairs....I am going to the greenhouse to do some planting," He turned and left leaving me panting. I completed downstairs and headed upstairs. Just before midday I heard a strange buzzing sound coming from downstairs. Following the sound I entered the kitchen and located what looked like an intercom box on the wall. Hesitantly I pressed the "Speak," button. "Hello," I said hesitantly. "What took you so long bitch.....," came Master Roberts's voice. "Were you upstairs playing with yourself?." I bit my tongue because he knew there was no chance of me doing so. "No Master....I...." "Never mind, make me a sandwich and drink for lunch and serve it to me here in the greenhouse," he interrupted. The green house! as in outside and at the bottom of the very long garden. My pause due to the shock was too long. "Did you understand or are your turning into some dizzy bimbo," I could hear the smile in his voice he knew exactly what I was thinking. "No Master I understand.......but...." "So you will disobey my order," he threatened. "No Master I will be there shortly," I answered meekly. I made Master a Ham salad sandwich with snacks and poured him a beer. I set the whole thing on a tray and then went out onto the patio. The click of my heels sounded like gun shots and I looked around nervously. Master Roberts's house only had neighbours on one side and the garden has surrounded by high fences but still it felt like I would be discovered at any minute. Certainly anyone looking down from next doors bedroom would spot me. Quickly I minced down the path to the greenhouse, because my hands were holding the tray I had to wait while Master first noticed me and then deigned to open the door. Relieved I almost jumped inside. "Put down the tray and come here," he ordered. I looked across to see him sitting on a stool patting his lap. I knew exactly what was coming and my cock throbbed painfully. Carefully I draped myself over his knee. He then lifted my skirt and lowered my panties. "Now let me see, shall we tally up your crimes to ascertain your punishment," he asked. "Yes Master," I murmured meekly. "One....Taking too long to answer the phone...." "Two.... playing with yourself....." "Master I was not p......" I contested. "Three.... contradicting your Master...." "Four.....You did not call me Master when you answered the phone...." "Five....Not listening to orders....." "And Six....not following orders....." I breathed a sigh at the small number of strokes but was soon to find out there was a reason for this. "Since there are only a few strokes I have decided to use something special. Do you know what these are?" he asked waving a bunch of leafy plants under my nose. My heart skipped a beat because I knew exactly what they were nettles, a very painful stinging plant! He allowed the knowledge to sink in before he raised them and brought them down on my exposed bottom. The stroke itself was not that painful, but the after effect! I immediately felt the stinging itch of their leafy touch. By the time he had finished there were tears in my eyes and my whole bottom was on fire. Worse still was the knowledge that if I succumbed to the terrible itching sting I would only make matters worse. Master stood me up and then pulled up my panties finally patting my bottom. I winced and wiggled at the touch and the burning itch increased eliciting a chuckle from him. "Now go and finish your chores and prepare dinner," he ordered. I hurried back to the house not caring if anyone saw me, my thoughts were on my throbbing, itching bottom. My cock just to add insult to injury was throbbing painfully in its prison. Now, I have been nettled lots of times and find the best cure is not to scratch. It took all my willpower not to do so with my bottom so badly stung. To take my mind off my bum I prepared dinner and finished off the rest of the chores. Again just before dinner the buzzer sounded, this time however I hurried to answer. "Yes Master," I answered dutifully. "Davina, bring me another beer, however I want you to take off your uniform and serve me in lingerie only." The line went dead brooking no refusal. So if it was not bad enough being seen in my maids dress now I had the chance of being discovered almost naked. My cock throbbed at how ingenious Master Robert had been. I collected another beer, shuck off my uniform and tottered down to the greenhouse. When I arrived Master Robert had a grin from ear to ear, he was also lounging on a padded bench reading a magazine....and last but not least he was naked. "I have decided to return the compliment..." he said putting down the magazine. "Climb on," he smiled lewdly pointing at his rock hard cock. I set down the beer and after removing my panties moved to the bench. He handed me a tube of lubricant and I liberally coated his cock eliciting a sigh from him. Then with a little trepidation I got on the bench. What was this going to feel like was this going to change me, turn me into a faggot. But still my cock throbbed at what I was about to do. I straddled his groin and taking hold of his cock positioned it at the entrance of my sissy pussy. All I had to do now was lower my weight. I looked into his eyes, he smiled and winked. I lowered feeling the slight pressure and pain, then the head popped inside and I lowered myself completely. There was a tingle as the nettle stings were renewed at the contact however this sensation was lost. I paused there revelling and marvelling at the feeling. His cock felt hot, I could feel the veins running along its length, and I could feel the pulse of blood in his engorged member. It was strange and not unpleasant. Slowly I lifted up eliciting a sigh from both of us, and then lowered again. I began to increase the tempo when Master spoke. "That's it my bitch get yourself off on my cock...." he growled. "Do you want me to fill you with spunk....Do you want me to make you my bitch?" "Yes Master," I gasped his dirty words stirring my ardour. "You see, that's what the alpha male does....." I looked at him quizzically still humping...and then I understood. "Yes that's right bitch, he marks what is his, sprays it to tell others....." "Yes Master mark your bitch," I gasped. This was the spur to bring him to climax and he shot his spunk deep into my sissy pussy. As his climax subsided I slowed enjoying the fact I had made him cum. I made to dismount but he stopped me. "Wait," he ordered. He produced the key to my cock cage and unlocked me. "Play with yourself," he commanded. I needed no further bidding, so with his cock still hard in my sissy pussy, his spunk beginning to ooze out I stroked my released cock. "Cum for me bitch, as my spunk marks you as owned," he coaxed. His dirty words and the dirty feeling I had about myself soon had me shooting my sissy juice onto his belly. We exchanged a look of post climax guilt, but ever the master he did not let it linger. "Clean me bitch!" he commanded. I got off his cock which was still semi hard and began to dutifully clean it of his and my sex juices. I finally salaciously licked up his belly licking up my own spilt sissy juice. "Go and prepare dinner....I'm famished," he ordered. I quickly put on the panties which were quickly soaked by our sex juices and then skipped back up the garden to the kitchen. I felt strangely happy, now I had tried both male and female sex and realised I loved both! Before I was allowed to serve Master dinner he insisted that I re-fit the cock cage. I wanted to say no, knowing that it would mean that I would still have it on when I left. That I would be at his mercy until he released me again. However I had come to enjoy the fact I had a key holder controlling my pleasure! I served Master his dinner and then afterwards tidied the kitchen realising that I would have to leave soon or otherwise risk getting caught by our wives. I left Master with a beer and returned home. *********************************************************************** I would like to thank everyone for reading and commenting on my writing. I know there are a few of you who want to see them get caught. Well that was supposed to happen in this chapter but I got carried away. Do not fear the final chapter will see this happen, in fact they have already been caught, they just don't know it yet! Also if you like my work you will love Throne's work another great writer on this sight, I suggest you check him out.

