Armored: Volume IV free porn video

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6:00 AM No human should already be awake at this hour, but Dominic is. He couldn't help himself. He had been up all night coding, developing his solution to improve Lady Bullet. The night was spent with many trial and error, but it was almost finished. Dominic compiled the code one last time to make sure it was error free. A dialog window came up: NO ERRORS FOUND. He excitedly copied the code to a flash drive. Once it was done, he triumphantly held the flash drive up to the sky. "This is it!" BANG! The door burst open. A figure in all black tactical gear and a gas mask stood in the entryway. Dominic froze with fear as the gas-masked figure pulled a gun up to Dominic's head. They looked around the room and noticed the open Lady Bullet suit on the bed. "Get in the suit!" the figure said in a deep distorted voice. Dominic was too scared to move and spoke stuttering. "What!?" "Get in the suit!" the figure said again, shoving the gun closer to his head. "Okay!" Dominic said. He discretely put the flash drive in his pocket and lay down into the Lady Bullet suit. As the suit closed up, he saw a bright flash of light. "Instructions confirmed!" Lady Bullet said. Lady Bullet got up, walked to the balcony and flew off. Dominic had lost control of Lady Bullet. 6:30 AM To Dominic's relief, Lady Bullet landed in front of their headquarters, hands at her hips and legs spread apart. The surrounding area was unusually empty. Dominic tried to walk away, but her legs were frozen in place. A few minutes later, a car came swerving by and stopped right in front of her. The same gas masked figure from earlier stepped out of the car and resumed pointing the gun at Lady Bullet, who was now getting very frustrated. "You very well know I'm bulletproof." Lady Bullet scolded the figure, "So you'd better reveal yourself before I rip you in half." The gas masked figure pulled the gun's trigger. Dominic winced expecting a gunshot, but there was no bang. Instead, the gun flashed a bright blue light from its muzzle. Suddenly, the Lady Bullet suit began unraveling and Dominic fell out, falling flat on the ground. He scrambled to get up and hid behind Lady Bullet, using her as a shield. The figure pulled their gas mask off and smiled at Dominic. Dominic peeked from behind to see a face he recognized. "Holy shit Susan!" "Hi Dominic." Susan smiled. She fired the trigger of her gun again shining the blue light. The Lady Bullet suit closed up and began hovering into the headquarters, leaving Dominic standing out in the open, sitting on the ground. Dominic scrambled to get up. "What the hell is going on Susan!?" "I had to get you out becau-" "You kicked in my damn door!" Susan blushed from embarrassment. "Look, I'm sorry for the theatrics, but I had to get you out of there fast. I'll explain when we get inside." "Not until you tell me how you can control Lady Bullet! You shouldn't be able to do that!" "Actually, I should." Susan pulled out a badge and showed it to Dominic: Susan Gertzman Head Hero Handler Clockwork Software Susan snapped her badge back. "Again, let's get inside so I can explain everything." The two entered the familiar lift and descended into Lady Bullet's computer room. Down below, Lady Bullet was already in her hibernation pod while the computer was idling, waiting for an input. Once the lift reach the bottom, Susan jumped at the sight of room looking like it was ransacked, but Dominic stopped her and nodded. He exited the lift and typed his name into the computer. He looked at the keys that were missing, and remembered back to his anger from last night. He was filled with guilt as he pressed 'ENTER' and the familiar computer emoticon came on screen. "Welcome back Dominic!" it cheerfully replied. "May I?" Susan interjected. Dominic stepped aside. Susan came up to the keyboard and typed furiously. She pressed 'ENTER' and the computer responded to her input. "Registering secondary user. Hi Susan!" Dominic was pleasantly surprised. "You can do that?" "Of course I can," Susan replied. "Now come on, I brought you breakfast. Let's talk." The two of them walked to a corner where a table folded out for them to eat at. Susan pulled out a McDonald's bag from her backpack and handed it to Dominic. As he furiously began unwrapping the sandwich, a robotic hand came down from the ceiling and dropped a mug of coffee in front of him. Susan leaned against the wall, watching him eat. "Well," she started, "what do you want to know?" With eyes wide and mouth stuffed, Dominic was dumbstruck. "Uhh, everything?" Susan smiled and took a deep breath. "So, I work undercover at Clockwork Software, a secret organization that creates heroes like Lady Bullet." "Hold on, we work together," Dominic interjected. "Do I work for them?" "No," Susan replied. "That's a different company. I actually work two jobs. Crazy huh? Anyways, we create superheroes to protect and serve cities around the world. Of course Lady Bullet is here stationed in Los Angeles, but we have a few other heroes in New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, London, and many more elsewhere. They're not all Lady Bullets though. Each city has their own hero with their own identity." "Are they all like her? Like me?" Dominic said motioning to himself. "Not all of them." Susan continued. "Most of them are highly developed artificial intelligences. The ones piloted by humans, like you, are actually newer, experimental prototypes. Which is why I'm here. I've been tasked with closely monitoring the behaviors and actions of Lady Bullet to see how coupling artificial intelligence with human intelligence could improve our heroes." "Wait a minute," Dominic interrupted, pulling out the Lady Bullet pin. "That means you gave this to me, right?" Susan smiled. "I did." "Then that means, you were the last Lady Bullet?" Susan chuckled bashfully. "A lady never reveals her secret." "Oh my God, it was you." "What!? There's no way you could know that!" "You taught her the cheap one-liners!" Susan rolled her eyes. "Fine, yes it was me!" Dominic laughed hysterically. Then, Susan got defensive. "Oh yeah, well what are you bringing to the table?" "Ah that reminds me!" Dominic was about to reach into his pocket, but stopped