Armored: Volume I free porn video

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Chapter 1 6:00 A.M. No human should already be awake at this hour, but Dominic is. This late-twentysomething is sluggishly brushing his teeth, just like how he has done for at least the past 365 days. What is Dominic doing up this early? He's getting ready for work. It's not that he hates work. It's just been the same. Over and over he goes through the same routine. Any and all positive reinforcement from his peers only sustain his contempt life. Well, not exactly all of his peers... "... Lady Bullet had made another daring rescue last night..." Dominic almost choked on his toothpaste. He splashed water on his mouth, then ran to the TV and raised the volume. His face was glued to the TV, not even paying attention to how he was getting dressed. "We have now amazing footage of Lady Bullet's daring rescue which you will see now." On the TV, a shaky phone camera captured a female figure. She was hovering across the ocean, carrying an eight-year-old child in her arms, flying away from an exploding cruise ship. Lady Bullet handed the child to his mother. The sound of clapping could be heard. Lady Bullet then waved at the camera, and leaped into the air, too fast to be seen. Dominic sighed. He fell back on his bed and laughed. Dominic adored Lady Bullet. In fact, he was almost obsessed with her. Dominic hadn't even met her in person. But any and every day, whenever she was brought up or mentioned, he would perk up. She was amazing! She was a goddess! Hearing about her made his day better. Dominic couldn't help but smile on his way to work. 3:45 PM Dominic was busy working at his computer. Typing code becomes exhausting, especially after lunch. He began to doze off, eyes slowly closing, his typing getting slower, tilting his head... SLAM! Dominic jumped in his seat. He turned around and saw his supervisor, Peter, and a group of his friends. They were all laughing hysterically. Dominic smiled to comfort himself, but he was really embarrassed. "You okay bud?" Peter asked sarcastically. "You look like you've seen a ghost!" "I'm fine," Dominic replied, trying to be sincere. "Just dozed off a bit." "Well, don't sleep on us bud! We're all counting on you to finish by deadline!" Peter said. He picked up the pencil on Dominic's desk and looked at it really closely. "Hey, me and the guys are heading to Dave & Buster's tonight, you want in?" Dominic took in a deep breath. "Nah, I think I'm going to sit this one out." Peter dropped the pencil. "What!? You love Dave & Buster's! Not your thing tonight huh?" Just then, a soft voice cleared their throat. Peter's group cleared away to see the mail person Susan, standing across from Dominic. "These guys bothering you Dominic?" Dominic whispered, "N-no-" "We're fine!" Peter interjected assuredly. "Just making sure our friend is keeping up on work." Susan smirked. "Well, word on the street says you haven't been keeping up on your work. Something about more bug checks?" Peter all of a sudden became defensive. "Hey, have you been snooping through my mail!?" "Ha!" Susan laughed. "No, I just came back from your boss, Tessa. She loves to complain about you whenever I'm in there! I've got dirt on you Pete!" Peter's grimace turned back into a smile. "Right. Well I'd better get to it. See you around Dominic!" Dominic gave a small wave as Peter's group cleared out. Susan then came up to Dominic and dumped a pile of letters on his desk. "Be honest, are they giving you a hard time?" Dominic began sifting through the letters. "Not really, Peter's always like that. He likes... pushing my buttons." "Hmm, maybe he likes you?" Susan asked. "I don't know. I wouldn't even if-" Dominic stopped. He picked up a small manila envelope. On it was only his name in what looked like stamped on text. "What is this?" Susan peered over Dominic. I don't know. I thought it was from payroll or something." "Payroll sends my stuff to my home address," Dominic responded. He opened the envelope and poured out the contents. Out of the envelope fell the only item: a blue circular pin with a bullet on it. Dominic picked it up and looked at it more closely. Inside he was confused, but he felt the butterflies in his stomach begin to flutter. Susan was still confused. "Is someone threatening you Dominic?" Dominic finally smiled. "No! Do you know what this is!? This is Lady Bullet's emblem!" Susan became wide eyed. "Whoa! Do you think she sent it to you?" "I don't know," Dominic replied. "I don't remember ordering anything, the fan clubs haven't said anything about freebies this month-" "Wait, you're in a Lady Bullet fan club?" Dominic rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but that's not the point! Ugh, I should send this back but there's no return address..." "Well keep it!" Susan suggested. "Maybe someone knows you're a fan and they're looking out for you." Dominic eyed Susan. "Don't look at me!" Susan laughed. "I'm just a messenger!" Susan walked away with her mail cart. Dominic was mesmerized by the pin, analyzing every detail. It was beautiful. 9:56 PM Dominic was sitting on the balcony of his apartment. He looked out to the Los Angeles skyline. The distant lights shining against the dark skies were beautiful. Dominic did every night, in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Lady Bullet flying across the blackness. Deep down though, he felt it wasn't going to happen. Just as usual. He took the pin out of his pocket and looked closely at it again. He squinted and noticed one of the segments of the circle were flashing red. It wasn't a bright red, but a very faint maroon. He couldn't tell if it was the badge itself or the reflection of the city lights. BEEP BEEP He was startled by the alarm on his watch. 