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BBW Cuckold Maids

BBW CUCKOLD MAIDS by Throne Molly and Polly stood in the kitchen, waiting to be called. They looked at each other nervously. This would be the first time they were seen by anyone other than their wives and the guys their wives were dating. You see, the pair in the kitchen used to be Mike and Pete. But a series of unfortunate events had left them very much changed. Before it all happened they had been average looking guys, proud of their manliness. Now they were a couple of...

3 years ago
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The Maids Room A Year Later

The Maids Room - A Year Later By Sissie Maid Cuckold It had been a year now since I first walked in on my wife Brenda and her Black lover, Mr. Karl. Between the two of them they had put me in my place as a sissy maid cuckold. My wife loved having sex with Mr. Karl and he was quite proud of the conquest he had made with her and turning me into a cuck and sissy maid to do his bidding. It was coming up on the exact one year...

4 years ago
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Dominated And Fucked By Hot Maids In The Office

Hey Everyone. Recently, I have developed this fantasy of writing sex stories inspired by many ISS writers. About me, I am a 22 years old boy with wildest sexual desires. This is not my story and I am writing this on behalf of my friend. Coming to the story, I am Aditya (name changed) from Pune and from a good family. I love working out to keep myself fit. I am quite fair, tall (not fat) guy working in a company. So let’s begin. This happened before 3 months when I was working late in my office....

