Halloween - X free porn video

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Halloween - X Author's Note: Wrote two versions of this, one with sex, one without, because I know some prefer and other don't. Been working on a story that has gotten rather long, wanted to write a short story, these are them. Enjoy. I went to Jan's front door carrying a shopping bag and a case. I was so excited to be going to a Halloween party tonight. Jan and I had been friends and off and on lovers for many years. We decided to go to a club tonight for a big party. There was a prize for best costume, I knew I wouldn't be in contention for that, but I was thrilled about going. Jan opened the door in answer to my knock, she hadn't started getting ready yet. Blue jeans, t-shirt and bare feet. "Hey Ed, come on in, I have an early dinner ready, figured we'd eat before we start the preparations. Looks like you came prepared." I dropped my stuff in the living room and followed her to the kitchen. "Everything but the dress." "Well, I'll get that for you after we eat. For now, let's just chill." We sat and ate and talked. Dinner was light which was great for me. I knew her dress would be a little tight on me so I didn't want an after dinner bulge. "Well, I better get in the shower," Jan announced as she rose from the table. "You go ahead, I'll clean this up," I offered. "Thanks." She turned and headed for her bedroom. I cleaned off the table, rinsed off the dishes and dropped them in the dishwasher. I stored the leftovers in the fridge and headed for the living room to begin my preparation. Jan was just heading back to the bedroom now clad in a robe. "Thought I would bring you the dress. Hope it fits." And she disappeared closing the door behind her. I went to the dress and stroked it a bit relishing the idea of wearing it. It was white silk with a scattering of little black squares, about knee length, full skirt, half sleeve. I coveted this dress the first time I saw Jan wearing it but she was very protective of it since it was rather expensive. She finally had worn it enough times to allow me my chance. I stripped down naked and began pulling things from my shopping bag. Right before I left the house I had showered and shaved every hair I could find from my nose on down. First was a white strapless corset. I fastened it around my waist, it took some effort and I had to had to suck in my stomach quite a bit to make it fit, I could feel dinner sitting like a rock inside. At last I got it completely done up and was able to relax a bit. It held me in nicely. I worked my hands inside the cups and rearranged the little fat I had into the cup as much as possible. To help I had purchased a couple breast forms which I wedged in to give me passible breasts. Next I attached the garters and pulled a pair of black silk stockings from the bag. I thrilled at the feel of them sliding up my bare legs. Getting stocking clipped always gave me problems, but today was even worse as my hands were shaking from the excitement. I finally got them attached and adjusted the garters. I wasn't sure about black hose, white would have been too much, but Jan wore it with black once and I liked the look. A white panty followed. It had a solid satin panel up the front and back with the obligatory pink rose at the center of the waistband. The sides were all lace, cut high to the hip. They were a size smaller to reduce any bulges; the skirt was loose so I wouldn't have any panty lines. I pulled a pair of black and white stiletto heels from my bag and slipped my feet into them. I stood there a moment just relishing the feel of these things adorning my body. I took only a moment because I still had a long way to go. I pushed the bag aside and opened my case. An array of makeup sat before me. First grabbed my wig cap and pulled my hair under it. Then I went to work laying down a light base on my face and neck then added color accenting my cheekbones, and a bit of color around my breasts to make them look a bit larger than they were. My eyes I went with a dark shade on the lids and let it fade out toward my eyebrows. I darkened by eyebrows just a bit and only a slim line of them, the rest were fairly well hidden by makeup. False eyelashes got attached to complete my eyes. At last a deep red lipstick which I painted on. Returning to the bag I had already painted my toenails but I had fake fingernails that I carefully attached to each finger. I carefully removed an auburn wig. I worked it onto my head and a few strategic hairpins secured it. The hair hung down in lazy curl across my shoulders and it gave me a chill feeling it slip across the bare skin of my back. "You could go just like that," Jan called as she walked into the room. I felt suddenly embarrassed caught in my lingerie. It was foolish, we had seen each other naked, but