10:00 PM. "Time to go to sleep," he said to himself. Shutting off all his lights, he jumped into bed. Dominic took the pin out of his pocket and put it on his nightstand. Chapter 2 7:53 AM Dominic was in the parking garage when he heard rapid footsteps approaching. He turned around and saw Peter running towards him. He was disheveled, wearing a dirty suit and papers hanging out of his bag. "Dominic! I need to ask you something!" he yelled out. Dominic stopped and couldn't help but smile at Peter's predicament. Gasping for breath, Peter started, "Dom, can I ask you for a huge favor!?" "Uhh... sure," Dominic said. Peter straightened up. "Can I borrow your car this afternoon? I promise I'll give it back tonight!" Dominic studied him with suspicion. "Did you lose yours in a bet last night?" Peter was still out of breath. "What!? No! My wife had to make an emergency drive to Monterey Bay. Her aunt was just admitted to the hospital." Dominic couldn't help but feel sorry for Peter. "Oh. I'm sorry," Dominic reached into his pocket and took out his keys. He knew he was helping a friend, but also this wasn't the first time Peter asked for his car. "Here. You can just park it by my curb when you're done." Peter chuckled. "Thanks! This really means a lot!" Peter took the keys and exchanged them for a card. "Here, if you need a bus pass on your way home, you can use mine." "Thanks." Dominic took the card and put it in the same pocket as his pin. 6:10 PM It was getting dark, and Dominic was waiting at the bus station. He had his hand in his pocket, card between his fingers, ready to scan. The bus soon arrived and he swiftly got on. He took a seat closest to the exit. He always liked sitting there. It was the best way to avoid a conversation on the bus with a stranger. A few stops later, the bus stopped to pick up an old lady with a walker. She slowly took out her coin purse and dug around a bit. The frown on her face grew bigger. Dominic looked puzzled. He went up to the lady and the bus driver. "Is something wrong?" he asked. The lady turned to him and smiled. "Oh dear, I seem to have just come short of paying." Dominic smiled. "Don't worry. I can cover you." He took out the card and was about to swipe it when he froze. He noticed he accidentally took the pin out of his pocket as well. But that wasn't the weird part. A segment of the circle was flashing red. It was a different one this time, and it was flashing brilliantly. Dominic got wide eyed. Snapping out of his gaze, he quickly swiped the bus pass and got off, not even paying attention to the lady or the driver. 6:21 PM Dominic held the pin in his palm. Looking at the flashing light, it was now in a different segment of the circle. He pivoted in place and sure enough, the red light moved too. "It's a compass!" he whispered. Looking around quickly, he began briskly walking to where the pin was taking him. He walked block after block, traversing through sidewalks and alleyways. 6:47 PM Dominic stopped in his tracks. The red light he was following was no longer flashing. All segments of the circle stayed red. Dominic looked up from the pin. He was in front of what looked like an abandoned apartment. The lights to the windows were off. The doors were boarded with planks. The sign above was scratched out and degraded, but one could make out the original name: "Clockwork." Dominic slowly came up to the door. He knocked on the glass softly and waited. No response. He tried pushing the door in, but that wouldn't work either. Analyzing the door, he noticed that the lock was missing. There was a circular hole where it should have been. It seemed only logical; Dominic inserted the pin into the hole. It fit perfectly and all the segments of the circle flashed green before the pin was sealed in the lock. Dominic heard a click and pushed on the door again. This time, it opened. He stepped inside the dark room. He took out his phone to use it as a flashlight. On his left was a candy machine. It looked very vintage and had a 40's-esque sticker on it of Lady Bullet flying to space. As the door closed behind Dominic, the candy machine clicked to life and the pin fell out of the spout. Dominic caught it just before it hit the ground. All segments of the pin were lit up again, this time in a bright blue. Then there was a loud clang in front of him. He looked up and saw an old lift, being lit by a flickering fluorescent light. Aside from a bunch of crates, it was the only thing in the room. He walked to the lift and took a look at the buttons. The floors ranged from 1 to 15, which was unusual since the building was only two stories high. He noticed that one of the buttons was just a hole. "Maybe it'll work again?" Dominic thought to himself. He inserted the pin into the hole and it fit in with the rest of the buttons. He pressed on the pin like a button. The doors to the lift closed and he began descending. 6:50 PM The doors opened. Dominic walked into the new room. It was rather small. On his left was a supercomputer. It had a 3 x 3 array of screens with a large keyboard. The outer screens showed map segments while the center screen had an animated face sleeping. On his right was a cylindrical glass tube. Dominic tried to look inside, but whatever was there was obscured by a thick smoke. He tapped on the glass of the tube. Nothing. With no luck, he tried the computer. He pressed the spacebar and the face woke up. With its smile, the lights in the room turned on. "Good evening new user!" the voice of the computer said. Dominic looked around in confusion. He looked back at the computer. The face in the center screen had been replaced with a new prompt: TYPE YOUR NAME HERE. Dominic typed his name and the machine whirring grew louder. "Hello Dominic!" the computer voice said. "Beginning ventilation." HISS! The small room began filling up with smoke. Dominic covered his mouth and nose, but the smoke quickly dissipated. He was now facing the front of the tube that now revealed who was inside. Dominic's jaw dropped. "Lady Bullet..." Inside the tube was Lady Bullet. She was lying reclined against the back of the tube and in full uniform: her slim white and blue helmet and visor, shiny blue metallic tube top with her symbol on the center, blue elbow-length gloves, miniskirt, and blue cut-out wedge heeled boots. Dominic was stunned. He couldn't help but smile from excitement. He was also nervous as his hero was standing (or lying) in front of him! He slowly approached and waved. "Hi!" he said quietly. No reaction. Dominic was puzzled. 'She must be sleeping,' he thought. He tapped on the glass. Still no response. He stood back thinking. Then the computer voice started up again. "Beginning release and activation." The tube opened up. Dominic was going to meet his hero in person! He slowly stepped closer to the now open tube, but then his excitement turned into horror. Horizontal lines began appearing on Lady Bullet. Then a vertical one right in the middle. Her body separated into panels which began to spread apart and unravel themselves. Soon, Lady Bullet was not there anymore. In her place was an indentation of a woman. Her interior was not blood and organs, but metal and circuitry. A tear fell down Dominic's eye. He realized, 'Lady Bullet isn't a real person...' 