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Jack of All Maids Chapter 1

Do you want to know why? Because I have every type of woman I could want, and they all love me. No cheating, no jealousy of one another, no issues with equally spending time, none of that. Don’t believe me? I wouldn’t blame you. If you were born last century that is. See, last century, a portal opened to another world and it was dubbed “Fantasia.” We went through it and found a whole slew of never-before-seen races of people that are colloquially called “monster people,” or “Fantasians” if...

1 year ago
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5ive Maids

There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 362.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 343.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34 4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last 5.) Bhagyama age 59 yr , size 36 36 34The story starts like this ….. Once my mom had to go out with my sister as she had her medical exams ( one whole week) from morning 8 am to evening 6 pm at basvangudi (bangalore) ……. That day my dad had...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Five Maids

Hi Indian sex stories readers…. This Sricharan 19 yrs old….. I am new and this is my first story ….. Please read it and let me know whether you like it or not …… Now to start my story I was 18 yr old when this happened …. There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are 1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 36 2.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 34 3.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34  4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last  5.) Bhagyama...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 17 Four Maids Amilking

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 17 -- Four Maids A-milking I woke bright and early on Saturday morning, did my daily routine in the bathroom, plus I gave myself an enema. I shaved twice, shaved my balls and the stubble under my arms, some stray hairs on my legs and some peach fuzz on my chest. I had to glue my new falsies on my chest and I didn't want any hairs hanging onto them when I tried to take them off. I pulled the red panties up my legs, followed by my tan slacks and a dark golf...

1 year ago
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A Meeting of Maids Finale

I suffered the cock cage for another two weeks. Roberta did not make it any better with her erotic text. I should really have ignored then, but I guess I am a sucker for punishment. So finally two weeks later we were at Roberts and Margarets for dinner. After dinner without being asked Robert and I headed to the kitchen to do the washing up. As we left Penny gave me a knowing smile and a nod, which was strange. We talked about this as we did the dishes and how they had been strange in...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sister Maids

You look at the maids dress hanging on the wardrobe and your sissy clit tingles. The hem is short and has a froth of petticoats that will make it lift almost to the horizontal. The waist is narrow so you are guessing you are going to have to wear the corset that is currently in your overnight case. The neckline of the dress is low and plunging so it will flaunt your fake sissy tits, once again your clit twitches. Finally the sleeves are short ending just over the shoulder. You love the...

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The maids first time part 1

Sally had wanted to be a proper maid for so long, she had dressed in her maids dress many times but always on her own on so she could be watched on cam but she had never dressed in the company of others. A chance meeting in a chat room had led to this night and the opportunity Sally had been waiting for, for such a long time. She was told that she looked great and the admirer asked if Sally had ever been a maid for real. Sally replied that she hadn’t but had always wanted to. The admirer asked...

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The African maids

In the mid ’80s, I was posted to work for a company in West Africa. After settling down into a big house, I looked for a maid who could do all the housework and yet be presentable enough to be a host during my parties. I hired one who was educated and attractive for the African standards. Of course I had to pay more than the market price to attract the best. Her name was Suzy and she was from Cameroon. She was about 5 ft. 5 in. Tall in her late teens and had a pretty full body. Her breasts were...

1 year ago
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Fucking The Maids In The Neighborhood

Hello, friends, I am Rohan from Chennai aged 18 here to talk about my best sexual experience. For feedbacks and chat contact me on . Going into the story this one happened recently. I was forcibly joined by my parents to a private tuition near my house since I secured low grades in my exams. The tuition was a five-minute walk from my apartment and the timing was from 5-7 am in the morning every day. The plain thought of getting up so early for my classes sent shivers down my spine but I had no...

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Femocracy A Sissy Maids Tale

The year is 2050 and women rule the world. I should really follow this statement with a sinister laugh but there was nothing sinister in the current situation. There was no bloody coup by women to overthrow man, there was no war waged by man to wipe himself out, no it was mother nature who took a hand in helping women find there rightful place. Things started changing from the year 2012. Gradually women began to realise that they could read minds. They could easily read the mind of a man...

