Garter Ardor free porn video

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Kneeling in front of Megan, I took her foot in my hand while the crowd around the dance floor began to cheer and chant. I looked up and met her uneasy smile with my own. The mob that encircled us was obviously anxious for her to uncross her legs and for me to begin the ritual. I stalled for time, allowing the bridesmaid the opportunity to gracefully part her legs – if she chose to do so – without appearing to be eagerly slutty. I shook my head and grinned as I carefully slid her shoe off and distractedly massaged her bare foot with my thumbs. The bride’s garter was in my shirt pocket and soon I would be sliding it up Megan’s leg as high as the crowd demanded or as high as Megan permitted.

This garter ceremony in which I was an unwitting participant is part of a three-fold event taking place at wedding celebrations around the world. The first part has the bride tossing her bouquet over her shoulder into the outstretched hands of the unmarried young ladies at the party. Whoever catches the bouquet, tradition says, will be the next woman to marry.

At this wedding reception there were no less than ten unattached women grouped together behind the bride when she flung her flowers into the air. Among flailing arms, clutching hands, frantic pushing, and ear-piercing screeches, the bouquet settled into the hands of Megan, one of the bride’s attendants.

Megan was an attractive woman who looked to be in her early twenties. Her welcoming eyes and engaging smile told all who met her that she was a people-person. She was stunning with the poise of a fashion model. Even though all of the bridesmaids wore the same burgundy colored taffeta gown, Megan’s looked as if it had been custom made. Its snug fit accentuated her tapered waist and shapely hips, the v-cut nicely displayed her cleavage, and the hem was just high enough to allow a pleasant glimpse of her long sculpted legs. Megan was, in a word, beautiful.

Following the catch of the bride’s flowers, the groom, in the spirit of political correctness, is required to toss something to the unwed men in attendance. Since he does not have any flowers, the groom must throw his bride’s garter to the single men.

When the DJ at this party asked for “all the unmarried men in the house” to come to the center of the dance floor, I pretended not to hear and busied myself by studying the label of our table’s bottle of Cabernet. I always thought that the catching of the garter was more silly than entertaining. Many wedding guests might disagree with my take on it and actually look forward to the ritual – that’s okay with me as long as I’m left out of it. Since nobody here knew me, I was safe – my marital status unrevealed to the masses. My anonymity, however, was short lived.

“C’mon, Billy! Get up there!” I was unexpectedly urged.

My cover was quickly blown by none other than my date, Karen. Actually I was her date. She and the bride were friends since childhood. It was Karen’s name that had been written on the table place card, while I was merely listed as “Guest.” When the bride had thrown her bouquet, Karen was one of the excited ladies scrambling to catch it. And she had come close. In fact, it bounced out of her hands right into Megan’s. I supposed that Karen felt that if she had to partake in that ceremony then I should be part of this one. Whatever her reason, she was very persistent.

When I ignored Karen’s plea, she tugged on my arm trying to pull me up off my chair and urged me to get on my feet. She caused so much commotion that the DJ took notice.

“It looks like we have an eligible bachelor over there that needs a little encouragement,” he called out through his microphone.

So much for maintaining a low profile.

“Whaddaya say, gang! Let this young man know how much we want him up here!”

Just shoot me now!

The crowd roared and I unenthusiastically responded by removing my jacket and standing. I waved and smiled at the applauding guests as if I appreciated their support while I sauntered my way toward the dance floor.

When I joined my fellow bachelors, I found myself at the head of the group, closest to the groom. I tried to work my way toward the rear, but since nobody would open the ranks for me, I was stuck up front. The groom stood ready with his back to us, holding the garter above his shoulder. He had it hooked around the end of his thumb and stretched it away from us like a slingshot.

At the DJ’s prompt the groom let the garter fly. It happened so fast that I did not even realize that I had caught it until I felt the congratulatory smacks of the other bachelors on my back. It was a reflex thing – I really did not really want to catch the garter but I had no control. As soon as the frilly little loop sailed close enough, my arm instinctively shot out like a frog’s tongue and I pulled it down.

