The Waitress Serves Up A Tasty Dish free porn video

was on my way to a meeting at a city about two-hundred kilometres away from my home. I had planned to use the coast road, however, a landslide had closed it. I then had to use an alternative route. It was quite a bit further so I stopped at a truck stop for a cup of coffee.
I was checking my emails on my phone when the waitress came up to me and said, “Have you heard about the bad accident up the road?”
“No, what happened?” I asked.
“It seems a semi has hit the bridge, jack-knifed, caught fire and has completely blocked the road. Nothing can get past. I hope you are not going in that direction.” She asked.
“I am heading west,” I told her.
“Oh God, that’s where it has happened. You will be here for hours!”
“Is there an alternative road?” I questioned.
“No, the low-level bridge was washed away a month ago in a flood. We will be isolated for hours.” She said.
A couple of other travellers arrived having been turned back and ordered coffee.
It didn’t take me long to find out that the waitress was called Sarah as locals called in and ordered coffee and began to discuss the accident.
Then a police officer came into the café and announced that the road would be blocked for many hours as the driver had died in the crash and the police would be investigating the accident and death. They were awaiting an investigation team from the city.
He advised everybody that there was a distinct possibility that the roads would not be open until the following day as the investigation staff would also have difficulty accessing the town. Removing the semi would probably not be undertaken until daylight, and then there was no guarantee that the road would be open until at least the middle of the next day.
I was stuck in the town until at least the next day.
I asked Sarah where the best accommodation was and then contacted the only motel in town, only to find that the police had booked the entire place for their staff. I was not only isolated but without a bed.
By now I was getting along well with Sarah and chatting with the customers.
When I explained my predicament to Sarah, she said, “You could stay at my place, I have a spare bedroom. I have the day off tomorrow so there would be no problem. I gather your wife won't mind you staying with a waitress.” Sarah gave me a smile.
“That won't be a problem, I am not married,” I replied.
She then smiled and excused herself as more people entered the café.
Sarah served the other people who it seemed all local and had come to talk about the accident. She then brought me another cup of coffee and sat and talked to me a little more. I assumed this was to get to know a bit more about me and make sure I was a reputable person, seeing I was going to stay in her home.
“If you would prefer you could go up to my place now, my shift doesn't finish for another two hours. Oh, by the - way I live alone so I hope that won’t scare you off.” Sarah commented and smiled.
I gave her offer some thought and as the café had WiFi I decided I would stay and do some work at the café and go home with her at the end of her shift.
The time passed quickly with all the interruptions of the locals coming in to talk to Sarah about the accident.
The police contingent also arrived and had a coffee. It seemed they had to park on the other side of the bridge and get ferried in by one of the local police officer’s.
The tow truck driver also arrived and began to discuss arrangements to remove the truck with help from the police. It soon became evident their work was not going to be completed in a hurry and the truck and trailer would be a difficult recovery job. The truck driver told the police to ring him when they were ready to start. He was going home. It seemed the driver's body still needed to be recovered after the Fire Sevice put out the fire.
The police officer in charge informed Sarah the investigation crew would have their meals at the café and informed Sarah of the numbers.
Sarah’s arranged for her replacement to start early, and they determined that if the chef remained and helped the replacement chef for an hour or so, they would be able to cope with the increased patronage as the police crew would be coming in at irregular times. It was going to be a long night.
Once it seems Sarah was happy with all the arrangements she came to me.
“It’s time for us to go. I suggest you follow me in my car. It’s the red Ford T Bird.”
I went to my car and in a moment or two Sarah arrived in a bright red car and I followed her. Her place was a few kilometres out of town and on acreage by the look of it. The road was a cul-de-sac and her property located at the far end of the road. There were no other houses I could see. The house looked extremely well kept and the property was obviously a farm with fences and a few cattle. It appeared she had a very nice place.
She drove into a barn and I parked outside, removed my bag from the trunk and waited for her.
“You have a nice place here, a little isolated but lovely. How long have you lived here?” I asked as I walked with her to the front door of the house.
“About two years. I bought it when I bought the café.”
I was little surprised; the land and the café would have been rather expensive.
“You are real countrywoman and a business owner as well?” I questioned.
Sarah laughed and said, “I have a past. I was left quite a bit of money and decided to retire and move out here and live a quiet life. The truck stop changed that idea. I have leased the paddocks to a share farmer. He owns the cattle and I don’t need to worry about the outdoors apart from the pool, lawns and garden.”
I had already noticed that the garden was quite well developed and well cared for.
When I entered the house, it was obvious Sarah had money and taste above that I would have imagined a waitress to have earned.
“You really have a lovely home here. What with the café, how do you make time for the garden?”
“I only work at the truck stop when one of the girls is having her day off, or one of their kids are sick. I usually work two or three days there at the most. The rest of the time I am here or in town, that’s a couple of hours’ up the road.”
