How May I Serve You? My Uncontrollable Change From Successful Businesswoman To Low-Paid Waitress Chapters 4 And 5 free porn video

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How May I Serve You? My Uncontrollable Change from Successful Businesswoman to Low-Paid Waitress By Rachel Rose Parker Hi there! This is my first ever story on FM and I'm delighted to get to share it with you! I'm putting it up here in parts, but if you like what you read, you can get the rest of it right away on Amazon. Any advice or feedback is massively appreciated (the stuff so far has been really beneficial for the future)! People weren't mad on the length of each part, so I'm going to try publishing 2 chapters together and we can see how that goes! Thanks and enjoy! Recap: She can't control herself. Previously a successful and arrogant realtor, Jessie finds herself magically transformed into a waitress in a 50s-themed diner and unable to be anything but the perfect employee. Chapter 4 I had an idea. Maybe the guys didn't remember me because they were with me when this craziness started happening, but maybe it was all isolated to Bobby Joe's. Only one way to find out; call my office. I reached into the pocket on the front of my apron. I hadn't even thought of what was in there. My hand rattled some loose change (tips I had been given that day, no doubt), my notepad, a couple of pens, and- Ah, there it is; my phone. I pulled it out. I always had the most up to date smartphones. I lived my life online. But what came out of my apron pocket was more like finding a relic at an archaeological dig. It was an old flip phone with a green screen and big block letters on it. Something told me this thing didn't get 4G. Of course it didn't. I had a nicer phone that was a Christmas present, but it was nicked off me on a night out and I couldn't afford to get a new one so I used my old one. I preferred it in a lot of ways, mainly because I spent less on credit since I didn't have any internet on it. No! Jesus, Jess. That's not true! But it felt right. Like this is how it is and always had been. I'd better hurry and get out of all this... I went to dial my workplace and paused. What was the number? I had known it off by heart and given it to clients so many times, but now I was drawing a blank. I just stared, struggling. It was like someone had given me a newspaper article but cut out important words from it. As I decided what to do, a hand reached over and grabbed my phone from me. "I've told you a million times; not on the work floor." Jeff gave me a stern look. I sheepishly looked away. Why couldn't I stand up to him?! "I'm holding on to this until the end of your shift, ok? You've enough work out there to keep you busy. The phone will just distract you". "I'm sorry, Jeff. I really am." He sighed. "I know you are. Just don't let it happen again, ok?" "Ok." He walked off. I let a sigh of relief. I really was scared of annoying him. He was my boss, and every fibre of me knew it. As bad as things were right now, he could make it so much worse by canning me. And I really didn't want that to happen. But now, how could I get my works number... That's it; a phone book! I reached under the counter by the work phone, knowing I'd find the dog- eared Yellow Pages. I plonked it down and opened it to the letting agencies. There it was! Horizons Lettings! I grabbed the work phone and dialled. I backed against the shelves to try make myself small so Jeff wouldn't be able to see me on another phone right away. I twirled the cable from the phone as it rang on the other end. "Hello, Horizon Lettings. Linda speaking. How many I help you?" Oh thank God! I knew Linda well. We'd started in the business together. "Hi, Linda. It's Jessie- Eh, Jess." "And how may I help you today, Jess?" "I just wanted to see if you guys were missing me there or anything?" "Missing you? Do you have an appointment with us, ma'am?" Oh no... She didn't know who I was. She thought I was just a client calling. This couldn't be. Maybe if I got patched through to my own office, someone might know what's going on. "No, no appointment. But I was hoping you could patch me through to the sales supervisor please?" "One moment, please." With that, hold music kicked in. I'd never heard it before, since I usually knew all the phone extensions I'd need. Usually. The phone kept ringing, and I wondered what I would do if no one answered. A part of me hoped no one would, because maybe that was because I wasn't at my desk because I was here, and I could just leave the restaurant and get back to the office and everything would go back to normal. First, I'd have to get out of this stupid outfit. It was so humiliating to look like a walking candy cane with embarrassing hat. It would all be over soon. It would- "Hello?" Dammit. "Uh... Hi..." I stammered. It was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place the voice in the office. Then again, I was suddenly having problems remembering anyone from there. "You're through to sales. This is Susanne. How may I help you?" That name... Susanne... It clicked. Susanne was Susie; the waitress who had been looking after us before my... change. "Susie?" "Em, I prefer if you'd call me Susanne, please. And with whom am I speaking?" Oh, God. We'd switched careers. Whatever had happened had put me in her job and her in mine. But I was still me, and she was still her, so that meant that we hadn't straight up switched places. No, our lives had changed so this was my reality, and always had been. "Hello? Are you still there?" "Oh, sorry. I, eh... I'm calling from work. I have to get back. It's really busy here. Sorry to bother you." I could hear her saying it was ok as I hung up. I just stared. I couldn't believe it. That bitch had my life. It just wasn't fair. I know I hadn't been nice to her, but I didn't deserve this. I'd learned my lesson. I just wanted to be out of this ugly uniform and back in my old life. "Are you kidding me right now?" Jeff was looking right at me from opposite the counter. "People are starting to complain and you're just standing there? Hurry up and get those orders over to them." Dammit, the customers! How long had I left them? This just wasn't like me. Wait, no. It wasn't like me because this wasn't my life. But it was looking more and more now like it was. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. It was an emergency. I'll get the food right to them, and I won't cause you any more problems, I swear." "Just see to it you don't, Jessie. You're really pushing it today." This couldn't be going any worse. "You can make up for it by doing the rubbish bag clean-up later." Damn it. Chapter 5 I didn't want to, but I did my job. The 'new me' job. I carried trays of food to people as if I had done it for years, and a part of me felt like I actually had. I scribbled orders on my note pad and shoved it into my little white apron. Using a cloth, I wiped down tables before grabbing some menus and seating more customers. I smiled, even though it hurt my cheeks. I couldn't help myself. I guess it worked, because the more I smiled, and if I left a cute drawing on the bill, people would leave me nicer tips. Those few coins really gave me a sense of worth, like my outward efforts were being appreciated. In the very brief moments I wasn't running between tables, the till, and the kitchen, I watched Shane and Cassie on their date. They looked so happy. They held hands, laughed, and drank from the same milkshake with two straws. I would normally make a joke about how sickening it was, but a massive part of me suddenly longed for that kind of emotional connection. I got the feeling I might be kind of lonely in my new life. After about an hour, they got up and left, walking out hand-in-hand. Shane gave me a discreet nod while Cassie gave a passive smile. They didn't know me, they didn't care. They were a couple in love and ready to leave the slow waitress behind to be a faded memory. I wanted to follow them out, but I couldn't bring myself to. It was busy and I didn't want to let the girls down. Even though this was the first time in my life that I'd met any of them, I knew we all had history and in-jokes and shared secrets. The job was tough, but because we were all in it together, it was somehow more manageable. I never had that in my old life. I'd have to remember to bring a bit of this feeling back with me, when I figured out how to get back to my real life. The day wore on and I got more and more tired. Some of the girls slipped out for a smoke as an excuse to take five minutes off the floor, but I couldn't follow them. I didn't have any cigarettes. I couldn't afford them! Something told me there were some shocks in store for me with this life. It seemed that I was learning (or re-remembering?) things about the new ways when I encountered them, like knowing about the job by being in the restaurant, or knowing about my tight finances by thinking about what I could afford with the tips I was getting. The scary part was that my old life was fading like a dream after waking up. The even scarier part was how ok I was with that. I had to keep reminding myself that this was not me. I caught my reflection in the mirror. You could see the day wearing on my face. Bits of my tied back hair had come loose at the sides and stuck out from the sides of my cap. I looked dishevelled and tired. A foul odour caught my attention. It was a stale French fry smell, far too familiar. It was the same one I had mocked Susie for earlier. I lifted the breast of my dress to my nose and realised the smell was coming from me. It made sense. I was around the fried food at least eight hours a day. I bet my apartment smelled of it too. My apartment... That was going to be fun to go back to see. I took a deep breath, pushed my hair back under the cap, and continued on. A kid knocked her milkshake onto the floor, making a mess. I found myself smiling and cooing at the little girl. She couldn't have been more than seven years old and looked on the verge of tears from the shock of dropping it, and all I wanted to do was make sure she knew it was ok. "I'm so sorry about that, miss. She just wasn't being careful," her mother apologised. "Oh no, that's ok. No use crying over spilt milk, eh?" did I really just say that? How embarrassing. But I wiped up the milkshake, getting it over my hands, making them sticky. I wiped them on my apron, trying to clean them. "Thank you, lady," the girl said. How adorable. Not everyone was so charming. A group of young men in suits, bankers, if I had to guess, spent their entire time undressing me with their eyes and making lewd comments. They stared down my cleavage as I handed out their drinks and watched my ass as I headed back to the till. I tried to get one of the girls to switch with me, but no luck. It only got more obnoxious when I brought their food. "Yo, wench..." Hilarious, guys. "... I said no cheese on this burger. I can't eat this." He very definitely said no such thing. I had been getting some things wrong, but that would have been a pretty memorable request. "I'm sorry, sir. There must have been some mix up. I'll have the kitchen make up a fresh burger with no cheese right away," I stewed inside, trying to appease this jerks. But they were the customer, and my role was to satisfy them. I turned to fix the order, and to get away from them. "Just do me a favour and make sure there are toasty buns!" he chortled as he slapped my