1 year ago
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Naughty Motel Maids

Millie and Mary were maids at the Southside Motel, several buildings comprising approximately 50 units. Millie was a brunette in her late 20s. She was about 5'7" tall and, while she was carrying probably 20 pounds too much, she still had nice big protruding breasts and a narrow waist that emphasized her ass. Mary was younger, in her early 20s and dishwater blonde. She had a nice figure with large, conical shaped boobs. While working at the motel they became friendly, working on...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 5 Blackmailing Rashmi

Hi friends. I am back with the 5th part of my erotic journey with my domestic helps. For those who have just joined us. Please follow the links for the previous installments… Nikki kept me hard and pumping for almost 11 months. She was the hottest whore I had banged….. even today I masturbate remembering our bed breaking fuck sessions. Two maids came after her but didn’t stay long enough due to family issues.. So I couldn’t fuck them. They did see my dick ample number of times. I was flashing...

2 years ago
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New maids

"You're such a baby." Monique rolled her eyes as Thomas slammed his Xbox controller into the coffee table. "At least I'm not the spawn of a gold digging whore," Thomas spat back, eyeing Monique with contempt. Monique glared at her step brother. "What an entitled piece of shit," she thought as she shook her head. Monique knew that her mother Vanessa hadn't known Thomas's dad Todd long, but that didn't make her a gold digger, much less a whore. Monique watched as their maid Consuela...

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A Meeting of Maids

My wife Jenny and I are not big on social entertaining so it came as a surprise when Jenny said that her friend Margaret and her husband Robert were coming for dinner Saturday night. Jenny suggested I looked for something to cook from our cook books. I chose Italian both because I love to cook Italian food and it is simple to prepare for large groups. I decided on Seafood Gnocchi which Jenny imperiously agreed would be suitable. She also ordered me into the loft to find the Trivial...

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The maids first time part 2

The maids first time – part 2.Sally showed Rob and Sue through to the main room and asked them if they would like a drink, they both went for Champagne so Sally went to the kitchen and poured two glasses and returned to the room, putting the glasses on the table. Rob thanked Sally and she could see him looking at her stocking tops, being a maid felt good and Sally felt a tingle go through her body, she had a feeling she was going to enjoy the night.Sally was very busy for the next hour...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 1 Choti

People, my name is Akash Saxena, 27yrs old from Delhi. I am a regular reader of ISS stories, especially maid stories. They are the best depiction of how sex starved people lose control and give into their carnal desires….. Coming to the story. Yeh baat hai tabki jab main 12th std mein padhta that. I was doing pmt prep. I lived with my parents and brother. We had a full time maid called choti. She was about the same age as me. Maybe 2 years elder. Dark complexion, skinny with a curvy buttock and...

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Not all the maids r same

Hi friends I’m Ash from Goa again with my new & latest encounter which prompt on 04.05.2008 .1st of all let me thank all the ISS reader for making it a munch, with your mails & calls, & rating all my stories (“sex with granny”, “reading iss was never so fun”, “please help me” & “this can happen to u”) as hot…Before starting the story I must tell u 1 thing, I got lots of mails from my fans complaining that the stories posted by them don’t get any feedback or comments so that they get...

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Surprise Birthday Party 8211 Part 1 Sex With 2 Young Maids

I was in my mid-twenties and was friendly with a couple, Asha and Rajat. They were rich and really enjoyed life. We shared a very open relationship and spoke openly about a lot of things. But I had never intruded between them. Even though I guessed that if I hinted, I could probably share a bed with them. This actually helped keep our friendship stronger I always felt. I was turning 26 and Asha and Rajat invited me home on that day. They said that it was to be a special dinner for me with a...