6:57 PM Dominic sat on the floor in stunned silence. Was this a trick? Was he led here just to have his dreams crushed? Suddenly, the computer voice started again. "Step in... Dominic. Step in... Dominic..." Dominic got up and looked around frantically. "What do you mean step in!?" He yelled angrily. He noticed on the floor: a line of lights moving towards the tube that contained Lady Bullet. Dominic was hesitant to, but his confidence and curiosity pushed him closer. He walked up to the indentation. He took his jacket off and did his best to fit himself into the indentation. The feet had a deeper for the heels. Taking off his shoes, he was able to fit it in snugly. His fingers were spread at the hands and he pushed his head back against the metal. He closed his eyes, hoping he could doze off and forget all of this. "Please stand still... Dominic!" the computer voice said. The face on the screen was now winking. Dominic felt the fingers of claws slide on the top of his head. The metal panels began closing. Dominic was too scared to get out. "No crap no!" he yelled. The metal panels wrapped tightly around his arms, then his torso, then his legs. The began squeezing tightly against his body. Dominic felt constricted and had trouble breathing. Soon enough though, the pressure released and he was able to breathe normally. The panels then began closing on his face, enveloping him in complete darkness. Then he saw text appear in front of him: "Hello Dominic." Dominic's vision returned and he saw the room he was in. He tried moving, but felt stuck. He was confused. It no longer felt like he was stuck inside a casing. Now it felt like he couldn't move his own arms and legs. Suddenly, he heard a female voice. "Hello Dominic." Dominic shifted his eyes around. "Who's there!?" he yelled, but not in his own voice. His speech came out in a strong, but feminine pitch. "Don't be alarmed. I am Lady Bullet. I'm here to help you." "But Lady Bullet isn't real! I saw her! She's a robot!" "Well, not exactly," the female voice replied. "You are correct in stating that Lady Bullet is not human. Rather, this suit and this software is Lady Bullet." In Dominic's vision, text popped up: Lady Bullet (v2.5) Heroic Hardware and Software Copyright Clockwork Software, 2013. DO NOT COPY "So are you a robot or not!?" Dominic asked. The voice calmly replied "Lady Bullet is a software that specifically runs on this hardware only. Lady Bullet was developed to be a vigilante superhero to reduce crime in metropolitan cities." By this point, Dominic began calming down. "Okay. Okay. Then why am I trapped in here? Can I get out?" "I'm sorry Dominic, but in order for us to operate, a user must be in place." "What!?" "If you've noticed, I have been communicating to you not through audio, but mentally." Dominic was stunned. He tried thinking of a memory: he was at his first interview, but when he was speaking, his voice sounded feminine. "How!?" Dominic exclaimed. "The diodes on your head are transmitting and receiving new brain patterns," Lady Bullet explained. "I receive your thoughts, while you receive mine." "Okay fine, makes sense. But why do you need me?" "Lady Bullet is designed to calculate the best possible outcomes for scenarios based on advanced algorithms. However, the most optimal choice statistically is not always the best choice realistically," As Lady Bullet said this, Dominic's vision was split into two, both sides saying "Option A" and "Option B," "The user is to present their human judgement, choosing what the best option is and reduce any error." Dominic was beginning to understand. "Fine I get it. But I can't save people! I've seen you fight! You're amazing! I can barely balance on one foot!" "Don't worry Dominic. Just like choices are automated, actions are automated as well. However, the user can enable their own will. Like so." Dominic heard a clank. Soon he was able to move. He moved his arms first. He waved them around, relieved that he had freedom. It seemed jarring that his arms looked very feminine. He rubbed the hands against his arms and was surprised that he could actually feel the cloth. He took a step forward and almost stumbled in his heels. Slowly taking another step, he stood outside of the tube area, both feet firmly on the ground. He looked down and noticed his breasts were in his view. He began rubbing his hands on them, moving downwards his new body. Further down, he looked at his long legs. He lifted his foot to look at the boots. The sides were cut out and he could see the bottom of his feet. Dominic was getting excited. He not only got to meet Lady Bullet, he was Lady Bullet! "PREDICTIVE CRIME OCCURRENCE!" Dominic jumped at the sudden siren and loud computer voice. He fell on the ground from losing balance. "What's that!?" he panicked. "A crime is predicted to happen tonight!" Lady Bullet said. "An 86% probability. Fatal rating: 0. It is recommended you complete the demonstration module before encountering real-world scenarios." "Well, you said actions can be automated, right? Can you fully automate?" "Affirmative Dominic. Switching to full automation." Dominic got up from the floor. He felt like a puppet on a marionette, but the thoughts feeding into his brain made it feel natural. The room was getting darker and darker. Dominic was made to look up and saw the ceiling had opened up. Dominic knelt on the floor. "Good luck... Dominic." Dominic leapt up into the sky, flying to the designated location. 7:40 PM SLAM! Lady Bullet landed on top of a building with force. She got up from her landing position and walked to the edge of the building. Dominic couldn't believe it. He was walking gracefully in heels, swinging his hips with his skirt swinging rhythmically. His vision suddenly zoomed in onto the bank across the street, something he had never experienced. His head turned and now he was looking at a black car. In it were four men. "Statistics predict a robbery," Lady Bullet said. "Based on factors of socio economics, the best option is to catch them in the act. Alternative option is to peacefully intervene earlier." Dominic began thinking. "What do you think is best?" he whispered. "Option one has the best probable outcome, however, I will leave it to your discretion." "Hmm. Let's do the first option." "Excellent choice Dominic. For future cases, auditory response won't be necessary. Just think of your choice and we will execute. But for now, please relax. I will take