There was more to Sarah than met the eye. She had the air of a confident businesswoman in the way she spoke.
Sarah showed me to the room I was to sleep in.
“I am going to have a swim; would you like to join me?” Sarah asked as I dropped my bag.
“I am afraid I didn’t pack any swimmers,” I replied.
“We are both adult and I don’t normally wear them myself so providing you won’t be embarrassed feel free to join me … the same way.” Sarah didn’t mince words.
Then Sarah bought me a towel in her natural state without a hint of embarrassment. She looked amazing naked, her body was trim taut and terrific.
“See you out the back in a couple of minutes.” Then she left me to finish undressing.
I stripped off and wrapped the towel around me, at least to cover my embarrassment to start with.
I heard the back-door slam and then a splash. Sarah was already in the water. I went to join her.
The pool was the Olympic size and looked delightful. The water looked cool and inviting and there was Sarah doing laps. All I could see was her head and her bum as swam the length of the pool. If she saw me she didn’t stop. I waited till she was swimming away from me and then dived in.
The water was cool and had the effect of tightening my balls and shrinking my cock as cold water tends to do. I have been often complimented upon my size and have on occasions been admired by more than one young lady with its appearance and how I use it. I would not be impressing Sarah with it at this moment though.
I began to swim and soon we were swimming laps together and having a bit of fun and making a game out of it. We swam six or seven laps of fifty metres before Sarah stopped. I stopped, and she joined me.
It was more than I usually did when I was in a pool.
I was quite breathless, as was Sarah.
“You are not bad, I don’t normally swim that fast, you have given me a run for my money.” Sarah managed to get out between deep breaths.
“Likewise, I haven’t pushed myself that much for a while,” I replied.
“Maybe we can test your stress level again a bit later,” Sarah commented.
Then Sarah climbed out of the pool and began to towel herself off. She showed no sign of embarrassment or concern that she was naked.
I followed, and we towelled off together and our nakedness did not seem anything unusual or worthy of comment.
Sarah went to the cabana and produced a bottle of wine and two glasses.
We sat and drank and chatted about the crash and the effect it would have on the town. After two glasses of wine, everything was relaxed and comfortable.
After this Sarah took me for a walk around her property. We were still naked and as the place was reasonably isolated and no neighbours in view, there was little chance of us being seen. She was very proud of her garden and even though she had two beehives we were not troubled by the bees.
As we walked Sarah brushed against me not once but twice and I was beginning to feel it wasn’t an accident. The next time I took her hand and immediately she stopped and put her arm around me and kissed me. This was spontaneous and a complete surprise, but one I was not going to reject.
Sarah really knew how to kiss and very quickly our tongues were interlocked and the kiss long and passionate.
Being male and being engaged in such passionate embrace things began to stir down below and what was once a shrivelled looking sausage became a rampant hot and eager cock.
Sarah rubbed herself against it and I soon got the message this was no friendly gesture but a serious attempt to get me randy. I don’t know about her, but she had lit my fire.
Without breaking the embrace, she gently walked me back to a lounge by the pool.
As she broke the embrace, Sarah said, “I hope you want this as much as I do.”
“Test me," I replied.
Without another word, she positioned herself in the missionary position.
She had no hesitation in lying back and exposing herself ready for my hard cock to penetrate and fill her beautiful looking vagina.
She had a small V patch of hair above her slit and this enhanced her beauty. Having spread her legs, she had completely exposed her magnificent bald vagina she was offering to me.
Her breasts were still relatively firm for a woman I guessed was in her mid-thirties. They rested on her chest and did not look like two fried eggs as many women’s breasts can do. They felt natural and not enhanced. I have not seen a more erotic sight in a long while. Her face, hair, figure, and body were beautiful, firm and tanned all over.
I didn’t hesitate. Words were unnecessary and may have spoiled the occasion. I positioned myself and gently inserted my hard cock into the warm pink and wet valley of pleasure she was offering me.
I gradually pressed forward, and my cock began to fill that wonderful part of her that it was obvious she wanted to be filled.
My cock went into her slowly and when I had slid it in as far as I could I looked down at her. She was smiling and again words were not needed. We kissed and this time our bodies united, sexually engaged and beginning to really feel like we were meant to be as we were.
Sarah broke the kiss.
“When I woke this morning, I wasn’t expecting to be doing this.” She said softly as she looked into my eyes.
“An hour ago, I was silently chastising the truck driver for completely disrupting my arrangements. Whilst I am sad he died, I am more than happy with the situation he created, and where I have ended up. I have not enjoyed anything like this for a while.” I told her.
“How long? “She enquired.
“It's not that I haven’t slept with other women. Basically, it been one-night stands with a woman I met at a conference or a quickie with one of the office girls. A quick fuck or possibly a blowjob. Nothing as serene or as romantic as this. Being here with you like this was completely unexpected and so delightful, I could be dreaming.”