himself. "Wait, how do I know I can trust you? How do I know I can trust Clockwork?" Susan tone immediately became somber and serious. "I get it, I really do." She walked over to the computer and stared at the screens as they painted her face with bright light. "You know, I grew up reading comic books. I loved those stories of superheroes doing good and standing up for mankind. I wanted there to be superheroes in real life. So I waited. I waited for a hero to come stop all the bad things from happening. But that hero never came and bad things kept happening. So I continued with my life. Long story short, I found Clockwork and they were exactly what I was looking for." "But why all the secrecy?" She turned around. "If our enemies knew our heroes were just computers, they would find a way to hack them and turn them against us. We have to protect that. But most importantly, we don't want the credit; we don't need the credit. That's not our goal. Our goal is to use our skills to serve humanity. We can't all be police, firefighters, or superheroes, but we can use technology to become heroes. You can be a hero." Dominic looked down, thinking of what Susan told him. It was a lot to think about, but it was exactly what he wanted to do. He slowly pulled out the flash drive and showed it to her. "Here." Susan took the flash drive from him and brought it to the computer, plugging it in. "It's new code," Dominic said. "I wanted to override the computer's decision making process and let the human pilot decide what actions to take, but instead of just letting them make a gut decision, they're supported by the A.I.'s access to information. It's not the A.I. thinking for the human, but the human is thinking with the A.I.." Susan scanned through the code. As she kept going, her smile was getting wider and wider. "Dominic, this is amazing!" she said. "Well, it's just okay, I mean you-" "No Dominic, you don't understand!" Susan almost screamed. "You created a dynamic bridge between the human mind and the A.I! Even if one asserts more control over the other, it maintains balance so one side isn't overridden. This essentially makes all our heroes super- geniuses! They can safely access computer information and still maintain their will! This is incredible! Excitedly, Susan slammed the enter button on the keyboard. "Begin integrating code!" the computer chirped. "Whoa wait!" Dominic rushed to the computer to try and stop it from its task. "Shouldn't we give it another look to make sure it will act alright?" "It will be fine. The computer will figure it out. Besides, I don't think we have much time left." Susan typed away at the computer. One screen pulled up video of Dominic's apartment and it seemed like the air was sucked out of the room. He watched his apartment destruct; green smoke began bleeding through the windows and within a matter of seconds, the building imploded leaving not a trace. "It's gone." Dominic said. "Did everybody else-" "They did," Susan said. "I was able to evacuate everyone before it detonated." Dominic sighed with relief. "Thank you so much Susan." "It's no problem. But we have to figure out why that happened." "Again." "Right. I had agents sweep the area from the other apartment yesterday. We're beginning to form some leads, but nothing definite right now." Dominic began pacing around. He felt anxiety build up in his body. What if this happens again? He pulled out his phone and began searching around to see if any other apartments were attacked. He found barely anything online. "Nothing's online. Can you try Susan?" Susan typed on the computer and pulled up multiple news sites. Susan jumped at the sight: almost every screen was now broadcasted the same face. "Holy shit, Judas." On each screen, a scrawny man in a white suit stood at a podium making a speech. He emoted with force and aggression. "... Clearly, Lady Bullet doesn't care about her people anymore," Judas said. "It's time we take up action. This so-called superhero is now a public menace, and it's up to us to stop her! I encourage the city to do their part and hunt down Lady Bullet. Let's show her what true justice is!" The crowd at the press conference cheered. Dominic was consumed by fear. "Turn it off please." The room was now silent and Dominic felt his entire body shaking. He sat against the wall and curled up on the floor. He looked up and tried to say something to Susan, but nothing was coming out of his mouth. He tried again, still nothing. Susan came closer to him. Now Susan spoke, yet he didn't hear anything. Dominic watched Susan's lips and tried to read what she was saying, but her face soon began blurring until all that was left to hear and see was the darkness. 11:24 AM Dominic opened his eyes and found himself on the floor of the computer room. He sat up and found Susan sitting at the computer. He yawned to make sure he could hear sound again. Sure enough, his hearing was back to normal. "How long was I out?" he asked. Susan turned and knelt beside him. "It's 11 am now," she said. She pulled out a water bottle and handed it to him. "Drink this." Dominic took the water bottle from her and began downing half the bottle. Susan frowned. "I'm sorry I put you through that. I think I stressed you out too much and you went into a panic attack." Dominic wiped his mouth and waved her off. "It's okay, you couldn't have known that." He took a few deep breaths, then continued. "So what do we do now?" "Have you ever been in contact with the guy on the screen, Judas?" Susan asked. "Just yesterday," Dominic replied. "Why? Do you know him?" Susan nodded. "Judas is former Clockwork. It's a long story." Dominic waited for her to continue, but the room fell silent. He thought of breaking the silence by being helpful. "I rescued him when his helicopter was crashing." Susan nodded. "Then that means those bombs are his. He used you; distracted you. If I know him well, then the first apartment bombing was just a test run. Today's bombing was the real deal. He wants to destroy Lady Bullet, so he must have found a way to track you." Dominic's whole body stiffened. "Can he still track us?" Susan shook her head. "I just implemented some signal dampeners onto Lady Bullet. She should be fine from now on." Dominic sighed, but then he realized something. "Can he track past locations?" "It's possible," Susan replied. Dominic quickly got up. "Susan, We have to go. I stopped somewhere else last night, and I may have just put a friend in danger." The hibernation pod opened up and Dominic hopped into the Lady Bullet suit. "I'll follow you," Susan said, rushing to the elevator. Dominic gave her a thumbs up. The suit closed, and Lady Bullet leapt into action. 