this seemed odd. I quickly stood and turned my back to her and grabbed for the dress. "Relax," she snickered. "You look amazing." "Well, I just feel kind of exposed," I stammered as I slipped the dress carefully over my head. "I guess I am just being silly." I felt the dress drop down my body and again thrilled at the feel of the silk as it settled. The front gaped open and I pulled the left side across and inside the right where two buttons secured it in place. I attached the right side near my left hip on the outside with another pair of buttons. With shaking hands I checked over the dress to be sure everything was in place. I finally turned and faced Jan. "Nobody is going to think you are in costume." She walked toward me, took my hand and proceeded to turn me. "That dress fits you perfectly; I'm a bit taken back. I thought it might be a bit too small. Am I that big?" "It is probably the corset," I offered. I could feel myself blushing a bit at the compliments. "Besides, look at you Miss Lara Croft! There is no way I could pull off something that skin tight, and those shorts are, well, short. Where did you find all the props?" "Toy stores, various places around the mall." She smiled turning to give a full view, wiggling her tush a bit. "I bought a hair extension that clips in for the braid. Matches my own color close enough that I don't think you can tell." "Nope, not unless you get really close. You look great." "Ready to go?" She grabbed a small purse and pulled her keys from it. "I'm driving, I don't know if you can drive in those heels." "Jewelry and then I need to get my purse in order and I'll be ready." I had a pair of dangle earrings that I slipped into the holes on my ears and placed a fine gold chain with matching pendant around my neck. Finally I picked up a black and white clutch that matched my shoes and loaded it up with the few necessities I would need: credit card, a little cash, lipstick, and make-up repair kit. "OK, let's go." We walked to the car and I again was thrilled by the feel of the dress slipping around my legs, the difference I felt where it was separated from my skin by the stocking and where it met bare skin near my hips. I carefully tucked it in before pulling the door close. Jan smiled a bit as she started the car, she had been watching me. We arrived at the club, the door attendant ushered us in without paying the cover charge, ladies get in free. I decided not to argue the point. We went inside, the place was already crowded, Jan ordered the first round of drinks. Superheroes seemed to be the theme of this party. Saw plenty of different characters representing both the Marvel and DC universes. Jan and I hung together for a while, we danced some, then she wandered off. I drank, I danced with nobody in particular. I just went to the floor and some girl or guy would start dancing with me. Didn't matter to me, just dancing. They did the contest, I didn't participate. A couple who came as characters from Guardians of the Galaxy won. I have to admit they put a lot of time in on their costumes. They looked great. I went to the ladies' room. Felt too weird to try and use the mens' room. I just kept to myself, did my business, fixed my make-up and left. None of the women in there seemed to even notice me. I wandered about the club for a while. I hadn't seen Jan in more than an hour. Then I did see her. Lara Croft and Thor were in a booth in the corner making out like there was no tomorrow. Thor was giving her breast a thorough check and she was working down between his legs pretty good. I stood and stared for what seemed like forever. They never even saw me. Finally I shook myself out of it and went to the bar. I climbed onto a stool, adjusted my skirt and ordered another drink. I don't know why I was upset, Jan and I weren't together in any sense of the word, except we came to this party. "What happened?" came a voice from my left. "Excuse me," I answered trying not to betray myself with my voice. I hadn't said a lot, even ordering drinks I did with a smile and offering my empty glass. I looked to the voice and saw a petite blond in a flowing blue floor length dress. "You've been having a good time all night and suddenly you're sulking here at the bar." "You've been watching me?" "Yeah, a bit." She gathered her dress and perched herself on the stool next to me. "At first I was trying to decide if you were in costume or not, you did a great job! Then I was trying to decide if you were with someone. You seemed upset at the two making out in the corner. Are you with one of them?" "Um, well, I came here with Lara Croft," I admitted. "But we are just friends, not involved or anything." "Then why so upset?" "Familiar pattern, I guess," I sighed. "I just hope she remembers to give me her keys so I can get back to my car." "Well, if she doesn't