The final piece of this three-stage rocket to nowhere has the man who caught the garter putting it on the leg of the woman who caught the bouquet. This is done in full view of all the other wedding guests, many of whom live vicariously through the two catchers. The watching partygoers usually shout desperate words of encouragement to the couple, urging the garter snagger to slide his prize higher and higher and demanding that the bouquet grabber allow him access.

I wondered how I let myself be part of this. I never relished being the center of attention and yet here I was, literally in the spotlight among a roomful of strangers.

Megan ignored the cries of the partygoers and modestly kept her legs crossed. I expected nothing less from her – no respectable woman would readily sit with her legs uncrossed going into one of these ceremonies, regardless of what the crowd demanded. I knew that it was time to slip the garter onto her leg, but I did not want to let go of her bare foot. I had been absentmindedly caressing it since I removed the bridesmaid’s shoe and it felt so intimate to hold her like that. I do not have a foot fetish but it was definitely turning me on. Maybe I found it so alluring because I was touching a part of her that was always hidden from view, or perhaps it was the enticing femininity of her delicately painted toenails. In any case, my junk was stirring. Tenderly I kneaded her warm smooth sole with my thumbs.

Our audience was getting impatient so I reluctantly reached into my pocket and pulled out the garter. I held it up for a moment for Megan to see. It was a small black satin band with a delicate white lace trim and black and white silk ribbon tied in a bow. I gripped either side of the garter with my fingers and thumbs and stretching it wide I slid it over the bridesmaid’s toes and worked it around her heel and ankle. The revelers cheered their approval.

Slowly I pulled the dainty elastic piece up Megan’s smooth calf. Her skin felt warm and velvety as my knuckles rubbed against it. I wanted so badly to run my hands up and down her legs and squeeze and caress them – it was torturous not to.

I had to remind myself that I had come to this party with Karen and that she was sitting here in this very room and watching my every move. I knew that I should behave and clear my mind of all my lusty thoughts. And I hoped that the woody that was quickly growing in my pants would cease and be gone before I had to stand up again.

With a little finesse I wiggled the lacy little band past the point where the bridesmaid’s leg pressed against her opposite knee. I continued on pushing the garter over Megan’s knee and my hands passed under the hem of her gown. I knew that my time with sexy bridesmaid’s leg was limited. Within the next few inches I would be halted by the increasing tightness of her crossed legs and I wanted to make the most of every remaining second.

Against the better judgment coming from my head – the one that sat above my shoulders, that is – I relaxed my grip on the garter and held it only with my thumbs. I opened my fingers and rested them on either side of Megan’s thigh, knowing that no one could see what I was doing beneath her gown. I carried on with my advance of the garter but now I caressed her soft smooth skin with my fingertips as I inched forward and dragged the garter along with my thumbs.

All of a sudden I reached the point where further advance was futile. The garter was sandwiched between the two crossed legs. I could probably force my way another inch or two but I thought that would cause Megan undue pain. The right thing to do would be to withdraw my hands, stand, and declare, “Game over.” But I hesitated and left my hands where they were.

I gave Megan’s leg a few more tender strokes with my fingers. I was just about to release the garter and retract my hands when I felt her sexy leg rise slightly. She did not want me to stop! She had lifted her leg and moved it sideways almost imperceptibly – I was certain that no one else noticed. As far as I was concerned, she had given me the green light. I released my grip on the garter and slid my hand along the delicate flesh of Megan’s inner thigh. She had opened her legs just enough that my fingertips found their prize immediately. I could feel the welcoming warmth of her pussy even before I touched it. Her panties were damp.

I looked up and locked my eyes on Megan’s as my fingers explored her hidden treasure. Her eyes widened, then quickly glazed over at my touch. Carefully I traced the contours of her pussy through the moist fabric of her underwear. The tip of my forefinger delved into her furrow and sailed upward. I found her engorged pearl waiting at the top of her slit and I waggled my fingertip back and forth across it. Megan covered her face with the bouquet.