“Believe me you are not dreaming. I have wanted somebody like you for ages. The other two girls occasionally get mixed up with a truck driver and have a quickie in his cabin. I am somewhat more discreet.”
“Tell me more,” I asked.
“Both the girls are local now and have worked as prostitutes and know how to handle the situation better than amateurs. Both are single mums. They know their way around and can pick their men. They like the married ones, there are no problems with them. They are also good for business and attract quite a few truckies, but not all get their special service.”
“How about you? Do you play the same game?” I asked.
“Not with truck drivers’,” Sarah replied. “You are the first man I have ever brought home. I knew when I saw you that I liked you. You remind me of somebody I was very close to. However, I never imagined we would end up here, like this.”
“I am something special?” I asked.
“More or less. I have been around for a long time and I believe I can recognise a guy that’s better than average when I see one. After a few short conversations with you in the café, I realised there was something interesting about you. I never expected it to happen as fast as it did. Believe me, I am not regretting it.”
I was now more than comfortable, and we had talked long enough. I began to slowly fuck her, and she was responding in a way that soon had me guessing.
She had told me she was not married but fucked like she really knew her stuff. She just didn't lay there and let things happen she was working at being fucked and fucking me at the same time. She is a class act.
Being with her relaxed me and the way we fucked was something special. I was fucking her gently and rhythmically and she was responding in a way very few women do. There was no doubt about her, she was businesslike in the way she ran her business and the way she fucked. The both of us were deeply engaged in what we were doing for ourselves and each other.
I had not enjoyed a fuck like her for ages, in fact possibly never. The office girls were in it just for fun and I got a quick blowjob or a back-seat fuck. The women I fucked at conferences were professional women who enjoyed an occasional one night stand. They were there to enjoy themselves rather than to please me. Sarah was not only enjoying being fucked but also making sure I was enjoying fucking her as well.
The warmth of her body, the feeling of my cock inside her and the looks I got and the way she reacted wordlessly to some of my actions brought a response in herself. It became a game of anything you can do I can do better. We had been fucking for at least fifteen minutes and had hardly raised a sweat. It was fun rather than a serious fuck. We were both having the time of our lives.
Her body was providing me with pleasures I had not experienced with a woman before. It was obvious I was giving her something she not only desired but was enjoying.
Then Sarah said, “I know now I made a good choice, many men would have cum by now. You are good. I am appreciating you in more ways than one.”
We fucked for a few more minutes without a word and then Sarah said, “I think it is the time we worked this out for ourselves, otherwise we may not have time for afters. I want you to keep me happy for the night and not wear you out in our first experience. I think we can bring this on and have a rest before having seconds.”
I didn’t need to be told a second-time and I went to work fucking her like she obviously needed to be fucked so she would cum… and enjoy it. As soon as I lifted the pace and the thrusts became harder and deeper she responded in a similar way and within a minute we had the rhythm worked out and we were both fucking like we were meant to fuck and working together to bring our first meeting to a fitting climax.
“Oh, Fuck… Fuck…Fuck…Oh, Shit... Fuck me harder, keep it going, deeper… deeper…faster… faster… fuck me … fuck me!” she cried out.
Had she had any neighbours they would have heard her screams of the pleasure and satisfaction she was enjoying.
Then she came.
She bucked and bounced and lifted her ass off the lounge to meet each of my now hard thrusts and screamed as she reached the peak of her orgasm. She put her arms around my neck and pulled me down to get added purchase and pressure forcing my cock deep into her cunt. My cock was going in and out like it was a piston. She pressed her breasts against my chest and the feeling was all I needed.
My orgasm overwhelmed me, and I came too. The sensation of my cock pumping my hot and steamy semen into her felt amazing. Spurt after spurt flowed from the eye of my cock into the furnace she had within her, dousing the fire in her belly.
She said nothing but allowed me to enjoy the pleasure her body was providing me with as I reached the peak of my orgasm. I had not cum this hard or so forcefully that I could remember before. Sarah was probably the best fuck I have ever had in my life.
Finally, the last of my cum had flowed from my cock and I was gasping for breath. That had been the best orgasm I have had for months.
Sarah had also relaxed, and I was laying on top of her. The exertion was over, and the feeling of complete satisfaction was pulsing through our bodies. If Sarah was feeling half as good as I was, she was more than satisfied. We were both lathered in sweat. It was a warm day and what we had just achieved was not only so wonderful it was energetic and worth every ounce of effort. Neither of us had said a word since we had cum. We were enjoying the feeling of being well fucked and fucked well.
“Shit I never realised what I was doing when I thought you might be a good fuck. That was one of the best I have had for a couple of years, and I have had a few in my life. I think you may have realised I am no novice.” Sarah commented.
“I must admit I was impressed with the way in which you organised the business when everything started to get busy with the truck smash and the imposed isolation. Then you handled the customers and the police with a sense of authority. There is more to you than meets the eye and I have never met a woman who fucks as well as you do.”