there are other options," she smiled. "I'm Terri." "Hi, Terri," I answered. "I'm, uh." I glanced around. "I'm Ed." "Hi Ed, nice to meet you." "Frozen, right?" "Yes! What can I say, I want to be a princess and I love long dresses. I rarely get to go somewhere nice that I can wear something like that so I decided I'd do it tonight." "I think you look beautiful." I got the bartenders attention, signaled toward Terri's empty glass and my own. He got the message and proceeded to get us a couple drinks. We talked for the rest of the night. She didn't pry into my choice of costumes and I enjoyed myself immensely. Suddenly I heard "Last call for alcohol!" and realized the evening was close to over. "I guess I need to see if I need to find a way home," I murmured. "I'll be happy to take you if you need it. I've really enjoyed our time together." I smiled and started wondering if she would let me kiss her when Jan stumbled up. "Hey," she slurred. "Hi, I was just about to go looking for you." "Oh, I was around. Great party," she giggled. I felt embarrassed for her. "I've been talking with Terri, here" "Oh!" she spun around to look and nearly fell to the floor. "Hi." With her back to me I saw that one side of her shorts had been pulled up exposing one cheek pretty well. I briefly thought of pulling it down for her but decided against it. "OK, how about you give me your keys and I drive us back to your place?" "Okey dokey," she turned back and held her purse out to me. I fished out her keys grateful she didn't argue about it. I paid the tab with my credit card, which earner a double take from the bartender and proceeded to try and leave. Jan nearly collapsed and I came close to breaking either my ankle or the heel on my shoe. I was debating on taking off my shoes and ruining my stockings when a voice spoke up behind me. "Why don't you let me give you a hand?" Terri to the rescue. She took Jan by one arm and an armful of her own dress in the other. I took the other arm and we were able to march Jan to the car with only a few stumbles. I managed to get the door open and gently lower Jan into the passenger seat. I turned to Terri. "Thank you so much," I reached out and grasped her hand. "I really appreciate it and, well, I was wondering if maybe..." I didn't get to finish as I felt a hand sliding up my leg under my dress. "Hey!" I tried to step away and pull my dress off Jan's arm but the door blocked my path to one side and Terri was too close on the other. "Oh, come on, show me those pretty panties." Jan reached again and before I could move she had gotten hold of my panties and pulled them to my ankles. Now I couldn't move at all without falling. I kept trying to reach them to pull them up but Jan would pull my dress up . "Would you please stop and behave yourself!" I commanded. "No, I want to suck your cock," she whined. "I'm all horny." "Didn't you get enough from Thor," I accused. "No, he wanted me to go to the bathroom with him but I didn't want to do it in there." "You look like you are certainly going to have your hands full getting her home." Terri peered around me at Jan now leaning out the car door trying to reach under my dress again. "It might be easier to give her what she wants. You could have a wreck trying to stop her while you drive." "She's right, you should give me what I want." Jan's hand again crept up my leg. "You be quiet, and you? Are you serious?" I looked at Jan. "Better safe," she giggled. She moved closer to me making me take a shuffle back closer to Jan. In a heartbeat Jan's fingers were wrapped around my cock and she began trying to move my dress out of the way. "Let me help you." Terri reached down and pulled my dress up exposing me to the night air and the both of them. Jan wasted no time. She leaned in and began greedily sucking my cock. "This isn't exactly the behavior I expect from a princess," I told Terri as I tried to maintain some control. It was going to be a difficult task. "Oh, we've all been in other relationships," she explained as she looked down at Jan bobbing her head up and down my shaft. "She was right about the panties, those look very nice and expensive. I'm guessing this wasn't just a one-time Halloween dress-up." "Um, no, I like dressing up like this, Halloween gives me a chance to really go all out," I explained. "Oh, um." My control was slipping. "This is actually her dress, she finally let me borrow it so I splurged a bit on all the rest." "Well, it is a very nice dress," Terri complimented. "It looks like you are just about ready." "Don't come in my mouth," Jan protested. "And don't get anything on my dress, please." She leaned back in and popped my dick back into her mouth. "Well, that was rude." Terri shook her head. "It isn't fair to rile a guy up and not let him finish. Where do you expect him to go?" Jan just shrugged. Terri