Hermatus A Futanari Resort
- 1 year ago
- 34
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by C. A. Smith ©2005
Chapter 1: The Crime
Jesus God Almighty! How did she get herself into such a fix? It can't be happening!Not one single soul had so much as whispered to her when she won this vacationtrip that unpaid casino debt by tourists on Paradise Island is a capital crime!It certainly wasn't noted on their web site. Nor had anyone happened to mentionthat cannibalism can be sanctioned by the court for capital offenses on thisgodforsaken tropical island nation . Not her travel agent. Not her lover. Noone. Not one fucking soul! Now she was in deep, deep shit!
And there's not even a U.S. embassy! No one had mentioned that little fact,either.
Okay, true. No one had recommended this place; she had decided on it all byher little blonde self. But it seemed so sensible at the time! She'd won thedamned airline tickets and a week's free stay for herself and Kevin in thehoneymoon suite at the Princess Xarnia Luxury Casino Resort and Health Spawith her winning essay on the subject: ?Why My Lover and I Deserve a Vacationon idyllic Paradise Island.? Of course they weren't exactly on their honeymoon(since they weren't exactly married), but she'd bet most of the ?honeymooners? whobooked that suite were also one wedding shy of being married. Besides, sheand Kevin had used every square inch of the bed, furniture, floor, shower andJacuzzi to do what any madly-in-love, authentic, marriage certificate carrying,honeymooning couple would do. And then some. Which, if you looked at it ina certain way, made it okay.
Then, as if a dozen orgasms the night before weren't enough, the next dayin the Casino, Sunday, she actually came away four-hundred dollars richer thanwhen she started! This had been the real attraction of Paradise Island, ofcourse. She had been to Atlantic City and loved it! She'd spent three dayson a casino cruise ship out of St. Thomas and hardly poked her nose out ofthe gaming rooms the whole time the ship floated in circles outside the three-milelimit. She had been to Las Vegas and had the time of her life! She loved thethrill of gambling and was good at it. True, she had maxed out her credit cardin both Vegas and Atlantic City and had struggled to pay it off, but she'dcome out three hundred dollars ahead on the gambling ship. She figured thetropical heat had something to do with her improved relations with Lady Luck.
She wanted to cash in the chips, now, so she could enjoy holding the fourhundred dollars in her hand, but Kevin talked her out of it.
?Caitlyn, my sweet,? he cajoled, ?think about it. We're going to be on ParadiseIsland for a week. What's the point of cashing them in now when we'll justturn them back into chips tomorrow so we can play some more? With your skillat blackjack, you can easily triple that in a couple more days. It's all amatter of confidence and persistence.?
Right. She'd been plenty confident and persistent and look what happened!Ignorance and stupidity was more like it. She should have caught on that secondnight when her four-hundred dollar winnings had withered to twenty-five dollars.But she'd had a few really good payoffs along the way and was sure she wasdue for another biggie. Trouble was, they closed the Casino at two a.m. beforeit came.
?It's just a matter of timing,? Kevin assured her in the elevator on theirnine story upward journey to another night of frenetic, naked revelry. ?Youwere just starting a really good roll there. Another few hands and you would'vecleaned up! You've got a special aura, sweetheart. It attracts the good cards.We'll pick it up again tomorrow. You'll see. I've got a really good feelingabout this!?
And he gave her a really good feeling that night, too, beginning in the crowdedelevator on the way to their room when he had the audacity to sneak his lefthand under her mini skirt. They were up against the back wall so nobody noticed(she hoped) and she had no way to stop him without drawing attention to it.She was just plain helpless to keep his finger from sliding under her thongand up into that wet, sensitive place that had been itching for attention allday. She just bit her lower lip and concentrated on not moaning. They werethe last ones in the elevator when it reached the ninth floor, so he felt noneed to extract his wiggly finger as he marched her down the hall. She wasjust giddy enough (and just drunk enough from complimentary vodka screwdrivers)to let him, despite her desperate fear that someone would pop out of a doorat any moment and catch them. To make matters worse (and more exciting) heslid his right hand down the front of her scoop-neck tropical halter, pusheddown her barely adequate black lace bra and gently pinched her nipples as theywalked to the door of the honeymoon suite.