ass. I jumped and let out a high pitched squeak. I stood for a moment, not knowing what to do. The three guys started laughing among themselves. I looked at him, exhausted desperation in my eyes. "It's ok, sexy. I'm not planning on marrying you or anything," his friends laughed at his balls. I turned and hurried off, holding back tears of embarrassment. Some people had seen him slap my ass, and awkwardly stared, not knowing what to do. I couldn't blame them. I didn't know either. I asked the cook to make up a new burger without cheese, but made sure to add in a 'special' ingredient for it. He nodded and readied a loogie. It was a petty revenge, but revenge nonetheless. Watching him eat the new burger, I could almost hear the cook's saliva drip every time he bit into the burger. I would have felt sorry, but the guys continued being loud and obnoxious, and once they had left and I was cleaning up their substantial mess, I gathered up the measly seventy-five cent tip between them that they had left. Jerks. The place began to quiet down and my section became quiet. I bussed dirty dishes into a large plastic basin and brought them to the back kitchen to be washed. I made sure the condiments were appropriately dispersed among the tables. I poured half-filled ketchup bottles into other half-filled ketchup bottles to make one whole bottle. This was not glamour. The material of my uniform had begun to irritate me as it rubbed against my greasy skin. I had started the day looking presentable, but was looking more and more dishevelled as my apron was looser and my hair poked out more. It was getting nearer the end of my shift and I didn't care. I just needed to make it a bit longer and I could call it quits. Jeff gave me the order to do rubbish bag clean-up. I grabbed a bin bag and a litter grabber and made my way outside the restaurant and into the mall. My task was to pick up any stray litter from the restaurant and dispose of it, so it didn't look like Bobby Joe's made a mess. I picked up a few empty takeaway bags and put them into my sack. I put the grabber around a discarded milkshake only to have it split open to spill the remaining half-filled contents across the mall floor. Gross. I got on my knees and took a cloth that I tucked in the side of my apron out to start wiping it. "Oh my god, Jessie? Is that you?" I knew that voice and immediately felt my cheeks go hot. I turned and looked up to see some faces I hadn't seen in a long time. The two women were Jane and Laura, girls I had gone to school with. They were BFFs and you'd never see one without the other. We had held up the pretence of friendship, but had a massive rivalry. I had caught them on the odd night out and had made sure to brag about how well I had been doing in my job at the letting agency and just how lovely the view of the canal was from my luxury apartment. Those times, they had skulked away while I gloated. I knew this time was going to be different. I knew that with the changes, my gloating hadn't happened, and we hadn't seen each other in a while, but still had our rivalry. And here I was, flustered and scruffy, kneeling on the hard mall floor, bin bag beside me while I wiped up spilt milkshake. "It IS you! I told you it was her, Laura." They exchanged a smug smirk between themselves. I stood up, tucking the cloth into the strings of my apron. "Hi, Jane. Hi, Laura. It's been awhile. How are you both?" Why did I ask that? I knew I wasn't going to like the answer. "Oh, we're good. Just doing a celebratory shopping spree. My boyfriend, Dave, proposed to me and we are going to move in to a place in the city centre, so we need to make sure we have some lovely things for our new setup. You know how it is," boasted Jane. "Yeah... Sure..." "And I'm getting set to head on another work trip," Laura overtly rolled her head, selling her humble brag. "I'm a travel writer now, did you know? I've a column and am working on my first book." "That's... That's really great." "And what about you, Jessie? What are you up to?" Jane finally asked. She was all too ready for my answer. "Oh, not much. I started a Fine Art degree a couple of years back, but dropped out after the first semester," I told them, surprising myself. I didn't know any of this before right now. I kind of didn't want to know any more. "I'm living in a small apartment on the East side. It's not much and it's a bit of a rough area, but I guess it's nice to be out of home. Otherwise, I've really just been working here at Bobby Joe's." "Oh! You work here?!" Laura beamed. She was just trying to push my buttons, and she was succeeding. My cheeks must have been bright red by now. "Sure look at what she's wearing, Laura. Of course she works here. And your uniform and hat are so cute. I love the frumpy look," I straightened out my dress. It wasn't that frumpy... "Oh my gosh, is that a little heart on your name tag? I love it!" Jane reached over and pulled my nametag towards her to get a better look. I straightened it back up once she let go. I had never felt so exposed and vulnerable. I had never seemed so pathetic compared to these two. "Well, listen, it was good to see you, but we really have to hurry. We are going out with our fellas tonight for dinner and clubbing. You know how it is. And I'm sure you have to wipe down some tables or something before you fold your apron away". This was agony for me, and I couldn't bring myself to say anything against her. I had nothing. I was unusually timid, just like I had been with Jeff, as if I was one wrong word away from destroying everything. As bad as this was, what she said next made me want to crawl into a hole and die; "We will have to stop in for a bite sometime. You can be our waitress!" Bitches.