looked at me as my eyes were starting to roll back. "Jan, give me that." She squatted down and pulled my cock from Jan's mouth and immediately took it in her own. Jan started to protest but my grunts and shudders told her that I was dumping my load down Terri's throat, just what she didn't want. "Humph." She folded her arms and leaned back into her seat. "You could have held on a bit longer, I wasn't done." I ignored her and watched Terri as she finished cleaning me off careful not to allow anything to drip on my dress or hers. I held my dress as she reached down and pulled my panties back into place. With a gentle pat she took my dress from my hands and lowered it back into place. "That was interesting." She stood and rubbed the corners of her mouth making sure nothing was there. "I can't say I've ever done that before, taking over a blow job. But, I liked your cock." "Thanks, I'm sorry it was over so fast," I mumbled. "I'd have to say it was a first for me as well, on many levels." "OK, so, you need to take her home and I am betting she is going to be ready for round two. I hope you are." "Wait, I want to ask you out," I stammered. "She and I are friends, she is just wasted on tequila shots at the moment." "Oh, I think we'll go out," Terri smiled. "But you shouldn't leave a friend high and dry like that. Take her home, make sure she is good in all respects, then call me tomorrow. Where's your phone?" I pulled my phone from my purse and she added herself to my contacts list, then texted herself so she's have my number. "Call me tomorrow so I know you made it ok, but better wait til the afternoon, I'm going to sleep late." "I'll do that, but can we go ahead and make some plans now?" I pleaded. "Can we meet for coffee or a drink? Maybe Monday evening after work?" "OK, call and we'll pick a place." Terri turned and started to leave. "Oh, do you have move panties like those?" "I have some, not as nice, not as expensive, but nice enough for me." "Well, I like to have a nice looking man, but I don't think I'd mind knowing he was wearing some sexy panties for me underneath. Could you do that for me?" "Yeah, absolutely, I could do that." I smiled. Terri turned and walked away. I closed Jan's door and got in the other side. It took a little bit to adjust to driving in heels but I got us to her house without a problem. I got her to her bed. "You owe me one," she muttered as I started to leave her. "One what?" I asked. "Either head or a good fuck or both," she mumbled. "Hey, I didn't ask you to do that back there that was all you." "Yeah, and your new girlfriend said to make sure I am satisfied," she smirked. "So, satisfy me." She spread her legs apart. "You need to get undressed first," I informed her. "Fine." She sat up and started taking off the pieces of her costume. "You need to take off my dress now; I still don't want you getting anything on it. But leave everything else on." I peeled off the dress and carefully laid it over a chair in the bedroom. I turned in time to see her trying to peel the clothes down her legs. "Let me." I walked over and worked the tight outfit down off her legs. She was left lying back in a black lace push-up bra and nothing else. I positioned myself and when to kissing on her pussy. She got into it pretty quickly and I started getting a hard-on again. I watched as the red fingernails of my hands worked her breasts against the black lace. Jan started moaning and then started pulling at me to climb up on her. I was ready and stood up and pulled my panties off. I started to climb on and she grabbed my cock and practically pulled me into her. She grabbed my ass and raised her hips taking me as deep as I could get. Once the rhythm was set she began running her hands over my corset, pulling the garters, feeling my breasts. Her bare legs rubbing against my legs still encased in black silk. I saw in her face her orgasm but I wasn't done yet, the previous blow job was extending my stamina. Within a couple moments, she was back looking for her second orgasm. She came again. Finally she and I both came one last time. I collapsed of top of her. "OK, why don't you get those things off and climb into bed," she whispered. "It's too late for you to drive home." I nodded and pushed myself to my feet. I picked my panties off the floor and went to the living room. It took me a while to get everything off and put away but eventually I slipped on a silk nightgown I had brought just in case and went back to the bedroom. I saw the bra she had been wearing discarded by the bed, she was under the covers but I was certain she hadn't bothered taking off her make-up or put anything else on. Well, no doing anything about that now. I was exhausted. I crawled into bed and she scooted over next to me. "This was a good last time," she whispered. I didn't answer, but I agreed.