“Whatcha doin’ under there?” one spectator called out to me.

“Need any help?” another offered.

“Go for the gold!” The boisterous shouts of the guests that surrounded us reminded me that we were not alone.

I glanced down at Megan’s lap and saw that her gown lay still and undisturbed by my probing fingers below. Knowing that the action of my hand was completely concealed from everyone, emboldened me and I slunk my fingers under the elastic leg opening of her panties. Her crease was sodden with slick viscous secretions and I wiggled my forefinger upward in it smearing the thick juice onto Megan’s swollen clit. The slippery emissions that had clung to her panties coated the back of my hand as I worked my fingers in her pussy. I wiggled the tip of my forefinger quickly side to side across the lubed surface of her little button and the attractive bridesmaid showed her receptiveness by pushing forward against my fingertip.

“Higher! Higher!” The crowd chanted having no idea how high I had already reached.

Megan buried her face deep in her flowers. The parts of her cheeks that were not hidden behind the bouquet were visibly flushed. To the crowd she appeared to be embarrassed but I knew that she was attempting to conceal the uncontrollable expression on her face that would easily reveal what I had been doing underneath her gown.

Megan was more than simply enjoying the massage of my finger. I could feel her squirm and I loved it. I had only met this woman minutes ago but I desperately wanted her to cum. In the short time since we were brought together, my attitude toward her had quickly evolved from pleasant attraction to lusty compulsion.

I moved my thumb up to join my finger at her clit and pinched the flesh surrounding it. The size and slipperiness of the tiny nugget caused my fingers slide off quickly. I pinched and pulled again and again. The pressure that Megan exerted on my fingers told me that she liked what I was doing and was in full pursuit of an orgasm. I started to rub her clit recklessly and pushed my middle finger into her opening. When I pumped my finger it sent her over the edge. Her legs began to tremble and her muscles tensed. She made a quick yelping sound into the bouquet that still hid her face. My garter partner was cumming.

Megan struggled to restrain herself but writhed and lifted up off the chair in spite of her efforts. I pressed down on her thighs with my free hand and held her in place as she squirmed in ecstasy. Gradually her muscles slacked and she calmed as her orgasm released her from its grip.

“Higher! Higher!” The crowd did not forget us as we had forgotten them.

“I think we gave them enough of a show,” I smiled at Megan who peeked down at me over the top of her flowers.

“Yes. We did,” she nodded drawing the bouquet away from her face. She was still flushed but her composure was returning and she smiled serenely.

“They’ll be fantasizing about this tonight.”

“If they only knew the half of it,” she laughed.

I withdrew my hands from beneath Megan’s gown and our audience, seeing that the show was over, gave us a big round of applause for entertaining them. I was just about to stand when I remembered that I had a raging hard-on.

With my jacket back at the table with Karen, I had nothing to hide behind. I put my hand to my groin to make a quick adjustment but it would still look like I was hiding the mast of the Mayflower in my pants if I stood up. Many of the guests that had watched our garter ceremony were heading back to their seats but there were still plenty of people around the dance floor that would notice my woody.

“I can’t stand up, just yet,” I said with a sheepish grin and pointed to the problem with a downward glance. While Megan laughed heartily about my predicament I slipped her shoe back onto her foot. Very much amused but sympathetic nonetheless, she handed me her flowers.

“Cover up with this,” she giggled.

I gratefully accepted the floral piece, stood up, and nonchalantly held it in front of my boner while I helped the bridesmaid to her feet. We walked away from the chair in opposite directions. Megan ambled toward her friends on legs still shaky from her unanticipated orgasm while I headed for the nearest table that had an empty chair, covering my battering ram with the borrowed flowers. I sat down without waiting for an invitation but was warmly welcomed just the same.