“Thank you,” Sarah said.
“Not to be too inquisitive, I want to get to know you more the way we are. More than the just businesswoman I know lurks beneath the façade,” I commented.
“Right, get off me and we can clean up and have a drink. I will get us something to eat. You can forget about sleeping in that back room. You are moving into my bedroom. We are going to do what we just did repeatedly. That was the best fuck I have had for ages.”
I stood up and helped her to her feet. We then went inside and went to the bathroom together. She used the toilet to have a pee and get rid of some of my cum which was beginning to flow back, and I washed my cock and balls which were covered in the mix of our fuck juice. She was not in any way concerned about being naked with me and showed no signs of wanting to cover herself.
She got a couple of beers out of the fridge and said, "let's go outside and drink these."
We sat and talked and had our beer. Then Sarah said to me, “I don’t normally want another fuck so soon after the last one, but I cannot believe that what we did was so good.”
“Any time you want to have a repeat performance let me know. I must agree. That was one of the best fucks I have had myself. “I said.
“Have you heard about the old bull and the young bull?” Sarah asked.
“Yes. I can assure you that the old bull had the right idea.”
“You are not going anywhere until tomorrow at the earliest so there is plenty of time for you to play the old bull, and I can be paddock full of cows.” She commented and laughed.
We were sitting next to each other in the lounge and I put my arm around her and she kissed my cheek. Then Sarah slipped her hand around my cock.
“This is the best thing I have met for ages. It’s worth its weight in gold.”
As all this was happening my cock stiffened, the sensation of her hand around it was almost as sensual as when it was filling her cunt. She had a tender touch.
Without saying a word, she slid off the lounge and got between my legs, stroked my cock with her hand a few times and made sure it was as hard as it would get. Then Sarah looked up at me and without looking away, slowly closed her lips over the head of my cock and licked and sucked and ran her tongue around the rim of the glans. My cock twitched with the sensations. This woman knew how to really turn a guy on. She was no novice.
I sat back in the lounge using my arms to support me as Sarah slowly and methodically used her mouth to pleasure my cock. I had often had my cock sucked but never enjoyed as much as I was with her, this was the best ever.
I was outdoors naked in the sunlight, with a beautiful woman who was sucking my cock and knew how to do it perfectly. This was heavenly.
She used her head, mouth and tongue all over the length and circumference of my cock and even managed to deep throat me once or twice without gagging. That was something no woman had ever achieved with me before without gagging, probably due to its girth.
As she stroked my cock with her lips one hand was gently slipping the skin back and forth along the shaft and then she brought her other hand into play and fondled my balls. I could tell from the way she was holding and squeezing my balls she knew what she was doing. She kept working on my cock head keeping it just in her mouth. She looked up and smiled. She was talking to me with her dark brown eyes alone.
I shivered at the sensation of her attention and the way she looked at me. I knew I could not take much more and gradually the feeling in my balls indicated to me that I would soon be filling her mouth with my seed. She obviously recognised the signs and began to work more quickly on me and within a minute I was groaning as the head of my cock became super sensitive, and my body shook as my cock erupted and filled her mouth with my warm and milky cum.
My legs went to jelly. I could feel her hair rubbing against my thighs which was adding to the magnificent sensation that I was enjoying like I had never enjoyed before.
Sarah was amazing.
I must have spurted hard four or five times before the spurts became a dribble and Sarah was swallowing and enjoying each mouthful and seeking more. She was enjoying every drop of it.
Having emptied my balls and prostate of my semen she licked my cock clean and then removed her lips, running her tongue over her lips to show the pleasure she had received from sucking my cock. She devoured the rich, warm wonderful cum that I had produced especially for her alone.
She got off her knees and came and sat beside me.
“I think you might have enjoyed that. I know when a man is getting the treatment that he recognises as something special. You really know how to enjoy a good cock sucker. Your cum tasted like milk and honey.” Sarah said as she put her head on my shoulder. “I haven’t enjoyed doing that to a guy and having it appreciated as much as you just did for some time. Most of them just accept what is happening as something nice, but rarely take the time to enjoy and savour the pleasure that a good cock sucker can provide.”
“I would have to admit that you did that better than any woman who has done it for me before. I think there is more to you than just being a waitress?” I said as I put my hand between her legs to stroke her.
“Time will tell what I have been and what I am,” Sarah said softly.
I knew from the way she had acted since I had met her, then encouraged me to swim naked and then gave me the best head job of my life, that she has a history. I was not going to push her at this time.
I had a feeling time would reveal all I wanted to know and what she would be prepared to tell me.
I looked at my watch and realised it was getting late and told Sarah I would have to make a couple of calls, seeing I was not going to make the conference.
“Have you any idea how long that smash will take to clear? Could you give that cop a ring and get an idea?” I asked Sarah.