11:30 AM The streets were still calm as Lady Bullet and Susan arrived at Michael's apartment. As Susan got out of her car, she pulled out a mechanical spider-like device from her pack. The device which was as big as her face flailed its legs in the air. "I'll send this drone to try to find and disarm the bomb. You go evacuate the building." Lady Bullet nodded and marched into the apartment lobby. The man at the front desk was about to greet her, but Lady Bullet silenced him by immediately pulling the fire alarm. Alarms blared and strobe lights flashed throughout the building. Lady Bullet looked sternly at the man at the front desk. "Help everyone evacuate the building," she said. The man nodded and Lady Bullet stormed her way up the stairwell. On her way up, people passed her by, carrying their belongings in their arms, rushing downstairs. She helped them along and made sure they passed her by safely. Finally, she reached the fifth floor and entered the hallway, passing by open doors where families frantically grabbed everything they could. She peered in every room until she found him. "Michael!" She called out. Michael was in the kitchen, putting as many of his belongings in a suitcase on his table. He noticed Lady Bullet's voice and rushed to her, embracing and kissing her on the lips. "I'll be ready soon, just need to grab a few more things!" Michael resumed his packing and Lady Bullet offered to help. Just then, she got a call from Susan. "How's the evacuation going?" Susan asked over comms. "It's working," Lady Bullet replied. "I'm on fifth and Michael's okay too." "Good," said Susan. "Start a thermal pulse for both our sakes. The drone is doing its best, but we only have one minute. After that, we gotta bail." Lady Bullet nodded and blinked twice. Her vision changed so that she could see the thermal signature of every person in the building. The floors below her were clear. She tilted her head to make sure that everyone was safe. Outside the building was a large crowd. 'Looks like they made it.' Dominic thought. Lady Bullet looked up. There were a couple of people on the upper floors, with one already making their way downstairs. Then, Lady Bullet noticed something extremely cold. It was small, round, and when Lady Bullet tried to focus on it, her vision became blurry. "Alert!" the computer voice cried. "Bomb is detonating in three seconds!" Lady Bullet turned towards Michael and screamed, "Get out now!" Lady Bullet burst through the ceiling and grabbed one person in her left arm and shielded his head with her hand. She curved her trajectory and grabbed another person with her right arm. Covering them both, she flew out the window and landed on the roof of the adjacent building. As she made impact, a loud boom rumbled the top of the apartment. The windows on the top floors were now bleeding with green smoke. "Susan bail!" Lady Bullet screamed. She blinked twice again to pull up the thermal scan. She found Susan who was now running away from under the building to street level. Right as she got out, the another bomb detonated and the building collapsed. The green smoke started to suck itself into the center and with a sonic boom. The apartment building was gone. Lady Bullet gasped. "Michael..." She brought down the two people she rescued to street level. As everyone began applauding her, she called out, "Has anyone seen someone named Michael?" "Here!" Lady looked behind to find the voice. Sure enough, Michael was safely close to the ground, albeit hovering a few inches above. He waved. "Got out at the nick of time!" Lady Bullet couldn't help but laugh. She picked him up and kissed him. "We need to stop meeting like this!" Lady Bullet laughed. Susan came up to the couple. "Good thing I came prepared!" she said, as she picked up a small metal disk off the ground "I knew there would be jumpers, so I threw down a gravity dampening field, just in case." Michael then shook Susan's hand. "Thank you so much." As she said this, an alert came up on Lady Bullet's HUD. "Potential incidence occurrence on Angel's Island!" the computer voice said. Lady Bullet looked at Susan. "I'll take Michael to a safe place and catch up on comms." Lady Bullet nodded, "Take care of him." She leapt into the air and shook her head. "This day just never stops!" 12:00 PM Angel's Island is a relatively new place. An artificial island off the coast of California, it has been made into a shopping center, providing a high-end leisurely experience for all who visit. Lady Bullet flew over the bridge connecting Angel's Island to the mainland. Below, cars were gridlocked. On top of the island was the main square surrounded by four concrete towers. It was at this square where the protesters decided to gather. People filled the square and chanted in unison. "Unload the bullet! Unload the bullet!" The crowd was energized. Lady Bullet arrived and hovered above the protesters. They didn't notice her immediately, but she could already feel their hatred. She was expecting the rejection, but experiencing it firsthand hurt her even more. One protester noticed her presence and threw a cup at her. "You think you're better than us bitch?" Everyone's attention turned to her. Another protester yelled out. "Come down here you coward!" For a moment, she refused. She had to try and diffuse the situation. Susan came on comms to her relief. "Hey L.B. It's getting nasty out there, be careful." "What do I do?" Dominic asked Susan. "No one's in danger, and the crowd doesn't seem to be agitated." "Trust your gut on this one," Susan replied. "Use the tools you have at your disposal." Lady Bullet took a deep breath and began lowering herself to the ground. The protesters stepped back to give her room. Once she landed, she braced herself for the inevitable abuse. Seconds passed, but it never came. Lady Bullet looked around. The protesters stood staring at her and the square had grown silent. "You're right," Lady Bullet said. "I let you down, and I'm sorry." She slowly stepped forward and to her surprise, the crowd didn't move. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Everyone stood in silence. The crowd was now calm, contemplative even. Before anyone could say anything, the ground rumbled. Lady Bullet blinked three times to bring up her thermal vision and rapidly looked around. She couldn't see anything, only static. The crowd began to murmur. "Sue, I'm flying blind here," she said aloud. "There's too much interference." "Try to hang in there!" Sue said. "I picked up some samples and I should get an algorithm tracker to you in a few minutes." Lady Bullet nodded. She turned her attention back to the crowd. "If everyone could please return home-" There was another rumble and Lady Bullet heard a scream coming from the underground parking garage. She flew out of the crowd and towards the side of the island, looking through the openings of the parking garage. Nearby, a car emanating green smoke was surrounded by bodies. One was a woman who was on the ground choking. Lady Bullet picked her up and led her away from the bombed car. "Sue, we got a car bombing. There's green smoke again." "Okay, get everyone out of there," Sue replied. "One bomb isn't enough to take out the island, so keep an eye out. Uploading the algorithm now." A progress bar appeared in Lady Bullet's vision which filled up within a few seconds. She activated algorithmic tracker and looked around. "Oh God." The entire island was covered in bombs. The ground rumbled again and one of the bombs above her exploded. She flew back up to the square and came to the crowd. "Everybody evacuate the island!" She yelled. Another rumble. She looked up and one of the towers exploded at the top and began leaning towards the center. The crowd erupted into pandemonium, and everyone rushed to escape the island. Lady Bullet flew up and pushed herself against the tower. She pushed and pushed until the tower gave way. It started to fall in the opposite direction, away from the civilians and into the water. She looked around again. Another set of bombs exploded signaled by a low rumble. She spotted the next building ready to fall and pushed it to fall the other way. She looked around as she was pushing. Two towers left and it was only a matter of time of when they would fall. Finally, the second tower fell into the ocean. The ground rumbled again signaling the fall of the third tower. Lady Bullet rushed to it to push it away from the escaping civilians. This one was unusually heavy and it was taking her longer to push it to the other side. Suddenly, to her horror, the ground rumbled again. She looked at the fourth and final tower, which was now falling onto the bridge to mainland. "Oh come on!" Lady Bullet yelled. She tried her best to speed up her push. Her boots began bursting with fire as she tried to activate a sonic boom. Soon, the third tower started falling into the ocean. Not a moment sooner, she used her sonic force to shoot herself right under the fourth tower. She caught it right before it hit the bridge, but the weight of the building was pushing too much on her. This one was too heavy and was falling too fast. Amidst the chaos, Dominic heard a voice. "Dominic..." it said. The voice was the suit computer. "I may be able to assist. However, I will need full control for the both of us." Dominic kept pushing. Images in his mind flashed back to the helicopter about to crash, then to the apartment incident. He remembered the faces angry at him. He remembered the failure. Lady Bullet's voice came up again. "Dominic, what we need to do will exert you past your physical limit. It is imperative that I take full control for both our safety." Lady Bullet looked behind her at the bridge. Cars were slowly moving, while many others were running. She caught a little girl running across as her mom dragged her on. Lady Bullet shook her head. "Susan," she said. "What's up?" Susan replied over comms. "Has my code been fully integrated?" "Yeah, it's good to go!" Dominic sighed. "Lady Bullet, I'm sorry for not trusting you before. Do it!" "Thank you Dominic," Lady Bullet said. "Assuming full control." Dominic's vision blurred and he blacked out. Lady Bullet ran her legs in mid air as she continued to push the falling tower upwards. She kept pushing until finally the tower stopped in its place, mere inches away from touching the bridge. At this moment, Lady Bullet put her plan into action. On her back, two vertical slits opened on her skin, and metal rods sprouted out from behind. Each rod extended 8 feet outward. The rods flicked downward and metal shards resembling bird feathers extended out. Some on the bridge noticed this, and froze with amazement. Lady Bullet repositioned herself so that the tower was now leaning against her back. The wings folded backwards to maintain a wider grip on the falling tower. She extended her feet outward and activated her sonic jets. Fire shot from the bottom of her boots and slowly, she began flying backwards. The bridge was now getting farther and farther away. Soon the tower was completely upright, but Lady Bullet kept pushing. She turned back around to finish the job and pushed the last tower into the ocean. There was a tremendous thud and Lady Bullet got out and made it to the bridge. The crowd of people clapped and cheered. Many took out their phones to record what happened, but they also got a view of a newly evolved Lady Bullet. She smiled and waved at everyone on the bridge. She felt redeemed. "L.B.!" Susan said over comms. "I lost your vitals. Are you okay?" Lady Bullet smiled. "I'm fine. The user is currently unconscious, but we're both okay." Susan came on comms again, with a change of tone and urgency. "Take a breath and head downtown. There's something going on in the city." Lady Bullet hovered higher. In the distance, purple laser lights were dancing around as a giant cloud of fog began rising and obscuring the buildings. Even though it was far, the low rumblings of bass drums reverbed through the entire city. Susan came on comms again, "You've only got three hours of charge left, are you sure you can take it?" Lady Bullet hovered higher. She retracted her wings and positioned herself into flight mode. "I'll do it in one."