control of this situation." Lady Bullet stood up and leaped across to the top of the bank. 8:02 PM "Hurry! Load the money in!" The four men were working frantically to load the stacks of cash into the back of their car, now crashed into the bank. A decent amount of money had already been loaded in. One man smiled. Everything was going perfectly. All of a sudden, glass shattering fell onto the floor. The robbers looked up in panic. Lady Bullet fell through and landed forcefully on both feet in the center of the bank. Lady Bullet snickered. "Going somewhere fellas?" "Fire on the bitch!" The closest robber took out his handgun, placed it against Lady Bullet's head, and pulled the trigger. Lady Bullet's head was thrown back, and Dominic felt a dull pain against the side of his head, like he got hit with a ball. Lady Bullet brought her head back up, smiled at the robber, and threw him across the room hitting the vault door. "Now boys," Lady Bullet said sternly. "You shouldn't have brought a gun to a bullet fight!" The next robber tried shooting her at a distance. Lady Bullet ran towards him, bullets ricocheting off her body. She slid on the ground and kicked his legs, making him fall to the ground. She ripped the gun out of his hands and threw it across the room, knocking out the third robber. The last robber was now backing towards the car. He was scared and cornered. "Look lady," he quivered, "Please don't hurt me! I swear I'll give you anything!" Lady Bullet smiled. "How about I give you something instead? Time in prison to think about what you've done!" With a powerful uppercut, the robber was knocked out. 8:10 PM Lady Bullet was tightening the knot, keeping all four robbers together. Inside the suit, Dominic's jaw was dropped. "Holy crap! Did I do all that!?" he said out loud. "It's just a knot lady, geeze..." said one robber. "I couldn't have done it without your help Dominic!" Lady Bullet said. "We'll just leave a police beacon here and our job will be done!" Dominic was feeling energized. "Can we do another one!?" The robbers screamed in unison. "NO PLEASE!" "There doesn't seem to be any more crime occurrences tonight Dominic," Lady Bullet answered. "Perhaps another night," Lady Bullet pulled tighter on the rope. After being completely satisfied, she flew off through the hole in the ceiling. 8:50 PM Lady Bullet landed back at the abandoned building where Dominic found her. She stepped backwards back into the tube and leaned against the backing. Dominic's vision shut off and the metal panels that made up Lady Bullet separated. Dominic staggered out, slightly disoriented. He noticed he was tiptoeing out and he adjusted himself to walk normally. Lady Bullet closed back up, with the glass tube closing her in. "SELF- REPARATION IN PROGRESS," the computer voice said. Tiny needles began poking and prodding at Lady Bullet's body, sparking on contact. Dominic chuckled. "Wow, self-repair! That's amazing!" "It also self-repairs the software," Lady Bullet said. Dominic was startled to see the mouth of Lady Bullet move finally. "Who made you?" he asked. Lady Bullet remained motionless. "Unfortunately, that information is unavailable," she replied. "That information has evidently been corrupted." "Well, I've got to hand it to them. This is great tech!" "Thank you Dominic." Dominic looked at his feet. "Listen, can I confess something to you?" "I am always open to feedback Dominic," Lady Bullet replied. Dominic took in a deep breath. "I... I've had a crush on you, or I guess Lady Bullet ever since I've heard of her. And I'm so excited that I've finally met her, but admittedly disappointed she's not real." "I am sorry I do not meet your standards Dominic." "No no no! It's not like that!" Dominic moved up closer. "You're amazing! You do meet my standards! Heck, you surpass them! And, I hope I don't sound crazy, but can I do this again? Lady Bullet smiled. "I appreciate the words Dominic. As for repeating our session, you are able to utilize the Lady Bullet hardware for a period of 31 days. After that period, a new user must be chosen by giving them the key." As she said this, Dominic remembered the pin. He pulled it out of his pocket. "So that's how I got this," He put it back in his pocket. "Can you tell me who the last user was?" "Unfortunately, the information on past users is classified." Dominic frowned. "Well why does it have to be a month?" "The main computer resets user information on a monthly basis. Previous user information is saved to prevent data loss." Dominic looked back at the computer. The face now had its tongue sticking out, making it look like it was busy working. Dominic felt dejected. "I see." "We hope to see you again Dominic!" Lady Bullet cheerfully replied. Her cheerful demeanor perked Dominic up. "Yeah, see you tomorrow. And thanks." "Thank you... Dominic." Dominic was about to leave when he remembered something. "Uh, one last thing?" "Yes Dominic," Lady Bullet replied. "What's with the cheap one liners?" Lady Bullet smiled. "Previous users are able to modify one aspect of the software before the end of their turn. A previous user chose to contribute auditory taunts." "Do I need to contribute a change?" "Absolutely Dominic. Please take time to think about what you would like to contribute." "Right..," By then, Dominic was in the lift and already on his way up. 2:58 AM Dominic was wide awake. He couldn't sleep. He didn't sleep. How could he? In one night, he learned everything there is to learn about his hero. Initially, he was disappointed, like he was given a cake only to find out it inside were the candles and matches he had to light himself. But now he could open his presents. He was too excited. 'Perhaps I should take my mind off it.' he thought to himself. He picked up his phone and browsed through his social media channels. Little bits of information about the robbery began popping up in his feeds. News stories told about the four robbers tied up and how it was the signature Lady Bullet capture. He shut off his phone and stared right back at the ceiling. He picked up the pin, and held it above his head. He remembered what Lady Bullet said: "Please take time to think about what you would like to contribute." His mind began racing about the possibilities. Speed? No she has that already. Maybe a new costume change? She could use an incognito mode... Dominic's eyes began closing. His arms fell slowly at his side. His hand turned over and the pin fell on his nightstand right when he was fast asleep.