The people at the table treated me as though I were a celebrity, making sure that I had a fresh drink in front of me and competing with each other for my attention. When I placed the bouquet on the table, I noticed that my hand was still quite visibly wet from my foray inside Megan’s panties. I casually lowered my hand to my lap and dried it on the overhanging end of the tablecloth. My hard-on, which up to this moment had merely been embarrassing, was becoming increasingly painfully. The only thing on my mind now was how to rid myself of it. I hoped that my new found friends might provide sufficient distraction with their boring banter, but to no avail.

“Hello, everybody!” I heard Karen’s voice directly behind me. “I see that you’ve all met my date Billy.”

“Hey, Karen! How are you? Sit down with us,” Someone at the table said cheerfully.

The man who had been sitting on my right stood up, gave Karen a kiss on the cheek, and offered his seat. While pings of guilt pierced the pit my stomach and throbbing pain raged in my groin, my date sat down next to me and exchanged greeting with her old friends.

I had only dated Karen a few times before she asked me to accompany her to this wedding and there was no agreement between us to see each other exclusively. Nevertheless, as soon as I saw her, I regretted my behavior with Megan during the garter ceremony. These were Karen’s friends and I had no right to risk humiliating her in front of them. I should have known better. I should have checked my libido at the door.

“Did you have fun up there?” she said with a broad smile and nodded in the direction of where the chair had been set up on the dance floor.

“I, er—” I began to stammer and Karen’s smile spread.

Did she know?

She reached beneath the table and gently patted me on my leg, then turned her attention to a woman across the table. As she chatted amicably with her friend, Karen kept her hand on my thigh. Before long I felt her hand slide up the inside of my thigh. I glanced at her nervously.

What was she doing?

She continued to talk to her friends and did not give me even a slightest glimpse. When she touched my erection I made a short squeaky noise. Karen paid me no mind and went on talking and laughing while a few of the others at the table turned to me as if I had something to say. I put on a show of clearing my throat as if I had a tickle and when I said nothing they turned back to Karen and listened to what she had to say.

I sat in silence and watched Karen too. One handed, she unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and eased my zipper down – all the time, neither her facial expression nor her voice gave any indication of what she was doing with her hand.

Was she torturing me for fooling around with Megan? Did she know what I did?

Karen pulled my cock free from the prison of my pants and showed no surprise at discovering me so stiff. Her small soft hand was soothing and eased the pain that had been tormenting me. She began to stroke me. It felt so good.

Under the circumstances I knew that I could not maintain a poker face like Karen, so I tried to hide my face as best as I could similar to the way Megan had hidden hers in the bouquet. With my elbow on the table, I rested my chin in the palm of my hand and curled my fingers below my nose.

I inhaled the sweet musky scent of Megan’s pussy that clung to my fingers as Karen’s fist pumped faster. The bridesmaid’s alluring fragrance conjured in my mind a visual of her squirming under my touch. That image added to the excitement brought on by Karen’s short rapid tugs. I wanted desperately to cum, here and now, with no regard as to where my load might shoot. I clenched my ass tightly, lifting my groin to my friend’s delicate hand.

Yeah, baby, just a little bit more! 

Karen still hadn’t looked at me since she had begun her handiwork. The nearer my orgasm approached, the louder and more animated the conversation at the table grew. And it was close!

I felt a flutter in my stomach and a thrilling tingle pulse up my legs. A woman at the table laughed. The blood seemed to drain from my body as my face went numb and electric energy rushed toward my groin from every cell in my body. My heart thumped rapidly in my chest. The man to my left asked me something and I ignored him. Karen’s hand clamped tighter. My muscles tensed. My balls seemed to tighten in their sack. I sucked air in staccato gulps through Megan-scented fingers. A vibrant force suddenly surged to the base of my cock and held itself there begging for release with the urgency of floodwaters behind a damn.

When I surrendered to the irresistible impulse to let it loose, globs of viscous cum gushed up my hard shaft and spewed under the table. Karen continued to tug steadily. When I finished, the bliss that engulfed me left me stunned. I dropped my hand from my face and fell backward in my chair. Karen gave my cock an affectionate squeeze and withdrew her hand.