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The WaitressChapter 2

A couple of days before the move I was having lunch in the diner when three idiots sat a couple of booths in front of me. They were making off-color remarks to Stacy and I was getting a bit pissed but she handled it nicely and took their order. After she walked away I heard the guy on the end saying he was going to put the make on her. Of course his buddies grinned. Stacy came back with their order and set them in front of them when Mr. Macho Idiot asked her out. She nicely said, "No, thank...

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The Waitress Fantasy and Reality

The patterns on the ceiling were arranging themselves into all kinds of mystical shapes in the half-darkness of my bedroom. I lay awake, trying to work out what had happened that evening.The answer should have been, nothing. Because nothing actually happened.And yet.It had just been a simple drinks party for grown-ups, a party put on by Mum’s friend, Brenda. I was there to serve, to be the waitress, complete with a black skirt, black shoes, and a school white shirt.I was already sixteen, but...

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How I Paid The Landlord

How I Paid The LandlordSeveral of you have seen my Picture Gallery with this title and asked 'What was the deal with the Landlord?'Four of us, all in our final year at university, rented a flat together in a suburb of Manchester. Cost £700 per month (12 month contract). We shared the kitchen and bathroom of the house and all had our own room in an old semi-detached villa, one of several properties the landlord rented out to students. I had the attic conversion on the top of the house, the...