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This is a true story. My lust filled sister-in-law comes to visit. What an unexpected surprise. Lorrie, wife’s sister wanted to come and visit for a week. She had finished high school and business college. She was 22 years old. When I heard she was coming, I did some arranging in the room to prepare for her arrival. I had a long mirror, which I positioned in the corner so that as I walked by her door, I could see the bed. This turned out to be a great asset. From the day she arrived, the air...

First Time
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Badge of Dishonor Ch 22

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-two Lise was experiencing the most fabulous dream she’d ever had in her life. It felt as if someone was lying pressed against her. A hand was cupping her breast tenderly and the fingers of that hand were twirling her nipple. Not only that, something was poking against her bottom, too. She knew what it was, shifted position a little and felt the instrument that was poking her insinuate itself between her buttocks. This...

3 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 8

Dear friends I’m Krishna again . Thanks for your support and love. I am very happy to see your love and criticisms. I love you all… … Please continue your valuable support again…hope you will.. So lets unwrap the curtain of my next moves. As you all know my teachers butter liked body made me warm again. She dug the devil in me again whom I had buried before. And now it turned towards her. I began to dream about her day and night. I began to fuck her in my dreams. In my dreams I shared her to...

4 years ago
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Deyor boudir prem kahini 2

Dada kal sakale officer kono traininge 6 maser janno bombay jabe. Sei hisebe aaj raat dadar traininge jabar aager sesh raat. Ami bhabhlam je aaj rate dada nischoye kore boudir guud chudbe. Raate khabar por boudi ghumer bahana kore nijer ghore taratari shote chole gelo. Boudi ghore jetei light off hoe gelo. Ami bujhte parlam je dada boudir choda chudi ekhuni shuru hobe. Ami abar aager rater moton boudir ghorer darja te kan lagiye chupchap danriye thaklam. Bhetor theke dada aar boudir sab katha...

2 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

3 years ago
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Sex With An Online Friend

Hello, readers. Hope all are having fun reading the experiences of others :-) Here is my sex story which happened exactly a year back. I am married guy, 32-year-old, works at an MNC in Hyderabad as a project lead. I am generally a sex lover and whenever my wife is out of town I usually get connected to adultfriendfinder (aff) site any enroll as a premium member to get more connected to girls/ladies/aunties. So once when my wife was out of town I logged into aff and started browsing and later...

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The Thorned Rose Ch02

She had been so kind as to supply the heeled shoes in which he now stood, although he cursed their shape and was only standing, he was sure, thanks to his natural elven balance. She had been so kind as to supply the dress that now clung attractively to his figure, strapless and shoulderless it had to hug tight to his flat chest not to slip down further, following the shape of his hips to flare out into a wide flow of skirts. She had even been so kind as to not only supply him with the makeup,...

4 years ago
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W.I.T.C.H. Women's Institute for Training ......... Husbands (Fill in the blank!) Cheating Cross-dressing Chastised Cuckolded Castrated PART II When I awoke the next morning it was as if I had awakened from a bad dream. I was lying next to Charlie (now "Charlene") our backs turned to each other. We were both wearing matching...

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Kaalai 6 manikku train kumbakonam stationla ninnadhu, ennoda luggage ellam eduthu kittu sundarathukku oru mutham koduthu piriya manamillaamal trainai vittu iranginen, ennai azaithu poga maamanaar varuvadhaaga ponil solliyirundhaar, naanum angirundha oru chairil utkaarndhen, luggage ellam pakkathil vaithu konden,stationai vittu train purappattadhu, sundaram kai asaithaar,naanum badhilukku kai asaithen, manasu eno baaramaagi vittirundhadhu, kangalil kanneerthuligl etti paarthadhu,inimel...