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Arousing LeighaEpilogue

Leigha looked out the window of the big truck as it moved along. She was still startled at the silent confrontation she had just had with the State trooper but she continued to slowly stroke herself between the legs. Not only was it pleasing her but she also knew Marty loved it. Her mind was again trying to put the past few months all together, trying to understand what had happened to a young loving wife that all at once she was so involved, so mentally trapped into such deviant practices...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Fucked In My Bed

The next time Tommy and I saw each other was at my house a week after he forced himself on me at the salon. My mom and step-dad went out of town for the weekend, and my sister was away at college. So I was home alone for 2 whole days. Apparently he was keeping a close eye on my house, I actually saw him drive by once during the week, so he knew when my parents werent there. It was Friday evening, the parentals had just driven away, and it was just me now. I ordered a pizza and watched TV all...

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My Best Friend Wendy

Growing up I had only a few close girls as friends. Even though I was a pretty girl I never bonded much with the other popular girls in high school. I was a cheerleader for a year in 9th grade and then over the next summer a new girl moved in down the block from me her name was Wendy and she was in the same grade as I was. She was a tall girl taller than most girls her age maybe 5’8′ or 5’9′ and was still growing. She was athletic whenever I would see her outside she was either dribbling a...

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CA Ne Ki Mast Chudai

Hi dosto mai Adit aap sabhi ka ISS me swagat katra hu, mai Assam ka chote se sahar Rupai Siding ka rahne wala hu, meri age 23 saal hai .Mai Ek CA ka student hu. Sex me ,mujhe kabhi itna ruchi nahi tha. Mai hamesh padai me busy rehta tha kabhi kabar dosto ke sath sex ki baat kar liya karta tha . Kuch dino pahle mere sath kuch ajeeb sa ghatna hua jo mai apke sath aaj share kar raha hoo. Aaj meri articleship ka pahla din tha jab office pahucha to deka to reception pe ek sundar si ladki baithi thi...

2 years ago
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The Rent a Man BluesChapter 1

On this bright spring day, as Megan looked back over all the problems she'd had in her relatively young life, she was sure there had to be a way to deal with this latest one. It was going to be a stinker, but she was sure it could be done. She turned to Hamako Fukuji, a slim dark-haired girl with glasses that masked, to some degree, her Oriental features. "Are you sure about this, Hamako?" she asked. "I'm certain," said the girl. Her English was flawless, because she was a graduate...

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How my girlfriend turned me gay

note,Don't ask me about part two, because I didn't write thisgirlfriend maneuvered me into a night of group sex that was my first with a man, but not the lastA few months after my divorce I moved down the coast a short way from San Francisco, to a smallish town where I hoped to get some of the quiet I had long craved. The divorce had not been especially angry or bitter; after a while my wife and I simply had nothing to say to each other, and while we rarely argued, the long silences at had...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 39

“Savon, honey, can you come here?” Claudia asked. She and Allison walked hands together to her. She looked shyly at his stiff rod that would soon impale her pussy. Claudia moved aside and helped her to lay beside Dan. “We don’t have to do this, you know,” he offered, sensing her hesitation. “I’ve only been with a boy one time before. We were so nervous about getting caught he only lasted about a minute inside me before he came.” “So you don’t know what it’s like to be made love to a boy or...

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Ana Loves BBC

I realized that if my wife had wanted to go out and fuck a black guy, there was absolutely nothing stopping her...I could see Ana was turned on by the affair her friend was having. Finally I just came right out and asked her if she wanted to fuck a black guy too. She blushed and then she asked me if I could make the arrangements…We turned on the computer and looked for a black sex website.Soon my wife found a good candidate; he was handsome, young, with a muscled body and he had a very huge...