It appeared that nobody was aware of what had just taken place under the table. As my body calmed and my woody deflated behind the overhanging tablecloth, I raised my glass to my lips and watched Karen. The conversation that she had been having with the woman opposite her was interrupted when the woman got up to dance with her husband. Karen turned toward me and saw my eyes fixed on her. She smiled.

“You look much more comfortable now,” she teased playfully.

“Well, I—” I was in too much of a daze for a witty comeback.

She leaned in and kissed me affectionately on the lips and said, “I’m going to catch up with a few old friends over there,” she pointed toward the other side of the dance floor. When I turned to look, she placed her lips close to my ear and whispered in a sultry voice.

“Enjoy yourself while I’m gone,” she tickled my lobe with the tip of her tongue and then went to join her friends.

~ To be continued ~

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VACATION with Bridgit Mendlerby jerojerome'Finally....I'm home', i thought to myself as I arrived at my mom's house.I couldn't believe that my first year on college was already over. My mother wanted to know everything about it and I certainly told her everything about it..except for my encounters with some college girls. After dinner I headed straight up to my old room because after the long drive home I was very tired.It was very hot on the next day and my mother certainly wanted me to work...

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The feminization of Thomas

Shirley Braithwaite was not a happy woman. Having just turned the wrong side of 40 she was happily married for the past 19 years to her school sweetheart Brian. The marriage had produced 4 children, Sarah who was 18 and Zoe who had just turned 16. The other 2 children were Alexander who was 15 and the youngest child being Thomas who was 12 years old. Mrs Braithwaite was not happy because like most mothers she wanted a daughter who would be a girly girl, someone who enjoyed...

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Sensual SuccubusChapter 2

Jim Blanton was a little frustrated that Chandra was taking so long to respond to his attention. He was accustomed to quicker success. He knew she was aware of his reputation, both scholastically and as a lover. Just thinking about her handsome, exotic face, with its huge eyes and dark lips made him squirm. Add to that those huge tits, and wide hips, and he felt hardness start in his prick. Why couldn't she just surrender like the college girls? He had scheduled them to work together today,...

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Sarahs Discovery

Sarah's Discovery My name is Sarah. I'm 28 and engaged to be married to Nick, who's also 28. We were at Uni together where we both studied Business and Marketing. Recently we started to turn over serious money in our marketing company that we co-own. I am 5' 6'', I wear my straight black hair in a smart shoulder-length style and I am proud of my slim but curvy, gym-trained figure. Nick looks handsome in his smart suits and I know he likes how I look in my office wear. I always get...

4 years ago
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Kevin and I 1st

[10/16/2011 7:18:23 AM] Jon: hey slut boy [10/16/2011 7:18:25 AM] *** kevin6666 sent dscn0105_2 02-09-19.jpg *** [10/16/2011 7:18:36 AM] *** kevin6666 sent dscn0234 00-53-41.jpg *** [10/16/2011 7:18:42 AM] *** kevin6666 sent 3.jpg *** [10/16/2011 7:19:13 AM] kevin6666: i'm yours, sir [10/16/2011 7:19:34 AM] kevin6666: turn me into your bitch, sir [10/16/2011 7:20:41 AM] Jon: such a fucking horny slut [10/16/2011 7:20:52 AM] kevin6666: yeah sir, i need to please you [10/16/2011 7:20:53...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 27

SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1991 I leaned forward with my head in my hands, rubbing my temples. Shelby pulled some of the blanket around her shivering form. It was a warm day, but a body soaked in sweat would get chilly in the breeze. Her horses, Destiny and Doc, munched grass lazily, paying us little heed. “Why not?” I asked the prairie scene in front of me, not wanting to look her in the eye. Shelby sighed and put her hand on my shoulder. “I might have done a bad thing today,” she sighed. “I did...