4 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 37 Margaret Maynard Takes Command

Gibraltar, September 1807 Lady Carter walked through the rooms of their rented house one more time, making sure they had not forgotten anything. The furnishings would stay in place as per agreement with the owner of the house against a compensation of thirty-two pounds. This was fine for Harriet, since it freed her of the need to sell the items separately. Seeing nothing left behind, Harriet went downstairs. Jenny was holding Richard on her arm who had woken only a short while ago and was...

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A New Waitress in Town

THE NEW WAITRESS Moving to a new community is always difficult, especially when you're alone, with no friends or relatives to turn to. The advantage though is that you can be anyone you want. My name is Robin and I recently graduated from a Boston University, where my family has lived since coming to the US from Ireland. I was only two years old when we came here and have no recollection of Ireland at all. I was very settled in Boston, a good school, swimming competitively on the school team,...

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The New Waitress

The new Waitress By Mary-Margret Moving to a new community is always difficult, especially when you're alone, with no friends or relatives to turn to. The advantage though is that you can be anyone you want. My name is Robin and I recently graduated University from Boston, where my family has lived since coming to the US from Ireland. I was only two years old when we came here and have no recollection of Ireland at all. I was very settled in...

1 year ago
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Changes Abound Mayas Journey The Epilogue

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey the Epilogue A Transition Story by Maria Ski It has been four years since Maya told her family of the choice she made. My Maya, my beautiful Maya matured into a beautiful woman. And when it was time for her to undergo her final surgeries I was there for her. I'm Bianca Morgan Hunter and I'm her life partner. "How could you?" "How could I what?" "How could you allow our son to do this to himself?" "Our son? Our son? You say that know. But she...

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A New Waitress

A New Waitress by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] A New Waitress "You girls have it made! All you have to do is look good and wait for some guy to ask you out! We pay and you get all the benefits without doing anything." "Listen, you big ape. I work six days a week just to have any money at all. That means that when I go on a date it costs me money--money I need just to have an allowance!" "Right. Okay, you maybe, but not many girls have to do that, and I...

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A New Crosdresser Waitress In Town

Moving to a new community is always difficult, especially when you’re alone, with no friends or relatives to turn to. The advantage though is that you can be anyone you want. My name is Robin and I recently graduated from a Boston University, where my family has lived since coming to the US from Ireland. I was only two years old when we came here and have no recollection of Ireland at all. I was very settled in Boston, a good school, swimming competitively on the school team, an...

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A New Waitress In Town

Moving to a new community is always difficult, especially when you're alone, with no friends or relatives to turn to. The advantage though is that you can be anyone you want. My name is Robin and I recently graduated from a Boston University, where my family has lived since coming to the US from Ireland. I was only two years old when we came here and have no recollection of Ireland at all. I was very settled in Boston, a good school, swimming competitively on the school team, an excellent job...

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Im Not Really a Waitress Part 1

I'm Not Really a Waitress part 1 By Jeffanie "Oh Jeffy darling, don't forget to take the clothes off the line before you mow the grass today, I should be back in a couple of hours." "Ok Lisa, I won't forget this time." I watched my neighbor drive away as my thoughts turned from television to the wash-line! I ran out of the house and over to Lisa's and noticed a ton of lingerie blowing in the wind. I retrieved the wash basket from the porch and began...

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The New WaitressChapter 2

Friday arrived, and at five o'clock on the nose, Julie came in through the front door. She was wearing a well-broken pair of cowboy boots, a checked blouse, and a denim mini-skirt. She looked like she was heading out for an evening of line-dancing, and I told her so after we had exchanged greetings. She laughed a bit and said, "These actually are the clothes I usually wear when I do go line-dancing. I figured that since I can dance for hours in these boots, then they'd be good to wear for...