By the time they had closed it behind them, she was gasping at the brink ofan orgasm and practically tore his clothes off to get at the remedy for herache. She fondled and caressed it encouragingly as he took an outrageous amountof time to peel off her own skimpy apparel and lay her down on the king sizebed. She writhed in delirious frustration as his tongue found every spot onher body that craved attention. He let her lick and suck the tip of his hugemale sex toy while he did the same for her little female version. Then, usingthat same male appendage, now drenched with saliva, he traced a delightfullyteasing path from her eyelashes, over her lips, across both nipples, aroundher navel and into the valley of her raging desire where it was suddenly swallowedby a very wet, very urgent and very greedy vagina that wouldn't let it go untilit had surrendered a large cache of liquid assets. And that was only the beginningof the night's debauchery.
Tuesday (which began at two thirty in the afternoon after a long soak in theJacuzzi to relieve the soreness in their wonderfully abused sexual parts) Caitlynand Kevin spent a little time at the indoor pool (where the chlorine stungher eyes and threatened her hair), a little time at the first class restaurant(where the food was a little too tempting) and a little time at the beach (wherethe sun was a little too hot and the air too humid).
As they ambled along the hard wet sand where the tide was pulling back, theycame to a high knoll covered with thick vegetation. A sign at the start ofa foot path announced, ?NUDE BEACH.? Kevin was eager to take a look. Giggling,Caitlyn let him lead her by the hand up over the knoll to the other side. Thebeach on this side was just as populated as the one they had left, but withtwo major differences. More than half the beachgoers were black ? native islanders,Caitlyn assumed ? and everyone was stark naked. Kevin urged her on but theywere stopped by a uniformed policeman who told them no one was allowed on thisportion of the beach while wearing any kind of clothing. ?Okay,? Kevin saidbrightly. ?Let's get rid of the suits.? Caitlyn was tempted, but balked. Shetold him she needed another day to work up her courage before she could gettotally naked in public. He reminded her that the bikini she was wearing onlycovered a few square inches of skin. True enough, she agreed; but those fewinches made all the difference to a girl. She promised him with a kiss, however,that tomorrow (with a deal of fortification from the bar) she would returnwith him and strip to the buff. ?You're my witness,? he said to the policeman. ?Youheard her promise!? The man grinned and nodded. Finally Kevin led her backup over the knoll where they made a bee-line for the Casino to resume her roll.
And roll she did! By about eleven o'clock she was five hundred dollars inthe black and a card away from doubling it. But it turned out to be the wrongcard. ?Confidence! Persistence!? Kevin reminded her. So she soldiered on througha stomach churning night of good cards, bad cards, ups, downs, more downs andstill more downs, until ? when the closing bell rang ? she was a little morethan two thousand dollars in the red.
Later that night Kevin did miraculous things with his tongue in all the rightplaces, but somehow the half dozen orgasms he induced failed to lift her entirelyfrom a darkening funk. She tried to take her mind off the financial hole shehad dug by concentrating on increasing the girth of Kevin's love tool withher own well honed oral skills, but her attention to that tender task was niggledby a nasty inner voice reminding her that she had drained all her meager savingsand was within a thousand dollars of blowing past her credit card limit.
But Wednesday morning (well, one in the afternoon to be precise), Kevin remindedher that with four days left of their vacation there was plenty of time toget back on her roll and restore her credit and bank accounts. Confidence!Persistence!
A long visit to the bar to drown the stubborn remnants of her modesty wastedjust enough time for a tropical downpour to show up, giving Caitlyn a temporaryreprieve from her promise to bare it all on the nude beach. She fully intendedto fulfill her promise to Kevin and knew how silly this last scrap of modestywas, but nevertheless, she felt vastly relieved at the postponement. In fact,she took it as a sign that Lady Luck was once again in her corner. She wasready to return to her place in the winners circle!
Sure enough, back at the Casino the cards started coming her way. By sevenin the evening she had won back fifteen hundred dollars. Things were lookingbright again!
But somehow Lady Luck slipped out the back door when Caitlyn wasn't looking.By closing time Thursday morning she had lost it all again and a great dealmore. In fact, the Casino Manager, an enormous black man with a large, affablesmile and small, hard eyes regretted to inform her that her credit card debthad exceeded her limit.
Shaken out of her gambler's daze (and the happy buzz of several free screwdrivers)by this unpleasant news, she turned to Kevin in boozy alarm.
?Jesus, Kevin, I've run through all my money and now my credit card's maxedout. Where's yours??
?Where's my what, sweetie??
?Your fucking credit card, sweetie ! You heard the man. Mine won'twork any more.?
?I didn't bring my credit card with me on this trip. You said it was all paidfor.?
?The flight and the room and the drinks were paid for. Not the fucking chips!What do you have left for cash??
?Thirty dollars. Enough for breakfast tomorrow.?