“I have to let the office know so they can inform the conference convenor. I have a feeling I won't make it in time.”
“You won't be there at all if I get my way,” Sarah said. “I have plans for you.”
Sarah picked up her mobile and rank the police station, chatted to the guy at the other end, and hung up.
She had been told it could be mid-day tomorrow. The bridge had been pretty badly damaged, and it will need to be examined by an engineer before the road would be opened again.
I rang my office and told them where I was and that they would probably see the problem on the TV news that night. It was causing some concern having a major road blocked.
Somehow, I was not unduly upset. The conference was not very important to me. It seems I had found something or someone far more interesting and I would probably learn more from Sarah that I would at any conference.
Sarah also checked with the café and it seems everything was under control. Between the hotel and the café, they would both be busy but able to cope.
Sarah walked over to me and put her hand on my now soft and deflated cock.
“Sonny boy, you are going to be busy tonight believe me.”
She was talking to my cock, not me.
“It seems you and I are going to get better acquainted,” Sarah said.
“Well, let’s see what we can do to amuse ourselves,” I told her.
I sat Sarah down in the lounge and Instead of sitting beside her I got down on my knees and crawled between her legs.
Sarah knew exactly what I was planning to do and opened her legs wide to allow me access to that part of her I was so anxious to become better acquainted with.
As I approached her she said, “I hope that bridge falls down and you are here forever. I can take quite a bit of this.”
“This … as I see it is a bridge to pleasure.” I told her as I admired her beautifully manicured patch of hair and the perfectly smooth labia surrounding the entrance to her vagina.
I placed my arms on her thighs and pressed my lips to her labia and tasted that part of her that is so exotic and exquisite. The scent and taste of a woman are just so arousing. I licked her lips clear of the moisture that had accumulated there and she tasted like honey.
He hands came down and gently rested on my head pressing me against her.
Then I slipped two fingers into her and curled them up and massaged her G spot.
Sarah jumped and gasped, “Oh God, you really know how to light my fire.”
I then opened her a little wider to see those perfect inner lips and the amazing moist pink entrance that are the gates of heaven. My tongue would soon unlock those gates and grant me access.
I know how much women adore being brought off that way. I licked and widened the opening she had between her legs with my fingers and found the little nub of female delight.
I then squeezed her small clitoris she had into view. It was a little larger than a match head but and it shone like a star. She moaned with the delight of it being exposed to the fresh air, and to the touch of my tongue.
I licked her pink pleasure spot for a moment to allow her to adjust to the sensation. Then I placed both my lips on the covering and sucked the nub of her pleasure out and licked it while I was massaging it with my lips.
I felt her body shiver with the erotic sensation.
This was a trick a girl had shown me in Japan when I had taken a university student into my care for a month that I was working there. She had been trained in the ways of making men happy and from my point of view, herself as well. She had been a wonderful companion, who had enjoyed my company as much as I had enjoyed hers … intimately.
“My God, I have been sucked and licked by many men but never has a man or woman done that to me. That is an amazing.” Sarah exclaimed.
I continued to lick, suck and finger her as she moaned softly. I could feel her enjoying everything I was doing. She shook and shivered each time my tongue rubbed her exposed clitoris. Her legs jumped once or twice as I must have really hit a nerve. Then I felt her press my head against her a little more firmly. This to me was a sign that she was about to cum.
I began to prepare myself for her orgasm as I know most women become quite physical when they have a clitoral orgasm. I held her legs tightly and she knew, I knew, what was happening. Words were unnecessary. Her thighs tightened against my head.
Then she let out a long slow moan as I felt her body twitch and shake as the first spasm of her orgasm hit her. Her body jerked, and I could feel her breasts hitting my head as she began to double up with each spasm of her clit and the sensation racking her body.
She was having a physical and intense orgasm. She was cumming hard. She pressed my head to her vagina hard now, as to try and dull the sensation her clitoris was giving her. I felt an increase in the moisture emanating from her vagina and I tried to lick or suck it into my mouth, but she was pressing my head against her quite hard.
I felt so pleased with myself. Sarah was very experienced and uninhibited, that was obvious. For her to hold my head hard to her clitoris as my lips and tongue massaged her was a sign to me that she was having an intense and most enjoyable experience.
I felt proud of myself for being able to give this woman an experience she obviously was enjoying. I kept licking and sucking the juices now seeping slowly from within her.
Then she let go of my head. She had cum and was now relaxing. Her legs spread open as her body became limp. She lay back in the lounge, breathing deeply unable to utter a word. I removed my cum covered face from her magnificent and sexually satisfied body and licked her juices from my fingers. It was so delicious.
I stood up and could see before me a woman whose hair was wet with sweat and her chest rising and falling as she breathed deeply. She was rubbing each nipple between her fingers of each hand. Her nipples were hard, bright red and her breasts firm. She looked so beautiful.
I stood there for a minute or two before she opened her eyes and looked at me.