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My Friend Becky Part 2

Becky called me the next morning around 10:30. She was giggling almost uncontrollably as she told me how she and Alex had done it in the kitchen (a first for them), then again in bed later that night. This happened after a regular routine of only about two times per month. "He's insatiable!" she was telling me. "He even wanted me to wear your heels all evening", she said as we laughed out loud. "You are amazing," she was now telling me! I was beginning to get a swelled head from all these...

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She was horny for anal

My name is Kendra, I am a 28 year old brunette with 38DDs and a good figure if I do say so myself. I am married to Alan, we have been together for 10 years and we recently had one swinging session with another couple we had met on a cruise ship. I wanted more, Alan has a big dick, but he does not have the sexual appetite that I have. We have sex three times a week and always on a Sunday morning. I have always fancied anal sex but Alan does not. He is not convinced he would like it, so it looks...

1 year ago
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Chapter Five Feminzer disease take over my body over

Feminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Chapter Five The next morning, Friday was a slow day. Cathy suggested we stay home and try to "digest" all that has happened over the week. I agreed. After breakfast, Cathy suggested we go upstairs and she would teach me the ins and outs of shaving my legs and "other parts of my body". The estrogen must really be getting to me because all I said "OK, lets go upstairs and...

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Great Pumpkin Fucker

I had worked every year at the Roscoe Farm since I was 18 to make some extra money. I had worked the past summer helping with the corn and helping around the farm. It was no surprise they called and ask for me to work during the pumpkin season. Mr Roscoe was going to be away for 5 weeks at a rehab center to help with his alcoholism and they wanted me to run the farm until he got back.Mrs. Roscoe was a nice lady but had no idea how to run the farm and left everything to her husband. They invited...

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Jacketandheels fantasy

This is written to jacketandheels and what her pics make me think aboutI will tell you what my whole fantasy was. I only had a few seconds to write you back and I really wanted to at that moment so I just wrote the quick first part of my fantasy. See I think because you have such a cute face and such perfect tits I would have to tit fuck you with a facial. I just love tit fucking when the girl pushes her tits together so her fingers are rubbing the top of my cock . That way I can grab your head...

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The Femchurian Candidate

It was a month before the election and I had a seven point lead in the polls. My conservative opponent didn't even seem to be trying to get out the vote. Many of the voters were energized by my message of bipartisanship and consensus-building. My opponent was a bronzed trust funder named Levi Rush who had great hair and who I had known in law school. He just repeated old conservative talking points about god and family, backed by the usual rich business interests. Still seven...

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Converting Private Jack

In my last year of high school, I was athletic. I went out for football, basketball, track, you name it. I loved the locker rooms. I loved staring at other boys' cocks when they changed into their uniforms or when they showered. Sometimes, I would have my way with them. I was never called by gay slurs- with one exception. One unlucky punk decided to try calling me that. He got his ass kicked...and then some.   It happened in sixth period English class my senior year. Mrs. Nelson was having us...

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Caught Belladonna Michael Von Rothe slipped his black, sheer nylon covered feet into his 4 inch heeled white pumps and walked towards the full-length mirror by the door to his hotel room. He smiled at his handiwork while he took in his self-feminized reflection. On his feet was a pair of pumps decorated with crystal embellishments he had purchased specially for the trip. Michael resituated his pantyhose covered legs. The two layers of pantyhose he was wearing concealed the...

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In Remembrance

As always: Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what takes this story from mindless drivel to readable. * ‘It’s Valentine’s Day.’ Elise perked up at the words and stopped in midstride. Daniel took hold of his wife’s hand as he continued, ‘I remember our first Valentine’s Day. The day we met…’ The corners of Elise’s mouth arched upward. She never heard his version of that special day and was curious. ‘It was the big Valentine’s Day dance during my senior year at...

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Fun at ClubX Bayswater

Finally got a chance to go here again on Saturday afternoon after a long absence. This basically is a adult store with 2 cinemas, the main cinema plays straight porn and has a small play area at the back. The second smaller cinema plays shemale or bi porn and has couches and recliner seat and seats 15 people. I started in the main cinema sitting in the back row, only two other people were there an middle age big guy and an old aged sissy all dressed up . I just played with my cock and had a...

3 years ago
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meri sadi ki peheli raat

hi frndz,, meri kahani meri self Reshmi, 23 years ,hight 168cm,34-26-36 my size, rang gori, bal kahani me apko batane ja rahi hu, yeh meri apbiti hei, meri sadi ho chuki hei, avi koi bachche nehi hei. yeh oos din ki baat hei jab me peheli baar sadi k baad sasural ai thi. ekchuli sasural to naam ki thi, unke ghar par onke alawa aur koi nehi the... mujhse unhone court may sadi kiye the, sadi karke unhone mujhe sidhe apne ghar lekar aye. raat k uswaqt 7.30 ho chuki thi. unhone...