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Becoming His Again Part Three

It's Saturday morning and I have been asleep next to Kend all night. I'm still getting used to serving two Dominants. It's especially difficult since I have a hard time submitting to anyone other then Sir.I have tried multiple times over the months since I lost his favor. Other men claim they are dominant. However, all they are into is spanking. That is a huge turn on for me but I like the mental aspect as well. I wonder how Kend will be.While still in my reverie Kend wakes up, sees I am awake,...

1 year ago
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How a year changes everything

My relationship with Andrea had progressed so well that she and her kids moved in with me. It was turning into such a fine family home that I rang Ian at work one Thursday in March and asked if I could meet him alone. We arranged to meet at a pub not far from his office. I arrived first and the pub was very quiet but warmed by a log burner. I was standing at the bar when Ian walked in and I bought him a drink before we moved to a table and sat.Ian didn’t waste any time. “So, Mark,” he said...

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babysitter pt2

When my eyes opened the next day I was slightly disorientated, not quite knowing where I was. I quickly realized I was naked, lying on a couch, covered by a light sheet, but not sure how , where or why. Then the events of the previous night came flooding back and I sat up with a slight gasp, the sheets falling away from my ripe, firm breasts, and I hastily pulled the sheet back up again and looked around. The room was deserted, but I could hear movement and the light noise of plates and dishes...

2 years ago
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The Choir Sings

THE CHOIR SINGS a JEP story Chapter 1 – A Very Special "Sextion" Rehearsal for theAltos Jim had directed the church choir now for almost six years. Each member thoughthe was a respectful, dedicated church musician with an absolutely pure heart.They had no idea of the many sexual fantasies that were constantly boilingin his brain. He was constantly evaluating various female members of the choir – wonderinghow they would look naked and wondering how they would like to have his dickin their...

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Fucking My Friend8217s Mom 8211 Episode 1

Hi, I’m Mathan after a long time writing this story. About me am Mathan, 23, working for an IT Company in Chennai, Tamilnadu. This incident happened some 2 years back when I started my job. My friend Varun and me studied together and got a job in MNC company in Chennai, I was basically from Thanjavur. During my studies, we stayed in a hostel, it hardly took 1-2 hours travel to my hometown from my college, but it was a long way for Varun to reach his home, so sometimes when we have two or three...

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Bobby and Spanky English

Introduction: this is the englis versiion of my original work. Bobby and Spanky By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the...

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WildOnCam Kate Dee Busty And Thick Hottie Kate Dee Is Cumming For You LIVE

Kate Dee is eager to get out of her tiny little bikini so you can admire and worship her beautiful all natural big tits and ass right in your face. Kate would love to feel your cock in between her breasts as you titty fuck her getting oil and cum all over her soft skin. Maybe you want to bury your face in that big juicy ass while she twerks. Kate is not shy and wants to do whatever she can to please you and make you cum… but you have to help her cum too! Would you prefer her bent down in...

3 years ago
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Net Connection Lagathe Lagathe Ussne Mere Saath Connection Joda 8211 Part I

Hello dosto I am rahul roy , back again to share another experience in my life.. I very thanks to iss who publish my story and I thanks to all people u like my story. I thanks from my heart. It happen on 18 th nov 2011. so introduce again my self. My name is rahul roy, I stay in thane, near Mumbai. Mera e-mail id hai jo bhi anuty ladki mujse chudha na chatha hai, toh muje mail kare or friendship karne wale bhi muje mail kar sakthe hai. So dosto ke meri pechli story 1) Diwali holiday in...

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Ass to mouth

My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. He’ll be heading off to college soon, and if he doesn’t open up, the best years of his life are going to be spent jerking it in a dorm. He’s a sweet kid, (listen to me patronizing him; he’s a year older than me for fuck’s sake!), but sweetness doesn’t...