3 years ago
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A Couple A College Boy and a Waitress

Axel and I have been a couple for three years. We’re both in very good shape, him being 42 and me being 38. I love young college cock, however. Let’s suppose your name is Andrew and you are a 20 year old college student. After meeting through Xhamster, we agree to meet.We'd have you meet Axel and myself for the first time at a little dive diner we know of in the valley. We would end up in the empty back room, in a small booth. I would sit in the middle, you and Axel across the table from...

2 years ago
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Im Not Really a Waitress Part 3

I'm not really a waitress part 3 We got back to Lisa's place around 11:00 and as usual she helped me undress. I kicked off my heels and took off my skirt while Lisa pulled off my blouse and sat me on the bed. "Starting right now Jenny everything changes." "What do you mean, where are my clothes at?" "I had your clothes thrown away at the beauty shop earlier this morning." "Why did you do that! I can't go home wearing a dress!" "Your nail polish won't come off and neither...

2 years ago
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College Waitress

College Waitress By Jessica "Asian Barbie" Jess glanced at his watch as he headed to his best friends house. He wanted to hurry up and meet with Paul before he had to go back to the library and study. His junior year at NYU was going very well. He was finishing his studies in math. He had his finals coming up in two weeks but he felt everything was clicking. As he was walking up to the door of Paul's apartment building he noticed his reflection in the mirror of the lobby. "Man I...

4 years ago
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Waiter to waitress

I cant believe that I finally dressed up like a girl. I was living down the beach at Cape Cod {CC} for the summer .I shared a large 3 BR {Bedroom }house with my sort of GF, 2 other girls and some dude without a job.{He was selling MJ but was buddies with the landlord.} We had to share one bathroom and it got a bit hectic with bras, nylons and tampax all over.I am about 5'9 '' with strawberry blonde hair. I was in good shape from jogging but had one constant problem. 3 inch cock.My GF was giving...

1 year ago
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The Hot Waitress Offered Me More Than Just Room Service

My name is Ken and I am a 45 year old entrepreneur. I occasionally have to travel for my business and meet up with clients. You can say, much of the year gets spent at hotels for me. Especially in San Francisco, I have a very specific hotel where I always opt for their corporate suite. This time was no exception. I had my reasons to do so. Even though I am married, I cannot help but get attracted to younger women. Marcella is one of the waitresses here and my constant companion whenever I am at...

Extra Marital Affair
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A diner makes an unexpected friend of a young Chinese waitress

I was dining in a Chinese restaurant with a male companion. An acquaintance who had pestered me to go to dinner with him so many times that I finally relented. He was an interesting enough conversationalist, and the food was good, so I was glad I accepted. But he was flirting enough that I knew he was going to make a pass. Which I would try to sidestep gracefully; no interest there. I’m about 5 foot 5, 110 pounds, late 20’s. Mid-length brown hair and brown eyes. Slim, but a good...

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My Wildon Waitress

The beautiful young blonde woman with cobalt blue eyes bared her teeth briefly before she bit into the corner of the pillow where my head lay. A guy with a crew cut knelt behind her banging his loins into her upturned hips with a physical urgency, I suspect, would normally be seen in those individuals engaged in hand-to-hand (or hand-to-claw) mortal combat with some large carnivorous predator. The girl’s eyes focused on me momentarily before she whispered breathlessly, ‘Merry Christmas....

3 years ago
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My Waitress

Two Years Ago *** Lisa was sitting across from me eating Paige's steak while we talked. When she laid her fork down and took a sip of wine, I heard a soft sound, a thunk. When I felt her bare foot touch my right knee I knew it had been her shoe. She wiggled her toes and pushed her foot up, stroking my leg and making me very hard as she moved it under my kilt. I've worn nothing but a kilt for years. Usually a UtiliKilt but my tartan too, I am a Scot, a Gordon and I have all the gear - sporran,...