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KlutzChapter 15

Mandy and Beth were walking fast after they closed the door of the 5th wheel. They were almost running by the time they reached the corner but they slowed down after they disappeared from sight. "Whew," Beth said panting. "That was close. I don't know what we could have said if she asked anything else about a picnic. Why did you say we had to talk about a picnic?" Mandy thought for a moment and shrugged her shoulders before saying, "I had to give some reason and that's the only thing...

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Where Eagles Dare

(Edited By LadyShianne, Thanks S~) ‘Spittin’ sand again Sam?’ Asked Sergeant Stein of the 103rd Brigade. His humor seem to lighten the men’s mood. Standing behind an armored vehicle while his men burrowed deeper behind the truck and dunes. His barrel chuckle eased the tension till more bullets ricochet off the hood of the truck again. ‘Yea Sergeant, just can’t seem to get use to the grit,’ the soldier replied with a half hearted laugh. Spitting again to the side of the truck’s wheel. His...

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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday by Michelle Lurker Jeff sat reading under a tree by the football field. The sun was warm on his face as he leafed through the film magazine he was reading. It was a wonderful day, he thought, and began reading an article on a new director when the sun was blotted out. He looked up, to see an incredible specimen of femininity. She was lean and athletic, but had the curves of a woman much more mature than her seventeen years. Long naturally curly blond hair...

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Etched In StoneChapter 4

Dothan Volentin didn't appear to be too dangerous. His eyes were heavily lidded and the deep circles under his eyes gave him the appearance of a desperately tired man. Jorie's first impression was dispelled quickly enough. The slight scurry of a local scavenging rodent, which was typical for the camp, was Dothan's first kill of the night. They had just sat down around a rickety table, a rarity because the only tables were in the labs, the administrators' offices and the commissary. Jorie...

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At Last For Two Friends Ch 6

I awoke sometime later when the sun hit the loungeroom window, I soon realised that Rach and I had fallen asleep after our second round of lovemaking. I lay there behind her with my arm over her hip and my morning erection buried in the crack of her arse. I took a deep breathe and smelled the scent of this lovely woman in my arms, I realised how much I wanted her in my life other than my best friend and I was not prepared to ever settle for anything less than being her lover from now on. I...

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camping with my mom

Oy was one of thoses last mom and son camping outgoing before i go to university in montrealWe endup lucly anf had a nice wooden caban instead of the tent near a RiverFirst day , beaytifull blueu sky and we endup kayaking all daywe came back and noticed a big tent being set up at the camp we shoud have hadA tall you beautifull ebony mom and her son around my age setting things upmy mom like always to friendly ask them if they needed help all 4 getting the hige tent up and chating about where...

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Fulfilling Casual Lovers Second Impregnation Wish

I ran some more hot water to make sure the suds covered my erection. Shelly came into the bathroom putting the tray down on the floor before resting on the edge of the tub, I could smell her perfume. Her gown slipped open revealing smoothly crossed thighs, she absentmindedly pulled it back over her knee. She looked very tired and sad but more beautiful than ever, tall and slim with an attractive face, piercing blue eyes, full red lips on a very pale but flawless complexion, and long straight...

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Trying on Sallys new sundress

I watched Sally wiggle her skirt to the floor. She had already removed her top to expose a cute black bra. I was treated to a nice view of her decolletage as she bent over to push down her skirt. My cock began to harden in my jeans as I examined how the pale skin of her breasts met the top of her bra. Her covered breasts hung and jiggled enticingly as she bent over. I shifted my stance as my groin started to become tight and uncomfortable.Sally stood up and stepped out of her skirt, she...

Quickie Sex
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Next DoorChapter 2

The world was spinning. I want to get up from this hard, cold chair, but this man specifically told me not to. Phewww, just exactly what happened to me. I feel scared and horny and exhausted all rolled into one. If I stand up, I will probably fall down. My legs are tingling and my pussy is throbbing to the thumping of my heart. "What did I do?" "Why did I do that?" Sandy, "Sandy" is my name. He called me slut. Slut Sandy, no Slut Slave Sandy. Why did I allow this to happen? I am not...

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Lightning Reveals All

LIGHTNING REVEALS ALL It is raining outside. We can hear the drops pelt against the glass window panes and beat a staccato rhythm on the roof. The room is lit by the glow of a dying fire in the fireplace. Occasionally, we are illuminated by a flash of lightning, followed by the low rumbling of thunder that we can feel resonate in our bones. Your head is lying on my chest, with your hair tickling my skin. My right arm encircles you, my fingers lightly stroking the soft skin of your back. Time...

Straight Sex
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A Cloak of Lies Ch 11

Camille tasted bile rising in her throat. Glaring at the man she once trusted with her life, she felt as if the world were spinning out of control. ‘You heard me,’ Gerhardt said. ‘Strip.’ ‘You go to hell.’ She said the words with far more conviction than she felt. There was no way out except through him. The door that he blocked was solid steel and not likely to be opened easily. Still, she had no intention of doing what he demanded of her. ‘You can either do as I say, or I’ll have your...