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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 12 Friday Evening

There’s that nice feeling when one travels home on a Friday night. Hopefully a sense of achievement from a work perspective as well as the chance for a break and relax over the weekend. As I drove home, I was amazed at the changes that had taken place through the past week, especially at work. As for my personal life, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had sex (and very fulfilling sex too) so many times and now with so many different women – an added bonus. WOW!! I found Joan in the...

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Babaji Ne Kiya Mera Shuddhikaran Chudai Kar Ke

Ye kahani tab shuru hui jab mera neighbor Raju mujhe building ke chatt par smooch kar raha tha aur mere bade bade mumme jor se daba raha tha. Main usse rokne ki koshish kar rahi thi. “Ruk jaaoo koi aa jaega. Please yaha nahi.” Aur mere lakh kehne par woh nahi mana. Ulta usne abhi mere t-shirt ke andar hath daalke mere boobs jor see dabane shuru kiye. Woh rukne ka naam hi nahi le raha tha. Aakhir mein anhoni ho hi gayi. Meri maa upar mirch sukhaane aa gayii aur mujhe iss halat main dekhkar...

2 years ago
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A Study in ScarletEpilogue part 3

The evening was hot and steamy and while the rain had ended, the humidity was high, too uncomfortable for an evening stroll. It didn't take long for a bus to appear and John hopped on and sat in a seat behind the driver. He felt a bit uneasy, as if something was trying to get his attention but kept slipping from the front of his mind. The bus ride didn't take long and John exited the vehicle and casually strode the couple of blocks to Patty's place. He rang the bell and waited for her to...

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A single man8217s Christmas takes an unforeseen and very welcome turn

It’s quarter to one on Christmas morning. The midnight service has finished, and the entire village has gone back home to drink or sleep away the hours until daybreak. In the church there’s just me, tidying hymnbooks and setting the chairs and music stands ready for morning service. I’m not particularly religious; I sing in the choir, and I live almost next door to the church. And I’m strong and healthy, so I’m the obvious choice for church caretaker. Oh, and...

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Kissing Cousins2

Kissing Cousins Sharon and I had grown up together. She was older by almost a year. Our fathers were brothers, making us first cousins. My Aunt Helen always teased us about being kissing cousins. When I turned thirteen my parents threw me a big birthday party to celebrate my passage into a teenager. It was all couples, some of which I did not even know, plus my cousin Sharon. That was when Sharon gave me a kiss on the lips, right there in front of the whole gang. Her mother told her...

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Changes Pt 4

The TwistNext day at work my mobile rang, it was Abram. “I hear you were something special yesterday?” was the immediate question. “you set that up with Sofia, yesterday didn’t you?” I replied sounding a little curt. “I paid for a special afternoon Emma, and from what I hear a special afternoon was definitely had” Abram had that stern tone in his voice again which washed away my resistance.“it was beautiful, Sofia was wonderful, the taste of her body, the scent, the softness, was unbelievable...

4 years ago
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Bengali sexy boudi

Hi… I am Gautam. I am Bengali. I am 30 years of age. I am from Durgapur, West Bengal. Its an industrial area. So I am telling this story about my real experiences after fucking some Boudi (Bhabi) in Durgapur A-Zone areas. I am an LIC Agent for 7 years with huge customer base. So I used to various places to get my clients. This story is related to my profession. On 18th June, 2001, I visited one place of my customer at the of 2.30 PM. I think that customer will be there and taking rest. His name...

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The Army-Air corps. was gearing up for what has become known as the battle of Pork Chop Hill.  They came to our high school and I wanted out of our miserable little town so I signed up.  The school board thought it best that I finish the year so I graduated with my class.  I turned 18 in boot camp and our regiment hit Korea July 10, 1953.  If you’ve read anything about this battle it ended July 11, 1953, we were too late to get briefed and ship to the battle zone.  When what was left of the...