?Thirty dollars!? Her well hammered brain went into a fuzzy panic. ?JesusChrist, Kevin! Thirty dollars barely pays for a spam sandwich around here!And I can't win any money back without more chips!?
The large Manager cleared his throat politely. ?I'm afraid it's a more urgentproblem than that, ma'am. You see, visitors who are not citizens of this countrymust clear all debts incurred in a casino before they are allowed to leavethe premises. To do otherwise is a serious felony. You now owe the Casino .. .? He consulted a paper drawn from an inside pocket. ?. . . four thousandseven hundred and sixty dollars, payable before you leave the Casino tonight.?
?Before I leave the Casino?!!? Very little happiness remained in Caitlyn'svodka-based buzz. ?How the hell am I gonna pay four thousand dollars beforeleaving the fucking Casino? I don't have two cents! Kevin! Help me here!?
?I'm afraid I don't have it, either,? he reported sadly.
?But he says they're gonna hold us here until we pay it!?
?No ma'am,? the imposing Manager said through his very white teeth. ?The debtis yours. You will be the one detained. And it will not be here inthe Casino. We do not have the facilities for that.?
?Come on, Kevin,? Caitlyn said, jumping up from her chair at the blackjacktable. ?Let's go to our room and figure out how to get some money.?
The Manager lifted a heavy hand into the air and made a slight beckoning signalwith his index finger. ?No ma'am, I'm afraid you will be detained elsewhereunless and until you have satisfied the debt.? Two equally burly black menin uniforms appeared at her side from out of nowhere. ?Kindly put your handsbehind your back, ma'am,? the Manager said blandly.
?What?!? Caitlyn's indignant frustration turned swiftly to shock.
?I said place your hands behind your back. It is necessary for the authoritiesto take you into custody until this matter is resolved.?
?You can't . . . I won't . . . This isn't . . . Kevin!? she sputtered.
But Kevin said nothing, did nothing, as one of the two burly men moved behindCaitlyn, took hold of her wrists, drew them behind her and snapped handcuffsover them.
?Kevin!? she pleaded, ?Do something! They're gonna put me in jail! Call someone!Your credit card company! My mother! The Ambassador! Don't just stand there,for chrissakes! Do something!?
But he did just stand there. And they did take her away, her eyes afire withanger and fright. She had never been in a jail before. Not even a police station.Definitely not a jail in a tropical country filled with extremely poor blackpeople who spent miserable lives groveling out a sub-poverty income servingrich, haughty white tourists. Like her. Her brain filled with stories she hadread where innocent white female visitors to the third world were framed andsent off to a grim prison cell from which they were dragged daily into thehead jailer's office and gang raped.
The jail to which she was taken, as it turned out, was indeed pretty grim.But not for the reasons she had feared. She was not targeted by bitter andresentful natives for mayhem and abuse. She was not thrown into a filthy cellcrammed with lice-covered, venereally infectious prostitutes and thieves. Shewas not dragged into the head jailer's office and savagely raped by sweatyguards calling her a worthless white whore bitch cunt.
In fact, all the jail attendants ? from the two gentle giants who broughther in, to the exquisitely polite desk sergeant who booked her, to the big-bodiedcourteous Matron who led her to her cell, were kind and gracious.
?Now don't you worry, dear,? the Matron told her as she opened the steel doorto the cell block, ?you'll be just fine. Everyone here will treat you withrespect, right up to your dispatch.? Caitlyn took ?dispatch? to mean when Kevingot hold of the money to free her.
She had hoped all the inmates would be asleep, it being two thirty in themorning, so she could slip into an empty bunk unnoticed, postponing the jailhousehorrors she had read about until morning. But as she and her entourage of Matronand guards started down the corridor, there was a rousing cheer! Behind thewall of bars on both sides was a sea of black faces ? mostly men except forone large cell filled with women ? smiling at her, nodding appreciably, takingin every inch of her long straight blond hair, lush white cleavage, slim shapelywhite limbs and flat white tummy fashionably exposed between her short halterand low-riding mini skirt.
To her surprise, she was led to an open door near the far end of the corridorand put in her own private cell. It's furnishings consisted of a dirty, tornup plastic pallette and a truly filthy metal toilet with no seat. She couldjust make out in the dim light a tiny square barred window up near the ceiling.The burly guards removed her handcuffs and withdrew to just outside the celldoor until the Matron had safely locked her in.
?There's no blankets, dear,? the large woman said through the bars, ?but youwon't need any. Try to get some sleep. We'll see you in the morning and prepareyou properly for the Magistrate.?