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Licking the Maids Feet

Hello everyone. I would like to share one of my recent experiences with you all. Since this is my first time ever delivering my story i would like to share my best experience. A 20 year old maid by the name of Ritu joined work at my house as a helper in the kitchen. She was quite pretty and had a decent slim figure. Her skin color was tropical but she had slightly whiter face and feet. From the moment I saw her I knew I would never mind licking this girls feet. But I was very afraid to approach...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 2 Shanti

Hi guys….. I am back with the second part of my story. I realised the first one was too long, but i thank everyone for their patience and appreciation. After choti went to her village, I was all alone…. I went back to masturbation and wasn’t happy at all. We had a few new maids who were quite good at work, but I couldn’t fuck with them. I used to touch their asses every now and then, but nothing major. Then came shanti. She was a young (barely 18) girl. But her assets were to die for. She had...

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Miriammaryam 8211 my nurse maids

I am Julius, but better known as Jules. I am 55years old now, widower, with two kids both of whom are abroad, one in Canada, and the other in USA. And am sending this as I have come across this site, and have found it very good. I have sent this to another site, but would wlike to share my experiences, with the readers of indian sex Stories, buti if it is not permissible then let me know and I will desist. Have read many of the experiences, and those of the women are especially arousing ever...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Maids 1

Hi ISS readers, Remember me? Ya, this is Sayam from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Now I am going to narrate all my sex experiences with my maids. First I will tell you about Moni. She was in her 16 years and then I was in my 18. And I was in collage then. My classes were over at 2.00pm. And from 2.30pm to 5.00pm I was totally alone in our house. Then she regularly came for our house hold job. She stayed there till 9.00pm. She was not so good looking and dark in complexion. So I never thought about her...

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Pretty Maids All in a Row

PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW (Contains: sorcery, non-consensual hanging, wet panties) by C. Now was the final showdown. In the main hall ofFortress Arkan, Evil, in the guise of Syldav the Sorcerer, met Good, in theform of mild-mannered Noam, part-time bookstore clerk and full-time historystudent. Noam had so far defeated the Sorcerer's every spell; but now theywere face to face. Now the evil Mage raised his Wand of Power, with which hehoped to atomize this impudent intruder. The next few moments...

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Meeting An Xhamster Friend part1

This past weekend I had a clandestine meeting with an XH friend. It was my first such meeting and as you know from reading my profile that a fantasy of mine is to meet XH friends and have some "fun" together!Mary (not her real name) and I exchanged a number of pm's and e-mails as well as a few skypes before we decided to meet. We live about 40 miles from each other so we decided to meet somewhere in the middle, about 20 miles of traveling one way for each of us. Mary is in her mid-40's and...

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Aged Neighbor Maids Feast

I am Kiran ( Name changed ) from Kerala.I am recently explored this site and got excited.I am 42 year old married man with 2 children.My neighbor has a housemaid of 52 yrs old.In that house only one grantma and her pregnant daughter.All the works in that house was done by the house maid Saroja( name changed ). Mean time i want to tell the maid.She was 52 yr old and slight bend and good round buttocks, and beautiful face and black hairs.I was very much attracted her beauty of her face.I started...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Lovely golden maids

I am now 35 with a good look bangalee having huge sex experience. I fucked minimum 38 girls since last 16 years. I fucked girls, neighboring didis, baudis, old & young widows, mausis & even randies. My first experience of fucking was with our maid servant also. Then I was about 19 & she was about 20 years old & virgin. Before that I used to masturbate my huge 8 inches long (at strong position) cock twice or thrice a week. That was an evening of December. All our family members went at our...

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Mermaids of the Caribbean

Mermaids of the Caribbean By Schizo Sebastian had been looking forward to this moment ever since he landed on shore. Four months at sea would make any man go crazy from the lack of companionship. There was also the added problem of living in cramped quarters with several other men which offered no privacy for someone to 'relieve' themselves. Sebastian almost jumped off the ship when they reached port and made his way to the closest tavern. It wasn't hard to find one in a town...

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Mr Coyote and the Mermaids

MR. COYOTE AND THE MERMAIDS By C I. The Journey Every now and then, Coyote had a yen to travel. Since he was (generally)a considerate coyote, he would map out his itinerary and get a hunting licensefor the route he planned to take. This time, he was going to the seaside territoryof Lemuria, so he looked into the cost of a fishing license. To his delight,he found he could do a week's worth of unlimited fishing and hunting for areasonable fee. "Just let me pack!" he said. He loaded his...