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Unexpected Delight Part 2

After wife got over her disappointment of not becoming pregnant by Amal her conscience started to trouble her. She was very pleased to have had repeated sexual relations with young Amal as she is 53, only 5'3" tall, 44EE-37-45 full figured white woman and he was a handsome tall (6'4") young black man. She made an appointment with a highly regarded family attorney. Lawyer's name was Beth. Wife visited her office and stated her unplanned sexual affair with young Amal. Beth confirmed what the...

2 years ago
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Werewomen Sensate

Werewomen - Sensate By Beyogi Why did I come here? I should have known better... But when some friends, the last friends I still had would ask me to, what should I do? Now they were dancing with some more or less hot girls they picked up. I'd preferred them younger, but then I was damaged by hentais(Manga Porn, also known as eichi) anyway. There was an older woman I'd call hot, too, but there was no way that she'd even talk to a dweeb like me. She probably thought I was creepy or...

3 years ago
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Sex Education ndash My Daughter

This story is a spin off from my series "My Son's Secret Desire". Please visit my profile for the earlier stories. Here is a link to the introduction Leigh Darby: pulled into her garage after another day as Principal of the local high school. She really enjoyed her job but even more so recently when she had seduced young Tony. It had been way too long since the mature principal had any sex at all. When she had let go with young boy it was...

1 year ago
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HotCrazyMess Winter Jade Stripper Step Sister

Winter Jade’s stepbrother has long thought he had a hot stepsis, but he’s never been able to act on his attraction. That all changes the day he finds some lingerie in the mail when he mistakenly opens a package for his sister. Later, Winter’s steprbo overhears her talking to a friend about making money as she admires the lingerie set. It finally adds up that Winter is stripping for cash, something their parents would not approve of. Winter’s stepbrother decides to let her know that he’s in on...

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Sisters Thank You

Story STY Sister's Thank You I have always had a secret desire to make love to my younger sister. Ever since we were teenagers growing up, her sweet sexy curves and gorgeous breasts fueled so many of my fantasies. All you had to do was look at my girlfriends over the years, they all looked like my sexy sister Amy. But none could ever arouse me as much as my own sibling could. Now at age 36, my desires for Amy are as strong as ever. Amy is 9 years younger than me, making her a hot mature 27...

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King DongChapter 5

Bob didn't actually move in with Liz and the girls, or sell his house, despite the fact that they had planned out his entire week ... or at least each night of his entire week. He still went to work and actually spent some nights there at home. While Liz and her daughters did invite him over almost every night, they still spent some nights doing other things. They established a girls' night out, and found that spending time as a family had a lot to offer. They did lots of things together....

3 years ago
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A Glass of Red Wine and a Red Bottom Too Part Two

My sniffs and sobs became louder at the mention of the cane. The memories of being caned every time I had visited Auntie Wendy’s home were fresh in my mind. Mrs. Taylor caned severely, and I knew it. Thinking about the others, Louise had been quite obviously pissed off all evening and would obviously lay it on as hard as she physically could. Pauline and Jane spanked hard in any case so I assumed that their canings would be painful affairs. And Rachel. I knew she was a lesbian, but I really did...

2 years ago
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lucky guy part 5

(thank you for your emails and comments so far)Was Ray trying to tell me she knew id seen her pussy the night before?She almost certainly knew ive seen the vibrator,shit i was beginning to get worried.Fast forward to later on and the three of us are sitting round the dinner table and i was actually worried sick she might say something about my perverted ways to her mother May.We ate and all made small talk as we normally do and i felt a bit more comfortable,then Ray commented that it was...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Valentines Gift

The Perfect Valentines Gift Part 1-Weekend at the Cabin Megan began to awaken as Ryan moved about the room getting ready for work.She opened her eyes, squinting against the lights. "Happy Valentines Day, sweetheart," he said to her as he saw her naked bodybegin to stir underneath the covers. She sat up and brushed her tousled hair from her face as Ryan looked towardsher. He smiled and wondered if she knew how attractive she was like that, withoutthe makeup and the jewelry. Megan stretched and...