Caitlyn was too shell shocked to reply. She stood in a helpless rage listeningto the cadence of their feet retreating back down the corridor, followed bythe solid clank of the cell block door and the shunk of its lock. She tookstock of her surroundings: cinder block walls, cement floor and ceiling, ironbars, disgusting pallette, revolting toilet. Not even a sink. She sank cautiouslyto the pallette and burst into tears. It wasn't long before she became acutelyaware of the torrid heat. No air conditioning for ?detained? prisoners. Shecould hear a constant scrabble of cockroaches and other unseen vermin and smelledthe fear-driven stench of her own heavily perspiring body. Eventually, outof sheer weariness, she managed to put her head down on the foul pallette and wept herself into a sweat-drenched sleep.
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SeductionThe Indulgence Resort in Jamaica is an exclusive vacation destination that includes everything in one price: food, lodging, bar tabs, beach accessories, etc. They are self-contained villages whose purpose is to supply Sun, Surf and Sex to their guests. Couples and singles are welcome. Beautiful visitors from around the world come to spend a week or two on their pristine beaches, in their hot night clubs, and in their steamy pools and Jacuzzis. This resort has two large dining rooms, three night...
Part 1My GF and I were in Valalta, naturist resort in Croatia this summer. For her it was her first time to stay in a naturist resort. I will always remember when she said after arriving the first night not to be angry if she wanted to leave next day if she did not feel right at this place. I respected her coz I knew she comes from a very different culture but I also felt very confident that she would like it.. Well, it turned out she loved it! For a lady, living in a big city she felt free to...
Firstly my sincere thanks to the editor who read my previous parts and this one for publishing it. And my sincere thanks to all the readers for all the positive response and the critics!Vihaan and Deepti both boarded the flight with each other’s hand very close. Deepti lay her head on Vihaan’s shoulder and kept looking down. Deepti certainly felt that she’s becoming more and more possessive with her son and didn’t think that it’s wrong.Meanwhile, Vihaan was feeling more comfortable with his...
Hi, I’m Kathy last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. I had been a bodybuilder also; I am a large but very muscular woman in her forties. I love my husband’s Hugh cock and since college I have had quite a few lesbian women who were drawn to my physically fit body.The resort and bar was not doing well so...
I haven't had much to post since my last sexual adventure a few months ago. I was going through a dry spell, tried picking up guys on Craigslist but I just couldn't find anyone who would interest me that much...I used to "settle" but now I have standards with whom I choose to go to bed with. I was working a lot and needed a break, so I took a long weekend and booked a room at a gay resort near Palm Springs, CA. I have never been to such a place, and told myself that I wouldn't fuck anything...
Opening – Devi came to me one day with a ad she saw on internet. It was about a holiday package in a hill station in Kerala – Karnataka border named “Warm Welcome”. So what’s special about a holiday package I wondered. It’s only for girls. Wow, the very thought of going on a ladies only trip excited me. I checked with Dilip if he is willing to let me go. He asked when is it planned. I kind of know that he is supposed to go on a business trip. Personally, I didn’t want him to accompany for a...
My boss and I were working very late to finish the proposal. It would be a huge contract for us, and although I was exhausted, it seemed important to her.I was her intern, getting work experience after graduating high school. I would proofread her copy, letting her know where I didn't understand something. She seemed grateful for my feedback.She gave a huge sigh and said, "Well, I think we've done all we can. I'll have another read in the morning before I submit it.""Let's hope we win!" I...
LesbianOur benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...
Our benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...
Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...
At a Resort When I was a freshman, I went to Turkey on a summer holiday with a couple of my friends after a hard academic year. As girls always do, when we put our feet on that gorgeous ground filled with handsome guys and beautiful girls like me we had immediately gone out to a party at the resort we were staying at. There also were very dirty stinking people around who wanted steal somebody. As it was summer and it was very hot, we were all wearing skimpy tops and very short skirts to...
I’m awoken by the sun peeking over the Skawangunk Mountains. My head is resting on Tony’s chest, my legs intertwined with his as we lay side-by-side on the bed. I manage to rub the sleep from my eyes – the bedside clock reads 5:40. Laying my head back down on Tony’s chest, I close my eyes again and listen to the melodic beating of his heart, to the sound of his breathing. A sigh of contentment escapes my lips.My mind starts to wander and think. Pondering the past and thinking about the...