“Fuck…I have not had an orgasm like that since I can’t remember. THAT was amazing. That’s two already today. Thank you.” She said.
“Not me … thank you! I would have to agree that what we just accomplished was something that I enjoyed every bit as much as you did.” I told her.
“Come here,” Sarah said as she pulled me down to embrace together. Two hot sweaty bodies kissing and caressing as only satisfied lovers who had enjoyed a great face fuck could.
We kissed passionately. She completely ignored the fact my face was covered in the juice that she had extruded. The mess on my face had come from the process of performing a wonderful and extremely satisfying act of having my face and mouth all over her magnificently juicy vagina.
After we had both satisfied ourselves and had basically recovered from what had been a most passionate experience, I stood up.
Sarah stood up and held me to her.
“I think we need another swim, the both of us are a mess after that.” She virtually whispered.
The both of us dived into the pool and I washed my face and she spent a minute cleaning up the mess I had made between her legs.
After that, we both sat on the edge of the pool and Sarah suggested we go indoors and get a bottle of champagne to celebrate our more than enjoyable experience.
We walked indoors, and I took her hand.
“That’s nice, I haven’t had a man take my hand for some time,” Sarah said.
“I hope I can hold more than that in the next few hours we are destined to have together,” I replied.
Sarah took a bottle of champagne from the fridge and a couple of glasses from a cupboard.
“It’s still warm outside let's go back to the place we have enjoyed so much,” Sarah suggested.
We went back and sat together in the poolside lounge and sipped our champagne and chatted about things in general.
I commented that she had a nice place here and asked, “It appears that you live alone here? I am surprised there is not a man in your life.”
Sarah laughed.
“I had one man in my life and he was wonderful. Unfortunately, he was killed in a helicopter crash. We were married, and he left me a fortune. I bought this place and the truck stop. They are the cover for another business I own, or he did, in the city where you were headed for.”
“I am all ears.” I quipped.
“Believe it or not it is a call girl service. It makes me a fortune and I don’t have to do a thing except collect the proceeds. To better understand the business, I have spent a few days there and learned the life of a call girl from a couple of the women. I have a business partner who controls the business.”
“Now you have my complete attention,” I added.
“The women are all high class and never have been street workers. Some are single mothers making a good living and other more matronly some paying for their children’s education by being available for men."
Sarah added, "It's not about sex every time. They are often asked to accompany men to the theatre or a function. We also have some very attractive young men studs to keep the lonely women happy too. It’s a good life for them.” Sarah added.
“Shit! I would never have picked you as being in that business. You don’t seem hard enough.” I commented.
“I don’t have to be. I have managers who handle everything, so I don’t get that close to the business end of it. The managers are a husband and wife and look after everything and my accountant keeps a good eye on things, as do the police.”
“The police?” I questioned.
“You don’t run a business like that unless you have them involved, as well as the high-class hotels. Almost every booking is made through a hotel concierge. The police know about it and sanction it, providing they get a bit of the action. They, in fact, keep it under control. Seeing we don’t use street girls or seedy hotels, we have no problems with them. A few of the senior ranks get what they ask for from the women. But not me.”
Sarah, I believe had told me more than she intended but we were getting along brilliantly.
“How about the truck stop?” I asked.
“That’s a front to cover the money side of things and pay the taxes. A couple of the girls also give a driver or two what they want as well, but that is their business and nothing to do with me. I work there to keep an eye on things and hire and fire the staff when it's needed. So far, I am getting good results, but a cook will only stay so long before he is off. I can fill in for a day or so until I get another one.” Sarah said as she stood up. It appeared that was the end of that subject.
“Let’s finish the bottle in the bedroom, I am dying to see what you are like in bed. I have no complaints about the other. I loved it.” She told me.
Sarah led the way to the bedroom. It was nothing special but had a king size bed. We poured the last of the wine and sat on the edge of the bed and drank it. Sarah took my soft cock in her hand and fondled it.
“That is a very nice cock, I really like to see them circumcised, they always look better to me,” Sarah said continuing to hold it and look at it.
“It has kept a few women happy in its day,” I added.
“Have you ever been married?” Sarah asked.
“No. I have never met the right woman.” I looked into her eyes.
That comment was ignored by us both and went no further.
Sarah gave me a look and squeezed my cock. I knew there was feeling there, and she and I had already broken the ice sexually. I was going to fuck her, or she was going to fuck me. One way or the other we would both be very happy and satisfied.
My cock began to stiffen as Sarah fondled it and once it was as hard as it would ever be she put her head down and kissed the eye of it.
Then she lay down and I didn’t need to be told. She was ready willing and more than able for the both of us to finish what was obviously going to be something special, for both of us.
I lay beside her and we began to kiss and fondle each other.
As we kissed I maneuvered myself to a position above her. She prepared herself by lifting and spreading her legs. I positioned myself and guided my cock toward her perfect moist and inviting vagina.