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I was eight when I was kidnaped with my twelve year old sister. When they tried to cut off my finger she fought and was killed. They left her body in a park as a sign of what they would do to me. I had been frightened and slowly it became anger. My parents paid the two million crown ransom. Only I knew they would not let me go. I had seen their face and they had killed. I was tied to a chair in a storage room while they went to get the ransom. I bounced and jumped and broke the chair to get...

2 years ago
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QVC Julia The Dong Part 1 ndash Introducing Big D

From the view of Julia.A massive, thick, delicious cock. That was on the menu tonight. I couldn’t wait to feast on every ounce of it. I had waited around 3 years to be sat in this position. As excited as I was, there were nerves there too. I wanted it too badly. I had come so close, must have been over a year ago. Early 2008. I had him. He was at a party. Fern was long gone. He was drooling over my boobs. I was completely going to see it again. Then some bitch. I can’t remember her name,...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Linda Gonzalez Maid Does Anal For Cash

I ordered a maid service, but didn’t expect the maid to be so sexy. Right when she walks in to clean the house, I can’t stop but notice her beautiful figure. Her ass looks so good in her leggings, I knew I had to see more. I offer her some extra money to see her in her panties. She’s nervous at first, but when she sees the one hundred and fifty bucks, she takes it. She slowly takes off her pants, revealing her huge, amazing booty. I offer even more money for her to clean...

3 years ago
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Ah HawaII

We've been in Hawaii for two days. Just enough time to remember each others bodies and how well they work together. It's lotsa sun during the days and Mai Tais at night, and every kind and color of volcano-named drink we can try - including a real killer served in a big volcanic rock that takes two straws from a Polynesian restaurant that sports bamboo walls and waitrons in shorts and brightly colored shirts. We sat in a high backed, two seater wicker chair. The food is good, exotic, but not...

3 years ago
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Awesome Threesome In Rourkela

Hi, I am Pankaj from Rourkela with decent figure and decent sized tool I like to fuck girls and feel an urge to penetrate as many different girls as possible. If you would like to have me in your bed then contact me on my mail id or KIK me at pkgargxxx. But first let me introduce myself. I am Avinash, 23 years young, 6 feet tall, with average body and 5.5 inch dick, and I usually like to have sex a lot. I like girl with busty figure and tight juicy asses. So lets get on with the real incident...

2 years ago
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The Halloween Party

Renae slammed the bedroom door and kicked her stilettos toward the closet. She ripped at the black lace garter and stockings, tearing them off in frustration and throwing them into the trash. The little black mini dress got balled up and thrown on the floor. She stomped into the bathroom and started the shower. As the steam filled up the master bath, she sat down on the toilet seat and let the tears come. The love of her life, her soul mate and partner simply did not want her, no matter how...

2 years ago
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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 8 Sister Victoria

He saw a very ordinary bedroom with a youngish woman wearing a flowered dress such as many of his parishioners might wear at home. He breathed a sigh of relief, for he had been very apprehensive about this whole concept. "Hullo," he said, and then was completely at a loss as to how to proceed. The Merciful Nun was able, after well over a year in the College, to handle this situation, a young priest who was new to visiting her. She smiled and said, "Welcome. I am here for your pleasure,...

2 years ago
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Brothers and Sisters Chapter 3

It was hard to decide just what I thought of "working" at the playgroup, and to say I was "working" at all would have been a stretch of the boldest proportions. A worker, to me, was a factory worker, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a binman. I seemed to spend nearly all my time "playing," not at all voluntarily of course, with Sophia and her little band of girlfriends. More explanation is needed. Since it had been decided I'd work with Rachael in the outside playground, while Carly...