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Mom Makes Me Maids8217s Slave

I was 22 years old and had just finished my graduation. I had got myself a job. My job was in the morning shift and I would be home by 2’O Clock. I lived with my parents, uncle, aunt and cousins. I had spent my teen age trying to seduce my aunt only to find out that she is lesbian and does not even have sex with my uncle. I promised her not to tell her secret to anyone but I knew that she used to have lesbian sex with my mom, who is bisexual. We also had a 34 year old maid who happened to...

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Akhil gets by wife and maids

Hi Readers this Akhil here. I am Male 30 yrs and married to Archana 26 yrs. She is a dominating woman and she humiliates me to the core. We are south Indians.If you had not read my earlier story on wife humiliation please read that as well.Now coming back to the story. Let me tell you we live in a separate bunglow house and no one else stays other than me , wife and servant maid valli (18 yrs old).Other maid servants come and go for washing etc and my wife prefers to have only female servants...

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Maids Wish My Turn

Hello ISS readers, I used to come daily to read some new story in our beloved web site. Well to day I am going to narrate my life incidence which happened with my maid servant. Let me introduce my self, I am a businessman in Kolkata. We r from a middle class family, I am 29 and this incident happened few years back. We have a maid servant, she is a Muslim. Her name was Shaza she was around 5’3 height and with slim personality. I got attracted to her one day while she was sweeping my room, she...

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Going wild on all the maids

In my last confession I told you guys about how I had got Daisy to come watch us, Pooja did not know that she was watching but Daisy had an orgasm just watching the small maid Pooja and me in action. I was totally satisfied having discovered exhibitionism and wanted more, I just wanted a threesome with Pooja my cousin’s maid from south Goa, who was fair, less than 5ft short with small perky boobs and plump and Daisy their Bihari maid dark, little less than 6ft tall with quite big perky boobs...

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Virgin maids situation

Hi. To all die hard fans of ISS I’m a regular fan of ISS… I’m playboy17 (name changed) from Chennai. Now I’m 23 working in a good software company… With a good job and now looking for a horny wife. Now coming to the sexy incident (blow job with my maid) which happened exactly when I was 17 yrs I was enjoying my holidays by watching porn movies, reading horny stories and sometimes masturbating for fun. My cock was unusually big up to 7 inch when elongated to the maximum… We had a newly joined...

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Fishing maids

This is a story of me and my friend fishing our Bengali housemaid. Let me introduce first, I am Anand and my friend’s name is Animesh. We are working in private sector. I was posted in Delhi and my friend was posted in Kolkata. Almost 6 months back I got transferred to Kolkata. My friend offered me to stay with him as he was staying alone in 4 BHK flat and I joined him. A maid (named Rucksana) use to come for cleaning (dishes and clothes) and cooking food for him. After 2 weeks she asked for...

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Lovely maids 2

One day my boss informed me that our company was planning to open operations in India and I would be visiting India for two months. My parents also live in Delhi and I was so exited that I will be with my darling maid for two months wow. I called my parents to inform that I will be staying with them for two months and they were much exited to hear this news. After couple of days I had flown for India. I was so exited to think that I will be fucking Neelu again for two months. I knocked the...

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Meeting Sarah Part1

It was the end of March when I finally moved to a new neighborhood after my divorce became final. Since I work nights as an ER doctor at a local hospital, I have a hard time meeting and interacting with most people as they are going to work as I'm coming home. One morning I came home to find an invite on my door to a block party that was happening that Saturday night. Since I had the weekend off, I figured what the heck.Saturday rolled around, and I was fashionably late to the party. Several of...

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The maids first time part 3

Rob didn’t need any encouragement and thrust his hard cock deep into Sally’s wet cunt, as Sally moaned so those guests who had gathered around made comments of approval and this made Sally all the more horny. Several couples had decided that if fucking was taking place in the open then they were going to be involved as well and panties were removed, cocks set free from trousers and several positions were being adopted with one couple fucking on a chair, one up against the house wall and one...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 4 Nikki

Anybody hasnt read the previous parts, then please click on the links provided with the story. After ravishing shanti and choti for months. I got selected for a seat in a pvt college in Karnataka. I didn’t really get any maid action in those years. But when I came back. Shanti and choti were gone. We had moved to new house and the maid was also new. Her name was Nikki. She was super sexy….. She resembled Rani mukherjee in looks and had really nice tits and a juicy wobbly buttock. I didn’t...