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Sweet Memories

My Sweet Lovely Tigress, It was early Saturday morning at 5.30am that I awoke from my restless sleep… you see, all night I was tossing and turning and my dreams were filled with romantic dreams/visions of us together… I could see in my mind’s eye, us together entwined in a passionate embrace, exchanging longing kisses which were long belated… lying on my bed, it felt so real that at last my dreams had come true… that my yearning for you would be fulfilled… With my eyes closed, I whispered a...

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Lisa experience 2

It was now five months I had been going out with Lisa and had occasionally been up to Glasgow for shopping but she had yet to meet my family, so I told Lisa that we had been invited up for lunch and she was very nervous. I then reminded her what I was like meeting her Mum and family, which seemed to relax her. First she meet my brother, who, she had met down at the hotel, then my Dad and Step Mum came out the kitchen and said "Hello, can we get you a drink?" Lisa replied "Just some water thank...

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Island Hiking Adventure

You arrive at port at around 10:30 am, all the shops in the small town are open and the firsts of the hundreds of tourists that flood the area yearly are rolling in. There are two islands to hike. The north is the larger of the two so you could easily be on your own, its more "natural" with only a few buildings, mostly at the dock but there are a some old barns and farmhouses scattered across the island. There are only small dirt foot paths so you'd be in for a lot of walking, you can camp...

4 years ago
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The Flight of the naked Goddess Chapter 1

»Watch out, Séso!«, shouts my oldest sister Nefrete as she throws the leather ball with such force at me that it hits me painfully into my soft lower belly. I wince and swim away with strong strokes from the flock of naked girls that play in the shallow waters of the big lethargic river. I don't like it to be teased by them, but sadly it happens daily. I'm a princess and I have my pride! And one day I will proof my worth and supremacy to them all, so that they will crouch from envy and...

3 years ago
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Badge of Dishonor Ch 16

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter sixteen Luke Thomas walked into Tim Jackman’s office near the end of his shift. ‘Lou, can I talk to you about something?’ he asked. ‘Sure, Luke,’ Tim said. ‘Have a seat. What’s up?’ Luke held up a VCR tape he had in his hand. ‘I think, maybe, you better see what’s on this tape,’ he said. ‘Today, Jonas and I picked up a couple of slime balls – Bud Dickerson and Skunk Loomis – and took them to the lockup on warrants your...

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HungerChapter 5

Arnie couldn't believe it, but it was true. His cock was as hard as if he'd been a man who'd been in solitary confinement for a year who suddenly found a Playboy centerfold model standing in front of him stark naked. This is weird, he thought. I just shot my load twice in the space of 40 minutes, and I'm still ready for action. What's happening to me? He had a feeling that whatever had happened to his body was related to what was happening to Julie's. She was getting horny and fat, and...

1 year ago
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At the cinema Part one

When I was 19 I had a job that left my afternoons free. Occasionally, I would go to the local fleapit and watch soft porn movies. This was before the days of easily obtainable videos, but I found that in the afternoons the cinema was virtually empty and, with a coat draped over my lap, I could take out my penis and masturbate safely. One afternoon, sitting in the middle of row, near the back, a man came along the row I was in and sat down next to me. I stopped what I was doing immediately but...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 9

The girls stood around one of the massage tables. The young hairdresser was busy laying out her things. Wendy stood in the middle of Veronica and Diane. She already had an idea what was about to happen and was blushing profusely. "This young lady is going to shave you between your legs, so I want you to do exactly as she tells you, so no nonsense now, is that clear?" Diane turned toward the young hairdresser. Wendy will do precisely what you ask, so if you would like to instruct her we can...

4 years ago
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Sex Under the Steps

I have worked in the hospital lab for about a year during which time, I have started to flirt with my supervisor, Kevin. We would talk sexy on the phone, and he would turn me on so much I would have to finger myself in the bathroom 2-3 times per day. We are both married, and nothing came of it for the past year until recently. My husband is a nice guy, but his drive is nowhere close to mine so I am easily turned on by other men, and I masturbate a lot. Our work schedule requires the lab techs...

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