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DominationChapter 15 Resolution

The divorce was finalized a few weeks later. Catherine at first tried to contest it, but when it became evident that Manny wanted nothing more to do with her, she signed the document allowing the divorce to proceed. The house was sold and although she received a fair settlement Catherine was forced to move into a small apartment and take a job clerking at a department store. She was miserable, not sure whether she missed Manny, Mark and Serena or Alexandra the most. At last she could take...

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The Holy Lesbian Ritual

Greetings to all readers, this is your JJ coming back on a Sunday submission. I usually submit one short story in the middle of the week & spend some more time on a Sunday to give my readers a feast with a longer version. Invariably it consumes the whole day whereby I need to stay out of my family circle to complete a quality erotica in English language. I also take this opportunity to thank all of you for the wonderful response and feedback sent to me. The passion of writing erotic literature...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 631

COMBAT SHUTTLE: function dictates design. Basically, an armed and armored box with powerful auxiliary boosters to subsidize the already over-sized impulse drives and teamed with powerful shields to hold off weapon fire and to withstand the screaming passage through atmosphere on the way to ground. It is designed to get twenty troops and their equipment on the ground in one piece, even through heavy enemy fire – and to do it in a hurry. There is some necessary streamlining, but most is left to...

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MrLuckyPOV La Sirena A Very Sexy Halloween

La Sirena brings her huge tits and juicy Latina ass over for a wild halloween night. This busy brunette babe dresses up like every slut loves too on this wonderful holiday. She pushes this cock to the back of her throat before turning around and sitting her tight South American pussy down onto this rock hard dick. She loves getting rammed hard and draining a mans balls. Her pussy forces a load to shoot onto her stomach then her tits extract a second load of cum after an amazing tittyfuck. She...

4 years ago
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True Enslavement PT 3

True enslavement PT 3 No one answered, but the severity of my situation became more evident the brighter the room became. I was still on the floor, my legs to my side, leaning on one arm as I slowly turned my head to scope the entire room. " this wasn't a room, it was more of a jail cell". The bed wasn't against a wall, as I had assumed it was, it was in the center of room, each corner of the bed had a post that rose all the way to ceiling. There must be fifty eye hooks in each...

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fiona 2 sneak peek

beginning of the next part of the fiona series... just cuz.Jordyn woke up on her couch, with jeremy nowhere to be found. she quickly made herself some breakfast and left for work.The day passed normally, a few douchbags at the bar, who were quickly "escorted" out of the bar by the bouncer.she left work with her hoverpack, when she noticed some guys from the bar were following her, she brought them up onto the comm chanell, asking them what they wanted. she got back the reply "you" and noticed...

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Drunk Bitch In Party

Hi again dear readers, thank you for all your lovely comments. I would like to tell you about this incident that happened in a party. After being gang-banged by the neighbor in front of my hubby, he started to pay even lesser attention to me than he used to earlier. Although I was not worried as I kept getting my share of sex from the other sources, but I had to show that I was getting more and more horny. We were supposed to attend a party organised by a drug company, where the other guests...

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Allah Provides What the Heart Desires

Part 1 Part 1  West Hartford, Connecticut (9:58 a.m.), May 11, 2006 The excruciating pain inside of her was starting to ease as her vaginal walls were involuntarily starting to lubricate. She lay naked, hunched over an elegant mahogany coffee table in the family living room, arms tied to the table?s far legs. She was kneeling, legs spread wide. She moved in unison with the cock that penetrated her violently from the rear. It had been such a beautiful and peaceful morning. Then the mayhem...

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Getting ByChapter 29

The party from Silicon Valley had come into the valley along much the same route Crystal and I had followed when we first headed for the desert, following the old I-580 over the Altamont pass before heading south. Going back, we headed west by northwest and hit old state route 198 just west of what was left of Coalinga. We camped in the valley outside Coalinga and got an early start the next morning. The roads we were using, unlike the old freeways, didn't have many hulks of cars on them....

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Matt and his Cougar

The affair between Matt and I was the best thing happening in my life at this moment. Having wild and hot sex with a much younger man was the highlight of my life. One day I was home on a Friday evening with nothing to do since my husband was in bed sick with a 102 fever. I made him some soup and gave him night time medicine so he could fall asleep and not wake up till the morning. My son George was getting himself ready to go out that night, me being curious and wanting to know if he would be...

Cheating Wifes
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A Slap Happy Affair

A Slap Happy Affair: Pt 1. A nice, firm smack.“Nice place, this” Sue thought to herself as she looked around the room at Mr. Gold’s residence. Meg had many years experience in the modeling business, and had once been a glamour girl – but that was many years ago. She had put on weight since then and had gone back into modeling clothes for ladies ‘with the fuller figure’.Mr. Gold turned out to be, not the overweight and middle aged business tycoon that she was expecting him to be. Instead, he...

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Late Starter

Whether you believe it or not I was a virgin up to the age of thirty, I liked women, but for some reason I could never seem to get any further than a quick grope. The number of times I'd had my face slapped should have discouraged me, but I always thought that the next girl would be the one to break my duck. The way I lost my virginity was a complete surprise. I was a fitter in a coach company, every Friday after work I would go to the pub with Alan, one of the other fitters, for a few beers...

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