Love Stories
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Waitress du jour

You must be over 18 for read this story with rape, if you not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote rape or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read not more. Rape is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Any man who commit rape are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right if they not hurt somebody. Kathy Elliot was nineteen years old and had been working at Jerry's Diner...

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AMAYA Too Beau Coup

Quite frankly, I can understand how some guys become child molesters or start sucking schlong. Having a little wee-wee leaves them with few other alternatives. But if it were me, I would shamefully hide inside my house, never to go outside, if I had anything less than nine inches swinging between my legs. And although I wouldn’t be biting pillows or feeling on little kids, I sure as hell wouldn’t feel confident enough to get naked in front of any fine female if I knew that I couldn’t...

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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he usually got a blowjob or a quick fuck from every woman he interviewed, since jobs on the strip were hard to come by. In Part 1, he interviewed two waitresses, and got his cock sucked. In Part 2, he checked on the kitchen staff, and found time for a quick fuck with the sous-chef….then later got a massage with a happy ending. ---------------------------------------------------- On Thursday morning, Victor did his usual rounds of the casino….it was...

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Whipped WaitressChapter 5

That night Judy slipped into her waitress outfit an hour early and drove down to the restaurant. She wanted to have plenty of time to let her boss know that she was ready for him, ready to do anything that he wanted. She made sure that her red blouse was opened wider than usual, just to tease him a bit. But as soon as she got there at the restaurant she knew there was no chance of getting any action from her boss. Not tonight anyway. Mark had a new waitress he was breaking in. She was just a...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

4 years ago
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Waitress Cheating On Husband

This story is a fantasy of mine, it has true parts.My name is Lynlee, I am 31 years old 5’4” 120lbs and b cup. I am a mother of 3 c***dren. I got married at age 17 after I got pregnant. I attended my senior year of high school with my pregnant belly. I am still married to the same man that got me pregnant, my husband Charles.About 7 years ago I was working at a restaurant as a waitress. As with any waitressing job the more you flirt the more tip you got. It didn’t take me long to figure that...

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The Waitress

The WaitressSophie sits in a corner cafe, her emotions all over the place. As she surveys her surroundings the tables were in need of a wipe, the gloomy ochre, smoke stained paintwork peeling away from the Victorian brickwork beneath. The gloomy surroundings fitted her mood, the girl she was supposed to meet hadn’t turned up, Sophie felt alone, lonely, unwanted and depressed.A new girl appeared at the far side of the counter, it was easy to see by the waitresses wide shoulders and slim hips...

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College Waitress 3

College Waitress 3 By Asian Barbie ([email protected]) Summary: When we last left her, Jessica had a rather restless night. She was visited by a mysterious stranger who had his way with her. She remains tied up to the post in her boss' office, with no sign of imminent escape. Chapter 1: Jessica squirmed impatiently. The ropes binding into her elbows, knees, and ankles were digging into her skin. If she could get out of them, she would have some covering up to do...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

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Dont Forget to tip the Waitress

She awakened with a start. Everything hurt, and hurt bad. She groaned and rolled over, her wrists and ankles hurt and she rubbed them together, just moving alone hurt, but she had small bruises on her wrists and ankles. Next she reached down and felt her breasts. They ached, and her nipples were swollen. Then she decided that the sound she was hearing was the pounding of a headache in her brain. She rolled over to the edge of the bed and sat up. Nothing looked familiar. ...

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College Waitress 2

College Waitress 2 By Asian Barbie Thank you for all your comments. I will try to take the criticism to heart and perfect the stories. Happy reading. When we last left Jess she was at the throes of a brutal spanking. Her new boss, the leach, Rob was teaching his new waitress a lesson. Jess had been transformed into a slutty Alice in Wonderland girl. She was subjected to giving her boss a humiliating blow job and because she had hesitated he had decided to give her a one over....

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