1 year ago
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The Hots For MomChapter 6

Jim came home that night, wondering where Gloria had gone. She was always on the porch, waiting for her father to come home so that she could jump into his arms. Julie always thought that Jim might have had a thing for his daughter. In fact, there were times when she hoped that he did. Then she could justify her own feelings toward Byron by pointing out that he had similar ones toward Gloria. But now all she could think of was the girl's sudden departure. Where was she? What was she going...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Valentina Jewels Step Cousin Wants My Dick After Girlfriend Stands Me Up

My girlfriend called to let me know that she wasn’t going to make it to my parents place for dinner tonight. She always does this, and I’m honestly over it. So when my step cousin comes in to bring me a full plate of food, I couldn’t be any happier! But she was being extra touchy with me tonight. She rubbed her hand up and down my thigh, and I even saw her bite her lip when she looked at my crotch. I could tell she wanted me, and I was ready to give it to her. Watch my step...

1 year ago
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Anna, Ende 30, hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und eine schlanke Figur. Auffällig war ihre große Oberweite mit 75 E. Seit 2 Jahren war sie Bürgermeisterin einer kleinen Stadt. Sie war verheiratet mit einem Unternehmer, der oft unterwegs war. Doch die Bürger der Stadt hatten mehr als genug von ihrer schlechten Politik. Immer wieder trat sie arrogant bei Vorträgen auf und machten einen Fehler nach dem nächsten. Chris Mitte 20 hatte seinen Job verloren, weil Anna bei neuen Krediten für das...

2 years ago
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Cindy Crawfor a Sweet Fantasy

I am a very big fan on this site. I have read many stories. But I don't have any real story of myself to share with you people. Because in the age of 20, I am still a virgin guy. But I can share my fantasy with you. Ok. Today I am sending my fantasy about the hottest Hollywood actress and Model CINDY CRAWFORD. Once She came to India for promoting Omega Watches and first function was in Mumbai and during that function I met her in person. Since she had a terrific body I used to fantasize of...

2 years ago
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Neha Ki Seal Todi 8211 19 Saal Ki Neha Ki Zordar Chudai

Hello friends, I’m “thesaint”(not literally) here, writing my first story. I’ve been reading ISS for quite some time and the problem I found here as most basic is the bad English and/or poorly written Hindi story using English alphabets. I’m gonna write the chudai story in Hindi though. Ab aapka samay na waste karte hue main kahani par ata hun. Is chudai story mein: My Name: Vikram Girlfriend: Neha School khatam hone ke baad college me pehla kadam rakhte hi mere mann me bhi tamanna thi ki...

3 years ago
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My Son And Myself

My husband left me years ago and, at the time this story begins, I was 31 years old. I'd been feeling horny for most of this particular day but I still hadn't done anything to satisfy my arousal before my teenage son came home after school.At 14 years old, Mark quite small and he was'nt very muscular, and he had short dark hair and was extremely well endowed for a young boy. Yes, I confess I'd seen him in the shower a many times and, although his cock was flaccid, it was impressive. Another...

2 years ago
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Getting Close To Mom 8211 Part 2

That night she was in a black baby doll dress which was shorter than last night’s. She turned off the lights. She was lying facing away from me. I put my left hand on her waist and using my index finger I circled her navel. I moved my hand from her waist to thigh. I moved my hand back and forth on her thigh. While moving my hand upwards I slowly lifted her dress. Now her black panty was visible to me. Her body started shivering a little bit. Maybe because she thought it would remove her panty....

3 years ago
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Saving a RelicChapter 5

I dreamt that I was running, somewhere in San Francisco, because I saw part of the bridge. I was naked again, running with other naked people. It felt enjoyable but I felt like I wanted to be exposed more. My breasts were swinging back and forth as I ran, but I felt free. When I saw the finish line, there were people cheering for me, but they had a shocked look about them. One person came up to me and said, “Tracey, I didn’t think you would run naked.” There was group that surrounded and...

4 years ago
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Days in the Island Sun

The Caribbean sun was sinking into the sea, coloring the waters copper and gold and setting the surface sparkling like a million diamonds. Jaquan relaxed on the beach. He'd had a long week working and was glad that Friday evening had come. He was nineteen, slender and toned from a boyhood of playing football and cricket, and swimming in the warm waters that surrounded his island home. His skin was a rich deep brown. His hair was black and kinky, and dusted with sand.The sun sank lower until it...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 19 An irresistible chemical assault

Over the next several hours, with brief breaks only for food (once) and sex (twice), I was to learn more about human physiology and neurology than I had in the previous forty-nine years. I also learnt more about Uncle Albert than I had ever suspected before; more, indeed, than I wanted to know, for overall the picture that slowly emerged was not a pretty one. It became evident that Uncle Albert had devoted virtually his entire adult life to this project. The electronic record went back only...

1 year ago
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Pauls version of innocent play

So Carrie was dancing with some guy, and they seemed to be getting on, so I thought, great, I don’t really get much from dancing and as long as she was having fun it freed me up to circulate. I shot a game of pool with the host, looked at the pond he was so proud of, then thought I should check back on the angel. Still dancing, and very close. Not what I would have expected from Carrie, but I could see no harm in it. I sure wasn’t going to go jealous husband, anyway. I stayed in the background,...

2 years ago
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I was addicted to webcam porn and messaging and I had been messaging this older woman called Carmel and we had been exchanging messages of what we wanted to do to each other. I had sent a webcam broadcast of me jacking off and she sent me one of her bringing her self off. What a gorgeous pussy she had – shaven and wet. We sent quite a few of these videos of each other. After a while we agreed to meet in an obscure car park for a bit of fun. I suggested we wear red roses and meet at about...