2 years ago
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Lending A Hand

It was a summer day in Miami and I had just finished a basketball game with a couple of friends. Since it was like 90 degrees I decided to walk home shirtless. I didn’t have the best body a person my age could have but I was confident and that’s all that mattered in my head. I was 18 at the time and still a senior in high school as my birthday is late in the year. I stood just about 6’2 and weighed 230 pounds. I played football all my life so I have a decent build, no over bulging gut, but I...

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Mommas Boy0

She look a lot like Beaver’s mother in the old show "Leave It to Beaver". She was 45, always dressed conservatively, and acted prim and proper. To look at her you would think she was the All American Mom. Yet she was also a very sexy woman. Underneath her stoic veneer was a tall woman of 5’10". She had naturally large full breasts that could not be played down. She also had a full, slightly heavy, hour glass figure. She also liked to put on a lot of makeup and perfume. I liked nothing more...

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My Last Morning With Me

Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore.Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...

1 year ago
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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part I

Claire walked slowly around the department store’s new Royal Doulton tableware display. She felt uneasy there. She was more used to working in her own department on the ladies wear floor; the lingerie section to be more precise. In fact, she was supervisor and enjoyed her own autonomy. Filling in for another supervisor on sick leave was not of her choice, especially on the household ware floor, but working in other departments was part of her contract of employment. Claire had to grin and...

4 years ago
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The Imagination

Hello to readers, how is the day going? I hope some of u can remember me as this is my second experience story. If not I will introduce myself again this is Kranthi 21year,5.8 feet, looks average and finally has a bro of 8 inch. I’m studying engineering(at present 3rd year) during the past 2 years I used to watch the best girls boobs and butt daily for the evening masturbation (by thinking about their parts).I used to do more imagining my classmate Swathi she is really Osam girl what a cuts and...

1 year ago
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Another busy day, I’m glad it’s 5.30; this job is soul destroying. As my colleagues file out and rejoin the human race, I see Jessica is still on a call, with a face like thunder. Nobody wants be stuck on the dreaded last call. I can see she is trying to wind the conversation up. She eventually succeeds, lets out a huge sigh of relief and throws off her headset. “Bloody timewasters, why do they leave it until the last minute and decide to call at half five?” As there is nobody else left, the...

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Untied Sneakers

Copyright © 2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author Even The Wind Knows Where did our wind go Taking your essence Leaving not a trace I flounder in its absence Craving your breeze on my face Has our love gone As your tender touch caresses me Taste of tears still fresh Your scent lingers...

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Her Neighbors Games Ch 6

Helen was a bit hesitant to use the shower in the strange bathroom without any chance for modesty. To her big relief, Lisa left the room, announcing that she had to fetch something from the garden and with Jen still facing the wall she could enjoy the spray of warm water that washed away the sticky remainders of their dirty games. She thoroughly rinsed her mouth and was grateful to finally get rid of the stale taste of urine, and she tried not to look at the strange toilet that still held...

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Nick moves back home 1

Nick’s sister Rebecca, meanwhile, had married her high school boyfriend Jake, and settled down in her parents’ house to raise a family. She worked part-time as a secretary at the local high school. Back in high school, Jake was the starting quarterback of the football team; dating Rebecca, the head cheerleader, was an obvious choice. After high school, Jake got a job at a local machine shop. It wasn’t the glamorous life of his brother-in-law Nick, but Jake and Rebecca had a happy, rewarding...

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Plans ChangedIn my SUV or I have a better Id

It was a humid June 26th 2013 in St,paul Mn. So bad that the windows at the house were naturally steamy with condensation. I'd just woken up, single guy, care free, day off work, dick throbbing, and with access to the internet. Why not post an ad for an equally as horny lady to fuck, and cum on my dick?Decided to take some new pics of my throbbing dick, I'm not the best "photog" admittedly but, I hate being asked "is that really you," "prove it take another," so I did. Posted my pics, and...