Straight SexJohn had a very sexy wife. He could hardly keep her satisfied. She wanted sex all the time. He was thirty but had started taking viagara just to keep his cock hard to please her. Last night he ate her pussy and tongue fucked her for an hour and a half then he fucked her for two hours and she still woke him as he slept and sucked his cock then pushed it in her cunt to be fucked. He could not resist her triple D tits and the thick pussy lips and that sexy round ass. Last Saturday she stayed naked...
READER BEWARE TOTAL HARDCORE DESCRIPTIVE PORN. The weekend was a total surprize for me as it hadn’t seemed planned, I was going to spend the Friday at Al’s place having only met him once as described in my recount of meeting an xHamster member, he picked me up around 3pm and after an hours driving we arrived at a huge set of secure gates which lead down a small tree studded driveway to a huge motel like building surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens, Al parked the car and we walked into the...
Hello, readers.I recently started to view this site and enjoying a lot by seeing how they meet up and end up with sex.It’s really an amazing site to read sex story for time pass. Myself ****** from Bangalore.I am 6ft tall and my age is 22.I am doing my final year be. I have lot of friends and enjoy lot like others….. Coming to sex story…It was my friend birthday, so he planned to give a party in a resort.It was for 8 members.I woke early morning and took shorts, t-shirts, and other stuffs and...
Hi, I am Alpha. I love spanking. I love when someone thrash my buttocks. I always want to see my buttocks becoming crimson, especially by a woman. I do not have the spanking from a man and never wants to get. Spanked by a woman have some other pleasure. If any of my female members present on lush want to thrash my buttock, you can. I must move to the content. I have written some of the spanking stories but my story is different from all the stories written by me. I know my grammars are not too...
SpankingDream Island Resort Part 1. Abducted. The two men watched the night guard check the entrance to the dorm buildingand then continue his round. When he disappeared round a corner, they ran silentlyacross the lawn and seconds later had picked the lock. They paused for a momentin the hall, listening, to make sure that all was quiet, then put on infrarednight goggles and ran up the stairs to the second floor, along a row of doorsto stop in front of the fourth. One of them took a devise from his...
You'd always considered yourself a bit of an exhibitionist. What started off as showing off your body at the gym and to your girlfriends led you down a path of hedonism that turned you into a frequent visitor of nude beaches. You felt so relaxed when you were naked, and your young, sculpted body was certainly nothing to be ashamed of from your hard work at the gym and in the pool. But it wasn't all for therapeutic reasons - walking around naked just made everything feel sexier, and that was...
Greetings to all readers. This is Kumar writing from Bangalore. I am 30 years old with a medium built body. It feels good to be writing one more story after a long time and this one happened much before the lockdowns. As always, I would appreciate the support from the readers who share the feedback and comments via my email. The story which I am sharing today involves a reader who approached me after reading one of your previous affairs published on this ISS story site. I was appreciated for...
My name is Bill, Im six feet even and way 145 pounds, I have jet black hair and brown eyes. I keep myself in shape by going to the gym a lot with my wife Jill who is 5'5'' and wieghs 115 pounds with a perfect peach ass and 36C breast. We married right out of high school and had a baby girl. We got jobs and partied and did all the things anyone our age would do but we had a kid so it made this harder but we got good paying jobs and we went on vacations and traveled and lived in a nice community....
Group SexThere’s nothing quite like looking out the window – first thing in the morning – and seeing a blanket of fresh snow that dumped during the night. This definitely could be a ‘fuck my life’ moment if you hate winter and the snow that accompanies it. And, for Cale, it definitely was, but it was also a nice reminder about his upcoming skiing trip with a group of friends to Jackson Hole Resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The four of them – Rachel, Kelsey, Cale and Brian – had planned the trip for...
I have this thing where I like to take personal vacations by myself. And from time to time I get extremely lucky on these trips. Sometimes it’s just me relaxing but occasionally I find myself in situations where I get to Fuck and suck! I booked a hotel to a resort in the Bahamas and couldn’t wait to get there, Alone!I finally got to the resort and went to check in and the girl at the front desk was actually rude. She couldn’t believe I was there alone and made a stupid comment and that wasn’t...
There’s nothing quite like looking out the window – first thing in the morning – and seeing a blanket of fresh snow that dumped during the night. This definitely could be a ‘fuck my life’ moment if you hate winter and the snow that accompanies it. And, for Cale, it definitely was, but it was also a nice reminder about his upcoming skiing trip with a group of friends to Jackson Hole Resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The four of them – Rachel, Kelsey, Cale and Brian – had planned the trip for...
Group Sex