4 years ago
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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 4

We ate our pizzas and lay around. Everyone was still wiped out particularly Hannah and Babs. Babs whispered, "Take me to bed. I'm beat." I didn't argue and we headed upstairs. Hannah and Ben followed us up and went into Ben's room. Babs and I slept the night away. We woke in the morning spoon-style with my hard cock between her legs. She whispered, "Fuck me!" I didn't do anything for a moment. "Either hole! Just do me and do me hard!" She hissed at me. I wasn't gentle when I...

2 years ago
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My Parents and Me

My parents and meMy parents are very sexual people always having sex.. Everywhere! Even when I'm home and can hear them. The first time I heard them I was 14.I was sitting in my room (across from theirs)when I could hear my parents laughing and talking. I go over to their door to step into to ask them a question when I see my dad's head between my mom"s legs just going to town on her pussy. I should've been completely mortified and disgusted, but I couldn't help, but feel a little excited. I...

2 years ago
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Desires on Hold Part 3

Desires on Hold, Part 3 By Michelle Jane 21st June 2004 Over the following weekend, things are strained at home. My wife is struggling to come to terms with what is happening, particularly the continuing development in my breasts. She is very tearful and there is very little that I can say or do to make it any easier. At least we are cuddling now. I think it is both something that we need. Even though I know that it is something that I desperately want, the...

1 year ago
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Manmoirs Flexibility

Two things I knew heading into the school year were as follows: - There was very little chance I was going to hookup with the girls from freshman year - I was horny as fuck I didn't live on-campus at the dorm so my battleground was in-class. I wasn't high on my "game", so my strategy was to make friends with classmates. I had 1 class in-particular where I knew absolutely nobody. That was the class to take aim. Plus the class definitely had more females. It was Psychology. Now this class was...

College Sex
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 47

Victor and Ernesto exited the car like returning Heroes from a long and epic war. Ernesto waved the baseball bat in the air and swung it hard at nothing to celebrate his apparent victory. Carmen was upstairs. She called down to them to ask how it went. Maya had obviously gone inside their motel room with whoever was in the car. They ignored her and approached us instead. Victor smiled at us. “We taught those white boys a lesson they won’t forget.” “Chinga Tu Madre, we kicked so much ass!”...

1 year ago
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GF Bound Me to the Ottoman

GF Bound Me to the Ottoman.My GF wants to tie me to our new Ottoman. Reluctantly I agree, so long as she agrees that the following weekend I can tie her down too!My GF is blonde, nice body, mature tits with sensitive nipples. Her pussy is trimmed to a triangle and she has dyed it bright red! If you were lucky enough to see her naked your eyes would be drawing immediately to her pussy. Jo knows that I will insist that her red pointer will be waxed bare when I tie her down. Her virginal school...

4 years ago
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The Circle Jerk Club 4

The Circle jerk Club 4- The Big FinishIt was a Futanari Gang Bang. I was at the center of a total CD Tranny Gay Bukakke. The last time I saw this much cum juice flying around was right after my operation. I swear they must have super charged my balls.Right before I went off to college my school insisted that everyone get a complete physical before being admitted on campus. They left no stone unturned including what was between my legs. That's when my doctor told me my balls were too...

3 years ago
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TommyChapter 9

I made a split-second decision; hopped up off the floor, and locked my knees. “Whoa.” To-my-self. “Girl, I’m going to head down. It’s not what you think, it really isn’t. You guys need some time and so do I. It’s alright, it really is. It’s not in fright, please believe me.” “Cully, no, honey.” She’d turned from him. “I’m here for you. Don’t go, Cul.” “Girl, seriously, it’s not that. I promise, it’s not. I’m fine.” The whole damn room was spinning. “I’m fine, I really am.” “Move.”...

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Dinner with BBW Jane

This is a follow up to my first story ‘My First BBW – Jane’ Jane and I didn’t see each other for a couple of days after our first encounter(s). All the vacation students had started work and like anyone in a new job I was keen to impress. It was only summer work but who knew what it might lead to. The dorm accommodation was about 40 minutes from the location of the large industrial workplace, so it meant a reasonably early start (for university students anyway). I drove and a few others...

2 years ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter five

Introduction: This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife a white woman is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Interracial Sexual Surrogate This is a continuing story about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My...

3 years ago
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‘Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don’t see him, he’ll kill me,’ Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. ‘I’ll owe you big time. I’ll do anything you want hon.’ Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. ‘Damn Ina. What is the job?’ Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. ‘It’s a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

2 years ago
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A Rescued Teen Slut

My wife and I were on a small vacation at a Hotel in Daytona Beach in Florida. It was the off-season so we could save a little money and we prefer it when the hotels and other places are not so packed with people. Before I get into the story I should tell you that my wife and I are what you might call `good Samaritans’ we’re always ready and willing to extend a hand to help someone in need. My wife is especially attuned to those in need and we’ve even pulled our car over...

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Empire of vampires 126 The Plan

1.2.6. The PlanThe following weeks were also the same for Selene in sexual terms. At night she was locked in her chastity belt and allowed to go hunting for sperm, blood and money in the brothel and during the day she lay tied up in Richard's bed. Only the short time he slept early in the morning, she could sleep too. When he was working, he tied her up in various positions and woke her up by using a vibrator, which made her float on a wave of lust all day long. Not strong enough to give her...