1 year ago
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Anyone for Tennis

Anyone for Tennis [email protected] I had been working for Numpty Enterprises for a couple of months. I was fortunate to get in on their MBA Graduate scheme which involved work experience around the association with extended college classes. This was great work wise, but I didn't really get to know many people well. Today though, I'd got chatting to Lynsey. She was on the same scheme and we realised that I passed her house on my way into work. This was opportune...

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Layla Calls

A Series of Short StoriesbyJenni GeeLAYLA CALLSI almost leap out of the chair at the sound of the door chime; who the hell can this be? Stuffing my cock back into my pants and the Playboy magazine under the cushions I make for the door. "Hi ya Mark, Nichole in?" It’s Layla one of my wife’s many female friends. I’m sure that Nichole had told her friends that she would be away for a week. "Erm... well..." I stuttered "Don’t I get to come in?" Layla looks past me into the living room. "You got a...

Straight Sex
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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...

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The Week of Memorial Day

My wife Kelly turned 40 on the 15th of May. We’ve been married 17 years and she even more beautiful today than the day we were married. She’s a very petite and fit woman, standing at only 5′ tall and 115 pounds. After the guests for her surprise 40th birthday party departed she told me that she wanted to go on a real vacation this year and only the two of us. She wanted to go to a beach within a reasonable driving distance from our home in Western Maryland. She didn’t have to convince me at...

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Let It SnowChapter 10

“Damn it, honey, you girls have outdone yourselves for sure with this supper! The clam and wine sauce is excellent, plus the asparagus is just hot enough, but still crisp. And the garlic bread is to die for, ladies! Talk about your team effort!” I couldn’t help but rave about the excellent dinner that the women of our new, growing family had cooked together that night. “This wine goes well with it, too. A nice white wine that fits a seafood spaghetti like this. Perhaps we men should do...

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- Arena Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Leven Rambin as Glimmer The Hunger Games. A televised event that happens once a year where a girl and boy ages 12 to 18 from each of the twelve districts fight to the death in a large environmental arena until one is crowned winner. The Capitol established this event after the districts rebeled. There used to be 13 districts but 13 was blown off the map of Panem (what used to be the USA as our history teachers taught us). The Hunger Games is a...

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'The little bastard!'Amy snuck one hand across his mouth, the other under the waistband of his jeans, and jerked him backward from the cracked open door he'd been peering through. Tim jumped with shock and tripped over his feet because Amy pulled him so hard. Still, she managed to keep him upright, and stifle the grunt of surprise he made, as she bundled him through the adjoining door into his own bedroom."What on earth do you think you're doing, Tim?" She asked in an angry whisper as she...

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The Meeting Of Captain Hook Part 1

(This story is linked to the video “Passionate Foreplay.” So much took place before meeting, this story will be broken down into parts. This part of the story is what happened before the meet, or the video.)This isn’t the Captain Hook from c***dren’s stories. This tale is about a bull that received the nickname Captain Hook from Solitaire. It was a meeting that almost didn’t happen. Dark Kent was going through messages on his and Solitaire’s swinger profile. Though they had met a few couples...

1 year ago
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Home Runs

Ethan finds himself hitting home runs on and off the field There were two months left until graduation and that was still too much time. Senior year of high school was a reality check for me. I had made the varsity baseball team my freshman year, but I never grew to meet my coaches, or my own, expectations. I would see senior after senior be recruited by big colleges and given scholarships. Michigan State, Virginia Tech, Auburn, even Stanford. Given my early head start I assumed this would be...

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An Unexpected Coat of Paint

I can’t believe I left that bloody folder at home, what a waste of time. I pull up at the back of the cottage only to find that I have to park two places down because both our parking spots are blocked by the painter’s van and scaffolding. Still, I shouldn’t complain, our landlord Nigel has kindly offered to have some work done on our place, including repainting the window frames and tidying up the garden tiles. As I jump out of the car, I barely notice that there seems to be no sign of the...


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