I used my hand and placed the head of my cock at her opening and pushed it just into her. Even though she was well versed at having men fuck her, she let out a soft sigh as I entered her. It was as if she had been wanting this for ages and what we were beginning seemed like a relief from the anticipation.
I pressed forward, and our eyes were only for each other. I could see the satisfaction on her face as I gradually filled the void within her with my cock. She was enjoying every moment of my penetration of her. Finally, I got my entire seven inches of manhood completely into her body.
“I have not enjoyed anything for ages as much as I enjoyed you and doing this. It feels so wonderful… and twice already. So wonderful.” Sarah whispered to me.
I felt sure she had been with a man in recent days.
“How long is it since you were doing this?” I asked.
“Oh, about a couple of weeks but that was just a fuck. We were fucking because he wanted it and I was happy to give it to him, but this time I really wanted it. What we did earlier really got me going and I have wanted to do this for hours, not that I didn’t enjoy what we have already done. That was just so good. This is the epitome of what I really wanted.”
I said nothing but realised that she was really enjoying what we had done already, and this was her real desire in asking me to her place.
I then began to slowly rise and fall above her stroking her internal parts with my hard and thick cock. I could feel the firmness of her body around my cock.
It was as if she was holding it tight in her hand, only far better.
I am not overly long, but thicker. Most women seem to enjoy the girth more than the length of it. It fills them, and they can feel it rubbing the walls of their vagina as I rise and withdraw … not quite taking it out, then thrust forward again.
I had been gently fucking her for three or four minutes and I then felt her beginning to move her hips and ass to give herself some additional sensations.
She was participating in our lovemaking rather than just letting me fuck her.
She repositioned her legs and wrapped them around my waist and drew me into her and forced my cock into her as far as she could achieve it.
I realised what she was doing and applied pressure to our union adding to that we had already achieved. The sensation was great.
I could feel my balls being squeezed between us as she tried to use my cock to nail her to the mattress. I leant forward, and we kissed gently. It was obvious she was getting as much pleasure out of having my body pressed against hers and my cock as deep inside her as it was possible. I could feel the firmness if her cervix against the head if my cock and when I wiggled my ass she responded with a soft murmur of pleasure and enjoyment.
“You fuck like Harry, my husband.” Sarah commented softly, “He was good, and you are every bit as good. I am loving what we are doing. I have not enjoyed being fucked like this since he died. I could fall in love with you” Sarah commented.
“I think I am in love with you,” I said. ”I haven’t enjoyed being with anybody like I have with you today.”
We stopped talking and we both devoted ourselves to making love in the ways we were both enjoying.
The pair of us knew how to fuck. We were using every aspect of our experience to ensure that the both of us were not only providing each other with pleasure but enjoying the sensation each of our naked bodies could provide us. The both of us were, in fact, fucking each other.
After about seven or eight minutes, Sarah asked, “Can I get on top? I like to be there at some time and I think when we have cum I don’t think I will be capable of fucking you for hours. I will be shattered. This is too much like the old days with Harry."
She added, "This is not only a good fuck, it has become extremely emotional for me. I had a happy marriage and you have brought so many aspects of my life with Harry back to me. I want to relive some of the pleasures I had with him… with you.”
I didn’t hesitate. I wanted her to be as happy with me as she had obviously been with her husband Harry. Within seconds I had pulled out and had swapped places with her and she was straddling me ready to my cock back into her.
Before she slipped my cock into her she bent forward and kissed me. It was a kiss I will never forget. It wasn’t hot and passionate, it was a kiss that was soft and gentle. I am sure that’s the way the two of them kissed when they were making love.
This woman was all woman and in no way as hard as she seemed, well in bed, anyhow.
Sarah then lifted herself up and positioned my cock head against her labia and then slowly lowered herself down so as my cock slid into her vagina without any resistance. We were both quite moist from when we had been fucking minutes before.
I looked down and watched her cunt slowly devour my cock as it disappeared into her body. Then I looked up at her and fondled her firm breasts.
Now that she had her body impaled on my cock and the look on her face was just amazing. She was just sitting on my cock, not moving but I could feel my cock firmly embedded in her. She had tears running down her cheeks and the look of divine pleasure on her face.
She was reliving some part of her past and she was virtually in a trance.
Somehow, I was providing the pleasure that her deceased husband had provided when they made love.
“Oh, Harry, I miss you.” She uttered softly, completely oblivious to me.
Her emotion was beyond words.
She was making love to me as she had with her former husband. I was not going to say or do anything to break the spell she was in.
I could feel the warmth and wetness of her vagina slowly pressing down on my cock. I was enjoying the feeling as much as she was. The only difference was, I was not reliving past experiences.
I hoped I was beginning a new-found pleasure with this woman. She made love and fucked like an angel and she and I were enjoying our lovemaking experiences that I had not previously enjoyed with any other woman.