4 years ago
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NYE in NYC part 2

Wrapping up this story.We spent the next day (the 30th) exploring the city and hit up a jazz club. That night back at her place she asked me if I wanted more and I said that I did. We made out a little then went to her bedroom. She asked me if I was ready for something more intense so I said, "yes please, give it to me". She laughed and we undressed she had me fasten her harness and looked down at me as she pushed the dildo into my mouth. She was definitely more controlling this time and I...

3 years ago
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Sex for cash

I laid there on my stomach as this old man( at least forty, I was only 17 at the time) stroked his rough hands over my butt cheeks. I cringed but tried not to show my disgust, he had laid 75.00 on the dresser for the privileged of having sex with me. I was young and dumb but wanted to be fucked and needed the money. I wanted to be fucked more, but that's another story, oh why not tell... I had been used so many times by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel and others, I had come to want to be used by...

1 year ago
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Jake and Jasmine on Holiday

This is my second effort. Feedback is appreciated. Sunlight filtered in through the window, casting the shadow of slats across her body. We’d flown in yesterday after a grueling flight half way across the U.S. and down into the Caribbean, finally arriving in St. Lucia in the late evening. After a harrowing ride from the airport, we arrived at our hotel, Anse Chastanet and were warmly welcomed and taken to our accomodation, a villa up the hillside with what turned out to be a glorious view of...

Group Sex
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Rebas TranceChapter 7

Three days later... “I have to admit ... Eugene’s heart was the tastiest part of him. He took a little longer to finish off, but then he was a porker, wasn’t he? A nice, hearty Riesling and a rice pilaf go well with long pig, I dare say. We’ll definitely have to do this again, won’t we? With some other prick, that is,” Reba commented as she patted her belly in satiation. “Always grab the porkers, though. We can live well off the likes of them. Always mean, nasty guys who are also porkers,...

3 years ago
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Left Alone

I had planned this morning for quite some time.  My sexy wife Christie had little idea what was in store for her this morning.  She got up like normal, thinking that today was going to be like any other day.I got up out of bed and got a quick shower.  As I put on some simple clothes and went into the kitchen, I found her there making breakfast for the kids.?Hey dear,? I said, ?I don’t have to go in ‘till late today.  Why don’t I take the little one to school for you??She tuned to me and...

2 years ago
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Me my friend and her son

"Hi, I'll be with you in half an hour," my friend told me over the phone. She went shopping with her mother, and she took her son to training and while she was waiting for him, she decided to stop by my place for coffee. Like all my friends, she saw me naked before, so I didn’t attach much importance to it and decided there was no need to get dressed. A bathrobe will suffice. Soon the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. I didn't even tie my robe properly, so my tits fell out as I walked...

2 years ago
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Silent but horny

In my 20s I got my first apartment of my own, and took advantage of the complex pool as much as I could. I often snuck into the apartment complex pool at night, padding barefoot across the still-warm parking lot, hopping the fence, and slipping quietly into the water before sliding off my shorts. I'd float and paddle around, enjoying the sensual feeling of cool water on my naked body. Invariably my cock would harden and I would stroke it underwater as I swam, bringing myself to the edge of...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jayla De Angelis Veronica Leal She Can Come Too

Nikki Nutz has spent the night with his girlfriend, Veronica Leal. When he wakes up spooning with his hot lover, Nikki can’t help but spring some nice morning wood. He gets amorous, caressing Veronica and drifting along her body with lovely kisses. When Nikki tries to tug Veronica’s panties down, she stops him and tells him she really has to get up. Nikki tries to convince her to stay, but Veronica insists on climbing out of bed. When Veronica is on her feet, Nikki plays his trump...

3 years ago
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Behind my Slut Wife

Kneeling behind my naked wife, who was on all fours, pumping my cock in and out of her pussy. I was getting a real bang out of this as it was partial payment for her not being forthright about what she had been doing in the last few months. More on that later, back to more important things.As I fucked my wife, Cheryl, our skin slapping in our throes of passion, I was getting closer to a climax, hoping she was too. Her pussy was really slick and lubed, and she was groaning with pleasure as we...

4 years ago
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Fucking a Bound Slut

Debra arrived at the Adult Book store, and Jake extinguished the neon “open” sign displayed outside the shop. Debra had always felt comfortable around Jake. He never made any advances towards her in the many years she had known him. She was also impressed by his outstanding manners. She had expected him to become a bit crude after purchasing the porno shop. Being around sex all day, she marveled at his ability to separate his work from his life. Feeling so safe with Jake, she figured she...

3 years ago
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After Work Surprise

part 3 continuation of "Lunch Break"I arrive home before you no went in to work an hour later todayI stop by the fridge and grab a beergoing to the bedroom I strip out of my work clothes...down to my boxerstonight we're going out clubbing "Let's see...what to wear...what to wear..."looking in the closet I select a pair of jeans that I know you likethey're somewhat tight...but you like the way they show off my assnow for a shirt...hmmmm...we'll go with the light blue button down...

3 years ago
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Delta TrixyChapter 16 Faeries Day

The twenty-fifth of February in Harmony and Utopia is Faeries day. Kale and I had decided it was an excellent day to get married and Lee agreed. I told James that I didn’t want to be too big at my wedding. James kissed my tummy and said for a Grandteli, nothing made him happier or gave him more prestige than bonding with a pregnant wife. Our other babies were doing well. They were trying to learn to fly and were eating everything we gave them and growing fast. If not kept in their...

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