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Going crazy with the maids

Like is said in my other story, where I lost my virginity to my cousin’s maid Pooja. Which was a romp in the bathroom and I came in 30 seconds. That day I decided that I would practice on Pooja and build up my resistance, we had sex continuously and in all different positions for the next few weeks when my relatives were not at home. After some time I started imagining of a threesome with the other maid from Bihar called Daisy. She was tall dark skinned and had nice big boobs with absolutely no...

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Vampire Mermaids of the Frozen North

VAMPIRE MERMAIDS OF THE FROZEN NORTH By C It had been a good morning for Emerald. She had tempted another seal hunterto the water's edge and pulled him in, where it was no trouble at all to drainhim of his blood. She needed the warmth of fresh blood to keep out the chill of the NorthernSea, and this foolish hunter had served her quite nicely. It was time now to rest. There was an ice floe nearby and she pulled herselfonto it. It was a kind of ice hill, with many jagged ridges, so she had...

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Doggies Make Good Maids

Dear reader— Let’s see. Mind control, femdom, transvestism, autofellatio, cum-eating, mild homophobia, and some late autumn cleaning. Also, no violence. If such things float your boat, then enjoy. If not, best to move on. The characters appear my stories Adam at the Arcade, Doggies Don’t Wear Clothes, and Drilled by Desmond. The events of this story take place some months prior to Drilled by Desmond. ***** Lily and Jill breezed into Jill’s home, feeling great after three hours of hard...

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The maids striptease and pee show

The maid gets a surprise I am alone in the house. It is time to pee. I go to the toilet and open the door. I leave the light off and the door open because enough light seeps in from the windows in the living room. I turn around at the toilet bowl, stick my hands up under the long house dress I am wearing, grab my knickers, pull them down to my knees and let them hang there. Then I lift my skirt, stick it under the elastic band at the waist-level of my dress and sit down on the toilet bowl. I...

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Mom Makes Me Maids8217s Slave Part 8211 2

So that morning I was laying in the bed with my mom when she asked me to lick her pussy like how I had licked our maid Kamdevi’s pussy last night. When I denied doing so she made me her boyfriend and I had no choice but to lick my girlfriend’s pussy. My mom was moaning very loudly. Luckily no one was at home that time except us and my aunt. She straight away came to my room which was open. She saw my mom and me in a compromising position. I quickly went as far as I could from my mom. My mom...

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Had real life fun with 2 maids

I am 30 year old married man living in Chennai, India. My name is mayank and email id is handsomedoctor25 in yahoo. A couple of weeks ago my wife was away on vacation in Baroda where she had gone to see her parents. I was busy with my work and initially never missed her, but after a few weeks I began to get quite frustrated sitting at home alone every evening. Now we have a maid servant called Shobha who is an elderly lady in her 60s, she would come everyday to cook and wash up for me while my...

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Exhibitionism with my maids daughter

Hi everyone im Ravi,i got transfered to a small town in u.p by my company n have a house in the outskirts of town ,i have a very relaxing job get to office by 11 n its over by 3 or u can say ny time i want i close the office , i have a maid working for me she does nearly all the work from cleaning to cooking she comes home by 3:30 when im back , few days back she asked for leave for a week n said tat her daughter will come i was thrilled thinking of her daugther,nxt day i could’nt really...

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My maids niece Narani Devi

This happened in 2006 truly with me. I was working in a cement plant. I had my company quarters. I have an old maid servant and she used to come and clean the house and utensils etc. The day she was sick, she has sent her niece for the job. The niece was a woman of say 35/40 years. She came and worked silently and went away. I was happy with her. When I was going to sleep I was actually thinking about her. As per my criteria she is good looking and smart. Next day when the woman came I checked...

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