I decided that this was not going to be a one and only experience with her. I wanted it to be the beginning of a long association with her. I had known her for only a matter of hours. We had enjoyed sex together like I had enjoyed like no other. We were in the same bed she had slept with her husband. We were making love as love should be made.
She was reliving something she had enjoyed in her past with me. Never had I had similar feelings for any woman I have known or made love to.
Slowly Sarah began to return to her present life. He memories and experiences of the past had been rekindled but with another man. I felt proud it was me.
Then she leant forward and said softly, “I am sorry, but the way that you and I have enjoyed having sex together is haunting. I have had sex with many men, but never like I had with Harry, and now I am having the same experience with you. I love you.”
I was a little taken back. I had often told women I loved them in the heat of the moment when I was cumming, or we were having an extraordinary fuck together, but it ended when I came. I was never in love with them.
This had a completely different feeling, she was being honest and truthful, I could tell by the way she spoke. It was not as a result of or during an orgasm. That was to come.
Sarah really meant it and I was not going to contradict or refuse her the love she was enjoying or had enjoyed with her former husband. In a number of hours, I had found pleasure in this woman I had never experienced before. Maybe I was falling in love with her as well.
“Jesus’ – let’s get this moving. You are all soft and soggy. Let’s fuck.” Sarah exclaimed.
From that moment on Sarah devoted herself to her own pleasure. She was on top of me and she knew how to fuck cowgirl. She was physically fit and could work herself off on my cock in a way that I had never enjoyed as much as I was now.
I continued to fondle her breasts as she fucked me. Then she lowered herself down and she was offering me a nipple to suckle upon.
I did not refuse and took her hard nipple one after the other into my mouth, rubbed each one between my lips and then with my tongue. Now we were really fucking like two adults’ hell-bent on giving and getting pleasure from having intercourse and employing every aspect of our bodies to do so.
“Oh FUCK" She screamed. "I am going to cum. Oh FUCK!”
I was overwhelmed by her reaction and there was no way I was able to cum with her. This was to be her climax on her own. I was providing the cock and that was all.
Sarah began to moan and to cry and to become really emotional. I had not experienced a woman climax like this before. In her mind, she was reliving some experience or experiences she previously enjoyed. Harry must have been an amazing man.
She fell forward and embraced me. She was weeping and at the same time gyrating her vagina over my cock as she was fucking me.
She remained like this for at least two or three minutes before she raised her self above me before looking down. Without a word she lay her body on mine and kissed me in the most loving way I have ever had a woman kiss me.
Then she got herself together. She sat up and said, “Sorry, I got carried away. Let's make sure you cum in a big way as well."
She then resumed her cowgirl position.
“I want you to cum and fill me. I want to feel again what I haven't felt for four years when he filled me as no other man could.”
She began to fuck me as if nothing had occurred and it wasn’t long before I had regained the sensations I had been slowly building up previously.
After a minute or two I could feel the sensation crest.
“You are about to get your wish, my love,” I said.
Then I began to pump, grunt and ejaculate as best I could with her on top of me. She wiggled and shook, and she gave my cock a good work out and I was able to fill her with as much cum as I had made. Once she realised I was spent, she fell forward and hugged and kissed me and made sure my cock did not withdraw from with her magnificent vagina.
We were hot and sweaty. What I had just achieved with Sarah was lovemaking and not just fucking.
I had fucked many women, and none had reacted or behaved as Sarah had done as we fucked. I was beginning to think I had just made real love to a woman who wanted to be made love to and not just fucked.
If there is a heaven, this would be it.
I suppose we lay there for at least ten minutes not saying a word. Sarah was in a world of her own. My cock had slipped out as it collapsed and shrunk. My cum had leaked back out of her and was all over my cock and balls and I gathered, the sheet.
Then she lifted herself off me sat up and said, “I have only ever loved one man before today. Now I have learned I can love again.”
“I hope it is me.” I sort of said in a sheepish way.
“I have fucked and been fucked more times than I could possibly count. When I made love to Harry, I knew I had found a man above all men. Now I have found another. We are going to have to have a long talk and work things out together.”
“Let’s have a shower and another drink. I really need one after that.” I exclaimed.
“Fuck me one more time,” Sarah asked.
Sarah took my soft cum covered cock, stroked it a couple of times with her hand and it soon responded. She just adopted the doggy position and I went into her cum soaked cunt and we fucked like two dogs. I eventually came.
“Leave it there. Leave it in there,” Sarah begged.
Then she worked herself off on my semi-hard cock and she had another orgasm that she enjoyed and seemed more than happy that this orgasm was just that – an ordinary climax to a nice fuck. It was not emotional or special, it was just something we both enjoyed.
Then we went to the bathroom to shower and clean ourselves up in preparation for a meal and then bed to relive our new-found pleasures together.
This was going to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

- 09.03.2020
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- Category:
- Straight Sex